
lifelessgod yes00:01
lifelessbut you can test00:02
lifeless"echo 'foo' | mail -s test raof@example.com"00:02
sayaohow can i add a newer kernel repository on lucid? i need at least 2.6.33 for radeon hdmi audio to work00:57
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drclueAll right friends romans and countrymen , I have an old piece of gear , an IDE drive caddy (as described in bug 518608)05:20
drclueThis caddy apparently returns a bogus inquiry value indicating a SCSI device.  At one time this device was supported I expect 05:20
drcluethat there was some sort of special device entry that remapped it back to ID (just a guess) and somewhere along the line this entry got retired or superseded. I could I guess hack my OS , but in my school bus out here in the middle of nowhere I have a dozen computer bricks and a few mid towers  and it would be a real time burner to make the hack and keep the hack05:20
ubot3Malone bug 518608 in linux "unable to mount  ID 04ce:0002 ScanLogic Corp. SL11R-IDE IDE Bridge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51860805:20
drclueI am not in a HUGE hurry, as I did post tis bug back in February , but it would be nice to get at them old drives, as I have screen reader code for the blind I'm trying to open source (on an ancient IDE) and a few other things that I'm aiming to give away from some 30+ years of coding , but all that material is for now locked away05:25
drclueShit , all the brilliant people must live in some time zone not related to the USA (smart people would not live here if they had a choice) :)05:42
drclueDam , is it still dead in here?  I can but prey that bug 518608 can get some interest as otherwise I need to hack over a dozen machines to give them a special devices entry that used to exist in the distro06:45
ubot3Malone bug 518608 in linux "unable to mount  ID 04ce:0002 ScanLogic Corp. SL11R-IDE IDE Bridge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51860806:45
LaibschHi, I reported bug 521967 and worked together with upstream to get a fix.  I've been successfully running this fix locally by recompiling the driver.  I'd like to know what it is I can do to make sure that patch finally hits linux-backport-modules?08:16
ubot3Malone bug 521967 in linux "support for new atheros wifi chipset" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52196708:16
jjohansenLaibsch: send the patch to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com08:34
jjohansenmake sure to point to where it is upstream to show that it is coming from upstream08:34
Laibschthank you for your comment08:35
Laibschdo you have experience with this process?08:35
LaibschI'm a bit unsure about it all since as far as I understand it, the result will not ship in the linux-image package but in the linux-backport-modules08:36
LaibschI hope sending the patch only will be sufficient, I wouldn't be 100% sure about where to put the patch to create a debdiff08:36
jjohansenLaibsch: send the patch so it can get reviewed and acked, without that it won't get in08:37
LaibschI'm not sure you understood my question08:37
jjohansenthen one of the devs who can commit to linux-backport-modules can pick it up08:37
Laibschthere isn't just one single patch, for example, but it depends on the version, etc.08:38
LaibschI want to be sure I pick the right patch08:38
Laibschbut I can't do that because I can't create a package myself08:38
jjohansenah, that gets more difficult08:38
Laibschbecause kernel packages in ubuntu have become somewhat opaque08:38
LaibschI generally do have no problem packaging stuff08:38
LaibschBut I don't really understand the kernel packages and the meta-packages anymore08:39
Laibschlet me rephrase the question08:39
Laibschwhen I send in patch abc.diff, what will the devs receiving it do with it?  How can I recreate that process?08:40
jjohansenah, well review it, and then suck it into a git tree08:40
jjohansenbut I am haven't looked at backport modules, I know there is a little more to be done for those08:41
Laibschsee, that is exactly the point08:44
Laibschit's not just "suck it into a git tree", it seems08:44
Laibschmy understanding is that the linux-image package itself will not be updated past a certain point and we're well past that08:44
Laibschadditions to add new drivers are then only made via linux-backport-modules08:45
Laibschso, I'd like to rehash my question08:45
LaibschHi, I reported bug 521967 and worked together with upstream to get a fix.  I've been successfully running this fix locally by recompiling the driver.  I'd like to know what it is I can do to make sure that patch finally hits linux-backport-modules?08:45
ubot3Malone bug 521967 in linux "support for new atheros wifi chipset" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52196708:45
jjohansenthe kernel is frozen but it is still accepting bug fixes08:45
jjohansenit will depend on the exactly what the changes are08:46
Laibschsupposedly, http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/mcgrof/patches/ath9k/2010-03/AR2427-2.6.32.y.patch are the necessary changes against 2.6.3208:50
Laibschbut that's not what I've been using08:50
Laibschthe changes are to add support for a so far unsupported wifi chip in a popular netbook08:50
jjohansenah, yeah that will have to go into backports I think08:51
jjohansenthough the patch is small enough it maybe could get sucked in, I would send it08:53
Laibschplease listen08:54
LaibschI'm not even sure that patch actually applies correctly or does what it says it does08:54
Laibschso, I'd like to test this first08:54
LaibschShould make sense, no?08:55
jjohansenAh, okay.  I would build with the kernel first before ever trying to mess with backports08:55
Laibschbut the kernel packages are special beasts, so I'm not sure how this should be done08:55
LaibschI'll have another look08:56
jjohansenjust a sec08:56
Laibschlast time I tried to build a Ubuntu kernel with one additional patch, everything just blew up08:56
jjohansenbasically what you need to do is get the git tree08:57
jjohansenKernelGitGuide covers that08:57
Laibschright now, just an innocent "pull-lp-source linux-image" already blows up08:57
LaibschI'm afraid that git will offer even more potential for complications08:58
jjohansenright you are going to have use git08:58
LaibschI'll try the currently released package first08:58
jjohansenthough the amount of git needed is very minimal08:58
jjohansenbasically git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git 08:59
jjohansenthen you need to setup and install enough packages for fakeroot08:59
jjohansenif you are building on lucid you don't need to actually setup a chroot environment09:00
jjohansenonce you have the kernel you can either use the debian build scripts (recommended) and it will spit out a deb or you can actually use straight up regular kernel build (make)09:01
jjohansenfor you the straight up build might be easier as you won't need to setup as much environment09:02
jjohansenbasically git clone the tree09:02
jjohansencd into ubuntu-lucid09:02
jjohansenapply the patch09:02
jjohansencopy /boot/config-2.6.32-xxx09:02
jjohansenwhat ever your latest config is09:03
jjohansenand do a make09:03
jjohansenthat kernel can be installed and tested without the deb09:03
jjohansenit just not part of the package system09:03
jjohansenother wise you will need to follow the KernelMaintanence and Starter links from the knowledge base to install the packages you need to build a kernel and get out a dpkg09:04
jjohansenlike you said it is a very different processes09:05
LaibschI'm quite familiar with git, that is not the issue.  But git will of course be more unstable than the released package.  Therefore I may hit problems there that I wouldn't in the released version.  That's what I meant.09:05
LaibschI'll have a look at the wiki, hoping it won't link to another 1000 or so pages to read before I get to compiling something.09:07
jjohansenLaibsch: there are a lot of links but you only need a couple of them09:07
Laibschthat only helps if you know which ones are relevant09:08
Laibschlet me have a look first09:08
jjohansenmaybe the gitguid and the Maintenance and MaintenanceStarter09:08
jjohansenand if you want to use a chroot (optional) BuildKernelWithChroot09:09
Laibschthat's probably what I want09:10
jjohansenerr no09:12
jjohansenthat page is a confusing mess09:12
jjohansenwhat you do need to know is to use09:13
jjohansenfakeroot debian/rules clean09:13
jjohansenbefore building the kernel09:14
jjohansendon't edit the debian.master file like it recommends for skipabi=true09:14
jjohansenif you want to skip the abi checks just do09:14
jjohansenskipabi=true fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic09:15
jjohansenthat will build the generic kernel flavour, no need to edit flavours etc.09:15
Laibschthank you for your continuted support09:15
LaibschI'm currently rebasing the git branch I had set up for this about a month ago09:16
Laibschlet's see if this time around I'm more successful09:16
jjohansendo you have anything on the branch you want to keep?09:19
jjohansenif not git fetch ; git reset --hard origin/master09:19
jjohansenwill give you a clean tree set to the current head09:19
Laibschyes, thanks09:24
LaibschI'm quite familiar with git from another project09:25
Laibschgit doesn't scare me at all09:25
Laibschbzr does ;-)09:25
LaibschI was afraid something like http://paste.debian.net/68112/ would happen09:32
LaibschUbuntu seems to have patched main.c itself, I'd guess09:32
LaibschUnfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to rebase either of the patches09:33
jjohansenwhat does the reject look like?09:33
LaibschI did --dry-run09:34
LaibschI don't think there is a reject file09:34
Laibschlet me redo this09:34
Laibschpatch is rather simple, maybe it's possible to rebase09:34
Laibschhttp://paste.debian.net/68113/ is the reject09:35
jjohansenLaibsch: http://paste.debian.net/68114/09:39
jjohansenah crud nope, wrong tree09:39
jjohansengive me a sec09:39
jjohansenLaibsch: http://paste.debian.net/68116/09:46
Laibschthank you09:48
Laibschat least it applies cleanly09:48
Laibschlet's try compilation now09:48
* apw looks agast at just how long a build took:10:12
apwFinished 5 minutes ago (took 10 hours, 26 minutes, 22.0 seconds)10:13
Laibschjjohansen: I'm sorry, but again, all this doesn't work10:31
LaibschI've tried the Kernel for idiots page, the KernelMaintenance page and the KernelMaintenanceStarter page10:31
LaibschIt seems there is always one step or two missing when following the instructions given there.10:32
apwamitk, are you aware of bug #542041?10:42
ubot3Malone bug 542041 in linux-ti-omap "ext4 support broken on omap kernel" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54204110:42
apwLaibsch, jj is probabally sleeping10:42
LaibschI see10:43
LaibschWhere can I find an idiot's guide to "compile your Ubuntu kernel from the Ubuntu git checkout"?10:43
apwLaibsch, those are the simple guides10:43
LaibschI am tracking kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git10:43
amitkapw: it was a one-off thing, I think. ogra have you seen this again?10:43
apwit should be three or four simple steps10:44
Laibschapw: but it seems there are steps missing10:44
Laibschhere is what I tried from a clean checkout10:44
ograamitk, well, i have no working image to actually install it yet, it was on a rootstock built image on an XM with your first shot XM kernel10:44
ograi'll update it once i can test installs10:44
amitkok, apw ^10:45
Laibschbash debian/scripts/misc/getabis 2.6.32 19.2810:45
ograit can easily be the fault of that XM kernel10:45
Laibschdebian/rules startnewrelease10:45
Laibschthe first seems to succeed (although nothing is downloaded)10:46
Laibschthe second one already bombs out10:46
LaibschI tried to build the missing debian/control with "fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic", but that doesn't work, either10:47
LaibschThat's my understanding of the steps to take (I tried a few other variations) but they fail10:47
Laibschhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelMaintenanceStarter#Basic%20system%20setup suggests that I should just run "debuild -b" but that is equally wrong/outdated10:49
Laibschall these instructions seem to be missing the step that creates the files under debian for the following operations10:49
jjohansenLaibsch: did you do fakeroot debian/rules clean10:53
jjohansenthat will build up the debian dir10:53
LaibschI did that now10:54
mdzapw: hi10:54
apwmdz, hi10:54
LaibschI had been under the (apparently mistaken) assumption that fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic was the equivalent if one only wanted to build the generic target10:55
mdzapw: I just discovered that you have a blog, and was wondering why it isn't on Planet Ubuntu yet :-)10:55
jjohansenLaibsch: you should then only need to do fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic10:55
jjohansenno start release or anything like that10:55
apwmdz, hrm, it isn't i am sure i asked someone to add that for me, back before i had the rights to do it10:55
apwmdz, got a pointer to the instructions ... i'll go fix that10:56
mdzapw: cool, thanks10:56
mdzapw: if you could spread the word to your teammates to get themselves added as well, that would be great. people are missing out on some great content from the kernel team10:57
apwmdz will do ... i suspect we've all thought the otehr was adding us while adding themselves or something silly10:57
amitkmdz: it was a question of rights, AFAIK for most people.11:07
mdzamitk: meaning some people are behind on becoming Ubuntu members?11:08
amitkmdz: right..11:09
apwyeah i though i added mine right at the start, while i was still doing all that stuff ... seems not11:09
amitkapw: perhaps it would be easier if you subscribed the voices.canonical feed for the kernel team to planet.11:10
apwamitk, might that double up some feeds if i did that11:16
apwthat sounds like it would need to be coordinated11:16
amitkapw: a single feed subscribed to planet might make it easier in future to add other blogs to voices and make it available on planet.11:18
apwamitk, perhaps we could sort that out release week11:19
RAOFapw: Good morning!  How easy is it for you to create a test kernel with a git commit cherrypicked on top?  If your kernel-team special sauce makes it easier, could I point you at bug #558657?  If you're busy, I'll prepare a test kernel myself.13:01
ubot3Malone bug 558657 in linux "mouse usage causes Xorg CPU usage to spike, and mouse pointer becomes less responsive" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55865713:01
apwRAOF, pretty easy as i do it often13:02
RAOFI'm not certain the referenced commit fixes the bug, but it'd be nice to check.  Thanks.13:04
apwRAOF, where did that commit come from, its not an upstream linus commit13:05
apw(for the patch description)13:05
RAOFAh, sorry.  nouveau/linux-2.613:05
apwRAOF, ok .. .building now, takes about an hour to get them built and uploaded, perhaps a little more13:06
RAOFThanks.  I'll be asleep by then; can you point Karl at the kernel when it's done?13:08
RAOFHm.  Interesting.  I see that radeon is flat out disabling MSI on all IGP chips now.  I seem to recall that we've recently done some radeon MSI quirking.13:09
Picipoke, looks like this channel is set +q $~a  which is preventing unregistered users from talking here.  This probably isn't needed any longer as we're not getting those sort of spam attacks anymore.  14:26
amitkapw: did we find out what happend to ops on this channel? (Pici's question)14:31
apwamitk, nope didn't find out ... i think brad is one14:32
Pici/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-kernel list     will tell you.  I didn't want to ping any of them specifically.14:32
apwthough whoever set that for us, and it was not one of us, really should have unset it when they took it off again gneerally14:32
Piciapw: It was probably set during freenode's migration to ircd7.14:33
apwno answer ... hrm14:33
amitkPici: I get nothing with that command14:33
apwPici, maybe ... noone told us we needed to undo it ... hrm14:33
apwseems to work if you /query chanserv14:34
apwstupid chanserv14:34
Picimode +R turned into +q $~a  during the migration.14:35
PiciAnyway, /mode -q $~a   just needs to be set.14:35
apwi'll try and find someone to sort it out14:35
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