
humphreybchey everyone03:43
godbykhey, humphreybc03:52
godbykdid you see the etherpad work we did a bit earlier?03:52
humphreybcnope haven't got the link03:52
godbykhumphreybc: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/interviewswithhumphreybc03:53
humphreybccheers, in a call atm03:56
humphreybcbe with you in asec03:56
godbykI'm watching some tv. :)03:56
humphreybcfair nuff'03:57
godbykback now04:18
humphreybcme too04:18
godbykGoogle just informed me of this (which was also posted to the forums): http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24334/04:24
humphreybclol @ solution 604:26
godbykjust renaming 'help' to 'manual'?04:31
humphreybcor replacing the inbuilt help with the manual04:33
humphreybcthat'd go down well hahaha04:33
humphreybcokay, let's create a persona for UMP that we're going to use04:33
godbykhumphreybc: You need to get the credits list written up pretty soon so I can get it in the PDF.04:56
godbykWe need everyone's names (spelled correctly!), also if their name is usually written in a different language/script, it'd be cool if I had that.04:57
godbykWe need to know the source of any material that was copied from elsewhere so we can check the license and give proper attribution.04:57
humphreybcwho's here at the moment?05:11
godbyklooks like it's just us.05:20
humphreybci will be hanging out here more often from now on05:31
godbykYou miss us, doncha? :)05:37
nisshhhumphreybc: leaving to go on my next holiday today05:53
humphreybcso that's where everyone is!05:53
humphreybcon holiday!05:53
nisshhill be gone for ages06:01
nisshha week and a half06:01
humphreybcoh well06:07
humphreybcyou'll have to work extra hard when you come back06:07
humphreybcwhen do you get back?06:07
nisshhyea, that script is mostly done06:07
nisshhnext sunday06:07
nisshhnot this one06:07
humphreybcis that the bzr script?06:07
humphreybcso what does it do?06:08
nisshhit works but isnt very informative yet06:08
humphreybcjust stick in a tonne of echo statements06:08
humphreybcwhat does it do?06:08
nisshhwell, first it installs bzr06:08
nisshhthen asks for your name and email06:09
nisshhand uses them with bzr whoami06:09
nisshhthen it does: bzr launchpad-login <username>06:09
nisshhand then downloads the branch from lp06:10
humphreybcSSH keys?06:10
nisshhyea, i have no idea how im going to check for an ssh key06:10
nisshhusing bash anyway06:10
nisshhgodbyk will know06:11
nisshhthe all-knowing godbyk06:11
humphreybcall knowing godbyk06:11
godbykwhat are you wanting to do?06:11
nisshhgodbyk: is there a way to check if a user has an ssh key using the terminal?06:11
nisshhor in a bash script06:11
godbykmost likely.06:12
godbykwhat kind of key?06:12
nisshhssh key06:12
nisshhhumphreybc: how are we going to know if they have it uploaded to lp?06:12
humphreybcnisshh: upload it for them?06:12
godbyknisshh: well, you can check the default location and filename: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub06:13
humphreybcthe user model is that they've never used lp/bzr before06:13
godbykin bash it'd be:06:13
nisshhhumphreybc: true06:13
godbykif [ -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then echo "Key exists!"; else echo "Key is missing!"; fi06:13
humphreybcyou might have to change it to python when you get back and then write it so it sets everything up06:13
godbykI'm not sure if gpg is aware of that key, or not.06:14
godbykrunning gpg --list-keys doesn't turn up that key.06:14
godbykon my box06:14
humphreybcwe can have our setup script/program create a key and upload it?06:14
humphreybci wonder if launchpad has an API for registering a new account06:14
nisshhhumphreybc yes i can create an ssh key in the script06:14
humphreybcsomething to pester thumper about06:14
humphreybcfocus is on doing everything for them :P06:15
humphreybcbut don't worry about it now, enjoy your holiday06:17
nisshhhumphreybc: launchpadlib doesnt have the ability to register new accounts i dont think06:17
nisshhgoing freediving06:18
humphreybcis that just jumping off cliffs?06:18
nisshhhumphreybc: you NZ people are insane06:18
humphreybcwhat's freediving?06:19
humphreybcjumping off cliffs into water, right?06:19
nisshhwithout a compressed air tank06:19
nisshhjust normal snorkelling06:19
humphreybcso just swimming and holding your breath06:19
nisshhwith a snorkell06:19
humphreybcyou're lucky the water's warm06:19
humphreybci did snorkelling in fiji, wasnice06:19
nisshhyea i spear fish too06:20
humphreybckill dem fish06:20
nisshhmeh, die fishies!06:20
humphreybchow has the branch got 10mb bigger in the last 5 days06:21
godbykhumphreybc: because bzr never forgets. :-(06:22
godbykat least from what I understand.06:22
godbykso it will only get bigger over time.06:22
godbykunless there's some way to flush stuff.06:22
* godbyk knows nothing about bzr.06:22
* nisshh knows enough to get him by06:23
nisshhi still cant beleive my computer refuses to boot from my SATA drive!06:24
nisshhhumphreybc: your not going to show everyone what you have been working on with the mugshots till i get back are you?06:27
nisshhcoz that would be mean!06:28
humphreybcprobably not06:43
humphreybcit isn't finished yet06:43
ubuntujenkinsmorning all09:52
donriMorning everyone but one of you all!09:58
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: are you there?11:03
vishheads up guys! screenshots involving folders would need an update , folder colors have changed !11:28
ubuntujenkinsvish: what!11:28
vishbefore people start swearing , it was granted a UIFe11:28
* ubuntujenkins we have been conoicaled again11:29
* vish tickles humphreybc 11:29
ubuntujenkinsare they in lucid yet vish,I don't see a difference11:30
vishubuntujenkins: just now it was uploaded  , humanity-icon-theme ( will be the one11:31
ubuntujenkinsthanks vish I think i may do all those screenshots my self11:33
ubuntujenkinsvish: have you got a freeze exceptions link please11:36
vishubuntujenkins: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono/+bug/55602411:37
manualbotLaunchpad bug 556024 in ubuntu-mono "freeze exception for humanity-icon-theme in lucid" [High,New]11:37
ubuntujenkinsthanks vish just want soemthing to link to in my bug report11:37
* vish suspects we would be doing a few more changes as well11:37
ubuntujenkinsthis is the third time we have had a problem11:38
ubuntujenkinsvish which e-mail do the freeze exceptions get anounched on?11:40
* ubuntujenkins obviously isn't subscribed to enough mailing lists11:41
vishubuntujenkins: dont know , i just saw the upload in > http://feeds.ubuntu-nl.org/LucidChanges?format=xml11:42
ubuntujenkinsok thanks vish11:43
vishnp... it was actually done a week ago , but wasnt sure it would be granted UIFe11:44
ubuntujenkinsany idea how much has changed?11:45
thorwilguess there's need for a clever image-part search-and-replace :/12:00
ubuntujenkinsthorwil: we have a script that replaces the window buttons already so i expect thats the way to go with this as well12:03
ubuntujenkinsit just depends on the changes, different langauges may have the folders in different orders12:04
humphreybci *think* i figured it out13:50
humphreybcoh wait13:50
humphreybcwrong channel :P13:50
* ubuntujenkins all the screenshots are only 26% done14:56
* ubuntujenkins trying to understand code that you haven't been part of writing is hard17:08
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping19:24
ubuntujenkinsevening channel how are we all feeling?19:30
thorwil25% turquoise with a shot of leftward reification19:49
ubuntujenkinslol, always random thorwil19:49
ubuntujenkinswe should have project cloaks for irc20:59
* ubuntujenkins must be the only person here tonight21:12
* dutchie is in a Belgian hotel21:18
ubuntujenkinshello dutchie o/ how was rowing?21:18
dutchienot hard21:18
dutchiewe're going to the belgian national regatta tomorrow and sunday21:19
ubuntujenkinsgood luck21:19
Red_HamsterXHi, ubuntujenkins.22:08
ubuntujenkinshello Red_HamsterX how do?22:08
Red_HamsterXStill busy with the seeking of jobs. Also the development of 3D modelling techniques.22:09
ubuntujenkinsmice, I pinged you to say they have changed the icons in lucid today22:09
Red_HamsterXThis seems somehow bad.22:10
Red_HamsterXWhich icons?22:10
Red_HamsterXThe button order or the artwork?22:10
ubuntujenkinsas far as i can tell all they have done is made them a darker orange. so i was thinking of ignoring it. Its the folders22:10
ubuntujenkinsart work22:10
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: http://imagebin.org/92405 is an after22:12
Red_HamsterXWas the nm-WiFi icon always Apple-like?22:12
Red_HamsterXOr was it sideways before?22:13
ubuntujenkinsbefore http://imagebin.org/9240622:13
ubuntujenkinswifi has been like that for a while22:13
Red_HamsterXI don't think it makes much of a difference. The shapes and positions are identical.22:14
Red_HamsterXAs is the gradient.22:14
ubuntujenkinsthat was my thought I just wanted a second opinion. you wouldn't notice if your screen was set up to a different brightness etc22:15
Red_HamsterXWell, you would, but it couldn't possibly confuse anyone.22:16
Red_HamsterXWe should probably overwrite the en screencap, though.22:16
Red_HamsterXAnd any screencaps taken in other languages, if we're working in them anyway.22:16
Red_HamsterXBut I can't see it being a condition for rejecting an image.22:17
ubuntujenkinsyea that can be done, we have 26% of the images done.22:17
ubuntujenkinscan we make it so that we can get an archive before a language is finished?22:17
Red_HamsterXJust go there and it'll build an archive.22:18
Red_HamsterXIt'll appear in data/ so you can download it without making the server rebuild anything.22:18
ubuntujenkinslegend that saves allot of clicking22:19
Red_HamsterXhttp://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/get_files.php?language=fr -> http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/fr.zip22:19
Red_HamsterXIt's a dumb script, though. It'll replace the archive every time that page is accessed.22:19
Red_HamsterXWhich shouldn't be a problem.22:19
Red_HamsterXIf there are no files to archive, it does nothing.22:20
Red_HamsterXI'll be active in here again next week.22:21
ubuntujenkinsnope thats fine. the button script works btw. we need to make it replace the default search engine22:21
Red_HamsterXI'm just taking this week off to job-hunt and learn.22:21
ubuntujenkinsyou haven't missed much tbh22:21
ubuntujenkinsthats cool22:21
Red_HamsterXI've been lurking.22:21
ubuntujenkinsi have found a project to fill the time http://blogs.sun.com/erwann/entry/zfs_on_the_desktop_zfs i would like it working in backintime for gnome22:21
ubuntujenkinsthe etherpad is looking full we should have a meeting next weekend sometime22:22
Red_HamsterXProbably a good idea.22:22
ubuntujenkinswhat utc time suits you?22:22
Red_HamsterXI'm in North America, without any real commitments to anything else, so I'm pretty open.22:23
Red_HamsterXThat seems like an interesting project.22:24
ubuntujenkinsok so utc evening might be good as titeuf is utc +1 and he works. I am utc +1 as the uk is on daylight saving22:24
Red_HamsterXAs a means of luring some Apple users, I mean.22:24
ubuntujenkinsif i get anywhere with it is another matter. Well i orignaly found a project that was dead. then found out about the mac thing.22:25
ubuntujenkinsthey have the backup system right though all the linux ui are rubbish22:26
ubuntujenkinstimevault was the project i found22:26
Red_HamsterXNothing will make me change from having a local VCS server for my backup needs.22:27
Red_HamsterXBut, then, most of what I do wouldn't benefit from binary backups anyway.22:27
ubuntujenkinsI don't have the joys of a server unfortunaley. I would like one but have no real use for it so there is no point.22:29
godbykI'm back. ubuntujenkins, you needed me?22:32
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: nothing important, I was going to ask how to set up files so that i can give people a link like ben does. I have apache but thats as far as i got22:33
ubuntujenkinsi guessed you would know22:34
godbykubuntujenkins: once you've installed apache, you have two more basic steps: 1. configure your router to port forward port 80 to the PC with apache on it; and 2. sign up for a (free) account at dyndns.org to get a name to point to your computer.22:34
ubuntujenkinso thats rather easy. I may not be able to do it when at uni as i have no control over the router.22:35
ubuntujenkinsthanks kevin22:36
godbykyou only need to worry about the router if it's blocking port 80 (firewall) or you have an internal (non-Internet-routable) IP addrewss.22:36
godbykIf your PC at uni gives you a real IP, you can ignore the router step.22:37
ubuntujenkinsi will have to find out i go back in a week, where do i save the files for people to view?22:37
godbykUsually the default location for apache is something like /var/www/, but it varies from distro to distro.22:38
godbykYou can also configure apache to look for a WWW/ dir in each user's home directory.22:39
godbykthen you can host those as http://www.example.com/~ubuntujenkins/22:39
ubuntujenkinsthat would be a good idea, i will have a play22:39
ubuntujenkinson a unrealted topic Red_HamsterX or godbyk any idea how i download this http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/jds/time-slider/22:40
ubuntujenkinsits like a bzr repo22:40
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: i was thinking of having a quickshot meeting next weekend what utc time suits you best?22:41
godbykubuntujenkins: I'll look at it in a sec. installing updates now and my computer is grinding away on something. dragging the whole system. down.22:41
godbykubuntujenkins: I'm pretty much free whenever. my timezone is utf-5 right now, though (due to DST)22:41
ubuntujenkinsok so far utc evening appears to make sense22:42
godbyksounds good to me.22:43
ubuntujenkinsthis is funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA22:47
godbykubuntujenkins: this maybe, http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release/p5i/0/SUNWgnome-time-slider.p5i22:48
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: that does apear to be the open solaris deb equivilent. any idea how would i get the source directory that i linked to?22:52
godbykubuntujenkins: http://blogs.sun.com/erwann/ scroll all the way to the bottom and read 'where is the source?'.22:55
godbyklinks to an hg repository.22:55
godbykthere are also some screencasts of time-slider on his blog there.22:55
ubuntujenkinsthats were i got it from, but how do i get a hg repo?22:56
godbykI'm not sure, I don't use hg much.22:57
godbykmaybe just "hg clone URL"?22:58
godbykI'd find an hg tutorial and see.22:58
ubuntujenkinsok thanks godbyk , i will have a look in the morning22:58
ubuntujenkinsnight all22:58
godbykubuntujenkins: g'night.22:58
godbykHello, JuanMarquez.23:38
JuanMarquezthe ubuntu manual is avaliable in spanish righ now?23:39
godbykJuanMarquez: It's currently being translated.23:39
godbykYou can track the progress of the translations here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual23:40
godbykAnd look at the translations in the manual here: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/23:40
JuanMarquezgodbyk, wuoo, thank23:40
godbykJuanMarquez: Feel free to help out with the translations, too. :)23:41
JuanMarquezi see23:42
JuanMarquezsee you, thank23:42
godbykJuanMarquez: See you later.23:43

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