
=== emma_ is now known as emma
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* randa_ is back.09:50
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* slangasek waves15:55
czajkowskislangasek: happy it's friday :)15:56
ScottKRight.  It's about that time.15:57
slangasekhmm, is it?  wonder where Thursday went...15:57
ScottKNo idea.  I was up until 2:30 local do data analysis on a $WORK project and then back up before 8.15:58
* ScottK recalls he needs more coffee.15:58
slangasekI have you beat, it's still not 8 here ;)15:59
* slangasek waves15:59
* asac waves16:00
* marjo waves16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is slangasek.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-04-0916:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-04-0916:01
slangasek[TOPIC] actions from previous meetings16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  actions from previous meetings16:01
slangasek  * rickspencer to ask designers about new Edubuntu logo16:01
slangasek  * slangasek, asac to discuss omap plans for 10.04 (DONE, discussed with davidm)16:01
slangasek  * doko to grep the archive for codecs.open in python code, to find other packages broken by http://bugs.python.org/issue69129116:01
slangasek  * ScottK, slangasek to review python sync/merge candidates (INPROGRESS)16:01
asacslangasek: from what i understood you discussed high level bits on omap with david ... more detailed bits are now in RC bug section.16:01
slangasek  * slangasek to document bug #528155 for beta2 errata (DONE)16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528155 in linux "needs a breaks: clause for lvm2 versions in hardy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52815516:01
slangasek  * rickspencer3 to figure out what package needs changed for bug #357673 (DONE)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357673 in linux "No notification when sliding audio volume, muting volume on ThinkPad X23, X24, X31, X32, X41, X60, T22, T40, T42, T60, R50e, R51, R52" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35767316:02
slangasekpitti: no rickspencer?16:02
pittihe's on vacation today16:02
slangasekpitti: ok16:02
slangasekasac: right; my immediate concern was "what are the deliverables and the support expectations", which hadn't been discussed up until now, but I have those answers now16:03
pittislangasek: anyway, I looked at the bug, too, and triaged it16:03
slangasekdoko confirmed to me that codecs.open is on his todo list, but that he was waiting for IS16:03
slangasekdoko: ^^ what is it you needed installed on people.c.c to do this grep?  is there an RT ticket I can +1? :)16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:05
marjoslangasek: i have a few items today16:05
marjo* Hardware testing16:05
marjoAutomated Tests16:05
marjo   passed:   13 (93%) failed:    0 ( 0%) untested:  1 ( 7%)16:05
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:05
marjo   passed:   44 (94%) failed:    0 ( 0%) untested:  3 ( 6%)16:05
marjo   passed:   65 (94%) failed:    0 ( 0%) untested:  4 ( 6%)16:05
marjo   passed:   12 (100%) failed:    0 (  0%) untested:  0 (  0%)16:05
marjoManual Tests16:05
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/milestones/lucid/beta1.html16:05
marjoPassed: 19 (31%) Failed: 12 (20%)  Untested: 30 (49%)16:05
ttxmarjo: beta1.html ?16:06
slangasekthose are stale test results though, yes?16:06
slangasek(the beta1)16:06
marjowhy stale?16:06
fader_slangasek: alexmoldovan has been plowing through those since beta 1 came out, but he is only available in the lab 3 days per week16:06
marjoslangasek: oh yes, because we had already started those16:06
dokoslangasek: it is installed, the ticket is closed16:07
fader_slangasek: per the conversation we had at alpha 3, you asked that we stick with one image rather than test the daily builds16:07
slangasekmarjo: stale because it says "beta1", and we would want confirmation with beta216:07
marjoslangasek: understood16:07
slangasekfader_: how does "beta1" differ from "current", then?16:07
fader_slangasek: Not sure I understand... these are manual tests executed on the hardware on the beta 1 image rather than the current16:08
slangasekah, right16:08
fader_At alpha 3 time we were doing the daily images for each day, but you had asked that we stick to one consistent image16:08
marjoLucid Beta 2 Test Report16:08
marjo9th April 201016:08
marjo= Summary =16:08
marjo== Test Coverage ==16:08
marjoImage Coverage: 100%16:08
marjoMandatory Testcase Coverage: 207/207 = 100.0016:08
marjoOptional Testcase Coverage: 9/18 = 50.0016:08
marjo=== Test Failure Analysis ===16:08
marjo25 Test Failures16:08
marjoFailure Rate 25/216 = 11.5716:08
marjo== Serious bugs found in ISO testing status ==16:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~marjomercado/isotestingbugs.html16:09
marjothx to everyone who helped us achieve such nice test coverage on beta 2!16:09
slangasekfader_: yes, because we were getting test failures due to known transient problems in the dailies; now we seem to be having the opposite problem, in that half these failures are annotated as known-fixed in newer builds :)16:09
slangasekanyway, assuming these will be re-tested soon with beta2, that's ok16:10
fader_slangasek: Yeah, the majority of the bugs we found are fixed in the dailies at this point.  We are figuring this out and trying to hit a happy medium... it's all new process :)16:10
fader_(and alexmoldovan has been awesome about testing and re-testing on dailies :) )16:10
marjo== Bugs summary ==16:10
marjo=== Summary of Unfixed Issues ===16:10
marjo60 bugs unfixed16:10
marjoCritical - 116:10
marjoHigh - 1416:10
marjoMedium - 716:10
marjoLow - 316:10
marjoUndecided - 3516:11
marjo=== Summary of Fixed Issues ===16:11
marjo12 bugs fixed16:11
marjoHigh - 716:11
marjoMedium - 116:11
marjoUndecided - 416:11
slangasekmarjo: I'm concerned about the low "optional testcase" coverage - from my end, the intent of optional testcases is to identify tests we need to make sure are run against *some* image as part of a release, but don't need to be run for *every* image where they apply16:11
marjoslangasek: understood; as you know priority is always to get 100% on mandatory, then go for optional16:12
slangasekis there a list of the optional testcases that weren't covered, and does the QA team have time to follow those through this week so we cover our blind spots?16:12
slangasekthis week->next week16:12
marjobut will work with testing team to see how to get higher coverage on all16:12
marjoslangasek: yes, will do retrospective16:12
slangasekI don't mean retrospective, I mean that those missing test cases should still get tested before RC is upon us16:13
marjoslangasek: ok, i misunderstood16:13
marjoyes, will see what can be done16:13
slangasek[ACTION] marjo to make sure the outstanding optional testcases for beta2 get tested this week16:14
MootBotACTION received:  marjo to make sure the outstanding optional testcases for beta2 get tested this week16:14
marjoLucid Quality Status Report16:14
marjo20 days left and 315 bug tasks to fix.16:14
marjoBarring no new work we need to fix 16 bug tasks a day now.16:14
marjoThe focus of bug fixing should be on the following tasks:16:14
marjo        The 6 Critical bug tasks.16:14
marjo        The 30 bug tasks that might cause a regression in Lucid.16:14
marjo        The 113 High bug tasks.16:14
marjoThe Canonical Desktop Team needs to deal with 18 bug tasks.16:14
marjoMartin Pitt is the most overtasked with 9 bug tasks.16:14
marjoMartin Pitt is rockin' with 76 bug tasks fixed!16:14
marjoYesterday's hero was Michael Vogt with 4 bug tasks fixed!16:14
slangaseknot so bad16:15
marjoSpec Status16:15
marjoAll completed except:16:15
marjoIdentify and implement improvements for finding bugs that affect hardware16:15
marjo1. Write up a nice README to document existing HWDB scripts we have, what they do, and how to use them: TODO16:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html16:15
marjo2. Send an email to the platform team ml for anyone who may be interested: TODO16:15
marjoWill retarget to end of release.16:15
pittihm, given that the "need to fix #n bugs per day" keeps rising, we should perhaps take off some and move them to SRUs16:15
pittiwe won't be able to keep up at this pace16:15
marjoslangasek:yes, must keep the focus up16:15
slangasekthere are a number of bugs currently milestoned for final that I'm sure are not going to make it; we need to be explicitly deferring some of those and focusing on the others16:15
slangasekin particular, the current kernel bug load is completely unrealistic16:15
marjoslangasek: agree16:15
marjoslangasek: but as you know, jfo and team have been quite busy resolving bugs16:16
pittimarjo: hm, I have 9 RC bug tasks assigned? I'm not aware of that..16:16
slangasekpitti: the "bugs per day" was actually stable all last week; then we had Easter + freeze :)16:16
pittihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+assignedbugs?orderby=status has 4 lucid-targetted tasks..16:17
marjopitti: will double check & modify report16:17
pittimarjo: those are lucid-targetted bugs only? or RC bugs? (lucid and high/critical)?16:18
marjopitti: yes, lucid only16:18
pittimarjo: I'm just curious what these numbers refer to16:18
pittimarjo: ah, thanks16:18
marjopitti:otherwise, too much noise16:18
pittimarjo: LP helpfully duplicates lucid-targetted bugs in lists ..16:18
marjoneed to focus on lucid16:18
ttxpitti: shouldn't RC be "lucid and targeted to ubuntu-10.04" ?16:18
pittittx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RCBugTargetting says targetting and >= high16:19
ttxpitti: ok thx16:19
pittibut targetting the ones to ubuntu-10.04 which we want to fix by final makes sense, too16:19
slangasekif you intend to fix a bug for 10.04 final, please make sure the milestone is set too16:20
marjoslangasek: that's all from QA team16:20
pittittx: the un-milestoned ones automatically become SRU targets16:20
slangasekmarjo: right, thanks!16:20
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:20
slangasekttx: hi16:20
ttxUpdated status @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:20
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:20
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:20
ttx3 lucid bugs targeted to ubuntu-10.04:16:21
ttxbug 55154416:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551544 in puppet "puppet in lucid does not support upstart status " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55154416:21
ttxbug 55634316:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556343 in bind9 "upgrade error on 8.04 -> 10.04 " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55634316:21
ttxbug 55699616:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556996 in samba "winbind pam-config potentially breaks stacking with modules of lower priority in common-passwd" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55699616:21
ttx(just fixed)16:21
ttxall assigned and being worked on16:21
ttxSee report for the other lucid-targeted bugs, most of them have now been assigned16:21
ttxWe expect a surge in bug reports, as server users usually don't test before the last beta16:22
ttxso the list is expected to change16:22
slangasekttx: bug #551544> possibly simpler to just get this fixed in upstart for release; can you make sure mathiaz talks with Keybuk about this?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551544 in puppet "puppet in lucid does not support upstart status " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55154416:22
slangasek(bug #552786 is the corresponding upstart bug)16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552786 in upstart "initctl: lacks proper exit codes" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55278616:22
ttxslangasek: yes16:22
ttxWe have one team member assigned to triage of new server bugs every day, so that we don't lose the important RC one16:23
ttxOther questions on the bugs side ?16:23
ttxMoving on to Specs...16:23
ttxBeta2 postmortem:16:23
ttxSome wo'rk items were postponed:16:24
ttxserver-lucid-apt-mirror-ec2: 1 WI still blocked on IS delivery, but imminent16:24
ttxserver-lucid-puppet-uec-ec2-integration: testsuite enablement, documentation16:24
ttxserver-lucid-uec-testing: multinetwork testing automation still work in progress16:24
ttxserver-lucid-id-mgmt-reference-env: deferred (was Low priority)16:24
ttxThat leaves us with a few work items for final, mostly unaffected by FinalFreeze16:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04.html16:25
ttx^ see above url for details16:25
ttxBugs affecting server in other teams:16:25
ttxThe only one I could find is one reported in ISO testing about RAID/ext316:25
ttxbug 55742916:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557429 in mdadm "booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as already in sync)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742916:25
ttxOther issues affecting release:16:26
ttxTwo lucid bugs would probably need FFes to get fixed: bug 392759 and bug 53302916:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392759 in apache2 "[FFE] apache2 DoS attack using slowloris" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39275916:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533029 in autofs5 "autofs5-ldap doesn't work immediately after bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53302916:26
ttxExpect some noise from there if not already done16:26
ttxThat's all for us16:26
ttxquestions ?16:27
slangasekogasawara: bug #557429 is marked as a kernel bug; and it's a potential data loss bug *caused* by RAID1, so should be fixed for final if at all possible - what further triaging is needed there?16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557429 in mdadm "booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as already in sync)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742916:28
ogasawaraslangasek: I'll take a look and get it into shape if needed16:29
slangasek[ACTION] ogasawara to triage bug #557429 for final16:29
MootBotACTION received:  ogasawara to triage bug #557429 for final16:29
slangasekno other questions here, anyone else?16:29
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:29
slangasekttx: thanks16:29
slangasekasac: hi16:29
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:29
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:29
asacso webservice office took a bit, but we now have the copyright/trademark issues sorted for artwork16:30
asacwebservice email is in the archive too ... MIR is coming ...16:30
asactwo main things are now troubling us:16:30
asac* omap kernel and initial enablement16:30
asac -> making progress, but we didnt get to flashing out all the user space issues in the image yet16:31
asac* openoffice build regression16:31
asac -> really, sad, but ooo now fails to build after recent updates16:31
asacwe are currently investigating to find the cause for this16:31
asaci made a omap section for rc bugs on the status page16:31
asacso you get the issues we know about in one place16:31
asacso besides kernel we expect to touch flash-kernel and partman-uboot to teach it omap16:32
asacimx51 and dove images are in good shape though ... so no headaches on that front ;)16:32
slangasekasac: I noticed the other day from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid_outdate.html that there's an armel-specific build failure in main that I thought was on the porting bug list but apparently isn't - libtunepimp?16:32
asacyes, thats one of the 3? ftbfs we have on our list for this week16:33
asaccant tell more about it. i dont think its thumb2 related -- otherwise it would have been on our list16:33
asacalso we will do a mass give back on universe one more time to pick up a few things that probably build now16:34
slangasekwhen you say it's "on your list" - it's not on the release status list, and it's not targeted/milestoned for 10.04?16:35
slangasekI'd like visibility into whatever list it's actually on, please :)16:35
asacyes, that should get a bug16:35
* asac goes and files16:35
asacok done16:37
slangasekanything else?16:38
asacnot from my side16:38
ograi'll need to touch some installer bits for omap next week (but they are covered as bugs)16:38
ograjust to warn :)16:38
asacogra: more than those we have on the page?16:38
ograi hope not16:38
ograbut not having an image that gets to a full installation yet makes it hard to predict16:39
asacright. i mentioned that above16:39
ograi might hit issues that arent on the list yet16:39
slangasekasac: I saw plars had just retargeted bug #542662 to final; in a previous meeting I got the impression that this was not critical-path for omap, is that correct?16:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542662 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] x-loader for omap needs to be packaged to build beagleboard images" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54266216:39
ogradrop it please16:39
asacslangasek: yes. we are ok to not have that16:40
* asac does that16:40
ograwe want it in the archive but we dont use it in 10.0416:40
ograit just enables users of such HW to reflash their nand with a package from us16:40
asacack. ok. any other questions?16:41
slangasekasac: last question, what needs to happen to get these thumb2 porting bugs sorted?  Is there anything people outside Mobile can do to help?  The bug descriptions are all very brief and the page they link to doesn't provide much more information, so I wasn't able to get any traction on the one I looked at16:42
asacslangasek: hmmm16:42
asachttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2PackageReviewList has quite detailed info16:42
* ogra thought those links were in the bugs by default16:43
asacslangasek: for main we just have xine-lib left ... which i am reviewing/working on now16:43
asacogra: not sure if we linked the portinghowto16:43
asacbut its linked from the reviewlist page16:43
asacslangasek: which package are you interested in?16:43
slangasekmaybe I was having a bad reading day when I tried to look16:43
slangasekasac: I'm not interested in any package, I'm interested in having the bugs resolved since they seem to be dragging on :)16:44
asacslangasek: yeah. one left now ;)16:44
slangasekdidn't you just mark xine-lib as wontfix?16:44
slangasekupx-ucl is still open, though16:44
asacslangasek: sorry mixed those16:45
asacupx-ucl is what i am looking at ;)16:45
slangasekthen I guess they're in progress, so I don't need to stick my nose in16:45
slangasekany other questions for Mobile?16:45
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:45
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:45
slangasekasac: thanks16:45
slangasekogasawara: hi16:45
* apw is here16:45
slangasekapw: hi16:46
apwOverall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the items called out in the agenda.  The burndown chart for Release is at the third URL, and our burndown chart is at the fourth.  There are a couple of items outstanding in Beta-2 which either need closing or pushing out, none release critical:16:46
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:46
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20ubuntu-10.0416:46
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.04.html16:46
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:46
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20ubuntu-10.0416:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.04.html16:46
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:46
apwOn the items pulled out on the agenda: the work remaining on AppArmor is upstreaming and not release criticical; the configuration review waits on the configuration report which is also not release critical.  Of the bugs a number have fixes in testing, the remainder are progressing.16:46
apwWe are planning a kernel upload for the main distro kernel today, this will carry some debian installer changes for XEN netboot images which need uploading to test completely.  This upload will also carry a stable update.  We likely will have one final upload early next week carrying a few stray fixes.16:46
slangasekapw: and next week's upload is the last before final?16:47
apwslangasek, yes thats the plan16:47
apwwant you to have the longest run possible to the tape16:47
slangasekapw: bug #542660 seems unlikely to make it - should that one be marked as deferred to SRU?16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542660 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "New Apple iMac (Core i5) fails to boot" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54266016:48
apwyes i think we are likely in that position on that one, its looking like a large change16:48
slangasekalso bug #543617 looks risky for a last-minute change16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543617 in linux "very slow filesystem I/O" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54361716:48
apwslangasek, i am told the change is very simple, so we may do it16:49
apwessentially 'sync; umount' works16:49
slangasekhmm, ok16:49
apwand umount on its own does not ... so if we can simulate that it may be ok16:49
apwelse we'll have to wait for upstream to think more on why its not working as is16:49
jdstrandthat bug is evil16:50
apwyeah has had us thinking hard for some time at that16:51
apwslangasek, to move something to sru i assume the approved milestone is lucid-updates16:51
slangasekapw: yes16:51
slangasekno other kernel questions here; anyone else?16:51
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:52
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:52
slangasekapw: thanks16:52
slangasekpitti: ohai16:52
pitti[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:52
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:52
pittiork items: Beta-2 items all done; just three WIs left for final, of which two do not affect the distro (Launchpad bug filing page update, design review of simple-scan), and the third is to disable the "File a bug" menu entry, which is prepared, but should happen only before the release candidate.16:52
* pitti tosses a 'W' to the beginning16:53
pittiRC bugs: they keep comin', and we now also explicitly added the UbuntuOne bugs (which the U1 team is working on), but we had a good turnover this week and fixed 9, and further 5 are "fix committed". Details are on the wiki page16:53
pitti2 RC bugs that we have serious trouble with: bug 507062 (investigation started, hoping that upstream will give some hints), and bug 447431 (was believed to be fixed for some time, but confirmed again recently; Chris will continue to investigate, now that his RC bug list has dropped dramatically)16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507062 in libx11 "synaptic assert failure: synaptic: ../../src/xcb_io.c:385: _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50706216:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447431 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon dies with BadMatch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44743116:53
pittidesktop-lucid-openoffice: 3.2.1 was not released in time for Lucid final, but 3.2.0 is considered "good enough"; we'll provide 3.2.1 as an SRU16:53
slangasekpitti: bug #527138 - AIUI thunderbird is /not/ done, the latest comment on the bug as of this morning was that the thunderbird-dev package is still missing a piece needed to allow packages to build against it?16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527138 in enigmail "enigmail is uninstallable in lucid, needs update to 1.0 - blocked by missing thunderbird-config" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52713816:55
pittislangasek: oh, hmm; I'll have a look at this and reopen then16:55
slangasekOOo 3.2.1 as an SRU - that's going to fit in the normal SRU policy, or are we stretching the definition to make that work?16:56
pittislangasek: that remains to be seen, as it's not released yet16:56
pittibut I guess it'll involve some stretching16:56
pittiperhaps s/we'll provide/we'll look at/16:56
slangasekthat would be nice :)16:57
pittionce it's released and we know what things changed, we have to review that in detail16:57
pittislangasek: related to that, due to GNOME's slightly chagned release cycle, we can't put 2.30.1 into lucid final16:57
pittiso we'll do some git snapshots early next week for the most important packages16:57
pittiin hardy we had a SRU policy extension for GNOME point releases16:58
pittiI think we should discuss applying that to lucid as well16:58
* ScottK would like to do that for KDE too.16:58
ScottK(in general, but particularly for Lucid)16:58
pittii. e. we'll still review the changes, of course, but we might allow things like updated translations or harmless build system changes, etc.16:58
slangasekshould that be discussed at UDS?16:58
* doko would like to see this for OpenJDK too16:58
pittiso ideally 10.04.1 would have GNOME 2.30.2 or .3, and the new OO.o16:58
pittidoko: yes16:59
pittislangasek: makes sense16:59
slangasekpitti: can you get it on the UDS agenda?16:59
pittiwe have traditionally put much more effort into SRUs for LTSes16:59
pittislangasek: yes, will do16:59
slangasek[ACTION] pitti to get discussion of SRU extension for GNOME, KDE, OOo, OpenJDK point releases on UDS agenda16:59
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to get discussion of SRU extension for GNOME, KDE, OOo, OpenJDK point releases on UDS agenda16:59
pittiseb128: want to do the thawing topic, or shall I?16:59
seb128I wanted to raise again queue flushing on friday after freezes17:00
seb128I say again because I think it was discussed before17:00
seb128is there anything we can do to avoid having ton of updates landing to late to be tested before weekend?17:00
slangasekseb128: was that the case this time that things landed too late to be tested?17:01
seb128ie the half a day delay between beta2 and queue review there bring us in having updates landing on friday evening17:01
seb128rather than on start of day17:01
slangasekI would prefer not having to review anything in the queue, and be able to just flush it17:01
seb128if they had been flushed yesterday we would have got updates this morning european time17:01
seb128and the day to catch issues17:01
slangasekunfortunately, some people have been uploading things to the freeze queue in lieu of getting FFe approval17:01
slangasekwhich means the queue has to be sifted before accepting17:01
seb128who are those people and can we teach them to not do that?17:02
seb128at least main upload should know better...17:02
ScottKseb128: I don't think so, I think it's just a lot of stuff in the queue.17:02
slangasekI meant to include a note about this in the beta 2 freeze announcement to make it clear where the responsibility lies, but I failed to remember17:02
seb128I mean those same people can upload directly after unfreeze17:02
seb128why would they upload things during freezes which are not good to go after unfreeze?17:02
slangasekseb128: well, it's *exclusively* main uploaders, as unseeded packages aren't frozen for beta17:02
seb128it doesn't make sense to me17:02
slangasekno, it doesn't make sense, it shouldn't be the practice, we should fix it - I just failed to send out the announcement beforehand and I saw several packages in the queue that this affected17:03
seb128hum ok, still seems weird to me that we have people doing non lucid suitable upload to lucid queue during a freeze17:03
slangasekif we message this more clearly next time, then there should be no problem with flushing immediately after beta17:03
ScottKAlso I reviewed and accepted enough stuff to keep most of the builders busy most of the night.  I don't think it delayed much.17:03
pittiseb128: it's quite a common workflow for SRUs, but right, it sholdn't be for the devel release17:04
seb128pitti, right but you don't unflush queues for sru17:04
seb128the milestones freezes are supposed to end and things to go in17:04
pittiok, so in summary I think we know where the problem is and have to fix it on a social level then17:04
* ScottK hands seb128 a stick.17:05
seb128learning every day17:05
seb128I wouldn't have though some people uploaded cracks to lucid queue during freezes17:05
pittino Kubuntu status update today, sorry; apparently Jonathan is on holiday17:06
ScottKI can give one17:06
ScottKBeta 2 went pretty well for Kubuntu.17:06
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slangasekseb128: btw, the first packages left in the freeze queue, that I accepted yesterday before going to bed, were metacity and compiz which ended up in a build-dep loop, so compiz didn't build all night anyway :/17:06
ScottKIt also looks like yesterday's ia64 build for qt4-x11 may succeed (well past where it failed).17:06
ScottKWe even have powerpc live CD ISO's that aren't oversized.17:07
seb128slangasek, yeah, I noticed that today, unfortunate17:07
ScottKslangasek: Were there any Kubuntu questions I can answer?17:08
pittiScottK: powerpc> wow - nice diet!17:08
slangasekScottK: we seem to still be struggling to get Kubuntu all the way there on the installer side; things that I thought had been tested and working with earlier milestones failed again with beta2 - do we know why this is?17:08
ScottKI'm standing by to unseed OOo from KNR armel if it doesn't get sorted.17:08
ScottKslangasek: I don't know.  I think that the main community developer for the KDE front end has not had a lot of time lately.17:09
ScottKI agree it's an issue.17:09
ScottKslangasek: Since Riddell isn't here, let's give him an action to investigate.17:10
slangasek[ACTION] Riddell to investigate the lingering Kubuntu installer issues17:10
MootBotACTION received:  Riddell to investigate the lingering Kubuntu installer issues17:10
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ScottKNothing else from me.17:10
cjwatsonthey're high on my radar as well.17:10
slangasekI wonder if Kubuntu daily ISO testing is called for there17:10
slangasekfrom now 'til RC17:11
ScottKWe'd need to get some fixes in first.17:11
* pitti EOR as well17:11
slangasekbecause part of the problem seems to have been that we think things are fixed, and then we start beta testing three days before milestone, and we find there are still issues17:11
ScottKOh, I did do some Kubuntu Hardy -> Lucid testing and am pushing a few additional replaces for people who upgrade Ubuntu LTS -> LTS and have Kubuntu installed too.17:12
ScottKMakes sense.17:12
slangasekScottK: could you put out a call for testing to the Kubuntu community for this?17:12
ScottKslangasek: I can.17:12
slangasek[ACTION] ScottK to put out a call for Kubuntu daily ISO testing17:12
MootBotACTION received:  ScottK to put out a call for Kubuntu daily ISO testing17:12
slangasekI think that's it for desktop then, yes?17:13
marjoScottK: if appropriate, please enlist ara's help17:13
ScottKmarjo: Will do.17:13
ScottKslangasek: AFAIK, yes.17:13
cjwatsonI'll make sure there's an installer upload today - it will include several Kubuntu fixes17:14
slangasekpitti: btw, desktop-lucid-xorg-multitouch still has some WIs marked for beta2, perhaps you overlooked those?17:14
pittiyes from my side17:14
pittislangasek: oh? hm, it shouldn't, I'll check17:14
cjwatsonat least five that I can quickly see17:14
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  DX Team17:14
pittislangasek: our WI tracker was empty the last couple of days..17:14
* davidbarth waves17:14
slangasekdavidbarth: hello17:14
davidbarthrelatively calm on the dx front17:14
davidbarthwe're hoping to be the least of your worries now17:15
davidbarthsome bugs fixed for beta-2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04-beta-217:15
davidbarthand this is what we have on the radar to the RC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana/+milestone/ubuntu-10.0417:15
davidbarthwe'll mostly propose crasher fixes, and that's all17:16
slangasek546650> well, that's fixed in Ubuntu, dunno if you want that task open upstream still for some reason17:16
davidbarthwe're monitoring incoming bug lists with seb128 daily; so far so good17:16
slangasekI think I saw 451086 was also fixed in Ubuntu17:16
davidbarthon the dbusmenu-qt bug, agateau just confirmed that the fix is in and solves the issue17:17
davidbarththat was: #54888217:17
slangasekso indeed, the least of my worries now :)17:17
davidbarth2 wi still left in the blueprints: docs, meant as reminders17:17
davidbarthso well, i'm reminded, that was the point17:17
davidbarththat's it mostly; questions?17:18
slangasekplease carry them forward to final so that they continue to be useful as reminders17:18
slangasekno questions here17:18
slangasekanyone else?17:18
davidbarthslangasek: ok17:18
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:19
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks17:19
slangasekcjwatson: hi17:19
cjwatson[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:19
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:19
cjwatson^- up to date with bug statuses17:19
cjwatsonas per usual for this stage, most of our bugs are installation and upgrade bugs; I've gone through the High importance ones targeted to Lucid and milestoned a couple of those, too17:19
cjwatsonmost of the outstanding milestoned installer bugs continue to be Kubuntu issues, as ScottK just pointed out.  a recent new contributor helped to clear up quite a few of these so I think we'll make it, but it requires continued attention17:19
cjwatsonthanks to slangasek for doing foundations-lucid-supportable-binaries, which accounted for most of our remaining work items :-)  I'm not worried about the rest17:19
cjwatsona few new lucid-targeted bugs have come up from oem-priority that we'll need to pay attention to over the next week in order to support future deployments of 10.04 LTS17:19
cjwatsonthat's all, folks17:19
slangasekno questions here; anyone else?17:20
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Security Team17:21
slangasekthat was easy ;)17:21
slangasekcjwatson: thanks17:21
slangasekjdstrand: hi17:21
jdstrandso, as always: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
jdstrandall bps are done or postponed now17:22
jdstrandI followed up on bug #528274 this morning, but no progress afaics17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528274 in ubuntuone-client "syncdaemon should have AppArmor profile" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52827417:22
jdstrandfrom last week anyway17:22
jdstrandlast week we talked about libvirt and you asked for me to mention its status17:23
slangasekI think I know the status now since there were 4 uploads of it into the freeze queue, but go ahead for the benefit of others ;)17:23
jdstrandwe stuck with 0.7.5 as you recall. which the server team and I feel is a good decision17:23
jdstrandI was able to backport my 0.7.7 work to 0.7.5. all but one item, but it as a decent workaround that has been in place since karmic17:24
jdstrandall the work has been upstreamed, and will be in 0.7.8, except for this one item which changed some internals and will be in the following release17:25
jdstrandother than that, the security team is bug fixing, going through lucid to make sure it is up to date with security patches and we will be doing install audits next week17:26
jdstrandonly 2 of those libvirt uploads were mine by the way ;)17:26
jdstrandthat is it from me17:26
slangasekany questions for security?17:27
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:27
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:27
slangasekScottK: are we there yet?17:27
ScottKNBS is still needing work.17:28
ScottKNeeds a look from someone that understands Ruby stuff and someone who knows about Tex packages17:28
ScottKFTBFS numbers aren't great either.17:29
slangasekwe seem to have a real mess still with tetex in particular; I had pinged the dev who requested the sync, but no answer17:29
pittiat this point it might be easier to reintroduce the transitional packages?17:29
pittiinstead of trying to fix dozens17:29
* ScottK has no opinion.17:29
* ScottK just wants it resolved ....17:30
slangasekmaybe, if you can reliably sort out how they're supposed to fit together - the tex packaging is a bit scary17:30
pittiI did some NBS stuff in the past days, but the ruby stuff didn't look trivial, so I ignored it admittedly17:30
ScottKAlso there's some Ruby related stuff in New.  Not sure how much that will help NBS.17:30
* ScottK doesn't know anyone but lucas that understands it.17:30
ScottKI've made some progress on Python stuff, but only stuff that FTBFS.  I didn't get as far as does stuff work.17:31
ScottKAnyone who could help look at recent Debian uploads would be appreciated.17:31
ScottKThat's all I've got.17:31
slangaseklook at recent Debian uploads> do you have a recommended workflow for that?17:32
ScottKNo.  That's why I haven't done it.17:33
ScottKrcbugs page is probably a good start.17:33
slangasekScottK: thanks17:34
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:34
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:34
slangasekanything else?17:34
ScottKslangasek: We need to decide on timing for final freeze for Universe17:34
ScottK(not in the meeting, but soon)17:34
ScottKAnd get it announced.17:34
slangasekScottK: I followed up to sistpoty's mail on ubuntu-release; 26 Apr seems fine to me as long as we're being judicious about not overloading the build queue17:35
ScottKWe can manage that as needed.17:35
slangasekif no one has any objections, I can include that date in a "freeze is coming" u-d-a mail today17:36
ScottKGiven the recent rates of universe uploads, I don't expect it'll be a problem.17:36
ScottKSounds good.17:36
slangasekone week to tax day^W^W final freeze, two weeks to RC, three weeks to release17:37
slangaseklet's get out there and kick some bugs :)17:37
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:37.17:37
pittithanks everyone17:37
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