
loolslangasek: (I bet you're subscribed to the page, but I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest to use "armel+omap" instead of "armel+OMAP3")11:07
pmceneryHi release managers... I've filed an exception sync request this morning. Wondered what the next stage is to get this included in lucid. bug #55894612:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558946 in ubuntu "FFe: Sync ipheth 1.0-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55894612:03
ttxpmcenery: the next stage is wait for the exception to granted/denied.12:17
pmceneryttx: Thank you. Do I need a MOTU to support the request?12:18
ttxpmcenery: if the exception is granted, yes12:18
ttxpmcenery: but the motu-release person that decides on the FFe would probably also ack the request12:19
pmceneryttx: Thanks. I'll hang out there to see if I can entice someone to take a look at it.12:20
mhall119good morning15:19
mhall119I'd like to ask the ubuntu-release team to consider qimo-wallpaper and qimo-session for an FFe15:19
ScottKmhall119: If you can find an archive admin who has time and interest to process through New, it should be easy (I don't have time).15:20
mhall119ScottK: what do you mean "process through New"?15:20
ScottKmhall119: The archive administrators (members of the LP team ~ubuntu-archive) give the packages the final checks before they enter the archive for technical correctness and proper licensing.  It can be fairly time intensive.  Lack of time to do it is one of the main reasons we have a cutoff date for new packages.15:22
mhall119jdstrand: is that something you can do?15:22
nigelbmhall119, catch one of these folks https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members15:24
mhall119man nigelb, you are everywhere!15:25
nigelbmhall119, hehe :)15:25
mhall119well jdstrand is on the list15:26
mhall119I'll wait to hear from him, since he's already been helping me with these packages15:26
nigelbI was about to suggest that :)15:27
jdstrandmhall119, ScottK: it is something I can do, if the FFe is granted. I looked at these once before and the necessary changes were made in revu15:32
ScottKmhall119: What bug number(s)?15:32
mhall119Bug 522720, 522729 and 52273115:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522720 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-session" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52272015:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522729 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-games" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52272915:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522731 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-wallpaper" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52273115:33
ScottKOK.  Give me a few minutes to finish something else and I'll have a look.15:34
mhall119thank you15:34
slangaseklool: sounds good, thanks15:44
ScottKmhall119: All approved.16:01
mhall119thanks ScottK16:02
ScottKmhall119: You're welcome.  Thanks for working to bring this into Ubuntu.16:02
* mhall119 is one happy developer16:03
mhall119thanks jdstrand for all your help too16:07
jdstrandmhall119: sure. are they all uploaded now? I can process them today16:08
cjwatsonwould anyone like to look over bug 557003?16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557003 in mcelog "FFe: mcelog 1.0~pre3-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55700316:08
mhall119jdstrand: uploaded where? to archive?16:10
mhall119I uploaded them to review16:10
mhall119highvoltage I think uploaded them to archive16:10
jdstrandmhall119: ok, thanks. and thanks for your contributions :)16:11
* mhall119 is happy to contribute16:12
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
ogasawaraslangasek: bug 557429 is seeing discussion on the linux-raid mailing list with a possible solution being proposed for mdadm but no patches submitted at the moment18:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557429 in mdadm "booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as already in sync)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742918:45
ogasawaraslangasek: http://marc.info/?l=linux-raid&m=127067374402401&w=2 (I also posted this to the bug for reference)18:45
ogasawaraslangasek: I set the milestone to ubuntu-10.04 so it stays on the radar, but I'm not sure how realistic that is given patches have not yet landed18:45
* slangasek nods18:46
slangasekit's a pretty gross bug, so if it's at all possible, we should get it fixed before final18:47
ScottKslangasek: I asked about Kubuntu installer issues and the response I got was "That's because amichair's branch isn't merged yet", so hopefully cjwatson's upload today will help.  Also shtylman said he planned on putting some work in on it over the weekend.18:47
ScottKOnce we have an image with today's upload in it, I'll put out a call for testing.18:48
slangasekthat's 2.2.16?18:49
* ScottK doesn't see a 2.2.16 yet.18:51
slangaseksorry, you said "today's upload" - ubiquity 2.2.15 was uploaded 3 days ago, what should I key off for respinning?18:56
ScottKcjwatson said he was going to upload a new one today.  Not sure when.18:57
slangasekah, that was his "I'll make sure there is" from the meeting18:58
slangasekcjwatson: any eta on that installer upload?18:59
cjwatsonslangasek: putting it together now19:14
slangasekok, cool19:17
cjwatson<joeyh> debconf-updatepo... also known as "I'm feeling unproductive today.19:25
cjwatson        Please give me a huge diff to check in"19:25
slangaseklamont: is acorn happy yet?20:40
cjwatsoncould somebody NEW parted?20:45
cjwatson(ubiquity FTBFS due to that)20:45
lamontslangasek: it'll hate you until we get diff disks on it, I fear20:45
lamontI crashed it with spew this morning20:45
lamontso, um, clementine20:45
slangaseklamont: ok20:46
lamontand EOW for me20:46
slangaseklamont: ok, have a good weekend :)20:47
slangasekcjwatson: accepted20:48
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
ScottKUbiquity retried (that shoulda have been long enough)22:06
slangasekboo, fglrx-installer FTBFS on i386, no wonder people are still unhappy22:23
slangasekoy, where'd antimony go?23:37
elmoI rebooted it23:37
slangasekah, ok23:38

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