
kirklandhggdh: hi, still around?00:09
hggdhkirkland: still. Running tests now. I added a euca-get-console-output to the script00:14
kirklandhggdh: cool, i'm still around00:16
hggdhkirkland: OK. on a distributed env it does not seem that I can ssh into an instance from the CLC00:33
hggdhkirkland: I have to get my wife, will be back in 4000:34
hggdhkirkland: I think there is a bad route somewhere. I hope... the ionstance is not accessible from the CLC00:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i jsut had an idea... Desktop app for manpages. I don't think that exists, does it?00:38
storrgiehello anyone avail?02:02
storrgiethe version of qemu-kvm and libvirt and virt-manager is REALLY far behind... is there a good ppa?02:05
hggdhkirkland: ping02:23
kirklandhggdh: just passing through04:09
kirklandhggdh: what's up?04:09
PC_Nerd101Hi, when I'm using apt-cacher do I have to change the lists on all machines or just the caching server when I'm changing the mirror I update from ?04:27
twbWhat's the format of an apt-cacher client's sources.list?04:28
twbJust one line will do04:28
RoAkSoAxkirkland, still around?04:29
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
PC_Nerd101um - jsut let me check04:32
PC_Nerd101http://paste.ubuntu.com/411430/ - this is my current source.list for a client to the apt-cacher04:39
twbI see no reference to apt-cacher there04:41
PC_Nerd101oh hang on....04:42
PC_Nerd101yes - but I have a line in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy that redirects traffic to my cache....:  Acquire::http::Proxy "";     - sry - I havent worked with these machines in a while ...  just remembering how I originally configured them04:45
twbOK, if that's how apt-cacher works, then you shouldn't need to change the client.04:46
PC_Nerd101so then how would I specify the new mirror in apt-cacher?04:46
twbOne of them works by prepending the cacher URL to the sources.list entries; and THAT needs the clients to be updated to use a different upstream mirror.04:47
twbI thought that was apt-cacher.04:47
PC_Nerd101I dont know - but there's a lot of results on google about setting up with apt-cacher and apt-mirror, so that might be related to what your thinking.04:48
PC_Nerd101I need to change these mirrors to my ISP who hosts an unmetered mirror... and seeing as I have abotu 6 ubuntu machines in teh house its nice to cut down 5/6'ths of my updates.04:48
twbThere are like twenty different partial mirroring systems04:48
PC_Nerd101I just run on apt-cacher because it seemed hte most common across installations similar to my one.04:49
twbIf you have unmetered access, I suggest you just run debmirror and create a local copy of your (release, arch) tuple.04:49
twbdebmirror has Just Worked for me, whereas apt-cacher and apt-proxy were nothing but flaky04:49
PC_Nerd101I dont particularly want to host my own mirror, it seems a bit of overkill... and I dont particularly want to download the entire mirror for my 2x distro's..  I just want to cahce the 20 or so regular packages I use on the servers.04:50
twbIt's not as big a deal as you seem to think.04:51
PC_Nerd101hmm - well for now I jsut want to make a config change rather than an installation change regarding how I run the server's04:51
twbIIRC (hardy, i386, main, no-source) is only like 4GiB04:51
twbPC_Nerd101: I've told you what I know about apt-cacher.  I can't help you with it any more than  that.04:52
PC_Nerd101thats kewl - but I might stick with searching around for a solution rather than installing a mirror...  but thanks for your advice (I will probably follow you up when I start using netboot and an image).04:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #528816 in puppet "Unit tests error: test_modifyingfile: undefined method `alias='" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52881604:57
darkk^Can anyone comment on KVM stability in 8.04 release? I have one hardy-based server that I'm going to use as host and I'm choosing between up-to-date virtualbox backported to hardy and kvm/hardy.05:10
lifelessgrab lucid05:11
lifelessnearly released, and like hardy it is an LTS.05:11
darkk^I don't think it's best idea to deploy beta at production. I'm going to migrate VMs to lucid host in a couple of months.05:12
ScottKDepends on how soon you need to be in production.05:13
ScottKSensible, IMO.05:13
lifelessdarkk^: it won't be beta ina couple of months ;)05:13
darkk^moreover, I see no reason to upgrade hardy to lucid as that box is quite trashed and will be temporary host anyway :-)05:14
twbI started targeting Lucid for a one-month project, back in November.05:15
twbBig surprise: it's unlikely to ship before Lucid does05:15
darkk^so in fact I consider two ways 1) use kvm/hardy and migrate to kvm/lucid later (easier migration) 2) use virtualbox and migrate to kvm/lucid (MAYBE, better stability, I don't know if hardy/kvm is stable enough - it was long long ago)05:16
twbI tried (1) a couple of months ago, using the sanctioned upgrade mechanism.  It was laughably failuriffic.  So I went back to using aptitude for dist upgrades, like the Goddess intended.05:17
darkk^(1) saying "migrate to kvm/lucid" I mean "migrate to another physical box, running lucid"05:19
twbOh, you mean the *host* node05:20
PC_Nerd101regarding apt-cacher (used as a caching proxy), does the client download its package lists via the proxy or direct from the mirror, in which case how can I make sure that the mirror my proxy path_map's to is synced with the mirror the package lists are from ?05:25
twbProxies are intended to work without direct access to the target, so I'd be VERY suprised if anything using apt-proxy/apt-cacher/whatever went directly to the upstream host.05:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #528812 in puppet "Unit tests error: test_data(TestCronParsedProvider): No fakedata matching /usr/share/test/data/providers/cron/examples/*" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52881205:31
PC_Nerd101ok - so when the client is configured using the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy  (Acquire::http::Proxy "server";) config - the package lists will be redirected to whatever teh proxy does?  fantastic :) ty :)05:32
PC_Nerd101if it does do that, why does the output from sudo aptitude update still list the repo's in my sources.list file?  is it just passively changing the location without "notifying" the current machine that the proxy changed its request?05:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #558944 in puppet (main) "Unit test error: test_data_parsing_and_generating(TestMailaliasAliasesProvider): Puppet::DevError: No fakedata matching /usr/share/test/data/types/mailalias/*" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55894405:41
twbPC_Nerd101: just test it by firewalling off direct connections05:46
PC_Nerd101where would I firewall it from - the proxy machine or the client machine?05:46
twbThat would depend on your privileges and on the network layout05:47
twbIt doesn't really matter where05:47
PC_Nerd101internet connected router is at - servers are all on 192.168.1.x, cacher on, all machines proxy through this machine ( whether in or out of the subnet via port forwarding)... I want to ensure that connections are indeed to the mirror specified in the cacher and not their own sources.list definitionsl05:52
PC_Nerd101so I would firewall on the caching machine?05:53
darkk^you can also use wireshark/tshark or get netflow from the router to check your hypothesis without firewall rules modification.06:01
rcsheetsis there a more up-to-date version of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC that's written for Lucid?06:52
KurtKrautrcsheets, AFAIK, help.ubuntu.com content is updated when the final version is released.07:24
rcsheetshmm. it seems like someone somewhere would be writing the new documentation before it goes to help.ubuntu.com07:35
twbSurely it's backed by a svn docbook repo or something07:37
rcsheetswell i dunno, it's a wiki07:37
rcsheetsare you suggesting the svn docbook repo is what the wiki stores the edits in?07:37
twbIf it was a *good* wiki, it'd be backed by a VCS :-/07:43
lifelessit is07:43
lifelessa horrible one, but one.07:44
lifelessby horrible I mean, CVS-like.07:44
twblifeless: is help.u.c running some kind of sucky Canonical-internal wiki?07:44
lifelessjust moin07:45
twbI didn't think moin's VCS backends were production-ready07:45
lifelessits flat file store on disk is effectively a VCS07:45
lifelessit would eat your brain to use it07:45
lifelessbut nevertheless, its a vcs07:45
twbI've migrated from moin's plain text backend07:45
twbCalling it a VCS is a bit of a stretch07:46
ttxkirkland, hggdh: I have no status on the B2 validation work items from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-uec-testing -- please update07:46
twbIt'd be like calling LVM snapshotting a VCS07:46
twblifeless: but yeah, FYI the moin devs are/were working on VCS backends, so maybe you can migrate to git or (bleh) bzr in a couple of years07:47
rcsheetsright, in a "you could use it for that" sense07:47
rcsheetswell i'll have to continue my quest for lucid docs later. thanks for the info :)07:48
twbWhen I migrated wiki.darcs.net from moin to gitit, I even imported the old commit history (except the spam).  That was fun!07:48
ttxsoren: around ?08:38
indigoparrothi there, anyone a Bacula user here?09:01
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:05
indigoparrotI'm running a bacula server on Ubuntu and I can't get it to connect to any of my window's clients. I've checked the IPs, passwords and users, all of which are correct. Any ideas?09:07
bigonis'nt that bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rng-tools/+bug/544545 a bug for ubuntu-server team?09:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 544545 in rng-tools "rngd doesn't start automatically" [Undecided,New]09:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #559044 in ntp (main) "package ntp 1:4.2.4p6 dfsg-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55904409:41
indigoparrotbumping my question from an hour ago - I'm running a bacula server on Ubuntu and I can't get it to connect to any of my window's clients. I've checked the IPs, passwords and users, all of which are correct. Any ideas?10:06
darkk^strace and/or wireshark it to check if you have proper connectivity (e.g. maybe firewall is blocking connects)10:09
indigoparrotI've telnet'd from the ubuntu box (director) to the bacula-fd servers (windows box) with no problem, it's accepting incoming connections on the right port10:09
SchmidtAm I right in assuming that it is futile to NAT traffic between two different private IP-networks? (range1 is and range2
darkk^Schmidt, what do you mean saying "futile" ? It's possible. Private IPs do not differ from public one from NAT point of view. :-)10:16
PC_Nerd101does apt-cacher use the local sources.list to determine which mirror to request from?  or does it simply make the exact request ( to the requested mirror) on behalf of the client?10:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #559070 in openldap (main) "Lucid (or karmic) slapd upgrade does not really allow localroot cn=config manage rights" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55907010:31
sherrPC_Nerd101: it uses the proxy defined in the apt/preferences file.10:36
sherrPC_Nerd101: AFAIK, clients use the proxy, not connction to repos directly (tail the apt_cacher logs?).10:37
sherrPC_Nerd101: Although I use apt-cacher-ng not apt-cacher.10:37
Schmidtdarkk^: I meant "not possible", I thought computers dropped traffic going between two private ip-networks because of the spoof problem...10:38
SchmidtMy actual problem was solved though :)10:38
darkk^Schmidt, openvpn is your friend if you're going to pass traffic between two private netwoks via public internet :-)10:40
Schmidtdarkk^: We will implement a VPN solution, it's in the pipeline, but this was a top prio thing10:43
SchmidtWe could actually solve it with ssh-tunnels10:43
Schmidt(something I am quite new to)10:43
darkk^right, openssh support both dumb port forwarding and something VPN-like via TunnelDevice.10:44
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johe|workeven moin12:02
binBASHanyone knows how to enable vnc for vms running in cloud?12:03
ttxsmoser, kirkland: ping me when you get up13:21
smoserttx, here.13:22
ttxsmoser: o/13:23
ttxsmoser: see pm13:23
kirklandttx: here13:35
ttxkirkland: I finish with smoser and I'm all yours ;)13:35
ttxkirkland: see my message a few hours ago about B2 tests signoff13:35
zulttx: upgrading from intrepid to lucid is supported?13:41
ttxzul: no13:41
kirklandttx: i have no pm from you13:41
ttxkirkland: it was a public message:13:41
ttx<ttx> kirkland, hggdh: I have no status on the B2 validation work items from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-uec-testing -- please update13:41
kirklandttx: right, there were issues, hggdh was still running them when i went to bed last night13:42
kirklandttx: i'm looking to hear back from him this morning13:42
ttxkirkland: ok13:42
ttxkirkland: makes sense, let's wait a little13:43
hggdhkirkland: ttx no luck last night, same ssh timeouts13:56
hggdhkirkland: ttx I will mark it as postponed13:56
ttxhggdh: it's not really postponed, it's not done... since now you'll move to test the B2 release rather than the B2 candidate (and that's another work item)13:58
kirklandttx: hggdh: okay, i'll sign off on your tests, but we need to get a bug opened about the ssh timeout issue13:59
kirklandhggdh: open a bug, and attach all the logs you can13:59
kirklandhggdh: i'll look into the eucalyptus side13:59
ttxhggdh: well, it's "done with some failures to investigate"14:00
kirklandttx: and I'll need mathiaz to look into the test suite side (in case it's the test that's broken)14:00
ttxhggdh: ideally we'd have a report saying what worked and what didn't, to use as a data point when we'll compare with future tests14:00
PC_Nerd101I'm attempting to upgrade ( server) from 9.10 to 10.04 beta2 however sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release says there was no new release found.  I took the command from the LucidUpgrades page on comunity help.  Any suggestions on what I shoudl check?14:02
kirklandhggdh: poke me when you have that bug filed, and i'll sign off on the b2-candidate tests14:02
kirklandhggdh: also, create a junk bzr branch, and check in logs of your results14:02
kirklandhggdh: we need to come up with a better way of tracking "proof" that stuff worked at the milestones, but bzr will work for now14:03
smosersoren, ping14:03
=== indigoparrot_ is now known as indigoparrot
PC_Nerd101bump* re. do-release-upgrade --devel-release reporting no new release.   Is this correct or is documentation incorrec ?14:09
smosersoren, ping regarding bug 524020. i attached a patch to trunk, if you'd like me to put a branch for sponsor for lucid i can.14:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524020 in vm-builder "karmic uec builds fail to publish due to 2 installed -ec2 kernels" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52402014:09
sherrPC_Nerd101: On 9.10, I just did "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" and it works.14:22
sherrPC_Nerd101: I aborted it at the (very) end of course :-)14:22
sherrThis is 9.10 32bit desktop (laptop) though14:22
PC_Nerd101ok - well I just disabled the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy file to disable its proxy connection to apt-cacher... and got it started and (seemed to be ) working.. so I suspect that somewhere along the line apt-cacher might not be getting the updates....  I'm looking at bug reports now to see if I can spot anything...14:23
PC_Nerd101* I'm on 32 laptop as well, partitioned with ntfs on sda1 and 9.10 on sda314:23
aurigusDoes hdparm -t test write speeds? Or read speeds only?14:25
sherraurigus: what does the manual page say?14:25
aurigusdoes anyone have a handy command to test drive write speeds14:27
aurigusjust discovered zcav14:29
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
PC_Nerd101sherr: I've checked bug reports and upgraded both client and cacher... I cannot find the cause of this issue.  I've checked and I can upgrade the client when it is not set through the cache proxy..  but it wont work when I have it through the proxy...14:46
PC_Nerd101sherr: further - When I update the "signature" without the proxy, cancel, reenable the proxy and attempt to upgrade again, I get "Failed Upgrade tool signature. ....  There may be a network problem." ..  any ideas?14:48
sr1n1Hi, how do I output something to the console-output from an init script on an EC2 machine?14:49
sherrPC_Nerd101: Sorry, no. Some of this might be the design of the program (do-release-upgrade). I don't know.14:49
PC_Nerd101sherr: no problem - so would you say the only current alternative ( that you know of) would be to simply download the updates to all machines I want to update to? - ie, not cache it?14:50
sherrPC_Nerd101: sorry, no idea. I'd probably do som research on the do-release... program and operation. Or wait for release.14:51
hggdhkirkland: bug 559230 opened, I am saving the logs14:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 559230 in eucalyptus "multi-machine topology, cannot reach an instance from the CLC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55923014:51
smoserttx, why did you assign bug 523148 to kirkland15:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 523148 in libvirt "virsh console does not work (/dev/pts/1: Permission denied)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52314815:06
smoserit can't be fixed.15:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #559243 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "libmysqlclient15off segfault when using libnss-mysql-bg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55924315:06
smoserat least not without new code in libvirt15:06
* ttx looks15:11
kirklandsmoser: thanks, i'm going to mark wont-fix for lucid15:12
ttxsomeone targeted to lucid, probably before the investigation15:12
ttxsmoser: in fact, kirkland did nominate it to Lucid :)15:13
kirklandttx: that was when I thought it was fixed in 0.7.715:13
kirklandttx: and jdstrand and I were trying to build a case for or against 0.7.715:13
ttxkirkland: ack, makes sense to wontfix it then15:14
smoserand this is not fixed in 0.7.7 or libvirt trunk.15:14
binBASHAnyone knows how to enable vnc for the vms in uec please?15:14
smoserbinBASH, you'll need to install a vnc server inside them.15:18
binBASHsmoser: it's not possible to use the kvm inbuilt vnc?15:18
smosergraphical console access is not something that uec/ec2 offer . and the serial console offered is read-only.15:18
binBASHsmoser: I think I started kvm manually and was able to use vnc.15:19
smoseryou could fairly easily hack it, and enable 'vnc' as console.. but without some trickery, you'd then have to connect to the node controller to get at it.15:19
smoserbinBASH, yes, libvirt/kvm do offer this. eucalyptus/ec2 do not expose it (and the libvirt xml that they write do not contain 'console: vnc' or whatever the syntax is15:20
binBASHsmoser: well I have to find a way how to get networking working, with this provider dilemma ;)15:20
smoseri havne't been following, so i dont know exactly the delimia15:21
binBASHsmoser: The provider gives 4 ips per server. they cannot be moved to another one.15:21
binBASHand I don't wanna do NAT because there's a 2 tb traffic limit per server15:22
binBASHI configured a br0 bridge, and when I launch kvm manually I can configure the networking inside the vm.15:22
binBASHvia the vnc15:22
smoserbinBASH, well, whatever you do manually inside there, you can do via script in --user-data-file=15:23
smoserwhen launched15:23
binBASHI think via dhcp it's not possible to configure an ip range per mac address as well15:23
smosereuca-run-instances --user-data-file=my-setup-networking-script.txt emi-xxxxxxx15:23
smoserthats probably going to fail though for the lucid images....15:24
smoseras nothing will happen until eth0 comes up15:24
binBASHsmoser: But see this is a real dilemma :P15:28
smoserbinBASH, you might be able to set up each node as an "availability zone"15:28
smoserif IP addresses could be limited to an availabilitty szone then you'd be set15:28
smoserbut i dont know if they can15:28
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smoserin ec2 they are not15:29
binBASHsmoser: It would be nice if it's possible ;)15:29
smoseri ca'nt think of a clean way that isn't going to require you modifying eucalyptus15:29
amine_hello, looking for a good doc in Ubuntu bridging.. any suggestions !15:30
binBASHsmoser: I don't think you can modify eucalyptus15:30
binBASHclass files.....15:30
smoserwell you can rebuild15:31
smoserppa and such15:31
binBASHjava files available?15:31
smoseryou *can* modify class files too... you just have to be uber smart :)15:31
smoserits all built from source15:31
smoserbzr branch lp:ubuntu/eucalyptus15:31
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
binBASHsmoser: The eucalyptus web iface is kinda limited.15:32
binBASHsmoser: I'll write to eucalyptus forum first, before doing such big changes ;)15:33
smoserprobably a good idea15:33
binBASHmaybe it's better to write a custom cloud iface anyways for what I really need ;)15:34
binBASHbecause I want to define data centers virtually and have people routed via geoip to vms15:34
binBASHdunno if this is all possible with eucalyptus15:35
binBASHI dunno as well if it's possible to move running vms.15:36
binBASHlike I have a node in netherlands and one in usa and want to move nl to usa15:36
smoserit is not possible to move running vms on eucalyptus15:38
binBASHdo you know if it's possible with kvm at all?15:38
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ttxmathiaz: ping15:53
mathiazttx: o^109815:53
ttxmathiaz: see pm15:54
smoserbinBASH, it is possible with kvm, yes.16:01
smoserbut it requires shared storage between the nodes16:01
smoseras, i believe, does even vmware16:01
smoserwhich means the migrate-across-an-ocean thing is not too terribly reasonable.16:02
binBASHsmoser: I have shared storage16:04
smoserwell, it can be done. kvm does support it, and libvirt exposes it. eucalyptus does neither.16:05
binBASHsmoser: I wonder what happens if I start a dhcpd on each node.16:23
binBASHif the dhclient in the vm can use it. :)16:23
smoserit would probably dpend on the type of setup you have.16:23
smoseri wondered what would happen there, though.16:23
binBASHbecause then I could configure the ranges there.16:24
smoserwill a dhcp request from a node controller even get to your cloud controller ?16:24
smoserthe fallout will be that euca-describe-images won't know the IP.16:24
smoserthere is a mode in eucalyptus that allows for this.16:24
smoserit hackily tries to get the IP of the node via arp.16:24
binBASHI think it can't get the dhcp from cloud controller, because nodes are not on same switch16:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #559326 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "symbolic link missing for libmysqlclient_r.so" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55932616:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #559378 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient3 crashed with SIGSEGV in do_packet()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55937817:27
=== ersoy is now known as huseyin
Rafael_I posted this question a few days ago, but have not solve it yet: I use rsync to copy a  windows client folder into the ubuntu server every using rsync and Cron. So for example Folder “test” on windows is mounted on ubuntu and from there thu rsync it copies into another folder,  at the present moment to do this I have to share on the windows computer the folder “test”with every body for this to happen…. i would18:41
Rafael_ like to know if there is a way to avoid sharing my windows folder with everybody?18:41
rcsheets`osuwhile setting up grub-pc 1.98-1ubuntu4, i got this message:18:59
rcsheets`osuFile descriptor 3 (pipe:[8183]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 2877: /bin/sh18:59
rcsheets`osushould i be concerned?19:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #559447 in samba (main) "[lucid] samba is to be removed during update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55944719:05
=== huseyin is now known as ersoy
sorenScottK: Care to take a look at bug 559462? I'm about to disappear for a week so it would be nice to get this handled before then.19:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 559462 in ubuntu "[FFe] New package: python-cloudservers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55946219:39
ScottKsoren: As long as you can find and archive admin with time for the New review, approved.19:41
sorenScottK: Awesome, thanks.19:41
trappistI've created a new user, and for some reason his processes are listed in ps by his uid, not his username.  this is giving me some permissions issues.  /etc/passwd looks right, where else should I look to resolve this?19:46
guntberttrappist: 1) getent passwd <user>   -- compare with 2) getent passwd <hisuid>19:49
trappistah getent, that's what I was trying to conjure up19:53
trappistthey match19:54
guntberttrappist: and what does ls -ld /home/user show, the uid or the name?19:55
trappistthe name... I think ps is doing this because the username is a tad long, 'telluride'19:57
trappistjust saw the same thing on another machine (that's behaving) with the same user19:57
guntberttrappist: you are right I just tested it by varying a username20:02
trappistso I guess I've narrowed it down to a bug in the god rubygem20:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #556819 in eucalyptus (main) "Can i run GNOME ( graphical user interface) on cloud machine ?" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55681920:07
trappistguntbert: thanks20:21
KristianDKHello! I just installed an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Cluster/Controller - where do i find the username/password for the web interface?20:31
KristianDKi tried admin/admin as described on the wiki, but it claims there is no such username20:31
kirklandmathiaz: ping20:38
mathiazkirkland: o/20:38
kirklandmathiaz: could you have a look at hggdh's results for config_multi?20:38
kirklandmathiaz: those failed pretty badly20:38
mathiazkirkland: where?20:38
kirklandmathiaz: i'm hoping for a bug in the testing script, or perhaps the configuration20:38
kirklandhggdh: hey, where's your results posted?20:39
kirklandmathiaz: i asked hggdh to commit his test results to a bzr branch20:39
kirklandmathiaz: for tracking across milestones20:39
kirklandhggdh: and what's the bug # you opened?20:39
hggdhkirkland, mathiaz -- /home/cerdea/uec-testing.tar20:42
hggdhkirkland: I have not yet commited to a public bzr20:42
gzmaskguys, after I install UEC I can't use my account to login in ecalyptus web portal20:43
hggdhkirkland, mathiaz no, this is not the last runs, I will upload them there20:44
gzmaskdo I need to adduser first?20:44
kirklandhggdh: okay20:44
kirklandgzmask: admin/admin20:45
kirklandgzmask: is the default username/password20:45
gzmaskkirkland: Error: Username 'admin' not found20:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #559533 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "[ubuntu 10.4] when _boot_ in single mode, mysql is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55953320:46
hggdhkirkland, mathiaz /home/cerdea/uec-test.tar.gz on tamarinf20:46
hggdhkirkland, mathiaz bug 55923020:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 559230 in eucalyptus "multi-machine topology, cannot reach an instance from the CLC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55923020:47
ScottKlamont: Now that you're EOW, would you mind putting your postfix maintainer's hat on for a moment?20:47
kirklandgzmask: in the web frontend?20:48
kirklandgzmask: https://wherever:8443/ ?20:48
gzmaskya, at port 844320:48
kirklandgzmask: hmm, sounds like your install is incorrect?20:49
gzmaskcan be, first time trying to20:49
gzmaskbut I can login in the bash shell using the account I created20:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland, howdy!! I meant to ask you if for the modularization we should drop the default setting of variables in the code, and just use the config file for defaults. Or, should we keep it?20:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #558793 in samba (main) "net ads dns register fails in 2008 R2 domain" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55879320:51
KristianDKgzmask, i have the same problem - i just installed like an hour ago20:52
gzmaskKristianDK: have you figured something out yet? I am googling but nothing catches my eye yet20:53
KristianDKgzmask, nothing at all - everywhere it says "just type admin/admin" and it should work20:53
KristianDKive been googling like everything20:53
gzmaskhmmm.... maybe I should switch to Xen on ubuntu then20:54
KristianDKkirkland, you never heard about this issue before?20:54
kirklandKristianDK: gzmask: gimme a minute ... i just installed fresh20:55
kirklandKristianDK: gzmask: can you confirm that this is 10.04 Beta2 ?20:55
KristianDKkirkland, Im using 9.1020:55
KristianDKbut i could try with the 10.04 beta too20:56
gzmask9.10 x64 versoin ubuntu server iso20:56
kirklandKristianDK: gzmask: okay, i just tested 10.04 Beta2, and admin/admin works perfectly on first login20:56
kirklandKristianDK: gzmask: i don't have a 9.10 setup right now20:56
KristianDKkirkland, i can give you SSH to my brand new setup if you want :P20:56
kirklandthat should be instructions20:56
kirklandKristianDK: sorry, i'm slammed trying to fix 10.04 issues20:57
kirklandKristianDK: no time for 9.10, dr. jones20:57
KristianDKhehe, ok - np :D20:57
KristianDKi guess i have to try installing the 10.04 then20:57
gzmaskgonna check my installation steps. thanks kirkland20:57
kirklandKristianDK: it's way better :-D20:57
kirklandgzmask: k20:57
kirklandgzmask: open a bug, if you can reproduce this again20:57
kirklandoh, also ...20:58
kirklandgzmask: KristianDK: are you sudo apt-get dist-upgraded to the latest 9.10 ?20:58
kirklandgzmask: KristianDK: there are a few really important euca bug fixes in there20:58
KristianDKno, its just a fresh install, no commands used at all20:58
kirklandgzmask: KristianDK: one that could solve your issue (database problems)20:58
gzmasknot yet, gonna do it now20:58
kirklandKristianDK: oh, i'm sure that's it20:58
kirklandgzmask: ^20:58
kirklandsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:58
kirklandgive it a few minutes to restart all of your services, etc.20:59
KristianDKI'll just give it a go, it wont take more than a few minutes it seems :)20:59
KristianDKkirkland, do you btw know which date they will launch 10.04?21:00
geniiApril 2921:00
KristianDKty :D21:01
KristianDKgzmask, kirkland, after the update it seems to work :)21:03
KristianDKjust for the record21:03
gzmaskcool, my internet sucks, still updating21:04
gzmaskworked, apt-get won again21:12
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
xgpthey everyone, what SMTP server should I use for my home server? I don't need anything too fancy...simple is better.21:24
guntbertxgpt: why do you need an smtp server at all?21:26
xgptbecause I want to start spamming viagra ads...kidding i just want to play around with one21:27
cloakablexgpt: dovecot-postfix :)21:28
guntbertxgpt: if you keep it strictly private it doesn't really matter - but I like dovecot21:29
funkyHatdovecot isn't an smtp server21:29
guntbertfunkyHat: thx - I don't know what happened to my brain  :-/21:34
* guntbert blushes21:34
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
funkyHatguntbert: hehe21:40
kirklandKristianDK: ;-)21:40
lullabudis there a command that will indicate if your hardware does hardware virtualization?  i have a collection of misc boxes, trying to find some spares to use for a test environment for UEC21:46
nekro_lullabud: try kvm-ok21:47
nekro_lullabud: also "modprobe kvm ; lsmod | grep kvm" will show you kvm_intel or kvm_amd if you have hardware support21:47
lullabudw00t, that is exactly what i need, thanks!21:49
eaglecothHey, I followed the InternetConnectionSharing Guide on ubuntu.org,  it works flawlesslys21:57
eaglecothhowever, setup is not kept after reboot, where is the proper place to configure bootup internetsharing?21:58
deliverancehey guys22:16
pwnguinam i crazy or does NTP not work correctly out of the box?22:24
pwnguinit looks like ntpdate-debian uses /etc/ntp.conf by default, which requires ntp to be installed22:25
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
GhostFreemanHas anyone managed to get Tokyo Cabinet and Tokyo Tyrant running on 9.1022:56
sorenWhat on Earth is that?23:01
GhostFreemanits a clone of dbm23:04
GhostFreemanits pretty popular with all the nosql kids23:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #559628 in ntp (main) "yust another apparmor-message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55962823:06

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