
satellit__dfarning_laptop: any ideas when USR may get updated?09:59
dfarning_laptopsatellit__ it is getting updated daily:)10:00
satellit__where? I am looking in your sunjammer location is it somewhere else? (for VB)10:01
dfarning_laptopright now it is still too broken to advertise but you can check out https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa10:02
satellit__ok is there a virtual box version there?10:03
dfarning_laptopnow, we are focusing on the basics first. the most recent isos are at
satellit__ok thanks will try them for testing  I know you have been very busy elsewhere  : )10:05
dfarning_laptopI don't think yesterday's build even works:(  I'll let you know when we have something worth testing10:06
satellit__thanks will wait then....10:07
satellit__have you seen fgrose's 3 scripts for self replicating live usb?10:07
satellit__it works10:07
dfarning_laptopthanks I appreciate your offer.10:08
dfarning_laptopsatellit__, i briefly read the email thread.  But I get distracted by interesting projects.  So, I am keeping my head down working on foundations of USR.10:09
satellit__ok I sent wrong link. but I have a 2GB soas B that reproduces itself after customization10:10
dfarning_laptopVery nice sounds like steady progress....10:11
dfarning_laptopsatellit__, I also like that several people besides the orginal core group are making interesting and useful contributions.10:12
satellit_: ) let you go....10:13
dfarning_laptopthanks for every thing.  I hope we have a useful and interesting USR soon.10:14
satellit_can't wait....: ) ubuntu is a major OS It will be great...10:14
satellit_* on ubuntu 9,04 here on my main PC10:15

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