
stasnewz2000: i had use python so i deployed a small app on appengine03:04
stasbzr push lp:~sushkov/ubuntu-website/ubuntu-countdown-fb03:04
stasbzr branch lp:~sushkov/ubuntu-website/ubuntu-countdown-fb03:04
stasdidn't finish the profile box, looks like is deprecated in api, but the old content is still visible on facebook03:05
stasso I'll use profile tabs instead03:05
* newz2000 checks out the code03:06
stasthe uri on fb is this http://apps.facebook.com/ubuntu-countdown-fb03:06
stasbut we can change it after03:06
newz2000I don't see anything to do on that page03:07
stascheck out the index.fbml in views folder03:08
stasit should output a button03:08
stasthat button adds the profile box, but it was deprecated03:08
stas<fb:add-section-button section="profile" />03:09
newz2000it's not showing for me. :-(03:09
stasfor me too03:09
stascheck the code for sources03:10
newz2000yeah, I see text there but nothing to take action03:10
stasI know, thats why I said I shall use tabs03:10
newz2000ah, so because its deprecated it's not going to work the way we thought?03:11
newz2000ah, too bad03:11
staswe wont be able to impement as profile boxes, only as tabs03:11
stasi'll give a shot with tabs later03:11
newz2000Does it seem kind of weird that we'd have a tab with just a countdown image?03:12
stasi think we can add tabs to sidebars03:12
staslet me check again03:12
stasnewz2000: great news tabs can be added to wall03:17
stasso its ok03:17
newz2000I actually have a policy against using apps in facebook so I really don't know what that means, but none the less... yeah \o/03:17
stasit means that a user will be able to place it directly on his profile landing page03:18
stasand it fits perfectly into sidebar :D03:21
newz2000I chose a standard ad size on purpose. ;-)03:21
newz2000stas: how can I see it?03:21
stasoh, i tested it with another app i got on profile03:22
stasthere's a 200px widht sidebar03:22
stashow large are the widgets?03:22
newz2000150 I think03:22
stasgive me some time and ill finish the app :)03:23
newz2000in case anyone hasn't said it today, you rock. :-)03:24
newz2000stas: what part of the world are you in?03:24
newz2000oh, should have guessed from the ubuntu.ro thing03:24
newz2000You're up late. Or early.03:24
stasyep :), its 5am here03:24
newz2000insane. :-)03:25
stasi didn't sleep this night yet03:25
stasbut its ok :)03:25
newz2000nothing like a fun challenge to make the hours pass03:25
newz2000thanks for your effort, let me know if you come up w/ something. I'm going to retire soon myself03:26
newz2000don't forget to sleep sometime03:26
stasnp, keep in touch :003:26
cjohnstonnewz2000: thanks22:35
cjohnstonill let you know if i understand it all when im less buzzzzzzzed22:35

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