
dholbachgood morning07:16
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
akgranerelky ping13:48
elkypong, got your pm :)13:50
akgranerThanks a million  - you rock!!!13:51
PendulumI'm not sure if anyone here does anything with dreamwidth, but one of my friends is looking for people who work on dreamwidth (she's looking for anyone who writes code for it, but it's for research on why so many women work on dreamwidth compared to other open source)15:40
Pendulummore info: http://marcelle42.livejournal.com/543762.html15:41
pleia2congrats Amber! :)17:53
nigelbyaay akgraner :)17:54
Pendulumakgraner: congrats!17:56
IdleOneakgraner: :) congrats!17:59
hypatiawhoaaa congrats!18:12
MarkDudeakgraner, rocks!18:16
tinymnice! good news :)18:26
* MarkDude does not want to know want Ubuntu would be like- without the good influence of UW. 18:31
MarkDudeUW rocks also!18:32
altharaCongrats akgraner19:35
macoakgraner: yay!19:43
MichelleQ Congrats, Amber!20:10
Pendulumshe's really going to feel loved when she gets to Texas and sees all the messages :)20:12
akgranerPendulum, you are so correct - thank you all so much!21:56
Pendulumakgraner: also I picked up Ubuntu User last night, nice articles :)21:57
akgranerI am working on the wiki now - our servers at home were hit by lighting  - we have a line from the wire receiver to the house that the provider hasn't buried yet and it was a perfect welcome mat for lightning I suppose21:57
akgranerPendulum, thank you!21:58
czajkowskiubuntu user mag goes on sale over here in mid may21:59
akgranerczajkowski,  woo hoo21:59
akgranerthanks for seeing that a local store is now going to order them! :-D  you rock!!!21:59
pleia2one store I went to here still had #3 out22:00
pleia2I had to call around to find one22:00
Pendulumbonus of being in NYC, I think there were about 622:01
Pendulum(in Barnes & Noble)22:01
pleia2yeah, I found some at the 2nd borders  tried22:03

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