
PiciAK : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.00:00
danandsheeps10: Take a look in /var/log/messages for anything network related00:00
FishsceneAwesome. Thanks for your help mdg.00:00
julikokopls whats the latest ubuntu apart from karmic 9.10?00:00
mdgFishscene, your welcome and good luck00:01
Picijulikoko: 9.10 is the latest released version of Ubuntu.00:01
danandsheeps10: You could also try uninstalling the kernel package you installed as a last resort - the system should then revert to the last one you were using00:01
nintnintHi everyone.00:01
Sia-julikoko, the next LTs is Lucid and for more infos join #ubuntu+100:02
mdg I'm looking for a weather app kind of like what Docky uses - any ideas?00:02
markrianLinuxGuy2009: thanks, that tells me the capabilities. But the news isn't what I wanted to hear :(00:02
Sia-mdg, that is docky?00:02
LinuxGuy2009markrian: drives are extremely cheap.00:03
mdgSia-, http://wiki.go-docky.com/index.php?title=Main_Page00:03
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markrianLinuxGuy2009: Absolutely00:03
mdgFishscene, let me know how that works for you00:03
emescan anyone give me a suggestion for a PCI 802.11n card with good native support?00:03
Sia-mdg, and what you want?00:03
FishsceneWill do.00:03
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mdgSia-, I'm looking for a standalone weather application that can show weather like Docky does00:04
nintnintAnybody use the M$ ergonomic keyboard 4k or 7k?00:04
mhhserver /unixirc.org00:04
mdgSia-, from weatherunderground info00:04
Sia-mdg, aha, srry i'm using minimal X on my linux machine in ubuntu is compiz available you can use it00:05
mdgSia-, this was for an older computer with low ram/processor00:06
Trek!language | latrine00:07
ubottulatrine: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:07
bowserhi all, in CCSM in Lucid, how can I "present all windows"?00:07
Picibowser : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.00:07
Trek!lucid | bowser00:08
ubottubowser: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:08
bowserPici but it is probably same as in Karmic, right?00:08
draginxxSo I just aired my fans out and now my USB mouse wont work. Any idea why?00:09
Picibowser: I don't know.00:09
mdgdraginxx, dead batteries?00:09
knoppiesdraginxx, I assume you checked that its still plugged in properly? You might want to inspect the cable and see if it has any sharp twists/bends in it.00:09
draginxxmdg, its plugin usb00:09
dabitpulla!usb | browser00:09
ubottubrowser: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:09
sheeps10danand: when I removed linux-image-2.6.31-21 I get a large number of error messages starting with the "postrm hook", specifically: "error: cannot open `/dev/sdb' while attempting to get disk size" and then lower down:"The link /vmlinuz is a damaged link\nRemoving symbolic link /vmlinuz\n you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]00:09
draginxxknoppies, none whatsoever00:10
draginxxit works on another laptop00:10
sheeps10danand: and the same with /initrd.img00:10
mdgdraginxx, lsusb in a terminal and see if it is seen00:10
knoppiesdraginxx, hmm, I would try restarting the PC, and if that doesnt help, then use lsusb.00:10
bowserwouldn't you somebody know how to present all windows in compiz (like exposé on mac)00:11
mdgdraginxx, also try another USB plug on the computer00:11
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st__sheeps10: had you removed your only kernel?00:11
knoppiesbowser, I do, I forget the name of it but give me a sec and I will find it.00:11
LinuxGuy2009 bowser: Look on google and read about compiz plugins00:11
draginxxBus 003 Device 008: ID 046d:c404 Logitech, Inc. TrackMan Wheel00:11
sheeps10st__: no, there's still linux-image-2.6.31-2000:11
knoppiesbowser, the plugin is called "scale"00:12
mdgdraginxx, okay, so just unplug, wait a second or two and plug back in00:12
draginxxmdg, thats whart lsusb gives me, and i did that00:12
sheeps10st__ and there is also thhe memtest86+ image00:12
knoppiesbowser, you find it?00:12
mdgdraginxx, the computer sees it00:12
bowserknoppies, looking for it00:12
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mdgdraginxx, have you logged out and back in?00:13
knoppiesbowser, it should be near the bottom, near the "application switcher" and "Ring switcher"00:13
TGP1994Hi there everyone, I'm looking for a live access monitor for apache2, does anyone have a solution for that?00:13
TGP1994I'm trying to debug a fastdl application for source games...00:13
draginxxhmm havent logged out00:13
draginxxill retry thanks00:13
TGP1994So can anyone help me?00:14
mdgTGP1994, its all new to me - can I ask a question?00:14
PiciTGP1994: What do you mean? You want to see who/what is acessing your apache server?00:15
bowserknoppies, thank you! it is called scale however00:15
TGP1994Pretty much, and if possible, what they're accessing, and at what speed.00:15
knoppiesbowser, thats what I said, isnt it?00:15
mdgTGP1994, in essence you want something that monitors game players in a game right?00:15
TGP1994Well, not quite... see, I want them to download maps from my linux box here, but I'm having a little trouble there.00:15
knoppiesbowser, anytime. Glad I could help.00:16
mathieu__Good evening. Is there any possibility for an NVIDIA display adapter to change the mode of its TV-OUT signal?00:16
PiciTGP1994: Well, just doing a tailf of /var/log/apache2/access.log would be a good start00:16
LinuxGuy2009bowser: You werent trying to get all windows shown on the screen together and choose the one you want?00:16
TGP1994Alright, I'll try that for abit, thanks.00:16
bastid_raZorbowser: there is a #compiz channel00:16
knoppiesLinuxGuy2009, I thought he was trying that.00:16
mathieu__I can't find anything relevant in X Server Settings which point me in any direction.00:16
bowserLinuxGuy2009  that wouldn't do it when they overlap, the scale plugin can do that00:17
mathieu__Except on the Display tab its Mode Name is 'nvidia-auto-select'00:17
knoppiesbowser, the downside to using the scale plugin, is that if a window is minimized, its not shown.00:17
TGP1994So Pici, is tailf supposed to notify me when that file is changed?00:18
hanasakihow can I get the sound volumen control back on the gnome panel?  its gone00:18
knoppieshanasaki, right click on the panel, choose add to panel, and look for it in the list.00:18
PiciTGP1994: it'll scroll when the file is updated.00:18
LinuxGuy2009bowser: scale plugin just allows compiz to allow you to resize windows.00:18
knoppiesLinuxGuy2009, not on my setup.00:18
TGP1994Hmm... I just accessed my website, but nothing happened in the terminal running tailf.00:18
PiciTGP1994: Try tail -F instead then00:19
knoppiesLinuxGuy2009, it is a window picker for me.00:19
TGP1994tailf -F?00:19
PiciTGP1994: tail -F /var/log/apache2/access.log00:19
hanasakiknoppies:  I don't see it... what is the specific name?00:19
bowserknoppies, I see00:20
LinuxGuy2009Oh thats right. Thats what I was trying to think of. Uhh.......yeah ;-)00:20
bowserLinuxGuy2009 and you can assign screen corner/shortcut to present them00:20
mdghanasaki, Menu, Preferences , Sound is what was on the panel00:20
knoppieshanasaki, Im still using 9.04, but on mine its called "Volume Control" if you type vol in the search bar it should appear.00:20
TGP1994Ermm... that's weird... apache isn't writing anything to the access.log file.00:20
LinuxGuy2009bowser: Yeah00:21
sheeps10hi, I upgraded the kernel image package this morning on my other pc, and now networking is broken/misbehaving, is there a file somewhere that I can delete to try and revert to defaults?00:21
TGP1994@Pici: Could I possibly have misconfigured apache?00:21
knoppiesTGP1994, I would then look at your apache settings, and see if it is being logged, and what log its writing to.00:21
bastid_raZor!panels | hanasaki if all else fails you can reset the panels.00:21
ubottuhanasaki if all else fails you can reset the panels.: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:21
mdghanasaki, you can right click on the panel, add Application and navigate to Sound Preferences00:21
TGP1994@Pici: Any settings file in particular?00:21
hanasakimdg:  knoppies right... I need the volumen applet not the configuration in the preferences00:21
katycorpI have a question on dual booting Ubuntu and windows 7. If I want to create a shared partition, what's the best (most stable) format to use? fat32, NTFS?00:21
st__katycorp: obviously ntfs00:22
knoppieskatycorp, Im no guru at this, but I would go with ntfs.00:22
bastid_raZorkatycorp: i would suggest ntfs00:22
MikeH_Hi guys, I'm using Ubuntu netbook edition, I've enabled GDM with update-rc.d gdm defaults 30, it started on the next boot, but hasn't started since00:22
FF666fat32 is useless00:22
MikeH_any suggestions?00:22
bowserLinuxGuy2009 btw viewport=desktop?00:22
mdghanasaki, oh.  Not sure if the sound icon you can add to the panel is the same app00:22
hanasakimdg:  its not.. but launches it00:22
katycorpI had read some posts that it was more stable than NTFS in terms of ubuntu reading/writing to it00:22
katycorpbut I guess it's since been resolved00:23
hanasakibastid_raZor: hmmm tried gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel   still no sound control00:23
TGP1994@Pici: There only seems to be an option for this VHosts access log file.00:23
ZykoticK9hanasaki, did you by change try to remove Pulse from your system?00:23
bowserknoppies, does viewport simply mean desktop?00:23
TGP1994@Pici: Do you know where I can find the option for general access logging?00:23
PiciTGP1994: It should be enabled by default.00:23
st__is there a way to make ubuntu smaller? or I have to seek another distro?00:23
PiciTGP1994: Is Apache actually serving pages to you?00:23
knoppiesbowser, I think so. It might be referring to if you have multiple display monitors attached.00:24
hanasakiZykoticK9: no. but.. I am tempted to... CD sound sucks and skps through pulse00:24
TGP1994@Pici: Yes, I can access them.00:24
mdgFishscene, any luck?00:24
TGP1994@Pici: Although I remember reading in the log (before I cleared it) that apache was segfaulting... if it does, could it somehow be cached where it serves the pages regardless if it's running or not?00:24
ZykoticK9hanasaki, ok i was just asking - as removing Pulse will remove the volume control from panel.  Good luck.00:24
PiciTGP1994: If this is a separate vhost, you may be getting entries in /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log00:25
PiciTGP1994: I'm not sure what the criteria for the separation of logfiles is though.00:25
bowserknoppies, okey, I came from KDE, there's a lot of settings in compiz...00:25
mathieu__katycorp: I use both Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 6.1 at the same system and accessing an NTFS partition for my documents without any problems on both operating systems.00:25
TGP1994Pici: Ya, nothing in there either.00:25
knoppiesbowser, yea I know. I love it. You could sit tweaking them for weeks.00:25
mathieu__of which that partition is formatted using default Windows settings00:25
st__mathieu__: except ubuntu screwing up file permissions?00:26
mathieu__st: not that I know of00:26
ZykoticK9mathieu__, Windows 6.1 eh?  Haven't heard of that version before.  I'm assuming you mean Vista  :)00:26
Fishscenemdg: sorry took a while to download on the insanely slow and old computer. It's booting fromt he CD! :D00:26
mathieu__no. Windows 'Seven Ultimate'00:26
alesanhow do I enable tcp connectoins with X? I need to remove the -nolisten tcp whwn gdm starts X00:26
FishsceneThis computer is about 12 years old at least.00:26
mdgFishscene, awesome!00:26
alesanit's so confusing, every Ubuntu version changes this00:27
mdgFishscene, how old is your computerA?00:27
bowserknoppies, LOL that's why I'm trying Gnome, to not tweak for weaks .) so far the Lucid seems more polished nonetheless00:27
bowsergood night to all00:27
mathieu__see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7 - Windows 6.1.7600 actually ;)00:27
LawGHaving issues with Karmic on an HP laptop. It is getting extremely hot, much hotter than when running windows 7 or XP. Any suggestions??00:27
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st__is there a way to make ubuntu smaller? or I have to seek another distro?00:28
vinnym3run top in the console and see which process is using %%%00:28
knoppiesLawG, does your HP laptop support CPU frequency scaling?00:28
Picist__: smaller?00:28
mathieu__st__: uninstall stuff you don't need and it probably will free some disk space if that is what you mean00:29
LawGknoppies: I believe so00:29
stercorWhat's the package name for the apache web server, preferably with PHP?00:29
Picist__: Start with the minimal CD and only add what you want?00:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:29
st__in terms of disk size, I have just a base system + X + some basic stuff-- not even a gnome and it's 1.7GB00:29
nintnintCrunchbang 9.04 is based on ubuntu and is very lightweight.00:29
SuperMiguelis UCP staring to pick up?00:30
mathieu__and you care about using disk space ?00:30
knoppiesLawG, I suggest you look at top (or htop) and see if something is causing it to use the higher frequency?00:30
knoppiesLawG, on my setup, its xmms2d that does that, so I have to kill it if Im not using it.00:30
LawGknoppies: does that run off a normal install of Karmic? I'm on windows right now but I'll reboot and try that00:31
knoppiesLawG, idk, I just installed 9.04 again, and had to install it myself.00:32
knoppiesLawG, the GDM on my karmic seemed to crash when I was moving large files.00:32
LawGgot ya00:33
LawGknoppies: thanks00:33
knoppiesLawG, my pleasure.00:33
st__definitely I care00:34
st__is there some parts in base system which can be removed without scrificing functionality?00:35
* fabio333 ping00:35
DelphiWorldhi dear all!00:35
mathieu__hmm... sorry I can't help you then except for using MS-DOS with Windows 3.1 (or something) but that is not even a decent alternative00:35
DelphiWorldany recomanded vm for ubuntu?00:35
mathieu__see above, minimal :)00:36
fission6hey, is it possible to get itunes running on ubuntu/wine?00:36
knoppiesfission6, I dont know why you would want to use iTunes, in my opinion it is one of the worst (and slowest) media players around.00:36
YerzriknotOK, I've got what might be a stupid question. If I install the 10.04 beta will it update eventually to the complete version?00:37
DelphiWorldknoppies: i use mplayer00:37
st__Yerzriknot: yes00:37
fission6it is, but how else can i get music and crap onto my iphone, i dont want it as a media player00:37
mathieu__I recently start using Ubuntu and its integrated Synaptic application manager is a bless... install and removal of applications (and its dependencies) is a piece of cake with that00:37
YerzriknotSo is it stable enough to install?00:38
fabio333<knoppies>: the only way to get music on a ipod suffles was itune00:38
fabio333<Yerzriknot>: not yes i suppoe but i0m running it now withot problem00:38
st__Yerzriknot: yes... but you'll update each signle package eventually00:38
fission6so is there no hope to place / manage music on ubuntu/wine/00:38
mdgwho was asking about minimal install?00:38
knoppiesfission6, you could take a look at the Linux Alternative Project. I remember reading a report somewhere that (I think it was lucid) supported the iPod touch straight out of the box. fission6 All I can suggest is you google it, have a look on the ubuntu forums, and then give it a shot.00:39
ziesemer_I'm running xbuntu 9.10 on an old Dell Inspiron 7500.  The touchpad just stopped running after installing all the latest updates.  Any quick ideas?00:39
YerzriknotThanks guys00:39
fission6hmm ok00:39
knoppiesziesemer_, have you restarted since your updates?00:39
st__oh and btw are there alternatives for apt-get? it srives me crazy because it refuses to work if broken packages are present00:39
ziesemer_knoppies:  Yes.00:39
mdgziesemer_, I have Dell Inspiron 8000 running Mint 8 and touchpad works great - I've heard about a lot of problems with 9.10 Ubuntu00:40
DelphiWorldany vm?00:40
fabio333<st__>: synaptic00:40
st__fabio333: LOL synaptic is apt-get frontend00:40
fabio333<st__>: you an handle broken pachages00:40
knoppiesziesemer_, then no. My touchpad has always worked.00:40
st__they don't need to be handled, they should be left in peace00:41
st__no need to throw a tantrum and abort because of them00:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:42
mathieu__one alternative: compile yourself from source00:43
fabio333<st__>: i don't have any broken package00:43
st__(1) what can I throw away from base system and (2) which Ubuntu package manager works with broken packages?00:43
themusicgod1st__: aptitude is pretty tough usually imho00:43
fabio333<st__>: deborphan for getting rid of libraries and stuff00:43
SnadderIve installed ffmpeg.. And it says: Unknown encoder 'libx264'.. when I try to encode..00:44
mathieu__I don't know if there are any other alternatives for application trees who are one way or the other broken, sorry.00:44
SnadderDoesnt ffmpeg in ubuntu 9.10 have libx264 support?00:44
fabio333<Snadder>: you need that library first00:44
Snadderfabio333, libx264-67 is already newest version.00:45
Snadderfabio333, ffmpeg -formats lists h26400:45
vinnym3join socom00:45
fabio333Snadder>: works for me00:46
Snadderfabio333, now I installed x264 too..00:46
Snadderfabio333, any more packages to install?00:46
fabio333<Snadder>: try with avidemux or mencoder.... im using a newer version of libx26400:47
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Snadderfabio333, in some forum threads they are saying I need to compile ffmpeg00:48
Snadderfabio333, my scripts works only with ffmpeg atm..00:48
fabio333ffmpeg -formats | grep x26400:48
Guest24241Hello, i'm going through a Linux tutorial in regards to runlevels.  I'm trying to look for /etc/inittab in Ubuntu 9.04, but can't seem to find it.  Does Ubuntu do this differently?00:48
fabio333if you have EV than it should work00:48
natarajanhow to uninstall firefox in ubuntu00:49
mdgnatarajan, Synaptic00:49
fabio333Snadder, EV    libx264         libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 1000:49
Snadderfabio333, I dont have that.00:49
Snadderfabio333, how did you get that?00:49
fabio333Snadder, i'm on lucid :)00:50
fabio333but maybe you need a different version00:50
SnadderDE h264            raw H.264 video format00:50
Snadder D V D  h264            H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 1000:50
israelito_solitohello, for a couple of days now my external hard disk is not working. On Windows it takes sometime to mount but on Ubuntu it just doesnt00:50
Trek!paste | Snadder00:50
ubottuSnadder: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:50
fabio333D stands for decodinng E for encoding, V video , etc00:50
EdgEyHello, is there a way for me to check all files that are currently in use?00:51
rsrisraelito_solito, you should probably bakup that drive since it is in an imminent fail00:51
Snadderfabio333, so which encoder option should I use then?00:51
EdgEyFor example, show the music file I'm playing, + binaries running and so on00:51
Snadderlike.. -vcodec libx264 am I using now.00:51
fabio333Snadder>: try with libxvid00:51
fabio333or mpeg400:51
israelito_solitook. thanks00:51
mdganyone have any weatherunderground scripts to gather info?00:52
Snadderfabio333, unknown encoder.00:52
rsrEdgEy, do you mean system monitor?00:52
EdgEyrsr, that only shows running processes00:52
fabio333Snadder>: use  -vodec mpeg400:53
EdgEyThere is a terminal command that shows what files are currently in use I think00:53
rsrEdgEy, maybe ps aux on the terminal00:53
mathieu__Someone who has experience in forcing TV-OUT format for NVIDIA? In which section should I add this: Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"00:53
rsrnow im not sure if it also shows only processes00:53
EdgEyrsr, nah i don't want the process list00:53
laptop_Hello, where can I find /etc/inittab in Ubuntu?  This Linux tutorial says it should exist, but I can't find it.00:54
mathieu__(in X server, from http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8178/README/appendix-h.html)00:54
EdgEyrsr, think I might have found it anyway, 'lsof'00:54
fabio333<laptop_>: /etc/init00:55
Snadderfabio333, now I get unknown audio encoder libfaac. And I have libfaac installed"!00:56
mdglaptop:  in a console type:  locate inittab00:56
MikeH_is there an onscreen keyboard built into ubuntu anywhere?00:56
fabio333Snadder>: this is not your lucky day00:56
Snadderfabio333, this is working on debian.00:57
mdgMikeH_, look in 'Assistive Technologies i.e.,menu, preferences and there is one there00:57
thebrucehey fellas what do you use for vnc/remote control on ubuntu?00:57
Snadderfabio333, got any audio encoder to use?00:57
fabio333try with libmp3lame00:57
MikeH_mdg: thats where I'm looking00:57
rsrthebruce, there is a built in application for that00:57
MikeH_but I don't see it?00:57
thebruceyes i know00:57
laptop_locate inittab shows a listing for a man entry and one under /usr/lib .. highly doubt that's what i'm looking for00:57
fabio333<laptop_>:  /etc/init00:58
rahdukedoes anyone wanna help me or what? I've been in this room at least 20 times looking for help with the same problem and people just ignore me. I'm really getting fed up!!!00:58
mdgMikeH_, I can't think of the name of iat the moment - let me look in synaptic00:58
darksiderdoes anyone know a thing or two about making a .deb installer? i have made a .deb to install my toolkit but it doesn't actually do anything...do i NEED to specify the stuff in postinst and prerm scripts? do i define in there where to copy my scripts to upon installation?00:58
rahdukeim not asking some question that is rocket science im sure someone here knows the answer00:58
rahdukeits total nonsense00:58
mathieu__Hmm... I should ditch my tree of stupidity. Appendix D contained the answer. Never mind.00:59
fabio333/etc/inittab is for old-timers : no more in ubuntu00:59
darksiderrahduke, people aren't ignoring you- maybe nobody knows the answer?00:59
darksideror maybe nobody has the time to help00:59
t_polhey there i would like to post binaries in the newsgroup could you give me the name of a software that can do that?00:59
j3rgwats up00:59
rahdukeWHEN I MINIMIZE STUFF THE ANIMATION HAS it minimize to my top panel not my Docky Dock00:59
darksiderall i know is that bitching about it isn't going to help you get helped00:59
rahdukedoes that make any sense to anyone?00:59
mdgMikeH_, its called gok00:59
fission6so how are people managing their iphones content on ubuntu00:59
laptop_fabio333, how can I find out what runlevel ubuntu starts in, and how can I change that?  there must be a replacement for it00:59
j3rganyone in here is a video camera junkie00:59
rahdukedarksider: that doesnt make sense to u ?01:00
MikeH_mdg: is it there by default?01:00
mdgMikeH_, that is if you are using gnome01:00
Kre10sso I have a 14.7Mb NEF image that opens up as 160X120 in gimp... how is this possible? Fspot show much higher resolution01:00
Snadderfabio333, didnt work with libmp3lame01:00
MikeH_mdg: I believe so, I'm actually using Netbook edition01:00
mdgMikeH_, there is at the login window - not sure what that is01:00
rahdukedarksider: I'm using the sidekick animation in compiz for minimization, for watever reason sometimes the animation looks as if its minimizing to my panel instead of my dock, its a ticky tack thing but its really effing annoying01:00
aj00200Can anyone recommend a graphical undelete tool?01:01
fabio333<Snadder>: so use mp201:01
fabio333<laptop_>: use runlevel command in order to know what runlevel you are in01:01
darksiderrahduke, sorry but i have a big problem myself with something more important to me01:01
rsrrahduke, google it01:01
darksideryeah, try google01:01
rahdukedarksider: ill fix ur problem, what is it?01:01
CloudLeviSo...I has a little problem. My CD drive's out, externals don't work, I just got done installing this from Windows through UltraISO, and now I need to repartition my hard drive considering I *THOUGHT* this would be a temporary install so I could get a permanent one up and running.01:02
rahdukersr: google what01:02
rsrrahduke, nevermind01:02
rahdukehow can google help me i can barely explain the problem01:02
CloudLeviOr I just need my optical drive working =/01:02
Snadderfabio333, that works.. but this wont be h264..01:02
SnadderI assume01:02
darksiderrahduke, im trying to make a .deb installer to install my toolkit onto the comp of whoever wants to have my toolkit. but i cant get the .deb to do anything. it syas its installed but doesnt do anything01:02
onatshey guys, i upgraded my thunderbird to 3.0, now i lost all my emails. i think it overwrote some of the files coz i was running two versions at some time01:02
rahdukedarksider: what kind of toolkit?01:02
Snadderfabio333,  Its working with SVN-r20602 (debian lenny multimedia.org mirror) but not SVN-r19352-4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2,01:03
onatsis there a thunderbird/mozilla support channel?01:03
Snaddernot working on ubuntu 9.1001:03
rahdukeif you made a deb of a cli program u wont see it in your appliations or anything01:03
mdgMikeH_, there is gnome onscreen-keyboard you can activate via assistive devices01:03
fabio333Snadder>: you need the latest version like the one i'm using01:03
darksiderrahduke, just a mixture of different scripts and apps i have made. currently just contains my backup and restoring system01:03
CloudLevihelp? e-e01:03
Snadderfabio333, and how do I get that precompiled for ubuntu 9.10?01:03
rahdukedarksider: how are you creating the .deb?01:03
mdgMikeH_, look in Assistive Technologies and choose preferred applications and then you can choose to enable Gnome on-screen keyboard01:04
darksiderrahduke, with dpkg - can you help me?01:04
darksiderusing 'dpkg -b /source/tree output.deb'01:04
mdgMikeH_, make sure you toggle the "enable assistive techonologies"  box to have a checkmard01:05
rahdukedarksider: sounds right to me....01:05
mdgMikeH_, then you need to lot out and back in01:05
* CloudLevi facedesks.01:05
rahdukedarksider: since i dont know what your packaging its tough to determine if i could help01:05
MikeH_mdg: I've done that, but under preferred applications, I only have visual and mobility01:05
MikeH_mobility is set to onboard and run at start01:05
darksiderrahduke, do i NEED to specify postinst & prerm SCRIPTS to install my package, because i still can't run it after installing01:05
fabio333Snadder>: the version from medibuntu "is built with the "risky" option, to enable mp3/mp4/h264/amr support" ....01:05
rahdukedarksider: if your packaging scripts you do01:06
mdgMikeH_, Under Mobility?01:06
darksiderrahduke, where will the .deb install the contents of it to ?01:06
MikeH_mdg: yes01:06
Snadderfabio333, ok.. Ill try that01:06
mdgMikeH_, Accessibility Tab, under Mobility?01:06
fabio333<Snadder>: not sure, that was on old version...01:07
MikeH_mdg: yep, set to onboard01:07
maple1I'm a talented musician as you can see from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf68vCaFYkE - is there an ubuntu solution for amp simulation that will give me that same rich tone?01:07
rahdukedarksider: it depends on the paramaters, i've never deb packaged scripts, i don't know why you would01:07
shoxhi someway to set enviroment variables for providers ?01:07
maple1guitar rig 4 btw01:07
MikeH_thats the only option, other than custom01:07
mdgMikeH_, I thought you wanted onscreen keyboard?01:07
MikeH_mdg: I do01:07
rahdukedarksider: why not just tar the files and scripts you want to include and then put them whereever u want01:07
darksiderrahduke, how would you suggest i package my toolkit then?01:07
darksiderrahduke, yeah..01:07
adalalanyone know of a touchscreen calibrating tool? since my touch now works out of hte box with lucid?01:07
mdgMikeH_, is this a really fresh install?  Have you updated?01:07
Beyondinfernoanyone feel like helping me out with some samba issues?01:08
darksiderrahduke, okay. thanks01:08
darksideri will try that maybe if i can't get .deb to work01:08
MikeH_mdg: Can't update until I get a working keyboard :/01:08
shoxi need the i neet to set SUDO_FORCE_YES in apt provider01:08
rahdukedarksider: the only way i know to deb packages installs the bins to usr/bin or usr/share/01:08
MikeH_mdg: touchscreen only :/01:08
raulis there the version of the game "cashflow 101" or "cashflow 202" for linux?01:08
mdgMikeH_, cool!  What kind of 'puter?01:08
knoppiesraul, I would be interested to find out. Should I do some searching on it?01:08
MikeH_mdg: Its a Joggler01:08
mdgMikeH_, whats that?01:09
mezimezimdoes anyone know about GNUenterprise?01:09
MikeH_a 7" photoframe, atom based01:09
BeyondinfernoAnyone know of a channel that i might be able to get some at?01:09
raulknoppies Please... I am also looking for it...01:09
mdgMikeH_, you built this?01:09
mezimezimis it a real, usable set of programs, or just a project?01:09
maple1I'm a talented musician as you can see from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf68vCaFYkE - is there an ubuntu solution for amp simulation that will give me that same rich tone?01:10
MikeH_mdg: no, its available in the uk for £50 :P01:10
GneaBeyondinferno: get some what?01:10
ZykoticK9raul, it appears to run under wine http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3130&iTestingId=2568801:10
knoppiesmaple1, I would be interested to find out.01:10
mdgMikeH_, can it use a bluetooth keyboard?01:10
knoppiesraul, Ok, I will start looking.01:10
Beyondinfernohelp with samba... I've got some issues01:10
MikeH_mdg: nope :/01:11
raulknoppies thanks01:11
Gnea!samba | Beyondinferno01:11
ubottuBeyondinferno: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:11
mdgMikeH_, bummer01:11
MikeH_I think my only option is to bite the bullet and buy a powered usb hub01:11
GneaBeyondinferno: there's also #samba01:11
Beyondinfernoawsome, thanks.01:11
Kre10ssomeone please look at this and tell me why gimp opens the imge in 160X120 http://imagebin.org/9228101:11
mdgMikeH_, so basically you have a stylus and are using menu entries right now?01:11
CloudLeviHam and cheese =_= need help01:11
CloudLeviFaulty gellatin wiring makes supernova go critical...01:12
GneaKre10s: the 'NEF' image format?01:12
MikeH_mdg: kind of01:12
Snadderfabio333, I cant see latest ffmpeg in medibuntu01:12
mathieu__Which command should I invoke in tty1 to restart X (tty7) ?01:12
macoGnea: nikon RAW01:12
Kre10syes NEF01:12
mdgMikeH_, what else can this thing do?01:13
Gneamaco: I realize that01:13
Snadderfabio333, Well.. I dont know how to check for sure..01:13
Snadderfabio333, since its already in 9.1001:13
mdgMikeH_, how did you manage to get ubuntu on it?01:13
SuperMiguelwhen the kernel chashes the memory does it really make the system run faster? like will i see a speed improvement from 8gb to 16gb of ram??01:13
GneaKre10s: hrm, I've gone through the menus on a few nikons... isn't there a selection to change the image file format?01:13
MikeH_mdg:usb stick01:13
MikeH_mdg: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/Joggler01:14
SnadderHow do I search for packags only in one repository?01:14
fabio333Snadder>: not sure but you can't stick with ffmpeg... use avidemux is a lot simpler01:14
Snadderfabio333, why cant I use ffmpeg?01:14
mdgI have a Nokia N770 tablet PC running a special linux01:14
fabio333Snadder> : it wont work for you01:14
markl_is there any way to bring back xscreensaver after it died without restarting my X session?01:14
Snadderfabio333, how can you say that?01:15
GneaKre10s: just found this... are you famliar with ufraw?01:15
MikeH_mdg: I'm pretty much giving up on UNR now, People are starting to make android work01:15
foxmulder881Anyone in here use JDownloader?01:15
Kre10sI don't know what ufraw is...01:15
fabio333Snadder>: have a look at avidemux you will love it, the ffmpeg yu are using is compiled with mp3 and x264 disabled.01:15
hobanhello, can someone tell me what package is responsible for the plymouth splash? mine shows the kubuntu splash and while I have both ubuntu and kubuntu desktop installed, I'd like the ubuntu splash01:15
mdgMikeH_, have you tried android?01:16
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
GneaKre10s: http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/  basically, the image format that nikon uses doesn't automagically work with gimp01:16
MikeH_mdg: On a phone01:16
mdgMikeH_,  or this:http://talk.maemo.org/01:17
Gnea!info ufraw01:17
ubottuufraw (source: ufraw): standalone importer for raw camera images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 740 kB, installed size 2236 kB01:17
Beyondinfernowhelp, both samba channels are dead (no one there)01:17
CloudLeviI'll have COMPLETELY forgotten my problem by the time someone GETS to me...01:17
mdgMikeH_, Android on a phone - you bet!01:17
CloudLeviAlready started01:17
Snadderfabio333, can you give me a line which works to h264/mp3?01:17
foxmulder881ufraw is basically a tool that allows you to work with raw images from digital cams.01:17
GneaBeyondinferno: they're not dead, you just have to wait and be patient. it can take minutes or hours sometimes.01:17
Snadderwith avidemux01:17
bigtom21485i have acquired a second computer, how do i get it wifi drivers if i dont have access to the wireless router (say to plug in an ethernet cable)?01:18
Beyondinfernosomeone feel like helping a poor n00b01:18
fabio333Snadder>: avidemux is cool, no lime to mess with01:18
CloudLeviGnea: What about this channel? =_=01:18
MikeH_mdg: I've used Maemo on the N900, and tried Mer on this device, but I really want android on it to be honest01:18
sloopyBeyondinferno, many people do...01:18
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, what's your issues?01:18
CloudLeviGnea: I reeeeally don't care to wait hours...01:18
Beyondinfernobe prepared, this is my 2nd day with linux01:18
AlienDKCan I mount /root using "cd" in terminal?01:18
mdgMikeH_, Itried android on a desktop - it kept going to sleep01:18
ToStItOsStatus if you are here I have questions01:18
GneaCloudLevi: didn't see your problem01:18
doctorZeusI've been running ubuntu 9.1 for a week or so now, and thinking about trying out xubuntu.  Does this channel support (not kde or gnome related) xubuntu questions?  I guess I'm trying to determine just how different the two are..I understand that there is also a #xubuntu channel01:19
CloudLeviGnea: no one did ... e-e01:19
SuperMiguelwhen the kernel chashes the memory does it really make the system run faster? like will i see a speed improvement from 8gb to 16gb of ram??01:19
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, we all started somewhere. ;-)01:19
Gnea!ask | CloudLevi01:19
ubottuCloudLevi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:19
Beyondinfernoi just got done switching my home server over to karmic and my main desktop aswell01:19
fabio333Snadder, http://blog.taragana.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/avidemux.jpg01:19
GneaCloudLevi: see that part... "If anyone knows the answer..."01:19
foxmulder881Well done Beyondinferno . That's something.01:20
Beyondinfernoi'm trying to share about 1.5TB of media across the network to all ubuntu boxs01:20
GneaCloudLevi: but feel free to ask again01:20
mdgMikeH_, http://code.google.com/p/live-android/01:20
Snadderfabio333, I need to do it by command line.01:20
GneaBeyondinferno: how are you configuring samba?01:20
mdgMikeH_, you can try an android USB01:20
knoppiesraul, Ive found some things with google, dont know if its promising, can I PM you?01:20
sloopyBeyondinferno, and the issue is?01:20
BeyondinfernoI've got it setup using the gui and have the shares set as "share"01:20
CloudLeviGnea: My CD/DVD drive is dead =/ Windows 7 was giving me Code 13 and Linux is reading -nothing- from it... then there's the little issue that I ran a Linux In Windows installation and now have only 3 gigs of HDD partition space because I expected it to be a temporary install in hopes that it would restore my optical drive. Externals don't work either...01:21
MikeH_mdg: its not that simple, this device uses EFI, and a 32bit framebuffer - people have it booting, just need to figure touchscreen and wifi support01:21
fabio333Snadder, http://avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Command_line_usage01:21
GneaBeyondinferno: what is "the gui", exactly?01:21
CloudLeviubottu: Yeah...I tried just asking. =/ no response01:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:21
BeyondinfernoI can see the server on the network from the client but can't open the server01:21
mdgMikeH_, you say it has a USB port, only one?01:21
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, you mean it's not sharing even though you have sets the files to share?01:21
raulknoppies I'm sorry, but... what is PM?01:21
GneaCloudLevi: so you have a hardware problem, not a software problem?01:21
MikeH_mdg: yes01:21
knoppiesraul, /msg you01:22
omegadarkestubuntu 9.10 vid card is a geforce 6800 xt. When i try to install the picture is all lines,  I tried xdriver=vesa but no luck any idea?01:22
CloudLeviGnea: software...registry of all things01:22
MikeH_but that runs the usb stick, which is its primary drive01:22
BeyondinfernoGnea, the gui setting program (can't remmeber the name ATM)01:22
GneaCloudLevi: Ubuntu doesn't have a registry, windows does.01:22
sloopyBeyondinferno, all the shares have unique names? you dont have several disks labeled 'share' ?01:22
CloudLeviGnea: Code 13 means "configuration in the registry is corrupt or missing" =/ which is retarded01:22
Beyondinfernofoxmulder: yes01:22
mdgMikeH_, wonder if you could use a USB hub so you can have a USB keyboard, but does it have a card slot....01:22
Beyondinfernosloopy: yeah they do01:22
foxmulder881Your server is obviously not allowing access for some reason.01:22
GneaCloudLevi: let's back away from usage of the r-word, please?  how is this an Ubuntu issue?01:22
raulknoppies yes... please01:22
=== cozziemoto is now known as coz_
MikeH_mdg: yes, I can use a usb hub, but it needs to be powered one, and I don't have one :/01:23
mdgMikeH_, did it come with an operating system?01:23
MikeH_I'll need to buy one01:23
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, can you access the client boxes from your server?01:23
Beyondinferno1 sec i'll check01:23
MikeH_mdg: Yes, it comes with its own linux based os with a flash based front end, it doesn't do much though01:23
sloopyBeyondinferno, each filesystem you share needs a different name01:23
=== coz_ is now known as cozziemoto
GneaBeyondinferno: I suggest installing and using SWAT to configure samba with, at some point01:23
mdgMikeH_, wow, that's kind of a pickel you are in.... let me think01:24
Beyondinfernosloopy, sorry i worded that poorly. They all have unique names01:24
MikeH_mdg: There is no way around it really, apart from getting a usb hub01:24
Beyondinfernofrom the server i can see everything fine01:24
Beyondinfernoand access it as well01:25
CloudLeviGnea: This brick computer was working fine until I got Win7...then I got the Release Candidate in 09 and my DVD functionality dropped. It picked up Oblivion and Shivering Isles some of the time, but after I downloaded the hardware manufacturer's driver and registry update when I upgraded to the Win7 retail, the optical drive completely BRICKED01:25
MikeH_mdg: If I can be bothered, I can pull it apart, unplug the usb wireless that is internal, plug the keyboard into that, then run a cat5 for network while i setup the onscreen keyboard01:25
MikeH_but I really can't be bothered now :P01:25
MikeH_I'm just going to buy a hub01:25
Beyondinfernoi don't see the server at all in network just in windows network etc.01:25
Beyondinfernofrom the client01:25
GneaCloudLevi: who built the computer in the first place?01:25
foxmulder881I wonder what you done that's different on the server as opposed to your clients?!?01:25
CloudLeviGnea: In -and- out of Windows...and the wonderful thing wouldn't even take a USB external... now I'm having the same problem in Ubuntu...01:25
Beyondinfernolol good question!01:26
CloudLeviGnea: Sony...VAIO model VGN-NR220E01:26
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, wtf is it doing in WIndows Network?01:26
GneaCloudLevi: is it still under warranty?01:26
bsmith093when i joined just now i think a bot spammed me01:26
=== cozziemoto is now known as coz_
CloudLeviGnea: '0801:26
mdgMikeH_, you would pull it apart?01:26
CloudLeviGnea: so no...01:26
Beyondinfernois there an easy way to start from scratch with the samba settings?01:26
MikeH_mdg: I already have01:26
hobanhello, can someone tell me what package is responsible for the plymouth splash? mine shows the kubuntu splash and while I have both ubuntu and kubuntu desktop installed, I'd like the ubuntu splash01:26
MikeH_I had to to install UNR01:26
nintnintAdvice: I try to install majesty, its a game. I go to the iso dir and do '. setup.sh' and get something that flashes tool not found then the terminal closes.01:26
CloudLeviGnea: It was Vista native anyway, so the software warranty died when I went with the Win7 beta in early '0901:27
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, probably. But I'm no samba expert as my server runs WIndows.01:27
Beyondinfernoi've been doing ALOT of trying and may have just totally mucked it up01:27
=== coz_ is now known as cozziemoto
GneaCloudLevi: well, if the CD/DVD drive won't bootup a LiveCD, then yeah, I'd say it's toast and you need to hit up ebay or pricwatch.com and get a new drive for it01:27
CloudLeviGnea: like I said, even a USB optical drive won't take...01:27
AlienDKHow do I access /root?01:27
bsmith093how do i set it up so my public key is added whenever people read an email i send them01:27
Kre10sGnea: Thanks! its working now :D01:27
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as Elmer_Fud
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
foxmulder881AlienDK, cd / as su01:27
bsmith093basically so i can get them to use encryption with as little hassle as possible01:28
Beyondinfernoi was thinking it might be a port issue but port 139 is open on the server01:28
GneaKre10s: cheers01:28
Beyondinfernoand it's lan ip is static01:28
CloudLeviAlienDK: Hehe...that one's fun. You boot up terminal, punch in "sudo passwd root", set a password, log in as root, and have fun.01:28
GneaCloudLevi: what about a thumbdrive?01:28
=== Elmer_Fud is now known as running_rabbit07
mdgMikeH_, back at the Assistive technologies - your only option was onboard keyboard in the Preferred application> Accessibility Tab,Mobility section?01:28
CloudLeviAlienDK: I -just- got done having to do it myself. lol01:28
bsmith093cloudlevi is that really that east01:28
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, can you access it via //ipaddress/sharename in terminal?01:28
bsmith093easy to bypass the login01:28
GneaCloudLevi: that's wrong. sudo -i  works just as well and doesn't create a security hole01:28
distaticaI'm not crazy, this is a valid scp command, right? ahiscox@netbook:/var/lib/docdump$ scp docdump-0.1.1.tar.gz fnadmin@
MikeH_mdg: nothing said keyboard01:29
CloudLevibsmith093: Yes. Easy, but it's horribly roundabout...01:29
MikeH_it was just an option called "onboard" under mobility01:29
CloudLeviGnea: Security hole? e-e;01:29
distaticait just exits, 0 code, nothing copied.01:29
distaticassh works.01:29
GneaCloudLevi: just don't give out that sort of advice again in here, please.01:29
mdgMikeH_, what does your accessibility tab show for Visual and Mobility?01:30
Beyondinfernofoxmulder881, nope....01:30
Beyondinfernocd //localip/Music not found01:30
Myrttidistatica: you haven't defined a path on where you want that to be saved01:30
Gnea!sudo | AlienDK01:30
ubottuAlienDK: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:31
AKGuys, anyone knows wot is the command to check01:31
AKlinux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev01:31
AlienDKI know what sudo is :)01:31
foxmulder881It's obviously a samba issue or config setting somewhere. But like I said, I'm no samba expert.01:31
AlienDKbasicly :P01:31
Beyondinfernowell, hell....01:31
distaticaMyrtti: *facepalm* of course. Thanks.01:31
CloudLeviAlienDK: 'till today I only knew of sudoKU01:31
GneaCloudLevi: anyhow, if none of the USB ports work then maybe the motherboard is fried01:31
Beyondinfernothanks for the effort!01:31
foxmulder881Post on the UbuntuForums.org perhaps?!?01:31
AlienDKCloudLevi: Ok01:31
nintnintAdvice: I try to install majesty, its a game. I go to the iso dir and do '. setup.sh' and get something that flashes tool not found then the terminal closes.[1;2C[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D01:32
CloudLeviAlienDK: ...you do know what sudoku is, right?01:32
mdgMikeH_, maybe you can log out and click the assistive technology icon on the login screen and see if anything happens01:32
AlienDKCloudLevi: Yes01:32
magaioDoes transmission-bt have any other command-lin interface other than just starting/stopping torrents?01:32
Beyondinfernoi'm hoping i can get it solved sooner than it would take for that :p01:32
AlienDKCloudLevi: The retarded number game01:32
nintnintAdvice: I try to install majesty, its a game. I go to the iso dir and do '. setup.sh' and get something that flashes tool not found then the terminal closes.[1;2C[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D[1;2D01:32
Gnea!repeat | nintnint01:32
ubottunintnint: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:32
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, yeah true.01:32
bsmith093if i change the passphrase for my private key do i need to revopke my public key01:33
nintnintno, I was trying to copy what I said but finch is stupid.01:33
CloudLeviAlienDK: the "r" word isn't allowed here, apparently. =_=;;;01:33
Gneanintnint: ah, sorry01:33
AlienDKCloudLevi: going off topic isn't either01:33
CloudLeviGnea: they work. no idea how to install off a Flash, though.01:33
Beyondinfernoone other thing, I noticed that even though I changed the server name the name in the network is unchanged...01:33
CloudLeviGnea: outside the OS, that is...01:33
Gnea!usb | CloudLevi01:34
ubottuCloudLevi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:34
GneaCloudLevi: ^_^01:34
Beyondinfernomight be a clue to the real problem01:34
VigoHow do I set different wallpapers for each Workspace, like Workspace 1 (is a cow), Workspace 2 (is a duck) and so on?01:34
CloudLeviGnea: thanks. Is there a !spine by any chance? lol01:35
GneaCloudLevi: helps if there's a !vertebrae ;)01:35
CloudLeviGnea: xDD01:35
CloudLevihow big a drive I need? Straight one gig work?01:36
CloudLevierm...does an SD card and built in reader work by any chance? o_O01:36
mdgMikeH_, for $75 or so, that could be fun little gadget.  I hope you get something figured out01:36
Gneaif you can get the vaio's bios to see it as a boot device, yes01:36
Beyondinfernofoxmulder881: I think it's client side. I can't even see my own shares from the client (shares based from the client)01:36
GneaCloudLevi: most cd iso's are under 1gig, so yeah01:37
CloudLeviGnea: *vomit* it's not there...I'd remember if it were... ;-; No SD card or MStick boot DXXX01:37
mdgMikeH_, sorry I couldn't be helpful.  Good luck!01:37
GneaCloudLevi: on my netbook, it isn't there unless it's already plugged in when the system gets turned on01:38
CloudLeviYaiyaiyai! Got it!!! *Holds up his 1GB DaneElec flash drive* =D01:38
* Gnea facepalms at the thought of a pokemonster01:38
CloudLeviGnea: Windows ReadyBoost =/ so it was in there 24/7... DX01:38
CloudLeviGnea: o.o Pokemon? Where'd THAT come from? xD01:39
foxmulder881Beyondinferno, sorry I can't help you more as I have to go to work now. Send me an email mate. foxmulder881@gmail.com01:39
BeyondinfernoThanks a bunch!01:39
Kre10sprolly something like [2010-04-08 21:13] <DONNIE0984> list of my favorite pokemon: garchomp.....01:40
GneaCloudLevi: nvm01:40
nshapt-get keeps trying to install nautilus which i no longer want as it requires shittons of other packages,  but i can't convince it not to try anymore. it keeps complaining of unmet dependencies01:40
CloudLeviGnea: lol loon01:40
nshhow can you make it give up?01:40
CloudLeviGnea: nothing xD01:40
Gneaold battery: 2 hours. new batter: 12.5 hours >:)01:40
CloudLeviGnea: ?!?!01:40
Gneaeeepc ftw01:41
Gneait just finished charging. yeah, it's pretty sweet.01:41
nshnm, sorted i think01:42
mdghey MikeH_ , you said you didn't like UNR?  Its the same as regular ubuntu, except with a netbook launcher01:42
dhaneshhow can i record live audio streams from internet01:42
mdgMikeH_, you can get the regular desktop01:42
Gnea!info streamripper01:43
ubottustreamripper (source: streamripper): download online streams into audio files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.64.6-1 (karmic), package size 90 kB, installed size 224 kB01:43
dhanesh mdg how can i record live audio streams from internet01:43
mdgdhanesh, ????01:43
Gneadhanesh: streamtuner provides a gui to it01:44
Freeaqingmevlc can do it as well01:44
aiakengDo you want to test the batter between win7 and ubuntu ?01:44
* Gnea doesn't run win701:44
Gneaonly Ubuntu, Elive and XP01:44
CloudLeviGnea: do you have Chrome per chance? DX01:45
CloudLeviGnea: I stupidly left Ubuntu in my default Downloads folder for Chrome =_=;01:45
GneaCloudLevi: why would I use that?01:46
CloudLeviGnea: Because it's a lightweight browser and some people think it rules?01:46
bsmith093how do i export my public key01:46
GneaCloudLevi: heh, I don't care much about what other people think01:46
aiakengI think ubuntu good at  energy control .01:46
Gnea!pgp | bsmith09301:47
ubottubsmith093: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts01:47
CloudLeviGnea: >.> I meant that to suggest my assumption that perhaps you were of the same opinion...01:47
dhaneshhow can i record internet live audio streams01:47
Gneadhanesh: I already told you what programs can do it01:47
dhaneshgnea that program is not working01:48
aj00200dhanesh: did you install it properly?01:48
Gneadhanesh: then you need to learn how to use it01:48
Vigobsmith093: Bring up the Passwords and Encryption Keys, should be there.01:48
bsmith093yes but that says its my private key01:48
bsmith093i would like to backup my public key01:49
Vigobsmith093: I use a USB for that, I also use some backup programs01:49
alokitohow to recover a deleted file in ext4?01:49
dhaneshgnea i have selected one stream an click on tune it . the player has dissappeared01:49
bsmith093what specifically so i need to do to backup my keys01:49
CloudLeviGnea: well you've been lots of help. I am now forced to return to windows to locate that blasted folder...01:50
Gneadhanesh: it helps to choose a stream that's actually up01:50
GneaCloudLevi: which folder?01:50
dhaneshwhat do you mean gnea01:50
Gneaif the stream is offline, it might crash01:51
sirninjaIs there a way to make ubuntu automatically scale the cpu to powersave when it is running off battery power?01:52
Vigobsmih093: Here>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1202524&highlight=pgp+keys01:52
__ka__In 8.04, is there a way to get around the plugdev usergroup requirement for pmount? I'm using Hardy as an NIS client, and none of the clients can use their USB flash drives right now01:53
bailebobHello..I am a newbie to Ubuntu..I recently upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and no longer have sound01:56
bailebobI tried various things to correct but I have not been able to fix it so far01:57
UFRN_Andre #ubuntu-br01:57
trelaneok this is odd, I just upgraded to 10.4 beta and the window decorations (close maximize minimize) are now on the left instead of the right, this is highly disconcerting and I think I'm losing my mind. How do I fix it?02:00
bigtom21485good evening everyone02:00
bailebobgood evening02:01
bigtom21485i have acquired a second laptop, one without drivers, i installed ubuntu from my livecd, but i dont have access to the wifi router (say via ethernet)...how do i use my existing machine that is already set up to get the drivers for the second computer?02:02
bigtom21485i mean i can copy it via my external hdd02:02
storrgieI am using 9.10 server, would like an up to date KVM install anyone know of any good PPAs?02:03
crashdatai installed netbook remix on my msi u135 netbook...i cant seem to get the wireless to work02:03
crashdatai've installed wicd already02:03
dhaneshhow can i record online radio streams02:03
crashdatabut still no go02:03
macostorrgie: for a new kernel?02:03
macostorrgie: the kernel team has a testing ppa...02:04
storrgiemaco: no, the version of qemu-kvm and libvirt and virt-manager is REALLY far behind02:04
crashdatasomeone please point  me to the right direction02:04
=== RedXIII`Alt is now known as RedXIII
abstrakthow can i query a file of a package to see which package installed it?02:05
abstrakti want to remember which package i used to install python mod_wsgi02:05
crashdatahello how do i get my wireless to work on my netbook02:06
mc_abstrakt dpkg -S <filename>02:07
bigtom21485crashdata have you tried doing system-->administration-->update manager?02:07
crashdatabigtom21485, yes02:08
ziesemer_Xbuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 7500.  After installing the latest updates, the touchpad (Synaptics?) is no longer working.  dmesg|grep mouse shows:  input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input3 .  It's not a mac!02:08
bigtom21485crashdata: how about system-->administration-->hardware drivers02:08
ziesemer_Other than the updates, it is a clean install.02:08
crashdatabigtom21485, i'll try that one02:08
crashdatano driver updates02:09
=== patrik is now known as Guest76571
crashdatabigtom21485,  i check update manager again to there were new updates available02:10
crashdatai'll try this forst hopefully this will solve the problem02:10
Guest76571I need help installing a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG card on Ubuntu 8.04.02:10
bigtom21485crashdata: good ol' linux :-)02:10
bigtom21485crashdata: i abandoned windows and ill never go back ;-)02:10
sirninjaWhat are some ways to improve battery life in ubuntu?02:10
bigtom21485siminja: right click your top panel, click "add to panel..." then add the "cpu frequency scaling monitor"02:11
shiro_is the new beta ready ?02:12
bigtom21485siminja: you can vary your cpu's processing frequency (and therefore power) to whatever you'd like depending on how much work you wanna get done and how much battery you wanna save02:12
crashdatabigtom21485, me to long time ago :)02:12
Guest76571I need help installing a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG card on Ubuntu 8.04. Nothing I've tried works...02:12
crashdatabigtom21485,  if this doesnt work do i need to work with ndiswrapper then? to get my wireless going02:13
dhanesh bigtom21485 : recording live audio streams from internet02:13
bigtom21485crashdata: i had a friend tell me to try windows 7...i laughed. i was sick of the lies.  "its better this time" they said.  windows is like an ex girlfriend that keeps lying to get back with you.02:13
shiro_what's the newest linux kernel under ubuntu ? I'm waiting for the 2.6.3302:13
bigtom21485shiro_: what do we get that we didnt have before?02:13
crashdatabut this doesnt make sense cause some of this model are ship with linux in it02:13
bigtom21485crashdata: you're venturing into unknown territory for me02:13
sirninjabigtom21485: I've been doing that and it helps, but is there a way for it to automatically switch to powersave mode when on battery power and I can adjust it up as needed?02:13
crashdatabigtom21485, k np02:14
shiro_bigtom21485: a driver for a marvell yukon NIC, the driver is already available but you have to compile it yourself each time a new kernel is installed02:14
bigtom21485siminja: you'll wanna google that because theres several ways to do it.  linux defaults to run "on demand," i prefer performance because i have a double-capacity battery02:14
bigtom21485siminja: *"performance"02:15
jasonjmhave a email question02:15
=== pat__ is now known as random75
jasonjmwondering if anyone might be able to answer02:15
sirninjabigtom21485: I'll look into that. Just curious, how much battery life do you get with yours?02:15
shiro_can anyone post the result of 'uname -r' on ubuntu ?02:16
random75I am trying to make it so users and read and write files to a mounted FAT32 partition and it isn't working. Is chmod 777 -R /mountpoint the right command?02:16
bigtom21485sirninja: i get an hour or two, but im always working on stuff and its running full-speed all the time...i dont like worrying about it speeding up and slowing down so i jsut set it run fast so its always ready for whatever i throw at it02:17
jasonjm-r will tell what kern your using02:17
shiro_random75: not sure fat32 has the same rights system as other filesystem in the unix world02:17
jasonjmwill be different depending on your arch and or vm or not02:17
random75shiro_, do you know how I would make it read/write than?02:17
bigtom21485sirninja: i would definately recommend a higher-capacity battery from ebay or craig's list02:17
jasonjmfat32 has diff rights02:18
sirninjabigtom21485: I currently have a 9 cell... I by no means have a "short" battery life. I just want to maximize what I get02:18
random75jasonjm, how would I make it read/write?02:18
shiro_random75: you may have to create an interface suid root, as far as I know only root can write on mounted fat32 partitions02:18
hiexpohello all02:19
jasonjmrandom75, stick with fstab02:19
shiro_random75: if you let gnome mount the device, your local user can write on it too.02:19
random75jasonjm, I have it auto-mounting in fstab, but I can't write to the partition02:19
ziesemer_Maybe, where is xorg.conf under xbuntu ?02:20
leonardo21Hi people, I have a problem on ubuntu: I installed adobe flash player from ubuntu repository and after I installed gnash plugin. Gnash "replaced" adobe.. On Firefox. I don't see adobe plugin listed anymore02:20
leonardo21Adobe is installed but doesn't show on browser plugins02:20
leonardo21because I installed gnash too02:21
leonardo21I filled a bug report on Google Chrome and they said is ubuntu problem02:21
leonardo21I'll find the bug report and post here02:21
Guest76571*Sigh* Ubuntu and laptops....02:21
Guest76571cant get this crap to work02:22
jasonjmfor the record, Ubuntu drains my 'old' P4M laptop02:22
jasonjmand a few macbooks02:22
=== jasonjm is now known as JasonGiedymin
hiexpoleonardo21, it is an easy fix just open your firefox click add ons searck type adobe and run thru the list and get flash bac02:22
SuperMiguelwhen the kernel chashes the memory does it really make the system run faster? like will i see a speed improvement from 8gb to 16gb of ram??02:23
leonardo21hiexpo: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4073202:23
Guest76571anyone here who's good at drivers and crap in ubuntu 8.04 in here? need some brainstorming.02:23
leelai'm a girl02:23
=== Guest76571 is now known as Snackfodo
=== Snackfodo is now known as Snackfood
mc_hi leela ;D02:24
macoleela: good for you?02:24
shiro_random75: mount_msdosfs -u user -g group may be what you want too02:24
leonardo21hiexpo: see comment 502:24
Snackfoodnoone? dammit...02:24
macoleela: would you like to join #ubuntu-women?02:24
leelaok ok02:24
lepineDo you need the alternate install CD to install on a RAID/LVM?02:24
sirninjaGuest76571: ask your question, somebody may be able to help02:24
shiro_random75: check the man of fstab if you have it (the freebsd version will give you an example on how to insert it in /etc/fstab)02:25
hiexpoleonardo21, yes was gonna tell you that02:25
leelaonly me in ubuntu women02:25
Planetaryhelp. a power surge happened now my computer (xubuntu) boots in to terminal. How do I start xfce? I rebooted and same thing. I hit control alt f7 and it just gets rid of the text in teh terminal02:25
leonardo21hiexpo: what to do?02:26
leonardo21hiexpo: it's a ubuntu bug?02:26
hiexpogo like i said and reinstall through firefox02:26
leonardo21hiexpo: But I want a solution to Google Chrome02:27
hiexpobut disable the other first02:27
SnackfoodI need help installing a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG card on Ubuntu 8.04. Nothing I've tried works...02:27
dhanesh shiro how can i record internet live audio streams02:28
hiexpooh sorry misunderstood dont know02:28
sirninjaSnackfood: do you see anything under hardware drivers?02:28
mc_Planetary, try service gdm restart02:28
leonardo21hiexpo: no answer?02:28
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:28
mc_or logon in the console and try "startx"02:28
hiexposorry nope02:28
shiro_dhanesh: i suppose that you want me to answer ? Try Wireshark02:28
Planetarymc_. for xubuntu with xfce?02:29
hiexpoi will find one though a little later relaxing right now02:29
mc_well these are standard comments02:29
Snackfoodsirninja, nothing useful02:29
Snackfoodsirninja, the network card works fine and autoinstalls on newer ubuntu versions but not this one, too old i guess. Found the drivers and a guide how to install but...It doesn't work.02:30
hiexposhiro_,  - that gut was doing that last night and i actuallt got in trouble in the forums for posting a fix for youtube-dl got suspended02:31
sirninjaSnackfood: maybe install a newer kernel? I've never done anything like that before, but it might work. Is there any reason you don't want to use a newer version of ubuntu?02:31
scott_ino2any transcode/mencoder users in here? It hangs using dvdrip.02:31
Snackfoodsirninja, well I've got this crappy nx9420 with a x1600 ati card that doesn't work on never distros.02:32
CoburnHeya peeps02:32
hiexpodhanesh, do not ask people in here how to do something illegal downloading live streams could be illegal depending on policies of the site no one is going to tell you how so quit asking people to commit a crime02:33
sirninjaSnackfood: I see. So they fix one thing and break another. This is probably off topic here, but have you tried any other linux distros?02:33
CoburnI'm having issues with a MacBook 6,1. Sound isn't working, and I've installed the lastest alsa backport as described in the wiki. Alsamixer says "no mixer elems" found, and I have done the alsa-base.conf model=mbp5 hack. I'm kinda on the borderline of giving up on Ubuntu, any help would be great so I can restore my sanity! :)02:34
Dr_WillisCoburn:  try the beta release yet? it might fix some of the issues..02:35
Snackfoodsirninja, Yeah I tried 9.10 just the other day, the graphics card doesn't work but the Wireless network card works :P kinda pisses one of.02:35
CoburnBeta release? Which one is that?02:35
JasonGiedyminif your macbook can do VT-X then just go with a vm like virtualbox02:36
Dr_WillisCoburn:  10.04 is out in beta now.. final reelease expected near the end of april02:36
sirninjaSnackfood: I mean have you tried a linux distro besides ubuntu? Ubuntu usually does a pretty good job with hardware support, but if it doesn't work for your hardware, there are dozens of alternatives02:36
CoburnAlso, I got my Macbook's GeForce 9400M GPU working.... Slick as oil compiz FXs!02:36
CoburnDr_Willis: I also heard the .32 kernel fixes some issues02:37
Dr_WillisCoburn:  I find that a lot with newerr kernels. :)02:37
Snackfoodsirninja, Oh, no i havn't I'm not familliar with any other Linux so I'm not sure i can handle anything else.02:37
CoburnI just really don't like running around in circles! I got Wifi working and the GPU working, just don't want to have to update the whole thing again! :P02:37
CoburnJust for sound, that is02:38
Dr_WillisCoburn:  try the latest daily build live cd.02:38
Snackfoodsirninja,  now....I just tried something.02:38
Dr_WillisCoburn:  if it has an issue. file a bug report on it.  Otherwise it may never get fixed.02:38
CoburnDr_Willis: alright, but 700MB takes a while to download...02:38
Dr_WillisCoburn:  about 15 min here. :)02:39
shiro_funny, irssi has just crashed because of my malloc function02:39
CoburnThere's no LiveCD Torrent?02:39
Dr_WillisCoburn:  there proberly are. but yopu proberly want the latest DailyBuild. it will be the most up to date02:39
Snackfoodsirninja, tryed typing "dmesg | grep -i 3945" just for fun to see if anything had changed.02:39
Dr_WillisCoburn:  Beta2 was due out today also (or tomorrow)02:39
Snackfoodsirninja, and it has.02:39
CoburnHm, okay.02:40
CoburnShould I upgrade my ALSA in the meantime?02:40
Snackfoodsirninja, [   27.265443] iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.0] last time i checked it was nothing.02:40
Dr_WillisCoburn:  No idea on alsa upgrades. ive rarely ever had sound issues. Beta2 out today -> http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=05999   test to see if it works.02:40
shiro_by the way, can someone post the output of uname -r on a up-to-date ubuntu ?02:40
Dr_WillisCoburn:  if nothing else.. test it to see if it works..if not..file a bug. so perhaps it will get fixed in thefinal release.02:41
sirninjaSnackfood: Is it working now?02:41
ne7workplease someone help me with phpmyadmin02:41
sloopyshiro_,  mine says 2.6.31-20-generic  and i just checked updates about an hour ago02:42
n1md4Hello.   I'd like to install Ubuntu Hardy server edition on 1TB HDDs, but the installer fails to recognise the disks.  Does anyone know how to fix this?02:42
shiro_sloopy: thank you very much02:42
Planetaryhow do i get out of terminal it keeps booting in there. i have xubuntu with xfce02:42
mc_Planetary, so it didn't work?02:43
Dr_WillisPlanetary:  if the Login manager is not startingproperly - thers some issue going on. You could try the 'startx' command to see if X starts up02:43
mc_start x?02:43
Dr_Willisno space.. -> 'startx'02:43
Planetaryi get faitale error no screens found02:44
chris78945Hello! I need help setting up personal file sharing, the box tells me that i dont have the correct packages installed. I do not know what packages to install.  I am on a fresh install of 10.0402:44
Planetaryconcult xorg02:44
patrik_sirninja, now it's working ^02:44
shiro_Planetary: what did you do ? At least you have a shell, you won't lose your data02:45
patrik_sirninja, damn that was exhausting =P02:45
Planetaryno such file or directory02:45
Babalabondoes anyone here know, what is the differece between ubuntu 32bit and 64bit?02:45
sirninjapatrik: lol, if you like ubuntu, you will pick your next laptop so that it will work perfectly. :P02:45
Dr_WillisBabalabon:  one is for 64bit machines.. other for 32bit machines.02:45
Dr_WillisBabalabon:  so what cpu do you have?02:46
shiro_Babalabon: captain obvious ?02:46
mc_either your card is pooched or config, try X -configure, should create new config ,which you can try , if it works copy it to /etc/X1102:46
hiexpoLydia`, hello02:46
bsmith093i have ubuntu and xp dualbooting off the sam hd and i suddenly cant unmount the xp partition02:46
Lydia`hiya hiexpo02:46
Babalabonshiro: you dickhead, I needed know alittle more info than that02:47
hiexpoLydia`, did ya get your new to02:47
CoburnBabalabon, hey! LANGUAGE!02:47
__ka__bsmith093, is it complaining about a cleanly unmounted drive?02:47
bsmith093afaik yes02:47
mc_bsmith093, check your consoles/ xterm windows, you likely have some file opened02:47
Planetarywell its my aunts computer talking on the phone with her. she lives in florida and the power flicked off then on then booted up into terminal.02:47
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Babalaboncoburn: well tell shiro to shut up and quit being such a duche02:47
dboylib question on 10.04B2...libjpeg62 available libjpeg not..is this a bug?02:48
Planetaryi guesss a power surge or drop or somethign02:48
shiro_Babalabon: You mean that you know what's the difference between 32 and 64 bits processors ? why do you ask then ? i don't get it, sorry02:48
Coburn64bit = Better addressing >4GB RAM02:48
shiro_Babalabon: My bad if i misunderstood you02:48
mc_good luck... :/02:48
chris78945Hello! I need help setting up personal file sharing, the box tells me that i dont have the correct packages installed. I do not know what packages to install.  I am on a fresh install of 10.0402:48
Coburnchris78945, we heard you the first time02:49
Coburnchris78945, spill the beans02:49
dhaneshcoburn how can i convert a software running in windows to ubuntu02:49
patrik_Coburn, Wine?02:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:49
Coburndhanesh, I used to use  Wine-Doors02:49
hiexpoLydia`, how are you doing today ?02:50
Dr_Willischris78945:  see the samba factoid/docs/guides02:50
Babalabonshiro: I know. can 64bit ver. do things the 32bit ver cannot, thats what Im asking.02:50
Nik_Does anyone triple boot here with xp 7 and ubuntu?02:50
CoburnI dual boot Mac and Ubuntu02:50
patrik_Nik_, I do.02:50
chris78945Dr_Willis, where is that?02:50
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.02:50
CoburnI could run both at the same time, if I wanted ... :P02:50
shiro_just testing02:50
Dr_Willischris78945:  the bot just gave it to the channel02:50
Dr_Willis!samba > chris7894502:50
ubottuchris78945, please see my private message02:50
collis there a quicktime player to watch a video on apple's website?02:50
Kiddso many02:50
Dr_Willischris78945:  also 10.04 support in #ubuntu+102:51
sirninjaNik_: I did at one time02:51
Coburncoll, install mplayer and then libw32codecs02:51
Coburnmplayer = win02:51
hiexpoya quicktime02:51
Dr_Williscoll:  you have to download them I belive. then play them locally  last i heard. but ive neer really messed withit.02:51
colllet me see.02:51
Planetaryshire_ , well its my aunts computer, i am talking on the phone with her. she lives in florida and the power flicked off then on then booted up into terminal. so i guess apower sureg or something.02:51
chris78945that you very much02:51
Nik_patrik_: If I install 7 after I already have my dual boot working, you think a reinstall of grub will recreate the menu for me and not crash my system?02:51
sirninjaNik_: it will regenerate the menu for you02:52
CoburnPlanetary, tell her to read the info on the screen.02:52
CoburnPlanetary, if it says something like root filesystem, do02:52
collDr_Willis, i see.. let me give it a try.02:52
BabalabonHow long is ubuntu and mircosoft going to support 32bit mechines?02:52
Coburne2fsck /02:52
patrik_Nik_, If it can locate the previous installs then yes, no problem.02:52
Dr_WillisBabalabon:  most netbooks are 32bit. so i imagine for quite a long time.02:52
CoburnBabalabon, 32bit will be around for ages...02:53
Dr_WillisBabalabon:  i imagine most linux disrtos will support 32bit for a VERY long time.02:53
Nik_sirninja: So I shouldn't have any fears of installing 7 then (I lost my xp disk so if I lose that I'll be in sad shape02:53
BabalabonOk thank you all for your input02:53
hiexpoi actually like 32 bit better02:53
patrik_Nik_, If it cant, u might have to edit the grub manually. It's easy though.02:53
Dr_WillisBabalabon:  MS could drop 32bit much sooner then linux would. I would imagine.02:53
collCoburn, is the libw32codecs on the Ubuntu Software Center?02:53
BabalabonSorry shiro02:53
Planetaryit has: i get faitale error no screens found02:53
Planetaryi get faitale server error no screens found02:53
Planetaryconcult xorg02:54
Planetaryno such file or directory02:54
shiro_Babalabon: no problem, see you02:54
captain-obvious<shiro_> Babalabon: captain obvious ?02:54
* n1md4 leave02:55
mc_Planetary, ask your aunt to run X -configure as root02:55
mc_should create a config file locally and say how to run it02:56
mc_for test02:56
Planetarytype 'X -configure as root' ?02:56
IdleOnesudo X -configure02:56
mc_it seems that /etc/X11/xorg.conf is pooched02:57
mc_but could be something else02:57
IdleOneI doubt that X -configure as root will work02:57
IdleOneas a command that is02:57
mc_I'mean logon as root02:57
mc_then run "X -configure"02:57
mc_or run "sudo X -configure"02:57
mc_as IdleOne proposed02:58
IdleOnemc_: I think you might need to be more precise with the commands you are asking Planetary to run. :)02:58
IdleOnejust a suggestion02:58
mc_I know ...02:58
Planetarywould it be: sudo -i X -configure02:58
Dr_WillisI was thinking it was more complex then X -configure also.. but in THEORY  just removing the xorg.conf should work also.02:59
CircsI have a very weird request. I'm trying to get ubuntu onto a laptop with a broken screen to use as a desktop. I have managed to get it to boot, but is there a "blind" walkthrough (hit tab 3 times, hit enter, type this) to get ubuntu UNR 9.10 going?02:59
IdleOneDr_Willis: I have no idea what the issue is to be honest just saw what he asked to run and noticed that it seemed to literal02:59
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  yep.03:00
CircsNVM Just got HDMI out working through sheer luck. You guys are at the very least awesome good luck charms03:00
hiexpoLydia`,  - i see u wrote a few theme's   :)03:02
Lydia`What themes?03:02
Lydia`i'm confused03:02
hiexpoLydia`,  - i typed your name and it can up in graffics and and themes or something ?03:03
Lydia`hiexpo, no idea, I use Xchat03:04
Lydia`hiexpo, nothing special03:04
vexati0nhelp, please! i installed KDE then uninstalled it, now there is no audio coming from the speakers. i reinstalled pulseaudio and alsa, checked alsamixer, the pulseaudio volume meter shows audio playing, but nothing is going to the speakers.03:04
knoppiesLydia`, I think he is referring to gnome-look or something similar.03:04
Planetarysudo -i X -configure does. list i think something like xorg conf and says no kernal load setting03:05
Planetarywhat the hell03:05
turminderHi, when I do df -h, I see a bunch of /dev/sys, /dev/shm, /var/run, /var/lock mounted03:05
turminderand they are apparently using ram, is that right?03:05
=== Prodego is now known as Administrivia
Banshee_I just installed ubuntu latest version and it installed and what not, but when I try to boot it just brings me to the sh:grub> command line, when i type boot it says unknown kernel or something along those lines, any help?03:06
GolummI was upgrading my ubuntu to 9.10 but suddently my network disconnected. How can I resume the upgrade???03:06
hiexpoLydia`,  - sorry i was mistaken thought u were someone else i talked to last night named lydia    :)03:07
ne7workplease someone help me with phpmyadmin03:07
mc_Planetary, I think this was an important error message , can you quote it exactly (note: no promises I can help)03:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:07
turminderHow is the amount of ram allocated to /dev/shm, /var/run, /var/lock, etc. detemined?03:08
Banshee_Anybody know the answer to my question =P03:08
turminderit seems to be variable.03:08
mc_Banshee just reinstall, good advise03:08
mc_you don't wanna mess with grub03:09
Banshee_Ok thanks03:09
CircsIs there a way to tell a laptop to only ever use the external display?03:09
mc_ definitely, there should be a key combination (all the IBM laptops have it at least)03:10
mc_try toggling Fn-F703:10
Circsmc_, As soon as it starts behaving itself enough I'll try it03:11
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Planetaryi740 chip voodoo i128 ( bunch of letters) VESA. using config file: (/root/xorg.conf.new). (II) [ms} no DRIC reat C (bunch of letters).03:15
Tohuwbug 514950 is marked as "fix committed". how can i get my hands on this fix? I don't see it attached...03:15
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IdleOneTohuw: update/upgrade03:16
IdleOneand it should update whatever package it is that bug affects03:16
TohuwIdleOne: I thought so, but I didn't see it in the latest dist-upgrade03:16
Planetaryshe will email me tomorrow with it exactly. i we can t figure it out  i will reinstall the /boo and / partitions03:16
IdleOneTohuw: don't know :/03:17
randomusr_how can I reset my nagios password from bash?03:17
GolummI was upgrading my ubuntu to 9.10 but suddently my network disconnected. How can I resume the upgrade???03:17
mc_Planetary, the scary thing is that X is usually pretty good at recognizing the hardware and creating working config file03:17
mc_This could be a hardware issue03:17
ToStItOsI installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my secondary slave drive with the Windows Xp drive plugged in. One problem is Windows is not loading. I have read you can restore Windows to the bootloader. Would it be a wise decision?03:18
randomusr_ToStItOs, how did you configure grub upon install?03:18
mc_but obviously it run the new config (hence /root/xorg.conf.new)03:18
IdleOneTohuw: that is a Lucid bug I haven't received any updates today either03:18
IdleOnewait till morning it will probably be pushed then to all the servers03:19
Tohuwok. Hmm, why isn't Pidgin playing the highlight sound? Odd. Well, thanks.03:19
Planetaryyaa it doesnt surprise me. I sent a care package with ram and a graphics card and xubuntu 9.10 after her windows 2000 system got infected. its a sortof goofy card but more powerful than what she had. its a radeon 7500 diablotech03:19
IdleOneTohuw: see #ubuntu+1 for more support since you are running Lucid03:20
mc_Planetary, hmm, why then it used a voodoo driver03:20
mc_isn't it what I read?03:20
Planetaryi mean a diablotek radeon 7500. she had a tnt203:20
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ToStItOsrandomusr_: I apparently did not configure it correctly you see I am not very familiar with partitioning so I screwed that up03:20
Planetarymc_: well she also has  her resolution stuck at 800x600 and i tried to switch teh driver. stupid ati03:21
ToStItOsI did not add windows to the bootloader03:21
ToStItOsthats what i forgot to do03:21
mc_should'va edit xorg.conf03:21
Planetarymc_: i wonder if putting the TNT 2 in would be better even though it slower...03:22
randomusr_ToStItOs, no need to be brash, just trying to help. Why not try re-installing grub?03:22
randalHow do you update your Bios in Linux plz help03:22
mc_just remember you will have to recreate xorg.conf as it's different chipset03:22
randomusr_randal, um do what?03:23
Planetarymc_: I edited the xorg.conf file and changed the driver to vesa to radeon and it didnt seem to work03:23
themusicgod1randal: why do you need to do that?03:23
randalrandomusr_,  Update my laptop bios03:23
ToStItOsI am just upset with the whole thing03:23
randomusr_randal, most manufacturers allow you to create a bootcd or bootfloppy to flash the bios03:23
Planetaryits one thing i miss from 7.04 is an easy way to chang ethe driver03:23
randomusr_ToStItOs, do you not want assistance then?03:24
randalthemusicgod1,  It has some fixes for my wifi and booting up its a eee pc03:24
CircsI just purchased a wireless keyboard touchpad combo and mysteriously the touchpad works but the keyboard does not. Any thoughts?03:24
randomusr_randal, are you 100% confident that you understand the risks of updating the bios?03:24
ToStItOsrandomusr_: I do03:24
ToStItOsI am trying to see my options03:25
randomusr_ToStItOs, being upset does nothing to fix the problem03:25
randalrandomusr_,  its usually not that hard yes i understand the risks03:25
ToStItOsI know I was frustrated last night03:25
randalrandomusr_,  is there a program for linux to flsh the bios or something03:26
mc_from vesa to radeon?03:26
mc_try ati03:26
randomusr_randal, go to a windows machine and download the iso image or boot floppy for your computer then boot from that03:26
ToStItOssorry for the rage03:26
randomusr_or google.com/linux flash bios03:26
mc_but it's best to make X create it and later just tweak things like mouse or default resolution03:26
ToStItOsMy mind is better today03:26
randalrandomusr_,  the think is its a netbook i dont have a cd drive or floppy03:26
mc_I was writing on the vim channel to you, they must have been scratching their heads wtf I'm talking about xD03:26
randomusr_ToStItOs, the best way to get help is ask what you want to accomplish03:27
JonathanchHay i have 4 demonoid invitation codes if any one is interested03:27
sebsebseb!piracy | Jonathanch03:27
ubottuJonathanch: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:27
randalrandomusr_, thing*03:27
randomusr_randal, I believe those offer a usb flash drive option, or you can use a 2.5 usb floppy drive03:27
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct03:28
Planetarythanks for the help everyone. have a good night03:28
ToStItOsrandomusr_: I know I had a thought now you said reinstall grub03:28
laurusHas anyone here tried GNOME Shell?03:28
randomusr_yes, probably from a live cd03:29
sebsebseb!ot | laurus03:29
taesoois there anyone running oprofiler at karmic?03:29
ubottulaurus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:29
CoburnTerminal? Yes?03:29
CircsI cannot get my keyboard to work with ubuntu, any help?03:29
randomusr_ToStItOs, pull up a terminal please03:30
hiexpoLydia`,  - did ya get your new hack box? :)03:30
ToStItOswhat if reinstalled 9.10 and added windows03:30
taesoooprofile (opreport) is simply saying (opreport error: No sample file found)03:30
randalrandomusr_,  im on the asus support website i cant find any prgoram that can flash bios exept for windows03:30
randomusr_ToStItOs, that's bold and cumbersome, but i guess it could work. it helps to know what you're doing03:30
randomusr_randal, give me a moment and I'll see if I can pull it up03:31
ToStItOsthat will be a problem that computer does not have the internet configured03:31
randomusr_ToStItOs, I don't understand, what does that have to do with anything?03:32
W43372Where can I locate smb.conf?03:32
randomusr_randal, is that just eee or is there a model or something?03:32
ToStItOsbrb let me check something03:32
themusicgod1W43372: try "locate smb.conf"03:32
randomusr_W43372, did you install samba?03:32
randomusr_how about ls -l /etc/ | grep smb03:33
randomusr_or that03:33
GolummI was upgrading my ubuntu to 9.10 but suddently my network disconnected. How can I resume the upgrade???03:33
themusicgod1Golumm: at what point did it stop??03:33
BaramI'm trying to recover data from a failed disk via  liveCD, how can I backup/copy the files but save the permissions?03:34
Golummthemusicgod1 when it was downloading the packages03:34
IdleOneGolumm: restarting the upgrade and letting it calculate what it needs to download would probably be best03:34
SuspectZerohey there, is there a software i can use to see if my bluetooth works or not?03:34
randomusr_randal, is that just eee pc?03:34
randomusr_randal, what country did you buy it in?03:34
GolummIdle0ne there is no upgrade button in the update manager and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade didn't work03:34
h00kSuspectZero: the icon should show up if bluetooth is enabled03:35
IdleOneGolumm: try sudo apt-get -f install03:35
SuspectZeroh00k, the funny thing is, i have a bluetooth symbol on my laptop but i dont know if its a button or something03:35
IdleOneGolumm: is apt-get upgrade giving any errors?03:35
GolummIdle0ne no.03:36
randalrandomusr_, its a eee pc 1008 ha03:36
IdleOneGolumm: it's an O not a 003:36
avner1hi, iam looking for a vpn client to install on an ubuntu 9.10 server, that can connet to checkpoint firewall, can anyone recomend such a software?03:36
h00kSuspectZero: Yeah, some are vague about that.  Check your BIOS. If you have it and it's enabled/available, you'll see an icon in your notification area03:36
randal#flashrom on irc.freenode.net03:36
GolummIdleOne sudo apt-get -f install didn't work as well03:36
SuspectZeroh00k, awesome, i'll check that, thanks03:36
IdleOneGolumm: didn't work? in what sense?03:36
GolummIdleOne zero packets updated.03:37
IdleOneGolumm: ok you went from 9.04 to 9.10?03:37
GolummNo, I'm still in 9.0403:38
IdleOneGolumm: do lsb_release -a make sure03:38
h00kSuspectZero: good luck!03:38
Lydia`hiexpo, yes i did, it runs fine, but took all afternoon to setup03:38
GolummIdleOne yeah, Jaunty 9.0403:38
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ToStItOsrandomusr_: Let me explain the issue more clearly:  I have two computers one has Xubuntu alone the other has Windows Xp and I added a second drive which now contains 9.10. What happened is I believe I did not configure the bootloader towards the end of install but again this is my first time adding a second drive with Windows Xp03:39
randomusr_randal, I was able to find it without issue03:39
d0wngradeHello room. This is my first time in a IRC room. :P03:39
randomusr_ToStItOs, hold a moment03:39
randomusr_randal, still here?03:40
randomusr_ToStItOs, open a terminal03:40
IdleOneGolumm: not sure what to suggest.03:40
hiexpoLydia`,  - oh wow so is it worth it ?03:41
botakedanany support in here ?03:41
d0wngradeIs anyone here into exploit development? I've been getting into it and it's very interesting. I was wondering if anyone could help me learn more?03:41
ToStItOsthe computer is in another room03:41
IdleOneGolumm: sudo do-release-upgrade03:41
IdleOnesee what it says03:42
h00kd0wngrade: this isn't the place for that03:42
IdleOne!ot | d0wngrade03:42
ubottud0wngrade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:42
IdleOneand neither is -offtopic03:42
Kenthreewhen I click Set System Time in the date and time config it asks me to authenticate but does nothing, is this known bug or just me?03:42
d0wngradeOh, I'm sorry...03:42
crucialhoaxKenthree: Just you. my system works03:42
GolummIdleOne seems that it works. Thanks03:43
randomusr_ToStItOs, do this from the command line "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"03:43
IdleOneGolumm: sure thing. let me know how it works out :)03:43
randomusr_ToStItOs, tell me if windows is listed03:43
Kenthreecrucialhoax: any idea what the problem could be?03:44
ToStItOsrandomusr_: I configured that last night windows is in there but for some reason when I select windows i get a black blank screen03:44
Lydia`hiexpo, it's okay i can't say yet03:44
ToStItOsin the boot sequence when I restart03:44
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:45
hiexpoLydia`,  - what kind of wireless card does it have ?03:45
MK-BB+OK yM0kY1XMlay1zAQRz/Ls8.z13cL7T/oL7NC.Q3RS70SR4pO.03:45
ToStItOsNow one thing that may be causing a problem03:45
randomusr_ToStItOs, could you copy the lines for windows and pastebin it?03:45
randomusr_ToStItOs, then give me the link to the pastebin?03:45
damascenehello, any one knows how to add page to ubuntu wiki?03:45
CircsI was hoping someone could help get my new keyboard/touchpad working with 9.10, any help?03:46
crucialhoaxCircs: What laptop is it?03:46
randomusr_ToStItOs, ubottu, lists the official page for grub above03:47
Lydia`hiexpo, some sort of Marvel wifi chip that goes with the Marvel xScale CPU03:47
Circscrucialhoax, Well I'm actually trying to get a wireless keyboard working so I can use it in my living room03:47
ToStItOsok give me a minute and I'll look at that03:47
crucialhoaxCircs: So it is USB?03:47
SuperMiguelwhen the kernel chaches the memory (RAM) does it really make the system run faster? like will i see a speed improvement from 8gb to 16gb of ram??03:48
crucialhoaxLydia`: type sudo lshw -C Network03:48
Circscrucialhoax, Yes, and the touchpad portion works just fine, and the little receiver blinks when I touch keys but no text is produced03:48
crucialhoaxSuperMiguel: Probably not03:48
randomusr_it is very important that you know what you want to do before starting and know what you hope to accomplish03:48
hiexpodamascene, ya what ya wanna add just click lick new user than theres a buttonon the bottom that says new ? someting03:48
crucialhoaxCircs: Type lsusb in a terminal and see if the system recognizes the keyboard03:49
damascenehiexpo, found it thanks, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/PageCreation03:49
randomusr_how can I reset my nagios admin password, the one I set isn't working03:49
DrDankAnyone Used Eggdrop via VM Ubuntu ?? If so mind giving some help /suggestions to a total newbie? much appricated!!03:49
Circscrucialhoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/411415/03:50
ArsinHow can I access files from a live disk that's under a user?03:50
crucialhoaxCircs: What brand is the keyboard/03:50
crucialhoaxArsin: Just go under places and it should say <#GB File system> click on it as that is the install Ubuntu03:51
Circscrucialhoax, They went out of their way to not put a name brand on it03:51
crucialhoaxCircs: So I am guessing it is the Ortek Technology one?03:52
Circscrucialhoax, Sounds good to me. I am on a dell laptop so it's not the dell one03:52
Circscrucialhoax, Saw it on craigslist for cheap and thought "How much trouble can a keyboard be?" Oh silly me03:53
crucialhoaxCircs: Looks like there are quite a few bug reports on this03:53
Circscrucialhoax, Does that mean i am up a proverbial river?03:53
crucialhoaxCircs: No, let me look through it and see. Is this your KB? http://www.ebuyer.com/product/15837703:54
Lydia`hiexpo, it's onboard03:54
CircsUh yeah, wow03:54
Circscrucialhoax, Yeah you're sharp03:54
Lydia`hiexpo, Marvell 88W8686 802.11b/g03:54
uvacavquestion.. my gpu fried on my laptop so i have to send it back. i really want to format as im afraid they will say linux voids the warranty. Is there any sortof bootable distro i can use to format without being able to see what im doing (graphical glitches everywhere)03:54
crucialhoaxCircs: Perfect. Hang tight.03:55
Typhanyone know the equivalent for fdisk -f on unix/osx? It's for providing a configfile03:55
TyphI can't find anything that seems the same in relation to linux/ubuntu03:56
crucialhoaxCircs: You still here?03:58
TGP1994Hi there everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 with Webmin, and I cannot get php working at all. Nothing happens when I try an echo. Can anyone help?03:59
Circscrucialhoax, Yep :D03:59
=== emma_ is now known as emma
crucialhoaxCircs: A developer had posted in the bug report and stated that it needed a kernel patch. This particular patch was applied in Lucid, so if you want it to work in Karmic, you would need a new kernel.04:00
hiexpoLydia`,  - will it go in monitor mode04:00
TGP1994So, can anyone help me?04:00
Circscrucialhoax, Ummm... Ok? I'm not exactly a power user I guess... What should I do?04:00
TGP1994Anyone at all?04:01
bastid_raZor!webmin | TGP199404:01
crucialhoaxCircs: Neither am I, I honestly have no clue how to apply kernel patches. But one way to see is grab a Lucid iso burn it, boot it and see if it works in Lucid. if it does, wait until the final release of Lucid and use that.04:01
ubottuTGP1994: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.04:01
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox04:02
Circscrucialhoax, Oh, ok. Off to the races with Lucid. :D04:02
bastid_raZorTGP1994: hope that helps04:02
HandyGandyWhere can I find freenx for koala?04:02
crucialhoaxCircs: I would try a Live CD just to make sure that it does work though.04:02
bastid_raZor!freenx | HandyGandy04:03
ubottuHandyGandy: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX04:03
Circscrucialhoax, Of course.04:03
HandyGandythank you bastid_raZor /04:03
crucialhoaxin a terminal type: uname -a and post the output in here. It will only be one line04:04
bastid_raZorHandyGandy: good luck.04:04
Circscrucialhoax, Yeah I was reading what the devs were doing to fix this and wow, over my head but it seems like the keyboard does a poor job of identifying itself to the system and they're catching its error and handling it.04:04
quesoHow can I modify the Gnome Guest session?04:05
TGP1994@bastid_raZor: Yes, actually, thank you very much. You know what would be cool, is if we try to install webmin via the apt repository, it suggests ebox instead.04:05
bastid_raZorTGP1994: heh, nice04:05
crucialhoaxCircs: Likewise. I do not understand some of that stuff. But lets see what kernel you are currently running. type uname -a in a terminal04:05
Circscrucialhoax,  2.6.31-20 and it looks like they committed the change in .33 rc4 I think?04:06
crucialhoaxCircs: 2.6.32-14.19 is the kernel which was patched.04:07
crucialhoaxCircs: Which is the kernel in Lucid04:07
Circscrucialhoax, Well thanks, I'll start downloading right away04:08
CloudLeviGnea: Ah, good...you're still here04:08
xae8kooWhat is the name of the program that generates pronoucable passwords?04:08
crucialhoaxCircs: Please post back so we know the results :)04:08
crucialhoaxxae8koo: Hello :)04:09
Circscrucialhoax, I probably won't finish that up tonight, but when I do I'll let people know. :)04:09
CloudLeviGnea: so Windows is gone =/ I managed to locate the ISO, however...but now I have a new problem. the "Make Startup Disk" window has an exclamation point next to my 1GB04:09
crucialhoaxCircs: perfect04:09
xae8koocrucialhoax: hello04:09
=== adam__ is now known as adam22
GneaCloudLevi: I don't know what you're referring to...04:11
CloudLeviGnea: the USB startup disk creation program thing04:12
CloudLeviGnea: it's got an alert icon next to my only working gigabyte USB drive04:12
axisysanyone know of a sharepoint like tool for ubuntu or some tool that can work directly with sharepoint?04:12
GneaCloudLevi: and?04:12
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: Is the drive formatted?04:12
airtonixCloudLevi, it means you need to format the usb stick.04:12
axisysi dislike sharepoint04:12
CloudLeviyeah, I formatted it twice04:12
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: Hmm...04:13
airtonixCloudLevi, di you use gparted to remove existing partitions and create new ones on it formatted as fat32 ?04:13
CloudLevithe other one won't format DXX04:13
GneaCloudLevi: I don't know what the ! is supposed to mean (haven't ran into that problem)04:13
themusicgod1during install a bunch of packages failed to install including libpam0g and passwd04:13
CloudLeviairtonix: where is that? e-e04:13
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: After you reformetted did you unplug and replug?04:13
CloudLevicrucialhoax: uhhhhhh *does it*04:13
CloudLevidon't remember04:13
airtonixCloudLevi, i dont think gparted is installed by default, but you can get it with apt-get/synaptics, after installing it'll be in your system > admin menu04:14
themusicgod1the problem was that update-manager had a bug in the old version(which was replaced by update-manager) so now theoretically you'd think apt should be able to successfully install those broken packages, but apt-get install --reinstall refuses to reinstall passwd04:14
crucialhoaxIm not sure if it matters but hey, checking the simple things.04:14
themusicgod1is there a way to install it anyway?04:14
themusicgod1(aptitude shows it as successfully installed)04:14
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themusicgod1dpkg -i maybe?04:14
airtonixCloudLevi, you might be able to use the disk utility tool in the system > admin menu though (that should be there right now)04:15
CloudLevidis/reconnect after format has no effect04:15
Jeanvaljeanhello ,is there anyone fluent at network or website?04:15
CloudLeviairtonix: uh...does that always automatically try to scan my whole hard drive because it locked up last time ><04:15
airtonixCloudLevi, try running palimpsest. 1) alt + f2 2) palimpsest04:15
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: install gparted and try formatting the USB drive from there if you'd like. *sudo apt-get install gparted*04:15
JeanvaljeanI want to download some documents from a website,but I met some problem04:15
airtonixCloudLevi, "scann whole hardrive" ? which one are you referring to ?04:16
JeanvaljeanI use wget04:16
Jeanvaljeanto mirror the whole site04:16
CloudLeviairtonix: the HDD =3=04:16
Jeanvaljeanbut wget can't recognize the java scripts04:16
airtonix!enter | Jeanvaljean04:16
ubottuJeanvaljean: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:16
Random832anyone remember "twin"?04:16
themusicgod1Jeanvaljean: curl04:16
airtonixCloudLevi, which program are you talking about ? palimpset or gparted ?04:17
Jeanvaljeanwget can only download the URLs from page 1 on the site,but page 2,page 3 can't04:17
TGP1994Ok, so how do I get php working in ebox? How about ftp?04:18
Jeanvaljeanand the page 2,page 3.....'s URLs are the same as the page 104:18
themusicgod1should I risk restarting the system if aptitude says there's no broken packages even after update-manager failed?04:18
greezmunkeythemusicgod1: does curl work in conjunction with wget?04:18
themusicgod1greezmunkey: curl works instead of wget04:18
CloudLevigetting Gparted...and....for the record...that's about the last download I can get. I'm having to reinstall because I thought this was a temporary install and partitioned THREE GIGS for it DX04:18
TGP1994bastid_raZor, any ideas?04:19
greezmunkeythemusicgod1: I'll read up on it then, thanks :)04:19
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crucialhoaxCloudLevi: Is it in VirtualBox?04:19
CloudLeviwhat's that?04:19
crucialhoaxTake that as no haha04:19
airtonixcrucialhoax, obviously not.04:19
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: Okay that will be fine, should not need anything else lol. After it installs let us know.04:20
CloudLevi"Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."04:20
bastid_raZorTGP1994: i'm looking for a howto on ebox.04:20
airtonixCloudLevi, i just ran palimpsest, and i can remove partitions on my usbs sticks and create new ones and format them...04:21
TGP1994bastid_raZor, I'm kind of almost regretting getting rid of webmin, since it was working ok, and it may have just been php's fault.04:21
airtonixbastid_raZor, you mean apart from the one on the ubuntu wiki ?04:21
TGP1994@airtonix: I don't think it has anything about php there.04:22
CloudLevicrucialhoax: "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."04:22
armenceHey all, I need to get a new laptop (with ubuntu on it) and I was wondering what companies I should be looking at. Can anyone help me out?04:22
sharKedwhois nitro04:22
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: airtonix stated a diff way.04:22
CloudLevicrucialhoax: ;-; I'm running out of space here DX04:22
crucialhoaxarmence: Systems 7604:22
CloudLeviairtonix: where get? e-e04:22
armencecrucialhoax, Are they the only ones?04:22
CloudLeviairtonix: same as before?04:23
maple1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf68vCaFYkE rate my song04:23
airtonixCloudLevi, ? palimpsest should already be installed04:23
CloudLeviairtonix: YAY04:23
armencecrucialhoax, And if they are, do they make good products?04:23
crucialhoaxarmence: There is a few more. Dell sells them, there is one more company, cant think of it.04:23
CloudLeviairtonix: oO where would it be?04:23
airtonixCloudLevi, try running palimpsest. 1) alt + f2 2) palimpsest04:23
Jeanvaljeancurl works? let me google04:23
crucialhoaxsystems 76? I assume so yes.04:23
Jeanvaljeanthe website is www.e696.com04:23
Jeanvaljeana chinese website04:23
airtonix!enter > Jeanvaljean04:24
ubottuJeanvaljean, please see my private message04:24
CloudLeviairtonix: now what? =/04:24
airtonixCloudLevi, profit ?04:24
CloudLeviairtonix: Eh? oO I just hit erase, aye? *erases* So...now what? format again?04:24
zmefhello all i am having a strange problem with synaptic/apt seeming to want to connect to a proxy on localhost on port 500004:25
Jeanvaljeanfor example,I want to download all the files,like this :http://www.e696.com/articlelist.aspx?typeid=02170404:25
airtonixCloudLevi, make sure the stick is not mounted. then click on the device entry and then the 'erase' icon in the toolbar04:25
zmefand returning 404 errors when i try to update/upgrade04:25
airtonixCloudLevi, then create a new partition and format it as fat3204:26
crucialhoaxairtonix: He left.04:26
TGP1994bastid_raZor, Ok, no more ebox for me :P No where near as good as Webmin, sorry.04:26
mazda01whats the easiest way to copy stuff into a root owned folder using a gui sftp window?04:26
CloudLeviairtonix: you sure? I don't think 32 is available04:26
airtonixTGP1994, yet.04:26
Jeanvaljeanand there's something funny errors.when I download http://xxxxxx.com/data/xxxx.pdf,it can works04:26
crucialhoaxOr not04:26
CloudLeviairtonix: nope...just FAT04:26
TGP1994airtonix, what?04:27
Jeanvaljeanbut when I tried to download http://xxxxx.com/data  it provides "403 forbidden" error04:27
mazda01example: i am logged into my main machine as daniel. my server downstairs has a ssh server running. I went to connect to server, chose SSH, but when I am in there, I can't extract an archieve into /var/www/ because it is owned by root. any thoughts?04:27
crucialhoaxJeanvaljean: Why use wget? Does the browser not download it?04:27
Jeanvaljeanany kind guys help me?04:27
CloudLeviairtonix: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:04:27
CloudLeviTotal number of sectors (2015232) not a multiple of sectors per track (62)!04:27
crucialhoaxmazda01: sudo <then command>04:27
CloudLeviAdd mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test04:28
mazda01crucialhoax, are you kidding me?04:28
Jeanvaljeanthere're thousands of documents in that site,so use browser will waste a lot of time04:28
airtonixCloudLevi, your stick is damaged then.04:28
CloudLeviairtonix: it's always worked FINE04:28
crucialhoaxmazda01: ?04:28
stealth-where is the compiz settings stored?04:28
airtonixCloudLevi, you assume they never break down04:28
airtonixstealth-, gconf04:29
TGP1994airtonix, what were you talking about?04:29
mazda01crucialhoax, if you read my post, I am within a nautilus window, there's no sudo nothing. basically I am looking to be able to use a gui to be able to move stuff around on the remote server which does not allow root access.04:29
crucialhoaxCloudLevi: Plug it in and see if it mounts, then try to transfer files to it. just a thought.04:29
CloudLeviairtonix: in five minutes???04:29
Panopticon36ultra penis04:29
airtonixTGP1994, <TGP1994> bastid_raZor, Ok, no more ebox for me :P No where near as good as Webmin, sorry.04:29
CloudLeviairtonix: I just erased some images off of it04:29
mazda01crucialhoax, it doesn't allow root to login via ssh is what I mean.04:29
TGP1994airtonix, oh, so it's a WIP?04:30
crucialhoaxmazda01: I read the first one after the second. Apologies. What if you open nautilus as root?04:30
CloudLeviyah....formatting it in the Computer window works... =/04:30
h00k!ohmy | Panopticon3604:30
ubottuPanopticon36: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:30
flansuseIs it possible to install tomboy 1.2.0 on any release before Lucid?04:30
crucialhoaxmazda01: If the SSH server does not allow a root login I am not sure how to copy folders into a root owned directory.04:30
CloudLevibut it still doesn't operate04:30
airtonix!info gnotes04:30
ubottuPackage gnotes does not exist in karmic04:30
mazda01crucialhoax, tried that, once nautilus is opened as root, there is no option to "connect to server", so how do I access the ssh server then using the sftp protocol?04:31
[Qwizie]DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 004:31
airtonix!find gnotes04:31
flansuseIt looks like Lucid will have 1.2.0 by default, but what about prior Ubuntu releases? I found no PPA that has 1.2.0 for Karmic and below.04:31
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:31
ubottuFile gnotes found in rancid-cgi, wpp04:31
airtonix!find g-notes04:31
ubottuFile g-notes found in libpam-doc, lilypond-data, lilypond-doc, python-pyparsing04:31
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Panopticon36penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis04:31
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Panopticon36penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis v04:31
crucialhoaxmazda01: does the ssh command not work?04:31
h00k!op | Panopticon3604:31
ubottuPanopticon36: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:31
CloudLeviairtonix: okay, it's formatted04:32
flansusehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy <--- This shows only 1.0.0 available for Karmic, and Lucid is the only one that has Tombo 1.2.0 available.04:32
Guest99465Is it possible to use my desktop's two monitors as secondary and tertiary monitors over the network?04:32
mazda01crucialhoax, you may not be understanding what I am trying to do. I can login via a terminal all I want and use sudo. I am looking to be able to do it with a GUI.04:32
Jef91how do I extract a .zip from cli?04:32
JimmyNeutronunzip <filename>04:32
airtonixCloudLevi, congratulations. try the usb boot disk thing again.04:33
Timothy_Hello I have installed and reinstalled Ubuntu to work along side win 7 and I am now having a problem with Grub?04:33
franlJef91, use "unzip -l filename" to see what's in it without extracting anything.04:33
bastid_raZormazda01: where in /var/www are you going to put these files? i had the same issue until i made a symlink to the destination folder .. ~/public_www  -> /var/www/photos   ..on the remote box04:33
CloudLeviairtonix: still has that exclamation point AND the ISO won't take04:33
Guest99465Timothy_: using Wubi?04:33
crucialhoaxmazda01: Well if it works one way, compromise. Or wait for someone else who can assist. If it works through the terminal then what is the purpose of a gui?04:33
Timothy_Yes I am04:33
mazda01crucialhoax, basically use nautilus (or some other GUI) to graphically move files around on my main server downstairs. currently it's only running ssh which allows access to ALL folders on the server. because samba is only sharing come folders. I do not have a ftp server setup sharing the /var/www/ folder04:34
CloudLeviairtonix: the ISO isn't showing up in the list box thing04:34
Guest99465When you update the linux kernel headers and you use Wubi everything gets screwed up04:34
crucialhoaxmazda01: looks like bastid_raZor has a suggestion.04:34
Guest99465You're going to have to manually boot the last working kernel04:34
Guest99465and then remove the newly updated one04:34
mazda01crucialhoax, because I want to see if it can be done. have you heard of winscp in windows? I am basically wondering if there is a similiar program in linux04:34
mazda01bastid_raZor, i am trying to put it right in the /var/www/ folder04:35
TGP1994So, does anyone have any ideas for figuring out why my php is not working?04:35
airtonixCloudLevi, what filesystem did you format the stick as ? what ISO are you trying to use ?04:35
Guest99465The best way to run Windows 7 on the same computer as a Ubuntu install is by repartitioning, and Windows can do this.04:35
Flannelmazda01: FTP/SFTP/Samba/etc doesn't have a concept of "sudo", what you should do is modify your permissions to allow you to write to /var/www (adding yourself to www-data group and chowning /var/www as www-data:www-data, and g+w would be one way)04:35
CloudLeviairtonix: Ubuntu 9.10 and FAT "32 bit version"04:35
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airtonix!enter > Guest9946504:35
ubottuGuest99465, please see my private message04:35
FlannelTGP1994: "Doesn't work" meaning what?  What do you get when you visit a php file?04:36
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TGP1994Flannel, when I try to view a page with php stuff in it, nothing shows up. This is an html file, with the <?php ?> tags in it.04:36
Guest99465Is it possible to use my desktop's two monitors as secondary and tertiary monitors over the network?04:36
mazda01Flannel, my /var folder is not writable by any group, only root. my /var/www/ is again only writable by root. they both have rwxr-xr-x04:36
CloudLeviairtonix: oh, it's the volume label that made it not work. no spaces allowed. ^^;04:37
JasonGiedyminfirst thing you want to do: 1.) verify apache2 is running 2.) verify php5 has been installed via apt-get or self compile 3.) verify php extensions work by calling phpinfo() in a test script (can be done via command line)04:37
crucialhoaxmazda01: He was suggesting to change the permissions to allow others to read and write.04:37
TGP1994JasonGiedymin, who are you talking to?04:37
airtonixGuest99465, not as you would normally, but you can see if synergy or the X11 forwarding helps you04:37
CloudLeviairtonix: but they STILL both have an exclamation point!!!04:37
Timothy_Yes I'm running ubuntu on a separate hdd on my system I have win & RAIDed04:37
findlayhow do I change the background image for the gnome lock screen?04:37
TGP1994Flannel, any suggestions?04:37
CloudLeviairtonix: I got my other flash drive working...04:37
airtonixCloudLevi, no idea04:37
Timothy_How do get the earlier kernel?04:38
ArsinCan you RAID-0 with two hard drives that have the same architecture but different sizes (GB wise)04:38
mazda01Flannel, is that a security risk in any way? i wonder why it's like that by default?04:38
flansuseArsin: I believe they need to be equal.04:38
Flannelmazda01: Because www-data is only for apache, and doesn't exist by default, etc04:38
razorbuzzSo...Anybody else have a problem with the metacity-common package that just came downstream?04:38
flansuseArsin: Or it might work, but you will only get as much as the lower drive's capacity X 2.04:39
mazda01crucialhoax, thanks. i realize you're trying to help but I can read, and I do understand a lot of things. you're making it seem like you think I am some kind of newbie04:39
airtonixfindlay, do you actually have a background there to begin with (my lock screen is just black when the login panel shows up)04:39
zmefwhy won't synaptic update? anyone04:39
FlannelTGP1994: Interesting.  What filename is it?04:39
flansuserazorbuzz: What version is it? I don't remember any recent metacity update on my machine.04:39
mazda01Flannel, so adding me to www-data group and chowning /var/www/ is not uncommon?04:39
pinoyoragonafter i installed libnss-ldap i wonder why there's no /etc/libnss-ldap.conf file?04:39
TGP1994Flannel, index.html04:39
crucialhoaxmazda01: Not at all.04:39
findlayairtonix: no, but on the last ubuntu version I remember finding an /etc config where I customized it :(04:40
Guest99465Timothy_: Couldn't tell you, happened a long time ago to me and I had trouble figuring it out... just google it, that's what I did.04:40
razorbuzzUnsure, can only get to a shell and my apt-get history is blank.  But it autoremoved ubuntu-desktop, et al'.04:40
ziesemer_What does a default install of xbuntu 9.10 use for an xorg.conf, if any ?04:40
airtonixfindlay, are you positive ? (i dont remember ever being able to do this) I also think the lock screen is controlled by either gnome-power-manager or gnome-screensaver04:40
flansuserazorbuzz: aptitude show metacity-common04:40
findlayairtonix: yeah04:40
CloudLeviairtonix: oh mother of all... =_=;;;;;;;;; I've been trying to get half an ISO to work all this time...04:41
=== sejuk is now known as Jamput
crucialhoaxmazda01: What were the permissions of the folder you were trying to access again? owned by root but what did other uses and the group have?04:41
CloudLeviairtonix: which means my Google Chrome downloads folder is GONE...04:41
razorbuzzflansuse: On my Win7 partition at the moment.  brb04:41
bastid_raZorziesemer_: 9.10 does not generate an xorg.conf but one can be used to manually set things04:41
Timothy_K I'll try thanks I thought this board was for something like Customer Service, I'm new to Linux, and I feeling my way around04:42
mazda01crucialhoax, they are owned by root and group root, permissions are rwxr-xr-x04:42
TGP1994Flannel, any other suggestions?04:42
airtonixfindlay, idea here : http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/7004/04:42
crucialhoaxmazda01: Thanks.04:42
FlannelTGP1994: You need to name it .php or add the html extension to your php handlers so apache knows04:42
Flannelmazda01: Nope04:42
TGP1994Flannel, how do I do the latter?04:42
findlayairtonix: yeah, I saw that04:42
FlannelTGP1994: Why do you want your html files to be treated like php files?04:42
TGP1994Flannel, because I think some software may work like that.04:43
ziesemer_bastid_raZor:  Thanks.  Having issues getting my touchpad working - was wondering if that would even be helpful.04:43
TGP1994JasonGiedymin: Why not?04:43
airtonixfindlay, how bout this ? http://www.swanson.ukfsn.org/xss/04:43
FlannelTGP1994: Any software that works like that is stupid and broken.  I wouldn't trust it.  With that warning said (seriously, find better software), you edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf04:43
FlannelTGP1994: Because it means *every* html file you serve has to be parsed by php to make sure it doesn't have any php in it04:44
TGP1994Flannel: Alright, thank you.04:44
airtonixfindlay, actually im not sure that applies to karmic04:44
crucialhoaxmazda01: I think chmod 755 should work? correct Flannel04:44
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FlannelTGP1994: Don't delete the php stuff, just add .html at the end04:44
=== Guest66856 is now known as M2H
Flannelcrucialhoax, mazda01: change owner to www-data:www-data and give group write permissions (chomd g+w)04:45
=== M2H is now known as Sonata
TGP1994Flannel: So just a quick question, when I'm running with the .php extension, does any html I want to use need to be in the echo command?04:45
mazda01Flannel, did all that, now stuck on useradd command. can you help?04:45
crucialhoaxFlannel: write without read?04:45
airtonixfindlay, ok think i found something : open gconf-editor and goto : /apps/gnome-screensaver04:45
Flannelcrucialhoax: They should be 755 by default, so you only have to add the write04:45
mazda01Flannel, i changed the group only to www-data and left the owner as root. i want to add myself to the www-data group04:45
Flannelmazda01: sudo adduser [youruser] www-data04:46
mazda01Flannel, my permissions are now this: drwxrwsr-x04:46
crucialhoaxSo 765? as 1 is write.04:46
Flannelmazda01: Then you'll need to log back in again for it to take effect for this terminal (groups [youruser] will verify)04:46
Flannelcrucialhoax: write is 2, execute is 1.04:46
TGP1994Awesome, it works, thanks :)04:46
Flannel(read is 4)04:46
crucialhoaxduh. haha I always confuse them. argh04:46
Out_Colddo I need X to use mplayer?04:47
Flannelcrucialhoax: 775 instead of 75504:47
mazda01Flannel, yeah, groups doesn't show me yet. that stinks I have to log out and then back in again. i got soo much going on04:47
Flannelmazda01: groups should show you immediately04:47
findlayairtonix: you could start from here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/NSA++GNOME+Lock+Screen?content=8901404:47
Flannelmazda01: You don't need to log out, you just need to log in (and the new terminal will have you, not the already-existing ones)04:47
TheMozartcan I install ubuntu now, or shall I wait till 29 April for new version?04:47
mazda01Flannel, nope, it doesn't i did get a confirmation thought that I was added to the www-data group04:48
Flannelmazda01: If groups doesn't show you, you aren't successfully added04:48
airtonixfindlay, yeah it seems the lock screen background is an aspect of a gtk theme. so you'd need a theme that has a lock screen background defined or a dedicated theme that just deals with the lock screen.04:48
Flannelmazda01: 'groups mazda' or whatnot, not just 'groups'04:48
TheMozartanyone? :)04:48
crucialhoaxTheMozart: It is completely your choice.04:48
FlannelTheMozart: You can install now, and upgrade in a few weeks04:48
Out_ColdTheMozart, if you install now, don't whine about crashes.... if you wait... then don't whine about that either :p04:48
IdleOneTheMozart: 9.10 yes, 10.04 is still beta04:48
mazda01Flannel, i exited that ssh terminal and opened a new one, now when I issue merely groups, I am in the www-data group. thanks04:49
john__OFFTOPIC: so i have a toothpick jammed in my foot and i cant really get it out (im scared of pulling too hard). should i go to a doctor? what should I do?04:49
Guest99465TheMozart: I had so much trouble with the beta I switched back04:49
Flannelmazda01: 'groups' on its own shows what your current terminal thinks, `groups username` shows what a new one would04:49
bazhangjohn__, #ubuntu-offtopic04:49
IdleOnejohn__: like you stated. offtopic04:49
Guest99465john__: probably wouldn't hurt04:49
mazda01Flannel, ok, got it. that worked a treat! thanks04:50
crucialhoaxmazda01: Can you use the gui now?04:50
TheMozartcan I install ubuntu now, or shall I wait till 29 April for the final new version?04:51
Guest99465TheMozart: I'd wait. I had way too much trouble04:52
dark_soul1does ubuntu have patch tuesday like microsoft patch tuesday?04:52
TheMozartGuest99465: stop that!!!!04:52
SuperMigueldark_soul1, lol04:52
TheMozartGuest99465: im talking about latest FINAL version04:52
mazda01crucialhoax, yeap, now I can use the connect to server within Places, then chose SSH as protocol. then when i type in the ip of my server and my ssh port, then hit connect, i type in my passphrase, then i see my whole server within a gui window. then I can copy and paste all I want to /var/www/ folder04:52
dark_soul1SuperMiguel: so its released daily?04:52
TheMozartGuest99465: I can install 9.04 today04:52
TheMozartGuest99465: why are you saying 9.04 final is bad?04:53
SuperMigueldark_soul1, depends... on new reseales yes... on 8.04 not really04:53
Guest99465I'm not saying 9.04 is bad04:53
dark_soul1SuperMiguel: how is security patch released for 8.04?04:53
crucialhoaxmazda01: Great.04:53
chadwinwhen is the final vertion of ubuntu 10.04 is gonna be released?04:53
crucialhoaxchadwin: 4/29/201004:53
Guest99465TheMozart: I'm saying the 10.04 which will be released 29 april gave me trouble and I would stay with 9.1004:54
chadwinthank you so much04:54
TheMozartGuest99465: im gonna install 9.10.. why u say its faulty???04:54
crucialhoax!releases | chadwin04:54
ubottuchadwin: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:54
TheMozartGuest99465: 10.04 hasnt been officially released yet04:54
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mazda01crucialhoax, yeap, thanks04:54
bazhangTheMozart, he's not saying that04:54
crucialhoaxmazda01: Flannel did the work. I was confused with bit numbers for permissions lol04:55
Guest99465He's not talking about the beta04:55
TheMozartis this the latest Ubuntu I can download? ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent04:55
bazhangTheMozart, yes04:55
Guest99465TheMozart: yes04:55
TheMozartcool :)04:55
bazhangcrucialhoax, sure it is04:55
h00kTheMozart: that's the latest stable version's alternate installer04:55
Guest99465Latest stable release that's not beta or whatever04:55
crucialhoaxalternate is a text based installer.04:56
TheMozarth00k: I want alternative so I can choose to encrypt file system when I install it04:56
TheMozarth00k: good idea?04:56
crucialhoaxhe wants ubuntu.9.10-desktop-i386.iso.beta04:56
crucialhoaxhe wants ubuntu.9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent*04:56
h00kTheMozart: the regular installer can do that also :)04:56
Guest99465TheMozart: the graphical install lets you encrypt the home directory too04:56
h00kTheMozart: since Karmic04:56
TheMozartcrucialhoax: i rather get alterntaive so I can encrypt file system04:56
crucialhoaxTheMozart: Ok, wasnt sure. I did not want you to waste your time.04:57
Zenkerok im on live cd and ready to install 10 over 9.10 (wiping out 9.10, im looking at the partition manager, what do i need 2 do?04:57
TheMozarth00k: so which is the better version to download?04:57
TheMozartcrucialhoax: waste my money?????????????????  i thought its free?04:57
switch10_Zenker: !lucid04:57
crucialhoaxtime.... I said time...04:57
Guest99465TrueCrypt is real good at encrypting the file system04:57
ishmandoorebopi just installed lxde and I am trying to put chrome in my application launcher bar. The problem is, I can't find the right .desktop file. Any ideas?04:58
TheMozarth00k: so the desktop version will allow me to encrypt my ubuntu as I install?04:58
crucialhoaxTheMozart: Re-read my post. it says time, not money.04:58
TheMozartcrucialhoax: ah yeah lol04:58
TheMozartill grab the alternative04:58
switch10_TheMozart: I always use the alternate cds to install.  I prefer the text based installer04:59
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switch10_TheMozart: its all preference04:59
TheMozartswitch10_: me too05:00
TheMozarth00k: if I choose to encrypt as I install, then can I also tell Ubuntu not to have username and password when  loading?05:00
TheMozartanyone know if thats possible?05:01
IdleOneTheMozart: you mean not have it auto login? yes05:01
switch10_TheMozart: use a blank password.05:01
TheMozartIdleOne: yeah cause I wont need it as Ubuntu will ask me for the CRYPT passwrd as it loads05:02
TheMozartswitch10_: i can use blan password and Ubuntu will never ask me for login username and password?05:02
switch10_TheMozart: yes, but I misunderstood your question.  You can setup an auto login during installation05:03
switch10_TheMozart: just passwrd05:03
bahodirhi guys05:05
bahodircan anyone please help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9095949#post909594905:06
switch10_bahodir: if you want help with the lucid beta go to ubuntu+1.05:07
=== miguel is now known as Guest61306
researcher1does someone know how to install MOODLE package?05:16
adrian_hi, anyone know if there is a application to control network bandwidth usage per each process?05:17
ramontayagVim users: what plugin should I use to auto adjust a pseudo table (like how you make tables in textile) to make the pipe characters align? Here's a video if you want to see. This was done in TextMate. http://railscasts.com/episodes/159-more-on-cucumber Look at 4:29 - 4:3105:26
ramontayagsorry, wrong room05:26
greezmunkeyadrian_: trickle05:26
pinoyoragonHi. What command should i invoke in my client to check whether my ldap server works, before i edit the pam.d files05:29
greezmunkeypinoyoragon: in a terminal, getent passwd {username} should provide output.05:31
g0aliathwhen you telnet into a mail server, what is the mail command?   is is mail To: or is it something else or does it depend on the mail server that you log into05:35
pinoyoragongreezmunkey: i'll expect the output should be coming from my ldap server and not from the client right?05:36
arthurhi. when I install ati driver fglrx, my screen goes black at startup. Anything I can do?05:36
SwedeMikeg0aliath: helo <whatever>     mail from:      rcpt to:05:37
g0aliathSedemike:  thanks man05:37
TGP1994Does anyone here know how to check why I am banned from specific freenode channels?05:37
g0aliathSwedeMike: thanks man for the helo05:37
stealth-If I was to set up a client with the ubuntu beta 2 for 10.04, because he didn't want to wait, if he did his updates, would he have essentially the same release as what comes out 21 days from now?05:39
stealth-or is there more involved he has to do?05:39
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ZykoticK9stealth-, want to join #ubuntu+1, so i can give an answer...05:40
rajomega__:  EE told you05:40
Flannelstealth-: Yes.  But you should use #ubuntu+1 for questions about development releases05:40
stealth-ZykoticK9: sprru. ,y nad05:40
omega__hello ubuntu05:40
stealth-opps, meant: sorry, my bad :)05:41
omega__i need help with bridge connecting05:41
rajomega__:  see told you :) im always here too :)05:41
omega__yeah i no how to use the server thingy now lol.05:41
omega__Can anyone help with bridging?05:41
rajomega__:  Mint is the same as ubuntu. so if you get help in ubuntu its the same as mint :) both are baed on debian05:42
=== ubuntu is now known as lsemple
omega__ubuntu got there name changed?05:42
lsemplehey does gparted's 'check' feature remove data without asking me ? or is it safe to use for ntfs ?05:42
arthurwhere do I go for technical support?05:43
Flannel!mintsupport | raj, omega__05:43
ubotturaj, omega__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:43
crucialhoaxomega__: That was a users name lool05:43
omega__anyone able to help with bridgeing?05:43
crucialhoaxarthur: here...05:43
randomusr_can't play dvd's even with ffmpeg, the full ugly set and restricted codecs..... why is this?05:43
omega__yeah i see that now lol05:43
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: one sec, I may have an answer05:44
omega__do u no how to bridge ethernet connections crucial?05:44
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html05:44
crucialhoaxomega__: Unfortunately, no =/05:44
omega__does anyone?05:44
randomusr_crucialhoax, been there done that05:45
omega__Need help with bridge connections05:46
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: what program are you using?05:46
arthurWhen I install the proprietary driver offered by ubuntu for ati graphics card, my screen goes black right after startup. Any suggestions that don't involve using the terminal?05:46
crucialhoaxwill totem or vlc?05:46
randomusr_vlc, mplayer05:46
crucialhoaxany specific errors?05:47
omega__please i need help anybody please im getting really angry05:47
datzomega__: did you consult google yet?05:48
datzseems like lot of help docs/tutorials05:48
randomusr_crucialhoax, no errors05:48
randomusr_they just die05:48
crucialhoaxomega__: there are the #Netfilter and ##networking channels05:48
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: Hm. all ffmpeg plugins and gstreamer plugins? what about restricted formats?05:49
omega__im not reading anymore walkthroughs or guides no of them helped05:49
randomusr_crucialhoax, yup05:49
datzomega__: did you install any bridging utilities?05:49
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: so everything is installed? does the dvd player play other dvd's or mount cd's? *just checking*05:51
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
datzomega__: have you also checked the forums?05:52
randomusr_crucialhoax, the drives work fine, but ubuntu won't play any dvd's I've tried 3 so far05:52
ZykoticK9randomusr_, fyi dvd playback isn't in ubuntu-restricted-extras see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/enable-dvd-video-playback for two methods to add dvd playback05:53
omega__yes i have05:53
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: If you followed the same instructions that I did and have the exact same packages installed I dont understand.05:53
crucialhoaxrandomusr_: 9.10 rihgt?05:53
datzomega__: you might post there, unfortunatly I don't have experience doing this05:54
crucialhoaxor leave, that works too.05:55
greezmunkeyomega__: what do you need to bridge? Wireless to ethernet?05:59
omega__ethernet to ethernet05:59
greezmunkeyomega__: Are you using network manager?06:00
crashdatafinally got my wireless on my netbook to work06:00
greezmunkeycrashdata: nice :)06:00
omega__i dont think so06:00
crucialhoaxcrashdata: congrats :)06:00
crashdatathanks :)06:00
omega__i dont think thats it06:00
crucialhoaxomega__: by the time what do you see?06:01
omega__some wierd white sign06:01
crucialhoaxhover over it06:01
omega__wired network connection auto eth0 active06:02
greezmunkeyomega__: What is the purpose, what is it that you need to have happen?06:02
crucialhoaxsounds like network manager06:02
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: I think so!06:02
omega__to bridge the connection so i can have an internet connection on my 36006:03
greezmunkeyomega__: simple :)06:03
greezmunkeyomega__: does your 360 have the ability to get an IP address automatically? Like DHCP?06:04
omega__im not sure, but i think so y?06:04
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: Yes they do. they have manual config as well.06:04
greezmunkeyomega__: all you have to do is select the interface that your internet is on, and select "available to all users"06:06
greezmunkeyomega__: there's one more bit, but I'll have to enable my eth int to see the interface, hold a sec.06:07
omega__by doing that go to edit connections?06:07
greezmunkeyomega__: yes06:07
GletobHey I'm looking to host the package files that I download on one Ubuntu desktop, and use them to update another ubuntu desktop.  Does anyone know of a way to do this?  No I do not have a server running, at the moment at least.06:08
greezmunkey1omega__: heh I knocked my wireless down, brb06:09
FlannelGletob: Just one other machine?  Is this going to be a regularthing, or one time?06:09
switch10_Gletob: sudo dpkg --get-selections > a_text_file06:09
crucialhoaxGletob: As in you downloaded a file but you need it on a different system?06:09
crucialhoaxomega__: Did you get it?06:10
omega__not yet06:10
greezmunkey1omega__: yea, click on the interface that your 360 will connect to and under ipv4, choose method "shared to other computers"06:10
Flannel!aptoncd | omega__06:11
ubottuomega__: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:11
switch10_Gletob: then to reinstall them on the other machine    sudo dpkg --set-selections < a_text_file06:11
whhello everyone06:12
crucialhoaxFlannel: I believe that Gletob needed that lol06:12
Flannel!aptoncd | Gletob06:12
ubottuGletob: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:12
omega__i think i git it greezmunkey06:13
GletobFlannel, switch10_ , crucialhoax   soory like a regular thing over the network so I don't have to download 300 MiB every time I update the beta, on each machine.06:13
FlannelGletob: You're probably looking for apt-proxy or apt-cacher then06:14
greezmunkeyomega__: yeah, it's pretty easy, but you may have to dink with it a bit to get what you want06:14
GletobSomething like that06:14
FlannelGletob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy06:14
FlannelGletob: but aptonCD wouldn't make you have to download, just requires the use of sneakernet06:14
omega__it took me over an hour to do that?06:15
greezmunkeyomega__: does it work?06:15
omega__i think so lol i gotta 30min xbl update06:15
GletobFlannel, Yeah but Sneakernet is a lot less efficient when your pushing to 4 other machines, all at once.06:16
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
greezmunkeyomega__: look at it this way, now you can do it in seconds, and help someone else out that wants to do the same thing. It was not a waste of your time.06:16
FlannelGletob: Right, which is why I asked if it were a single machine and a single time, or more and/or regularly ;)06:16
GletobOops I'm sorry Flannel, but yeah I'm planning on doing this regularly with multiple machines.06:17
FlannelGletob: Then apt-proxy is exactly what you're looking for06:18
=== blueghost is now known as No18Day
xivenWhy does aptitude install a web software into /usr/share?06:19
greezmunkeypidgin is pretty cool06:21
WebRathey peoples06:22
crucialhoaxFlannel: How does apt-cache work? or is that ot? I am assuming the link you supplied is documented well.06:22
WebRatjust about to try a live ununtu cd06:22
WebRatjust need to ask a few questions06:23
Flannelcrucialhoax: 'apt-cache' or apt-proxy or 'apt-cacher'?06:23
tangjihello every body,i have a question for  how do i  associate  my .odp  to my program06:23
tangjihello every body,i have a question for  how do i  associate .odp  file  to my program06:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:24
WebRatwill ubuntu support my graphics and wireless?06:24
tangjiwhen user click  odp file ,use my program to open this file;06:24
crucialhoaxWebRat: What wireless and graphics card does your system use?06:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:24
FloodBot2pk__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
SandGorgonanybody know of a cheap 5ghz wireless-N usb adapter .. which works in ubuntu ?06:25
greezmunkeyWebRat: that depends on your hardware, check at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport06:25
crucialhoaxSandGorgon: Google, my friend. ;)06:25
tangjiany body can answer my question06:25
hunahpuSandGorgon: any cheap wireless usb adapter should work just fine06:25
WebRatgraphics is geforce g102m cuda 512gb and im not sure about the wireless06:25
crucialhoaxtangji: More specific please.06:25
hunahpu!patience | tangji06:26
ubottutangji: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:26
SandGorgonhunahpu, crucialhoax I'm specifically looking for the 5ghz variety and has reasonable linux support06:26
greezmunkeyWebRat: You should check the Wiki06:26
crucialhoaxWebRat: nVidia is usually supported. By the question I assume that you are not running Linux so I do not know about wireless.06:26
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: Agreed.06:26
WebRatits been a few years since i ran linux crucialhoax06:27
tangjii want associate openoffice  .odp file to my program,when  user  click odp file  ,how can use my program open this file06:27
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: I don't like looking at that wiki, most of my stuff isn't supported. It causes me great pains in the wallet.06:27
WebRatthats why im nervous i know how badly i can screw things up if i get them wrong06:27
tangjimodify /usr/share/applications/defaults.list06:28
greezmunkeyWebRat: not so much06:28
GletobHey everybody: Thanks a lot Apt-proxy looks great, and it'll be a great reason for me to justify bringing my server back on line, Everyone have a great day/night/afternoon.06:28
chdI need to make a ghost image of a windows machine from ubuntu. anyone know of a way I can do this?06:28
crucialhoaxGletob: Cya :)06:28
WebRatwhat boot loader do i need to use?06:28
crucialhoaxtangji: right click on the file and choose the open with.06:29
hunahpuchd: you can do it with "dd", you will need a large hard drive; equally or larger in size as your windows hard drive06:29
WebRatside by side with windows 706:29
greezmunkeyWebRat: you are talking about live cd, right?06:29
WebRatyep but i do want to install06:29
StopSigncreate a partition in windows then install in that part06:30
chdhunahpu, google "dd"?06:30
greezmunkeyWebRat: I suggest that you really dig into at least a couple of howtos before you start, just to be safe. Unless you don't care about your win7 partition.06:30
hunahpuchd: better, type "man dd" in your terminal06:30
WebRatalready done StopSign06:30
xivenIs PostGreSQL a stand-alone Database ?06:31
WebRatwhich bootloader should i use?06:31
greezmunkeyWebRat: side by side, or Wubi install, there is a differance!06:31
crucialhoaxtangji: Did you get it?06:31
WebRatis wubi any good?06:32
crucialhoaxWebRat: If you use wubi, it installs ubuntu without touching your system. And you can remove ubuntu from add / remove programs.06:32
WebRatsounds good to me06:32
tangjiyes,i did06:32
greezmunkeyWebRat: it's ok, a bit slow - but if something goes wrong, it's easy to recover from (partitions wise)06:32
WebRatdoes wubi come standard with ubuntu?06:33
crucialhoaxtangji: Great06:33
greezmunkeyWebRat: it's an install option.06:33
tangjianother question06:33
crucialhoaxWebRat: It is inside the .iso06:33
tangjiwhen i open this file properties06:33
crucialhoaxWebRat: I would google wubi and use that. As I dont believe it is an install option from the Live CD.06:33
sebsebsebWebRat: It can also be downloaded seperatly, but I woudn't useually recommend it.06:33
greezmunkeyWebRat: it's an install option...that's inside the iso!06:34
tangjihave five program associate this file type,defaultly,use openoffice.org06:34
crucialhoaxtangji: Right click on the file > choose properties > then choose the open with > choose the program you want.06:34
hunahpuWebRat: if you want to install using Wubi, you have to run the LiveCD in Windows, it should auto-start when you insert it while in windows; it is a good way to test Ubuntu, but a 'hard/normal' installation works better06:34
sebsebsebWebRat: Grub 2 is the default boot loader for proper partitioned clean installs of 9.1006:34
crucialhoaxWebRat: I installed wubi on my laptop from the wubi site. It worked great :)06:35
tangjibut i use want in my install program ,chage this default list06:35
tangjiwhat file need to chage,acchive my aim06:35
crucialhoaxtangji: Ok, then under open with, choose the "aAdd" button06:36
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: It worked well for me as well, I think it only took 35-40 minutes from start to finish!06:36
tangjino ,i want in shell script finish this job06:36
tangjimy program have listed  in open  program list06:36
crucialhoaxYep yep. then I do not know. I guess I am not understanding =/06:36
tangjibut not default program06:36
WebRatill google wubi now06:36
crucialhoaxWebRat: its neat.06:37
potatofamilyhi, all, I used the "nvidia" driver, but plymouth seems very bad, anyone help me ?06:37
JasonGiedyminngith all06:37
hunahpuchd: in case you haven't found out how to do it yet: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ddcommand.htm06:37
ZykoticK9potatofamily, join #ubuntu+1 and i'll explain06:37
greezmunkeyWebRat: Yes, and once you've blown up a wubi or two, and reinstalled, you'll be ready to go for a dedicated install.06:37
potatofamilyZykoticK9, ok06:38
vrhahahahi guys, i need help with my lucid wubi installation06:38
sebsebseb!lucid | vrhahaha06:38
ubottuvrhahaha: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:38
xivenWhat is the ubuntu package for PHP PDO?06:39
tangjiin here ,i am is a student, want learn more from here06:40
WebRatwith wubi i can still use seperate home partition right?06:40
crucialhoaxWebRat: wubi does not touch your harddrive. It is kind of like a virtual machine.06:42
crucialhoaxwubi's hard drive is a file06:42
greezmunkeyWebRat: not sure about that one. At the end of the day, wubi installs ubuntu into a large file that can be booted into. It's a bit wierd that way.06:42
hunahpuWebRat: you can very well try installing it the normal way; with wubi you won't have /home on a separate partition (which is good btw), in the end it is installed in a "virtual hard drive"06:43
greezmunkeyWebRat: That's where the performace hit comes from, but it still works well enough to get familiar with ubuntu.06:43
knoppiesI installed xmms2 (along with a few plugins and players) and now xmms2d uses 100% CPU usage. It doesnt seem to slow the PC down at all, but it makes it get rather HOT (80 deg C). I have to keep killing it (it likes to resurrect itself). Anybody know whats causing the problem? Or have any ideas on fixing it? (I would like to keep xmms2 if I can). Google did not return much useful.06:43
WebRatcan i run seperate partitions inside wubi file to avoid blowing it all off if something breaks?06:44
jpgcan we install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 10.0406:44
diegoohow can i view apache logs in ubuntu06:44
crucialhoaxWebRat: what do you mean?06:44
jpghow to install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 10.0406:44
crucialhoax!lucid | jpg06:44
ubottujpg: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:44
=== infogulch1 is now known as infogulch
WebRatwubi mounts as a seperate hard drive right06:45
Pslam!lucid | test06:45
ubottutest: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:45
jpgi know its lucid06:45
crucialhoaxWebRat: Yes. wubi is your safest bet for trial.06:45
crucialhoaxjpg: Use the #ubuntu+1 channel for 10.04 support06:45
WebRatcan i use multiple partitions in that drive06:45
hunahpudiegoo: /var/log/apache206:45
sebsebsebWebRat: Wubi edits the boot loader so it can boot up Grub/Grub2,  which then boots up Ubuntu.  Wubi itself goes in a file in the Windows partition,  and it seems you can only open your Windows files using Wubi as read only.06:46
switch10_jpg: go to #ubuntu+1 if you want help with it.  #ubuntu is for stable releases only06:46
crucialhoaxWebRat: Why would you want to partition it?06:46
sebsebsebWebRat: no you don't partition Wubi,  you get what you get and that's that,  also there's a program that can later convert a Wubi install into real partition/s06:47
tangji<crucialhoax>:thank for you answer06:47
crucialhoaxtangji: No problem06:47
WebRatpartitioning any linux distro is a good idea if things break kill everything but the /home and data storage space and reinstall06:47
WebRatnever loose settings or data06:48
sebsebsebWebRat: indeed if you set up a proper partitioned install and use the manual  install option so you can make seperate /home06:48
sebsebsebWebRat: since guided installs don't do seperate /home06:48
crucialhoaxWebRat: Wubi is basically a file. If the hard drive in Wubi failed so would windows.06:48
WebRatwill it work with wubi sebsebseb?06:48
switch10_WebRat: why not just dual boot?  I have never used wubi and never will.06:49
greezmunkeyWebRat: What I did was this. Started with wubi, killed and reinstalled wbui a couple of times. Once I got the system the way I liked it, installed aptoncd, adn backed up all my configs. Once I had a dedicated install, I updated from aptoncd, and my config files, and I was good to go. That laptop is still alive today.06:49
sebsebsebWebRat: no Wubi does not  have a seperate /home and it doesn't need one, since Wubi in that kind of way, isn't like a proper install06:49
sebsebsebswitch10_: indeed WebRat  should just dual boot really06:49
knoppiesWebRat, I agree with sebsebseb and switch10_, Just do a dual boot. If you want to trial it for a week or so, then I dont understand why you want to prevent data loss.06:50
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
WebRatok you convinced me sebsebseb06:51
Banshee_Ok so I go to install, and when I hit install, I see the ubuntu symbol, then it disappears and my screen goes black I don't see ANYTHING i waited for 15 minutes all my computer did was reset and go back to a black screen, is my video card not supported or something, and when I say black screen I mean no text, no nothing its like my computers turned off06:51
knoppiesBanshee_, a computer or laptop?06:52
WebRatbeen a few years since i did an install and i cant afford to break windows doing it06:52
sebsebsebWebRat: boot Live CD,  follow installer through, set up partitions in manual install,  finnish instaler, done06:52
knoppiesI sorta guessed.06:52
hunahpuBanshee_: what version of Ubuntu? did you make a md5sum check of your .iso file? did you test your memory?06:52
Banshee_9.10 Ubuntu, no md5, and no memory06:53
knoppiesWebRat, what about using a separate HDD all together?06:53
crucialhoaxWebRat: Just use wubi and be done. it is easy and painless.06:53
sebsebsebWebRat: back up any important data just in case,  and re sizing Windows will probably go rather well.  Altough if Windows 7 is like Vista when it comes to this, should let it resize itself using it's tool,  or dataloss might happen.06:53
WebRatlaptop knoppies06:53
hunahpuBanshee_: select the "check disk integrity" (or similar) option when you boot your LiveCD/usb pendrive; to make sure it's not corrupted, also run a memory test to make sure your RAM is not damaged.06:54
Banshee_hunahpu: Ok I will do that if both check out fine what should I do?06:54
hunahpuBanshee_: if both check out fine, you may want to try the alternate CD06:55
switch10_Banshee_: I assume you have the desktop iso?  try the alternate cd's text installer.06:55
hunahpushankar021988: hello06:55
shankar021988just boot live cd and select install!!!!06:55
Banshee_How do I do that, I have burned off the 32 bit, and 64 bit version06:55
WebRatno need the laptop came with 2 partitions sebsebseb 80gb where windows is and a seperate blank 208gb partition for me to play with that i havnt touched06:55
Roldhi, I have a question about upgrading my version06:55
shankar021988ya ask06:56
sebsebsebWebRat: ok :)06:56
MailGonhow do I remove ubuntu partition from a netbook?06:56
switch10_Banshee_: it is a different iso entirely.06:56
Banshee_switch10_ is it on the webpage?06:56
sebsebsebWebRat: well put  Ubuntu on the other partition, and the Windows partition won't get effected06:56
Roldwill I lose my data after upgrading?06:56
switch10_Banshee_: yes06:56
shankar021988use partition manager06:56
sebsebsebRold: Which version are you currently on?06:56
MailGonis there a partition manager in ubuntu?06:56
greezmunkeyBanshee_: I had a similar experience. Do you have a crt? If so plug it in, you may see your desktop there!06:57
Rold will I lose my data after upgrading?06:57
hunahpuBanshee_: it is a different .iso image, go to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors to get it06:57
knoppiesMailGon, yes, its called gparted06:57
sebsebseb!gparted | MailGon06:57
ubottuMailGon: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:57
Banshee_greezmunkey whats a CRT?06:57
IceGuest_75_cathode ray tube06:57
spritleis it possible to change the default path that wine installs programs into?06:57
sebsebsebRold: Will you lose data after running the  Ubuntu upgrade to a later version, probably not.06:58
switch10_Banshee_: cathode ray tube.  the opposite of an LCD06:58
hunahpuBanshee_: CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube, greezmunkey means a external monitor (the old ones), you can also use a flat one though.06:58
greezmunkeyBanshee_: ok, I dated myself, a seperate monitor...06:58
Roldgood to hear, I was lazy to make a back up of my things06:58
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as WebRat
MailGonWell it has gparted on it, but is it a good idea to remove Ubuntu? I mean its the only OS on my netbook06:58
MailGonim not dualbooting06:58
Roldthank you06:58
MailGonits ok to format the OS im currently using?06:58
Banshee_ohhhhhhhhh ok no I don't I'm on a laptop with extended display to a 23" 1080p LCD, and yes I have tried with the screen plugged in and unplugged06:59
shankar021988just backup and install newly!!!!06:59
sebsebsebMailGon: you want to get rid of Ubuntu on a net book?06:59
sebsebsebMailGon: Why?06:59
switch10_MailGon: you need the live CD06:59
MailGonWell because06:59
MailGonOh I do?06:59
sebsebsebswitch10_: uhmm netbooks don't tend to have CD drives06:59
crucialhoaxWhat os are you going to use?07:00
switch10_sebsebseb: ha ya07:00
hunahpuMailGon: yes it is OK to format the hard drive or reinstall your OS, just make sure to back up all your data first.07:00
brijith1Hi all, Why mailto: doesn't support file attachment07:00
MailGonWell I have a USB ready with windows however, when using windows installation it doesnt recognize a linux partition, so I need to get rid of ubuntu07:00
chdI need to burn a bootable disc, how do I go about doing that in ubuntu? I have brasero and k3b07:00
MailGonBut then, id need another USB with the live CD07:00
MailGonis this the best way to go?07:00
hunahpubrijith1: mailto: usually invokes your default e-mail client only07:00
MailGonor can I just format the drive in my ubuntu?07:00
sebsebsebMailGon: if you got a real netbook, Windows is quite pointless on it, for example can you 3D game nope?   I say pointless since other OS's such as Ubuntu will work, and are more secure07:00
switch10_MailGon: yes.  the partition needs to be unmounted07:01
hunahpuMailGon: you can delete and create partitions from the Windows Installer07:01
greezmunkeyBanshee_: What happend if you let it boot, then hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 ?07:01
WebRatok time to play with linux cya people thanks for the help07:01
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Why does MailGon need a Live CD to get rid of ubuntu?07:01
MailGonNo I cant07:01
MailGonlinux doesnt show up in the windows installer07:01
brijith1hunahpu:on invoking I could set mail adress to send subject, mail body, But cann't set attachment ..07:01
MailGonso I cant install windows anywhere since theres no partition there (visually)07:01
switch10_crucialhoax: he needs to have his ubuntu partition unmounted to delete it.07:01
MailGonit doesnt show up07:01
sebsebsebMailGon: You can maybe with Ubuntu though.  It's just delete the partiton for Ubuntu and install Windows.  However some of us are wondering why you want to do that.07:01
crucialhoaxSo download gparted live cd and use that.07:02
MailGonWell id need ANOTHER usb though D=07:02
brijith1hunahpu:Is is there any method to do that ?07:02
hunahpubrijith1: as far as I know you can't attach anything with mailto:07:02
sebsebsebMailGon: yes the Windows installer won't detect Linux partitions properly07:02
brijith1hunahpu: :( ok07:02
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: gparted live cd? didn't know there was such a thing...07:02
MailGonso.....the only way to do it is to use the live Cd on another usb then07:02
switch10_greezmunkey:  yes there is07:03
sebsebseb!usb | MailGon07:03
ubottuMailGon: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:03
Banshee_greezmunkey I don't think anything happened cause its like my screen is just off like no power07:03
brijith1hunahpu:how can I invoke the mail client  with attachment ?07:03
MailGonubottu thats not the problem.....07:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:03
MailGonI'm trying to remove ubuntu, however I cant use a live CD since netbooks dont take CD's07:03
sebsebsebMailGon: you need something you can run gparted from really,  so that's your answer.  Altough I don't understand why you want Windows on there in the first place.07:03
brijith1hunahpu:is there any solution other than mailto:07:03
MailGonlinux doesnt do a lot of the stuff I want to do on windows, not that its at all relevant to the problem07:04
greezmunkeyBanshee_: try Ctrl+alt+F3, then back by Ctrl+Alt+F7, does it even flicker?07:04
switch10_windows is horrible on netbooks.  so slow it hurts...07:04
hunahpubrijith1: usually the user who wants to send a mail would select the attachment; what do you want to do? I suppose you're building a website... you can use a form to upload/send files.07:04
crucialhoaxMailGon: if you really want to put windows back on, download gparted live cd and put that on a USB drive using ubuntu.07:04
MailGonokay thnx07:04
sebsebsebMailGon: or make a presistent USB flash drive and use that07:04
sebsebsebMailGon: which apps do you want to run?07:04
MailGongparted is an OS?07:05
switch10_MailGon: we gave you the answer.  you need another USB stick, or a USB cd drive07:05
sebsebsebMailGon: by the way net books are only meatn to be basic computers, for web browsing, a bit of typing and that's about it07:05
sebsebsebMailGon: all the basic net book tasks, the actsual tasks, you can do in Ubuntu07:05
jj3124hey guys, i just tried to edit menu.lst of my grub because everytime i want to boot into windows i need to 'edit' the boot entry before booting but i can't find the entry there07:05
brijith1hunahpu:let me explain my problem. I am writing a python program. In that I am generation pdf file. I want to show the mail client with this pdf as attachment when user click a button07:05
MailGonsebsebseb I use my netbook for development purposes, some of my tools do not run on linux07:05
sebsebsebMailGon Micrsooft development tools?07:05
hunahpujj3124: what version of Ubuntu are you using?07:05
rifter!help grub207:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:06
jj3124hunahpu, it's xubuntu07:06
MailGonAnd also my webcam doesnt seem to work on linux, some sites dont work, lots of things I dont like07:06
hunahpujj3124: what version? 9.10? 9.04?07:06
brijith1hunahpu:acrobat reader is doing similar thing ..07:06
sebsebsebMailGon: anyway hrm net books, you probably got hardly any RAM, and hardly any space,  so  Windows virtual machine is probably out.07:06
hunahpubrijith1: I don't know how to do it, sorry :(07:07
jj3124hunahpu, hahah sorry 9.1007:07
MailGonNo Ive ran XP before on it, it runs smoothly, my cousin stupidly put ubuntu on it, removing all of my files and tools07:07
rifterjj3124 grub2 does not use menu.lst07:07
hunahpujj3124: if it is a clean install, it doesn't have a menu.lst file, 9.10 uses GRUB2 which works different07:07
greezmunkeyMailGon: make your cousin fix it!07:08
sebsebsebMailGon: web cam you can probably configure.  also there are other Linux distributions that might be better on that netbook.07:08
jj3124huayra, hmm ok, should i just read up on it or is it a simple fix07:08
MailGonokay so, I just use gparted (from the live CD 'USB'), format my ubuntu installation, and then it should show up on my windows installation partition list correct?07:08
hunahpujj3124: running "sudo update-grub" on a terminal usually fix menu entries07:08
switch10_MailGon: try cheese for the webcam.  and I asume flash sites are not working?  do this:    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:08
brijith1hello any body know how to pop up the default mail client with attachment from inside a python script07:08
crucialhoaxMailGon: in ubuntu. System > Administration > USB startup disk creator download the gparted live cd and use that iso and a flash drive to format the hard drive.07:08
jj3124huayra, thanks, il try that out07:08
jj3124oops, hunahpu07:08
hunahpuMailGon: you would need to delete the partition07:08
MailGonthnx crucial!07:08
* jbrouhard is seriously thinking of re-doing the laptop into linux too ...07:09
crucialhoaxMailGon: you got it?07:09
jbrouhardnow that everything I need to work in Ubuntu is working.  haha :)07:09
MailGonIm putting linux on my USB so I can use gparted and remove the partition07:09
MailGonerr format**07:09
MailGonnot remove :P07:09
sebsebsebMailGon: also that USB stick you could then use on better computers and have some fun with Ubuntu07:09
hunahpuMailGon: if you are going to format, make sure you use a filesystem windows support...07:10
MailGoni honestly dont like ubuntu though.....Ive used windows for many years, its more suited to me and nothing can make me change my mind about it =/07:10
* hunahpu wonders why someone would go back to windows and all the headaches07:10
sebsebsebMailGon: yes there are differences here and there between  Windows and Linux distributions, but if you give a distro a proper chance, and learn/read a bit about it, you will probably like it.  Also depending to some extent on the hardware you want to use with it of course.  If it just works or not.07:11
switch10_I could never use windows again...07:11
crashdatai just like not installing pirated software nmre07:11
jj3124hunahpu, just simpler for simple-minded people like myself :)07:11
crashdatathats y i choose linux its free07:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:11
xivenDoes the pdf-odbc package even exist in ubuntu?07:12
* MailGon will have Windows 4 life07:12
xiven[Thu Apr 08 09:49:28 2010] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down07:12
xivenPHP Warning:  Cannot load module 'pdo_pgsql' because required module 'pdo' is not loaded in Unknown on line 007:12
xivenThat is in apache'07:12
xivens error.log file07:13
hunahpuxiven: search in packages.ubuntu.com or use apt-cache search pdo07:13
greezmunkeyhave fun y'all, gnite.07:13
Beyondinfernohas anyone run into issues with samba shares on a karmic x64 client?07:18
h4wkmoonhello. how to fix nvidia driver install | 10.0.107:18
Beyondinfernohas anyone run into issues with samba shares on a karmic x64 client?07:18
h4wkmoonhello. how to fix nvidia driver install | 10.04 beta2, x6407:18
bazhangh4wkmoon, lucid in #ubuntu+1 please07:19
tenbytes_hey anyone up?07:19
theegghello : ask in #ubuntu+107:19
Beyondinfernohas anyone run into issues with samba shares on a karmic x64 client?07:19
switch10_Beyondinferno: no07:19
h4wkmoonbazhang:  thx07:19
tenbytes_i can use the ubuntu boot disc to format my harddrive without install ubuntu?07:20
SlartBeyondinferno: will you please stop repeating every 10 seconds.. once every 10 minutes or so is often enough07:20
switch10_tenbytes_: yes07:20
SlartBeyondinferno: use the time to search the forums, google or improve your question07:20
switch10_tenbytes_: use gparted.07:20
tenbytes_ah nice07:20
tenbytes_trying to install 32 bit xp over a 64 bit vista07:20
BeyondinfernoI'm on a clean install, have swapped ports on router and swapped nic cards and can connect from another computer via wireless and wired lan07:21
switch10_Beyondinferno: so what is the problem?07:21
Beyondinfernothe ONLY difference is the problem box is running x6407:21
switch10_Beyondinferno: what is your question?07:22
Beyondinfernowindows network shows in network in the file browser but the shares wont show07:22
Beyondinfernothe system hosting them aswell07:22
Beyondinfernobut everything works perfect from a x386 system07:22
switch10_Beyondinferno: can you ping the server?07:22
Beyondinfernoyes i can07:23
Beyondinfernoi've formatted, reinstalled, changed ip and nic and still no dice07:23
Beyondinfernodoes samba have known issues with nvidia on board nic?07:24
switch10_Beyondinferno: Mine works..07:24
Beyondinferno(sorry if i'm comming off rude, i'm just trying to be as detailed as possible)07:24
xivenWell, I guess Ubuntu doesn't have a package for PDO-ODBC07:25
switch10_Beyondinferno: U have a PCI NIC?07:25
xivenI sure as heck cannot find one which satisfies apache07:25
BeyondinfernoI've been searching for about 5 hours and can't find anything relevant.07:25
switch10_Beyondinferno: to test?07:25
chelzBeyondinferno: same workgroup?07:25
BeyondinfernoI do, but it's in another machine07:25
switch10_Beyondinferno: pull it just to test quick...07:26
Beyondinfernoi've got 2 ports on my mobo and have tried swapping to see if it was a mac add or ip issue07:26
switch10_Beyondinferno: if you can, I guess that is..07:26
spaceman1987how do you turn on perl where the server will run a perl script?07:26
crucialhoaxBeyondinferno: I used to have a bookmark that had a how to ugh one sec :)07:26
BeyondinfernoI'll try, but lets say it doesn't work... any other ideas?07:27
crucialhoaxhere is one of them: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba07:27
switch10_Beyondinferno: can you ping the problematic machine?07:27
spaceman1987tried chmod -x and that didnt do it07:27
Beyondinfernojust so i have something else to pursue07:27
switch10_spaceman1987: chmod u+x file07:28
crucialhoaxBeyondinferno: and here! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260507:28
Beyondinfernoi can see the client from the server and can see the server from another client07:28
chelzBeyondinferno: yeah you need to mess with some settings according to some guides07:28
StopSignso i installed grub2, and startup manager clicked the splash screen , rebooted the resolution was correct but no splash screen ?07:29
chelzBeyondinferno: http://tolearnfree.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-to-share-files-using-samba-via.html07:29
Beyondinfernobut why would it work on another client running the same distro?07:29
BeyondinfernoI've set it up and it works on another machine, just not the one running karmic x6407:30
chelzBeyondinferno: after you fix the issue you'll know why since you will have changed whatever needs changing and might be different07:30
chelzso get crackin07:30
Beyondinfernoi've read about 15 different walkthroughs on setting up samba07:32
Beyondinfernoi'm looking for an isolated issue with either x64 or nvidia07:32
Beyondinfernothose are the only differences07:32
crucialhoaxare you sure its an x64 issue? I did read that it worked with 32bit but did the settings stay the same?07:33
switch10_Beyondinferno: put in that PCI NIC...  that will rule that out if it doesnt work..07:34
spaceman1987youtube is a great tool for learning new things in ubuntu07:34
Beyondinfernoi guess that's all for now, Thanks for the help all! Hopefully I wont be back :p07:35
chelzthat xiven guy left too quickly07:36
brijith1how to invoke default mail client07:36
brijith1Hi all ...       how to invoke default mail client from python script ?07:37
chelzbrijith1: as in launch? i think just evolution07:37
rifterchelz, but what if that's not their client07:38
chelzi think that's the default mail client on ubuntu07:38
chelzwhich seemed to be what the question was regarding07:38
rifterchelz, I think they want to read what the default mail client is and launch that07:38
brijith1chelz:I want to invoke outlook from python07:38
rifterchelz as in what is in their settings07:38
chelzbrijith1: what version of ubuntu are you on?07:39
rifterbrijith1, well if you just want o invoke a speccific client there is a pythin command to call system commands07:39
brijith1chelz:I need this in windows,07:39
chelz!ot | brijith107:40
ubottubrijith1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:40
brijith1chelz:I am using ubuntu9.0107:40
louishi there07:40
rifterbrijith1, I don't know it off the top of my head because I never got into python.  reading the settings is another story07:40
brijith1chelz:so what I am suppose to do.. ?07:41
rifterbrijith1, if you are trying to do this on windows you should probably check for a python channel07:41
louisgoogle it07:41
kiaasAre there any programs that would allow me to convert MP3 to aac in the repos? (of 8.04 LTS)07:42
brijith1louis:I am tired of googling it07:42
rifterhmm that is interesting #python :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services07:42
louisbeen there07:42
brijith1rifter: yea me to getting the same error07:42
rifterwell look for the equivalent of the perl "system" command in python07:42
rifterthat's whatyou want07:42
brijith1rifter:my requirment is not that simple actually .. I need to fill email,subject,also an attachment to it07:44
chelzguys this is so offtopic07:44
chelzbrijith1: take it to a python or windows channel07:44
debclairHi! got a question, can i install mono from source in ubuntu without breaking my repository based mono installation?07:44
rifterah her eis your answeer http://xahlee.org/perl-python/system_calls.html07:44
tenbytes_how do i start gparted from the ubuntu boot disc?07:45
brijith1chelz: sorry, But how to go to python chanel07:45
rifteryes well outlook may have command line arguments for that07:45
tenbytes_ug, none of the menu options are working07:45
tenbytes_im doing "install ubuntu" clicking enter07:45
tenbytes_it doesnt do anything07:45
rifterbrijith1, oteh rmail clients take arguments for mailto, subject, etc...07:45
rifterbrijith1, actually I betthere is a python module to invoke a mailto link, mailto urls would open whatever their client was and fill in the subject line etc07:46
chelzrifter: how about taking it to a pm07:46
brijith1chelz: Cannot join #python: Registration is required. Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services error I am getting while tries to join #python channel07:46
riftertenbytes_, maybe you have a bad disk07:46
rifterchelz, sorry ok07:46
maco!register | brijith107:46
ubottubrijith1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode07:46
tenbytes_the text console works07:47
tenbytes_is there a command to start gparted?07:47
brijith1maco: but I am already a mem07:47
macobrijith1: did you forget to identify?07:47
riftertenbytes_, yes, I think gparted07:47
macotenbytes_: gksudo gparted07:47
tenbytes_Could not find kernel image: gksudo07:48
chelzbrijith1: try in #freenode07:48
brijith1rifter:I have tried mailto: but attachment doesn't works07:48
=== masaki__ is now known as masarakki
chelzbrijith1: stop that07:48
tenbytes_should i reburn?07:48
rifterbrijith1, we nee dto take this out of the channnel07:48
tenbytes_reburning at 4x07:51
chelztenbytes_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD07:51
chelztenbytes_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD#After%20I%20Select:%20%27Start%20or%20Install%20Ubuntu%27,%20it%20fails%20to%20boot07:52
chelz"After I Select: 'Start or Install Ubuntu', it fails to boot"07:52
rifteryeah for some reason my nick is already registered and I don't remember my password07:54
=== adrian_ is now known as wildbat
chelztenbytes_: #BootParameters07:55
chelztenbytes_: you can also check the integrity of a disk by selecting "Check CD for defects" on the menu after you boot to the livecd07:57
tenbytes_could it be because this is a 64 bit cpu?07:58
gotttothe only time ubuntu hasn't loaded from the cd for me is when the burner was on its' way out07:58
tenbytes_i really just need to reformat this harddrive07:59
chelztenbytes_: both i386 and amd64 discs work on 64 bit cpus. i suggest checking the disk for defects and trying various BootParemeters07:59
chelztenbytes_: try selecting "Check CD for defects"07:59
tenbytes_it doesnt work either08:00
riftertenbytes_, I used the 9.10 livecd just a couple of days ago to boot and resize my partitions with gparted08:00
tenbytes_it tries to load..then it stopps08:00
tenbytes_i hear it trying to read the cd08:00
tenbytes_im thinking this cd is messed up08:00
riftertenbytes_, it came right up from the menu for me08:00
tenbytes_im reburning at a slower speed08:00
chelztenbytes_: might be a drive issue. if you find your drive isn't working you can use unetbootin to put ubuntu on a usb stick with 705 megabyte or more of space. it will be formatted though.08:01
riftertenbytes_, now I have an amd 64 bit system, if you have an older 64 bit chip tehre were some competing standards, but I think if you'r ebooting it should work.  check the md5sum on your iso.  yes burning at a slower speed is more reliable, use good media08:01
tenbytes_its an amd turion08:02
tenbytes_hmm brb08:03
riftertenbytes you shoudl be fine then08:04
steppenwolfHi everyone <I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and need to install Update Manager but last time I did I had a system crash08:05
steppenwolfanyone has had that?08:05
chelzsteppenwolf: you installed ubuntu 9.10 desktop?08:08
shankar021988iT'S AWSOME UBUNTU 9.10!!!!08:08
chelz!hi | shankar02198808:08
ubottushankar021988: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:08
coz_steppenwolf,  you just installed ubuntu cleanly from the cd??08:08
chelzsteppenwolf: try installing the updates and come back here if you encounter any issues.08:09
shankar021988hi chelz can we be friends?08:09
chelzshankar021988: this channel is for ubuntu support. for other topics please use #ubuntu-offtopic08:09
coz_steppenwolf,   I am not clear on why  you need to install the   update-manager08:09
steppenwolfyes I installed desktop 64 bits on a clean HD08:10
shankar021988i know chelz08:10
chelzcoz_: i think he means installing updates through the update manager08:10
chelzshankar021988: please stop being offtopic then08:10
chelzsteppenwolf: should work fine08:10
coz_chelz,  maybe so   at least I hope so :)08:10
steppenwolffor example I cant watch youtube08:10
chelzsteppenwolf: you need to install the special flash player for 64bit systems08:10
coz_steppenwolf,    ah   you want to install    ubuntu-restricted-extras     maybe08:11
chelz!flash64 | steppenwolf08:11
ubottusteppenwolf: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:11
robertzaccouri installed crossweaver but i don't know where its stored at08:11
chelzyeah ubuntu-restricted-extras would be good too08:11
Banshee_Ok, I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64 on my Acer 8930G Laptop, using both the GUI install and the Text-based install, both lead me to the same problem, A black screen that I cannot do nothing with, it brings me to the boot loader and after i pick ubuntu it launches, i see the symbol as it loads, then my screen goes black as if my monitor isnt even turned on, none of the CTRL+ALT+F# buttons...08:11
Banshee_...work, and I Cannot see nothing, the memory test and disk test came back positive. Help.08:11
robertzaccourdoes anyone know where crossover gets stored at?08:11
chelzrobertzaccour: try checking with the crossover people08:11
coz_robertzaccour,  i found with crossover office ..sometimes it will not show up in the menu until you reboot08:12
steppenwolfok thanks Ubottu08:12
robertzaccourcoz_, oh ok thanks08:12
coz_robertzaccour,  which version of corssover did you install??08:12
robertzaccourcoz_, the latest i guess08:13
coz_robertzaccour,  ok  yeah  try rebooting and see if it shows up in the menu08:13
robertzaccourhttp://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxlinux/download_trial/?done=1 this one08:13
robertzaccourcoz_, ok thanks08:13
theadminSomething's wrong with webhttrack. First time i run it it runs on, then on, and it keeps increasing.08:13
robertzaccourcoz_, gnome-do couldn't even find it08:13
coz_robertzaccour,  hold on08:13
coz_robertzaccour,  there is a free version on occasion when a new version releases  hold on I have one of them  it is not a trial version   let me find it08:14
chelzBanshee_: does booting into recovery mode work?08:14
Banshee_yes it brings me to a dos style08:14
chelzBanshee_: you might have to boot to recovery mode, get a shell, and install nvidia drivers that way08:14
Banshee_chelz any tutorial or anything?08:14
shankar021988not nvidia but your motherboard drivers08:15
chelzBanshee_: after selecting "(Recovery Mode)" select get a shell08:15
chelzshankar021988: no08:15
shankar021988what if he don't have graphic card?08:15
Banshee_chelz Theres a button that says "Get a shell?" or do i have to type something08:15
shankar021988i mean onboard08:15
coz_robertzaccour,   there is what is called "lame duck"  version which is full version but free however I dont know if I have the version 9  but let me check08:15
chelzBanshee_: there's a thing to select that08:15
tonyyarussoBanshee_: It says "root shell"08:15
robertzaccourcoz_, ok08:16
robertzaccourcoz_, i'll restart and brb08:16
orly_owlhow do i restart sound damon on jaunty?08:16
Banshee_Ok after I Type that then what?08:16
orly_owl$ sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart08:16
chelzBanshee_: from the google results i'm seeing most people are just fine graphics-wise after installing. did anything strange happen during your install?08:16
Banshee_chelz: No it installed just fine08:16
Banshee_chelz: all 4 times I have tried08:16
shankar021988install within windows and try!!!!!08:17
chelzBanshee_: in the root shell you get try this:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18508:17
chelzshankar021988: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:17
shankar021988hi chelz do you have orkut oe facebook?08:18
shankar021988i want you my friend08:18
theadmin...sigh... ubottu, offtopic | shankar02198808:18
chelz!ot | shankar02198808:18
ubottushankar021988: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:18
steppenwolfok when runing the update manager I have a box that says Some of the packages could not be retrived from the server(s) do you want to continue, ignoring the packages?"08:18
chelzwould be nice if there was a non-emergency way to alert ops to trolls08:18
theadminsteppenwolf: Check your connection08:19
robertzaccourcoz_, restart worked thanks :)08:19
theadminchelz: There is this "ops" trigger, kinda works in most cases08:19
chelzsteppenwolf: if you get that more than a few times you can try pastebinning the output of some commands and we'll diagnose it08:19
robertzaccourcoz_, the only thing i wanna try it for is yahoo messenger08:19
chelztheadmin: yeah but it says right on it "only use in emergencies"08:19
robertzaccourfor everything else, DILLIGAF08:19
theadminchelz: Any troll is already an emergency :D08:19
shankar021988Anybody tried Ubuntu 10.04 Beta?08:20
coz_robertzaccour,  ok then the version i have is 7.1.2 and it should work but it is the full version including crossover-games which is for running games08:20
chelz!lucid | shankar02198808:20
ubottushankar021988: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:20
theadminshankar021988: Go to #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 help/discussion08:20
robertzaccourcoz_, yahoo messenger is not in the software list08:20
shankar021988oh come on man why you guys so dumb?08:20
coz_robertzaccour, oooo ok08:20
robertzaccourcoz_, is there another way that i need to get it?08:21
=== blueghost is now known as No18Day
coz_robertzaccour,   have you tried other messengers native to linux?08:21
theadminshankar021988: It's not we who are. It's you who is going offtopic and trolling the channel. Stop it, please.08:21
chelzshankar021988: please go somewhere else08:21
theadminwhoah wtf08:21
theadminerr sorry08:21
robertzaccourcoz_, yeah skype is great. don't know a lot of skype users though08:21
coz_robertzaccour,  there should be a yahoo messenger for linux hold on let me google08:22
theadmin(11:21:06 AM) mode (-bbbb *!*@ *!yoshi765?*@* *!*@c-67-166-13-247.hsd1.co.comcast.net *!*@ by tonyyarusso - what was that o_O08:22
coz_robertzaccour,    http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Yahoo-Messenger-Download-2.html     <, maybe08:22
tonyyarussotheadmin: that was ban list administration.08:22
shankar021988ok bye i am sorry i am not eligible.08:22
theadmintonyyarusso: Oh, i see.08:22
pinoyoragonHello. i can't login to my client PC using any of the stored accounts in my ldap server although when I issue "getent passwd" the accounts from my ldap server are displayed. What seems to be the problem?08:22
indusshankar021988, not eligible for what08:22
rshakinrobertzaccour: skype is great, but why not use gtalk08:22
coz_robertzaccour,     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8189508:23
shankar021988Not eligible for this channel.08:23
steppenwolfok says "W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata_2010g-0ubuntu0.9.10_all.deb   404 Not found08:23
indusshankar021988, why08:23
chelzsteppenwolf: in a terminal try: sudo apt-get update08:23
coz_robertzaccour,  gtalk or gaim  or one of the other native linus messengers would probably be better but apparenlty there is a yahoo messenger for linux as well08:23
shankar021988admin and chelz are banning me.08:23
robertzaccourrshakin, why gtalk?08:23
robertzaccourcoz_, thats the old yahoo messenger, no video chat08:24
coz_robertzaccour,  ok08:24
robertzaccourthanks anyhow08:24
TheMozartcan I install ubuntu ISO from a USB stick?08:24
theadminsteppenwolf: Could you try another mirror? You could use the "Software Sources" thingy. Try the russian mirror, it's most certainly up :D (downloading from it right now)08:24
coz_robertzaccour,   what about pigin08:24
robertzaccourTheMozart, yes08:24
theadminTheMozart: use unetbootin08:24
TheMozartrobertzaccour: how?08:24
robertzaccourcoz_, same issue lol08:24
TheMozarttheadmin: eh?08:24
coz_robertzaccour, mmmm08:24
robertzaccourcoz_, with skype it works great though. even better than yahoo08:25
TheMozarttheadmin: I have downloaded ubuntu .iso file its 650MB. What I do now?08:25
chelzTheMozart: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:25
coz_robertzaccour,  oh ok   can you use skype instead?  let me check for others hold on08:25
theadminTheMozart: Use the prog chelz linked to.08:25
chelzTheMozart: download and install unetbootin then select the iso you have08:25
Banshee_chelz: I did as you said with teh sudo command it told me that the package didnt exist or something along those lines08:25
chelzBanshee_: did you install 9.10?08:25
Banshee_chelz: yes08:26
robertzaccouri really think us Linux users should be promoting skype a lot more than we do. they're the only messenger app that I know of that has a version for Linux. among the well know ones anyhow08:26
steppenwolfI did the sudo from a terminal08:26
robertzaccourcoz_, yes i can use skype. i guess my real friends will talk to me on there anyhow lol if they're understanding08:26
chelzsteppenwolf: try to update again08:26
theadminrobertzaccour: what about all those Jabber/Gtalk things? :P And Skype is huge anyway :/08:26
steppenwolfand the reading of the package l ist is done08:26
steppenwolfI will08:26
TheMozartI have downloaded ubuntu alternative .ISO file.  Is there a way to get that unto my USB stick and then install Ubuntu from my USB stick?08:26
theadminTheMozart: Oh. No. You need the desktop iso.08:27
chelzBanshee_: do   apt-cache search nvidia-glx08:27
coz_robertzaccour,  i am guessing there are other native linux messengers with video support  ... google should know :)08:27
robertzaccourtheadmin, how is skype huge? seems to run pretty quick. it installs faster than almost anything08:27
theadminrobertzaccour: Well, maybe it's just that i last tried it quite long ago08:27
robertzaccourcoz_, yes gyachi, however never got voice chat working08:27
TheMozarttheadmin: but I want the alternative ISO... so I cannot do it?08:27
chelzBanshee_: and pick the highest number after the "nvidia-glx-" and apt-get install it08:27
robertzaccourtheadmin, it installed here in seconds08:27
coz_robertzaccour,  ok well this crossover is almost done uploading I will give you link when finished08:28
robertzaccourtheadmin, kopete takes much longer08:28
theadminTheMozart: No...08:28
chelzTheMozart: yes. you select the iso you have inside unetbootin.08:28
aiakeng alternative....good!08:28
robertzaccourcoz_, oh ok thanks08:28
theadminrobertzaccour: kopete? Bleh, KDE apps :/08:28
Banshee_chelz: Ok brb ill go try that08:28
robertzaccourtheadmin, i don't like them either lol08:28
chelzTheMozart: download and open unetbootin08:28
robertzaccoureven if i did use kde apps, i'm glad that they have the gnome look instead of that kiddy game look08:29
MailGonokay i opened gparted08:29
theadminchelz: It only works with the Desktop iso, so... well, not gonna work08:29
MailGonhow do I remove my linux distribution?08:29
shankar021988ya Gnome is superb08:29
MailGontheres 3 partitions:08:29
indusMailGon, format the partition08:29
shankar021988just format it with any other os08:29
theadminMailGon: Is any of them 'ext4'?08:29
MailGonim using live cd08:29
indusMailGon, the one with ext3 or ext408:30
robertzaccourTheMozart, try downloading the iso then use unetbootin to put it on the flash drive08:30
theadminMailGon: Format that :D And done.08:30
MailGonwhich one08:30
indusMailGon, type df in terminal to see what is what08:30
MailGonim using a live cd08:30
FloodBot2MailGon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:30
TheMozartrobertzaccour: but i have the alternative iso... only desktop iso will work :*(08:30
theadminMailGon: The ext4 one.... linux-swap... hm, you can remove that completely, as a matter of fact, since you will not need swap08:30
robertzaccourTheMozart, use desktop iso then08:30
aiakengI think  alternative ISO install is difficulty for me.08:30
MailGonwhat is linux-swap?08:30
indusMailGon, do you have separate home also?08:31
theadminMailGon: The swap space, kinda to work with RAM better08:31
MailGonim running this from a USB live cd08:31
MailGoni dont wanna remove the one im running08:31
MailGonext4 is the one on my hard drive? not my usb correct?08:31
theadminMailGon: Yes, obviously08:31
shankar021988ya u can do it by opening partition manager08:31
theadminMailGon: Your USB would be in vfat08:31
coz_robertzaccour,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/crossover_7.1.2_linux.tar.gz      <<  as I recall this was the last lameduck --crossover office ...i beleive stopped giving them away free after this one08:31
MailGonokay what do I format the ext4 one to?08:32
robertzaccourcoz_, free crossover?08:32
MailGoni wanna make it blank so my windows installation can recognize it08:32
MailGonbecause before it couldnt since its linux08:32
indusMailGon, just delete the partition so it creates free space08:32
robertzaccourcoz_, i don't really need crossover anyway, just curious about the yahoo messenger08:32
coz_robertzaccour,  yeah...when crossover came out with a new version ...there was a week period or so that it was free08:32
MailGonit sais 1 operation pending08:32
antonio_buenos dias08:32
indusMailGon, i hope you have backed up important data08:32
theadminMailGon: Delete both ext4 and linux-swap, expand your windows partition to all that space08:32
robertzaccourcoz_, oh i see08:33
indusMailGon, follow theadmin08:33
MailGonit wont let me remove linux-swap08:33
MailGonits grayed out08:33
coz_robertzaccour,  oh ok  then dont download or download and save :)08:33
robertzaccourhey yall i gotta go to sleep08:33
robertzaccourhave a good night :)08:33
MailGonhowever i deleted the ext4 one, except it says one operation pending08:33
MailGonhow do i confirm it08:33
Banshee_chelz: I did that and nothing came up, so I just tryped apt-cache search nvidia and the closest I seen was nvidia-185-modaliases08:33
theadminMailGon: Huh. It's active?! Strange. Do "sudo swapoff -a" in terminal08:33
TheMozartif I install the Desktop ISO, can I encrypt my Ubuntu?08:33
antonio_español k pasa08:34
Amin__hi i need help ononline file repair08:34
Amin__any soft08:34
=== tyler is now known as Guest26268
chelzBanshee_: you might try a  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade08:34
MailGonok its unallocated data now08:34
MailGonis that good?08:34
theadminMailGon: Yeah yeah, now expand your Windows partition08:35
theadminMailGon: Right click -> Resize/Move -> Set the space it uses to max08:35
Banshee_chelz: anything else before I disapear again?08:35
PslamYes, Thing you will Update by #apt-get update and then #apt-get upgrade08:35
MailGonbut the options are greyed out08:35
MailGonall I have is unallocated, extended, and another unallocated08:35
theadminMailGon: Then right clicky it and choose unmount.08:35
chelzBanshee_: try doing the apt-cache search after those08:36
Amin__is thee an soft in linux which could repairs file on line08:36
MailGonunmount is grayed out too08:36
MailGonall except New is grayed out08:36
theadminMailGon: "New"?!08:36
chelzBanshee_: ideally you should see nvidia-glx-18508:36
theadminIs there a NTFS partition there?08:36
chelzBanshee_: you better be running 9.10 though08:36
Banshee_chelz: alright ill be back again i think, i am running 9.1008:36
TheMozartif I install the Desktop ISO, how do I encrypt my Ubuntu?08:36
MailGondid I screw up08:36
MailGonim running this off a USB08:36
theadminMailGon: Uh. Do you already have Windows installed?08:36
telmichgood morning08:37
MailGonbut i can still install it right?08:37
theadminMailGon: Okay, then just do -> Device -> Create Partition Table -> Okay. Will be by far easier to just recreate it then jump around08:37
MailGonbut I have 2 unallocated08:37
steppenwolfI got a message about grub-pc: A new version of configuration   file /etc/default/grub is available, but the version installed currently has been localy modified do I keep it or install new one?08:37
penociois there a way to install windows while having linux in a seperate partition, as windows do not disturb the grub boot system and linux option in startup grub remains as it is?08:37
MailGonisnt that good enough for windows?08:37
Amin__help online file repaire08:37
telmichI'm wondering what's the "right way" to encrypt home and swap via cryptsetup in ubuntu 9.10? is there some straightforwared way or do I create crypttab and co. myself?08:37
MailGonwont it let me install windows on unallocated?08:37
Amin__crc error08:38
theadminMailGon: Well, 2 unallocated places is quite a weirdness. If we could merge them... But dunno how :P08:38
tyler_how can i make the line in play out the speakers?08:38
chelzpenocio: windows will overwrite grub but i'm pretty sure it will leave the linux partitions alone08:38
=== tyler_ is now known as sereph
developerya there is a way ... install linux08:38
theadmindeveloper: huh08:38
ter10_where is the path of repo files08:38
MailGonwell i made a new one and its called ext208:38
MailGonwill windows recognize it?08:39
theadminMailGon: No, ext2 is a Linux filesystem :P You need NTFS08:39
serephMailGon: not by default no08:39
telmicherr, ubuntu 10.04 I meant08:39
pinoyoragonany ldap users here?08:39
theadminter10_: /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:39
developerthen boot from live cd and issue cmd "grub-install"08:39
MailGonwha tshould i label it?08:39
theadminMailGon: Just make sure NTFS is selected as filesystem08:39
MailGonwhat should I label it08:39
theadminalesan: Hi08:40
alesancan I download pictures from an iphone?08:40
MailGonOh I dont have a partition table, whats that?08:40
Amin__help online file repair??????????????08:40
MailGondo I need partition table?08:40
theadminMailGon: !?!?! o_O08:40
realcnbshey, i'm on lucid, and something weird is going on with compiz after this morning update08:40
MailGonsry im new to this stuff08:40
MailGondo I need a partition table08:40
theadminrealcnbs: Lucid support is in #ubuntu+108:40
MailGonor am I done?08:40
realcnbsthx )08:40
theadminMailGon: Obviously :P Partition table is the main thing on the disk :/08:40
julikokohi al08:41
MailGonyeah but.....dont I have one?08:41
MailGonIve got 3 partitions08:41
steppenwolfwhen update manager was run I had a configuration grub-pc dialog08:41
alesantheadmin, well one could use the disk as a raw device and may not need a partition table08:41
Banshee_chelz: Ok i did it but im under the impression that it was seeing my laptop as not connected to the internet, would that be why it cant update / upgrade?08:41
theadminalesan: True... Well...08:41
alesanif you do not need partitions, you do not need a partition table :)08:41
MailGonNew partition #1 (NTFS) | /dev/sda2 (extended) | unallocated (unallocated)08:41
theadminSorry, MailGon, but i have to go now.08:41
MailGonIsnt that my partition table?08:41
steppenwolfdo I install the package mainteiners version?}08:41
MailGonwait wait08:41
julikokoi didnt create a swap partition while installing my ubuntu08:41
MailGonis that my partition table08:41
FloodBot2MailGon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
julikokobut my system keeps hanging08:42
chelzBanshee_: ah might be. i don't have experience with internet connectivity in recovery mode so i was hoping it autoconfigured itself08:42
julikokowhat can i do or how can i create a swap partion08:42
Banshee_chelz: Im going to try to re-install with it plugged in and not on wifi08:42
=== cwe is now known as firehouse
julikokohi any help08:44
AnAntHello, how can I disable a certain user from using audio on a machine ?08:44
serephunplug the speakers08:44
julikokohw can i create a swap space after installing ubuntu08:44
chelzthere is an "audio" group, or there used to be08:44
serephsorry im in a sarcastic mood tonight08:44
julikokoi didnt create the swap partition while i was doing the installation08:45
AnAntchelz: is there any other way ? using apparmor for example ?08:45
indigoparrothey there everyone, anyone got any experience with Bacula?08:45
serephhow can i make the line in play out the speakers?08:45
serephask | indigoparrot08:45
sereph!ask | indigoparrot08:46
ubottuindigoparrot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:46
serephthere we go :P08:46
chelzAnAnt: i don't know about that, but there might be. you could also try looking into SELinux08:46
chelzwon't be easy though08:46
chelzsereph: !anyone is good too08:46
chelz!anyone | indigoparrot08:46
ubottuindigoparrot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:46
serephchelz: heh yeah08:46
indigoparrotthanks guys... :P08:46
MailGonthe partition WILL NOT show up in windows08:47
* sereph waits for the real question08:47
indigoparrotunfortunately it's not as simple as a single question, but here goes...08:47
MailGonI just made a new NTSF through my live CD08:47
MailGonand for some reason it refuses to show up in windows installation08:47
chelzMailGon: look into adding a new harddrive to windows. windows is weird. but that's offtopic.08:47
serephchelz: how do i get the bot to tell me his commands?08:48
indigoparrotI have Ubuntu running the bacula-dir, and a windows client with bacula-fd. The bacula-dir cannot connect to the bacula-fd on windows. The passwords are the same, the IPs are correct (and IPs, not names) and i've turned off the firewall in XP and rebooted both machines.08:48
indigoparrot@sereph happy now? :P08:48
serephyes much better :)08:48
chelz!ubottu > sereph08:48
ubottusereph, please see my private message08:48
penociois there a way to install windows while having linux in a seperate partition, as windows do not disturb the grub boot system and linux option in startup grub remains as it is?08:48
serephoh cmon...08:49
serephdont people have better things to do08:49
MailGonno I mean I went into gparted on  my linux live cd, added a new partition (ntfs), and it will not show up when I install windows08:49
chelzindigoparrot: anything interesting in the logs?08:49
chelz!pm | indigoparrot08:49
ubottuindigoparrot: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:49
chelzMailGon: when you created a new partition table, what kind did you select?08:50
sereph03:48 < penocio> is there a way to install windows while having linux in a seperate partition, as windows do not disturb the grub boot system  and linux option in startup grub remains as it is?08:50
sereph03:48 -!- penocio [~quassel@] has quit [K-Lined]08:50
MailGoni idnt make a new partition table =/08:50
steppenwolfso I have to install a 32 bit version right?08:50
* sereph wonders what for08:50
* sereph also didnt mean to flood08:51
MailGonam i supposed to make a new partition table?08:51
Amin__is thee any  one knows abouut onlinne fle repair08:51
sereph!anyone | Amin__08:51
ubottuAmin__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:51
MailGonokay I JSUT made a new partition table08:51
chelzMailGon: no, just you said something about that08:51
chelzMailGon: of what kind?08:51
MailGonit was called msdos08:51
chelzyeah that's good08:51
chelzMailGon: make sure any partitions you expect to use with windows are primary partitions, as in not in the extended box08:52
Amin__my question is online file repair any soft????????????????????///08:52
MailGonits ntfs08:52
chelzalso formatting them to fat32 is best08:52
MailGonhow do I check if its primary or not08:52
MailGonfile system is ntfs, that good?08:52
chelzMailGon: it's either in a blue box or not08:52
chelzMailGon: i'd try fat32 then reformatting to ntfs after windiz sees it08:52
antonio_buenos dias no  hay    ningun   español08:53
MailGonhey im running live cd off of a usb08:53
MailGonif i pull out usb, what would happen? :P08:53
chelzAmin__: you want to recover deleted files? or what?08:53
ikoniaantonio_: you are using Suse - not ubuntu08:53
ikoniaAmin__: you are using Suse - not ubuntu, please don't ask in here08:53
ikoniaantonio_: apologies, that was not meant for you08:53
serephMailGon: most likely nothing08:53
chelzMailGon: similar thing if you unplugged your hdd in an installed system08:53
MailGonoh crap08:53
MailGonI got a GRUB error08:53
MailGonupon restart08:53
MailGonGRUB loading error: unknown filesystem08:54
MailGongrub rescue> _08:54
joaopintoMailGon, language08:54
alesanMailGon, how can you IRC from the grub prompt :)08:54
steppenwolfHi I am having problems with Ubuntu 9.04, I installed a 64 bit version on a intel centrino Duo  t7600 processors but those are still X86, so I have to install the i386 version right?08:54
ikoniasteppenwolf: if it doesn't support a 64bit OS it won't install08:54
=== ubuntuuser is now known as SirRedTooth
icerootsteppenwolf: yes08:55
steppenwolfit did installed08:55
serephchelz: mind if i pm you for an off topicc question?08:55
icerootsteppenwolf: normally the installer should tell you that the architecture is not supported08:55
Moral_I'm trying to chmod a file on my ntfs partition but it wont take the paramaters I give it... Any suggestions?08:55
joaopintoif the 64 bits livecd booted then they are 64 bits :P08:55
g0aliathhow hard is it to compile stuff for x64 ubuntu?08:55
MailGonokay wow08:55
steppenwolfit booted08:55
MailGonit still wont show up in installation08:55
joaopintog0aliath, as hard as it is for 32 bits08:55
ikoniaMoral_: a.) you may have it marked as read only b.) ntfs won't support unix based file permissions in the same way08:55
steppenwolfeven installed08:55
FloodBot4MailGon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
icerootg0aliath: not hard if you know what to do08:55
MailGonwhy doesnt it show up in installation???? i created new partition table and everything.......08:55
g0aliathno i mean for myself in the terminal08:55
Moral_ikonia, Orly @ the unix based file permissions.... So... what are my options?08:56
Amin__no i just downloaded 5gb n dvb sat by mana and it is corrupted ad i need a soft to repair it by direct link08:56
g0aliathis it a lot of shel scripting?08:56
chelzsereph: eh try #ubuntu-offtopic08:56
MailGonwhy doesnt the stupid partition table show up!08:56
MailGonin windows installation08:56
icerootg0aliath: just compile the stuff on a 64bit system, its the same way as on a 32bit system08:56
serephchelz: nevermind i figured it out :)08:56
=== jared is now known as Guest41492
ikoniaMoral_: well you can change the permissions (if it's mounted read/write) as the root user08:56
serephchelz: it was about the bot but i got it08:56
joaopintog0aliath, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware08:56
g0aliathcool, thanks guys for the info, im thinking about going 6408:56
chelzsteppenwolf: t7600 is 64bit capable08:56
steppenwolfit did installed08:57
Moral_ikonia, there lies the problem... It's mounted as rw and when i sudo chmod  it doesnt work...08:57
Amin__yes bu i love ubuntu chat irc it is  more  better and full of info08:57
ikoniaMoral_: can you show me the output of the command "mount" in a pastebin please08:57
MailGondoes anyone know why my partition that I JSUT made in gparted wont show up in windows installation?08:57
ikoniaAmin__: please don't ask in here for suse support08:57
Moral_ikonia, sure.08:57
MailGoni made it an ntfs file system wtf08:57
joaopintoMailGon, windows does not identify ext partitions08:58
ikoniaMailGon: the TOC needs to be re-read08:58
MailGonno, its ntfs08:58
ikoniaMailGon: please control your language08:58
MailGonits not ext, i made sure it was ntfs08:58
steppenwolfok would it be optimal?08:58
MailGoni made a new partition table, then a new partition (ntfs partition)08:58
ikoniaMailGon: use windows to format windows partitions08:58
MailGonI cant........08:58
ikoniaMailGon: using Linux to make a 3rd party closed source file system is not a good idea08:58
MailGonIm trying to INSTALL windows08:58
ikoniaMailGon: why not ?08:58
ikoniaMailGon: the installer will format the partition08:59
ikoniaMailGon: yes it will08:59
MailGonthe partition doesnt show up08:59
Moral_ikonia, you want my entire mount or just the partition...08:59
ikoniaMailGon: you do know you need two partitions to install windows, and it's fussy - it wants the first partition on the disk08:59
ikoniaMoral_: just the output of the command "mount" on it's own please08:59
MailGonim on a netbook, and im running gparted off a usb so I can format linux partitions, and then I use my other USB to install windows08:59
davidenon windows format. fdisk if possible09:00
ikoniaMailGon: that makes no difference to what I've said09:00
steppenwolfok chelz but would it be optimal?09:00
MailGonWhat do I do in linux?09:00
MailGonSo I can get the partition to show up in windows installation09:00
ikoniaMailGon: re-read what I've said, Windows wants two partitions, one at the start of the disk for the temporary space09:00
Moral_ikonia, http://pastebin.com/eWu097pU09:00
MailGonso...it wants two then09:00
MailGonOne primary and one unallocated09:00
ikoniaMailGon: the guys in ##windows will be able to give you the correct requirements for your windows OS09:01
ikoniaMoral_: where is it mounted, I don't see an NTFS mouint on there09:01
ikoniaMoral_: oh, it's it the media/DAD005----blah one09:02
ikoniaMoral_: I'm wrong http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/296-fat32-ntfs-write-permissions.html09:02
ikoniaMoral_: I knew it didn't support permissions, but I thought they could be changeds, they can't09:03
Moral_ikonia, fuck.09:03
ikoniaMoral_: hey - control the language, that's not needed09:04
Moral_I got alot of work to do09:04
Moral_ikonia, sorry :S09:04
marlenahi, I cant login to my xubuntu 9.10 box, on gdm I enter correct password, computer thinks a while, flips resolutions and pops back with login screen, please help09:04
Moral_I'll boot back into windows and see what I can do.09:04
chelzsteppenwolf: i only go with 64bit when i have more than 4 gigabytes of RAM09:04
chelzsteppenwolf: everyone has their own system though09:04
chelzMailGon: install windows then install linux09:04
chelzsteppenwolf: #ubuntu-offtopic09:04
FloodBot4chelz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
Moral_freebsd killed my MBR09:06
Moral_for windows09:06
shankar021988you re fix your mbr09:06
Moral_I cannot09:07
Moral_gonna have to get BartPE09:07
MailGoncant install windows..........09:07
MailGontheres no partitions to choose09:07
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
shankar021988ya just install in different partition09:07
steppenwolfok I can watch youtube09:08
hunahpuMailGon: create a new partition...09:08
TheMozartanyone know if unetbootin works with alternative 9.10 .ISO?09:08
chelzTheMozart: i know for a fact it does09:08
hunahpuTheMozart: yes it should do09:08
steppenwolfbut can not view in full screen09:08
steppenwolfnor use the buttons09:08
TheMozartchelz: cool.  so what option do I choose in unetbootin?09:08
steppenwolfthink is something with flash player09:08
chelzTheMozart: Select ISO09:08
TheMozartchelz: unetbootin doesn't have alternative 9.10 as an option..it only shows 9.10 desktop ISO.09:09
TheMozartchelz: so what did you choose?09:09
ZykoticK9steppenwolf, are you on 64bit and are you using ubuntu-restricted-extras or flashplugin-installer for flash?09:09
chelzTheMozart: it should look like this: http://sourceforge.net/dbimage.php?id=16732809:09
steppenwolfI am on 64bit09:09
chelzTheMozart: select Disk Image09:09
ZykoticK9steppenwolf, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working09:10
TheMozartchelz: yes it does.. so you mean ignore the top part and just choose "Diskimage" ISO?09:10
steppenwolfnot using ubuntu restricted-extras nor flash plugin-installer09:10
ZykoticK9steppenwolf, what flash are you using?09:10
chelzTheMozart: yes i do. select the iso you have.09:10
TheMozartchelz: ok.. then press OK and it will write to USB stick?09:10
chelzTheMozart: btw that works with basically any linux iso. *linux*09:10
chelzTheMozart: make sure you have the right drive selected at the bottom09:11
TheMozartchelz: can I then install Ubuntu to my hard drive from the USB stick?09:11
chelzTheMozart: if your computer supports booting to usb devices, yes09:11
TheMozartchelz: next to "TYPE" it says "USB":09:11
chelzTheMozart: it will function just like a livecd09:12
TheMozartUSB DRIVE09:12
Moral_ikonia, I guess my next question is this: I needed to chmod that file so apache could read it, as I wanted to watch my movies over my network. What Else can I do besides SSH to watch my movies?09:12
=== Rondom_ is now known as Rondom
TheMozartchelz: no no no!!!  I have alternative version.. not livecd version09:12
steppenwolfonly had RedHat linux 7.1-9e on www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install09:12
chelzTheMozart: right, i mean it will act like the disc if you had burned the iso09:12
TheMozartchelz: I told you.. I have this... ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.ISO09:12
chelzTheMozart: just select the usb drive. c'mon now.09:13
ZykoticK9steppenwolf, redhat?09:13
TheMozartchelz: so the USB stick will load an act as if I had have burned the ISO to a CD?09:13
iceroot!usb | TheMozart09:13
ubottuTheMozart: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:13
chelzTheMozart: uhh yes. i think09:13
chelziceroot: that wikipage is so bad :(09:14
TheMozartchelz: you think???????????????  before you said you know for a FACT it works...and now you think???09:14
icerootchelz: i dont mea the wiki-pake, i mean the help-ubuntu.com page09:14
icerootTheMozart: yes the usb stick will work like a cd09:14
icerootTheMozart: i was using it with the net-install image09:14
TheMozartchelz: TheMozart: i know for a fact it does ...... THEN YOU CHANGE STORY and say, "uhh yes. i think"???  Are you trolling me?09:14
chelzTheMozart: i'm not sure what you were saying. i know that it will act like a cd09:15
TheMozarticeroot: ok09:15
icerootTheMozart: stop flaeming people here, if you dont like there support, use google09:15
chelzTheMozart: just do it. learn by doing. do it now.09:15
serephaw i wanted to make the bot yell at him09:15
MailGonyes!! got windows install working!! no more linux!!! w00t!!!!!09:17
icerootinteresting, he can install ubuntu without problems but when installing windows, he needs support :)09:18
Moral_man this day is sucking more and more09:21
Moral_Stupid windows vista cd cant see windows 709:21
ikoniawell, we can't help with that but ##windows is you friendly help channel09:22
chelzMoral_: ##windows09:22
fenrewhy would you want vista when you have win7 anyway?09:22
chelzkeep the trash in its place09:22
Moral_chelz, lol I know, I'm just bitching09:22
hexdump_vista ewwww09:22
Moral_fenre, trying to fix my MBR09:22
fenrethen use linux ;)09:22
mykieanyone have any problems with empathy?09:24
theadminmykie: What kind of problems?09:24
fenreMoral_: Why let windows screw things up for you when you can do it yourself? :P09:24
coz_mykie,  I dont use empathy so I cant help ...sorry09:24
mykietheadmin it refuses to sign in my msn accounts09:24
Moral_fenre, I know, right?09:24
mykieaim and anything else is fine09:25
theadminmykie: Oh. Hm. I'm a pidgin user... So dunno actually.09:25
mykieI think i might switch to pidgin not sure why they changed it :(09:25
coz_mykie,  maybe because msn is now wlm?09:26
chelzmykie: you can check the bugreports page for empathy09:26
theadminmykie: pidgin.im has instructions on installing Pidgin on Ubuntu (they broke it in 9.10 so one in Ubuntu's repos works no longer)09:26
theadminardchoille: What?09:26
coz_mykie,  they changed the name from microsoft network to window live messenger09:26
theadmincoz_: So what? :P It's still "MSN" in Pidgin, but it works.09:26
ardchoilletheadmin: was under the impression that they switched to empathy from pidgin because of better video support in empathy09:26
theadminardchoille: Oh.09:27
coz_theadmin,  ok     I dont know from these messengers anyway :)09:27
ardchoilleI quite like empath, been running fine here09:27
theadminInterface is over-complicated, but otherwise it's quite neat09:27
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coz_mykie,  see if you have telepathy=butterfly installed ... if so you could try to remove that and install  tlepathy-haze?   but i am not sure  if that will help09:28
mykiei will give it a go cheers!09:28
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theadminwebhttrack has a cool piece of software, however, there seems to be something broken in Ubuntu package. After everything is finished, Firefox says it needs additional plugins to display all contents on the page, while there most certainly are no special elements. What the heck?09:30
jordanlhow do i enter the grub menu during bootup in ubuntustudio? I try pressing Esc several times, but it always goes straight into the bootup splash and I never see a grub menu09:30
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theadminjordanl: Try holding down your Shift key09:31
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jordanltheadmin: that worked. thanks so much09:33
jordanltheadmin: i thought Esc was the conventional default :(09:34
theadminjordanl: They changed it in Grub 209:34
POEso uhm. i disabled gdm from launching in ubuntu 9.04, because i just want a terminal, no x or gnome09:35
ikoniaPOE: ok09:35
POEbut i dont get any login, and i only seem to have one tty09:35
POEhow do i fix?09:35
ikoniahow did you disable it09:36
ikoniaPOE: you tty is your login09:36
DemiurgeIs there a way to check which version ntfs-3g that is being used? It is not installed from synaptic as the version there is an old one.09:36
POEikonia: well i removed the links from the rcdirs09:36
chelzthose multiple virtual terminals are the result of x i think09:36
ikoniaDemiurge: how did you install it09:36
POEchelz: oh.09:37
chelzDemiurge: ntfs-3g --help09:37
chelzPOE: login and look into gnu screen09:37
POEchelz: but i have no login prompt, thats the thing09:37
theadminscreen rocks!09:37
ZerfmorganHi everybody09:38
Demiurgeikonia: Downloaded the source and compiled it. So it should be the latest version. But I get errors that the faq says should be corrected "in the latest version", so I'd like to check.09:38
POEchelz: last initmsg is "setting Advanced Power Management level ... [OK]" and then nothing09:38
theadminPOE: Not even something like "$(hostname) login:"?09:38
Demiurgechelz: Thanks.09:38
POEtheadmin: no, nothing like that09:38
theadminPOE: huh. Creepy.09:38
chelzPOE: does ctrl alt fn keys do anything?09:38
POElol im retarded. i was trying ctrl+alt+numbers before09:39
POEthanks chelz09:39
ikoniaDemiurge: then you should know and understand the impact on doing that09:39
chelzPOE: oh, well that's good to know09:39
ikoniaDemiurge: which includes being able to check the version, changing NTFS-3g has massive implications09:39
chelzi wonder what drives those if not X09:39
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theadminchelz: X starts in tty7, so it can't drive tty's as it works in one :D09:40
Zenkerwhich channel is for ubuntu 10.02?09:40
POEchelz: should be the normal getty's, X is normally running in tty709:40
theadminchelz: see: man 4 tty09:40
theadmin(not sure if it's the right one because i don't get some of stuff there)09:41
chelztheadmin: i was looking into vterm stuff not too long ago and i thought i read something about them being part of X. but alright, i'll check that out09:42
theadminchelz: Uh, virtual terminal can be something like gnome-terminal or xterm, which obviously is a part of X09:43
chelzyeah i mean the ctrl+alt+fn ones for sure tho09:44
theadminbleh this stuff jumping in background makes my head hurt lol09:44
joaopintoa xterm is not a virtual terminal, is a terminal emulator :P09:44
Demiurgeikonia: Well, didn't have much of a choice. Or at least not much to lose.. It didn't work with the old ntfs-3g version.09:44
joaopintoyou usually refer to VTs as console terminals09:44
chelzDemiurge: what version of ubuntu are you on?09:45
Avaszhow do i know what is my vga card memory?09:46
Demiurgechelz: 9.1009:46
chelzAvasz: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-find-linux-vga-video-card-ram/09:47
ania_Avasz, type lshw in terminal and search after graphic card09:47
Avaszania_, thanks09:47
chelz!ru | Mannoroth09:47
ubottuMannoroth: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:47
karim_frlhello evry one09:48
pagorehi all :), does someone know something about the Nautilus Emblemes?   I mean the icons, which you can find under09:48
pagore"rightClick on File or Folder --->Properties --->Tab to Emblems ---> chose an embleme".09:48
pagoredoes someone know where the metafile is saved? :)09:48
chelz!hi | karim_frl09:48
ubottukarim_frl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:48
Steppenwolf1Hi everyone how do I set flash for Ubuntu?09:48
karim_frlhi chelz09:48
theadminchelz: That most certainly was NOT russian09:48
karim_frlit is my first time here09:48
chelzpagore: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/88993-adding-emblems.html09:48
theadminSteppenwolf1: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:48
Steppenwolf1I need the flash and also the SVG09:48
chelztheadmin: he's connecting from a russian ip, that's what i go off of mose of the time09:49
theadminSteppenwolf1: svg? Firefox opens those fine by default09:49
theadminchelz: Well, he's not using UTF8, because what i saw was "????????"09:49
chelzSteppenwolf1: 64 or 32bit?09:49
chelztheadmin: i saw letters with a lot of umlaut-like stuff09:49
chelz!flash64 | Steppenwolf109:50
ubottuSteppenwolf1: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:50
RPG-MasterOK, I know this was caused by updating the beta, but I've lost all my mail in Evolution! Does Evolution store I auto-backup anywhere?09:50
chelzRPG-Master: lucid support is in #ubuntu+109:50
RPG-MasterI know :(09:50
RPG-Masterbut no one up in there knows :(09:50
chelzyou could try searching lucid bugs for stuff related to evolution09:51
theadminchelz: That is not russian then :P We have nothing like this... well, one letter Our whole alphabet: абвгдеёжзиклмнопрстуфхсчьъыэюя09:51
Steppenwolf1ok thanks ubottu09:51
chelztheadmin: ah yeah no idea09:51
RPG-MasterI assume if it can be fixed it would be the same way no matter the version09:51
chelzRPG-Master: well generally i'd say people already using lucid would be more likely to be helpful than people here since they're more like to have encountered a bug and the fix for that bug than people in here09:52
RPG-Masterchelz: eh... ok09:52
theadminbleh. FF 3.5.8 on Ubuntu has a strange bug, sometimes it randomly goes on reloading the page forever until you hit the Reload or Stop button manually or retype the adress. What's this? Never encountered it on Windows.09:53
ikoniatheadmin: that's most often a DNS/router issues09:54
chelzcould also be due to the page not being able to set cookies for some reason09:54
theadminikonia: Hm... Router? Have no such stuff... then maybe DNS.09:54
Steppenwolf1hey Ubottu in that link says (Not officially supported by Ubuntu)!!09:54
theadminSteppenwolf1: don't try to talk with ubottu, it's a program :D09:55
dmhouseHi guys. I've just bought an Acer Aspire 5536 and put Karmic on it. There's a problem that the fan just stays on all the time. How would I go about fixing this09:55
Steppenwolf1heheheh ok09:55
SandGorgonanyone know of any remote-deskktop client able to connect to Win Server 2008 : rdesktop does not . I'm willing to purchase commercial software09:55
Steppenwolf1so how do I install the flash plugins for 64 bits?09:56
ikoniaSteppenwolf1: rdesktop should09:56
ikoniaSandGorgon: rdesktop should09:56
pagorechelz: Hi chelz, your reply showed how i can add emblemes, but i want the file(s) where the information of which file has an embleme and which has not is saved. :)09:56
pagoreLet me give an example, ich i style an folder with an embleme, then i copy all this folders to an other computer (under Ubuntu 9.10)09:56
pagoreOn my other Computer i cant see the emblemes.09:56
SandGorgondmhouse, play with the swappiness and other swap settings in sysctl09:56
ikoniaSteppenwolf1: that wasn't for you - sorry09:56
snaKeis there any proxy support for ubuntu one ?09:57
Steppenwolf1heheh ok09:57
MadPadHas anyone managed to use pacemaker on ubuntu ?  I need to create a two-node mysql cluster with shared storage but I can't find anything on the web about it, everyone utilizes drbd09:57
pagorechelz: ich = if (sry)09:57
SandGorgonikonia, nope.. if u turn on tls security in Server 2008 (which uses rdp protocol > 5.2),, it does not09:57
chelzpagore: that would be something that's part of gnome. i don't think that can be easily transferred.09:57
inthevidualhey. I am doing a custom remaster of Ubuntu, using wicd as the networkmanager09:57
inthevidualand I was wondering, how can I make the system add users to the netdev group by default?09:58
chelzpagore: /apps/nautilus/desktop-metadata seems to be where's it's store in gconf09:58
TrezkerA large program running in wine just crashed for me, its process is gone but the memory is still occupied. Help?09:58
chelzpagore: you'll have to look into syncing gconf stuff09:58
pagorechelz: sec :)09:58
theadminchelz: syncing gconf is as simple as "cp $HOME/.gconf /someplace"09:59
dmhouseSandGorgon: why would settings to do with swap affect the fan usage?>09:59
Moral_where is a cdrom usually in /dev/?10:00
banshee_chelz: Everything is working now that I installed with the ethernet cord plugged in10:00
theadminMoral_: /dev/cdrom010:00
chelztheadmin: oh, alright then. that's good. but i'd imagine there's quite a few different things in gconf so syncing it all might not be ideal10:00
theadmin...or is it?10:00
Localhost666hi, someone knows what's the channel of algorithms and data structures?10:00
retybokWhat is the best netbook for linux? My main criteria are robustness and linux compatibility. Can someone point me to a decent and recent comparison?10:00
SandGorgondmhouse, ur disk might be spinning continously. also check if ur processor is being scaled down appropriately10:00
theadminchelz: Well, $HOME/.gconf is a folder. Choose what you want :P10:00
tarzeaui've got a hp mini one10:00
chelzbanshee_: ah, good to hear. yeah i made that mistake not too long ago with debian, installing with an ethernet cord plugged in helped a lot10:00
chelzpagore: i guess check out ~/.gconf10:01
banshee_chelz: Yeah :) how do I make sure my video card is the latest, and whats the apt-get for shockwave again I cannot remember, been a while since I had linux10:01
theadminbanshee_: Shockwave? You mean Flash, right?10:01
icerootretybok: asus eepcs, doesnt matter which one10:01
Moral_theadmin, thanks10:01
chelzbanshee_: ubuntu-restricted-extras10:01
dmhouseSandGorgon: it doesn't look like the disc is spinning continuously. How do I check the processor scaling?10:02
theadminchelz: That also gives a ton of useless crap such as mp3 codecs :/10:02
icerootbanshee_: there is no shockwave for linux10:02
chelzbanshee_: for your video card System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers10:02
banshee_chelz: Yeah I mean't flash sorry10:02
chelztheadmin: it's a nice shotgun way to deal with format/codec/etc issues10:02
chelz!flash | banshee_10:02
ubottubanshee_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:02
theadminbanshee_: For 9.04 and up: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer, for 8.10 and lower: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:02
retybokiceroot: I have an asuss eee900, but the build is shit. The keyboard is pure crap10:02
theadminchelz: A nicer way is sudo apt-get install vlc ;)10:03
retybokare the newer ones better?10:03
icerootretybok: like your language10:03
retyboksorry :-/10:03
icerootretybok: for hardware have a look at ##hardware10:03
retybokok, thanks10:03
Steppenwolf1chelz: so how do I install flash plugins for 64 bits?10:03
snaKeubuntu-one proxy conf ?10:04
Malekoguys, when you add your user account into other group, shouldnt you be able to peek into dirs of other users that also belong to the group?10:04
ikoniaSteppenwolf1: just install the pacakge "flashplugin-nonfree"10:04
ikoniaMaleko: depends if the directory has group read / execute permisions10:05
theadminsnaKe: Uh, i think Ubuntu One follows GNOME's proxy settings10:05
Steppenwolf1got this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava from bot but it says is not officially supported by Ubuntu10:05
ikoniaSteppenwolf1: just install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" - that's it10:05
Steppenwolf1ohhh Thanks iknonia!!!10:05
karim_frllinux is beter than windows10:06
Malekoikonia: drwxr-x--x  6 www       www10:06
theadminsomething's running on port 8080. I wanna kill whatever is. How?10:06
ikoniaMaleko: and are you a member of the "www" group10:06
chelzSteppenwolf1: if you have trouble with the official flash player, try out that guide10:06
Malekoi already add my user account into www group but im still not able to ls the dir10:06
Steppenwolf1ok I'll try the official one10:07
Malekogroups maleko, output= maleko : maleko www10:07
snaKeikonia, how to configure ubuntu-one proxy setting ?10:08
theadminsnaKe: It follows GNOME's proxy settings. Told you.10:08
Steppenwolf1hey do I install the Flashplugin-installer first?10:08
theadminSteppenwolf1: Nah, that's for i386/32-bit10:08
Steppenwolf1or directly the flashpligin-nonfree?10:08
theadminMaleko: Huh? That's very strange. For me, output of "groups r00t" looks like this: "r00t adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare"10:09
theadmin(r00t is my username)10:10
Malekotheadmin: 9.10?10:10
theadminMaleko: Yes10:10
* theadmin is always on latest stable release :D10:10
snaKetheadmin, i have tried that, but not working. which port does it connect to ?10:11
banshee_chelz: When I try to setup Seperate X Screen, I try to click Save to X configuration file, and it tells me it failed to parse or something, any idea?10:11
theadminsnaKe: Not really any idea.10:12
chelzbanshee_: are you using nvidia settings?10:12
banshee_chelz: yes10:12
pagorechelz: ok u are in the right, the information about emblemes is realy saved in ~/.gconf , now i just need to find out where exactly :)10:12
banshee_chelz I went System > Admin > Nvidia10:12
chelzbanshee_: yeah ubuntu doesn't have an xorg.conf since i think jaunty, you have to make one10:13
banshee_chelz oh ok ill google this10:13
chelzbanshee_: try sudo nvidia-xconfig10:13
chelzbanshee_: then open up nvidia settings again10:14
Maleko <theadmin> Maleko: Huh? That's very strange. For me, output of "groups r00t" looks like this: "r00t adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare"10:14
Maleko^ admin account10:14
theadminMaleko: Oh.10:14
banshee_chelz: I just realised I have no sound :)10:15
chelzbanshee_: yeah that's the most common issue i saw when googling for your computer10:15
banshee_chelz: WAs there a fix?10:16
MauL^I am running a web server on my local and it replies very fast but when I do a request from another machine in the same network, the reply comes very late.. I think there is something that slows down the operation.. what can be? I've opened the firewall necessary port ... what do you suggest me ?10:16
slacker-I'm getting a few of those recently: INFO: task xyz blocked for more than 120 seconds.10:16
chelzbanshee_: i didn't read any of it since you didn't mention that issue. try googling your model number and ubuntu and you'll see stuff on it10:16
banshee_chelz: Will do10:16
slacker-I've upgraded /home from ext3 to ext4. Running karmic on 2.6.31-20-server 64bit10:16
slacker-any idea where this might come from?10:17
theadminslacker-: Where do you get those?10:18
slacker-with those messages comes a call trace10:18
slacker-theadmin: in syslog10:18
DuzchipHi, i just upgraded ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04 to try it out10:18
Duzchipi found one problem10:18
chelz!lucid | Duzchip10:18
ubottuDuzchip: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:18
theadminDuzchip: Lucid support in #ubuntu+110:18
Duzchipoh sorry10:18
chelzslacker-: googling for that brings up a lot of stuff10:21
chelzyou might try seeing if there's a bug in launchpad around ext4 related to what you're experiencing10:21
Steppenwolf1ok Flash seems to be working fine10:22
chelzSteppenwolf1: try youtube, play some games, make sure10:22
Steppenwolf1I now have to install SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)10:22
Steppenwolf1used to be managed by Adobe10:23
theadminSteppenwolf1: You don't install them :/ Firefox opens them right away. You can edit them with The GIMP.10:23
banshee_chelz: lol..... sound was muted xD10:23
Steppenwolf1ohhh let me try10:23
chelzbanshee_: aha, that's a good way to not have sound10:23
chelzbanshee_: i take it the xconfig thing worked?10:24
farsighthi all10:24
banshee_chelz: Sorry what are you referring to, the display question I had?10:24
ninohi all10:24
chelzbanshee_: yeah, where nvidia settins wasn't working. i was asking if running xconfig fixed it10:25
slacker-chelz: yes, in fact so much that I didn't know where to start10:25
theadminxconfig? Hm, that's something new :D10:26
chelztheadmin: sudo nvidia-xconfig10:26
theadmin(For me, that is)10:26
banshee_chelz: Brb, and i havent tried yet :)10:26
farsightcan anyone offer a simple explanation for the most effective way to autologin on xchat start up, where the nickserv name is farsight?10:26
* theadmin haz an ATI video card, chelz10:26
chelzbanshee_: ah alright, keep me posted :)10:26
farsightI am somewhat confused by where I add /msg NickServ identify farsight <password>10:27
chelztheadmin: ah. well, nvidia does a decent job with their drivers currently. it's gonna suck if/when they ever start dropping support.10:27
chelzactually, i wonder what the level of support is for vdpau in the OSS driver10:27
theadminvdpau? Video Driver Power Allocation Unit? (just a guess)10:27
puliszkayo yo yo reggelt10:28
erUSULfarsight: depends on the irc client you use. many have a dialog to just put you password10:28
Steppenwolf1No they didnt work out with firefox10:28
Steppenwolf1how do I edit them?10:28
theadminSteppenwolf1: Hm. Wikipedia has a buncha svg images, all of them open fine10:28
Steppenwolf1with the GIMP?10:28
theadminSteppenwolf1: Yeah, GIMP can edit those allright10:28
farsightI'm logging in to freenode using the xchat client10:28
icerootSteppenwolf1: for svg you will use inkscape10:28
ringerfarsight - I (think) you can do a /msg anywhere - the point of the / is that noone else sees it in channel10:29
chelzcould also try inkscape10:29
chelzhi5 iceroot10:29
theadminiceroot: Huh, I'm sure i saw an option to save as SVG in GIMP10:29
chelztheadmin: it's a video decoding hardware acceleration thing10:29
iceroottheadmin: yes but gimp is not common for svg10:29
Steppenwolf1ohh ok but those are dinamical images10:29
chelzfarsight:  a lot of clients have support for automatically doing the password thing for you in the options of servers you have setup to connect to10:30
ringerfarsight if you want to test things out try  #freenode channel10:30
farsightthanks for the info people10:30
farsighti'll give it a whirl10:30
banshee_chelz: What would you suggest for some good things to get?10:30
iceroottheadmin: using svg with gimp is like surfing with the internet-explorer, you can do it but its a bad idea because there are better programs10:30
Steppenwolf1I got this message Additional plugins are required to display all teh media on this page10:30
chelzbanshee_: what kind of "things"10:30
theadminiceroot: surfing with IE? No, that's more like sinking... or even worse.10:31
banshee_chelz: Dunno just some helpful things that I might find helpful along the way in linux :)10:31
iceroottheadmin: but now you know what i mean :)10:31
chelzbanshee_: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html and http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:31
theadminiceroot: Well, for me gimp is one huge "o_O" anyway10:32
banshee_chelz: I just installed a program I wanted called TinTin++ How do I run it from the terminal?10:32
chelzbanshee_: also http://www.commandlinefu.com10:32
csabahow can I find out when was a file created?10:32
chelzbanshee_: read that UsingTheTerminal10:32
csabathe file properties dialog only shows the time last modified...10:32
banshee_chelz: Its not loading the commandline page10:32
chelzbanshee_: might have to refresh10:33
banshee_chelz: Whats the command to run a program?10:33
SealedWithAKissI have connected a secondary monitor to my graphics card. The sharpness of the image on my original monitor has always been excellent, however since connecting the second monitor I have noticed a reduction in quality on my original monitor coupled with increased image quality on the monitor that I have added. I am using an ATI Radeon 4600 HD card with a monitor connected via VGA and another monitor connected vi10:34
SealedWithAKissa a HDMI to DVI lead. Can anybody help? I also want to connect both monitors horizontally so that each displays 1/2 of my desktop. Under Ubuntu 9.04?10:34
theadminbanshee_: just the full program path (or if you are in directory with the prog, then... ./progfile)10:34
chelzbanshee_: the name of the program usually. you can type the first few letters of a command and then hit the tab key to complete it. this is called tab completion10:34
chelzbanshee_: tab completion also works in most irc clients for nicks10:34
banshee_chelz: I don't know where this program was saved too, how would I find tintin++10:35
theadminbanshee_: How did you install it?10:35
cemcI'm using Chrome on Karmic and I have a strange problem. clicks on flash stuff (for example youtube) don't seem to work. only after I do a right-click, then left-click, does it work... is there some known problem with this?10:36
chelzbanshee_: there are certain folders that are in a list called your PATH. it's visible by running "echo $PATH". in the terminal you can run any binary in any of those folders just by typing the name of it10:37
SandGorgonanybody know of cheap (possibly ebay-ish) 5Ghz wireless-N usb adapters? We are planning to buy a load of Linux desktops and set up wireless, rather than wired. dunno what compatibility I should be looking for10:37
psycho_oreosatheros and ralink are generally recommended for linux 802.11n wireless10:38
obscurant1stin my karic i am not able to install wicd because of the borken packages as the error says10:40
chelzSandGorgon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported10:40
psycho_oreosSandGorgon, see above10:40
SandGorgonoh ok.. thanks10:40
obscurant1stbut i am not able to fix it, i tried the topion form synaptics, it not working.10:40
karim_frlhello again10:40
=== christian is now known as Guest57573
psycho_oreosSandGorgon, btw what I wrote are chipset manufacturers, not vendors10:42
rocket16Is there any Wikipedia programme for Ubuntu? Like A Wikipedia Deskbar or something, such that it, like a prism, opens Wikipedia articles?10:42
xubuntoa litle help with xubuntu: i have no sound. thge driver is loaded, and the system can see it10:42
obscurant1strocket16, try adobe air apps10:42
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, pastebin your error log10:43
rocket16obscurant1st: Ok, trying it now,10:43
chelzobscurant1st: try to install using apt-get in the terminal and pastebin what you get10:43
chelz!pastebin | obscurant1st10:43
ubottuobscurant1st: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:43
SandGorgonpsycho_oreos, i figured. the wiki page lists mostly G-wireless.. not N10:43
theadminCan i tell metacity not give focus to newly opened apps? That is annoying already that each time i start firefox and then try to type in Pidgin it goes to FF's adress bar10:43
psycho_oreosSandGorgon, try http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers10:44
obscurant1sthttp://pastie.org/911148 psycho_oreos chelz10:44
MauL^I am running a web server on my local and it replies very fast but when I do a request from another machine in the same network, the reply comes very late.. I think there is something that slows down the operation.. what can be? I've opened the firewall necessary port ... what do you suggest me ?10:44
Gangrelis there any online radio recorder for gnome?10:45
rocket16Any channel for light-weight discussion about Ubuntu other than Offtopic channel?10:45
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, which version is this ubuntu in question?10:45
obscurant1stoh, Karmic it is, psycho_oreos10:45
rocket16Gangrel: Try GNOME Radio10:45
chelzobscurant1st: pastebin the output of this:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:46
theadminMauL^: Are there any speed limits set on ingoing connections from other machines?10:47
rocket16obscurant1st: I got a nice application, known as Golden-Dict, for Wikipedia. Thanks for your help though.10:48
phaniHi.. I need some help.. I have somehow changed the permission of /etc/sudoers and now when i try to do sudo its asking me to change the permissions of the file to 0440 ...so any ideas how can be done ?10:49
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theadminrocket16: Make one :P My Ubuntu blog has a channel but no one there at the moment :/10:49
phaniWill this be possible if i login through recovery mode ?10:49
obscurant1strocket16, thx for the info too , :D10:49
theadminphani: Yes, do so, drop to root shell, then tell it "chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers"10:49
rocket16theadmin: Good advice, :) Thanks, :D10:49
chelzphani: yes. select Recovery Mode and pick the Shell option. then chmod the file like theadmin says10:49
rocket16obscurant1st: You are welcome, :)10:49
phanitheadmin/chelz: thanks a lot10:50
Moral_god windows sucks so hard10:51
Moral_messing everything up10:51
ikoniaMoral_: don't need to hear about it in here10:51
theadminMoral_: Bootloader?10:51
chelzMoral_: have linux as the only installed OS and run other bad stuff in VMs10:52
Moral_theadmin, yea, now lilo, or what ever I was using failed10:52
chelzvirtualbox works wonderfully, especially with this mode where it blends in10:52
Moral_chelz, yea I usually do that but this is a new c omp10:52
theadminMoral_: lilo?... That doesn't boot windows :/ Use GRUB10:52
chelzMoral_: so do it again10:52
obscurant1sthttp://pastie.org/911151 chelz psycho_oreos10:52
Moral_yea grub10:52
Moral_not lilo couldnt remember what Iwas using10:53
chelzi know lilo did fine with windows xp, not sure about later versions10:53
Moral_and could only remember lilo10:53
theadminMoral_: lol what's the problem anyway... boot from live CD, tell it to "grub-install /dev/sda" (or whatever drive is), then chroot to this disk and do update-grub10:53
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chelzobscurant1st: ok now pastebin the output of:   sudo apt-get install python-urwid10:53
Moral_theadmin, I will tomorrow10:53
jolaren^awayHey guys.. I want to protect a file from beeing deleted of my desktop10:54
Moral_getting tired 4 am10:54
Moral_losing my cool :(10:54
jolaren^awayIt's a public computer and the file itself is Firefox10:54
chelzjolaren^away: it's ubuntu?10:54
jolaren^awaychelz: yes, or ubuntu mini10:54
chelzjolaren^away: do you have root access?10:54
theadminjolaren^away: chmod 700 ~/Desktop/firefox-filename10:54
jolaren^awaychelz: yes10:54
obscurant1sthttp://pastie.org/911157 chelz10:54
jolaren^awaytheadmin: firefox-filename?10:54
theadminjolaren^away: Whatever the filename is, i dunno :P10:55
chelzjolaren^away: i'd make a separate account for public use, in addition to your account that you can use for administration purposes10:55
jolaren^awaychelz: that has already been made. ofcourse10:55
chelzobscurant1st: ok now pastebin the output of:   apt-cache policy python-urwid10:55
jolaren^awayi've removed the gnome-panel and i've setup pessulus and gnome-lockdown-tools10:56
psycho_oreos!info python-urwid10:56
ubottupython-urwid (source: urwid): curses-based UI/widget library for Python. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 164 kB, installed size 788 kB10:56
chelzjolaren^away: just make sure the permissions on it are -w10:56
chelzpsycho_oreos: i checked on packages.ubuntu.com and it seems to be in karmic10:56
jolaren^awaybrb 2 sec10:56
obscurant1sthttp://pastie.org/911163 chelz10:56
psycho_oreoschelz, well obscurant1st is running karmic but I'm presuming that file may not be available at his local repo10:57
jolaren^awaychelz: i've set chmod 700 on the "firefox.desktop" now10:57
chelzpsycho_oreos: yeah that might be, that really shouldn't happen10:57
jolaren^awaydo I need to set chmod 700 firefox.desktop -w?10:57
chelzjolaren^away: chmod a-w should be fine10:57
jolaren^awaywill that prohibit the removal of the icon?10:58
chelz755 and if its owned by the admin account10:58
chelzjolaren^away: as long as the public account does not have write access, yes10:58
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, chelz in that case can i do anything?10:58
theadminjolaren^away: Okay cool, now nobody can modify/erase the file except for your account... do chmod 300 if you want to disable it for your own account as well.10:58
theadminchelz: a-w? :/ those letter systems are way confusing10:59
theadminimi: Hi.10:59
psycho_oreoschelz, could just be a bad sync10:59
chelztheadmin: a u g o :: all users groups other10:59
jolaren^awaytheadmin: got more tips on how to secure the environment? running pessulus, removed the gnome-panel and setup gnome-lockdown-tools10:59
imiI have desktopcouch installed, but I can't tell if it was installed by me, or it was installed originally by Ubuntu10:59
rocket16theadmin: I created one such channel, :) May I say the name of it here, such that People can join? (Just a single line information, and nothing else)10:59
chelzpsycho_oreos: hmm yeah10:59
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, try another ubuntu repo mirror, and do sudo aptitude update followed by installing wicd10:59
chelzobscurant1st: you'll have to change your package sources11:00
theadminchelz: i'm used to hearing it as "ugw" (user, group, welt)11:00
theadminerr world11:00
chelzobscurant1st: System -> Administration -> Software Sources11:00
jolaren^awayI'd say the system is pretty secure now11:00
imiso, is it common desktopcouch to be installed on a desktop Ubuntu instance?11:00
jolaren^awayI've disabled all possibilities of opening a shell11:00
chelztheadmin: i've never heard of that before. w is write in chmod at least11:00
theadminjolaren^away: are you sure? :/ Doubt it11:00
psycho_oreostheadmin, its also known as ugo (user, group, others)11:00
TheMozarthow can I connnect to my router which is wireless ?11:00
theadminpsycho_oreos, chelz: Well, will know11:00
chelzjolaren^away: grsecurity and SELinux is secure ;)11:01
iamtryingi am trying local file 1.jpg (user:root,group:root) to upload ftp /tmp or /var/www/html/here(user: 0, group:0) but nothing gets uploaded. HELP!11:01
rocket16theadmin: Friend, please give the permission. I created one such channel, :) May I say the name of it here, such that People can join? (Just a single line information, and nothing else)11:01
jolaren^awaytheadmin: chelz tho 300 prohibits of executing the file ;)11:01
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chelzjolaren^away: also make sure any directories they have write access to are set to notexecutable11:01
psycho_oreosTheMozart, got a wireless adapter?11:01
theadminrocket16: I am not a real admin, ask one of the ops. Although i don't think it will be wrong to do so11:01
chelzrocket16: nope, that's offtopic11:01
TheMozartpsycho_oreos: im connected to it now in Vista.. about to install ubuntu..11:01
rocket16theadmin: Oh, thanks11:01
jolaren^awaychelz: ive set it to 700 now, a bit scared of tryin to remove the icon cuz i've removed the bin n all click acess11:02
theadminjolaren^away: Huh, no? 1= execute 2 = write 4 = read... Oh right, not 3. 5.11:02
jolaren^awaywill be a bit hard to restore the icon11:02
MauL^theadmin, how can I check that ? thats a fresh ubuntu 9.10 install11:02
psycho_oreosjolaren^away, no it allows execute and write but not read, afaik 4 is read 2 is write and 1 is execute11:02
TheMozartpsycho_oreos: im running laptop, wirleess .  how I connect to router in Ubuntu?11:02
jolaren^awaytheadmin: 500, right..11:02
nino_hi all11:02
rocket16chelz: Yes, but a single line does not matter much, does it? And, doing this will help us to popularise the channel, :)11:02
theadminMauL^: If you don't know, you don't have those limits.11:02
psycho_oreosTheMozart, if you have wired connection, I'd use that just in case if wireless doesn't work11:02
chelzjolaren^away: also make sure any directories they have write access to are set to notexecutable11:02
theadminMauL^: Okay, then... is this Apache? Lighttpd? Something else?11:03
TheMozartpsycho_oreos: ill ask again... wireless? how I tell ubuntu to locate and connecty to my router?11:03
MauL^theadmin, that's webrick.11:03
theadminMauL^: Oh. No idea about what it even is o_O11:03
psycho_oreosTheMozart, look for network manger icon11:03
TheMozartanyone know how I tell ubuntu to locate and connect to my router using wireless?11:03
MauL^theadmin, it is a basic web server on ruby. it works fast on my local, no problem with that. but the next machine waits more than 30 seconds for each request.. there is something in the network I dont understand11:04
liveuser999Two  months and still the same issue, what do i do????????11:04
liveuser999I'm on a fedora live dvd, what do i do, quit ubuntu?11:04
psycho_oreosliveuser999, its offtopic, ask in #fedora11:05
chelzliveuser999: is having a modem not an option for some reason?11:05
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rocket16Friends, I created a new Channel, named ##linux-freedom Please join, and it is free, about any Linux-related lightweight discussion. Please, feel free to join.11:05
chelzliveuser999: if you are using another distro then you should ask them for support11:05
rocket16Sorry all, if I broke the rules to say the name here.11:05
liveuser999i'm using ubuntu 9.10 amd 6411:05
ignorantns register <yangchen> ignorant_1210@hotmail.com11:06
chelzliveuser999: is having a modem not an option for some reason?11:06
ignorantjoin #ubuntu-cn11:06
liveuser999i just got fedora in order to talk with you because my pppoe connection won't last in ubuntu11:06
jolaren^awayI'm still a bit stumbled on what rights I should give the file11:06
liveuser999chelz,  why do i need a modem when i have a broadband connection with a username and password?11:07
chelzjolaren^away: make sure it is owned by your administrator account and give it permissions of 75511:07
ignorant 11:07
psycho_oreosliveuser999, that is still deemed as a modem even if its broadband connection11:08
chelzjolaren^away: you can do this by running:    sudo chown jolaren:jolaren /home/public/Desktop/Firefox.desktop && sudo chmod 755 /home/public/Desktop/Firefox.desktop11:08
chelzjolaren^away: make sure any *directories* they have write access to are set to notexecutable11:08
jolaren^awaychelz: i've done that already tho11:08
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  why?  if the connection worked fine why do i need a modem?11:08
chelzjolaren^away: that should work then.11:08
jolaren^awaytho the other user have sudo rights11:09
chelzjolaren^away: that's probably not a good idea for a public thing.11:09
psycho_oreosliveuser999, and how exactly are you connected to internet with broadband? a modem from your computer no?11:09
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  no...a lan cable and using the pppoe protocol!11:09
psycho_oreosliveuser999, and that lan cable goes to exactly where? a modem? no?11:10
chelzliveuser999: you could try the mailing list of the package you are using to do the pppoe stuff. or on an ubuntu mailing list.11:10
liveuser999psycho_oreos, no, i have a fiber optic cable in my house, then a spliter for a thelephone line and a lan line...not a modem a spliter11:11
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liveuser999psycho_oreos,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1446646 read my post11:11
liveuser999chelz,  :| i tried to talk with many people but no fix11:12
psycho_oreosliveuser999, so why not use something like networkmanager?11:13
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  tried....still the same...the network manager is bugged as hell11:14
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  added a dsl connection..thicked available to all users then the dsl connection dissapears:|11:14
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  what kind of network manager is this?:|11:15
psycho_oreosliveuser999, its supposed to simplify the whole process, have you given i386 a try?11:15
psycho_oreos!ask | girish11:15
ubottugirish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:15
digiforMy friends hasee desktop computer locks up the mouse after only using it for a short time.11:16
Moral_how do I get gnome-network-manager's icon on my panel?11:17
psycho_oreosdigifor, tried pressing the lock keys on the keyboard to see if the LEDs illuminate?11:17
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  the same...used amd64 and x86 same problem11:17
psycho_oreosliveuser999, and what exactly is plog? dmesg?11:17
liveuser999psycho_oreos, plog, a Unix command that lists the log file of Point-to-Point Protocol daemon connections11:18
digiforno reaction psycho_oreos11:18
tertittenare Ubuntu supposed to use alsa or pulseaudio ?11:18
level09what advantages does centos have over ubuntu ?11:18
digiforI can't cntl alt F1 either11:18
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmesg11:18
psycho_oreosliveuser999, ahh I was about to say nevermind, so you gave network manager a try under i386 I gather11:18
bazhanglevel09, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic11:19
psycho_oreosdigifor, that's a hard lock, meaning some buggy hardware somewhere or bad memory, etc11:19
airtonixMoral_, run nm-applet11:19
psycho_oreostertitten, pulseaudio, but can be made to use alsa with some hacks11:19
agletlevel09: in my experience it makes it somewhat easier to install commercial stuff, eg Oracle, Dell OpenManage11:19
Moral_airtonix, it's already running but the icon isnt anywhere11:19
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  yes tried x86 and amd 64...tried a live cd 9.10 tried everything:|11:19
airtonixMoral_, run ps -fe | grep nm-applet11:20
airtonixMoral_, then use kill on the pid11:20
agletlevel09: whether that's worth the suffering from other causes is debatable, over in #ubuntu-offtopic11:20
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  http://serverfault.com/questions/3097/ubuntu-pppoe-connection-timeout11:20
tertittenpsycho_oreos, ok, thing is, I have no sound, and it seems that it might be due to some conflict between pulseaudio and alsa11:20
psycho_oreosliveuser999, so you're under fc now as you said, using exactly the same config for pppd or using some other program?11:20
digiforpsycho_oreos, what is my next step?11:20
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  this is the same output i get into ubuntu 9.1011:21
airtonixMoral_, test that its dead with ps -fe | grep nm-applet then run it again11:21
jolaren^awaychelz: I've removed the sudo rights from the user and I've created a root account. What rights should I give that file from the root account?11:21
jolaren^awaychelz: 755 is obviously wrong11:21
psycho_oreosliveuser999, yeah ok, which is more or less the same repeat from that ubuntu forums link you posted previously.11:21
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  i'm runing a fedora live dvd, using the network manager and it works like a charm11:21
airtonixMoral_, are you just using gnome and therefore gnome-panel ?11:21
jolaren^awaytheadmin: what settings should I give it now? I removed the sudo access from the other user and created a root account.. what settingss should I give hte file? 755 can still remove file11:21
iLisaCOuld i get help here?11:22
psycho_oreosdigifor, I'd reboot and check the /var/log/messages for any previous messages to this hard lock11:22
airtonix!help | iLisa11:22
ubottuiLisa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:22
liveuser999psycho_oreos, but i don t want fedora, i want to stick with ubuntu11:22
psycho_oreostertitten, it might also be muted, check for that as well11:22
digiforpsycho_oreos, thanks doing now11:22
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  i just don't know what to do anymore...11:22
airtonixiLisa, read the message ubottu gave you11:22
bazhangiLisa, ask a question11:22
psycho_oreosliveuser999, in other words you're not using pppd directly or even using wvdial for that matter11:22
digiforAlso it freezes about the time I open the gnome terminal11:23
iLisaOkay, i installed ubunutu yesterday, everything worked fine. Now i just can't get my sound to work, and i've checked that it isn't muted or anything, anybody got a solution? My computers model: Compaq DC7100 (It's pretty old. :P)11:23
Moral__yea, still not ther11:23
airtonixiLisa, it has a physical volume dial on the side ?11:23
psycho_oreosdigifor, what about running livecd? does that work?11:24
iLisaNo, it has built in speakers in the computer11:24
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  yes..only the network manager....added the dsl connection...and under fedora it works fine11:24
iLisaI installed SoundMAX for it to work on XP11:24
digiforLive cd is fine11:24
airtonixiLisa, that wasn't my question.11:24
riktkingHow do I configure wifi before gnome starts?11:24
digiforI also installed OpenSuse 11.2 on here with gnome also fine11:24
chao06iLisa: has it worked on the liveCD?11:24
raoulHi everyone, since this morning my CPU is overloaded by a process "perl" launched by root, I keep to kill -9 it but it is relaunched everytime and i can't manage to find witch script it is, any idea anyone ? thanx11:25
iLisaNo. :\11:25
kristof78does anyone know a tutorial how to rebuild and move a mdadm raid511:25
kristof78I've searched all over and found nothing11:25
iLisaDosn't even play a sound when i turn the computer on.11:25
digiforI would prefer to put ubuntu on this box because it is for a guy who is not into computing. It is easier to locate people who know debian/ubuntu for help.11:26
psycho_oreosliveuser999, sounds like a network manager issue under karmic I suppose, there's not much other alternatives that I can think of apart from getting another hardware to sit in between the splitter (for rj45) and the computer, get something like router to sit in between and from there obtain IP address, etc11:26
airtonixiLisa, right click the sound icon in the notification tray and click on the hardware tab, then write here the options you see in the drop down menu when you click it (at the bottom)11:26
psycho_oreosdigifor, and which version of ubuntu is this?11:26
obscurant1stchelz, i had some connectivity problems, you still there?11:26
chao06iLisa: what's the sound card listed when you run 'lspci'?11:26
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  yes...a router would be my only chance...:|11:26
airtonixiLisa, i would ask you to take a screen shot of that but gnome wont let you use print screen when you have a dialog control widget open11:27
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, I had some connectivity problems, you guys gave me any replies?11:27
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  until then i have to change to another distro11:27
airtonixiLisa, or you can pastebin the output of lspci -vv11:27
psycho_oreosliveuser999, it'd probably work a bit more ideal I suppose because there isn't much of other ways except to somehow mess with wvdial11:27
iLisasure one minute11:27
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  thanks for your help11:28
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, have you actually tried choosing another repo mirror yet?11:28
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, how can i do it?11:28
obscurant1stchoosing another repo mirror?11:28
psycho_oreosliveuser999, no worries, can't help you there much, even if there's a fix you still need active connection to sort it out :/11:28
airtonixiLisa, the widget im talking about on the hardware tab is labeled "profile", what i would do first in your case is open up rhythmbox and play a song, then change the option selected in the profile dropdown menu of the hardware tab in the volumen preferences11:29
AsoxOsoloxcan i speak fresh please, i have problem with bluetooth11:29
bullgard '~$ avahi-browser -a' outputs a line: "iChat Presence    local". What does this mean?11:29
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, use synaptic to change the mirror11:29
iLisaI've already done that airtonix. :\11:29
obscurant1stok let me check it11:29
iLisaairtonix, http://pastebin.com/YHMrKjbd11:29
psycho_oreos!fr | AsoxOsolox11:29
ubottuAsoxOsolox: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois11:29
airtonixiLisa, none of them give you sound then.11:29
airtonixiLisa, when you were playing a song did the application show up in the applications tab ?11:29
AsoxOsoloxok thank u psycho_oreos11:29
amarhey guys ... cpu usage on my System goes upto 56-60% for few applications like firefox & totem player11:30
psycho_oreosAsoxOsolox, no worries11:30
amaris it something related to X11:30
iLisaone minute, i can't remember let me do it again.11:30
amarbecoz normally these application shouldn't take much than 30-40%11:30
iLisayes it did airtonix11:30
=== NGurty is now known as Gurty
psycho_oreosliveuser999, there might, just might be another way.. using the livecd version of lucid to try and update the installed version of karmic11:30
chao06iLisa: mm... i'm not even seeing your soundcard in here11:30
airtonixiLisa, ok one minute.11:30
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, is it the option "Download from under settings - > repositories?11:31
airtonixchao06, line 12711:31
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  tried, the same11:31
airtonixchao06, i mean 11611:31
iLisachao06, i might not even have the driver installed on ubuntu, if im right. I'm new to ubuntu.11:31
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, yes, choose one that's not from India11:31
airtonixerr 11311:31
amarcan anyone help me over here11:31
chao06airtonix: just found it : )11:31
airtonixiLisa, it has a driver loaded and in use. just need pulse-audio to see it. first you should confirm that pulse audio is running from the multimedia preferences application.11:32
airtonixiLisa, i mean running as in handling multimedia from the system.11:32
psycho_oreosliveuser999, with lucid? hmm it probably is network manager plaguing both karmic and lucid, I don't know and somewhat doubt there's wvdial, but with some knowledge and hope you might be able to get it to work11:32
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, ok11:32
airtonixiLisa, one second while i get the command to run11:33
iLisaokay thanks11:33
iLisai'm really confused, since i switched over from XP to ubuntu just like that11:33
liveuser999psycho_oreos,  i hope so too11:33
chao06iLisa: the driver for that card is in the default install... which version are you running? desktop, nbr, server?11:33
airtonixchao06, line 124 :         Kernel driver in use: Intel ICH11:34
iLisachao06, dekstop11:34
amarseems everyone is busy over here11:34
psycho_oreosamar, might want to try other browser and media players11:35
chao06iLisa: do you even get the startup sounds? like the drum thing in loading the login screen?11:35
iLisaNo i dont chao0611:35
amarvlc also took 56%11:36
chao06iLisa: does your computer have a headphones out? maybe try that...11:37
airtonixiLisa, ok run : gstreamer-properties11:37
iLisachao06, one minute let me do what air said11:37
psycho_oreosamar, what sort of CPU is this?11:37
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, ok i have done that, i choose somehting from singapore, which came when i clicked on choose best server11:37
airtonixiLisa, confirm for me the opens set in the dropdown menus11:37
amarit sounds much of bug or improper driver version than n application related issue11:37
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, now what should i do11:37
psycho_oreosamar, like the speed of processor11:37
amarone sec11:37
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, hit ok/apply and answer yes to the next question from synaptic11:37
airtonixiLisa, also if you want try each option and use the test buttons11:38
obscurant1stok i have done that too11:38
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amari m using my brothers laptop11:38
iLisaairtonix, i got this window "Multimeda systems selector"11:38
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, now go try instaling wicd11:38
airtonixiLisa, correct. you should have two tabs there : audio & video.11:38
psycho_oreosamar, and you don't know the CPU specs?11:38
iLisayep i do airtonix11:38
amarIntel Centrino Mobile Technology\11:39
airtonixiLisa, ok the audio tab is what we care about ... deault output is set to ?11:39
amarits a dell laptop inspiron 700m11:39
iLisaplugin = autodetect - Device = unsupported - Pipeline = autoaudosink11:39
airtonixiLisa, ok change it to pulse audio11:39
airtonixiLisa, then use the test button11:40
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, same error comes11:40
psycho_oreosamar, grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo11:40
obscurant1stshould i do update /upgrade?11:40
amarya i did less11:40
amarwait i will let u knw11:40
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, do sudo aptitude update first don't worry about upgrade11:40
iLisaairtonix, nope no sound. i even tried spotify11:40
amarIntel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz11:41
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, ok, doing that now11:41
airtonixiLisa, when you change the default output plugin, does the device menu become available ?11:41
iLisayes it does airtonix11:41
airtonixiLisa, and did you test each option there ?11:41
psycho_oreosamar, hmm reasonably fast CPU, have you installed the video drivers?11:41
chao06iLisa: how's the audio out? it could be a hardware problem w/ the internal speakers11:41
amarits actually onboard driver11:42
psycho_oreosamar, you meant onboard chipset11:42
amar@c-24-9-232-39.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu11:42
amar<iLisa> plugin = autodetect - Device = unsupported - Pipeline = autoaudosink11:42
amar* SandGorgon (~OmNomNomO@ has joined #ubuntu11:42
amar* CryptoQuick (~CryptoQui@c-24-9-232-39.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has left #ubuntu11:42
amar* tankdriver (~tankdrive@ has joined #ubuntu11:42
FloodBot4amar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:42
amar<airtonix> iLisa, ok change it to pulse audio11:42
iLisathe device option11:42
iLisatheres only default and unknown options there11:42
iLisasame for audio output11:43
airtonixiLisa, test button does nothing ?11:43
iLisacomes a little screen up, and then says press OK to finsh11:43
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, it didnt help, same error comes!11:43
airtonixiLisa, ok one other thing, back in the volume preferences you get from the notification tray, look at the output tab11:43
iLisaConnector = Analog output / amplifier11:44
amarpsycho sorry for that flooding11:44
amardid u take a look at the pastebin url which i pasted11:44
airtonixiLisa, changing that does n't help you ?11:44
DaDa|UrkaWhy does the cmus digital output only work when starting cmus as root?11:44
iLisaDevice output sound: Internal audio analog stereo11:44
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, what was the missing package?11:44
iLisaWell theres alot of options, guess i'll just try them11:44
airtonixiLisa, is that the only one listed there ?11:44
airtonixiLisa, play with the drop down menu at the bottom then11:45
psycho_oreosamar, probably a better idea to pastebin lspci -nnk output instead11:45
amarpyscho u there?11:45
amarwill do it now11:45
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, python-urwid11:45
Kazz|Away1st time user seeking advice pls :)11:45
iLisait came :)11:45
chelzjolaren^away: obviously wrong?11:45
iLisawoah i got scared11:46
airtonixiLisa, problem solve then ?11:46
iLisai had the radio on..11:46
nino_hi all11:46
iLisaYep, i put the connector to Analog mono output11:46
airtonixiLisa, next time you have audio problems on a different machine try looking in those two places we went through11:46
iLisaokay :) airtonix, i have a diffrent problem but im not sure if you can solve it11:46
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, ok revert back to India repo mirror and do all the things previous, such as applying, reloading and doing aptitude update11:46
airtonixiLisa, try avoid anyones advice about removing pulseaudio11:46
iLisamay i ask airtonix?11:47
airtonixiLisa, go ahead11:47
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos, ok11:47
iLisaOkay, so im running this client, and im supposed to write in security code, i do that. Then im summposed to press a 'continue' button, but there is none!11:47
iLisaThere is one on windows11:47
psycho_oreosamar, hmm I suppose its already using the native driver included, have you tried this on another computer to see if it has the same effect?11:47
airtonixiLisa, expand on 'security client'11:48
amarbut it almost gets hung while watching a movie on totem or vlc11:48
iLisawhat do you mean with that airtonix11:48
psycho_oreosamar, and which version of ubuntu is this?11:48
digiforpsycho_oreos, this freeze issue seems to be a gnome bug. I am not having any problem in LXDE11:48
airtonixiLisa, what is the client?11:48
amaror say while u try to click on any other video on youtube it just stops responding for a long time11:48
psycho_oreosdigifor, ahh probably a good idea to file the bug if it doesn't exist11:49
airtonixiLisa, i assume it's to log into somewhere ?11:49
iLisaIt's a client by IMpsoft11:49
appGod that Empathy is terrible. Why is XChat not there as a default way to access this channel?11:49
banshee_If I'm running a program in terminal, whats the command to stop it11:49
iLisaIt's a Runescape client, if you know what that is.11:49
psycho_oreosbanshee_, pkill11:49
AthunyeKarmic is not able to mound a dvd. In xp I can burn, erase or whatever with xpcdburner. dmesg | tais says it was not able to indentify cd-rom format. I was working with that dvd on linux only. (it is a rewitable cd).11:49
appAnd Gwibber keeps crashing at least here in VMWare Player on XP....11:49
airtonixiLisa, yes. so the client is in java ?11:49
iLisaJava or C++11:49
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appSorry, I should be in ubuntu+1, bye!11:49
iLisait's a .sh file11:49
airtonixiLisa, and the secrity code you need to input is part of runescape ?11:49
psycho_oreosamar, I'd try looking for any video driver tweaks, failing that I'd try alternative programs such as chromium and smplayer11:49
iLisaYes, the client is NOT done by runescape11:50
xteejxIs there any easy to follow instructions to install the madwifi drivers in Ubuntu11:50
xteejxthe ath5k doesn't work for me11:50
iLisaclient done by > http://www.impsoft.net/tp/index.php11:50
psycho_oreosxteejx, go through hardware drivers11:50
martinerHello, do anyone know how to get my Logitech quickcam fusion to work with both audio and video?11:50
iLisabut the client goes to runescape11:50
airtonixiLisa, ok. what is the purpose of the client ?11:50
AthunyeSee... Now that I burned something on xp, it mounted fine in Ubuntu...11:50
psycho_oreosobscurant1st, http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/python-urwid <--- try that11:50
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amarthnx psycho11:50
iLisaA few more stuff, like checking up stats etc.11:50
psycho_oreosamar, no worries11:50
airtonixiLisa, or can you give me a link to the client ?11:50
xteejxpsycho: madwifi drivers aren't available in Hardware Drivers, I'm using Lucid11:50
iLisaSure thing11:50
psycho_oreos!lucid | xteejx11:51
ubottuxteejx: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:51
bazhangxteejx, lucid in #ubuntu+111:51
amari had the same issue on my desktop where i had Geforce 6200 card n i had installed nvidia's properitary drivers11:51
iLisahttp://www.rsbots.net/download/ <- Download Bot client.11:51
amardownloaded from nvidia website11:51
airtonixiLisa, ah so it is a character stats reporter for when you are not logged into the game ?11:51
iLisaYes, it is also a bot.11:51
iLisaBut that's nothing for my children honestly11:51
iLisaJust using it for the extra features.11:51
xteejxYou know what......the madwifi drivers have appeared in Hardware Drivers !!11:51
amarbut after reading the mess it creates i decided to use nvidia kernel modules provided by ubuntu itself11:51
psycho_oreosamar, probably lot more ideal if you went through hardware drivers for that matter, I'd say it could be a codecs issue somewhere along the lines11:51
amarcodec issue can be with totem but waht abt vlc11:52
bullgard '~$ avahi-browser -a' outputs a line: "iChat Presence    local". What does this mean?11:52
psycho_oreosamar, could be the same issue or the output driver is slow11:52
amareven if say it abt a player then to firefox shouldn't take so much amt of X while playing or switching to another video on youtube11:52
amarwill have to really go through the docs11:53
iLisaairtonix, do you need a guide on how to run it?11:53
airtonixiLisa, i assume you've followed the guides there ?11:53
iLisaBut nobody else has this problem11:53
psycho_oreosamar, there's smplayer which allows finetuning, including output driver11:53
Kazz|Away1st time ubuntu/linux user seeking advice pls :)11:53
rocket16Friends,consider joining ##linux-freedom a light-weight Ubuntu channel, about Ubuntu experience and talks.11:53
psycho_oreos!ask | Kazz|Away11:53
ubottuKazz|Away: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:53
bazhangrocket16, dont advertise here11:54
amarya i knw mplayer11:54
amarwill try out this too11:54
psycho_oreosamar, other than that I'm not really sure whats the problem, probably give jaunty a try just to be sure11:54
airtonixiLisa, is this the guide you're having problems with ? http://www.rsbots.net/manuals/Bot-Client-Installation-Manual-for-Mac/11:54
amarnaaah can't do that11:55
iLisaNo, airtronix11:55
iLisaI've installed it11:55
iLisaMy problem is11:55
amarmy brother won't allow me to revert back to jaunty11:55
iLisaI can't press continue IN the client11:55
rocket16bazhang: Or what? Drive me out again, like you did previously?11:55
iLisaThere should be a continue button but there is none.11:55
iLisaBut there is on windows11:55
FloodBot4iLisa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:55
rocket16bazhang: Really felt offended that day,11:55
psycho_oreosamar, I meant running livecd of jaunty11:55
bazhangrocket16, its offtopic, please remain on topic here11:55
s3r3n1t7rocket16, this is a support channel, not an advertisement channel.11:55
amarlets see will ask him n see11:55
rocket16s3r3n1t7: Ok,11:55
Kazz|AwayJust installed ubuntu in a VM ... need to update video drivers first thing (800x600 res sux) have gone to nvidia website ... need flash player ... can someone recommend ... Adobe VS Swfdec vs Gnash ?11:55
iLisawant me to screen it to you airtonix ?11:56
airtonixiLisa, continue button in the runescape client or the bot client ?11:56
amarcurrently checking with smplayer if it works then well n good11:56
amarmay be thats the issue he already has google chrome installed onthe system11:56
psycho_oreosKazz|Away, under VM, nvidia driver doesn't work, you need to install whatever client tools that's available for your VM software11:56
iLisathe bot client airtonix11:56
airtonixiLisa, does runescape work without trying to use the bot? (this will confirm you have java installed)11:56
iLisaIt does work, and yes i have java installed11:57
amarhey psycho ya onething i forgot to tell u11:57
airtonixiLisa, ok because i dont have runescape i can't do anything else for you... maybe someone else here can.11:57
amarit might be that firefox profile has some issue n totem has some codecs issue11:57
amarit can be this way around ....11:57
amarbecoz other apps looks fine11:58
iLisaokay. :(11:58
airtonixiLisa, i think the bot creator has not forseen all possibilities for the client when run on variations on linux.11:58
iLisaOh, i'll contact them then. :)11:58
psycho_oreosamar, if you mean firefox as in when loading youtube pages for example or any pages with multimedia, firefox parses on to the decoder via plugins11:58
Kazz|Awaypsycho_oreos ... aight ... will look at that issue next but first ... flash player? Adobe vs gnash vs swfdec ?11:58
Lord_Chewbakkahallo i cant run my .bin files even after chmod -x, what do i do wrong?11:59
psycho_oreosKazz|Away, use the ubuntu's way11:59
psycho_oreos!flash | Kazz|Away11:59
ubottuKazz|Away: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:59
iLisaHave a good day airtonix, chao06 and amar11:59
iLisaThanks for the help guys11:59
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, that .bin file probably needs to be started in console not just via double clicking12:00
amarIn my office i have faced probs with my thunderbird profile12:00
amarit use to just take up 100% usage sometimes12:00
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: i know but whats the command for that?12:00
amarwill investigate it12:00
amaranyways thanks psycho12:00
psycho_oreos!fr | chardry12:01
ubottuchardry: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois12:01
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/12:01
bredotodoes anybody had listened about foxgate switches before?12:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:02
Kazz|Away:P !commands12:03
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bredotoanybody!!!! Need help!12:03
psycho_oreosbredoto, never heard of foxgate switches12:03
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Lord_Chewbakkafor any sweeds out there "commander@commander-desktop:/media/SPACE/Spel/Jagged Alliance 2 Gold$ ./flt-ja2a.bin12:05
Lord_Chewbakkabash: ./flt-ja2a.bin: det kår inte att köra binär fil12:05
Lord_Chewbakka" =?12:05
xubuntoI still do not have asound in my xubunto12:05
bazhang!se | Lord_Chewbakka12:05
ubottuLord_Chewbakka: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se12:05
xubuntoand canot install any plugins: bash: permission denied12:05
xubuntoany suggetsions or help?12:05
psycho_oreosxubunto, use sudo12:06
bredoto psycho_oreos, thnk i need to receive  some feedback12:06
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, you need something like fuseiso or cdemu12:06
xubuntoI'm a very jang: just wnat to use dvb-s12:06
psycho_oreosbredoto, yes, if its a hardware thing you might want to try ##hardware12:06
psycho_oreosxubunto, that made no sense12:07
xubuntoi installed and searshing for dvb-s apliocation12:08
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: dont fuseiso only work for iso.s?12:08
bredoto psycho_oreos, thnk againe12:08
xubuntohave all driver loaded, but still get no sound12:08
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, I think fuseiso works with a few formats, but cdemu is the closest thing under linux that you can get which is like daemon tools or alcohol under windows12:09
bullgard '~$ avahi-browser -a' outputs a line: "iChat Presence    local". How can I use this service?12:09
psycho_oreosbredoto, no worries12:09
duanmingshenghelp qmmp?12:09
psycho_oreosxubunto, could be a sound server issue or config or even muted12:09
xubuntoso, i canot install any of this plugins, who used by keffeine because i don't have a permision12:09
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: ok havnt tried that software yet, il give it a shot, thx!12:10
xubuntoall sound is seeing by system and is active12:10
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, word of warning, cdemu messes around with pulseaudio under jaunty, no wording if its resolved under karmic12:10
xubuntoi have a MAA69vm and hd477012:10
xubuntoall of them is active,12:11
xubuntobut stil have no sound.12:11
psycho_oreosxubunto, checked sound levels to see if they're not muted? even under alsamixer?12:11
xubuntois not12:11
xubuntovideo player go without sound12:11
psycho_oreoswhat programs are you using for audio playback?12:11
xubuntowhen i use the mp3 he give me a inf that not can be palyed12:11
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: what is pulseaudio and jaunty?12:12
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, pulseaudio is sound daemon and jaunty is a ubuntu release (9.04)12:12
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xubuntowhen i'm prove to install all update, still do not have sound12:12
psycho_oreosmore specifically *ubuntu12:12
psycho_oreosxubunto, you haven't answered my question12:13
psycho_oreosxubunto, which programs have you tried to play, which formats?12:13
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: does pulseaudio and jaunty come with the standard ubuntu 9.10?12:13
xubuntokaffeine and video player12:14
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, pulseaudio? yes, jaunty? no because that's older release12:14
psycho_oreosxubunto, hmm I'd give vlc a go12:14
rumpsySolarisBoy: ha hai12:14
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, jaunty as in jaunty jackalope12:14
xubuntowith kaffeine without update device not started..12:15
chao06xubunto: have you installed the gstreamer plugins? they're called good bad and ugly12:15
xubuntoin another part.12:15
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: ok then it should be no trouble12:15
xubuntowhy stil do not give me permission to install some of config?12:15
psycho_oreosLord_Chewbakka, no, its a precaution that you have to take in mind, it affected jaunty (9.04) and it might still affect karmic (9.10)12:15
rumpsylemme have something as good as dreamweaver in ubuntu12:15
psycho_oreosxubunto, install what config?12:16
xubuntoabout kaffeine plugins12:16
jeeezhow do i disable nvidia drivers? my system wont boot now, after i removed the g-card.12:16
Lord_Chewbakkapsycho_oreos: ok whats the worst thing that could happen?12:16
psycho_oreosxubunto, you're being very vague... maybe you need root permissions to install it?12:16
psycho_oreosjeeez, hmm try recovery mode, chroot it and aptitude remove nvidia12:17
xubuntohow can get this?12:17
chao06rumpsy: aparently dreamweaver works pretty ok through wine... http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=18312:17
psycho_oreos!sudo | xubunto12:17
ubottuxubunto: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:17
phoenixandthorrumpsy: dreamweaver is a proprietary product from adobe, which mostly generates flash content.12:18
jeeezpsycho_oreos: it'll fix the kernel loading thingy too, where it loads the nvidia modules?12:18
karim_frlthere is who speak french12:18
phoenixandthorIf you want something a lot more standards compliant, I recomend bluefish12:18
psycho_oreosjeeez, no if you went through recovery mode, you should be able to bypass loading of nvidia drivers.. if not you'll have to use livecd, chroot, and go from there12:19
psycho_oreos!fr | karim_frl12:19
ubottukarim_frl: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois12:19
phoenixandthorthat bot is so cool12:19
phoenixandthorwhat else can it do?12:19
rumpsyi don't wan to stress it with wine12:20
karim_frlbut i dont want to quit this channel12:20
Audiblehttp://xkcd.com/619/  <= i love this one12:20
psycho_oreos!ot | Audible12:20
ubottuAudible: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:20
psycho_oreoskarim_frl, you just do "/join #ubuntu-fr" (without quotes)12:20
phoenixandthorrumpsy: adobe will never make a version of dreamweaver for linux12:20
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phoenixandthorEither use another web editor, or go back to mac, windows12:20
karim_frlthank you very much12:21
psycho_oreoskarim_frl, no worries12:21
rumpsyphoenixandthor: i know that, tell me something for linux, which is good as dreamweaver12:21
=== [ydnax] is now known as xandy
phoenixandthorrumpsy, well, nothing for linux is going to have nealry as many bells and whistles as dreamweaver, but there are a feature rich programs out there12:22
fabio333rumpsy>: there are such programs12:22
phoenixandthordepends on what you mostly do, php, html, java, what12:22
fabio333rumpsy, http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/12:23
bullgard '~$ avahi-browser -a' outputs a line: "iChat Presence    local". How can I use this service to copy a file from computer 2 to computer 3 in a LAN??12:23
phoenixandthorgood one fabio12:23
dhanesh   bullgard install ubuntu 9.1012:23
phoenixandthorI still like bluefish cause it's a gtk app12:23
rumpsyfabio333: cool, lemme check that, is that possible for GNOME12:23
phoenixandthorno, kde12:24
fabio333rumpsy, you can run kde apps on gnome12:24
phoenixandthorbut it should run under gnome12:24
phoenixandthorisn't quanta dead though?12:24
fabio333rumpsy, dramweaver cs4 got Gold status on wine12:24
dhaneshphoenixandthor  system requirements for ubuntu 9.1012:24
dhaneshphoenixandthor  system requirements for ubuntu 9.1012:25
dhaneshphoenixandthor  system requirements for ubuntu 9.1012:25
phoenixandthorwill you stop, hold on a sec12:25
dhaneshphoenixandtho gggggggrgsfg12:26
phoenixandthorI'm going to say that you will be comfortable with a 1GHz processor, and at least 512 MB or ram, 10 GB hard disk space12:26
phoenixandthormay not be the bare min, but that give a good experience12:27
phoenixandthorsounds familiar12:27
phoenixandthorhave we met before?12:27
=== chanuxZzZz is now known as chanux
dhaneshphoenixandthor i have installed ubuntu yesterday. after installation a crash report came.it was this is not a genuine ubuntu package.is there any solution12:29
phoenixandthordepends on what you did to it after initial installation12:29
phoenixandthora stock install should not have such a problem12:30
phoenixandthorall ye more expereienced, chime in any time here12:30
s3r3n1t7dhanesh, what did you do to generate this crash report?12:30
dhaneshs3r3n1t7 i dont know12:31
s3r3n1t7dhanesh, what were you doing when it popped up?12:31
bullgarddhanesh: I did (long time ago). Still this insufficient.12:33
obscurant1stpsycho_oreos: it worked now wicd is installed, but its not working, i mean the wireless networks are not listed where it is supposed to , and  when i right click it and connect to it, it says connection failed: coul not obstain ip address12:33
dhaneshphoenixandthor i have installed ubuntu yesterday. after installation a crash report came.it was this is not a genuine ubuntu package.is there any solution12:34
maginotdhanesh, ubuntu 10.04 ?12:34
jdvHi, can anyone help me mount my second drive in ubuntu karmic?12:35
maginotjdv, mount /dev/sd* /mount/point <- sd* is your drive12:35
jdvmaginot thank you. how do I find out what my drive is ?12:36
strangesudo fdisk -l12:36
maginotjdv, or you can open Nautilus and see if the drive doesn't show in the right panel12:36
Dr_Willis!mount | jdv12:37
ubottujdv: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:37
maginotjdv, see, if you type "mount" alone it will show what is mounted, them you can try to figure out who is your disk on /dev/ typing /dev/sd and pressing tab, do you get it?12:37
strangeor sudo fdisk -l12:37
Alphoshi :)12:38
=== Ragnar is now known as Septi
jdvit says sda5 is already mounted but in "mount" it is not listed.12:39
Alphosthe fan on my acer laptop under karmic stops right after startup. i've tried pwmconfig, but it outputs "There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed" ; lm-sensors sensors-detect and sensors don't give any indication of a fan being there12:40
jdv[20856.766098] sda2: rw=0, want=4, limit=212:40
jdv[20856.766101] EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock12:40
Alphosthe fan works correctly under windows, and for a reason i know nothing about, the fan started working earlier today - not for long, though12:41
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Alphosi thought it might be bios-related, but after a bios flash nothing has changed : the fan still stops running right after i give my password12:41
s3r3n1t7Alphos, is it possible the laptop stays cool enough so the fan doesn't need to be used?12:41
AlphosGPU 57°C and rising, kernel panic when it hits 62 to 65°C, i doubt it s3r3n1t7 ;)12:42
s3r3n1t7Alphos, my pc at home doesn't need a fan to be used, so was jst wonderin ... but yeh, at those temps it should've kicked in ages ago12:42
Guestset the BISO, don't set the "Smart Fan" may be better.12:43
Alphosno access to that12:43
Alphosnothing about fans in the bios - or perhaps in the last version, i actually didn't check for that one12:43
jdvso it seems my second drive is busted :/12:43
Alphosbut in the previous version, no mention of fans whatsoever12:44
jdvis there any alternative filesystem to attempt to load it in which might get past the bad superblock error? I tried ext2, ext3, ext412:45
joaopintojdv, bad superblock means serious corruption12:45
Alphosi'll give a try to smart-fan in the new bios12:45
Alphossee ya soon if there's no mention of it again ^^'12:46
joaopintotrying other fs types will not help12:46
jdvjaopinto is there anything I can do?12:46
jdvcovered that12:46
GuestHey, I have encountered a strange problems. I can't set my laptop's brightness...... The only way is to set it after "Ctrl+ALt+F1" and restart gdm.12:46
Tripplehelixguest search google... I found a great tutorial for my macbook12:47
Guestgoogle didn't give me correct answer~12:47
jeeezhow to reconfigure x.org config from root shell? i want to stop it from using nvidia and use the normal dispaly instead.12:47
Guestinit 3, and "nvidia-config-display diable"will stop it.12:48
chao06jeeez: the generic driver is called vesa... you should be able to find the driver selection under the screen section12:48
chao06jeeez: (in xorg.conf)12:49
jeeezchao06: okay, let me try that out!12:49
chao06jeeez: the default ubuntu install doesn't have a xorg.conf... you'll need to generate one, run '12:50
chao06jeefers: X -configure12:50
frooteeis there a way to stop your system from freezing when you're running a lot of applications on a low-medium end machine?12:50
maginotactually I would like to know why Ubuntu doesn't use a xorg.conf, how X do it, its a X11 version ability ? I really wanted to make that work on my Distro too12:51
chao06frootee: don't use gnome12:51
Alphosnope, no mention of smart-fan in the bios menu12:51
frooteechao06, use what then?12:51
Alphosand i checked again, actually the fan stops as soon as the password prompt shows up12:51
chao06frootee: sorry, wrong name in tab completion, i meant that to go to jeeez12:52
dewmansince we are talking about video cards..... =P12:52
frooteejeeez doesnt exist12:52
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chao06frootee: agh, getting everything messed up... that was for you... try fluxbox12:53
frooteechao06, you can install fluxbox on ubuntu?12:53
chao06frootee: yeah, 'sudo apt-get install fluxbox'12:53
frooteechao06, wait, I thought that was for 10.04 onlt12:54
geekphreakhello all12:54
chao06frootee: ? fluxbox has been around for a long time... it's a light window manager12:54
geekphreakPici: howdy :)12:55
frooteechao06, will it make things more difficult?12:55
chao06frootee: it's different than gnome, and takes a bit of setting up... if you want something closer to gnome, you can use xfce412:55
frooteethat only saves you like 50 mb of memory though12:56
chao06frootee: i've found that memory doesn't tend to be the issue, it's usually processor speed12:57
chao06frootee: my machines usually run steady around 150-200 Mb of RAM12:57
frooteefrootee, and these window managers free up cpu?12:57
frooteechao06, and these window managers free up cpu?12:58
chao06frootee: what other applications are you running alot of? if you want to run alot of browser instances, that's actually probably your problem...12:59
Dr_Willisfrootee:  they free up a little.. but proberly not that much noticab;e on a mondern machine12:59
chao06Dr_Willis: said a fairly low-end earlier12:59
kmpmis there a way of getting the openssh server to listen to more then 1 port13:00
frooteechao06, low-medium end13:00
YandzeeПривет всем!13:00
frooteechao06, so stop running multiple browsers?13:00
bazhang!ru | Yandzee13:01
ubottuYandzee: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:01
bullgard!ru | Yandzee13:01
chao06frootee: not necesarilly... if you're using firefox, changing browsers would certainly help...13:01
geekphreakfirefox is that bad?13:01
chao06frootee: but it really tends to be flash that eats everything13:01
chao06geekphreak: i've had some pretty major issues with firefox in linux the past year or so... i switched to chrome a couple months back13:02
DNilhi. can anyone please tell me how to run a .so file?13:02
geekphreakchao06:  ok just curious :)13:03
chao06frootee: and there's nothing we can do about flash x_x13:03
dene14hello guys, can anyone help me with htb shaping discipline on linux ?13:03
strangeif its libfish.so you can /load it in irssi13:03
strangeusually its not executable13:03
frooteechao06, what about using no-script?13:03
chao06DNil: .so files are plugins...13:03
kmpmDNil, .so files are not ment to be executed directly13:03
chao06frootee: that would definitely help : )13:03
kmpmDNil, they are like .dll files in W13:04
TravelerDoes anyone use Boost::Python under ubuntu ?13:04
chao06frootee: no problem : )13:04
DNilits flash player . i just downloaded it from adobe site.how can i install flash player then?13:04
Ziber!package snp13:04
ZiberAnyone know any Ubuntu programs for TTY snooping?13:05
chao06DNil: you should get a .deb from the adobe site for that...13:05
kmpmDNil, it's a flash player plugin for firefox I guess.... Just put it in the right folder and FF will pick it up.... but as chao06 said, there are better ways13:05
SlartTraveler: probably.. you can check pop.ubuntu.com if you want the exact numbers13:05
DNili looked for it.but they are only providing a .deb file for ubuntu 8.04. will it work?13:06
chao06DNil: there's a dropdown menu to select your distro, and it gives you a package for you to install13:06
SlartTraveler: sorry.. that13:06
SlartTraveler: sorry.. that's popcon.ubuntu.com13:06
DNilk.checking it.13:06
chao06DNil: yeah, nothing's really changed all that much13:06
alveraanHi there. Can anyone point me to a channel where I could get information about encrypted root using crypttab. I'm interested how crypttab is handled by initramfs.13:06
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geekphreak.join #encrypt13:07
ZiberAnyone know any Ubuntu programs for TTY snooping?13:07
Slart!info ttysnoop13:08
ubottuttysnoop (source: ttysnoop): TTY Snoop - allows you to spy on telnet+serial connections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12d-3 (karmic), package size 15 kB, installed size 104 kB13:08
Dr_Willisdont think that works for SSH logins. :)13:09
Ziberwait, really? :/13:09
Dr_Willis'tty' is not ssh :)13:09
Ziberright. a pts snooper is what i want then13:10
Dr_Willischeck the tools docs/homepage perhaps?  theres alternative login variants also i recall.13:10
Ziber!info ptssnooper13:10
=== aleksi__ is now known as allu2
ubottuPackage ptssnooper does not exist in karmic13:10
allu2anyone know how to get omnibook-module for karmic ?13:10
Ziberis there such a thing?13:11
allu2Ziber, you ask from me?13:11
Ziberim asking anyone.13:12
AdigaGhello all =D13:12
Ziberallu2: would you happen to know any tho?13:12
AdigaGCan Any One Help Me13:12
allu2Ziber, dunno, i tough you asked me about omnibook module13:13
maginot!ask| AdigaG13:13
ubottuAdigaG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:13
geekphreakmaginot: howdy13:13
allu2Ziber, what are you looking for?13:13
AdigaGI need Shell Or BNC Free Can I Find Here Free !?13:14
bazhangAdigaG, no13:14
bazhangZiber, why do you wish to snoop on ssh13:14
AdigaGThen Where Can Find ?!13:14
Dr_WillisAdigaG:  google is your friend.13:14
bazhangAdigaG, no idea, its offtopic here13:14
maginotAdigaG, stop writing with camel style, please. And what you mean with shell ? Don't you have one(many) already? ;)13:15
thropetrying to run an installer off a cd and get permission denied even though execute bit is set - I think its a mount option for cds isnt it - but I can't remember what I need to remount?13:15
Ziberbazhang: Mainly to help people do things, it would allow us to work together, watching what each other is doing, without having to use screen and be on the same account13:15
AdigaGI don't Have :P13:15
IdleOnemaginot: don't be impolite and what he means by shell is a account on a remote server where he can run a bot instance or a bnc amoung other things13:15
chriswhey all, what actually triggers logrotate to run?13:16
chriswis it a cron job?13:16
thropeoh got it mount -o remount,exec13:16
maginotIdleOne, impolite, do you know what you are talking about?13:16
alveraanchrisw, yes13:16
Slartchrisw: isn't it a cronjob? I seem to recall seeing it somewhere13:16
neureif i have usb sdcard reader and i plug it in, where should i see the device?13:16
neure(using console, no X)13:16
IdleOnemaginot: but yeah I see what you mean by Camel Style...so umm forget about me implying you were being impolite13:16
chriswyeah /etc/cron.daily/logrotate13:17
geekphreakneure:  normally /media13:17
chrisw'cept it isnt on oen of our boxes...13:17
maginotIdleOne, np13:17
neuregeekphreak, it doesn't show up there, i dunno why, maybe because im running ubuntu on vmware13:17
geekphreakneure:  is it even being detected in vmware, try just sudo  mount13:17
Slartchrisw: isn't logrotate a single package? tried reinstalling it?13:18
neurei got some text into root console13:18
neureabout sdb13:18
chriswit's there13:18
geekphreakneure:  where it says it is mounted?13:18
chriswadn everything looks fine13:18
neureassuming drive cache: write through13:18
geekphreakneure:  it shows the path too13:18
neureit doesnt say where it is mounted13:18
allu2if i may ask again, how i could install omnibook-module to Karmic? i readed it enables changing brightness of the screen, background light on and off ,bluethooth and one touch keys, but it doesn't seem to be in ubuntus repo13:18
Slartchrisw: but no logrotate entry in /etc/cron.daily/ ?13:18
geekphreaktry to manually mount it13:18
chriswno, it's there13:18
neuremount .. err, what?13:19
chriswwhen I do logrotate -d, it says the files should be rotated13:19
chriswbut then it doesn't happen13:19
chriswwhere does logrotate log to?13:19
Slartchrisw: hmm.. running logrotate -d   on my system just gives me the help text13:19
Alphosand here's another kernel panic...13:20
chriswlogrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf :-P13:20
Alphosif anyone has an idea of how to force my fan to run, he'd be a peach to tell me :D13:20
geekphreakAlphos:  turn it on :p13:21
chriswwhen does stuff in /etc/cron.daily get run?13:21
jeeezdoes compiz work without a graphics card?13:21
hiexpoget libsensors13:21
Vigoallu2: I saw a Contrast thing in Software Center under Themes and Tweaks...13:21
Slartchrisw: hmm.. are you running that as a regular user? no sudo?13:21
dsl558use two power wires13:21
allu2Alphos, something like echo 1/0 (don't remember) > /proc/acpi/fan/state13:21
bazhangdsl558, to do what13:21
geekphreakchrisw:  question for you13:22
allu2Alphos, don't remember right path so try tab compleate13:22
geekphreakchrisw:  dont you get mails via logrotate13:22
allu2Vigo, i check...13:22
Alphoslibsensors already installed13:22
Ziberis there any tool in ubuntu (besides screen) that will allow me to work together with someone, each being able to watch what the other is doing on SSH?13:22
chriswgeekphreak: I'm fairly sure logrotate is not an mta, perhaps you meant to ask something else?13:23
SlartZiber: nothing that isn't excessively complicated.. vnc over ssh to a common desktop with gnome-terminal maximised would fit that description =)13:23
Dr_WillisZiber:  there were some alternatives to screen. that worked basically the same way. but i cant recall their names. 'twin' used tobeone . but i dont think its in the repos any more13:24
chriswSlart: I'm running that as root13:24
SlartZiber: although I'm not entirely sure if vnc can have multiple clients..13:24
Alphosallu2 : /proc/acpi/fan/state doesn't exist13:24
allu2Vigo, under what? there is no such tab :P13:24
Dr_Willisvnc can do multi clients.. it can get confuseing however i recall.13:24
Alphos/proc/acpi/fan is actually an empty dir13:24
allu2Alphos, i told you i don't remember path13:24
vianocturna85hey im using evolution as my mail client and at home it works perfect, but when im at school, it wont connect. here i have a wpa connection, but at school its TTLS WEP...any ideas why it doesnt work?13:25
allu2Alphos, your on laptop?13:25
Alphosyes, allu213:25
allu2Alphos, then i don't know :(13:25
Alphosacer aspire 6930G to be accurate13:25
allu2Alphos, there is any bios setting ?13:25
Vigoallu2: Whoops, I am on 10b, let me look at the 9.10 repositories.13:25
Alphosnone related to the fan13:25
allu2Vigo, :P13:25
maginotvianocturna85, are you sure isn't any firewall blocking your access?13:25
geekphreakchrisw:  dont quote me on this, but i thik it had a feature , where it sent log info to root@localhost , you could set it up13:26
allu2Alphos, and to cpu?13:26
Alphosnone either13:26
AlphosHealth menu is absent13:26
vianocturna85well not on my end theres not, maybe on school firewall, but the windows users are able to use their standard mail app13:26
Curly_QVianocturna85 most likely there is a port block at school.13:26
allu2Alphos, ok :( sorry i can't help then13:26
chriswgeekphreak: hanks, I'll bear that in mind...13:27
Kazz|Awaypsycho_oreos you still there ?13:27
BluesKajHi Folks13:27
inktriim trying to dl a 30gb file via sftp from some server... i always get an error after around 10 hours of dling. how can i change my sftp settings so that the connection persists for more htan 10 hours?13:27
geekphreakvianocturna85:  using gmail as mail server?13:27
vianocturna85i am13:27
hiexpoallu2, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8136893&postcount=513:28
geekphreakvianocturna85:  both incmoning and out going not working or just one?13:28
geekphreakarvind_khadri: howdy sir :)13:29
vianocturna85geekphreak: Well i havent tried to send mail since it makes evolution hang when it tries to connect to the server...so i know for a fact incoming doesnt work, i cant say for sure about outgoing13:29
arvind_khadrigeekphreak, wassup :) am fine13:29
allu2hiexpo, Hallelujah :D thank you :)13:29
tHWarvind_khadri: what a coincidence13:29
allu2Vigo, thank you too :)13:29
=== cwe_moetz is now known as ce_nies
JmZis there a channel somewhere on here where i can ask about empathy?13:29
smf#j #empathy13:30
Vigoallu2: HP?13:30
JmZempty, #empathy13:30
arvind_khadritHW, :)13:30
JmZlike 3 people13:30
allu2Vigo, yeah13:30
smfhmm maybe not13:30
booksbuggymy clock is always 4 hours later than the right time no matter how i adjust it how do i fix this?13:30
JmZnot very useful heh13:30
smfperhaps #gnome13:30
arvind_khadriJmZ, why not just ask here13:30
JmZwell i just wondered if there was a more specific channel13:30
JmZbut i will now13:30
allu2Vigo, hiexpo gave me tutorial to get the omnibook module :)13:30
tHWJmz arvind has most answers13:30
Vigoallu2: okee dokee. neato13:30
geekphreakvianocturna85: chances are settings are ok, but do double check them again, otherwise i goto gmail webmail setting, disable pop access , save changes, and enable it back on13:31
Curly_QVianocturna85 keep in mind that when you are at home your SMTP and servername and port is different at school.13:31
JmZok i have two bugs i've noticed. One, occasionally messages from a contact show as being from me. Two, messages containing newlines fail to be displayed.13:31
JmZi searched for known bugs and the second does exist but nobody seems to be interested in it13:31
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, do you have the correct time zone ?13:31
JmZno activity on that bug13:31
maginotvianocturna85, well, if you can connect normally at home (I suppose you are using a notebook) and on your school you have internet access with this notebook but can't access your email some block is happing on your school, maybe the other users who are being able to access are using normal smtp/pop/imap ports which gmail doesn't use13:31
vianocturna85geekphreak: I thought that since it was IMAP, so I changed that so it was POP3...didnt make a difference13:31
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, well i am in USA so i selected that one13:31
vianocturna85maginot: Ah, i never knew that, I thought Gmail was using the normal13:32
geekphreakvianocturna85:   do you get any error message, ?13:32
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, do you dual boot ?13:32
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, is the location option suppose to be for the timezone?13:32
vianocturna85Geekphreak: Time-out13:32
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, yeah...13:33
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, i don't dual boot13:33
Curly_QA timeout is a server not responding.13:33
chazcoI've tired to install Ubuntu 10.04 onto a USB HDD. It worked, but i've accidentally overwritten GRUB on the host PC (running 9.10). How can I restore it from the 9.10 live CD?13:33
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, ok, set the timezone correctly and you can sync your time with ntp, and i guess your cmos battery is low13:34
geekphreaki still think settings are messed, did you config port ok vianocturna85?13:34
arvind_khadri!lucid > chazco13:34
ubottuchazco, please see my private message13:34
Vigo!grub | chazco13:34
ubottuchazco: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:34
Kazz|Awayvideo driver question ... sys has onboard nvidia 9100 ... running ubuntu in a VM ... installed the addons. increased max res from 800x600 -> 1152x864 which is nice but want to go higher13:34
chazcoarvind_khadri - I'm not using lucid (at least not for this), trying to fix 9.109 grub13:34
booksbuggywell the one i am suppose to select is new york and i selected it13:34
chazcoVigo - ah, thanks13:34
vianocturna85geekphreak: I'll be honest, i simply followed the instructions on gmail site, used that in Evolution, and left it at that13:34
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, well the time zone for me is suppose to be new york but it always keep the time 4 hours later though13:35
geekphreakvianocturna85:  ok13:35
Shirlhiyaz :)13:35
geekphreakvianocturna85:  tried thunderbird for test ;)13:35
vianocturna85geekphreak: It's annoying though, if i ask the helpdesk, they are like 'oh sorry you have linux, we cant help'13:35
axisysgeekphreak: hey man i also found save as in ff let you save a html page with all links in a folder .. does same trick as webhttrack .. thanks for your help yesterday13:35
vianocturna85geekphreak: Tried that too, no avail13:36
Vigochazco: arvind_khadri was quite correct, that is beta, so stuff breaks, use at your own level and risk.13:36
geekphreakaxisys: welcome13:36
ShirlI'm trying unclutter in karmic as I have Firefox full-screen, because I am testing via remote desktop I cannot verify the mouse cursor is hidden13:36
aarHi, complete noob question: I have two laptops (running Ubuntu Hardy) and have rather naively conected them together via an ethernet cable (with the hope of diong some file sharing between them). Am I barking up the wrong tree?13:36
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, in a terminal <<sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata>> , and also check if you are using UTC13:36
Shirlcan anyone confirm the reason I still see the cursor is because of vnc?13:37
maginotvianocturna85, take a look at this, may help you someway: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution13:37
chazcoVigo - The instructions worked thanks... yep, i know it's beta but this request was all about 9.10 (10.04 was just mentioned as background)13:37
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, well i think somehow the ntp server wasn't installed13:37
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booksbuggyarvind_khadri, i just installed it13:37
Vigochazco: Np, I am happy it is resolved.13:38
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, going to restart be back13:38
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, ok, and also check if you have ntc13:38
Curly_QVianocturna85 another thing to keep in mind that just because you can log onto any port at home, many IPs use their own ports. I had that happen with my IP. They never told me that Comcast SMTP port was on port 587.13:38
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, why do you have to restart ?? s/ntc/utc13:38
Shirlaar, i think it should work, at most you will need a cross-over cable13:38
geekphreakCurly_Q:  true13:38
SeekTruthjust installed ubuntu.  Why does my laptop fan go beserk most of the time?  Never did that on Windows. Anyone know?13:38
geekphreaki think gmail use 465 for smtp13:38
vianocturna85Curly_Q: Thanks13:39
Curly_QYour welcome.13:39
norbi905aar, provided it's a gig port you should be fine as they shoudl auto negotiate, otherwise a cross-over cable is required13:39
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, where is ntc suppose to be in?13:39
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, i meant utc13:39
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, oh13:39
SeekTruthwhen I installed Ubuntu, I chose YES to encrypt my home folder.  How can I kknow it's really encrypted?13:39
ShirlSeekTruth, have you updated since install?13:39
SeekTruthShirl, yes, fully updated. why?13:40
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, then is that suppose to be in the boot folder?13:40
geekphreakSeekTruth: hello13:40
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SeekTruthhow can I install thunderbird?13:40
ShirlSeekTruth, my box does that before I updated my graphics chip driver, what gpu do you have?13:40
SeekTruthgeekphreak: back at ya13:40
maginotvianocturna85, you probably could make some tests with nmap or telnet to see if the port is really blocked...13:40
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, what ? utc ? it must be in time settings13:41
geekphreakSeekTruth: sudo apt-get install thunderbird13:41
aldanonhas anyone figured out how to get the proprietary ATI drivers working in 10.04?13:41
aarShirl, how can I access the other laptop? Is there a DNS I should type in the browser? Or telnet...?13:41
SeekTruthShirl: HP laptop, Nvidia 840013:41
Kazz|Awaywhast alt-tab equivalent in ubuntu ?13:41
geekphreakSeekTruth:  type that in terminal13:41
OsamaKHow can I make a 'changeable background' similar to space backgrounds that comes in a group by default?13:41
Dr_Willisaldanon:  see #ubuntu+1 and the 10.04 forum threads - is the best answqer to find out.13:41
SeekTruthgeekphreak: when I installed Ubuntu, I chose YES to encrypt my home folder.  How can I kknow it's really encrypted?13:41
geekphreakSeekTruth:  open terminal type sudo mount13:42
ShirlSeekTruth, my box used nvidia 8900, before i installed the proprietary driver my fan was mad13:42
SeekTruthShirl: what do I do?13:42
aldanonthanks willis13:42
geekphreakSeekTruth:  it will show you it is encrypted13:42
Dr_WillisOsamaK:  there was some guides/tutorials/scripts for doing that. check my http://delicious.com/dr_willis tags/links - i recall bookmarking it. it was at  some ubuntu news/tutorial site13:42
bjorn_hi, I updated to Lucid beta 2. and it totally screwed my computer up. I'd like to do a clean install (format entire disk). can this process be started from within Ubuntu, because i dont find the CD bootable13:42
OsamaKDr_Willis, What is it called?13:43
geekphreakbjorn cd would be nice13:43
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SeekTruthgeekphreak:  type ecryptfs.. does that mean its encrypted?13:43
Dr_WillisOsamaK:  no idea. all i did was bookmark the site i saw it at13:43
ShirlSeekTruth, check hardware drivers in admin13:43
bjorn_geekphreak, yea I got the CD. is it supposed to be bootable?13:43
Dr_WillisOsamaK:  thats why delicious.com uses tags :) to organize things.13:43
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, well seem like it was just because the ntp thing was not installed13:43
geekphreakSeekTruth:  thats for your /home/username/.Private ?13:43
SeekTruthShirl: how I install drivers for my onboard Nvidia 8400?13:43
SeekTruthgeekphreak: yes13:44
OsamaKDr_Willis, I don't use it.13:44
bjorn_because it doesn't really do anything when rebooting13:44
SeekTruthgeekphreak: sound right?13:44
geekphreakbjorn_ yes ubuntu cd is bootable , mae sure cdrom is 1st boot device in BIOS13:44
Curly_QBjorn if you go to Barts Boot Disk do a Google on it you can download multiple floppy bootable disks that is if you have a floppy drive.13:44
geekphreakSeekTruth:  its encrypted13:44
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, time is back to normal now13:44
bjorn_i believe it is, but im gonna restart and try again13:44
Dr_Willisbjorn_:  how did you burn the cd also?13:44
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, thank you for helping me13:44
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, :) when booting also check your system time, on shutdown, clock sync with system clock, i.e cmos13:44
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so if someone steals my laptop, they can never access all files in my home?13:44
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, np13:44
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, first thing i adjusted was the bios time XD13:45
geekphreakSeekTruth:  yep its a security  check, need  password ;)13:45
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, get your battery changed then maybe :)13:45
SeekTruthgeekphreak: cool cause i have many private docs etc13:45
Shirl1472 people in this channel?13:45
SeekTruthgeekphreak: there will be another person using my laptop, shall I create a new user?13:45
booksbuggywhy is this xchat messenger cutting the last word, or letters off O.O?!13:46
dsl558pirate docs?13:46
Shirlwhen i was here last year there was bearly 15013:46
geekphreakSeekTruth:  kool, other good tools there too , which you can use within ubuntu to secure files13:46
SeekTruthShirl: why wont u answer me?13:46
Curly_QGood to see you Dr Willis. I hope you are having a nice day. Also glad to meet you GeekPhreak.   :)13:46
bazhangdsl558, what do you mean13:46
SeekTruthgeekphreak: where good tools to secure?13:46
ShirlSeekTruth, i would reccomend samba13:46
geekphreakCurly_Q:  like :)13:46
SeekTruthShirl: whats samba?13:46
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, this computer s pretty new so i don't think the battery is dead yet XD13:47
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, ok13:47
dsl558samba is far from security13:47
SeekTruthcan I place my home on desktop?13:47
geekphreakSeekTruth:  yup create a new account for other users, give him limited perm.13:47
ShirlSeekTruth, if you have files on on box you want to move to another, i would make a folder say, on the desktop of one, put the files i want to share in it, then right click on the folder and select share13:47
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, now i am going to check what the heck is up with this x chat messenger :P13:47
geekphreakSeekTruth:  samba aint for security, its for file sharing13:47
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, cutting offf lettersa nd words in sentences13:47
geekphreakSeekTruth:  you need something  like cryptkeeper13:48
SeekTruthgeekphreak: lets say the other user accesses bad websites, porm websites etc... can he infect my username too?13:48
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, check your preferences and stuff13:48
geekphreakSeekTruth:  it iant windows lol13:48
SeekTruthgeekphreak: i thought u said my HOME was enrypted, so why I need cryptkeeper?13:48
toplandany one can help me for install in openmoko on ubuntu13:48
Curly_QSeekTruth, most malicious web sites such as porn sites are focused on Windows applications.13:49
geekphreakSeekTruth:  it is, just incase if you want other user to have same account, you can use cryptkeeper to password locked r  custom files/folder13:49
SeekTruthCurly_Q: so my other user cannot infect me at all even if he visited very nasty porn websites?13:49
SeekTruthgeekphreak: why?  can they infect me?13:50
arvind_khadritopland, openmoko was a open source project with Linux as the OS for mobile. afaik its not a package13:50
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, feels strange when i start this thing up in chinese XD13:50
geekphreaknope SeekTruth13:50
booksbuggyarvind_khadri, okey dokey i am off later13:50
SeekTruthgeekphreak: can I place a link to my HOME on the deskstop?13:50
Curly_QSeekTruth, let us put this way, If you have any user, that is considered a SHELL account. True? OK then it is isolated from the root shell.13:50
toplandarvind_khadri i have install openmoko but now want able to connect with pc any more13:51
SeekTruthCurly_Q: eh? :P13:51
geekphreakSeekTruth:  you sure can13:51
SeekTruthgeekphreak: how? :P13:51
arvind_khadritopland, you mean you have a openmoko phone and you want to connect to the pc ?13:51
geekphreakSeekTruth:  you can create it manually :p or use tools like gtweakui :p13:51
geekphreakbe right back13:52
toplandyes arvin_khadri13:52
Curly_QOne of the nice advantages of a user account even in Windows is that it is isolated from Root or Administrator privileges.13:52
arvind_khadritopland, you can use wammu/gaamu13:52
Shirlhow can i hid the mouse pointer when firefox is in full screen?13:52
toplandfrom where i can get that13:52
Curly_QIf a user account gets a virus, just delete the account and create a new account or in Linux a new user or shell.13:53
jribShirl: not exactly what you asked but look at unclutter13:53
SeekTruthgeekphreak: how I create it manusally?13:53
arvind_khadritopland, from the ubuntu repository, <<sudo aptitude install wammu>> do that in a terminal13:53
Shirljrib, i tried unclutter, doesnt seem to work13:53
jribShirl: how did you try?13:54
Shirljrib, unclutter -display :0.0 -idle 213:54
Shirljrib, but i am accessing that box via vnc13:54
Curly_QBy way of proper permissions a user or any account cannot cause a virus if root is isolated.13:54
jribShirl: I see13:54
Shirljrib, i dont have a screen for it yet13:55
toplandthanks sir arvind_khadri13:56
arvind_khadritopland, np, am not sir!! :)13:56
Curly_QShirl, why would you not want to see the mouse pointer when using VNC? Is it that you don't want anyone to see your activities?13:57
SeekTruthI have a text file on my desktop,  but whenever I click to open it, a window pops up asking if i want to run the file or open it.  How can I stop this annoying box?13:57
Curly_QSeekTruth, it just may be that the .txt file is not a .txt but an .exe file.13:59
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SeekTruthCurly_Q: no. its called data.txt13:59
indusSeekTruth, yeah its a linux thing, change in properties13:59
SeekTruthCurly_Q: how do I tell Ubuntu to open it as text?13:59
Bohemianhow hard is setting up cvs?13:59
SeekTruthindus: what properties where?13:59
Curly_QSeekTruth the next thing is that rename the .txt to .doc and see if that works.13:59
indusSeekTruth, are you on windows?14:00
SeekTruthindus: ubuntu14:00
indusSeekTruth, so if you set file of that type to open with something, it probably wont ask you again14:00
Curly_QDrag that file to Gnome text reader.14:00
SeekTruthCurly_Q: that was bad idea :( now it opens in openoffice which I dont want14:01
indusSeekTruth, so otherwise it opens with terminal or can run if its a script etc14:01
SeekTruthindus: i did, but its still asking14:01
Curly_QOpen Office is a great program. That was my next suggestion.14:01
ShirlCurly_Q, soz the phone went, <rolls-eyes> NO, I intend to have a display, i have made webpages and have firefox add-on to make it full-screen but the stoopid mouse pointer is visible right in the middle of my wonderful display14:02
Curly_QCheck file permissions.14:02
Kasm279was the i865 graphicsc bug un-broken in karmic?14:02
SeekTruthCurly_Q: I fixed it.. I right click on txt file, chose properties and unselected the "execute"14:02
Curly_QGlad to see that SeekTruth.  :)14:02
SeekTruthindus: fixed14:03
indusSeekTruth, yeah i told u its there14:03
geekphreakSeekTruth:  are you running ubuntu for first time?14:03
SeekTruthindus: no u didnt say to unselect "execute" lol14:03
SeekTruthgeekphreak: just installed it14:03
indussomewhere in properties though so its fine14:03
Curly_QShirl, is this program like a screen recorder?14:03
geekphreakSeekTruth:  welcome to ubuntu side ;)14:04
SeekTruthgeekphreak: tossed vista.  But now I have challenges... now I cannot play BF2142, cannot access my mobile phone and my webcam :P14:04
ShirlCurly_Q, no, this karmic box i am setting up, has no monitor currently, when i drag it down stairs to the pet shop i will plug in the hdtv14:04
SeekTruthgeekphreak: and now I cannot dial out using my VOIP :P14:05
Kasm279SeekTruth: instal wine14:05
geekphreakSeekTruth:  i can do 2 of the things you said :p14:05
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SeekTruthKasm279: ive heard bad things about wine.14:05
Kasm279such as?14:05
ShirlCurly_Q, then all the box will do is boot up, into karmic, firefox loads from start and goes full screen14:05
SeekTruthgeekphreak: which 2?14:05
induswine is just an experiment really14:05
geekphreakSeekTruth:  run cam and use mobile14:05
Curly_QShirl, I have a storage bin with plenty of monitors. Where do you live? I am from Massachusetts.14:05
indususe windows xp for native work14:05
ShirlManchester curly lulz14:06
shab1what software 3d cad for linux?14:06
SeekTruthgeekphreak: i have a DATA SIM in my mobile which dials out using a Windows application.. which I now cannot instlal in ubuntu :P14:06
indusshab1, none or blender14:06
indusshab1, www.blenderproject.org14:06
geekphreakSeekTruth:  beat the mobile company for not making linux drivers :p14:06
indusshab1, very good indeed but not for parametric / engineering work14:06
SeekTruthgeekphreak: sadly I may need to go back to windows.. cause I need my VOIP and mobile phone access14:07
indusshab1, but similar to alias,3d studio14:07
Curly_QUK. Wow!  No monitors there Shirl?   hehe  :)14:07
geekphreakSeekTruth:  choose what works for you ,14:07
SeekTruthgeekphreak: ye14:07
neurewhat is the correct way to add mounts?14:07
indusneure, what kind of mounts14:08
neurei have /dev/sdb with two partitions, usb sd card reader14:08
SeekTruthgeekphreak: are there any free online multiplayer games on Ubuntu?14:08
indusneure, permanent mounting should be added to /etc/fstab including nfs mounts14:08
geekphreakSeekTruth:  i dont game sorry14:08
indusneure, also with proper flags14:08
Shirlwhat kinda games you like SeekTruth ?14:08
SeekTruthgeekphreak: wise girl ;)14:09
neurejust nano /etc/fstab?14:09
indusSeekTruth, quake live, nexuiz , open arena , alien arena14:09
indusneure, yeah14:09
SeekTruthshift: battlefield 2142, chess.14:09
geekphreakman you been working a lot with wine :p14:09
SeekTruthgeekphreak: you not a girl?14:09
OsamaKSeekTruth, We're about community, we develop what we want to use. If you think we need free software games on GNU/Linux, then please go and contribute to projects that aim to do so.14:09
geekphreakgirl named geekphreak14:09
Curly_QShirl, VNC seems your best option at this point. I believe that most VNC programs have somewhere an option to hide the mouse arrow or cursor.14:09
SeekTruthOsamaK: everyone been really nice to me and helpful. my first day using ubuntu, and then you come along and are rude. oh well14:09
ShirlCurly_Q, i tried that and the cursor don't hide, but thanx14:10
geekphreakSeekTruth:  what?14:10
SeekTruthi read on a webpage that there is a free online and multiplayer game on ubuntu.  shoot others :)14:10
OsamaKSeekTruth, I'm not. People say to you go and use big corporation dirty games, I say don't.14:10
Curly_QI suppose Shirl that in that situation you would be in CONSOLE MODE. Check that out.14:10
SeekTruthgeekphreak: I thought u were a girl, my bad.14:11
indusSeekTruth, i gave you the names already , did you see14:11
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SeekTruthindus: sorry missed it14:11
ShirlSeekTruth, I have Unreal2004, Evil Genius, SecondLife, Final Fantasy XI, Star Trek Online and more all on my ubuntu box :P14:11
indusSeekTruth, quake live, nexuiz , open arena , alien arena14:11
Kasm279SeekTruth: just search FPS in the Add/Remove applications14:11
ShirlCurly_Q, will do14:11
geekphreaki got gnuchess lol14:11
SeekTruthShirl: wow, how they run on Ubuntu? through Wine?14:11
indusSeekTruth, except quake live all are in synaptic14:11
mbutubuntuhello folks, I need to run Ubuntu Server 9.10 as a guest in a paravirtualized XEN enviroment, the problem is that I can't run the live cdrom, I need a bootable "trunk" accessible via ftp or http... can you help me?14:11
ShirlSeekTruth, yessir, well plyaonlinux, but SL is natively linux14:12
Curly_QShirl I had this problem once with an old Windows box. I did not have a mouse. I had to use the TAB keys for all of the commands and the up and down right and left arrows and then Enter commands.14:12
SeekTruthShirl: whats plyaonlinux?14:12
SeekTruthKasm279: I dont see "Add/Remove applications" anywhere,.wher eis that?14:12
maginotmbutubuntu, well, if I remember ubuntu server isn't live...14:13
indusSeekTruth, ubuntu software center\14:13
ShirlSeekTruth, its like a wine version manager, say if you want more than one proggy to work with wine, but different proggys need different versions of wine, the playonlinux manages versions for yoiu14:13
Kasm279SeekTruth: the ubuntu logo menu14:13
SeekTruthindus: ok14:13
OsamaKSeekTruth, The reason Ubuntu was built is to have control over your computer. We achieve many of our goals, but not games. Instead of using these games, let's build our own, after all, we built a complete operating system.14:13
indusOsamaK, who is 'we'\14:13
SeekTruthShirl: is playonlinux expensive to buy?14:13
Kasm279SeekTruth: personally i love Tremulous14:13
neureso what flags etc. should i give for sdcard?14:13
OsamaKindus, the free software community.14:13
SeekTruthOsamaK: ok14:13
Curly_QOtherwise Shirl, you may have to use   Mental Telepathy      <--------------------<    hehe14:13
Kasm279SeekTruth: give it a try :)14:14
mbutubuntumaginot, sorry, i didn't want to say LIVE, I mean Installable cd14:14
neurecan i just plug/unplug sdcards in linux?14:14
SeekTruthok. do I now need to install or activate a firewall?14:14
ShirlSeekTruth,  its in the ubuntu repo's but i recommend  you download it14:14
SeekTruthKasm279: ok I will. I can play online against others?14:14
indusOsamaK, we have games if you arent aware yet14:14
Kazz|Awaytrying to change resolution on ubuntu running in a VM ... added the vboxadditions and it allowed 1152x864 for a while then restarted the VM and now i cant get the 1152*864 back. stuck with 800*600/640*480 ... any suggestions ?14:14
Hyliandoes anyone know if the driver provided by ati for the x1300 can function in 9.10? it couldnt in 8.10 to 9.04...14:14
maginotmbutubuntu, I don't know if there are anything else, but maybe this can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick ?14:14
geekphreakSeekTruth:  firewall is built in14:14
Kasm279SeekTruth: yeah14:14
mbutubuntumaginot, not not14:14
Kasm279SeekTruth: read about it in the siftware center14:14
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so I dont need to turn on firewall or anything?  its on by default?14:15
mbutubuntumaginot, it's the same14:15
indusOsamaK,he is talking about which games run on ubuntu even though his question sounds like 'does ubuntu have games'14:15
Kasm279its muiplayer only actually14:15
SeekTruthKasm279: cool14:15
ShirlSeekTruth, there is a knack to getting windows proggys to work with wine, playonlinux has may wizards for some proggys, but to find out if you can run a windows proggy in wine then visit the winehq website14:15
OsamaKindus, Well, I'm not interested, so yeah, I'm probably not aware. My point was that advocating non-free games here doesn't help the project.14:15
geekphreakSeekTruth:  it is on and you are safe, it aint vista :)14:15
maginotmbutubuntu, you want something like a pxe ubuntu image?14:15
SeekTruthdo I need to worry about spyware, keyloggers, trojans, malware?14:15
mbutubuntumaginot, probably14:15
SeekTruthi hate checking for spyware, keyloggers, trojans, malware on vista every day.. you mean those days are gone? :))))))14:16
Curly_QKazz|Away isn't that command   ctrl alt +   or something like that?14:16
indusOsamaK, there is nothing wrong with non free stuff , ubuntu is a platform to run either14:16
PiciSeekTruth: Linux doesn't have that problem.14:16
ShirlSeekTruth, crossover is a paid wine version manager, prolly best for you if your noobish14:16
Shirlbut that costs14:16
geekphreakSeekTruth:  you are safe14:16
SeekTruthPici: do I need to defrag?  I think I have ext4 file system?14:16
Hyliananyone know if the ati fglrx driver for the x1300 can function in 9.10?14:16
maginotmbutubuntu, well, I guess you could install ubuntu at someplace and make a img to boot from network, I'm using LTSP for pxe boot on my boxes14:16
geekphreakSeekTruth:  lol no you dont14:16
indusHylian, it wont14:16
PiciHylian: It cannot, you must used the open source driver.14:16
neothecatgood morning. i have "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java" has my java selection.  but whenever i run netbeans, i uses openjdk.  does anyone know what i did wrong?14:16
SeekTruthShirl: so playonlinux is like wine but better?14:16
Kazz|AwayCurly_Q ... did you have the right Ka ???14:16
norbi905mbutubuntu, LTSP works fine out of the box for PXE boot, give it a try14:17
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so I never have to defrag ever?14:17
OsamaKindus, It is all wrong and unethical, Ubuntu operating system is a platform, Ubuntu project is (or 'supposed to be') a free software-only project.14:17
ShirlSeekTruth, it is a wine version manager so you kinda right14:17
hellz_bellzwhat is the command to upgrade to the new ubuntu beta?14:17
maginotSeekTruth, just keep the system update to avoid any exploit =)14:17
Hylianindus thanx. i was hoping it would. i am still being forced to use pclinuxos 2009. not my first choice, but it uses my ati driver. :(14:17
Picihellz_bellz: See the topic in #ubuntu+114:17
SeekTruthmaginot: :)14:17
geekphreakSeekTruth:  nope , not on linux14:17
norbi905mbutubuntu, I believe Ubuntu server has it build in as well, not sure though14:17
Curly_QKazz|Away I used that command years ago with Red Hat.14:17
SeekTruthgeekphreak: wow awesome.. used to hate having to defrag14:17
Kazz|Awaywrong kazz :>14:18
SeekTruthgeekphreak: what about when I delete files?  are they securely deleted, or I need a secure file wipe program?14:18
indusHylian, because older chips are no longer supported , but unless you game, the open source driver works great14:18
ShirlCurly_Q, i remember when i were younger, a mouse was a luxury14:18
geekphreakseek you can use wipe progra from linux, it can be downlaoded14:18
maginotSeekTruth, search for wipe14:18
Kasm279who uses mice?14:18
hellz_bellzwould anyone here know of any free milservers I can host my domainname on to forward mail to my personal mail server becuase i use mercury mail server and i cant run two OS's on this comp at once lol14:18
Curly_QLol Shirl.   :)14:18
SeekTruthso the ubuntu delete dont wipe the files properly and someone can undelete the files?14:19
Hylianindus, i tried the open source driver, made the screen funky and continuously crashed the pc.14:19
maginotSeekTruth, "apt-get install wipe" its what you need14:19
indusHylian, hmm shouldnt , it works nice with x 130014:19
Curly_QKazz|Away take a look at this site also Shirl.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_keyboard_shortcuts14:19
indusHylian, well, difficult to trouble shoot these things14:19
geekphreakSeekTruth:  by default yes, but you can use wipe tools, it a ll free14:19
SeekTruthmaginot: so a file can be undeleted if I dont use wipe?14:19
neuredo the last two entries look ok?14:19
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so how would I undelete a file then?14:20
geekphreaklike you do on windows :p14:20
maginotSeekTruth, that depends on the wipe level you make, most times it will be unrecoverable14:20
Pici!undelete | SeekTruth14:20
ubottuSeekTruth: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:20
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so if I delete a file and empty the bin, I can still undelete the file?14:20
Hylianindus, maybe ill try it again then, maybe something happened since 9.04. but since windows with my driver and pclinuxos09 with the linux ati driver both work without hiccups, and then ubuntu with the open source driver is buggior than a swamp, i assumed it was the opensource driver14:20
SeekTruthPici: I use ext4 i think, not ext314:21
geekphreakSeekTruth:  you can use tools14:21
maginotSeekTruth, if you install wipe you can delete a file with "wipe -Q 7 <file>"14:21
geekphreakpici ty for links :)14:21
indusHylian, oh a lot has changed since 9.04 the drivers are much improved14:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:21
ech0Asusanyone have a google voice account? i want an invite :(14:21
norbi905SeekTruth, a file is never deleted from the drive unless you overwrite that part with random data a few times... regardless of OS14:21
bazhangech0Asus, offtopic here14:22
indusHylian, try 10.04 beta 2 :)14:22
Hylianindus, thats great news. I am a gamer, but i can live without games. I just cant live without pc halting bugs.14:22
indusHylian, you can play games too except a few like quake 414:22
maginotnorbi905, that is the function of wipe, Q option tell how many passes it must do over the file =) 7 is know to be secure.14:22
SeekTruthif someone boots my laptop with a CD and then reads my Ubuntu partition, can they access and read my files in my HOME folder?  I chose to encrypt my home folder during installation, so its all encrypted when ubuntu isnt loaded, right?14:22
indusHylian, also with tthe open source driver you get a nice graphical boot experience etc14:23
theadminSeekTruth: Yep14:23
erUSULSeekTruth: correct14:23
Hylianindus thats impressive, because in 9.04, the open source driver could barely run the pc. Happy happy joy joy, LOL14:23
indusHylian, flicker free boot by april release of 10.0414:23
SeekTruthim starting to like Ubuntu :)14:23
Kasm279speaking of graphics14:23
norbi905maginot, sorry, didn't read your reply, kinda in and out of the chat :) you are right14:23
Kasm279was the i865 graphicsc bug un-broken in karmic?14:23
ShirlCurly_Q, wow thats a stunning table, I dont think i explained my problem too well lulz, mouse works fine, i just wish i could make the pointer disappear14:23
SeekTruththeadmin: so they can still read my files in HOME even though I chose to encrypt my home folder?14:24
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Hylianindus thanks man!14:24
geekphreakSeekTruth:  stay with it then dude, you are gonna like it :)14:24
OsamaKSo any idea how to make a group of changeable backgrounds similar to the space one available by default?14:24
indusHylian, np14:24
geekphreaktheadmin: howdy boy :)14:24
SeekTrutherUSUL: are you answering "correct" to my question "if someone boots my laptop with a CD and then reads my Ubuntu partition, can they access and read my files in my HOME folder?"14:24
theadmingeekphreak: ohai14:24
induswhats google voice btw14:24
theadminSeekTruth: Err, they won't be able to do so if it's encrypted14:24
SeekTruththeadmin: ok u confused me :P14:24
Kuifje111SeekTruth: yes, they can.14:25
geekphreakSeekTruth:  your is encrypted due, so they wont relax14:25
SeekTruthKuifje111: they can?  so whats the use of encryption?14:25
Kasm279indus: a chat app14:25
kernel_geekWhere is the xorg.conf located on newer version of ubunut. Its not in /etc/X11/ anymore ?14:25
erUSULSeekTruth: so its all encrypted  when ubuntu isnt loaded, right?14:25
xompanyone know the ubuntu equivilant of 'iptables -L' ?14:25
Kasm279with VOIP14:25
erUSULSeekTruth: so its all encrypted  when ubuntu isnt loaded, right? <<< correct14:25
Kuifje111SeekTruth: they cant if its encrypted though.14:25
theadminkernel_geek: Ubuntu does NOT use this file anymore unless it's created explicitly14:25
SeekTruthok excellent :-)14:25
induskernel_geek, its there but empty these days , hardly used14:25
SeekTruthin case it gets stolen etc,, want all my personal files safe14:25
kernel_geektheadmin: okay where can I alter settings ?14:26
SeekTruthso I dont need to install truecrypt now?14:26
theadminkernel_geek: You can explicitly create this file if you need :D14:26
erUSULSeekTruth: no14:26
geekphreakSeekTruth: it is upto you14:26
SeekTrutherUSUL: ok14:26
maginotkernel_geek, X11 now auto configures your X server ,so only create a xorg.conf if you need some special14:26
Curly_QShirl, I understand what you are talking about, I was just sharing a cool link with you.14:26
theadminxomp: Uh, that works perfectly on Ubuntu14:26
kernel_geekthis annoys me, what reason would they have to take it away other than "they can"14:26
geekphreakSeekTruth:  normally you are ok14:26
SeekTruthgeekphreak: why would I need it if HOME is already encrypted?14:26
zambai can't get oidentd binding to my ipv6 address in ubuntu karmic14:27
kernel_geekmaginot: So I can just add sections I need, I dont need to right a whole config ?14:27
xomptheadmin, I'm getting "-bash: iptables: command not found" when doing so from the console as root14:27
zambait works just fine in intrepid14:27
geekphreakSeekTruth:  if more people use same account, then other tools come to picture14:27
Kasm279kernel_geek: yeah14:27
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FerninQuestion: PulseAudio in 9.10 seems to stop sending audio from an application to my soundcard if the application is open for a long period of time. Example: Firefox is left open over night with Pandora or a Youtube page. If I attempt to play the video/pandora the next day, I get no audio until I restart Firefox. Anyone have a solution?14:27
maginotkernel_geek, you can see what your X11 is using reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:27
SeekTruthgeekphreak: only I will use this account, but im adding another user14:27
indusSeekTruth, if you encrypt home , ill let you know its not easy to recover if something goes wrong14:27
theadminxomp: Uh, works for me :/14:27
SeekTruthindus: ok14:27
maginotkernel_geek, yes you can just add the section you need, indeed. If you needa full xorg.conf use X -configure14:28
geekphreakindus:  he has ecnryption on $HOME14:28
induswell, forget the password and get sc****ed14:28
theadminxomp: http://pastebin.com/u1ttj9Nq14:28
SeekTruthindus: I will backup Ubuntu regularly. I own Acronis Trueimage14:28
maginotxomp, iptables is inside /sbin, which you may need access as root (sudo -i )14:28
xompmaginot, root@ubuntu:~# sudo iptables -L14:29
xompsudo: iptables: command not found14:29
geekphreakindus:  you are right, i remeber happened to me :)14:29
SeekTruthgeekphreak: yeah it says, "/home/seektruth/.Private on /home/seektruth type ecryptfs (ecryptfs_sig=jfdkfjdj998493kjkjkjkjf14:29
maginotxomp, have you installed iptables ? ;D14:29
xompmaginot, lol no14:29
xompI thought it was standard14:29
SeekTruthgeekphreak: when I type sudo mount14:29
geekphreakSeekTruth: ok14:29
maginotxomp, apt-get install iptables14:29
xompthanks, sorry for the stupid question hah14:30
SeekTruthgeekphreak: so its encrypted :)14:30
theadminOkay, i want to block host x with iptables. How to?14:30
ShirlCurly_Q, oh fphew! lulz14:30
maginottheadmin, that depends, block what, from which direction14:30
Curly_QWho was asking about monitor resolution?   There is a program called Xvidtune that works nicely. It must be used with much caution though.14:30
SeekTruthanyone use rkhunter? saw it on a website14:30
theadminmaginot: Say, block all outgoing connections to example.net14:30
Kazz|AwayI was but ...14:30
Kazz|Awaynow it allows me to stretch the VM window14:30
maginottheadmin, outgoing from the iptables server or from a network which the iptables redirects ?14:31
Kazz|Awayand it shows in the settings what the resolution is14:31
Kazz|Away* shrug *14:31
maginottheadmin, iptables -I OUTPUT -d example.net -j DENY or iptables -I FORWARD -d example.net -j DENY14:31
Curly_QOh yes, Kazz|Away  Xvidtune. I am not sure that it is supported though.14:31
maginottheadmin, but keep in mind that example.net will be converted to an IP address from the time you issue the rule14:31
theadminmaginot: uh... %) From the same comp on which iptablez is installed. So which one14:31
maginottheadmin, you must deny on OUTPUT chain14:32
geekphreakcatch you all later peeps, have a good one :)14:32
theadminmaginot: Makes perfect sense except one thing. Uh. Why on earth is everything written in caps?14:32
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SeekTruthwhen I want to remove a USB stick, do I choose eject or unmount?14:32
hydesteri have an intel pentium dual T2310.  the intel specs say it is 64-bit.  the ISO image are for AMD64 and x86.  how does intel 64-bit get utilized?  i am currently running Jaunty and i am trying to figure out if it is using 64-bit14:33
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maginottheadmin, not everything, just the chains, and the target (which may be a chain)14:33
theadminmaginot: I see %) And the rule (DENY)14:33
Curly_QKazz|Away I must caution you that anytime you use any software or drivers to change your video resolution, you can damage your monitor. I had that happen years ago.14:33
maginottheadmin, that is the target, not the rule14:33
theadminmaginot: oh o_O14:33
SeekTruthi want to play songs.  what I do to get all proper codecs?  Install vlc or other method?14:34
theadminokay it's confusing. Is there any iptables GUI?14:34
SeekTruththeadmin: when I want to remove a USB stick, do I choose eject or unmount?14:34
theadminSeekTruth: vlc has all codecs, you can also install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package14:34
theadminSeekTruth: Will act the same. No idea why nautilus shows both.14:34
SeekTruththeadmin: how do I install install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?14:34
maginottheadmin, this is the rule "-I OUTPUT -d example.net -j DENY" with is the same as "-t filter -I OUTPUT -d example.net -j DENY"14:34
Kazz|Awayrunning ubuntu in a VM ... i doubt ill stress the monitor as ubunut isnt maxing out14:34
theadminSeekTruth: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras... are you new to Linux?14:35
maginottheadmin, maybe there is something, but I really can't tell you, never used gui for iptables14:35
SeekTruththeadmin: my first day14:35
hydestertheadmin: firestarter is an iptables GUI14:35
theadminhydester: A bad one :P It crashes nm-applet14:35
SeekTruththeadmin: ok. i typed "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"14:35
hydestertheadmin: how about using ufw?14:35
hydestertheadmin: not as a gui, but to make it easier14:36
theadminSeekTruth: Where did you type it?14:36
SeekTruthhydester: why? firewall is already on by default14:36
PapaGoosehi all!14:36
SeekTruththeadmin: in terminal14:36
Curly_QKazz|Away I am a Licensed Master Technician in Radio and Television. I have many degrees in Physics and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Just make sure you follow the manufactures instructions though.14:36
PapaGoosedoes anyone know how to set a process to idle priority in ubuntu 9.04?14:36
* maginot don't like those "firewalls" wanna be, I prefer the good and solid iptables14:36
SeekTruththeadmin: is that the place I should type it?14:36
theadminSeekTruth: That goes to a terminal :P And then we hit Enter, if it asks us whether we want to continue, we type "y" and then enter again14:36
BCIbom dia14:37
bazhang!br | BCI14:37
ubottuBCI: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:37
theadminPapaGoose: I think something like this will work: killall -s STOP processname14:37
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bonez2046how can I refresh the sound driver?14:37
hydesterSeekTruth: what firewall is on by default?14:37
classicalHey all14:37
bonez2046sound worked yesterday when I was on my 9.10 desktop and now, nothing14:37
classicalneed some help14:38
theadminclassical: What with?14:38
xompmaginot, would you happen to know how I could allow a program (in my case srcds) to have only  write access to a handfull of directories and read-only for everything else? I have no GUI and will be doing it all via console :314:38
classicali have got only 1.3 gb of space14:38
classicalon my hdd14:38
classicaland i want to install ubuntu14:38
classicalmini version or something14:38
theadminxomp: Create a user which has access only to those dirs, and run this program as that user14:38
SeekTruthhydester: Ubuntu comes with firewall on by default.14:39
tHWgeekphreak: Arvind is MIA14:39
Curly_QI must go for a while all you good folks. Hope to see you soon. Take care Shirl and Kazz|Away and all else.  :)14:39
theadminclassical: Hm. Dunno even... Maybe #! will do... (Not sure how much space it takes though)14:39
classicalhttp://pud-linux.sourceforge.net/index.en.html  i find this but i dont like this distro14:39
SeekTruthhydester: why you need firestarter? its just a gui for the firewall.  I just read about it :)14:39
Shirllaterz curly14:39
xomptheadmin, what if I have a user already created that's apart from admin, can I change their access via the console to allow this instead of creating a whole new user?14:39
SeekTruthCurly_Q: nite14:39
classicaltheadmin, I just wanna original Ubuntu Iso without open office and Other stuff14:40
Curly_QGood to see you again SeekTruth. Take care.14:40
SeekTruthCurly_Q: ;)14:40
theadminxomp: Sure thingy %) read the following: man chmod and man chown14:40
theadminclassical: hm, we have some minimal ISO, no idea what it is though14:40
classicaltheadmin, what kinda of minimal iso can you link it please ?14:41
PapaGoosetheadmin: what does the STOP signal actually do? is that temporarily halting execution, or running it in otherwise idle CPU time?14:41
xomptheadmin, is it noob friendly? I barely know what I'm doing hah14:41
classicaltheadmin, I have already seen this http://fluxbuntu.org/  but im kinda in doubt14:41
theadminPapaGoose: It's halting it until you issue the CONT signal14:41
theadminxomp: More or less14:41
theadminclassical: Don't use that, it's dead.14:42
SeekTruthxomp: welcome to the club :)14:42
hydesterSeekTruth: funny, i never noticed any firewall on by default.  that is, it wasn't blocking anything by default.  i was just suggesting firestarter as a GUI.  i thought theadmin was asking.  i misread what he said.14:42
theadminThere is no firewall apart from iptables by default14:42
maginotxomp, what theadmin is telling you is the best approach.. I would prefer still creating a group and changing the directory group for the one created, and put the user that runs your application inside that group, this will make only users from that group to have access to the directory14:42
hydestertheadmin: is it allowing all by default?14:42
SeekTruthhydester: i was told that firewall is already blocking everything, because no ports are being listened to14:42
theadminhydester: Yes14:42
maginottheadmin, I think ubuntu come with ufw, but never used it14:43
SeekTruththeadmin: are u saying we need to install a firewall?14:43
theadminSeekTruth: Not at all, unless you want to block access somewhere14:43
classicaltheadmin, so what to do ? :-(  do you have any suggestion ?14:43
PapaGoosetheadmin: hmm not quite then. is there something like idprio on BSD that could be used? i'm trying to make it so that all other processes have complete priority over a small set of CPU intensive tasks, and setting priority 19 doesn't seem to be quite enough14:43
aloprotI've purge some files like pppoeconf....my network manager is grey(not working) how do i repair that?14:43
SeekTruththeadmin: do I need to block something for security reasons?14:43
chao06is there a way I can have nm-applet, gnome-volume-control-applet and gnome-power-manager independent of the notification area?14:44
theadminSeekTruth: Nah14:44
SeekTruthwhats a good music player with playlists etc?14:44
theadminPapaGoose: There is "nice" thing but... Not sure how to use it14:44
aloproti can't have an internet connection no more because i purged pppoeconf...and network manager has conflicts:|14:44
theadminSeekTruth: try vlc14:44
SeekTruththeadmin: besides vlc :P14:45
SeekTruthdont ubuntu have a cool player, like winamp for windows?14:45
theadminSeekTruth: Well, never even used anything apart from it because it's coolish14:45
Kuifje111SeekTruth: VLC.14:45
overmindSeekTruth: mplayer14:45
chao06SeekTruth: xmms14:45
theadminWinamp? Meh14:45
xompWinamp is so 199014:45
PapaGoosetheadmin: ah right, well thanks for the advice :) i'm currently using nice to lower the priority of those tasks, but i might now try using ulimit to boost the priority of everything else14:46
SeekTruthxomp: the same year you were born? ;)14:46
xomplol no, 1978 for this old man :P14:46
chao06SeekTruth: you'll have to dig through old repositories for dependencies, but xmms is the best and closest to winamp you'll get14:46
SeekTruthso VLC is the closest I will get to winamp?14:46
SeekTruthchao06: ah ok14:46
erUSUL!info audacious | SeekTruth14:46
ubottuSeekTruth: audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 886 kB, installed size 3264 kB14:46
Kuifje111SeekTruth: you could try WINE and winamp if you really want to use winamp.14:46
bazhangchao06, xmms is replaced with audacious14:47
SeekTruthwhat I love about Ubuntu is I can install anything from repos, play around with it, and if I dont like it, just remove... not like windows where programs leave traces behind and screws the system up14:47
chao06SeekTruth: audacious is decended from xmms, but it's slow and crashy14:47
PapaGooseSeekTruth: what's with rhythmbox or amarok?14:47
hydesteris amarok any good for music?14:47
Zideraudacious is nice14:47
SeekTruthchao06: so you recommend  xmms?14:47
theadminamarok takes a friggin' minute to just start up14:47
SeekTruthover audacious?14:47
Zideramarok is bloated, but nice if you have a huuge collection14:47
SeekTruththeadmin: hehe14:47
erUSUL!xmms | SeekTruth14:48
PapaGoosei would use rhythmbox because its got a nice interface and its pretty fast14:48
ubottuSeekTruth: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:48
maginotSeekTruth, xmms is gone now, you can use vlc, rhythmbox, juk or something like this14:48
PapaGoosebut i use amarok at the moment because rhythmbox can't output optical audio14:48
chao06SeekTruth: absolutely... audacious is bloated, especially for the function it serves... and xmms2 doesn't work the same way14:48
SeekTruthwhats xmms2 like then?14:48
SeekTruthchao06: so what do you use?14:48
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:48
SeekTruthchao06: so audacious crashes on you a lot?14:49
classicalI have 1.3 gb hdd but my pc is not weak just got a small hdd what ditro to use?  any suggestions ?14:49
chao06SeekTruth: I use Rhythmbox for managing my library, xmms for on the fly playlists, and totem for playing audio files out of nautilus14:49
SeekTruthZider: you prefer audacious?14:49
hydesterso, anybody know if ubuntu can take advantage of 64-bit intel processors?14:49
ZiderSeekTruth: it's my choice in linux, yeah14:49
theadminhydester: Yes obviously, use the 64-bit release14:49
hydestertheadmin: isn't the 64-bit for AMD?14:50
theadminhydester: Well, it's just called "amd64", works with Intel processors too14:50
chao06SeekTruth: well, alot may be somewhat of an overstatement, but my purposes require absolute stability, and audacious has never given me that14:50
maginotSeekTruth, if you like simplicity use VLC, it plays everything beside music14:50
erUSULclassical: http://www.slitaz.org14:50
BinaryBobyou know how there are startup scripts in /etc/init.d for services?  What is that called?  I want to google for the right term so I can read about how to write my own scripts and add my own services correctly14:50
ZiderI've never had stability issues with audacious14:50
hydestertheadmin: ah, quite confusing.  is it easy to upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit?14:50
SeekTruthmaginot: besides music?14:50
theadminmaginot: Huh wha? Uh, dude, it plays music fine14:50
BinaryBobis that called init?14:50
theadminhydester: You have to reinstall14:51
maginottheadmin, sorry, wrong word =X14:51
maginotSeeker`, ^14:51
erUSULBinaryBob: System V init system14:51
maginotSeekTruth, ^14:51
theadminBinaryBob: It's called Upstart.14:51
FloodBot4maginot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
classicalerUSUL, ya i know but its too minimalistic i think :-(14:51
erUSULBinaryBob: read /etc/init.d/skeleton is an example/stub14:51
SeekTruthmaginot: u over tired? :)14:51
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BinaryBobthank you!!14:51
maginotSeekTruth, I mean, it plays everything and music =D14:51
chao06is there a way I can have nm-applet, gnome-volume-control-applet and gnome-power-manager independent of the notification area?14:52
maginotSeekTruth, sometimes I get confused with some english words =X14:52
theadminmaginot: XD well especially movies. When you get a weird .mkv and have no idea what codecs are used... VLC is a lifesaver14:52
hydestertheadmin: is it worth it?  that is, do you think i'll notice any benefit on a 1.5 ghz T2310 laptop with 2 GB ram?14:52
brushas i see, the early morning update removed compiz. only for me?14:52
theadminhydester: None, because 64-bit is of any advantage with 4+ GB of RAM14:52
bazhangbrush, for lucid?14:52
hydesterhmm, i thought 64-bit is also faster due to efficiency reasons14:53
Zidertheadmin: I thought it gave better performance in some (rare) cases too14:53
brushbazhang, of course... i am sorry14:53
hydesterso only for utilizing more ram?14:53
SeekTruthOk I need to start again... What plays MP4 files which are videos?14:53
theadminhydester: Pretty much yeah14:53
bazhangbrush, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please14:53
xubunto1_a litle help with a caffeine14:53
theadminSeekTruth: VLC...14:53
erUSULSeekTruth: vlc  ; mplayer ...14:53
SeekTruthok back to VLC :)14:53
aarHi, I'm trying to FTP or SSH from my computer (ubuntu, to another computer (ubuntu, in a LAN. I get "no route to host" error. How can I trace the route so the two boxes find each other?14:53
SeekTruthaudacious only plays music, dont show the videos14:53
erUSULSeekTruth: totem default player does it too14:53
xubunto1_with plugin i must to install to use the dvb-s with a kaffeine?14:54
SeekTrutherUSUL: ok14:54
maginotSeekTruth, VLC plays everything I have seen so far14:54
SeekTruthill go play around and see which one I like the best14:54
dewmanaar, can you ping the other host?14:54
hydesterSeekTruth: you can't go wrong with vlc for video media14:54
SeekTruthbbl :)14:54
theadminmaginot: Does not play midi's (on Windows, plays fine on Linux XD)14:54
SeekTruthhydester: ok14:54
erUSULSeekTruth: just install ubuntu-restricted-extras and the ffmpeg gstreamer plugon14:54
SeekTrutherUSUL: i did14:54
Kuifje111aar: "trace"?14:54
aardewman, no -- "host unreachable".14:54
Kuifje111or tracert*14:54
erUSULaar: what is the output of « ip route »14:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:55
SeekTruthi want to remove audacious and use vlc.. how do I totally remove and uninstall audacious?14:55
chao06SeekTruth: 'sudo apt-get purge audacious'14:56
Kuifje111apt-get remove audacious?14:56
SeekTruthchao06: cheers14:56
theadminSeekTruth: Recommend you to read "man apt-get" someday. Do: sudo apt-get purge... well, what chao06 said14:56
aarerUSUL, dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src ---- default via dev eth1 ---- default via dev eth114:56
SeekTruthwhats diff between remove and purge?14:56
theadminSeekTruth: "remove" leaves configuration files14:56
SeekTruthpurge then is best14:56
aarKuifje111, this is the output of tracert: 1 (  3000.059 ms !H  3000.065 ms !H  3000.067 ms !H (just 1 hop)14:57
SeekTruthon vista I was always too scared to download and install programs to play around with.. but in ubuntu its great and easy and safe and easy to purge :)14:57
erUSULaar: what is the exact command you used? you typed the wrong ip's on the first question...
xompok, don't think I have the brain power to figure out permissions and such with chmod/chown lol. Would be way easier if I had a GUI but I'm using a VPS "Linode" and from what I gather, it's all console baby..14:57
ehmphyce...cht me??14:57
SeekTruthand NO REGISTRY :)14:57
erUSULaar: that two ip should be 192.168.0.[4,5]14:58
theadminSeekTruth: Yep :D14:58
rocket16_Friends, I am trapped in a problem, I have only Uuntu 9.10 installed, using the entire Hard Disk, and before, it did not show the Grub menu. But now, it shows it, and unless I select the Ubuntu kernel, nothing happens. The default entry does not boot up. Also, the Login screen takes more time to load. (I recently installed Ubuntu-studio).14:58
aarerUSUL, is my internal IP. is the IP of the box I want to FTP to.14:58
theadminSeekTruth: Registry is only good for viruses lol14:58
SeekTruththeadmin: :-)14:58
teguhubuntu 64 bit, google chrome can not play flash14:58
aarerUSUL, my command was: sudo tracert
erUSULaar: no; see the ip route output the lan is 192.168.0.x14:58
haavarosHm, I'm trying to add a fat32 disk to fstab, but it doesn't recognize 'fat' as a filesystem ... Is 'vfat' (as suggested by error dialog) the correct fs name?14:59
skinoAfternoon All. Is there anyone who can help with Nautilus. Every time i start up i have no icons ETC on my DEsktop and im unable to Right click on the desktop... When i try run Nautilus In terminal i get the following http://paste.ubuntu.com/411620/14:59
theadminhaavaros: vfat, yes.14:59
SeekTruthok im VLC how do u show the playlist?14:59
erUSULaar: so why you keep typing the ip's wrong here? is confusing ...14:59
haavarostheadmin: thx14:59
theadminSeekTruth: There is this button which looks like some kinda list14:59
theadminhaavaros: wha14:59
SeekTruththeadmin: found it :)14:59
rocket16_So, what to do?15:00
darksideruhm..can someone help me with a FATAL error im having? my laptop boots up and goes to login, but when i login it goes to a shell for like a nano second and then goes back to login. i can login 100 times and nothing happens. i caught a glimpse of the shell and it said something about "init crypto"15:00
theadmindarksider: hit Ctrl+Alt+f1 on login screen please and give the full error15:01
=== eric is now known as Guest92535
darksidertheadmin, two secs plz15:01
theadminHm, i wonder how is it proper to say Ctrl+Alt+F1? ^M-F1?15:02
maginottheadmin, Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?15:02
rdganyone here familiar with the construction of the ubuntu  apache-tomcat package?15:02
theadminmaginot: Well, you know, the Nano style lol like it reffers to Ctrl as ^ and to Alt as M-15:02
rdgI'm confused as to why tomcat is split between /usr/share and /var/lib, especially when it doesn't seem to work all that well15:02
maginottheadmin, another reason to not use nano lol15:03
theadminmaginot: nano is fine with me15:03
Kuifje111nano vi.15:03
Zidernano <315:03
maginottheadmin, I have already get used with vi... so other looks strange =P15:03
darksider[      33.781050] Intel AES-NI instructions are not detected ***15:03
SeekTruthbe back tomorrow, thanks everyone.  see ya theadmin , maginot  and erUSUL and chao06 and Kuifje111 and hydester15:03
naaddeI deleted with tasksel ubuntu-desktop. Tried to tasksel install xubuntu-desktop for getting something lighter15:03
* darksider cries15:03
Kuifje111bye SeekTruth.15:03
theadminmaginot: I can't get vi, it's confusing. Well, to each it's own15:03
naaddeit won't get installed15:03
theadminnaadde: Any errors?15:04
naaddetheadmin: yea15:04
bluebaronanyone know what m1f1 means for cd read mode?15:04
maginottheadmin, vi is like riding a bicycle when you learn you never forgets =D15:04
naaddetheadmin: It starts installing packages please wait...15:04
naaddewhen it says aptitude failed (100)15:04
hhcan i have chat with anybody15:04
naadderetrieved file 57 of 97215:05
theadminnaadde: Hm. Run "sudo apt-get -f"15:05
=== overmind is now known as gomagarrofin
darksidertheadmin, this is the error that shows after login, and instead of starting x (i think thats what i use) it goes to shell after printing this- [      33.781050] Intel AES-NI instructions are not detected ***15:05
theadminnaadde: sudo apt-get -f install15:05
naadde0 installed15:05
naaddeand 5 not upgraded15:05
theadmindarksider: Some hardware stuff...... %) Can't help anymore, sorry15:05
jyraiahow i make Thunar default File Manager and remove Nautilus15:05
theadminnaadde: There. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"15:05
eastbaynighthey, i'm trying to get my webcam to work on firefox, but i can't figure out how, anyone know that?15:06
darksidertheadmin, it was working ok last night...is there any particular reason it would decide to do this now ?15:06
theadmindarksider: No idea.15:06
rocket16_!hello | rakesh15:06
ubotturakesh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:06
psycho_oreosdarksider, AES-N1 sounds like encryption technology, if from Intel, its most likely missing instruction, not-capable chipset or no chipset with that technology found15:06
theadminrocket16_: You're somewhat late15:06
naaddetheadmin: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:06
theadminnaadde: Ah, something wrong with the servers15:06
bluebaronhh http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa115:06
bluebaronah he left15:07
darksiderpsycho_oreos, hmm..so maybe i should turn off crypto disks ?15:07
rocket16_theadmin: late?15:07
bluebaronanyone know what m1f1 means for cd read mode?15:07
naaddetheadmin: so no problem at my?15:07
psycho_oreosdarksider, your issue is with xorg I gather?15:07
naaddeor is there something to do?15:07
theadminnaadde: Try replacing any occurence of "us.archive.ubuntu.com" in /etc/apt/sources.list with "ru.archive.ubuntu.com", then do sudo apt-get update15:07
darksiderpsycho_oreos, when i login it just goes straight back to login screen15:07
theadminnaadde: This will switch you to russian mirror. Not that you'll get russian packages, you will just download from russia :D15:07
naaddehow do i do that theadmin without graphical interface15:07
maginottheadmin, with vi that can be done with :%s/us./ru./g =X15:08
psycho_oreosdarksider, at exactly where? console or x?15:08
darksiderpsycho_oreos, and when i use CTRL_ALT_F1 thats the error it shows atfer login and before shell15:08
eastbaynightno one who can help?15:08
naaddetheadmin: you can put it in my query :)15:08
xompin soviet russia packages download you!15:08
jyraiasomeone can help-me changing from nautilus to thunarw15:08
PapaGoosetheadmin: i think i found what i wanted: "sudo chrt -p --idle 0 <pid>"15:08
darksiderpsycho_oreos, uhm x i think..just during normal boot and login, i cant actually login15:08
psycho_oreoseastbaynight, I don't have experience with webcams15:08
theadminnaadde: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list then Ctrl+W and Ctrl+R, enter "us.archive.ubuntu.com" and then "ru.archive.ubuntu.com", ctrl+o15:08
PapaGoosenever heard of chrt before today15:09
psycho_oreosdarksider, if its not x you can easily see it as black and white.. black background and white words15:09
rhineheart_mhello.. please see this... http://pastebin.com/bgtAJS2d  All I wanted to accomplish is to get the full 600GB of space in my LVM... who can help me? I don't care of the 200 GB+ if I loss them..15:09
darksiderpsycho_oreos, when i load x then...and then try to login it wont. but if i goto shell and login it shows that error and then gives me a shell15:09
pawelda da da15:09
pawelda da da15:09
paweldaa da da da15:09
bluebaronanyone know what m1f1 means for cd read mode?15:09
theadminpawel: stop this15:10
psycho_oreos!repeat | pawel15:10
ubottupawel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:10
theadminpsycho_oreos: That's not a question even15:10
pawelo czym gadacie15:10
psycho_oreosdarksider, hmm its probably a messed up xinitrc I think15:10
bazhang!pl | pawel15:10
naadde theadmin then?15:10
ubottupawel: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:10
psycho_oreostheadmin, still classified as repeating :)15:10
darksiderpsycho_oreos, any idea how to fix?15:10
naaddewhat will I then write?15:10
theadminnaadde: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo tasksel install xubuntu-desktop15:11
theadminnaadde: Exit nano first though :P (Ctrl+X)15:11
naaddeexitted it :)15:11
=== rocket16_ is now known as rocket16
frxstremis there a BitTorrent client for Ubuntu that is as good as µTorrent for Windows/Mac?15:12
naaddeit asks if I want to upgrade three packages15:12
=== overmind is now known as gomagarrofin
theadminnaadde: Yes15:12
rocket16theadmin: I did not understand, late for what?15:12
naaddethen it says "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:12
theadminrocket16: Excuse me?15:12
theadminnaadde: Huh. Okay. I'm out of ideas. If i could ssh to you maybe i could do it this way :P15:12
darksiderpsycho_oreos, you have any idea how i can fix or go about learning how to fix this issue?15:12
airtonixfrxstrem, you mean you haven't tried transmission15:13
rocket16theadmin: You earlier said "You are late", I did not understand, can you please explain?15:13
theadminrocket16: Well, you said something about some spammer or something but he left already15:13
frxstremairtonix: I don't think so (is that the built-in one for Ubuntu?)15:13
naaddetheadmin: sorry I queried you15:13
rocket16theadmin: I see, :D15:13
psycho_oreosdarksider, not really, I mean you also have encrypted partitions which may complicate the issue a bit more.. but I'd check .xinitrc which is under your $user directory and try to trace back what you did last15:13
naaddecheck it ^^15:13
airtonixfrxstrem, yes its the default bit-torrent client. you also have deluge15:13
haavarosHm, I'm formatting a new disk in fdisk. To specify partition size, do I calculate the ending cylinder by dividing partition size with cylinder size, or is there a simpler way?15:13
frxstremairtonix: well, are they as good as µTorrent, with all it's features15:14
frxstremcause that's what I want15:14
blip-hi, if anyone is interested in helping out with an rsync-based backup dilema I have.   Here's a forum question I just posted: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=909802915:14
darksiderpsycho_oreos, my friend was messing about yesterdday trying to learn some shell commands and he tried to sudo apt-get install xine-*15:14
psycho_oreoshaavaros, you can use +Xm +Xg (where X is the number, and m for megabytes, g is for gigabytes)15:14
airtonixfrxstrem, why? utorrent reports all your traffie to riaa now.15:14
haavarospsycho_oreos: thx15:14
psycho_oreosdarksider, and that was it?15:15
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i stopped it when i noticed, but when i tried to remove xine-* it started trying to remove gedit, geany, amarok, and loads more15:15
darksidermaybe it removed something important ?15:15
frxstremairtonix: well, why should I really care?15:15
Idleheadhi everyone15:15
psycho_oreosdarksider, looks like you may have a completely missing gnome :)15:15
dsl558riaa doesn't work in china15:15
airtonixfrxstrem, why should i care?15:15
bazhang!ot > dsl55815:15
ubottudsl558, please see my private message15:15
dsl558nothing to worry about15:15
* darksider likes his garden GNOMEs15:16
frxstremairtonix: I haven't said that you should15:16
dsl558which chinese was cued by riaa?15:16
airtonixfrxstrem, im also not really sure what features you think make utorrent awesome... please list them15:16
bazhangdsl558, please stop that15:16
darksiderpsycho_oreos, would it be worth a try hooking it up by ethernet and trying to install gnome over again ?15:16
psycho_oreosdarksider, yeah it sounds like you have removed a hell lot of deps which are related to gnome bits and pieces.. you might be able to regain some via aptitude install ubuntu-desktop heh15:16
airtonixfrxstrem, i've used utorrent, transmission & deluge a fair bit and i can't really see anything that makes them different from each other...15:17
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i will give it a try then reboot, and lket you know how she goes =)15:17
psycho_oreosdarksider, that is more or less the only choice I believe more info maybe available in /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:17
darksiderpsycho_oreos i will check that log just now 1st15:17
* maginot aha, almost finishing his xchat modification =D 15:17
Trashihi. i have a problem to login via ssh without password .. i did create ide_rsa and ide_rsa.pub with ssh-keygen. after this i copied pub to authorized_keys in /home/user/.ssh .... now i want to login via ssh, but he is still asking for a password. is there someone who can help me?15:18
airtonix!info deluge15:18
ubottudeluge (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (GTK+ UI). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9+dfsg-1 (karmic), package size 252 kB, installed size 1672 kB15:18
airtonix!info transmission15:18
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.75-0ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB15:18
airtonix!info rtorrent15:18
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 333 kB, installed size 896 kB15:18
theadmintransmission is a huge meh, i mean seriously it's kinda like connecting forever like 5 minutes and only THEN it starts it15:18
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:19
naaddetheadmin: now it says E: Malformed line 7 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)15:19
darksiderpsycho_oreos, what exactly should i be looking for? this is unusual teritory for me15:19
theadminnaadde: wha... uh... okay, I'm confused. I'll give you my sources.list, k?15:19
psycho_oreosdarksider, pastebin (not paste) your log, I'll check15:20
darksiderok i will need to try hooking upto ethernet first15:20
darksidergimme two mins plz15:20
psycho_oreosdarksider, or you can do sneakernet setup15:20
darksiderand thanks psycho_oreos <315:20
darksidersneakernet ?15:20
maginotnaadde, probably you pasted something wrong... take a look at line 715:21
psycho_oreosdarksider, floppy disk in hand, copy data from one computer and move it across by foot :)15:21
darksiderpsycho_oreos, lol..no floppy drive just optical15:21
psycho_oreossimilar logic applies with zips, blank cd/dvd, usb flash drives, etc15:22
darksiderhmm how do i burn to a disk from a shell o.O ?15:22
theadmindarksider: There is a proggy called 'cdrecord'15:22
psycho_oreosI don't think that will work when the computer doesn't have network/internet access lol15:23
maginottheadmin, don't you like transmission? works great for me15:23
rocket16Nautilus takes about 97 MB RAM. Can it be reduced?  (I don't want to switch to OpenBox from Metacity though)15:23
darksiderthere seems to be proggys missing15:23
darksiderlots of them15:23
maginotrocket16, you could install other browser ...15:23
darksiderbrasero amarok gedit geany to name a few15:23
psycho_oreosdarksider, which was what happened when you issued aptitude remove or similar :)15:24
rocket16maginot: Yes, but Nautilus is flexible, Thunar does not suite me, :)15:24
darksiderpsycho_oreos, yeah...you think i should try hooking upto ethy first and then trying to get the x gui back ?15:24
maginotrocket16, take a look at xfe, "apt-get install xfe"15:24
InsomniaqueSo I just broke my current linux: Backtrack by trying to get Nautilus on KDE (which worked, until I wanted to go back to Konqueror.) So I'm now trying to switch to Ubuntu, with command line access and an external harddrive.15:25
rocket16maginot: Yes, but Xfce is not so nice, is it?15:25
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i might just have a backup list of all the packages i had installed at the point in time yesterday,...15:25
bazhangInsomniaque, bt4?15:25
InsomniaqueI'm currently downloading the ubuntu iso to ~ and I just googled how to burn the ISO to an external hdd15:25
InsomniaqueYes, bazhang15:25
maginotrocket16, you don't need xfce, just xfe... its a file manager15:25
psycho_oreosdarksider, yes but if you want extra sense of security, I'd recommend you to backup any necessary data before proceeding15:25
InsomniaqueI got sick of the KDE mixed with Gnome and some bugs within it (not to mention outdated repos.)15:25
FallenSparrowhey guyws i am hainvg some serious issues with dual booting with ssd.15:25
rocket16maginot: Oh, I see15:25
darksiderpsycho_oreos, all my stuff is already backed up >_<15:25
FallenSparrowanyone able to help15:25
ikoniaFallenSparrow: SSD has nothing to do with it15:26
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i will brb..gonna give it a show of hooking upto ethy15:26
InsomniaqueSo, I found this: http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive And I'm wondering what ramdisk_size is, seeing as it says it may need to be adjusted.15:26
bazhangInsomniaque, you could also burn to usb flash key15:26
ikoniaFallenSparrow: they are treated the same as normal disks15:26
FallenSparrowi already have a dual boot on a patter disk15:26
psycho_oreosdarksider, ok good, just in case :)15:26
hydesteron jaunty, where do i put a script to be called when the laptop goes between AC power and battery?15:26
maginot!it | nicola15:26
ubottunicola: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:26
FallenSparrowand i know i have issues with drive geometery15:26
Insomniaquebazhang: I have no USB flash drive large enough (not even sure I have one smaller for that matter,) however, my external hdd is a usb drive, so I figured it'd be the same pretty much15:26
haavarosOn a 1TB backup disk, should I use ext3 or 4, or does it not matter?15:27
ikoniahaavaros: doesn't matter15:27
haavarosk txh15:27
FallenSparrowthis is my issue, i have windows 7 and ubuntu on wd 1tb.  i have added ssd, 60gb, i want to have my dual boot onthe ssd instead. and have my windows data (onkly abotu 100gb and my home partition on ssd15:27
bazhanghaavaros, to be shared with windows or not15:27
tigerplug292anyone know where I can find Ubuntu for Itanium based servers? - Can't find it on the site at all15:27
ikoniaFallenSparrow: so what's teh issue with it15:27
haavarosbazhang: only linux devices15:27
ikoniatigerplug292: no port15:27
InsomniaqueAlso, I have one other question besides the ramdisk_size, and that is: If I go through the tutorial on the wiki that I just linked (I'm doing the second one, the one which you install the bootloader and then copy the files), I will NOT lose any directories already on the drive, correct?15:27
InsomniaqueAnd lastly, how can I check what format my external is?15:27
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, there's two ways to go about on it, one is to use unetbootin and hope that it'll work or use something like grub4dos15:28
tigerplug292ikonia: thanks :)15:28
haavarosbazhang: or maybe not ... I'm probably getting a winputer this summer, so I'll probably go for fat3215:28
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, which tutorial?15:28
InsomniaqueHmm... on the wiki it says as long as the hard drive is FAT16, I should be able to just run syslinux /dev/sda1 and copy the files over along with the bootloader config file.15:29
FallenSparrowwell i am a bit daunted by the whole issue with geometery but also when i install the ssd windows seven it effects the grub which i dont underdstand hwo that is possible basically when i install windows  on ssd, i cant no longer access my ubuntu partition on the WD, grubb never loads, just the windows  boot manager.asking me which win 7 to boot15:29
InsomniaqueOne sec, psycho_oreos15:29
maginotikonia, doesn't x64 works on itanium servers ?15:29
rdgif I want to set global environment variables for my users, I should just edit /etc/profile right?15:30
chao06is there any way I can have nm-applet, gnome-volume-control-applet and gnome-power-manager independent of the notification area?15:30
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, hmm never tried those, I only used unetbootin, failing that I'd setup grub4dos and make it boot iso off that15:30
FallenSparrownow right now i am trying to install linux on the ssd, that i have already instaled win 7 to, and 9.10 does nto see teh ssd15:30
InsomniaqueA friend of mine on MSN just told me that if my external is more than 80GB it's guaranteed NTFS?15:30
InsomniaqueLet me take a look at unetbootin15:30
ikoniamaginot: no15:30
ZykoticK9chao06, are you using Lucid?15:31
ZiderInsomniaque: I doubt it's guaranteed ntfs but recommended15:31
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, if you're using windows to format, it'll be in NTFS which won't work well with these other tools15:31
chao06ZykoticK9: no, karmic...15:31
ZykoticK9chao06, ok - just checking.15:31
InsomniaqueWell it came pre-formatted, so I'd assume NTFS.15:31
InsomniaqueIt's a WesternDigital.15:31
FallenSparrowalso i am curious with the wawy linux works, if i have my home partition on the wd, does that mean my apps will not receive the benifits of an ssd15:32
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, plug it in and check15:32
TrekInsomniaque: nah, its most likely a FAT32 or something15:32
maginotikonia, interesting ... but if you compile ia64 support on kernel, will 32/64 bits application still work?15:32
TrekInsomniaque: how big a drive?15:32
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: It's plugged in, how can I check via command line?15:32
InsomniaqueTrek: 500gb15:32
rdgInsomniaque: the limit for FAT32is theoretically 8TB15:32
chao06ZykoticK9: is this a new feature in lucid?15:32
InsomniaqueOh really?15:32
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, what is wd? western digital? as in a normal hard disk?15:32
ZykoticK9chao06, no it's REALLY locked down15:32
Trekmaginot: why'd you ctcp version me?15:32
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, which OS are you on?15:32
FallenSparrowyes i am sorry normal platter 1tb driive15:32
rdgInsomniaque: just do a   mount /dev/whatever /mnt/external and see if mount figures it out15:32
hafidzhello.iwhen i open application>ubuntu software center. it does try to load but few seconds later it closed. i now cannot use software center. yesterday i can still use it. can someone answer me how to make it working again? I don't want to reinstall ubuntu as it is a last chance. anyone know how to fix this bug?15:32
ikoniamneptok: ix64 is totally different than x86/x86_^415:33
maginotTrek, it something of my script.. it tries to see what version those speaking have15:33
InsomniaqueRight now, I'm using a limited WIndows XP that I don't own. Can't really use it besides web.15:33
rdgor run parted on the drive15:33
chao06ZykoticK9: oh my... is that for the purposes of the beta, or is it that way for good?15:33
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, well no, most applications won't be residing in /home directory for that matter15:33
FallenSparrowbasically i want my same setup but instead of haivng seperate partitions for data and os like i have now,k i want seperate drives.15:33
maginotTrek, I think I'm going to take this off15:33
Trekmaginot: may I PM you?15:33
InsomniaqueI'm trying to do everything from my linux PC which currently only has command line access.15:33
maginotTrek, ok15:33
FallenSparrowbecause apps reside in /usr/local correct?15:33
rdgInsomniaque: WindowsXP probably won't let you format it over 32GB, built in limitation of XP format tool15:33
ZykoticK9chao06, sorry man, i can't (don't wish) to discuss any Lucid issues here.15:33
hafidzmy software center is auto close.anyone having this prob before?15:33
InsomniaqueLooking at unetbootin, they say it works best for windows, but they have a linux version. Does the linux version work via command line or does it need the GUI?15:33
InsomniaqueIf it needs the GUI, that's a problem for me...15:33
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:33
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, it needs GUI15:33
TrekInsomniaque, it uses GUI15:34
rdgInsomniaque: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314463  (Limitations of the FAT32 File System in Windows XP)15:34
InsomniaqueI had it back before my Windows 7 laptop's LED exploded and shorted stuff out. rdg15:34
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, no they reside in various places.. /bin /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, etc15:34
FallenSparrowbut not in /home correct, that is only config files and what not.15:34
MauL^where is the networking gui in ubuntu ?15:34
MauL^where I can set my dns and so on15:35
InsomniaqueWhat was the second option instead of unetbootin?15:35
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, config files are normally in /etc.. you really need to learn linux filesystem, google and read about it15:35
arvind_khadriMauL^, you can set it in the panel, there would be two computers next to time15:35
rdgInsomniaque: if you fire up fdisk to partition it it'll read the filesystem code of the partition and tell you what it is15:35
ZykoticK9MauL^, nm-applet15:35
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, grub4dos (which will never work on ntfs partition I bet)15:35
brummbaerMaul, usually in the panel, or alternatively in /etc/network/interfaces15:35
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, correction it might, with some technicalities15:35
InsomniaqueWell, if worst came to worst, I could add a partition to my external and boot off that, correct?15:35
FallenSparrowwell when i go into /home adn view hidden i have a . folderr for each app.  .pidgen .firefox i assumed that is where teh configs and settigns wheere15:35
rocket16Ah! I installed OpenBox! How fast it is!15:36
InsomniaqueWith some slight modification to the .cfg file15:36
hafidzanyone? i need advise..regarding my prob on software center15:36
Trekif you use the terminal to configure the partitions, Insomniaque, you can put FAT32 on there, but you get the filesize limit of about 4GB15:36
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, I don't think its that simple if I read you correctly15:36
arvind_khadrihafidz, ask15:36
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, no its not simply the .cfg file.. it comes down to messing with lace.com file15:36
rdgInsomniaque: what are you trying to do with this HD?15:36
hafidzwhen i open application>ubuntu software center. it does try to load but few seconds later it closed. i now cannot use software center. yesterday i can still use it. can someone answer me how to make it working again? I don't want to reinstall ubuntu as it is a last chance. anyone know how to fix this bug?15:36
InsomniaqueWell, I don't plan on actually installing Ubuntu on the external.15:37
TrekInsomniaque: booting off your external is a BIOS setting :P15:37
frenzy1i am suffering from a bug where gvim writes permissions to ownere root and 700 for any edits over gvfs. this doesn't happen over sshfs. how can i replace gvfs with sshfs so that nautilus uses it and nothing breaks15:37
MauL^ubuntu replies very slowly to the other computers on my network.. they wait for more than 10 seconds for each web request.. and I see on the server log that the request is not coming for seconds.. why could it be ?15:37
InsomniaqueRather, I want the iso to install it.15:37
TrekMauL^ bad config?15:37
InsomniaqueTrek: Indeed, but I'm talking about the bootloader on the HD. ;)15:37
FallenSparrowi basically jsut got linux to see the ssd, buyy pulling out the WD drive, but now it says thhere is no OS.  do i just need to boot into live CD adn create my linux partition BEFORE i try to install linux.15:37
MauL^maybe that other computers can reach very difficulty to my desktop..15:37
InsomniaqueMy BIOS allows me to boot from HD via boot menu.15:37
MauL^Trek, where should I look for ?15:37
TrekInsomniaque: nah, the boot loader is default installed to the primary partition the system usually boots to15:37
TrekNauL^ don't know, i'd have to look at packet flow first...15:37
TrekMauL^ don't know, i'd have to look at packet flow first...15:38
InsomniaqueTrek: I'm looking at the syslinux.cfg file from http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive#The_Slow_Method15:38
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, no you shouldn't but you only had single boot on that computer? and what about 1TB? no OS?15:38
InsomniaqueAnd it says to boot to /dev/sda1, and I'm not sure that would be the name of the partition if I re-partitioned my drive.15:38
MauL^Trek, but it seems like the request is coming very late.. there is no error on the server15:38
MauL^somehow, ubuntu is not appearant on the network15:38
maginotMauL^, does you use any firewall on you ubuntu box (ufw, iptables) ?15:39
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, it would work a lot better if you were to be running linux via livecd, forget about windows, its getting far too complex15:39
TrekInsomniaque: i agree, you could botch your system, so use a livecd15:39
haavarosWhen I'm typing 'sudo mkfs -t fat32 /dev/sdb1' I get 'mksfs.fat32: No such file or directory'. What does that mean?15:39
FallenSparrowno i currecntly have dual boot win7 and 9.10 on hard disk.  i want to go to ssd and use hard disk as storage for both OSS.  i dont realy have room to back up my home partition so i am trying to do thsi without deleting my currecnt linnux partitionas well but i have to i understand15:39
MauL^magical, yes15:39
darksider`psycho_oreos, i will tll you this- my friend is NOT getting near my server when its got a HD fited!!!15:40
psycho_oreoshaavaros, mksfs.fat32 is not a valid binary/application name15:40
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos, Trek: I have no Windows system that I can burn from, and the CD drive along with various other parts of my linux desktop is shot.15:40
hafidzsofware center is autoclose..i cant open sypnatic too15:40
darksider`psycho_oreos, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop reinstalled LOADS of stuff and now it workies >_<15:40
FallenSparrowand btw 20gb is plenty for 9.10 install correct.with home on separate drive15:40
InsomniaqueSee, I'm 14 years old, I'm on my mom's laptop, and I have no money to fix the desktop.15:40
TrekInsomniaque: then order a free CD, and wait for 6 weeks15:40
maginothaavaros, mkfs.msdos try with that15:40
InsomniaqueAnd my Windows 7 laptop asploded. =P15:40
theadminmaginot: wha wtf is that thing? msdos is not a filesystem15:40
InsomniaqueTrek: >_>15:40
psycho_oreosdarksider`, well lol he didn't exactly screw up your setup, he just tried to install a program, you got antsy over it, removed it and there goes your gnome :)15:41
maginottheadmin, yeah, right, mkfs.vfat =X15:41
maginothaavaros, ^15:41
TrekInsomniaque: sounds like you need to have your mom pay to fix your systems15:41
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, generally yes15:41
darksider`psycho_oreos, i felt better blaming him =(15:41
maginottheadmin, but I do have mkfs.msdos here... O.o15:41
darksider`psycho_oreos, lets just pretend he did it15:41
InsomniaqueTrek: Haha, there's no way she'd pay for anything for me. Took me 2 years to save up for my laptop.15:41
darksider`psycho_oreos, =D15:41
InsomniaqueThe bigger question is can the desktop be reasonably fixed.15:41
theadminmaginot: Maybe that's what it calls fat16? %)15:41
haavarosuh. so like this: 'mkfs.vfat =X <device>'?15:41
InsomniaqueI couldn't find the problem with it after a year of trying to figure it out.15:41
TrekInsomniaque: a new CD burner costs $30 on newegg (USA)15:41
psycho_oreosdarksider`, evil man, he could have done something more nasty but oh well15:41
alabdGood day all , Persian has 4 chars more than arabic language , What should be used as key symbol for those 4 chars ? ubuntu that uses gnome has not problem with those 4 chars but in SHR that uses e17 there is problem and don't now what should be used ?15:42
darksider`psycho_oreos, thanks for all your help man, im gonna come back inna minute, just after i get my new lappy connected15:42
InsomniaqueTrek: I don't think the CD burner is broken.15:42
haavarosmaginot: uh. so like this: 'mkfs.vfat =X <device>'?15:42
InsomniaqueSOmething else is, causing the CD burner to not work.15:42
maginottheadmin, maybe, that is why I corrected to mkfs.vfat =D15:42
maginothaavaros, yes... mkfs.vfat device15:42
InsomniaqueHave my USB drives don't work, my PC thinks my proc is 1GHz when it's 215:42
Trek*shrugs* Insomniaque: you're trying to work with high-complexity stuff that I wouldn't attempt, and probably with faulty hardware15:42
MauL^where should I look if other computers on the same network have difficulties on making request to my ubuntu box15:42
totimkopfhmm, for some strange reason i´m unable to use dead keys, i´m trying to use accented spanish characters, i´m using the USA one and i´ve used the spanish one15:43
TrekInsomniaque: best recommendation: have your mom take the systems to a tech, there's not much more we can do to help you here15:43
darksiderpsycho_oreos,  thanxmuch dude15:43
DekkoHello, is it possible to upgrade GNOME to 2.30 on Jaunty?15:43
psycho_oreosdarksider, no worries15:43
InsomniaqueTrek: I could take it to the tech myself, but the computer isn't worth it.15:43
maginotMauL^, well, try first disabling your firewall to see if gets better15:43
InsomniaqueI'll see if I can just get a CD and burn it from my mom's laptop.15:43
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i owe you bigtime. if i knew more about how ubuntu works then i could probably figure silly stuff like that out..but without you id still be using my old lappy again -.-15:43
InsomniaqueThough she thinks I put keyloggers and spyware on her computer when I'm fixing it. =P15:43
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, then its not worth installing ubuntu on it, when its playing up half the time15:43
InsomniaqueNot to mention, I got a ton of segfaults the other day, ran memtest 86+ and got over 14million erros, ran it a second time and got no errors.15:44
darksiderpsycho_oreos, if you ever need some free hosting or an email addy then gimme a shout =)#15:44
geekphreakInsomniaque: lol why would you do that :)15:44
chao06Insomniaque: maybe try a different distro... i've had computers that have completely different problems with different distros...15:44
obscurant1sti installed network-manager and network-manager-gnome, but there is no icon for it in my notification area?15:44
psycho_oreosdarksider, heh we all had to start from somewhere :)15:44
Trekobscurant1st: is it not loading on boot?15:44
darksiderpsycho_oreos, just waiting on my 1.5TB HD coming in for my server =)15:44
Insomniaquechao06: You should have seen it on Windows. -_-'15:44
InsomniaqueLinux Mint worked, Backtrack sucks, I want Ubuntu. =P15:44
chao06Insomniaque: yeah, like windows ever works lol15:44
MauL^magical, I did but no change15:44
Ziderdarksider: aww, I want one too!15:44
darksiderpsycho_oreos,  why cant nmore people be like you and understand when theres a problem beyond my expertise ? theres alot of ppl that just get angry and troll till you get out of the room >_<15:45
Insomniaquechao06: Haha, my comptuer would freeze when I tried to do anything with a .msc, (and frozen at any other point too.)15:45
geekphreakwindow is not that bad :)15:45
psycho_oreosdarksider, rsyncing various (sorted now) stuff from ~6TB boxen (xubuntu) to my ~3TB boxen (arch linux)15:45
obscurant1stTrek, its getting connected automatically, but there is no icon.15:45
FallenSparrowalso with 4gb ram and ssd there is no need for swap correct, nto for basic computing at least15:45
Dekkoc'mon people, can I upgrade GNOME on Jaunty?15:45
darksiderZiber, wanna see it? www.swedger.com/server.php15:45
darksiderpsycho_oreos, ah. very nice (borat)15:45
chao06Insomniaque: have you tried any non-Debian based distros?15:45
maginotMauL^, you're addressing your answers to other people...15:45
wazzaaaaaproblem , i have a dual boot laptop with ubuntu and xp , now i wish to remove my xp and use that partioned space as another linux(ubuntu) partion ext3 , and use vitualbox for win xp15:45
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  its proberly best to make at least a 512mb swap partition.15:45
Trekobscurant1st: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu?15:45
FallenSparrowyou can upgrade to the newest desktop enviorment15:45
obscurant1stTrek, Ubuntu15:45
Insomniaquechao06: Thought about trying Gentoo, Mandriva or Arch.15:46
InsomniaqueBut I'm not sure.15:46
Trekobscurant1st: i'm not sure why it shouldn't load an icon... *shrugs*15:46
Trekyou might have to ask others15:46
InsomniaqueMandriva annoyed me since it became... not open-source or something?15:46
geekphreakwazzaaaaa:  good luck15:46
psycho_oreosdarksider, well linux is a very vast platform to work with, theres far too many areas and categories.. so help isn't always available, and then there's helpers that can get annoyed over time :)15:46
Ziderdarksider: must be hard to fit drives in that small thing15:46
wazzaaaaageekphreak , thanks , looking for help tho ;)15:46
InsomniaqueI remember there was something weird about it. Arch sounds interesting and my friend swears by it (and it's ability to install from git repos.)15:46
DekkoInsomniaque: I have installed Arch on a secondary computer and considering migrating to it on my primary setup too...15:46
obscurant1stactually i had a problem with wicd, so i installed this, now its also not coming15:46
theadminwhat... the... heck. Ubuntu won't let me delete a file in my home directory o_O15:46
geekphreakwazzaaaaa:  anytime :)15:46
InsomniaqueGentoo sounds neat too, but I don't know anything about it.15:46
Dr_WillisInsomniaque:  i find that once you learn linux basics and fundamentals.. the distrtos dont really matter that much.. perferance becomes about what little things the distro offers.15:47
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, its not recommended for beginners15:47
Curly_QJust curious does anyone here know if there is a software or program that acts like Facebook or anything in that vein with Ubuntu?15:47
obscurant1stTrek, is there a way to bring up the interface?15:47
chao06Insomniaque: arch is very nice if you can get it to work right... haven't tried gentoo... and i've been thoroughly unhappy with any rpm distro i've tried15:47
geekphreakobscurant1st:  what happen when you tpe nm-applet ?15:47
darksiderZider, aparently (the guy tels me AFTER i pay for it) its not made for internal opticals15:47
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: Gentoo? I know.15:47
Dr_WillisInsomniaque:  it all depends on your needs as to what ones to try.15:47
obscurant1stgeekphreak, let me try'15:47
DekkoInsomniaque: arch needs some dedication to install and run but gentoo I think is worse as you have to compile everything from scratch there.15:47
ZykoticK9FallenSparrow, is your worried about your SSD drive, you can probably get away with only 4GB RAM without swap (I've used 2GB with no swap on my old EEE), if you have an actual HD (vs SSD), could you just put swap on it?  Best of luck, wish i had SSD on my system.15:47
InsomniaqueDr_Willis: I agree completely, backtrack was just screwy imo.15:47
from_brazilhi friends, I'm trying to install skype in ubuntu 8.04 32bits but it seems doesn't exists a installation package for this ubuntu version.. can anyone help?15:47
darksiderZider, he said to get an external but im gonna buy a skinny drive and fit it myself >_< maybe15:47
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, no both arch and gentoo, I've got arch on one box and tried gentoo every so often15:47
InsomniaqueRepos out-dated (so i switched them to ubuntus, still messed up.)15:47
alabdin SHR with e17 we have /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/illume/keyboards/Persian.kbd file where is this file for gnome ?15:47
grodzillaDekko: gentoo roX :D15:47
Ziderdarksider: rack systems rarely have opticals15:47
obscurant1stgeekphreak, it shows a warning and it loaded15:47
Dr_WillisInsomniaque:  Backtrack has a very specific focus. and 'beginners' often use it when they really shouldent be.15:47
darksiderpsycho_oreos, i know..anyways man thx much. appreciated <315:47
geekphreakfrom_brazil: it is on skype site, i saw it :)15:47
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, backtrack is actually for pentesters mainly15:48
geekphreakobscurant1st: whats the message?15:48
Dr_WillisInsomniaque:  go to the distrowatch.com web site and explore the ones out.15:48
obscurant1st** (nm-applet:2861): WARNING **: Invalid connection /system/networking/connections/1: 'NMSettingWireless' / 'ssid' invalid: 215:48
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: Yeah, I've had linux for a couple years, and I prefer it over Windows except for the fact that it lacks so many programs made for WIndows15:48
psycho_oreosdarksider, no worries :)15:48
darksiderZider, yeah i know... i might just install ubuntu server from a temp IDE optical then unplug it15:48
Dekkogrodzilla: I am sure it does, but I think Arch is just as difficult to use and setup as I like it to be.15:48
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: I know. I love it for that. =P15:48
Ziderdarksider: I have a "normal" pc case with 6 or so drives as server15:48
obscurant1stgeekphreak, ^^15:48
from_brazilgeekphreak: what's in skype site??15:48
geekphreakobscurant1st: wicd installed?15:48
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, mmhmm ._.15:48
darksiderZider, ah... i thought about that but all my bits are fubar15:48
geekphreakfrom_brazil:  yes on skype site15:48
Dr_WillisInsomniaque:  i often find the opposite.. I have programs for linux.. that i would like in windows. :)15:48
InsomniaqueOne sec.15:48
grodzillaDekko: it's true ^^15:48
DekkoBut can someone tell me if it is possible to upgrade GNOME to 2.30 on Jaunty?15:48
maginotDr_Willis, agreed15:49
InsomniaqueDr_Willis: It works both ways.15:49
from_brazilgeekphreak: what stuff is in skype site??15:49
FallenSparrowalso it says no root file system when selecting my newly made ext4 partition on ssd.  how do i fix this,  it sayts correct from partitioning menu15:49
Ziderdarksider: it's been upgraded a number of times since I got it, now it's at ~5TB :)15:49
InsomniaqueAnyone heard of longene?15:49
Dr_WillisDekko:  well theres always the source.. or unoffical ppa/repos..15:49
darksider=O awesome15:49
geekphreakfrom_brazil:  skype for 32 bit system ubuntu 8 .0415:49
maginotfrom_brazil, the ubuntu package you want ... for 8.0415:49
DekkoDr_willis - where do I find these unofficial PPA's for Gnome 2.30?15:49
FallenSparrowdekko have you tried yet15:49
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, sounds like missing mount point15:49
InsomniaqueMy friend pointed me to it the other day, apparently a pathced linux kernel mixing some Windows and Wine source-code for .exe execution?15:49
Dr_WillisDekko:  i would have to point to google.15:49
darksideri will be back in a bit- need to do my house cleaning and seech = left it til now because my lappy's health is more important15:49
obscurant1stgeekphreak, I uninstalled it, i mean wicd,15:49
FallenSparrowmountn point shoudl just be "/" correct15:49
Dr_WillisDekko:  im testing 10.04 on all my box's now.15:49
=== darksider is now known as darksider`afk
from_brazilgeekphreak: well, in downloads page I just see for ubuntu 8.1015:50
from_brazilcan't you see?15:50
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, there's plenty of those15:50
geekphreakobscurant1st: make sure network manager is in services starting up15:50
psycho_oreosFallenSparrow, yes15:50
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: How many of them work better than Wine?15:50
obscurant1stGeekthras, how can i check that??15:50
geekphreakfrom_brazil: hold on let me get it15:50
from_brazilgeekphreak: ok!15:50
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, I don't bother trying those, wine doesn't work with every windows app15:50
DekkoDr_Willis I don't want to have to clean install because I have configured my setup the way I want it ....15:51
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: In my opinion, Wine only works for a select few programs. My friend said Longene worked better, so I was going to try it but then I got busy with other stuff.15:51
obscurant1stgeekphreak, how can i do it?15:51
Dr_WillisDekko:  this is when you learn how to backup/restore config files I guess.. or go track down some ppa's that may or may not work  that great.15:51
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, never heard of longene, but I know there's two commercial versions of wine, one is codeweavers, the other is cedega15:52
frenzy1https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/227808 how can i replace gvfs with sshfs? will simply installing sshfs and uninstalling gvfs break anything? will nautilus use sshfs?15:52
hafidzalready solved the prob15:52
maginotfrom_brazil, take a look: http://divyad.wordpress.com/2008/05/01/install-skype-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-configure-sound/15:52
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: One second and I can try to find longene.15:52
from_brazilgeekphreak: ok, let me see..15:52
Insomniaquepsycho_oreos: http://sourceforge.net/projects/longene/15:52
psycho_oreosInsomniaque, found it15:52
theadminfrenzy1: gvfs is the Gnome Virtual Filesystem, used only in the GNOME desktop. If you don't use GNOME, you can safely remove it15:52
bobenth(Does anyone knows if there is a channel about the ubuntu beta please? )15:52
alabd-ChanServ- Yo15:52
theadminbobenth: #ubuntu+115:53
haavarosWhich options should I add in fstab for a shared disk with full access for all users?15:53
geekphreakfrom_brazil: yep they changed it, let me get another link :)15:53
bobenthThank you so much theadmin ! <315:53
from_brazilgeekphreak: :(15:53
frenzy1theadmin: i do use gnome.15:53
FallenSparrowam i able to have grub see my win 7 on both ssd and hd as well as the linux on both  untill i am able to migrate data15:53
rash502hi all15:54
chao06haavaros: i know the option 'users' will allow anyone to mount and umount it, not sure about rw15:54
theadminfrenzy1: You can't remove gvfs then15:54
rash502i have problem in lemonpos15:54
Curly_QTheadmin do you have any knowledge of any program that will act like Face Book or something like that?15:54
rash502any help15:54
maginotfrenzy1, why would you like something like that ?15:55
theadminCurly_Q: Nope. Why the heck did you choose me of 1496 people?15:55
Insomniaquerash502: We can't help if we don't know what the problem is.15:55
maginot!ask | rash50215:55
ubotturash502: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:55
frenzy1maginot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/22780815:55
theadminubottu is lagging o_O15:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:55
Curly_QTheadmin, you sounded like a person who knows what you are talking about.15:55
theadminCurly_Q: Doesn't mean i know everything though :D15:55
from_brazilgeekphreak: I am downloading the source file..15:56
rash502i cant access the database from squeeze15:56
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: You're asking for a web application? There's tons of open source social networking scripts, just google it.15:56
rash502i can access from my sql15:56
Curly_QI was just curious Theadmin. I hope you didn't get offended.15:56
geekphreakfrom_brazil:  ok, i am reading skupe forum, they have some info thee, want link?15:56
theadminCurly_Q: Not at all15:56
dmackdadycan anyone pls tell me if there is a Visual Basic ``like`` program for ubuntu??15:56
rash502i did all what the documentation asks15:57
Insomniaquedmackdady: Look at Qt with Qt Designer? It's C++ but it has a Designer like VB6 does.15:57
InsomniaqueYou won't find BASIC for Linux though, I don't think.15:57
ruggerobest visualbasic "like" would be Python, imho15:57
maginotfrenzy1, but if you are having problems why not just don't use it for that kind of operation and using other application? After all if you remove you will not be able to use it anyway15:57
dmackdadycool ty15:57
from_brazilgeekphreak: I don't know.. your english it's better than mine15:57
geekphreakfrom_brazil:  http://forum.skype.com/topic/199011-skype-for-ubuntu-8-04/15:57
maginotfrom_brazil, this will help you  http://divyad.wordpress.com/2008/05/01/install-skype-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-configure-sound/15:57
Curly_QThanks for that tip Insomniaque. I am building up a social network for a CISCO Networking Technology Academy. Just doing my homework here and there.   :)15:58
Insomniaquedmackdady: Though Qt is generally for KDE now that I think about it.15:58
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Nice. =]15:58
from_brazilgeekphreak: thanks! :)15:58
Insomniaquedmackdady: Not sure if there is a similar designer for GTK+15:58
FallenSparrowdo i need to do all this alginingn stuff for the dual boot or just for linux in general on a ssd15:58
dmackdadyoo i see15:58
=== gomagarrofin is now known as overmind
rash502i cannot access the database from squeeze15:59
ikoniaFallenSparrow: for the last time - ssd's are just disks, they do not need to be treated any different15:59
Curly_QInsomniaque I received a $100,000.00 scholarship as an intern here. Lots of pressure on me to do lots of homework.15:59
Insomniaquedmackdady: Glade (http://glade.gnome.org/)15:59
Picirash502: Are you running Ubuntu or Debian?15:59
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Wow, that's awesome. =]15:59
Picirash502: squeeze is Debian though.15:59
FallenSparrowso then what is all this i hear about aligning ssd to blcok and erase block size, and all this.  is that just for peak performance, also if so can these additions be done post instal16:00
Dr_WillisI think there is some new filesystems in the works that make use of some of the features of SSD"s or some how reduce wear on them. :)  but ive just seen a few bits of info on that topic at various sites16:00
InsomniaqueIt sucks having 768 / 368 kbps internet >_>16:00
rash502pici:it com with lemonepos16:00
theadminInsomniaque: Mine is slower.16:00
Insomniaquetheadmin: I'm sorry. x.x16:00
Curly_QThanks Insomniaque. I cannot tell you how much stuff I have to learn about CISCO and CCNA CCNP and CCIE. My day never ends.16:00
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Haha, well, at some point I may have to do that. Thankfully I'm only in high school right now.16:01
dsl558don't enter a food chain when you are the last16:01
dsl558just open a new chain16:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:02
theadmindsl558: lolwut16:02
rash502pici:i can enter the database from mysql after entering the script but not from squeeze lemonpos16:02
Insomniaquetheadmin: that's what i was thinking.16:02
geekphreakCurly_Q:  you can always teach us then :)16:03
Picirash502: oh.  Squeeze is a program that is part of lemonpos...16:03
LALFGMHello, on ubuntu 9.10 I cannect to the internet and it says established but it doesnot get signal.16:04
* maginot out for lunch 16:04
Curly_QInsomniaque, I received my Masters in Electrical Electronics and Electromechanical Engeneering years ago. I procured my A+ Certification along with passing the CCNA classes. Lots of research to go.16:04
FallenSparrowassume you are talking about wirelesss16:04
CaptainTrek!ot | Curly_Q16:04
ubottuCurly_Q: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:04
ikonia!away > maginot16:04
ubottumaginot, please see my private message16:04
itnojcelectrical electronics?16:04
bazhangCurly_Q, please take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic16:04
itnojcsounds stupid lol16:04
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Lool, I'm more of a programming guy, so I'll be going more towards software engineering, but networking is always fun too. So I may have to get my CCNA, etc.16:04
Picirash502: If you're running their scripts to create the database, you probably want to look at their support.  I've never used this program before.16:05
maginotikonia, It is not an aways message, just said with /me =)16:05
ikoniamaginot: then please don't16:05
LALFGMfallensparrow: yes16:05
maginotikonia, and why is that if may some people who I'm talking need to know I'm not here anymore?16:05
rash502pici:i have with no joy16:05
itnojccan u see what i write16:05
ikoniamaginot: because of the away message info / channel policy16:05
ikoniaitnojc: sure16:05
=== itnojc is now known as Robinux
FallenSparrowcorrect wpa/wep key16:06
jenueplease help me on how to set environment variable in ubuntu. i'm having a hard time setting the JAVA_HOME16:06
LALFGMfallensparrow: yes16:06
FallenSparrowhave you tried traceroute, adn pin16:06
FallenSparrowsee if you can ping the router itself16:06
ikoniajenue: JAVA_HOME=where/you/want/to/set/it16:06
maginotikonia, isn't an away message for god's sake, I'm just saying something... nevermind, I'm out anyway16:06
LALFGMfallensparrow: I have tried all of that16:06
Insomniaquejenue: http://www.codecoffee.com/tipsforlinux/articles/030.html = VARIABLE=value16:06
FallenSparrowis this YOUR wireless connection16:06
LALFGMyes it is16:06
ikoniamaginot: people don't need to hear it, you're telling people you're away, it's an away message16:06
LALFGMfallensparrow:yes it is16:06
Insomniaqueikonia, maginot: we're also in #ubuntu not #argue-about-away-messages16:07
FallenSparrowconnect with wire, download all updates.  restart, see if that fixes issue, a lo of times my lap has an issue grabbing new networks until i reboot16:07
ikoniaInsomniaque: I'm aware of that16:07
Insomniaqueikonia: /msg is a pretty neat tool then ;)16:07
maginotI'm too... not arguing any more =)16:07
Curly_QCCNA is necessary Insomniaque but the A+ Certification is mandatory in this field. This is to everyone here on the channel because I teach classes in A+ and many companies will not hire you without the A+ cert.16:07
LALFGMfallensparrow: what updates i am running the latest version of ubuntu16:08
Zider<- has A+ and N+16:08
bazhang!ot > Curly_Q16:08
ubottuCurly_Q, please see my private message16:08
ikoniaZider: please stop16:08
FallenSparrowokok expalain exactly what is going on16:08
ikonia!offtopic | Zider16:08
ubottuZider: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:08
InsomniaqueRawr! At 150KB/s my download of the 700mb file just failed. >_>16:08
Insomniaque"No route to host"16:08
LALFGMfallensparrow: may I pm you?16:08
Zideroh sorry, I thought I was in #ubuntu-offtopic :/16:08
jenueikonia: thanks. is the variable now permanent? coz i don't want to set again everytime i log in16:09
Curly_QThanks for the info Ubottu.16:09
ikoniajenue: set it in your .bash_profile or .bashrc16:09
theadminor in .profile16:10
ikoniatheadmin: no16:10
theadminikonia: Why not?16:10
InsomniaqueDoes anybody know if wget has an option to "continue" a cancelled / uncompleted download?16:10
ikoniatheadmin: bash and dash to not parse that16:10
theadminikonia: It's parsed at log in to the desktop, not at bash start, yes16:10
Trashihi guys. i did mount a ftp directory via curlftpfs ... but i cannot change or write files... if i connect with my  ftp client from my homepc it works fine .. who can help?16:10
ikoniatheadmin: I'm not aware of it being parsed at all, but it could be16:11
ikoniatheadmin: it's normally for Bourne or Korn shell16:11
Curly_QInsomniaque, why not just try to re-install.16:11
theadminInsomniaque: nope :( as far as i'm aware16:11
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: ?16:11
theadminCurly_Q: She/he has slow internet16:11
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: I was trying to download the Ubuntu ISO with a slow connection, and it just died at 80%16:11
toplanddoes anybody know how to connect openmoko neo1973 with internet16:12
Curly_QInsomniaque are you trying to use   FILE SHARING or just straight download?16:12
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Just a straight downlaod.16:12
Niekis their some kind of application i can use to setup a connection to some kind of server, (different protocols, SSL, TLS, etc) to check if i can connect?16:12
ikoniatopland: openmoko is not an ubuntu device,m it's not supported here16:12
jenueikonia: my .bashrc has a lot of entries. do i just have to append the variable?16:12
theadminjenue: yes16:13
ikoniajenue: if there is no JAVA_HOME set, make a new one, if there is one, remove the values or change them16:13
ikoniatheadmin: no16:13
ikoniatheadmin: there can only be one java_home - appending to an existing java home will stop it working16:13
jenuetheadmin: thanks16:13
theadminikonia: no what? :/ Are you suggesting to remove whatever is already there?16:13
ikoniatheadmin: yes16:13
haavarosNow I have partitioned and formatted my new harddrive. It's on my server and will be used for backup and shares. How do I make sure that all files and folders will be rw-able to everyone?16:13
jenueikonia: thanks! ur awesome16:13
Curly_QFile sharing seems to be much faster in my case, but, what is the connection speed Insomniaque? Also have you tried www.dslreports.com to see if your speed is what it really is?16:14
Insomniaquehaavaros: chmod 777 /path/to/directory16:14
InsomniaqueI believe16:14
haavarosInsomniaque: and the path is the mount point?16:14
theadminInsomniaque: I'd use torrents if i were you to download Ubuntu16:14
tsyj2007hi,I want to know what is new in 10.0416:14
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Well yeah, file sharing is faster. But if I don't have the iso on any computer I MUST download to the directory.16:14
Picitsyj2007: See the topic in #ubuntu+116:15
Insomniaquetheadmin: Torrents via command line are hard, and I'm not going to get faster than 160 kb/s period, and that's what I'm getting via HTTP download.16:15
anonymeja tu nejaky slovak alebo cech?16:15
chao06tsyj2007: google is your friend16:15
ikonia!cz | anonyme16:15
ubottuanonyme: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:15
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: My speed is 768 kbps / 368 kbps16:15
InsomniaqueWhich gives me about 150 to 160 KBps download.16:15
tsyj2007chao06: yes ,i am always using  it16:15
Curly_QInsomniaque, I am willing to go the extra mile and try to DCC Send Ubuntu by way of IRC. I have to think about it for a moment though. Are you interested?16:15
FallenSparrowhey i have i5 processor, why can i not install the AMD64 vs of chrome16:15
tsyj2007chao06: hehe16:16
ikoniaFallenSparrow: are you running a 64bit ubuntu install ?16:16
FallenSparrowi thought amd4 was for amd64 and et64 (intel)16:16
ikoniaFallenSparrow: show us the output of "uname -a" please16:16
theadminInsomniaque: Torrents are at least resumable16:16
dharrisonhi anybody able to help me with a rsyslog setup please?16:17
ikoniadharrison: what's the issue ?16:17
haavarosto chmod 777 an entire disk, is the mount point the correct file path?16:17
sloopyhaavaros, why would you want to do that?16:17
theadminhaavaros: yes, however, use the recursive flag, and also i'd use 666 if i were you (what's the point of making everything executable?!)16:17
ikoniatheadmin: because it would remove the executable flag from the execuatables, that's why16:18
haavarossloopy: theadmin: I just applied a tip I got here. It's on my server behind my NAT router/fw, and everything there should be fully accessible to all my comps. What do you suggest?16:18
Curly_QInsomniaque I have the ability with my IRC client to send you TDCC protocol.16:18
Curly_QIt is a much faster protocol.16:19
theadminhaavaros: oh well, chmod -R 777 mountpoint16:19
FallenSparrowsays i68616:20
FallenSparrowi assume that is 3216:20
FallenSparrowbut  i just instaled 64bit16:20
ikoniaFallenSparrow: correct16:20
ikoniaFallenSparrow: no you didn't, you installed 32bitr16:20
haavarostheadmin, sloopy, ikonia: thx guys16:20
coz_FallenSparrow,  no that is 32 bit16:20
coz_FallenSparrow,  and you co uldnt have installed 64 bit  it wont install16:20
kalkin-i need to use libapache-mod-python, but i need it to use the 2.5 version of python16:20
kalkin-how do i do that?16:20
FallenSparrowwhy wont it install16:20
FallenSparrowoh you mean that is why chrome wont instal of course16:21
ikoniaFallenSparrow: because you're running a 32bit install16:21
coz_FallenSparrow,  if you have a 32 bit system the  64 bit live cd will tell you it is the wrong architecture16:21
RoastedHow can I tell the mac address of the wireless access point I'm connected to?16:21
FallenSparrowno i have i5 so i am 64 bit16:21
FallenSparrowfor sure16:21
haavarostheadmin: Btw, will all folders and files added later always be rw to everyone?16:21
FallenSparrowi5 75016:21
ikoniaRoasted: you need to speak to the wirless AP administrator16:21
ikoniaFallenSparrow: then you need to install the 64bit OS16:21
coz_FallenSparrow,  in terminal   uname -m16:21
LALFGManyone know about network conenctions?16:22
ikoniacoz_: he's already shown is is 38616:22
thebrucehey guys newbie ubuntu user here16:22
FiReSTaRTwhere are printer drivers stored?16:22
dharrisonhi. it doesnt seem to be collecting the data16:22
dharrisoni can confirm via wireshark that it is arriving16:22
dharrisonany ideas?16:22
FloodBot4dharrison: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:22
mitc0185Just starting to use Lucid Beta 2... can I have the mail notifier in the upper right corner check my Gmail account? when I go to set up mail it starts the Evolution setup, and I don't want to use Evolution.16:22
ikoniadharrison: have you got your syslog rules setup to to accept and log from the remote servers on your recieving server ?16:22
ikonia!10.04 > mitc018516:22
ubottumitc0185, please see my private message16:22
swanIf I install Ubuntu Server LTS can I upgrade to non-LTS releases int he future?16:23
ikoniaswan: sure16:23
dharrisonhi. do you know where i do that please?16:23
FallenSparrowif i put in teh correcnt CD can i upgrade inplace16:23
ikoniadharrison: in the syslog config16:23
ikoniadharrison: no, well, it depends how you've got the recieving server setup16:23
Roastedikonia, well, I kind of am.16:24
ikoniaRoasted: then you need to look in your AP's gui16:24
Roastedikonia, I'm setting up wireless access points, and there's only 1 AP in the area that I put up. Yet the MAC ont he sticker of it doesn't match up the MAC I'm finding in "connected to" within the wifi radar gui.16:25
ikoniaRoasted: you need to check in your gui16:25
Roastedikonia, so I'm trying to figure out what's wrong - the program or the sticker. So I was trying to find a different application (perhaps a terminal command?) to dig it up. maybe even wireshark?16:25
Roastedikonia, well, I'm not the *Network* administrator, however I'm the one setting up *this* wireless.16:25
ikoniaRoasted: that's not na ubuntu issue16:25
ikoniaRoasted: you need to use your wirless AP's gui16:25
Roastedikonia, right - but I'm asking for an UBUNTU solution. Something I can run in terminal or some kind of Ubuntu application to find it - since I'm... you know... running Ubuntu.16:26
ikoniaRoasted: no, you need to use your wirless AP's gui16:26
Roastedikonia, thanks for your help.16:26
RoastedQuestion - is there any way within Ubuntu I can find the mac address of the current wireless access point I'm connected to?16:26
farciarz84hi where the files of exising postgres dbs are kept on ubuntu?16:26
ikoniaRoasted: arp16:26
FallenSparrowok i am trying to install teh 64 bit and it says somethgin about purging guest somethgin  and it makes me log in16:26
Roastedikonia, oh, so there IS a way to do it in Ubuntu? :P16:26
ikoniaRoasted: no16:26
FallenSparrowinstead of just taking me to the desktp16:27
geekphreakFallenSparrow:  looked in /var/lib  ??16:27
ikoniaFallenSparrow: where did you get the CD16:27
Roastedikonia, appreciate the help. I'll keep searching/asking.16:27
FallenSparrowdvd release16:27
ikoniaRoasted: arp will show you the mac's curently connected16:27
geekphreakfarciarz84:  i mean :)16:27
ikoniaFallenSparrow: from where16:27
ikoniaRoasted: it won't show you the factual device you want's mac16:27
ikoniaRoasted: for that you need to use the gui16:27
FallenSparrowtorrent link provided on ubuntu alt release linkl16:27
Roastedikonia, meaning it'll show me the MAC of the wireless adapter in my laptop - not the actual access point?16:28
Infin1tyRoasted, iwlist <interface> ap16:28
ikoniaRoasted: no, it wil show you the mac address of any device your connected to, however wirless AP's don't always use their real physical device mac16:28
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:29
haavaroshas pastebinit stopped working after the pastebin.com update?16:29
theadminhaavaros: yup16:30
zagra59ola q tal16:30
markl_que pasa16:30
haavarostheadmin: how annoying.16:30
Pici!es | markl_16:30
ubottumarkl_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:30
theadminhaavaros: You can still paste to other sites such as paste.ubuntu.com16:32
markl_Pici: geez lighten up, i was just responding to zagra59.  as it turns out, after he had already vanished16:32
theadminmarkl_: That doesn't move spanish Ubuntu support to this channel.16:33
fwryan8Hello all -- I have  quick question.  I am installing a server, but one of the packages I use has a better version in the Debian repository.  But the package name is the same in both Debian and Ubuntu.  Is there a way to tell apt-get to always get this package from a particular repository?16:34
Dr_Willisfwryan8:  that can break things very badly.16:34
Dr_Willisfwryan8:  if you need the latest - there might be Ubuntu PPA repos for what3ever it is you want.16:34
andybquestion for whomever.  10.04, pretty new install.  Top right in the notifications next to volume control... how do i get rid of the little envelope icon?  I can't figure out what's running it16:34
theadminfwryan8: Ubuntu uses Ubuntu repositories and NOT debian ones, however, you can add the debian repos to sources.list if you know the risks16:35
theadminubottu: lucid | andyb16:35
ubottuandyb: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:35
maginotfwryan8, is you need something very much maybe it is better to build it your self them using from a wrong repository (some libs may be at different places, etc)16:35
fwryan8Dr_Willis: thanks16:35
Dr_Willisandyb:  see #ubuntu+1 and see http://delicious.com/dr_willis under my bookmarks/tags somewhere.. on a guide how to remove  the 'social' icons that people dont want16:35
themusicgod1dpkg-reconfigure worked16:36
themusicgod1that hasn't happened in awhile :)16:36
InsomniaqueHey, I'm back.16:36
themusicgod1andyb: might not be a terrible idea to just install that one package by hand(?)16:36
andybhappiness.  thanks.16:36
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: DCC would be no quicker, in fact it would probably be slower.16:36
InsomniaqueThanks for the offer though.16:36
InsomniaqueIt turns out the reason it died is someone though it would be a good idea to unplug the ethernet cable from the router. -_-'16:36
mrdkfuck all16:36
trupheenixhow to perform a grep so that i can find a pattern in a set of files in subdirectories?16:36
dewmanis there a channel that might be able to assist in getting a ati aiw 9600 working correctly in 9.10?16:37
CaptainTrekdewman: that should be here...16:37
dewmanCaptainTrek, =)16:37
CaptainTrekgod people, just call me Trek16:37
zagra59ola cmo te llamas?16:38
trupheenixhow to perform a grep so that i can find a pattern in a set of files in subdirectories?16:38
Curly_QInsomniaque your welcome. What would the unplugging the ethernet cable from the router make a difference? Unless the router is bogged down with data transfers.16:38
ubuntujenkinsany time vault developers in the channel?16:38
maginot!es | zagra5916:38
=== skynet is now known as Guest23919
ubottuzagra59: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:38
dewmanok trek what do you know about ati restricted drivers and getting them to work? hehe16:38
theadminHm, i wonder, could "dd if=/dev/scd0 of=$HOME/somefile.iso" work?16:39
maginottheadmin, it will..16:39
maginottheadmin, don't know if it will work to what you need, but will work and generate a image file16:39
theadminmaginot: yay then :P *goes creating a Ubuntu ISO of his own CD because I lost the original one*16:40
Curly_QInsomniaque it is not DCC send but TDCC send. There is a difference. If your client will allow it, it is a fast brute force send. But it is your choice.16:40
Curly_QIt is like UDP send.16:40
maginottheadmin, do you mean, if it works to make a iso to be burned on a cd ?16:40
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: First off, unplugging the ethernet cord means my computer is no longer connected to the router meaning it's no longer connected to the internet...16:41
frxstremis there a program like FL studio, but for Ubuntu(/Linux)?16:41
InsomniaqueWhich is why my download died earlier.16:41
siropiohello, can anyone tell how to put pwm library for widgets for python3.0 in ubuntu?i went at /usr/lib/python3.0/ but i dont know where to put it so python can knows about it16:41
Curly_QI see.16:41
theadminmaginot: I have Ubuntu CD, wanna create a ISO of it for later redistribution16:41
InsomniaqueAlso, Curly_Q: It would be no faster, I'm telling you. At peak speeds, my internet can download at 170 KB/s, right now it's at 160 KB/s, it won't get faster. =P16:41
Curly_QIt sounds like a timeout problem though.16:41
InsomniaqueThanks for the offer though.16:41
maginottheadmin, yeah, sure it will AFAIK16:42
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: ? No it said "No route to host."16:42
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: Because the internet was unplugged, it didn't know how to route the request. ;)16:42
InsomniaqueIt was using "links" for Linux. ;)16:42
Curly_QI see.16:42
Curly_QI was thinking of a buffer overflow or a cache problem in this case.16:42
theadminhi, ubuntu16:42
obiwan_hi guys16:43
ubuntuhi obiwan16:43
maginottheadmin, this may be a better approach dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso bs=2048 conv=sync16:43
theadminmaginot: what does the bs parameter do?16:43
humblelinuxusrCan you tell me why when the 9.10 is updating ....i get a power crash, then when starting again my laptop...pow...ubuntu is broken....what kind of os is this?16:43
maginottheadmin, byte count: read and write BYTES bytes at a time16:44
coz_humblelinuxusr,  that actually is not usual16:44
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  ive had the same thing happen in windows.. and os-x and in ..........16:44
maginottheadmin, byte count: read and write BYTES bytes at a time16:44
coz_humblelinuxusr,  is this your first time using ubuntu?16:44
Curly_QWhat is the size of your hard drive Insomniaque?16:44
obiwan_i need help either from you or from above, but first options looks more feasible hehe16:44
theadminWhat about something like this then? dd if=/dev/zero of=somefile bs=1024 - would that create a 1 mb zero-filled file?16:45
obiwan_i wanna get the fsck rid of hecking audio problems16:45
jribtheadmin: it should, yes16:45
obiwan_i uninstalled pulseaudio16:45
coz_obiwan_,  oops16:45
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  well it's my 5 atempt to install it, i had problems again and again with it...16:45
jribtheadmin: wait, you probably need a count or whatever16:45
obiwan_and now i got problems with alsa, i'm really going mad16:45
coz_humblelinuxusr,  did you check the cd for errors?16:45
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  i'm not going back to vista....16:45
theadminjrib: and this one does what?16:45
jribtheadmin: otherwise it will go forever16:45
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: My hard drive is 80 GB, my external hdd is 500 GB.16:46
coz_humblelinuxusr,  when the live cd starts it should have an options to check the cd for errors16:46
InsomniaqueMy laptop's was 500 GB before it asploded. >_>16:46
maginottheAdib, no, you need to use count option them, dd if=/dev/zero of=somefile bs=1024 count=116:46
maginottheadmin, wrong nick ^16:46
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  ive rarely had problems..  i do find that making a bootable usb flash drive. instad of an cd. seems to install beter for me most of the time16:46
coz_humblelinuxusr,  also when downloading a cd  there is a checksum you could run with md5sum to be sure the download is not corrupted16:46
jribtheadmin: you're saying take 1024 bytes at a time from the /dev/zero file until the end, but /dev/zero has no end :)16:46
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  well didn't do that, but after the install the system worked so nice...until updates....and when updating i had a power crash16:46
obiwan_np coz_ hehe16:46
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest88612
theadminjrib: Yah, the infinite pit, this /dev/zero is16:47
maginotjrib, that make a file with the disk size, you need count option like I said16:47
coz_obiwan_,  i dont blame you for uninstalling pulse... I done use it here at all16:47
jribmaginot: right16:47
Curly_QInsomniaque what is the size of your SWAP file?16:47
humblelinuxusrcoz_, turned back on my laptop and pow, only ubuntu logo and it stops at it.....nothing else16:47
Dr_Willisive seen some guides on 'simpiler' ways to disable pulse. with out 'uninstalling' pulse.16:47
maginottheadmin, jrib /dev/zero output zeros infinitively16:48
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  you updated while on battery? or was it plugged into the wall?16:48
coz_humblelinuxusr,  ok put in the live cd and run the cd check16:48
theadminmaginot: And /dev/null outputs nothing at all %)16:48
StevePutnamI have a problem with locking my screen, sometimes when i enter a correct password it says "checking" and never lets me in. After it times out it will let me try again, about 5 mins or so. Any ideas?16:48
maginottheadmin, to make a blank cd imagine you can use dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/disk.img bs=1M count=409616:48
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  it's the 6 time i format my laptop hdd...in this way i will have a dead hdd in no time:(as my laptop is brand new16:48
maginottheadmin, I mean, a blank disk16:49
Dr_Williswhy would someone need a blank cd image?16:49
theadminmaginot: huh, why do you set count to 4096? Craziness16:49
humblelinuxusrDr_Willis, plugged into wall only16:49
coz_humblelinuxusr,  i am not asking you to reformat the cd  just run the cd check from the live cd16:49
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  seems odd that  it lost power if its a laptop. Battery was dead?16:49
jribDr_Willis: riaa?16:49
Z4ckHi i need help with grub16:49
coz_humblelinuxusr,  rather I am not asking for you to reformat the drive16:49
wejickZ4ck: whats ur problem16:50
geekphreakZ4ck: ask16:50
coz_Z4ck,  what is the issue?16:50
Curly_QStevePutnam when you are able to log into your box, make sure you check the screen saver settings and timout settings. It may be set to a very high security setting.16:50
humblelinuxusrDr_Willis,  no battery only wall plug....i had problems with my electric current...and everything went down16:50
maginottheadmin, I don't know, 4gb? I dvd could handle that =)16:50
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  i know but i have to do it again, since ubuntu won't start16:50
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  Thats one of the many reasons that UPS's are sold.16:50
Z4ckwejick, how can config the grub version that comes with ubuntu 9.1016:50
theadminmaginot: That's actually 4 MB, no?16:50
obiwan_coz_: i'm really mad at sound in karmic, i'm just really fed up of it. problems on the internet, problems with totem, problems with evyerthing sound related. I got just alsa installed in my gentoo and works like a charm, and it used too in jaunty. BUt now it's a terrible thing and i just want listen to some hecking dire straits music while working, but for tux' sake i cant and ...well i'm feeling like killing somebody haha16:51
coz_humblelinuxusr,  thats fine but if you run the cd check and it is corrupt you dont want to install with that cd16:51
maginottheadmin, no, 1M x 4096 = 1024 x 409616:51
humblelinuxusrDr_Willis,  i know but i can't afford one... i bearlly bought myself a  laptop:(16:51
InsomniaqueCurly_Q: I'm not sure, why?16:51
theadminmaginot: But it's in kilobytes, no? I mean, the count parameter16:51
geekphreakZ4ck:  what actually are you trying to do?16:51
wejickZ4ck: little googling will help you16:51
coz_obiwan_,  same here ... I have to compile alsa for my sound card anyway since pulse doesn support it16:51
maginottheadmin, actually just did the calc: 1048576 x 409616:51
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  ok i will....if you format your hdd for many times...will something bad happen to it?16:52
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  best thing to do - would be use live cd.. backup your imporntant data/configs. and reinstall16:52
Z4ckgeekphreak,  to make it clear i already have ubuntu installed on target machine but  i have the need to also have windows xp installed16:52
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  will i lose my warranty?16:52
maginottheadmin, in the end you have 4096MB16:52
coz_humblelinuxusr,  well  eventually it will wear out  but no you wont lose warranty16:52
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  it may be hard to 'repair' or it may not be hard to fix.. totally depends on what got messed up when the power went out16:52
theadminhm something way wtfish is going on here16:53
Curly_QOblwan don't despair. It may be just a simple solution. First of all you need to check your speakers for ohmic values first and do a Technical inspection of the electronics. Then from that point on, your sound card may not be compatible with your system.16:53
Dr_Willishumblelinuxusr:  a warrenty that it broken by reformating a HD. isent much of a warrenty16:53
theadminoh never mind XD messed up the package name16:53
obiwan_coz_: but do you need to compile alsa ? i thought it's enough just removing pulseaudio16:53
coz_Dr_Willis,  :)16:53
coz_obiwan_,  I personally have to compile it for my card16:53
themusic1od1n'ow gdm-greeter isn't showing up16:53
maginottheadmin, if you got interest, you may take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_%28Unix%29 is a good material16:53
geekphreakZ4ck: if you install xp now, it will wash of gru, should have installed windows first16:53
geekphreakPici:  got link to dual boot?16:54
ArtiiiHi to all16:54
coz_Artiii,  hey guy16:54
obiwan_coz_: i removed pulseaudio and just in case, i have just reinstalled alsa, and still sound won't work, i set up alsamixer at top sound (unmuted ofc), and it doesn't sound.16:54
RyanPDoes anyone know where I might be able to get some help on webmin?16:54
coz_obiwan_,  which sound card do you have ?16:55
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  ohh....i have a 3 year warranty....i was scared if formating to many times i will lose my hdd ....that's why i was so nervous....that i lose warranty too...16:55
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  thanks16:55
dr3mrohello , windows 7 has a feature to create a recovery image of a partition and add a boot option to recover that image if any thing goes wrong .. and create a boot up cd to boot if the system is not bootable and apply the recovery is there something simlilar iin linux world16:55
jrib!webmin | RyanP16:55
ubottuRyanP: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:55
Z4ckgeekphreak, agreed but that wasn't my choice. i would preffer to run linux only16:55
Artiiii have one problem,puted new cam in my pc this is output for lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/411661/ ,but pidgin dosent recogniz it16:55
coz_humblelinuxusr,  no chance the warranty will void if you continually format drive:)16:55
jribdr3mro: partimage, but it's not exactly the same16:55
geekphreakZ4ck:  well , what do you plan to do now?16:55
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:55
geekphreakZ4ck:  install win, then reinstall grub?16:55
Artiiicoz_ Hi16:55
jribdr3mro: or maybe lvm snapshots but I have no experience with that16:56
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  thank you...only if you mess around with the laptop like braking i appart no?16:56
haavarosCan I connect to my ubuntu server with a terminal server somehow? VNC is sooo slow16:56
Artiiii have one problem,puted new cam in my pc this is output for lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/411661/ ,but pidgin dosent recogniz it how can i fix this,can someone help me?16:56
obiwan_coz_: an intel chipset one16:56
coz_humblelinuxusr,  well you dont want to take the laptop apart16:56
dr3mrojrib, any other ideas .. its realy good feature specially for noobs16:56
ZykoticK9haavaros, SSH for command line connections16:56
switch10_haavaros: ssh16:56
coz_obiwan_,   there is a way to compile t his for your card...you will have to find which card it is specifically let me see if I can find a good how to16:57
obiwan_coz_: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller16:57
Z4ckgeekphreak, that is what i want. but don't now how to install grub again, only have the one that comes with ubuntu karmic cd16:57
dr3mrojrib, if any thin goes wrong just do a repair from  grum menu and system is back again16:57
haavarosZykoticK9: Yeah, I do that mostly, but for some tasks I'd like a gui16:57
humblelinuxusrcoz_,  hehe, i was just saying:)no no way i will brake it into small pieces, thanks:)16:57
obiwan_coz_: but it works16:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:57
obiwan_coz_: if i restart, it works16:57
coz_obiwan_,  oh ok neverminde then :)16:57
obiwan_coz_: it'sj ust it gets a mess when i run some sound things16:57
Z4ckgeekphreak, sorry for the english16:57
ZykoticK9haavaros, you can check out freenx - never used it myself, but I hear/read that it's a faster vnc16:57
geekphreakZ4ck:  install windows, if you have alternate version of cd, then just use rescue mode, else you will have to run some commands :)16:57
RyanPFreenx is pretty amazing.16:58
coz_obiwan_,  oh ok  ...then you might want to go to the #alsa channel and maybe speak with crimson16:58
geekphreakZ4ck:  which ubuntu version you got16:58
jribdr3mro: well, in linux world, just have your /home on a separate partition.  It's rare for anything to go horribly wrong, but if it does, just grab your install disk and reinstal.  When you boot with your old home, everything will be the same.  (User configuration is kept in /home away from system stuff)16:58
Z4ckgeekphreak, karmic16:58
obiwan_ok i'll try there coz_  tyvm bro16:58
zambai have a problem with oidentd in karmic not binding to the ipv6 interface.. this works just fine in intrepid with identical configuration.. any idea?16:58
switch10_haavaros: why not mount the remote drive and use it like a local drive?  Then you can use Nautilus to drag and drop16:58
vinzzzbye here16:58
dr3mroi have an idea ... to have a tar file with all root / without the /home and a tar with all dot files on /home and a script that extract those files and add this script to the grub menu ... any one help me with that16:59
FallenSparrowwow is caffeine to prevent ubuntu from falling asleep while wathhcing movies, shoudlnt thhat be an option anyways.16:59
FallenSparrowi coudl never get my ubuntu to "stay away" for an entire movie16:59
geekphreakZ4ck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:59
haavarosswitch10_: I guess that would work, thx16:59
switch10_FallenSparrow: totem does it by default.17:00
jribdr3mro: it's a silly idea imo.  Just have /home on a separate partition and make backups of your important things (/msg ubottu backups)17:00
switch10_FallenSparrow: I think there is an option somewhere in VLC..17:00
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  VLC defainatly has that option.. im pretty sure its enabled by default17:00
dr3mrojrib, sometimes my system just get failing and error emerge from installing a bad app and there is no system retore in ubuntu and if it goes wrong why we don't have this option17:01
FallenSparrownever worked for me17:01
jribdr3mro: when was the last time that happened and how?17:01
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  its possible its the POWER saving settings that may be kicking in.. not the screensaver17:01
jribdr3mro: you can do whatever you want of course but I don't see it as that useful17:02
FallenSparrowyea tat is the key, but i cannot disable it, even throughi have changed teh option a million time17:02
FallenSparrowits a desktop btw17:02
switch10_Dr_Willis: FallenSparrow:  yes...17:02
ubuntuwhen upgrading from Xubuntu 9.01 to 10.04 had a HD power failure at last moment and GRUB wasn't created, now I'm booting by Pendrive and have the HD connect, how can I fix that?17:03
switch10_FallenSparrow: which settings are you changing?17:03
jrib!lucid | ubuntu17:03
ubottuubuntu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:03
themusic1od1ubuntu: /sbin/grub-update or something?17:03
dr3mrojrib, last time my system was unstable because i added alot of untrusted ppas and i got all time errors and most of my apps not working any more even when i created a new user an wiped my /home i had to reinstall and it take me a day to download the packages again on slow internet connection .. would it be a good idea to have a repai option17:03
Curly_QDr Willis I agree. The screen saver has power shut down just as Windows does. It is a nuisance with Windows users and if it is a DUAL boot system the power saver  is a potential problem.17:04
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  ive also seen where people disable the screensaver.. then think the powersaver is a screensaver.. its a seperate thing. (i always disable it) :)17:04
FallenSparrowwhat am i doing wrong17:04
tannerany idea why on the live cd ubuntu detects my video card but suddenly, after installing, it does not?17:04
FallenSparrowsays mount point /mnt/dev does nto exits17:05
jribdr3mro: right, you shouldn't really enable unofficial repositories you don't trust.  Other than the methods I've already mentioned, I don't know of other ways to have something like a "restore" option17:05
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Curly_QDr Willis I fully agree with you. I have seen that as well.17:05
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  what are yo trying to do? you sure you dont have a typo in the command?17:05
jribFallenSparrow: well, does it exist?17:05
ubuntu/sbin/grub-ipdate is absent17:05
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  you Must make mountpoint dirs.. befor mounting things to them17:05
theadminit's update-grub17:05
Curly_QIt also might be a BIOS setting as well.17:05
switch10_dr3mro: repair option?  back up /etc/apt/sources.list before editing....  problem solved.17:05
jonihi all :)17:06
jribubuntu: if you are using the development version of ubuntu (10.04), please use #ubuntu+1 for support17:06
schnittl4uchhello, is there a way to set the window identifier manually? using karmic17:06
geekphreaklater peeps17:06
ubuntucan I run that from pendrive under 0.01?17:06
FallenSparrowcannot find deivce for / wheni try to update17:06
jonidoes anyone know why netbook-launcher is hogging all of my cpu all the time :(17:06
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jrib!away > bigjb_gone17:07
ubottubigjb_gone, please see my private message17:07
Curly_QDr Willis when I sit in all of my CISCO classes, I have learned the infrastructure and net vernacular that there are 7 layers to the IP protocol. The most basic but most important is the Physical Layer which means wires, hardware, and cables, batteries etc.17:09
tannerany idea why on the live cd ubuntu detects my video card but suddenly, after installing, it does not?17:09
schnittl4uchi'm trying to use projectM-pulseaudio as my desktop-background via shantz' xwinwrap, but i'm stuck with seting the WID for projectM-pulseaudio. i can't find any documentation for it, so i need to know if i can change the WID for projectM-pulseaudio in another way?17:10
switch10_tanner: are you using 9.10?17:10
itheosi dont want to enter password everytime i try to mount a partition. what to do?17:10
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tannerswitch10_: yes.17:10
jribitheos: do you want it to automatically be mounted on boot?17:11
itheosthat would be awesome jrib17:11
jrib!fstab | itheos17:11
ubottuitheos: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:11
ownlifeI need the drivers for my harddrive to slipstream into an xp bootable, is there a program to make that happen?17:11
itheosah thanks :)17:11
Curly_QTanner try an apt-get update and see if that works.17:11
ownlifeI just need the drivers17:11
tannerCurly_Q: i did. same deal17:11
tannernvidia-detector returns 'none' when clearly the card is visible via lspci17:12
erUSULownlife: hard drives do not need drivers17:12
switch10_tanner: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:12
tannerswitch10_: already done that.17:12
Curly_QTanner try going to the website directly and see if there is a Linux apt-get support install for that particular video card.17:12
FallenSparrowanyone i cant get this to work.  i am following the steps of the guide and nto working17:12
schnittl4uchi guess no-one can help me with my problem, seems like i have to stay with a simple background image :(17:13
ownlifeerUSUL:  Sir - the lack of SATA drivers on the standard XP bootable prevents me from installing xp on my SATA harddrives17:13
jrib!helpme | schnittl4uch17:13
ubottuschnittl4uch: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:13
Airellsis there any specific room for ubuntu beta version?17:13
ownlifeAlso, all hardware needs drivers17:13
jribownlife: ##windows for windows support17:13
erUSULownlife: that's an issue for ##windows17:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:13
jribFallenSparrow: ask a more specific question17:13
ownlifeThis is outside of windows, I just need the drivers from Ubuntu17:13
jribAirells: #ubuntu+117:14
FallenSparrowfollowing the guide i pasted17:14
jribownlife: they are in the kernel.17:14
FallenSparrowtrying to repair grub.  for dual boot windos and linux17:14
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:14
Airellsjrib thx17:14
RealKillazHi anyone in here using the network-manager-ptpp?17:14
ownlifeThanks for the help17:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:14
jribFallenSparrow: unless you're talking to someone by addressing them, this channel has a 1-line memory. Are you following the wiki's guide/17:15
switch10_ownlife: you are misinformed.17:15
jribRealKillaz: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:15
arandFallenSparrow: The wiki guide, which step is failing?17:15
FallenSparrowsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt works17:15
FallenSparrowbut teh next does not17:15
xompthat's such a lude web address17:15
jribFallenSparrow: why aren't you following the wiki guide?17:15
RealKillazI've been using this in previous Ubuntu and now it is not connecting anymore17:15
Curly_QFallenSparrow, is your box a single partition or do you have separate logical partitions? That should answer your question.17:15
Lord_Chewbakkahow do i change VideoMemorySize of wine?17:16
FallenSparrowi only have pysical partitions17:16
RealKillazI had a VPN PTPP connection and since I moved to Ubuntu version 9.10 it is broken17:16
jribLord_Chewbakka: try ##winehq17:16
jrib!who | FallenSparrow17:16
ubottuFallenSparrow: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:16
RealKillazI can not connect anymore using this VPN protocol...17:16
arandFallenSparrow: any specific error?17:16
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FallenSparrowarand: filedoes nto exist17:17
Curly_QFallenSparrow, If you have a single partition for your box, that is your mistake. It is best to segregate the hard drive by dividing logically partitions for Windows and Linux.17:17
=== F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRT
FallenSparrowno i have a partition for linux and one for windows, as well as one for linux swap i am sorry17:18
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Curly_QYou told us something else earlier.17:18
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switch10_FallenSparrow: and what exactly are you trying to do?17:18
Curly_QSo now did you install Windows first on your DUAL boot system or Linux?17:19
FallenSparrowwindows first curly17:19
Airellshave you noticed any problem with GF 102M on beta version ?17:19
jribAirells: #ubuntu+1 for help with lucid17:19
switch10_FallenSparrow: sudo fdisk -l    will list your partition table.17:19
arandFallenSparrow: You may be trying to mount the windows partition, are you sure you are using the right sda#17:20
FallenSparrowwow....i think that is it17:20
Curly_QFallenSparrow, I see. Windows has the propensity to take over the MBR, ie. Master Boot Record. Linux puts its own stuff where it wants.17:21
bjarkefHmm, no #ubuntu+2. Where do we discuss the Meerkat? ;)17:21
FallenSparrowany clue if lucid may fix this make windows adn linux play nice17:21
paraplegicpandaOkay, I'm at it again today. Every time I press the W key it opens Nautilus. It just started yesterday morning after I booted up my box.17:21
FallenSparrowwhen i run fdisk -l nothign happens17:21
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  add a sudo to the front17:21
switch10_FallenSparrow: sudo fdisk -l17:22
jribparaplegicpanda: interesting.  Create a new user and see if it still happens17:22
switch10_or sudo !!17:22
paraplegicpandajrib: Good call, I'll try that.17:22
FallenSparrowomgg.  thsi is makign me mad whatis teh default user onj linux live disc. i logged out17:22
paraplegicpandajrib: brb17:22
ZykoticK9switch10_, nice "sudo !!" is SO handy :)17:22
jribFallenSparrow: ubuntu17:22
dr3mrook how to create a tar file with all dot files and olders in my  home17:22
FallenSparrownno pass ok thank you17:23
switch10_ZykoticK9?  yup I use it everyday :)17:23
jribdr3mro: tar cf file.tar.gz ~/.*    I guess...17:23
jribdr3mro: tar cf file.tar ~/.*    I guess...17:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:24
bjarkefdr3mro: You could just tar up the entire home folder, including the folder name: cd /home; tar -jcf user.tar.bz2 user/17:24
skinoEvening All. Im having Some issues with Nautilus. Its stopped starting up on Boot... If i try Run it in Terminal i Get http://paste.ubuntu.com/411620/ also i cant right click on desktop and theres no icons.17:25
jribbjarkef: he only wants ~/.* I think17:25
FallenSparrowyes i was picking wrong sda#17:26
FallenSparrowomg im a tool17:26
bjarkefjrib: He said all dot files and folders, I guess that is everything in the home folder except files directly in the home folder. Will be a bit more tricky ... ;)17:26
FallenSparrowi just wnat my ssd dual boot to work....jeez17:26
jribbjarkef: I think he meant all dot (files and folders) but maybe you are right.  Only dr3mro knows for sure :)17:26
jribbjarkef: we'll never know now!17:27
Kuifje111hi.. I think something's wrong. when I run an application and use htop it shows or ps aux it shows the cpu usage under the MEM% tab. any reason why this is happening?17:27
bjarkefjrib: That would make sense.17:27
bjarkefjrib: I guess he got what he wanted.17:27
FallenSparrowok my dual boot does nto work.  even thouugh i was able to reinsatll grub17:28
jribKuifje111: weird terminal size?17:28
FallenSparrownever opens grub17:28
FallenSparrowjust straight to ubuntu17:28
paraplegicpandajrib: Yep, still happens on a new user.17:28
switch10_FallenSparrow: did you run update-grub?17:28
Kuifje111jrib: dont think thats it, because when I sort by CPU% it doesnt go up, but when I sort by MEM% it does.17:29
jribparaplegicpanda: you're sure no malicious user was on your system setting up some global keybinding?17:29
FallenSparrowi have rebooted do i ahve to do teh whole proceess over THEN update17:29
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coz_FallenSparrow,  run sudo update-grub  and reboot to see if that works17:29
jribKuifje111: you are using gnome-terminal?17:29
=== HEHEHEHEHEHEH is now known as CaptainTrek
skinoEvening All. Im having Some issues with Nautilus. Its stopped starting up on Boot... If i try Run it in Terminal i Get http://paste.ubuntu.com/411620/ also i cant right click on desktop and theres no icons.17:30
Kuifje111jrib: headless machine terminal via ssh.17:30
skinosorry for repost just incase wasnt seen before17:30
switch10_FallenSparrow: what?  grub is not detecting your other OS.  You need to get it to.  update grub will do it for you17:30
jribKuifje111: how does nautilus open?17:30
jribKuifje111: erm, sorry.  wrong issue :)17:30
FallenSparrowsudo it doesnt show that it found windows image17:30
CaptainTrekskino: you've got a seg fault17:30
FallenSparrowonly linux,. initrd and memtest17:30
CaptainTrekskino: might run a check on your drive17:30
jribKuifje111: what terminal emulator are you using on the remote machine?17:31
coz_skino,  did you install the current dropbox?17:31
paraplegicpandaOf course I'm not positive, but as far as I know no one that would know how to use linux has been in my apartment. There is only one other person with access to my wireless network and they're clueless as well.17:31
FallenSparrowgrub still doe snto loat17:31
FallenSparrownot load17:31
jribparaplegicpanda: so shift-w does it right?17:31
Kuifje111jrib: I am not sure what you mean. sshd? /bin/bash?17:31
jribKuifje111: where are you typing "ssh blah"?17:32
coz_skino, be back later17:32
skinoDrives should Be ok... DRopbox current is installed ye17:32
skinoi think lol17:32
paraplegicpandajrib: Nope, just "w". Holding the Shift key keeps it from happening.17:32
Kuifje111jrib: putty?17:32
jribKuifje111: ok.  See if it happens without putty17:32
switch10_skino: I have had this same problem.  Im trying to remember how I fixed it.... one sec17:32
skinoi just got something else now 2 secs while i pastebin17:33
jribparaplegicpanda: hmm, try hitting 'w' in the xev window and look for anything interesting17:33
paraplegicpandaxev window?17:33
jribparaplegicpanda: run « xev », it will pop up a window with a box17:33
skinogot this now17:34
jribparaplegicpanda: the weird thing is I don't know of a default keyboard shortcut for nautilus (I thought maybe your keyboard was sending the wrong signal).  Does the 'w' still get typed by the way?17:35
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m4jh0lis there a gtk interface for the iptables ??17:35
jribm4jh0l: you probably want gufw17:35
airtonixjrib, i think it is super + e17:35
paraplegicpandajrib: Yeah, the w still types, it just opens Nautilus as well. Here's the output from xev - http://paste.ubuntu.com/411687/17:36
m4jh0lbut gufw donot forward17:36
Genei have a wireless keyboard and mouse, usb,, the comp acknowledges it, and uses it for bios, then when grub comes on it doesn't work, and then when ubuntu comes on it works again17:36
Genecan't use the keyboard to select os17:36
Geneyou think there's a way to fix that?17:36
m4jh0li mean port forwarding17:36
jribparaplegicpanda: can you check that windows+e opens nautilus?17:36
switch10_skino: have you tried killing nautilus?17:36
student_how are17:36
student_ u17:36
skinoye few times... tells me no process found17:36
paraplegicpandajrib: It does not.17:36
FallenSparrowgrub says at the end, cannot find list of partitions17:36
Genehello student17:36
jribparaplegicpanda: hmm, do you have a spare keyboard handy?17:37
m4jh0ljrib:but the gufw donot port forward and what i need is the port forward17:37
jribm4jh0l: maybe firestarter?17:37
paraplegicpandajrib: Unfortunately no, but I'm pretty sure it's not the keyboard since it didn't happen in the livedisc.17:37
jribparaplegicpanda: ah17:37
m4jh0lok i will try it thanks alot17:38
truckerm4jh0l: shorewall lets you port forward, very easy to set up17:38
paraplegicpandajrib: The only two default keyboard shortcuts with W in them I've found are Ctrl+W to close the Nautilus in focus and Ctrl+Shift+W to close all Nautilus windows.17:38
m4jh0ltrucker:thanks alot man17:38
Jadozais it possible to bring 'disowned' processes back up, to see outputs/messages etc?17:39
jribparaplegicpanda: wild goose chase, but check if xbindkeys is running17:39
pontus_nilssonAny tips on a good video editing software for Ubuntu?17:39
truckerm4jh0l: it is not GUI though17:39
jribpontus_nilsson: pitivi, kino are two17:39
switch10_skino: I experienced the exact same problem on 8.10.  I can't remember how i did it now, sorry.17:39
pontus_nilssonjrib: Thank you17:40
jribskino, switch10_: have you guys checked the permissions on the directory it mentions?17:40
Genei have a wireless keyboard and mouse, usb,, the comp acknowledges it, and uses it for bios, then when grub comes on it doesn't work, and then when ubuntu comes on it works again ...can't use the keyboard to select os....you think there's a way to fix that?17:40
skinonope dunno how too lol17:41
jribswitch10_, skino: wait, I see now the file doesn't exist.  So figure out what should create /var/lib/samba/usershares/17:41
obiwan_guys, is there any way to disable the beep you get when pressing rise/lower sound keys?17:41
obiwan_it's really annoying hehe17:41
FallenSparrowok i had to google adding windows to grub17:41
FallenSparrowabout to reboot adn see if ti works17:42
truckerobiwan_: system-preferences-sound17:42
paraplegicpandajrib: Nope, no xbindkeys.17:42
nach0sHi all... I would like to know if there is a client to connect to a Exchange 2007 server.... The Evolution client only support exchange 5.5 and 2003... any idea ? thanks!17:42
skinojrib: sorry to sound an idiot but im completly new to Linux sop i have no idea17:43
Geneas far as adding windows to grub,,, the way i did it was to go to ubuntu and reload grub17:43
schweegigood afternoon :(17:43
schweegi* :)17:43
obiwan_trucker: i can't do it that way17:43
Kuifje111how do I scroll down with top?17:43
obiwan_gnome-volume-control-applet doesn't work17:43
jribskino: is samba installed?17:43
skinoerrr i dunno lol17:43
skinoold on il check17:43
m4jh0ltrucker:it is okay thanks for your support17:43
robertzaccouri tried to change the color of the taskbars but only part of the taskbar changes color. the menu parts don't change17:43
jribparaplegicpanda: can you think of any possibility other than some daemon is catching 'w' and deciding to execute nautilus?17:44
truckerobiwan_: your welcome17:44
obiwan_:P trucker hehe17:44
FallenSparrowok grub loads but no winsows. even though this time it said adding windows17:44
skinojrib: samba is now installed17:45
jribskino: still get the error?17:45
robertzaccourhow do i change the color of the entire taskbar and not just the empty part?17:45
paraplegicpandajrib: Nope. Crucialhoax and I were trying to figure it out yesterday. The closest we came was a project of mine using GizmoD a few weeks ago, but we got rid of all of the config files and such, nothing is left from it. Other than that, there's not really anything other than Compiz that could be catching my keys. Already checked Compiz, too.17:46
jribrobertzaccour: art.gnome.org has a tutorial on creating gtk themes if that's what you are looking for17:46
icerootrobertzaccour: the color is controlled by the theme and not an extra option imo17:46
jribparaplegicpanda: if you switch to metacity does it still happen?  The weird thing is it's not user-specific17:46
paraplegicpandajrib: Also went through gconf to see if any of the keybinding things in there were set up to do it, but I couldn't find anything.17:46
paraplegicpandaLet me give that a try.17:46
mattishis there an easy way to tell what parameters a module is loaded with ?17:47
robertzaccourjrib, i don't understand complicated script editing. is there a simple way?17:47
jribrobertzaccour: it's just text files, no scripts.  I don't know of another way17:47
paraplegicpandajrib: Yep, still happens in Metacity17:47
skinojrib: im getting the following now http://paste.ubuntu.com/411692/17:47
jribparaplegicpanda: what if... you don't use gnome?17:48
jribskino: but nautilus still loads?17:48
skinojrib: doesnt get past that nautilus-gdu extention17:48
paraplegicpandajrib: good question. I'll try installing KDE.17:48
skinoye but as soon as i close Terminal it closes again17:48
jribparaplegicpanda: or just use something like fluxbox if you don't want to pull kde in17:48
FallenSparrowannyone understand why windows didnt show in my grub menu17:48
skinoand so far this has only solved the problem just temporary sorts it each time im on the PC....17:49
paraplegicpandajrib: I suppose I could do that... Fluxbox isn't on the 9.10 disc, is it?17:49
robertzaccouri mean the color behind the applications places system on the left and behind the icons to the right, i don't know how to change the background color17:49
switch10_FallenSparrow: because you have yet to run sudo update-grub???17:49
skinojrib: i just used Alt-F2 to run nautilus and its opened without TErminal...17:50
skinohope it stays that way lol17:50
m4jh0lis guidedog good for the portforwarding ??17:50
haavarosWeird ... I have accessed my server via sftp, and there are two different folders with exactly the same permissions, but I can't make folders in one of them. How do I fix this?17:51
m4jh0li have tried it but it seems that the action works only on my machine17:51
jribparaplegicpanda: it's not17:51
paraplegicpandajrib: Kk, I'm downloading it. I'll let you know what happens17:52
skinojrib: thanks for help17:52
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m4jh0ljrib:is guidedog good for the portforwarding ??17:54
m4jh0ljrib:but is seems that the guidedog work only for the local machine and the rules and for the all network17:55
tanneris anyone using the ps3 remote with boxee?17:56
Curly_QObiwan the beep can be disabled in the BIOS.17:56
chazcoHi... i've got a duel-boot laptop running Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10. Since daylight saving changed the Ubuntu clock has been wrong. Changing it will correct it until the next reboot. Windows 7 appears to be correct all the time. Any ideas on how to fix this?17:56
jribm4jh0l: i'm not familiar with it.  What is it that you want to forward exactly?17:56
robertzaccourok i used clearlooks theme and was able to change everything except the color of the window border17:57
FallenSparrowhow do i fix to many menuentires for "7" in grub217:58
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switch10_FallenSparrow: you can remove old kernels in synaptic.  I dont know what you mean by 7..17:58
bobo123I installed a second copy of ubuntu (that I dont use) when my windows-fiddling destroyed the grub2-menu for this one. So now that second ubuntu have the grub2menu. How do I get the grub2menu back to this ubuntu-installation? (so I can detele the other partition)17:58
bobo123yeah I should deleting the old kernel-lines in the grub2menu too... later17:59
sycosoMy PC switches of sometimes since I have a new graphic card. Maybe because it doensn't have enough power. but before I buy a new power supply: Is it possible to check that?18:00
switch10_sycoso: you would need a multimeter..18:00
switch10_sycoso: or bring it into a shop..18:00
TEEDEVhi ubuntu users.18:00
sycososo it's not possible to do it with software?18:01
truckersycoso: i had the same problem...i went into bios @ boot to power tab and added all the watts up, did not have enough.18:01
switch10_sycoso: is it possible that heat is causing the problem?18:01
Curly_QChazco how old is the computer and how old is the battery. The battery may be either low or dead. One of the first ways to detect it is by re-booting the computer. If the computer re-boots and the time has changed that is an indication that the battery is low or dead.18:01
chazcoCurly_Q - Its a fairly new netbook... the time is correct in Windows, just Ubuntu is wrong18:02
TEEDEVme is have many problem.18:02
robertzaccourhow do i change the color of the window boreders?18:02
m4jh0ljrib:well i have a router and it block the connection from the www,and what i wanna do is when any one try to connect to me from outside the network on the port 23 i wanna him to be redirected to me18:02
Curly_QChazco set the TIME in the BIOS first then see what happens.18:02
sycososwitch10_: I dont think so... it isn't hot18:02
jribm4jh0l: that's something you need to do on the router18:03
Aciidis it possible to get Power Manager to show. Time to empty -> Data Length: All Time18:03
AciidI only have "1 Week"18:03
switch10_bobo123: im not sure I understand your question fully, but to restore enries in Grub2 use sudo update-grub18:03
m4jh0ljrib:the router donot forward but it assign an port to a specific ip-adress18:03
TEEDEVmany internet browser is have many crash.18:04
switch10_m4jhol:  yes you need to forward the port18:04
TEEDEVhelp me¡18:05
doolphanyone know a small, fast smtp relay server18:05
geekphreakevening folks18:05
dhendrixI totally suck with Debian's package management system... Can someone point me toward a doc that explains how to recompile a program with added options? Specifically, I need to recompile git-core with USE_CURL_MULTI.18:05
m4jh0ljrib:the iptbales do the work but it is kind of hard i tried alot,but a couldn't understand the way it work so i could not deal with it sorry for the bather :)18:05
guntbert!th | TEEDEV18:06
ubottuTEEDEV: Please see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.18:06
jribdhendrix: see ubottu, but edit debian/rules18:06
jrib!source | dhendrix18:06
ubottudhendrix: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:06
dhendrixjrib:  thanks!18:06
jribdhendrix: sometimes (always?) there are environment variables that you can use when you run the command to rebuild the package, but I don't remember what they are atm18:07
paraplegicpandajrib: It doesn't do it in Fluxbox. I'm installing KDE right now to test it in there.18:07
Kuifje111what does the red bar at the cpu utilization graph mean in htop?18:07
paraplegicpandajrib: I'm assuming that if it doesn't do it in KDE I should reinstall Gnome?18:07
TEEDEVme is try 4 internet browser but, is crash same.18:08
jribparaplegicpanda: I don't think renistalling will do anything18:08
geekphreakTEEDEV: which browser?18:08
truckerm4jh0l:I will help you set up shorewall if you want, i can do it for u and u just need to install it and put the fies in18:09
obiwan_Curly_Q: it's a system sound18:09
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TEEDEVgeekphreak: FF mindfield swiftfox seamonkey18:09
obiwan_Curly_Q: when i press the raise / lower sound keys, the sound is emitted by ubuntu not by the bios18:09
geekphreakTEEDEV: all browsers crash ?18:10
geekphreakTEEDEV: which ubuntu version?18:10
geekphreakhave you tried creating ne profile?18:10
Curly_QObiwan that reminds me of what is called a buffer overflow. There is the possibility that you or someone spilled liquid on the keyboard or it just may be that you may try another keyboard.18:11
dacresnihow do i get setuptools (easy_install) or pip on ubuntu jeos18:11
bobo123switch10_: well it is not the entries that is wrong, it is that the scond ubuntu-installtion that I have on another partition "owns" the grub2-menu. I want this ubuntuinstallations partitions /boot/grub/ to be used instead18:11
TEEDEVgeekphreak: i try it but, it same18:12
geekphreakTEEDEV:  open terminal plz, lets try something18:12
obiwan_i know because if it was the bios, it would emit it by the speakers, but conversely, the sound outputs off headphones and it varies depending on how much volume is currently on. When i raise from 0, it's low, and it keeps ascending , so when i'm about 100%, it's quite hard18:12
TEEDEVgeekphreak segmentation fault18:13
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TEEDEVand other18:13
geekphreakTEEDEV: segmentation fault on opening terminal?18:13
tanneris anyone using the ps3 remote with boxee?18:14
Curly_QObiwan not true. If the computer speaker is beeping then it is not the speakers. It is the computer speaker. Now having said that, if you are getting these so-called beeps from your external speakers then check the volume controls first.18:14
geekphreaklol ok18:14
BlessJahhi, i want to create video stream that would be recocnized as a camera using movie file18:14
geekphreakTEEDEV:  press alt+f218:14
geekphreakTEEDEV:  what comes up, plz tell me18:14
BlessJahis it possible?18:14
m4jh0ljrid:thanks alot man look i have installed the shorewall and what i wanna do is that forward any connection tries to the router will go to18:14
paraplegicpandajrib: So do you have any suggestions? The last thing I want to do is stop using Gnome, I prefer it WAY over KDE...18:15
m4jh0ljrib:knowing that my ip is and the router ip
Curly_QIt is also possible that your sound card is misconfigured via the software.18:15
jribparaplegicpanda: did you end up testing kde?18:15
BlessJahparaplegicpanda: try openbox18:15
jribm4jh0l: afaik this is to be done on the router18:15
BlessJahparaplegicpanda: than u can tell why kde is bad18:15
obiwan_Curly_Q: i get the sound from my speakers when i'm using the speakrs. when i'm on my headphones, i get the sound from my headphones. I remember when i had a pc tower, the bios sounds were emitted from the inside, not from speakers/headphones. So i think it comes from ubuntu, not the motherboard18:16
geekphreakkde is good :)18:16
m4jh0ljrib:afaik what is that?18:16
BlessJahgeekphreak: openbox is much better </flame>18:16
jribm4jh0l: as far as i know18:16
geekphreakm4jh0l:  as far as i know18:16
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Curly_QObiwan that explanation makes it much more clear now.18:16
geekphreakjrib:  man ur fast :p18:16
obiwan_oh sry Curly_Q if i didn't express myself well hehe18:17
jribgeekphreak: :)18:17
geekphreakBlessJah: :)18:17
BlessJahgeekphreak: 10 seconds here18:17
paraplegicpandajrib: KDE is downloading right now. I'll try OpenBox when it's done. Won't hurt to have all of the other desktop environments available.18:17
obiwan_Curly_Q: so you know any way to disable that sound? i completely disabled the "ubuntu sounds" in the sound preferences but sitll get that18:17
BlessJahso now u can tell me, how to create video stream, that would be recognised as a webcam, from a movie file18:17
jribparaplegicpanda: I mean at this point, you just have to take each piece of software that you are running in gnome and eliminate it as the culprit one by one18:17
geekphreakobiwan_: you wana disable theme sound?18:18
devsundarCan you suggest any download manager for ubuntu similar to Freedownload manager18:18
TEEDEVgeekphreak ahh! at tomorow ,me is online onmobile.18:18
geekphreakBlessJah:  i know vlc can stream it online , but can u se that as webcam, i aint sure :)18:18
BlessJahdevsundar: wget is great, but it is CLI, u can try gwget18:18
obiwan_actually that option is a liar, i also get a sound when login splash spawns, but i got rid of that sound from gnome conf. i searched about this sound too, with no success18:18
jribdevsundar: there's a firefox extension called downthemall.  Or try: gwget, aria, or d4x18:18
BlessJahgeekphreak: i need webcam stream18:18
obiwan_geekphreak: i wanna disable the sound you get when you press the raise / lower keyboard keys18:19
obiwan_that middle-high pitch short sound18:19
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geekphreakobiwan_:  you disable sound scheme , but it still plays right?18:19
obiwan_hola/hi Guest52322 :P18:19
Curly_QNo problem Obiwan. Just a point in fact not only for you but also for all of those viewing this conversation. The very first thing any good Technician will do is first inspect the physical hardware such as wires and the like. In CISCO classes it is called: "Physical Layer" Which means any possible hardware item. Next as you said Linux is the cause which means that it is another Layer which could be the Application Layer.18:19
obiwan_yeah geekphreak18:20
geekphreakobiwan_: open sound scheme folder where sound files are, rename the .wav file to .wav.bak18:20
obiwan_all of them?18:20
geekphreakjust rename it to bak, if it wont find the file, it wont play18:20
paraplegicpandajrib: Okay, I'm installing Openbox. I'll start eliminating programs in Gnome while I wait, I suppose.18:20
geekphreaknaaw just 2 of those18:20
digitalicehey, got a brand new server over here, what should i configure first, how do i set the machine name and stuff? it also complains about LOCALE (few things are unset)18:20
obiwan_which geekphreak ?18:20
geekphreakobiwan_: let me see18:20
obiwan_ty :)18:20
jribparaplegicpanda: yeah, open system monitor, and start killing stuff18:20
BlessJahobiwan_: try one by one18:20
obiwan_which dir BlessJah ?18:21
geekphreakobiwan_:  try looking in /usr/share/sounds18:21
jribheh, he started with the irc client...18:21
BlessJahit's the place where doors never closes18:21
Starcraftmaztercan anyome recommend a prog that compresses AVI files while preserving quality well. I have fraps videos of 20-30 secs in AVI format, like 1GB each18:21
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FallenSparrowi need some grub assistance, i am unable to get grub menu to show and to boot into my windows 7 install18:22
Kuifje111Starcraftmazter: try to rar 'em.18:22
jribStarcraftmazter: ffmpeg (I cannot tell you what options you wnat to use with it though)18:22
StarcraftmazterKuifje111: i need to youtube them18:22
Kuifje111ah, ok.18:22
geekphreakFallenSparrow:  ubuntu shows?18:23
truckerStarcraftmazter: tablet-encode18:23
Kuifje111did youtube have a size limit?18:23
BlessJahgeekphreak: could u open VLC? CTRL+S (streaming) and last tab named capture devices or sth similar18:23
Kuifje111only timelimit afaik.18:23
Starcraftmazteri dont know18:23
TEEDEVif me is use WX to develop program it's work?18:23
FallenSparrowgrub menu never loads18:23
geekphreakKuifje111:  try mediacoder , it an convert avi to flv18:23
Starcraftmazterbut im not upload 1GB videos with crappy australian internet18:23
jribTEEDEV: yes?18:23
FallenSparrowi also sometimes get an error saying somethgin like two many titles in menuentry somethigin18:23
obiwan_none of them geekphreak and18:23
geekphreakBlessJah:  let me check18:23
truckerStarcraftmazter: tablet-encode in synaptic, lets you choose compression18:24
Yonut27I have installed Karmic Koala, and have noticed something different from coming from Debian.  When I copy a link in the file manager, and paste it to a terminal window, it uses a url like path (file:///home/my%20home/) instead of the full proper path (/home/my\ home).  Is there any way I can fix this?18:24
* BlessJah allows geekphreak to check18:24
TEEDEVi want to dev karaoke for thai users.18:24
Starcraftmaztertrucker: does it have a gui?18:24
karim_frlhello every body18:24
frooteeis there any way in Ubuntu to play multiple sound files at once, at the click of a button?18:24
BlessJahfrootee: u can make bash script18:24
jribYonut27: this is probably just a version issue with gnome-terminal (I guess)18:25
frooteeBlessJah, could you show me how to do that please18:25
overmindubuntu: Hi, do you need help?18:25
geekphreakBlessJah:  yes the option is there18:25
truckerStarcraftmazter: yes it does and is wicked fast it lets you convert to different formats as well18:25
TEEDEVif me is use WX + perl?18:25
BlessJahfrootee: wait a second18:25
jribTEEDEV: what is your question?18:25
BlessJahgeekphreak: so how can i create device?18:25
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truckerStarcraftmazter: install it and run it from CLI and it will open the gui18:25
Genei have a wireless keyboard and mouse, usb,, the comp acknowledges it, and uses it for bios, then when grub comes on it doesn't work, and then when ubuntu comes on it works again ...can't use the keyboard to select os....you think there's a way to fix that?18:26
BlessJahgeekphreak: video device -> /dev/video123?18:26
Starcraftmaztertrucker: what preset do I choose?18:26
BlessJahfrootee: are they wav files?18:26
TEEDEVif me is use WX + perl it's work?18:26
frooteeBlessJah, yes18:26
jribTEEDEV: your question makes no sense18:26
jrib!th | TEEDEV18:26
ubottuTEEDEV: Please see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.18:26
BlessJahfrootee: make text file #!/bin/bash18:26
BlessJahfrootee: aplay file1.wav & aplay file2.wav & aplay file100.wav &18:27
frooteeBlessJah, type that command in exactly?18:27
geekphreakBlessJah: it aint doing both at same time18:27
truckerStarcraftmazter: depends on what you want...i would try using different ones and see which has the best quality and size18:27
obiwan_guys, i got problems with alsa. it does'nt work with some apps while playing in others. For example, if after playing a youtube video i play something on totem, it says 'muted' and doesn't play anything. Sometimes neither online flash vids nor totem play anything. Everything gets back (for a while) when i reboot.18:27
obiwan_i removed pulseaudio because i had wine sound problems with it18:27
thevishyi need a help , did a pxe install , and managed to install a system thought a bit broken . during pxe installation it failed during apt installation of ubuntu as a desktop option ....and hence seems like apt installation was incomplete18:28
BlessJahgeekphreak: i did not understand18:28
thevishyhowever the installation proceeded and I got a ubuntu system which goes to prompt18:28
frooteeBlessJah, that makes an error18:28
BlessJahfrootee: show me error (query)18:28
geekphreakBlessJah:  i am trying to stream at this time, stream work, but aint showing as device18:28
thevishynow I need to install it as a ubuntu which has all desktop softwares installed including GUI18:28
geekphreakmaybe i am missing something, let me play with it18:28
bobo123whould "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" be enough to move the grub2-menu to this ubuntuinstalltions partition? (currently grub2 use another partition for its /boot/grub/)18:28
frooteeBlessJah, make: *** No rule to make target `text'.  Stop.18:29
BlessJahgeekphreak: ok18:29
dr3mrohow to tar my home dot files ???? i used tar -cpzvf home.tgz ~/.* but it tar all my home18:29
BlessJahfrootee: query18:29
Starcraftmaztertrucker: the quality it gives it pretty bad unfortunately18:29
Genebobo123, why do you want to move it?18:29
crucialhoaxdr3mro: you need to set up the exclude argument18:30
crucialhoax!tar | dr3mro18:30
ubottudr3mro: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:30
thevishywell guys let me rephrase me question , suppose I have a basic ubuntu system with only command interface and probably no software packages like open office movie player etc ...18:30
jribdr3mro: how do you know it tarred all of your home?18:30
thevishywhat is the simplest way to install all this with a GUI like gnome18:30
jribthevishy: install ubuntu-desktop18:30
dr3mrojrib, i open the tar file18:30
ServerboostHey guys, I am busy with a PXE boot using preseed, but it keeps getting stuck on "Detect and mount CD-ROM), how can the CD-ROM check be disabled? There's no CD-ROM available on the server.18:30
dr3mrojrib, and during the tar process i saw it taring my pictures18:31
FallenSparrowanyone able to help at all..18:31
jribdr3mro: well it shouldn't.  Are you sure you ran the right command?18:31
thevishyServerboost : seems like u need to configure installation via a webserver18:31
dr3mrotar -cpzvf home.tgz ~/.*18:31
dr3mrojrib, tar -cpzvf home.tgz ~/.*18:31
jribdr3mro: yes, that will work18:32
bobo123Gene: I want to delete the other partition. so I have to make grubs menufile live on this partition instead.18:32
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
Serverboostthevishy, what you mean? It's a PXE boot18:32
Geneaha, ic18:32
Picidr3mro, jrib: It may choke on ~/.gvfs18:32
xampppxe boot its the way of the cloud18:32
jribdr3mro: what Pici said is true...18:32
dr3mroPici, no i excludes all unneccessary files18:32
thevishyi suppose u need to mount a installation cd probably on ur server and tell the pxe client so18:33
Genebobo123, i understand the reason why, but, unfortunately i don't know how to do that, good luck18:33
Picidr3mro: okay :)18:33
thevishywhat pxe procedure are u following , maybe u shud say thatr18:33
xamppwe need avatars for irc18:33
guntbert!u | thevishy18:33
ubottuthevishy: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.18:33
Serverboostthevishy no you dont understand :) installation goes fine, but when going through the steps it gets stuck on Detect and mount CD-ROM18:33
ServerboostI need to find a way to skip that step18:33
xampp!seen mark18:33
ubottuI have no seen command18:33
ServerboostIt's a network boot18:34
thevishypxe i see , probably then i got u wrong18:34
=== antivirtel`afk is now known as antivirtel
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:34
thevishyi did a PXE boot just about now :)18:34
guntbert!askthebot | xampp18:34
ubottuxampp: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:34
ubottuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.18:34
Genebobo123, you might consider just unplugging the other drive, and reinstalling ubuntu18:34
Picixampp: Please stop that. /msg ubottu if you're looking for factoids.18:34
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
microbevoila mon probleme  je vouvrai tchater sur le net en webcam  mais ca ne fonctionne pas  pourtant avec amsn ca fonctionne j'ai suivi un  tuto  sur la doc ubuntu  pour compiler flashcam    mais rien n'y fait18:34
dr3mrojrib, i iam using it now and it taring my pictues18:34
xampp12 milion users ?18:35
Pici!it | microbe18:35
ubottumicrobe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:35
Picixampp: Do you have a support question?18:35
xamppthats what i call a factoid18:35
ZykoticK9!fr | microbe18:35
ubottumicrobe: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:35
bazhangxampp, #ubuntu-offtopic please18:35
Genebobo123, if you use a seperate 'home' directory , and only reload the os, it should be quick, and maintain most of your preferences18:35
PiciZykoticK9: thanks. my brain broke.18:35
Serverboostthevishy, u got any clue?18:35
thevishyjnb : source.list is configured to use my local computer to install .... like
jribdr3mro: where are your pictures?18:35
dr3mrojrib, my home18:36
Genebobo 123, did you have 'home' on a seperate partition?18:36
jribdr3mro: be specific18:36
thevishyServerboost : till what level does the pxe boot proceed ? does it ask u to enter information like Ubuntu Archive Mirror address18:36
dr3mrojrib, tar -cpzvf home.tgz --exclude=.VirtualBox/ --exclude=.gvfs/ --exclude=backup.tgz --exclude=home.tgz ~/.*18:36
xamppwho do i upload my pic to the could ?18:36
dr3mrojrib, /home/dr3mro/Pictures18:36
bobo123Gene: no everything on one in this ubuntuinstallation. And I dont use the other ubuntu-installtion.18:37
Serverboostthevishy, first steps go fine, selecting language etc... then it gets stuck that it cannot find a CD-rom (normal, because it's a network boot) and it asks to load CD-rom drivers18:37
bobo123must reboot now to test.18:37
BlessJahgeekphreak: is it taking so long? it's not so important xD18:37
jribdr3mro: don't know then, it shouldn't be18:37
dr3mroplease help why this does not tar only my DOT files ( tar -cpzvf home.tgz --exclude=.VirtualBox/ --exclude=.gvfs/ --exclude=backup.tgz --exclude=home.tgz ~/.* )18:37
ServerboostI need to know how to SKIP that step, that it doesnt detect it18:37
jribdr3mro: maybe ~/.* expands to ~/. ? check18:37
ServerboostIt's the 3rd menu option  "Detect and mount CD-ROM"18:37
thevishyServerboost : oh u have such an option ....18:38
ServerboostOr I need another version of Ubuntu?18:38
dr3mrojrib, SAME "tar -cpzvf home.tgz --exclude=.VirtualBox/ --exclude=.gvfs/ --exclude=backup.tgz --exclude=home.tgz /home/dr3mro/.*"18:38
jribdr3mro: ah yes it does on bash... used to zsh...18:38
xampp!search XXX18:38
ServerboostI downloaded server version, is there a netinstall?18:38
Genebobo123, next time you install i would suggest that you choose the partitions manually, have one for system, and a larger one for 'home' and a smaller one for swap, (swap never needs to be more than about 2gb018:38
jribdr3mro: it will expand to ~/.18:38
k1llm3kw1kHi All18:38
thevishyi use netboot18:38
xampp!ist XXX18:38
dr3mrojrib, SAME "tar -cpzvf home.tgz --exclude=.VirtualBox/ --exclude=.gvfs/ --exclude=backup.tgz --exclude=home.tgz /home/dr3mro/.*"18:38
guntbertxampp: please don't do that in the channel - use /query ubottu18:39
bazhangxampp, stop that please18:39
Genebobo123, that way if you need to reinstall, or upgrade you will keep all your files and prefferences18:39
xamppmy hands are tied18:39
thevishyu download netboot directory from ubuntu server ...copy the ubuntu-installed directory / pxelinux.0 and pxelinux.cfg folders to tftp home directory18:39
jribdr3mro: I didn't tell you to write "~/.".  I said ~/.* will include ~/. which is equal to ~18:39
k1llm3kw1khas anyone been having any wierd xorg issues with 10.04. On my laptop it goes 8 bit and tiles everywhere18:40
dr3mrojrib, so what if i want to only archive dot files18:40
jribdr3mro: well zsh does the smart thing.  I don't know what the easiest way for you to do that on bash would be18:40
trismdr3mro: if all your . files are at least two characters long, you could try ~/.??* (two so it skips .. too)18:41
ZykoticK9k1llm3kw1k, reask in lucid channel #ubuntu+118:41
k1llm3kw1koh thanks :) sorry18:41
Rafael_I posted this question a few days ago, but have not solve it yet: I use rsync to copy a  windows client folder into the ubuntu server every using rsync and Cron. So for example Folder “test” on windows is mounted on ubuntu and from there thu rsync it copies into another folder,  at the present moment to do this I have to share on the windows computer the folder “test”with every body for this to happen…. i would like t18:41
Rafael_o know if there is a way to avoid sharing my windows folder with everybody?18:41
schiz0idI have a question18:42
dr3mrotrism, works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you .. may i ask why???18:42
nonameNNhey does any one know how to fix a problem with openoffice presentation, when i click on play i can still see the gnome panels...18:43
schiz0idI recently switched my family computer completely over to ubuntu and have been having issues with sound18:43
eraggoschiz0id: what kind of...?18:43
schiz0idI set all the volume (master and everything else) all the way up, and get white noise from my speakers, but it still won't output sound from videos or anything else online18:43
dr3mrotrism, works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you .. may i ask why???18:44
schiz0idoh, it also won't play startup music18:44
eraggoschiz0id: are you SURE there is no bade signals from your hardware?18:45
jribdr3mro, trism: .[^.]*  seems to be the "right" way18:45
Serverboostthevishy, it worked with the netboot,it was not present by default but I uploaded it now and now it works, thank you :)18:46
jribdr3mro, trism: although that excludes files that start with multiple dots so then you need ..?* too18:46
trismjrib: well, that would skip every dot in a file name, wouldn't it?18:46
eraggoschiz0id: for example cutted thread or something...18:46
schiz0iderrago: bade signals....?18:46
BlessJahgeekphreak: ping18:46
schiz0idit's just the integrated audio from the motherboard18:46
crucialhoaxdr3mro: did you get it?18:46
eraggoschiz0id: and you are sure everything is connected right?18:47
dr3mrocrucialhoax, yes18:47
geekphreakBlessJah:  what?18:47
FallenSparrowi am having ttrouble adding windows 7 to grub2.18:47
FallenSparrowanyone have experience18:47
jribtrism: .[^.]* for files beginning with '.' and having second character non-dot and then    ..?*  for files beginning with .. and having second character . (and you don't want ..)18:47
BlessJahgeekphreak: are u still trying or u gaved it up?18:47
crucialhoaxdr3mro: with the exclude from?18:47
schiz0ideraggo: absolutely. I'm not THAT much of a n00b18:47
PyroPheliadoes anybody know if the ext4 tools have been updated so you can run chkdsk on ext4 partitions larger than 15TB yet?18:48
geekphreakBlessJah:  still looking look at webcam-server18:48
dr3mrocrucialhoax, no by .??*18:48
jribtrism: anyway, I'll stick to zsh...18:48
frxstremI have currently installed PHP in Ubuntu through APT, and it is currently version 5.2.x - is there any way to easily upgrade to PHP 5.3.x?18:48
BlessJahgeekphreak: so u can give up, it's no so important xD18:48
eraggoschiz0id: did all drivers work right in live-CD?18:48
crucialhoaxdr3mro: Ok, glad its working. I will keep that method in mind.18:48
schiz0idwell........I honestly don't know18:49
schiz0idI dual booted for a while and it worked then18:49
crucialhoaxschiz0id: what is the problem?18:49
geekphreakBlessJah:  lol ok18:49
eraggohmmm... have you used some kind of sound before trying to access sound driver? for eaxmple youtube18:49
schiz0idcrucialhoax: after having recently switched my family computer entirely to ubuntu I am having sound issues.......it won't play back anything from internet or startup music18:49
quellhorstis there a list of whats new in ubuntu 10.x?18:50
BlessJahgot to go CYA guys18:50
jribquellhorst: try #ubuntu+118:50
PyroPheliaanybody know?18:50
schiz0ideraggo: yes. that's how I know it won't do internet stuff18:50
epaphusHello, if I start ubuntu with a blacklisted module.. but then i want to breing that module up how do i do it??18:50
trismjrib: oh I see, for some reason I assumed the glob would apply to [^.], yeah that would be a better way18:50
epaphusload the module18:50
=== antivirtel`afk is now known as antivirtel
PyroPheliaepaphus, modprobe <moduleName>18:50
dr3mrocrucialhoax, now i got my / and /home tared ... time to back them up on external device and create a script to untar if anything got wrong18:51
histoI need to install another website on a ubunter server. My problem is I only want the other site enabled for internal users not accesible to the world only internal ips?18:51
crucialhoaxschiz0id: Ok, do a sudo lshw -C Sound18:51
jribdr3mro: keep in mind .??* won't glob files like '.a', '.b', etc.18:51
geekphreakhisto:  htaccess file18:52
eraggoschiz0id: try to forget windows.... you can have 1 program using sound at the time... i recently saw that18:52
crucialhoaxdr3mro: consider Deja Dup :)18:52
schiz0idcrucialhoax: ok trying18:52
servvshisto, designate a port that is blocked by incoming18:52
=== xrm_ is now known as xrm
eraggoand... im drunk...18:52
crucialhoaxschiz0id: this will give us what driver you are using and the hardware :)18:52
crucialhoaxeraggo: I bet all the post going down the screen are fun then...18:52
schiz0idcrucialhoax: hold on have to switch users18:52
histoservvs: like right now the webserver resolvs a go daddy domain but I want to install avantfax so I would like example.com/avantfax  to only be able to internal users.18:53
thevishyi was using the ip of my lan computer to install via PXE on my laptop ...so source.list is mentioning this IP now I need to revert back to the original18:53
thevishyhow do I do that ?18:53
PyroPheliaso does anybody here use ext4 on extremely large raids?18:53
jribthevishy: system -> administration -> software sources18:53
sorin7486hey ... got a problem: just installed 9.10 and the network works but I can't get throught the proxy18:53
PyroPheliayes I know it's only a testing FS but I'm curios18:53
thevishycan I just search replace the IP address with some mirror address or something if yes what exaxtly18:53
sorin7486everything works fine in windows tho18:54
schiz0id_ok I'm back18:54
thevishyjnb as i told u no GUI , its a botched system18:54
schiz0id_trying command now18:54
histoAlmsot like another virtualhost but I want to use the same domain name or coudl be like fax.example.com instead of www.example.com  but I only want internal ips to get to fax.example.com18:54
servvshisto: then do the .htaccess, and if you wanna spend some time on it, install a cms or make one and have only your login be able to access the stuff you don't want everyone else to access18:54
histowhich would show a different page than www18:54
jribthevishy: do a proper install... if you want to ignore my advice though, use sed18:54
crucialhoaxschiz0id: alright post the driver in use and the product line.18:54
PyroPheliahisto, sounds like you need to create an ipchain.  I'm not 100% if that's true, but that's where I would look first18:54
* antivirtel is away: ~18:55
schiz0id_  *-multimedia18:55
schiz0id_       description: Audio device18:55
schiz0id_       product: SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)18:55
schiz0id_       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc18:55
schiz0id_       physical id: 14.218:55
FloodBot4schiz0id_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
schiz0id_       bus info: pci@0000:00:14.218:55
schiz0id_       version: 0018:55
histoPyroPhelia: couldn't I do it with virtual hosts?18:55
schiz0id_       width: 64 bits18:55
schiz0id_       clock: 33MHz18:55
schiz0id_       capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list18:55
geekphreakschiz0id_: pastebin plz18:55
schiz0id_       configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=64 module=snd_hda_intel18:55
schiz0id_  *-multimedia18:55
schiz0id_       description: Multimedia audio controller18:55
schiz0id_       product: CM873818:55
schiz0id_       vendor: C-Media Electronics Inc18:55
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??18:55
Sachse_Siechtumdoes miro tv play youtube videos?18:55
thevishyok jnb , the issue is proper install didnt work well ( its a pxe setup ) maybe a slight error in the archive ...so i have some faulty packages but a n ice OS18:55
sorin7486so anybody got an idea why I can't get my proxy to work on a fresh 9.10 install ???18:55
Sachse_SiechtumI just installed miro tv and it shows the youtube site...but no video18:55
PyroPheliahisto, yes.  you could create an acl based on your subnet.  but what if somebody from the outside is using the same subnet?18:55
schiz0idok I18:55
jrib!away > antivirtel18:55
PyroPheliaer..wait that wouldn't make sense18:56
sorin7486actually get ffx to work with a proxy18:56
crucialhoaxschiz0id: what is the pc brand?18:56
zorton10.04 beta1 -> beta2 changelog?18:56
schiz0idcrucialhoax: Acer18:56
crucialhoax!lucid | zorton18:56
ubottuzorton: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:56
PyroPheliahisto, it's possible.  I've just never done it before18:56
servvshisto: so you have the server at home, and the domain is from godaddy right? then in godaddy you can make subdomains for free I think and when you resolve it to your host set it to a different folder with the .htaccess file18:56
crucialhoaxschiz0id: one sec :)18:56
zortonk, thanks18:56
epaphusPyroPhelia, thanks18:57
PyroPheliaepaphus, yw18:57
TorChimpDoes anyone know of a script that would dump users from LDAP to the local machine - want to decommision a halfassed LDAP setup back to local accounts for now.18:57
andrew__Is there any way to move a certain window to a certain workspace?18:57
schiz0idcrucialhoax: desktop18:57
crucialhoaxerrm, ok.18:57
jribandrew__: you mean with a command or automatically?18:57
schiz0idis that a problem?18:57
andrew__jrib: Command. I want to have a launcher on the top bar to open a vbox VM in workspace 4, basically.18:58
crucialhoaxno i assume too much info ;)18:58
TorChimpDoes anyone know of a script that would dump users from LDAP to the local machine - want to decommision a halfassed LDAP setup back to local accounts for now.18:58
schiz0idoh ok18:58
jribandrew__: well the answer to your question is wmctrl, but I'm not sure if that does what you want.  Check out devilspie too18:59
sorin7486so any clue why ffx wouldn't work with the proxy even thought the network is up and running ?18:59
vinnym3join smuxi18:59
andrew__jrib: Looks like it does, let's test!18:59
sorin7486works fine in windows18:59
histoPyroPhelia: but the person outside requesting woulnd't have the same ip as my internal subnet19:00
theadminUh. Help me out please. I need to create a new sound theme. How?19:00
thevishyi am getting failed to fetch ... error19:00
schiz0idcrucialhoax: any ideas?19:01
thevishyofcourse looks like my local mirror doesnt have those files19:01
jribthevishy: look at the url19:01
andrew__jrib: Not sure about this, the desktop listings only shows the one :/19:01
dr3mroplease when i use ( time -f "%E" du /etc/hosts ) i get the error "-f: command not found"19:01
thevishywhich is the URL buddy19:02
crucialhoaxschiz0id: It looks like the module that is loaded needs to be configured. there are bugs filed. one sec looking for solution. 9.10?19:02
alphaelectricHi there19:02
jribandrew__: you're using compiz?19:02
thevishysee i am giving the local IP .... now I need to change to official mirror perhaps19:02
jribthevishy: read after the ip19:02
andrew__jrib: I am indeed19:02
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:02
alphaelectricAnybody with the nightingale / songbird fork ?19:03
jribandrew__: see what happens if you just ask to place a window with an x value larger than the width of your first workspace19:03
andrew__jrib: Eh?19:03
schiz0idcrucialhoax: 9.0419:03
thevishyjnb : that IP is my local clan computer IP19:04
jribandrew__: you can position the window with x,y coordinates.  So say your first workspace has width 800, ask to place the window at 850 and see where it goes19:04
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:04
BloodyChefCan anyone help me?19:04
crucialhoaxcheck pm19:04
switch10_anyone know of a good RSS feed reader that supports google reader, and also integrates well with gnome?19:04
jribthevishy: do you visit many websites with URLs like www.domain.com://whatever?19:04
crucialhoaxBloodyChef: What is your question?19:04
thevishyyeah i do  that a lot19:05
jribthevishy: you're the one asking for help19:05
dr3mroplease when i use ( time -f "%E" du /etc/hosts ) i get the error "-f: command not found"19:05
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:05
schiz0idcrucialhoax: how do I check pm in irssi?19:05
sorin7486guys ... can anybody help me ?19:05
thevishyjnb , its like the installation is happening through my local computer lan19:05
sorin7486this is getting really frustrating19:05
overmindschiz0id: /window <numer>19:05
crucialhoaxnevermind lol19:06
thevishyand hence the mirror is configured as my local computer IP ....19:06
crucialhoaxschiz0id: We are going to need to edit the alsa-base.conf file19:06
thevishyso apt-get tries to fetch it from the local ip://pool/p/directory19:06
schiz0idYAY FILE EDITING!!!!!!!!!!19:06
schiz0idkk what do I need to do?19:06
BloodyChefWell, I boot from my CD drive, get the Ubuntu screen appear successfully (with the try before install optiosn etc.), but when i try to install, all i get is a flashing cursor, as for many of the other options.19:06
crucialhoaxschiz0id: open a terminal19:07
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:07
jribthevishy: that's not a proper url.  It would be something like http://ip/pool/whatever19:07
sayanrijuswitch10_, liferhea?19:07
crucialhoaxschiz0id: type gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:07
thevishyokay , sorry thats right jnb , my problem is now I no longer need the local mirror19:07
jribthevishy: anyway, I already said, if you have a botched install, redo the install19:07
BloodyChefanyone have a solution?19:07
thevishyi can install the rest through the internet official site , how do I update source.list19:07
switch10_sayanriju: thanks, ill check it out.19:07
sayanrijuswitch10_, sorry typo : its liferea19:08
thevishyjnb i dont have a bothed OS installation , its just that apt couldnt fetch some files freom local server19:08
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:08
thevishynow If i replace source.list to use official ubuntu lucid beta 1 page then it will install fine19:08
BloodyChefWell, I boot from my CD drive, get the Ubuntu screen appear successfully (with the try before install optiosn etc.), but when i try to install, all i get is a flashing cursor, as for many of the other options.19:08
jribthevishy: do a proper install19:08
BloodyChefanyone know why it isn't installing?#19:08
thevishyi hope u get my point , even if I reinstall , I have to use the same local server .....19:08
jribthevishy: why?19:09
schiz0idcrucialhoax: sorry didn't mean to quit19:09
crucialhoaxits all good lol19:09
thevishyjnb : the internet installation will take a lot of time , i have a iso locally19:09
schiz0idcrap have to switch user again19:09
thevishyi dont have a ultra fast net to do a net installation ....atleast the OS part19:09
thevishythe packages I can install from net ....only problem is source.list is configured to use my local computer19:10
jribthevishy: the regular ubuntu cd doesn't need to download things19:10
BloodyChefI boot from my CD drive, get the Ubuntu screen appear successfully (with the try before install optiosn etc.), but when i try to install, all i get is a flashing cursor, as for many of the other options.19:10
BloodyChefcan anyone help :(19:10
thevishyjnb : some software packages didnt get install thats it19:10
thevishymaybe corrupt but OS is very fine19:10
crucialhoaxBloodyChef: It might be the video card is not supported.19:10
schiz0idcrucialhoax: ok back19:10
schiz0idwhat was that file again?19:10
crucialhoaxschiz0id: type gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:11
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:11
schiz0idok hold on19:11
thevishyi.e apt didnt go smoothly ,if I install  ubuntu-desktop as u said I am all done !19:11
jribthevishy: I recommend you do a proper install. If you want to ignore my advice, just change "ip" to "archive.ubuntu.com" or whatever mirror you want19:11
BloodyChefcrucialhoax: Any solution, i've used a different linux distro before19:11
crucialhoaxschiz0id: I will let you know what to edit inside that file.19:11
thevishybut for this source.list need to use the official lucid beta 1 mirror19:11
flinxI am unable to install subversion on Xubuntu 9.10 (fresh install). I have already ensured that the universe repositories are enabled, and I'm running out of ideas.19:11
crucialhoaxBloodyChef: Is it only ubuntu that does this?19:11
BloodyChefcrucialhoax: Yes19:11
schiz0idmkay what line(s) do I need to change/add?19:11
crucialhoaxBloodyChef: Hm.19:12
BloodyChefcrucialhoax: Even now, it's just sitting there _ blinking, nothing happening19:12
sayanrijuBloodyChef, try checking the cd for errors19:12
crucialhoaxschiz0id: The easiest way is to CTRL + F to find this: power_save_19:12
thevishythe reason I dont want to reinstall is that this is a ultra old laptop , and it heats up very fast ...so I am lucky it stood the installation this time around19:12
BloodyChefsayanrju: I can't, that option gives the same interface, just the blinking _19:12
tassosHi everyone, I need a bit of help compiling emacs....19:12
thevishyjnb : where do I change that ? and what would be exact address of lucid 1 beta files19:12
sayanrijuBloodyChef, duh! :(19:12
schiz0idcrucialhoax: "phrase not found"19:13
jribtassos: do not compile emacs.  There :)  But really, you shouldn't since emacs is in the repositories.  Use APT19:13
jribthevishy: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support19:13
BloodyChefsayanrju, so that would implythe cd is broken?19:13
crucialhoaxschiz0id: towards the bottom of the file19:13
tassosWell, the thing is, I want to compile it in  order to learn....19:13
Kuifje111does anyone know why the cpu usage in 'top' is in the %MEM row?19:13
crucialhoaxschiz0id: add this line19:13
schiz0idwhere do I add it?19:13
crucialhoaxschiz0id: I am going to post 2 different lines. add it to the very bottom of that file. ok?19:14
BloodyChefsayanriju, so that means, my cd is broken?19:14
crucialhoax# Power down HDA controllers after 10 idle seconds19:14
=== huseyin is now known as ersoy
schiz0idcrucialhoax: I have edited files before. I do have *some* idea what I'm doing19:14
schiz0idjust fyi19:14
raubvogelIs /etc/ldap/ldap.conf still used in 10.4 or some other file does the job?19:14
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:14
crucialhoaxschiz0id: options snd-hda-intel power_save=0 power_save_controller=N19:15
sayanrijuBloodyChef, could be19:15
jribtassos: learn what?19:15
jrib!who | tassos19:15
ubottutassos: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:15
crucialhoaxBloodyChef: did you check the md5 of your download?19:15
BloodyChefsayanriju, i'll try re burning one, thank you for your help.19:15
BloodyChefcrucialhoax: No, how do i do that?19:15
schiz0idcrucialhoax: is that one line?19:15
crucialhoax!md5 | BloodyChef19:15
ubottuBloodyChef: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:15
tassoslearn....to compile properly, I want to do LFS19:16
crucialhoaxschiz0id: sorry let me re-do :)19:16
sayanrijuBloodyChef, if you have downloaded an .iso, plz run a md5sum check on it before burning on a cd19:16
jrib!compile > tassos19:16
ubottutassos, please see my private message19:16
crucialhoaxLine 1 : # Power down HDA controllers after 10 idle seconds19:16
crucialhoaxschiz0id: Line 1 : # Power down HDA controllers after 10 idle seconds19:16
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:17
schiz0idcrucialhoax: next line?19:17
crucialhoaxschiz0id: Line 2: options snd-hda-intel power_save=10 power_save_controller=N19:17
crucialhoaxschiz0id: that should be 0 not 10 sorry19:17
schiz0idok hold on19:17
crucialhoaxschiz0id: options snd-hda-intel power_save=0 power_save_controller=N19:17
schiz0idgot it19:17
schiz0idnow just save and reboot?19:17
discozohanHello! One question - can i install now 10.04 and then upgrade to final release, or its better to wait for this release ? Will be any difference ?19:17
crucialhoaxgot it!19:17
schiz0idcool thanks so much man19:18
crucialhoaxim crossing my fingers lol19:18
erUSUL!final | discozohan19:18
ubottudiscozohan: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:18
schiz0idmy parents have been hounding me about this for forever19:18
BloodyChefsayraniju, is that incase it didn't download all the data?19:18
schiz0idkk brb with update19:18
discozohanthanks -.-19:18
Urdadiscozohan: are you running 9.10 now?19:18
servvsis lucid stable right now?19:18
jenuehi guys, how can i connect my host to guest os (ubuntu) in virtualbox?19:18
discozohan<Urda>, yeah -.- but i'm going to make installation on clean PC19:19
erUSULservvs: #ubuntu+119:19
StevePutnamwell i guess no one has seen my problem before!19:19
crucialhoaxStevePutnam: Use the time waiting for an answer to do some research19:19
=== ja_ is now known as ef
StevePutnami been researching, that is how i ended up here.19:20
servvsoh its final is at the end of the month, might as well wait for it19:20
jenuei need help in connecting my ubuntu host to my virtualbox guest os ubuntu. i can't ping the guest os19:20
crucialhoaxdoes it reject your password everytime?19:20
Urdadiscozohan: I mean it comes out in what 20 days...19:21
StevePutnamno, it just says "checking" until it times out19:21
UrdaStevePutnam: what is the issue?19:21
crucialhoaxjenue: If the host is connected to a network then virtual os will have one too. Is the host using a firewall?19:21
StevePutnamAny idea what would make my ubuntu unlock screen say "checking", and I am sure i entered my password correctly, It will timeout about 5 mins later and let me enter my password again??19:21
crucialhoaxand after it times out does it work after that?19:22
crucialhoaxyour password I am referring to19:22
StevePutnamcrucialhoax.. yes19:22
jenuecrucialhoax: no19:22
blue-frogjenue, can't ping when using NAT. as designed19:22
crucialhoaxStevePutnam: So fails first time, works second time?19:22
StevePutnamcurcialhoax, that is correct, and it only does this about once a month.19:23
blue-frogjenue, use hostnetworking if you want to ping. You can use ssh with NAT though or other things19:23
schiz0idcrucialhoax: bad news19:23
crucialhoaxStevePutnam: Maybe try changing the password? Since it is so infrequent it is hard to tell.19:23
crucialhoaxschiz0id: it does not work19:23
schiz0idstartup music........still no internet19:24
flinxhow do I install svn when sudo apt-get install subversion does not work?19:24
crucialhoaxso the start up sound plays?19:24
StevePutnamcrucialhoax-- I have changed my password19:24
jribflinx: expand on "does not work"19:24
crucialhoaxStevePutnam: Hmmm19:24
schiz0idcrucialhoax: the first one does, meaning the one before login, but not the one after login19:24
flinxjrib, the subversion package is not found, running Xubuntu 9.1019:24
crucialhoaxschiz0id: any music files?19:24
schiz0idI can hook up my ipod19:25
schiz0idhold on19:25
jribflinx: run « sudo apt-get update » and try again.  If it still fails, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list*19:25
=== max is now known as Guest18952
schiz0idcrucialhoax: nope19:26
schiz0idnot working19:26
gizmobayIs there a way to tell when a motherboard is going bad? I control my tv on and off with a serial port. The serial card is aftermarket. Came back from out of town and it just stopped working on it's own. Moved it to a different pci slot and it still didn't worked. Moved it to my home ubuntu PC and it did work. Moved it back to my tv computer and it then started working yet none of my USB ports would work. Rebooted and now everything works.19:26
gizmobay Strange.19:26
crucialhoaxschiz0id: Ok...19:27
schiz0idcrucialhoax: what else could the problem be?19:27
xamppis there a video related channel on this irc network ?19:28
crucialhoaxI am using the same driver as you for sound. so we are close.19:28
schiz0idso do you have any ideas then?19:28
Picixampp: You mean for video production?19:28
xamppthat too19:29
psychedeliversein compiz, where you see "buttonX" how would i determin what keys those are?19:29
crucialhoaxmaybe. I will google some more. I will fid something :)19:29
Picixampp: I'm not sure, check /msg alis help list   for searching for channels.19:29
discozohanAfter connecting to VPN, it replaces default gateway, and my internet connection becomes unavailable. Is there any good info how can i avoid it ?19:29
schiz0idcrucialhoax: thanks. tell me when and if you do19:29
Mic-RI've got a question concerning bug #1, that is "Microsoft has a majority market share"19:29
Mic-RWhy did you chose this?19:30
=== trappist_ is now known as trappist
* kiuy-y is away: I'm busy19:30
Pici!away > kiuy-y19:30
ubottukiuy-y, please see my private message19:30
Mic-RWouldn't something like "Best Apple in usuability" more target-aimed19:30
trappistI've created a new user, and for some reason his processes are listed in ps by his uid, not his username.  this is giving me some permissions issues.  /etc/passwd looks right, where else should I look to resolve this?19:30
Mic-RHaving marketshare doesn't necessarily mean that you're good at something19:31
PiciMic-R: This isn't really a discussion channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-bugs maybe19:31
Mic-RPici: ok, thanks19:31
crucialhoaxschiz0id: On your sound configuration choose analog stereo, not HDMI.19:32
flinxjrib, I'm working on getting that pastebin, the update && upgrade has pretty much bogged down my entire system19:32
schiz0idcrucialhoax: where?19:32
crucialhoaxare you using gnome or kde/19:33
mrwesjrib, isn't subversion in the MAIN repo?19:33
FallenSparrowanyone using ssd for dual boot currently19:33
Kuifje111anyone knows why %MEM is switched with %CPU? http://i.imagehost.org/0595/top-weirdness.png19:34
crucialhoaxschiz0id: gnome or kde?19:34
schiz0idcrucialhoax: gnome19:34
crucialhoaxschiz0id: there is a speaker in the upper right hand corner, right click and choose preferences19:34
SlartKuifje111: are you sure it is? it looks right to me19:35
Kuifje111Slart: the cpu usage is listed under %MEM.19:35
uRockHow wold I write the command to install 2 programs at once? say thunderbird and ubuntu-restricted-extras?19:35
schiz0idhold on afk19:35
jenueblue-frog: how did u network ur host and the guest os?19:36
BloodyChefcan i set up a network with one ubuntu server, much like a windows network?19:36
nullkuhlGeneral Question: is it possible to run 32 bit applications on a 64bit ubuntu ?19:36
crucialhoaxnullkuhl: yes19:36
schiz0idcrucialhoax: now what?19:36
SlartKuifje111: well.. if you say so.. (still looks right to me)19:36
schiz0idI see some options and a device menu19:36
nullkuhlcrucialhoax: is that possible on all ubuntu versions or only the latest ones ?19:36
crucialhoaxschiz0id: click on the hardware tab and towards the bottom by "profile" what set it to Analog19:37
Kuifje111Slart: how does it look right to you?19:37
crucialhoaxnullkuhl: on all x64bit versions19:37
PiciKuifje111: Looks right to me too.  Look at rtorrent's memory usage values 168mb is quite a bit.19:37
SlartKuifje111: lots of processes using 0% cpu but small amount of memory.. seems very reasonable.. compared to what you get if you switch them around..19:37
jenuehow can i network my host ubuntu with my virtualbox guest ubuntu?19:37
flinxmrwes, it is supposed to be in the main repo19:37
antivirtelhello, I have opened something in file-roller(zip opener) and the contrained files have special chars, like: áéúóüöí, and It can't open it :S:S, what can i do ???19:38
Kuifje111Pici: let me get an htop screenshot for you then. it will show the total cpu usage which doesnt corespond with the %CPU row.19:38
flinxin fact i installed it on a Ubuntu (not Xubuntu) two days ago without issue. the problem is that this PC really needs the XFCE because it is old and even then I might remove X entirely.19:39
schiz0idcrucialhoax: no hardware tab19:39
schiz0idafk again19:39
discozohandoes ubuntu have any gui to work with routes ?19:39
crucialhoaxflinx: Xubuntu is not as light as it is perceived. Try Lubuntu :)19:39
Maranatha|G1Hello. I need help getting wifi enabled on my compaq presario v5000 running ubuntu remix 9.1019:39
crucialhoaxschiz0id: Ok. What tabs are there?19:39
flinxcrucialhoax, oooo handy XD I didn't know about that one before19:40
schiz0idcrucialhoax: none. just a dropdown menu and a list of options like LFE and side19:40
schiz0idoh and on the control19:40
schiz0idI have19:40
flinxcrucialhoax, given that a simple upgrade pretty much killed the box I'll have to re install XD19:40
schiz0idRecording, switches, options and sound theme19:40
crucialhoaxflinx: google Lubuntu lol19:40
flinxjrib, here is the pastebin19:41
flinxcrucialhoax, thanks? XD19:41
KettleCornCan I install Ubuntu server 64-bit on an Intel D945GSEJT? It has a standard Atom N270 CPU. I'm trying to install but it's saying something about x86-64 and the CPU being i686. Does this mean it has to be 32-bit?19:41
jendaI have an external USB harddrive. It does not mount when plugged in even though it used to. Is there a way to manually run the automatic mounting script/program?19:41
trappistI've created a new user, and for some reason his processes are listed in ps by his uid, not his username.  this is giving me some permissions issues.  /etc/passwd looks right, where else should I look to resolve this?19:41
crucialhoaxflinx: Good luck :)19:41
Kuifje111Pici: http://i.imagehost.org/0813/htop-weirdness.png19:41
flinxcrucialhoax, hehe thanks19:41
switch10_jenda: sudo mount -a19:42
crucialhoaxschiz0id: So no tabs? hmmm...19:42
switch10_jenda: that will mount all19:42
antivirtelhow can I fix the encode errors in file-roller ?19:42
schiz0idafk again19:42
antivirtelaway from keyboard19:42
Kuifje111Pici: also take a look at the RAM bar.19:42
PiciKuifje111: What if you sort by CPU? F6 is the hotkey19:42
flinxjrib, it looks like it's working now. Apparently synaptic failed to run the update when I added the other repo's >< but when I run from a command line everything installs correctly now XD19:43
schiz0idfor a second or two19:43
jendaswitch10_: and if that doesn't work? :)19:43
Kuifje111Pici: it stays the same, but when I restart it it moves down, because it doesnt use most RAM.19:43
schiz0idafk again sorry I'm busy19:43
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:44
jendaswitch10_: apparently, somethig is wrong. The LEDs on the disk light up when plugged into the USB19:44
TommyThaGunnext question: why do I get about 10 of these errors in my log file every time I boot? "Apr  9 14:35:53 spidersense init: kdm main process ended, respawning19:44
TommyThaGunApr  9 14:35:53 spidersense init: kdm main process (1182) terminated with status 1"19:44
switch10_jenda: you tried it and it didn't work?19:44
jendaswitch10_: yep19:44
TommyThaGunwhen I don't have kdm installed19:44
switch10_jenda: it is ntfs?19:44
federicohi, anyone uses aptana on ubuntu 64?19:44
federicoi'm asking because i'm surprised by the 300mb of ram it takes to run19:45
schiz0idok back19:45
schiz0idwhat to do?19:45
federicomaybe i did something wrong on the installation19:45
switch10_jenda: is it listed in sudo fdisk -l or lsusb?19:46
jendaswitch10_: it's EXT3 and FAT3219:46
crucialhoaxschiz0id: I found a few more. We can try them I suppose19:46
schiz0idafk again19:46
jendaswitch10_: I can see it in gparted, but cannot mount it from there19:47
jim__running 9.10, my password for the wireless keeps getting deleted after a cold reboot, how can I make it remember the password?19:47
crucialhoaxschiz0id: It states that the settings are for a laptop, hopefully it does not matter.19:47
switch10_jenda: ok so it is recognized..  did you get an error when you ran sudo mount -a?19:47
jendaswitch10_: nope19:47
crucialhoaxjim__: Did you use a password for the keyring to store the wireless password?19:47
PiciKuifje111: Its possible that a kernel thread is using up cpu.  You can use the capital K key to toggle that in htop.  Also U to toggle user processes.19:48
crucialhoaxjim__: Or did you use "unsafe storage"?19:48
switch10_jenda: can you access it from the "places" menu?19:48
idiotequehello world, i just upgraded to 10.04 and im unable to get ATI drivers working for my 4200 :S, can anyone suggest me a driver or any tweak that will work?19:48
schiz0idok I'm back19:48
jim__yes crucialhoax , but after cold reboot it looses password crucialhoax19:48
schiz0idwhat was the idea?19:48
crucialhoaxschiz0id: More file editing lol19:49
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:49
schiz0idcrucialhoax: what file and what to do to it?19:49
meindian523!lucid | idioteque19:49
ubottuidioteque: please see above19:49
jendaswitch10_: nope19:49
aspid_asmhave a good time. did someone use l2tp?19:49
jendaswitch10_: no error with mount -a, but the disk isn't mounted19:49
federicohi, i just installed aptana studio on my ubuntu 9.10 64bits, and im shocked by it's memory consume (300mb ram) Is this normal?19:49
crucialhoaxschiz0id: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:50
jendaswitch10_: I can mount it manually19:50
jendaswitch10_: although I wanted to avoid that :)19:50
switch10_jenda:  how do you mean manually?19:50
Slartfederico: isn't that some kind of big IDE for RAD? 300Mb ram doesn't sound so bad for that19:50
crucialhoaxjim__: which one?19:51
schiz0idcrucialhoax: what to do to it?19:51
switch10_jenda: you want it mounted on startup?19:51
federicono, it's and ide but for web design19:51
crucialhoaxschiz0id: We are going to add 3 lines to the bottom of it19:51
bsmith093hi is this the normal support channel i would get if i created a new ircaccount using pidgin19:51
federicostill, it's a lot of memory19:51
schiz0idcrucialhoax: what are those lines?19:51
switch10_jenda: if so edit /etc/fstab19:51
meindian523federico, normal, I'm running at 271 megs with Xchat and compiz and tiny stuff19:51
bsmith093irc.ubuntu.com #ubuntu19:51
crucialhoaxschiz0id: alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel19:51
schiz0idkk hold on19:52
jendaswitch10_: I want it mounted when it's plugged in. I had to type "sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /media/disk"19:52
schiz0idnext line?19:52
crucialhoaxschiz0id: alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel19:52
guntbertbsmith093: thats where you are talking right now.  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:52
Aut0ExeCsup fellas... anyone know how to use tcpdump?19:52
coachjcan someone tell me the difference in Transmission and Transmission-qt bit torrent clients?19:52
meindian523jenda, are you using Lucid?19:52
switch10_jenda: yes, so it is being mounted....  and you want to automate that correct?19:52
Slartcoachj: transmission-qt is probably a gui for transmission19:53
schiz0idcrucialhoax: and the last line?19:53
crucialhoaxschiz0id: options snd-hda-intel model=hp-hdx19:53
schiz0idlast line?19:53
bsmith093yes i do i accidentally deleted my open pgp key pair because lucid crashed anyway its gone is there any way to remove it from the keyservers19:53
Slart!info transmission-qt | coachj19:53
ubottucoachj: transmission-qt (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.75-0ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 431 kB, installed size 1132 kB19:53
switch10_jenda: you need to make an entry for it in /etc/fstab to have it mount on boot.19:53
meindian523coachj, ....more compatible with KDE I guess19:53
coachjSlart: thks19:53
Aut0ExeCis tcpdump used for only traffic going to and from your pc or remote pc's as well?19:54
amosAut0ExeC: http://danielmiessler.com/study/tcpdump/19:54
schiz0idsorry about that19:54
coachjmeindian523: which is more comp w/KDE19:54
schiz0idwhat's the last line?19:54
meindian523coachj, Qt19:54
crucialhoaxschiz0id: that is all19:54
schiz0idyou said three lines19:54
coachjthks just wondering19:54
MaranathaI need some help getting my ethernet card working for a compaq persario v5000 running ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 It tells me device is not ready19:54
Marco if I download the source and build a package with "apt-get source -b package-name" and then install it with "dpkg -i" will it be overwritten if I do an "apt-get upgrade" ?19:54
crucialhoaxschiz0id: I sent 3 lines..19:54
SlartAut0ExeC: you could set it to look at all traffic that is "passing" your computer.. if your computer is acting as a router you'll be able to see traffic going through it19:54
guntbertbsmith093: does that help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Revoking%20a%20keypair19:54
schiz0idno you sent snd-card-019:54
schiz0idand snd-slot-019:55
Aut0ExeCSlart: no no router...19:55
PiciMarco: Only if something with a newer version is offered.19:55
schiz0idwhat was the third one?19:55
Aut0ExeCSlart: just my pc19:55
LoshaAut0ExeC: tcpdump will report on any/all packets it sees on the network segment you're on, if you configure it correctly...19:55
crucialhoaxschiz0id: options snd-hda-intel model=hp-hdx19:55
MarcoPici, is there a way for me to keep a package that I installed?19:55
SlartAut0ExeC: then you'll only see traffic going to and from your computer (unless you've got some weird network setup)19:55
bsmith093i never created a revocation certificate (whatever that means) but i also never actually used this keypair anyway so is it ok to just leave it on ther server19:55
Aut0ExeCSlart: ok Losha told me something else19:55
PiciMarco: Take a look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:55
jendaswitch10_: actually, after mounting it once, unmounting, unplugging and plugging in, it mounts automatically again.19:55
SlartAut0ExeC: not really19:56
MarcoPici, thanks19:56
jendaso problem solved, I guess19:56
Aut0ExeCSlart: so basically only traffic going to and from my pc correct?19:56
SlartAut0ExeC: probably, yes19:56
Aut0ExeCSlart: cuz i'm seeing traffic going to and from other computers on the network19:56
Aut0ExeCSlart: weird19:56
realubotHow do I know what ip addresses a web hosting company use?19:56
schiz0idkk rebooting19:57
Aut0ExeCrealubot: look on their website?19:57
LoshaAut0ExeC: Slart and I are saying the same thing. You can see any packets on the bit of wire you're connected to. It just depends who else is on that segment...19:57
FunkySayu /j #my_test_bot_chan19:57
xamppim having trouble playing some video recordings !19:57
idiotequehello world, i just upgraded to 10.04 and im unable to get ATI drivers working for my 4200 :S, can anyone suggest me a driver or any tweak that will work? i tried the +1 channel but no one is alive there..19:58
jendaswitch10_: thanks for your time :)19:58
Loshaxampp: which recordings, which player, which os version?19:58
Aut0ExeCLosha: scenerio.... i'm and someone else is can i sniff's packets? leaving to and from that pc?19:58
switch10_realubot: ping the machine using their domain name, it will give you external IP19:58
switch10_jenda: anytime..19:58
blip-hi, I made a forum post about rsync-backup scripts that is dieing... this is a last ditch effort to get people to read and give me some input before it disappears forever.     Maybe the post is too long so few bothered to read it... it doesn't strike me as a difficult question.   anyway here it is:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145066019:58
crucialhoaxrealubot: Use host <insert website here>19:58
crucialhoaxrealubot:  in the terminal of course19:59
xamppi could only get the picutre using klight codec pack19:59
LoshaAut0ExeC: As long as .101 is using the same physical wire as .100 you'll be able to see each others packets...19:59
xamppthe sound didnt work19:59
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xamppis there an error resilent player ?20:00
VinceHi, I'm vince I'm using ubuntu notebook remix and really love it20:00
sekhI have some problem with ubuntu and us-intl, I cant use accents in, by example, xterm, any ideas ?20:00
Aut0ExeCLosha: lol ur killing me dude... lol "physical wire" = same switch?20:00
Vinceexcept the fact that my desktop isn't showing up anymore20:00
Aut0ExeCLosha: or crossover cable?20:00
VinceI installed nautilus and it keeps crashing my gnome desktop (notebook-remix)20:01
LoshaAut0ExeC: sorry, not trying to be obscure, it depends on the details of the switch but it will probably work. Best is to just try it...20:01
Aut0ExeCLosha: ok thanx20:01
KettleCornAnyone know how Ubuntu/Linux uses all the /, /home and other folders? I'm building a small server with a compact flash main OS drive, and two hard drives in a RAID1, and I want to make sure they spin down when not used. What can I put on these? Can I put the /home dir on them? Or will that make sure that they are always spinning?20:01
Vinceso I uninstalled nautlius20:01
Aut0ExeCLosha: switched are smart and dont broadcast traffic to the whole network segment... but hubs do..20:02
Vinceand guess what my whole desktop crashed20:02
Aut0ExeCLosha: but thanks i'll try20:02
Vincethen i did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop the problem was fixed20:02
realubotcrucialhoax: Ok, thanks.20:02
Vincebut I hadn't still got my desktop20:02
VinceI only had the menu bar at the top with my icons20:02
crucialhoaxcrucialhoax: No problem20:02
strange!enter | enervis20:03
ubottuenervis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:03
VinceI can open my terminal20:03
wildc4rdevenin' all20:03
Vinceand open other programs except the fact I don't have any kind of menu...20:03
schiz0idcrucialhoax: still the same issue20:03
b_how to install GYACHI in LUCID BETA ... anyone??... SH doesnt work!!!20:03
schiz0idfirst sound plays, second one doesn't, no internet sound20:03
ZykoticK9b_, reask in lucid channel #ubuntu+120:03
guntbertb_: lucid support in #ubuntu+1 please20:03
switch10_!lucid | b_20:04
ubottub_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:04
pkkmHow to minimize a fullscreen game?20:04
crucialhoaxschiz0id: It has got to be a sound prefernce somewhere.20:04
schiz0idcrucialhoax: what should I check first?20:04
antivirtelubuntu developers, this is a VERY important problem in ubuntu, because of this thing, ubuntu is UNUSABLE for office: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/17792920:04
antivirtelPLEASE fix it!20:04
crucialhoaxschiz0id: can you post a screenshot of your sound setting window into pastebin?20:05
guntbertantivirtel: you won't reach any developpers here :)20:05
schiz0idcrucialhoax: yeah sure hold on20:05
Aut0ExeClast Killa20:05
antivirtelguntbert where can I reach they ?20:05
switch10_antivirtel: or you could fix it???20:05
guntbertantivirtel: via the bug report20:05
crucialhoaxschiz0id: thanks20:06
Vincewhat's the channel of notebook remix ?20:06
guntbertswitch10_: thats not really helpful, is it?20:06
antivirtelguntbert: bugreports, yes, but where ?20:06
schiz0idactually how do I pastebin images?20:06
Slart!pastebin | schiz0id20:06
ubottuschiz0id: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:06
guntbertantivirtel: you posted it yourself20:07
Slartschiz0id: see the imagebin thing? try that.. works the same way20:07
Exposure548schz0id: www.imageshack.us ? :)20:07
jakubohi, does evolution have no minimize to tray ability?20:07
jakuboand no ability to get contacts from evolution?20:07
switch10_guntbert: I always wonder why people want others to fix things that effect them.  If we all work on fixing our own problems, this whole thing would work much better.20:08
schiz0idcrucialhoax: http://imagebin.org/9239320:08
antivirtelguntbert "wrote on 2007-12-21"20:08
jakubobecause some people are not able to fix things themselves20:08
schiz0idafk again20:08
guntbertswitch10_: we can talk about that - but in #ubuntu-offtopic please :)20:08
antivirtelguntbert 2 years... it wasnt enough to fix it?!??!!20:09
guntbertantivirtel: this is no place for bug reports/bug discussions - welcome to #ubuntu-offtopic20:09
schiz0idok I'm back20:10
schiz0idcrucialhoax: did you get the link?20:10
crucialhoaxschiz0id: no20:11
Slartis there a way I can see which files are accessed using nfs on my local nfs server? lsof perhaps?20:12
coachjoh why oh why can't ubuntu support my Radon 9000 card as well as PClinuxOS does?20:12
crucialhoaxschiz0id: what is under the devices tab?20:12
schiz0idhold on new screenshot20:12
jelggosh it seems I have Erlang in my computer ... ;)20:12
crucialhoaxyou do need to send a screensht lol20:12
crucialhoaxschiz0id: also, what shows up when you click the preferences button at the bottom?20:13
schiz0idcrucialhoax: you see the small window open? that's it.20:14
diddyI need some help with my WLAN connection. Since a few hours ago my laptop doesn't have Internet access anymore.20:14
adhordenhi, for some reason gdm just loads into a login shell at the moment, any ideas where I start looking to find out how to get it back into gnome?20:14
switch10_diddy: can you ping
crucialhoaxschiz0id: under the devices drop down try to 3rd and 5th options...20:15
diddycrucialhoax, yes I can20:15
crucialhoaxdiddy: you mean switch10_20:15
diddyI double, triple checked the preshared key and it is correct.20:15
diddycrucialhoax, yes, sorry20:15
switch10_diddy: can you ping other machines on you LAN?20:16
TGP1994Hi there everyone, I'm trying to get the php-mysql module working, but I'm having much difficulty with that I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 with Webmin, and here's my phpinfo():20:16
diddyswitch10_, no20:16
SlartTGP1994: webmin might not be a good idea20:16
Slart!webmin | TGP199420:16
ubottuTGP1994: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:16
TGP1994Slart, works fine for me.20:16
diddyI can not get on the lan20:16
TGP1994I know.,20:16
TGP1994I dislike ebox20:16
TGP1994you can't do crap in it.20:16
FloodBot4TGP1994: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
mari_ hi20:17
mari_ hi20:17
TGP1994But anyhow, can anyone help me?20:17
mari_ i have question20:17
KettleCornIf I put a SWAP partition on my RAID1-array of two disks, will they always be spinning or can they be spun down after some inactivity?20:17
holmseris there a way to click on the notifications when someone is chatting with me so the chat window just pops up?20:17
Slart!ask | mari_20:17
ubottumari_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:17
mari_ czy jest tu ktos z polski?20:17
Slart!pl | mari_20:17
ubottumari_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:17
switch10_diddy: do you know the interface you are using?  usually eth0 or wlan0 etc20:18
diddyswitch10_, eth120:18
switch10_diddy: sudo ifconfig eth1 up20:18
switch10_diddy: then try to ping a local machine20:18
jack_i hate ubottu20:19
jack_it keeps setting off my notification20:19
TGP1994Can anyone help me :S20:19
switch10_jack_: sounds like user error to me...20:19
adhordenwhat would cause gdm to fall back to a shell prompt? no errors for x etc20:19
jorge_hola a todos20:19
jack_switch10_: pebkec20:19
crucialhoaxKettleCorn: Swap should not be used if the system has enough RAM. You should be safe.20:20
switch10_diddy: how is it coming?20:20
TGP1994So.... can anyone help me with my php problem?20:20
PiciTGP1994: Whats you're php problem?20:21
diddyswitch10_, nothing20:21
diddyswitch10_, did my wlan card die maybe?20:21
TGP1994I'm trying to get the php-mysql module working, but I'm having much difficulty with that I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 with Webmin, and here's my phpinfo():20:21
pfifoI have libgmp3c installed but I cannot find the associated libgmp3c-dev package that I would normally expect to have available. Im using 9.10, i need gmp.h for building php20:21
switch10_you can't ping a local machine?20:21
switch10_diddy: ^^20:21
lukasz1Hi people20:21
crucialhoaxdiddy: Stupid question, but did it accidentally get turned off?20:21
john522hi, how do i get higher resolutions with a Intel integrated video card?20:22
TGP1994Pici; any ideas?20:22
lukasz1How do I configure a partition for windows in Ubuntu, and restore grub-pc afterwards?20:22
diddycrucialhoax, no it is on20:22
switch10_diddy: another stupid but necessary question, all the cables are securely seated?20:23
crucialhoaxdiddy: Are you using gnome or KDE?20:23
PiciTGP1994: Which package did you install for php mysql?20:23
TGP1994I don't think there are any in the ubuntu repositories.20:23
TGP1994I checked.20:23
lukasz1I just wna't to find out cause Im gonna do dual bot really soon!20:23
diddyI am using Gnome and there are no cables. It is a laptop. I am using WLAN.20:23
insulinahello, I am trying to put zsh working. I alredy install it, but the console still uses old shell, what do I need to do to enable zsh ?20:23
switch10_diddy: is there possibly a problem with your router?  have you tried rebooting your router/modem?20:24
lukasz1sorry made a typo dualboot.20:24
diddyswitch10_, the router is OK, other PCs can access the internet.20:24
Piciinsulina: run chsh20:24
diddyI had already restarted WLAN on the router.20:24
crucialhoaxdiddy: In the upper right hand corner, do you see signal bars or 2 computers with a red X?20:24
Piciinsulina: then enter the path to zsh, /usr/bin/zsh20:24
guntbert!lol >  pupuser3c0c6f20:25
ubottupupuser3c0c6f, please see my private message20:25
diddyBut I don't have a network icon in the top panel of Gnome anymore.20:25
ardianGuys i got an error tasksel: aptitude failed (100)20:25
TGP1994Pici: Nevermind, I found it, it was php5-mysql.20:25
ardianInstalling LAMP tasksel: aptitude failed (100)20:25
crucialhoaxdiddy: Maybe that is why! lol20:25
diddycrucialhoax, no there is no network icon at all.20:25
switch10_diddy: what is the output of iwconfig?  use pastebin20:25
PiciTGP1994: Nevermind as in you don't need any more help?20:25
crucialhoaxdiddy: Lets check to make sure that it is installed still.20:25
diddyI tried to add it but there is no applet available.20:25
switch10_diddy: you dont need network manager..20:25
crucialhoaxswitch10_: I thought you did for wireless?20:26
switch10_crucialhoax: nope.  iwconfig is all you need.20:26
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Hmm. Interesting. :)20:26
diddyHow can I paste it if I can not get on the net?20:26
KristianDKHello! I just installed an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Cluster/Controller - where do i find the username/password for the web interface?20:26
switch10_diddy: true :)20:27
diddyiwconfig is giving me: eth1 IEEE 802.11 Nickname:"" Access point: Not-Associated20:27
crucialhoaxdiddy: try sudo iwconfig eth120:28
maurii have just buy scanner cannon lide 100 but it seems not support by lucid20:28
maurii have just buy scanner cannon lide 100 but it seems not support by lucid ...I need help20:28
Picimauri : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.20:28
mauriPici: it is the same for karmic20:28
switch10_diddy: you are not connected to your router.  and i have a feeling you will be much more comfortable with NM, so ill help you get that back..20:28
Pici!crosspost | mauri20:28
ubottumauri: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.20:28
holmsercannon seems to have some spotty support natively in ubuntu, but they do have linux drivers on their asian support page usually20:29
holmserpici:  check out their asian support pages.  they usually have linux drivers20:29
Piciholmser: I don't need it.20:29
switch10_diddy: right click on your panel and add "notification area"20:29
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holmserwhoops, sorry pici20:29
holmserI meant mauri20:30
diddyOK, I did sudo iwconfig eth120:30
diddyit seems to be working20:30
mauriholmser: i dont understand20:30
KristianDKis there an UEC irc channel?20:30
PiciKristianDK: #ubuntu-server would be more topical20:30
KristianDKty :)20:30
crucialhoaxdiddy: switch10_ was trying to help you add in the network applet20:30
switch10_diddy: can you ping google.com?20:30
jef91I need help getting an ATI rage 128 graphics card to work on Ubuntu 9.10 - the resolution will not go oer 800x600 even though it says the r128 driver is installed20:31
diddyI added the notification area20:31
holmsermauri: check out canon's asian support pages.  they usually have linux drivers20:31
diddynow it is showing a mail icon20:31
holmsermauri:  its something like asia.support.cannon.com20:31
holmsergoogle it20:32
diddyno I mean now it is showing the two-computer-symbol20:32
lukasz1Can anyone help me plsz?20:32
crucialhoaxdiddy: try accessing the internet20:32
guntbert!ask | lukasz120:33
ubottulukasz1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
diddyi am trying20:33
lukasz1I already asked but here it is again,  How do I make a windows 7 parition in Ubuntu and restore grub-pc and make it detect windows 720:33
Slartlukasz1: afaik windows 7 uses regular ntfs.. so create a partition (those are the same for all os's and format it as ntfs and you should be done).. the grub stuff should be detected automatically.. at least it is on my system20:35
mauriholmser: http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/P/search?model=CanoScan+LiDE+100&menu=download&filter=0&start=1020:35
lukasz1Slart, how do I restore grub-pc after I install Windows 7?20:35
jwendellhi, folks. How do I tell upstart to not automatically start a service (mysql)?20:35
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Slart!grub | lukasz1, try this20:35
ubottulukasz1, try this: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:35
crucialhoaxdiddy: You getting it?20:36
jpdsjwendell: bug #9406520:36
Slartlukasz1: the restore grub thingy20:36
=== gomagarrofin is now known as overmind
diddycrucialhoax, nothing20:36
jpdsjwendell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/9406520:36
crucialhoaxdiddy: still no connection?20:36
frxstremdoes Ubuntu Lucid use other repositories than other Ubuntu versions?20:36
diddycrucialhoax, no20:36
holmsermauri: thats it20:36
Slart!lucid | frxstrem20:36
ubottufrxstrem: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:36
lukasz1Slart, how do I find out what I have installed grub-pc or grub2 just to be safe!20:36
mauriholmser: unfortunately nothing20:36
switch10_diddy: are you at least connected to your LAN?  Does NM say "connected"?20:37
holmserthat sucks20:37
crucialhoaxdiddy: What is the network icon status?20:37
holmserfrxstrem:  each ubuntu version has its own repos20:37
Slartlukasz1: ehm.. no idea really.. there might be a version number when you boot.. or you might be able to check it some other way.. "grub -v" perhaps?20:37
crucialhoax!grub | na1520:37
ubottuna15: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:37
diddyno, I am getting one green lights and the blue "dot" is revolving20:38
lukasz1I will try those steps you provided for me thanks Slart20:38
frxstremholmser: but is it possible to install a program from a repository for another version (I want to install PHP 5.3.x, but it's only avaialble in the Lucid repository - I am on Ubuntu Karmic now)20:38
crucialhoaxdiddy: It is trying to connect then.20:38
jwendelljpds, thanks20:38
chi people20:38
crucialhoaxdiddy: how long has it been revolving?20:39
diddycrucialhoax, yes but without success20:39
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destroyhi eine frage wieso funktion nicht chmod -R 775 /var/www ?!20:39
Slartlukasz1: you're welcome and good luck20:39
holmserUbuntu doesn't update program versions within releases, only bug fixes.  you can always compile from source20:39
diddycrucialhoax, a few minutes. i have tried multiple times already20:39
genii!de | destroy20:39
ubottudestroy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:39
destroywrong channel soory20:39
Guest72693how do i put  dir in src? pls help20:39
switch10_diddy: open a terminal and type this:   /etc/init.d/networking restart20:39
diddycrucialhoax, I set the WLAN to "new registrations allowed"20:40
holmseror look for a .deb package, or even find a specific php repo frxstrem20:40
switch10_diddy: that will restart the network, and it should work.20:40
diddyswitch10_, I did, nothing20:41
diddystill only one green light20:41
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
holmserfrxstrem, check this site out.  It may be useful: http://codeblog.palos.ro/2008/05/06/ubuntu-packages-for-latest-php-snapshots/20:42
crucialhoaxswitch10_: when it wont fully connect in my experience isnt it the password?20:42
switch10_diddy: don't worry about the "lights" re input your essid and password20:42
switch10_crucialhoax: probably...20:43
frxstremholmser: but if I got all other packages that I would need - including Apache and MySQL - would this work with them too?20:43
catalinhow do i put a file in user/src?20:43
DarkSectorcatalin: gksu nautilus20:43
diddyswitch10_, i inputed the password 15 times now20:44
switch10_diddy: after you restarted your networking you input your password 15 times?20:44
crucialhoaxdiddy: something is wrong if the network will not fully connect. Password, wrong network, wrong network?20:44
switch10_diddy: do it once a wait a few seconds20:44
MrKeunerhello I am considering alptop which has this: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 Graphics with 512MB GDDR2 Memory does this hardware have free driver?20:45
fabio333hi there20:45
holmserfrxstrem, It should, but I'm no expert.  You may want to use google to find those answers.20:45
duffydackMrKeuner, yes20:45
progre55hi people! I've downloaded a 64bit flash player from adobe http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html and it's a .tar.gz file. while unpacked, there is only one file, libflashplayer.so where do I put it? :)20:45
MrKeunerduffydack, are you using one, or just know it20:45
guntbertcatalin: DarkSector: be *very* careful when you run nautilus with root permissions - its a dangerous thing to do - I'd suggest you just use sudo cp .... for that purpose20:45
DarkSectorguntbert: copy that20:45
duffydackMrKeuner, ATI Mob 4650, all the 4xxx/5xxx are supported20:46
crucialhoaxprogre55: put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins20:46
duffydackMrKeuner, there is the fglrx driver also, thats faster.20:46
progre55crucialhoax: thanks man20:46
MrKeunerduffydack, does the free support include 3d accel and all?20:46
fabio333<MrKeuner> up to hd487020:46
crucialhoaxprogre55: FF will need to be restarted20:46
catalinits ok i just want to learn more20:46
duffydackMrKeuner, Ive only tried compiz with it, so I`d say yes. altho for me its not as fast the fglrx proprietary driver20:46
progre55crucialhoax: roger =)20:47
mouseoverDumb question: Is there a way I can get Ubuntu lite? i.e. an Ubuntu distro without all these bells n whistles, music store, etc. Esssentially, I want to do the LEAST amount of configurating but lose everything else. We mainly use it as a server and/or developer machines20:47
crucialhoaxprogre55: Youtube away after that :)20:47
MrKeunerduffydack, I cannot count on a prop driver, so what you are telling me is bad :( but thank you so much20:47
switch10_mouseover: xubuntu, and lubuntu20:47
progre55crucialhoax: huh?)20:48
duffydackMrKeuner,  nothing wrong with ATI`s proper driver... used it for years20:48
catalinhow do i open nautilius  with root?20:48
switch10_mouseover: but if you are using it as a server, why not just have a command line system?20:48
crucialhoaxprogre55: Have fun on youtube lol20:48
switch10_catalin: gksu nautilus20:48
catalini dont understand20:49
mouseoverswitch10_: If I understand correctly, xubuntu and lubuntu simply use another desktop environment... the thing is, I am fine with GNOME - its all the other junk like compiz, music store, themes, etc that I dont want20:49
progre55crucialhoax: haha)) well, I actually wanted to watch some southpark on southparkstudios.se =))20:49
switch10_catalin: open a terminal and type that.20:49
diddywhat is the difference between ssid and bssid?20:49
crucialhoaxprogre55: that works too20:49
crucialhoaxprogre55: haha20:49
guntbertcatalin: open a terminal, there you type gksu nautilus -- but *please* be *very* careful -- thats an easy way to destroy your system20:50
master_alvaroi have problem with file permissions20:50
switch10_mouseover: then uninstall them.  gnome is a waste of resources on a server.  so is any GUI for that matter.20:50
master_alvaroi have a dir in /var/www20:50
master_alvaroand i have to give perms to new user20:51
=== trevor is now known as thevor
master_alvaroi set acls (setfacl)20:51
jiffe1hmm, I have an ubuntu machine running pacemaker/drbd/mysql and after reboot everything starts up and I can ssh in but the console is frozen, any idea how I might fix that?20:51
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko20:51
switch10_diddy: is your networking up?20:52
diddyswitch10_, yes20:52
master_alvaroi set uid/gid20:52
diddyI did a WLAN device scan on the router and it finds the laptop but the IP address of the laptop is
co2_you os ??20:52
master_alvarobut when i create new files, owner is new user20:52
master_alvaronot www-data20:52
mouseoverswitch10_: I know I am being picky, but I know theres got to be a distro or ubuntu variant that is "lite"... ideally, I want to selectively install the components - I dont recall Ubutnu having something like this20:52
jiffe1I can ctrl-alt-del but that is about it20:52
master_alvarowhy? is it possible to change it?20:53
MaximLevitskydiddy you say
crucialhoaxmouseover: take a look at eBox platform20:53
MaximLevitskydiddy: I know that bug20:53
switch10_mouseover: if you install a base system, you only have to install the stuff you are going to use..20:53
MaximLevitskydiddy: please remove everything in /var/lib/dhcp3/20:54
progre55crucialhoax: works, thanks man =)20:54
MaximLevitskydiddy:  this holds DHCP leases and sometimes it stores
crucialhoaxprogre55: No problem20:54
co2_A Korean isn't?20:54
diddyMaximLevitsky, i did20:55
progre55crucialhoax: but I guess it only works for mozilla now.. and google chrome would not work, so where do I put it for chrome? is there any common place for such stuff? )20:55
diddyMaximLevitsky, and now?20:55
MaximLevitskydiddy: try to connect20:55
co2_MaximLevitsky, and now?20:55
catalinguis i have  a problem20:55
crucialhoaxprogre55: One sec :)20:55
co2_A Korean isn't?20:56
catalinsometimes ubuntu doenst boot up20:56
co2_Oh fun [eps] is bitter!20:56
crucialhoaxprogre55: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:56
progre55crucialhoax: does chrome use the same plugins from the same place?20:57
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
crucialhoaxprogre55: Yes. My flash in chrome works... and I have the libflashplayer.so in the same location..20:57
co2_The secret intention right struggle is amd 64 and20:57
progre55crucialhoax: I just removed flashplugin-installer from apt, hope that's fine =)20:57
crucialhoaxprogre55: Yeah, that is useless now. Ew20:58
progre55crucialhoax: cause on the adobe page it says that I need to uninstall all the flashplayers befere I use/install this one20:58
crucialhoaxprogre55: correct20:58
progre55crucialhoax: aweseme, thanks man, appreciate!20:58
jim__Just installed new wireless N adapter and router. 9.10 refuses to allow me to save the password. it will save for 1 or 2 sessions then it locks again. is there some file I can manually enter the password, and save it? thenmake so nothing can re-write the file? tia.20:58
co2_The secret intention hour blood type [thol] only is 8650.20:58
crucialhoaxprogre55: No problem20:59
IdleOne!ot | co2_20:59
ubottuco2_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:59
progre55crucialhoax: arright, I'm away to watch some southpark )20:59
crucialhoaxprogre55: peace!20:59
IdleOneco2_: do you have an ubuntu support question?20:59
MrKeunerdoes this hardware have drivers in ubuntu? Intel Centrino Wireless-N 100021:00
co2_Right struggle is good and is21:00
MaximLevitskyMrKeuner: shold21:00
MaximLevitskyMrKeuner: should have21:00
MrKeunerMaximLevitsky, free or proprietary21:01
co2_5:00 a.m. Korean timely ㅠㅠ21:01
MaximLevitskyMrKeuner: free, its intel21:01
IdleOneco2_: /join #ubuntu-ko21:01
MaximLevitskyMrKeuner: these days all wireless cards have free driver except broadcom which has reverse engineered free driver21:02
co2_Secret intention cpu [thol] only 865021:02
qazibasithi guys21:02
qazibasiti am having problem with mmy commodore 64, its 1514 floppy is not working21:03
qazibasitneed help21:03
Emanonneed to know where tor (The Onion Router)'s startup entry is stored since it doesnt get stored in my users startup programs and i need to stop it starting on boot so vidalia can start it itself21:03
DickJusticei need help too21:03
Myrttiqazibasit: this is Ubuntu support channel21:03
Emanonif anyone knows that would be nice21:03
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: Are you in need of a completely free system?21:03
DickJusticei think my pizza is alive, and talking to me...21:03
MrKeunerI am just looking for a basic laptop for my parents... It has to support GNU/Linux (fully if possible at all)21:03
co2_Korean method the yo-yo which is21:03
Myrtti!ko | co2_21:04
ubottuco2_: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko21:04
qazibasitneed help with my commodore 64, plz tell me the chan name21:04
co2_Thanks company21:04
IdleOneMyrtti: he is in -ko but insists on babbling :/21:04
Myrttiqazibasit: we're not yellow pages either, try /msg alis list *commodore*21:04
DickJusticewhat about my pizza issue?21:05
DickJusticeis that normal?21:05
crucialhoaxDickJustice: Yes.21:05
MyrttiDickJustice: did you have an UBUNTU issue?21:05
TurbolinuxHello everyone. I want to make a rescue operation with PhotoRec program but how can I use my portable hard disk for saving data?21:05
MrKeunercrucialhoax, I wish but I think there is none21:05
crucialhoaxDickJustice: Now ask something technical.21:05
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: what do you mean?21:05
MrKeunercrucialhoax, I whish there was a completely free system21:06
blue-frogMrKeuner, you can install debian or gos. it will be all free. your parent will hate it but you will be happy21:06
arandEmanon: I would assume /etc/init.d/tor (I don't use vidalia, and tor runs automatically on boot, I'm not sure if vidalia sets up things differently)21:07
jpdsMrKeuner: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/list/?category=Laptop21:07
waltercoolwill ubuntu drop mono?21:07
Emanonthanks ill give that a try arand21:07
jpdswaltercool: No.21:07
MrKeunerjpds, thanks that is useful21:07
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: Yeah. But sometimes a prop driver has to be used since there is not a open source driver21:08
arandEmanon: If you reinstall vidalia, it should ask how you want to configure tor starting, I think.21:08
waltercooljpds, Why? Is patented and is wasting precious cd space21:08
jpdswaltercool: Because we decided not to?21:08
MrKeunercrucialhoax, I understand that21:08
Sivamis there any lvm concept in ubuntu ?21:08
histoSivam: what do you mean?21:08
Sivamhisto: logical volume manager21:09
jpds!lvm | Sivam21:09
ubottuSivam: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:09
guntbertSivam: the alternate CD supports LVM installation21:09
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: So why a full free system? If you absolutely need a free system check out distrowatch.com they will have something for you.21:09
waltercooljpds, dammn... im out of ubuntu... i hate that21:09
jpdswaltercool: Your choice, dude.21:09
Myrttiwaltercool: have a happy one then21:10
MrKeunercrucialhoax, because I cannot count on prop drivers21:10
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: There are distros with only "free" software repos.21:10
jpdswaltercool: It's a useful platform for writing C# programs.21:10
ubuntuWhere to find some documentation about install and configure of FreeRADIUS on Ubuntu server?21:10
waltercooljpds, vala?21:10
h00k!server | ubuntu21:10
ubottuubuntu: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support21:10
jpdswaltercool: That's not C#.21:11
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: Well like I said then, check out distrowatch.com they have FULL free distro's with only free repos.21:11
waltercoolC# like21:11
jpdswaltercool: !C#.21:11
MrKeunercrucialhoax, thank you but my question is about free supporting systems. I am aware of where to get free software21:12
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: as in?21:12
waltercooljpds, =/ Seems like a commercial thing between Ubuntu and Microsoft...21:12
jpdswaltercool: No, not really.21:13
jpdswaltercool: Most of the Mono packages come from Debian.21:13
diddyWhat is the BSSID?21:13
h00kdiddy: Basic Service Set Identifier21:13
waltercooljpds, Maybe they are just following the Icaza wish...21:14
crucialhoaxdiddy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_set_(802.11_network)21:14
h00kdiddy: specifically http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_set_(802.11_network)#Basic_service_set_identifier_.28BSSID.2921:14
TurbolinuxCan you help me? I wrote my question as a previous message.21:14
Myrttiwaltercool: if you don't have a specific ubuntu problem other than semantics of should Ubuntu come with Mono or not, you could continue this discussion at #ubuntu-offtopic21:14
diddyI thought that was the SSID21:14
Alan502Hi, would someone help me getting my microphone work with audacity?21:14
waltercoolMyrtti, ok, thanks21:15
h00kTurbolinux: please repeat it, if somebody knows, they will answer21:15
nikolaj_basherHi:D It can't find the problem, I have installed my sql, and everytime I send somthing i a html formel : øåæ it's shows æøl in the field. when I put øæå via the phpmyadmin formel i shows øæå21:16
TurbolinuxI want to make a rescue operation with PhotoRec program but how can I use my portable hard disk for saving data? The software lists only local directories.21:16
aloneaI am not sure what I did, but double click no longer executes in programs. So, for example, in Eclipse if I double click a file in the browser, nothing happens. I have to right click and open21:17
h00kTurbolinux: your drive should show up in /media/21:17
pkkmHow to minimize a fullscreen game?21:17
Alan502pkkm, which game?21:17
cfeddepkkm: sometimes <esc> will do it.21:17
aloneaOr in Pidgin or Empathy if I double click a contact, nothing happens, I have to right click and click on IM or chat21:17
civproim in some desperate need of some help21:17
U-b-u-n-t-uwhen I use firefox my cpu and ram go way way up and it even happens with opera and chrome when I am on sites like youtube... any idea why?21:17
Alan502alonea, have you tried a different mouse?21:17
civprowebsite just went down21:17
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h00kalonea: check your mouse settings and perhaps adjust your double-click speed21:18
nikolaj_basherthis is my php code http://pastebin.org/14343421:18
aloneaAlan502: don't have a mouse. its a touchpad. and single click is fine.21:18
pkkmAlan502, Nexuiz21:18
nikolaj_basherand in the sql-server the charset is utf-821:18
civproi was making an app to connect to db and it crashed21:18
civproall i changed was through webmin, instead of only localhost, any host21:19
civprocan someone help me get it back up please21:19
Alan502pkkm, there should be a config file under .nexuiz (or something) in your home directory21:19
aloneah00k: I am dumb..somehow the double click speed got set to highest possible. The mouse setting in general have been pretty off. thanks21:19
h00kalonea: I'm glad you got it :) no prob.21:20
civproplease i need urgent help21:20
civproreset the mysql password but its still not able to connect21:20
Alan502civpro, ask?21:20
jim__so the only way for me to have this system connect to my wifi automatically is to buy and install windows 7? How depressing I thought by buying a system with linux on it would make everything easy. I wonder how many other dell customers have had to do this :(21:20
pkkmAlan502, thanks21:20
Alan502pkkm, yw21:20
civproi did21:20
Turbolinuxh00k: The program doesn't show that directory which you said. I can see only home directories?21:20
civprocant login to mysql db21:20
MrKeunerwhy doesn't dell or hp sell ubuntu preloaded systems?21:21
TurbolinuxOnly home directories.21:21
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: Hit Ctrl + H in your home folder21:21
Myrtti!webmin | civpro21:21
ubottucivpro: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:21
MyrttiMrKeuner: ask them?21:21
DeadmanIncJSthey do sell linux computers21:21
wadI was about to download Ubuntu 9.10 server edition, but the website's teaser about version 10.04 is making me want to procrastinate. Is there such a thing as an ETA for this... less than a month, for example?21:21
civproi think its a bind issue21:21
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: Dell does...21:21
MrKeunerMyrtti, I would if they would tell21:21
DeadmanIncJSApril 29th21:21
Myrttiwad: 29th of April21:21
civproeither way i need to find out what went wrong to correct it21:21
jim__MrKeuner, they do, but it is junk this one wont even remember the wifi password21:21
civprowhere is the config file located for mysql21:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:21
=== maciek_ is now known as Guest33720
crucialhoaxjim__: What have you done for the problem so far/21:22
Alan502!lucid | wad21:22
ubottuwad: please see above21:22
civproand also could not binding it to localhost cause this issue?21:22
wadMyrtti, awesome, thanks!21:22
MrKeunerI really wonder what is keeping them away from it, some point they sell but then they stop doing it21:22
civprothe user that is21:22
MrKeunerlike lenovo for example21:22
Myrtticivpro: please keep it in one line?21:22
MrKeuneror just sell the junk hardware with it21:22
ogionnjGuess I just have to jump right in, huh?21:22
catalinhow i can install a tar.bz2?21:22
ogionnjupdate-manager has been telling me that I have to run a partial upgrade.  But I see that that would end up removing some very important packages.  How can I get it back to sanity?21:22
civproi just need help, like asap21:22
civprosorry panicing here21:23
Alan502catalin, it depends on what tar.bz2 that is21:23
MrKeunercrucialhoax, I cannot even find what page those systems are on21:23
Myrtticivpro: and you're making it difficult to give help to you ASAP as you've spread your question and information over several messages that people who might help you need to trace b ack21:23
catalini dont know21:23
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: there are other companies like Systems 76 that all they sell is Linux boxes. Try them21:23
DeadmanIncJSi got mine from ZaReason.com21:23
crucialhoaxMrKeuner: Google is your friend :)21:23
jpdscivpro: Rule #1 of the universe: Don't Panic.21:23
civproits only 1 question, im not able to connect, can you help me get it back working again21:23
Turbolinuxcrucialhoax: It didn't change anything.21:24
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h00kcivpro: please ask your question, including all details, on one line. It makes it a lot easier for people to follow.21:24
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: Then go up to the view menu at the top and choose show hidden folders21:24
Alan502catalin, usually, you need to decompress the file, then cd from the command line; and then type ./configure then make and finally make install21:24
civpromy question: can you help me get mysql back up and running again, i cannot connect21:24
t3chkommiehellow fellow ubuntuians!21:25
h00k!hi | t3chkommie21:25
ubottut3chkommie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:25
xgpthey everyone, what SMTP server should I use for my home server? I don't need anything too fancy...simple is better.21:25
swebhow can i instal 'pocompile'21:25
swebfor get mo file from po file21:25
swebwha'ts package name ?21:26
britis there a way to get a precompiled wine fie?21:26
civproi have asked many times the same exact question and the only response im getting is keep it on 1 line, even though i have been keeping the question on 1 line21:26
TurbolinuxNo, you thought I wanted to see hidden folders in file browser but I want to set up PhotoRec program for saving data from my notebook computer.21:26
doolphxgpt, how many emails per day21:26
Picisweb: translate-toolkit21:26
h00k!patience | civpro21:26
ubottucivpro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:26
crucialhoaxOhh... You are looking for a media folder right?21:26
xgptdoolph: almost none21:26
civpromy question: can you help me get mysql back up and running again, i cannot connect21:26
TurbolinuxCan you help me for this problem?21:26
xgptVERY light usage21:27
jpdscivpro: We need more details than that.21:27
jpdscivpro: What errror message are you seeing?21:27
t3chkommiemy question for the day guys. im looking to make my own type for "dropbox-like" ftp server on my ubuntu server that will allow users to log in through a webpage and manage their data all through the browser.... any ideas?21:27
crucialhoaxwhat happened21:27
doolphxgpt, why do you need a smtp server then?21:27
Turbolinuxcrucialhoax: Can you help me?21:27
swebPici, thank !!!21:27
xgptbecause I want to start spamming viagra ads...kidding i just want to play around with one21:27
civproDATABASE: mysql_connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)21:27
doolphtry gmail its better for you21:27
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: I can tru lol21:27
xgpti have gmail, i just want to play around with it21:27
NalfYour root password is incorrect.21:27
guntbert!crosspost | xgpt21:28
ubottuxgpt: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:28
doolphxgpt, then try qmail21:28
civproi believe its a bind issue, i have already went through the process of resetting the password and it went through successfully21:28
crucialhoaxcivpro: that is a mysql bug... check the mysql forums. I had to look it up yesterday21:28
jpdscivpro: You're using DNS for localhst?21:28
ogionnjAnyone know why update-manager would be telling me that it needs to do a partial upgrade?  The PU looks dangerous.  It wants to remove very important packages.21:28
civprojpds, i believe thats the cause21:28
NalfAre you connecting with 'localhost' or
h00k!who | Nalf21:29
ubottuNalf: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:29
Turbolinuxcrucialhoax: So you will help me isn't it?21:29
civprowhen i went from localhost to any connection it crashed, im thinking i need to bind it but i dont know how21:29
t3chkommiemy question for the day guys. im looking to make my own type for "dropbox-like" ftp server on my ubuntu server that will allow users to log in through a webpage and manage their data all through the browser.... any ideas?21:29
britcan anyone help me install wine?21:29
t3chkommiebrit : sudo apt-get install wine ;)21:29
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: When you are looking for the media folder it will be in / directory then /media21:29
civprocan we take this to a pm so its easier to troubleshoot please, too much action in here :)21:29
paul3333hi, I can't delete all the ati drivers no matter what I do... I erased all the xorg drivers and the envy and the Ati Catalyst still shows up, any clues? Also my display is running very slug-ish, like on windows before you install any drivers. Anyone has a clue? Many thanks21:29
jpdscivpro: What does: "host localhost" return?21:29
h00k!pm | civpro21:30
ubottucivpro: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:30
histo!who | civpro21:30
ubottucivpro: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:30
h00kbrit: sudo aptitude install wine, or look for 'wine' in the Software Center, or in Synaptic21:30
civprolocalhost has address
jpdscivpro: So not a DNS issue.21:30
civprook so what else can i try jpds?21:31
crucialhoaxcivpro: still try the IP instead of localhost21:31
civproso point localhost to the ip address then in named?21:31
TurbolinuxWill Ubuntu set up windows buttons to left with release update from currently version?21:31
crucialhoaxcivpro: In a classroom with 20pcs all networked, with working DNS, only addresses would work for SSH, so just give it a shtot21:32
jribTurbolinux: #ubuntu+1 for lucid (10.04) questions21:32
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: Yes, but if you want them on the right, its an easy fix21:32
* t3chkommie is waiting for the room to simma down before he asks his question....21:32
Moral_Trying to reinstall grub, I go to write it to /dev/hda so it's on my MBR but I get "unable to install GRUB in /dev/hda This is a fatal error"  "The rescue operation 'grub-reinstall' failed with exit code 1.21:32
hydesterhi.  i just was testing out wubi.exe for karmic.  it installed fine, but the screen has a repainting issue.  i'm not sure what the problem could be.  i haven't had this problem with straight karmic before21:32
civprosame thing21:33
Sivamis there any ubuntu version I can install in USB  ?21:33
jpdscivpro: So your password's probably wrong.21:33
crucialhoaxSivam: all of them21:33
Sivamcrucialhoax: which takes less space ?21:34
C_Tekcan someone help me with a user related problem? I have removed the user from the admin group and now i can't do sudo... any advice ?21:34
t3chkommiesivam: you can install all ISO to a usb if there is neought space.21:34
spSivam: if you want a live USB memory key try usb startup disk creator21:34
crucialhoaxSivam: Lubuntu21:34
truth-tellerhi all i take a number to ask a question :)21:34
Turbolinuxcrucialhoax: I understand. The program needs a different set up solution I think because this way didn't work.21:34
crucialhoaxC_Tek: you removed your user from sudo21:34
civprohow can it be i followed the reset password to the t and it updated successfully21:34
spSivam: if you just want to install onto an USB device, go head, do an install and select the USB device when prompted for the install target21:35
jribC_Tek: reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then issue the command: adduser THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_USER_HERE admin21:35
civprohttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/access-denied.html <-- followed this guide21:35
Sivamsp can we boot from this ubuntu on USB ?21:35
C_Tekyeap, and in the middle of the process my vpn link crashed ...21:35
spSivam: yes, you should be able to boot from that installation/live system21:36
C_TekI can still connect to my server but no sudo .. :(21:36
crucialhoaxSivam: If the BIOS supports USB boot -- which most newer pc's do, then yes21:36
guntbert!ask | truth-teller there is no queue :)21:36
ubottutruth-teller there is no queue :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:36
civprook i can log through shell if that helps21:36
Sivamcrucialhoax: I have windows machine which I cannot reboot21:36
crucialhoaxThen I suggest virtual box21:36
Sivamcrucialhoax: in that machine I have an ubuntu ISO file. I want to install ubuntu directly in USB21:36
t3chkommieSivam. get UbUSB and try fixing it.21:36
OsvaldAnteroshas anyone ever gone from a complete ubuntu allocated hardrive to creating a smaller partition for windows and then installing windows on the smaller partition?21:36
truth-teller:) does xbmc can be installed frm apt or a easy way to it?21:36
dhendrixwhich package installs the add-apt command?21:37
jribC_Tek: you need physical access to the machine now21:37
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
crucialhoaxSivam: So you cannot reboot the windows machine but you want to install ubuntu on a usb drive and boot it?21:37
RyanPOsvaldAnteros: Yes.21:37
t3chkommieOsvaldanteos: thats a night mare if you do it that way. much MUCH easier to install ubuntu 2nd. that way the grub gets propogated correctly... thats my experience.21:37
truth-tellerany xbmc user in here?21:37
C_Tek:) Thanx, i was thinking that so taht means only on monday i can fix my user, Thank you21:38
* t3chkommie loves xmbc21:38
crucialhoaxSivam: How is that possible to boot a USB when the system cannot be rebooted? I suggest you look into VirtualBox :)21:38
Sivamcrucialhoax: I want to make the USB as bootable.21:38
Sivamcrucialhoax: I did not want to reboot the machine for now21:38
OsvaldAnterosryanP/t3chkommie: well i have only ubuntu now, i want to create a smaller partition (which i have done) around 6 gigs, install windows98 on it, then install starcraft and 3dstudio max onit21:39
crucialhoaxWell creating a bootable usb is easiest in Ubuntu.21:39
crucialhoaxSivam: Creating a bootable usb is easiest from the Live CD21:39
Turbolinuxcrucialhoax: Do you have another solution?21:39
Beyondinfernoit's not too hard in windows either21:39
bcjOsvaldAnteros: Why Windows 98?21:39
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: Unfortunately, I do not.21:39
=== xandy is now known as [ydnax]
TurbolinuxOK. Thank you for your help.21:40
civprowell shit21:40
crucialhoaxTurbolinux: No Problem21:40
histo!language | civpro21:40
ubottucivpro: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:40
OsvaldAnterosbcj: i have a real old 3d studio max cd that i tried to install on xp but Max didn't work21:40
RyanPOsvaldAnteros: It's possible. Use gparted or something from a bootable CD and resize your Linux partition. As t3chkommie said, Windows will try to wipe grub out, so you'll need to be able to recreate it.21:40
t3chkommieOsvaldanteos: if you can install everything first. then ubuntu... make it easier.. if not.. youre going to have to point youre grup to your partitions... im no good at that :(21:40
bcjOsvaldAnteros: Have you tried Blender?21:40
bcjOsvaldAnteros: ...as a free alternative to 3DS Max?21:41
civprowell this is useless, guess ill try to find someone who knows, later21:41
crucialhoax!blender | OsvaldAnteros21:41
ubottuOsvaldAnteros: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro21:41
OsvaldAnterosbcj: im partial to max, and have exp. with it21:41
bcjOsvaldAnteros: Wine?21:42
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bcj!wine | OsvaldAnteros21:42
ubottuOsvaldAnteros: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:42
OsvaldAnterosyes ive heardof wine and cedega and virtual box even, but LAGGING is akin to murder in starcraft21:42
dhendrixOsvaldAnteros: In my experience, Starcraft runs very well under Wine (no lag at all)21:43
histoOsvaldAnteros: I think you'd be suprised to see that there isn't much lag in wine if any21:43
OsvaldAnteroshmmm....alright ill try wine but i have a feeling ill be back21:44
dhendrixOsvaldAnteros:  I've also done warcraft 3 and a few first person shooters in Wine. Competitively. Lag was not an issue.21:44
arandOsvaldAnteros: In my experience, for casual play starcraft is fine, but if you're into some more competitive, I don't think you'll enjoy wine.21:44
dhendrixOsvaldAnteros:  :  However, it's not always easy to set up. And if you don't use nVidia graphics with their binary driver, you'll likely get crappy performance no matter what.21:44
Wild_DoogyI am having trouble with a python script. it seems that my firewall is blocking all incomming TCP requests21:45
arandOsvaldAnteros: But as it seems, your mileage may vary...21:45
Wild_Doogytrying to connect to port 1292 and I get conenction refused21:45
Zoltonhttp://getordie.blogspot.com/ Start earning money for signup at websites!21:45
Zoltonhttp://getordie.blogspot.com/ Start earning money for signup at websites!21:45
Zoltonhttp://getordie.blogspot.com/ Start earning money for signup at websites!21:45
FloodBot4Zolton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
OsvaldAnterosAlright thanks for the input, ill try to config wine right and see if it does max and starcraft groovy enough21:46
dhendrixarand:  yeah, that's the problem. "YMMV" has been my experience with Wine. It's gotten consistently better IMHO, but when I get the itch to play multiplayer I usually end up coughing up $15 for a 3-month Cedega license to avoid configuration frustration.21:46
BeyondinfernoI know this is  for general help but i can't get anyone in the samba channel and i could use some help21:47
Wild_Doogymy script works fine the other way, computer A > B but not B>A21:47
Wild_Doogyhow do I allow it though the firewall?21:47
=== WebDawg is now known as TheWebDawg
crucialhoaxWild_Doogy: Add a rule into ufw21:48
t3chkommieneeds help with FTP server apps.21:48
crucialhoax!ufw | Wild_Doogy21:48
ubottuWild_Doogy: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.21:48
Beyondinfernohas anyone run into issues when trying to view a samba share a samba share running on ubuntu x86 from a x64 install of ubuntu?21:49
magicianlordi need the command to remove old kernels and related  headers in one, fell, swoopie woop swoop21:49
crucialhoaxWild_Doogy: No prob.21:50
magicianlordBeyondinferno: no, i have not.21:50
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest33371
Beyondinfernodo you know of any settings in the conf that would effect only an x64 machine?21:51
Guest33371Is there a channel for 10.04 beta?21:51
crucialhoax!lucid | Guest3337121:51
ubottuGuest33371: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:51
magicianlordGuest33371: this is it, money21:51
Guest33371crucialhoax, thank you21:51
crucialhoaxNo problem :)21:52
rohitsilentkilleHow do we create the wiki required in launchpad21:53
FauxFauxBoth the 09 and the 10 beta installers' partition managers just get this machine (the one I'm using right now) completely wrong; http://faux.uwcs.co.uk/ubuntu-2010b1.html .  Basically, they're convinced that something that's blatently a valid ntfs partition is a swap disk, even if you tell them that it's not.  How can I bug report this?21:53
Beyondinfernocrucialhoax: do you know of any settings in smb.conf that would effect only a x64 client?21:53
historohitsilentkille: what do you mean?21:53
crucialhoax!wiki | rohitsilentkille21:53
ubotturohitsilentkille: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.21:53
crucialhoaxBeyondinferno: No I do not =/21:53
Beyondinfernoi've got something very strange going on....21:54
guntbertrohitsilentkille: there is no wiki "required" to be here :)21:54
crucialhoaxBeyondinferno: However, I do not believe architecture matters. It is a configuration somewhere.21:54
histoBeyondinferno: can you view the share from elsewhere on the network?21:54
ZykoticK9rohitsilentkille, just put https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XYZ where XYZ is the page name you wish, if it's available there will be a "Create new empty page" link.21:54
histoBeyondinferno: and what do you mean by "having trouble"21:54
t3chkommiedoes anyone know of a good ftp back end for ubuntu server thats got a decent webinterface (WBI)???21:55
histo!ftpd | t3chkommie21:55
ubottut3chkommie: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP21:55
Beyondinfernohisto: yes i can, i can view it via a laptop running karmic x86 via wired and wireless but not from a x64 machine running karmic21:55
t3chkommiethanks histo21:55
histoBeyondinferno: what happens when you try to view it withthe x64 machien?21:55
magicianlordQuestion: Why do laptops running Ubuntu run significantly hotter than Windows?21:56
zoughey, someone help me with this:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1447461 . i tried to help, didnt worked out well.21:56
Beyondinfernoi've tried installing a pci nic thinking it may be a compatibility issue with my onboard nic but no dice21:56
crimsunmagicianlord: poor hamster care21:56
magicianlordcrimsun: hadouken?21:56
crimsunmagicianlord: really, we don't do as good a job of powering things down21:56
histoBeyondinferno: again what happens when you try to view the share? are you sure samba is installed on the x64 machine21:56
magicianlordoh i see21:57
histoBeyondinferno: type smtree in a terminal on the x64 machine.21:57
Beyondinfernoi can see the windows network on the 64 bit machine and workgroup but i can't see the server21:57
histozoug: there is an issue withthat chipset right now in uubntu I believe21:58
Beyondinfernohistro: I THINK I FOUND IT!21:58
Kuifje111! trigger21:58
histozoug: i've seen people use windows drivers and got it working.21:58
histoBeyondinferno: what was it?21:58
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)21:58
zoughisto: ndis?21:58
Beyondinfernoserver requested plaintext password21:58
histozoug: ndiswrapper21:58
zoughisto: okay..21:58
Beyondinfernobut client plaintext auth is disabled21:59
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:59
histozoug: and windows drivers because the firmware install isn't working for some reason atleast from what people have been saying in here.21:59
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:59
histoBeyondinferno: cool.21:59
guntbert!askthebot | Kuifje11121:59
ubottuKuifje111: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:59
TurbolinuxDoes anyone know how to set up a special directory for saving data from computer with PhotoRec program? I want to transfer rescued files to my portable hard disk.21:59
zoughisto: i even tried the drivers from broadcom website, but it wont start.21:59
eaglecothHey, I followed the InternetConnectionSharing Guide on ubuntu.org,  it works flawlesslys however, setup is not kept after reboot, where is the proper place to configure bootup internetsharing?21:59
Kuifje111guntbert: ok :-).21:59
Exposure548hey there22:00
ghost_what chat is this?22:01
ghost_is this umunu?22:02
ghost_mother fucker22:02
crucialhoaxwhere does ubuntu store its icons? I want to compile icons from different packages into one icon pack =)22:03
himiksomewhere in /usr/share/pixmap22:04
ZykoticK9crucialhoax, have a look at both /usr/share/pixmap and /usr/share/icons22:04
ghost_hey niggas22:04
th3Xfagtr??? where do I find theme packages and the like after i have marked them for installation - what file do they go into when installed?22:04
Turbolinux!language ghost_22:04
macoghost_: thats not appropriate22:04
ZykoticK9ghost_, do you have an Ubuntu support question?22:04
macoghost_: also, no advertising22:04
guntbert!ops | ghost racist comments22:05
ubottughost racist comments: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:05
SeekTruthIm new Ubuntu.  I have a problem that never used to happen in vista.  When I write text on a forum, sometimes firefox and the whole Ubuntu stops responding!  Whats going on? I thought Ubuntu was stable?  And how do I get out of it? I had to hard reboot my whole PC?22:05
crucialhoaxZykoticK9: Doing that now. thanks all22:06
macoguntbert: ya know, not everyone who says that is racist... sometimes it means "buddies"...depending on the person... which still doenst make it appropriate, just more in "give a warning" not "call the ops" range, IMO22:06
ghost_NIgguhs you got it all wronhg22:06
spSeekTruth: last question first: yes, switching between operating systems works by rebooting your PC and no other way (except for virtualization, but that's another topic)22:06
Kuifje111SeekTruth: crtl + alt + backspace or ctrl + alt + F1.22:06
SeekTruthanyone know what causes ubuntu to lock up and stop responding and what solution is?22:06
guntbertmaco: please read his statements since joining22:06
spSeekTruth: which version of Ubuntu are you running? graphics chipset? used driver?22:06
aguitelSeekTruth, maybe you use ubuntu pirate version22:06
spSeekTruth: especially proprietary drivers can cause problems22:07
Kuifje111SeekTruth: never mind. I thought your pc froze and wanted to get out of that.22:07
macoguntbert: oh i thought those were the first statements made22:07
jpdsaguitel: wut.22:07
macoguntbert: oh dang. alrighty22:07
SeekTruthKuifje111: i actually tried ctrl + alt + F1. but all it did was put me to a prompt and then I still had to reboot. Whats going on?22:07
Rods_Tigeris there anything in Linux that reads Pages documents?22:07
ghost_hello nigghus22:07
Turbolinuxghost_: Don't continue to being rude.22:07
macoghost_: stop that22:07
ghost_Im drunk22:07
ghost_cant help it22:07
crucialhoaxso leave22:07
spSeekTruth: you could have gotten back to your graphical environment by pressing ctrl+f7 btw22:08
Kuifje111SeekTruth: you can reboot from prompt. just enter "reboot". however the only way to switch O.S. is to reboot.22:08
SeekTruthanyone know what causes ubuntu to lock up and stop responding when I type messages on a webpage forum. and what solution is?  I had to do a hard reboot :(  Not good!  I thought Ubuntu was stable :(22:08
spSeekTruth: again, which version of Ubuntu are you running?22:08
spSeekTruth: which graphics adapter is in your system?22:08
guntbertmaco: :)22:08
Kuifje111SeekTruth: check "top".22:08
jcsandimahi, Id like add a static ip addr to eth0 in addition to dhcp22:08
SeekTruthKuifje111: i dont want to switch os.. I only have Ubuntu22:08
spjcsandima: ifconfig eth0:0 is the way to go22:08
spjcsandima: ie: ifconfig eth0:0 x.x.x.x netmask y.y.y.y22:08
Kuifje111SeekTruth: ok then. check "top" and see if there any processes generating high cpu load.22:09
th3Xfagtrwhere do packages go when you install them from the pkg mgr?22:09
SeekTruthsp: Ubuntu 9.10.  Laptop with Nvidia 8400 built in22:09
jcsandimahook like: ip addr add x.y.z/24 dev eth022:09
jcsandimawhere can i save it so it is permanent22:09
spSeekTruth: which graphics driver are you using? the proprietary one from nvidia?22:09
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=== maciek_ is now known as Guest42028
SeekTruthsp: i just installed Ubuntu 6 hours ago.. whatever came with it22:09
spjcsandima: if you are using the eth0:0 way of doing things you can go ahead and edit /etc/network/interfaces22:09
macoSeekTruth: do the caps and numlock and sucklike lights flash when it locks? if so, thats a kernel panic22:10
SeekTruthsp: why would the video driver cause ubuntu to crash just by typing text on a forum?22:10
Rods_Tigerhas anyone made the change from OS X to Linux 100%? What do you do to read the iLife docs?22:10
SeekTruthmaco: no22:10
spSeekTruth: you were most likely asked whether you want to enable a proprietary driver22:10
jcsandimaok ill try that thanks22:10
Danielpk_is there anyway to restore ubuntu install?22:10
SeekTruthwhat can I do the next time Ubunti locks up???22:10
orangejuiceQuestion, how long does it generally take to load ubuntu from a USB? My loading screen has been going for ~10 minutes, I'm wondering if its stalled or if its just normal.22:10
SeekTruthsp: no i wasnyt22:10
macoSeekTruth: if not, it may just be graphics stuff being broken, in which case, enable ctrl+alt+backspace in your keyboard setting and you should be able to hit that key combo to force a logout instead of having to fully shut down22:10
macolol @ that ident22:11
spSeekTruth: did you install all available updates yet (through update manager)?22:11
SeekTruthso next time it locks up, I press ctrl+alt+backspace?22:11
SeekTruthsp: fully up to date22:11
macoSeekTruth: you have to enable that key combo in the keyboard settings22:11
SeekTruthsp: there was 240MB updates after I installed22:11
TurbolinuxIs there someone else who knows PhotoRec usage and it's preferences?22:11
SeekTruthmaco: eh?22:11
macoSeekTruth: but if enabled it should just force a logout so you can log back in instead of having to go through the full reboot22:11
deliverancehey guys22:11
crucialhoaxI installed the Ambience theme from 10.04 in 9.10 where does 9.10 keep it?22:11
macoSeekTruth: ctrl+alt+bksp is disabled by default. if you go to system -> preferences -> keyboard you should be able to enable it22:12
kusemudelhi guys can anybody tell me how to install pydev in eclipse?22:12
TurbolinuxI need help urgently. Thank you.22:12
SeekTruthso next time it locks up, I press ctrl+alt+backspace?  anyone know how I get out of a lockup?22:12
th3Xfagtrneed help finding some packages --22:12
SeekTruthmaco: its not in system -> preferences -> keyboard22:12
mj8741Tried live cd of ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 - have nvidia geforce 6150 le graphics card - screen just stays blank.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.22:12
macoSeekTruth: try ctrl+alt+backspace, but like i said you have to turn that feature on first...22:12
SeekTruthmaco: where in system -> preferences -> keyboard?22:12
crucialhoax!lucid | mj874122:13
ubottumj8741: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:13
macoSeekTruth: i dont use gnome, but somewhere in there should be advanced layout settings22:13
SeekTruthsp should I activate nvidia 185 drivers?22:13
macoSeekTruth: called "key sequence to kill the X server"?22:13
spSeekTruth: if it isn't activated you could give it a try, yes22:14
ZykoticK9SeekTruth, in gnome System menu / then Preferences / then Keyboard22:14
spSeekTruth: if it is activated, try deactivating it22:14
crucialhoaxI installed the Ambience theme from 10.04 in 9.10 where does 9.10 keep it?22:14
SeekTruthmaco: no. nithing in there says "key sequence to kill the X server"22:14
macoZykoticK9: what does gnome call the ctrl+alt+bksp setting?22:14
SeekTruthmaco: u new to ubuntu too I see22:14
macoSeekTruth: no22:14
macoSeekTruth: im an ubuntu developer actually, i just dont use this desktop environment22:15
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap22:15
SeekTruthZykoticK9: how I fix Ubuntu if it freezes and locks up again?22:15
macoZykoticK9: er thats not how you do it anymroe is it?22:15
macoZykoticK9: its now a keyboard setting but i dont know what gnome calls it, only what kde calls it22:15
minimeccrucialhoax: Probably /usr/share/themes22:15
ZykoticK9maco the link gives the gnome instructions22:15
macoZykoticK9: ah ok22:15
* maco thinks xavier ought to fix his connection22:16
deliveranceanyone know anything about backtrack 4?22:16
macodeliverance: not in this channel22:16
ZykoticK9maco, it's still "Key sequence to kill the X server" but you need to select Layouts then Layout Options first SeekTruth22:16
=== simon_ is now known as Guest57754
guntbert!backtrack | deliverance22:16
ubottudeliverance: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:16
deliveranceo sorry which channel should i go to?22:16
SeekTruthsp: you think installing this 185 Nvidia driver will stop the freezing and lockups?22:16
macoZykoticK9: ah. kde just calls it "advanced"22:16
kusemudelhow can i install pydev?22:16
guntbertdeliverance: see ^^^^22:16
Slartis there a way to run a specific app using another theme in gnome? my regular theme makes one specific app look very bad.. text is almost unreadable and so on22:17
deliveranceo sorry it was the last one and wasnt done reading it ha ha thanks guys22:17
crucialhoaxminimec: It is there but there are no icons...22:17
SeekTruthmaco: you think installing this 185 Nvidia driver will stop the freezing and lockups?22:17
minimeccrucialhoax: /usr/share/icons ... ? ;)22:17
macoSeekTruth: it may. lockups that arent kernel panics are usually caused by teh graphics driver wedging. though whether a new version actually has the bug fixed is a totally separate question22:17
spSeekTruth: I can't tell for sure, but it's worth a try :)22:17
crucialhoaxminimec: Does ambience still use the human icon set?22:18
SeekTruthim just a bit disapointed thats all.  one main reason I switched to ubuntu was I thought it was very solid and stable.  Never had a whole OS lock up on me before just typing a message on a web forum :(22:18
macoSeekTruth: nvidia wrote that driver, we didnt ;-)22:18
Beyondinfernohistro: are you still here?22:18
minimeccrucialhoax: I don't think so. It's some kind of tango, I think. I don't know the exact name.22:18
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: What browser were you using when this happened/22:18
SeekTruthive never even had crappy Vista lock up on me like this :P22:18
crucialhoaxminimec: Its Humanity ;)22:19
SeekTruthcrucialhoax: firefox which came with ubuntu22:19
guntbertjrib: is it unavoidable that the removals scroll the channel?22:19
minimeccrucialhoax: Yeah ;)22:19
macoSeekTruth: nvidia probably pays more attention to the quality of their drivers for windows as its a bigger market22:19
macoSeekTruth: there is an open source driver called Nouveau, but i dont know how usable it is in 9.10. i believe itll be default for nvidia users in 10.04 though22:19
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: What else was running?22:19
jribguntbert: well you can block those messages in your client, but it's up to you22:19
bigtom21485what does this mean22:19
bigtom21485Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.8m DAV/2 mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at www.shoent.info Port 8022:19
FloodBot4bigtom21485: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
SeekTruthbtw, do I really need NOSCRIPT addon for firefox?  Or cant any website scripts infect my Ubuntu?  I need to be careful cause I use a lot of netbanking etc22:19
macoSeekTruth: i use it because cross-site scripting is a problem regardless of OS22:20
guntbertjrib: ahh -- silly me (I thought I had blocked everything possible)22:20
rohitsilentkillei get unknown timezone error on logging into wiki.ubuntu.com22:20
SeekTruthok ubuntu said I need to reboot ubuntu to activate the Nvida driver. brb22:20
rohitsilentkillepls help22:20
SeekTruthcrucialhoax: nothing else was running22:20
macoSeekTruth: it may not be able to drive-by download something and hijack your whole machine, but doing bad things within the browser is of course still possible with JS enabled22:20
elknof1hi everyone, Im trying to set up a double boot system on a aspire one zg5 (aoa150), ive already installed windows xp sp3 and ubuntu 9.10, since i want to share files between partitions i used ext2ifs but when i tryed to acces the partition it showed me an error something that the partition has no format and asks me if i want to format it, of course i dont. Then idownloaded the utility from the page and it told me thet the partition was made with and inod22:20
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: there was something that spiked a huge mem usage then22:21
crucialhoaxminimec: Ubuntu-Mono-Dark22:21
spelknof1: IIRC ext2ifs is lacking ext4 support... now if you formatted an Ubuntu partition as ext4 that won't work out22:21
holmserI am trying to set up file sharing between my laptop and desktop computer.  I have the file shared, I can see my desktop computer from the "network" window, but it keeps saying "failed to retrieve share list from server" when I try to browse it22:22
holmserany ideas?22:22
elknof1sp: no i didnt formatted as ext4, i did as ext322:22
n00b09** can you install ubuntu 64-bit on 64-bit intel cpus?22:22
deliveranceim back ha ha22:22
jpdsn00b09: Yes.22:22
holmseryeah n00b0922:22
SeekTruthim back. how can I tell if the Nvidia driver is acvitated properly?22:23
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: lsmod22:23
macodeliverance: whats up?22:23
spelknof1: and you used the tool coming with ext2ifs to mount the ext partition?22:23
SeekTruthcrucialhoax: this part? agpgart                34988  2 nvidia,intel_agp22:23
deliveranceha ha hey..... so i tried to join #backtrack-linux but wouldnt even let me connect and said i was banned??22:24
elknof1brb out to eat...22:24
SeekTruthso is that what everyone does when Ubuntu locks up?  they press ctrl+alt+backspace?22:24
elknof1sp: yes22:24
macoSeekTruth: for most of us it doesnt happen22:24
SlartSeekTruth: REISUB is also useful22:24
SeekTruthmaco: i think Nvidia is running22:24
spelknof1: sounds weird... is ubuntu in hibernate by any chance?22:24
sloopyubuntu locks up?22:24
SeekTruthSlart: whats that?22:24
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: I use ctrl+alt+f1 then kill the program22:25
macosloopy: if you have crappy drivers, sure22:25
elknof1sp: never22:25
guntbertSeekTruth: no - my system doesn't lock up - I cannot remember such case within a year22:25
SeekTruthsloopy: yes. i was typing a message on a web forum and the whole thing just locked up :( Had to do a hard reboot22:25
bigtom21485anybody know what the best file sharing program is?22:25
elknof1sp: the solution is to format my ext3 partition with and inode size of 128 instead of 256...22:25
macomy last lockup was probably 18mo ago. my graphics driver was very very new and not very tested at the time22:25
elknof1but dont know how..22:25
spelknof1: sounds weird... but to be honest I haven't played with ext2ifs in a while... could be a lot of things causing those problems for you22:25
deliverancehow can i address my chat to a specific person?22:25
macodeliverance: say their name22:25
SlartSeekTruth: it's a .. well.. some kind of low-level thing.. you press alt+printscr and then R E I S U B .. each one does something specific,.. clears caches.. spins down hard drives etc.. the last one reboots the system22:26
SeekTruthcrucialhoax: when I did ctrl+alt+f1 all i saw was a black screen22:26
macodeliverance: you can type the first couple characters then hit tab22:26
macoSeekTruth: with a login prompt?22:26
meowbuntuhi I have a serious error. after installing chromium browser .deb file. every time I open terminal it runs gedit instead. i have tryed to reinstall gnome terminal thru synaptic but that gives errors. i have also run fsck that will not fix the problem. any ideas would be appricated.22:26
mickohi guys, I have bought a Dell 1564 with i3 and I installed Ubuntu 9.04 and I have shitty graphics :( how to solve that please?22:26
sloopymaco, SeekTruth my question was rehtorical...22:26
SeekTruthmaco: yes22:26
macoSlart: its alt+sysrq22:26
deliverancemaco, like this22:26
macoSlart: that is *not* always the same as alt+printscr22:26
elknof1sp: ive done some research and is something with mkfs -I 128  but just dont know how to finish the line since my /dev/sda7 is the partition in question....22:26
macodeliverance: yep22:26
SeekTruthsloopy: well u got an answer anyway :)22:26
SlartSeekTruth: if you google for REISUB you'll get better info than I can give you.. it's basically just slightly better than just power-cycling it22:26
mickoI tried Lucid beta and the graphics problem is solved, but it's highly unstable :(22:26
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: Exactly. then you log in to the computer, then use ps -A | grep <open program name> then when you find it, killall <program name>22:26
deliverancemaco: hmm i see i thought there was an automated way of doing it ha ha22:27
macoSlart: my sysrq and prtsc are next to each other. sysrq is fn+del22:27
spelknof1: elknof1 you are aware of the fact that using that command will delete everything off that partition, right?22:27
SeekTruthcrucialhoax: sounds complicated. i think ill just do a reboot :P22:27
deliverancemaco: so did you see my question about the channel?22:27
macodeliverance: tab completion is the most automated that i know of22:27
SlartSeekTruth: as maco said.. it's the SysRq key... on my keyboard it is on the same key as printscreen.. you'll have to check your keyboard22:27
macodeliverance: um no.. i saw we sent you to #backtrack-linux and you left and now youre back and i dont know why22:27
crucialhoaxSeekTruth: Actually it is not. And its easier on the Hard drive22:27
spelknof1: however, if you do not need any other options mke2fs -I xxx /dev/sdXY should do the trick22:27
SeekTruthnow that I have Nvida drivers instaled. what can I do to take advantage of it?  :)22:27
spelknof1: if you are unsure about the options have a look at man mke2fs22:28
deliverancemaco: i tried joining it but i didnt even connect and it said i was banned :(22:28
mickoanyone please?22:28
minimecmicko: <alt>f2 gnome-terminal, then lspci | VGA22:28
crucialhoax!lucid | micko22:28
ubottumicko: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:28
spelknof1: oh, and using mkfs.ext3 might be a better idea :)22:28
meowbuntuhi I have a serious error. after installing chromium browser .deb file. every time I open terminal it runs gedit instead. i have tryed to reinstall gnome terminal thru synaptic but that gives errors. i have also run fsck that will not fix the problem. any ideas would be appricated.22:28
minimecmicko: tell me the results22:28
orion_X11SeekTruth, Install compiz-fusion for example22:28
macoSeekTruth: the REISUB thing lets your system properly sync the disk so you dont corrupt your filesystem. you know how you were always told "dont just turn it off, shut down, else youll screw up the hard drive?" REISUB is a manual shut down22:28
SeekTruthactually now I know my Nvidia drivers are installed because now windows have some sort of special effects when I open and close.. how I stop that? :P22:29
mickominimec: dude the graphic card is Intel which is integrated in the CPU22:29
SeekTruthmaco: ok22:29
Slart!ccsm | SeekTruth22:29
ubottuSeekTruth: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:29
minimecmicko: Ok. Are you running 9.10?22:29
mickominimec: this is a common problem among people :)22:29
macomeowbuntu: can you go to a ctrl+alt+f1 terminal and type "less /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop" and check it doesnt say gedit anywhere in there? (i think thas the right path22:29
mickominimec: 9.0422:29
deliverancewho are the mods in here?22:30
macomicko: by the way, dont say swear words22:31
macodeliverance: there are probably a dozen or so, why?22:31
Slartdeliverance: you can check in #ubuntu-ops if you want to speak to them22:31
randomusr_hey all, is brasero capable of burning a bootable dvd image?22:31
Slartrandomusr_: yes22:31
mickomaco: swear words?!22:31
minimecmicko: What should I say... Upgrade to 9.10 or wait for the 10.04 These distributions support kms (kernel mode settings) for your card.22:31
macomicko: you used the S word up there ^ i think22:31
macodeliverance: #ubuntu ops cant help you with getting unbanned from the backtrack channel22:31
mickominimec: I tried 9.10 but it doesn't work either!22:31
randomusr_Slart, I just burned the image and it's not bootable.... just a file22:31
macodeliverance: these channels are totally unrelated22:32
meowbuntumaco hold on i need to right that down22:32
mickominimec: tried Lucid and it solves the problem, but it's NOT stable at all :(22:32
Slartrandomusr_: then you probably burned it as a data disc.. you need some kind of "burn image" option.. it's in there somewhere22:32
macomeowbuntu: dont forget you can use tab completion to finish the file name22:32
macomeowbuntu: you know how to get back to X right? hit ctrl+alt+f7 (or a higher number.. meh..it can vary)22:32
minimecmicko: wait for lucid. It's probably the best.22:32
deliverancemaco: but it was my first time every even trying to connect to that channel i dont know why im automatically banned before i have even tried connecting? doesnt seem right22:33
mickominimec: I need to use my computer!!! :(22:33
mickominimec: I'm a student22:33
macodeliverance: probably someone else had your ip address before and its an old ban22:33
mosina todos22:33
Slartrandomusr_: it's the last button of the 5 you get when you start brasero..  there's Audio project, Data project, Video project, Disc copy and Burn image.22:33
macodeliverance: i'll ask in there22:33
deliverancemaco: really? your the best :D22:33
randomusr_Slart, i see, i just thought the default from a shortcut menu would burn an image22:34
Slartrandomusr_: uhm.. I have no idea.. I don't think I've used that shortcut22:34
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IdleOnedeliverance: *!*root*@* is banned, that is why you can't join that channel22:35
minimecmicko: Sorry... I don't know what you mean by shitty graphics. if you have to, modify your /etc/xorg.conf of your 9.04 install and use the basic vesa driver.22:35
randomusr_oh well22:35
randomusr_it's working now22:35
mickominimec: some people said that they modified xorg.conf and change vesa to Intel22:35
deliveranceIdleOne: ha ha ya it said i shouldnt go into chat as root but i cant figure out how to get an account with non root privilages22:35
meowbuntumaco, it cant find it22:35
mickominimec: but I couldn't find the "vesa" part in that file22:36
macodeliverance: you need to change your ident22:36
macodeliverance: you're currently set to "root" as the name before the @ in your client. they dont allow people who are running as root22:36
User_007Hello, i have installed the last beta and i want to know how is it so fast after gdm22:36
_pg_securty/anonymity software (like Tor, PeerGuardian) does anyone have suggestions on other good programs or better places to ask?22:36
_pg_already tried at #tor- theyre all under the radar ;-)22:37
SeekTruththat website you gave me is not reveleant for me,  because nowhere does it say t "Key sequence to kill the X server"22:37
deliverancemaco: how do i go about that.. i tried making a account with non root privilages but in the bash prompt it still had a $ after it instead of a #22:37
SeekTruthi cannot enable "Key sequence to kill the X server" because it dont appear in my keyboard layout.  Anyone help me enable it?22:37
macomeowbuntu: oh apparently theres no desktop file O_o ok... try "sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator"22:38
minimecmicko: yeah... In 9.04 /etc/xorg.conf is still present but 'empty'... There should be some examples in the forums, dealing that problem.22:38
macodeliverance: $ is non-root. # is root22:38
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap22:38
macodeliverance: possibly its just a setting in your irc client22:38
meowbuntumaco, actually was my typo. no nothing about gedit there22:38
SeekTruthfound it22:39
deliverancemaco: ya but i also wanna change it on my os... in backtrack i think its opposite22:39
deliverancecause im pretty sure $ is root and # is non root22:39
macodeliverance: type "whoami"22:39
SeekTruthso now.. when Ubuntu locks up next time,. I just press ctrol+alt+backspace?22:39
deliverancemaco: in the prompt??22:39
macoSeekTruth: yep. if theres a next time22:39
macodeliverance: yeah22:39
SeekTruthmaco: :P22:39
Arch_NMEdoes anyone know if there is something like the windows taskman in ubuntu?22:39
deliverancemaco: alright22:39
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SlartArch_NME: system, administration, system monitor?22:40
Arch_NMEslart: is there a hotkey to bring that up?22:40
SeekTruthmaco: i need to add a user.  if i do that, no matter what he does in his account, it wont affect or infect my main account so my netbanking gets compromised etc?22:40
meowbuntumaco, is ctrl+alt+f1 same as terminal.22:40
macoSeekTruth: right22:40
deliverancemaco: it just says the same thing in the prompt22:40
SlartArch_NME: there probably is.. I don't know what it is though =)22:40
SeekTruthmaco: ok cool22:40
macomeowbuntu: its a regular tty terminal. the terminal youre used to is a pretty terminal emulator inside of X22:41
Arch_NMEI need hotkey because the issue I'm having is I'm playing team fortress and sometimes it freezes and I need to kill it22:41
deliverancemaco: although you were right cause there is a # ha ha.. it says root@bt~#22:41
SeekTruthmaco: how do I add a user.  the add button is ghosted22:41
_pg_to run tor on ubuntu, do I need to do anything besides install Vidalia?22:41
macoSeekTruth: is there an unlock button?22:41
Arch_NMEbut I can't browse through the menu like that to get to that system monitor22:41
SlartArch_NME: tried ctrl+alt+f1?   note! Alt+F7 to get back22:41
SeekTruthmaco: no22:41
Arch_NMEslart: that brings you to the terminal correct?22:41
SlartArch_NME: that will get you a TTY.. you can login and run something like top/htop or such22:42
meowbuntumaco, ok whats the command to see full app name again22:42
SlartArch_NME: yup22:42
SeekTruthmaco: ahh it says "click to make changes"22:42
SlartArch_NME: or write things like  "pkill teamfortress" or whatever the process name is22:42
* meowbuntu its great to have helpful ppl like maco 22:42
macoSeekTruth: ive been using kubuntu for over a year so anything that changed in ubuntu since then i wont know about (the button *used to* say "unlock")22:42
Arch_NMEit's running through wine22:42
SlartArch_NME: top lists running processes, htop does the same thing.. but with colours... and more bling bling22:42
deliverancemaco is pretty sick ill admit ha ha22:42
Losha_pg_: I used this the one time I used tor: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en22:42
macomeowbuntu: thanks :)22:43
Arch_NMEbut I think the process would be like hl2.exe22:43
macomeowbuntu: do you mean "ps -ef"?22:43
Arch_NMEoh I see22:43
User_007Hello, i have installed the last beta and i want to know how is it so fast after gdm. Does anyone know?22:43
Slart!lucid | User_00722:43
ubottuUser_007: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:43
macomeowbuntu: or do you mean a way to click on a program and see what caused it? in that case "xprop"22:43
Arch_NMEso go to the terminal run top the use kill "processname"22:43
_pg_Losha: Why only one time? lol thanks, I guess I want to know the diference btw the vidalia in add/rmove software vs that deb22:43
deliverancemaco: so its still root ill just change it on irc i guess22:43
SeekTruthmaco: so you are not a ubuntu developer for gnome, only for KDE?22:43
macoSeekTruth: right22:44
The_Serpentcan anyone assist me with a hard drive question?22:44
SlartArch_NME: well.. running top is just to see what processes is running.. perhaps find the name of the one that is misbehaving22:44
SeekTruthThe_Serpent: believe so22:44
macodeliverance: its not a good idea to connect to irc as root though. not a good security policy22:44
SlartArch_NME: you don't have to run top if you don't want to .. if you already know what the process is called, for example22:44
Losha_pg_: because tor was so slow I basically stopped using it ....22:44
Arch_NMEslart: yeah I think I got it22:44
SeekTruthLosha: what u use instead of tor?22:44
Arch_NMEI don't know the process name22:44
The_Serpentwhen i installed ubuntu i only gave it 17gb to use. how do i increase this size?22:44
SlartArch_NME: and remember.. alt+f7 to get back22:44
SeekTruthThe_Serpent: not possible22:44
Arch_NMEgot it22:45
_pg_Losha: yeah its slow, but when you have no other options, its fantastic to have.22:45
erUSULThe_Serpent: rsize the partition ?22:45
meowbuntumaco, not exactly but what does xprop do22:45
macomeowbuntu: tells you all the properties of a window22:45
Arch_NMEslart: thanks22:45
The_Serpenthow do i resize the partition?22:45
SlartArch_NME: you're welcome22:45
Arch_NMEhopefully this will work22:45
SeekTruthhow can I install Opera?22:45
Arch_NMEhad to reboot twice already22:45
Slart!opera | SeekTruth22:45
ubottuSeekTruth: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser22:45
erUSULThe_Serpent: leave the 17 GiB for root and move home to its own partition ? multiple options22:45
macoSeekTruth: er well...  actually i'm a motu, which means i maintain stuff in the universe and multiverse parts of the repo... basically anything thats not included on the cd. but i help out a bit on the kde stuff now that im a kde user. when i used gnome i helped out on that.22:45
_pg_torbutton for opera? is there such a beast?22:46
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SeekTruthmaco: cool22:46
macodeliverance: ok so you made a new user that *isnt* root, right? can you login to your gui as that user?22:46
LoshaSeekTruth: I played about with some proxy sites, but basically I only use tor for one web site, very infrequently...22:46
SeekTruthLosha: how you install tor?22:46
The_Serpenthow do i move home to its own partition? i have a 160gb drive lol22:46
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_pg_Losha: ! p0rn22:46
jussi01!home | The_Serpent22:47
ubottuThe_Serpent: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:47
SeekTruthLosha: u use tor for pron?22:47
IdleOnedeliverance: as a general rule you should only login as root when needed, for everyday use login as a normal user22:47
erUSULThe_Serpent: you can do it (depending on ther layout of partitions on disk) from a livecd with gparted22:47
macoSeekTruth: keep it family friendly22:47
The_Serpentthank you very much for your help22:47
LoshaSeekTruth: nope, I get all my porn from usenet... :-)22:47
deliverancemaco: ya i can now.. so i joined the backtrack channel but now when i try to chat it says cannot send to channel??22:47
macodeliverance: are you registered on the network?22:47
maco!register | deliverance22:47
ubottudeliverance: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode22:47
LoshaSeekTruth: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en22:48
meowbuntumaco, ok but how to fix my terminal and installing stuff22:48
deliveranceIdleOne: thanks im aware of that ha ha i just set it up today so i was just remembering how to do it22:48
macomeowbuntu: can you right click on the menu and go to edit?22:48
IdleOnedeliverance: :)22:48
macomeowbuntu: maybe the Terminal shortcut in the menu somehow got turned into having "gedit" as its command?22:48
trichomesati dual monitor suppot for 10.04 is jacked up. the live cd works but when I install it one of my monitors goes out22:49
Arch_NMEhey slart22:49
SlartArch_NME: yes?22:49
Arch_NMEcheck out that link there22:49
trichomesmonitor detection doesn't work hmm22:49
deliveranceIdleOne: so now it says i cant register while banned.. even though i connected??22:50
SlartArch_NME: yes.. looks sensible.. tried it?22:50
meowbuntumaco what menu22:50
elmojoanyone else experiencing the Applications menu not showing anything in Lucid Beta2?22:50
Arch_NMEyep folled that and it works nice22:50
Losha!lucid | trichomes22:50
ubottutrichomes: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:50
macomeowbuntu: ok.. lets bck up. you say when you try to launch the terminal you get gedit. thats when you launch from the menu right?22:50
IdleOnedeliverance: you lost me, what says you can't register?22:50
Arch_NMEwe will see if it works once a game freezes up though22:50
macomeowbuntu: so if you right click on your menu (i'm assuming gnome), there's an option to edit the menu right?22:50
meowbuntumaco, even the main app in /usr/share/bin points to gedit22:50
minimectrichomes: I was working on dual screen setup with 10.04 installed on HP LAptop with a ati Rradeon 9600 mobility. Working like charm. never worked like that...22:51
Arch_NMEI'll keep yall posted22:51
macomeowbuntu: you mean /usr/bin/ right?22:51
EagleWatchcan I install KDE on ubuntu? or I have to install Kubuntu?22:51
deliveranceIdleOne: im in the backtrack channel... you told me to register.. but it pops up a message saying cant register in #backtrack-linux while banned???22:51
meowbuntumaco and that i checked all22:51
minimectrichomes: Make the changes with the gui tool and then logout/login22:51
IdleOnedeliverance: never seen that before, try leaving the channel then register22:52
The_Serpenti do not have a disc driver.  is it possible to resize the partition while in windows? (i have ubuntu and 7 on dual-boot)22:52
deliveranceIdleOne: k ill try it22:52
macomeowbuntu: ok what were the errors when you tried to reinstall gnome-terminal?22:52
kerebrusHaving webcam trouble, worked in 6.09 but not in 6.10, lsusb doesn't show the device now.22:52
elknof1sp: sorry, went to eat, yeah Ive read something about mkfs.ext3, but i dont know how to finish the line with the -I 128 parameter, yes I know everything in the partition will be deleted, i just read it a cvouple of hour ago, so i did my bckup...22:52
trichomesi've tried all the linux kung fu22:52
=== deliverance is now known as DeliveRance29237
IdleOnedeliverance: you also need to identify after registering. /msg nickserv identify password22:52
elknof1sp: could you help me to do the whole line?22:52
meowbuntumaco it thinks there another synaptic may be running.22:53
erUSULkerebrus: 6.10 ??? that's too old ...22:53
erUSUL!eol | kerebrus22:53
ubottukerebrus: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:53
calumEaglewatch: I think you will have to install kubuntu if you want the entire desktop to be KDE22:53
rn114hi, i'm running karmic, but would like to use the ocaml packages from lucid as i'm using batteries included22:53
rn114is this straightforward?22:53
kerebrusSorry meant 9.10 and the previous version22:54
DeliveRance29237IdleOne: ya let me register but still wont let me chat22:54
The_Serpenti do not have a disc drive. is it possible to resize the home partition while in windows? (i have ubuntu and 7 on dual-boot)22:55
maco2meowbuntu: is there an apt-get/aptitude/update-manager running?22:55
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erUSULThe_Serpent: you should not resize paritions of a disk that is in use (no matter what OS)22:55
elknof1The_serpent: have you tryed partition majic on win?22:55
maco2The_Serpent: boot from a flash drive?22:56
kerebrusReposting fixing my mistake: Having webcam trouble, worked in 9.something but not in 9.10, lsusb doesn't show the device now.22:56
maco2meowbuntu: yeah?22:56
The_Serpentoh ok and since its on my laptop hard drive.  i could boot from a flash drive22:56
The_Serpent?whats partition majic22:56
calumThe_Serpent: Yeh, I was going to suggest a flash drive as well, sounds like the best idea22:56
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Losharn114: mixing versions from different repositories is unsupported, and could easily all go horribly wrong.22:56
meowbuntumaco, i get this "unable to read /etc/apt/prefferances.d -file exisits (2: no such file)22:57
The_Serpentdo i just want to run the ubuntu iso or a flash drive?22:57
calumThe_Serpent: It is a partitioning program for Windows22:57
rn114Losha, isn't this similar to selecting someones PPA for a particular package?22:57
elknof1can someone help me doing this line    mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda7 -I128   ...   something...  hahaha I just dont know how to do it but is sort of what im trying22:57
The_Serpentcalum - can i use it while running the partition?22:57
* meowbuntu thinks maco and maco2 are same person y on earth 22:57
t3chkommiehey guys looking for some sore of web interfac program for ubuntu server where you can upload and download files from a broswer. any ideaS?22:58
calumThe_Serpent: I think you have to unmount the partition first, I am not sure22:58
magicianlordDoes anyone have a fix for the speakers not muting when headphones are plugged in in kernel 2.6.33?22:58
magicianlordMy laptop is now affected by this.22:58
maco2meowbuntu: two irc clients running. the maco one is still syncing with the server22:58
maco2meowbuntu: sudo mkdir /etc/apt/preferences.d22:58
The_Serpenti have 7 on the big partition and made the mistake on only alloting 17gb for linux =( lol22:58
meowbuntumaco2, ok who are you using22:59
erUSUL!intelhda  | magicianlord22:59
ubottumagicianlord: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:59
maco2meowbuntu: im about to switch back. the maco one just finished reconnecting22:59
elknof1The_serpent: partition majic is a win based program to manage partitions, since youll be working with win and not with linux (if not using some IFS mounter) it will not be mounted, so u can manage them, with a little risk but worth it...22:59
calumThe_Serpent: 17GB is way enough for Linux, unless you want more space22:59
The_Serpentnow if i use a flash drive do i have to turn it into a bootable drive or just copy the iso onto it?22:59
whileimhereHi I am using Ubuntu. I am also on verizon DSL When I run a speed test for my connection it tells me that I only get about a 0.44Mb/s download rate but I am supposed to have a 1.0Mb/s download rate. I called verizon up and of course they do not support linux. Anyone know why it would be this slow if my phone line passed the verizon testing?22:59
macomeowbuntu: im back over ehre22:59
The_Serpentoh ok that makes sense now actually23:00
erUSULThe_Serpent: use the usb disk creator or unetbootin23:00
calumThe_Serpent: It has to be bootable23:00
erUSULThe_Serpent: to make a bootable usb flash drive23:00
magicianlordthe problem is with the new kernel. and that page does not have the specific issue23:00
The_Serpentill just go with the software you suggested.  that should be the easiest solution23:00
Losharn114: in principle it is, and it probably works ok for small individual apps, but when I said different repos above I really meant different os version repos. Try it if you like, but be sure your current system is fully backed up before you start. Or consider building what you need from source instead...23:00
The_Serpentwhat was the name of that one more time?23:00
calumThe_Serpent: Partition magic23:01
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rn114Losha, ok its fine i'll just wait 20 days for lucid! no problem :-)23:01
The_Serpentok sweet.  i will go dl that.  thank you very much23:01
calumThe_Serpent: Your welcome.23:01
Manrugbynss linux23:02
meowbuntumaco, its annoying not having  gnome-terminal etc i cant cut paste in pastebin what ooutput is arg23:02
nssbenboussa :D23:02
Losharn114: um, it will probably be a couple of months before 10.4 is actually stable. These things tend to be wobbly at first...23:02
Manrugbykayen wahed le nick smiytou chraybi :o23:02
nssyak ma?23:02
IdleOnemeowbuntu: ctrl+shift+c doesn't work?23:02
phibxrManrugby: what language is that? :P23:03
meowbuntumaco, basicly gnome-terminal seems to ber installed23:03
macoIdleOne: gnome terminal is broken23:03
macoIdleOne: meowbuntu is using tty123:03
meowbuntuIdleOne, to do what23:03
macomeowbuntu: idle was saying the copy shortcut for gnome terminal. missed the first half of convo23:03
meowbuntumaco,  i am using ctrl+alt+f123:03
Manrugbylanguage of troll23:03
nssphibxr it's a moroccan dialect written with english letters :D23:03
Manrugbynss stfu23:03
rn114Losha, it's just a single package i really need: ocaml batteries included. i've just compiled it from source, so problem over really23:03
erUSULmeowbuntu: launch a xterm ?23:03
meowbuntumaco so he did23:04
phibxrnss: o.O23:04
Losharn114: a much better solution, good job...23:04
meowbuntuerUSUL, have you been following23:04
nosse1Hi. Is there some simple app to show something on fbdev?23:04
ZykoticK9IdleOne, was it you that was trying to get volume mouse scroll wheel to work a while ago?  notice it's working now :)23:04
IdleOnemeowbuntu: sorry, nm me :)23:04
nsschnou hadak?23:04
maco!ops | Manrugby gibberishing and ascii-arting23:04
ubottuManrugby gibberishing and ascii-arting: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:04
IdleOneZykoticK9: yeah! been working for a week or so now :)23:04
erUSULmeowbuntu: not much. your menu does not work properly ?23:04
macomeowbuntu: you said hat /usr/bin/gnome-terminal points to gedit, right? like a symlink, you mean?23:05
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i just notice yesterday by accident23:05
IdleOneZykoticK9: I kept trying and then one day it worked23:05
meowbuntuerUSUL, gnome terminal opens gedit after i installed chromium .deb (webbrowser not game)23:05
erUSULmeowbuntu: and alt + f2  gnome-terminal does launch gedit too ?23:06
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, how are you opening terminal?23:06
meowbuntumaco, no it opens gedit even the origional link in /usr/bin does. its like gnome terminal was reconfigured from ground up23:06
Arch_NMEwell.... the results23:06
Arch_NMEthe system monitor will launch with that hotkey setup23:07
macoIdleOne: is /usr/bin/gnome-terminal supposed to be a symlink to begin with? (no gnome, i cnat test)23:07
jason_Xubuntuarch_NME... are using arch linux?23:07
meowbuntuZykoticK9, any way i do it from menu or directly from /usr/bin/23:07
Arch_NMEno ubuntu23:07
Arch_NMEjust my name23:07
macojason_Xubuntu: nme = enemy, shortened23:07
erUSULmeowbuntu: well do alt + f2 launch xterm would be easier than using crtl + alt + f123:07
Arch_NMEbeen using it since like quake123:07
gigawattyoutube and hulu in firefox keep crashing, how can i get firefox to spit out an error message i can work with23:07
meowbuntuerUSUL, there is no differance lol23:07
Arch_NMEyeah the thing with ctrl alt f1 then top worked23:08
IdleOnemaco: I don't even know how to check for what you are asking me :/23:08
macomeowbuntu: alt+f2 is a runbox. are you saying both gnome-terminal AND xterm open gedit?23:08
Arch_NMEI like that better as well I think because that would work on any computer with prior setup23:08
macoIdleOne: ls -l /usr/bin/gnome-terminal23:08
erUSULmeowbuntu: no is not a symlink23:08
nsswith simple compiz config when i set cube and i incresed the number of desktops to 4 i got a crash message23:08
Loshagigawatt: try #firefox next if you get no joy here...23:08
meowbuntui know what alt-f2 is i using ubuntu for 8 months i know how to use not terminal much though23:09
nssi'm using lucid23:09
IdleOnemaco: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 268028 2010-03-26 07:47 /usr/bin/gnome-terminal23:09
macoLosha: isnt that on irc.mozilla.org?23:09
macoIdleOne: ok thats what i suspected23:09
ZykoticK9nss, try reasking in the Lucid channel #ubuntu+123:09
meowbuntuxterm is another gnome-terminal right23:09
macomeowbuntu: try "sudo rm /usr/bin/gnome-terminal" to get rid of that symlink then try "sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-terminal" from ctrl+alt+f123:09
nssok thank you23:09
paul3333hi, using envyNG and my monitor's only getting max 800x600 rez, can anyone help?23:09
macomeowbuntu: its another terminal emulator, but its a different binary so even if gnome-terminal's is broken, it should still work23:10
meowbuntuwell gnome-terminal is a front end for xterm ay23:10
macomeowbuntu: xterm is just less pretty23:10
erUSULmeowbuntu: no is the orignal terminal emulator of the Xwindow system (way back in 80's) XD23:10
macomeowbuntu: but...did you get apt working yet anyway?23:10
petter__2.6.24-19-rt on ubuntu 9.04 and the kernel seems to be loading a 169.x nvidia driver, but the system glx is 180something. how to resolve?23:10
Loshamaco: there's one on freenode, though it does list channels on irc.mozilla.org if the freenode one is unresponsive...23:10
macoLosha: ah23:10
meowbuntuthanks guys i have now changed the termin icon in menu to point to xterm23:10
macoroot: running as root is a dangerous plan23:11
rootspoking spanish so anibody23:11
=== root is now known as Guest57989
maco!es | Guest5798923:11
ubottuGuest57989: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:11
BigUrsisIs there a way to force check / ?23:11
erUSULmeowbuntu: that's just papering over the issue; you should find out what happened to your gnome-terminal installation23:11
erUSULBigUrsis: sudo touch /forcefsck23:11
auki upgraded from 9:10 to 10.4 yesterday23:11
erUSULBigUrsis: reboot23:12
macomeowbuntu: ok so now that you have xterm and can copy and paste.... what does apt-get say?23:12
erUSUL!lucid | auk23:12
ubottuauk: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:12
BigUrsiserUSUL, so ubuntu 9.10 dose honor that?23:12
auknow the keyboard works only in one of 2 user accounts23:12
paul3333hi, using envyNG and my monitor's only getting max 800x600 rez, can anyone help ?23:12
aukerUSUUL: i know :(23:12
Guest57989Heyy anibody ............ speaking spanish I dont't spoking23:12
erUSULBigUrsis: well to be fair its been a long time since i checked if it works ...23:12
erUSUL!es | Guest5798923:12
ubottuGuest57989: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:12
erUSULauk: #ubuntu+123:12
BigUrsisnm I was trying  forcecheck not forcefsck23:12
aukerUSUL: oh, thank you23:13
auki'll go there23:13
erUSULauk: good luck23:13
aukthx :)23:13
meowbuntuok another question what is better in ubuntu google chrome or chromium browser23:13
nosse1You guys know of a fb app that I can use to output something on the display?23:13
epaphusHey guys.. all that sabayon does is edit the gconf... right?? is that the only file it edits?23:14
Danielpk_Some1 can help with crontab?23:14
erUSULnosse1: can you be more precise?23:14
erUSUL!cron | Danielpk_23:14
ubottuDanielpk_: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm23:14
petter__how to properly set up nvidia/glx in 9.04? if "Hardware drivers" in GNOME doesn't even offer the ability to install it? I've gotten kernel module/glx conflicts galore...23:14
Danielpk_i followed a tuto and it say to crontab -e with some * * * i dont know what it mean23:15
nosse1erUSUL, I just need an app that creates an output on a framebuffer. Colorbars or something simple as that23:15
dr3mrois this normal or a bug try this in terminal and watch memory and cpu usage  "for i in `seq 1 300000000000000000` ; do echo $i ;done"23:15
petter__I've removed all other traces and tried to install nvidia-glx-180 but nothing works :/23:16
paul3333hi, using envyNG and my monitor's only getting max 800x600 rez, can anyone help ??23:16
gigawattok i just tested my bug, and it seems that youtube crashes in both firefox and chrome23:16
erUSULnosse1: you can run an entire Xserver in fb --> xserver-xfbdev23:16
=== xcfdj is now known as Se7en
calumWhat is the latest version of rootkit hunter?23:16
hiexpoanonr know what a good lyrics app is ?23:17
=== wagner is now known as Maddy-
dr3mrois this normal or a bug try this in terminal and watch memory and cpu usage  "for i in `seq 1 300000000000000000` ; do echo $i ;done"23:17
frxstremcan anyone recommend a good and easy FTP server for Ubuntu?23:17
meowbuntumaco it says this when i try to remove gnome-terminal  sudo mkdir /etc/apt/preferences.d23:17
meowbuntu field name `Installed-Size;' must be followed by colon23:17
meowbuntuE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)23:17
nosse1erUSUL, no I cant run xserver yet, because I'm debugging fbdev....23:18
calumfrxstrem: I found something called wuftp in the repos, give it a try. I don't know what it is like though23:18
frxstremcalum: okay, thanks :)23:18
macomeowbuntu: gssapi-krb5-2 is broken then...  try purging it with dpkg.  "sudo dpkg -P gssapi-krb5-2" ?23:18
gigawatthey how can i get firefox to spit out debug messages???23:18
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cableneed some with installing something23:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:19
[1]FreeloopMy screen is not detected on 9.10 when I run it on VMWare. Running VMware tools OK, but still no good. What to do?23:19
=== [1]Freeloop is now known as Freeloop
punchyouhello i just got my unbuntu cd in the mail. which one is the live cd. I have ubuntu and kubuntu.23:20
cable<red> i just installed libmtp and i am having trouble withit23:20
AKhey how can I record Sound recorder to my own voice via internal microphone. I can play record while playing music but not my own voice23:20
meowbuntumeowbuntu@meowbuntu-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg -P gssapi-krb5-223:20
meowbuntudpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 3906 package 'libgssapi-krb5-2':23:20
meowbuntu field name `Installed-Size;' must be followed by colon23:20
cablei tried sudo apt-get install libmtp23:20
meowbuntumaco, seems to be anb auto error23:20
cableand the terminal said that it cannot fond file23:21
dr3mrois this normal or a bug try this in terminal and watch memory and cpu usage  "for i in `seq 1 300000000000000000` ; do echo $i ;done"23:21
AKSound Preferences : hardware profile - Analog Stero Output and Out Connector - Analog Output23:21
dr3mrobye bye23:21
macomeowbuntu: looks like you install gssapi-krb5-2 and that package was packaged wrong23:21
hiexpolibmtp is in the repos23:22
cablewhat do you mean repo?23:22
punchyoudoes ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition also work as a live cd?23:22
paul3333can anyone help me with screen resolution problems?23:22
Freelooppunchyou: yes23:22
erUSULmaco: or he just got filesystem corruption; which can explain both issues...23:22
hiexpopunchyou, yes23:22
punchyouok thank you23:22
meowbuntumaco, all i did was install the chromium browser .deb file23:22
macoerUSUL: ooh thats true...23:22
AKhey how can I record Sound recorder to my own voice via internal microphone. I can play record while playing music but not my own voice.23:23
AKWell Sound Preferences settings : hardware profile -> Analog Stero Output and Output Connector -> Analog Output23:23
meowbuntumaco, i got the package from here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html23:23
erUSULmeowbuntu: you should do a fsck of the root partition from a livecd ...23:23
ZykoticK9cable, you're probably looking for - libmtp8 - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library23:24
hiexpoits it synaptic23:24
cableit is for creative zen media player23:24
meowbuntuerUSUL, it did fsck when booting23:24
AKDownload  and install the  package directly from the website23:24
erUSULmeowbuntu: can you check if you have something in /lost+found/ folder?23:25
meowbuntuok i will do again then from live cd thru gparted then23:25
cableI wiki-ed the player and the website they sent me to was libmtp for this particular player23:25
macman_hey all23:25
cablesup patna23:26
paul3333can anyone help me with screen resolution problems?23:26
meowbuntuerUSUL, i have several files there23:27
hiexposystem/administration/hardware drivers23:27
paul3333common...in the name of ubuntu :)23:27
erUSULmeowbuntu: that means that there was corruption and that fsck moved files there. maybe it was fsck the one who moved gnome-terminal form its place23:28
Abtomikmeatbun are you there?23:28
Abtomikconf is sent23:28
ZykoticK9paul3333, what graphics card are you using?23:28
erUSUL!fixres | meowbuntu23:28
ubottumeowbuntu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:28
erUSUL!fixres | paul333323:28
ubottupaul3333: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:28
erUSULmeowbuntu: sorry the fixres thing was not for you23:29
AKhey how can I record Sound recorder to my own voice via internal microphone. I can play record while playing music but not my own voice.23:29
AKWell Sound Preferences settings : hardware profile -> Analog Stero Output and Output Connector -> Analog Output23:29
cablewhere are files located23:29
AbtomikGuys can anyone help me with phase 2 issue?23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715047: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, processing hash payload23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715047: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, processing notify payload23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715075: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, Received keep-alive of type DPD R-U-THERE (seq number 0x1554)23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715036: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, Sending keep-alive of type DPD R-U-THERE-ACK (seq number 0x1554)23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715046: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, constructing blank hash payload23:29
FloodBot3Abtomik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
Abtomik7|Apr 10 2010 00:27:18|715046: Group = x.x.x.x, IP = x.x.x.x, constructing qm hash payload23:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:30
Vigocable: Do you use CLI or GUI?23:30
cablei guess gui23:30
Zenkeris there a program that i can burn an avi to a dvd that will play in a dvd player?23:30
erUSULZenker: devede23:30
Vigocable: Ok, Places>Home23:30
cablei have gnome enviro23:31
Zenkerawsome thank you erUSUL23:31
cableok how can i locate file from applications menu?23:31
hiexpozenker devede23:32
Sia--in /usr/share/applications/ * .desktop cable23:32
erUSULZenker: no problem23:32
hiexpoi was slow was looking at the hack23:32
Vigocable: See Places?23:33
deaglehello all23:34
Vigocable: just mouse over them.23:34
deaglei'm trying to install ubuntu, but every time i install from the liveCD GRUB won't work23:35
Sia--deagle, hi23:35
=== mdg_ is now known as linux3
linux3hello.  I am trying to get a logitech Quickcam for Notebooks (046d:08dd) setup with cheese23:36
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:36
Sia--deagle, use minimal one or text based install, i know installing linux wuth _GU_I is ***23:36
Sia--linux3, try to install cheese23:36
deagleSia-- eh?23:37
deagletext based install?23:37
linux3my webcam is not listed with the ID it shows23:38
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
linux3cheese shows a picture, but its like one static shot that does not update23:39
Sia--deagle, yes23:39
deaglehow do I go about that?23:40
Sia--!tell deagle about alternate CD23:41
ubottudeagle, please see my private message23:41
deaglebut it installed fine before o.O23:42
GadwilI just re-installed Karmic and all updates.  Anyone know why Firefox is showing up as Namoroka?23:42
doctorZeusshould I expect any errors or required system changes if I upgrade my CPU?23:42
peppoanyone on 2.6.24-19-rt on 9.04?23:42
Sia--deagle, use minmal CD23:42
Sia--maybe you CD is broken23:42
Rods_Tigerwhich channel has beer?23:42
IdleOneRods_Tiger: not this one23:42
linux3how do i determine if I need a different driver for my logitech quickcam for notebooks ?23:42
GadwildoctorZeus, You shouldn't notice anything, as long as your BIOS supports the new CPU.23:43
epaphusHey guys.. all that sabayon does is edit the gconf... right?? is that the only file it edits?\23:44
doctorZeusGadwil, thanks.  understand, concerned moreso with if ubuntu would have any problems.23:45
linux3webcam anyone?23:45
ZykoticK9epaphus, i don't understand your question.  Sabayon is a distro of linux, based off of gentoo.23:45
Sia--linux3, check the ubuntu wiki for you webcam model23:46
epaphusZykoticK9, there is an application called sabayon to edit gnome appearance23:46
=== sam_ is now known as Guest84022
Guest84022Hello all23:46
Alan502Hi, would someone help me getting my microphone work with audacity?23:47
ZykoticK9epaphus, ahhh, i've never heard of it.  good luck man.23:47
GadwilAlan502, Will your microphone work with any other program?23:47
Alan502Gadwil, yes, i've tried with skype and it does work23:48
Sia--Alan502, with skype? you have change or chose another input channel23:48
=== jay is now known as Guest50610
Alan502Sia--, yes, i've tried all the input channels23:49
GadwilAlan502,  Try opening Audacity when it is the only program that can access the microphone, sometimes other programs interfere.23:49
Alan502but still none of them lets me get clear voice :(23:49
GadwilWhat does it give you besides a "Clear voice"?23:49
rebelstarhey all, ctrl key is not functioning...what could be done ( it works on windows though)23:50
Alan502idk a buzzy sound23:50
Sia--Alan502, and what is about gamix or gnome alsamixer?23:50
linux3well xawtv worked just now, how do I get cheese to stream my video?23:50
Alan502Sia--, should i get you a screenshot of my alsamixer?23:50
GadwilAlan502, Is anything around interfering with the microphone?  Wired or Wireless?23:51
rebelstar hey all, ctrl key is not functioning all of  a sudden .what could be done ( it works on windows though)23:51
Sia--Alan502, UBUTNU using not alsamixer or advanced like gamix23:51
Alan502Gadwil, it's a wired microphone... nothing interfering it i guess23:51
Sia--install gamix and play with options and volumes23:51
ironfoot495I had to use fsck due to loosing ubuntu 9.10 how do23:51
joyfulgirlHowdy, folks. I'm helping a friend debug wireless on her new Ubuntu install, but I'm not an Ubuntu user myself. She's correctly installed the b43 wireless driver + firmware, but neither Ubuntu's wireless manager nor `ifconfig -a' is aware of any wireless interfaces.23:52
Alan502Sia--, ok23:52
ironfoot495i get the xubuntu desktop back with out loosing data??23:52
linux3the id# is different in the wiki than than output of my webcam23:52
Sia--ironfoot495, yes23:52
Sia--just install it and change you GUI session to xubuntu23:52
rebelstar hey all, ctrl key is not functioning...what could be done ( it works on windows though)23:53
jbobsully11My computer has about 3 different versions of Ubuntu installed on it; how can I get rid of some of those?23:53
joyfulgirlI've been googling a bit, but so far nothing's helped (the wl driver was already unloaded, she's rebooted, installing aircrack-ng has produced no change...)23:53
jbobsully11I'm dual booting w/Windows23:53
Gadwiljbobsully11, Do you mean the extra Kernels?23:53
=== Odin is now known as Guest67793
linux3can xawtv output be used for live chat?  how?23:54
jbobsully11at the first menu to select an operating system, it has 2 versions (I forget what they are exactly) and Windows23:54
Gadwiljbobsully11, Install the "startup-manager" package (w/o quotes) and tell it to only show 1, also set it to show a recovery, just in case you need it.  I wouldn't remove the older kernels.23:54
ironfoot495Sia--: I used fsck to restore my  ubuntu 9.10 server. I'm at the login but it doesn't let me see the desktop is ther a way?23:54
Guest67793I'm dual booting XP/Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm planning to upgrade my processor, will anything happen to my Ubuntu partition?23:55
trinikronoironfoot495: it doesnt let you login?23:55
happyfacewhat plugin is this page using? I can't figure it out: http://www2.tsn.ca/window/Masters2010/Default.html?loadtime=1270853304364&reloads=323:55
epicblustaHello, people. Has anyone installed Ubuntu 9.10 over VirtualBox or VMWare Fusion in OSX?23:55
ironfoot495you're write is there  a way?23:55
trinikronoepicblusta: it should work lol23:55
trinikronoironfoot495: did you lose the password i mean23:55
ironfoot495I can become root though!23:56
trinikronobecause you can go in the recovery mode and reset it23:56
trinikronowhat does it say then23:56
trinikronowhen you try to login23:56
Moral_Just installed updates to kernel 31-20... Now it wont boot... "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured. Settle is not permitted while udev is unconfigured. svgalib: cannot open /dev/mem23:56
Moral_then it dropped me to a shell23:56
ironfoot495I tried startx but it does'nt respond!!23:56
ironfoot495GDM does'nt work either.23:56
trinikronoit wont allow root to start x23:57
trinikronomake a next user23:57
trinikronoand try to start x from there23:57
_pg_best security/stealth/paranoid distro? anyone23:57
ironfoot495OH! ok!23:57
ZykoticK9happyface, even using the Windows version of Firefox (in wine) I can't figure out what plugin TSN is using.  Best of luck.23:57
happyfaceZykoticK9: I've tried chrome, firefox, IE, ie compat in windows and linux and read the source... can't figure it out23:58
epicblustatrinikrono: lol. Well, that's the thing. It doesn't. When i'm installing I get a libx86.so1 error. Apparently my hard drive is damaged over a ivirtual machine? what can it be?23:58
trinikronoepicblusta: which ubuntu you said?23:58
epicblustatrinikrono: 9.1023:59
trinikronotry 9.04 lol23:59
trinikronosee if it does the same thing23:59
epicblustatrinikrono: well, sounds like sound advise, lol.23:59
Moral_wow I'm gonna have to reinstall ubuntu AGAIN23:59

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