
rlameirohey scott-work 12:45
scott-workgood morning rlameiro 12:45
scott-workrlameiro: sent an email to stochastic again about OSM interview, still waiting for response :(12:48
rlameirothe interview was due tomorrow, wasnt it?12:48
scott-workyes, tomorrow morning at 8:00 CST12:49
rlameiroCentral "S" Time?12:49
scott-workcurrently it is 6:50 CST12:50
rlameiro6 hours sooner than me :D12:51
rlameiroscott-work: you work so early???12:51
scott-workyeah, about three days a week I like to get here at 6:30, i'm a E/D supervisor for two offices and getting in early allows me to actually be productive before everyone else gets here ;)12:53
rlameirohe he12:53
stochasticScottL, you around?22:38
ScottLstochastic, yes22:52
stochasticScottL, I'll have a lot of trouble making a 6am interview as I get off work tonight at 11am22:52
stochasticScottL, it was suggested just now in #opensourcemusicians that we bump the interview back two hours 10am CST or 8am PST22:53
ScottLstochastic, lol, i told them i'm good for several hours +/-, what is a good time?22:53
ScottLstochastic, 10am CST is good22:53
stochasticScottL, sweet.22:54
ScottLstochastic, i'm really glad you will be there also22:54
stochasticScottL, provided my alarm clock gets me up, yes (I have been known for struggling with that, but I'll do my best22:55
stochasticsorry I've been living under a rock in seclusion for the past couple weeks or so22:56
ScottLhopefully your back now :)22:56
stochasticwell my schedule should clear up significantly in the coming weeks23:01
ScottLstochastic, going out to eat with the family, i'll read back when we get back23:03

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