
Planetaryhelp, a powersurge happened and now my computer boots into terminal. reboot same that02:22
Planetarysame thing02:22
Planetarycontrol alt f7 makes teh screen go black with just a cursor02:23
Planetaryhow do i start xfce02:23
Planetaryi have tried everything i can find. xfdesktop. startxfce4....  whats up02:42
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jdlfg_good evening06:25
hexdump_Hi all, I have something very weird going on07:21
hexdump_I type df -l and seems my free space just keeps getting less and less07:21
psycho_oreosprobably some app is using it, which mount?07:45
hexdump_gawd I don't get it, I added my ip to ssh and I can't connect however if I set my firewall to allow ssh connections from anywhere there are no problems08:01
hexdump_I think I found the problem08:04
hexdump_is there a way to boot xubuntu without gui?08:50
TheSheepyou can switch to text console with alt+ctrl+f108:58
hexdump_TheSheep:  yeah I know thank you, but I would like to just boot up with no gui cuz my computer is a tad bit slow08:59
SandGorgonhi guys.. I'm interested in trying out xfce in my office. Just a quick question, do u guys access windows shares in xfce ? any user-friendly way, if possible - our users are non geeks09:12
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alektohttp://erxz.com/pb/24663 - How can i make Perl execute this $load command (It is for perl sockets)?12:41
Sachse_Siechtumhello Arpad217:56
Arpad2hello Sachse_Siechtum17:57
Sachse_SiechtumArpad2, how you doing?18:01
Arpad2im ok18:06
Arpad2for how long are you using linux?18:07
robertzaccourwhat differences are there between gnome and xfce on a 64 bit?18:10
robertzaccourpsycho_oreos, same performance?18:11
psycho_oreosrobertzaccour, probably same18:12
robertzaccouroh, so xfce is more for lower spec hardware?18:12
psycho_oreoswell it was, it somewhat is but the requirements are still fairly high18:12
robertzaccourso its more about looks than performance?18:13
psycho_oreosxfce is less about looks and a bit more about performance but the performance gain is minimal on i38618:14
robertzaccourso minimal on i386 and none on i686?18:15
psycho_oreosfirst its a good idea to educate yourself about computers before asking more absurd questions i686 != x86_6418:17
robertzaccourpsycho_oreos, oops sorry lol thought that looked weird how i typed it18:18
robertzaccouri see the benefits of xfce on 32 bit, so what do people use xubuntu 64 bit for? if not for performance i mean18:19
psycho_oreosand do read up about what actual performance gains one usually gets when running a 64bit OS as compared to a 32bit OS, the same rule of thumb applies globally18:19
psycho_oreoshave you not read what 64bit actually does?18:19
robertzaccourpsycho_oreos, yes, it utilizes more ram and processing power18:19
psycho_oreosno quite far from it, go read about 64bit18:20
Sachse_SiechtumArpad2, for about 4 months18:22
Sachse_Siechtumpsycho_oreos, do you have a wikipedia entry or should I just search for "64 bit"?18:26
psycho_oreosSachse_Siechtum, wikipedia has a place where you can query for articles18:26
robertzaccourseems 64 bit is more for multi-tasking18:26
psycho_oreosnot exactly18:27
psycho_oreosthere's no difference between a 32bit ubuntu and a 64bit ubuntu, much the same theory goes with 32bit xubuntu and a 64bit xubuntu18:28
psycho_oreoserr not much performance gains*18:29
Sachse_Siechtum64 bit can adress more than 4 gbyte of RAm directly18:29
robertzaccouri have 418:29
bazhang!info linux-pae-generic18:30
ubottuPackage linux-pae-generic does not exist in karmic18:30
Sachse_Siechtumhmm but 64 has a disadvantage on smaller programs18:30
bazhang!info linux-generic-pae18:31
ubottulinux-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)18:31
psycho_oreosand not all programs/drivers can work with 64bit18:31
bazhangto use 4GB with 32bit^^18:31
Arpad2how can xubuntu see the window drives on my pc without mounting these drive on every each session?18:37
psycho_oreosmake it automount?18:37
bazhangfstab ?18:37
Arpad2thx for idea psycho_oreos, bazhang18:38
Arpad2how can i do these actions?18:38
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:39
Arpad2i have samba installed18:40
Arpad2but thx for the hints18:40
psycho_oreossee the first link... re: mount windows shares permanently18:40
Arpad2ok :)18:41
Arpad2one another question: what does it mean at the start up (GRAB) : recovery mode for xubuntu. i can choose between normal and recovery mode?18:45
psycho_oreosyou meant GRUB, and yes18:45
psycho_oreosGRand Unified Bootloader18:45
Arpad2so whats the idea of the recovery mode? when should i start in recovery mode? it starts automatically with normal mode18:46
Sachse_Siechtumdoes miro tv show youtube videos? because I just installed it...and it shows the site but no video...18:47
psycho_oreosArpad2, recovery mode is useful when you have configured something incorrectly and that option allows you to recover (I don't think automated) and use normal mode again, depends on which version of xubuntu you have18:49
psycho_oreosI don't think its automated recovery*18:50
Arpad2karmic koala18:50
psycho_oreosyeah it'll be grub2 to activate the menus, I don't know which hotkeys18:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:50
Arpad2so its good if I want to go to the OS prior to the changes18:52
Arpad2it doesnt effect applications18:52
Arpad2for instance if I forget to save some data:)18:52
psycho_oreossort of, depends on how dramatic the changes, all it is, is a different initrd and kernel, the base is still the same18:52
psycho_oreosno, forgetting to save personal data won't be recovered using that method18:53
Arpad2ok, thx, that was I thinking18:53
Arpad2i just havent saved a new password18:53
Arpad2and the old pc froze18:54
psycho_oreosactually no it boots into single mode, same kernel and initrd, but allows you to recover root password, etc18:54
Arpad2ok, thank you18:55
Arpad2it wasnt root password, it was password for an application18:55
psycho_oreosdepends on the application, but chances are it won't help it18:56
Arpad2so retrieving that wont help a recovery start18:56
psycho_oreosunless the program uses pamd and honours the /etc/passwd && /etc/shadow file, otherwise its useless18:58
Arpad2so unless keepassx makes some kind of a log file?18:59
psycho_oreosprobably, I never used keepassx19:00
m1ke_lhello.  I run xubuntu but don't have any toolbars or icons (by choice) but would like a graphical wireless network package21:37
br0kenhey can anyone tell me if xubuntu still supports xbox?21:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:40
br0kenanyone? please21:41
m1ke_lubottu:  hmmm...if that was for me i just noticed i didn't ask my quetino...thats wierd.   can anyone recommend a wireless network manager app?21:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:42
m1ke_li'm not a bot, but please dont' think i'm intelligent21:42
Sachse_Siechtumm1ke_l, do you take a look in the "apps" section of xubuntu?21:46
m1ke_lno sorry....at xubuntu.com somewhere or in Ubuntu's synaptic?21:47
Sachse_Siechtumnope click on "applications" and on "add and remove apps"21:50
br0kenSachse_Siechtum dont suppose you know if xubuntu still supports instalation on the old xbox?21:51
Sachse_Siechtumbr0ken, http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Download21:53
br0kencheers mate21:54
br0kenone last q, is it all versions or 0.9 which is linked as a dl on that site, sorry for all the qs lol21:55
pleia2br0ken: xUbuntu is different than xubuntu22:11
pleia2xUbuntu for the xbox is what you're asking about, this is for xubuntu which is an ubuntu version built around the xfce desktpo22:12
pleia2so you'll have to track down the folks responsible for xUbuntu and ask them (not here)22:12
icthis3t7hey i'm trying to install xubuntu and it brings up a login screen. whats the username/password?22:15
icthis3t7(9.10 live cd)22:15

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