
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
* hyperair just spotted the forcefully-shutdown-notify-osd block of code to work around memory leaks16:06
hyperairinteresting workaround16:06
hyperairqense: hmm i saw your blog post about libappindicator0-cil not being in the dependencies. that would be a bug in appindicator's packaging19:13
qensehyperair: really?19:13
qensehyperair: how?19:14
qenseThe extension does depend on indicator-applet and indicator-application, but as far as I'm aware that's not necessary.19:14
hyperairqense: just like how shared libs are supposed to put themselves into ${shlibs:Depends}, cli libs are supposed to put themselves in ${cli:Depends}19:14
hyperair${cli:Depends} is there, as evidenced by notify-sharp being pulled in19:14
hyperairbut what's missing is libappindicator0-cil from that list19:15
hyperairwhich is why it's a bug in appindicator's side of things19:15
hyperairit's not generating the clilibs file19:15
hyperairwhat's the package name?19:15
hyperairah okay thanks19:15
hyperairi'll go fix it19:16
hyperairit's probably missing some dh_ calls19:16
hyperairdh_makeclilibs or something19:16
qensehyperair: great, thank you19:16
hyperairi should have caught this earlier19:17
qensehyperair: but the source package is just indicator-application19:17
hyperairsay that first >_>19:17
qenseI thought you were asking for the pkg-config name19:17
* hyperair kicks pull-lp-source19:18
hyperairstupid thing19:18
hyperairthat wasn't addressed to you19:19
qensehyperair: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-application/ubuntu19:19
hyperaireh i hate bzr. nevermind =p19:19
hyperairi'll just throw patches around19:20
qenseI knew I wasn't the stupid thing. :)19:20
hyperairokay good =)19:20
qensebut it's so easy!19:20
hyperairi like git.19:20
hyperairbzr trips me up19:20
hyperairit gets in my way19:20
qensethey're both not bad19:20
qensebzr branch lp:branch -> edit -> bzr commit -m "message" --fixes lp:123 -> go to launchpad and file merge request19:21
hyperairwell, when you've experienced wielding great power, stepping back to something less powerful really sucks19:21
qensethat's true19:21
qensebut not necessarily for Bazaar ;)19:21
qenseaccording to me, of coruse19:21
hyperairi'm not going back to bzr. period. =p19:21
hyperairtedg needs a good kicking from the CLI team.19:23
qenseI agree that Bazaar lacks the power of format-patch and am, and the distinction between author and committer, but I do think that Bazaar is better for (quick) distributed development.19:24
qenseBazaar is for opportunistic developers, GIT for kernel hackers. ;)19:24
hyperairi'm no kernel hacker19:25
hyperairi'm an opportunistic developer, but i appreciate my git.19:25
qenseGIT is probably more suitable for large code bases like GNOME and Banshee, but I do think that Bazaar is easier for small projects.19:25
vishjcastro: hi.. got a sec?19:26
hyperairgit has pristine-tar.19:26
hyperairqense: do me a favour and dpkg -L libappindicator0-cil for me please? thanks19:26
hyperairpastebin that too19:26
qensehyperair: 19:27
* hyperair groans19:27
qenseThe non-confirmation to assembly standards again you spoke about earlier?19:28
hyperairqense: yeah, that.19:29
hyperairthe package throws things into the gac directly19:29
hyperairand installs files in the middle of nowhere19:29
hyperairit's supposed to be in /usr/lib/cli/blah19:29
hyperairand use dh_installcligac19:29
qensehyperair: bzr branch and file a merge request! ;)19:30
hyperairsee, this is why many seasoned ubuntu developers suck. they don't read policies anymore and just whack up some half-baked packaging.19:30
hyperairqense: i'll throw a debdiff.19:30
qenseThat'll do19:30
hyperairif i can even figure out how to begin fixing this mess.19:31
qensehyperair: I think it's because the policies don't have such a central place in Ubuntu as they do in Debian. We don't have them on our wiki and linked to from everywhere.19:31
hyperairqense: it is the ubuntu developer's job to *LOOK* for the policies19:32
hyperairqense: either way there's a package for it.19:32
hyperaircontaining all the policies19:32
hyperairand if they can't find the policy, then it's their job to ask the people who know where it is19:33
hyperairah yes, the package is cli-common19:33
hyperairthat's where the policy resides19:33
qenseplus: ubuntu-policy and debian-policy19:35
qensehyperair: Do you want me to mark the bug as In Progress and assign it to you?19:36
hyperairqense: please do.19:36
hyperairer what bug?19:36
qensebug 56009519:36
ubot4`Launchpad bug 560095 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "banshee-extension-appindicator doesn't depend on libappindicator0-cil, but it has to (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56009519:36
* hyperair didn't see it19:36
hyperairoh please point it to indicator-application19:36
hyperairqense: could you pastebin the output of ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/libappindicator0-cil.*?19:45
* hyperair really needs a lucid environment19:45
qenseI'll be your Lucid environment :)19:46
qensehyperair: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libappindicator0-cil.list  /var/lib/dpkg/info/libappindicator0-cil.md5sums19:46
hyperairheh. i thought it was weird. looks like dh_makeclilibs was being called in the wrong place.19:50
hyperairmake: Circular binary/libappindicator0-cil <- binary-arch dependency dropped.19:52
hyperairthis is what happened.19:52
jcastrovish: yo yo19:52
qenseI think this happened because there is not much C# experience in the Ubuntu/Canonical Desktop team.19:52
qenseThey know what they're doing, but less when it's about Mono. ;)19:52
hyperairalong with cdbs stupidity.19:52
jcastrothat was before we had RAOF around. :D19:52
vishjcastro: heya > pm19:53
hyperairjcastro: tedg still doesn't know what he's doing regarding cli libs packaging >_>19:53
hyperairjcastro: which is why b-e-appind has missing dependencies, and needs to be rebuilt.19:54
jcastrohyperair: please file a bug on ted.19:54
qensejcastro: I filed a bug on hyperair :)19:54
hyperairjcastro: the bug that caused this wasn't policy breakage, but a failure in writing a proper debian/rules.19:54
jcastrowhat's up with the icon messed up for non-app-indicator tray?19:56
jcastroALSO, I found a great tip19:56
jcastrosince I now want my banshee there all the time I launch it at startup with "banshee-1 --quiet", FOR THE WIN.19:56
hyperairjcastro: that's a regression in gtk, the panel, the notification area, or the engine.19:56
jcastrohah, so situation "normal"19:56
hyperairjcastro: what's --quiet?19:56
jcastroit launches it minimized19:57
jcastroin the app indicator19:57
qenseLike Rhythmbox does by default.19:57
hyperairi thought it was banshee-1 --hide19:57
jcastrooh dude, yeah, --hide, my bad19:57
jcastroI just checked19:57
jcastroqense: does it?19:57
jcastroI've not been able to find out how to do that19:57
qensejcastro: yes, it's a bug, supposedly reported but not solved19:57
qensehyperair: I thought it was a regression in all the things you named + the themes19:57
jcastrohey so if it's totally broken in the tray case then clearly we should ship with the app indicator on by default in ubuntu!19:57
hyperairqense: er right. that too, maybe19:57
qensejcastro: maybe it's an option in gconf-editor19:58
jcastrohyperair: come on dude, it looks freaking great up there19:58
jcastrowith the shiny new icon19:58
hyperairjcastro: the menu looks bad in my eyes.19:58
jcastroit's lovely19:58
hyperairjcastro: gimme back my scrolling superpowers and my tooltip and i'll gladly worship the appindicators.19:58
qensehyperair: the notification problems are quite severe and deep and nasty. There have been released fixes for that bug several times in several packages, but it still persists.19:58
qensehyperair: scrolling is back, at least in libindicator19:58
jcastrohmm yeah, in hindsight maybe it should have seperators like the rb one19:58
jcastrohyperair: we got the scrolling back for the system volume19:59
qensethat was ugly19:59
jcastromaybe I can fix ted at UDS wrt. the music player volume19:59
hyperairchanging tracks!19:59
qensethat's inconsistency!19:59
hyperairit's rhythmbox being inconsistent19:59
hyperairif the volume indicator changes the volume, then it's only right that the media player changes the currently playing track20:00
jcastrooh you mean scrolling on the icon to change tracks20:00
hyperairit's logical.20:00
hyperairyes, that thing you hate so much20:00
jcastrodo you know the history behind that feature?20:00
jcastrojimmac got one of those usb scrolly wheel things20:00
hyperairyou told me once, but i don't really care much20:00
jcastroand wanted to use it, so they added that20:00
hyperairwell. i want to use it with my mouse.20:00
hyperairit works perfectly in conjunction to my fat tooltip that shows me what song is currently playing20:01
* jcastro has a keyboard key for that20:01
hyperairscroll once, the current song updates20:01
hyperairdon't like? scroll more20:01
hyperairkeep in mind that not all keyboards have media keys20:01
jcastronotifications and keyboard shortcuts are broken for me20:01
hyperairmy current usb keyboard doesn't.20:01
jcastrohyperair: yeah it's why I'm not strongly for or against it20:01
hyperairnotifications? blame that on qense =p20:01
jcastroI still think it's crack20:01
qensenotification cannot be broken20:02
hyperairi don't see an enable-notifications/disable-notifications option there20:02
hyperairqense: where's it on your menu?20:02
qenseWe removed that because it was redundant.20:02
jcastrooh wait20:02
qensetoo much clutter20:02
jcastroit works20:02
jcastroit's my keyboard shortcuts that are broken20:02
hyperairqense: but i want to *disable* it!20:02
qenseIt only doesn't work when you have the main window focussed.20:02
hyperairqense: because notify-osd leaks memory like hell when it's enabled.20:02
qensehyperair: there is a preference for in the extension, but I'm not sure where you can edit it. gconf?20:03
qensehyperair: use a different notification daemon!20:03
hyperairqense: no! notify-osd rocks!20:03
hyperairat least, UI-wise20:03
hyperairit sucks in terms of memory leakage20:03
hyperairand implementation wise, i think it was pretty messed up >_>20:03
qenseIn Banshee?20:03
jcastrodidn't we just upload a new version?20:04
hyperairjcastro: the new version *still* sucks.20:04
hyperairqense: what?20:04
hyperairjcastro: i compiled my notify-osd and now my volume notifications don't show up >_>20:04
qenseWe should reevaluate Notify OSD during the UDS. Especially considering the fact that GNOME Shell is persuing something very similar,.20:04
jcastrolet's start with keyboard shortcuts20:05
jcastroare yours working?20:05
qenseWhat shortcuts, for play and pause?20:06
qenseWhat are they?20:06
qenseThe menu should be using the same GtkAction for PlayPause as the GtkStatusIcon.20:07
hyperairjcastro: yes they do, with karmic's notify-osd. everything.20:07
jcastromine are busted in lucid20:09
hyperairjcastro: i think that's handled by gnome-settings-daemon20:09
hyperairjcastro: global media keys, right?20:10
qenseThat isn't something for the menu, iirc.20:10
qensethe AppInd menu nor the GtkStatusIcon menu20:10
hyperairokay, for some strange reason, notify-osd is adding "notification-" in front of my volume icon names20:11
hyperairloading icon 'notification-notification-audio-volume-high' caused error: 'Icon 'notification-notification-audio-volume-high' not present in theme'loading icon 'notification-audio-volume-high' caused error: 'Icon 'notification-audio-volume-high' not present in theme'** (notify-osd:15339): DEBUG: [2010-04-11T03:11:51-00:00, gnome-settings-daemon, id:0, icon:notification-audio-volume-high (synchronous)] 20:11
qensehyperair: did you install the new notify-osd-icons?20:12
hyperairqense: nonono, look at it properly.20:13
hyperairqense: look at the message.20:13
hyperair"loading Icon 'notification-notification-audio-volume-high'"20:13
qensewhat sound applet do you have?20:13
hyperairthis is karmic20:13
qensemaybe that's where the bug is. Maybe the notification- prefix was stripped in Lucid.20:14
hyperairperhaps it was20:17
hyperairbut i can't find where it's prepended20:17
hyperairbut in other news, i think i found where notify-osd is leaking!!20:17
hyperairfirst it does g_memdup20:18
hyperairafter that it passes the data to gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data20:18
hyperairbut it doesn't give it a function to free the data20:18
hyperairso it's never freed20:19
hyperairwhich explains why my hi-res album art always screws around with notify-osd20:19
hyperairqense: #ifdef TEMPORARY_ICON_PREFIX_WORKAROUND20:22
hyperairI FOUND IT20:22
qensehyperair: report, diff, report!20:28
qensehyperair: You want to speak to MacSlow, but he's in my timezone and mostly unavailable outside working hours.20:28
hyperairwait, this might not be it  =\20:29
qenseanyway, I've been online for far too long already. I'm shutting down!20:30
chrisccoulson_heh, i keep getting highlighted because of people talking about gnome-settings-daemon ;)20:37
chrisccoulson_can you talk about something else? ;)20:38
hyperairwe've stopped, i think.20:51
hyperairyay appind now works as expected, clilibs and all.23:18

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