
dark_soulbzr whoami 'your info'00:01
dark_soulin case someone is interested00:01
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l0deThe l0de radio hour is now online! stream up at www.klulz.com , call in live at 914 502 2625! Tonight's Episode: THE DOWNTOWN MOTOWN SHOWDOWN AND THROWDOWN SO BRING YA HOW DOWN NIGGA U BOUT TO GET CLOWNED06:03
bignoseCommitting to a particular remote repository gives:07:23
bignoseDoing on-the-fly conversion from RepositoryFormatKnitPack4() to RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n').07:23
bignoseThis may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for better performance.07:23
bignosebut when I attempt to upgrade it, Bazaar asserts there's nothing to do:07:24
bignose$ bzr upgrade --format 2a bzr+ssh://bzr.debian.org/bzr/collab-maint/python-daemon/python-daemon.debian/07:24
bignosebzr: ERROR: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the most recent format.07:24
lifelessbignose: are you upgradeing a branch perhaps07:24
lifelessbignose: the remote repository is 2107:24
lifelessbignose: the *local* one isn't07:24
bignosehmm, checking07:25
lifelessthats the the mesage indicates07:25
bignosewell spotted. but how did you spot that?07:25
lifelessthe error string: RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name=...) - thats what repositories using a proxy object over bzr:// protocols show as07:26
lelithi all08:53
lelitI'm still in the process of converting a bunch of svn repo to bzr. The standalone repos seems in good shape, and I am now trying to group them with the "externals" plugin08:55
lelitI have a "metarepo" containing just external refs to a few repo08:56
lelitthe test I did some days ago worked great, but now "suddenly" cloning such metarepo gives me a desolately empty repo, with 0 revision in it... it completely misses any ref to the externals08:58
lifelesslelit: your terminology is confusing me09:01
lifelessyou can't clone repos in bzr09:01
lelituhm, sorry lifeless, I'm still learning the new terminology :)09:03
lelitisn't "clone" an alias of "branch"?09:03
lelitthis is my migration script: http://pastebin.com/vd7KBEmG09:03
lifelessa repository is just a database09:03
lifelessit can't be pushed/branched/cloned/anything09:04
lelitah, so what I call "repository" is a "branch" instead?09:04
lelityou know, I'm coming from darcs, where there isn't such distinction09:05
lifelessI would guess; you're the one that knows what you mean :)09:05
lelitthe script above will create a "metarepo", containing .bzrmeta/externals pointing to the bzr-based branches of my svn repos09:07
lelitbut when I "cd /tmp; bzr branch .../metarepo" I don't get those09:07
lelitI'm just blind :)09:11
lelitI need to commit, after all those eadds! :-)09:11
lelitsorry, caffeine is not circulating yet09:11
lelitgosh, this works ok on bzr 2.1.1, but fails with 2.0.109:17
lifelesswell 2.1.1 is nice ;)09:31
leliteh! unfortunately on debian/lenny there is 2.0.3 in backports09:42
thumperlifeless: the config object passed into Commit.commit is ignored10:11
thumperlifeless: is that right?10:11
lifelessthumper: no; but you should be calling tree.commit, not Commit.commit10:14
thumperlifeless: I am10:15
thumperbut I'm following the path through10:15
thumperMutableTree.commit calls Comit().commit(...10:15
thumperthe Commit object __init__ method can set self.commit10:15
thumperthe config object passed in to the commit method of Mutable tree seems to be ignored to me10:16
thumpernot mutable tree10:16
thumperthe Commit._commit method10:16
thumperI'm wanting to set the committer of the revision to be wikkid, but the author to be the author10:17
lifelessthumper: its a regression10:17
lifelessadded by spivs run_cleanups stuff10:17
thumperlifeless: how can I set the signing policy for a branch?10:18
lifelessthumper: well, I say regression10:19
lifelessits an ambiguous interface10:19
thumperit should use the passed in config like the reporter several lines above10:19
lifelessambiguous like I say10:19
thumperwhy not?10:19
lifelesshang a sec10:19
thumperI'm thinking line 347 of bzrlib/commit.py10:20
lifelessapply that patch10:20
thumperI'll work around it for now, hopefully by setting the branch signing policy10:21
lifelessplease don't10:21
lifelessits a regression, I'm just submitting the fix10:21
thumperfunny, yesterday you were saying don't override the config10:22
lifelessI still say that10:22
lifelessbut my point is to honour what the user has configured10:22
thumperif it is operating as a webapp, that is a very bad idea10:22
lifelessif you are going to override it, passing in a new object is the cleanest way IMO10:22
lifelessthumper: sysadmins are users too10:23
thumperI don't get the reference10:23
lifelessif its running as a webapp10:23
lifelessthen the configuring person is the sysadmin10:23
lifelesswho may well want commits on the server to be signed10:23
thumperbut you don't want it prompting for a password10:23
lifeless*I* would10:23
lifelesswhy would it prompt in such a setup10:24
thumperfair call10:24
thumperI've added a TODO in the init method to allow using the users signing policy10:24
thumperI intend to honour it10:24
thumperjust not right now10:24
lifelesssee, it seems to me you are adding code you don't need to10:25
lifelessthats my whole point here10:25
thumperwell, right now I don't want to change my default config10:25
thumperI have signing on10:25
lifelessdon't change it10:25
lifelessyou can override for your test wikis in 2 lines in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf10:25
thumperwhich is way I said before, how do I set the signing policy for a branch10:25
lifelessor in branch.conf10:26
lifelessreview wanted: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/commit/+merge/2315010:26
thumperdoes branch.conf go with the branch?10:26
thumperon push?10:26
lifelessbut I'm not sure how that affects your dev environment10:26
thumperit doesn't10:27
thumperI was just wondering10:27
lifelessI'd like to have some stuff propogate10:27
lifelesscurrently nothign does10:27
lifelesswhat would you need to be happy with its behaviour for you ?10:28
lifelessno signing for wikki branches?10:28
lifelessthumper: ^10:29
thumperI'd like it to work as people expect10:30
lifelessok, me too :)10:30
lifeless*I* expect things using bzr to honour my bzr settings.10:30
thumperI found it surprising that it asked me to sign my commit when I hit save on the webpage10:30
lifelessbut you seem to be annoyed that you're getting signing prompts10:31
lifelessso I'd like to teach you how to turn that off, for your wikis.10:31
thumperjust in locations.conf?10:31
lifelessthats what I10:31
lifelessthats what I'd reach for first in this case, I think.10:31
thumperI'll go with that for now10:31
thumperI agree that in a server setting it would make sense to use the config settings10:32
lifelesscreate_signatures = never10:32
thumperI'll go with honouring bzr expectations10:32
lifelesswhat bzrlib do you have installed btw10:34
thumpernightly ppa10:34
abliHi! If I created a branch in a shared repository, do I need to do anything special when I want to delete it? or simply rm-ing the directory will do?10:40
thumperabli: that works10:46
thumperabli: it won't however remove the revisions from the repository10:46
abliwhere are the revisions actually stored? in the repo's .bzr, so the branch-directories' .bzr contains no revision data, only some metadata?10:47
lifelessthumper: http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/10:48
abliWould deleting the branch now and later creating a branch with the same name be a problem? (Storing the revisions is not a problem in my case because they are quite small, so I won't care about the wasted space), but I want to avoid confusing people with old and obsolete branches10:49
lifelessthumper: have you seen the progress bar ? :)10:49
lifelessabli: no problem10:49
thumperlifeless: nice10:49
lifelessabli: or at least, no technical problems. *you* might get confused though10:49
lifelessthumper: subunit :)10:49
abliyou mean if I create a branch with the same name, revisions from the old branch will come back?10:50
lifelessabli: no10:50
lifelessabli: I mean you might not remember if its the old or new branch, in a couple of weeks time :>10:50
ablioh. Ok, I'll remember to keep that straight then.10:50
abliThanks everyone!10:51
sipsniffatesting the addition of files from within the current project directory and below using: bzr add --dry-run **/*.py11:07
sipsniffanone of *.py in the current directory get added. am i missing something?11:07
lifelesssipsniffa: your shell isn't matching them11:08
sipsniffai understand ** to mean zero or more11:08
lifelesssipsniffa: any reason you don't just do 'bzr add' ?11:08
lifelesssipsniffa: and let bzr find all unignored files and add them for you11:08
sipsniffai can drop the ** from **/*.py and get all the current directory py files11:08
sipsniffaprobably the only reason is that i'm unfamiliar with bzr conventions and ways of working11:09
lifelesssipsniffa: the usual way is to setup bzr ignore rules for things you don't want to version11:09
lifelessand use 'bzr add' - just that - to add things automatically11:10
sipsniffaok, will go that route11:10
sipsniffastill curious to know whether ** pattern matching is misbehaving11:10
lifelesscheck your shell's man page11:10
lifelessits outside bzr's control, unless you are on windows11:10
sipsniffai've done bzr help patterns11:11
lifelesson windows bzr does the expansion11:11
lifelessbzr doesn't see the **/*.py11:11
lifelessif you look in ~/.bzr.log11:11
lifelessyou can see the command line bzr is being given11:11
lifelessyour shell - e.g. bash, or zsh, or whatever - is expanding the **/*.py11:12
sipsniffak, just tried quoting the pattern: bzr add --dry-run '**/*.py'11:13
lifelessbzr won't glob expand though :)11:14
lifelessthat will add the file '**/*.py', if you had one11:14
sipsniffagives an error!11:14
lifelessas I said, you need to check the documentation for your shell under 'GLOBBING'11:14
sipsniffathanks for the pointers, lifeless11:15
bialixigc: ping14:11
igchi bialix14:32
bialixigc: what dependecies I should install?14:33
igcbialix: for the installer stuff?14:34
bialixyes, you have asked me to look at bzr-windows-installer script14:34
igcif you have the latest stuff, it will build the windows help but it expects ...14:35
igcsphinx 0.6 and make14:35
bialixI'm lacking the fresh info about bzr build dependencies14:35
igchttp://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrWin32Installer is the place to start14:36
igcbut you no longer need pycurl and cog14:36
igcand zlib gets installed for you14:37
igcbialix: any particular questions? I'm heading to sleep real soon now14:38
bialixthat page is awfully outdate as I can see14:38
igcyes, I've been meaning to update it :-(14:38
igcnext week hopefully14:38
bialixI don't have questions because I'm trying to figure out what I need to install14:39
igcdo you have the old stuff installed still?14:39
igcthe key bits are ...14:39
bialixno, for python 2.6 I have nothing14:39
igcpython + pytqt + paramiko + sphinx + ms help compiler + innosetup14:40
bialixms help compiler?14:40
igcfor sphinx, start with setuptools, then easy_install it14:40
bialixC compiler?14:40
igcyes, you'll need one, either visual C or Mingw3214:41
igcalso pyrex14:41
bialixcan you put the dependencies version to simpleplain text file in the branch with script?14:41
bialixmaybe tomorrow or the next week, maybe14:42
igcyes, that's the plan14:42
igcbialix: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=00535334-c8a6-452f-9aa0-d597d16580cc&displaylang=en14:44
bialixigc: so perhaps we need to continue this odissey tomorrow or then next week, good night!14:49
igcbialix: I'll type something up tomorrow if I can14:50
igcbialix: night14:50
bialixthat's ok, sleep well14:50
* fullermd sure is glad to be on a *nix system :p14:55
bialixfullermd: :-P14:59
jmlI accidentally resolved a directory conflict by deleting the directory15:06
jmlthe commit that did that is way back in the history of my branc15:06
jmlbut it turns out that the project won't build without this (empty!) directory15:07
jelmerjml: can't you just re-add it with the same file id?15:07
jmljelmer, same file id? I didn't know you could do that15:07
jmljelmer, how would I do that?15:08
jelmerjml: you can't really specify a file id, but you can have 'bzr add' use the file id the same path has in another tree15:08
jelmerjml: so if you have an old copy of lp around you can use 'bzr add --file-ids-from=lp:launchpad/devel path/to/empty/dir'15:08
fullermdEasier to use revert.15:09
fullermdJust find a rev where it existed and revert -rwhatever dir15:09
jelmerfullermd: that won't readd the dir though right?15:13
jelmerfullermd: and if it's not added to the working tree, it won't have a file id15:13
fullermdEr, it certainly SHOULD.15:13
fullermdIt works fine on FILES.  And dirs are just files in pink tutus.15:14
fullermdIf it doesn't, that's a glaring bug that needs to be fixed.15:14
sebi_`what would be the reason for bzr not to upload certain files and/or directories when pushing a revision? I had to repush for the third time now. note that all files and directories are read and writable, and owned by my systemuser15:22
bialixsebi_`: bzr does not update remote working tree usually, only those on the local disk15:23
sebi_`well, some of the files in the revision were empty, even though they aren't in the local source tree15:24
jelmerfullermd: you're right sorry. I never use revert with -r15:24
sebi_`ah well. if that's the only thing i'll have to live with, then i'll live with it. :P15:24
bialixsebi_`: if you need to upload files to remote location look at bzr-upload plugin15:36
sebi_`I was just talking about `bzr push $branch`, but i'll take a look at the bzr-upload plugin15:37
bialixthere is also push-and-update plugin15:49
MvGFYI: I've just released version 1.1.0 of the bzr-bash-completion plugin, including completion for registry-based options.16:48
jelmerMvG: nice16:48
MvGI've also filed bug #560030 to get something done about the horribly outdated completion scripts included in the bzr source tree. If you want to discuss it, I'm all ears.16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560030 in bzr "Shell completion scripts outdated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56003016:49
MvGI'd be particularly interested in opinions as to whether bzr-bash-completion should be included with bzr itself, either now or in the forseeable future. I have no strong opinion either way, but it has been suggested to me by users, and I'd like to know what you think.16:51
jelmerdoesn't bash itself also ship with some completion scripts?16:52
jelmerI think it should be shipped either with bzr or with bash16:52
MvGI assume that the bash progcomp api is far more stable and also a lot simpler than the bzr plugin and options api. Therefore I'd keep it with bzr.16:54
MvGI don't think bash ships anything related to bzr, but I'll check. I know zsh does ship a completion function.16:55
MvGNope, neither bash 4.1 nor bash-completion 1.1 (from http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/ ) ship anything bzr-ish.16:58
MvGBy the way: what are the steps turning a merge proposal at LP into an actual merge performed by PQM? And which of these steps are automatic? Do I need a certain number of approving comments, or approval by the right person, or either of these? Is there some document outlining this process?17:00
jelmerMvG: you need to approvals from bzr committers17:01
jelmerMvG: s/to/two/17:01
jelmerMvG: the merge is submitted manually by a pqm committer, usually through "bzr lp-land" or pqm-feed (from hydrazine)17:01
RobOakesHi, I am getting a very strange error when I try and import from an SVN repository.  bzr: ERROR: Unable to convert Subversion path help/hits/LaTeX\docs because it contains characters invalid in Bazaar.18:21
RobOakesDoes anyone know how I can by-pass this error?  The file it references is a documentation file and not really important to my merge.18:21
jelmerRobOakes: Bazaar doesn't allow backslashes in paths18:40
RobOakesIs there any way that I can exclude that one file?  Or can I update just the project src directory?18:40
jelmerRobOakes: I think the only real option is to use something like fastexport/fastimport that allows you to remove the backslash from the stream before importing it into bazaar18:41
RobOakesDo you know if there is a tutorial that explains how to do that?  (I'm a pretty novice bzr user.)18:42
jelmerI'm not aware of one, but that doesn't say a lot.18:42
RobOakesAny idea on how I could use fastexport/fastimport to do what you describe?18:44
RobOakesI'm trying to merge bugfixes made to an svn version of the bzr branch.18:44
RobOakesThanks, I found a way around the problem.  There are only a few folders that I need to merge.  The merge works if I only update those selected folders.18:55
sebi_`okay, I think i've figured out why some files were missing when pusing a new revision; I forgot to add them. :P19:21
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