
viniciusmemenu brings settings as if I have already registered00:00
bjsniderzombie0, that chip is supported by the 195.36.15 driver00:01
bjsniderzombie0, have you tried removing plymouth?00:01
zombie0bjsnider : nope00:01
zombie0bjsnider : just rebooted and now get blank screen after grub00:01
switchgirlok somthings going on... ill try rebooting00:01
bjsniderzombie0, how long have you waited?00:02
zombie0bjsnider : 2 minutes00:02
bjsnidertry it without plymouth00:02
zombie0everything is loaded, I can tell because there isnt anymore hdd access going on00:02
zombie0but I cant drop into any session terminals00:02
zombie0bjsnider how would I go about that without being able to see?00:03
RS265Hello, I have a Lucid installation that gives me a lot of trouble with keyboard and mouse.  Can someone help?00:04
aukRS265, what does it do with the keyboard?00:06
RS265I have a Logitech MX 5500 keyboard and mouse00:06
RS265Both keyboard and mouse fail to work once the GNOME logs in (automatic login)00:07
zombie0bjsnider : Any ideas on how to get the intel card working for this laptop?  I think thats what I was using before that worked alright00:07
RS265I get messages about recognize the bluetooth pairing but it is not possible to set anything since there are no inputs accepted00:07
bjsniderzombie0, if those types of hybrid graphics laptops are supported in linux, this is the first i've heard of it00:08
RS265Trying to set up the keyboard and mouse over the network using the bluetooth pairing leads to varied results on pairing but the pair never works anyway00:08
zombie0they arent00:08
RS265Karmic works fine though00:08
zombie0thats the whole problem, but I am just trying to get some sort of ok video working00:08
zombie0nvidia hasnt been good at all with this chipset but I had it working for awhile before todays update00:09
zombie0just not using nvidia00:09
bjsnideras far as i know, dave airlie wrote the first code for hybrid graphics just not long ago, and it certainly isn't in lucid00:09
aukRS265, do you use the layout switcher?00:11
zombie0bjsnider any ideas on how I can just get my laptop to configure its graphics like it did when installing?00:11
zombie0bjsnider the defaults gave me enough that both compiz and 3d video worked alright00:11
bjsniderzombie0, if you go to the bios, are there settings for disabling one chip or the other?00:12
zombie0bjsnider nope, they havent put in a switch yet00:12
RS265No, I do not.00:12
zombie0bjsnider I am on the newest bios revision as well00:12
aukzombie, you could try the command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:12
RS265Fairly default installation00:12
bjsniderzombie0, you might want to go to the #ubuntu-x channel and ask them.00:12
zombie0might give both of those suggestions a go00:13
zombie0need to delete xorg.conf first so I can at least get into my install00:13
aukRS265, hmm i just had a problem with mine that i fixed by removing gujarati from the list of layouts00:13
bjsniderall that command will do is wipe out the xorg.conf file00:13
aukRS265, seems you're fairly sure your problem is with the bluetooth pairing and not the keyboard setup generallyM00:14
RS265Definitely a bluetooth pairing00:14
aukRS265, do you have a standard-ish USB keyboard that you could plug in to see if it works?00:14
RS265I am typing this on the same keyboard and mouse in the "other" OS00:14
RS265Unfortunately, no00:15
zombie0bjsnider : ... dang00:15
RS265I have a different wireless keyboard but that fails due to range issues from the base00:15
RS265keyboard is fairly far from the tower00:15
aukRS265, i'm sorry i don't know much about bluetooth, haven't used it much... maybe try doing again and rebooting: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:16
RS265done that several times.  No help00:17
RS265All I can say for sure is somewhere between alpha 2 and 3, things went screwy00:17
aukRS265, also you said you got messages but couldn't set anything... you could try using an on-screen keyboard00:17
RS265till that point, everything was working fine00:17
RS265What would do with the on-screen keyboard?  My mouse is also not functional00:18
RS265no way to input anything00:18
aukforgot about that :(00:18
RS265Is there a specific problem with the MX 5500 on Lucid kernel?00:18
RS265The machine boots predictably but it is completely unusable and I am stuck with using the other OS way more than I want to00:19
RS265I have half a mind to try other flavors of linux but I don't feel like giving up on Ubuntu00:20
aukRS265, similar problem to yours but from hardy/intrepid: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=26412200:23
aukyou can google translate: http://translate.google.com/#00:24
RS265I did google this problem and tried this particular fix.  Didn't work for me00:25
RS265Thanks auk, I guess I am on my own on this one.  I will continue playing with it whenever possible.00:29
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
tattersI have an Intel(R) 945GM graphic card, when I upgrade to Lucid it installs the nvidia-settings manager and nouveau drivers and no 3D ? is this as it should be?00:56
Fishsceneare the dev's constantly releasing updates? I checked this morning and installed all the updates, then I checked right now and there's 68MB of updates.00:56
pierreubuntuOne question - when you mention beta2 release, do we have to download another image, or our installed system automatically (though the updates) gets up to Beta 2?00:57
DasEipierreubuntu: automatic00:57
virtualdfishscene: yes00:57
FishsceneAwesome. This has the potential to keep me excited every work day. :)00:58
pierreubuntuThank you DasEi00:58
FishsceneWell, things are looking good. So keep up the good work Dev's.00:59
pierreubuntuOne more question if I may, I am running the virtual box software that was intended for Karmic on Lucid, as a guest I have vista 64 bit (for both host and guest) no matter what i do i cannot access the usb ports from withing guest vista. Has anyone been able to do it? (virtual box 3.1.6)01:02
DasEipierreubuntu: see me in #vbox01:03
pierreubuntuDasEi roger going there now01:04
benomatichello!  i have a 9.10 system running, and would like to upgrade to 10.04.  do-release-upgrade doesn't detect 10.04 availability... how do I make the jump (preferably command line)?01:11
DasEibenomatic: not this time in that way, lucid isn't released yet01:12
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:12
DasEifresh install only way at this time01:12
benomatici know it's unstable.  i basically want to run beta2 without wiping.01:12
DasEibenomatic: you **could add the repos... better wait the few days, until real urgent cause01:13
benomaticyeah, i knew i could just add th repos, but i wasn't sure if the "system upgrade" bits get triggered via aptitude01:14
DasEiuntil = unless*01:14
Lars_GHey dudes and dudettes01:14
DasEibenomatic: it will, once released01:14
benomaticunderstood.  my audio is broken in 9.10 and is reputed to work in 10.04, which sucks for a HTPC :)01:14
Lars_GWould a plain old apt-get distupgrade work for 9.10->10.4? or is there a prefered -server (cli) tool?01:15
DasEibenomatic: tried to debug it ?01:15
DasEiLars_G: I'll paste you conversation I just had, second01:15
benomaticDasEi: as well as i can, yes.  posted on alsa-users (no responses), tried lots of things i've found.  but i've seen 2 other ppl say that the 9.10 made their audio go funky w/ this particular motherboard (builtin audio)01:15
Lars_GDasEi: I did a gui distro upgrade on my netbook.....01:16
Lars_Gso it's possible.01:16
Lars_GI just wondered if there was a cli tool or plain old apt-get would do01:16
DasEiLars_G: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411857/01:17
h00kbenomatic: you could try do-release-upgrade -d01:17
Nalfhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/ anyone know anything about this?01:17
h00kbenomatic: that might do it, but I'm not sure01:17
DasEibenomatic: which chip / mb is it ?01:18
viniciushow do I clean my ubuntu one preferences so that it asks me again to add computer?01:18
vinicius(well, on this install it never actually did)01:18
benomaticthat's truly sad.  i noticed the '-p' opt to do-release-upgrade, but not -d.01:18
Lars_Gbenomatic: there's no -d... DasEi says there's no way to update to lucid.01:19
NalfLines 159-178 highlight the issue.01:19
benomaticDasEi: nvidia 9400 / intel hda audio on a gigabyte mainboad: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9328cfbe38c3c3b017038d338406af289d32fd0501:19
bjsniderthat should work great01:20
Lars_Gyou see... the information here is fake! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha101:20
Lars_GThere's no way to upgrade to lucid.01:20
bjsniderdoes it have an onboard hdmi port?01:20
Lars_GDasEi: Thanks a lot.01:20
Lars_GAt least I got to google and find the cli command01:21
benomaticbjsnider: it has an optical out, but i don't tihnk an hdmi.  lemme go check.01:21
Lars_GDasEi: So you did help me even if you tried not to. so thanks01:21
benomaticbjsnider: seems like lots of people have it working, but i have no explanation.01:22
DasEibenomatic: I think you have more luck in recompiling newest alsa, that should work with that chip01:22
DasEiLars_G: hum ?01:22
bjsniderbenomatic, with an onboard nvidia 9400 chip it doesn't have an hdmi port?01:22
benomaticDasEi: i did recompile newest, and no change01:23
Lars_GDasEi: < DasEi> fresh install only way at this time01:23
benomatic(last night, actually)01:23
benomaticbjsnider: it's got spdif and a goofy port that i presume to be hdmi :)01:23
bjsniderbenomatic, coolio01:24
DasEiLars_G: unless you rewrite repos, you speak of -d option ?01:24
bjsnideryou can use it as a media center system01:24
bjsniderconnect it to an hdtv01:24
benomatici was when running 9.04; but i started using a diff box for my frontend, upgrade to 9.10; then a couple weeks ago i wanted it to be front end again, and found my audio was nowhere to be found.01:25
Lars_GDasEi: correct01:25
benomatici spose i could run the beta2 as a livecd to confirm audio works before upgrading the hard way.01:26
Lars_GDist upgrading debian systems so far for me has always required changing repos.01:26
Lars_Gbenomatic: that'd be advisable01:26
DasEiLars_G: as said, you can in special manners, -d I never tried, but as a distro isn't released, the common dist upgrade won't work (sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release )01:29
nullkuhlHello, i try to boot ubuntu 9.1032 and 10.04 64bit , the first using cdrom and the 2nd using flash usb, and in both cases i reach the message of (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.  it's an HP Envy 15 notebook. ... i check md5sum of iso and i flashed to usb by unetbootin.. Plz Help  .01:29
DasEibenomatic: good idea, also try a live 9.10, I have no personal experience with that board, but it looks very common to me01:32
benomatici tried a 9.10 live a while back with no difference.  as soon as i acquire some cdrs (or get this usb stick to boot) i will try it :)01:35
cozziemotohey guys... I have been updating this beta1  the whole time... is anyone having issues changing cursor themes?  not holding...not using another theme?01:36
nullkuhlHello, i try to boot ubuntu 9.1032 and 10.04 64bit , the first using cdrom and the 2nd using flash usb, and in both cases i reach the message of (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.  it's an HP Envy 15 notebook. ... i check md5sum of iso and i flashed to usb by unetbootin.. Plz Help  .01:47
bazhangnullkuhl, sounds like a bad usb burn01:50
bazhangnullkuhl, unetbootin is not always 100% reliable the first time, has taken me a couple tries sometimes to get it right01:51
nullkuhlbazhang: i tried cd as well01:56
nullkuhland liliusb tool01:56
bazhangnullkuhl, try again, also try another usb stick if possible01:56
nullkuhlbazhang: tried that already :)01:57
nullkuhland the usbs works on a different machine with no problem01:57
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest78664
BoondoKlifeAnyone having cd/dvd issues. Cant get lucid to see them since I updated today02:21
LinuxGuy2009Im trying out the new easyMP3gain program from the repos to set the gain tag in all my ripped CDs in AAC format. Im wondering what music players support gain tags in MP3 and AAC files anyways? Do most?02:37
wick94hey guys02:58
wick94i need some help02:59
wick94i installed 10.04 beta 202:59
wick94and my desktop effects arent enabling properly02:59
wick94i m tryin to set them to "high" but it doesnt work and the program stops responding02:59
wick94any ideas?02:59
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gotsanity-bookmy touchpad stopped scrolling after the latest update. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?03:13
Blue11gotsanity-book: what kind of touchpad?  my cirque works fine03:14
gotsanity-booki believe its an alps03:17
gotsanity-bookBlue11, its definatly an alps touchpad03:19
Blue11gotsanity-book: not fam with that one...03:21
Blue11gotsanity-book: you have tried another mouse?03:21
Blue11gotsanity-book: or tried the mouse on another machine?03:21
gotsanity-bookBlue11, its a notebook, but i know its not malfunctioning because it worked before the update around 20 mins ago03:22
Blue11ahh my net book is runing 9.10  but did work on the lucid live cd (netbook remix)03:22
Dr_WillisHmm. Every so often I still get X booting up into 'low res  recovery type dialog' but if i just tell it to 'exit to the console' it some how restarts X and works properly03:24
Blue11Dr_Willis: not seen that one03:24
Dr_Willisive seen it a great many times. even the netbook with intel video had a similer ssue.03:24
Dr_WillisI wonder if it could be a byproduct of the updateing, perhaps the old drivers dident kick in, then triggered the message. then the new ones got autoloaded03:25
Dr_Willisi cant make it repeate the  'issue'03:25
Blue11Dr_Willis: could be a new "feature"03:25
VoJedoes anyone know how i can check if i have upgraded to beta 2?03:27
Dr_Willisupdate, upgrade, you are in beta203:28
Dr_WillisVoJe: You origianlly upgraded to beta1 or somthing? or did a clean install?03:28
VoJejust did update, upgrade earlier today as part of routine, then found out beta 2 was out and wanted to check if i had beta 2 installed already.03:30
VoJewanted to doublecheck03:30
Dr_WillisThen you got beta203:31
avisJoJe, i updated then did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and i believe that did it03:33
avisVoJe sorry03:33
BoondoKLifeHas anyone tried burning a dvd this evening? After an update today, my drive does not see blank media. I can see data cd/dvd though03:34
Zenkeri have perhaps a silly question, but ist a question nevertheless, ok here it goes :) when i have a program running on one workspace lets say for arguments sake-if i have DeVeDe working on converting an avi for burning on a dvd-and i switch to a diff workspace, does this hinder or "pause" the program(s) i have running on the previous workspace?03:35
BoondoKLifeZenker, No it should not03:35
bazhangZenker, no03:35
Blue11Zenker: they should round robin share  -- shouldn't be noticeable03:37
Zenkerahh ok, i didnt think so (well i know it will be hindered depending on what im doing on the other workspace) but i just wanted 2 know for sure if simply switching to another workspace caused the progs on the other 2 be slowed03:37
Blue11Zenker: one thing about the ipad - it's a uni-tasker03:38
Blue11so it never has that problem03:38
Blue11also, there will NEVER be a max ipad03:39
Zenkerthat was an easy one, heres a hard one, for some reason a little earlier i was doing this metacity stopped functioning. it's still not working right i had to add a startup item "metacity --replace" to have any windows, any suggestions on how 2 diagnose/repair the real issue?03:39
Blue11Zenker: they released some metacity updates yesterday, because they broke compiz -- but I've had no issues03:40
Zenkeryup, i got the updates, im wondering if the updates are buggy for my sys or what, i was runnin the heck out of this machine b4 them and had no issues either03:40
Blue11Zenker: curious what video card do you have?  Hint:  lspci | grep VGA03:41
Zenkeroh, and actually, i just installed 10.04 yesterday (a format/install over ubunut 9.10)03:41
ZenkerBlue11 my vid is umm the microsoft chipset family i think is what its called03:42
Blue11Zenker: you of course backed up /etc/ and /home/ first, right?03:42
Dr_Willisthere was some issues in the last day or so that broke Compiz  (and thus the need to fallback to metacity) but I thought it was fixed now03:42
Blue11Zenker: do the lspci that will tell us03:42
Odd-rationaleHello! Is acroread no longer in the lucid partner repository?03:43
Blue11Dr_Willis: i can't get compiz to work --03:43
Blue11Dr_Willis: otoh, I have an old ati card.03:43
Dr_WillisBlue11:  its working on my other nvidia box. Not tried it on the intel box.03:43
Dr_Willisno idea on ati.03:43
Zenkernope, i didnt do any backups, i just saved any stuff i wanted to my external hd.  then i installed 10.04 via disk and removed/reformatted the 9.10 partition03:43
Blue1101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]03:43
Blue11Zenker: I have had lots less trouble doing that (laying down brand new) then upgrading - you did it the right way03:44
ZykoticK9Odd-rationale, no it isn't03:44
Zenker;) i know, thats why i did it that way rofl03:44
Volkodavnvidia upgraded from 195.36.15 to the same version ?03:45
Odd-rationaleZykoticK9: Do you know where I can get it? will medibuntu provide it again? thx!03:45
Capt_Blackwoodok can somenody please help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/411903/03:45
ZykoticK9Odd-rationale, i just downloaded installed the bin direct from Adobe03:45
Odd-rationaleZykoticK9: oh, ok.03:45
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: if up?03:45
Capt_Blackwoodhang on03:46
Zenkeralso ive noticed another thing, the bug reporter is poping up sometimes saying that a prog crashed  which hasent -such as the software center, which is running just fine03:46
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: sudo ifup wlan0    iirc03:46
Capt_Blackwoodno sorry...this http://imagebin.org/9245303:46
Capt_Blackwoodinternet works :D03:46
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: quite normal03:47
Capt_Blackwoodok...so how can i fix that and get that to show active...03:47
Blue11just activate it.03:47
Capt_BlackwoodI tried that...it didn't work03:48
Blue11the error message is pretty standard for all vendor supplied drivers03:48
Capt_Blackwoodkept giving me error messages of driver failor03:48
Dr_WillisHmm.. a $100 netbook  to be released..  sounds like a good  fit for ubuntu! :003:48
Capt_Blackwoodare you sure...because i don't think that's normal...03:48
Zenkersooo, i guess as long as metacity is running (via the metacity --replace start up item) its gonna be ok?03:49
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: quite sure it did that on my nvidia card in 9.1003:49
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, i don't think it's "normal" either -- could you find "VGA Compatible controller" in the output of "lspci -vnvn" and see if "Kernel driver in use: nvidia"03:49
Dr_WillisZenker:  you could install the 'fusion-icon' tool  it lets you switch from compiz to metacity very easially03:49
Zenkeri didnt install compiz or ccsm, are parts of it installed "out of the box"03:50
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: I will post the output03:50
Dr_Williscompiz = installed by default on ubuntu, ccsm = not03:50
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, did you happen to try installing the nvidia driver from nvidia's site by chance?03:51
Blue11!pastebin | blue1103:51
ubottuBlue11, please see my private message03:51
Capt_Blackwoodno ZykoticK903:52
Zenkerahh i see, so then that tell me that compiz is the source of the issues :0 ill just leave the start up item then that way i dont have 2 mess with it03:52
Zenkerthanks guys03:52
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, ok that's good03:52
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411906/03:52
Capt_Blackwoodhttp://pastebin.com/iTESvq3Q <here's the output of lspci -vnvn03:52
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: this is from a 64 bit 9.10 system03:52
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, it does say it's currently using the proprietary nvidia driver03:53
Zenkeryall have a good night now03:53
Capt_Blackwoodif it's using it why that screen then?03:53
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: updated driver?03:54
Capt_Blackwoodany way i can reset it so i can activate it via the driver selection screen?03:54
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, your output does differ from Blue11's in yours has nouveau listed as a kernel modules and Blue11's doesn't ???  not sure if that's important or not.03:54
Blue11Capt_Blackwood: fwiw I am using the 185 driver03:54
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, mine has noveau listed as well03:55
Blue11dinner time - bbl - hope that helps03:55
Capt_Blackwoodblue's does not have noveau03:56
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, true - but i don't think that's an issue - as my nvidia is working fine.03:56
Capt_Blackwoodwell somethings is not right and i'd like to fix that...how can i disable the drivers so i can enable them via the GUI?03:57
Capt_Blackwoodthere's gotta be a way...03:58
Capt_Blackwoodif the computer is using them i can shut them off...but how?03:58
Dr_Willisanyone notice the consoles being sort of purplish again?03:59
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, LOL - so i just opened my Hardware Drivers - and mine is the same!  "A different version of this driver is in use" and nothing can be activated.04:05
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, it's just a "bug" with hardware drivers - the nvidia driver "should" be working fine04:06
Capt_Blackwoodit is...but i'm manually having to activate nvclock now04:06
Capt_Blackwoodi don't want to do that04:06
ZykoticK9Capt_Blackwood, i don't use nvclock so i'm no help there04:06
Zenkerok 1 more silly question, i have ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) so i suppose i need to install the ubuntu 64-bit hulu desktop from hulu.com?04:10
Zenkerthe other option is Fedora 64 bit04:10
Dr_WillisUbuntu 64 bit... yes.. you want ubuntu 64bit...04:11
Zenkercool thanks anyone else have the hulu desktop ?04:11
Dr_Willisive used it befor Zenker  it works.. but was flakey.04:11
Dr_Willisnot tried it lately04:11
Zenkeryah the overlay blinks when u move your mouse, but ill deal :)04:12
Dr_Willisevery time i pause a video.. it would basically crash for me. l;ast i tried it04:12
Dr_Willisthere was somne hack to download hulu videos out the other day.. proberly been 'fixed' by now. :)04:13
Zenkeryup its working perfectly now, the overlay isnt blinking anymore either :)04:13
Zenkerbtw if i want 2 record anything from it i just use a screed capture and sound capture prog ;) works pretty good but sometimes its hard to sync the sound04:15
Zenkeroops thats *screen not screed04:15
IdleOneohhh 101 updates :)04:23
IdleOnecan't wait!04:23
nullkuhlhow to access temperature sensors in ubuntu, i remember it was some echo command from a certain directory or so ? plz help04:23
DanaG!info lm-sensors04:24
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.1.2-2 (lucid), package size 112 kB, installed size 444 kB04:24
IdleOnenullkuhl: cross posting :/04:24
Dr_Willis132 updates here.04:32
Dr_Willisand i thought i just updated like.. 10 hrs ago.04:32
IdleOneDr_Willis: yeah same here04:36
bullgardWhat are »retweets« in System > Preferences > Broadcast Preferences > Messages > Retweet > "Send retweets to all services"?04:36
IdleOneI think a retweet is when you want to repost a tweet04:37
IdleOneI don't user twitter much04:37
bullgardIdleOne: And what is a tweet?04:37
IdleOnebullgard: twitter.com04:38
IdleOnetweet == post04:38
bullgardIdleOne: Thank you very much.04:38
IdleOneno problem :)04:38
Dr_Willistweet = 'useless comment that people seem to think that OTHER people actually want to read' :P04:39
IdleOneor that :)04:39
IdleOnereason why I don't use twitter04:39
IdleOneI got enough useless crap to keep track of :)04:39
Dr_Willissaw a tee shirt with the twitter bird with a chat baloon that said 'No One cares'  :)04:39
IdleOnetruer words were never printed on a t-shirt04:40
* Dr_Willis slogs through all the rambling on facebook..04:40
IdleOneahhh I got a red power off icon :( telling me Restart Required04:41
IdleOnethat blows04:41
* IdleOne refuses04:41
IdleOneI am fighting the system!04:41
Dr_Willisat leat its not nagging you every 20 min....04:41
Dr_Willisand counting down to  a forced reboot...04:41
IdleOneI actually appreciate the color change not invassive like the 20 minute nag04:42
Dr_Willisfunny thing about dual booting windows/linux and being in linux 90% of the time.. every TIME i boot to windows.. within 10 min.. its nagging me to reboot for updates to get installed.04:42
IdleOneDr_Willis: I requested access to work network so I could work from home and they told me that I have to use windows for security reason :/04:43
IdleOneI was like uhhhh yeah ok I'll come into the office04:43
bullgardDr_Willis:  Thank you for commenting.04:44
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  makes you wonder how they are going to 'verify' that requirement04:44
virtualddr_willis: the most annoying thing about that nag popup is when you accidentally press reboot04:44
Dr_WillisAnnoyances from os's  past and future.. :)04:44
Dr_WillisTrival task = confirm it 3 times...04:44
Dr_Willisdangerout task - single click.. and do it!04:44
IdleOneDr_Willis: actually they provide us with laptops for work but I asked if I could use my personnal computer and that is when they told me about windows and security. guess my ubuntu tattoo gave me away :)04:45
Dr_WillisTuX on the forhead?04:45
DanaGvirtuald: at least win7 has "don't reboot" as default.04:46
IdleOneCircle of Friends on forearm04:46
johnnyCbadHello, I'm on Lucid and while doing my routine daily update, it's frozen at grub-pc. This is usually where a diolog promps me to upgrade or keep current version but it isn't04:46
DanaGWorst thing I've ever seen people "like" on mouse settings:04:46
Dr_WillisAnother anoyance .  no 'ignore all' or 'yes for all' type buttons...04:46
DanaGsome people I know have their systems set so that the mouse forcibly JUMPS to the default button any time a dialog box opens.04:46
Dr_WillisYou have 51 farmville gift requests.  ... I have to hit ignore 51 times...04:46
Dr_WillisDanaG:  ive seen that and used that. :)04:46
* DanaG is mousing around....wtf did I just click?04:46
DanaGSomething popped up, and I haven't a clue what I just clicked!04:47
Dr_WillisIve noticved dialog boxs in beta appearing below the parents on  some machines..04:47
Dr_WillisDanaG:  Yep. or typing in irc.. dialog apepars you hit enter.. and it goes away04:47
IdleOneyou guys talking on ubuntu ?04:47
DanaGOne thing I wish I could do on Ubuntu (now more on-topic):04:47
DanaG"Install updates and shut down".04:48
IdleOnecause I haven't seen that behavior at all04:48
virtualddanag: doesn't matter much when it comes up every 15th minute or so and you're typing stuff04:48
DanaGI'd love to be able to have the thing log me out, install updates automatically, and then power off.04:48
virtualdmaybe every 15th04:48
DanaGso you stop once and hit "4 hours".04:49
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:49
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:49
Dr_WillisYou could write a little script to update, upgrade, then power off..04:49
virtuald    - Stop exporting DM key information. (Closes: #576687, LP: #556651,04:50
virtuald      CVE-2010-1149)04:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556651 in udisks "publicly exports dm key information" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55665104:50
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1149)04:50
* DanaG wonders if the EFL netbook-launcher would work on NV17.04:50
virtuald o.o04:50
IdleOne!paste > virtuald04:50
ubottuvirtuald, please see my private message04:50
Dr_WillisIve had some quirks with the EFL netbook vs the normal netbook launchers04:50
virtualdit was just two lines, it's not my fault the bots are spammy04:51
johnnyCbadHello, I'm on Lucid and while doing my routine daily update, it's frozen at grub-pc. This is usually where a diolog promps me to upgrade or keep current version but it isn't04:51
DanaGnow I need to figure out how to convince my brother (whose old laptop it is) that ubuntu netbook remix is a better fit for a grandparent than winxp.04:52
johnnyCbadAdvice would be great please, quite worried that I'll end up with an unbootable system04:52
Dr_WillisHmm. is there a simple screensaver that can show a browser/web site - such as -> www.fullscreenweather.com04:53
bullgardSystem > Preferences > »Personal File Sharing« opens the window »Personal File Sharing Preferences« mentioning "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system." What packages do I have to install yet?04:53
Dr_Willisthat would make for a nice screensaver04:53
virtualddanag: netbook edition ;>04:53
IdleOnebullgard: samba04:54
IdleOnebut it should of offered to install it for you04:54
IdleOnebullgard: hmm not samba04:55
IdleOneI have samba installed04:55
bullgardIdleOne: The packages samba-common and samba-common-bin are installed by default.04:55
IdleOnebullgard: good question. I have no idea04:56
DanaGedition, yeah.04:56
Mocit seem the install of 10.04 on laptop in docking issue happen in 9.10 also, didn't noticed it before05:01
Mocha compiz alt-tab is alot quicker on 9.10 than 10.0405:02
MTughanMoc: More likely a configuration change in Compiz rather than anything with 10.04.05:06
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
nickevasionhello, I'm having some slight trouble with kubuntu's network manager(10.04), it connects to ethernet only if I have it plugged in on boot, and even though my wireless card works(b43 with sta driver), it fails to connect to networks, no error just doesn't finish connecting, and soon stops trying. any help?05:10
swoodynickevasion: I have had issues connecting in KDE, too (STA driver, too) have you considered using wicd?05:11
jdsbluedevlhi, I'm having issues with bug 42655605:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426556 in policykit "policykit cause high dbus-daemon cpu usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42655605:12
nickevasionswoody, I have considered it, first thought actually, just curious if there is a fix05:12
jdsbluedevlDoes anyone know anything about the problems policykit is giving me on CPU and memory?05:13
swoodynickevasion: yeah, I can't help you there other than to suggest wicd, I use gnome now :/05:13
nickevasionswoody, Thanks, I usually use wicd on KDE anyways05:14
swoodynickevasion: it get's my +1 since you can use it with every DE out there ;)05:15
nickevasionYeah, I wonder if there is a QT 4 GUI though05:15
swoodyhmm... I haven't seen one, but that would be very useful :)05:16
nickevasionYeah, it really would05:16
nickevasionI believe there was an attempt at one time05:17
nickevasionat least for KDE 305:17
nickevasionswoody, http://github.com/anarsoul/wicd-qt405:19
jdsbluedevlanyone here experience problems with policykit hogging all the CPU and memory?05:20
swoodynickevasion: ah, very nice. And it looks like it's rather actively maintained :)05:20
swoody!patience | jdsbluedevl05:20
ubottujdsbluedevl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:20
jdsbluedevlyeah, I tried that, nothing05:20
nickevasionWell, at least up until late January05:20
jdsbluedevlmost I can get is reporting a bug that's already been filed05:21
swoodynickevasion: well ya gotta take a break at some point ;)05:21
swoodyjdsbluedevl: have you added yourself to the existing bug as 'also affects'?05:21
nickevasionyeah I guess so haha05:21
swoodyand left a comment on it05:21
swoodyjdsbluedevl: ^05:21
jdsbluedevlI did it through ubuntu-bug, then left a comment05:22
swoodyjdsbluedevl: well if the bug exists I would say to keep an eye on the bug report, and if there's no solutions or workarounds proposed in the bug report, you might just have to wait for a fix to be released :/05:23
jdsbluedevland kill the process every six hours05:23
swoodythat's the fun of Beta ;)05:23
jdsbluedevlsounds like a problem that was originally in Karmic, though05:24
swoodyand the bug report is still open? hmm...05:24
Dr_WillisHmm. Hulu Desktop is working much better now in 10.04 then the last time i used it.05:25
swoodyDr_Willis: yeah, I've noticed it's a lot more smooth :)05:25
swoodynot sure whether I'd attribute it to new version of Flash, new Ubuntu, or maybe changes in Hulu05:26
Dr_Willisthe interface could still use a little work. I find it hard to navigate05:27
geekphreakhey guys05:27
swoodytrue, it is still very much a work in progress05:27
swoody!hello | geekphreak05:27
ubottugeekphreak: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:27
geekphreakhow do i change encrypted  home diretory password?05:28
geekphreaki am on lucid05:28
swoodygeekphreak: http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs/05:29
swoodygeekphreak: scroll down a bit05:29
geekphreakhey swoody thanks man :)05:29
swoodyGUI and cli instructions :)05:29
swoodynp :)05:29
DanaGhmm, the new logo on the login screen is decent... but the "circle" looks lumpy.05:37
DanaGYeah.  It's not a perfect circle.05:38
geekphreakswoody:  done :)05:38
Blue11i think he was a character on "leave it to beaver"05:38
jdsbluedevlDanaG: speaking of which, I need to fix my login screen.  It got messed up05:38
DanaGEither that, or my new glasses are confusing my eyes.05:38
swoodygeekphreak: great to hear :)05:38
swoodyjdsbluedevl: what's funky about the login?05:39
jdsbluedevlit just looks plain and generic,05:40
swoodyjdsbluedevl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133368305:40
swoodyjdsbluedevl: scroll down to the GDM section :)05:41
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
SandGorgonahh... new kubuntu install : no nepmuk, strigi, akonadi being used... feels quite zippy05:44
SandGorgonnow.. i'm liking 10.0405:44
swoodySandGorgon: did you install kde-minimal and build it up? I did that before, and was suprised how quick it was05:45
geekphreakswoody: 1 more thing , you on lucid right05:46
swoodygeekphreak: yep05:46
geekphreakswoody:  when you run rkhunter scan, does it say rookit found?05:46
swoodygeekphreak: not sure, I don't use rkhunter...05:47
swoodylet me give it a shot05:47
digital_11Anyone know what the rational was behind switching from the default Google search engine to Yahoo?05:49
swoodygeekphreak: does this take a while to scan?05:49
swoodydigital_11: that has actually been reversed :D05:49
geekphreakswoody: no like 3min05:49
digital_11swoody?  Is that right?05:49
digital_11swoody:  post beta 2?05:49
swoodydigital_11: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/ubuntu-1004-drops-yahoo-will-use-google.html05:49
digital_11thanks Swoody!05:50
swoodywell I understand it'll be back before stable05:50
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers lon the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...05:50
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I put a file in ~/Public. On computer 3 Nautilus > Network shows only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no announcement. Avahi did work all right yesterday, though. What went wrong?05:50
swoodygeekphreak: I got suspicious file types in /dev :/05:51
swoodyoh I guess not, the final screen shows it's all clean05:51
geekphreakit dont say string rootkit found?05:51
Dr_Williswell hulu desktop was playing video fine.. got to comercial break.. and it goofed up.05:53
swoodygeekphreak: nope :/05:53
SandGorgonswoody: I really wish someone would make a KDE minimal without all this kmail, korganizer, quassell junk. But I did not take the trouble to go and install from kde-minimal05:53
DanaGhmm, for me, samba isn't advertized unless I manually add an mdns service.05:53
geekphreakthen i will have to scan again05:53
swoodyDr_Willis: was it just a delay? I noticed mine takes a while to DL the commercial, as it's not buffered while you're watching videos05:53
DanaGoh, I see... that's not samba you're speaking of.05:53
DanaG... maybe.05:53
SandGorgonswoody: I just eliminated all software that uses nepomuk/strigi/akonadi and life is good - using kvirc for chat05:54
Dr_Willisswoody:  it gave an error.. about bandwith or somthing.. but it did count down. i just saw no comercial. :) so thats good in ways05:54
Dr_WillisI figured it would just crash heh.05:54
swoodySandGorgon: yeah, that's how I do my gnome, too :)05:54
swoodyDr_Willis: ah, yeah mine will sometimes display that it's unable to display the advertisement (no complaints here) but that's only about 20% of the time05:55
=== Steil is now known as DrPeddleDFile
swoodywell, I'm off for the night. Take care everyone :)05:56
digital_11Nite swoody05:56
digital_11Dr_Willis are you using 64-bit flash?05:59
Dr_WillisI dont think so digital_11 . using whatever go installed by default05:59
geekphreakswoody:  you take it easy man, thanks again05:59
=== DrPeddleDFile is now known as Steil
digital_11Dr_Willis:  I was using the default player but I was getting some crashes too.  I'm trying the native 64-bit from Adobe Labs.  I think the default Repo for AMD64 bit still uses 32-bit libs.06:00
Gentis there any way to show just text in menus & toolbars like you used to be able to?06:00
dim3000anyone have a fix for the apperance properties freeze06:01
Dr_Willisyea i think it does also.06:01
gerryxiaohow to know my ubuntu is lucid beta1 or beta 2 ?06:01
Dr_Willisdigital_11:  i did notice the Hulyu web site - dident want to stream to me.. but huludesktop worked.06:01
gerryxiaoany command to display  "beta " something?06:02
Dr_WillisUpdate and upgrade and it will be Beta2 :)06:02
digital_11Dr_Willis:  You're exactly right- same here I just tried that now.06:02
digital_11back to 32 bit libs I guess.06:02
Dr_WillisI am using 32bit flash here i think. :)06:02
Gentanyone at all?06:03
gerryxiaoDr_Willis: ;)06:03
Dr_WillisGent: if you knew where the setting was at befor, look for it now.. see if its still there. Its possible it got removed.06:04
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
GentIt's not,the whole thing was removed from system preferences06:05
Dr_Willisguess its gone.06:05
GentI'm looking for a workaround or perhaps a gconf hack06:05
GentI can't imagine gnome removed it upstream06:06
Dr_Willisthey have removed other things...06:06
ZykoticK9Gent, have a look at Desktop / Gnome / Interface -- "menus_have_icons" -- might be what your looking for, i'm not sure though06:07
Gentyes, I know that, but this plays into the whole gnome menu and toolbar system last I checked06:07
ZykoticK9Gent, that's a gconf path06:07
GentZykoticK9: not that, but found it sitting right next to it06:07
Gentthanks much06:07
Gentwas looking for toolbar_style06:08
GentI like text only06:08
robertzaccourhey yall how's it goin?06:12
digital_11Hello robertzaccour06:13
Gentnow, if only compiz could speed up a bit06:14
Zenkeris there a way to change the setting to do nothing when i close my laptop lid (in other words can i make it to where the laptop keeps doing what its doing even if i close the lid)?06:14
Dr_Willisin the power saver settings dialogs.. i set it where i shut the lid and the light just turns off.06:15
robertzaccourcompiz is nice, i use AWN with the lower taskbar deleted06:16
Dr_WillisIve gotten where i cant stand any of the docks out there.06:17
ZenkerDr_Willis i guess what i want is blank screen?06:17
Dr_WillisZenker:  i think so..   no point in having the lcd be on with the lid closed.06:17
Zenkerthanks again :)06:17
robertzaccouri think AWN is nice06:22
=== Stik is now known as c_
=== c_ is now known as Stik
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers lon the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...06:30
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I put a file in ~/Public. On computer 3 Nautilus > Network shows only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no announcement. Avahi did work all right yesterday, though. What went wrong?06:30
xfactThe visual effect issue is still going on? Cause since running Beta 2 updates I can't enable my visual effects :(06:34
jdsbluedevlhi, I thought I'd ask again with more people in here.  Does anyone else in here have problems with CPU and memory usage by PolicyKit?06:34
RonaldIn karmic when you dragged a window by the titlebar to the top of the screen it would maximise. In Lucidbeta it doesn't... is that intended :D?06:37
Dr_WillisRonald:  i never noticed that in karmic.06:38
RonaldTry if you have it running ;)06:39
Ronaldgot both in vbox, both have all fancy efefcts disabled (due to not having 3d enabled in the VM... not all that stable yet)06:40
DanaGI've only ever noticed that happening IF I drag away from maximized... it'll go back to maximized when you reach the top.06:40
Dr_Willissounds like a compiz feature to me Ronald06:40
Dr_WillisDanaG:  yea. that i do recall seeing06:41
Dr_WillisKDE4 has  a feature like win7 to max 1/2 way if you drag to sides, or full on the top06:41
Dr_Willisanyone using the netbook edition notice that in the ubuntu netbook - theres a titlebar/close button in the top panel.. but in the EFL/2d netbook interface its missing?06:42
Dr_Willisand i cant figure out what  panel applet  is handlign that06:42
RonaldDr_Willis, well i can see why you think so. But i have both in Karmic and Lucid i have Visual efefcts to none (system-preferences-appearance)06:42
Dr_WillisThere is a compiz settng/tool that can emulate that Win7 sidesnap/maxamize feature also.06:42
Ronaldoh that sounds good :P06:43
robertzaccourhey check it06:45
robertzaccourhere's what my setup looks like http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq274/Knuckle_Brawler/Screenshot-2.png?t=127087723506:45
bullgardWhere has the menu item System > Preferences > Multimedia Systems Selector gone?06:45
DanaGDr_Willis: where'zat tool?06:46
robertzaccourbullgard, its there, autohide06:47
robertzaccourbullgard, when i bring the arrow to the top it pops down06:47
Dr_WillisDanaG:  i forget what one did it. i saw it mentioned at some compiz forum/thread/comments once a few weeks back06:47
RonaldDr_Willis, does lucid run compiz in 2d only mode (or something to that extend) and not nautilus, when visual efefcts set to none??06:48
bullgardrobertzaccour: I do not understand what do you mean by "autohide"? A menu item that hides automatically? What is the useof such a mechanism?06:48
Ronaldmetacity, not nautilus06:48
robertzaccourbullgard, bring your arrow to the panel, right click, properties06:49
Dr_Willisno effects = enable metacity.  effects = enable compiz06:49
Dr_Willismetacity can be set to enavbel a few minor compositing effectsds06:50
Ronaldkarmic on compiz visual effects normal behaves same as lucid visual effects none06:50
robertzaccourbullgard, did ya get it?06:51
bullgardrobertzaccour: My upper panel autohides. But I was referring to a GNOME menu item. This GNOME menu item does no longer exist in Lucid Beta2. Where has it gone?06:51
robertzaccourbullgard, it does exist, i just put mine on autohide06:52
bullgardrobertzaccour: What's the use of autohiding a menu item?06:52
robertzaccourbullgard, make the screen look bigger and the cool wallpaper take up the whole screen :)06:53
bullgardrobertzaccour: Well. Even if I unhide the upper panel, the menu item »Multimedia Systems Selector« does not exist with me. What is the reason?06:54
Torrentow_Hello World!06:56
Dr_WillisWello Horld06:58
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, good to see you keep your sense of humour even after dealing with difficult/rude people in other channels ;)06:59
Dr_Williswait till he gets  my Bill.06:59
Dr_Willisanswer peoples specific questions they ask.. and they get mad you dident fix their original problem that they never mention.07:00
robertzaccourbullgard, it shouldn't change anything at all. it just goes up and down07:00
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  i think my logic of 'sudo not working?' then you are doing somthing wrong, or you broke it...   is correct. :)07:00
Dr_WillisHmm this adobe air app i installed earlier.. stopped working.07:00
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, as do I - i don't think he felt that way though07:00
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, did he leave the channel or was he (appropriatly) removed?07:01
bullgardrobertzaccour: [solved] I tagged it in Edit Menues > Main Menu > System > Preferences > Multimedia Systems Selector.07:02
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  he left i guess. :)07:02
ZykoticK9ryanc_ if you still have Gnome installed as well, simply log out, and on the GDM (the login screen) you should be able to select XFCE instead of Gnome as your session07:05
robertzaccourbullgard, super :)07:05
ryanc_ZykoticK9: Nope :(07:05
Dr_WillisI always keep a spare window manager installed :)07:05
historyanc_: you can pick a default session on the login screen07:05
ZykoticK9ryanc_, no?  that's different.  sorry i haven't installed xfce under Lucid07:05
acusterhey all, does renaming shortcuts in nautilus not work in the beta2?07:05
ryanc_I don't see a session chooser anywhere?07:06
Ronaldbottom of screen?07:06
acuster0) open nautilus 1) drag random folder to bottom left of side pane 2) right click on folder => rename 3) type 'santa-claus' => fails?07:06
ryanc_I see the universal access and the shut down menu07:06
Dr_Willisacuster:  thats a 'bookmark' i think. not reallyt a short cut.. let me try it and see07:07
acusterah okay 'bookmark'07:07
ZykoticK9ryanc_, click you user name first then you get more options at the bottom07:07
robertzaccourhey yall goin to sleep, later yall07:07
Dr_Willisacuster:  cant rename them hhere.. i dont recall ever trying to rena,me them befor07:08
ryanc_ZykoticK9: there it is.  thank you.07:08
ZykoticK9ryanc_, glad to help07:08
acusterDr_Willis, thanks. Renaming is useful if you have lots of 'bookmarks' with the same name that you need to jump between.07:09
acuster(e.g. branches of code)07:09
Torrentow_19 days to stabile ubuntu 10.0407:10
Dr_WillisChecking out this neat little radio app i found . sadly it uses adobe air..  but its still cool.  I was suprsed the web link to 'install adobe air' worked -->  http://bcdef.org/antenna/07:11
Ronaldif there is anyone from bluez... Logitech Dinovo desktop (2.0) on karmic was a bad experience... on Lucid it was far worse... (Karmic replugging it would put it in usb-hid mode, so become usable, lucid insists on properly pairing, which actually works, but you need a spare mouse-keyboard for it)07:11
Dr_WillisI have to woner why adobe's flash links cant work the same way07:11
Ronaldit should definetly start up in usb-hid mode before pairing... its a sure way to drive a new user back to windows07:12
bullgardDr_Willis: '~$ dict woner; No definitions found for "woner", perhaps you mean: gcide:  Wone  Owner  Wonder  Wonger  boner  Moner  Wooer; wn:  owner  wonder  boner  goner  loner  toner  wooer; german-english:  woher; english-german:  owner  boner  loner  wooer  wonder.'07:12
Torrentow_emerge russian-gramar07:13
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, wow!  I just installed Antenna (and Air) on 64bit Ubuntu using Chromium - and it all worked flawlessly - and as expected!  Much different from the last time I tried an Air app.  Antenna seems cool as well, thanks for the tip.07:16
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  it played the first time i installed it.. but ive updated/upgraded/rebooted.. and not its not playng on pc #207:16
Dr_Willisit is playing on PC #107:16
ZykoticK9Well that's not good news - 'cause Antenna is cool!07:17
Dr_Willisits not launching on pc 2.. not sure why07:17
Dr_Willisguess i could reinstall :)07:17
histowhat is antenna?07:21
ZykoticK9histo, air based online radio tuner program07:21
Dr_Williswith a neat 'globe of the world' showing stations07:21
Dr_Willisand a chat feature07:22
histofor playing radio streams? i'm confused07:22
Dr_Willisstreams from radio stations - yes07:22
ZykoticK9i'm sure that globe is google maps - very similar interface07:22
Dr_Willisglobe is Yahoo Maps. or somthing liek that07:22
histowhere did you get the package from?07:22
histoyahoo = google now I thought07:22
Dr_WillisChecking out this neat little radio app i found . sadly it uses adobe air..  but its still cool.  I was suprsed the web link to 'install adobe air' worked -->  http://bcdef.org/antenna/07:22
Dr_Willisyahoo is not google. :)07:23
histoI thouht google bought them07:23
Dr_Willisthe app installs by itself via the web site hen ya click on it.07:23
Dr_Willishisto:  not seen that in the news..07:23
histogoogle owns everythign else anyways07:24
ZykoticK9histo, MS bought yahoo i believe07:24
Ronaldtried and failed07:24
Dr_WillisI thought MS was trying to :)07:24
Dr_Willisthen there was the amuseing google->yahoo->google default search changes in our default browsers.07:24
Dr_WillisHmm.. cant get Antenna to run or even reinstll now on pc #207:26
histolooks interesting though neat little app07:27
histoi'll have to check it out sometime07:27
Dr_Williscant get adobe air to do squat now on the other box..  how annoying07:29
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, you have to keep in mind - Air is by the people that brought you Flash...07:32
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it didn't even take a reboot in my case to break Antenna, just closing it - now it doesn't re-open07:42
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, from cli - getting the error "libadobecertstore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"07:45
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, the problem was due to 64bit -- copying /usr/lib/libadobecertstore.so to /usr/lib32 - now Antenna opens again.07:49
dddmI cannot access grub for some reason, it goes from bios to splash screen with no grub input, is there something im missing here?07:51
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  how.. interesting. Makes me wonder how it ran the first time07:52
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, that is a mystery07:52
dddmI boot up and as soon as X is started i lose keyboard fuctionality and mouse functionality, I need to be able to boot into recovery mode but I cant even access grub, anyone have a workaround?07:53
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  yep that fixed it.07:54
dddmnm, figured it out.07:54
quentusrexalright, I'm stuck.07:55
quentusrexI have a server half upgraded from 9.10 to 10.0407:55
quentusrexE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)07:55
quentusrexthat's the error I get...07:55
tsyj200710.04 has some bugs07:55
Dr_Willissee the definition of the term 'beta' :)07:56
quentusrexyes, I know it's beta. that isn't a complaint.07:56
quentusrexthat is a question: What is wrong...07:56
quentusrexI read the man page, and don't see what is up.07:57
Dr_Willisthat was for tsyj200707:57
Dr_Willis Your problem -- never seen it mentioned befor.07:57
quentusrexI have one server, and it worked.07:57
quentusrexand one that didn't....07:58
quentusrexDr_Willis, I found the solution08:08
Dr_Willisive never even heard of the term Immediate-Configure   befor08:08
quentusrexyou need to go into /var/cache/apt/08:08
quentusrexand dpkg -i the package it says08:08
quentusrexit will then error telling you the actual problem08:08
Dr_WillisHmm.. so the util-linux package is goofed up eh.08:08
quentusrexin my case util-linux required libc6 2.11 or higher08:09
quentusrexbut only had libc6 2.1008:09
quentusrexand for some reason it wasn't installed before trying to install util-linux08:09
quentusrexso, a manual install of libc6 fixed it.08:09
Dr_Willisthat is weird08:10
quentusrexbut now we both know(as well as anyone else reading)08:10
* Dr_Willis goes back to watcing people bicker over ssh in #ubuntu08:11
blue102if I keep on installing the updates do I still need to downoad the new version on the 29th of april08:12
Dr_Willisblue102:  in theory - no.08:12
Dr_Willisblue102:  in practice - i wait a week or 2 then do a clean install after the release.. that way i get rid of all the cruft ive been beta testing08:12
Dr_WillisI install all sorts of things  in here to 'confirm' bugs others report08:13
blue102I see08:13
blue102otherwise it runs beautifull on my laptop08:14
blue102it does everything I want to do08:14
blue102is there a program like msn that will have voice and web cam08:15
blue102and be compattible with voice and webcam with msn08:15
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete08:16
Dr_Willisthats all i know on the topic. :) i dont do IM chat08:16
blue102I have fam in nl and would like a total swab from windows to linux08:17
blue102they use xp and vista msn live08:17
blue102I have downloaded empathy does not have webcam and voice08:19
avelldirollblue102, empathy only support audio/video for xmpp/googletalk for now ... at least the last time i checked08:21
Dr_Willisgoogletalk is fun :)08:21
Dr_Willisskype supportw audio/video now dosent it?08:22
avelldirollDr_Willis, yes, but the real problem is ti being skype XD08:22
Dr_Williswife got sick of skype. she was having too many spammy  messages  from spambots.08:23
Dr_Willisbut now shes on MajicJack.. which is worse in ways :)08:23
avelldirollDr_Willis, googletalk does the trick for me ... and sip at work for audio08:24
blue102there is no other solution then to keep xp ???08:25
avelldirollblue102, i think kopete used to support msn ...08:26
blue102voice and web came as well ??????08:27
avelldirollah there is supposed to be a ppa for telepathy with msn audio / video support08:27
ddecatortheres a newer version in a ppa than is in lucid?08:28
LordKowpidgin supports msn08:28
avelldirollbut i read somewhere that msn changed their protocol yet again ... surprise08:29
avelldirollddecator, it's an unstable version of telepathy08:30
ddecatoravelldiroll: it's just not very often you see an even-more-bleeding-edge version in a ppa than you see in alpha/beta releases, haha08:30
LordKowthere are a few automated git ppas out there, ex: xorg-edgers is the name i believe08:31
avelldirollthere is one for the kernel too08:32
coz_hey guys ... is  gedit still broken?:08:37
Mulderi didnt realise it was broken at all08:38
Dr_Willisgedit is working here08:40
blue102I have downloaded amsn see with how that goes08:42
blue102I have to rebbot to get the webcam working cheers for now08:42
* Dr_Willis wonders why a reboot is needed...08:45
maurii ahve buyed scanner cannor lite 100 but kubuntu does not recognize it.....may someone help me please?08:46
Dr_Willismauri:  check the SANE homepage to see if it even has any linux support at all.08:48
avelldirollmauri, you mean CanoScan Lide 100?08:48
coz_Dr_Willis,  mm  not even showing up in the menu   but let me check the machine again08:48
avelldirollit is unsupported by sane : http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-CANON08:48
mauriDr_Willis: already checked08:49
mauriavelldiroll: yes08:49
LordKowgreat gnome-terminal feature: record user commands and create a working script out of it.08:50
LordKowpotential feature that is08:50
Dr_WillisHmm.. i seem to recall a feature like that years and years ago08:50
Dr_Willissomthign to do with 'expect' i recall.. 10+ yrs ago :P08:51
mauriavelldiroll: do you think that i have to waste it or they will support it one day08:51
coz_isnt that something like  script -make typescript08:52
LordKowDr_Willis: yea, but that sort of feature integrated into gnome-terminal08:52
Dr_Willisive been using Terminator more and more08:53
avelldirollmauri, i don't like to sound pessimistic, but htere is a reason why i never buy canon products08:53
Dr_WillisCanon is on my NEVER BUY list also08:53
Dr_WillisThe one i got prints good.. but  now its saying i got the red in the green slot.. when its not..  or a cart is empty when its brand new...08:54
mauriavelldiroll: I hope that the seller will get it08:54
Dr_Willisso no more canon for me.08:55
avelldirollmauri, if he doesn't sell it on ebay or somewhere else ....08:57
mauriavelldiroll: ok sorry if i have disturbed you08:57
mauriavelldiroll: thanks08:58
DanaGyay, hplip.08:58
coz_about the auto script in terminal ///   isnt there a script command that records everything done in terminal?  not sure it will be automatically turned into an actual script though09:00
avelldirollcoz_, history09:00
avelldirollhistory | cot or awk > your script09:00
coz_avelldiroll,  I thought it was something like   $ script  afilename09:00
joaopintoI got some files truncated during and hard lock09:00
avelldirollcoz_, with script you need to know before end that you're starting a script (more like a terminal logger imo)09:02
coz_avelldiroll,  mm ok  I might play with it to see outcome :)09:02
Dr_Willisscript keeps a log  like coz_  said..09:03
Dr_Willisi recall some way to tweak the output years ago.. but thats old-skool09:03
coz_mm just ran script  with update && dist-upgrade just to see output... i suppose this could come in handy :)09:04
avelldirollWhat's with people this days using dist-upgrade on ubuntu?09:06
coz_avelldiroll,  old habit09:06
Dr_Willisscript i recall can accidently save passwords and stuff as well.. so be carefill with it09:06
Dr_Willisand color code/esc codes all over the place in it als09:06
coz_Dr_Willis,  ah I will play with it  but if it records passwords  eeew09:07
Dr_Willisthis was back when telnet was king.09:07
Dr_Willisit logs everything on the screen that it sees . so be carefull09:08
coz_Dr_Willis,  yeah sounds like wise advise09:08
Dr_Willisages ago it was used to log sessions to turn in for homework.. and other situations09:09
Dr_WillisI seem to recall that 'expect' could also somehow parse the output also09:09
coz_Dr_Willis,  mm let me see what that does09:09
coz_expect needs installed first09:09
avelldirollDr_Willis, expect is more like a programming trick to _control_ a shell (like automatically entering a password)09:10
Dr_WillisExpect is a tool for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect really makes this stuff trivial. Expect is also useful for testing these same applications. And by adding Tk, you can also wrap interactive applications in X11 GUIs.09:10
Dr_WillisCan Expect automatically generate a script from watching a session?09:12
Dr_Willis--> The autoexpect script in Expect's example directory does what you want.09:12
coz_interesting  expect seems far more useful than script09:13
Dr_WillisI recall using it ages ago to automate dialing into BBS's and so forth09:13
coz_expect cannot automate gui based tools apparenlty but seems that occurs mainly on windows rather09:14
coz_than unix/linux09:14
Dr_Willislook at the age. :)09:14
Dr_Willisthis predates many of the people in this channel :P09:14
coz_ooo yikes :)09:14
Dr_WillisI used it on the sun worksatations I think in the 1980's09:15
coz_Dr_Willis,  well it doesnt predate me I am afraid :)09:15
Dr_Willisif the text based installer was truely just text based.. you could almost automate it with expect. :)09:16
coz_would be interesting to have an up-to-date tool that actually takes terminal session and creates a funtional script09:18
quentusrexAnyone here know how to debug eucalyptus?09:29
quentusrexI have a configuration issue(I believe) and I don't know where the debug logs are09:29
quentusrexhow goes it Masteredu09:38
Mastereduwell ^^09:38
Masteredubut i have a prob :)09:38
quentusrexlet's see if I can help you with ours09:38
Mastereduis the java-jre from sun not in the ubuntu ppa?09:39
Mastereduand has the ubuntu ppa only opensource software?09:39
Raphi974Masteredu, you have to activate the Partner repo09:39
Masteredui will try it09:39
Raphi974Masteredu, then you will find sun-java6-jre/jdk/etc.09:40
GNU\colossuswhat's the reasoning behind changing /etc/event.d to /etc/init in 10.04? I can't find anything in the bugtracker.09:41
quentusrexRaphi974, any idea how to find out what is the issue with the store? I'm trying to download images09:41
quentusrexbut I get an Error 7: Can not connect to host09:42
Mastereduand i have a bug with firewire do you have the same?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/55985309:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559853 in udev "Firewire is not allowed for normal users, it doesnt gives an udev rule for that." [Undecided,New]09:42
Raphi974quentusrex, sorry, i don't use the store09:42
Raphi974quentusrex, and my netbook does'nt have firewire09:43
Mastereduit is a bug, that when you want to use ethernet with firewire, you have to load the driver yourself with modprobe?09:44
kklimondahmm, anyone else having metacity crashes?09:44
Masteredukklimonda: yesterday i had many09:44
Mastereduyou have to update, that may help you09:45
Mastereducan someone answer me pls on my question?09:45
Masteredusun java6 now works for me09:46
Dr_willisive seen it common where if you want to use networking over firewire you have to expliatly load the proper module09:48
Dr_willisif it autoloaded - you can get more eth## devices then people normally want09:48
kklimondaheh, every time I click right button09:49
b__bugs in lucid09:54
Mastereduis the answer for the problem right ?09:58
Masteredufor my bug? at  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/55985309:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559853 in udev "Firewire is not allowed for normal users, it doesnt gives an udev rule for that." [Undecided,New]09:59
b__Masteredu, how long does it take u to boot on lucid?... takes me more than 35 secs09:59
Masteredub_: arround 35 sec jeah10:00
Masteredub_: but i have a very old graphics card and parallel ata harddrive10:00
b__Masteredu, it says its goal is 10 secs?.. will it be 10secs by the lts official release?10:00
Mastereducan anyone help me. i have a prob with youtube. every time i upload my .ogg , the quality goes very bad . it is all pixelie :(10:00
Masteredub_: i dont know but this is for my  machine awesome10:01
Masteredub_: windows 7 boots in over 1 min 10 seconds10:01
Masteredub_: and network in ubuntu is established in 5 sec. in windows 7 in over 10-20 sec10:01
b__Masteredu, when i check for hardware it doesnt list any and shows no proprierty somethin somethin...does it mean my drivers arent found or r the drivers loaded by default?10:01
acusterhey all, does right click on a title bar crash metacity for anyone else? (amd64, beta2)10:02
Masteredub_: do you have hardware that news proprietary drivers?10:02
Mastereduacuster: nope10:02
b__Masteredu, 1 yr old laptop.. so i guess hardware isnt that new10:02
Masteredub_: "needs" i mean, does the hardware need proprietary drivers. i have a 12 year old notebook, that notebook too doesnt needs proprietary drivers, so i dont become a notification10:03
Masteredub_: but this notebook uses slackware, becouse it has pentium 210:04
b__Masteredu, how do i check what hardware do i have?10:04
b__Masteredu, i tried hardware lister but it doesnt give me details10:04
Masteredub_: all hardware? or usb? or pci? for usb : "lsusb" on commandline , for pci "lspci"10:04
Masteredub_: lspci shows you many10:05
Mulderheh, msn probably changed vv protocol again since empathy (even ppa version) no longer does vv10:06
b__Masteredu, 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)10:07
b__00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev f3)10:07
yofel!paste | b__10:07
ubottub__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:07
b__00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801HEM (ICH8M) LPC Interface Controller (rev 03)10:07
Masteredub_: pls use pastebin!10:07
b__00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) IDE Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 03)10:07
b__01:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)10:07
b__02:01.0 Ether10:07
AbortDanyone know if its possible to change the font in grub10:08
yofelduh... why don't we have floodbot in here...10:08
b__02:01.0 Ether10:08
b__Masteredu, how to do that? im new to ubuntu10:08
yofelb__: I justed told ubottu to tell you how...10:08
Masteredub_: visit http://pastebin.net , give in the text, and paste the link here10:08
bazhang!crosspost | b__10:08
ubottub__: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:08
Mastereduanyone knows if the intel graphic chips use proprietary drivers?10:10
yofelthey don't10:10
yofeleither the open source  drivers support it or nothing supports it10:10
Mastereduyofel: so you can use ubuntu withhout installing proprietary drivers for graphic when you use them?10:10
AbortDdoes a ten pound bag of flour make a big biscuit?10:10
Masteredub_: i think you dont need proprietary drivers. You a real opensourcler! :D10:11
AbortDintel and nvidia are the best drivers i ever used on ubuntu10:11
MastereduAbortD: lol10:11
AbortDi hate the amd ones10:11
Dr_Willisyou need to try out SIS :)10:12
b__Masteredu, so by default all my drivers are loaded rite?10:12
Dr_Willisyou will love ATI then... :P10:12
MastereduAbortD: AMD doesnt supports ubuntu the way , that they support windows!!!10:12
AbortDati i meant willis10:12
Masteredub_: i think yeah, you use a netbook or?10:12
AbortDMasteredu, they are making linux drivers10:12
Dr_WillisYep. AMD/ATI has been a real dissapointment10:12
thevishyhow do I install powersaved anyone ?10:12
Dr_Willisthevishy:  look in thepackage manager for it?10:12
AbortDwillis is there a future for amd?10:13
Dr_Willislook  in theubuntu forums/wiki pages?10:13
Dr_WillisAbortD:  They got some new things comming out.. only time will tell10:13
Mastereducan anyone say me, why youtube does NOT support my ogv file?10:13
thevishyDr_Willis, package not found10:13
AbortDim considering selling this laptop or turning it into a server for that fact and acer is BS10:13
Masteredui uploaded it 2 times, and alltimes I get ugly pixels10:13
Dr_Willisthevishy:  time to hit the forums/wiki pages perhaps?10:13
AbortDmasterdu email youtube10:13
thevishyE: Couldn't find package powersave10:14
Dr_WillisMasteredu:  because they convert it to flv ?10:14
MastereduBut other Ubuntu users, upload their ogg´s and are happy with youtube :(10:14
Masteredui uses kino, to make my .ogv , and it looks good in vlc, totem10:14
Dr_Willisconvert it to flv by hand untill you like the flv then upload it.10:14
AbortDthevishy, u dont have a power management under system - preferences?10:15
MastereduDr_Willis: with mencoder?10:15
Dr_WillisMasteredu:  if thats what you like.10:15
zljHi, all. I've installed lucid recently and found that gpg-agent seahorse component is not started by default (but ssh-agent is OK). is it a feature/bug? I'd really appreciate any points on fixing this in a right way10:15
b__Masteredu, notebook10:15
Masteredub_: oh yeah sry, you sayed it allready. i dont think that you need proprietary drivers. all works by you, right?10:15
thevishyi have that AbortD but need to adjust CPU to consume less10:15
AbortDwhat did you overclock it?10:16
yofelthevishy: powersaved doesn't exist in lucid anymore, what exactly do you need to do?10:16
thevishythe problem is that the CPU needs to be adjusted ( scaling )10:16
thevishylike if the processor takes up high speed , need to scale it down10:16
thevishybasically i need to deal with laptop overheating problem10:17
yofelthevishy: well, we have cpufreq now, like 'cpufreq-selector'10:17
Dr_Willisa good dusting, and one of those laptop pad-fans - come in handy10:17
AbortDim making a cooling lap fan for my laptop10:18
thevishyhow can I use that? i did a lot , i opened it up etc but u know I dont have the courage to touch it anmore coz its so fragile10:18
AbortDas in blows in cold air not air from room temp10:18
Baalneed help i was in the middle of the upgrade to 10.04 beta 2 and my computer crashed now it goes to login screen but give me error when i try to login10:18
GNU\colossuswhat's the reasoning behind changing /etc/event.d to /etc/init in 10.04? I can't find anything in the bugtracker.10:18
Dr_Willisi just use compressed airs in the  vents.. and got the wife a laptop cooling pad.10:18
Dr_Willisand told her to stop sitting it on the bed.10:19
Baali have tried going to console and restarting upgrade but it errors out with libsexy2 needed10:19
b__Masteredu, thanks... how do i download youtube mp3 or even flv??.. anything from youtube...utube ripper doesntwork10:19
Masteredub_: do you want the flv?10:19
yofelGNU\colossus: mostly a more proper placement of the init scripts I think, !upstart might help you more10:19
Dr_Willisfirefox has several extensions to get files from Youtube10:19
thevishyhow do I use the cpu freq selector utility10:19
Baali cannot remove or install libsexy2 because it is needed by notification-daemon10:19
AbortDhaha well im a geek Dr_Willis  in the fact that i like to build stuff that uses energy to cool10:19
Baalplease help10:19
Masteredub_: go on the youtube videosite. buffer the video. go in direcotry /tmp. and move the video file out of the directory, for example move it on your desktop10:20
Dr_WillisAbortD:  you need one of those drinking/dipping birds.. they got them that sit on monitors now and move due to the heat.10:20
yofellibsexy was something xchat used I think10:20
thevishythis is a 5 year old laptop10:20
b__Masteredu, i would love just the mp3 or any other audio format ... but flv would also be just fine10:20
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:20
Baaland another lib file10:20
b__thevishy, right click on ur gnome panel10:21
AbortDDr_Willis, heh i mainly use a laptop10:21
b__thevishy, then click add to panel10:21
AbortDclip on for lcd monitors?10:21
Masteredub_: video2mp3.net10:21
Dr_WillisAbortD:  yea. it has a clip for lcd's10:21
yofelBaal: sry, busy right now, I'll answer in a minute10:21
Baalok i just didn't understand your response10:22
AbortDwhats it plug into usb or something? im lost now10:22
iconmefisto_Baal's problem is an upgrade was interrupted by a system crash, and apt is now giving errors10:22
Baalthanks icon10:22
Masteredub_: http://en.gibney.org/convert_flv_files_to_mp3/10:22
Dr_WillisAbortD:  nothing.. its made of glass with alcohol in them. You used to see them 'drinking' from a glass of water.. well if you heat the bottom.. instead of cooling the head.. it also works.. no water needed. :)10:22
AbortDmaster isnt a flv file a video file10:23
thevishylucid is very nice10:23
Masteredub_: when you watch a flash move, linux saves the temporary chache in /tmp, when you buffer the full movie .10:23
Mastereduflv is a container format from adobe10:23
thevishybeta 1 was bit problematic , but beta 2 is nice  , what all releases do we have now ?  do I have to reinstall lucid when each release comes ?10:23
Mastereduthevishy: only update10:24
Dr_Willisthevishy:  update/upgrade - you got the latest10:24
AbortDflash video isnt it Masteredu10:24
MastereduAbortD: ?10:24
Mastereduthe flash video is saved under /tmp10:24
AbortDfl flash10:24
AbortDv video10:24
thevishythats very nice10:24
AbortDyeah but u cant convert a video into a mp310:24
iconmefisto_AbortD: you can extract the audio track from video to make an mp310:25
AbortDyou can10:25
AbortDbut you can not convert a flv to a mp310:25
Mastereduwhen you have the flashfile in tmp, move it out, becouse when you enter a new site, the chache will be deleted, and when you have the .flv, you can convert it easely with ffmpeg , what is allready installed, in .mp3 with this command: ffmpeg -i moviet.flv -f mp3 sound.mp310:25
thevishyi think lucid beta2 is a lot more attractive than ubuntu karmic koala10:25
MastereduAbortD: why not?10:25
AbortDi said so10:25
thevishykarmic suddenly looks outdated10:25
MastereduAbortD: The Video looses, but the audio will stay10:26
AbortDthevishy, karmic looks better than lucid if u ask me10:26
Mastereduwith ffmpeg it is easy10:26
yofelthevishy: cpufreq-selector is part of  gnome-applets, use --help for more info, (or adjust the files in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/)10:26
iconmefisto_thevishy: I assume you're using gnome? kubuntu doesn't really look that different10:26
AbortDi hate kubuntu programs10:26
AbortDonly reason i use gnome10:27
yofelBaal: did you try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ?10:27
b__Masteredu, thanks im trying it now be rite back10:27
thevishyyes I use gnome not kubuntu , I prefer lucid looks ....10:27
Baalnot together but individually10:27
thevishyyofel, thats nice feature i got it working10:27
Masteredub_: you´re welcome10:27
Baaleach errors out10:27
Mastereduis ffmpeg corrupted in 10.04?10:27
Masteredui became errors10:28
AbortDworks for me10:28
Baalwant me to get the exact error for you?10:28
Mastereduffmpeg -i input_file.ogv output_file.flv that commands, doesnt works for me10:28
yofelBaal: even --configure ? and yes, can you pastebin it or something like that?10:28
Masteredui will post it with pastebin, wait10:29
Baalit's on another computer so i will have to type it out and yes i tried with configure10:29
b__Masteredu, i have vmworkstation with windows 7 ultimate installed on it... i manna make it boot at startup option as vmware workstations allows that unlike vmware players.. but i dont know how to... any ideas?10:30
Baalunmet dependencies for notification-daemon10:30
Baalwhich are two lib files one being libsexy210:30
Baalbut when i try to remove or install i get more errors10:31
Masteredub_: sry :D , i dont know anything about vmworkstation10:31
yofelBaal: and 'sudo apt-get -f install' ?10:31
b__what does sudo apt-get -f install do?10:31
Baaltried that too with iconmefisto_ on #kubuntu channel10:31
yofelb__: forcibly resolve dependency issues10:32
yofelor at least it tries to10:32
Mastereduany ideas how i can solve my problem?10:32
Baalyes it says it can't remove it or change it because notification-daemon needs it10:32
yofelBaal: do you have the newer libsexy2 .deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?10:32
Baali can look10:33
Baalnot sure if it is newer but there is one in there10:34
b__Masteredu, how to delete brower cache in firefox?10:35
Masteredub_: I dont delete browser chache, when i use /tmp , mhm , i search alltime the .flv myself out10:35
Masteredub_: when you dont saw videos before you dont need to10:36
yofelBaal: can you try to install it with 'sudo dpkg -i <debfile>' and see what happens?10:36
aeon17xIs it just me, or does empathy in lucid not have any IRC support?10:36
aeon17xI can't find the IRC account option when setting it up10:36
yofelaeon17x: you need to set up another account first I think, you can then choose to add an irc account later, but IRC support in empathy isn't very good tbh10:37
iconmefisto_Masteredu: try adding this option to ffmpeg: -sameq10:37
MastereduI solved my problem, i had to set the sampling frequency myself10:37
b__Masteredu, any good alternative to yahoo messenger/. gyachi not getting installed10:37
Masteredub_: does emphaty, or so , not support yahoo?10:38
aeon17xyofel: I see, good to know :) just going with what's built-in atm10:38
Masteredub_: ?10:40
b__Masteredu, empathy or pigdin dont have cam support for yahoo10:40
Masteredui think you only can use GYachE10:41
Masteredudo you tried their repisority?10:42
b__Masteredu, i added the reps for gyachi.. cant install the tar.gz files10:42
yofelyou don't install .tar.gz files... don't they have a repos for ubuntu10:43
Masteredub_: dont use tar.gz10:43
_jstwhats a good mp3 player for ubuntu like winamp ?10:43
adalalanyone knows why chromium doesn't work with fonts like webdings, even though msttcorefonts are installed?10:44
Masteredujst: banshee?10:44
_jstok i'll try10:44
brianhermanamarok has visualizations10:44
Dr_WillisHmm. Just a quick Q. How fast in theory can a SATA drive transfer  in MB/Sec?   vs what the SATA interface can actually do? i was thinking  the interface was stuck at like 300MB/Sec?   (trying to setle an argument at work)10:44
b__Masteredu, how do i install gyachi then? searched a lot online... it worked fine on karmic .. not installing on lucid10:45
Masteredub_: here is the .deb wait10:45
Dr_Willisadalal:  got a url to test that on? i will try it here.10:45
brianhermanDr_Willis:1.5, 3.0, 6.0 Gbit/s10:45
_jstubuntu works and looks very good, good job everybody10:45
brianhermanDr_Willis: SATA 1.0 =1.5 2.0=3.0 3.0=6Gbit/s10:45
Dr_Willis6Gbit is.. err..  let me do that math...   6000 bits..   divide by 8....10:46
Masteredujst: only becouse the community ;)10:46
adalalDr_Willis: in a moment10:46
Dr_Willis1000MB/Sec perhaps..  (round #'s ) :) heh10:46
adalalDr_Willis: http://www.sunnyneo.com/avatars/webdings.php10:46
b__Masteredu, where do i find the .deb for gyachi?... searched for it but only found tar.gz10:47
Masteredub_: dont use deb10:47
thevishyfriends do u know if there is a kindly software for linux10:47
Masteredub_: use the PPA10:47
thevishyubuntu especially10:47
Masteredub_ : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loell/ppa10:47
b__Masteredu, tar.gz is installed by sh ??10:47
Masteredub_: forget about it10:47
Masteredub_: tar.gz is a compressed file format10:48
Baalok i was not able to install because it need libgtk2.0 to be configured so I tried dpkg -i on those files i was able to install some but the other required shared-mime-info to be configured10:48
b__Masteredu, abt wat?10:48
Masteredub_: tar sticks files together in a file, gz compresses10:48
JmZ_hey, is there any reason why my 64-bit lucid install uses >1GB RAM when idling (no apps open)? (from checking the buffers +/- row in 'free -m' and reading the value in system monitor)10:48
Masteredub_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loell/ppa10:48
Masteredub_: in your console10:48
Masteredub_: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:48
Baali tried to dpkg -i shared-mime-info says libxml2.0.2 is too short10:48
Dr_Willisadalal:  works in firefox, and opera, not in google chrome10:49
adalalDr_Willis: see that?10:49
MasteredujmZ: what load average?10:49
JmZ_Masteredu: at the time, less than 1 iirc, load seemed fine10:49
adalalDr_Willis: that's what i was complaining about, any reason why it wouldn't work in chrome/chromium?10:49
brianhermanDr_Willis: the most common SATA is 2.0 which is 3.0Gigabits per second10:50
Dr_Willisadalal:  no idea..10:50
JmZ_Masteredu: i did a clean install of it on a totally formatted partition, this reading of mem usage is after the first login10:50
yofelBaal: try to reinstall, not only didn't the upgrade finish, but the already updated files weren't properly written to disk before you rebooted10:50
Dr_Willisso 3Gigabits is like how many MB/sec..  I lost track of my math. :)10:50
Dr_Willis3*1000/8 ?10:50
Mastereduomg. when i convert the movie from .ogv to .flv i get the same error, as when i upload the .ogv to youtube10:50
Mastereduvery pixelie :(10:50
Baalthat will wipe my drive won't it?10:50
Dr_WillisMasteredu:  yes. ive heard of a great many people with issues converting things to decent looking flv's10:51
adalal3*145 MBps10:51
MastereduDr_Willis: i hate .flv10:51
adalal435 MBps i think10:51
b__Masteredu, dont i have to add the words lucid after the ppa??10:51
Dr_Willisso say.. 430 Mb per second.. or a CD image.. ever 2 sec..10:51
dORSYHi! I've got a problem with an audio stream http://stream002.radio.hu/mr2.aac Rhythmbox 0.12.8. 10.04 It is glitchy. Any help on this?10:51
brianhermanDr_Willis: 3.0 Gigabits per second10:51
brianhermanDr_Willis: 300 megabytes per second10:52
adalalbrianherman: no10:52
Dr_Willisheh.. Im not sure anyone reallyunderstands this math. :)10:52
brianhermanDr_Willis: 2,400 Mbit/s10:52
Masteredub_: try it without lucid10:52
adalalbrianherman: 3.0 gigabits is 3000 mega bits10:52
b__Masteredu, i did it first with lucid10:53
JmZ_anyone feel like commenting on my memory usage question10:53
Masteredub_: ehm, and why?10:53
b__Masteredu, i added the ppa now what???10:53
Masteredub_: sudo apt-get update !10:53
Dr_Willisseeing some new SSD drives.. that get 285 MB/Sec  - so that is close to  the max that the SATA  2 interface can do?10:53
Masteredub_: then sudo apt-get upgrade !10:54
b__Masteredu, added without lucid now.. what nect10:54
Masteredub_: read10:54
Masteredusudo apt-get update10:54
Baalok well i'm going to be then i will deal with it later thanks for your help yofel10:54
b__Masteredu, did dat already10:54
Masteredusudo apt-get upgrade10:54
Masteredui think now you have the package or not?10:55
b__where do i find the package?10:55
brianhermanDr_Willis:I guess10:55
dORSYHi! I've got a problem with an audio stream http://stream002.radio.hu/mr2.aac Rhythmbox 0.12.8. 10.04 It is glitchy. It does not caches the stream well for some reason10:55
Masteredusudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME10:55
Masteredutry that now10:55
Dr_WillisIm just trying to figure out if the new generation of SDD"s are close to maxing out the sata interface.. it seem  they are closeing in on Sata2. but sata3 is still  2x more then what they are doing.10:55
b__Masteredu, PACKAGENAME is dat for me?10:56
Masteredub_: here you have to enter the packagename, i forget10:56
Masteredub_: the programname10:56
b__Masteredu, couldnt find gyachi10:56
Masteredui try it myself10:57
b__Masteredu, it says couldnt find gyachi... do i need to add the version number after the word gyachi?10:57
dORSYDr_Willis, is that read/write/cache speed?10:58
b__sudo apt-get install gyachi responds  to could nt find package gyachi10:58
Masteredub_: try the tab key10:58
JmZ_>1GB memory usage, new 64-bit install on idle, can anyone even have a guess as to why it uses that much10:58
b__Masteredu, tab key where and when?10:58
yofelJmZ_: tried top to check if there's anything?10:59
joaopintoJmZ_, how are you measing the memory usage ?10:59
Mastereduyou insert sudo apt-get install gyachi <TAB> and not press enter10:59
JmZ_yofel: yes it was a new install, nothing running10:59
Mastereduthen you see all options10:59
JmZ_yofel: free -m (buffers +/-) and system monitor10:59
JmZ_oh, that was meant for joapinto10:59
Dr_WillisHmm. Fonts now on 10.04 seem to look better then they do in this windows box i just had to boot up for the wife... :) Yea.11:00
JmZ_complicated names ftw11:00
b__Masteredu, tab doesnt work see if u r able to install gyachi on lucid??11:00
Masteredub_: the package is not available you right11:00
Masteredub_ i tryed it myself11:00
joaopintoMasteredu, you need to read on how unix systems memory is used, when the memory is free from applications it's used for filesystem caching11:00
JmZ_you mean me? not masteredu11:00
joaopintoMasteredu, ideally on a unix system RAM is used at 100% :P11:00
joaopintoops, i mean JmZ_ :P11:00
JmZ_yes, i know that11:01
JmZ_hence why i checked the buffers line in free -m11:01
b__Masteredu, 0what do i do when i see all options what next?11:01
JmZ_and system monitor separates cache usage11:01
joaopintodid you check buffers+cached ?11:01
videorechnerI found plymouth themes in the repository, how can I choose a different one after installing it?11:01
JmZ_joaopinto: whatever the line with only two values is11:01
joaopintoJmZ_, pastebin your free -m please11:02
JmZ_joaopinto: heres an example: -/+ buffers/cache:       2833       5152 (this is from one of my servers, not my machine)11:02
JmZ_just so you know what i read11:02
JmZ_but i also read the system monitor value and that seems to automatically separate cache usage from memory usage values11:03
JmZ_both read around 1GB11:03
JmZ_reason im asking this is because my friend who installed lucid on a 32-bit system only had around 500MB of usage even with various apps open11:04
JmZ_so it seems random me having 1GB with no apps open11:04
Mastereduanyone knows, why the ppa doesnt works for us???11:05
iconmefisto_videorechner: I think it's plymouth-set-default-theme <theme>11:06
videorechnericonmefisto thanks11:06
yofelvideorechner: I think it should use the last one that was installed11:06
videorechnerthere is no ppa of custom made themes, is there?11:07
b__Masteredu, so by when it should be?.. i even tried installing yahoo messenger through wine...it doesnt work either11:07
brianhermanb__:I think pidgin has support for yahoo messenger11:08
b__Masteredu, yahoo messnger gets downloaded through wine but then shows install unsuccessful11:08
Dr_WillisI would be very suprised if Yahoo messenger worked in wine11:08
b__brianherman, pigdin or kopete or empathy dont have webcam or voice support for yahoo11:08
Dr_Willissomeone was discussing this earlier today. thres  some new/unofficial ppa/repos for some IM clients that may have support11:09
b__Dr_Willis,  does any older version of yahoo work in wine/11:09
Dr_Willisb__:  i doubt it.11:10
Dr_Willisand yahoo dont want yoiu to use the old ones anyway11:10
yofelMasteredu, b__: loells ppa doesn't have gyachi packages for lucid11:10
b__Dr_Willis, any way i can get yahoo on lucid? or should i run a virtual pc with windows and run yahoo on it?_11:11
brianhermanb__: You could run virtual box with windows xp11:12
brianhermanb__: Though your way would probably work better.11:12
Dr_WillisI just use other alternative IM clients. I dont ever plan on using the official Yahoo Client on any os at any time.11:12
b__brianherman, i have vmware workstation as virtualbox or openbox dont install11:12
b__brianherman, dont install the os11:13
brianhermanb__: You could try that, having a windows is great for other things11:15
brianhermanb__: vm11:15
DDAZZAI'm having trouble installing ubuntu 10.411:16
DDAZZAI boot from DVD select isntall11:16
Dr_Willistry the latst daily build iso. and be sure to check the MD5sum DDAZZA11:16
Dr_Willistheres no need to use DVD. the CD iso will work fine.11:17
DDAZZAand I just get a black screen.11:17
brianhermanDDAZZA:It could be a bad burn11:17
DDAZZAI downloaded it this morning ubuntu-10.04-beta2-desktop-i38611:17
DDAZZAHow can I test it burnt ok?11:17
Dr_WillisDDAZZA:  thats not the same as a Daily Build.11:17
Dr_Willis!md5sum  | DDAZZA11:18
ubottuDDAZZA: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:18
brianhermanDDAZZA: Do the md5 sum first then burn again11:19
Masteredub_: hi11:19
DDAZZAok I'll try that thanks11:19
Masteredub__: i have the answer for your problem11:19
Masteredub_: https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa/+files/gyachi_1.2.1-1~intrepid_i386.deb11:20
Masteredub_: you can install it with gdebi11:20
yofelMasteredu: ... that's a package for intrepid...11:20
Mastereduyofel: a build for lucid isnt available11:21
Mastereduyofel: in the ppa11:21
yofelyes, but if the intrepid package works ok, if not don't complain11:21
Mastereduyofel: oh lol, in the amd sector is a i386?11:21
b__Masteredu, whatt answer11:21
Masteredub_: wait take this its bether :)11:21
Masteredub_: you want gyachi right?11:22
Masteredub_: jaunty and karmic is available, what you want?11:22
b__im on lucid but11:22
Masteredub_: k, here https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa/+files/gyachi_1.2.2-2~karmic_i386.deb <<< i386 build11:23
Masteredubut updating will be a bit hard11:23
Masteredubut i dont thing it gives new updates, the site is death11:23
Masteredulast news are from 200711:24
b__but it works fine rite?11:24
Masteredub_: i think it does11:24
b__ok so what do i type in command line exactly?.. sorry im not so good at shell11:25
Masteredub_: the developers stopping development, so the users develop it now11:25
b__sudo apt-get add repository??11:25
Masteredub_: no11:25
Masteredub_ doubleklick on the package11:26
b__then what?11:26
Masteredub_: or use sudo dpkg -i PACKAGENAME. you can use gdebi (when you doubleklick on it , it will use gdebi)11:26
b__open gdeb installer?11:26
Mastereduonly doubleklick on the .deb11:26
b__lets c if it works?11:27
Masteredub_: install it11:28
b__Masteredu, thank you thank you .. thank you11:28
Mastereduit should work11:28
Masteredub_: does it work?11:28
Masteredub_: no problem, the community helped me, so i help the community ;)11:28
b__Masteredu, installing11:28
b__Masteredu, worked well on karmic11:28
Masteredub_: does it work with gdebi?11:28
Masteredub_: or do you get an error message or something?11:29
Masteredub_: cool11:29
DDAZZAok the md5sum is correct. So do you think I should download the daily build?11:29
MastereduDDAZZA: why not11:30
b__Masteredu, can i ask which is the best yahoo im for permanent invisible mode?? gyachi, pigdin or empathy?11:30
Masteredub_: i dont know, i think all can be invisble or?11:30
Masteredugyachi is a fork for yahoo, so try that11:31
b__Masteredu, even when i log in or log out no one should know im online.. that way which is the best for yahoo?11:31
lapionhi anyone know how to activate a secondary vga adaptor ?11:31
b__Masteredu, what does fork mean?11:31
Masteredub_: in german gabel :D , a copy11:31
Masteredub_: it comes from the computer science, the word11:31
b__is it a rip of yahoo11:32
Masteredub_: when you open up a programm in a shell, it does a copy of its own (syscall fork) and replace the copy with the programm (exec)11:32
Masteredub_: why, no11:32
Masteredub_ it is developed self, the project want to be like yahoo IM11:33
Masteredub_: becouse of that , its a fork11:33
b__Masteredu, is it better to run yahoo in a virtual machine so that i dont appear online to my friends when i dont want to?11:33
Mastereduwhy? lol11:33
Masteredudo you heared of wine?11:34
Masteredumaybe this supports yahoo11:34
Mastereduor you can try gyachi, when it has this invisible option. i never used yahoo, dont like it.11:34
Mastereduthe latest version got the bronze rating, in winehq11:35
Dr_Willisgetting any of these IM clients from Yahoo or AOL or MS working in wine.. will be prolbmatic11:35
Dr_WillisBronze :) thats a suprise.11:35
Mastereduversion 8 has silver11:35
Masteredugive it a try b11:36
b__Masteredu,  ffmpeg -i http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lga-IY46lXc-f mp3 -ab 160k -ar 44100 -ac 2 $FILENAME.mp311:36
b__FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.1-4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.11:36
b__  configuration: --extra-version=4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1 --prefix=/usr --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enable-vdpau --enable-bzlib --enable-libgsm --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-zlib --disable-stripping --disable-vhook --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-shared --disable-static11:36
b__  libavutil     49.15. 0 / 49.15. 011:36
b__  libavcodec    52.20. 1 / 52.20. 111:36
b__  libavformat   52.31. 0 / 52.31. 011:36
b__  libavdevice   52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 011:36
b__  libavfilter    0. 4. 0 /  0. 4. 011:36
b__  libswscale     0. 7. 1 /  0. 7. 111:36
b__  libpostproc   51. 2. 0 / 51. 2. 011:36
Masteredustop it11:36
b__  built on Mar  4 2010 12:35:30, gcc: 4.4.311:36
Mastereduuse pastebin pls b_11:36
b__Dr_Willis, Masteredu wine is for yahoo 8.. not yahoo 10 which is latest11:36
b__Masteredu, how to get youtube to mp3?11:36
Mastereduyahoo 10 got bronze ratting11:36
Masteredub_: with ffmpeg11:37
b__Masteredu,  i pasted the above11:37
b__Masteredu, it doesnt dl11:37
Masteredudo not use the url as input for ffmpeg , lol?11:37
Dr_Willisfirefox has extensions to download flash videos11:37
Mastereduthe url is the location for the website11:38
Masteredunot for the exact video11:38
Dr_WillisDDAZZA:  daily build is all the updates as of the time it was built.. and its built daily.11:38
Mastereduffmpeg only converts, it doesnt find the video, and then converts it11:38
Dr_WillisDDAZZA:  the beta2 is a few days old and had some problems11:38
b__Dr_Willis,  how do i get youtube stuff the gui way?11:38
Dr_Willisb__:  wih a firefox extension to download the video.. then you convert it.11:38
Masteredub_: search for ffmpeg frontents11:38
Dr_Willistheres web sites that can even do this for you.11:39
b__Dr_Willis, can u name the extension11:39
Dr_Willisb__:  Nope.11:39
Masteredub_: and with a firefox extesion , i to had good expieriences , like dr willis described11:39
Masteredub_: pls , SEARCH for yourself11:39
b__Dr_Willis, i tried a few firefox extensions and plugins11:39
Dr_Willisgo check the extensions out - see whats popular/rated11:39
Masteredub_: and do not ask alltime11:39
bullgardHow can I put to good use the dialog System > Preferences > Personal File Sharing? What packages do I have to install so that I can enable the function "Enable files over the network"?11:39
Dr_Willisbullgard:  samba for starters.11:39
Masteredub_: i mean, this is our freetime and, why we have to google for your stuff?11:39
vargadanishello everyone! I have tried out 10.04 and I was quite pleased with the beta. :) Look nice and I love the IM integration. I have a question tho.. is it possible to move the window buttons in the titlebar to the right opposed to the default left location?11:40
vargadanismy parents will go nuts this way11:40
b__Masteredu, Dr_Willis  i already did the experimenting thats why im asking now cuz i had no luck with extensions11:40
Mastereduvergadanis: jeah11:40
Dr_Willisvargadanis:  change to a differnt them and they SHOULD change to the right. Or theres a dozen tools to tweak theplacement.11:40
guntbert!controls | vargadanis11:40
ubottuvargadanis: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d611:40
b__vargadanis, lol yes change theme11:40
Dr_WillisI perfer the other themes that have larger buttons :) easier for  us old timers to see11:41
vargadanisI like the 2 new themes: the dark and the light ones are as well so desktop userish :)11:41
Masteredub_: what is with this as an example??ß https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/1104711:41
Masteredub_: 10 seconds with google11:41
b__Dr_Willis, Masteredu i searched and installed a few extensions and plugins in firefox none seem to work for youtube11:41
Dr_WillisIve seen online videoc onverter sites also.. paste the youtube url.. they download/convert to whatever you want11:42
vargadanisDr_Willis, you are right! forgot about that too... another reason why my parents might complain11:42
Masteredub_: do you restarted the browser?11:42
Dr_Willisvargadanis:  make thefonts bigger also for them.. and set a nicer wallpaper11:42
Mastereduwhat is with this b_: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/10137?src=oftenusedwith11:43
b__Masteredu, yes restarted browser.. maybe some videoes are embedded with copyrite or someshit11:43
Masteredudont know, now i dont have time11:44
Masteredumust work, see you11:44
vargadanisDr_Willis, sure I will those things :) however they usually have a magnifier right next to the computer (15cm in diameter)11:44
Mastereduhave a great time11:44
b__Masteredu, hanks11:44
b__Masteredu,  i mean thanks11:44
vargadanisthey see more pixels than me with 20/20 vision :)11:44
Masteredunp, but realy, try to search for yourself11:44
Mastereduit gives wiki etc., that can help you11:44
Dr_Willisvargadanis:  show them how to use the winkey+mousewheel to zoom in :) wife loves tht feature11:44
tattersI have an onboard intel graphic card, when I upgrade to Lucid it installs the nividea manager and the nv replacement driver, is this as it should be?11:44
b__Masteredu, so much to learn when u just shift from windows 7 to karmic n then upgrade to lucid beta11:45
vargadanisDr_Willis, yup, yet another great idea! any other good tips that might make my parent's life easier?11:45
Masteredub_: i know it, i use linux now for 2-3 years. 15 years old, and give good support i think xd lol :)11:45
b__any body know why medibuntu packages are not in repos for lucid11:45
Dr_Willismedibuntu is its  own repo11:46
Dr_Willisadd the repo.11:46
vargadanisb__, do not get discouraged :) Ubuntu is a lovely and lovable distribution with great community... you will get the hang of it quite fast :)11:46
b__vargadanis, Dr_Willis, i upgraded from karmic to lucid beta.. had installed the medibuntu in karmic but now in lucid the repos are not marked and only show for karrmic under software sources.. any guesses?11:48
Dr_Willisb__:  reenable medituntu repos.11:48
Dr_Willisall the extra repos get disabled when upgradeing11:48
vargadanisb__, yup.. and make sure that the medibuntu repo is not karmic, rather lucid11:49
b__Dr_Willis, how to do that?... the repos in software sources r for karmic how to get lucid11:49
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:49
b__vargadanis, how to get repos for lucid11:49
Dr_Willisthe medubuntu site tells you11:49
vargadanisb__, as well google for ubuntu guide and look for the section that explain how to add/remove new repos.. that explains the process in general11:50
vargadanisI think it's ubuntuguide.org but not sure11:51
b__vargadanis, Dr_Willis when i check it  to install it shows me that medibuntu is already installed... but i know that was on karmic ..how to get it for lucid... btw i alreay have the guide n bible for ubuntu..lol11:51
Dr_Willisijust cut/paste thecommands the medibuntu site says to use.11:51
Dr_Willisor use ubuntu-tweak to enable them11:51
vargadanisb__, I haven't had these kind of problems so far so I can't help you there much any more11:52
vargadanismaybe this: make sure that you have the correct entries in the /etc/apt/sources.list file and in the files in /etc/apt/sources.d/ directory... look for karmic keyword and modify it to lucid11:53
vargadanisthen apt-get update -> apt-get upgrade -> apt-get dist-upgrade11:53
b__vargadanis, Dr_Willis if i already installed medibuntu on karmic .. then did an upgrade via uppdate manager... do i need to reinstall medibuntu???11:53
thevishyare u all using beta2 ?11:53
Dr_Willisthe update manager disabled all the extra unofficial repos  when i upgraded.. so YES. you need to reenable medibuntu11:53
vargadanisb__, you only need to reinstall the packages (softwares) that you got from the medibuntu repo11:54
Dr_Willischeck the /etc/apt/sources.d files11:54
Dr_Willisor whatever dir its in11:54
b__what is command?11:54
vargadanisthe commands I listed above will do just that11:54
vargadanisthe apt-get commands11:54
vargadanisif you don't know how to use apt-get, open up a terminal and type in: man apt-get11:55
b__vargadanis, how to open/etc/apt/sources.d???11:55
b__gksudo edit?11:55
vargadanisyou can use eg: gedit for that in this way: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.d/filename11:55
b__how do i open the source files list?11:55
vargadanisor just type in gksudo gedit and use the file browser to open the file11:56
vargadanisalt+f2 for quick command execution :)11:56
b__so wats the first step to do? to reenable all the unofficial repos???11:56
red2kicb__: If you are not too sure, I would take Dr_Willis's advice on Ubuntu Tweak. *click, click, clicks*11:57
vargadanisas well if you open up a terminal you can navigate to /etc/apt dir this way: cd /etc/apt11:57
vargadanisand then you can list the files with: ls11:57
b__i installed ubuntu tweak11:57
b__dont know how to use it to re-enable the unofficial repos11:57
Dr_Willisexplore the program. enablethe repos you want.11:58
vargadanisI gotta go afk now b__ , sorry I could be of more help11:58
Dr_WillisIts not  that complex a tool11:58
vargadanisDr_Willis, the dir name is: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ :) just looked it up quickly..11:58
b__where is tweak saved? preferences? accessories? administration?11:59
vargadanisb__, i might be able to help you quickly through remote desktop :)11:59
vargadanisnever done it before but there is always a first time :)12:00
b__how to do it?12:00
red2kicvargadanis: That is great idea. Tell him how to forward ports too? :)12:00
Dr_Willisrun ubuntu-tweak go down the buttons on the side.. and  look at each tweak/tabs12:00
Dr_Willisor you could try cut/pasteing the commands givben at the medubintu web site.12:01
vargadanisred2kic, yeah I could do that if I knew what port was used by default remote desktop :)12:01
b__vargadanis, how to forward port via remote desktop?12:01
vargadanisb__, nah...12:01
b__ill start remote desktop12:02
red2kicb__: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" --> Be careful. Don't make a mess out of that file. Good luck.12:02
vargadanisb__, ok... click on system->preferences->remote desktop, enable it12:02
jackhighwhat will happen if i try to install a deb intended for karmic in lucid ?12:02
bazhangjackhigh, why would you want to do that12:02
jackhighbecause the application that i want has only released a version for karmic12:03
jackhighwiithon i want to install12:03
bazhangwhich package jackhigh12:03
b__enabled now what?12:03
zashjackhigh: might work12:03
jackhighits a application for the wiis filesytem12:03
bazhangjackhigh, does it have a name12:03
vargadanisb__, look at the private chat12:04
b__where is private chat?12:04
bazhangnot a good idea jackhigh12:04
bazhangbetter to find a PPA or build it yourself, if you must12:04
bazhangjackhigh, there is a PPA currently for karmic, might want to wait for lucid release to see if he/she releases a version for lucid12:07
trigrouhi !12:07
red2kicWhat is the best way to remove spaces in filenames in a given directory? I tried few (for x in *.mkv; do ; done). Does not work well. I need to practice more. :(12:07
trigroudid someone experienced g++ internal error compiler ? on 10.04 ?12:07
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~wii.sceners.linux/+archive/wiithon-1.1 jackhigh12:07
trigrouwith gcc 4.3 and gcc 4.412:07
Dr_Willisred2kic:  theres varius renameing gui tools that can do that.. and scripts that can do it also12:07
red2kicDr_Willis: Yep. I favor PyRenamer. There are no GUI on this other machine I'm sshed in.12:08
Dr_Willis~/bin$ pastebinit  blankrename12:08
Dr_Willistheres a script  found red.. theres literally dozens  of ways to do it12:09
Dr_WillisYou could use sshfs and use a gui from some other machine also. :)12:09
Dr_Willisgnome file manager can also access via ssh12:09
Dr_Willis!info renameutils12:09
ubotturenameutils (source: renameutils): Programs to make file renaming easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.0-3 (lucid), package size 81 kB, installed size 276 kB12:09
Dr_Willisred2kic:  or install renameutils and use qmv and whatever editor you like.12:10
red2kicDr_Willis: Original on left, Changes on right?12:12
red2kicDr_Willis: Got it.12:13
Dr_Willisred2kic:  somthinglike that. I always use...12:13
Dr_Willisqmv -f do -e geany *12:13
bullgardHow can I put to good use the dialog System > Preferences > Personal File Sharing? What packages do I have to install so that I can enable the function "Enable files over the network"?12:13
Dr_Willisthats dest. only..12:13
Dr_Willisqmv + a good editor - can be real handy12:14
red2kicbullgard: Samba, at least.12:14
Dr_Willisdident we say samba earlier?12:14
Dr_Willisfirst time you try to make a share - its supposed to ask and install samba..12:14
bullgardred2kic: There are two samba packages installed by default. Still, this dialog issues this message. Please tell me, what other packages are still needed.12:15
bullgardDr_Willis: Yes, my dear king, but this was wrong as 2 Samba packages are installed by default yet.12:16
red2kicbullgard: What packages?12:16
Dr_Willisone allways pulled in the other - last i recall12:17
red2kicbullgard: It could be a a simple dialog bug -- The one that is supposed to disappear after the first notification? Something like that. I'm guessing.12:17
Dr_Willissamba and samba-commin12:17
red2kicHow about samba-common-bin?12:18
bullgardred2kic: The 2 DEB program packages samba-common and samba-common-bin.12:19
red2kicbullgard: You're not using the binaries you pulled in (to install)?12:20
bullgardred2kic: The 2 DEB program packages samba-common and samba-common-bin are installed in Ubuntu 10.4 Beta2 by default. (And thus with me.)12:20
red2kicbullgard: How about 'samba' ?12:21
red2kicThat is all I have installed. 3 packages.12:21
bullgardred2kic: The DEB program package is not installed by default in Ubuntu 10.4 and thus not with me. It is a meta-package and pulls samba-common and samba-common-bin.12:22
geekphreakswoody: man this update is taking time12:23
ubuntujenkinsanyone using zeitgeist in lucid? I don't know how to get it to launch instead of natilius12:24
red2kicbullgard: I don't know what to make of it.12:25
bullgardred2kic: Thank you for commenting.12:26
Dr_Willis!info Nautilus-Share12:27
ubottuPackage Nautilus-Share does not exist in lucid12:27
Dr_Willis!info nautilus-share12:28
ubottunautilus-share (source: nautilus-share): Nautilus extension to share folder using Samba. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.2-12build1 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 312 kB12:28
trigrounobody has problem with gcc on lucid ? no internal compiler error ?12:34
dORSYDoes anyone have a working update-notifier? (it does'n show updates and current working apt locks) If you have theese bugs, please click "affect me" on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/35615212:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356152 in update-notifier "update-manager doesn't show updates, even after 1 week" [High,Triaged]12:43
Dr_Willishmm  - i saw it mentiong updates earlier today12:43
Dr_Willisi always update by hand however12:43
IdleOneupdate-manager and update-manager-core just got updated for me12:43
dORSYit doesn't show up they say becouse "manual update within a week", but i set up a daily update.12:44
dORSYhm i will do an update and let's see if it will display working apt12:45
IdleOnethat is for Jaunty?12:45
dORSYDo you think this is normal? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/356152/comments/5012:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356152 in update-notifier "update-manager doesn't show updates, even after 1 week" [High,Triaged]12:48
AKM144204Hi everyone I need help on my internal microphone for Ubuntu 10.04 Beta12:57
AKM144204Internal microphone doesn't work - Vostro Notebook 2510 - Intel HDA ALC26812:57
ionteso, anyone experienced strangeness with the window manager lately?12:59
AKM144204After append the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:12:59
AKM144204to options snd-hda-intel model=auto.12:59
AKM144204then reboot.12:59
iontei understand compiz is still used as the default? but it does not start. metacity works ok though, but without composition12:59
AKM144204I am getting No sound13:00
hceylanHello I'm obsessively try to get xorg-extenders to get to work13:00
Dr_Willistyheres been compiz breakage issues over the last week or so13:00
hceylanBut X failing13:00
hceylanCan some1 help me diagnose the problem?13:00
arandionte: compiz might've been removed form yor install in a recent package flux, with dependency issues, is it still installed?13:01
AKM144204anyidea or work around how to f?ix it13:01
iontearand: wow. the "compiz" command is still available, but the package is not installed!13:01
AKM144204My ALSA script information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c6064daf22c051e553557f68d1cb79e8a4cb841613:02
hceylanif I install linux-backports-nouveau X fails with a garbled screen output13:02
iontearand: so i installed compiz again, and it seems ok now!13:02
hceylanIf I remove it I cannot get the gallium3d to work?13:02
hceylanI would appreciate any help13:02
AKM144204Also I would appreciate any help on my issue13:02
hceylanAKM144204: I lost my sound too, it used to work with the unupdated install from the CD13:05
AKM144204I have a problem with internal microphone13:06
AKM144204which does n't work13:06
b_how to open .bundle files13:06
AKM144204hceylan; Do u know any idea how to fix it.13:07
hceylanAKM144204: Unfortunately not13:09
hceylanAKM144204: I can see my card is recognized fine as I can see bass speaker mute which is specific to my card13:09
hceylanAKM144204: for probably as always puseaudio is screwing things out13:10
hceylanAKM144204: what card u have by the way?13:12
hceylanAKM144204: if it what laptop you have?13:12
jarnosLucid asks me to write down or print the disk encryption password, but the "run this action now" function does not work. Where is the encrypted password?13:12
hceylanDr_Willis: was your answer for me which is about compiz?13:13
AKM144204hceylan: Codec: Realtek ALC26813:13
AKM144204Dell Vostro 2500 Laptop13:13
guntbertjarnos: see http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html  -- it tells you everything about encrypted home directories13:14
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...13:14
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?13:14
AKM144204Here is my My ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c6064daf22c051e553557f68d1cb79e8a4cb841613:15
jarnosguntbert: thanks, I guess I don't have to know the location; just use the command suggested without parameters.13:22
guntbertjarnos: yes - in any case make *sure* you record that passphrase - without it you have no access to your data if something happens to your account/password/...13:23
Michalxohello all!13:36
Michalxodoes anyone having a problem with metacity restarting, when rightclicking on titlebar?13:37
joaopintono, but I have seen people reporting something similar13:37
Michalxohm, me neither too now... probably it got fixed during night :-)13:37
Michalxopretty ugly bug it was... I have it recorded..hehe13:38
joaopintogrrr, yet another system freeze13:54
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +114:02
ActionParsnipWow quiet, did lucid hit the nail on the head first time?14:10
hazelnut_theme needs adjusting14:11
ActionParsnipThat can be done in any release14:12
hazelnut_menu items: no contrast for "greyed out" items14:12
hazelnut_how do I change menu item color? Couldn't find it anywhere14:12
ActionParsnipHazelnut_: works fine here, mind you I don't use gnome14:12
hazelnut_I don't use kde, feels too bloated14:13
ActionParsnipLxde here dude, gnome is too bloated14:13
hazelnut_but otherwise, I like lucid.  Boots really fast.  No issues yet.  But I'm only running it in a VM.14:13
ActionParsnipHaven't had a single issue since gutsy here :)14:14
hazelnut_Oh, I have had many. But all resolved.14:15
ActionParsnipBuy super compatible hardware and you get less heartache14:16
kuttanshello everybody14:16
joaopintouh, there is such a thing as super compatible hw :) ?14:17
GNU\colossuswhat's the reasoning behind changing /etc/event.d to /etc/init in 10.04? I can't find anything in the bugtracker.14:17
joaopintoGNU\colossus, you mean upstart ?14:17
kuttanshello friends, can anyone help me understand what is the problem happening in my system while trying to upgrade from karmic to lucid14:17
GNU\colossusjoaopinto: yes.14:17
kuttansi used safe-upgrade14:17
kuttansi removed open office org14:18
ActionParsnipJoaopint: sure look on the hcl for stuff getting 5 * rating :)14:18
joaopintoGNU\colossus, probably some on #ubuntu-devel would be able to answer, but over the week, during work time :P14:18
kuttansstill the upgrade is telling me that there some broken packages held.An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:14:18
kuttansE:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:18
GNU\colossusjoaopinto: thanks, I'll be hanging out there14:18
kuttansnow where from i can get the details of unresolvable problems14:18
ActionParsnipKuttans: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get -f install ,in a pastebin. Thanks14:19
kuttansyeah just one second14:19
cuzntlike a dumbsycle I upgraded to lucid and now my kubuntu will not get past plymouth main process 418 killed by segv signal14:22
kuttansdue to skype its taking a lot of time ActionParsnip14:22
ActionParsnipKuttans: ok14:23
ActionParsnipCuznt: could use bootoptions to do a text boot which may work. Personally I remove plymouth14:24
cuznti tired to uninstall but could not.. in recovery mode14:24
cuzntbootoptions is e @ the boot promts correct? i would not know how to text a boot14:25
ActionParsnipCuznt: do you mean root recovery console?14:25
kuttansoutput of apt-get upgrade http://pastebin.com/HyZ7thWz its not finished14:25
ActionParsnipCuznt: hold shift at boot brings up the grub menu which you can add bootoptions with etc14:26
cuzntmy grub comes up I have winxp, win7 and kubuntu14:26
cuznti was in root recovery when i tried to uninstalled the plymouth14:27
cuznti had huge arrors before i got to it though14:27
ActionParsnipKuttans: this is lucid support. Karmic is supported in #ubuntu14:27
ActionParsnipKuttans: and you have a lot off ppas added, damn14:28
kuttansyeah im removing all those now14:29
kuttansbut lucid upgradation is telling me that its disabling all other ppas14:29
cuzntudevd[2801]: SYSFS{} will be removed in a futre udev version please us ATTR{} to match the event device or ATTRS{} to match a parent device, in /lib/udev/rules.d/45-hpdjconsole.rules:1514:29
ActionParsnipKuttans: yep, it will14:29
ActionParsnipCuznt: is there a bug logged for it?14:30
cuznti have no idea.14:30
ActionParsnipCuznt: well you now have an error you can search for. I'm sure you aren't the first14:31
=== log|out is now known as log|in
kuttansActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/GYyE1Beu this is the new one after removing almost all the ppas14:34
kuttanslet me see now if im lucky r not14:34
ActionParsnipKuttans: ok looks like you have a square system and all packages are fine. Try using the command line (server method) upgrade. See what errors you get14:36
bullgardWhy does '~$ wmctrl -a Selector' not raise the window and give focus to the Window Selector 2.30.0 Applet?14:36
cuzntit does not seem apparent where to search for my error14:36
kuttansdoes it really matters of all my installed softwares for upgradation ActionParsnip14:36
ActionParsnipKuttans: shouldn't do but they may be offered to be removed after the upgrade14:37
jordanli did a fresh install of lucid beta 2 and i get dropped to a BusyBox shell when trying to boot for the first time with the following message: "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<some uuid> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"14:38
kuttanstats ok, but isnt it wrong that an old software is not allowed to reside just for upgradation14:38
ActionParsnipjordanl: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded? Did you check the disk for defects?14:39
ActionParsnipKuttans: the current stuff is made for karmic, not lucid so it will need reinstalling (if it exists) with lucid versions14:39
jordanlActionParsnip: i did md5 and sha1 test the iso. but i could not check it for defects because it was "burned" to a usb disk14:40
Dr_Willisjordanl:  there was someone else with a similer issue  a day or so ago.  perhaps check the bug reports for others with same issue and any potential fix's14:40
jordanlDr_Willis: that may have been me around here14:40
jordanli've had it for a few days14:40
Dr_Willisit might have been.14:40
Dr_WillisBest answer i can give is try a daily build and see if it still does it.14:40
ActionParsnipJordanl: gotcha, ok then the transfer will have been checked at transfer. Have you tried some boot options?14:40
jordanli've been reading other cases from people experiencing it in 9.10 etc.14:40
jordanltheir fixes don't seem to work14:41
SandGorgonhey guys.. after I installed vlc (through kpackagekit) in 10.04 - all clicks on things like Quickaccess or the folders in FolderView now attempt to open in vlc (rather than dolphin). anybody else face this problem ?14:41
jordanland most of them are using grub114:41
Dr_Willis unless theuuid has some how changed for the disk.14:41
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  ive not seen that. and i always use vlc.14:41
jordanlDr_Willis: i booted into rescue mode and checked "blkid"... it matches the one in fstab and the one that grub is looking for14:41
SandGorgonDr_Willis, did u install vlc through kpackagekit or commandline ?14:42
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  check konqueror, and the default  file assosiacation.   Sounds like vlc may be set for the wrong kind of things14:42
jordanlif it makes any difference, my root partition is raid014:42
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  how it got installed shouldent matter.14:42
jordanlthe one on which it is failing14:42
jordanlActionParsnip: no, i'm not sure which boot options to try14:42
SandGorgonDr_Willis, umm .. check konqueror ? what exactly do I  check for ?14:42
jordanlActionParsnip: i did try using "rootdelay=130" as recommended on one of the similar bug reports, but it didn't work14:43
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  check the settings and default file assoications.14:43
jordanlActionParsnip: but i'm not sure if those bug reports are the same... i haven't seen a anything reported like this for lucid14:43
ActionParsnipJordanl: try disabling the optical drives controller in bios for the duration of the install14:44
Dr_WillisKonqueror -> settings -> configure konqueror -> file assoications14:44
jordanlActionParsnip: how can i do that?14:44
Dr_WillisKonqueror -> settings -> configure konqueror -> file assoications ---> INODE --> Directory14:44
jordanlActionParsnip: i will also download the latest daily build14:44
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  i wuld expect that vlc is set for that.. when it shouldent be14:44
SandGorgonDr_Willis, ur righT14:45
SandGorgonDr_Willis, vlc is of higher preference14:45
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  :) ive seen similer issues ages ago14:45
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  i would just delete vlc.. unless you ever want it to play all files in a dir.14:46
SandGorgonDr_Willis, I'm pretty sure it happened after installation of vlc14:46
Gesi i just got ubuntu 10.04 and i am now trying to install it but  installation stops at the 3rd step in which i have to chose my keyboard type14:46
SandGorgonDr_Willis, can it be considered a bug ?14:46
Gesiany help please14:46
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  its not even in the list here.. and i do have vlc installed..14:46
ActionParsnipGesi: did you md5 test the iso? Did you check the disk for defects?14:46
Dr_WillisBUT  this is a upgrade.. vlc got installed first.. then kde.. so that maybe why i dont have the issue14:46
bullgardWhy does '~$ wmctrl -a Selector' not raise the window and give focus to the Window Selector 2.30.0 Applet?14:46
Gesii downloaded using torrents14:46
Gesibut anyway how can i do that ???14:47
kuttansno luck ActionParsnip14:47
SandGorgonDr_Willis, mine was a clean install of Kubuntu and then vlc...14:47
Dr_WillisGesi:  you may want to try the daily build iso image.. or the alternative installer image.14:47
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  I did that on my netbook.. and dident have the issue. So it may just be an odd quirk14:47
ActionParsnip!md5 | gesi14:48
ubottugesi: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:48
SandGorgonDr_Willis, hmm... strange14:48
ActionParsnipKuttans: what message are you given?14:48
jordanlActionParsnip: how can i disable the optical drive during install? is there a specific boot parameter that i should lsend?14:48
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  ive seen weirder things with how kde/gnome handle default file assoiications.14:48
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  for a while GNOME folders were opening the 'search for file'  tool. :)14:48
ActionParsnipJordanl: enter bios and disable it there14:48
kuttansthe same old message14:51
Gesisorry for being so thick but i have another question, is it possible that unetbootin caused this problem because i am using an usb to install lynx14:52
kuttansis there any debug command i can use to know which package is making this trouble? ActionParsnip14:52
Gesianyway bye14:54
ActionParsnipKuttans: if you upgrade in terminal it should say why14:55
kuttansActionParsnip : do u mean this command sudo do-release-upgrade -d14:57
kuttansor is there anything else too?14:57
ActionParsnipKuttans: as far as I know yes. I always clean install14:57
kuttansbut that too was saying the same kinda error not any detail of what really is the problem14:58
kuttansand there is no log being generated, can i add any extra parameters to make it happen?14:58
bullgardWhy does '~$ wmctrl -a Selector' not raise the window and give focus to the Window Selector 2.30.0 Applet?15:01
kuttansit stops saying that calculating changes, and after that spits the same message15:01
kuttanslook like i have a lot of programs which dont have support in lucid15:01
lightstepi'm trying out Lucid, and the "gnome" package is not installed. when trying to install it, it turns out to depend on "epiphany-extensions" and "swfdec-mozilla", which are conflicting packages. what should i do?15:02
lightstepok, "gnome-desktop-environment" doesn't have conflicts, trying to install it instead15:06
ActionParsnipLightstep: the desktop install will install all that stuff15:10
mustafa_Compiz used to work fine when I installed the beta version, but since I've installed the updates of the beta 2 and it has stopped working and whenever i try to enable it the apperance application freeze. Any ideas?15:12
holsteinmustafa_: have you updated today?15:12
holsteinthe other day, compiz wanted to be removed by updates15:13
holsteinseems like that has been resolved AFAIK15:13
mustafa_holstein: Ya, I've just installed the update. Also I'm rechecking if there is an update I missed.15:13
Dr_WillisUpdate the Updates!15:13
lightstepActionParsnip, i installed 9.10 from the cd and upgraded to 10.415:14
mustafa_Dr_Willis: No more updates related to compiz, only a bash update.15:14
holsteinmustafa_: did compiz get removed during an update the other day?15:14
holsteinyou might need to reinstall it15:15
ActionParsnipLightstep: gotcha: you could download the debs from the repos and force install them (swfdec and the other thing) to then install the gnome package15:15
holsteini believe ubuntu-dekstop is the meta-package you want15:16
holsteinif you dont have it15:16
mustafa_holstein: Ah, it got removed. Thanks :)15:16
mustafa_holstein: Do java games work slow on linux, or it's just because of the beta version it's unstable?15:16
lightstepi'll wait to see if some beta will accidentally fix it, and manage dependencies manually only after the final version15:17
holsteinhmmm, not sure mustafa_15:17
holsteinyour graphics card and driver could have something to do with that too i bet15:17
mustafa_holstein: Ah. The compiz is now working after I reninstalled it but still the apperance app. freeze when I enable it, however it works.15:18
gbear14275Is there somewhere I can go to check my nouveau logs?15:19
ActionParsnipGbear14275: /var/log maybe?15:24
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trigroudo you know where i could find help about my gcc internal error ?15:37
gnomefreakanyone having flash crashing firefox?15:39
gnomefreaktrigrou: best thing to do is file a bug on it15:39
trigrougnomefreak: ok thank you15:40
Sabre-EdgeI am having problems with the second beta of ubuntu can anyone help me ?15:43
Sabre-Edgeregarding ati drivers15:44
lightstepSabre-Edge, what is the problem?15:49
lightstep(i used to have ati, but don't have it any more)15:50
Sabre-EdgeI have some problems with the 2 beta of ubuntu 10.04 regarding the ati driver. When I start the computer i receive a prompt saying that I have to run the system in low graphics15:50
Sabre-Edgeand I can't use the desktop effects15:50
Sabre-Edgejust to let you know i had no problem when i was using ubuntu 9.1015:51
sputnikrockIn the moment I am unable to open any GTK program under Kubuntu.15:51
sputnikrockI already filed a bug for launchpad15:51
lightstepSabre-Edge, did you have restriced drivers?15:51
Sabre-EdgeI activated the proprity drivers of ati15:52
Sabre-Edgeand then i had to restart the system15:52
Sabre-Edgeand that is when i was getting this problem15:52
Sabre-Edgeeven the ubuntu logo at the begining appeared to be largeer than normal with very low resolution15:53
TroldrikHalp... my lucid box doesn't boot anymore after an apt-get upgrade. Not sure exactly it stalls... I'd say somewhere in the initrd. Never gets to starting the daemons.15:54
maurii've just buyed scanner cannon lite 100 but it seems not supported by sane. Sameone can help me to get it work?15:54
lightstepSabre-Edge, i never had that. not sure what to do about this15:54
Sabre-Edgei don't know the reason because with the previous version i had no such issues15:55
Sabre-Edgei'll try re-installing it15:55
Troldriksuspect it's this plymouth crap... recovery mode doesn't work either.15:55
arandTroldrik: try nomodeset as a kernel boot option, or chroot into the install and try to fix it (remove plymouth?...)15:56
TroldrikI'm chrooted in to it now... tried a purge, but it wanted to uninstall virtually the whole system.15:57
mauriho comprato uno scanner canon lide100 ma non è supporrtato da xane...si puo fare qualceh cosa?15:58
OxymoronHey guys, how do I solve this irratinng problem: update-python-modules: error: hplip-data.private is not a recognized python-support module. ?16:11
ZykoticK9Am I correct in assuming that package versions are frozen at this point?  Someone is asking if libimobiledevice 1.0.0 is going to be included in Lucid (apt-cache policy show 0.9.7-1ubuntu1).  Is the correct answer "no it won't"?16:12
nigelbZykoticK9, if it gets a feature freeze it might16:13
ZykoticK9nigelb, thanks for replying.  Just to clarify, do you mean a "feature freeze exception"?16:16
abolethhey i'm running beta 2 on my laptop. I use a second monitor which worked well until I upgraded. It normally will work a bit past the login screen but then it will just turn off on the second monitor. Nothing in the monitor settings seems to fix it. What should I do?16:16
nigelb!ffe | ZykoticK916:17
ubottuZykoticK9: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.16:17
Oxymoronhplip status for Lucid please anyone?16:19
eagles0513875hey Oxymoron16:22
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Hey16:23
arandOxymoron: Status as in? My hp printer seems to work as it should, did in karmic though as well...16:25
skydrome<gnomefreak> anyone having flash crashing firefox? >> yes and its annoying as all hell16:26
Oxymoronarand: Status as in this: http://pastebin.com/KWUFvMWs16:27
gnomefreakskydrome: there is something you might want to try. let me get link16:27
Oxymoronarand: My printer works though16:27
gnomefreakdamn this is slow16:28
arandOxymoron: I've got that one version, never saw the upgrade error though... 32bit here, if that matter at all.16:29
abolethdoes anyone know about the monitors?16:29
skydromegnomefreak, it happens with both ff 3.6.3 3.6.4 and 3.716:30
gnomefreakok skydrome i will be posting to ff mailing list later so i can find out more info on it but here is the link http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/lorentz/16:30
Oxymoronarand: I dont know, I got that now and it annoys me as hell because apt-get never finish ...16:30
Oxymoronarand: I am using Lucid Beta 2 32 bit16:31
gnomefreakskydrome: i have a few more things to do around the house but i will be back later. if you test it please email me at gnomefreak AT ubuntu DOT com and let me know what you think and any issues you find with it. I will be testing it maybe tomorrow i wont have time today to do it16:32
CT1Hi all.  2 questions.  1.  Is there any advantage to burning and installing beta2 or will using update manager result in the same outcome, but without having to reinstall various packages again (eg gimp, vlc)? 2. How can I record "what you hear" with audacious youtube videos, spotify in wine for example?16:32
gnomefreakCT1: 1 == upgrade should be fine16:33
gnomefreak2 == no clue16:33
arandOxymoron: Maybe a reinstall/configure of python-support...16:33
* gnomefreak gone again16:33
CT1To clarify question 1, I have a "frsh" install of beta116:33
skydromegnomefreak, still crashes16:33
holsteincontact the poster of the youtube vids, and ask/pay for the audio16:33
gnomefreakskydrome: 64 or 32?16:34
Troldrikarand: nomodeset doesn't help still stuck.16:34
gnomefreakskydrome: thanks16:34
* gnomefreak gone for real this time :)16:34
CT1gnomefreak: Thankyou.  A little like XP then installing service packs and getting a disk with the service pack in it right?16:34
Troldrikinit: ureadahead-other main process (1377) terminated with status 416:35
Troldrikis the last line on vt16:36
Oxymoronarand: ""16:36
OxymoronWARNING: hplip-data.private does not exist.16:36
Oxymoron         Some bytecompiled files may be left behind.16:36
penguin42wth would Picasa open /dev/snd/controlC0 and stop Pulse?16:36
gnomefreak!upgrade CT116:37
gnomefreak!upgrade | CT116:37
ubottuCT1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:37
gnomefreakthere you go16:37
* gnomefreak gone16:37
Oxymorondebconf: (Can't locate Debconf/FrontEnd/Python.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 24) line 2.)16:37
billybigriggeranyone updated today and not able to restart?16:37
Oxymoronbillybigrigger: Yes but only temporarly16:38
BluesKaj-LaptopCTI , it's not like service paks on windows , this is an RC beta OS under development , it's not really similar16:38
billybigriggerOxymoron, what was your problem?16:38
CT1gnomefreak: Thanks again.  I have installed beta1, I just wanted to know if Id be missing anything from not burning beta2 to disk, instead just using "update manager"16:38
billybigriggeri'm afraid to reboot haha16:38
Oxymoronbillybigrigger: plymouth kinda freezed16:39
abolethdoes anyone have any idea why the monitor just stops working a bit after i log in?16:39
billybigriggerOxymoron, nvidia or ati?16:39
Oxymoronbillybigrigger: nvidia16:39
billybigriggerwhat was your workaround? just so i have a heads up if i run into that problem?16:40
abolethoh btw i have an ati radeon 200m16:40
BluesKaj-LaptopCT1, you'd be better off just updating in the terminal everyday from the repositories, and make sure you enable all the available sources in the package manager16:40
arandOxymoron: hplip-data: /usr/share/python-support/hplip-data.private :: It's supposed to be included in hplip-data ...16:41
Oxymoronarand: lol, well it cant be isntalled because python miss that module xD16:42
CT1BluesKaj-Laptop: Just to be certain I understand, updating (a fully working) beta1 will yield the same results as a format and fresh install of beta2, but without the hassle of reinstalling flash, dvd playback and gimp?16:42
BluesKaj-LaptopCT1, why a fresh install , just do the updates from your existing install16:44
lightstepis there a list of packages that are dropped in 10.4? it seems that "gnome-volume-manager" does not exist any more, and i can't find anything about it in google: http://packages.ubunut.com/search?keywords=gnome-volume-manager16:44
CT1BluesKaj-Laptop:  I thought so, just wanted confirmation.  Many thanks!16:44
BluesKaj-LaptopCT1, right , good luck :)16:45
Oxymoronarand: Cycle dependecies again, seriously who design these structures. hplip is dependent on hplip-data and hplip-data is dependent of hplip-data I think to install those oython module support16:54
iconmefisto!info gnome-volume-manager16:59
ubottuPackage gnome-volume-manager does not exist in lucid16:59
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lightstepnm, it's probably removed (gnome does not support it any more). the responsibilities of the volume manager are spread between many packages, and i'm finding them one by one17:05
arandOxymoron: I guess you could just download hplip-data, extract that particular file and put it where it belongs...17:07
Oxymoronarand: I dont know which that file that is? :S17:09
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arandOxymoron: /usr/share/python-support/hplip-data.private17:10
Oxymoronarand: Alright, thanks :)17:14
M0DCM_DaveAny news on the GMA500 driver working in 10.04?17:21
M0DCM_DaveWould be great to have the GMA500 working fully, instead of just having the correct resolution17:24
BluesKaj-LaptopM0DCM_Dave, GMA500?17:27
M0DCM_Daveintel gma500 graphics driver17:27
penguin42BluesKaj-Laptop: As I remember there was a driver in Jaunty and it dropped out of Karmic for some odd reason about no one having updated the driver to the new X or the like; it's open source17:28
b_wine help required17:28
b_xfact u know how to run starcraft in wine? or is it a lucid bug?.. worked fine in karmic17:30
evilshadeslayerhmm.. in Kubuntu i removed the nvidia restricted driver and now i get a blank screen on boot... nothing.. the whole LCD panel is turned off?17:31
evilshadeslayerany ideas?17:31
xfactb_, Be sure you have latest 1.1.42 Wine and then try with the same way you install in Karmic17:31
evilshadeslayerim in a older kernel right now17:31
macoevilshadeslayer: do you have nouveau?17:31
Oxymoronarand: Ah now it works again, I forced to update trhough dpkg :)17:31
xfactb_, If it's a problem of graphics then it maybe a Lucid bug17:31
evilshadeslayermaco: yep.. thats the default driver right?17:32
b_xfact, i had upgraded from karmic... then nothingworks in wine in lucid.. even tried reinstall wine17:32
macoevilshadeslayer: yeah but idk if you might have removed it or something17:32
bjsniderevilshadeslayer, , did you remove the xorg.conf file too?17:32
xfactb_, Which version you have?17:32
evilshadeslayermaco: umm...i did : sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*17:32
evilshadeslayerbjsnider: yeah did that asap :)17:32
b_xfact, 1.1.4217:32
xfactAfter running some Lucid updates my visual effects and window borders are doing problem (disappeared) what to do?17:33
macoevilshadeslayer: mmk i dunno17:33
xfactb_, Then it's I think your PC based Lucid bug17:33
evilshadeslayeron a side note im testing out the driver from the xorg edgers PPA,but it worked a week before and i havent upgraded since17:33
xfactCause my WINE 1.1.42 in my Lucid working nicely :)17:33
evilshadeslayermaco: ok17:33
b_xfact, Failed to change to directory '/home/b/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Starcraft' (No such file or directory)17:33
xfactb_, As my common sense says you batter check out in your WINE C: drive Starcraft files are alright or not, specially the launcher file(s)17:35
xfactAny one can help with my window border disappearance issue?17:35
M0DCM_DaveI've not installed 10.04 for the reason of no GMA500 support yet17:35
b_xfact, im tryin to uninstall.. reinstall .. neither work17:35
xfactb_, IS your Starcraft files are ok?17:36
b_were great in karmic17:36
b_how do i check it?17:36
xfactHello, I am asking for help17:36
xfactb_, Go to Wine menu and then click on "Browse C: drive" and then as usual go to Starcraft installed folder located probably under Program files and check out17:37
b_xfact, the files r gone.. i guess i uninstalled it.. but the icons r still there in programs... cant reinstall starcraft17:39
xfactAnyone can help me with How to get my visual effects back?17:39
xfactb_, Wow! Then you found your problem, just install Starcraft again and you will probably have access to it again :)17:40
crazybytehello! what happened with the sun-java6-doc package on lucid lynx? I'm trying to upgrade it and the only option available is to remove it. I did some googling but I couldn't find any explanation why is the package missing. Could somebody enlighten me about this? Thank you!17:40
bjsniderthere are no sun-java6 packages at all17:41
* xfact thinks there more asker then helpers 17:41
b_xfact, cant install either... nor starcraft nor wine..17:42
b_xfact, how to completely uninstall wine.. and starcraft.. regular way doesnt work17:43
xfactb_, Then how did you install it in Karmic, try the same way here17:43
BluesKaj-LaptopM0DCM_Dave, I'm using an intel driver but it doesn't specify it as gma500, lspci | grep VGA outputs: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller17:43
xfactb_, Well, I don't see any reason of completely uninstalling Wine, but as you want go to Synaptic and mark Wine package to "Remove completely"17:44
xfactWell, I have just updated my system and now I am having 195.36.15 Nvidia driver, but in hardware driver it saying I am not using the "Recommended" rather I am using another version of it, would that causing problem with my visual effects?17:46
BluesKaj-Laptopxfact, wine isn't working very well on either of my lucid machines and I can' t seem to find out why17:46
xfactBluesKaj-Laptop, Well, it' surprising cause in my Lucid Wine working greatly! (I have upgraded from Karmic too)17:47
BluesKaj-Laptopxfact, what apps are you running in wine , for example ?17:47
xfactBluesKaj-Laptop, For now Picasa 3.6, ibibo games, Myspace IM (won't work as usual)17:48
evilshadeslayermaco: figured it out17:49
evilshadeslayermaco: kernel needed to be reconfigured....17:49
macoevilshadeslayer: ah17:49
evilshadeslayermaco: :)17:49
evilshadeslayernow to wait for the scrambled icons fixes...17:49
xfactHere is the picture of my situation, http://imagebin.org/9251517:50
evilshadeslayerand powermizer....17:50
evilshadeslayerxfact: ok i didnt catch your problem earlier... can you explain it all in one line?17:51
ZykoticK9xfact, that's what my Hardware Drivers looks like as well - is nvidia working ok on your system though?17:51
C10uDso, sometimes my keyboard enables the mouse control through the numeric keys automagically, any clue on why?17:51
xfactZykoticK9, Yup, problem is I an't have my visual effects any more, and most annoying is my window borders disappear every time after boot17:52
ZykoticK9xfact, not sure about those issues -- sounds like the partial upgrade issue with metacity/compiz from the other day17:53
xfactevilshadeslayer, Well, after running some updates my visual effects and window borders are not working, thats all17:53
evilshadeslayerxfact: simple...17:53
evilshadeslayerxfact: which WM ?17:53
crazybytebjsnider, beg to differ on the subject of sun-java6 packages. at least in my synaptic or aptitude they show up. that's why i asked. then the only option is openjdk without any sun-java packages? thank you!17:53
evilshadeslayerxfact: gnome?17:53
xfactevilshadeslayer, yes17:54
xfactUbuntu 10.04 LTS17:54
evilshadeslayerhmm... run : compiz --replace17:54
xfactevilshadeslayer, I am doing that every time after boot to have my window borders back, but what about visual effects17:54
evilshadeslayerxfact: any errors?17:55
bjsnidercrazybyte, which sun-java packages are in your synaptic?17:55
xfactZykoticK9, Well some said it's a known issue, after few updates it will be solved, but now it seems like gonna happen17:55
BluesKaj-Laptopxfact, i had the same issue , drop to a tty and try this : http://www.pastebin.ca/185907217:55
crazybytesun-java6-bin, sun-java6... except sun-java6-doc17:55
crazybytebjsnider, ^^17:55
bjsnider!find sun-java6-bin17:55
ubottuPackage/file sun-java6-bin does not exist in lucid17:56
xfactevilshadeslayer, Well, no after some flickers Window borders coming back, but Visual effects still 017:56
evilshadeslayeralso sun-java6-plugin :)17:56
crazybytei see17:56
evilshadeslayerxfact: i think your missing composting17:56
crazybytethat means that it stayed back from the upgrade17:56
evilshadeslayerxfact: try --compost too17:56
bjsnidercrazybyte, did you upgrade from karmic or clean install lucid?17:56
bjsnider!find sun-java6-plugin17:57
crazybytebjsnider, i did upgrade. that's the reason then. then there will be no sun java packages in lucid?17:57
ubottuFile sun-java6-plugin found in app-install-data17:57
Sabre-Edgei wouldn't have done that17:57
Sabre-Edgei upgraded and lost everything17:57
xfactWell, Metacity --replace and compiz -replace has any major difference?17:57
methrilsomeone knows what could happen with usbmux?17:57
Sabre-Edgedo a fresh install17:57
methrilit could swhitch off a computer?17:57
evilshadeslayerSabre-Edge: thats not a solution17:57
bjsnidercrazybyte, i don't know about that. i was searching for that answer yesterday though17:57
crazybytebjsnider, so did I earlier on Google but I couldn't find anything related that would explain it17:58
xfactActually I am worried about my Visual effects more then the window borders, cause I haven't even seen those in 2 days17:58
crazybytebjsnider, for the moment I won't remove them because I experienced some breakage with openjdk in the past.17:59
evilshadeslayerxfact: like i said.. try : compiz --replace --compost17:59
bjsnideropenjdk breaks opera's java plugin17:59
xfactBluesKaj-Laptop, Well, your console layout looks common17:59
xfactevilshadeslayer, ahh! Now my window borders are gone18:00
evilshadeslayerxfact: 0_o18:00
crazybytebjsnider, i don't care about java in opera, only in firefox but i need the rest18:00
penguin42evilshadeslayer: What does the --compost do?18:00
evilshadeslayerpenguin42: just a more verbose option to enable composting18:01
BluesKaj-Laptopxfact, yeah , I suspect it's generic , but it works .18:01
penguin42evilshadeslayer: Is compost not compositing? or composing?18:01
BluesKaj-Laptopcrazybyte, ubuntu-restricted-extras ?18:01
xfactevilshadeslayer, I am not worried metacity --replace will bring them back, but still visual effects won't work as usual18:01
evilshadeslayerpenguin42: afaik with compiz.. its --compost18:01
crazybytebjsnider, this is what i found now http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2010-04/msg00804.html18:01
crazybyteBluesKaj-Laptop, I will try that too18:01
bjsnidercrazybyte, at or after release the sun0java6 packages will be in the partner repo is the answer i get18:02
evilshadeslayerxfact: hmm... ok do this : metacity --replace;compiz --compost18:02
crazybytethat's what i found myself too18:02
crazybyteBluesKaj-Laptop, the runtime is in restricted extras, you're right18:02
evilshadeslayerxfact: idk alot about compiz but i think that should do it...18:03
xfactevilshadeslayer, Well, it brought the window border back, thats all still no effects18:03
xfactAren't you guys facing/faced this problem, or it's just having in my pc?18:04
evilshadeslayerxfact: idk then... sorry18:04
evilshadeslayerxfact: also try changing the drivers or something :)18:04
xfactThat means I am only facing this18:04
crazybytebjsnider, i have the partner repos enabled already that's why i saw the packages but no doc though which is imho strange. anyway thx for helping me. BluesKaj-Laptop thanks also18:05
BluesKaj-Laptopcrazybyte, also for flash , flashplugin-nonfree18:06
xfactIt's weird when I am having my visual effects then my window borders are going off,18:06
crazybyteBluesKaj-Laptop, yeah i know that. also i'm using medibuntu18:06
BluesKaj-Laptopcrazybyte, ok good :)18:07
crazybyteBluesKaj-Laptop, my concern was for java because I need it for my work18:07
crazybyteBluesKaj-Laptop, anyway thank you again18:07
yofel_wtf? I just rebooted and noticed that I have notify-osd running instead of knotify o.O18:08
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informavorehi folks, is networking completely haywire for anyone else.... I did an apt-get upgrade today, and now my laptop's ping times are >100ms, chrome never renders pages 'cause of timeouts, and firefox segfaults on startup...  I'm wondering if it's just my bad luck18:10
geekphreakhiya al18:20
sirninjaDoes anybody else use docky and have a problem with it crashing a lot in lucid?18:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo18:32
ActionParsnipguys is udisks being held back for ages on everyones system?18:32
xfactsirninja, Yup, mine crashes everytime probably for loading my Gmail notifications18:33
sirninjaxfact: does removing that docklet stop the crashes for you?18:33
xfactsirninja, Never tried, it should cause before that docklet my docky was stable enough18:34
ActionParsnipjust me then18:38
thebishopLucid runs quite nicely on my new laptop, but i'm noticing some occasional graphical glitches.  my chipset is intel 4500MHD18:42
holsteinhey thebishop18:43
thebishopit's the kind of glitch i'd expect to see from a loose connection, and it doesn't seem to be related to anything in software18:43
holsteinwhat issues?18:43
holsteini had some crazy black-screen issues18:43
holsteinwithout lock-up18:43
thebishopyeah, this isn't locking up either18:44
ActionParsnipreduce refresh rate may help18:44
holsteinseems that the new updates have gotten it18:44
crimsunpenguin42: is picasa still a wine-based "app?"18:44
holsteinon my EEE intel chip18:44
crimsunpenguin42: if so, you should be able to reproduce it with any wine-based app as the mixer polls current status18:44
penguin42crimsun: I think so - but it's not just Picasa; I had the same thing happen when I started Blender - something odd is going on18:44
thebishopActionParsnip, refresh rate seems low if anything, this display has an led backlight and my eyes are sensitive to the flicker of led18:44
penguin42crimsun: I haven't updated for about a week though18:44
thebishopi see it on the road when taillights are led18:45
crimsunpenguin42: if anything calls into the mixer layer, that will happen. It shouldn't "stop pulse," though18:46
penguin42crimsun: Exaile is stopping playing and I got it going again by doing a pasuspend /bin/true18:46
crimsunwhat does "stop pulse" there mean, anyway? I interpreted it to mean "causes the daemon to segfault"18:46
penguin42crimsun: No, I don't think it's segging, user.log still shows the same pid18:47
crimsunpenguin42: can you get a verbose log when that happens? (either bump the log-level in daemon.conf, or use wiki/PulseAudio/Log)18:47
crimsunif it's just pausing, something is corking the stream18:48
crimsunnormally corking is requested by the app itself18:48
penguin42sounds painful18:48
penguin42but why would pasuspender /bin/true restart it if the app was involved?18:48
penguin42crimsun: What would you like log-level set to ?18:49
crimsunpenguin42: I can't answer that until I see a verbose log :-)18:49
penguin42hmmm a time loop :-)18:49
penguin42crimsun: Does log-level=verbose do that?18:50
crimsundebug should work18:50
crimsuncmdline.c:                        pa_log(_("--log-level expects log level argument (either numeric in range 0..4 or one of debug, info, notice, warn, error)."));18:50
penguin42ok and then do I restart pa or can I give it a kick?18:50
crimsundepends how you're doing it18:51
crimsunif you're using pactl, you don't need to restart the daemon18:51
crimsunsorry, pacmd18:51
crimsune.g., pacmd set-log-level18:52
penguin42and log level of 0=debug?18:52
xfactWell, finally I have come to this conclusion, the stable going to release in 29th, not so far... so for any problems I can tolerate till then :)18:53
sjdI have a quick question. I'm currently using 9.10 and have build the OpenCV library for Python, will it stop working if I upgrade to Lucid?18:53
crimsunpenguin42: yes18:54
sjdwill upgrading to Lucid break the current OpenCV setup with Python ?18:55
crimsunpenguin42: then after reproducing the symptom, e.g., grep pulseaudio\\[ /var/log/user.log18:55
sjdany comments?18:55
penguin42crimsun: Nothing in user.log from starting blender; blender spat out a series of bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) so I guess it is trying to use audio, pasuspender /bin/true still restarts it18:56
crimsunsjd: it'd be nice if you waited a few minutes18:56
sjdcrimsun: yes. for sure.18:56
djdarkmanhello, I create a wireless network with a laptop, but my android phone doesn't see it, why is that?18:57
sjddjdarkman: are you sure that you have turned on the wireless ?18:57
crimsunpenguin42: sorry, should have been 4, not 018:58
crimsunI'm working with different masks across two different source packages18:58
djdarkmanyes it worked good another laptop running windows7, but my android phone doesn't seem to notice it19:00
sjddjdarkman: are you using Lucid ?19:01
sjddjdarkman: please be specific on your question.19:01
crimsunsjd: it shouldn't "stop working," per se - but why aren't you using python-cv from the repository?19:02
DanaGguawd, stupid iced tea.19:02
DanaGsegfaults firefox every time.19:02
penguin42crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/412220/19:02
sjdcrimsun: because I was depending on another library called cvBlobsLib in OpenCV which was not included in the python-cv package from repository.19:03
SandGorgonis anybody using plasma-widget-networkmanagement in KDE rather than knetworkmanager in kubuntu 10.04?19:05
DanaGhmm, buttons-on-the-left (now that it's no longer "fail" layout) is actually decent.19:05
DanaGBut, I still find those themes quite ugly.19:05
penguin42crimsun: I'm going to disappear for a while; I'll be back in 30min or so if you need any more debug19:05
crimsunpenguin42: is this symptom reproducible in a GSt app?19:06
penguin42crimsun: GSt?19:06
sjdcrimsun: why I asked was, the entire build depends heavily on ffmpeg and other third party libraries. so will get shot?19:06
crimsunpenguin42: GStreamer-based19:06
crimsunsjd: well, it's likely that there will be some migration issues, yes, because Lucid has pretty significant ffmpeg changes19:07
crimsunsjd: just rebuild your opencv version after the dist-upgrade if you're worried19:07
yofelSandGorgon: yes, please note that it's still work in progress19:07
sjdcrimsun: okay. then i would not dare to move to Lucid now.19:07
penguin42crimsun: totem doesn't seem to trigger it19:08
crimsunsjd: I honestly don't see any difference between doing it now and three weeks from now19:08
crimsunsjd: you'll have to recompile opencv regardless19:08
SandGorgonyofel, no problem .. i'm masochistic anyways... reasonably usable ?19:08
sjdcrimsun: the problem is because, OpenCV is more or less umaintained. so whenever ffmpeg changes the data structures, OpenCV crashes.19:08
crimsunpenguin42: do any other "pure" / native alsa apps trigger it?19:08
djdarkmansjd: if I wouldn't be using Lucid I wouldn't have came here in the first place :) I can't be any more specific about it, android 1.6 phone doesn't show my wireless network that I created with network manager19:09
crimsunpenguin42: e.g., speaker-test -c2 -l1 -twav19:09
sjdcrimsun: 3 weeks ahead makes a big difference, as I wont be using OpenCV again! :)19:09
penguin42crimsun: The only ones I've seen today are picasa and blender - but I haven't tried anything; that speaker-test didn't do it19:09
yofelSandGorgon: it works fine here for my home wpa2 personal G wireless, you need to load the settings module by hand though as it's experimental if you want to use it without knetworkmanager running at the same time19:09
crimsunpenguin42: are those both "pure" / native alsa?19:10
penguin42crimsun: I don't know - I hadn't expected either of them to want audio at all!19:10
sjdcrimsun: thanks for the info.19:10
SandGorgonyofel, yup.. I read the instructions at http://osdir.com/ml/kubuntu-devel/2010-03/msg00013.html19:10
abolethhey i'm running beta 2 on my laptop. I use a second monitor which worked well until I upgraded. It normally will work a bit past the login screen but then it will just turn off on the second monitor. Nothing in the monitor settings seems to fix it. What should I do?19:22
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deseroanyone noticed gwibber-services using a lot of the CPU?19:33
ZykoticK9desero, i did the other day!  seems to have calmed down other then the one time.19:34
vishdesero: main culprit Bug 53060519:35
deseromy friend just posted this to me: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome-keyring/+bug/53060519:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060519:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix released]19:35
deseroyeah, vish, thanks ;)19:35
vishbad ubottu repeating twice ;p19:36
deserowhen I have already installed lucid, do I have to run the update-manager with the -d parameter?19:40
mawstAnyone know where to get a good dictionary file?19:41
DanaGdamn icedtea*segfault*19:41
deseromawst: from GNU aspell?19:42
BluesKaj-Laptopdesero, no , whynot run sudo apt-get update in the terminal19:42
deserobecause it doesn't matter19:42
BluesKaj-Laptopthen sudo apt-get upgrade19:42
mawstdesero: for cracking19:42
BluesKaj-Laptoptime for my daily walk..bbl19:43
deseroyes, any dictionary would do the trick I suppose19:43
under0Why ubuntu 10.04 uses 500mb of memory? i've just installed..19:49
Micc_I'm upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04, but the upgrade is stuck on Installing the upgrades19:50
Micc_the progress bar shows 25 minutes, below the progress bar says preparing memtest86+19:50
Micc_And the Terminal says Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz... over and over19:50
Micc_I deleted that image from the /boot dir19:51
Micc_but its still saying that in the terminal19:51
penguin42Micc_: Is it the same number after the .... ?19:51
Micc_yeah. /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-19-generic19:52
JoshuaLThere was someone with the same issue I had yesterday. Cant remember which user it was but I have fixed my issue./19:57
JoshuaLJust in case the user in questions is here atm :P19:58
avishow does one install linux-alsa-modules for latest kernel if the ubuntu-audio-dev is not enabled ?20:03
crimsunavis: you browse to /+archive/ppa and download manually?20:04
avisi want to file a bug report against a ubuntu installation that might not be working for lucid so i removed your ppa so they could fix it20:05
avisfor oxygen hd20:06
avisif not, i'll have to depend on your ppa forever20:06
AKM144204avis:install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-de20:07
avisAKM144204, i wish for ubuntu to fix this themselves20:07
avisanother ppa wont help20:07
avisthe developers20:07
penguin42avis: crimsun fixes most of the ubuntu pulse issues; take his ppas they will get back into the release20:08
avispenguin42, got it.  if thats true, that'll definitely work.20:09
avishis ppa simply is functional for my chipset20:09
crimsunavis: are you referring to the oxygen hd issue that you posted to the ubuntu-devel* mailing list?20:10
avisyes.  they wanted me to file a bug report on it, on launchpad, but if yours gets merged with ubuntu final, there is really no need to take it further.  there is nothing wrong with yours20:10
crimsunavis: the "they" to which you refer is me.20:10
avisoh i see20:11
aviswe'll you are mistaken i'm definitely good with sound as long as i use your ppa.  if i removed it, might be a different case20:11
* penguin42 had always thought there must be multiple crimsuns20:11
crimsunpenguin42: across the internets, absolutely20:11
crimsunpenguin42: across broken-ubuntu-sound, pro'ly not :-)20:11
aviscrimsun, so yours gets merged with the final release ?20:12
crimsunavis: no, it's very, very late for such an invasive fix to land in Ubuntu's kernel20:12
aviscrimsun, will your ppa last for quite a long time, will there always be a fix ?20:13
crimsunavis: I'll look again later this evening, but I don't think it's even worth trying to request it be added to the kernel source at this stage.20:13
avisok.  i'll leave it i your hands20:13
crimsunavis: the ppa spins new linux-alsa-driver-modules packages daily20:13
avissuch a shame too, it was once functional with ubuntu alone i read on the forums.20:14
crimsunavis: the developers have no plans to remove it, if that's what you're asking20:14
avisremove the one that doesn't support oxygen hd ?20:14
crimsunavis: "remove?"20:14
crimsunavis: the one that doesn't work is in the kernel proper20:14
avisnevermind.  you meant your ppa.  np thank you20:14
avisi really appreciate your contribution to sound.  my speakers are nothing fancy, but thats a good sound card20:15
Micc_How can I remove a linux kernel from ubuntu?20:15
crimsunMicc_: meaning?20:16
crimsunpenguin42: so, pasuspender is actually _triggering_ the cork and uncork when you run it20:16
crimsunpenguin42: it very well could be an issue with the pulse alsa-plugin20:16
crimsunpenguin42: particularly since native pulse apps don't seem to trigger the symptom20:16
penguin42crimsun: The fact it's both blender and Picasa makes that sound likely20:17
penguin42crimsun: I'll do an update to the latest todays packages in a few minutes and see if it still triggers it20:17
Micc_I want to remove one of the kernels from grub and get rid of the images. Is there a better way than just rm /boot/vmlinuz-...20:26
crimsunMicc_: sure, deinstall the linux-image-foo package20:27
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Micc_how do I get the upgrade to finish now that its stuck on Found linux image:20:36
penguin42Micc_: If you look in /boot how many vmlinuz-somethings do you have?20:38
Micc_3 now, I deleted one.20:39
penguin423 is pretty normal - it shouldn't be a problem20:39
Micc_But it still says it found it probably because I didn't remove the package. but I can't while the upgrade is happening.20:39
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys my desktop machine with beta2 installed is stuck in an infinite loop checking the drive20:39
Micc_I ctrl-c it20:39
LinuxGuy2009How do I get to a command line to update the system and hopefully correct the issue?20:40
penguin42Micc_: I don't think removing it is the right thing to do - I don't think that's the cause of the problem20:40
Micc_we'll see if it leave my system in a broken state or not.20:40
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: How long have you been waiting/how do you know if it's infinite!20:40
penguin42Micc_: OK, if you've ctrl-c'd it try kicking off the upgrade again - don't reboot yet20:40
Micc_its still going. it just skipped that part.20:40
LinuxGuy2009Goes through to 42% and starts over each time. Gone through about 20 times now20:40
Micc_now it looks like it will finish. Should I rerun it or stop it now and start it again?20:41
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: hmm odd, how big is the drive and is it a normal internal drive?20:41
LinuxGuy2009Says press c to cancel but doesnt stop20:41
penguin42Micc_: I'd rerun20:41
LinuxGuy2009Yeah i have a pair of SATA 500B drives.20:41
Micc_ok, so I'll wait till it finishes and before I reboot will it allow me to rerun it?20:42
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Separate filesystems or something clever?20:42
Micc_won't it think its already upgraded?20:42
LinuxGuy2009Umm HDD1 is / and HDD2 is /home20:42
WalzmynI'm having trouble getting my propritary nvidia driver installed in Beta20:42
penguin42Micc_: well, personally post-upgrade I'd run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade on a command line to check it's OK20:42
billybigriggeranyone know where the mail notifications went? ie for chat and mail?20:42
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: That should be OK, you could try booting from the live cd and fsck'ing individually20:43
LinuxGuy2009Ok ill try that right now20:43
penguin42billybigrigger: Make sure you're running indicator-applet-session20:43
billybigriggerthey've disappeared after an update & reboot20:43
penguin42put them back?20:44
billybigriggerpenguin42, didn't remove them20:44
billybigriggerhow do i start that process?20:44
billybigriggerhmm nevermind, it's running20:45
penguin42billybigrigger: Right click on the panel, add to panel, and add indicator applet and indicator applet session20:45
LinuxGuy2009Ive never had to manually run fsck on a drive before. What do I do? fsck /dev/sda etc?]20:47
penguin42actually no20:47
penguin42fsck /dev/sda1 if that's what the partition is20:48
LinuxGuy2009oh ok cool20:48
maSStereduhas anyone problems with youtube in totem?20:49
maSStereduno one ? just I ? lol :D20:50
WalzmynAnybody else have trouble getting nvidia drivers installed after upgradeing to Beta?20:50
LinuxGuy2009The downloaded one yes. One from repo, no.20:51
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: Thank you fsck fixed me right up again. ;-)20:51
maSStereduWalzmyn: you can ignore the error message20:52
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: It's curious that it got stuck though - can you report it as a bug just so it gets spotted if lots of other people find the same thing20:52
maSStereduwalzmyn: just restart and you have the new one20:52
WalzmynmaSSteredu: what do you mean ignore the error message?20:52
WalzmynmaSSteredu: ok20:52
maSStereduWalzmyn: what error message is it?20:52
maSStereduan error that you have to look in /etc/var/ etc.?20:52
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: Yeah sure thats probably a good idea. What should I file against?20:53
WalzmynmaSSteredu: oh, looky there, my desktop effects are working, when I enable them20:53
maSStereduwalzmyn: i had the same one , like many others, and we ignored it20:53
WalzmynmaSSteredu: thankyouverymuch20:53
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Heck I don't know - mountall?20:53
maSStereduwalzmyn: np xd ^^ have fun :)20:53
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: hehe20:53
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: Whats the package that fsck is part of? Isnt it like linux-tools or something like that?20:54
yofelLinuxGuy2009: 40%? that's a new one, we had reports about stuck at 70% though20:54
LinuxGuy2009yofel:  Yeah strange numbers to get stuck at.20:54
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Well there is e2fsprogs for ext2/ext3/ext4 /sbin/fsck.ext* and there is util-linux for /sbin/fsck - but those don't do the pretty front end20:55
penguin42yofel: Any idea what the number is?20:55
yofelLinuxGuy2009: and fsck belongs to the package the filesystem tools are in20:55
Walzmynok, next issue - started with the 4.4 upgrade - The Akondi server won't start up20:55
LinuxGuy2009Im not sure what to file it under so I guess I wont.20:55
yofelpenguin42: sec, need to search through my  bugmail20:55
yofelbug 554079, and we have no idea what's broken20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554079 in sysvinit "Lucid boot failed to complete after fsck" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55407920:56
yofelsysvinit is wrong, but as scott didn't change it either we're just leaving it at that for now20:56
penguin42yofel, LinuxGuy2009: I suspect it's best for LinuxGuy2009 to comment and subscribe to that20:57
Walzmyndist-update is wanting to update ktorrent-data and remove ktorrent - Why's it want to remove ktorrent?20:59
yofelWalzmyn: might be ktorrent isn't completely bulit yet, wait a hour or two and try again20:59
Walzmynyofel: ok, I wan't gonna remove it. You're saying its jsut not in the repo at the momement?21:02
ManDayIs there a list with new features/changes besides bugs?21:18
penguin42ManDay: You mean in Lucid or that people want?21:19
ManDayno i meant lucid21:20
penguin42ManDay: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1#New%20features%20since%20Ubuntu%209.1021:20
ManDayi se21:20
ManDayomg hal fully removed?21:20
ManDayi never thought this would happen within my time21:21
ManDaydefault search engine made yahoo! is that a statement?21:21
ManDayare there any specifics on *what* is new in gnome?21:22
arandManDay: Reverted to google, fyi.21:22
ManDayfyi = ?21:23
arandManDay: For Your Information.21:23
ManDaygood lord i ll know that ill get the minimal package again. twitter integration packed with the vanilla package? ... where the heck have we come...21:23
Blasturhello. if i upgrade to lucid beta 2 today, will it be a problem to upgrade it to lucid final later on?21:25
informavoreblastur: no, that's what aptitude safe-upgrade is for....21:25
penguin42Blastur: Probably not, there are occasional problems but they normally get sorted21:26
JoshuaLinstalling all updates will result in the final lucid :)21:26
JoshuaLBlastur, but use aptitude safe-upgrade when installing updates when using the beta like informavore21:27
JoshuaLlike informavore said*21:27
subcheecould you help me, please? I'd like to compile acerhk module, but I can't...21:28
DanaGAssertion '(size_t) decoded == a2dp->frame_length' failed at modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c:1375, function a2dp_process_push(). Aborting.21:28
cleiferAnybody know how to get the location bar to be editable in Nautilus using 10.04 ?21:29
cleiferit's just buttons :-/21:29
informavoreright click on the location bar, it gives the option.21:30
DanaGtry this21:30
DanaGjust hit '/'21:30
cleiferinformavore, i don't see it21:30
DanaGdidn't work.21:30
informavoremy bad, that's for dolphin...21:30
DanaGctrl-l works, at least.21:31
cleiferDanaG, yeah you can type slash to go to a location but i want the editable location bar21:31
DanaGweird... slash does not work for me.21:31
cleiferyeah, you used to have a little pencil icon and could switch to it that way21:31
cleiferdidn't see it in the preferences menu either21:32
cleiferis this bug-worthy?21:32
EagleScreenis sun-java6-plugin still incompatible with Firefox 3.6?21:32
yofelEagleScreen: *should* be fixed21:33
EagleScreenchecking updates21:33
yofelEagleScreen: what version do you have?21:33
EagleScreen6.19-0ubuntu2 and ubuntu3 revision is available21:35
yofelyep, 3 is the fixed one21:35
EagleScreenupdating right now, thanks21:35
EagleScreenwhat is the default Gnome theme for beta2?21:36
EagleScreeni am curious21:36
topyliEagleScreen, ambiance21:37
h4fWhen I change my appearance preference. then press keep settings. the "keep settings" and "appearance preference" windows freezes21:40
DanaG1"keep settings"?  I've never seen such a button.21:43
h4f DanaG1 yeap when you change appearance. it will change appearance in 30 sec time . if you want press kkeep settings button it will fall back to its previous settings21:44
DanaG1oh, I see... the visual effects tab.21:44
DanaG1forgot about that one.21:44
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
yofelok... since last updates somethin is messed up here... I have KDE running and notify-osd tells me that apparmor denied mysql access by akonadi -> wtf?21:46
AKM144204Is anybody use the tool HDAAnalyzer??21:48
nvmei have an ati 5770 HD, installed lucid just now and activated the 3rd party amd drive, now i keep getting pushed to low graphics mode.  The drivers worked fine in 9.10, anyone know whats up ?21:55
laumonieri have just install lucid and i have a major graphic problem when im watching a video after a few minute my screen become full of color line that appear and disapear fastly and i have to reset my laptop . Am i the only one who have this problem??? is there someone to give me a piece of advice?????? thanks for answer21:56
informavoreATI proprietary drivers don't work on lucid yet.  You are using opensource ati drivers, not same performance/functionality.21:59
duffydackinformavore, working here.22:00
jackhighinformavore: working here too22:01
joaopintonot here, at least testing 2 days ago22:01
joaopintowas segfaulting on opengl apps22:02
penguin42nvme: The open source drivers don't do the 5xxx chips yet, so you will need the frglx drivers22:02
jackhighnvme: i had to run aticonfig --initial manually did you try that ?22:02
nvmejackhigh, no i dont know what that is :P22:02
penguin42crimsun: The blender+pa audio bug still happens on something up to date for me22:03
nvmepenguin42, how do i get those ?22:03
jackhighopen a terminal and run sudo aticonfig --initial and reboot see how it goes the fglrx are the 3rd party ones that you installed i think22:04
penguin42nvme: Try system->administration->hardware drivers22:05
nvmepenguin42, yeah thats what i installed :P22:05
penguin42nvme: OK, try following jackhigh's instructions - I've not tried it22:05
nvmeokay, need to restart brb22:05
informavorejackhigh: doesn't work with my 760G [Radeon 3000] built-in... I used to stream HD on my screen, but lost it on upgrade to lucid22:11
BUGabundohey. I'm back :)22:12
penguin42informavore: I run the opensource drivers on a 4350; haven't tried HD though, youtube is OK except when its got overlays when it really22:12
penguin42slows down.22:12
jackhighthe upgrade was funny with me too, i couldnt get fglrx to work at all with the upgrade but when i did a fresh install it worked i dont pretend to know why though22:13
coc0nutBecause upgrades break things.22:14
coc0nutThere's no reason for it, just the will of the universe.22:14
Blasturso, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 and the screen goes completely black after the splash logo displays (i hear the login sound). im guessing it does not have out-of-the-box support for my ati card like 9.10 had. what can i do?22:16
penguin42Blastur: Which card?22:16
Blasturati radeon hd5750-based22:16
penguin42Blastur: Add radeon.modeset=0 to the kernel boot line, boot and then install the closed source driver22:17
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Blasturok, cool. ill try that22:17
Blasturhmm, whats the easiest way to change your boot argument? i tried pressing 'e' at grub to edit my linux entry, but im not sure how to save it so its actually in use (it says "basic emacs editor".. but emacs is ctrl-x, ctrl-s to save, right?)22:22
Blasturctrl-x boots without saving it seems22:22
penguin42Blastur: It should use it when you boot from there, I don't think it's emacs style I just thought it's something like hitting return ?22:23
* penguin42 hasn't actually got Grub2 in front of me22:23
Blasturits grub 1.9822:23
Blasturalso, isnt 10.04 suppose to use kernel 2.6.33?22:24
Blasturmine uses 2.6.32-1922:24
penguin42no, 33 arrived too late22:24
Blasturanyway, if editing the command line and then hitting ctrl-x to boot in grub should do it,.. then the modeset thing have no effect22:25
penguin42does anyone know how you're supposed to manage to hit shift in a KVM guest ubuntu installation?22:25
nvmejackhigh, it says Found fglrx primary device section, Unable to find any supported Screen sections22:26
BigMack83can anyone help? I installed lucid but it seemed to have not recognized my windows 7 installation (i was dual booting before fine) so now in the grub menu when i select to boot into windows, i just get a blinking cursor and nothing happens. how can i restore the ability to boot into windows again?22:27
David-TBigMack83: something similar happened to me... i had to boot from my win7 dvd and run bootrec.exe22:28
BigMack83hrmm, i dont have a boot cd, just the recovery image22:29
BigMack83David-T, once you did that did you have to re-install grub?22:29
David-Twell yes, but i'd already overwritten grub trying other things to fix it..22:30
David-Ti think it was the /rebuildbcd that fixed it, but TBH I'm not sure22:31
tucemiuxwhen is lucid getting released?22:31
BigMack83well im not sure what i can do if i dont have the actual recovery cd. arent there sites where you can download the boot recovery to put on a disc and boot from to fix it?22:31
tucemiuxon april 29th22:32
tucemiuxi see22:32
tucemiuxsound is still quite broken22:32
David-TBigMack83: i expect that's illegal, but possible...22:32
DanaGIf you have another win7 machine, you can make a recovery dvd.22:32
DanaGor cd.22:32
tucemiuxBigMack83, what are you attempting to fix?22:32
DanaGProbably a bcdedit issue -- partition ID changed?22:33
BigMack83hrmm, yea. well if i could boot into windows i could rip the recovery cd's. lol but if i could do that it would defeat the purpose of needing them.22:33
BigMack83after installing lucid it borked my dual boot, so i cant boot into windows anymore.22:33
tucemiuxBigMack83, that's an easy fix22:33
BigMack83i dont have the recovery cd, just the recovery image that is a ghost of the HD22:33
BigMack83recovery cd for windows22:34
BigMack83is it?22:34
tucemiuxBigMack83, ever heard of grub2?22:34
BigMack83any tips22:34
BigMack83yes thats what i have installed22:34
tucemiuxBigMack83, can you boot up into lucid?22:34
BigMack83in it now22:34
tucemiuxyou know how to use paste bin?22:34
tucemiuxsudo fdisk -l22:35
tucemiuxBigMack83, even easier, just update grub22:35
tucemiuxsudo update-grub22:35
BigMack83ah, ermm, hold on22:36
KDeskhi. usgin the latest firefox version, I get no KDE integration, is something else that I have to activate?22:36
BigMack83tucemiux, http://pastebin.com/aCLTr3Hh22:37
BigMack83thats after update-frub22:37
tucemiuxBigMack83, so you have a recovery partition on your first hard drive and then on the second partition you have windows7?22:37
duffydackwindows 7 has its loader on another partition...22:37
dim705Hello. I've a problem with the view in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. After, let's say 15 minutes, my eyes start to burn and I get headache. The view is somehow blurred. The graphic card is Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) but I could not found the driver version. Can somebody help me? Thanks a lot!22:37
duffydacka 100mb partition.22:38
BigMack83SSD 1-> linux ; HD 2 windows, and a seperate files partition.22:38
coc0nut<smartass>sudo aptitude install glasses</smartass>22:38
tucemiuxduffydack, that is the problem, BigMack83 grub2 starts counting partitions from 1, I believe, you might have an issue if you have windows7 on the second partition but why dont you reboot your machine and try booting into windows722:39
BigMack83yea windows is on /dev/sda1 and linux is on /dev/sdb122:39
BigMack83windows in on the first harddrive. i had it backwards. i normally use linux so i think with it as first sometimes22:40
bjsniderdim705, maybe the panel isn't at its native resolution22:40
DanaGI wonder if it needs the drivemap thingy.22:40
DanaGif Windows is on a separate physical drive.22:40
duffydackrestore windows mbr then restore grub?22:40
tucemiuxBigMack83, updating grub should do it, if not then you can create your own entry in a file "40_custom"22:41
BigMack83windows and linux are both on seperate physical drives yes. they are both internal drives.22:41
dim705Hello bjsnider the resolution is 1920x1200 it's a Syncmaster T240. I should be ok.22:41
BigMack83Hard drive 1: sda1 has windows, sda2 has a seperate files partition (no OS), second harddrive has linux on sdb1 and swap on sdb222:42
tucemiuxBigMack83, any particular reason why windows7 doesnt boot?  I have a quad boot and it works just fine, on my every day hard drive I have XP and karmic, on a second hard drive im testing windows7 and lucid22:42
Airellsubuntu's install time from wubi = 3 m  , kubuntu's install time from wubi = 50 minut ,  why there is such a big different in time ?22:42
dim705Could it be a problem with the graphic driver?22:43
tucemiuxAirells, ubuntu is not the same as kubuntu22:43
BigMack83not sure. i was dual booting with Win7/Jaunty fine. Then after installing from disk lucud, whenever i said to boot into windows i just got a blinking cursor and never booted into windows22:43
BigMack83tucemiux, ^^22:43
Airellsknow it but why 47 minut faster22:43
Airellsminutes *22:44
tucemiuxAirells, it's like asking why the mets suck so bad and the yanks have an awesome team22:44
coc0nutIt really isn't.22:44
BigMack83because the SF giants are the best22:45
* BigMack83 ducks22:45
Airellsi bet you are talking about american football:P22:45
BigMack83yes, i am a giants fan. at least im not a bandwagoner22:45
tucemiuxBigMack83, it looks like you just needed to update grub, just update grub, reboot your machine, if that doesnt do it then create a custom entry in 40_custom22:45
BigMack83tuxyea im rebooting now. will let you know if it works. thanks for the help22:46
tucemiuxno problem22:46
DanaGhmm, does your system have a "hit f9 for boot menu" or such thing?22:46
DanaGOr F12 on Dell, for example.22:47
Blasturhm, im still having problems getting X to work properly with my ATI HD5870 card. I installed the binary driver from ATI, and now X prints errors in its log like this: dlopen: /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: undefined symbol: DPMSEnabledSwitch22:49
Blasturand so fglrx_drv.so seems fucked22:49
diverse_izzueafter upgrading from karmic to lucid, my gdm still has the karmic wallpaper, not the new purple lucid one. what to do?22:49
DanaGweird... ubuntu-mozilla-daily is broken.22:49
DanaGXML Parsing Error: undefined entity    Location: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul      Line Number 31, Column 1:<window id="main-window"22:49
Zenkerwow did anyone else get a massave update today? theres over 148 packages in mine22:49
diverse_izzueZenker, yes. stuff which was held back during beta2 freeze22:50
Zenkerso i take it that theyre all ok now?22:50
DanaGhmm, and now it's working again.22:51
C-S-B-N900diverse_izzue: just change the background to whatever you like.22:51
diverse_izzueC-S-B-N900, how?22:52
Zenkeris there a reason that the gconftool-2 isnt working? i wrote a script for ubuntu 9.10 that changes the background in a timed interval, but its not working in 10.04 any suggestions on what i need 2 do?22:53
Zenkerhya holstein hows ure saturday goin?22:55
C-S-B-N900diverse_izzue: right click on the desktop or preferences22:55
diverse_izzueC-S-B-N900, i'm talking about GDM, the login manager. not my desktop22:57
viniciusx2x is awesome22:57
Zenkervinicius what is x2x?22:58
viniciuszenker, basically "sharing keyboard and mouse" between two X sessions22:58
Zenkeroh, cool i have some hardware that lets me to that with 2 puters, its been in my closet for like 3 years now :)22:59
C-S-B-N900diverse_izzue: oh sorry. can you not change that from the pref menu as well. just change the theme.22:59
Zenkerok i had to do a partial upgrade, now that its done do i need t reboot b4 the rest or can i just goahead and go back to update manager and finish the rest?23:00
diverse_izzueC-S-B-N900, i wouldn't know how... I think it should have changed upon upgrade, but didn't23:00
Zenkerwell actually, its still cleaning up, so should i restart 1st or can i just goahead and install the rest?23:01
ZenkerDANGIT i was hoping the update would fix my issues with metacity/compiz23:09
* Zenker is kicking his table23:09
psi_this is terrible, I try to use sage and I get an error23:12
ZenkerThe program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes.---what does this mean exactly? i closed firefox and desktopcouch crashed or DID it?23:14
Zenkeri get this all the time, should i just start checking the box to not report them anymore?23:14
psi_Here is the error: http://pastebin.lugmen.org.ar/593223:15
penguin42Zenker: Which one is crashing?23:15
rippshuh... just tried out the 2.6.34-rc3 kernel from the the kernel-ppa, but during boot it put my monitor in suspend and wouldn't turn on.23:15
Zenkeri cant remember them all, its almost as if the crash reporter its self is flawed23:15
joaopintopsi_, and what is "sage" ? can't find any package with that name23:16
Zenkerit reports that a prog crashed, when im using such program, it reports that a prog crashed when i closed it, only once or twice ive actually been able 2 report the crash23:16
psi_joaopinto, Look for sagemath , is a program that combines a lot of math programs23:16
Zenkerit frequently says that the software center crashed-while im still using it-when i click on report it gives me the same message23:18
chorseI cannot get xubuntu+qt+phonon runnning, qt 4 settings says phonon was not available but i installed the packages. any suggestions or at least success reports?23:18
joaopintopsi_, it seems to depend on ipython: sudo apt-get install ipython23:18
psi_joaopinto, It is installed23:19
joaopintohum, it's unable to import it's modules23:19
psi_psi@psi-laptop:~$ aptitude search ipy23:19
psi_i   ipython                         - enhanced interactive Python shell23:19
joaopintopsi_, from python I am able to "import IPython"23:20
joaopintoso it's an issue with sage, somehow overriding the pythonpath23:20
psi_do you think it is solveable ?23:20
joaopintopsi_, run python and try: import IPython23:20
psi_ill do23:20
psi_no message23:21
joaopintook, so it imports without an error23:21
psi_i dont know if it is importd joaopinto23:21
joaopintoit does, otherwise you would get an error23:21
psi_mmm can i correct the problem?23:21
joaopintotry: import something_dummy23:21
joaopintoif you know python you can, just fix sagemath :P23:22
psi_joaopinto, Maybe only it is necesary to change a path23:23
viniciuspeople still trying to package sage? have their devs changed mind? =P23:23
psi_vinicius, I didnt understand23:25
psi_Should it work in 10.4 ?   http://sagemath.c3sl.ufpr.br/linux/32bit/index.html23:25
viniciuspsi_: it's quite self-contained, so yes it should23:25
viniciusit's just that people have been trying to package that monolith monster for sometime for several distributions23:26
ibkanathow do I adjust my mouse to be slower then is set all the way to slow on point acceleration?  before I would do xset m 1/2 but that does seem to help with lucid23:33
joaopintogrr, my 3rd system freeze today23:34
RDJman Gwibber is seriously bugged23:36
RDJam always uploading crash reports via apport23:37
RDJhope they fix it for the RC...23:37
BUGabundoRDJ: like what?23:42
BUGabundoI don't have a SINGLE crash from gwibber23:42
BUGabundousing archive or daily PPA?23:42
BUGabundoand which type of accounts?23:42
RDJstandard Lucid install23:42
RDJfacebook and twitter23:42
RDJfully up-to-date23:42
RDJnot the daily ppa23:42
BUGabundodaily ppa, 3 statusnet, one twitter23:42
BUGabundoZERO crashs23:43
RDJmebbe the PPA is worth a look then23:43
RDJthey fixed the CPU issues23:43
RDJjust buggy23:43
Airellshi , could you try generete rsa-rsa key using  gpg --gen-key  ? 2048 ( 10.4 ubuntu ofc )23:43
RDJok, I'll look into that23:44
Airellsi have a little problems with not enought entropy23:44
BUGabundo 2662    0/s    0/s       2157K 398.3M 33868K     0K     0K   1% gwibber-servic23:44
adalalhey, i dont seem to be able to use my mic23:44
BUGabundoeven when forcing refreshs23:44
BUGabundogwibber is now very light23:44
adalalAirells: generate entropy by running things in the background23:44
RDJyes, when it doesn't crash it runs great23:45
BUGabundoas I said23:45
BUGabundoI don't remember seeing it crash23:45
BUGabundoend all gwibber stuff23:45
BUGabundoand then start it like this, RDJ23:45
Airellsadalal i do it23:45
Airellswatching film etc23:45
Airellsdoesnt help23:46
BUGabundo$ gwibber-service -d -o23:46
BUGabundoand after that stops, open a new tab and run23:46
BUGabundolet me know if you get any traces or crashes23:46
Airellsadalal it looks like some kind of bug , everytime the same amount of bytes ( 284 ) ubuntu 10.4 and kubuntu 10.423:47
RDJAm giving it a go23:47
RDJseems to be ok now23:49
RDJbut I can point you to one of my bugs that I've uploaded to Launchpad23:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560092 in gwibber "gwibber-service crashed with AttributeError in _read_chunked()" [Undecided,New]23:50
adalalanyone knows why i can't use my mic on my laptop?23:52
dooglusis there some way of having the system run a script when I resume from a suspended state?23:52
dooglusI've tried putting a script in /etc/apm/resume.d/ but it doesn't run23:52
penguin42ooh the installer in Beta2 is a lot prettier23:56
neon__any idea on how to get ati video card to properly work on lucid?23:57
penguin42neon__: Upgrade or fresh install?23:57
neon__fresh install23:57
ZeroKewlcan anyone help with installing Unreal3.223:58
neon__i tried loading the drivers thru restricted drivers dialog but no luck23:58

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