
paultagpleia2, are you around?01:23
paultagpleia2, one of my loco guys ( also a canonical kernel hacker ) is asking about mythtv is #ubuntu-us-oh -- any chance you can give some backup?01:24
pleia2oh gosh, I am not great with mythtv, I rely upon the experts :)01:24
paultagpleia2, pfft, I'm sure it's simple, I just have to run ;)01:24
pleia2rhpot1991 is our resident mythbuntu guy :)01:25
pleia2really, I don't run it01:25
pleia2he's in #ubuntu-us-pa, nice guy01:25
paultagtyty pleia201:25
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running_rabbit07hello, I am trying to install chromium onto a machine via ssh to add to the sources.list can I just add wget to this?03:23
running_rabbit07deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main03:24
pleia2running_rabbit07: yep03:25
pleia2they apt-get update && apt-get install chromium-browser03:25
running_rabbit07cool, thanx03:26
pleia2welcome :)03:26
stlsaintpleia2: HEY!! =)03:26
pleia2hey stlsaint03:26
stlsaintlong time no speak eh??03:26
pleia2stlsaint: yeah, it's been a while :)03:26
stlsainthow are things with ya?03:27
pleia2going well, you?03:27
drubinrunning_rabbit07: did you get sorted?03:28
running_rabbit07still trying to get the key03:28
drubinrunning_rabbit07: rather just do apt-add-repository03:29
drubinsudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B503:30
stlsaintnice command03:31
stlsaintsup drubin03:31
drubinwhat apt-add-repo?03:31
drubinand hey03:32
running_rabbit07drubin, how do use apt-get repo?03:33
drubinrunning_rabbit07: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:34
drubin sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily03:34
drubinthen do what pleia2 said.03:34
ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering. if windows 7 (any edition) starts acting up like a day after installing ubuntu, what would that mean? did ubuntu mess it up?03:35
running_rabbit07that got it done, thanx drubin and pleia203:35
drubinShadowKnight: define acting up03:36
drubinbut no it shouldn't be ubuntu, ubuntu wont have any thing to do with windows 7 they should be on 2 different partions03:36
pedro3005perhaps if you resized its partition within ubuntu...03:36
ShadowKnightdrubin, IE8 not working wifi acting up and even it restarting every once in a while03:37
ShadowKnightpedro3005, i gave it only 60 gigs out of 250gigs03:37
ShadowKnightit was a brand new netbook if it helps03:37
pedro3005ShadowKnight, probably not a partitioning issue03:37
ShadowKnighti was thinking that maybe the netbook was bad to begin with?03:38
drubinShadowKnight: could be bad hard drive..03:45
drubinbut no ubuntu wouldn't affect windows in that way03:45
ShadowKnightokay then, thats what i was thinking. so i returned that netbook and exchanged it for a new one. would you say its safe to install ubuntu on it again? it was just because of that netbook that was acting up03:46
drubinShadowKnight: yes it should be03:48
ShadowKnightthanks drubin03:48
ShadowKnighthey, i came across a problem right now. for some reason my keyboard doesnt work. it is only in ubuntu gde that it happened everything else works fine04:16
ShadowKnighti know it said something about slow keys or something. idk what to do04:18
ShadowKnightdoes anyone know how to fix this?04:21
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bodhizazenShadowKnight, what problem are you having w/ your keyboard ?04:37
ShadowKnightit says something about slow keys. ive been trying to see what happened cause it disabled my keyboard only in the ubuntu but not kubuntu04:38
bodhizazengnome or kde ?04:38
bodhizazenor did you reboot between Ubuntu and Kubuntu ?04:39
ShadowKnightgnome. i had kubuntu and ubuntu installed lol04:39
ShadowKnightand ubuntu side my keyboard is not working for some reason04:39
bodhizazenlog into gnome04:40
bodhizazenhold the shift key down for a few seconds04:41
bodhizazenhold it for 8-10 seconds04:41
ShadowKnightokay then :) ill go try that thank you :D ill log on right now04:42
VotebotYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:02
Droopsta915If I install Ubuntu on my computer, will it run ok? I have, 1024 ram memory. a 20gb harddrive and a . . . .Intel® Pentium® 4. Thanx05:04
swoodyDroopsta915: yeah, it should run great :)05:05
pedro3005Droopsta915, yes, it will run05:05
swoodyDroopsta915: any other info you know offhand? Wireless card, video, etc.?05:05
robbmunsonwouldnt 1GB kinda pushing it as far as the minimum goes?05:05
swoody1GB? not at all, especially when you figure in swap space05:06
robbmunsonwait, im thinking half gig...nvm05:07
Droopsta915graphics card, i think. 32MB ATI® Radeon05:07
Droopsta915swoody: Oh and no wireless card05:08
pedro3005should run fine05:08
Droopsta915thanks for the help everyone.05:09
swoodyDroopsta915: that ATi would be the only thing you might want to look into. I don't think Ubuntu will have any probs, but if you want 3D stuff, you're going to need to get the right driver :)05:09
robbmunson*slams door in swoody's face*05:09
swoodyrobbmunson: hey :P05:10
robbmunsonwell, I think im gonna go off and play with ircd-seven a bit...configured UnrealIRCd with no problems so off to try and break this now.05:11
swoodyrobbmunson: very cool :) Take care05:12
robbmunsonwow, what a waste of time, need m0ar readme!05:23
swoodylol, go read a book :P05:31
robbmunsonI mean it didnt have a readme file, it was a half baked idea (no way to compile, etc)05:37
robbmunsonhalf the files were obviously missing05:37
swoodyah, I gotcha05:40
robbmunsonunless im missing something in how to do it....05:41
swoodydid you scroll down when you got to the bottom of the first page? ;)05:42
nhandlerrobbmunson: !!!05:54
pedro3005hello MadameTock05:57
robbmunsonand yes swoody I did manage to read the entire "help" file, lol, it didnt do anything for me :/05:58
MadameTockHihi pedro3005!05:59
pedro3005MadameTock, you won't believe what Camus said05:59
pedro3005well, to give the context I gotta quote the whole thing06:02
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pedro3005MadameTock, my best to translate it into decent english: http://pastebin.com/ZZfYESQ406:10
MadameTockpedro3005 my mind06:13
MadameTockIt is blown.06:13
pedro3005MadameTock, so it does indeed ends with death06:13
MadameTockAh, the absurd06:14
MadameTockpedro3005, good thing that's only one truth, eh?06:15
pedro3005MadameTock, what do you mean?06:15
MadameTockpedro3005, I mean that, absurdism isn't the only truth06:19
MadameTockpedro3005, I don't want it to end with death!06:19
pedro3005MadameTock, I hope it ends with death! Why would you wish the opposite?06:19
MadameTockpedro3005, I think The Oracle has differing views :p06:27
pedro3005MadameTock, what oracle?06:28
Willexhey guys, do you know if it's safe to install the latest stable mesa 7.8 and opensource ati driver on lucid?08:55
Willexmy screen has these small lines flickering at times08:56
Willexit's not that bad but they kinda make it look like my screen is broken or something08:57
BodsdaWillex: Do you get the same issue with the live cd version?08:57
BodsdaWillex: what driver are you currently using?08:58
Willexoriginally I though it'd be sorted out if I installed the complete package08:58
Willexthe default that comes with lucid08:58
Willexdid the updating but no fixes to what I'm experiencing08:59
BodsdaWillex: I would definately suggest installing the ATI drivers then - alternatively try reconfiguring X08:59
Bodsdaan update wont install drivers08:59
Willexmmm, you mean the proprietary ones? I can't use those08:59
Willextoo old of a card I have08:59
ravibnHi! I need help with upgrading Gnome player on karmic 9.10. I hv already installed version 0.9. I found a newer version from  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42163759/gnome-media-player-0.1.2.tar.gz how do i do this?09:00
BodsdaWillex: It doesnt matter which one you install - Propriatary/Open Source - Either way it will prove/disprove the default driver being the issue09:00
Bodsdaravibn: download that file and extract the folder to the desktop09:01
Bodsdaravibn: then run this from a terminal         cd ~/Desktop/gnome-media-player-0.1.209:02
ravibnOk! hang on09:02
Bodsdaravibn: do you have the appropriate packages installed to build from source?09:02
Willexcan the latest xserver-xorg-video-ati be updated separately or does it need something to go with it?09:04
ravibnI have an earlier version installed on this machine right now How do I upgrade to the one I have downloaded now?09:04
BodsdaWillex: I am not sure im afraid - I have never owned an ati card09:06
Bodsdaravibn: you cant - building the one you just downloaded will create a seperate binary for running this version. Efeectively, you will have both installed09:06
ravibnBodsda : I hv extracted the entire content to a directory in /home/downloads and there are no executables in that instead there are some shell scripts, cc files etc....09:08
Willexlet's say I update it through ppa and everything goes haywire, black screen and all, is there a safe mode where I can remove the changes I made and have it return to normal?09:08
Bodsdaravibn: yeah, you have to compile it with     ./configure && make && sudo make install    but I am having some issues with dependencies for this. It seems to be a very poorly finished package. There is no README file, the changelog includes nothing...09:09
BodsdaWillex: yeah - at the grub screen there is an option for single user mode (recovery mode) - from there you will get an option to reconfigure X09:09
ravibnBodsda : So this is a incompleted pkg which we cannot compile09:10
Bodsdaravibn: Im not sure, I would say that you probably could get it working, but chances are you will be chasing your tail for a few hours compiling dependencies. I would advise sticking to the most up to date .deb file, but you can carry on trying if you like09:11
ravibnBodsda : thank you for the info09:12
Bodsdaravibn: no worries - Im off out now, but if you need any more help just ping some of the guys in the room - someone should be around09:13
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r000tyes hello14:58
pedro3005hi r000t14:58
WestJGamehi, i was wondering if anyone knew a linux alternative to visual basic?15:09
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WestJGameSahhh well, ill try somewhere else\15:10
C-RayHow are you?15:22
C-RayPlease I have a quick question15:22
collinpAsk away.15:22
C-RayI would like to watch Japanese Tv online, but which is the best program under Ubuntu 9.10 for this task15:23
pedro3005C-Ray, you could get it streamed via http://www.tvchannelsfree.com/channels/42/Japan15:24
C-Rayok thanks, but is there any program designed for this task? I mean synchronizing TV channels?15:25
C-Raywith the internet connection15:25
pedro3005C-Ray, I don't see what you mean... Which program would you use on Windows?15:26
C-RayI am not a windows user, but just I was guessing if there is anything like that. Namely, a program for connecting to TV channels and letting the user choose from them without visiting many sites. but it seems such a thing does not exist. Nevermind. Thanks anyway :)15:29
C-Raysorry for the trouble15:29
drubinC-Ray: yes. Take a look at mythbuntu15:31
C-Rayok I will15:31
drubinC-Ray: or mythtv not sure if you can just install  mythtv onto any ubuntu pc, or if you need to install the mythtv distro15:32
C-RayI see, therefore the mythbuntu app is designed for this purpose along wih mythtv right?15:32
C-Rayvery nice15:33
C-RayThat's really great15:33
C-Raythat's what I was searching for15:33
C-RayThanks a lot15:34
drubinC-Ray: glad I could be of service15:38
C-Raythere is "Me TV" also for GNOME, now I just found it. Though it has limited features but still it serves.15:41
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drubinOk seriously I love ubuntu now18:14
drubinsaved me years of reformatting with chntpw18:14
pedro3005drubin, :D18:15
drubinubuntu can hack windows 718:15
robbmunsonhmm....im thinking installing every POE module I could find was an overkill idea :/19:18
robbmunsonat least I have everything the bot  could want from the ubuntu repositories!19:22
ibuclawrobbmunson, well done! :)19:22
ibuclawI once helped someone on the forums who installed *every* package in the repository...19:22
ibuclawtook him about 18 hours.19:22
robbmunsonibuclaw, no wonder that didnt hose his system :/19:23
pedro3005ibuclaw, only 18 hours?19:24
robbmunsonRAM would be pegged out and the CPU would be chugging so hard it probably would shut the system down from overheating.19:24
pedro3005it would take my internet connection a dozen decades to download it all19:24
robbmunsonive DOWNLOADED every package in the repositories before...19:24
robbmunsonnever even tried installing it all...dont think I would want to either.19:25
pedro3005robbmunson, how big is it?19:27
robbmunsonpedro3005, 100+ GB19:27
robbmunson(surprisingly small to be honest with you)19:27
pedro3005robbmunson, still... 100gb.. damn.19:28
robbmunsonim not saying it didnt take me 3 days to do it all pedro300519:28
pedro3005robbmunson, let me do the math19:29
robbmunsonbut once you get it all downloaded its basically maintenance from there, that doesnt take too long.19:29
ibuclawI thought it was about 30Gb for one release19:29
robbmunsonibuclaw, I had EVERY releases packages19:29
ibuclawrobbmunson, O.o19:29
robbmunsonin both i386 and x6419:29
robbmunsonwas quite fun to watch my ISP freak out :)19:30
pedro3005robbmunson, that's about 307 Kb/s19:31
robbmunsonpedro3005, 500GB hard drive 1/5 of the way full after I got done....thats how I judged how big it all was :)19:33
pedro3005robbmunson, why did you do it?19:35
robbmunsonpedro3005, mostly for fun19:36
pedro3005robbmunson, oh, I can imagine all the fun you had19:36
robbmunsonand when I go on vacation I dont wanna be without some form of packages...19:36
pedro3005robbmunson, it would take approximately 10 days to download it in my connection19:41
pedro3005assume the speed was constantly its maximum19:42
robbmunsonit was definitely a rough few days surfing the net on my server :)19:43
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ghostofmybrain_I have a question about ssh21:14
ghostofmybrain_I editted the ssh_config to change it from port 22 to port 22022 and yet I can still only connect to it using winscp through port 2221:15
drubinghostofmybrain_: did you restart the ssh server?21:19
ghostofmybrain_well, I restarted the whole machine.21:19
drubinghostofmybrain_: can you please pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config please21:19
drubinghostofmybrain_: are you running a firefall?21:20
ghostofmybrain_i'm not sure how to pastebin things ithout a gui, lol21:21
drubinghostofmybrain_: Install pastebinit and then do  cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config | pastebinit21:22
drubinghostofmybrain_: but you sure you have both Port 22 and Port 22022 on new lines in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file?21:22
ghostofmybrain_Oh, ok, I figured it out. I didn't realize you had to edit sshd_config also21:23
drubinbtw I don't need /etc/ssh/ssh_config just the sshd_config21:23
ghostofmybrain_but that was a good clue when you asked me to pastebin both lol21:23
drubinghostofmybrain_: ssh_config isn't were you set the port21:23
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drubinghostofmybrain_: Did you get sorted?21:43
ghostofmybrain_yeah, I did. Thanks!21:43
dim705Hello. I've a problem with the display. After a short while in front of the computer, let's say 15 minutes, my eyes start to burn and I get headache. The view in Ubuntu is somehow blurred. The Ubuntu Version is 10.4 beta. The graphic card is Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02). I could not found the driver version. I'd be happy if someone can help me cause I like Ubuntu but in like this its somehow hard to go on. Tha21:57
robbmunsondim705, not to sound rude, but how old is your monitor?21:59
dim705Hello robbmuson. The monitor is an almost new one.22:00
dim705Itś a Samsung SyncMaster T24022:00
robbmunsondim705, I ask this because even my monitor blurs up in Ubuntu....22:01
dim705robbmunson, what kind of Ubuntu do you have installed?22:03
dim705Let's say what version.22:03
robbmunsondim705, it was on 8.04 that I had the issue.22:04
robbmunsondim705, and no offense to Ubuntu, but once I switched away from it, I havent had any issues with my monitor blurring.22:05
dim705Yes it´s the same like with me.22:05
dim705The monitor is not the problem.22:06
dim705But i wonder if i've the right grafic driver installed22:06
dim705Does somebody know how to find out what driver version is installed?22:07
robbmunsonthat...I have no clue dim70522:11
robbmunsonim just coming back to linux to be honest with you, I forgot how to do many things.22:12
robbmunsontry lspci -v22:12
drubindim705: in general intel graphics just works..22:13
drubinare you sure your refresh rate is correct?22:13
dim705Hello drubin, the refresh rate is currently at 60Hz.22:15
drubindim705: I am not the best with graphics because I generally don't use them ;-p22:15
drubinhang around and maybe some one that is better then me will help you out22:16
drubinibuclaw bodhizazen  ping ^ graphics driver issues if you have a second22:16
dim705Thank you robbmunson and drubin for your response22:19
robbmunsondim705, sorry I couldnt be much help...22:20
dim705robbmunson, i dried lspci -v and it gives me  Kernel driver in use: i91522:20
drubindim705: I would also possibly suggest asking in #ubuntu22:20
* robbmunson just stares at drubin22:21
robbmunsonsubjecting this poor soul to the fire pit so soon? :(22:21
dim705Ok iĺl try it there22:21
dim705Thanks so much for the response22:22
robbmunsondim705, just a "heads up"....its very active in that room at all times....pay attention is all the advice I can give you.22:22
dim705i saw there are over 1400 people in that room22:24
dim705I wonder if they pay attention on a single problem :)22:24
dim705But Iĺl go on. Thanks a lot for advise22:25
robbmunsondim705, if they dont address you after say 10 minutes, post your question again, its just hard to keep track :)22:41
ibuclawdim705, hi23:03
ibuclawrobbmunson, have you seen the changelog for the intel driver in Linux?23:04
robbmunsonibuclaw, no...23:04
ibuclawbeen quite alot of changes...23:05
ibuclawwell - one minor change that revealed a *big* bug with the clocksource23:05
ibuclawon my netbook, currently have to boot with options i915 powersave=023:06
ibuclawelse screen will jitter once every so often before X crashes completely23:07
robbmunsonI think I might start playing with votebots code more, add more "triggers" to it...23:43
robbmunsonwould be a great project to get me started in perl23:44
robbmunsonhmm....I noticed something while looking at Votebot's code....its missing .info domains...23:54
robbmunsonit fetches for titles .for com .net and .org...but when it comes to .info or any other TLD it would just ignore it.23:55

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