
trinikronohey i would like to use ubuntu-tt for my loco team00:11
trinikronocan i just go ahead and use it00:11
trinikronoi joined the chat and it works00:11
Tm_Tis tt the official country code of yours?00:12
trinikronoyes it is00:12
trinikronotrinidad and tobago00:12
trinikronono one is in the room00:12
Tm_Thmh, I don't remember what other things there is to remember...00:12
Tm_Ttrinikrono: you can use it freely, but I don't know how the registration goes00:13
trinikronoTm_T: well i just to have a point00:13
trinikronoi trying to get these guys to use irc00:13
Tm_Tnhandler: you know more?00:14
nhandlerLet me read up00:14
trinikronoi thought i would have to register the channel00:15
nhandlertrinikrono: Yeah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels?highlight=(CategoryIRC)00:15
trinikronobut it already exists00:15
trinikronoi was reading that00:15
trinikronoand i say to try and see if it there already00:15
nhandlertrinikrono: Just because you can join the channel doesn't mean it is registered. /msg chanserv info #ubuntu-tt00:16
nhandler(It isn't registered)00:16
erUSULtrinikrono: if you join a nonexisting channel it is created for you. that does not mean it is registered though00:16
nhandlerAlso, are you the LoCo team leader? If not, you might want to let them register00:16
trinikronoi am the one making the team00:16
nhandlertrinikrono: Have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto ?00:17
trinikronothat is where i started00:17
trinikronoi ahve to register the channel then00:18
trinikronothanks guys00:18
nhandlerYou are welcome trinikrono00:18
Tm_Ttrinikrono: and welcome to loco family00:18
trinikronoit looks like it was made00:37
trinikronothanks again00:37
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swoodyCan I get someone to change my cloak back to ubuntu/member?04:55
IdleOneswoody: paste link to launchpad account in here and someone will get to it.04:57
nhandlerjussi01, Pici, topyli, tsimpson: swoody (http://launchpad.net/~swoody)05:06
swoodynhandler: well you didn't have to wake up the neighborhood ;) lol05:07
swoodybut thanks :)05:07
IdleOnecourse he did05:08
IdleOnethey are a bunch of slackers anyway :P05:08
* IdleOne hides05:08
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=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
swoodyCan I get someone to set my cloak to ubuntu/member? https://launchpad.net/~swoody18:15
nhandlertsimpson: You still there?18:18
tsimpsonnhaines: yep18:18
tsimpsonswoody: one sec18:18
nhandlernhaines: Ignore that ;)18:18
tsimpsontab-completion + similar nicks = tsimpson fail18:19
tsimpsonnhandler: please give swoody an ubuntu/member/ cloak18:20
tsimpsonor VorTechS or niko ^18:26
* nhandler is working on it18:27
nhandlerEnjoy the cloak swoody18:27
tsimpsonoh, ok18:27
swoodythanks nhandler and tsimpson :)18:27
macohey guys18:55
maconhandler, tsimpson: any idea if the ircc meeting today will include applications for the "we need more ops" announcement that went out a few days ago?18:56
tsimpsonmaco: well, it's not on the agenda18:56
macook, so when *do* applications happen?18:57
macoi kinda expected itd be at the following ircc meeting18:57
nhandlermaco: They will be discussed in private, not at a meeting.18:57
nhandlerAnd people can still apply. The call for new operators only went out 4 days ago18:58
tsimpsonthere is a one week period for applicants iirc18:59
tsimpsonand everyone has the opportunity to comment on those applicants in that time18:59
nhandlerCan I please apply my changes to the appeals page?18:59
nhandlerAnd we will not be getting through to aw_foren@gmx.de with this sort of mindset: And I won't excuse for anything until they admit that there was no reason for banning me in the first place.19:00
macotsimpson: ah ok yeah one week is listed on the wiki page, just not in the email19:00
macooh! i got testimonials on my wiki page... i didnt know that19:01
macosuppose i should subscribe to it..19:02
jussi01maco: lol, yes you should19:02
tsimpsonpeople can either write testimonials to your wiki, or email the IRCC directly with them19:03
tsimpsonboth are considered the same19:03
macotsimpson: yeah i know, i just wasnt aware that anyone had done so19:03
macojussi01: i dont think im subscribed to any wiki pages19:04
* nhandler is subscribed to half the wiki19:05
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