
Alan502Sia--, thanks everything worked with gamix, excellent app!00:00
trinikronoMoral_: you killed the kernel?00:00
epicblustaMoral_: Same here, bro. I have to download ANOTHER installer. lol.00:00
Sia--Alan502, np :)00:00
Moral_trinikrono, I didn't do shi* ubuntu killed my kernel00:00
Moral_and I dont want to spend time messing around with it trying to figure out what's worng00:00
trinikronowell its dead00:00
Moral_I know00:00
trinikronoboot a live cd00:00
Moral_or I'll just reinstall. It was a fresh install anyway00:01
trinikronoso you have nothing to lose then00:01
Moral_exactly except my time00:01
Moral_I may switch to arch00:01
Moral_as 9.10 sucks00:01
FloodBot3Moral_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
Moral_had nothing but problems00:01
trinikronoyou use that00:01
trinikronoi use 9.04 still00:01
trinikronoi waiting till 1000:01
Moral_I'm running 9.04 on this machine im typing on00:01
Moral_and it's pro00:01
trinikronoand it is pro00:02
Moral_9.10 sucks00:02
Moral_had more luck running freebsd00:02
icerootMoral_: you have a support-question? elsewhere go to #ubuntu-offtopic00:02
Moral_iceroot, sure, why did it kill my kernel?00:02
icerootMoral_: what do you mea with "killed my kernel"?00:03
icerootMoral_: error-messages and so on please00:03
Moral_Aight gimme a min to type all this crap out.00:03
icerootMoral_: and change your language00:03
Moral_you saying I can't say crap?00:03
icerootMoral_: correct00:03
Moral_This place is crazier than a nazi internment camp.00:04
Moral_But I will do as you wish.00:04
icerootMoral_: please stop that here00:04
cloudlevilol censor00:04
cloudleviAnyway...I has a problemz00:04
cloudlevierror! ERROR! So I had Win7...and it BRICKED my optical drive functionality! TOTAL FUBAR00:04
Moral_iceroot: One or more mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted: swap waiting for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 press ESC to enter a Recovery Shell00:05
epicblustaThird Ubuntu installer download today. Can anyone tell me why is it really hard to install Ubuntu 9.10?00:05
cloudleviCode 13 on all optical drives, internal and external. I expected that to change after I got Ubuntu but NOPE!!!00:05
icerootMoral_: so when you press esc and in the recovery shell ^D is it working then?00:05
Moral_iceroot, It wont even drop me into the shell.00:06
Sia--epicblusta, is realy more than simple00:06
calumInstalling 9.10 is easy :(00:06
icerootMoral_: ah as i see you are using a crypted swap00:06
Moral_Yea, should I not?00:06
Sia--hard installing is Gentoo or archlinux or BSD00:06
cloudleviLinux = not user friendly. =/00:06
calumBSD is hard to install00:06
zashI'm messing around with webdav, and my server is set to server *.txt as "text/plain; charset=utf-8". if i connect with nautilus and try to open a .txt file it complains that there's no app for that file type. would this be a bug in gvfs, nautilus or xdg?00:06
cloudlevicalum: What's BSD?00:06
Moral_Sia--, I installed freeBSD yesterday it was pretty easy, it's getting better00:07
calumBerkley software distribution - a version of Unix00:07
icerootagain, can you stop that off-topic here?00:07
epicblustaSia--: Calum: Well, i'm sure it's easier than most distros00:07
cloudleviI've heard of BSG =D00:07
Sia--Moral_, maybe, because i'm not touching BSd since 6 years00:07
epicblustaSia--: Calum: But comparing to other Ubuntu versions?00:07
Moral_Yea 6 years ago was brutal.00:07
Moral_iceroot, anything I can do in a recovery consol?00:08
cloudleviAnyway... former Code 13, current brickification. I would LOVE to have an optical drive!!!00:08
calumepicblusta: Comparing to Ubuntu - Ubuntu installation is way easier.00:08
icerootMoral_: you say its not loading?00:08
icerootMoral_: so you cant use th shell?00:08
Moral_iceroot, Also new errors: Gimme a min to pastebin it.00:08
=== behro is now known as asd
cloudlevicalum: You work here, right? Got any idea? Windows 7 slapped a Code 13 on my optical drive, USB optical drives don't work now, and Ubuntu didn't fix it like I thought. Code 13 = configuration in the Registry be kill'd.00:09
mudassarhello people how can I install linux from an iso with multiple parts like linux_1of7.iso, linux_2of7.iso ......... upto 7 as a guest OS in xen ??00:09
john__will someone help me get lm-sensors working? I'm looking a tut from 2007, I don't know if it's still valid00:10
icerootmudassar: you are talking about ubuntu?00:10
calumcloudlevi: Sorry I don't know about optical drives. Can't help there :(00:10
cloudlevicalum: The fun part is that it worked when I had Vista and the Win7 beta. Then the RC reduced it to CD ROM functionality...then the manufacturer update bricked it after I got the RETAIL DX00:10
hiexpojohn__, whats the prob00:10
Moral_iceroot, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411842/00:11
cloudlevicalum: Know who can?00:11
mudassariceroot: I am talking in general, for any linux .......more specifically it is for CentOS00:11
calumcloudlevi: Nope, sorry.00:11
john__well, I want to get fancontrol running, but I need lm-sensors up and running first, so I went through the tut once, (maybe I missed something) and now when I type sensors, I get 1 temp00:11
john__instead of like 10 things, I get 100:11
icerootmudassar: #xen and #centos00:11
calumIs there a good Nintendo gamecube for Ubuntu?00:11
icerootMoral_: is the whole drive crpted?00:11
Random832calum: why not get a real gamecube? or a wii?00:12
Moral_iceroot, it shouldn't have been, only my /home/user should have been.00:12
john__o wait I did something wrong00:12
john__Dolphin does GC and wii Emulation00:12
=== xandy is now known as [ydnax]
Moral_iceroot, would it be easier for me to just reinstall as this was a fresh install anyway.00:12
calumRandom832: I have one, I just want it portable for holidays etc00:12
piderjohn_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278000:12
cloudleviRandom832: Wiibuntu? lol00:12
icerootMoral_: a fresh install of 9.10?00:12
Random832IIRC gamecube disks don't work in drives you can have in a computer, so you'd have to download roms illegally00:12
mudassariceroot: I was expecting this, that's why asked in general00:13
Alan502calum, dolphin runs on ubuntu00:13
calumRandom832: Its not illegal because I own the game00:13
cantomaguys, how can i have a bash shell that doesn't show the full path such as ~/latex/report. I only want to see the last directory name. If i change directory then i want to see the full path in a separate line.00:13
icerootmudassar: :)00:13
cloudleviJup jup. GC and Wii disks spin BACKWARDS!!!00:13
Random832calum: how portable? they make a screen and battery pack you can attach to a gamecube00:13
Random832(i don't know about such a thing for the wii, but wouldn't be surprised)00:13
john__they don't spin backwards00:13
Moral_iceroot, Yea I installed it, and went to install all the updates and then It maybe crashed, I wans't watching it too strictly, then I went to boot back into 31-15 or what ever kernel comes stock on 9.10 and it didnt boot then grub updated to the 31-20 kernel and thats where I got this most recent error in the pastebin.00:13
mudassariceroot: actually centos people are not replying00:13
calumAlan502: I thought it was for windows...00:13
Random832they odn't spin backwards, they read from the outside in i thought00:13
cloudlevijohn__: o_O I read that they did. Hooold up00:14
Random832so they spin the same direction but the spiral is mirrored00:14
calumRandom832: Well basically my laptop is the closest thing to dragging my gamecube around00:14
icerootmudassar: but this is ubuntu support and not xen support00:14
john__you can burn GC and Wii games using standard DVD burners and discs, if they did spin backwards, you'd need to burn them with a special drive00:14
john__I've heard that as well, but it's false00:14
icerootmudassar: you will find better answers in #xen to see how multiple isos can be used00:14
linux3can xawtv be streamed live for chatting?00:14
Alan502calum, http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/   you can build it for linux, there's instructions on that page00:15
mudassariceroot: I joined the channel where I get answers :)00:15
calumAlan502: Ahh good. I don't want to use wine with it.00:16
Alan502calum, absolutely! using wine to emulate windows to emulate gamecube??? lol!00:16
harovali1where do I set the preferred locale?00:17
cloudlevijohn__: Know anything about data-bricked optical drives?00:17
calumAlan502: Yeh, lol... too many emulators already00:18
cloudleviXD Yup00:19
embajadorhola a todos00:19
hiexpo!spanis | embajador00:19
john__data-bricked optical drives? i.e. drives that wont' read discs?00:19
erUSUL!es | embajador00:19
ubottuembajador: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:19
embajadornadie habla español00:20
cloudlevijohn__: Code 13 courtesy of Win7 retail and a manufacturer registry update. Oddly enough, it carries OUT of Windows and prevents all use of optical drives...even USB externals...00:20
erUSULembajador: en #ubuntu-es si.  Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:20
cloudlevijohn__: And there is no trace of Windows left on my computer. Maybe the system update I'm rounding up now will fix it...dunno...00:21
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john__optical drives work in bios?00:21
cloudlevijohn__: ^^ Nope00:21
erUSULharovali1: System>Preferences>Language support00:22
john__ide or sata?00:22
cloudlevijohn__: Uhhhhhh I'm guessing..SATA considering my HDD is SATA00:22
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:22
=== newt is now known as SeattleNewt
cloudleviJohn__: Sony VAIO Optiarc DVD RW AD-7560A00:23
cloudlevijohn__: BRB...Update requires restart.00:24
john__if it doesn't show up in BIOS a linux update won't fix anything00:24
ConcreteRosehi how are you00:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:25
ConcreteRosewhos here?00:25
paul3333someone please help me with my monitor problems?00:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:25
ConcreteRosei cant create the username cause it says the username already exists for creation of username00:26
ConcreteRoseso how do i fix that00:26
vinnyM3s1 asked about lm-sensors?00:27
john__I did00:27
cloudleviNo change00:27
vinnyM3what board are you using?00:27
john__biostar 790gx xe00:27
hiexpoConcreteRose, go to system / adm/ users groups00:27
vinnyM3intel base?00:27
john__no sir, amd00:27
cloudlevijohn__: =/ Nothing...00:28
john__cloudlevi: if you can't get it in the BIOS, you're screwed00:28
ConcreteRoseim in the users groups00:28
cloudlevijohn__: How on bloody EARTH could a Windows driver update DO this?!!00:28
john__maybe it tried to flash the DVD FW?00:29
cloudleviIt was an OEM update!00:29
hiexpoConcreteRose, is the user you are tring to create in there if so remove it and reintall the user00:29
cloudleviYeah, but how's that gonna kill externals?00:29
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu00:29
ConcreteRoseyes thats correct, i am doing that right now.00:30
hiexpoConcreteRose, kool00:30
cloudlevijohn__: I tried to make an external drive... hold up, lemme try putting it back together and hooking it up to the desktop here00:30
ConcreteRosehiexpo: ok00:30
hiexpoConcreteRose, fixed?00:30
ConcreteRoseyes and when can i delete the other main account that created this admin thing?00:31
hiexpoConcreteRose, what main acc00:32
ConcreteRosethe one i created during installation00:32
ConcreteRosei have no data in there.00:32
hiexpoafter you create a new one00:32
ConcreteRose:) ok00:33
hiexpomake sure you can log into it before deleting the other though :)00:33
ConcreteRoseim gonna test it now be back in a moment00:34
ConcreteRoseIm back00:39
hiexpoConcreteRose, wait i dont understand why do you wanna delete the account you created at install00:39
ConcreteRoseuh because the username couldnt be changed, so i had to make a new one00:39
hiexpoConcreteRose, oh ok00:40
hiexpogo back into user groups and make sure it has root priviliges00:41
ConcreteRoseok im on it00:41
hiexpoConcreteRose, kool00:41
ConcreteRoseshould i change the headgroup from the same username-groupname to root?00:42
hiexpoleave root alone00:43
ConcreteRosei given it enough options to be able to change and modify.00:43
ConcreteRosebut i tried in the other account before in xterminal and i dont know what and why because of typing in root, but that didnt seem to work00:44
hiexposudo is the root command00:44
ConcreteRoseoh yeah that one00:45
markd25i need help i was messing around with the audio drivers and some how i broke it now i hear now sound00:45
markd25i installed pluseaudio00:45
hiexpoto retain root so you dont have to everytime will in the terminal type sudo -su00:45
Arch_NMEanyone have any experience with linux driver installation?00:46
Arch_NMEor nvidia driver installation I mean00:46
hiexpowhat nvidia card00:46
Arch_NMEquadro fx 57000:46
ConcreteRosei installed nvidia driver as it told me to do so from the options00:46
Arch_NMEgetting an error about I need to quit x server00:47
ConcreteRosebut it wasnt supported or something00:47
markd25hello? please i need help i installed pulseaudio and now i have no sound00:47
sabhi I am new in linux,now using ubuntu,need to burn a image file,can anyone please tell me which DVD burner should i use in ubuntu??00:47
Arch_NME"You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com."00:48
KentrelHi, I want to be able to start a program when I log in,  and have it automatically load to Desktop 2, rather than Desktop 1. Can I do that00:48
jrib!nvidia | Arch_NME00:48
ubottuArch_NME: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:48
markd25hello?? did anyone see my message?00:48
hiexpoArch_NME, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-529379.html00:48
minimecmarkd25: <alt>f2 gstreamer-properties --> check settings. You might want to install pavucontrol too (sudo apt-get install pavucontrol)00:48
psycho_oreossab, you have more than one burner?00:48
jribKentrel: check out wmctrl or devilspie00:48
jrib!startup > Kentrel00:48
ubottuKentrel, please see my private message00:48
sabpsycho_oreos, no i dont know00:48
calumsab: Use Brasero disc burner00:48
Kentrelok thanks00:49
ConcreteRosewell seems like multiple things to me mark :)00:49
sabcalum, ok00:49
vinnyM3sab k3b is a good iso burner00:49
vinnyM3k3b is in the apt repositories00:50
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=== Guest38256 is now known as Flare-Laptop
psycho_oreossab, you do know what a burner is right? an optical drive capable of recording discs, if you have the box in front or near you, you should be able to see how many optical drives and which ones are burner00:50
sabvinnyM3, ok i am trying00:50
calumWho is good with wireshark here?00:50
vinnyM3<-wireshark pimp00:50
psycho_oreoscalum, #wireshark ?00:50
calumpsycho_oreos: The network analyzer00:50
psycho_oreoscalum, I know its a network/protocol analyser tool but I'm sure there's a support chan dedicated for that sort of stuff if you want more knowledgeable users00:51
Arch_NMEwhat is x server??00:51
minimecas I said... check the settings in gstreamer-properties. Maybe install pavucontrol. What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:51
calumI'm wondering if this is to do with my Ubuntu system, wireshark has detected a lot of LLC packets...00:51
Arch_NMEis it possible or desirable to turn off?00:51
psycho_oreosArch_NME, the server responsible for rendering GUI00:51
markd25how do i uninstall pulseaudio?00:52
minimecmarkd25: As I said... check the settings in gstreamer-properties. Maybe install pavucontrol. What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:52
vinnyM3link layer control00:52
psycho_oreos!lucid > markd2500:52
ubottumarkd25, please see my private message00:52
markd25as i said installing pulseaudio seemed to broke it00:52
vinnyM3what's the concern about that?00:52
minimecmarkd25: 10.04? PAvucontrol is installed by default... What did you install?00:53
pierreubuntuI have a question with regards to VIrtual box. Presenlty running virtual box on 10.04 running vista in virtual but i cannot access any usb from lucid to the guest, but lucid sees them00:53
calumVinnyM3: The network is sending out a lot of them...00:53
markd25ive said that 6 times now00:53
markd25i need to know how to remove it00:53
minimecmarkd25: sorry... pulseaudio is installed by default...00:53
vinnyM3whats the source IP of the device00:53
markd25i think thats what screwed it what00:53
markd25i know i installed it00:53
vinnyM3and what is the device at the ip00:53
markd25how many times do i need to say that00:53
calumVinnyM3: Let me check00:53
Arch_NME"You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. " how do I exit x server?00:53
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
minimecmarkd25: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio00:54
markd25alt f4 Arch_NME00:54
psycho_oreosmarkd25, this is not the support channel for lucid, join #ubuntu+100:54
minimec!pulseaudio > markd2500:54
ubottumarkd25, please see my private message00:54
Arch_NMEmark25 is that a joke?00:54
ConcreteRosewhat is lucid00:54
jribArch_NME: did you read ubottu's message about installing nvidia drivers?00:54
psycho_oreos!lucid | ConcreteRose00:54
ubottuConcreteRose: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:54
ConcreteRoseoh :)00:55
calumVinnyM3: Source appears to be from my router at
ConcreteRoseisnt there any flash video that tells you how to learn linux configurations programming stuff for ubuntu?00:55
pierreubuntuRoger about lucid support in #ubuntu+1 thanks!00:55
minimecArch_NME: hmmm... I think <ctrl><sysrq>k00:56
vinnyM3logical link control packets are a normal presence on any network, it's not uncommon to see that type of control protocol coming from a switched device or layer 3 device like your router.00:56
macominimec: Arch_NME: it's alt, not ctrl00:56
hiexpoConcreteRose, youtube00:56
ConcreteRoseoh ok00:56
calumVinnyM3: My paranoia I guess, I was worried cause there were lots of them00:56
Arch_NMEwell... I'm just tyring to upgrade to the lastest video drivers00:56
minimecArch_NME: that restarts the x server. If you want to stop it <ctrl><alt>f1, login, sudo stop gdm00:57
vinnyM3are things responsive on your network?  it's obviously working if you're here ;)00:57
jribArch_NME: why?  Use the ones ubuntu gives you00:57
Arch_NMEis there a way to do it from this "hardware drivers" window00:57
minimecmaco: thx ;)00:57
Arch_NMEan older one is listed00:57
jribArch_NME: that gives you the latest in the repositories00:57
markd25Arch_NME im pming you00:57
hiexpoConcreteRose,  - google is now your best friend    anytime you can not figure something out type how di i ???????? in ubuntu00:57
calumVinnyM3: Yes, computers on the network can get on the net ok without much slowdown. Only trouble is when people download a lot of stuff00:57
Moral_"your system encountered a serious kernel problem. Your system might become unstable now and might need to be restarted. You can help the developers fix the problem by reporting it"00:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:59
Moral_Meerly what I'm saying is 9.10 sucks01:00
Moral_9.10 is the vista of ubuntu, I'm going back to 9.0401:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:00
Moral_Seriously, you peopel are crazy sucks isn't bad.01:00
Moral_Nor is crap.01:00
psycho_oreosMoral_, there are those who like eye candy and those who don't01:01
greezmunkeycommandline rulz01:01
greezmunkeySo, what's broke today?01:02
hiexpomy brain01:02
Moral_Not sure it didn't give me any errors, just meerly told me my kernel is f*ed01:02
calumHah, I could say the same01:02
greezmunkeyhiexpo: uh, you could try a reboot.01:02
ConcreteRosehi, do you know how i can find out where all servers are connecting from01:03
rodrigosanhello all. I've a doubt about mbr. Can I ask here?01:03
hiexpokernal failed to load01:03
psycho_oreosConcreteRose, from where?01:03
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: which servers?01:03
calumConcreteRose: Try netstat -tap01:03
calumat terminal01:03
psycho_oreosthen there's lsof -i01:03
ConcreteRosewell, it seems that people had been active in enabling a restricted server zone of people, and i need to find out how they are connected to each other01:04
sabhi,can any one please tell me how to burn an ISO file using k3b?01:04
psycho_oreossab, read the included help file?01:04
sabpsycho_oreos, ok01:04
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: those commands will show what *your* server is doing, you need a protocol scanner, try wireshark01:04
psycho_oreosor tshark if you're using CLI01:05
calumConcreteRose: Wireshark is awesome, try it out as well.01:05
ConcreteRosegreezmunkey: well that looks like a reason01:05
ConcreteRosei try01:05
greezmunkeysab: It's pretty easy, but there is a killer howto, google "ubuntu k3b iso01:05
calumUse brasero, its the easiest way to burn ISOs :)01:06
rodrigosanI have a doubt about mbr. Can I ask here?01:06
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, if its not about ubuntu, you should talk in #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
sabgreezmunkey, ok01:06
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: Depending on your network, you may be able to detect broadcasts and the like that will infer what's going on.01:07
sabpsycho_oreos, i was trying to look on the handbook of k3b help menu,but its giving me this error" There is no documentation available for /k3b/index.html."01:07
calumWireshark detects broadcasts01:07
greezmunkeycalum: of course! :)01:08
psycho_oreossab, you probably didn't install the help files, just search for k3b's support site01:08
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, using the ubuntu live cd, how can I "format" my mbr?01:08
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, why do you want to format? what are you intending to do with it?01:08
ConcreteRoseok :) but i know whos behind it already, i just wanted to look at what they are capable of.01:09
ConcreteRoseim gonna get it01:09
linux3Can xawtv video by streamed  -- like skype01:09
nullkuhlHello, i try to boot ubuntu 9.1032 and 10.04 64bit , the first using cdrom and the 2nd using flash usb, and in both cases i reach the message of (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.  it's an HP Envy 15 notebook. ... Plz Help  .01:10
calumConcreteRose: Another good thing for networks is definitely nmap.01:10
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, becouse on my debian instalation, everything is ok, but when the installer try to write the grub on mbr isn't possibe becouse the mbr are with problems. I have the ubuntu lts 8.04 to try fix this. :(01:10
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: You can filter out all traffic, other than the IP of the target as well ;)01:10
ConcreteRosethat is plausible01:10
ConcreteRoseI will try to use it01:10
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, so you want to erase it and you do realise your setup will no longer be bootable01:10
benomaticso... i have a 9.10 system running, and would like to upgrade to 10.04.  do-release-upgrade doesn't detect 10.04 availability... how do I make the jump (preferably command line)?01:10
psycho_oreos!lucid | benomatic01:11
ubottubenomatic: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:11
calumsudo updatemanager -d01:11
greezmunkeybenomatic: Ask in #ubuntu+1 please01:11
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, have you checked the md5sum on the iso?01:11
nullkuhlnullkuhl: yes, also its very unlikely that 2 isos get corrupted01:12
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, but I can try to write on mbr if the mbr are cleaned.01:12
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: ^^01:12
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, then again, good idea to check, and how did you go about putting it on flash drive?01:12
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, cleaned or fixed or recovered. I don't know01:12
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, you can't really fix or recover mbr, but it can be cleared01:13
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: for putting on flash drive, i used lili tool01:13
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, try unetbootin01:13
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: but i get the same message even when booting from cdrom01:14
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, to clear it, search online articles on how to backup mbr, when they teach you how to back it up using dd, you just replace the if= and of= device/file01:14
albhola tods01:14
bazhang!es | alb01:15
ubottualb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:15
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, I'm not going to bother supporting cd :) bad burns are more prevalent than flashing onto usb drive01:15
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: ok ill try unetbootin now01:15
vanishinghi everyone01:15
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, fyi for support on 10.04 join #ubuntu+1 and ask there01:16
vanishingim wondering how can i regenerate the mysql.conf in /etc/init?01:16
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: am having the same issue with 9.10 as well01:16
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, Probably my mbr isn't working correctly. I need to try test this or fix this without change my hd.01:16
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, yes I read that previously but discussions/support on 10.04 should be directed to that channel, not here01:17
cloudleviSo anyone know what the Ubuntu equivalent to Device Manager is?01:17
maginotvanishing, you don't generate a mysql.conf in /etc/init.. this file belongs to /etc/mysql01:17
Sia--vanishing, you should stop mysqld first01:17
psycho_oreosrodrigosan, you can't test it, you have to write to it, but you can make backups and then erase the data01:17
maginotvanishing, and I think is my.cf01:17
vanishingSia--: maginot: it is stopped..and i deleted it by mistake..now i want it back..how can i do it?01:18
sabI got an weired problem,I am using ubuntu and win7 in my machine,but most often after shutdown my laptop when I power on I found GRUB loader failure"that mean no boot loader",I install ubuntu again and got the boot loader.01:18
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, not that I know of personally, there's various tools, depends on what you want to achieve01:18
vanishingmaginot: it is an upstart script01:18
vanishingmaginot: not config file01:18
sabcan any one please tell me why this happen?01:18
psycho_oreossab, which one was installed first?01:18
goddardIs it possible to setup an email server when using dyndns without buying there mail services?01:18
h00ksab: Some windows security software will write the MBR without checking to see if there is anything there01:18
maginotvanishing, dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 ?01:18
sabpsycho_oreos, ubuntu01:19
cloudlevipsycho_oreos: Trying to scan my Bluetooth dongle. No Ubuntu native drivers for the pup, so I've gotta find out its model or serial considering it's unmarked and I swear to all it was repackaged.01:19
ConcreteRosewhat was the name of that open source long big program for music studio in linux?01:19
psycho_oreossab, if you installed linux first, and then win7, the grub bootloader will be automatically overwritten by win701:19
cloudleviOH! DURR!!! I can hook it up to Windows and scan it XDDD01:19
maginotvanishing, or just: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server  did you tried that?01:19
rodrigosanpsycho_oreos, tank you a lot.01:19
vanishingmaginot: ok..gonna try it01:19
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, there's a CLI tool called lsusb01:19
vanishingmaginot: tried mysql-server, nothing01:19
vanishingmaginot: gonna try with 5.101:20
h00ksab: I've had this problem on a few machines.  It's Windows related software that is doing this, perhaps a backup-type program01:20
Jef91Anyone know how I can stop knetworkmanager from loading on startup in KDE?01:20
cloudlevipsycho: How I access that?01:20
vanishingmaginot: nope...nothing01:20
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, open up terminal and type that command in01:20
sabh00k, what can be the solution?01:20
h00ksab: remove that Windows software.01:20
cloudlevipsycho: what command? o_O sudo get?01:20
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, open up terminal and type in "lsusb" (without quotes)01:21
maginotvanishing, maybe this can help you: http://maginot.pastebin.com/L1iRRTwF01:21
sabh00k, that means i cant use safely windows and ubuntu parallely?01:21
h00ksab: It depends on what software in Windows is doing it.01:22
vanishingmaginot: that is the content of mysql.conf?01:22
cloudlevipsycho: o_O this is odd...got seven USB ports on the list and only two of them are USB 2.0.  --- A.) I only have four ports. B.) I'm pretty sure they're all USB201:22
maginotvanishing, no, there is no mysql.conf, that is the content of /etc/init.d/mysql01:22
sabh00k, what soft can be?any idea please tell me01:22
linux3I get an error code with Cheese run in verbose mode "libv4lconvert:  Error decompressing JPEG:  unknown huffman code:  0000ffff"01:22
vanishingmaginot: i have /etc/init.d/mysql01:22
vanishingmaginot: i need /etc/init/mysql.conf...01:22
greezmunkeydebian, bah01:22
h00ksab: Sometimes backup software01:23
lcabrinivanishing: /etc/mysql/my.cnf01:23
h00ksab: I have no idea what you have installed.  Look through what Windows stuff you have and try to figure out what it might be.01:23
maginotvanishing, I don't imagine what this "mysql.conf" file is, never heard about it.01:23
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, probably the other 3 are just USB headers (i.e. there's soldering point for it but no actual hardware bits are soldered onto it and made visible outside the machine01:23
linux3I get an error code with Cheese run in verbose mode "libv4lconvert:  Error decompressing JPEG:  unknown huffman code:  0000ffff"01:23
maginotvanishing, and I don't have it on my setup01:23
cloudlevipsycho: MODDING!!! =D01:24
vanishingmaginot: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html01:24
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, there's lots of other potential variables but that's not ubuntu related01:24
betamine             01:24
vanishingmaginot: can you do "start mysql" or "stop mysql"?01:25
cloudlevipsycho: Right... so anyway...  - AH! Here we go!!!01:25
greezmunkeyIs there anything I need to consider if I want to install a usb hub? Should I expect problems?01:25
maginotvanishing, service mysql stop01:25
cloudleviit's an "Integrated System Solution Corp. Bluetooth Device"01:25
Sia--vanishing, yes /etc/init.d/mysql stop01:25
psycho_oreosgreezmunkey, install? you mean you actually bought the hardware? generally no01:25
mneptokvanishing: what are you trying to do, exactly?01:25
vanishingmaginot: start: Unknown job: mysql01:26
h00kgreezmunkey: if it's not powered, you probably can't use a ton of devices off it, that's about it01:26
maginotvanishing, I know what upstart is, just don't ever heard about mysql.conf01:26
vanishingmaginot: because mysql.conf is missing..01:26
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, doesn't really help, what you actually need is the pci:id or in this case the usb:id, which is in the form of XXXX:XXXX01:26
Sia--mneptok, changing mysql service to mssql :D01:26
mneptokvanishing: sudo invoke-rc.d mysql-server start01:26
vanishingSia--: does not work....01:26
maginotvanishing, "service mysql start/stop"01:26
vanishingmneptok: trying to find /etc/init/mysql.conf01:26
Sia--vanishing, apt-cache policy mysql01:26
ConcreteRosehow do i use wireshark to sniff on the isp infrastructure?01:26
greezmunkeypsycho_oreos: I haven't bought one yet, I tried a really cheap non powered one that didn't work at all a few months ago.01:26
mneptokvanishing: how did you install MySQL?01:26
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: you don't01:27
Sia--vanishing, 'locate mysql.conf'01:27
bazhangConcreteRose, for what purpose01:27
vanishingmneptok: using synaptics01:27
h00k!piracy | ConcreteRose01:27
ubottuConcreteRose: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:27
vanishingmneptok: ugh...samething..01:27
lcabrinivanishing, the file is called my.cnf01:27
ConcreteRoseanalyzing their data or something01:27
vanishingSia--: nothing came up..01:27
psycho_oreosgreezmunkey, well you'd have issues of what h00k described.. and I personally don't advise purchasing non-powered USB hubs01:27
Arch_NMEI still got that error about x server when I logged on to xterm01:27
mneptokvanishing: and did you install mysql-server?01:27
lcabriniand is in /etc/mysql/my.cnf01:27
bazhangConcreteRose, you Don't01:27
vanishinglcabrini: im not loooking for the config file.....01:27
vanishingmneptok: yes. i did01:28
Sia--vanishing, you have to instal mysql first and came her to get support01:28
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: ok same issue01:28
lcabrinivanishing: then what are you looking for?01:28
maginotvanishing, Sia--, mysql.conf doesn't exist, at leat not by default, mysql can be stoped/started with service mysql start/stop01:28
mneptokvanishing: what release of Ubuntu?01:28
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: wireshark will only look at the subnet that the machine running it is on.01:28
Sia--!tell vanishing about lamp01:28
ubottuvanishing, please see my private message01:28
ConcreteRosewell thats too bad :)01:28
vanishinglcabrini: upstart job script.........................01:28
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, on karmic? sounds like weird hardware issue01:28
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: I should say physical network01:28
terry445Is this a place I can ask question for help?01:28
mneptokvanishing: MySQL is started via SysV, not Upstart01:29
cloudlevipsycho: ISSCEDRBTA?01:29
Sia--terry445, yes01:29
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: what should i do then , am at console now with (initramfs) :01:29
Am4noJef91:this may help http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3110104.001:29
vanishingmneptok: ok...01:29
vanishingmneptok: look01:29
Arch_NMEhow to I close x server?01:29
greezmunkeyConcreteRose: That's why I mentioned that you may be able to see enough to "infer" what's going on.01:29
vanishingmneptok: i tried /etc/init.d/mysql start01:29
hiexpothis is not a channel to teach hacking methods or such maybe one should try a forensic distro01:29
Sia--Arch_NME, Alt+CTL+F201:29
vanishingmneptok: nothing01:29
cloudlevipsycho: Now how do I apply this knowledge? *hooked it up to a Win7 to find the info*01:29
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, what was the error messages leading up to it?01:29
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
mneptokvanishing: because it's mysql-server, not mysql01:29
Sia--!tell vanishing about mysql01:30
ubottuvanishing, please see my private message01:30
nullkuhl(initramfs) : "unable to find a medium containing a life file system"01:30
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, no, probably not a good idea, just pastebin (not paste) your lsusb output01:30
greezmunkeyh00k: psycho_oreos , got that - thanks :)01:30
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: ^^01:30
maginotmneptok, actually here is mysql, vanishing if you can't start with "/etc/init.d/mysql start" them your mysql-server installation is corrupted or wrong01:30
vanishingmneptok: ..............i tried using /etc/init.d/mysql before..and it was working..just recently it died01:30
h00kubottu: tell cloudlevi about pastebinit01:30
vanishingmaginot: i tried reinstall it today...01:30
ubottucloudlevi, please see my private message01:30
mneptokvanishing: is this Karmic, Hardy, what?01:30
markd25i installed pulseaudio which caused my sound to stop working when i try to test the settings using gstreamer-properties this is what i get  'Autodetect': Failed to connect: Connection refused [pulsesink.c(447): gst_pulseringbuffer_open_device (): /GstPulseSink:autoaudiosink1-actual-sink-pulse]01:30
terry445ok, when I format a usb thumb drive in Ubuntu and put mp3's on it, it won't play in my car stereo that has an mp3 plugin.  When I do the same in Win**** it does work.  I formatted it using the "compatable with all filesystems" options.01:30
vanishingmneptok: higher than karmic...01:31
mneptokvanishing: Lucid?01:31
vanishingmneptok: i know you gona redirect me to lucid01:31
markd25can someone help me fix this01:31
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, hmm, I'd try getting grub4dos, what sort of flash device are we talking about here?01:31
psycho_oreosgreezmunkey, no worries01:31
vanishingmneptok: but this is something wrong with mysql..not lucid..01:31
vanishingmneptok: yes..01:31
maginotvanishing, but if you removed files from the default install you will have problem reinstalling... you have to remove the package mysql-server from /var/lib/dpkg/status and install it again with "apt-get install mysql-server"01:31
mneptokvanishing: yes, i am. you're using beta software and complaining when it breaks.01:31
mneptokvanishing: please ask in #ubuntu+101:31
vanishingmaginot: hmm....ill try that..01:31
vanishingmaginot: thanks01:31
maginotvanishing, please, just backup /var/lib/dpkg/status before01:32
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: normal usb flash disk01:32
gmc_terry445: format with fat3201:32
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, define normal, which brand which model?01:32
vanishingmaginot: lol..thanks.. i was about to ask you where was this status file...i forgot..lols01:32
Sia--terry445, firs unmount the usb then format it01:32
mneptokmaginot: now that we know vanishing is using Lucid, his/her questions belong in #ubuntu+1. not here.01:32
Arch_NMEsia:  that did not close x server01:33
maginotmneptok, indeed.01:33
mneptokvanishing: please ask in #ubuntu+1. this channel is not for Lucid support problems.01:33
terry445gmc_ that "compatable with all filesystems is fat3201:33
rlopez12hello Ubuntu-ites!01:33
Arch_NMEI'm trying to install latest nvidia drivers01:33
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: memorex 4gb01:33
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:33
Arch_NMEI keep getting an error about x server is runnign and needs to be closed first01:33
Sia--Arch_NME, the Ctl+Alt+F101:33
terry445Sia--: I'm not saying that it wont format...it will.  It just wont play.  I get an "error 4" on my head unit01:33
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Arch_NMEsia: I don't think f1 is any differnt than f201:34
markd25can someone help me ive already asked my question01:34
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, and I assume there's no other data apart from ubuntu 9.10 via unetbootin?01:34
maginotArch_NME, yes, you need to close you X11 session before compiling the driver, CTRL+ALT+F1 and issue gdm-stop01:34
Arch_NMEit brought up the terminal and all01:34
h00kArch_NME: are you installing it through Hardware Drivers (jockey-gtk) ?01:34
vanishingmneptok: first..i did not complain..second.i got my answer..ty01:34
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: yes01:34
h00k!ask | markd2501:34
ubottumarkd25: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:34
markd25i did ask01:34
markd25i said01:34
Arch_NMEI have a .run file I got from the nvidia website01:34
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, its also formatted and the fstype is set to fat32?01:34
ironfoot495is there a way to restore my display on ubuntu 9.10 server01:34
mneptokvanishing: great. so please /part this channel and use #ubuntu+1 for support issues with Lucid. thanks.01:34
markd25i installed pulseaudio and now i hear no sound when i try to test it i get this  'Autodetect': Failed to connect: Connection refused [pulsesink.c(447): gst_pulseringbuffer_open_device (): /GstPulseSink:autoaudiosink1-actual-sink-pulse]01:34
markd25any ideas how to fix this?01:34
greezmunkeymarkd25: missed you query, please restate - I won't bust you for repeating :)01:35
Arch_NMEso gdm stop will kill the x server?01:35
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: yes, ill try another flash now, to eliminate any specific usb flash issues01:35
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psycho_oreosnullkuhl, and do you have another machine to test the unetbootin setup?01:35
vanishingmneptok: why should i part with this channel when somebody solved my problem?01:35
Sia--Arch_NME, yes01:35
greezmunkeymarkd25: you installed it, it wasn't already there?01:35
=== jesse__ is now known as Guest1065
mneptokvanishing: because you are using Lucid, and this channel is not for Lucid.01:35
markd25or i don't know01:36
markd25i screwed it up01:36
markd25i don't know what i did01:36
Sia--vanishing, please join #ubuntu+1 my dear01:36
greezmunkeymarkd25: what are you running (in a term, uname -a) please post.01:36
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: yes01:36
eycelhi can some one help me01:36
epicblustahey guys01:36
Sia--eycel, yes01:36
cloudlevih00k: ubottu: I got no private message? o-o01:36
markd25o ok01:36
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, and have you given it a try to see that it works ok? it might be an issue with your HP01:36
vanishingmneptok: i cant spectate #ubuntu when im using lucid?01:36
eycelId like to know if my website http://www.mplays.co.cc is working in firefox on others cpus...01:37
h00k!pastebinit > cloudlevi01:37
ubottucloudlevi, please see my private message01:37
hiexpoone minute a person is asking how to do a simple taskas remove a user and the next there talking wireshark ///////// there's something weong with that people   :)01:37
Sia--vanishing, lucid is not supported her my dear01:37
psycho_oreosvanishing, you can but just don't ask questions about lucid in here01:37
epicblustaI have tried to install both Ubuntu 9.10 and 9.4 in Virtual Box over OSX10.601:37
mneptokvanishing: i do not have confidence that you won't ask more questions here01:37
Sia--hiexpo, userdel01:38
deadlyblueI am new to linux/ubuntu and would just like pointed to 1 or a few good site for me to start reading up on this os. thanks for the help01:38
epicblustaI get a weird error when installing Ubuntu 9.10 and it just crashes the whole computer when I try 10.401:38
greezmunkeyhiexpo: maybe he has more than one question???01:38
epicblustaany ideas why, guys?01:38
Sia--deadkode, ubuntu wiki and google01:38
vanishingSia--: psycho_oreos: ok thanks for the tip, im not gonna ask lucid questions01:38
vanishingmneptok: and where did your confidence come from?01:38
psycho_oreosepicblusta, pastebin (not paste) your weird error in 9.1001:38
vanishingmneptok: even if i keep asking questions, how are you confident that i will ask lucid questions?01:38
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html deadlyblue01:39
greezmunkeyepicblusta: sounds like an OXS issue...01:39
SeqDoes anybody know how I can find out why I only see 3.6/4GB RAM? I'm 64-bit and my video card has dedicated memory.01:39
Sia--vanishing, be patient please they helping you for free01:39
cloudlevipsycho - h00k: I'm lost e-e; sorry...01:39
vanishingwhat is wrong with you?01:39
bazhangvanishing, please stop that01:39
Sia--vanishing, be patient please they helping you for free01:40
greezmunkeymarkd25: uname -a ?01:40
epicblustapsycho_oreos: I do not have the exact error here, but I had a [errrno 5] input/output error: 'target/lib/libx86.so.1'01:40
vanishingbazhang: what did i do?01:40
cloudlevipsycho: What's the pastebinit for?01:40
vanishingSia--: i know and i appreciate that..01:40
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, have you pastebinned your lsusb output?01:40
markd25greezmunkey i posted it in pm01:40
bazhangvanishing, you have been asked to join #ubuntu+1 many times, please do so01:40
vanishingSia--: did i ask more lucid question?01:40
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, it allows simpler pasting, without using hand to paste any outputs01:40
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: ok same issue with 2nd flash, and both  works fine on a different machine01:40
Guest50532Is this the right place to ask questions about conky?01:40
vanishingbazhang: well..i use karmic too..so i cant stick in ubuntu?01:40
=== terry445 is now known as LivenDie
Flannelvanishing: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you'd like to continue to discuss this so we can keep this channel ontopic, thanks.01:40
hiexpogreenone,  - true but why would one even need to know wireshark yet if they can not run a simple command ya know / its become crazy its like the gates have open and everyone wants to be the ultimate  hacker did they show hackers on hbo  this month01:40
eycelId like to know if my website http://www.mplays.co.cc is working in firefox on others computers01:40
epicblustamember:psycho_oreos: Something of a very damaged harddrive (over a virtual drive?) or that the computer was too hot....01:41
cloudlevipsycho: o_o... simpler than right click/copy? You want me to paste it where?01:41
Sia--vanishing, everthing is done, just let me know what is your next problem ? :)01:41
bastid_raZorGuest50532: i believe there is a #conky channel. not 100% sure though01:41
greezmunkeymark, oh - I generally ignore those...brb01:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 Guest50532 here is very good beginners guide01:41
psycho_oreosepicblusta, it could be because of the way the virtual disks are stored or set that could be of an issue01:41
vanishingFlannel: i didnt...he kicked me01:41
deadlyblueeycel no you site is not loading for me01:41
eycelok thanks01:41
bastid_raZorGuest50532: or use the guide. it worked well for me01:41
LivenDieeycel: I'm using chromium and it seems to work01:41
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, so yeah your issue is with HP machine :) its lame01:41
Sia--vanishing, join #ubuntu-op for more infos01:42
hiexpogreenone, sorry not meant for u01:42
deadlyblueeycel sorry your site just now loaded. it is working just slowly01:42
Flannelvanishing: I'm aware.  If you'd like to discuss that further, or why you should be in #ubuntu+1, or whatnot, please take it elsewhere.  This channel is for Ubuntu support, thanks.01:42
nullkuhlpsycho_oreos: what should i do then, is it a raid / sata issue ?01:42
W43372I'm having an issue getting a network going between my linux laptop and the other Windows Computers in the house.01:42
hiexpogreezmunkey,  -  true but why would one even need to know wireshark yet if they can not run a simple command ya know / its become crazy its like the gates have open and everyone wants to be the ultimate  hacker did they show hackers on hbo  this month01:42
epicblustapsycho_oreos: so, what do you think I could do?01:42
psycho_oreosnullkuhl, hard to say, but I'd say its probably to do with mem alloc issue, maybe something about the BIOS or memory01:43
eyceldeadlyblue...what comes up?01:43
eyceloh ok01:43
psycho_oreosepicblusta, probably a good idea to also try seeking support on virtualbox forums/irc etc01:43
haavarosI can't get ubuntu one file publishing to work01:43
haavarosDoes anyone know if it works?01:43
cloudlevipsycho: where do I paste the data? o-o01:43
markd25@greezmunkey are you still there?01:43
mudassarhow to mount multiple iso's on a single mount point in ubuntu01:43
bazhangepicblusta, there is also channel #vbox01:44
W43372I'm having an issue getting a network going between my linux laptop and the other Windows Computers in the house.01:44
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, into a website called pastebin.. like pastebin.com01:44
epicblustapsycho_oreos: right, thnx01:44
AlcorW43372 what kind of issue?01:44
epicblustahuz_hang: hey thanks!01:44
h00khaavaros: you can try #ubuntu-one if you have questions regarding that01:44
greezmunkeyhiexpo: chill dude :)01:44
haavarosh00k: thx01:44
ZykoticK9mudassar, you need a separate mount point of each iso01:44
greezmunkeymarkd25: are you on lucid?01:44
ZykoticK9mudassar, what are you trying to do?01:44
markd25yes but thats not the issue01:44
markd25sound worked before01:44
psycho_oreosyes it is01:44
cloudlevipsycho: Just that one, right?01:44
h00k!lucid | markd2501:44
ubottumarkd25: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:44
mudassarI have to install something that is on multiple iso's01:44
hiexpogreezmunkey, :) lol01:44
bazhangmarkd25, #ubuntu+1 please01:45
Arch_NMEwell the installer ran succesfully and all01:45
greezmunkeymarkd25: hate to tell you this, but it is the issue, please ask in #ubuntu+1 - thanks.01:45
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, well whichever, but for convenience sake use that01:45
Arch_NMEhowever how can I tell my current driver?01:45
W43372Alcor: It's just not working. I have the laptop set up for sharing. I've been doing it all this week at my friends house. But now that I'm home I can't get my Shares to mount on my server, and I cant pick up the public folder on my laptop from the server.01:45
ZykoticK9mudassar, mount cd1 start install - when it calls for cd2 umount cd1 and mount cd2 in it's place etc.01:45
cloudlevipsycho: And the purpose of this is...?01:45
Arch_NMEis there a terminal command to make the system tell me my current video driver version?01:45
mudassarbut comming back from installation is not possible as it will be in the shell01:45
Sia--Arch_NME, yes01:45
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, so that I can see what you're seeing and maybe able to assist you further without you venturing back to windows or pasting more than 3 lines into this channel and getting silenced by the bots for flooding01:46
Arch_NMESia: could you tell me what it is ;)01:46
cloudlevipsycho: XD okay...01:46
cloudlevipsycho: http://pastebin.com/AMu28Se801:46
Sia--Arch_NME, lspci | grep VGA01:46
Sia--and patebin the result01:46
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, 1131:1004 <--- that is the most important valuable piece of info you'll need fyi01:47
cloudlevipsycho: B5D7 is just my mouse. And what's that piece of info?01:47
AlcorW43372 I can get to the xp and mac printers but I cant get from there to the linux box...01:47
ConcreteRose1+ 4 = 501:47
cloudlevipsycho: More direct...what do I do with it?01:48
Arch_NMEsia: is ther a way to make that say more info?01:48
cloudlevinevermind? o-o01:48
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, actually lspci will only show the card manufacture/version not the driver version #  (even "lspci -vnvn" doesn't show driver version #)01:48
Arch_NMEsia: it's only telling em the type of card and I want to know my driver version01:48
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, remember that same line you pasted to me something about integrated corp? and I said that piece of info is useless, what I need is the pci:id or in this case the usb:id of the device, which is on the same line as that thing you pasted01:48
goddardCan some one direct me to a good link explaining how to create sub domains when using DynDNS and Apache2 on Ubuntu?01:48
Sia--Arch_NME, ok and search for the driver number in ubuntu wiki01:48
W43372Alcor: Not even that. I've got a bunch of stuff on the laptop that I want to send to the Windows box over the network, but Windows doesn't see my laptop, and my laptop won't mount the windows network.01:48
Arch_NMEZykoticK9: any idea how to see driver version?01:49
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, what card are you using?01:49
cloudlevipsycho: Okies. So do I just wait for an answer or filter through Google?01:49
Arch_NMEquadro fx 57001:49
psycho_oreoscloudlevi, with that bit of info you can paste that directly into google query and see the support info/status on the device, etc01:49
psycho_oreosArch_NME, depends on the chipset/driver01:49
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, that's ATI right?01:49
Arch_NMEI just installed a new driver and I'm trying to see if it took01:49
AlcorW43372 wow!01:49
dattai am trying to install a tar.gz file (flock) into my system and following ubuntugeek's steps but cannot complete it01:49
goddardCan some one direct me to a good link explaining how to create sub domains when using DynDNS and Apache2 on Ubuntu?01:50
cloudlevipsycho: Mkay, so Im on the right tra- ...01:50
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psycho_oreoscloudlevi, either way is up to you, if you want to learn, probably a good idea is to start filtering out yourself :) good practise01:50
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, did you install the nvidia driver from the repo or some 3rd party method?01:50
datta./configure command just says that there is no directory such that01:50
psycho_oreosArch_NME, check under hardware drivers01:50
Arch_NMEI downloaded directly from the nvidia site01:50
Arch_NMEI see it now it did work01:50
Arch_NMEI just went to system and selected display01:50
Sia--datta, install build-essential first01:50
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, nvidia-setting would certainly tell you01:50
psycho_oreosArch_NME, you can go through nvidia x server settings, and see the version from there01:50
Arch_NMEyes it did01:51
dattaSia-- it's installed to the newest version01:51
greezmunkeydatta: Maybe the howto forgot to mention that you have to be inside of the directory B4 you issue that command???01:51
W43372Alcor: Just tried it, The workgroup that my windows machines are on shows up but I get 'failed to retrieve share list from server'01:51
psycho_oreosgoddard, you might want to try #apache01:51
Sia--ok what you try to compiling?01:51
Arch_NMEthanks so much for all your help everyone01:51
SuPaJeRmthere been known issues of vnc sessions crashing?  my vnc session randomly crashes on me when i do stuff, and I'll have to reboot the system to get vnc back up and running.  --simple question is, what would the terminal command be to restart the vnc server thats default installed with ubuntu?01:51
Arch_NMEsuccessfully upgraded to version 195.36.15!!!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!01:51
dattagreezmunkey i will try that then01:52
Sia--Arch_NME, u r welcome01:52
W43372Alcor: My server doesn't see the public folder on the lin-lappy, and now that I looked it doesn't even see the shared folder from the windows box in the other room that's on the same work group.01:52
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Arch_NMEanyone know if it's possible to overclock my video card?01:53
greezmunkeyW43372: install winbind, perhaps...01:53
psycho_oreosArch_NME, that's offtopic here but there's a thing called nvclock01:53
goddardpsycho_oreos thanks01:53
psycho_oreosgoddard, no worries01:54
Arch_NMEpycho: thanks01:54
W43372greezmunkey: Now that I look at it, it would appear to be a network problem as a whole. I just got home today and apparently the cable company put a new router in.01:54
dattayes i build the essentials in the directory and now trying ./configure and still not working01:55
greezmunkeyW43372: nice for them to tell you :) You didn't leave your key under that mat did you???01:55
dattasame bash output bash: ./configure: No such file or directory01:55
ghizlanehello everyone01:56
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:56
W43372greezmunkey no, just because I wasn't home doesn't mean that I'm not the only one living here.01:56
greezmunkeyW43372: winbind is still a good thing!01:56
ghizlaneplease i need a help01:56
greezmunkeyW43372: ;) I know...01:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:56
ghizlanei want to cinfigure snort01:56
dhaneshW43372 my streamtuner is not working.when i click on any stream streamtuner is dissappearing.01:56
W43372greezmunkey: Windbind doesn't show up in the software center, where get?01:57
bazhangdhanesh, hi01:57
W43372dhanesh I don't even know what a steamtuner is...01:57
ghizlanebut when i install the package snort-mysql they ask me to have a database01:57
cloudlevipsycho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26850201:57
ghizlaneany one have an idea?01:57
cloudlevipsycho: =/ am I even CLOSE to being in the right place?01:57
bazhangdhanesh, see your PM01:57
goddardhey psycho_oreos if you go to that channel it doesn't allow you to even type a question01:58
ZykoticK9ghizlane, if you don't get an answer in this channel you might want to try in #snort01:58
ghizlaneok thanx a lot01:59
greezmunkeyW43372: sudo apt-get install winbind01:59
ghizlane<ZykoticK9>: thanx alot01:59
W43372greezmunkey: Terminal just told me I already have it...01:59
dhaneshmy streamtuner is not working. does anybody knows about it02:00
haavarosCan I add an fstab entry for an ssh share? I'm planning to use sshfs to mount the remote share at login if possible02:00
BurzmaliHello, I'm trying to get my line in to play to my speakers using pulse audio, any suggestions?02:00
greezmunkeyW43372: good then! What network issue did you find, with the new cable modem, that is...02:00
W43372greezmunkey: I don't know, It's as if each of the 3 computers are blind to the shares of the other two.02:01
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nonameNNis there any app like ustream producer for linux/ubuntu?02:01
jamiejacksonhow can i log out when the panel icon disappears (which it does all the time)?02:01
Gadwiljamiejackson, Go into terminal, then execute "sudo shutdown -r now"  (w/o quotes)02:02
goddardI need help creating a subdomain while running under ubuntu and dyndns.  Can anyone help with this?02:02
nonameNNjamiejackson: sudo pkill -u user02:02
greezmunkeyW43372: it's off topic here, but you may need to restart each of your winboxen, also make sure they are set to use netbios over tcpip, I check all that first.02:02
bazhang!br | FOXBAGUNCEIRO02:02
ubottuFOXBAGUNCEIRO: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:02
jamiejacksongadwill, that shuts down, which is more extreme than log out, right?02:02
ironfoot495is there a way to restore the grub2 on 9.10?02:02
Gadwiljamiejackson, My command reboots computer.02:02
Gadwiljamiejackson, so follow noname's advice.02:03
nonameNNjamiejackson: sudo pkill -u user !!! this will show you gdm again02:03
mc_jamie, cntrl-Alt-Backspace will kill current GDM session and gives you gdm you can shutdown from there02:03
jamiejacksonnonameNN: if that works, thank you. ;-)02:03
ironfoot495I can't get my xubuntu display???02:03
mc_if you don't want to mess with command prompt02:03
W43372greezmunkey: Everything was working before I left. The only thing that's been changed is that there's a new router in the house.02:04
nonameNNjamiejackson: hope it helps you02:04
ZykoticK9jamiejackson, actually ctrl+alt+backspace would not restart Xorg by default in Karmic (alt+sysrq+k would do that in karmic)02:04
Gadwilmc_, I think you need to physically activate that now, they turned it off by default with Jaunty I think.02:04
mc_oh ok... works for me so...02:04
ZykoticK9mc_, are you using 9.04?02:05
mc_but yeah using sysrq it's another idea02:05
haavarosI'm planning to install sshfs. Will adding the network shares to fstab work?02:05
greezmunkeyW43372: they are winboxes though. Can you ping each of them?02:05
nonameNNcome on guys! no one knows any app like ustream producer?? they have their app only for windows and mac02:05
W43372dunno, I'll try.02:05
GadwilnonameNN, What does ustream producer do?02:05
nonameNNGadwil: lets you mix camera video etc in their stream02:06
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GadwilnonameNN, In that case there most likely isn't an equivalent for Linux.  If it is for their stream specifically.02:06
GadwilnonameNN, Try using WINE?02:06
nonameNNGadwil: i dont think that will work... i dont thing wine has support for camera or flash...02:07
BarnabasnonameNN, try a search for the specific codec used for the video02:07
GadwilnonameNN,  I think Winetricks will install Flash.  It would still be worth a shot.  Or Virtualize a Win machine.02:07
tripelbwhat's a kernel panic? This time when it froze I got flashing lights on my keyboard (for a short time, then they quit) 9.10 upgraded from 9.04 - AMD 32bit.02:07
psusitripelb, the kernel crashed02:08
* tripelb should be nick UbuntuFreezesAgain02:08
nonameNNthanks Barnabas Gadwil ill try02:08
ZykoticK9nonameNN, actually Jono Bacon (ubuntu community leader or similar title) uses ustream for his pod casts things - and even he uses windows for it02:08
GadwilnonameNN, Winetricks does install Flash for you.02:08
tripelbWhat can I do? What's wrong? Ubuntu freezes, erratically not when first on. Memtest ok. This time when it froze I got flashing lights on my keyboard (for a short time, then they quit) 9.10 upgraded from 9.04 - AMD 32bit.02:09
JULinuxUserhello world02:09
Barnabastripelb, overheating cpu?02:09
psusitripelb, what were you doing at the time? and are there any errors in /var/log/kern.log?02:10
tripelbBarnabas, no way, the case is open.02:10
JULinuxUserI'm trying to compile and install the martian modem driver in Ubuntu 9.10 I keep getting this error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory02:10
vanishingdoes anyone know how to detect which format of a /dev/video* is using?02:10
Barnabastripelb, thats not enough02:10
Barnabasby far02:10
nonameNNZykoticK9: games and those little multimedia things are the stuff that keep linux a little behind about acceptance for final users... sad02:10
SuPaJeRmterminal command be to restart the vnc server thats default installed with ubuntu?02:10
tripelbpsusi, I can look. I was in xchat at the time.  Barnabas then how would I know if it was overheating.02:10
Barnabascheck cooling paste between cpu cooler and cpu02:10
Gadwiltripelb, Try doing a fresh install of Karmic?02:10
GadwilI had issues with 9.04, and just as karmic released upgraded, I had same issue and a clean install fixed me.02:11
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phil__hi all. i'm new to this but i have a question. "my cpu shuts down unexpectedly everytime i play videos from youtube. Anyone knows why and how to fix that?02:11
JULinuxUsermy problem is urgent. I'm in a remote area working on it for a limited amount of time02:11
nonameNNphil__: check flash plugin version02:12
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, do you have a link to the driver you're trying to install?02:12
BarnabasJULinuxUser, you need remote access?02:12
tripelbGadwil, I dont have enough space to do that. Actually I was transferring files at the time. (HOW MUCH free space do I need to have on a hard drive?)02:12
JULinuxUserYes ZykoticK9 Here it is: http://martian.barrelsoutofbond.org/02:12
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JULinuxUserBarnabas I'm in a remote area where even Sattelite internet is not available.02:13
psusiphil__, you mean it just suddenly powers down?02:13
* ringer current user is ringer02:13
Gadwiltripelb, If you have 9.04 installed you should be able to install karmic on that drive, that is considering you have an external backup.  If not then perhaps a 1-2GB partition would be enough to install karmic from live CD.02:13
* ringer current user is ringer02:13
BarnabasJULinuxUser, yet we chat right now?02:13
* ringer current user is ringer02:13
JULinuxUserI'm on dialup threw a Windows PC02:13
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JULinuxUserI want to be able to get away from Windows completly and use Linux02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
Random832rifter: stop repeating yourself02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
FloodBot3ringer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
JULinuxUserI am working on this for two retired people02:14
psusitripelb, you can try right clicking on the panel and adding the system monitor... you might have to install the package in synaptic and you also might have to tinker with the lm-sensors package to get it to work02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
BarnabasJULinuxUser, you can dialup from your linux pc direct to the dialup pool02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
JULinuxUserI will have to go back to civilization in less than 2 hours02:14
* ringer current user is ringer02:14
FloodBot3ringer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
Random832!op ringer02:14
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, oh man that's old 20080617 is most recent.  and it's failing during the "make all"02:14
JULinuxUserBarnabas I'm networked threw a Windows PC02:14
phil__nonameNN: how do i check the plugin version? i have ubuntu 9.1002:14
histoJULinuxUser: did you install build-essential?02:15
JULinuxUserZykotick9 Yes02:15
nonameNNphil__: open synaptic and search for "flash"02:15
JULinuxUserhisto how big is build-essential?02:15
Random832rifter: er miscomplete02:15
JULinuxUserRemember I'm on dialup02:15
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, can you pastebin the output/error by chance?02:15
JULinuxUserYes I will02:15
histoJULinuxUser: well you probably need it to compile the driver it has the kernel headers etc...02:15
nonameNNphil__: you could also reinstall it...02:15
Barnabasgood idea02:15
histoJULinuxUser: I can tell you in a few minutes I ahve to install it on a box i'm trying to get a modem working02:16
haavarosIm going to use Unison to synch my Documents and Pictures folders across two laptops and a server, and use a backup program on the server to make incremental backups to another disk. But what is the best way to automatically open the connection between the laptop and server at laptop boot? (I hope I made myself clear)02:16
histohaavaros: you can mount the server folder locally02:16
histohaavaros: or use rsync to sync the two folders02:16
JULinuxUserLets see if I can get build essential02:17
JULinuxUserIt's installed already (build-essential)02:17
JULinuxUserI have tons of Lucent win modems lying around02:18
* ringer current user is ringer02:18
KingFishQuestion: When I format my USB thumb drive in Ubuntu (fat32) and copy mp3's onto it, it won't play on my car deck but when I do the same in Windows, it works.  Does anyone know the specific version of fat windows uses because it seems that there are more than one to choose from in the disk utility.02:18
* ringer current user is ringer02:18
histoJULinuxUser: okay I have no idea why its failing to build perhaps someone else may have some insite. I'm assuming you'll need the headers for what ever kernel you have as well.02:18
* ringer current user is ringer02:18
bazhangringer, disable that02:18
histoJULinuxUser: linux-headers-`uname -r`02:18
haavaroshisto:Thanks for your answer. I'd like to mount the server folder locally, automatically. WOuld that be possible? And if so, in which way?02:18
JULinuxUserZykoticK9 did you get my pastebin link?02:18
histo!fstab | haavaros02:18
ubottuhaavaros: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:18
W43372greezmunkey: I can't ping them, but I can VNC them...02:18
BarnabasKingFish, you need to figure out what formats the car player will accept02:18
phil__nonameNN: it says installed version is
Barnabasshould be listed in the manual02:19
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, ya i'm looking at it right now.  Kinda wish you weren't running PAE kernel though02:19
greezmunkeyW43372: windows firewall!02:19
W43372greezmunkey: For srs?02:19
histoJULinuxUser: does the box have more than 4gigs of ram?02:20
greezmunkeyW43372: donno, maybe that's why you couldn't ping, that's all.02:20
JULinuxUserhisto I think so it is new and had vista on it02:20
histoZykoticK9: ^^^^ he may not need pae but default server isntall installs it.02:20
JULinuxUser2 GB of ram02:21
chetnickMy sound driver broke after hibernation. Reboot does not help, my sound is totally gone. Any ideas?02:21
KingFishBarnabas: good luck...it's a VW.  The standard format in Windows works so that should be fine02:21
KingFishBarnabas: I'm just not sure what format that is02:22
histoJULinuxUser: yeah no real need for pae02:22
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, sorry man - it's beyond me, and my google fu isn't giving much either.  Best of luck man!  Hope someone else can figure it out for ya.02:22
JULinuxUserIf anyone has any other bright ideas on how to get a Lucent modem installed in Linux that would be great.02:22
phil__psusi: yes it suddenly powers down02:22
JULinuxUserOk Guys what does PAE mean? histo Zykotick902:23
BurzmaliJULinuxUser: Restricted drivers?02:23
GadwilJULinuxUser, basically it allows a 32-bit system to use 4GB or more memory.02:23
JULinuxUserGadwil and alternatives are?02:23
GadwilJULinuxUser, use a 64bit OS.02:24
GadwilPAE stands for Physical Address Extension02:24
JULinuxUserBesides a 64 bit OS02:24
JULinuxUserwould the i386 kernal work?02:24
histoJULinuxUser: I'm using drivers from linuxant right now on the box i'm working on going to try to get those to work.02:24
BarnabasKingFish, perhaps it will play wmv and not mp3 then?02:24
GadwilJULinuxUser, PAE is the only way to use >4GB memory on a 32bit OS.  No way around it.02:24
histoJULinuxUser: but their free drivers are limited to 14k instead of 56k02:25
JULinuxUserthanks histo let me know your progress02:25
Gadwili386 I believe is 32bit no PAE... not too sure though.02:25
JULinuxUser14k would be better for me02:25
psycho_oreos!info linux-generic-pae02:25
ubottulinux-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)02:25
psycho_oreosthat's for 32bit with 4GB RAM :p02:25
dancalloHello. Can someone answer a question for me?02:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:26
Barnabasdancallo, absolutely not02:26
psusiphil__, most likely overheating, or power problem02:26
histoJULinuxUser: build-essential requires 17.2MB02:26
phil__my cpu shuts down unexpectedly everytime i play videos from youtube. Anyone knows why and how to fix that?02:26
Kazz|AwayCurious if someone can tell me an !EASY! way to use windows RDP to connect to ubuntu?02:26
JULinuxUserhisto I have build-essential02:26
phil__psusi: so that cant be fixed?02:26
nichoshello, i'm setting up a new myth box, will using mythbuntu be a problem if I want to add ubuntu packages? Do they diverge greatly? thanks02:26
psycho_oreosphil__, hardware issue, overheating, not related to ubuntu02:26
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, could you verify you have the kernel headers installed with the command "apt-cache policy linux-headers-$(uname -r)"02:26
Gadwilphil_ What is your CPU?02:26
JULinuxUserZykoticK9 ??? how02:27
histoJULinuxUser: oh yeah I forgot I was just answering before what you asked02:27
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, it should show a verion beside Installed02:27
psusiphil__, sure it can... figure out which it is and fix it ;)02:27
dancalloAfter installing UNR-9.10 on my netbook, I can't seem to get UbuntuOne to connect. I'm on the net so that's not the issue.02:27
phil__gadwil: dell inspiron 600002:27
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, in a terminal enter: apt-cache policy linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:27
hiexpopsusi, lopl02:27
ctmjrnichos, no all ubuntu packages work in mythbuntu02:27
nichosctmjr: should I just go w/ubuntu and add myth? Or does it really not matter?02:28
Barnabasdancallo, connect to what?02:28
thefooti have a directory that's set chmod 777, is there a way to prevent users from changing the permissions but can still write/read the directory and files inside that dir?02:28
GadwilPhil_, That is the OEM and model, not the CPU.  CPU is Intel or AMD.  Then a model for that.  Do you know what frequency your CPU runs at?02:28
phil__psusi: ok thanx02:28
dancalloWhen I right click on UbuntuOne and pick Connect, nothing happens02:28
greezmunkeyW43372: Look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411878/02:28
Kazz|AwayCurious if someone can tell me an !EASY! way to use windows RDP to connect to ubuntu?02:28
JULinuxUserZykoticK9 2.6.31-20.5802:29
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, that was beside Installed and not Candidate right?02:29
phil__Gadwil: no i don't know too much about computers02:29
ctmjrnichos, i would try mythbuntu first and get a feel for mythtv it has become much easier to set up but you need to do a lot of homework to get it right02:29
ZykoticK9JULinuxUser, ok - that's fine you have the headers installed correctly then02:29
Gadwilphil_, OK let me look up your computer then...02:29
mc_Kazz an easy way is to install VNC client. why do you insist on RDP?02:29
JULinuxUserhisto your using Conextant?02:30
nichosctmjr: I'll go buy a 12 pack and get started;) thanks for your help02:30
Kazz|Awayrunning ubuntu in a VM test environemnt02:30
SuPaJeRmKazz|Away: have you checked the ubuntu forums?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33554802:30
phil__Gadwil: so i'm guessing my problem is overheating then02:30
ZykoticK9dancallo, you might want to try asking in the #ubuntuone channel02:30
Barnabasdancallo, UbuntuOne is outside what I have worked with - am sorry02:30
dancalloThanks, I appreciate your help anyway.02:30
histoJULinuxUser: yeah but like I said their free drivers lower the speed. The paid drivers allow full speed02:30
Kazz|Awayi found some work around with installing VNC in the bubuntu machine and hacking it up but the posts are from 200602:30
JULinuxUserWhere do I get the drivers histo?02:30
hiexpophil__, get a compressor and blow thru all the vents02:30
mc_so install VNC client on windows, there are some you don't even have to install just execute02:30
Gadwilphil_, Seems like it is most likely that.02:30
Viking667hi there.02:30
mc_I think02:30
thefootDoes anyone know?02:31
histoJULinuxUser: linuxant.com02:31
hiexpophil__, it works i do it all the time02:31
Viking667I've got two sound cards in my computer, and every so often, they keep swapping over between card0 and card1. How do I lock one of them down to being card0?02:31
phil__hiexpo: thanks02:31
histoJULinuxUser: you have to know what type of modem you have or download their install script will help you atleast identify the chipset02:31
Kazz|Awayso the short answer then is ... no there is not an easy way to enable RDP in ubunut02:31
Viking667linuxant.com used to charge for their HCF modem drivers, I think that may still be in place.02:31
phil__hiexpo: i'll try that02:32
Viking667Was a cheap cost, $15, but not one I wanted to pay.02:32
phil__Gadwil: ok thanks though02:32
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hiexpophil__, yep when i get a overheating laptop thats the first thing i do and 99 percent  of the time its fixed genie in a can lol02:32
mc_oh, I don't know, but I think MS would not let it happen02:32
BarnabasViking667, what about just simple x?02:32
JULinuxUserok histo I have two Conextant modems in front of me02:32
hiexpophil__, what kinda lappy is it02:33
Kazz|Awayi can go ubuntu to windows but not vice versa with the windows built in RDP :<02:33
Viking667Barnabas: sorry?02:33
histoJULinuxUser: do you have an external modem laying around?02:33
histoKazz|Away: yes you can02:33
Barnabaslinux pc query to another linux / unix / bsd?02:33
Kazz|Awaynot with the windows built in RDP02:33
JULinuxUserhisto No and that won't work. This is only USB (Y@U WILL USE USB @@)02:33
Barnabasfor rdp02:33
histo!xrdp | Kazz|Away02:33
histo!info xrdp | Kazz|Away02:33
ubottuKazz|Away: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1~dfsg-2 (karmic), package size 204 kB, installed size 716 kB02:33
histoKazz|Away: or you can use vnc02:34
Kazz|Awayhrm ...02:34
Kazz|Awaymay be what im lokoing for :D02:34
Barnabasarh from windows02:34
Barnabasjust install cygwin and use the x server from that package02:34
Barnabasonce installed02:34
hiexpoKazz|Away,  - what are you looking for ?02:34
BarnabasX -query <ip of server>02:34
Barnabasfrom a windows cmd prompt02:35
mOrO^I have an HP printer, installed and able to print a test page. But when I go to print something, the printer window and the application that opened the file, simply disappear. Any ideas??02:35
Kazz|Awayi want to use the windows built in Remote Desktop client to connect to a ubuntu machine02:35
Viking667mOrO^: checked the cups status page for the printer?02:35
BarnabasKazz|Away, good luck02:36
Kazz|Awaywoudl prefer to install something on the ubuntu machine than to install vnc on the windows machine02:36
mOrO^Vikings : How would I do that?02:36
phil__hiexpo: its a dell inspiron 600002:36
XuMuKBarnabas, xD02:36
hiexpomOrO^, one sec ok02:36
Viking667mOrO^: need a web browser pointed at "http://localhost:631/"02:36
mOrO^hiexpo, ok.02:36
Gadwilm0r0^, Did you use the HPLIP Toolbox to set up your printer?02:36
hiexpophil__, yep blow it out does it take awhile before you can reboot ?02:36
histoJULinuxUser: if you find an external they just work no drivers needed02:37
mOrO^Gadwil, Yes.02:37
JULinuxUserhisto I know that.02:37
mOrO^Viking667, Im on that page02:37
BarnabasXuMuK, if I where to query a windows box from a unix client I would not start with X either02:37
histoJULinuxUser: if you have usb others have tried usb > serial adapters and had sucess02:37
JULinuxUserhisto this one is a CONEXANT but where is the model?02:37
hiexpomOrO^,  - do u have hplip toolbox installed02:37
GadwilThat is very odd then.02:38
mOrO^hiexpo, yes02:38
Viking667mOrO^: check out what the status on your printer says (that's on the page for your printers).. do that after you answer the HPLIP question.02:38
JULinuxUserhisto NOOOOOOOOOO It's PCI. They are all PCI02:38
ZykoticK9Kazz|Away, although there are several RDP Clients in the ubuntu repo I don't see any servers :(02:38
JULinuxUserhisto how do I find model number02:38
Kazz|Awaysame zykotic :/02:38
jhamlin_hey folks, I can't get fluxbox to maximize windows properly.  There is always a little gap at some of the edges of the screen.  Yes I have set slit, tabs, and toolbar to "maxOver".  What could be the problem??02:39
Kazz|Awaythis xrdp looks promising though02:39
BurzmaliAnyone know about pumping the input from a microphone to the speakers?02:39
Viking667Burzmali: ugh. feedback city.02:39
ZykoticK9Kazz|Away, i know you can connect to PUEL VirtualBox machines using RDP (if that helps at all)02:39
JULinuxUserI can't find a link to the free drivers histo02:40
mc_Kazz check here02:40
Viking667JULinuxUser: ahh. That's probably because they're long shot.02:40
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  i recall that being a firefox setting. for somne sort of clearance.02:40
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  err i mean fluxbox setting. :)02:40
mc_download vncviewer no need to install it, just run02:40
Viking667and as it was, the free drivers were limited to 14k4 or something absurdly slow.02:40
BurzmaliViking667: Not really a mic on the input side, so no feedback02:40
Kazz|AwayZykoticK9 ... PUEL ??? new to UBUNTU/linux. first day with it in a VM02:41
Viking667Come to think of it, I've never heard of PUEL either. What is it?02:41
ZykoticK9Kazz|Away, that's the NON-Opensource version (the one direct from Oracle, not from Ubuntu repo)02:41
JULinuxUserhisto please can I has drivers? I need link to free drivers please. They don't advertise it on the web page.02:42
greezmunkeyKazz|Away: Check out the last post in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37326402:42
Viking667So. Does anyone have an answer to the "two soundcards occasionally swapping" problem?02:43
histoJULinuxUser: hold up let me find link02:43
JULinuxUserok thought you were asleep02:43
SuPaJeRmI have Gnome Remote Desktop 2.28.1 installed, and it occassionaly crashes when im in a session and i can't pull it up on tightVNC anymore.  Anyone know the command to restart it from a ssh session?02:44
greezmunkeyViking667: I'm still trying to figure out why you have two installed...02:44
BarnabasViking667, disable the least wanted one?02:44
Viking667I've got sound from multiple machines routed into the computer, that's not an option.02:45
jhamlin_Dr_Willis: hmmmm I don't see anything about "clearance" in any of the settings files or man page.  Any further thoughts?02:45
Kazz|Awaywanted to set this (UBUNT-VM) up to run as a service and be able to RD to it02:45
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mOrO^Viking667, Looks like I can print using the command line command lpr filename...but I cant print from the application02:45
Viking667mOrO^: any way of setting printing preferences?02:45
Kazz|Awaylooks like VNC will be the sijmplest way02:46
Viking667Say, to call up xlpr or something?02:46
mOrO^Viking667, WOAH...it is printing what looks like a bunch of jibberish related to the programs spreadsheet info. :)02:46
SpaceCowboy40404new user with ubuntu here hoping someone will help with a wireless card problem?02:47
mOrO^Viking667, While it is printing the icon appears and I have a Settings option.02:47
greezmunkeyKazz|Away: Here's a tip I got here on using vnc, put {ip address}:0 in the connection window!02:48
BarnabasSpaceCowboy40404, what is the problem02:48
KingFishBarnabas: It works if I do the exact same thing in Windows.  I've played countless mp3's on it before from my windows box, it just doens't seem to work in Ubuntu.02:48
Castboundhello guys anyone experienced any issues with sound today, after an upgrade my sound stopped working02:48
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  i recall a 1 pixle clearance some where in fbox configs when i last used it ages ago. I thought they had a gui contorl-panel tool.02:49
SpaceCowboy40404i used the synaptic package manager and found my the package i needed for my card and d/l it and installed it but my card isnt showing up in the network manager02:49
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  i was thinking the reason for it was so you could still access the root window below. but  Its been at least a year+ since i last used fluxbox for any time02:49
SpaceCowboy40404the ubuntu help site says my card is supported but for some reason it wont show up in the network manager?02:50
calumhi all02:51
BarnabasSpaceCowboy40404, did you reboot?02:51
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Barnabasthen try to pastebin the output from a boot02:51
ZykoticK9SpaceCowboy40404, do you see the card in System / Admin / Hardware Drivers?  Can you activate it?  Have you plugged in ethernet and done all updates?02:51
Barnabasprobably some info in the dmesg startup02:51
BarnabasKingFish, so a mp3 from windows will play in the car but not from linux?02:52
SpaceCowboy40404"System / Admin / Hardware Drivers?  Can you activate it?" BINGO02:52
maggergood evening gentlemens02:53
maggeri have some problem installing ubuntu here02:53
SpaceCowboy40404THANKS A MILLION02:53
greezmunkeyWhat command can I use to check my dns cache?02:53
maggerand the website refer me to here02:53
SpaceCowboy40404thanks for the help fellas02:53
jhamlin_Dr_Willis: yeah it sounds like there is a 1 pixel clearance setting somewhere but I've been scouring the documentation and google for a week and haven't figured out how to get rid of it.  It's totally screws up the way apps that are supposed to be fullscreen look...02:53
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  i recall it being a feature. but thats about all i rember. there is a #fluxbox channel and forum and homepage. that would be the places to look.02:54
Castboundhello guys anyone experienced any issues with sound today, after an upgrade my sound stopped working -- this are my specs http://pastebin.com/mKSVeh4F02:54
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KingFishBarnabas: The deck in my car allows me to plug a usb flash drive right into the front of it.  I use my USB flash drives for everything including running live systems of 10.04 so I can check for problems and such.  Anyhow, when I reformat it to fat in Ubuntu and copy mp3's onto it, it won't read in my car.  If I do the same in Windows, it works fine.02:54
SpaceCowboy40404ok now in the hardware drivers window it says this is activated and currently in use.... still nothing showing up in network manager for wireless though? do i need to restart again?02:55
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KingFishBarnabas: Now here is the problem.  There are several fat32 filesystems that you can choose from in the disk utility.  I'm wondering if anyone knows which one windows uses.02:55
maggerso lets see, when i try to install V8.04  it will not go to the grafic interface and will tell me to type help for help, however i could get to the instalation choosing the ''no error'' mode but then it froze and i had to shut the computer off02:55
BarnabasKingFish, try to select the lowest possible file system for the usb drive02:55
KingFishBarnabas: lowest?  I don't get what you mean.02:56
maggerthen i got V 9.10 and the screen go flashing like crazy once i start the installation02:56
Dr_Willisjhamlin_:  could also be a bug. I got a google hit about it on a bug fix page -> http://old.fluxbox.org/changelog.php02:56
maggerand i can barely type sudo shutdown between 2 fliker02:56
Barnabasjust a plain fat 32 file system02:56
W43372I've had problems all day because of this stupid router, I just want things to work the way they're supposed to :(02:56
PyroPheliahow long does xfs check take to run?02:56
Barnabasand there really is no need to nuke that every time you write to the device02:57
Barnabasjust keep it02:57
Barnabaslinux will read/write to a fat device made in ms windows02:57
ZykoticK9SpaceCowboy40404, try right clicking on the network icon in the panel - can you enable wireless?02:57
Castboundafter an upgrade my sound stopped working -- this are my specs http://pastebin.com/mKSVeh4F  can anybody help?02:57
SpaceCowboy40404ok now in the hardware drivers window it says this driver is activated and currently in use.... still nothing showing up in network manager for wireless though?02:57
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: In a terminal type iwlist - and see what it tells you.02:57
wick94wht the ubuntu 10.04 support channel?02:57
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:57
wick94whts the ubuntu 10.04 support channel?02:58
ZykoticK9wick94, #ubuntu+102:58
SpaceCowboy40404yes ther eis a little box there and it has a check in it for wireless02:58
KingFishBarnabas: when you plug a USB flash drive in it automounts and an icon appears on the desktop.  If I right click on that and click format, the choice there is "compatable with all systems (fat)"02:58
Jeanvaljeanhello,I want to ask how a web crawler do with a _dopostback javascripts?02:58
ZykoticK9SpaceCowboy40404, then try greezmunkey's suggestion then02:58
Castboundafter an upgrade my sound stopped working -- this are my specs http://pastebin.com/mKSVeh4F  can anybody help?02:58
Jeanvaljeanthe javascripts really suck02:59
SpaceCowboy40404greezmonkey u want me to copy everything it says into here?02:59
BarnabasKingFish, try this02:59
Barnabasmkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/xxx02:59
ardchoille!paste | SpaceCowboy4040402:59
ubottuSpaceCowboy40404: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:59
Jeanvaljeanor anyone can help me to get into the site www.e696.com/data?02:59
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: sorry cart a bit ahead of the horse. In a terminal type iwconfig first, see if it reports back an interface like wlan0, or ra0, or similar02:59
KingFishBarnabas: if I choose to do that in the disk utility, I have a lot more choices: By default when you click on fat it chooses W95 FAT32 (LBA) (OxOc)02:59
Barnabaswhere you point to your device02:59
Barnabaswill nuke all data on it02:59
Barnabasbe aware02:59
maggercan some one help me to solve some instalation problems, if i cant get this to work bil lgates is gona sell another windows7 disc :S02:59
SpaceCowboy40404here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411886/03:00
KingFishBarnabas: trying...03:00
Castbound<Jeanvaljean> or anyone can help me to get into the site www.e696.com/data --- is that apache?03:01
Castbounduhm it's not03:01
SpaceCowboy40404and also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411887/03:01
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: like I said, I got the cart ahead of the horse, type iwconfig, and paste the output.03:01
wildbathi, my ubuntu don't have sound, how do i correct it ?03:01
KingFishBarnabas: I'm going out to my car...stay tuned03:02
Jeanvaljeanno,it's not03:02
mgmuscariis anyone aware of a way to change the test pattern that xscreensaver screensavers use?03:02
Castbound<wildbat> hi, my ubuntu don't have sound, how do i correct it ? -- same problem here, did you run any updates before sound crashed?03:02
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: ok, are you using your ubuntu right now, to irc?03:02
Jeanvaljeanthe problem is that it uses a javascrpits '_dopostback"03:02
todayhow to config Samba for share Ubuntu karmic with XP guide?03:02
SpaceCowboy40404uh using pidgin03:02
W43372greezmunkey ok I can see my linbox on windows but I still can't mount the workgroup on linux03:02
Jeanvaljeanso when I press the page 2.... button,its URLs are the same03:03
todaysongnghiem: ??03:03
=== william_ is now known as Guest40195
wildbatCastbound, nope it boot w/o sound after i done install ubuntu03:03
JeanvaljeanSo wget can't work,webcrawler can't work03:03
greezmunkeyW43372: were you able to see it before?03:03
Guest40195if I wanted to compile from scratch, where would be the best place to start03:03
todayi allready install Samba via console but i cant know how config smb.conf03:04
W43372greezmunkey your paste thing you linked worked on windows but not on linux, I still can't mount my winshare03:04
todayCan you help me?03:04
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: I would suggest restarting your networking, but it will disconnect you, you cool with that?03:04
bazhang!compile > Guest4019503:04
ubottuGuest40195, please see my private message03:04
Jeanvaljeanthe download page is such like this http://www.e696.com/articlelist.aspx?typeid=011203   but all the files are put in http://wwww.e696.com/data03:04
SpaceCowboy40404sure do i reboot to restart it?03:04
greezmunkeyW43372: right, from windows to ubuntu doesn't work, right? Did it work before?03:04
W43372greezmunkey no, your idea fixed it03:05
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: you could, but do this instead, in a terminal type: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, then wait a couple of minutes03:05
KingFishBarnabas: no dice.  Do you have a windows box there?03:05
SpaceCowboy40404ok doing that now03:05
BarnabasKingFish, no sorry I do not03:06
greezmunkeyW43372: so from ubuntu to windows doesn't work, just trying to get it straight :)03:06
Princessnuxanybody could help me with a tiny problem03:06
maggerpas de troubcan some one refer me to some help, i have huge toruble getting the installer to work on my desktop computer.. i tryed 2 diff version and it wont work03:06
KingFishDoes anyone have a windows box and a usb drive there?03:06
Princessnux@king fish I do03:06
KingFishPrincessnux: can you do me a favour?  Can I get you to format a usb thumb drive in windows and then plug it into your ubuntu box and let me know the exact type of filesystem in disk manager?03:07
KingFishshe just left03:07
h00kKingFish: fat3203:08
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KingFishh00k: I know it's fat32 but there are several kinds03:08
SpaceCowboy40404it said this when i typed that: * Reconfiguring network interfaces...   and then.... Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. and then went back to the blinking cursor. Did it reset?03:09
todayi allready install Samba, but i dont know to config smb.conf how?Can u help me?03:09
maginotKingFish, several kinds?03:09
h00kKingFish: fat32 is fat3203:09
blindmindHey guys would someone be so kind as to point me towards the offtopic channel? Thanks03:09
maginot!ot | blindmind03:09
ubottublindmind: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:09
blindmindthank you maginot03:10
blindmindand thank you great ubottu as well03:10
todaymaginot: can you help me ?03:10
maginot!ask | today03:10
ubottutoday: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:10
today i allready install Samba, but i dont know to config smb.conf how?Can u help me? maginot03:10
tripelbI am FreezingUbuntu. This is a fresh harddrive fresh install of 9.04 -- now I have to figure out how to add flash. What's the procedure? I have done it before in a torturous many layered because it didnt work path. What's the scoop on it now? (The medibuntu page was not enough)03:10
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: now type iwconfig, see if you get more output.03:10
SpaceCowboy40404got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411892/03:11
maginottoday, I can point you some resources that you could read and try to figure out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba03:12
todayallright, i see now03:12
penociohow to make grub recognise, an other os? (insert another  os menu in grub loader)?03:12
JULinuxUserhisto I PMed you. Are you still here?03:13
maggerwhen i attemps to install ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop the screen start to blink like crazy, it sell me to use sudo to make root command and to type help for help..03:13
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: that's good, do you see it in network manager03:13
mcurranAnyone know how to save alsamixer, so I can set a default values?03:13
maginottoday, samba have many types of configuration and options for many different needs03:13
mcurranI tried the one online many times, but it resets every reboot03:13
SpaceCowboy40404no its still blank for wireless and the green light that should be flashing on the card isnt flashing at all?03:14
BarnabasKingFish, when the usb key is in you linux box try03:14
Barnabasdf -T03:14
todaymaginot i see that, i want to find standard smb.comf file ( with explain)03:14
Barnabasit should list the exact file types used03:14
maginottoday, did you installed samba already?03:14
Barnabasfor all file systems btw03:14
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: what type of card is it? usb, pcmcia? Model?03:14
todayofcourse i installed, then i dont know to config smb.conf how?03:15
SpaceCowboy40404linksys wpc54g03:15
maginottoday, after installing samba you can check out /etc/samba/smb.conf it comes with a lot of comments03:15
SpaceCowboy40404here i have the exact info form terminal let me paste it03:15
tripelb9.04. Towards getting flash the ubuntuforums page says first do this-- sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove -- What does this do?03:15
KingFishBarnabas: it's labeled vfat03:15
_-R3D-_hello i have a sakar 913d digital camera that i cant seem to get to work i did lsusb and got this Bus 002 Device 002: ID 2770:913d NHJ, Ltd im on ubuntu 8.0403:15
tripelbtest to see if my name makes the line red tripelb03:16
todayunfortunalty, i forget backup smb.conf, and i replaced with other smb.conf03:16
SpaceCowboy40404'here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411893/03:16
Barnabasfor me on my usb stick, that works in my car, it is also labelled vfat03:16
maginottoday, well, do you want me to pastebin the original file to you ?03:16
Barnabasused it 4 hours ago03:16
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18653803:16
KingFishBarnabas: I have a bloody VW and this is the stock deck so I'm sure something fishy is there03:17
todaythanks maginot http://paste.ubuntu.com/411894/03:17
BarnabasKingFish, codec on the files themselves?03:17
SpaceCowboy40404i was hoping to avoid the ndis wrapper thing but here goes :)03:17
Barnabason the file system03:17
KingFishBarnabas: nah...it's a filesystem thing.  I've tried the same files in windows and they work fine.  It's just an mp303:18
SpaceCowboy40404gonna follow those instructions, may take a bit but ill come back when im done and let you know how it works03:18
Capt_BlackwoodGuys i'm trying the beta and i cannot activate my nVidia drivers...03:18
Capt_Blackwoodcan somebody help me with this?03:18
mcurranSpaceCowboy40404 You should download the proprietary driver instead of using NDiswrapper, then you'll have injection, less problems, and much more.03:18
todayhas popup " could not display "smb:>pcname" nautilus cannot handle "smb" location maginot^^03:19
BarnabasKingFish, out of ideas then03:19
maginottoday, this is the original file provided with ubuntu: http://maginot.pastebin.com/Kuq3t4gR and this is a very basic example that I use: http://maginot.pastebin.com/simhyvqK03:19
mcurranuse jockey03:19
tripelbfresh install of 9.02 sudo apt-get install xchat2 cant find xchat2  --- what am I missing?03:19
Jeanvaljeanhow to enter a website,get the admin account and change the authority of a dictionary?03:19
todaywelldone , i see now magino03:19
maginottoday, open nautilus and try to access your shares with: smb:///03:20
Jeanvaljeanthere's not any bad intention03:20
SpaceCowboy40404mcurran i have the proprietary driver and its not working for some reason, thats why im trying those instructions posted03:20
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ardchoilleJeanvaljean: regardless, it's cracking and not taught here03:20
todaymaginot, we only two path : Global and Share ?03:20
mcurranwhat's the driver03:20
W43372greezmunkey check your OM03:21
tripelbPlease, how do I install xchat (apt-get)03:21
W43372greezmunkey PM* even.03:21
todayvery more information at mysmbconf( which i just post to paste)03:21
maginottoday, well, I didn't need anything else then that.03:21
mcurranDid you try installing manually and extracting the firmware and all.  I suggest trying jockey.03:21
h00ktripelb: sudo aptitude install xchat03:21
h00ktripelb: or sudo apt-get install xchat03:21
greezmunkeyW43372: excellent03:22
maginottoday, its like I said, samba have may different way to configure for many different needs, for my box I have a very simple need, just one shared folder and nothing else...03:22
hiexpoh00k,  - if that don't work he racked his repos03:22
tripelbOh I thought I was using xchat2 before. so simple h00k03:23
h00ktripelb: or you can open synaptic and look for xchat, or the Ubuntu Software Center03:23
SpaceCowboy40404the broadcom STA Wireless Driver for my bcm4311 based hardware...03:23
maginottoday, here: http://ieee.uwaterloo.ca/UsingSamba/index.html this is a very good material to start from03:23
hiexpotripelb, it is xchat 2 but just in as xchat in the repos03:24
tripelbh00k, frankly I have never had xynaptic actually work to install anything.03:24
Dr_Willisso theres 3 xchats now? Xchat, xchat gnome, and xchat2 ?03:24
todaylet me see maginot ^^03:24
tripelbDr_Willis: and there is xchat aqua for windows03:24
hiexpoDr_Willis, yep03:24
tripelbhiexpo what's the relative advantages of the xchats. (I just want out of pidgin so the lines with my nick in them will be red)03:25
Dr_Willistripelb:  theres several  ports of xchat for windows. but Id not heard of a new 'xchat 2' yet.03:25
hiexpoDr_Willis, xchat 3 is still the best one i think more workable anyways03:26
maginottoday, hope it helps. have to go for a while.03:26
Dr_Willisa dedicated irc client is proberly best for irc over a lot of these all in one IM clients.03:26
todayhow about map to guest = bad user attribute maginot03:26
todayare u busy now ?03:26
maggerwhenever i try to: boot on live cd, install from cd, instal trough windows, ubuntu fail i tried 2 diff versions.. may some one help me03:27
tripelb(another newbie question) waht does this mean -- ldconfig deferred processing now taking place03:27
maginottoday, I'm going out right now, but let me answer your last question03:27
maggerirssi is the best thing for irc03:27
ardchoille!best| magger03:27
ubottumagger: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:27
Dr_Willistripelb:  its just the package manager doing some work..   in an order  that makes more sence.03:27
todaystill appearant that pop up maginot03:27
hiexpotripelb, pidgin is a great chat messanger but not for irc you have many more options in xchat for that /// pidgin is great i use it for msn ,yahoo , facebook and myspace  but for this xchat is the best03:28
Johnny1I need to merge movie files together, is there a program that can do that for me?03:29
maginottoday, with map to guest = bad user , when you try to access a share with an invalid/inexistent user or password it you map that access to a guest access. Its like saying If is a bad user map it to guest. I'm out now, post your question in the channel and some other may be able to help you. cya.03:29
maggeryeah very good at using shitty script not in such of a hurry to answer question03:29
SpaceCowboy40404how do i find out what version of card i have?03:29
maggergood try tho03:29
lava1how to see if vga driver is installed on my dell 62003:29
h00k!language | magger03:29
ubottumagger: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:29
todaythanks again miginot03:29
todaysee you late maginot03:29
lava1how to see if vga driver is installed on my dell 62003:30
Dr_Willisvga is a video standard. there are 'vga' drivers allready installed..  if you want specific drivers for your dell's Chipset. then you need to figure out what chipset its using.03:30
todayi config my smb.conf like as http://paste.ubuntu.com/411896/ but i dont acess other PC at LAN , can you see for me ?03:31
lava1so the drivers are not OS specific ?03:31
TerryUbu1004Barnabas: well...I tried everything...I have no idea.03:31
Dr_Willislava1:  the drivers are OS specific and CHIPSET specific.03:31
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey how do i tell what version of card i have?03:31
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: you could try: sudo lshw03:31
TerryUbu1004Maybe VW and Windows share bank accounts03:31
lava1how do i find that03:31
lava1Dr_Willis, How do I find what hardware(chipset) i have and where i can find the software to install03:33
Dr_Willislava1:  you can start with -->  lspci | grep VGA03:33
sloopytoday, is /media/share writeable by everyone?03:33
Dr_Willislava1:  or look in the docs/sticketrs on your machine.03:33
TerryUbu1004what is the best IRC client on Ubuntu?03:33
todayuhm, i still dont know03:33
Dr_WillisTerryUbu1004:  it depends on your needs.03:33
wildbathi, my ubuntu don't have sound, how do i correct it ?03:33
SpaceCowboy40404is this it: driverversion=
SpaceCowboy40404or is that just the drivers being used?03:33
hiexpogot booted :(03:33
lava1this is the output03:34
lava1lspci | grep VGA03:34
sloopytoday, can you paste bin 'ls -la /media' ?03:34
todayif share folder dont set it, how do that sloopy?03:34
ardchoille!best| TerryUbu100403:34
ubottuTerryUbu1004: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:34
TerryUbu1004Dr_Willis: my need is for it to be rad.I just want a good one03:34
lava100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:34
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: can you paste the output.03:34
CornwallTerryUbu1004: I use Pidgin :)03:34
samalexhey guys -- quick question, I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 beta 1 in VirtualBox ... still running 9.04 on laptop.  I'm running update manager now so will this bring it up to the same as if I were to download and install 10.04 Beta 2?  Just curious .03:34
Dr_WillisTerryUbu1004:  your 'needs' are rather vague. so pick one, learn it, try it out for a week.. try others if you want.03:34
todayi worry about : i can acess other pc at Lan sloopy?03:34
CornwallTerryUbu1004: I also use Xchat, it's nice03:34
sirninjasamalex: that is correct03:34
SpaceCowboy40404you want just the part for the ethernut stuff or you want all of it... there is allot?03:34
samalexjust checkin'... thanks03:34
Dr_WillisTerryUbu1004:  xchat works good for most people03:35
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: the nics are fine03:35
Dr_WillisTerryUbu1004:  I perfer WeeChat03:35
todaywhen i type " smb://pcname" has error03:35
sloopytoday, i dont understand what you mean by that sentence...03:35
Dr_Willislava1:  intel hardware should have the drivers allready installed.03:35
todaysloopy: i have problem with how config smb.conf03:35
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Dr_Willislava1:  Intel drivers are also a work in progress. Is there some specific problem you are having with video?03:36
todaythis my smb config : http://paste.ubuntu.com/411896/03:36
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411899/03:36
maggerTerryUbu1004: i would suggest that u give a try to irssi, its light and efficient, once u learn how to play with it you will love it03:36
Dr_Willislava1:  you should vbe chatting in this channel. not private messinging me.03:36
SpaceCowboy40404ahh version 2.. i see it there now03:37
tripelbierpidgin didnt release my name, tripelb03:37
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat to irssi these days. it has some neat features.03:37
lava1Dr_Willis: When I put conncet vga to laptop and to tv its not working03:37
lava1sorry for that03:37
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tripelbierDr_Willis, like what features? (this new install is busy busy updating so I cant try it)03:37
Dr_Willislava1:  use the video res tool perhaps in the menus. Or it could be you need to hit the special monitor/video keys on the laptop.03:37
maggeryeah like what03:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:38
PurpleyWhat command can I run to monitor my ssh server? like view who is connecting and who is trying03:38
Purpleyand if its up03:38
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: no, that's a wired nick. your wireless int is at the top.03:38
Dr_Willistripelbier:  very good scripting support for several languages,  updating feature for the scripts. 'intigellent' filterering of messages/text/people,   vert/horiz splitting of windows.03:38
lava1Dr_Willis: can you please be bit clear03:38
Dr_Willislava1:  look at your laptops keys.. theres Speical FN keys that turn on/off the various external video devices.03:39
greezmunkeyIt shows a driver version, let me check something...03:39
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey they both say version 2 right?03:39
magger* trow a cooki at ardchoille *  every time i try to run ubuntu 9.10 installer it froze, i tried several boot mode sitll nothing to do to make it work03:39
SpaceCowboy40404the wired and the wireless03:39
Capt_Blackwoodguys i'm having trouble getting the Ubuntu 10.04 drivers to run. Can anybody help me get the drivers working? I've run the updates and rebooted the thing03:39
Dr_Willislava1:  if i plug in a 2nd monitor i have to hit my FN-F4 key a few times to enable the device.03:39
enjoythedayhow to do os patch update on ubuntu?03:39
PurpleyOkay whats the difference between ssh and sshd03:40
Dr_WillisPurpley:  one is client, other is server.03:40
lava1Dr_Willis: sure will try and come back if it si not working, Thanks for your prompt responce03:40
brah-sshd is a daemon(server)03:40
PurpleyDr_Willis: Which is which03:40
Dr_WillisPurpley:  same as a web browser and apache.03:40
brah-[10:40:55pm] <brah-> sshd is a daemon(server)03:40
Dr_Willisd = demon03:40
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Dr_Willis!ssh | Purpley03:41
ubottuPurpley: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:41
PurpleyDr_Willis: Elaborate please im a newbie with ssh03:41
hiexpoDr_Willis,  - omg u got a doozie03:41
Dr_WillisPurpley:  time to read some docs on it - is the best suggestion.03:41
brah-you ignore me, I ignore you noob03:41
bazhangbrah-, that language is not welcome here03:41
Dr_Willisssh is a tool that has whole books written about it.03:41
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:41
brah-bazhang your nerd rage is offtopic03:41
tripelbierPurpley, docs are good. Putty gives you a telnet shell from windows03:41
Purpleytripelbier: Im aware03:42
enjoythedayis there a command for os  patch update on ubuntu?03:42
ardchoillebrah-: Please be respectful of others03:42
bazhangenjoytheday, no why would you want to03:42
Purpleytripelbier: Im actually accessing my server via PuTTY right now :)03:42
brah-ardchoille, sure, aslong as they be respectful to me.03:42
tripelbierPurpley, then what do you want elaborating on?  Just choose ssh03:42
tripelbierPurpley, kudos and congrats.03:42
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: type: "lspci -v | less" (minus quotes) see what it gives you.03:42
maggerdoes the memory test of ubuntu run in loop for every or it will end at some point.. ive been running it for 1 hour03:43
Dr_Willisenjoytheday:  the normal package manager and package manager commands update the os as needed03:43
Purpleytripelbier: tripelbier I want to change the default port on which my ssh server is on by default03:43
enjoythedayI'm familiar with sun solaris os patch update, but my boss asked me to do patch update on ubuntu03:43
Purpleyand im not sure which cfg to edit either ssh or sshd03:43
enjoythedayapt-get install update  ???03:43
bazhangenjoytheday, simply apt-get update and apt-get upgrade03:43
Dr_WillisPurpley:  ssh is  for the client.. so you dont want that.. you need to read/understand the confighuration file for the ssh server.03:44
Capt_Blackwoodcan somebody help me with this http://imagebin.org/92453 <<< ?03:44
bazhangCapt_Blackwood, lucid?03:44
PurpleyDr_Willis: Alright thanks03:44
Capt_Blackwoodcorrect bazhang03:44
sloopytoday, have you tried a minmal smb.conf to check to see everything is working?03:44
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411903/03:44
bazhangCapt_Blackwood, #ubuntu+1 please03:44
hiexpoplease people do not be disrespectful to others here that are helping you this is a  non paying job people tale time out of there lifes to help others  here have a little respect //// OR JUST KICK ROCKS AND FIGURE IT OUT ON YOUR OWN03:44
Dr_Willisenjoytheday:  no idea what you mean by 'patch update'  -> a simple 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' updates  the whole system.03:44
LinuxLuishello channel03:44
Dr_Willisenjoytheday:  the gui package manager tools also handle this functionality03:45
todayeverything not work sloopy03:45
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey is that "(rev 01)" the version?03:45
todayi can do that ( even click Network Icon)03:45
enjoythedaythank you guys, what is the diffrence between update and upgrade?03:45
maggerhiexpo: i been respectfull and yet not a piece of an answer03:45
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: exactly!03:45
maggermaybe if i asked for an url or somthing that can be naswered by a script03:46
bazhangenjoytheday, one reads the sources list (of software), the second installs any upgraded versions03:46
maggerwhat is the url for ubuntu mainsite pls03:46
ardchoilleenjoytheday: update updates your sources, upgrade updates your software03:46
Dr_Willis!ubuntu | magger03:46
ubottumagger: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:46
bazhangmagger, ubuntu.com03:46
maggerthere u go03:46
maggerif i ask for something that is obvious i get an answer03:46
bazhangmagger, be patient then03:46
Dr_Willismagger:  and your point is?03:46
gowerdhan Can somebody help connecting PPTP VPN03:46
hiexpomagger, sometimes the answer is not easy patience is the best virtue03:46
maggeri wanted to find out if i was on ignore to every one or something03:47
maggerbut yeah03:47
sloopytoday, did you try a minimal smb.conf like this to see if it worked?  http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/install.html#smbconfminimal03:47
maggerima have to put win on that computer03:47
todaylet me see sloopy03:47
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underdevhi, i made a ubuntu live usb disk, but my bios can't find it.  I once had a CD that allowed me to boot from a usb, and i can't remember what it was.  Is anyone familiar with something like that?03:48
underdevI have googled extensively03:48
bazhangunderdev, using unetbootin ?03:48
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey I'm hung up on step 6.... the Windows Wireless Drivers isn't showing up in System->Administration->....03:49
underdevi used the System->Admin-> USB Startup disk creator03:49
todayi cant click Network icon ( with popup: could not display "network:///" nautilus cannot handle "network" location03:49
todaysloopy i cant click Network icon ( with popup: could not display "network:///" nautilus cannot handle "network" location03:49
Cornwallunderdev: Do you know if your BIOS supports USB booting?03:49
maggerdoes some one know how may test there is to a memory text and how long it can be ? im at test number 7 and been running that for over an hour03:50
sloopytoday, i dont know, i dont use nautilus03:50
underdevits supposed to i tried USB-HD USB-ZIP USB-CDROM and USB-HD, none found it03:50
Dr_Willismagger:  depending on how tough you want to be . you could let it run for several days.03:50
todayallright, im using Karmic sloopy03:50
maggerso it will never end ?03:50
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: did you install ndisgtk yet?03:50
magger0 error after 1 hour mean i can stop it ?03:51
bazhangunderdev, I've not had good luck with usb-creator ; you may also wish to give unetbootin a try03:51
Dr_Willismagger:  depends on what you told it. I let mine run overnight.. but normally if theres an issue. it shows up in the first few min/hrs03:51
underdevBut there was a CD i once had that loaded a bootloader, i think, that allowed you boot from a usb, even if the BIOS didn't support it03:51
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey i followed the directions on that link.. step by step doing exactly what it told me to do... is there a way to verify that it actually installed correctly?03:51
todaysloopy: may be make smb.conf sith SWAT? what's root password do you know?03:51
Dr_Willisunderdev:  those cd's like that - that i hae seen.. are often very kernel/disrto specific.03:52
underdevbazhang: ty, i will probably try that03:52
maggeri cant get ubuntu to install so i jsut tried the disc and memory test form the installer to narrow the problems03:52
sloopytoday, root password is undefined...03:52
maggerlook like memory is good03:52
underdevDr_Willis: thank you.  It worked with ubuntu... okay, i guess it's not really popular.. darm my poor memory...03:52
chdhi how do I get quicktime to work? I ran this command: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update off the ubuntu help but it didn't seem to work...03:53
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: if you look in synaptic, it should show you if it was installed. There is probably an apt command, but I'm not that familiar...03:53
SpaceCowboy40404lemme check synaptic then03:53
todaywith SWAT tutorial at here http://ieee.uwaterloo.ca/UsingSamba/ch02_04.html, i want to use swat to make smb.conf can you see for me sloopy03:53
maggersince no one could find a way to help me out can some one refer me to an installation problem website or something03:54
bazhangchd, quicktime trailers from apple? .mov files? something else?03:54
sloopytoday, need to put that minimal smb.conf in to try it, and make sure everything is working...03:54
chdyes bazhang quicktime trailers from apple.com03:54
todayoh, i already put that minimal smb.conf which you say, but nothing effect sloopy ^^03:54
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey when i do a search for synaptic for ndis it pulls them up and the check boxes for them are automatically highlighted in green shouldn't that mean they are installed?03:55
bazhangchd, you have to wget them, apple blocks linux03:55
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: do you know how to use apt? to verify that a package is installed?03:55
sloopytoday, you cant access the shares from other machines?03:55
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  just try to install it again?  it will say its the latest. if its allready installed.03:55
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey they are installed.. if i right click on them it asks me if i want to UNinstall them03:56
maggermy screen start to blink when i attemps to install ubuntu 9.10 from cd03:56
bazhangmagger, tried the alternate cd yet?03:57
maggerwhat is it ?03:57
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: SpaceCowboy40404 used synaptic to install ndisgtk. I would think that it would be active upon install??03:57
underdevmagger- i've had to use the alternate cd on a couple machines03:57
todaysloopy , unfortunaly, i cant03:57
bigtom21485how do i monitor cpu temp with ubuntu?03:57
bazhangmagger,  a text only installer that uses ncurses (ie not livecd just install cd)03:57
todayi try to type " smb://pcname " but not now03:57
chdbazhang, sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list?03:58
maggerand where will i get that ?03:58
bazhangmagger, sometimes needs to be use when livecd fails03:58
bastid_raZorbigtom21485: you can see it with acpi -V  or use something like conky03:58
Dr_Willisbigtom21485:  theres various tools to show the temps  in some sort of gadget/tool/window on the desktop. or the command line lm-sensors tools03:58
underdevmagger same place as the other 9.10 isos03:58
bazhangmagger, ubuntu.com homepage, or ubuntu torrents03:58
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greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: I have to go for a few minutes, brb03:59
sloopytoday, did you restart samba after you changed the smb.conf?03:59
SpaceCowboy40404gonna restart greezmunkey03:59
bazhangchd, no need for medibuntu with apple trailers just be sure the ubuntu-restricted-extras are installed and wget the files from apple site03:59
Gentanyone else here have major slowness using nvidia's drivers with compiz at high res03:59
sultanI tried to install 10.04 LTS Beta on Virtualbox (Vista host) but after reboot it didn't work for me, so I uninstall and installed 9.10 now03:59
todaythat sure sloopy04:00
bazhangsultan, lucid in #ubuntu+1 please04:00
GentI have dual 1600x1200's at work with AMD and I have no such issues04:00
sloopytoday, ?04:00
Gentthis thing crawls at like 19xx by whatever04:00
sultanI am new to this chat, so can you explain what you mean by that04:00
maggerlook like i can only fint the live cd thing on the homepage04:00
todayi make minimum smb.conf ( which you show me) then restart samba, but nothing change ^^ sloopy04:01
ardchoillesultan: /join #ubuntu+104:01
omahasteaki have an issue where my computer freezes, both when hibernating and also just for no reason surfing the web.. i use a optiplex sx26004:01
bazhangsultan, you wish for support with virtualbox? karmic? lucid? please specify04:01
sloopytoday, other machines still cant see the shares?04:01
lava1Dr_Willis: I connected my vga cabel to TV and hit fn+f8 but still i dont see display on my TV. After connecting an if i restart, while restarting iam seeing Ubuntu logo and then no display on tv04:01
bazhangsultan, lucid is 10.04 in #ubuntu+1 karmic is 9.10 here in #ubuntu04:01
sloopytoday, what OS is on the machines you are trying to access it with?04:01
todayuhm i thing as Know04:02
IklosExcuse me #ubuntu, but would anyone know why the login screen (the GDM as I believe it is called) not appear when the system starts up?  I literally cannot login...04:02
Iklos*does not04:02
todayshare between Karmic ( my os) and other XP sloopy04:02
GentIklos, is this on Lucid?04:02
omahasteakIklos: turn your monitor on.04:02
omahasteakIklos: jk04:02
IklosI do appreciate the lightheartedness04:02
MoLE_Iklos, what do you get presented with?04:02
GentI had that problem on lucid which I just installed, I think it's cause of mode switching on the bootup04:03
IklosI must confess I think I caused it04:03
Dr_Willistoday:  if you just want to transfer a few files  and dont want to mess about. You could install sshd on ubuntu, and use winscp on windows to copy stuff back and forth.04:03
sultanlucid beta, however I installed karmic now and I am using it right now04:03
sloopytoday, does the XP machine show anything in the network neighborhood?04:03
todayi try to testparm here http://paste.ubuntu.com/411910/04:03
underdevmagger: did you find it?04:03
omahasteakIkos: what do you think you did to cause it.04:03
IklosI tried to get the easter egg of "free the fish"04:03
Iklosso i alt + f2 and got free the fish04:03
Iklosthen said fish got annoying04:03
todayi thing samba is good idea Dr_Willis( is that right?)04:03
Iklosnot knowing a solution, I googlefuud one04:03
Dr_Willistoday:  it totally depends on your exact needs.04:03
zamabehallo, problem, ubuntu 9.10 will not boot for me without a keyboard. This is a problem. It will show me the ubuntu loadin logo and all, but does not advance to a GUI login screen or the such, it just gives a black screen.04:04
todayoffcourse( with MSHOME)04:04
Dr_Willistoday:  I use samba, and it works decently well for me. but i have a small home lan and share lots of stuff back and forth.04:04
Iklosa solution was given, something to the effect of "gnome panel --replace" or something similar04:04
Dr_Willistoday:  samba can also be a pain to trouble shoot.04:04
IklosI would have thought this would restart the gnome panel04:04
lava1Dr_Willis: I connected my vga cabel to TV and hit fn+f8 but still i dont see display on my TV. After connecting an if i restart, while restarting iam seeing Ubuntu logo and then no display on tv04:04
Dr_Willistoday:  as i said. if you just want a few files back and forth and dont need  a perment 'share' you could use winscp04:04
SpaceCowboy40404greezmonkey I restarted and Windows Wireless Drivers still isn't showing up under: System->Administration->04:05
Iklosmy current screen presents the lovely brown backdrop, but no login box or bottom panel04:05
sloopytoday, and your machine doesnt show up on the XP machine with minimal smb.conf?04:05
IklosI had previously tried loging in under safe mode, which, through ncurses i got in fine04:05
omahasteakWill a partition of XP cause a ubuntu box to crash for no reason?04:06
todayi dont ask to other pc sloopy, i want to complete my samba  problem now04:06
Iklosunfortuntaely im not a CLI master and tend to like my x11 apps04:06
Dr_Willislava1:  use the fn buttons to turn on the monitor. and then try the system  -> preferaces -> Monitors (or was it displays?) tool to see if 2+ montors are seem04:06
Dr_Willislava1:  if you are using the vga out.. then techincally you are atatching 2 Monitors. Not a monitor + tv out.04:06
sloopytoday, what are you trying to accomplish in samba?04:06
todayDr_Willis: i reaylly dont know that app, im trying to fix my samba config error , if you have experience with samba, Could you help me plzz04:07
PurpleyIm creating a user via terminal and its asking for what shell is /dev/bash good?04:07
Purpleyi forget the locations04:08
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: That bytes...I'll goog to see if I can find anything useful - I haven't had to use ndiswrapper yet. But, I want to know more about it, brb04:08
Dr_Willistoday:   i normally install the samba packages, edit the smb.conf file to enable the HOME shares.. and then give each user a samba password wth 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'   and restart the service.. it then works for me.04:08
Ikloswhois MoLE_04:08
todaywait me a minutes, my father call04:08
underdevIf i made a bootable USB with unetbootin, will i be able to save files and add packages to it?04:08
Dr_Willistoday:  be sure to set the proper work group in smb.conf also.04:08
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey ok04:08
Purpleyunderdev: only if you make it a persistent usb thumbdrive04:08
MoLE_Iklos, I am me!04:08
Dr_Willisunderdev:  unetbootin does not  by default have that featrue. You can tweak the install it makes to do that however.04:08
ZykoticK9Purpley, the path to bash is /bin/bash04:08
ironfoot495I really need some help. I have ubuntu 9.10 and after fscking I no long get the graphic login screes which is blue with sparkly thing floating a bout??04:08
IklosMoLE_ - just seeing if you were still around04:08
Purpleyok thanks ZykoticK904:08
Dr_Willisunderdev:   the ubuntu usb-boot-creator tool does have the feature. and there are other tools for windows that also have the feature.04:09
underdevokay.  hhhmmm04:09
carthagian_somebody help me ?04:09
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: wow, nice tutorial here: http://kimbriggs.com/computers/computer-notes/linux-notes/ubuntu-linux-wi-fi-card.file04:09
Dr_Willisunderdev:  also check pendrivelinux.com  (org?) for other ways to do it. You want to learn about 'persistant save'  feature of many disrtos.04:09
MoLE_so what 'solution' did you try for the fish Iklos ?04:09
underdevDr_Willis: i tried the usb-boot-creator, and my bios doesn't recognize it as a usb anything...04:10
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey reading now04:10
underdevDr_Willis: Ty, i'll check that site out04:10
Dr_Willisunderdev:  thats odd.. and unetbootin made usb did work?04:10
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: that one goes on my scratchpad..04:10
underdevdownloading the iso now, i may try again with the 32 bit version04:11
underdevThanks Dr_Willis04:11
PurpleyIm trying to access my new user via ssh but when i enter the user and pass it says Access Denied04:11
todayDr_Willis:  me too, but has problem with my smb config, then i must go #ubuntu and ask some one04:11
IklosMoLE_   -  "gnome-panel --replace" was what I typed - the panel went away, so I figured a restart would bring it back.  Now unfortunately, I am missing the window to loging with, and the panel at the bottom of the login screen.04:11
Iklos*log in with04:11
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey it says it is installing... maybee it wasn't04:12
IklosMoLE_  -  I was able to login via the safe mode feature through the ncurses, but I must admit I am rather attatched to X04:12
meowbuntuhi i need a small browser for ubuntu. not firefox or chrome. and not cli.04:12
Dr_Willistoday:  i change about 4 lines in the default smb.conf to get my stuff going.. set workgroup. and uncomment the HOME shares stuff.  and set them to be writeable - thats about it. i DONT use the 'user made share' feature at all04:12
Purpleymeowbuntu: try elinks04:12
todaynow, i just only want to config samba for acess other PC at Lan04:12
Cornwallcarthagian_: What kind of file are you trying to play?04:12
Cornwallmeowbuntu: Midori is a nice, fast one04:12
ardchoillemeowbuntu: links2, elinks, lynx, there are more in the repos04:13
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: I would have thought that you would try runnung the ndisgtk command first...04:13
Purpleymeowbuntu: that strips a lot of elements though like javascript css java etc.04:13
carthagian_The problem appeared when i Uninstalled Totem And Reinstalled IT ! Cornwall04:13
SpaceCowboy40404i did not.... this is day one with ubuntu :)04:13
=== carthagian_ is now known as carthagian
meowbuntupurestrain, read i said not cli04:13
todaycan you send for me standard smb conf file Dr_Willis?04:13
SpaceCowboy40404err day one with any OS thats not windows :)04:13
=== papul is now known as papul|offline
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: all good :)04:13
AKI hv a issue on SOund recorder04:14
Cornwallmeowbuntu: epiphany is also nice and lightweight :)04:14
meowbuntuPurpley, i sad not a cli browser04:14
AKwho can help me04:14
Dr_Willistoday:  you edited yours without backing it up? My configs are all edited by me.. and for 10.04 - so i dont have any of the other ones..04:14
Purpleymeowbuntu: Oh sorry04:14
ardchoillemeowbuntu: elinks is a cli browser04:14
todayyes , i forget to back up smb conf file04:14
hiexpoi wonder how the weather is over there in Balaklava Australia04:14
IdleOnehiexpo: how is that ubuntu support related?04:14
ardchoillemeowbuntu: misread your initial post, sorry04:15
hiexpoits not04:15
todayuhm, i cant do my problem Dr_Willis :(04:15
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey do i use the NT or 9x driver?04:15
IdleOne!hi | ubuntu04:15
ubottuubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:15
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey both have a .inf file in them04:16
Cornwallmeowbuntu: skipstone is also super lightweight (might be gtk1, though, and not in the repos)04:16
greezmunkeytoday: look here, rock stock file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411913/04:16
MoLE_Iklos, I'm just researching a solution04:16
ubuntuyou can helpme04:16
hiexpoIdleOne,  - :) well good evening to ya04:16
ardchoillemeowbuntu: maybe midori?04:16
IdleOnehiexpo: :)04:16
ubuntunot yet04:16
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: hmm, if I had to guess I'd use the NT file04:16
todaylastest time, i do with that tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 and access other PC( but can make other PC access my Ubuntu )04:16
todaynow i can do that both04:17
Dr_Willistoday:  Huh?  Theres books written on using samba. ages ago i just started reading along in  the 'using samba' one. and by chapter 4 i had my system going.04:17
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | today04:17
todaythanks greezmunkey04:17
ubottutoday: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 (karmic), package size 7814 kB, installed size 16084 kB04:17
greezmunkeytoday: I backed mine up ;)04:17
RewindSomebody here?04:18
MoLE_Iklos, try this solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/482690/comments/1104:18
IdleOneRewind: hello04:18
Rewindi found a bug in Ubuntu04:18
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey brb restarting network now04:18
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: cool04:18
IdleOneRewind: report it to Launchpad.net04:18
=== FrozenFire[work] is now known as FrozenFire[alt]
IklosMoLE_ -   I stopped the fish - then I restarted - now I can't log in04:19
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IklosMoLE_ -  graphically at least04:19
RewindIdleOne: but first  i need other view04:19
MoLE_Iklos, follow the instructions - you need to recreate your gnome-panel to login, it seems04:19
IdleOneRewind: shoot, I'll see if I can reproduce04:19
MoLE_Iklos, Ctrl-Alt-F1 to open a virtual terminal04:20
RewindIdleOne:  Give me a second04:20
MoLE_Iklos, then login using your normal login and password04:20
Rewindit's about the atl1e drivers or atl1c04:20
hiexpoIdleOne,  - thathad nothing to do with ubuntu but i walked in the door sat down read my screen and seen one of the persons said whois soinso so i rana quick scan and fingerprint and typed that // and that usually scares em away lol04:20
MoLE_Iklos, then type in "killall gnome-panel" without the quotes, of course04:21
PurpleyI just added a user via useradd and when i type in "users" it only lists root04:21
Purpleybut the user i created has a home directory and it says it exists04:21
Rewindwhen i up the drivers , Ubuntu crash after reboot04:22
IdleOneRewind: I don't know what those drivers are for04:22
IdleOneand you left....04:22
IklosMoLE_ - it replied "no process found"04:22
hiexpoIdleOne,  and now i see it is of one of the persons helping lol04:23
PurpleyI just added a user via useradd and when i type in "users" it only lists root but the user exists why isnt it showing?04:23
maggerwhere can i find a guide on how to install ubuntu using the alternate installation disc?04:23
nullkuhlhow to access temperature sensors in ubuntu, i remember it was some echo command from a certain directory or so ? plz help04:23
MoLE_Iklos, then try running gnome-panel by typing in "gnome panel &" without the quotes04:23
MoLE_Iklos, sorry gnome-panel04:23
macoPurpley: it only lists logged in users04:23
hiexponullkuhl, lib-sensors04:24
Purpleyhow do i view the users password if im root?04:24
Purpleyi think i may be doing it wrong04:24
macoPurpley: you can view a *hash* of the password if you look in /etc/shadow04:24
macoPurpley: the password is not stored plaintext anywhere though04:24
Purpleymaco: Can i reset the password?04:24
IdleOnehiexpo: it's lm-sensors  :)04:25
macoPurpley: sure, "sudo passwd username"04:25
maggerPurpley:  you can set a new password using pwd04:25
macomagger: er no04:25
Purpleyalright thanks04:25
macomagger: pwd Prints Working Directory04:25
IklosMoLE_    -  oh boy... now I'm worried it says " cannot open display"04:25
maggerarsh my bad04:25
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ok get specific why don't ya04:25
IdleOnehiexpo: sorry dude :) just trying to help you help04:26
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey im gonna cry04:26
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: why?04:26
hiexpoi know i am tired04:26
cloudlast time I try out random commands.........04:26
PurpleyDoes denyhost block an ip address after failing a certain number of logins?04:26
IdleOnehiexpo: haha unless I am mistaken linux is pretty picky about package names and such04:26
SpaceCowboy40404its till not seeing the wireless card even though it has the drivers installed with ndis04:26
=== papul|offline is now known as papul
MoLE_Iklos, don't panic, just means the xorg display isn't responding.  Try going Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to your brown screen04:26
maggerwhere can i find a guide on how to install ubuntu using the alternate installation disc?04:27
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ah it don't care lol04:27
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: relax, it's nothing but a thing to figure out.04:27
PurpleyDoes denyhost block an ip address after failing a certain number of logins?04:27
l0deThe l0de radio hour is now online! stream up at www.klulz.com , call in live at 914 502 2625! Tonight's Episode: THE DOWNTOWN MOTOWN SHOWDOWN AND THROWDOWN SO BRING YA HOW DOWN NIGGA U BOUT TO GET CLOWNED04:27
cloudmole: ya know how to get a Wii Remote (or other device that lacks a keypad and screen) to sync on Ubuntu 9.10?04:27
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey any other ideas?04:27
bazhangmagger, its fairly simple, there is a text based (ncurses) interface just amoment04:27
IdleOne!ops | l0de04:27
ubottul0de: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:27
IklosMoLE_   - thanks for your patience - the lovely brown has returned04:27
Captain_LongHey there. I am admittedly on my first install. I have a bit of an issue though, in that I am not entirely certain how to get the wireless working. It wants to activate these two drivers. . .04:27
IdleOne!language > l0de04:27
cloudmole: it DEMANDS I unput the sync number =-=; which I can't04:27
maggerthx bazhang04:28
zirodayPurpley: yep, or you can use fail2ban04:28
MoLE_cloud, sorry I have no experience with a Wii04:28
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: not without digging into it even more. Do you know that the card works?04:28
cloudmole: not Wii...bluetooth. It's a general Bluetooth problem. anyone here who does?04:28
MoLE_cloud, I can sync a Palm device and a nokia phone though04:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:28
zirodayPurpley: denyhosts is mainly meant for ssh, whilst fail2ban works on a number of services04:28
Purpleyziroday: Lol i blocked my own ip address :P how would I take that out or give a certain ip immunity04:28
Dunstihi all04:28
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:28
MoLE_cloud, can you be more specific about the problem?04:29
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey it should... i just bought it today at walmart... lemme try the drivers on the installation cd instead of the drivers im using from linksys's website04:29
bazhangmagger, the up and down arrows and tab/enter keys are what you use04:29
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: That's the way to do it!04:29
bazhangmagger, ie no mouse04:29
nullkuhlis it possible to tell cpu/gpu/mb temperature in ubunty if its managed by ACPI and not OS ?04:29
maggerthank you i tough it would be alil more tricky.. so i jsut boot on the cd aswell..04:29
Purpleyziroday: Might my ip address be listed in the cfg file?04:29
zirodayPurpley: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#3_704:29
tachiro1anyone know of a good simple but powerful audio converter for ubuntu?04:29
MoLE_Iklos, can you login now?04:29
cloudmole: =/ I have a Bluetooth device. When I try to connect it, the computer gives me a number to punch in via the device, as if I were trying to connect a cellphone or PDA. Unfortunately most Bluetooth devices don't HAVE that capability.04:29
DunstiI want to make a "clean" reinstall of my system, and want to make a backup first - what directories should I backup? (sorry, I'm new to Ubuntu)04:29
BaramI'm rebuilding a failed system, I've managed to recover almost the entire /home, should I put it in place before I reinstall (/home being a seperate partition) or should I do it after reinstall?04:30
Purpleyziroday: Thanks alot :)04:30
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  what did ya buy at wally world wifi dongle linksys?04:30
Captain_LongWhen I'm booting it tells me to go to a certain website to install these drivers or something, but it goes by too quickly for me to catch it.04:30
zirodayPurpley: no problems04:30
zamabehmm, i can't get a GUI on boot without a keyboard plugged in =/04:30
zirodayCaptain_Long: is it a graphical popup or a text message?04:30
IklosMoLE_ -   no - still brown, but no login screen04:30
greezmunkeyhiexpo: he has a Linksys WPC54g, broadcom PCMCIA card.04:31
Purpleyziroday: Also would it be considered foolish and unsafe or bad practice to make my local networks ip addresses immune?04:31
Captain_LongZiroday: This is before I even reach the "ubuntu is loading" screen, just a few lines of text that pop up.04:31
Captain_LongNot an actual graphic.04:31
hiexpogreezmunkey, i wont work04:31
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo its linksys wpc54g pcmia wireless card04:31
W43372I can't get Ubuntu to mount my windows network.04:31
zirodayPurpley: *shrug* I just use a ssh certificate in all honesty, I don't rely on password based logins04:31
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey no dice with the drivers form the cd either04:31
hiexpoit won't work04:31
zirodayCaptain_Long: okay, can you pastebin your /var/log/syslog, the message should be in there04:31
MoLE_cloud, I don't have any direct experience with that (all my bluetooth devices have a way of entering data), but I would imagine that the bluetooth pin is hardcoded to the device.  If you know the number, there is a way of telling Ubuntu that number so the association can be made.04:32
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo why not?04:32
Purpleyziroday: Does that mean you can only connect to the server if you have the certificate on your computer?04:32
greezmunkeyhiexpo: Tell us a story about that card please.04:32
zirodayPurpley: yep04:32
hiexpothey changed the chipset04:32
Captain_LongZiroday: Rather difficult, since I haven't actually been to connect to the net yet.04:32
cloudMoLE_: Does it normally ask for the input thing anyway if the04:32
cloudmole: ... if the PIN is invalid?04:33
Purpleyziroday: Ahhh I can't use that :/ I travel often and cant be pained to remeber a usb thumbdrive :)04:33
MoLE_Iklos, I would try rebooting the computer and selecting 'repair mode' from the grub screen.  The menu should offer you a means of fixing a broken xorg.04:33
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: If that's true, at least WallMart has a decent return policy.04:33
zirodayCaptain_Long: ah. Wired or wireless?04:33
ShadowKnighthey, i came across a problem right now. for some reason my keyboard doesnt work. it is only in ubuntu gde that it happened everything else works fine04:33
ShadowKnighti know it said something about slow keys or something. idk what to do, any help?04:33
hiexpomaybe with a wrapper but that is useless04:33
zirodayPurpley: sure, its not a suitable fit for everyone :)04:33
zirodayCaptain_Long: okay, what wireless card?04:33
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MoLE_cloud, what do you mean "if the PIN is invalid"04:33
Viking667ShadowKnight: sounds like you have to turn SlowKeys back off again.04:33
IklosMoLE_   -   yeah - I was just gonna say that a startx revealed taht x was the problem04:33
zirodayCaptain_Long: and what version of ubuntu04:33
IklosMoLE_   -    ill work on it04:33
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey once you open it.. its yours... for good.. this sux04:33
Viking667ShadowKnight: and that bit, I don't know how to do...04:33
cloudmole: if I use the wrong PIN..04:33
Captain_Longziroday: I couldn't tell you the card, but it's 9.1004:34
cloudmole: Nevermid, there -is- no PIN...04:34
ShadowKnightokay thanks viking66704:34
zirodayCaptain_Long: sure, if you do lspci | grep -i network you should see some mention of a wireless card04:34
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo is that just with all linksys cards or just that particular card?04:34
MoLE_cloud, then that would be a violation of the bluetooth standard I suspect, as I'm not sure that a 'null' PIN is legal.04:35
Dr_Willis0000 is not Null. :)04:35
Captain_LongZiroday: I'm frankly not sure how to do that. *headscratch* Real nublet here. No worries, though, I'm not a moron.04:36
Berzerkerhaving a null pin would probably be the safest, since you can't type nothing into the pin thing anyway04:36
cloudguide says there's no PIN04:36
MoLE_cloud, have you had a look at his page in the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CWiiD04:37
zirodayCaptain_Long: oh sure sorry, Go to Applications > Terminal and then type in "lspci" and search for any mention of your wireless card04:37
W43372I can't get Ubuntu to mount my windows network.04:37
cloudNope, thanks04:37
hiexpojust that card but you have to be careful things are changing with linlsys there cards use to be assumed great but do to regulations there not open cards like they were //// i always do a check on model number and version before i buy them04:37
MoLE_cloud, this google search turned up that link http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=pair+wii+remote+with+ubuntu04:38
cloud"couldn't find package libcwiid0"04:38
serephfor some reason im not able to connect to wifi, its not giving me any errors i just enter the key and wait for a while and it asks for the key again04:38
meowbuntuhi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ04:38
SpaceCowboy40404greezmunkey / hiexpo ... any reccomendations for a card to buy that i can just plug into the pcmia slot and it will work with no problems04:39
Captain_LongZiroday: Network Controller?04:39
hiexpobecause just because the model is ok does not mean anything the next version could be a blank because they changed the chipset04:39
zirodayCaptain_Long: sure, what does it say?04:39
MoLE_cloud, do you have all the repositories enabled?  Including Universe, restricted and multiverse?  (Go to Software sources and check)04:39
greezmunkeyW43372: sorry about that, do you have a hosts file on your winboxes? \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt I believe?04:39
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404, let me look04:39
Captain_LongNetwork controller: broadcom coroporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)04:39
cloudmole: don't know what those are.04:39
* gent destroys nVidia04:40
=== gent is now known as Gent
MoLE_cloud, go to system, administration, software sources04:40
greezmunkeyW43372: that file may not have an extension04:40
zirodayCaptain_Long: perfect, that's your wireless card. Now how did you install ubuntu?04:40
SpaceCowboy40404captain long.. thats the same card i have that we just found out dont work04:40
MoLE_cloud, go through the tabs and have a look at which sources you have checked04:40
W43372greezmunkey, yes, hosts has04:40
Captain_LongCurrently just on the live cd. Figured it was wise to figure out the net before actually going through with installation.04:41
greezmunkeyW43372: is there a line that says localhost?04:41
SpaceCowboy40404captain long.. is that card working for you?04:41
IklosMoLE_ - I went to recovery mode and tried the dpckg thing to clean something up - it ran, and then i logged in as root and typed "startx"  I was then presented with the default ubuntu screen.  I went under system, switch user, and was presented with the error "Unable to start new Display -  the name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files"04:41
Captain_LongSpaceCowboy: Couldn't say. Never connected to the net using Ubuntu before.04:42
W43372greezmunkey lmhosts04:42
greezmunkeyW43372: no hosts?04:42
SpaceCowboy40404captain long i have the same card and have been trying to get it to work for about an hour now and found out that it wont work for ubuntu04:42
W43372greezmunkey there is hosts and lmhosts04:42
zirodayCaptain_Long: ah right, well if you are still on the livecd then you probably can't install the drivers to get the wireless card working as it requires a reboot. However I'm reasonably certain that card works with ubuntu04:42
cloudmole: uh...04:42
MoLE_Iklos, that's not the option you want - you probably don't need to clean up dpkg, you need the option to reset the xorg settings (further down the list if i remember)04:42
Captain_LongSpaceCowboy: That would be my luck.04:42
cloudmole: apparently none o_O04:42
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: it sounds like you are doing something wrong :)04:43
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday.... hiexpo says it wont04:43
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  - the best i will do is give you a  link that will tell all that i get a  lot of my info from is aircrack-ng and go to compatibility04:43
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday if i am please help04:43
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: what drivers have you installed?04:43
Captain_LongZiroday: Bah. Say, just a moment. Is the "key" the same as the password?04:43
bazhangSpaceCowboy40404, check the chipset then, bcm should most clearly work04:43
SpaceCowboy40404i tried the propriety and the ndis othing04:43
zirodayCaptain_Long: key?04:43
hiexpoif its compatible it will be there04:43
cloudmole: ...selecting the ones that were there seems to have done nothing04:43
_pg_does anyone have experience making bootable usb stick of ubuntu from osx disk utility? I have done it befiore but cannot now and its driving me mad04:43
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: right, well what does "lsmod | grep wl" turn up?04:44
Captain_LongCreate new wireless network:04:44
SpaceCowboy40404hieziroday lemme check04:44
Captain_LongConnection: Network Name: wireless security: keyL:04:44
zirodayCaptain_Long: ah yes, when it says key it means password. Is this a WEP encrypted access point?04:44
W43372greezmunkey there is hosts and lmhosts04:44
greezmunkeyW43372: open hosts with notepad, and edit the line that says localhost it should say localhost then some spaces, or a tab, then the machine name - preferably the same name of the machine which can be foud by typing "net config workstation" in a dos window04:44
MoLE_cloud, you need to check all the boxes for the 4 basic repositories and then close the software sources, then it will prompt you to reload your software index04:44
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404, what version is yours before i blaber my mouth    ?04:44
greezmunkeyW43372: that make sense to you?04:45
Viking667just don't select backports or testing04:45
cloudmole: which tab?04:45
W43372greezmunkey, Yes. Yes, it does.04:45
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday... this is what that gives: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411920/04:45
hiexpoits on the card ver04:45
Captain_LongZiroday: Couldn't say. The guy in charge is pretty clueless. I have the patience for arbitrary checking.04:45
* Viking667 heads off to walk into SL for a wander.04:45
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo version 104:45
IklosMoLE_  -  I dont have that option for some reason afaik   -  my options are   "  Resume    Clean     Dpkg      Grub      Netroot     Root"04:45
_pg_oes anyone have experience making bootable usb stick of ubuntu from osx disk utility? I have done it befiore but cannot now and its driving me mad04:45
hiexpook 1 sec04:45
MoLE_Iklos, what version of ubuntu are you running?04:46
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: okay, can you pastebin the contents of /var/log/syslog and the output of the commands "ifconfig -a" and "lshw -C network" please04:46
IklosMoLE_   -   9.1004:46
serephfor some reason im not able to connect to wifi, its not giving me any errors i just enter the key and wait for a while and it asks for the key again, it worked on my home network but this network it isnt working for some reason04:46
ShazbotMcNasty_pg_, have you tried unetbootin?04:46
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday ok04:46
zirodayCaptain_Long: sure, no worries then04:46
W43372greezmunkey I have as localhost04:46
ironfoot495Hello I need some help . I can't open my display on ubuntu 9.10.04:47
Captain_LongLet me know if any of them require special steps. Should be pretty standard though. This is the boonies, no need for the latest NSA encryption.04:47
greezmunkeyW43372: Thats good make it say localhosts {your machine name here} all on the same line04:47
histois there a way to switch to a user with out a password?04:47
MoLE_Iklos, I'm sorry but I'm lost as to where you are at with the boot menu - I presume you have already selected the second entry on the grub screen "recovery"04:47
histoi'm trying su faxmaster because the faxmaster has mail04:47
greezmunkeyW43372: localhost, not localhosts04:47
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: that is a last resort-I HAVE done it before in osx disk utility. I dont know why Im having trouble all of a sudden04:47
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: thanks though :D04:48
zirodayCaptain_Long: not that I know off, only wpa2-enterprise can get a little sticky, but I doubt you are using that04:48
ironfoot495I have the terminal display but can't get the graphical display???04:48
IklosMoLE_  indeed   -  im then led to a blue screen with the aforementioned options.04:48
ShazbotMcNasty_pg_, why don't you want to use unetbootin?04:48
* sereph thinks hes gonna need to just install windows...04:48
ShazbotMcNastyI mean.. it's super easy, and works every time.04:48
Captain_LongZiroday: We're likely pretty good then. I've just selected to begin installation.04:48
W43372greezmunkey do I use the brackets? What good does that do if isn't the IP on the network?04:48
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: cause that would require a reboot. and I have a ton of things cooking here in osx04:48
ironfoot495The mouse Icon comes up but goes directly to the terminal Display!!04:49
Captain_LongNothing seems to be happening though. . .04:49
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: plus, i will need to do it more in the future and just like it is driving me insane. it should be so simple04:49
zirodayCaptain_Long: awesome! Basically after you've installed you need to re-insert the CD and add it as a software source in System > Administration > Software Sources and then run System > Hardware Drivers04:49
IklosMoLE_   -  I should mention that I'm dual boot Vista and 9.10 and that my 9.10 has several kernal versions hanging around AND Im using what I still believe is the beta version of grubs04:49
ironfoot495Is there a way to fix this???04:49
ShazbotMcNasty_pg_, it only requires a reboot when you are booting it04:49
greezmunkeyW43372: example line: localhost winbox104:49
zirodayCaptain_Long: give it a sec :)04:49
MoLE_Iklos, Odd Not sure why they removed the xorg fix option04:49
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: i would have to reboot into windows to use unetbootin04:49
ShazbotMcNastyironfoot495, in terminal type 'startx'04:49
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday... here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411923/04:49
MoLE_I will have to check my 9.10 install04:49
ironfoot495I've got a lot of files I'm trying to keep from loosing??04:49
greezmunkeyW43372: save that then from a dos window ping winbox1, see what happens04:49
ShazbotMcNastyI wasn't sure if you could use the unetbootin bin in osx04:49
ShazbotMcNastysince it is nuix/bsd based...04:50
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: you need to do "cat /var/log/syslog", sorry04:50
Dr_WillisShazbotMcNasty:  it also has windows binaries. - but ive neer seen os-x ones04:50
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: afaik there is only a windows version04:50
W43372greezmunkey wouldn't it be localhost Carrier seeing as that's the IP of the winbox on the network?04:50
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: also can you do "lsmod" please04:50
greezmunkeyW43372: Do you give your PCs static addresses?04:50
ironfoot495I typed startx and it says server error!04:50
ShazbotMcNastyironfoot495, then you broke something04:51
hiexpoOK if you get that card to work your a magician unless your using a wrapper04:51
ShazbotMcNasty_pg_, well there is a linux version...04:51
kermitis there a way to make a copy-on-write file?04:51
W43372greezmunkey no, but that's what the IP is and has been for a while.04:51
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: is the wireless card detected by network manager?04:51
Captain_LongBah, I'm an impatient one.04:51
ironfoot495ShazbotMcNasty: can you help me?04:51
ShazbotMcNastybut you're in osx..04:51
ShazbotMcNastyironfoot495, well I don't know what you did.04:51
ShazbotMcNastyWhat'd you do before it broke?04:51
greezmunkeyW43372: Then do that, it's ok04:51
_pg_ShazbotMcNasty: indeed-huff04:51
ironfoot495I fsck and when it came back I had no graphical screen??04:51
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday.. here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411924/   and the card is not seen in the network manager04:52
ShazbotMcNastyironfoot495, you formatted your hard drive?04:52
ShazbotMcNastyuhmm yeah04:52
ironfoot495I'd loose data if I did that?04:52
ShazbotMcNastywell it obviously broke something04:52
ShazbotMcNastyit's very possible04:52
ironfoot495The mouse Icon comes up but after that I get the terminal screen.04:53
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday here is the other you wanted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411926/04:53
ironfoot495I've lost my graphical login display.04:53
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  it has speed booster huh04:54
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: right, first can you do sudo rmmod ndiswrapper04:54
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: then do sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source04:54
_pg_is there a gui for ng-aircrack suite? terminal is scary04:55
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: ERROR: Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules04:55
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: okay, nevermind. Just do sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source04:55
cloudmole: Couple of the files are missing. Found a forum post saying that trying to locate them via browser pulls up a 40404:56
cloudmole: or something like that...read more and now I'm confused again04:56
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: got this04:56
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: oops here it is again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411928/04:57
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: okay, its already installed. Then can you go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers. Does it find your wireless card?04:57
jeeezhi, i have a set of html files. how do i convert it to a single pdf document?04:58
cloudmole: http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?action=printpage;topic=7626.004:58
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: it says Broadcom STA Wireless driver: this driver is activated and currently in use04:59
=== [1]Freeloop is now known as Freeloop
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: right, fantastic04:59
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: finally can you do sudo modprobe -r ssb b43 wl05:00
Dr_Willis!info htmldoc05:00
ubottuhtmldoc (source: htmldoc): HTML processor that generates indexed HTML, PS, and PDF. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.27-4 (karmic), package size 215 kB, installed size 544 kB05:00
IklosCan anyone help me fix a broken gnome-panel/xorg display problem?05:00
hiexpowarnin g to all a lot of the usb and pcim cards now are supported for wireless n which are not supported in Linux /// we have not yet been able to come up for a solution for this yet and have been working on this problem now for 2 years the solution will be given as soon as we have an answer for the new hardware being supplied //// the best solution at this time is to got to your supplier and get model numer and the version of it05:00
hiexpoand come back home and see if it is compatable before you buy it /// i suggest if you can find older cards on  buying them05:00
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: it gave me this reply: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411929/05:00
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: yes, it sounds like you've mucked up your ndiswrapper install with hiexpo. No worries, we can take a look at it later05:01
IdleOnejeeez: python-pisa05:01
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: then please do sudo modprobe wl05:01
IdleOnedon't ask me how to use it :/05:01
Rotor_hi am brand new to ubuntu can any one direct me to the right channel for help with plugin problem for online video???05:01
zirodayRotor_: you're in the right place :)05:02
_pg_is anyone familiar with the "revert the gui to how it started" feature in OpenGeu?05:02
Dr_WillisRotor_:  clarify the site, and exact problem05:02
_pg_I think ubuntu should have that.05:02
jeeezIdleOne: i wont ask how, but does it help me put a bunch of files together into a single pdf?05:03
_pg_Rotor_: do you have the Flash plugin installed?05:03
IklosI'm currently sitting where the login screen in Ubuntu 9.10 is, except all I see is the brown backdrop - the login box and the panel at the bottom are both missing.  When I go to the virtual termina (ctrl + alt +f1) and try startx, it claims I already have a x session in its logs.  When I log into a recovery session, I do not have an option ot fix the Xorg server.  I can resume the boot process and start x from the shell, but a n05:03
Iklosumber of the gnome apps are all broken for some reason.  IS anyone familiar with this issue?05:03
IdleOnejeeez: apparently there is also htmldoc like Dr_Willis suggested05:03
Dr_Willisor the print to pdf tools :)05:03
Dr_WillisRotor_:  speak to the channel.. not  by pming me.05:04
hiexpoi create wireless drivers so i know what i  am saying i test them daily //// in order to hack them and make them work you have to be a  hack05:04
jeeezi didn't notice that one! :\ let me check it otu05:04
=== s is now known as Guest94257
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:05
Guest94257Thank you05:05
meowbuntuhi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ05:05
cloudNYAHAHAHA!!! DXXX I just killed off my Bluetooth and Wifi controlls!!! I was trying to delete the separator, NOT the shortcuts!!! How do I undo!??!?!05:05
Guest94257I am new to IRC, I want to connet to server eu.undernet.org server05:06
bastid_raZor!panels | cloud05:06
ubottucloud: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:06
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: you still there.. that command made me crash05:06
cloudbastid_raZor: Thank you DX05:06
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: heya, what command did?05:06
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: that last one05:06
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: odd, well anyway you've restarted now correct?05:06
Rotor_ok no worries have downloaded the pluins for flashplayer thru synaptic but still cant get utube working???05:06
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: yepper05:06
meowbuntuhello can anyone help on that05:06
Luis_good night from merida-venezuela!05:07
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: and in theory you should have wireless05:07
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: lemme check05:07
cloudbastid_raZor: didn't work!05:07
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: does nothing appear in the network manager applet?05:07
cloudbastid_raZor: it didn't change anything at -all- ><05:07
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: no wireless... :(05:07
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: okay, well do you not see any wireless icon in the network manager?05:08
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  - to find the best cards go here i will help you but you have to wanna learn http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers05:08
Luis_I need some help, my /home partition don't show any directory and file...05:08
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: and can you pastebin your /var/log/syslog again please05:09
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: if i go to system - preferences - network connections and click on the wireless tab there is nothing in there at all05:09
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: it says "bash: /var/log/syslog: Permission denied05:10
SpaceCowboy40404" when i try that05:10
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: hmm okay, when you go to the network applet in the top left though05:10
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: do you see a list of wireless networks05:10
meowbuntuhi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ05:11
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: i dont have a network applet on the top left?05:11
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: and I'm sorry but I have to run, I'll be back in a sec05:11
tripelbI am on in irssi - quite challenging05:12
Luis_some one can help me? I lost my /home data...05:13
rm200910Hello. Is there an application to record the sound from a separate application running on the same PC?05:13
Rotor_any one have downloaded the plugins for flashplayer thru synaptic but still cant get utube working???05:14
the_dark_warriorI'm trying to install Ubuntu Remix in my Netbook but when I resized the windows partition to create space to Ubuntu, the free space was marked with "unusable". How do I use that free space??05:14
swoodyRotor_: have you removed gnash and swfdec?05:14
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:14
meoblast001i need to replace my Intel GPU drivers on this system of mine, what is a sane way to do that?05:14
aliendude3500Hi... I'm having trouble getting Compiz to start, but I KNOW my system is more than capable of compositioning. It worked before some Lucid updates.05:14
swoodyRotor_: go into synaptic, and remove anything with reference to those two, and restart your browser :)05:14
rm200910Luis_: can you tell more? Are the files erased?05:14
meoblast001i believe there is a bug in this version of the driver that is preventing my software from running correctly05:15
Rotor_swoody will do thnx05:15
swoodyRotor_: np, let me know if that works :)05:15
Luis_my system crash! when I starup again, I dont have nothing!05:16
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday: im still here when you get back05:16
Luis_$df -h say: /dev/sda4             133G   98G   28G  79% /media/87a1c1ee-1af1-4cce-bd68-c33c21c4304605:17
umaruMy update-notifier is starting on boot and i can confirm it's running however it is not notifying me of new updates like it should. Anyone know why this might be?05:17
Rotor_swoody will give a go have to go now later05:17
tripelb(ubuntufreezes, nay computer dies) So my other hd new install dies. I'm back on the other HD (that freezes). Put the new install back in the case I got it in. Since when I plug in the ehternet with internet I see Wireless disconnected (I may have missed the connect msg) I put in a PCI cart wtih ethernet. Oh no, now it cant boot. Goes into initranf or something close to that. Says "cant find long set of numbers", dropping into shell. (Scratches head, boots u05:17
rm200910Luis_: Is your system running from a Live CD?05:18
Luis_rm200910_: Yes Live ubuntu CD05:18
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  - sorry it won't work they just think they can make anything work /// and i am the same way but i know that card and it's not gonna ////// with walmart just take it back and tell them its no good and tell them you will take a credit05:18
tripelbat least I know it's not flash now.05:18
omahasteakwhat is the best app for burning mp3 to audio cd?05:19
omahasteaki am using that right now and it has been normalizing tracks for like 12 minutes05:19
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo im gonna let them try to help me as i don't have anything else to do atm :P.. if it isnt working by tomorrow morning i will take it back for another that does05:19
omahasteakis there anything else05:19
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  - exactly i mean if they can make it work kool i could not without a wrapper and i find that useless05:21
rm200910Luis_: I think your data *will* get lost if you restart with Live CD.05:21
SpaceCowboy40404i tried ubuntu about 2 years ago on a different laptop and never could get the wireless working then... ditched it and went back to windows untill now and just forked over almost 200 dollars for vista and then a month later windows 7 comes out and im not upgrading again... hence why im trying to get ubuntu going fully this time around05:21
meoblast001oh no, my driver is defective05:21
Luis_rm200910: I tried see what I have, but only show> lost+found05:21
meoblast001should i uninstall the driver in Synaptic, and recompile it with prefix /usr?05:21
rm200910Luis_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-464145.html seems to explain how to keep your settings on a USB between sessions. If that's what you want05:22
Dr_WillisSpaceCowboy40404:  last 4 laptops ive tried with ubuntu.. i was suprised the wireless worked ith no hassles.05:22
rm200910Luis_: the lost+found directory is a standard Linux thing in most file systems05:22
SpaceCowboy40404i like the idea of ubuntu cause its so different from windows.. its learning how to use a pc all over again and makes it exciting again :)05:22
omahasteakbest cdripper app on ubuntu?05:23
Luis_rm200910: I'm going to read the forum.05:23
SpaceCowboy40404dr willis i want to stab myself in the eye with my wireless woes05:23
je2345whats up everyone05:23
alan`SpaceCowboy40404: do you have it installed yet?05:23
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  - welcome to linux :) so is that the card u need is a pcmcia05:23
meowbuntuhi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ05:24
SpaceCowboy40404aye pcmia preferably05:24
je2345first time ever running ubuntu!05:24
maggerhi gentlemens, i jsut installed ubuntu 9.10 using an alternate install cd as the bootcd wouldnt work, and the install process succesfully went trough, but now when i load it up it get me to a black screen that ask me to log in and the screen is blinking very fast, plus they key that i hit on the keyboard will only be taken into consideration at certian time of the blinking procces so there is no way for me to log in05:24
CoburnHowdy guys05:24
hiexpook hold on let me see what walmart has that will work05:24
CoburnFreenode is a PITA, they want me to use some lame WebIRC client instead of mibbit. Anyway05:24
SpaceCowboy40404if im ordering online i prefer newegg.com05:25
CoburnI got sound working on my macbook05:25
SpaceCowboy40404faster shipping05:25
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: so what's the verdict, new card afterall?05:25
ian45Hello All05:26
SpaceCowboy40404maybee.. gonna let ziroday finish up troubleshooting when he gets back from afk... if not working by tomorrow morning then trading this one in for another or just buying another form newegg05:26
geekphreakhi all05:26
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: I tried man. I defer to those here with greater fu than I though :)05:26
Coburngeekphreak: sup?05:26
SpaceCowboy40404oh i appreciate all the help05:27
swoody!hello | geekphreak05:27
ubottugeekphreak: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:27
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: good luck with that05:27
geekphreakCoburn: nada05:27
meowbuntuwell can someone please take a look at my problem05:27
hiexpothat thing was 45 bucks for ya05:27
geekphreakthanks swoody05:27
meowbuntuhi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ05:27
swoodygeekphreak: :)05:27
SpaceCowboy40404no was like 32$05:27
Coburnmeowbuntu: Fire away, my friend!05:27
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: you can probably sell it to someone though.05:27
meowbuntuCoburn, i have been for awhile see ^05:28
meowbuntuthanks Coburn05:28
SpaceCowboy40404if they wont take it back will just save it in case my wifes laptop internal goes out05:28
SpaceCowboy40404so she can have a backup05:28
* Coburn will help out while playing his Wii... Well, hacking it anyway.05:28
Coburnmeowbuntu: hm, okay05:28
hiexpook online is 4505:29
SpaceCowboy40404you back yet ziroday?05:29
meowbuntuCoburn, hi i am having this weird error with ubuntu today. i cant install anything. http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=UgbQe4bZ05:29
Luis_rm200910: I read the forum post, but their talked about use a USB to run live version, do you recomend me that?05:29
ravageurI need to reinstall my Ubuntu but I have my /home dir encrypted, I am wondering how can I unecrypt it, so that it is easier to setup during the installation?05:30
CoburnSpaceCowboy40404: Dodgy HDD I assume?05:30
rodriguezjfziptables is the only one ubuntu firewall?05:30
Coburnmeowbuntu: Okay, I can see the issue. Do you have a terminal handy?05:30
maggeri need to go edit a file on my fresh install of ubuntu that will not boot, wich live cd should i download for that ?05:30
nomasteryodarodriguezjfz, managed with ufw simplifies it though05:30
meowbuntuCoburn, fire away05:31
hiexpohey you say thats ver one05:31
SpaceCowboy40404hiexpo: yes05:31
rodriguezjfzyes I know there are some frontend I just one to know if ther are another port filtering in Ubuntu (command line)05:31
swoodymagger: any one you want, they will all work the same :)05:31
teguhhello all05:31
tawmteguh: oh hai!05:32
* meowbuntu waits for Coburn 05:32
Coburnmeowbuntu: alright, open terminal and enter gksudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/available05:32
swoodymagger: if you're really interested in keeping a liveCD for this kind of thing, you could try Knopppix, too :)05:32
teguhi'm newbe here05:32
Coburnmeowbuntu: then enter your password, click okay05:32
meowbuntuCoburn, i am not to new05:33
maggerthx for the tip swoody.. i have to downlaod one.. i dont like random crap knopppix it is05:33
Coburn!hello | teguh05:33
ubottuteguh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:33
tripelboh this client irssi does not work for me because I cant scroll back.05:33
jimfive1I am trying to get http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/ to compile for 64-bit Ubuntu. Any one can help would be great.05:33
meowbuntuCoburn, then05:33
* meowbuntu waits for Coburn again05:34
=== ogen is now known as tripelb
Coburnmeowbuntu: Go to Edit -> Find and Replace and enter "Installed-Size;" in find box, "Installed-Size:05:34
Coburnmeowbuntu: " in replace box, replace all05:34
Coburnmeowbuntu: Go to Edit -> Find and Replace and enter "Installed-Size;" in find box, "Installed-Size:" in replace box, replace all*05:35
meowbuntuCoburn, thats no help there is more than 5 of them there05:35
meowbuntuhold on05:35
teguhgyache for ubuntu 64 bit can not for voice call, how to fix it05:35
Coburnmeowbuntu: Choose replace all?05:35
hiexpover 1 is like 4 years old are u sure05:35
tawmi'd setting up a media server and my boot partition is on sda and i have two drives, sdb and sdd, that i'd like to use as the main storage point either mirrored raid1 or rsync from one to the other. does anyone have opinions on the two? I understand raid1 and some guys at work really like rsync but i still don't uderstand why they like it05:35
meowbuntuthere is no find and replace in gedit05:36
meowbuntu^ Coburn05:36
hiexpomeowbuntu,  _ hi05:36
Coburnmeowbuntu: *checks*05:36
meowbuntuCoburn, its search>replace05:36
Coburnmeowbuntu: It's Search -> Replace05:37
Coburnmeowbuntu: too used to mac os x... hehe :P05:37
Coburnmeowbuntu: thanks for correction05:37
tawmsomeone was talking about irssi and not being able to scroll up: its shift+pageup05:37
meowbuntuok done now will try again thanks05:38
swoodytawm: it's just pageup for me :)05:38
hiexpoSpaceCowboy ver 1 is like 4  years old are u sure could it be like ver 1. something05:38
meowbuntuCoburn, ok done now will try again thanks05:38
deadlyblueubuntupocket guide .. who ever gave me the link for this thanks a million05:38
tawmswoody: guessing you modified the defaults or do i just have an effed up install of irssi05:38
* Coburn ponders about Ubuntu on the Wii. Unfortunely, it's only got 96MB RAM...05:39
CornwallCoburn: There's always fluxbuntu!05:39
swoodytawm: could be the keyboards? Pageup is default for me05:39
acaxejoin #android05:39
CornwallCoburn: better yet, who needs a GUI? go CLI!05:39
greezmunkeyswoody: same here05:40
CoburnCornwall: Minimal System Requirements for fluxbuntu?05:40
CoburnCornwall: One thing- the Wii is PowerPC, not x86.05:40
ubuntufreakhate this05:40
tawmswoody: stuff doesn't like to work "normally" for me05:40
Coburnmeowbuntu: how's it goin'? Does it work?05:41
hiexpoubuntufreak, whats wrong?05:41
CornwallCoburn: oh, how sad05:41
swoodytawm: lol, when does it ever work 'normally'? ;)05:41
CornwallCoburn: I don't know Fluxbox's requirements, but I think they're pretty darn low05:41
tawmswoody: after i punch it in the face for about 5 hours05:41
geekphreakswoody: ubuntu works normally for me :) , i screw up sometime heh :)05:42
geekphreakswoody:  gets the feeling you been there lol05:42
swoodygeekphreak: a time or two ;)05:42
CornwallCoburn: Also, LXDE says that the requirements are the same as windows 98, so maybe you could go with the PPC version of Lubuntu :)05:43
Coburntawm: I suggest you stick away from Windows: It wouldn't work for ya, mate05:43
maggerthat nasty bug about screen flcikering after a fresh install need fix05:43
swoodygeekphreak: that's half the fun, messing up your system so you can figure out how to fix it05:43
tawmdoes anyone have opinions on using rsync vs software raid1 for local data protection from hardware failure05:43
CoburnCornwall: Now that's a idea!05:43
airtonixmeowbuntu, i dont know how complicated you want your find replace, but there is a proper regex plugin for gedit floating around somwhere05:43
CornwallCoburn: Just don't use Firefox or Open Office :P05:43
geekphreakswoody: but i belive in , if it aint broke, dont fix it :)05:43
tawmCoburn: sadly i support windows at work and frequently it just doesn't work05:43
hiexposwoody,  i do it all the time on purpose05:43
CoburnInstallation Finished on my Macbook of Ubuntu 1005:44
CoburnBRB peeps05:44
airtonixCornwall, its not so clear cut like that, for example : the intrusion detection program : arpwatch will garunteed eat 100% of your cpu... and its a tiny program in file size.05:44
meowbuntuCoburn, there was another similar error fixed that now it seems to be installing fine05:44
maggerhey jsut a lil question there , can you guyz get wireless internet adaptor to work on ubuntu yet ? i looked into it a few month ago and couldnt figure it out05:44
je2345is some1 able to direct me on how to access music on my hard drive but with windows 705:44
underdevDr_Willis: are you there?05:45
Dr_Willisunderdev:  hmm? I pop in and out all day05:45
airtonixje2345, ask this on #windows05:45
je2345m wireless worked perfect right after ubuntu booted up05:45
tawmmagger: you will have to be more specific05:45
Cornwallairtonix: I'm sure his processor is more than 500 Mhz...05:45
underdevYou've helped me many times, maybe i can return a favor.  Have you ever ran into the plop boot manager?05:45
airtonixCornwall, my desktop is a core duo 2.3ghz and arpwatch brings it to its knees05:45
hiexpomagger,  what card?05:45
tawmmagger: lots of them work. have you checked to see if your specific hardware is supported by ubuntu?05:46
maggerwell.. by default it was not supported05:46
maggerwould be plug and play in backtrack tho05:46
Cornwallairtonix: Who said he's even going to use it?05:46
maggerlong time isnce i looked into it05:46
Cornwallairtonix: I've run Xubuntu just fine on old PPCs under 1 Ghz05:46
W43372I can't get Ubuntu to mount my windows network.05:46
maggeri cant recall my card specifics info05:46
CornwallAnd Lubuntu is even less intensive05:46
hiexpoSpaceCowboy can u guys us a usb card05:47
web5|org|uafasttrak 378 controller + ubuntu (need driver) !05:47
teguhmy xubuntu is slowly, cpu look sleep, how to increase speed..?05:47
aliciapgdoes anyone know how to limit file size with mencoder?05:47
maggerwell time to smoke up while that other live cd is downlaoding.. been the worst ubuntu installation night in history im telling you05:47
underdevDr_Willis: the PLoP boot loader will find any generic bootable USB drive and boot from it if the computers BIOS doesn't support booting from USB05:47
airtonixCornwall, think you missed the point05:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:48
underdevDr_Willis: regardless of distro05:48
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  check the mencoder faq/docs - i recall some option to reencode a video to a set size  like 700mb. but i forget the details.05:48
Cornwallairtonix: He can't run super intensive programs. Is that it? I'm not getting you05:48
aliciapgDr_Willis: did that, example doesn't work for me05:48
airtonixCornwall, no, you wont be able to tell if a program is going to eat your cpu until you try it.05:48
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i recall it only worked for some specific codecs/options also. ive never r4eally tried it. I recall some GUI front ends having the option also.,05:48
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  mencoder forums may have some other examples also.05:49
aliciapgDr_Willis: nope only seems to have one05:49
imp|catavidemux can encode to a set size with certain codecs and two pass encoding05:49
Cornwallairtonix: You're not making sense. Okay, so you can't. Does that mean I shouldn't try any programs because I'm on a poor Hyperthreading processor? I'm not true dual-core, maybe I can't handle it!05:49
SpaceCowboy40404ziroday is awesome05:50
Cornwallairtonix: again: I ran Xubuntu just fine on an ibook 700 Mhz PPC05:50
SpaceCowboy40404im on  my wireless now'05:50
airtonixCornwall, dont get upset. im saying you dont judge a book by its cover.05:50
zirodaySpaceCowboy40404: hehe, turns out the issue was really easy to fix :)05:50
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i seem to recall like imp|cat  said also. it needs 2 pass encoding.  and only with specific codecs.  Could be their docs/faq is out of date and incorrect.05:50
SpaceCowboy40404what was it05:50
Cornwallairtonix: Then you should have said that in the first place :)05:50
SpaceCowboy40404i just copied and pasted05:50
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: whaa?05:51
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404, ure working?05:51
Cornwallairtonix: I'm not saying it's going to be amazing, but you sounded like it just won't work. Period. Because you have some monitoring program that he's not going to use05:51
SpaceCowboy40404yepper on wirelss as we speak05:51
aliciapgimp|cat: well how would i do that with avidemux? i couldn't find a way to set that05:51
tawmmagger: i think you could boot a live cd and with the wifi card plugged in do a ifconfig and that would show you what network adapters are on and what there status is05:51
underdevIs it normal that making a live USB drive takes a long time?  Or is a sandisk cruizer 8g a slow USB stick?05:51
SpaceCowboy40404apperantl;y you have to left click the network manager icon in the upper right and actually connect to the ssid05:52
Cornwallunderdev: It usually take 5 minutes max for me05:52
je2345i have to go to #windows to ask a question about music on windows but want to access while using Ubuntu05:52
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: dude! :)05:52
hiexpohow and what ver of card?05:52
Cornwallunderdev: and I have some pretty clunky hardware05:52
Dr_Willisunderdev:  the creation of a 'save file' can take a long time - depeing on the size you set.05:52
SpaceCowboy40404same one .. version 105:52
SpaceCowboy40404i think05:52
underdevCornwall: this is a phenom iix4- rats!!!05:52
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: there it is, and you were ready to give up!05:52
hiexpoit cant be ver was 200405:52
swoodyje2345: you shouldn't have any problems accessing a Windows partition from Ubuntu. Is it not working for you?05:52
imp|cataliciapg, let me start avidemux and we'll see... Just a moment.05:53
underdevDr_Willis: okay, it's 4 gigs05:53
airtonixSpaceCowboy40404 , there is an option within the settings for that SSID to allow it to auto connect (right under the SSID name you give it at the top)05:53
Dr_Willis thats whats taking so long. its making an empty 4gb file.05:53
SpaceCowboy40404cya later vista and i'm never buying windows 7 or the next new flavor of each damn month05:53
Cornwallunderdev: yikes :)05:53
Cornwallunderdev: have you tried unetbootin? that's a pretty neat program in the repos05:53
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  i am so happy 4 u but ver 1 was 4 years ago05:53
SpaceCowboy40404i appreciate everyones help.... greezymonkey, hiexpo. and ziroday05:54
underdevCornwall: yeah, but i kept getting a problem that FD0 wasn't detected05:54
underdevCornwall: at your suggestion i used it :)05:54
Cornwallunderdev: at my suggestion? Do I have an alternate form?05:54
Dr_Willisunetbootin does not support the creation of a perisstant save file. (yet)05:54
* aliciapg waits for imp|cat 05:55
SpaceCowboy40404i got version one from the commands greezymonkey had me try.... when i tried to use ndis i used the drivers form the install cd for the card and that didnt work either05:55
underdevCornwall: sorry, someone else had suggested it.  i thought it was you :)05:55
CornwallDr_Willis: Yeah, but It's never not worked for me :D05:55
SpaceCowboy40404when i switched back to the propriatry drivers and then actually connected to the ssid thats when it worked05:55
Cornwallunderdev: No worries :)05:55
Dr_WillisCornwall:  ive had issues with Unetbootin and the setting up of syslinux at times.  Perhaps some day it will switch to grub205:55
airtonixSpaceCowboy40404, for ndiswrapper to work properly you need to blacklist the other drivers ubuntu might use for your wifi card then reboot (assuming you already installed the ndis drivers)05:56
greezmunkeyhiexpo: it shows up as v1, maybe theres a flash upgrade for the card itself. Matters not at this point, it's working :)05:56
CornwallDr_Willis: How sad. Well, I've always had good basic usage experience05:56
SpaceCowboy40404again thanks for a million for all the help greezymunkey, hiexpo and ziroday.. you guys rock... goin to watch spartacus blood and sand with the wife now as she is nagging05:56
hiexpogreezmunkey,  gotta be a wrapper05:57
greezmunkeySpaceCowboy40404: nice :)05:57
imp|catAliciapg, openthe video in avidemux and then select codec(on the left, in the drop down menu, ie MPEG4 ASP Xvid), the you can set the properties. In the xvid configuration, main tab, set encoding type to "two pass -video size" and target video size MB to whatever you want05:57
hiexpoSpaceCowboy40404,  is it working on a wrapper?05:57
jimfive2on ubuntu live cd how to copy something to lib05:58
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i think avidemux has an option to show the command line its using. :) thats one way to learn all the options05:58
Gentis there any way in lucid to change the menus/toolbars to not show icons?05:58
Dr_Willisjimfive2:  copying what exactly?05:58
Cornwallman, first pidgin crash in forever05:58
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zirodayGent: #ubuntu+1 :)05:58
Dr_WillisGent:  that used to be a gnome option. No idea if its still there or not.05:59
dim3000anyone now a fix for the appeareance settings freeze on 10.0405:59
hiexpogreezmunkey,  yes but i wanna know i wite drivers05:59
Gentyeah, it used to be in menus & toolbars under system prefs05:59
gerryxiaohow to know my ubuntu is lucid beta 1 or beta 2?05:59
aliciapgthank you imp|cat :D05:59
aliciapgDr_Willis: where is that?05:59
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  check its settings/options.  most all of these front ends can show the command line they are using.05:59
psycho_oreos!lucid | gerryxiao06:00
ubottugerryxiao: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:00
jimfive2I need to copy libANN_char.so to my lib folder on the livecd, but don't know how.06:00
Dr_Willisjimfive2:  mount the  installed system and use  'sudo cp whatever /media/yourmountpoint/lib/whatever   (using the proper paths)06:00
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:00
aliciapgDr_Willis: hmm...i don't see anything...06:01
psycho_oreos!in | pshr06:01
ubottupshr: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India06:01
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  you could always let ot start converting then use 'ps ax' to see what commands its running06:02
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aliciapgDr_Willis: yeah i don't seen anything there either >-<06:04
afedsomeone tell me why nautilus might want to allocate a gigabyte of memory (and not be able to do it and therefore not start)06:04
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afedrunning 9.04 livecd, 1 gig ram, no swap06:05
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i also use winff a lot.  it has similer features.. and thers 'handbrake'06:05
afedshould work but i have a black desktop and no file management06:05
hiexpoziroday,  how'd ya get him going?06:06
Curly_QAfed check this URL out:    http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-198998.html06:07
imp|catafed: first thing I would do is check the consistency of the liveCD, one of the boot options can do it for you06:07
aliciapgDr_Willis: *nods* i have those too but really i just wanted a video i had to be a certain size >-< i kind of wanted to learn how in mencoder but no one seems to know how to use it06:07
afedCurly_Q, lol @ that06:08
afed"hey guys i just discovered this awesome command"06:08
Curly_QYour welcome.06:08
afedimp|cat, thx, doing that06:09
afedjust burned the cd, it is suspect06:09
maggerwath is the lightest to download and most efficient live cd should i useif i just want to edit a file on a hard drive06:09
Dr_Willisaliciapg:   proper codecs and options for 2 pass. If avidemux can do it.. then its doing it. :) somehow..06:09
maggeri just dont wana wait 30 min download if a 100 med distro do it as good06:09
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  mencoder inputfile.mpg -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=-800000  -o output.avi06:10
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i recall the 'trick' is the negative bitrate.06:10
jeeveshow can I fix a broken package system?  I've tried "apt-get update -f"06:11
tawmjeeves: what's broken about it?06:11
ZykoticK9jeeves, try "sudo apt-get -f install"06:11
afedwhat is it with ubuntu users wanting to copy and paste commands into their terminal without understanding anything06:11
Sa[i]nTIs there an app that provides like a Vault where i can keep files and it be encrypted?06:12
jeevesZykoticK9, I've tried that already06:12
maggeris there a way to boot using a specific video driver?06:12
Curly_QAfed because most everyone here are Windows converts.06:12
ZykoticK9jeeves, ok - it was just the order was backwards in your post06:12
afedtry "sudo rm -rf /"06:13
geekphreakCurly_Q: howdy :)06:13
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:13
Curly_QGreets to GeekPhreak.   :)06:13
Sa[i]nTafed, Ouch man.06:13
geekphreakplz do not try that command06:13
brianherman1meowbuntu:can you install packages from the command line?06:13
greezmunkeyafed: that will get you bounced06:13
afedhaha you need a macro for that06:13
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, it will if an Op notices06:13
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  that example i just pasted seems to work for me.06:13
Curly_QMagger, why would anyone want to boot with a specific video driver?06:13
aliciapgDr_Willis: but i was trying with x264....06:14
afedi expose a major flaw in the way your entire user base does things and you threaten to ban me?06:14
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  it may only work with SPECIFIC codecs.. ive no real idea if it can work with x264 or not.06:14
jeevestawm, "subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2"06:14
Curly_QBooting is booting. Drivers are for video and not for booting.06:14
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Curly_QDrivers load up during booting process.06:15
maggeri installed a fresh ubuntu with the alternate cd and there is something i need to edit so it use a different video driver for the future06:15
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i find i have to covnert things away from x264  for my netbook to handle them :) or reduce the res, or other cutbacks..  it cant quite handle full HD video06:15
aliciapgDr_Willis: *nods* i just wanted to try to keep the quality06:15
greezmunkeyafed: I would venture to guess that you've pasted a command or two in your day as well. Everyone learns by doing.06:16
Dr_Willischangeign size will proberly change quality also.. somthing has to give. :)06:16
ZykoticK9aliciapg, if you are interested in MP4 with x264 I'd highly recommend you check out Handbrake, it isn't in the repo but a DEB is available from their site06:16
afedfor certain definitions of doing06:16
Curly_QBooting starts with the MBR then the top level software or OS.06:16
maggerCurly_Q:  i neet to go into etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from nvidia to nv06:17
afedfucking up your package manager and figuring out how to fix it by research and hard work is "doing"06:17
tawmjeeves: google says to try "apt-get clean" i'm not entirely sure what "clean" does tho06:17
geekphreakafed:  watch language plz06:17
afedgetting bailed out by a web page is not06:17
aliciapgZykoticK9: I actually already have handbrake06:17
jeevestawm, thanks, that's the one I needed06:17
afedgeekphreak, sorry english is not my first language06:17
Curly_QMagger do a Google on that.06:18
maggerbut as i cannot boot it its pretty hard.. i will get a live cd that work  and get it done06:18
tawmjeeves: :D i'm helping06:18
jeevestawm, thanks!06:19
Curly_QMagger check this link:     http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=nvidia+to+nv+change&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=bcdf8cbbf06dc4f06:19
ja660khey guys, is there a way.. given a username to find theyre default shell?06:19
afedyes, ja660k, consider where that setting is stored06:19
tawmafed: people have to learn somewhere. for people comming from other non *nix oses it can be like jumping in the deep end06:20
ja660kim guessing in $shell variable?06:20
afedjust grep and cut /etc/passwd06:20
Curly_QBy the way guys and gals, offer a shred of appreciation to all of the good folks here giving their kind and free assistence.06:20
Dr_Willisja660k:  or -->  grep $USER /etc/passwd06:20
aliciapgDr_Willis: yeah, i guess that's why i couldn't find it maybe or i'm looking in all the wrong places >-<06:20
afed^ see, i give him the pieces and let him learn to put them together06:20
afedDr_Willis does his work for him06:20
ja660kthanks Dr_Willis and afed06:21
Dr_Willisja660k:  $SHELL would be the current shell.. not the default.06:21
ja660kDr_Willis, i think that'll do06:21
Curly_QDr Willis good to see you again today. I hope all is well with you.06:21
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  yep. got the weekend off.06:22
Curly_QYeah!  My wife is asleep and I am free to play with the computer.   :)06:22
tawmis there an advantage to using rsync to backup a hard drive over raid 1?06:22
Lostinspace_46_Where do I change the increment of the volume control?06:23
tawmLostinspace_46_: cli or gui?06:24
Curly_QTawm  RAID arrays is nice and not so nice. If you need to backup your array, then, do it before it crashes. If in the event of a failure, you can use data recovery software to recover the image.06:24
bikcmplokvendra: Huh?06:24
Baramhow can I fix this error: error while loading shared libraries: libglib-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:24
Lostinspace_46_Tamw gui06:24
tawmshould be a speaker icon in the top right (by default) click it to bring up a slider06:25
Dr_WillisLostinspace_46_:  i saw some gnome setting for that when i was exploreing th gconf_editor the other day06:25
Lostinspace_46_tawm I need to increment that slider06:25
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Dr_WillisLostinspace_46_:  at least i think it was the setting that did that.06:25
Captain_LongZiroday: YOU THERE?06:25
tawmLostinspace_46_: ah my apologies i missunderstood the question06:26
greezmunkeyBaram: try "locate libglib-2.0.so.0" minus quotes to see if it is on your system06:26
Lostinspace_46_tawm NP06:26
Captain_LongThat was not meant to be caps lock.06:26
Curly_QBut Tawm, the most important thing to remember is DO NOT WAIT to backup anything you install or depend upon as a Systems Administrator. Bad mistake.06:26
Baramgreezmunkey yeah, it's there, in /lib where one would expect it to be06:27
greezmunkeyBaram: what generated the eror?06:27
tawmCurly_Q: no data is in danger. its a little side project. i'm trying to learn different techniques and i was wondering which to push for06:27
Baramgreezmunkey a compiler06:27
Lostinspace_46_I think I have the wrong xchat loaded06:27
Baramgreezmunkey it worked before my HD died, recovered most of the system, but now this part won't work06:28
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tawmCurly_Q: its a little media server that i'll hook up to my tv06:28
In_n_OutHello everybody...Downloaded ubuntu 9.10 on my open suse desktop. I want to copy the ISO Image on a USB. Is there any link available that I can read and learn06:28
greezmunkeyBaram: missing a symlink somewhere maybe?06:28
Captain_LongHmm. Maybe you guys can help?06:28
studentzbaram which one gnu utils or do you have something different?06:28
Curly_QMy only good advice to you Tawm is to create an IMAGE file of your hard drive and if you do something stupid or just an honest mistake, you have all of the data.06:28
kn100How do I compile from source06:29
Baramgreezmunkey it's a symlink like it should be, and the file it points to is there...06:29
Lostinspace_46_hmm this xchat is in the repos, but I want the old one06:29
In_n_OutI am new to this and use my desktop only for mails & openoffice06:29
Captain_LongFollowing instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx with ziroday's assistance, I have managed to get the wireless network to acknowledge its own existencde. To all appearances, I am connected, with a good handful of bars. Yet, I cannot load any web page.06:29
kn100ping me06:30
greezmunkeyBaram: Maybe an error in the makefile?06:30
Baramstudentz it's a compiler for the language my company made (their own language) but it uses gcc for it's core, build-essentials should be all I need...06:30
zmjblokhkn100: pong06:30
Baramgreezmunkey makefie hasn't changed in years06:30
Lostinspace_46_tawm Rewestersys?06:30
Baramgreezmunkey and works fine on the live servers, just not on my home dev server06:30
Curly_QJust make BACKUPS BEFORE you make changes.06:30
greezmunkeyBaram: doesn'06:31
studentzkn100 open file Title "readme" usually ./configure  next  make finally  sudo   makeinstall06:31
greezmunkeyBaram: does that process generate a logfile? I'm sure you thought of that/06:31
kn100studentz, that simple?06:32
Curly_QDo I have an AMEN on that?06:32
kn100studentz, I mean the kernel06:32
tawmLostinspace_46_ / Curly_Q: just looking to protect media files from hardware failure. I have the system files backed up.06:32
Baramgreezmunkey that error is what's in the log06:32
Lostinspace_46_tawm Oh..ok06:32
Lostinspace_46_where do I get the old xchat?06:32
Curly_QTawm that is the best thing you could have done. Always backup. Even if it is a chmod or anything.06:33
tawmdo either of you know how taxing a software raid 1 is on a system? (core 2 duo ~3ghz)06:34
greezmunkeyBaram: does the compiler sucessfully locate other libraries?06:35
Baramgreezmunkey I think I know what it is... i knew there was something I needed but forgot (been years since I had to rebuild), think it's ia32-libs that's missing06:35
tawmthe most taxing thing the system is gonna do is watch hd media content06:35
Baramgonna try once these updates are done06:35
studentzFor the kernel I used do it with Arch Linux they have a very nice guide, I never try with Ubuntu. Good luck :)06:36
greezmunkeyBaram: you know more about it than I :) I still paste commands from here!06:36
Curly_QTawm have you tried VLC video player?06:36
tawmCurly_Q: yeah i have vlc and boxee setup on the box06:37
Baramgreezmunkey after spending a week trying to recover a failed HD (never again will I buy WD) my brain is about shot :P06:37
Curly_QTawm what is your issue then?06:37
Baramgreezmunkey turns out ddrescue on a 2TB drive takes a little while06:37
tawmjust trying to figure out the best way to keep the media files safe from a hard drive failure06:37
greezmunkeyBaram: I would think so!06:37
greezmunkeyBaram: I assume that was a sata drive that failed.06:38
randomusr_what's a decent chat program?06:38
Curly_QBaram any Tera Byte drive will take a long time without sufficient RAM.06:38
Baramgreezmunkey yeah, the WD 2TB caviar green, 63days after I bought it06:38
randomusr_that cover msn and yahoo06:38
Curly_QAlso the BIOS settings or compatibility.06:38
greezmunkeyBaram: I've heard similar horror stories, esp the 1.5TB drives.06:39
Baramyeah, I should have thought of a temporary increase in RAM... oh well, it's basically done now06:39
switch10_I just had a WD green fail on me too, only 1 month old...06:39
Barammy samsung spinpoint F1's have been running non-stop for almost a year and still in perfect condition, I'm sticking with samsung from now on :P06:39
tawmfrom what i've seen at work any drive above 1tb has a pretty high failure rate06:39
W43372I can't get Ubuntu to mount my windows network.06:39
tawmeven the 1tbs are pretty bad06:39
greezmunkeyW43372: where did you go?06:39
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Curly_QGreezmonkey I have a 1.5 TB HD and it works just fine with Windows but it hangs and crashes with a Windows Search engine. That is stupid but I know why, it is the buffer overflow.06:40
BaramI haven't had issues with samsung discs, and since I live in Korea I can get excellent service if I do have a problem06:40
Curly_QBaram try increasing your SWAP file or memory.06:40
greezmunkeyCurly_Q: I was jazzed to buy a couple until I started hearing the foobar about them.06:41
switch10_W43372:  are you trying to mount a windows partition?06:41
Baramcurly_q it's done now, or done enough that I could recover 90% of what was lost since the last backup, just had to reinstall the OS since some of the system files got corrupted06:41
Curly_QWith Windows it is called:   "Contiguous Memory" which is the same as SWAP.06:41
switch10_W43372: or a network drive?06:41
W43372switch10 no, I'm trying to access the shared folder on my windows box. it throws up the error 'failed to revtrieve share list from server when I click on the workgroup06:41
W43372greezmunkey, check your PM06:42
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Baramgreezmunkey yup, that was it, forgot to put in ia32-libs06:43
Curly_QBaram please listen to me. You do not have to re-install any OS at all. All you need to do is replace the IMAGE component of the disk. That is quick and simple.06:43
Baramcurly_q good to know, but I already did it :P06:44
Curly_QBaram if you did it then you would not be asking questions here. Sorry to say that.06:45
Curly_QBaram I work as a Scientist collecting not only data but also saving hard drives that fail and recouping the data on them.06:46
AKI am getting no sound after adding options snd-hda-intel model=auto in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file06:46
Baramcurly_q wish you were around a few days ago when it died, was a learning process for me :P06:47
AK I am getting no sound after adding options snd-hda-intel model=auto in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file06:47
greezmunkeyBaram: you da man06:47
Curly_QData is Data. It is a magnetic media issue and not a Linux or Unix or Windows issue. It is a material hard drive issue.06:47
Curly_QBaram, I can recover your data from your hard drive.06:48
AK I am getting no sound after adding options snd-hda-intel model=auto in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file at my dell machine06:48
AKcould you please help me out06:48
Baramcurly_q what do you use for recovery?  I tried a few things and only ddrescue did much of anything for me06:49
Curly_QDDrescue is OK but there are other means to do this.06:49
shaynei have a problem with ubuntu that it wont let me sign in as su06:50
Curly_QI lose money when I give away my Technical Secrets.06:50
Dr_Willisshayne:  you use 'sudo' not 'su'06:50
shayneDr_Willis: ive tried all the superuser or whatever you call it usernames.06:51
zwalker_huj:-) sudo su06:51
Curly_QEspecially when a sum of $10,000.00 data recover for a hard drive is what I make.06:51
Dr_Willisshayne:  only the first initially made user has 'sudo rights'06:51
shayneDr_Willis: i am that user and it still wont let me.06:52
crypt-0Curly_Q, you mean replacing the logic board on a fried disk or moving the platters to a new drive....there are no secrets.06:53
Curly_QI don't work for free. I earned my rights to charge big bucks to recover data.06:53
Dr_Willisshayne:  then you broke somthing.. or are doing somthing wrong.06:53
sonuhye i need to adjust my screen resolution. could you please tell me command to lauch the display manager, as i can't since my menu laucher is get hidden behind the screen visible area06:53
thunderboltSo, I accidentally ran grub-install against a partition instead of the entire device. It seems to have not done anything (erroring out with a "can't read image file...", forgot the exact phrase) Is there any way to make sure it didn't overwrite anything on the desk, or if it did, to revert that?06:53
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  you got a dust free clean room in the basement. :)06:53
crypt-0Curly_Q, this is a *free* support channel.06:53
Curly_QCrypt-0 that is a very good question. I congratulate you on that question. You are in the ballpark.06:54
histothunderbolt: it just installed boot images on the parittions but if it didn't modify the MBR no harm done06:54
shayneDr_Willis: go fuck yourself, you dont know anything about helping people you fucking bastard. dont try to help people if you dont understand their problem in the first place06:54
thunderbolthisto: It didn't. Okay, sounds good. Thank you!06:54
Dr_Willisshayne:  so much for anyone else trying to help you i imagine ... goodbye06:54
chatratciao a tutti06:54
histothunderbolt: wait did you install it to the boot parition?06:55
Lostinspace_46I've looked around, and I can't find where to set the increments for my volume control.06:55
crypt-0Curly_Q, furthermore the same convention that uses ATA wipe can also recover bad sectors06:55
histoLostinspace_46: I just did that let me think06:55
Lostinspace_46histo, Take your time.06:56
studentzsonu gnome-display-properties06:56
histoLostinspace_46: just trying to remember are you using gnomes volume control?06:56
Curly_QDr Willis That is a very good question. I will share with you a tip of knowledge. You can get an old 50 or 100 gallon fish tank and cut holes in the plastic walls. Apoxy rubber gloves to it and put a HEPA FILTER to the box and you have a CLEAN ROOM. From that bit of info, you are golden. :)06:56
thunderbolthisto: I did afterwards, but that was to fix some Windows software killing the old grub2 stuff in the MBR.06:56
Lostinspace_46histo, You mean the slider?06:57
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histoLostinspace_46: yes in gnome your not running a different volume control or xubuntu or anythign right?06:57
Lostinspace_46histo, Nope just normal slider.06:58
histoLostinspace_46: using gconf apps/gnome_settings_daemon/volume_step06:58
crypt-0heh i know someone who used an old printer as a clean room :)06:58
histoLostinspace_46: gconf-editor06:58
Curly_QCrypt-0 you are funny.   :)06:58
Lostinspace_46histo, Thank you, I will go try tthat.06:59
toplandhow to set wifi on ubuntu06:59
histoLostinspace_46: have you used gconf-editor before?06:59
histotopland: use the network manager up by the clock06:59
Lostinspace_46histo, No.06:59
oliver_Hi, I was in the middle of downloading frostwire when my computer froze. Now I can not use my synoptic manager.06:59
oliver_Can anyone help?06:59
histoLostinspace_46: hit alt+f2 and type in gconf-editor then navigate to apps > gnome settings daemon  you will see volume step ont he right default is 6 or 9 i believe.07:00
Curly_QOliver check first your RAM settings and your cache settings.07:00
histooliver_: what error do you get with synaptic?07:00
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toplandfirst i was using windos7 my wifi is working on it but now i change to ubuntu and wifi is stop07:00
oliver_Ok one sec and I will tell you the error message.07:00
Lostinspace_46histo, Thank you kindly, sir.  Muchly appreciated!07:00
histotopland: what type of wifi card do you ahve?07:01
histoLostinspace_46: np07:01
Curly_QTopland use apt-get update and see if that works.07:01
oliver_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:01
oliver_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.07:01
toplandi got atheros wifi card07:01
oliver_That's what it says07:01
histooliver_: open a terminal and sudo dpkg --configure -a07:01
oliver_Ok I will try that one sec07:01
Curly_QAtheros is a very good CARD.07:01
Curly_QTopland is your C07:02
hosomakigood morning07:02
histotopland: Do you know what chipset your wifi card uses?07:02
aetarichey, i added a scsi drive to my live ubuntu box. it should show up as sdc in /dev yet i don't see it. do i need to reboot for it to showup? or can i just run the udev scripts in /etc/init.d ?07:02
Curly_QTopland is your Atheros card a PCMCIA card?07:02
histoaetaric: did you mount the drive?07:02
histo!fstab | aetaric07:03
ubottuaetaric: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:03
aetarichisto: ... the drive isn't in /dev fstab won't help me.07:03
histoCurly_Q: oh he already said what type of card?07:03
ryanc_Hey, I'm on the Lucid beta, and I installed xfce4, how do I log in to that instead of gnome/07:03
oliver_Ok thank you it worked now I have a broken package on my computer and am trying to locate it.07:03
aetaricryanc_: #ubuntu+107:03
histotopland: System > administration > hardware drivers07:03
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Curly_QHisto sorry I didnt see it when I was talking with someone else.07:03
histo!lucid > ryanc_07:04
ubotturyanc_, please see my private message07:04
ZenMasta_need some help installing pdo and pdo_mysql i get a message sh: phpsize not found07:04
histo!info pdo07:04
ubottuPackage pdo does not exist in karmic07:04
Curly_QThose folks make the ORINOCO golden PCMCIA card. I have one here. It cost about $300.00 then. It has a very powerful RF signal.07:05
ZenMasta_histo if that was directed at me, I don't know what I'm supposed to do07:05
histoZenMasta_: I was just trying to figure otu what pdo is and if its availible in the repos07:05
ZenMasta_oh, it has something to do with web servers07:06
ZenMasta_I've been trying to follow various guides on the web and some mention getting the error, but no solution07:06
histoZenMasta_: I gathered that do you have a website or how are you trying to install it?07:06
ZenMasta_sudo pecl install pdo07:06
aetaricZenMasta_: server support is in #ubuntu-server07:07
ZenMasta_thanks I'll try that07:07
histoZenMasta_: hold up i'm checking something07:07
histoaetaric: not really a server question he's just trying to install a package.07:07
ZenMasta_brb 1 min07:08
themeccould somebody tell me how i would change my hosts file in ubuntu?07:09
Lostinspace_46histo, Yes! Much better. Thanks again.07:09
Curly_QUsing a PCMCIA card on a laptop is great.07:09
Dr_Willisthemec:  its a text file.. edit it as root.. MAKE A BACKUP07:09
aetarichisto: the package is "server" related and therefore belongs in #ubuntu-server07:09
histoZenMasta_: when did you get the error installing pdo or pdo_mysql?07:09
ZykoticK9themec, one option would be to run "gksu gedit /etc/hosts"07:10
ZykoticK9themec, but Dr_Willis backup suggestion is good council07:10
histoaetaric: true that I guess07:10
ZenMasta_hiso haven't tried pdo_mysql yet so just pdo07:10
ZenMasta_I just assumed I should install in sequence07:11
histoZenMasta_: I'm in #ubuntu-server to help you further07:11
maggerhow can i find and mount a harddrive from a live cd in a shell?07:14
Curly_QDr Willis most of the problems here on this channel has to do with making BACKUPS. Most people ask why and how to do it.07:14
voss749what sort of shell?07:15
FloodBot3cwp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
maggerjust a terminal in knnopix07:15
traz1evolution is asking for a keyring password when I send mail, what does this mean?07:15
cwpwhat is that07:16
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  dont forget to backup your backups.. :)07:16
sine_how do i combine binary files please i.e me1.mp3+me2.mp307:16
sine_is it cat07:16
kermitsine_: mp3wrap07:16
sine_no i can do it like binary join07:16
kermitsine_: but cat will work for real mp3 files.. mp3wrap is designed to work with tagged ones.07:16
sine_dos was cp /b *.mp307:17
Churchyou can with cat. but be careful if file format isn't exactly made for binary concatenation and has clearly marked beginning/end07:17
Curly_QDr Willis, guess what, I do backup my backups. There is an old Computer Proverb: "Happy are those who save"  After the Bible Beatitudes Happy are those who are saved.    :)07:17
ZenMasta_any idea what would cause wireless networks to keep dropping?07:18
Curly_QZenMasta      Signal Strength and Encryption.07:18
crypt-0good lord, i actually read everything Curly_Q said...then i realized there was /IGNORE07:18
Dr_Willissine_:  use the 'cat' command07:18
Dr_Willissine_:  cat foo bar > foobar07:18
voss749In linux systems you back up documents photos and videos, music etc everything else is pretty much reinstallable07:18
ZenMasta_Curly_Q yeah you'd think except I'm literally 2 feet from the router.... and when I boot to windows it never drops07:19
sine_it does not delete the source files does it ?07:19
Dr_Willissine_:  bash basics..  no.07:19
Dr_Williscat foo > bar    copies foo to bar07:19
banshee_Howcome it seems that my video settings don't save? (Using Nvidia X Server Settings)07:19
paventraz1: i would asume thats the ubuntu gnome key ring. it a locker for your passwords, so that a person can't sitt down at you computer and use you pasword protected services.07:19
voss749zenmasta what kind of nic?07:19
Dr_Willisbanshee_:  you may need to run the nvidia-settings tool as root via gksudo nvidia-settings07:20
ZenMasta_integrated probably intel07:20
Curly_QZenMasta, are you doing a:  http://www.192.168.*.*       ?07:20
ZenMasta_yeah just a regular home lan07:20
traz1is the gnome keyring pasword the same as my user password?07:20
Curly_QI see.07:20
histotraz1: yes07:20
Curly_QZenMasta do you have physical access to the router?07:21
ZenMasta_yeah i'm connecte physically right now07:21
Curly_QZenMasta Just a worning but if you follow this instruction, you may lose all settings. But, you can either re-boot or  re-fresh the BIOS of the router box.07:22
crypt-0Curly_Q, i use TELNET to get into my router sometimes OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 200707:22
ZenMasta_Curly_Q yeah I'll pass I mostly use windows so not worth the hassle :/07:22
Curly_QZenMaster so what you are saying is you are doing this remotely?07:23
ZenMasta_no i dual boot my laptop07:24
Curly_QZenMaster if you have physical access to the box you have full control over it.07:24
banshee_When I click "Save to X Configuration file" it says, Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'! How do I fix this?07:24
banshee_When I click "Save to X Configuration file" it says, Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'! How do I fix this?07:24
Dr_Willisbanshee_:  save it to a differnt file, then copy it over to /etc/X11/xorg.conf   is one way07:25
ZykoticK9banshee_, move your current /etc/X11/xorg.conf* files to a safe location, then run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then rerun the nvidia-settings and it should save07:25
Dr_Willisbanshee_:  that issue has been fixed in 10.04 i belive. :) *yea*07:25
ZenMasta_Curly_Q just to make sure we're on the same page, this isn't a pfsense or monowall, its just a consumer grade netgear07:26
banshee_Sorry im new, you say files ,which files do i need to move07:26
ZykoticK9banshee_, there will be an xorg.conf but there may also be an xorg.conf.backup or similar07:26
ZenMasta_banshee_ * is a wild card, so xorg.conf* implies any file that begins with xorg.conf07:27
maggerhow can i find any hard drive in my computer from a terminal using a live cd??07:28
Curly_QZenMasta the http://192.168.0.***  Make sure that you want to go into that box.   Most boxes are at the:   .100       level07:28
Dr_Willismagger:  sudo fdisk -l07:28
ZykoticK9magger, "sudo fdisk -l" will list them07:28
banshee_ZykoticK9 Where should I move them, im new so i dont know what a safe location would be07:28
ZenMasta_Curly_Q I'm logged in07:28
ZykoticK9banshee_, your home directory would be a good spot - would you like the terminal command to do it?07:28
ZenMasta_oh what do you know, it detects a new version of firmware :P07:29
Curly_QZenMasta was it a .100?07:29
ZenMasta_no, 1.107:29
banshee_Would it be, sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf* /home?07:29
Curly_QZenMasta that is the Default Gateway.07:29
ZykoticK9banshee_, YES - but instead of using /home use ~ which will map to the correct /home/yourusername07:29
_^mouse^_sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf* ~07:29
Curly_QOr 0.107:29
banshee_k thanks let me ty07:30
robertmsanybody know how to get laptop hibernation working with karmic - i think it is to do with my wielress drivers?07:30
ZenMasta_there's nothing at .10007:30
banshee_ZykoticK9 should it echo anything back to me?07:30
ZykoticK9banshee_, not if it was successful -- so no07:30
crypt-0ZenMasta_, arp -a07:31
banshee_ZykoticK9 ok I did it, now how do I fix that parsing error again?07:31
Curly_QZenMaster anything goes with wireless. .anything works if you know the address.07:31
ZykoticK9banshee_, on command line - no news is good news07:31
ZykoticK9banshee_, "sudo nvidia-xconfig" first07:31
crypt-0ZenMasta_, that should show most devices on your network route will show your routing table07:31
banshee_k then?07:31
ZykoticK9banshee_, then "gksu nvidia-settings" and try to save07:31
Curly_QKnowing the address is not everything. Knowing the password or passphrase or any encrypted password is key.07:32
ZenMasta_crypt-0 yeah but it doesn't07:32
ZenMasta_on win all I see is 1.1 and back in ubuntu nothing shows07:32
ZenMasta_in the router it shows only my desktop being connected07:33
pepper_hazedoes anyone know how to get the video device name for a webcam and mic?07:33
crypt-0ZenMasta_, does ping work?07:33
banshee_ZykoticK9 Ok now how do I restart x server so  I can complete this?07:33
ZenMasta_yeah, how would it not though hehe07:33
ZykoticK9banshee_, no not really - did the save work?07:33
pepper_hazeI want to record a movie with my webcam and mic, with vlc, and don't know what to put in the video device name07:34
Curly_QZenMasta if your system is connected to the router, it does not mean you are connected to the internet.07:34
banshee_ZykoticK9 I think so how do I check?07:34
banshee_ZykoticK9 It didnt error it just asked me where i wanted to save and whatn ot07:34
ZykoticK9banshee_, did you get the "failed to parse" error?07:34
ZenMasta_yeah I realize that but 127 is always local host.07:34
banshee_ZykoticK9 nope07:34
crypt-0ZenMasta_, IP could be down so that could have been a problem07:34
ZykoticK9banshee_, then it should have worked :)  I'd make the changes/settings you want, resave, then reboot to test07:34
sine_the mp3 files are numbered in order like 1.mp3 up to 20.mp3 but cat does not truncate them in order is tehre a way i can do that man does not show it maybe 2.mp3 - 20.mp3 or something07:35
MrNazaccording to my router, my ubuntu boxis opening connections to some unknown IPs that are in dynamic ranges for ISPs around the world07:35
Curly_QZenMaster you need to be connected to an :  ACCESS POINT        .      period.07:35
MrNazaccording to my router, my ubuntu boxis opening connections to some unknown IPs that are in dynamic ranges for ISPs around the world07:35
MrNazare there any known viruses for ubuntu in the wild?07:35
FloodBot3MrNaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
exploit100hi i am new here07:35
banshee_ZykoticK9 It says it needs a restart to X server to finish, do I restart my computer?07:35
pepper_hazedoes anyone know what to put in the device name of vlc?07:35
ZykoticK9banshee_, might be the easiest thing to do (really i believe you only need to restart Xorg)07:36
Curly_QZenMaster try this:     ping www.ccn.com07:36
ZenMasta_thanks anyway guys. its not a big deal. gonna hit the sack07:36
swebwhat packase i need for compile php extention07:36
\bMike\bWhen writing scripts, it is best to use /usr/bin/env since you don't necessarily know where perl/python/whatever will be, right? But it seems to me that env can't pass arguments along (ie /usr/bin/env perl -wT), is that right?07:36
exploit100someone here use the wget?07:36
Curly_QZenMasta you are lazy. Stick around and fix your problem.07:37
dreakhello, i got a question..how to uninstall ubuntu on my hard drive and install the latest one 10.04 beta 2 ?07:37
crypt-0ZenMasta_, output of iwconfig?07:37
ZenMasta_no way, I've been working all night on other problems07:37
ZykoticK9\bMike\b, if no one answers you here - that would be an excellent question for the people in #bash - they're hard core command line junkies07:37
Curly_QDo you think everyone here has not been working all night?07:37
pepper_hazeI have a question, I want to record webcam and mic on vlc, but I don't know what to type in device name07:37
crypt-0ZenMasta_, get some sleep often the problem will become obvious to you :)07:37
ZenMasta_crypt-0 lo eth0 wmaster0 = no wireless extensions. wlan0=ssid mynetgear07:38
maggerwhat type of file system will my freshly format by the ubuntu disc will be ?07:38
ZykoticK9\bMike\b, and I'm saying that with a great amount of admiration, they've helped me out in the past with scripts - blown my mind really07:39
Curly_QCrypt-0 Good suggestion but ZenMaster is lazy.07:39
crypt-0ZenMasta_, strange and no routing table is DHCP enabled on  your router?07:39
ZenMasta_magger I think the live cd lets you choose... or you can preformat with gpedit07:39
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...07:40
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." Auf Computer 2 habe ich eine Datei in ~/Public kopiert. Auf Computer 3 zeigt Nautilus > Network nur ein »Windows Network« von unbekanntem Typ und keine Benachrichtigung. Avahi hat gestern aber funktioniert, Warum funktioniert diese Dateiübertragung nicht?07:40
maggeri didnt use the live cd.. what will be the default one then ?07:40
Cerberoi can listen output in GNU Denemo, i cant configure midi emulation. any solutions?07:40
maggeri installed using the alternate cd07:40
Cerberoi cant*07:40
ZenMasta_crypt-0 that's probably above my expertise. all Iknow is I can log into the router web interface fine, the arp commands etc only output what I mentioned earlier07:41
pepper_hazeDoes anyone here know what to put in device selection for webcam and mic when recording with vlc?07:41
crypt-0ZenMasta_, IIRC you said it worked fine on win and not on ubuntu?07:42
DarthPuffif you guys had just installed a minimal system would you go with openbox or fluxbox?07:42
Curly_QPermissions and Settings Zenmasta.07:42
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ZenMasta_crypt-0 yeah the prob is connection drop s frequently in ubuntu but on windows I never have the problem. lemme unplug and try wireless again07:43
Curly_QZenMasta   "Connections dropped"   Is only because there is no authentication or the port is incorrect.07:45
crypt-0connection to the AP has nothing to do with ports07:46
Curly_QYes it does.07:46
Curly_QIf the error message comes up.07:46
crypt-0enlighten me07:46
ZenMasta_crypt-0/Curley_Q there aren't any wireless networks detected (even though they're broadcasting ssid) so I specify hidden just in case but no luck07:46
Curly_QTry the correct PORT.07:47
ZenMasta_how do you specify a port when you can't even discover the network?07:47
crypt-0Curly_Q, stop pulling stuff out of your ass07:47
Curly_QZenMasta if there are no wireless connections detected, then, you are just wasting your time.07:47
ZenMasta_i know that's what I'm saying07:47
tsyj2007i just try 10.0407:48
maggerhow do i find out wath filesystem type is a ahrd drive so i can mount it ?07:48
tsyj2007but it often not very well07:48
diddyIs there any way to watch .wmv movies on Ubuntu 64 bin other than to reinstall a 32 bit system?07:48
Curly_QHow in Hell can you connect to any access point if there are no wireless connections detected?07:48
ZenMasta_plugged in manually07:49
pepper_hazewhat is dev/video007:49
Curly_QCrypt-0 you owe me an apology. Stop that stuff.07:49
ZenMasta_so for example right now, there are none detected but if I say hidden, enter my ssid and password it will loop discover/ask for password but never connect07:50
ZenMasta_100% certain the password is fine07:50
crypt-0Curly_Q, you owe me a few kilobits of network traffic07:50
ZenMasta_gonna reboot to win and see if it works07:52
Curly_QZenMasta, please let me explain something. Even though you are connected to a wireless access point, you may see all kinds of data tranfers and so-on. The point to be made here is you are connected to a wireless router but you are not a legit connection to any connection unless you have permissions.07:52
Curly_QBeing connected does not mean you have access to the internet.07:53
ZenMasta_i know being connected means you don't have access to the internet07:53
ZenMasta_internet access isn' the issue, its connecting to the wireless network07:54
exploit100any idea about wget ?07:54
dr3mrowill canonical drop compiz in ubuntu 10.10 ??????????????????07:54
maggercan some one help me to retreive my harddrive and edit that file up.. it ask me which file system time it is when i try to mount it. and im not even sure that its the right HD ??07:54
Curly_QYou are already connected to a wireless router.07:55
ZenMasta_technically yes I was... but by ethernet07:55
ZenMasta_the problem is connecting with my wireless card which is not happening07:55
exploit100none to reply me here?07:55
keyvanhey folks is there a way to create an alias for the root user? so if i try to do ssh keyvan@host it will log me in as root? (this is so i dont have to type keyvan@)07:55
keyvanrather root@07:55
Dr_Willisdr3mro:  they havent done so.. why would you think they would?07:56
keyvanexploit100:  whats ur issue?07:56
crypt-0exploit100, what about wget?07:56
Curly_QI could sit here all day and find in my neighborhood thousands of wireless people unsuspecting an intrusion. I can hope that some stupid will let me intrude or let me in to their network. What a sad for them.07:56
exploit100yes wget07:56
_^mouse^_thousands? wow07:56
exploit100how many time can resume it?07:56
ZykoticK9dr3mro, Dr_Willis if 10.10 ends up with Gnome3 then I think the answer will be Yes to dropping compiz07:56
_^mouse^_i can only see about 6 from my house07:56
ZenMasta_yeah, well no such luck in my neighborhood. only a handful in my reach and they're all protected07:57
keyvanCurly_Q: its like knocking on someones door in your neighborhood… most will let you in on good faith. its up to you if ur going to be malicious07:57
crypt-0<crypt-0> Curly_Q, you owe me a few kilobits of network traffic07:57
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  from the last news i saw.. gnome 3 is delayed. but we will find out   more later this year i imageine07:57
dr3mroDr_Willis, ZykoticK9 gnome-shell and compiz both are window managers :) can't run together07:58
keyvanunfortunately, not many people return that good faith anymore. "what a sad" for society at large.07:58
Curly_QKeyfan thanks for that vote of confidence. I agree with you.07:58
ZykoticK9dr3mro, agreed - thus my comment ;)07:58
keyvanCurly_Q: ya i dont know what the conversation was about i just got here07:58
Dr_Willisdr3mro:  gnome-shell is not installed by default. and it sstill vbery much a work in progress from what ive seen07:58
dr3mroDr_Willis, ZykoticK9 .. i hope gnome guys put the legacy gnome 2 panels into 3.007:58
Dr_WillisGetting rid of the panels - i figure is a MAJOR thing they want to do.07:59
keyvanis there a way to create an alternate username that will actually login as root?07:59
ZykoticK9dr3mro, i just started playing with gnome-shell the other day, it's pretty cool once you get used to it07:59
Curly_QKeyvan some people here want to hack wireless or just know how to do it. I am not a full fan of giving out ways to do it.07:59
dr3mroDr_Willis,  I just installed it and give it a try its 6 month away and far from a win98 usability07:59
Dr_Williskeyvan:  ive seen it done.. but whats the point07:59
DarthPuffhave any of you used a tiling wm like awesome or ratpoison? i am thinking about trying one07:59
keyvanDr_Willis: its so i can ssh to my server under my currently logged in name on macbook (keyvan)07:59
keyvanrather than having to type root@host07:59
Dr_Willisdr3mro:  last news i saw a few days ago. said gnome-3 was getting pushed back. but only time will tell.07:59
keyvani can just do ssh host.07:59
dr3mroZykoticK9, but there is no desktop effects and why gnome tends to reinvent the wheel07:59
crypt-0Curly_Q, thats why there is youtube and google for kiddies like you07:59
Dr_Williskeyvan:  its best to ssh in as a user, then sudo -s08:00
geekphreakDr_Willis: howdy08:00
Curly_QCrypt-0 you are so funny. Why do you think I am a script kiddie?08:00
=== dusty_ is now known as g0aliath
keyvanDr_Willis: trying to save keystrokes and commands… but i dont want to create an alias in my bashrc either08:00
crypt-0hi geekphreak08:00
geekphreakcrypt-0: hello sir08:00
ZykoticK9dr3mro, my first reaction to gnome-shell was verging on disgust - but once i learned it, i adopted the "pretty cool" attitude08:00
=== deep_thought is now known as caboose
dr3mroDr_Willis, gnome guys had the best compiz intgration and every thing is fine why drop it and give me the most hted word deprecated08:00
crypt-0no i think your just trolling and been wrong way too many times to be helping here08:00
Dr_Williskeyvan:  thers Lazy, then theres and insecure. :)08:01
keyvanDr_Willis: nobody will get a hold of this laptop lol :P08:01
geekphreakcrypt-0: who?08:01
Dr_WillisYou really shouldent be needing to be root for long time anyway.08:01
swebwhat must i do for install packasge that compile php extentions08:01
sweband apache modules !!! ???08:01
keyvanDr_Willis: lol do you have a solution?08:01
Dr_Williskeyvan:  security is 40% 'practice'  where you do the proper methods to keep things secure.08:01
keyvanDr_Willis: by practice you mean extra keys?08:01
Dr_Williskeyvan:  you could just allow root to ssh in. thats one way.08:01
ZenMasta__anychance ubuntu has a problem with WPA2?08:02
maggeri need to find out what filesytem type a hard drive on my computer is so i can mount it, im running on a live cd and doesnt know what filetype the hard drive is08:02
Dr_Williskeyvan:  yes.08:02
dr3mroZykoticK9, I wish it will be cool ... and by the way i don't understand why canonical is developing me menu and notification menu applets on a panel that will die in 6 moth08:02
g0aliathdoes anyone know of some good resources of bash scripting?08:02
maggeri wou;ld really apreciate if come one could explain me for 2 min???08:02
Dr_WillisYou shouldent really be needing to be root for a long period of time.08:02
keyvanDr_Willis: i'm not root on my macbook… see when u do ssh host… it automatically does ssh local_user@host, but i dont want to login as keyvan, i want to login as root08:02
geekphreakcrypt-0:  dont PM me08:02
ZykoticK9dr3mro, Lucid is supported for the next 3 years on desktop!08:02
=== caboose is now known as jehovah
Dr_Williskeyvan:  ssh takes an arument as what user to 'connect as'08:02
ZenMasta__magger gparted08:03
Dr_Williskeyvan:  you can set up sshd to allow root logging in.08:03
crypt-0ZenMasta_, which version of ubuntu?08:03
dr3mroZykoticK9, who uses linux for 3 years with the same destro ... i wish i can install ubuntu daily :)08:03
trelaneI'm running ubuntu 10.4 Beta2, and while I'm not at the desktop my gnome panels will disappear (both top and bottom)  I've tried restarting gnome panel to no avail, and a search of the web has turned up empty.08:03
keyvanyes, Dr_Willis, but the macbook automatically suffixes the host with keyvan@ . it works if i do ssh root@remote_host, but i dont want to press the extra 5 keys if i dont have to08:03
geekphreak!lucid | trelane08:04
ubottutrelane: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:04
maggerZenMasta__:  it replay me gtk warning cannot open displays:08:04
keyvanhence why i asked if i can create a "fake" user called keyvan on the remote host and have it actually login as root08:04
tripelbgod+dess knows, this computer freezes and now I know it is not flash because I have flash off (supposedly I can turn it on in any instance, this fedora icon tells me so, but I wont try). I've decided it's hardware. ------ ON THE OTHER HAND, I let it sit for hours now and it didnt freeze. It's so random!08:04
Curly_QKeyVan do you want to root copy and paste?08:04
Dr_Williskeyvan:   make an alias then.   or try the ssh configs -> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/use-sshconfig-simplify-your-life08:04
crypt-0ZenMasta__, likely not then although it wouldnt hurt to disable wireless security to rule that out.08:04
keyvanDr_Willis:  cool thx, ssh configs sounds good08:04
Curly_QKeyFan with SSH client?08:04
Dr_Willisa whole 5 keys.. egads.. ;)08:05
ZenMasta__crypt-0 i just changed it to wpa tkip rebooting now cause I was in windows08:05
keyvanCurly_Q: yes if you know how to copy the root user settings like the bash profile and everything08:05
keyvanthen that would be good too08:05
quizmehow do you remove an item from the Application->Internet-> drop down menu ?08:05
keyvancuz its not good to be root anyway08:05
Dr_Williskeyvan:  link the users configs to /root/???configs??? is one way08:05
dr3mroThe reason i ditshed windows 7 is that i like gnome more but gnome team is acting crazy to do the KDE4 mistake again just to be said it has a new look ... canonical should mke it possible to install old gnome to the 10.1008:05
Curly_QKeyVan what SSH client are you using?08:05
Curly_QIs it a GUI client?08:05
keyvanno, bash terminal08:06
Dr_Willisdr3mro:   we dont even know if gnome3 + gnome shell will be avail by the time 10.10 comes out.08:06
Curly_QWhat in the world are you running?08:06
keyvanCurly_Q: im currently on a macbook. by the remote host im talking about is a Linode VPS in texas running ubuntu 9.1008:06
Curly_QAre you trying to sudo -i from Windows to Linux?08:06
keyvaneww windows08:06
Curly_QKeyVan its all about permissions.08:08
ZenMasta__crypt-0 seems to be okay now but who knows if it will drop again soon, will need some time to trust it again. so with that, gonna hit the sack and will revisit tomorrow :P08:08
ZenMasta__night all08:08
keyvanCurly_Q: i think you make yourself out to be smarter or more knowledgeable than you actually are. does that sound accurate?08:08
DarthPuffhow do i check the version of an app with aptitude search?08:08
dr3mroDr_Willis, you know gnome 2.30 can be improved with out recreating the desktop for example we can add the tag for files and color taging like gmail to files on desktop and nautilus... also nautiljus needs alot of work to be metadata ready to edit mp3 tags and to preview video files ... better grid view in nautilus .. they just ignore all of that and create useless not essential shell08:09
Tm_TDarthPuff: typically gui application has in menu: help -> about08:09
Curly_QKeyVan check this out:    sudo -i08:09
DarthPuffTm_T: i'm 100% command line08:09
Curly_QWhat file or directory do you want to ssh to?08:09
tripelbQUESTION: I have a computer that does not recognize the ethernet port. So I added an ethernet pci card. Same. Ubuntu 9.04 fresh install. On boot gnome window says Wired disconnected. And then unplugging and replugging gives me nothing at all. (It is the cable from cable (lol) that I am using here in this computer.08:10
Tm_TDarthPuff: app --version08:10
DarthPuffTm_T: will that show the version in the repositories?08:10
keyvanCurly_Q: how old are you?08:11
Curly_QKeyVan what directory do you want to SSH to?08:11
Curly_Qor file?08:12
Tm_TDarthPuff: nope, you need to use apt to see to repositories, or go to packages.ubuntu.com08:12
sgh-i637 nesecito ayuda08:12
keyvanCurly_Q: that's irrelevant. makes no difference08:12
maggeronce i mounted a hard drive to /mnt how can i acces it ?08:12
Curly_QIt does.08:12
keyvanCurly_Q: how so? what are you thinking08:12
Curly_QIf it is irrelevant, then you should not be asking questions here on this channel.08:12
keyvanCurly_Q: I dont think you understand my "issue"08:12
keyvanCurly_Q: because its a convenience thing.. not an actual problem.08:13
sgh-i637I have a ploblema hello, can anyone help08:13
_^mouse^_magger,  you mounted it to a directory, right? then just type cd <the mount directory> to access it08:13
geekphreakmagger:  when you type ls /mnt , see those files?08:13
Curly_QI know I had the same stupid problem. Don't you see?08:13
keyvansgh-i637: dont ask to ask. just ask.08:13
keyvanCurly_Q: no, you didnt understand my situation. dont worry about it, its not a big deal08:13
maggerso i should have mounted it to like /mnt/Afile iinstead of /mnt ?08:14
geekphreaksgh-i637: try asking08:14
Dr_Willismagger:  you could use /mnt/ but /mnt/SOMPLACE is proberly cleaner08:14
Curly_QKeyVan I was on this channel for days and almost a month and there was only one person who knew what I was asking. Don't insult people who really want to help you.08:14
DarthPuffTm_T: when i type man * it says command not found08:15
keyvanCurly_Q: Your first sentence does not logically lead into your second one. How old are you?08:15
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  'man man' :)08:15
DarthPuffwhen i type man it says command not found. do i have to install man?08:15
crypt-0magger, df will show you all mounted filesystems08:15
Dr_Willisman is installed by default..   so it would be odd its missing.08:15
DarthPuffDr_Willis: it is a minimal install... i guess the man didn't come with it?08:15
Curly_QMy age has nothing to do with your problem Keyvan.08:15
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  that may be the case then08:15
wolfie1hello everyone =)08:16
DarthPuffDr_Willis: if i install it now will all the manuals be there08:16
sgh-i637I have an information on a hard disk that formerly was / home, but now that I can not reinstall 9.10 qeu see the information on this hard drive had08:16
keyvanCurly_Q: i'm just curious, anyway if you want to keep talking to me, keep it to private messages lest we flood the channel.08:16
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  i think theres several different packages that have diffrent 'parts' of themanuals.08:16
wolfie1in ubuntu netbook remix, there is no desktop, (how can I do that on normal ubuntu?)08:16
DarthPuffwolfie1: install netbook remix;P08:16
DarthPuffDr_Willis: hmmmm08:17
Curly_QKeyVan I am almost 55 years old. Does that help you?08:17
keyvanwolfie: sudo apt-get remove gdm will stop gnome from running the gui on startup08:17
ardchoillekeyvan Curly_Q  Can that be taken to another channel please?08:17
Dr_Williswolfie1:  I installed the ubuntu-netbook  stuff on my desktop :) but  under 9.xx having both on the same machine can confiuse things.08:17
keyvanerr ubuntu, not gnome.08:17
wolfie1but I dont want netbook remix, I want my notmal ubuntu just with that fancy desktop that netbook remix has =)08:17
Dr_Williswolfie1:  the 'desktop' is just handled by nautilus, the netbook edition dosent run that part of it.08:17
DarthPuffi've gone the other way08:17
Dr_Williswolfie1:  thats the netbook-launcher tool i belive08:17
DarthPuffi want just a tiled wm... i tried twm but it was terrible08:18
sgh-i637I have an information on a hard disk that formerly was / home, but now that you reinstall 9.10 I can not see the information you had on this hard drive08:18
ardchoillewolfie1: the netbook launcher tool *is* the desktop in UNR08:18
wolfie1ooh!, thats what I wanted to know, it is on sinaptic? =)08:18
Dr_Williswolfie1:  if you run it  on a norml gnome session - it just appears above the desktop i think08:18
pingvinqqanybody know a command, so i can restart a program?:D08:18
DarthPuffDr_Willis: is there a way to use apt or aptitude to give me the version of apps in the repository?08:18
pingvinqqi need to restart a program , what is the command ???08:18
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  depends on the program.   many take a signal to 'restart'08:18
fcuk112DarthPuff, have you tried pytyle?  i am using it with Arch and it works great.08:18
DarthPuffpingvinqq: find the command using top and kill it08:18
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  proberly is.. but id have to check the apt manuals to figure out what it is.08:18
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)08:19
DarthPuffDr_Willis: it tried to do that :p man not found08:19
pingvinqqyeah but im professionel music maker, and i need to restart lmms, but it dont works, if i type restart lmms08:19
DarthPufffcuk112: have you tried ratpoison or awesome? those have caught my eye but i can't decide on one08:19
keyvanpingvinqq:  killall lmms08:19
pingvinqqthx :D08:19
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  not the man pages.. there exists some apt  web sites/guides08:19
sgh-i637anyone can help I have an information on a hard drive that was previously / home, but now that you reinstall 9.10 I can not see the information we had on this hard drive08:19
fcuk112DarthPuff, sorry, can't say i have.08:19
wolfie1I just installed netbook-launcher, now what? x308:20
DarthPuffDr_Willis: :( i'm stuck in command line... i'll look it up on my phone08:20
DarthPufffcuk112: it's a hard choice08:20
geekphreaksgh-i637: was /home encrypted?08:20
pingvinqqkeyvan: it dont works, ifi type killall lmms, its the same if i just close the program .. i need to restart it :)08:21
angelo_ciao a tutti08:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:22
DarthPuffDr_Willis: wow, just typing aptitude gave me a gui08:22
sgh-i637as I can decrypt08:22
keyvanpingvinqq: once its closed, you can restart it. i dont have enough information, sorry.08:22
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  a text based curses gui...08:22
wolfie1got it, just had to kill nautilus x308:22
pingvinqqkeyvan: ok ,08:22
DarthPuffDr_Willis: :p better than what i have08:22
sgh-i637<geekphreak>  as I can decrypt08:23
fcuk112DarthPuff, i think ratpoison and awesome are window managers - you can use pytyle with your existing WM.08:23
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  i dont even know what your actual problem is/was :P08:23
DarthPufffcuk112: i have no wm :)08:24
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i'm deciding what wm to use08:24
sgh-i637anyone can help I have an information on a hard drive that was previously / home, but now that you reinstall 9.10 I can not see the information we had on this hard drive08:24
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  install one.. try it.. move on to the next..  and the problem is?08:24
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i have a system with nothing but wireless access, nano, and irssi08:24
ja660kcan the awk command run on a string not a file?08:24
Dougdoug4This outputs correctly but adds an entire spaced line after ( http://dpaste.com/181624/ ) e.g.08:24
Dougdoug4like that08:24
Dr_Willisja660k:  yes. you could echo/pipe a string to it.. or use stdin.08:25
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i'm trying to choose between ratpoison and awesome... but i need to know the version in the repository so i don't install outdated stuff. these two wm's aren't very mainstream.08:25
sgh-i637anyone can help I have an information on a hard drive that was previously / home, but now that you reinstall 9.10 I can not see the information we had on this hard drive08:25
Dougdoug4wrong channel, my apologies08:25
ubuntutrying to recover grub after windows install . can anyone help??         $ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk-2 /dev/sda2grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea.08:25
Dr_Willis!info ratposion08:25
ubuntugrub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.08:25
ubuntugrub-setup: error: Cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly08:25
ubottuPackage ratposion does not exist in karmic08:25
FloodBot3ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
sgh-i637i can help08:25
Dr_Willis!info ratpoison08:25
ubotturatpoison (source: ratpoison): keyboard-only window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.4-1 (karmic), package size 190 kB, installed size 536 kB08:25
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  there ya go08:25
maggerlook like i cannot find /ext/X11/xorg.conf on my ubuntu 9.10 maybe my info are outdated but where woul be that config file ??08:25
DarthPuff!info awesome08:25
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.4-1 (karmic), package size 342 kB, installed size 2144 kB08:25
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  like its going to kill you to just instll both of them?08:26
DarthPuffDr_Willis: that ain't minimal!08:26
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...08:26
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?08:26
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  i perfer icewm, or jwm, or flvwm08:26
meowbuntuhi how do you  check ptoper filename syntax in comandline.08:26
LordKow!info xfce408:26
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB08:26
LordKow^ ftw08:26
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i was thinking openbox or fluxbox, but then i got the scent of something even more painstaking and difficult to use08:27
Dr_Willis'minimal' a new buzzword  that really means very little. (pun!)08:27
ubuntucan anyone see me...............      ???????????????08:27
ardchoilleDr_Willis: :)08:27
ardchoilleubuntu: yes08:27
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  fluxbox + rox filer = a fairly complete  low footprint desktop.08:27
ubuntuardchoille:  can you help me08:27
fcuk112DarthPuff, i am using LXDE.  but to be honest if i were using ubuntu and i had ok h/w i'd just go with gnome+compiz, it just looks better.08:28
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i like fluxbox + thunar08:28
ardchoilleubuntu with what?08:28
Dr_WillisI cant stand thunar08:28
DarthPufffcuk112: my hardwareisn't ok08:28
ubuntutrying to recover grub after windows install. can someone help ?/          $ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk-2 /dev/sda2grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea.08:28
fcuk112DarthPuff, tried LXDE then?08:28
ubuntuardchoille: ^08:28
ardchoilleubuntu: no idea, haven't touched a MS product in 9 years08:28
Dr_Willisubuntu:  dont use 'sda2' use 'sda'08:29
ubuntuDr_Willis:  my kubuntu is on sda208:29
DarthPufffcuk112: i have before08:29
Dr_Willisubuntu:  the error message is saying that. :) basicaly08:29
Dr_Willisubuntu:  yes.. but the MBR is on sda.. NOT sda208:29
DarthPufffcuk112: i'm really just bored and looking for something different.08:29
bretterooopenbox is great if you want a low footprint desktop08:29
Dr_Willisubuntu:  sda2 = the 2nd filesystem.. 'sda' the disk itself.08:29
sgh-i637how to decode the information from my hard drive08:29
ubuntuDr_Willis:  thanks :)08:30
DarthPuffbretteroo: i've tried flux but i can't find the difference between that and open08:30
ubuntuDr_Willis:  it workds08:30
=== scrp3l is now known as Guest34221
DarthPuffsgh-i637: was it encrypted?08:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  common mistake peopel do in several different   cases.08:30
sgh-i637anyone can help I have an information on a hard drive that was previously / home, but now that you reinstall 9.10 I can not see the information we had on this hard drive08:30
ubuntuDr_Willis: hm08:30
DarthPuffsgh-i637: did you partition the disk when you installed again?08:30
fcuk112DarthPuff, try arch+lxde+slim+pytyle+xcompmgr.08:30
ardchoilleDarthPuff: iirc, fluxbox has the slit (panel?) and openbox does not08:30
Dr_Willissgh-i637:  if it wasent encrypted.. check ownership of the files/dirs08:31
DarthPuffardchoille: open has the dock now :\08:31
ardchoilleDarthPuff: It does? wow, been a while since I used it08:31
DarthPuffDr_Willis: he may have installed 9.10 over his old system08:31
DarthPuffardchoille: it's just what i have read08:31
bretteroo@DarthPuff it is all about preference, differences are minimal08:31
Dr_Willis!info flwm08:31
ubottuflwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-6 (karmic), package size 43 kB, installed size 164 kB08:31
DarthPuffbretteroo: that is what i am thinking about ratpoison and awesome too08:32
Dr_Willis164kB :)08:32
sgh-i637as ????? : (I am newbie08:32
DarthPuffDr_Willis: wow that is tiny08:32
DarthPuffsgh-i637: when you went through the 9.10 installer did it ask to to do a guided partition of hte disk?08:32
Dr_WillisIf theres a smaller.. i dont know of it.08:32
LordKowthat is totally the flwm meta package08:32
DarthPuffDr_Willis: i read about one a while ago that was just a few lines of code... i don't know what it does over just plain x though08:33
Dr_WillisLordKow:  if you say so..  i never noticed it work ing as a metapackage08:33
meowbuntuhi how do you  check proper filename syntax in comandline.08:33
Dr_Willislets try it in 10.0408:33
LordKowDr_Willis: upon further inspection, i retract my statement08:33
meowbuntuthe file has spaces in it08:33
ardchoillemeowbuntu: you need to escape a space by putting a \ in front of it08:34
DarthPuffsgh-i637: did you use the graphical installer for 9.10?08:34
ardchoilleexample: ls /path/my\ file08:34
Redeuxxhow do I pipe wget's downloaded file to /dev/null instead of a physical file?08:34
Dr_Willisflwm + fltk ==> After this operation, 1,323kB of additional disk space will be used.08:34
meowbuntuardchoille, really what about ()08:35
ardchoillemeowbuntu: never seen that before08:35
Dr_WillisYou can escape ( also.08:35
sgh-i637what happened is that I had a pinto mounting "/" and / home but format and reinstall in / but you do not specify the / home and surprise when I start my missing files08:35
Dr_Willistry -->   file(    <TAB>   perhaps08:35
ardchoilleI hate spaces in filenames08:35
pingvinqqwhat is the best editor to .sh files?:D08:36
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  whatever text editor you like.08:36
ardchoillepingvinqq: any text editor should be fine08:36
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  you may want one that has syntax highlighting  if you are doing scripting a lot08:36
sgh-i637do not install it manually in the08:36
pingvinqqDr_Willis: yeah sure but, im tired of nano soo...08:36
coz_pingvinqq,  there is one names    Tea   its kinda nice   multiple format editor08:36
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  nano is about as bottom of the barrel as you can get. it is worth while to learn vi08:36
ardchoillepingvinqq: vim and gedit have syntax highlighting, I'm sure others do too08:37
pingvinqqyeah . are gedit good?:)08:37
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  i perfer geany08:37
ardchoilleI use gedit for writing html, basc scripts, python.. just about everything08:37
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  but learning vi  is Very worth while.08:37
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code08:38
LordKowRedeuxx: save the file as /dev/null08:38
pingvinqqokay :D08:38
crypt-0pingvinqq, i prefer SciTE because i like its syntax highlighting, and how it shows subs and brackets as trees and the line number  but any is fine08:38
DarthPuffsgh-i637: how did you install 9.10? what is pinto? if you did a format and reinstall on / then your home directory and contents are long gone. / refers to the very top of the food chain08:38
LordKowRedeuxx: wget <file-url> -O /dev/null 2>&108:38
meowbuntudrat i cant md5sum an iso file08:38
coz_meowbuntu,  why is that?08:39
Dr_Willismd5sum foo.iso08:39
meowbuntucoz_, it says no such file or directory but its in there08:39
RedeuxxLordKow, oh, thanks. I was making things more complicated than they were08:39
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  use single quotes around the whole name..08:39
coz_meowbuntu,  how are you ateempting it?08:39
ardchoillemeowbuntu: did you check case of the filename?08:39
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  or ... rename it! :008:40
sgh-i637I explain it08:40
coz_atempting rather08:40
pingvinqqbut every time i save a .sh file, i cant find it?08:40
ardchoillepingvinqq: in nautilus?08:40
pingvinqqardchoille: ye..08:41
coz_pingvinqq,  hit  ctrl+h  to show hidden files in nautilus08:41
ardchoillepingvinqq: ctrl+h will show hidden files08:41
pingvinqqokay :D08:41
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  pay attention to where you are saveing things.. learn shell basics.08:41
tripelbmeowbuntu, there's some way of looking at an iso file as-if it is on a drive. That should do it if there isnt another way.08:41
coz_tripelb,  gmountiso08:41
pingvinqqthx !!! everybody i can find it :DD08:42
tripelbcoz_ thanks08:42
sgh-i637my drive is 120 gb partition on the 20gb and 97gb,08:42
sgh-i637in the 19 gb install ubuntu mount point /, and the 97gb / home08:42
meowbuntuok now where is the md5sum for this file http://www.dpup.org/test/dpup484beta4-
tripelbstill newbie to ubuntu. I want to burn a movie to a cd, with Brasero, do I choose "Data Project" (audio, video diskcopy, burnimage - aer the other choices)08:43
DarthPuff!info ratpoison08:44
ubotturatpoison (source: ratpoison): keyboard-only window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.4-1 (karmic), package size 190 kB, installed size 536 kB08:44
pingvinqqwhy cant i open the .sh file?:(08:44
DarthPuff!info awesome08:44
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.4-1 (karmic), package size 342 kB, installed size 2144 kB08:44
tripelbmeowbuntu, how would we know? Where did you get it from?08:44
maggercan some one tell me if they have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf under ubuntu 9.10 pls that would help alot???08:45
coz_meowbuntu,  well the  image you linked to is a .iso08:45
meowbuntutripelb, shesh read man the link where is the md5sum for this file http://www.dpup.org/test/dpup484beta4-
DarthPuffmagger: i didn't have one when i installed08:45
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  be clear and concice in what you mean.. 'gedit whatever.sh' will open  a  text file08:45
coz_meowbuntu,  dpup-484beta4-
DarthPuffmagger: it's somewhere else... you can put one there though08:45
sgh-i63797gb partition now I can not see anything because when you reinstall put the mount point "/" and "/ home" together, worse if I said I have used space in that partition08:46
DarthPuffmagger: if you do the dpkg thing and remake it with root it will be in roots home directory. you can then copy it on over.08:46
meowbuntucoz_, usually there is a checksum on the internet where the file is downloaded from.08:46
sgh-i637I think that is encrypted08:46
maurii ahve buyed scanner cannor lite 100 but kubuntu does not recognize it.....may someone help me please?08:46
pingvinqqDr_Willis: yeah .. but if i open the .sh file with gksu , and after this type: ./file.sh and after this type chmod 755 file.sh it dont open ?08:46
maggerim in so much toruble right now08:46
DarthPuffmagger: why do?08:46
DarthPuffwhy so*?08:46
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  if you want to make a script executable you 'chmod +x whatever.sh' then you can run it with the proper path to the script.08:47
maggeri have this isntall that wont boot that i installed from an alternate version08:47
DarthPuffwon't boot?08:47
meowbuntucoz_, are you forgetting that to check if the downloaded worked you need a checksum posted on the web with it. to check the .iso download08:47
coz_meowbuntu,  yeah there is on there also the second  dpup down is the checksum08:47
DarthPuffmagger: is it booted up at a command prompt?08:47
maggerthe screen start flikering08:47
meowbuntuoh it necer says that08:47
maggerim on a live cd08:47
meowbuntuthanks coz_08:47
pingvinqqDr_Willis: okay ..=08:47
Dr_Willispingvinqq:   also scripts normally start with #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash  or others depending on the language of the script08:47
coz_meowbuntu,    cab1bfc44738446c32efbb9e68166d6c08:47
DarthPuffmagger: your first step is to find out what error you are getting.08:48
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  bash scripting basics. :)   you may want to check out some bash scripting guides.08:48
pingvinqqDr_Willis: yeah i know but i need to do, so i just can doubble click on the "icon" .. so i open .. (dont care if it open in the background)08:48
Dr_Willisset its properties to open in a terminal.. test it by running it in a terminal first.08:49
ravibnHi! I need help with upgrading Gnome player on karmic 9.10. I hv already installed version 0.9. I found a newer version from  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42163759/gnome-media-player-0.1.2.tar.gz how do i do this?08:49
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  or make a launcher that runs 'xterm -e /path/to/the/script.sh'08:49
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pingvinqqDr_Willis: what is this?:)08:50
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  you need to be more clear in what you are doing and exactly what is going on.08:50
keyvanpingvinqq: man xterm and read about -e08:50
keyvanor do we not give advice like this in #ubuntu?08:51
pingvinqqokay, i can open the file now, if i open it with gksu , and after this type chmod 667 file.sh and after this type ./file.sh08:51
keyvanubuntu is making linux "too easy" in my opinion, heh08:51
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  the term 'open' means very little...  if you mean RUN it.. then say run.. if you mean edit .. then say edit08:51
pingvinqqDr_Willis: sry i mean not gksu,FAIL !! i mean root terminal08:51
ddvladhi, if i install ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 now, how hard will it be to upgrade to the final release? it's not my first contact with linux, it's just the first time i'm trying ubuntu08:52
pingvinqqDr_Willis: ok?08:52
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  open a terminal,  do 'chmod +x whatever.sh'   to make it executable..   then run it with ./whatever.sh    does that work?08:52
sgh-i637someone speaks Spanish08:52
sgh-i637someone speaks Spanish?08:52
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  i dont understand your ;opening it' then  setting the modes.. You have to set the mode BEFOR you run the thing08:52
pingvinqqDr_Willis: i try 2 sec:D08:52
nomad77!es > sgh-i63708:53
ubottusgh-i637, please see my private message08:53
pingvinqqDr_Willis: it dont works before i set the mod , like chmod ..08:55
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  err.. that makes sence.. if you want a executable script you need to make it 'executable'08:55
Dr_Willisecho 'gedit' > startgedit.sh               then 'chmod +x startgedit.sh'     then run ./startgedit.sh08:56
* Dr_Willis cheated and dident use a #!/bin/sh at the start :) im lazy08:56
pingvinqqye.. i know :), but im not SO good at linux, i still learning, so what its a executable script?..08:56
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  dident i mention some scripting tutoials earlier?08:56
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  thats what the chmod command is doing...08:56
Dr_Willis!mode | pingvinqq08:57
ubottupingvinqq: There are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml08:57
ravibnHi! I need help with upgrading Gnome player on karmic 9.10. I hv already installed version 0.9. I found a newer version from  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42163759/gnome-media-player-0.1.2.tar.gz how do i do this?08:57
Dr_Willisoops not that factoid.. heh..08:57
Dr_Willis!chmode | pingvinqq08:57
Dr_Willis!chmod | pingvinqq08:57
ubottupingvinqq: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:57
pingvinqqDr_Willis: :D , but i dont understand what is was..?08:57
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  you need to be more clear in your questions..08:57
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/08:58
pingvinqqDr_Willis: okay .. my question is: can i do so i can doubble-click on the "icon" and then it open?:)08:58
prakdoes anyone here know how to get vmware folder sharing working for ubuntu 9.10 (I have found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=846691 to be the closest, but still have trouble getting it working)?08:58
geekphreakpingvinqq:  read :)08:59
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  make a script that works. make a launcher that launches the script.08:59
pingvinqqgeekphreak: ok ..08:59
Dr_Willisthats better way then just double clicking on whatever.sh08:59
pingvinqqDr_Willis: i know.. but i will do so i just can doubble-cllick on it ..08:59
LordKowr=4,w=2,x=1 took a while to learn09:00
psycho_oreosLordKow, then there's ugo (user group others) and suid bits, etc09:00
LordKowone step at a time :)09:01
Dr_Willispingvinqq:  you seem to be doing somthing fundamentally wrong.. its  a 2 step process...09:01
Dr_Willismake script.. make it executable.. double click on it.09:01
Dr_Willisie:   willis@cow:~$ echo 'gedit' > startgedit.sh09:02
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ chmod +x startgedit.sh09:02
Dr_WillisI double click on that stargedit.sh and it runs gedit09:02
pingvinqqDr_Willis: yeas :D09:02
Dr_Willisive no idea what you were trying to do with the gksud and stuff.09:02
tripelbstill newbie to ubuntu. I want to burn a movie to a cd, with Brasero, do I choose "Data Project" (audio, video diskcopy, burnimage - aer the other choices)09:03
wandernautaIs there a netinst CD availible for Lucid Lynx?09:03
wandernautatripelb: Video I guess.09:03
bretterooare you just burning the movie as a backup or do you want it to play in a dvd player09:03
nimrod10tripelb, is that a divx movie ?09:03
tripelbnimrod10, wandernauta is an .avi09:04
nimrod10tripelb, if it is an avi you can burn it as data09:04
airtonixtripelb, i you want to play the movie on normal dvd players use devede, if you want to back it up or play it on a divx compatiable dvd player use data disc09:05
airtonix!info devede | tripelb09:05
ubottutripelb: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1518 kB, installed size 3560 kB09:05
tripelbah nimrod10 airtonix I see. I want to play it on a computer. I'll burn the folder with the subs in it. Thanks. (it's a movie in Spanish) The Secret in their Eyes. Comes out next week in the big theaters. Won some big award.09:07
MastereduBUG with FIREWIRE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/55985309:08
tripelbThanks for clarifying my thinking nimrod1- and airtonix09:08
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...09:08
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?09:08
Dr_Willis'its an avi' is vague. it could be a divx, or xvid, or any of a 100+ other codecs :)09:08
Mastereduwho has the same bug as me ? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/55985309:08
tripelbDr_Willis, If the file is a blabla.avi does that not tell me the format of the file???09:09
Mastereduno one ? ^^ lol09:09
bullgardMasteredu: Learn to put smart questions, please.09:10
DarthPuffi decided on awesome09:12
Mastereduhas no one the bug that i reported with the posts over me here?09:13
Dr_Willistripelb:  .avi tells you it is a video file.. and thats absically it.. it could be of any of 100+ codecs.09:13
tripelbDr_Willis, If the file is a blabla.avi does that not tell me the format of the file???  How can I learn more about what you are saying? (this Jp video said I did not have the codex. OK AND THEN IT  played the movie DUBBED IN CHINESE which had been invisible in the nomal menu (which I had seen in windows)09:13
Dr_Willistripelb:  its all about the codecs.. not the file extension09:14
WizardOfOzDr_Willis: Sir!!09:14
WizardOfOzUbuntu crashed my laptop!09:14
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
tripelbDr_Willis,  I want to learn more. (the chinese one played in Ubuntu. I was kind of thrilled to find out it was there.09:15
ardchoille!away > JimmyJ|zz09:15
ubottuJimmyJ|zz, please see my private message09:15
Dr_Willistripelb:  see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_codec09:15
rewatihi there can anybody please tell me how to play dvd in my ubuntu i have tried sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh09:17
keyvanrewati: im sure if you google "how to play dvd ubuntu" you'll find the answer09:18
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:18
Dr_Willisor read the wiki pages.09:18
Dr_Willisrewati:  and i think the command is --->    sudo sh  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh09:19
Dr_Willisat least that just worked for me09:19
tripelbDr_Willis, yes the chroma was well different in the chinese one. How do I find out what codex it was using?09:19
Dr_Willistripelb:  right click.. prperties.. look in the tabs09:20
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tripelbreading more09:20
Dr_Willisall that dvd script did here was get the proper .deb from medibuntu :)09:20
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DarthPuffDr_Willis: i just installed awesome and nothing happens :( initx and startx are not found. if i want to install xorg do i just install that or do i install xorg-server?09:21
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  no idea.   I dont bother with the minimnal and build up approach. I would think those window managers should Pull in the needed X packages.09:21
Dr_Willis!info xorg-server09:22
ubottuPackage xorg-server does not exist in karmic09:22
DarthPuffDr_Willis: they did not :\09:22
DarthPuff!info xorg09:22
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4+3ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB09:22
DarthPuffxorg it is09:22
Dr_Willisthres proberly a dozen other support packages as well..09:22
DarthPuffyeah, but that looks like a master file to pull in other files09:22
coz_DarthPuff,   http://www.actionshrimp.com/2009/02/installing-awesome-window-manager-on-ubuntu-intrepid/09:23
coz_DarthPuff,  i would guess ,,,even though old  some of the approach is still valid09:23
DarthPuffcoz_: i saw that. the guy built it from scratch i think09:23
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coz_DarthPuff,  right...09:24
DarthPuffcoz_: it's in the repository now, but it didn't pull in x09:24
* antivirtel is back (gone 00:05:11)09:24
DarthPuffhow do i get x to install with just the intel driver?09:24
DarthPuffi don't need all these other packages09:24
tripelbrewati It's not so easy as it seems. There's something called Medibuntu and it's in the ubuntu community doc pages. BUT I had to follow the instructions in a --> post in ubuntu forums by old_gray_wolf who had several lists to paste into terminal. Then I could do everything. FYI.09:24
coz_DarthPuff,  I know several people who prefer xmonad over awsome  but I have never used either one09:25
DarthPuffcoz_: i already installed awesome :p09:26
coz_DarthPuff,  ok  :)09:26
DarthPuffcoz_: it just doesn't work because xorg isn't installed, but the darn thing is trying to pull in all sorts of video drivers09:26
coz_DarthPuff,  well my guess is you will need to install all of the pacakges for this to work properly   but again I have never trid09:27
coz_tried it09:27
coz_DarthPuff,  is this on top of default Ubuntu install?09:27
DarthPuffcoz_: it's a minimal install09:27
Dr_Willisheh - if it was a default install.. he allready would of tried 'awsome' and given up on it.09:27
coz_DarthPuff,  ah ok09:28
coz_Dr_Willis,  :)09:28
DarthPuffcoz_: ;) i selected the intel video drivers to be installed for xorg and it only pulled in the stuff above that... cut of 30 megs :D09:28
coz_DarthPuff,  cool09:28
Dr_WillisNow you got room for 10 more MP3's!09:28
DarthPuffDr_Willis: :P i have an 8 gig hd09:28
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:  i got a whole working ubuntu system on a 8gb flash drive.09:29
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Dr_Williswith gnome.09:29
DarthPuffDr_Willis: with 1 gig to spare i bet09:29
Dr_WillisDarthPuff:   thats what other flash drives are for.09:29
Dr_Willisnetbook has 2 sd slots built in :)09:29
Dr_Willis3 usb ports...09:29
Dr_Willisactually the install took like 4gb i think.09:30
Dr_Willisbe back laters09:30
edderror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:32
eddcan anyone help?09:32
coz_edd,  are you compiling something?09:32
eddyes I installed this CCCam Server09:32
eddi cannot start it now09:32
eddthat's what it tells me09:33
toehio2how can I make an alert sound from a shell script?09:33
coz_edd,   ok open synaptic pacakges manager  hit Search and type in libstdc and look for the development package  it ends wit   .dev09:33
htcl-30hi all09:33
eddI am not at home i can only ssh to my server09:33
eddis there any other way coz_?09:33
coz_edd,   well  no  unless you download the pacakge for that library and install it manually09:34
coz_edd,  if the compile failed you need the .dev package ...if the applications failed to opne you need the library installed09:34
eddhmmm well can't I find that package and then upload it to my server and then install manually there?09:34
eddhow do I installed the library?09:35
eddhow do I install the library? *09:35
coz_edd,  yes  and it will be in .deb format and you would   sudo dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb09:35
eddalright I'm gonna look for it now thanks09:35
eddwas it libstdc09:35
coz_edd,  or double click and open with gdebi09:35
coz_edd,  libstdc++ and the version number09:36
eddthanks :)09:36
Mastereduwhy i cant install sun-java6-jre in ubuntu 10.04 beta2 ???09:36
DarthPuffin irssi how do i jump to another chat window without using alt-number?09:36
Masteredufirefox plugin doesnt works to for java09:36
coz_Masteredu,  best answered in #ubuntu+1  however you need to enable all of the repositories as well09:36
Mastereducoz_: why repositorie?09:37
Mastereducoz_: is java not in the ubuntu PPA?09:37
Mastereducoz_: that one from java i mean09:37
ardchoille!lucid | Masteredu09:37
ubottuMasteredu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:37
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...09:38
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?09:38
coz_Masteredu,   it should be yes  but as i said you may get better support for this in the lucid channel at  #ubuntu+109:38
GNU\colossuswhat's the reasoning behind changing /etc/event.d to /etc/init in 10.04? I can't find anything in the bugtracker.09:39
ardchoilleGNU\colossus: That really needs to go to #ubuntu+1, not here09:39
coz_Masteredu,  and you will have to run   sudo update-alternatives --config java to get firefox to see the plugin09:39
bullgardGNU\colossus: Read about Upstart.09:39
maggerDarthPuff:  use alt +1 alt +209:40
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DarthPuffmagger: i know, but in awesome for some reason the alts are used to make modifier keys09:40
DarthPuffmagger: alt-4 is this ´09:40
Mastereducoz_: update-alternatives doesnt work in 10.0409:40
GNU\colossusbullgard: I'm familiar with Upstart. event.d is/was already Upstart-specific, and the de-facto-standard for Upstart-enabled distros09:40
ardchoilleMasteredu: That really needs to go to #ubuntu+1, not here09:41
coz_Masteredu,  mm it worked for me ??09:41
DarthPuffmagger: can you copy and paste what you said out here?09:41
Diverdudeis there any way i can change the port, torrent is using?09:43
Dr_willismost torrent clients have a setting for that Diverdude09:43
maggerDarthPuff:  the thing still blink after putting the file in09:44
eddhow do I know if i have libstdc++.so.6 installed ?09:44
DarthPuffmagger: what does the error say when you go back to console 1?09:44
DarthPuffmagger: kill x and go to a command prompt09:44
maggerhow do i do that ?09:44
DarthPuffmagger: and then type startx or initx to see what error you get09:45
maggeri cant even log in so far09:45
notdkwedd: find / -name "*/lib/libstdc++.so.609:45
maggerwhat do i do to kill something09:45
DarthPuffmagger: when you push ctrl+alt+f2 you don't get a virtual console?09:46
eddnotdkw: it just stays like that ? should I change something in name?09:46
notdkwedd: Just like that, but add " at the end. I forgot that little bit.09:46
maggerit stopped to blink for a min09:46
maggeri could log in after pressing ctr alf f109:46
maggeror something09:47
eddkk thanks09:47
notdkwedd: dpkg --list | grep stdc will work also.09:47
maggerfatal error no screen found DarthPuff09:47
eddi  libstdc++6                          4.3.2-1.1                The GNU Standard C++ Library v309:48
eddit means i have version 4.3.2 right ?09:48
eddand this app requires 609:48
notdkwedd: correct.09:48
eddima need to update that09:48
notdkwedd: compiling something some source? always better practice to try and find a .deb instead. Helps with dependancies later.09:49
eddi installed this cccam server but now it wont run09:49
DarthPuffmagger: sorry about that09:50
DarthPuffmagger: no screens found?09:50
DarthPuffmagger: awesome has some kind of command that closes your window when you scroll click or something09:50
DarthPuffmagger: interesting09:50
DarthPuffmagger: rename the xorg file and see what erro you get that way09:50
tripelbeasier than bracero is this thing that came up when I put the blank disk in. cd-dvd creator. cool.09:51
tripelbthe cd creator said I had 610 free on blank cd. I thought they had 700. could someone please explain that to me.09:53
maggersame thing09:53
maggerno screen found09:53
DarthPuffmagger: when do you lsmod is the nv module running?09:53
maggerxinit : no such file or directory(errno 2) unable to connect to x server09:53
DarthPuffmagger: what about startx09:54
eddthere's something funny going on09:54
maggerstatx is what i jsut done09:54
JadozaI experience a bug sometimes. Let's say I have a window in the background highlihhted, and an aöways-on-top-window in front of it. If I click the title of the not-highlighted always-on-top window to move it away, the highlighted window will obey the cursor, and move. Not the one I just clicked on. If that makes any sense :D09:54
eddI try to install there libraries and they all depend on each other I need to download like tons of files09:54
maggerit say screen found but none have a usable configuration09:55
DarthPuffmagger: did you rename that xorg.conf?09:55
maggeroriginaly there was none09:55
maggerand yeah09:55
maggernow its renamed09:55
b__magger, what is xorg.conf for im new to linux09:56
guntbert!enter | magger09:56
ubottumagger: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:56
mbn_18Hi, when the next released is going to be avilable?09:56
tripelblearning, cd creator starts Brasero.09:56
uxubuntuHello, I'm having a problem with firefox. I'm under latest stable xubuntu. I just updated firefox. When I open it, it opens a window resized to the minimum, when I resize to see its content it's a blank page. There is nothing on the window but the title "Firefox". No menus whatsoever. I tired in synaptic to completely uninstall firefox and reinstall. Still same problem. Thank for your help.09:56
DarthPuffmagger: hmmm09:57
mbn_18uxubuntu: u can always delete the .mozilla dir in your home directory09:57
maggerDarthPuff:  it say (ee) open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory09:57
b__DarthPuff, how to install gyachi.tar.gz09:57
uxubuntuI will try that thank you09:57
DarthPuffmagger: what happens when you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:57
regenerateI'm having problems with streaming through Ekiga - the soud is very 'bitty' and jumpy. Have tried all the offered devices, but most give me no joy at all. there's no PulseAudio options showing. could anyone give me some help - I'm getting nowhere with Google & need a direction to head in...09:57
magger(ee) chrome(0) no vlaid modes found09:57
mbn_18uxubuntu: dont forget to backup09:58
DarthPuffmagger: as root09:58
maggeri will try and tell you09:58
tripelb(my opinion only) two things, synaptic doesnt ever work. 2. dont update FF until Ubuntu puts it in the update thing. It is not recommended.09:58
uxubuntuunderstood, thanks09:58
mbn_18Any one, when 10.04 is going to be available?09:59
tripelbregenerate, I got video but no sound at all with ekiga. And then I had no idea what to do.09:59
DarthPuffmagger: it should creatre a new xorg.conf09:59
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...09:59
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?09:59
ircleuserwhere can I talk about hardware?10:00
tumiimbn_18: 29.4 if the date will not be changed10:00
bazhangircleuser, ##hardware10:00
maggerDarthPuff:  the thing still blink after putting the file inid didnt created one DarthPuff10:00
regeneratetripelb, what you use now?10:00
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tumiiHello xiven10:00
uxubuntumbn_18 I have used "rm -Rf .mozilla" in my home dir and it didn't do the trick10:00
dORSYHi! I've got a problem with an audio stream http://stream002.radio.hu/mr2.aac Rhythmbox 0.12.8. 10.04 It is glitchy. Any help on this?10:01
DarthPuffmagger: is there now a xorg file of some sort in roots home directory10:01
maggerDarthPuff:  sorry.. i mean to say:   it did not create one10:01
mbn_18uxubuntu: the delete was successful ?10:01
xivenI restarted Ubuntu, and now at boot its giving a kernel panic, saying it cannot mount read-only device10:01
uxubuntuyes, no more .mozilla dir in my home dir10:01
mbn_18uxubuntu: maybe: remove FF / delete .mozilla / install FF ?10:02
tumiimichele: no italian here, check #ubuntu-it10:02
tripelbregenerate it's a fail so far. I gave up. Ubuntu isnt just an OS it's a continual project. Or is that the age and disrepair of my computers. (And I only want one working one! for now)10:02
uxubuntuif I do ls ~/.mozilla, no such file or dir10:02
uxubuntuok I'll try that10:02
mbn_18uxubuntu: and search for active proccess of firefox. maybe you have a zombie10:03
PrebenRhow can I get firfox to use thunar and not easytag (sic!) when using Open container from the download list10:03
xivenWhy does Ubuntu think the hard drive is read-only, when I can access it using windows and via a virtual machine running within windows?10:03
thevishylucid worked well on my computer thru pxe install10:03
b__anybody know abt cpu frequency scaling?10:03
xivenb__ we heard you the first time.10:04
thevishyxiven , because the hard drive read write property is decided by ur OS and not the hard drive as such10:04
dORSYb__, explain your problem.10:04
teguhtutorial for ubuntu tweak, where i can find it..?10:04
DarthPuffmagger: if that is you in window 4 again i can't switch over there10:04
thevishyxiven, the unix system mounts ur disks as read only and not write ... u can manually change that in the way u mount /etc/fstab10:04
xiventhevishy> Hmm...well is there something I can do about it, other then reinstall?10:04
uxubuntumbn_18 ok thank you, there was indeed a firefox proc still running, my firefox is back to normal, thank you again10:05
thevishylol reinstall ?  thats like a far stretched10:05
xivenHow can I change the way I mount fstab??10:05
Dr_willisteguh:  the ubuntu tweak homepage has downloads for ubuntu-tweak10:05
mbn_18uxubuntu: injoy10:05
thevishyxiven can u please show u output of /etc/fstab ...10:05
mbn_18xiven: what do you mean>10:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:05
thevishyplease use paste bin and post ur fstab , lets have a look on how it is mounted10:05
b__xiven, dORSY my pc only works well when i set frequency scaling to powersave... it heats up by overhauling and shuts down on ondemand or performance.. my pc is a 1year old laptop10:06
regeneratetripelb, know the feeling - thinking of getting a nice shiny one - but if it's new i'll be a tester! --- damned if ya do, damned if ya dont10:06
thevishyoh guys who to enable this powersaver thing ? my ubuntu is heating up10:06
AbortDanyone know if it is possible to change the  font in grub10:07
* tripelb wisheall good night and back to sleep for me.10:07
airjumpgood morning10:07
=== nibbler is now known as nibbier
dORSYb__, does your laptop's cooling work properly?10:08
thevishyi remember there is  software that I installed to scale the CPU frequency to various modes to avoid heating10:08
xiventhevishy> http://pastebin.com/gzYAqQaQ is my fstab10:08
maggeri think i will jsut give up for now and ima go sleep a ocuple hours DarthPuff10:10
maggermight have to install windows before i leave if nothing else works10:10
b__dORSY, worked fine in windows 7 ultimate10:10
dORSYb__, can you find out what uses your CPU?10:10
DarthPuffmagger: i have done that many times10:11
DarthPuffmagger: you will figure it out :)10:11
thevishycan anyone tell me how to install powersaved ?10:11
DarthPuffmagger: it's 2 am here, i need sleep too10:11
maggeri bet i wont10:11
thevishyxiven, in that which disk is ur problem10:12
dORSYb__, i have a desktop (amd5050e cpu), and it runs mostly on 1GHz (98% of the time) with ondemand, it scales up your cpu freq only when load is high10:12
xivenI suppose it would be root.disk10:12
dORSYb__, can you copy your load here?10:13
thevishyok what type of media u are dealing with ? is it the harddisk ? and is it ur linux partitin or windows10:13
xivenIt's a hard disk...Ubuntu is technically installed using Wubi10:13
b__dORSY, whenever i set it to powersave i am able to install softwares from software store or do updates or even copy paste a file more than 100mb... but on on demand it justs heats up and shuts down10:14
natrixnatrix89Something happened to my pc and now I cant turn it on. it turns on for like 2 seconds and then turns off again. I noticed that power supply and videocard fans start spinning and spin for those 2 seconds, but cpu fan just moves a bit in one dir and stops. What could this mean?10:14
thevishyohh , u have installed in Windows ?10:14
thevishyare u able to create a text file in ur desktop ( ubuntu)10:15
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teguhDr_willis, thank U10:18
swebhow can i found freetds path ?10:20
kimsangho방가방가 우분투가 빠라바라바라밥10:20
bazhang!ko | kimsangho10:20
ubottukimsangho: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko10:20
teguhhow to increase speed of proccesor in ubuntu karmic10:21
Slartnatrixnatrix89: it might be several things.. power supply, graphics card not connected properly or some other hardware fault10:21
teguhhow to increase speed of proccesor in ubuntu karmic..?10:21
Slartnatrixnatrix89: or overheating... I doubt it's a software issue though.. you might want to try asking in ##hardware10:21
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...10:22
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?10:22
sweb how can i found `freetds` path ?10:22
bullgardsweb: Use the command loccate or the command find.10:23
natrixnatrix89Slart: I tried, but ##hardware is quite silent10:23
d4rkn3sshi @ all... i have a problem with my firefox: he doesn't start immediately when i run the command, he opens about 5-10 mins after i did that :(  can some1 help me gettin' my firefox work again?10:23
natrixnatrix89Slart: Is there anything you can suggest me to do? Or would it be best if I took it directly to service?10:24
bullgardd4rkn3ss: Try to start it in a gnome terminal and report the ensuing error messages or warnings.10:24
Slartnatrixnatrix89: I would start picking the computer apart and see if I can make it work with just bare essentials.. but that's just me.. however.. it's offtopic in this channel as it hasn't got anything to do with ubuntu10:25
natrixnatrix89Slart: ok sorry.10:26
swebbullgars: see i install freetds : http://image.beyluxe.com/pictures/d7245ce0a60edf2bfa4b2b562689c232.png10:26
swebbut not in list :10:26
d4rkn3ssbullgard, the problem is, when i bring it to work, it works for some time and it doesnt give any warnings if i run firefox.... but most time when i wanna start it, there is the warning that the glib is called multiple times10:27
bullgardd4rkn3ss: The exact wording of your glib warning is important.10:28
d4rkn3ssbullgard: oha, then i have to restart, the error will be there for sure, brb^^10:28
CaneToadMy ethernet interface eth0 is not responding and yet I know that the switch it is connected to is working fine.  How can I force the network interface to work again?  The switch shows a light for the connection to the computer and yet Ubuntu isn't recognising it.10:33
d4rkn3ssbullgard: hey, i got the warning: (firefox:5347): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times10:33
adalalCaneToad: tried sudo dhclient?10:33
tsunik heb ubuntu server 9.10 als vmware draaien op mijn windows 710:35
tsunik kan van mijn windows 7 ssh'en naar mijn ubuntu server10:35
littler_poda pulle10:36
bullgardd4rkn3ss: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1349192 suggests some solutions.10:36
tsunmaar ik kan dit echter niet van een andere laptop waar ik gewoon ubuntu op draaien heb10:36
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.10:36
CaneToadadalal: dhclient eth0 did the trick, thanks10:36
CaneToadadalal: normally when I plug the network cable in, it automatically recognises that the connection is there and it comes up fine, but other times it doesn't and needs this manual dhclient..... oddly inconsistent10:36
erUSULtsun: what is your language ?10:37
Jadoza!nl | tsun10:37
ubottutsun: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:37
bullgarderUSUL: This is Dutch.10:37
tsunsomeone, i'm running ubuntu server 9.10 as vmware on windows 7 i can ping, ssh, connect to my webserver from the windows 7 machine itself but when it try to connect from another ubuntu pc i have here i doesn't work10:38
erUSULbullgard: thanks10:38
Jadozatsun,  same login or something like that? ;)10:38
tsunsame login? what do you mean?10:39
littler_ellavarkum namaskaram10:39
kn100Is there any way to make thunar support archives natively10:39
thevishynamaskaram littler_ , sukham thanne alle10:39
tsuni can ping the ubuntu computer from the ubuntu server running in vmware10:39
kn100negating the need for a separate window just for an archive?10:39
tsunbut not otherwise10:40
erUSULtsun: probably the vmware vm only has local network with the win7 machine. you should ask in a vmware channel how to make it reach the lan (or how ot make win7 forward connections to it)10:40
mbn_18Is there something like Disk Druid for Ubuntu?10:40
littler_sukham thevishy10:40
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:40
Jadoza!/join #vmware10:40
thevishylittler_, so a mallu is there everywhere in world10:40
Jadoza!vmware | tsun10:40
ubottutsun: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:40
tsuni'll check it out10:40
mbn_18gparted can create raid and such?10:40
littler_yup njan test cheythatha10:40
tripelb+nl_en  Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:40
thevishynallathe , njan just kandu appo reply cheythu ...10:41
pk__we can sell GPL software but condition is.....?10:41
adalalanyone knows why chromium doesn't work with fonts like webdings, even though msttcorefonts are installed?10:41
jenda_hello, can someone help me, with installation Google earth? It's not in synaptic.10:41
littler_eniku ithil oru pidiyum illa chumma try cheythu nokkukayayirunnu10:41
guntbert!ot | pk__10:42
ubottupk__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:42
pk__any channle to discuss thios?10:42
guntbert!en | littler_10:42
ubottulittler_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:42
adalaljenda_: go here http://earth.google.co.uk/thanks.html#os=linux , it'll download the .run file, run it :)10:42
thevishynice littler_ is ubuntu good for u ?10:42
phibxrjenda:  have you tried just downloading it from google? :)10:42
thevishydoes anyone know if there is a kindle software for ubuntu10:42
adalalanyone knows why chromium doesn't work with fonts like webdings, even though msttcorefonts are installed?10:43
dORSYHi! I've got a problem with an audio stream http://stream002.radio.hu/mr2.aac Rhythmbox 0.12.8. 10.04 It is glitchy. Any help on this?10:43
jenda_adelal: downloadin10:43
adalaldORSY: go on #ubuntu+110:43
littler_kollam athu enthu chothyam anna?? thevishy name kandu oru doubt10:43
thevishyivide english samsarikanam alenkil problem anu , we can chat direct10:43
geekphreaklittler_:  try ubuntu+in10:44
geekphreakwhats the indian channel for ubuntu?10:44
geekphreakcan anyone type it10:44
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India10:45
JadozadORSY, I'm listening right now,. using mplayer with smplayer. works good so far10:45
geekphreaklittler_:  there indian ubuntu chat ^^10:45
geekphreakerUSUL: thank you10:45
Low_enduserhi, why can't I join Geekshed server with Empathy IM client?10:46
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aaaoooaaahi guys i have a program thats running at 100% cpu , and have tried to kill it via top-> kill but its not going away10:47
aaaoooaaahow do i kill it?10:47
psycho_oreosaaaoooaaa, maybe via kill -910:48
DryGrainfind its pid with 'ps ax'10:48
d4rkn3ssbullgard: thx, now it works :)10:48
DryGrainthen kill -9 PID10:48
aaaoooaaai have its pid10:48
DryGrainsudo kill -9 pid10:48
aaaoooaaacool thanks10:48
bullgardd4rkn3ss: Glad you made it.10:48
aaaoooaaawhats the diff between the kill -9 and the kill rvoked by hitting 'k' in top?10:48
psycho_oreoskill -9 is probably the last straw one should use for killing a process10:49
psycho_oreosman kill will tell you more10:49
DryGrainmm, not sure of the subtlties, but kill -9 is a 'last rsort'10:49
KeepWalkingframebuff driver10:50
bullgardyelp: "gnome-user-share is a session service that exports the contents of the Public folder in your home directory, so that they can easily accessed from other computers on the same local network. On the other computers, the shared folder will appear with a name like »'users's shared files« in the Nautilus Network window. gnome-user-share uses a WebDAV server to share the Public folder, and...10:51
bullgard...advertises the share on the local network using mDNS." On computer 2 I have copied a file in ~/Public. On computer 3  Nautilus shows under 'Network' only a »Windows Network« of unknown type and no und no notification. Yesterday Avahi worked all right though, Why does this file transfer not work?10:51
guntbertaaaoooaaa: the "big" difference in this case seems to be "sudo" :-)10:51
DryGrainkilling a process as root os more... definitive10:52
BusMastercould someone suggest why my website is slow _only_ when accessed from the internal network? It works fine from outside. In my /etc/resolv.conf, I do have " domain.com"10:52
DryGrainthat is to say, double check the PID10:52
dORSYJadoza, mplayer caches it well, but rhythmbox doesnt, thx the info10:53
magn3tsWHY OH FREAKING WHY do I have to go in and re-disable "tap to click" in my mousepad settings?10:56
magn3tsWhy? I have to do it every time I reboot, everytime I get a screeensaver, every time 20 minutes goes by. It's absolutely ridiculous.10:57
magn3tsLudicris would be stupified by it.10:57
kyerussellHey, I'm fixing up somebody's ubuntu box and they have a monitor with a 'fixed frequency?', we can't see anything on the damn thing, just a very distorted picture.  We have another monitor hooked up that we can use in the meantime.  Any ideas?10:59
schnittl4uchhello there, i already asked that yesterday but nobody could, maybe today is someone with knowledge about it here: i want to set projectM as my background trough xwinwrap. but for this, i need to set the WID of projectM, which isn't possible trough the cli. is there any external application which can do this?11:01
AKHi guys can anybody help me out for Ubuntu problem :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145117011:01
BezNalogovHi people. I use ubuntu 9.10 and I've installed there the LTSP server. The LTSP environment works fine. I have also installed the ltsp-manager-gnome (former student control panel). When I start this manager I see no cients at all, while there are clients active. Anybody an idea what this can be?11:02
AKHi Guys ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1451170 can anybody help me in solving the issue from this thread11:03
schnittl4uchpls don't spam the link, on time is enough. be patient11:04
phaniHi...I have hardy 8.04 version and when i click on quit button which is on the right hand top corner i don't find the option to shutdown and restart ... everytime i am running the commands to reboot it or shutdown. any ideas what can be the problem..suggestions please...11:06
themostwantedhi ! someone help me to send message from pc to mobile via usb modem !11:06
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scotjIn VirtualBox on karmic, is it possible to make the popup come from top of the screen instead of below when using a guest OS ?11:12
scotji mean when we are in full screen mode, there is a popup from bottom when we move our mouse to the botom of the screen11:13
scotjcan we make it appear at the top ?11:13
DDAZZAHi, I'm having problems installing: ubuntu-10.04-beta2-desktop-i38611:14
kyerussellThat's probably why it's a beta11:15
DDAZZAI boot from the disk select english and select install.  They a black screen.11:15
themostwantedhow to send message from pc to mobile ?11:15
DDAZZAits only 19 days of being released so it shouldn't have bugs in it at this stage.11:15
Dr_Willisthemostwanted:  clarify to the channel what you mean.11:15
DDAZZA*19 days before being release.11:16
Dr_WillisDDAZZA:  your logic is not logical.  - and ask in #ubuntu+111:16
Dr_WillisDDAZZA:  theres plenty of bugs.11:16
ristowell almost anything works11:16
kyerussell_your logic is not logical11:16
ristoleadtek winfast wont work ;D11:16
Dayofswordsthis isint ubuntu specific but, when reading info about what different beep codes mean, companies use this kind of format "1 - 2 - 2 - 3" what does that mean? 1 beep,small pause, 2quick beeps, pause, 2 quick beeps, pause, 3 quick beeps ?11:16
ristoi still need to test the 3g modems if there have been any changes from 9.1011:17
Dr_WillisDayofswords:  thats how i would read it.11:17
BuZZ-dEEhello, what is the difference between "gnome-keyring-daemon" and "seahorse-daemon" ?11:17
DayofswordsDr_Willis: Ok thanks =)11:17
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phaniHi...I have hardy 8.04 version and when i click on quit button which is on the right hand top corner i don't find the option to shutdown and restart ... everytime i am running the commands to reboot it or shutdown. any ideas what can be the problem..suggestions please...11:19
mrpis here a thread with cool hostnames?11:20
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Dr_Willisphani:  ive seen if you use KDM to login to gnome, or GDM to liogin to KDE - you dont get all those options11:23
phaniDr_Willis: i use GDM to login11:24
adalalanyone aware on a guide or howto to setup a hotspot?11:27
Salz`hi there, how can i change the background-color of xterm via .bashrc? i would like to have different background-colors for different server.11:30
zombie-robot_i got torrent flux running on a godaddy server but i cant get a torrent to connect11:31
zombie-robot_i dld a couple megs of one torrent so i know it works11:32
hick0rdHello, A few days ago sounds stopped working for me at youtube and still. Any ideas on how do I troubleshoot the issue?11:33
Kopfgeldjaegerthe applications i entered in system->settings->start programms (?) do not start. neither the volume manager, nor the nm-applet, nor.... i also wrote a small script that logs everything into a file (to see wether its started) - it's not started. when i run the applications manually, everything works. ubuntu 9.10 with the latest updates here11:36
erUSULSalz`: for xterm you should use .Xresources file. or make an alias for xterm that calls it with the apropiate -fb and -bg options set11:37
Salz`erUSUL: but does that work via ssh?11:37
guntbertmrp: this is IRC - so no threads  -- and this channel is for ubuntu support only11:38
vargadanishello everyone! I have tried out 10.04 and I was quite pleased with the beta. :) Look nice and I love the IM integration. I have a question tho.. is it possible to move the window buttons in the titlebar to the right opposed to the default left location?11:39
pingvinqqanybody know a program to soundoptions?:)11:39
vargadanismy parents will go nuts this way11:39
guntbert!lucid | vargadanis11:39
ubottuvargadanis: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:39
erUSULSalz`: ssh -X ? it should if you do the mods in the respective machines afaics11:40
erUSULSalz`: but hey; try it and see (TIAS)11:40
Salz`erUSUL: seems not to work, but thanks anyway.11:41
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balahow do i connect a huawei usb modem to gammu ..,11:48
yeiksi am trying to use qt designer for the 1st time i need some guidance please11:50
bala how do i connect a huawei usb modem to gammu .., i've used port "/dev/ttyUSB0" and connection "USB" in the config file, but no luck11:50
gilroooyI have crunchbang Linux atm.  if I add the ubuntu upgrade repos, can I safely upgrade to the Ubuntu 10.04 beta?11:50
zombie-robot_i have torrentflux running on a godaddy server. I connected for a sec so i know it works. but i cant get a torrent to work11:50
yeiksi am trying to use qt designer for the 1st time i need some guidance please11:51
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danubwhats the file i need to modify to change the grub menu? i want to remove the older versions of ubuntu listed11:57
danubno one knows eh?11:58
kyerussellor something11:59
kyerussellin /boot11:59
bazhangdanub, you're referring to earlier kernels?11:59
jribdanub: what  ubuntu version?11:59
danubyeah bazhang11:59
danubi have 4 eariler kernels listed and i want to remove them from boot11:59
jribdanub: just remove the packages for the older kernels: linux-image-*12:00
danubjrib: will that affect functionality?12:00
jribdanub: nope, you just won't be able to boot the older kernels anymore12:00
danubi dont technically care if they are there, I just want to comment them out so they dont show12:00
jribdanub: note: it's a good idea to keep 2 kernels around (the one you use and the one you have as a backup)12:01
florentdo you speak french??12:01
bazhangflorent, in #ubuntu-fr12:01
danubjrib, ill just comment them out of the startup list. just in case i ever need them for some reason12:01
jribdanub: there's no point, just remove them12:02
danubok, ill remove them. where is the menu file so i can see which ones i want to remove12:03
jribdanub: aptitude search '~i~nlinux-image'    should be enough12:03
jribdanub: remember not to remove your current kernel...12:03
gilroooyI have crunchbang Linux atm.  if I add the ubuntu upgrade repos, can I safely upgrade to the Ubuntu 10.04 beta?12:04
Bennageanyone here got any experience with making BBC iPlayer work behind a proxy?12:04
jribgilroooy: might work, probably not without a hiccup or two12:04
BennageYoutube and some other flash vid stuff works, but not iplayer for some reason12:04
danubok, got them. so now i just apt-get remove image?12:05
trigroudid someone experienced g++ internal error compiler ? on 10.04 ?12:05
jribdanub: yep12:05
trigrouwith gcc 4.3 and 4.412:05
danubkk, thank you very much12:05
jrib!lucid | trigrou12:05
ubottutrigrou: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:05
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
trigrouubottu: thank you12:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:06
pingvinqqhey everybody .. i have get12:07
pingvinqqfail ..12:07
pingvinqqhey everybody i get a new headset .. but when i use it i can hear the music in the headset but also on the "computer"12:07
pingvinqqanybody help .. pliz !12:07
pingvinqqpliz ..12:08
psycho_oreoswhat do you mean also on computer?12:08
BuZZ-dEEhello, what is the difference between "gnome-keyring-daemon" and "seahorse-daemon" ?12:09
pingvinqqhm . i hear the sound in my headset .. also in my loudspeakers :D12:09
psycho_oreospingvinqq, and what, the computer has bluetooth device that the headphone is also associated to it?12:11
pingvinqqyeah my computer has bluetooth?12:11
psycho_oreospingvinqq, that's a question you must ask yourself not ask me12:12
pingvinqqyes my computer has bluetooth..12:13
Jadozapsycho_oreos, If he gives you the model# you can look it up for him :D12:13
psycho_oreosJadoza, no you can do that :)12:13
Someguy77is KDE any good?12:16
magn3tsCan someone please help me fix my touchpad.12:16
magn3tsthis is ridiculous. a 3rd grader knows this is a problem12:16
lostsonmagn3ts: whats wrong with it ?12:17
bazhangSomeguy77, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic please12:17
Ddordais it possible to make my own language localization (like en_US)?12:18
magn3tsThis is the built in mouse dialog and I'm staring at the checkbox that I just unchecked and rechecked 20 minutes ago. The box for "Enable mouse lcicks with touchpad" is not checked, yet I can assure everyone here than my touchpad continues to be activated while I'm typing causing me to have to type everything multiple times. (Oh yeah right, you thought the disable touchpad while typing would work right, hahahahahahhaaha)12:18
jastoris it possible to mount --bind, ln, or similiar a bashscript (whatever.sh) to a virtual file? so cat virtualfile outputs the same as if youd done ./whatever.sh12:19
jribjastor: why would you want to?12:19
lostsonmagn3ts: my touchpad works fine and i use the same tool that you are talking about12:20
jastorjrib: so i wont have to put whatever,sh in cron and output the content to a file every X minutes12:20
jastorjrib: its for a program that only supports static files but it would be nice if i could bind it to a file that generates output on the fly12:21
magn3tslostlappy, cool. mine doesn't. I mean, I am staring at the checkbox and I'm tapping my touch pad. One of them is lying and I don't think its the hardware. Im willing to do any kind of debugging necessary.12:21
Jadozamagn3ts, Some laptops have switches for the touchpad12:21
jastorjrib: if what im after is not possible, ill just make a cronjob out of it and > virtualfile12:22
jribJadoza: I don't understand the use case12:22
jribjastor: I don't understand the use case12:22
jastorjrib: well probably not, but is it possible?12:23
jribjastor: not afaik12:23
jastorjrib: ok .. cron it is then12:24
RecruiterAny linux Developer available12:25
jribRecruiter: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:25
magn3tsJadoza, mine does not.12:26
RecruiterI hv a immediate openings on Linux perl development . exp 5 yrs12:26
Recruiterat a consulting firm12:27
jribRecruiter: ok.  This channel is only for ubuntu support, not for recruiting12:27
Recruiterrecruitment on ubuntu12:27
jribRecruiter: ubuntu *support*12:27
HadiHello , im looking for OS for a 128 RAM PC and 10GB hard disk space and 480MHZ intel celeron processor12:27
geekphreakhadi time to upgrade12:28
Hadiits an old laptop geekphreak12:29
Dr_Willismore ram would make that thing  a lot better.. otherwise.. time to track down some very mini disrtos..12:29
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geekphreakHadi: ubuntu might be bit slow on that system12:29
HadiHow about lubuntu12:29
geekphreakHadi:  you can try dsl or something12:29
Dr_WillisIve had ubuntu on lower end machines.. but you may be looking at 2hr+ install times.12:29
Dr_WillisHadi:  lubuntu would be a better idea then ubuntu perhaps.12:30
iashow to use pen drive on a virtual box??12:30
spydonhow do I add the apt-repo ppa:slicer on 9.04 without gui?12:30
HadiAlright :-) im grateful12:30
geekphreakhadi good luck12:30
geekphreakias afaik , you have to go into virtual os setting, enable it there12:30
usb333Hello, I translate ubuntu through Launchpad .. and I have been wondering if I translate say GNOME, will my translation be sent back to the original GNOME project? or it will be only for the ubuntu OS? another thing is, does ubuntu maintainers merge the translations on Launchpad with the translations contributed to the original (e.g. GNOME) project?12:31
jribusb333: #ubuntu-translators might be a better bet12:32
usb333thank you jrib :)12:32
HadiWell , guys :-) i can't the link to download Lubuntu and they're not answering in the channel12:34
HadiCan anybody help me ?12:34
psycho_oreoslubuntu is not officially out yet12:34
Fudgehi, would not having a swap partition cause lock ups when copying large files from one hdd to another?12:35
petar_hi i have a problem with my terminal.. when i launch it keeps closing and reopening again.. tried it under diff user and it worked ok.. bashrc is unedited gnome-terminal reinstalled12:36
psycho_oreosFudge, depends on how big the memory is available on the one that hard locked12:36
usb333what version of ubuntu is best on a P3 laptop with 512 MB of RAM and 20 GB HDD? I don't think there's a big difference in consumption of resources between Ubuntu and Xubuntu .. and Lubuntu is still alpha .. so?12:38
Fudgepsycho_oreos  this machine is quadcore intel with 4gig cosair but when ever i try moving 6, 9, 12 gig files etc to the other sata drive after a bit it just freezes12:39
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psycho_oreosFudge, generally no but I could be wrong, setup swap file and see12:40
vasiaHello! A problem:USB mounting - "Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table" can anyone help me?12:41
Fudgethought so too, using swapd and see if that helps else ill reinstall12:41
psycho_oreosusb333, I'd still go for xubuntu but that's just a matter of tastes12:41
usb333psycho_oreos: it's more of a matter of speed I guess :)12:42
psycho_oreosusb333, if performance is an issue then you shouldn't even have xorg12:42
psycho_oreosvasia, it needs to be setup and formatted prior to use12:43
vasia<psycho_oreos> thanks, but I have files on the USB stick, and also it worked couple of days ago12:43
vasia<psycho_oreos> also put o thred on ubuntuforums.org http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145123212:44
psycho_oreosvasia, did you forcefully unplug it without umounting first?12:44
pkkmHow to restart X server without closing open windows?12:44
bala how do i connect a huawei usb modem to gammu .., i've used port "/dev/ttyUSB0" and connection "USB" in the config file, but no luck12:45
Dr_Willispkkm:  you dont.12:45
geekphreakvasia:  what file system is on it?12:45
sonneI Guys, is there a ubuntu german channel?!12:45
vasia<psycho_oreos> no, I've done like it should: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbstick...12:45
guntbertpkkm: not possible12:45
guntbert!de | sonne12:45
ubottusonne: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:45
sonneYeah Thanks !12:45
psycho_oreosvasia, probably the stick may have gone bad, it could happen12:45
pkkmHow to restart GNOME without closing open windows?12:45
vasia<geekphreak> hhmmm...I think NTFS because in Windows is working12:45
geekphreakvasia:  can you chk using fdisk -l12:46
Dr_Willispkkm:  whixch part of gnomr12:46
arandvasia: umount only takes one argument normally...12:46
psycho_oreosvasia, so its working under windows but not under linux?12:46
spydonhow do I unpack .tar.lzma files?12:46
guntbertpkkm: not possible12:46
psycho_oreosspydon, use 7zip12:46
Dr_Willis!info unp12:47
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB12:47
pkkmDr_Willis: Whole GNOME - active program is working, but whole GNOME is hung up.12:47
vasia<psycho_oreos> yes, I've cheked... and gives me this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1451232  Please look if you can!12:47
spydonpsycho_oreos, okay, with which parameters?12:47
Dr_Willis pkkm  try  killing nautilus. there is no 'gnome' its the window manager, file manager, panel and other bits..12:47
vasiayes, in Windows is OK12:47
livingdaylightI hit a couple keys and now my entire desktop is color inverted12:48
Dr_Willispkkm:  you could kill/restart one at a time.. but  the whole X may crash at any time12:48
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  thats a compiz feature12:48
vasia<arand> is also working with 2 arguments, this what I've seen12:48
livingdaylightI don't know how I did this, but maybe someone knows what happened and can help me change it back?12:48
pkkmDr_Willis: Alt+Tab is not working, panels are not working and I can't click.12:48
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Dr_Willispkkm:  i would save all data and restart X.12:48
AKM144204Hi Can anyone please help on ubuntu issue for microphone12:49
AKM144204internal microphone12:49
psycho_oreosvasia, how long ago was that first stick tested working under windows?12:49
rhinoplastylivingdaylight,: try super+n or super+m12:49
vasiajust couple of minutes, lets say 30 minutes12:50
psycho_oreosspydon, man 7zip or just install unp12:50
AKM144204Please see the description of the problem12:50
livingdaylightrhinoplasty, ahha! I can see again :p12:50
petar_i have a problem with my gnome-terminal.. when i launch it, it keeps closing and reopening again in a loop.. tried it under diff x user and it worked ok.. bashrc is unedited terminal reinstalled12:50
rhinoplastylivingdaylight:if you have ccsm, disable 'negative' so that it doent happen again12:50
pkkmDr_Willis: thanks12:51
vasia<psycho_oreos> I'm trying again and now is not working12:51
livingdaylightrhinoplasty, cheers12:51
vasia<psycho_oreos> is says that has to be formated :( and I have important data on it12:51
psycho_oreosvasia, lol, well sounds like you'll need to break out disksleuth and hope that its not ntfs12:52
AKM144204hi i am looking for support on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Beta12:52
vasia<psycho_oreos> disksleuth??? :)12:52
ahmethi everyone12:52
psycho_oreos!lucid | AKM14420412:52
ubottuAKM144204: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:52
AKM144204Internal microphone doesn't work - Vostro Laptop 2510 - Intel HDA ALC26812:52
psycho_oreosvasia, its a file recovery software12:52
erUSULpetar_: check  ~/.profile too12:53
AKM144204After append the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:12:53
AKM144204to options snd-hda-intel model=auto.12:53
AKM144204then reboot.12:53
vasia<psycho_oreos> Thanks, I will install it and try to see if I can recover my data!12:54
AKM144204I am getting No sound on Ubuntu Desktop12:54
psycho_oreosvasia, yes and hope12:54
petar_erUSUL: unedited12:54
psycho_oreosAKM144204, read what ubottu said about lucid12:54
maginotGood morning12:56
ahmethello, when i plug my headphone the speaker sound doesn't go away12:56
ahmeti get sound both headphone and speakers12:56
vasia<psycho_oreos> and other question, please,  disksleuth is also working in Ubuntu?12:56
maginotahmet, open a terminal, type "alsamixer" locate the pcspeaker volume control and type M to mute it12:56
maginotahmet, oh, you mean, normal speakers ?12:57
ahmetmaginot, yes12:57
maginotahmet, that is really odd, this isn't a system configuration, the responsable for this is the hardware AFAIK12:58
petar_ i have a problem with my gnome-terminal.. when i launch it, it keeps closing and reopening again in a loop.. tried it under diff x user and it worked ok.. bashrc and profile are unedited terminal reinstalled ?12:58
ahmetmaginot, AFAIK? what does it mean?12:58
maginotahmet, http://www.ircreviews.org/glossary/12:59
s3r3n1t7_ahmet, as far as i know13:00
maginotpetar_, which terminal, gnome-terminal?13:01
chris78945I am having some difficulties with file sharing.  I have followed two forum threads that were recommended to me here. It kind of worked. I am able to see the folders but not the content13:01
ahmetmaginot, i got it :D i tought it was an acronym of a hardware13:01
petar_maginot: yy13:01
maginotahmet, did you connect you headphone/speakers on the right connector?13:02
ahmetyes, it works on win713:03
maginotahmet, Hmm well, let me see if  I can find anything related to your problem13:03
MrGooseis it safe to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 with the upgrade tool?13:04
maginotpetar_, so if it work on a different user it is certainly a problem with some of your config files in your user home folder13:04
b_how to open a .bundle file? for vmware13:04
MrGooseI know its a subjective question but are there any huge problems with upgrading?13:04
petar_maginot: i copied the files from the other user; bashrc profile13:04
maginotpetar_, it worked?13:05
hick0rdMrGoose, A slight issues may occurs. it depends. but I'd rather say go ahead. It's worth a try.13:05
Dr_WillisMrGoose:  i suggest waiting.. unless you have some system to test out13:05
SlartMrGoose: it's better than it used to be... it worked without any problems with 8.10->9.04->9.10 for me. But it's advisable to make backups before you start13:05
b_MrGoose,  i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 beta ..damn safe.. provided ur internet doesnt have frequent random disconnections13:05
rhinoplastyMrGoose, AFAIK 9.10 works better than 9.04 for everyone i know13:05
maginotpetar_, you could try something like "mkdir ~/bk_config_files && mv ~/.* bk_config_files" after that try open gnome-terminal again, to come back the old configurations: "cp -rf bk_config_files/* ~/"13:06
petar_maginot: no13:06
ahmetmaginot, in alsamixer i get this things on the top :: Card: HDA Intel   Chip: Realtek ALC880     View: [Playback] Capture  All   Item: Headphone13:06
MrGooseSlart: what do I backup? just home or the whole thing?13:06
SlartMrGoose: just your personal files.. ie your home folder13:06
maginotahmet, that tells you the sound card you are configuring and the you are in the Playback view (you can navigate with Tab to capture and All )13:07
MrGoosecool! thanks Slart, b_, rhinoplasty, Dr_Willis, hick0rd :)13:07
petar_maginot: no change13:08
ahmetmaginot, in alsamixer headphone is 00 and i cant increase it13:09
TheRealExilehey guys, does anyone know how I can install the latest stable release of firefox? I'm using the Namoroka version and its buggy as hell13:09
maginotpetar_, after moving all your config files to bk_config_files logoff and login again, remember you can come back to the old configuration wit the cp command I gave you13:09
TheRealExileit seems to update automaticly13:09
TheRealExileand wont let me install the latest 3.6.3 stable version13:09
petar_maginot: y thx13:09
chris78945I am having some troubles with samba and file sharing, someone here lend a hand for a minute?13:10
TheRealExileI'll try13:11
hick0rdTheRealExile,  update it via your distro package management. i.e aptitude/apt-get13:11
TheRealExilewhats up13:11
=== Bacchio is now known as bekkio
maginotahmet, are you using a acer notebook?13:11
TheRealExilehick0rd I've tryed and it keeps telling me that firefox 3.6 is installed13:12
TheRealExileI want 3.6.313:12
TheRealExilenot 3.6.4pre13:12
petar_maginot: no change13:12
ahmetmaginot, no its Vestel. its not a renowned brand13:13
petar_im lucky13:13
rhinoplastyTheRealExile,  try removing firefox & the reinstalling by specifying the version13:13
hick0rdTheRealExile,  'firefox --version' state the output over here.13:13
idefineis there a way to send keystores to an application?13:13
maginotpetar_, Hmm how could that not work if you have no problem with a different user, now I'm bugged13:13
idefinevia a bash script?13:13
g33kergRrLis it better to burn the ubuntu image to a cd, and let it partition, or should i partition it before using a BootCD?13:14
TheRealExileMozilla Firefox 3.6.4pre, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010 mozilla.org13:14
TheRealExileI'll try removing13:14
TheRealExilebut I need to back my config up13:14
TheRealExiledont want to do this unless I have to13:14
bazhangg33kergRrL, you can use a gparted livecd if you wish, though the installer can do it fine13:14
TheRealExilejust incase something gets missed13:14
hick0rdTheRealExile, do you have untrusted repository enabled other than the default updated repository?13:15
g33kergRrLbaz is there a difference? and is there an advantage over using ubu804 over ubu910?13:15
maginotahmet, on quick search I found these two links, I think they  are related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/114053 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/ubuntu-headphone-599930/13:15
rhinoplastyTheRealExile, you are'nt by any chance using the developer ppa for firefox?13:16
TheRealExileI must do, beacue its an update that broke my ff install13:16
g33kergRrLhow do i see if my ubuntu is infected with the w32virutcf worm13:16
bazhangg33kergRrL, sure, karmic the latest will be supported past this month and is more feature-ful13:16
g33kergRrLhow do i see if my ubuntu is infected with the w32virutcf worm, bazhang13:16
maginotg33kergRrL, ubuntu is linux, which doesn't have virus13:16
todayi have a prblm with "unable to mount " my usb, it say that only root must mount ?how?13:16
bekkiohi all13:16
bazhangg33kergRrL, its not13:16
bekkiois there someone expert with boot options?13:17
g33kergRrLARE there virusscanners for ubuntu?13:17
hick0rdTheRealExile, check your current source.list.d/ directory for any custom firefox PPA.13:17
joaopinto!virus | g33kergRrL13:17
ubottug33kergRrL: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2113:17
bazhangclamav g33kergRrL13:17
todayhi maginot, remember me, lasttime, you support for me about config Samba.conf13:17
maginotg33kergRrL, yes, but is useless, you don't have virus to worry about on linux...13:17
rhinoplastytoday, try running the command as sudo13:17
FreeloopWhat's the best software for Remote Desktop on Ubuntu? NX(NoMachine is good, but can't use mstsc.exe to it). VNC is crap13:17
todaywhat cammand rhinoplasty?13:17
joaopinto!language | Freeloop13:18
ubottuFreeloop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:18
todaywhat command rhinoplasty?13:18
chris78945I am having some difficulties with file sharing.  I have followed two forum threads that were recommended to me here. It kind of worked. I am able to see the folders but not the content13:18
rhinoplastytoday, how exactly are you 'mounting' the usb13:18
maginottoday, the mount command you need to mount the usb driver, like sudo mount <device> <mount/point>13:18
joaopintoFreeloop, there is no windows terminal server for linux13:18
todaywhy usb device do not auto mount?13:19
Freeloopjoaopinto,ok, good to know. Then I'll use NX Machine13:19
joaopintoin my experience NX is the best in performance13:19
TheRealExilethe only things I can see are stable13:19
TheRealExileI'll paste a copy13:19
joaopintoif you are on a LAN you can use X13:19
joaopintowhich is still much slower than VNC :P13:19
maginottoday, well, I have no problem with that here, for any reason your user was created by hand or it is the one created in the installation process ?13:20
TheRealExileif someone could have a look I'd be much appreceated!13:20
TheRealExilecos everything looks ok to me13:20
Freeloopjoaopinto, SSH works in most cases, but still looking for a great remote GUI server13:20
g33kergRrLi tried to watch youtube on the liveubutucd, but it would let me install the adobe thing, is there a special place for the adobe-linux installer?13:20
maginotTheRealExile, and what is your problem?13:21
todayi want the usb device will automount for every time to plug  maginot13:21
bazhangg33kergRrL, you don't plan on installing?13:21
g33kergRrLi really do13:21
TheRealExilehow I can install the latest stable release of firefox? I'm using the Namoroka version and its buggy as hell13:21
TheRealExileand wont let me install the latest 3.6.3 stable version13:21
g33kergRrLi just wanna know where and how to find stuff13:21
bazhangg33kergRrL, then install flash once you have installed Ubuntu13:21
maginotg33kergRrL, it depends, adobe only gives FlashPlugin and Adobe Reader support for linux (I think Flex have support too), application such as photoshop doesn't exist for linux, you have to use a similar like Gimp, InkScape, Blender, etc13:22
TheRealExileI'm stuck with a buggy 3.6.4pre Namoroka version13:22
g33kergRrLbazhang: yah, it somehow didn't work weirdly enough13:22
arvind_khadriHi, how do i add an user to a group, is it using usermod  ??13:22
bazhangg33kergRrL, you haven't installed yet have you13:22
joaopintoTheRealExile, if you believe is buggy file bug reports about it, there aren't general complains about the current version on the repository13:22
g33kergRrLi ran a livecd13:22
bazhangg33kergRrL, which is not an install13:22
g33kergRrLit played the avis alright but no utub13:23
hick0rdTheRealExile, remove the last two lines within your sources list. 60-6113:23
TheRealExileit keeps crashing when ever I visit a page with AJAX13:23
todayi already do this command : sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb113:23
todaythen i can access my usb device,13:23
maginotg33kergRrL, on ubuntu you can use "synaptic" to one (two, maybe 3) click install... just open synaptic and search what you want, select and click apply13:23
joaopintoTheRealExile, you are using some 3rd party ppa, not the official version13:23
g33kergRrLmaginot where do i find synaptic?13:23
joaopintoI have used firefox for a long time without any of such crashes13:23
maginotg33kergRrL, it is already built in on ubuntu (or any debian based distro)13:24
TheRealExileok removed the lines13:24
todayhey maginot, i want to ask one question now, i have a problem with my Firefox 3.6 , when i open some tabs, firefox dont responding, only way force quit13:24
bekkiosorry what's the channel for boot issues?13:24
joaopintoTheRealExile, now you should reinstall firefox, but the official package13:24
TheRealExileusing 'sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6' ?13:24
TheRealExileor do I have to remove first13:24
toplandany one know how to find wifi network as i have install wifi driver also but it is not showing over here13:25
maginotg33kergRrL, synaptic is a front end to apt, on command line you can do things like: "aptitude search inkscape" and them after finding the right package "apt-get install inkscape", do you get it ?13:25
hick0rdTheRealExile, I'd also recommend you to remove all your jaunty repositories since your using the new karmic ones. unless you're using some extra packages bundled within jaunty PPA archives.13:25
g33kergRrLmaginot: is there preference for installing on an IDE drive or a SATA drive?13:25
todaynot right TheRealExile beacause im try again that ways but dont fix that error?13:25
TheRealExileyeah I'm sure I need some on the jaunty packages13:25
g33kergRrLmaginot: is there preference for installing on a 15 GB partition or is it a case of the bigger the better?13:26
maginotg33kergRrL, sata is always better them ide, IDE is a old technology and Sata is a newer one (specially SATA II)13:26
hick0rdTheRealExile, so, try to apt-get update && apt-get remove firefox13:26
g33kergRrLmaginot: clear!13:26
TheRealExilewhat about my settings13:26
TheRealExileI need to back up them?13:26
hick0rdTheRealExile, your firefox setting?13:26
maginotg33kergRrL, the size of the partition really depends on your needs, you just need at least the enough size to the system install, after that all is a matter of needs13:26
toplandcan anyone help me for wifi13:27
hick0rdTheRealExile, yes, backup them if necessary.13:27
ikonia!wifi | topland13:27
maginotTheRealExile, backup never hurt anybody ;)13:27
ubottutopland: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:27
g33kergRrLmaginot: yah i think it suggested 15 gb, but i think ill go with 50gb13:27
TheRealExileto a diffrent dir?13:27
reinemansHow do I register to this IRC?13:27
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode13:27
TheRealExilecos I'll lose the fireforx dir in the reinstall?13:27
bazhangreinemans, join #freenode for help13:28
g33kergRrLmaginot: it will read my ntfs partitions, yeah?13:28
maginotg33kergRrL, I'm a all day linux user, so I have 500gb for my linux system (split on different partitions) and a 320gb HD for Windows (which I like to play some games x} )13:28
maginotg33kergRrL, yes, it will.13:28
toplandubottu  i have install the driver and it is showing it is install but still when i do sudo iwlist scan it want come up13:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:28
gantrixxwhere can I find the Ubuntu release schedule?13:29
joaopintogantrixx, google.com: lucid schedule13:29
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:29
IdleOnegantrixx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule13:29
g33kergRrLmaginot: if we're only talking apps, or what are they called in linuxese, how much do you reserve for that? i got 1.75 TB plus 5 or 6 20 GB IDE13:29
joaopintolinuxese, lol13:30
ubottuAu revoir!13:30
* g33kergRrL thinks PC? it's Linuxian?13:30
joaopintog33kergRrL, it will depends on your needs, a few gigas are usually enough13:30
g33kergRrLchow, dood, ubottu13:30
g33kergRrLi'm really so fed up with all these effing viruses13:31
maginotg33kergRrL, actually most part of my disk space is for files, let me get a precise count of what my applications are using...13:31
maginotg33kergRrL, really, don't worry about them, them are useless and very old, can be a problem to you today13:31
* kevdog I dyin' here13:32
g33kergRrLwhat's a really good site for ubuntu noobs13:32
maginotg33kergRrL, http://ubuntuforums.org13:32
djbeenie_sweet firefox keeps crashing after update this morning13:32
TheRealExileI just uninstalled firefox13:32
maginotg33kergRrL, of course you could always check google, its a good place to start looking for answers  ;)13:33
TheRealExilesudo apt-get install firefox-3.613:33
TheRealExileand I've got 3.6.4pre again!13:33
reinemansSo, now i'm registered :)13:33
TheRealExilehow is this possible?13:33
g33kergRrLi think i will have questions like "can i get this app in ubuntu/linux flavor" a LOT, so is that then the place to go? or is there a special "Convert your windows app into a Linux app" section??13:33
joaopintoTheRealExile, because that's the version provided on the official package ?13:33
djbeenie_firefox-3.6 is already the newest versio13:33
g33kergRrLor program, or group or whatever13:34
joaopintog33kergRrL, there are such migration tipos, google for it13:34
soundCan anyone recommend a program to rip a CD to wav files - ideally one per track?13:34
kevdoggg33kergRrL: I'm not aware of any site like that.13:34
g33kergRrLor community13:34
petar_maginot: hmm.. bashrc didn't even get created13:34
TheRealExilenot 3.6.413:34
TheRealExileis bot13:34
FloodBot3TheRealExile: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
bazhang!equivalents | g33kergRrL13:34
ubottug33kergRrL: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot13:34
petar_maginot: so it crashes before loading13:34
TheRealExileso why am I getting 3.6.4pre when I do sudo apt-get install firefox-3.613:34
g33kergRrLjoaopinto: aha!13:34
petar_or dunno lol13:34
maginotg33kergRrL, use synaptic to search for the application you want, if you don't find it take a look at google or you could just ask here for an opnion13:34
joaopintoTheRealExile, repeating myself, because that is the version provided on the repositories you have setup ?13:34
bazhangg33kergRrL, check the link I just sent you first13:35
kevdogIts because thats what is pulled from your repository list13:35
maginotpetar_, I don't think that have any relation with gnome-terminal, since if you don't have bashrc it will use the default from /etc13:35
g33kergRrLi meant ubottu: aha et merci beaucoup13:35
TheRealExileI am new to the linux world13:35
joaopintoTheRealExile, does it still crash ?13:35
petar_maginot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elvo_prc7NE13:35
g33kergRrLTheRealExile: hey me too13:35
kevdogDid you do a sudo aptitude update to update the repository list?13:35
TheRealExileyup after reinstall13:35
TheRealExileany AJAX13:35
TheRealExilekills it13:36
joaopintoTheRealExile, you don't usually get the latest version on from the repositories13:36
reinemansTheRealExile: me too13:36
TheRealExileso I cant view my gmail13:36
joaopintohum, that's odd :\13:36
petar_maginot: i thought it coopies the sample to the ~13:36
mouseHow do I adjust the transparency of the system monitor?13:36
kevdogWhat version do you want then?  Just google for it13:36
joaopintoTheRealExile, apt-cache policy firefox-3.613:36
TheRealExileI know so I've done something to my system config13:36
joaopintopastebin the output13:36
reinemansDoes anyone know how i can change the colors of this IRC chat in the terminal, where I am in right now?13:36
kevdogdepends on the program13:36
bazhangreinemans, which client13:37
maginotpetar_, not exactly...13:37
youssefHello. Does wubi works on Windows 7, 64 bits? I tried to install/unstall it several times, disabling antivirus and allowing the program. But it always fails with "permission denied" and pointing to a log file in directrory that does not exist13:37
xomphello, if I wanted to change the group and owner of a directory how woould I do so? I'm using this "chown steam ./tf2/ -R" but it does not change the group owner to "steam" like it does the owner.13:37
petar_maginot: some x configs or something?13:37
reinemansbazhang, I don't really know accually, I just typed in /IRC and then /server irc.freenode.net /channel #ubuntu  so13:38
djbeenie_grrr danit..there it goes again.  anyone's firefox crashing after the update this morn13:38
maginotpetar_, your problem is annoying me lol since removing all configuration files should have helped you13:38
babilenxomp: man chown/chgrp (hint: user:group for chown)13:38
joaopintoxomp, chown user:group13:38
xompthanks babilen & joaopinto :)13:38
maginotpetar_, the thing that bugs me is that you told that with other user you can use it without problems, right?13:38
bazhangreinemans, xchat? konversation? irssi? weechat? which irc client are you using (it should say on the title bar13:38
xompso "chown steam:steam ./tf2/ -R"13:38
TheRealExile<joaopinto> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Gfkc7Ndz13:38
bekkio sorry all i have serious boot problems, is this the right channel?13:39
babilenxomp: exactly13:39
xompcheers :)13:39
TheRealExilelooks fine13:39
bekkioor there is another better?13:39
joaopintoTheRealExile, you are using the version from a ppa, not the official version13:39
reinemansI'm not using an IRC client, I'm chatting in the terminal :P13:39
joaopintoTheRealExile, not it does not13:39
youssefhas anyone a cle?13:39
bazhangbekkio, what version of ubuntu13:39
petar_maginot: yes if i switch user it's ok13:39
bekkioall :)13:39
joaopintoyou still have the ppa on your sources13:39
bekkioi can't boot any OS13:39
bazhangbekkio, what version are you currently trying to use is the question13:39
TheRealExilecan I just remove it?13:39
joaopintoremove the firefox ppa, sudo apt-get update, remove it, and reinstall13:40
reinemansBazhang: I'm not using an IRC client, I'm chatting in the terminal :P13:40
bazhangreinemans, sounds like irssi or weechat13:40
steffanreinemans: your using ircII which is an irc client13:40
g33kergRrLmy download has finished! gonna burn and run that thing now13:40
reinemansSteffan: that's the one I think13:40
maginotpetar_, did you already copied back the files you moved to bk_config_files ?13:40
bekkioi tried with all ubuntu version from 8.04 to 9.10 and also grml, gparted live and systemrescuecd13:40
kevdog@TheRealExile -- Just put a # in front of the line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file that references the ppa repository and then do a sudo aptitude update13:40
reinemansSteffan: I installed it with synaptic13:40
zombie-robotanyone know how i can log into demonoid and download a torrent from a godaddy server13:40
steffanreinemans: yes. it is still an irc client. whether it has a GUI or not13:40
g33kergRrLthanks all bazhang maginot joaopinto and everyone13:40
maginotg33kergRrL, you're welcome.13:41
bazhangzombie-robot, offtopic for here13:41
g33kergRrLchow, doods13:41
bekkioevery of them also in failsafe mode, forensic mode...13:41
* snubby tips hat and bows13:41
reinemansSteffan: so, do you know how I can change the collors in here (using the terminal and ircII) ?13:41
TheRealExilefixed it13:41
TheRealExilethanks guys13:41
Dr_Willisreinemans:  you are using 'ircii' ? wow - thats an old client13:42
bekkiosimply there is something blocking my boot13:42
TheRealExileI now have 3.6.3 back13:42
bazhangbekkio, try an alternate version then after md5sum the iso burning at low speed and doing the disk integrity check13:42
joaopintoTheRealExile, be carefull using ppa's ;)13:42
TheRealExilethanks to everyone esp <joaopinto>13:42
reinemansDr_Willis what do you recomment?13:42
TheRealExileI will13:42
steffanreinemans: no. you could take a look at their website https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing, or find out if they have an IRC channel on freenode and visit there if they do13:42
TheRealExilebut sometimes you have to learn the hard way ;)13:42
youssefseems to work13:42
youssefsee you13:42
Dr_Willisreinemans:  for a text based irc - i suggest the latest weechat.13:42
steffanreinemans: http://www.eterna.com.au/ircii/, sorry!13:42
petar_maginot: no.. but i did it now and it didn't work..13:42
Dr_Willisreinemans:  or irssi.13:43
chris78945what do "sudo chown nobody.nogroup /srv/samba/share/ do??????13:43
Dr_Willischris78945:  sets  the dir to be owned by user nobody and group nogoup13:43
joaopintochris78945, man chown13:43
steffanchris78945: makes /srv/samba/share/ owned by nobody in nogroup13:43
blankthemuffinwondering how to change the hostname, /etc/hostname does not exit?13:43
maginotpetar_, actually I would like to follow the steps to see if everything is like I expect...13:43
bekkiosorry but i think it's not a problem with cd, i also brought my notebook to an assistance center, it has to be an hardware problem13:43
bekkiobut i can run the console13:43
joaopintochris78945, don't do it unless you really know you want to do it13:43
chris78945when setting up samba then i want to change all of that to my username and group??13:43
bazhangbekkio, then ask in ##hardware13:43
bekkioook thank you!13:44
babilenchris78945: That command contains a syntax error. It should read nobody:nogroup13:44
chris78945joaopinto, why is that?13:44
joaopintoblankthemuffin, sudo hostname hostname [if i am not mistaken]13:44
zombie-robot>bazhang< what would be an appropriate channel for my query?13:44
joaopintoyou also need to make sure it's listed on /etc/hosts first13:44
blankthemuffinchanges it until reboot joaopinto13:44
guntbert!hostname | blankthemuffin13:44
ubottublankthemuffin: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.13:44
maginotpetar_,  "mv ~/.* ~/bk_config_files" after that can you pastebin the output of "ls -a ~/ | grep -e '^.' "13:44
bazhangzombie-robot, no idea, probably not on freenode network to be honest13:44
joaopintochris78945, because you shouldn't change ownership recursively unless you understand why you are doing it13:44
chris78945All: i was trying to setup samba, was led to this link yesterday: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-installation13:45
HawkMan_Any idea what could cause th apply settings windows to freeze forever aftr I answer yes to activate advanced visual effects under appearance?13:45
blankthemuffinlike I said, there is no /etc/hostname do I just need to create it or has something changed?13:45
reinemansDr_Willis: I installed Weechat, but I can't find it anywere... , were is it?13:45
joaopintoblankthemuffin, you can use the "hostname" command which will create it13:45
joaopintobut don't forget /etc/hosts first13:46
arvind_khadrireinemans, weechat in terminal :)13:46
reinemansarvind_khadri: how do I open weechat then, I'm new in linux :P13:46
chris78945joaopinto, and if i ran it already where am i at? i was following a link that i was pointed to from this chanel to help setup samba13:46
arvind_khadrireinemans, type weechat in a terminal13:46
arvind_khadri!terminal > reinemans13:46
ubottureinemans, please see my private message13:46
joaopintohum, that tutorial should be safe :P13:47
chris78945Dr_Willis, do i want to change nobody nogroup to something else i f i am setting up samba?13:47
steffanchris78945: if the documentation you're following doesn't state to change it, then don't13:47
blankthemuffinhostname does not create the file, it just sets it for the current session. making my own /etc/hostname works fine though.13:48
joaopintoBlackcamaro8, hostname set's it system wide, there is no "session" hostname13:48
reinemanshmmm... still can't open weechat...? I typed in /weechat  do I need to add something?13:49
blankthemuffinit's not permanent, you reboot you loose it joaopinto.13:49
joaopintoblankthemuffin, ops, sorry, you are right13:49
guntbertreinemans: not /weechat but weechat :-)13:49
blankthemuffin:) thanks anyway.13:49
reinemansguntbert: I tried that too but didn't work for me13:50
steffan!weechat | reinemans13:50
maginotblankthemuffin, did you changed any network configuration files or init files?13:50
reinemansSteffan: doesn't work :(13:51
steffanreinemans: apt-get update && apt-get install weechat; weechat13:51
steffanreinemans: have you installed it?13:51
arvind_khadrireinemans, do which weechat in terminal13:51
reinemansSteffan: yes I did, using synaptic13:52
arvind_khadrireinemans, do <<which weechat>> in terminal13:52
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
petar_maginot: sry must have done something wrong it works now thx13:52
steffanreinemans: what package did you install?13:52
maginotpetar_, great, now you see why it was bugging me =D13:53
reinemansSteffan: Weechat version
reinemansMaby ircII is being an idiot interupting things for weechat?13:54
monkeyChatterhello! I've got a problem... I've got two different audio devices, and I need to switch between them, at pleasure. Is there any easy step to do this? I'm on KDE. Thanks :)13:55
bazhangreinemans, what abo ut this command weechat-curses13:56
bazhanghttp://www.weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html reinemans13:56
reinemansbazhang I think that did work :P let me try to join this erver13:57
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
ActionParsnipYo yo yo14:01
=== dos is now known as Guest3630
Guest3630any body know about torrentflux14:02
Guest3630any irc channel for torrentflux14:03
ActionParsnip!info torrentflux14:03
ubottutorrentflux (source: torrentflux): web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-3 (karmic), package size 445 kB, installed size 2772 kB14:03
ActionParsnipGuest3630: its on the official repo so is supported here14:03
Guest3630hello but i am confused torrentflux b4rt s good or torrentflux ?14:04
ActionParsnipGuest3630: what's b4rt?14:04
s3r3n1t7_Guest3630, i use torrentflux myself. Could you try to rephrase that question?14:04
ActionParsnip!info torrentflux-b4rt14:05
ubottuPackage torrentflux-b4rt does not exist in karmic14:05
Guest3630its new14:05
maginotI like transmission =)14:05
s3r3n1t7_Guest3630, if you want to use torrentflux then use the package provided by the official repo's. It works just fine. Is there a special reason why you want this package?14:05
chris78945A password is being requested for my samba share but i never set one nor know what to use. any help with this?14:06
Guest3630s3r3n1t7 ok thats gr814:06
Guest3630no problem14:07
ActionParsnipChris78945: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER ,you can set the password for the current user. You can now authenticate as your current user with the password you set14:07
Guest3630i am happy with torrentflux14:07
=== s3r3n1t7_ is now known as s3r3n1t7
=== Guest3630 is now known as nuker
maginotActionParsnip, chris78945, of course, that user must have such a permission on /etc/samba/smb.conf14:07
chris78945ActionParsnip, do i replace$USER with my computers username?14:08
ActionParsnipChris78945: you can add more users and configure samba to allow certain users in certain folders only. Very powerful14:08
ActionParsnipChris78945: $USER is the current user of the session. You don't have to change it14:08
ReinemansUsing xChat right now :P much easier :P14:09
chris78945maginot, i dont have any mention of passwords in my smb.conf file.  i just copied  a basic conf file from the samba websites guide14:09
ActionParsnipChris78945: unless you have su'd to another username14:09
=== snubby is now known as VigilantSnub
maginotchris78945, pastebin /etc/samba/smb.conf14:10
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
chris78945ActionParsnip, that worked!!!!! thank you very very much....a week later and i finally get it to work! lol14:12
ActionParsnipChris78945: no worries dude, you will need the credentials for mapping network drives (windows) or samba mounting (linux etc)14:13
chris78945maginot, http://pastebin.com/afWGfSRV14:14
chris78945ActionParsnip, what do you mean by that exactly?14:14
maginotchris78945, well, I think now that is working that isn't need, or do you still have a problem14:14
ActionParsnipChris78945: well the credentials authenticate you so if you want access to it you will need to provide the credentials14:15
kuttanswhats the irc channel for lucid14:16
ActionParsnipChris78945: so if you use windows and want to map a network drive for access you will need to make the os remember the credentials etc14:16
chris78945maginot, if you take a look at it though could you provide a little insight on things i could possibly change/add though? no pressure if you dontwant to14:16
maginotchris78945, you see, /home/Chris have some special username needs, since it belongs to Chris, that a reason the you needed to create a samba user =)14:16
kuttansanyone who can tell about irc channel of lucid lynx14:16
steffankuttans: #ubuntu-deel14:16
ActionParsnip!lucid | kuttans14:16
ubottukuttans: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:16
chris78945ActionParsnip, i gotcha,14:16
maginotchris78945, maybe you want to take a look at this simple configuration I have here: http://maginot.pastebin.com/simhyvqK14:17
chris78945maginot, ActionParsnip thank you both very much!!!!  now to fix my xbox xbmc problems...i cant play videos!14:17
zombie-robothow do proxies work14:17
ActionParsnipChris78945: it also makes the share more secure rather than allowing everyone and his dog to just walk in and view / edit your data14:17
zombie-robothow do i route my connection through a godaddy server ip?14:18
ancantahi im in a live cd...i lost my network manager ..how i can install it again?14:18
maginotchris78945, this is a good samba resource too: http://ieee.uwaterloo.ca/UsingSamba/index.html14:18
maginotancanta, how did you "lost it" ?14:19
ancantai tried to install some programs..i dont know which of them make it14:20
zombie-robotcan i setup a proxy from a godaddy server?14:20
maginotzombie-robot, godaddy is a third part service, which may have their own support14:20
ancantaok lost is not the right word ..unistall..sorry my bad english14:20
ActionParsnipAncanta: I find that if you are in livecd and run; sudo apt-get --reinstall install networkmanager ,then you can copy the deb to the system and install it with dpkg :)14:20
maginot!ot > zombie-robot14:20
ubottuzombie-robot, please see my private message14:20
ancantaActionParsnip, how i copy the deb to my system ?14:21
xanguaActionParsnip ancantaor just put the cd/dvd and install it from synaptic14:21
ancantahow can i login to my ubuntu partition to view my files ?14:21
ActionParsnipAncanta: open the partition in the places menu then run: gksu nautilus ,you then have write access to the internal partition you mounted via the /media folder14:21
ancantaActionParsnip, right! thx i'll try it14:22
ActionParsnipXanugua: might not have the release media for the installed release14:22
maginotancanta, you could chroot to the other partition and run apt-get normally, or try doing what ActionParsnip told and copying the archive from /var/cache/apt/archives/ but, maybe NM have some dependencies that had being removed too14:22
ActionParsnipXangua: like after a release upgrade14:22
zombie-robotcould i use a ubuntu package to log in to a GD sever and browse fron that ip?14:23
ancantamaginot, how i chroot to the other partition ?14:23
maginotancanta, do you know which partition is your ubuntu system installed ?14:23
zombie-robotsorry if its off topic but i dont know where else to go14:24
maginotzombie-robot, www.godaddy.com14:24
ancantai can understad it from the size i cant remember it..14:24
zombie-robotgodaddy didnt help me14:24
zombie-robotis it even possible?14:25
maginotancanta, how many disks you have on your computer, do you know that?14:25
ancantaone disk, many partitions14:25
maginotancanta, "fdisk -l /dev/sda" what output?14:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:25
ancantamaginot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/412113/14:27
maginotancanta, or it is /dev/sda4 or /dev/sda614:27
ancantamaginot is 414:27
=== xumuk37 is now known as XuMuK
maginotancanta, "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt"14:27
ancantamaginot, and now i download the deb file and save it to the mounted volume ?14:29
maginotancanta, no14:29
ancantaok tell me..14:29
swebwhat is the correct openjdk command line for execute jar file14:29
maginotancanta, what is /dev/sda6 ?14:29
swebi need for create link in gnome14:29
sweb !!!14:29
theadminjava -jar jarfile, sweb14:29
rocket16sweb: It is "java -jar filename.jar"14:29
ancantaits /home14:30
maginotancanta, isn't something like /var, right?14:30
maginotancanta, now I recommend you to "sudo -i"14:30
maginotancanta, after that "chroot /mnt" and after chrooting "apt-get install network-manager"14:31
toplandanyone can help me for   *-network UNCLAIMED14:32
topland       description: Ethernet controller14:32
topland       product: AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter14:32
topland       vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.14:32
FloodBot3topland: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
topland       physical id: 014:32
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topland       bus info: pci@0000:0e:00.014:32
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edakirisweb, if you have the 'misc-binaries' module & package installed, you might also be able to directly execute it.14:33
ducktypehi all14:33
ActionParsnipTopland: http://www.google.com/m/url?cd=1&client=ms-android-tmobile&ct=res&ei=G37AS7C9EMiRjAeLq5L_AQ&gl=gb&hl=en&oi=blended&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntugeek.com%2Fhow-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html&resnum=1&sa=X&source=android-browser-key&usg=AFQjCNHY3OGJPgan1w9EN31vI7cgXKzYaA14:33
ActionParsnipDamn google14:33
ActionParsnipSo frustrating14:33
maginotancanta, are you there?14:34
ActionParsnipTopland: the guide will get it working in any release and any version of linux as it is making the driver14:34
ancantamaginot, E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?14:35
maginotancanta, well, that is other problem... this is the only output after apt-get install network-manager? patebin please14:36
casper3I am using grub 1.97, How can I customize it ?14:36
ancantahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/412116/ maginot14:36
magooowhere i can download precompiled kernels in format .deb to just install ?14:36
ActionParsnipAncanta: sudo apt-get -f install14:36
ActionParsnipMagooo: http://packages.ubuntu.com14:36
magoooActionParsnip, thanks, but theres 64bit kernel ready?14:37
ducktypeopenvm-tools are an alternative to vmware tools or i need both?14:37
maginotActionParsnip, looks like a DNS problem...14:37
maginotancanta, "ping archive.ubuntu.com" works?14:37
ancantano ... ping: unknown host archive.ubuntu.com14:38
casper3How can I customize (such as changing background) grub 1.97 ??14:38
ActionParsnipmagooo: ubuntu has had a 64bit version option for a lonnng time14:38
ActionParsnip!grub2 | casper314:38
ubottucasper3: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:38
maginotancanta, do this before running the apt-get command: "echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf" after that retry running apt-get command14:39
ducktypei want upstart support for scheduled tasks!!!14:39
ActionParsnipMaginot: easiest one to remember ;)14:40
maginotActionParsnip, indeed ;D14:40
maginotActionParsnip, primary and secondary, ;X14:40
ancantamaginot, seems it worked!!!!! now i can restart and boot from my account ?14:41
maginotancanta, yes.14:41
ActionParsnipMaginot: nar dude, as primary (install and config dnsmasq ;))14:41
ancantaok...thnx a lot..i will be on #ubuntu if it works :)14:41
ActionParsnipMaginot: speeds up DNS to local if possible, 0ms resolve time14:42
maginotActionParsnip, hmm local cache?14:42
ActionParsnipMaginot: indeed. Speeds up the web a bit14:42
maginotActionParsnip, good to know, just installed =)14:42
ActionParsnipMaginot: also disable ipv6 if you don't use it with the grub config :)14:43
ActionParsnipMaginot: it needs a tiny bit of tweak but there are guides all over14:43
Lord_Chewbakkai cant get my firefox to work, any1 had that problem after the update?14:43
maginotActionParsnip, no problem with that, just have to do something to spend my time.. I'm bored of programming, lets configure them =D14:44
maginotActionParsnip, again, thanks for the tip.14:44
ActionParsnipMaginot: np man, make things even quicker with a local squid proxy if you got spare space14:44
Gesii just got ubuntu 10.04 and i am now trying to install it but  installation stops at the 3rd step in which i have to chose my keyboard type14:44
Gesiany help please14:45
ActionParsnip!lucid | gesi14:45
ubottugesi: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:45
maginotActionParsnip, well, I realy will not install squid here, but I have some servers running it, it will help only local machine navigation or can help the entire network?14:45
gbear14275ok guys... i'm dying here... just upgraded all my packages... I don't have a windows manager14:45
lightstephow can i get to the GVFS configuration window? i want to set mount options for my windows partition and usb drive14:46
ActionParsnipMaginot: it will help all who use it by caching web content for faster access14:46
gbear14275I can't move my windows, resize, minimize, close... nothing14:46
maginotActionParsnip, no, I'm not talking about squid, I'm talking about dnsmasq...14:46
lightstepsome years ago there was "gnome-volume-manager", but it doesn't exist any more14:46
gbear14275I really need some help please14:46
xanguagbear14275: metacity --replace14:47
maginotlightstep, gvfs ?14:47
lightstepmaginot, gnome virtual file system14:47
gbear14275xangua, THANK YOU!14:47
dancalloI installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix - 9.10 on my Acer Netbook and now I can't connect to UbuntuOne. There is a red X on this icon.14:47
dancalloAny ideas?14:47
ActionParsnipMaginto: you can use bind to make a lan dns for them to speed stuff up, or install dnsmasq on each system14:47
lightstepmaginot, it's the component that sets all the items under Computer and under Network14:47
maginotlightstep, I think gvm is now with HAL14:47
gbear14275xangua, ok... so I take it this is an already reported problem?14:47
xanguagbear14275: no idea what are you refering14:48
lightstepmaginot, ok, so how do i set mount options with hal?14:48
xanguadancallo: do you have an ubuntu account¿14:48
dancalloYes, of course I do.14:48
maginotlightstep, actually I was googling here your question, http://usrportage.de/archives/38-DBUS,-Hal-and-gnome-volume-manager.html14:48
gbear14275xangua, the fact that after a package update I lose my windows manager14:48
maginotlightstep, but I'm still looking at...14:49
maginotlightstep, did you tried #gnome ? Or #gnome at irc.gimp.net ?14:49
edakiriActionParsnip: I recommend gecko/firefox plugin "Customize Google"14:49
maginotlightstep, maybe is irc.gimp.org don't know for sure right now14:49
lightstepnope, i'll try there. thanks14:49
gbear14275xangua, I'm guessing it was some broken package or something...14:50
lightstepthere's a channel here at freenode, i'll try there14:50
ActionParsnipEdakiri: I don't use crappy firefox no more14:50
ancantathnx maginot ..im back :)14:50
maginotancanta, working now?14:50
dancalloCan someone help me with my UbuntuOne issue?14:50
Wren88Hi everyone14:50
ancantayeap! what was the problem ? last i installed was 'arping'   :/14:51
Dr_Willisdancallo:  theres also the #ubuntuone channel14:51
ActionParsnip!hi | wren8814:51
ubottuwren88: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:51
dancalloI can't seem to connect to it.14:51
mrwesdancallo, /join #ubuntuone14:51
maginotancanta, don't know, but I'm glad the fix worked =)14:52
Wren88I'm having hard time over here getting static to work with ubuntu 9.10 x64 virtual box vm14:52
ancantathnx a lot maginot :)14:52
ActionParsnipWren88: use /etc/network/interfaces file14:52
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Wren88did that like 1/2 dozen time but wont work would like me to post it?14:53
ActionParsnipWren88: sure just use a pastebin14:54
mrwesIs the Lucid Service Edition going to be LTS too?14:54
homosaurmrwest: yep14:55
mrweshomosaur, nice - thanks14:56
mrwescan I go from 8.04 LTS to 10.04?14:56
toyman61DVD-Video-output from DVD-Recorder. How to edit this in Ubuntu (removing commericals) and output it as DivX ?14:56
hugliHi. I seem to have messed up kbd shortcut for switching to right workspace (ctrl-alt- ->). How can I restore it? I've tried 'System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts' & gconf-editor, but I can't find it anywhere.14:56
xanguamrwes: yes14:56
mrwestoyman61, Avidemux can do that14:56
homosaurI think so14:56
Wren88iface eth0 inet static14:57
FloodBot3Wren88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
mrwesxangua, sweet14:57
maginot!pastebin | Wren8814:57
ubottuWren88: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:57
toyman61mrwes, I have tried Avidemux. But it is not suitable for my use..14:57
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mrwestoyman61, 10.04 has a new video editor called Pitivi14:57
homosaurThe little interface and usability tweaks since last LTS server are really nice14:58
toyman61mrwes: But if I have av DVD-Video with menues and more than one movie on the DVD - will avidemux handle this ?14:58
toyman61av = a14:58
mrwestoyman61, should --- have you tried Handbrake ?14:59
goustaros i bought a charger for my laptop. i can choose from a variety of voltage 12-20V. but it gives 5.5A max. By laptop on the back says it needs 19V and 4.74A. is it safe to use this charger?14:59
toyman61mrwes: No, I have not tried Handbrake. Used to use Pinnacle Studio on Windows... :-)14:59
rocket16Is there any GTK+ GUI for Octave? I tried Yago, but it is outdated, and QtOctave is Qt.14:59
ActionParsnipMrwes: that's offtopic here14:59
mrwesActionParsnip, gotcha14:59
ActionParsnipMrwes: sorry wrong nick15:00
ActionParsnipGoustaros: that is offtopic here, try in #ubuntu-offtopic15:00
mrwesActionParsnip, he was technically asking for "support" :)15:00
toyman61mrwes: I want to read the movie(s) from my DVD-Video, edit the movies (removing commercials and so on) and then output the video as DivX - all in one program..15:00
mrwestoyman61, PM me15:00
lightstepi'm trying out Lucid, and the "gnome" package is not installed. when trying to install it, it turns out to depend on "epiphany-extensions" and "swfdec-mozilla", which are conflicting packages. what should i do?15:00
ardchoille!lucid | lightstep15:01
ubottulightstep: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:01
HawkMan_what's the package to install to configure visual effects again?15:01
toyman61mrwes, I have been away from IRC to long - who do I PM ?  *silly question*15:01
ardchoilletoyman61: /query mrwes15:01
lightstepok, so in general, what do i do with conflicting packages?15:02
mrwestoyman61, I just told you what to do in a private message15:02
jac0i have a problem with ma bluetooth..something to do wit passkey agent..requesting assistance,,,,15:02
ActionParsnipMrwes: its not ubuntu specific as its voltage and power related which is hardware related so is OS independant :)15:03
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mrwesActionParsnip, understood15:04
haochelahow can i get usb devices to automount in fluxbox and fvwm?15:04
jac0i have a problem with ma bluetooth..something to do wit passkey agent..requesting assistance,,,,15:04
goustaros i bought a charger for my laptop. i can choose from a variety of voltage 12-20V. but it gives 5.5A max. By laptop on the back says it needs 19V and 4.74A. is it safe to use this charger?15:04
zambagoustaros: why do you ask here?15:05
zambagoustaros: how is this ubuntu related?15:05
llutz!ot | goustaros15:05
ubottugoustaros: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:05
ActionParsnipGousaros: its not discussed here. Please head to #hardware and/or #ubuntu-offtopic15:05
mrwesgoustaros, you needed to say, "Will Ubuntu run properly with a charger that outputs 5.5A only"15:05
jac0goustaros, naaa its nat..coz its gonna finish yo batt15:06
xompcrazy question, how would I give root:root access to all files/folders in a directory recursivley?15:06
llutzxomp: chown -R15:06
mrwesxomp: with the -R you can15:06
theadminxomp: chown -R root:root /folderz15:07
ActionParsnipXomp: sudo chrown -R root:root /path/to/folder15:07
xompthanks guys :)15:07
haochelahow can I get usb devices to automount in fluxbox and fvwm?15:07
bullgardWhy does '~$ wmctrl -a Selector' not raise the window and give focus to the Window Selector applet?15:08
mrweshaochela, how about using a root cron with @reboot mount /device/usb /media/mydrive ?15:08
Dr_Willishaochela:  you would have to set up some sort of service to monitor/automount them.  if you wanted them to mount on the fly. Or there may be some other drive-mount tools in the repois that show icons/menus when a new device is inserted15:09
haochelahmm so you just put the cron in to start at reboot instead of scheduling?15:09
jribhaochela: check out halevt...15:09
Dr_Willisactually i think theres a way to run nautilus to monitor/automount devices.. but ive never tried it15:09
jribhaochela: or just run the gnome daemon that mounts things (gnome-volume-manager)15:09
haochelaI'm looking to do it w/o nautilus -- too much overhead15:10
jribhaochela: neither uses nautilus15:10
theadminIsn't there some command like mountall or mount -a?15:10
jribtheadmin: that just reloads fstab basically15:10
theadminjrib: Ah, yes, indeec15:10
xomptheadmin: when I did chown -R root:root /folderz it changed the owner and group to root:root like I expected. But it gave everything only read-only permission. Anyway to fix this?15:11
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llutzxomp: man chmod15:11
jrib!permissions > xomp15:11
ubottuxomp, please see my private message15:11
ActionParsnipXomp: look into chmod, it uses the same -R switch15:11
theadminxomp: chmod -R 660 (or 770, depends) /folderz15:12
xompah yes forgot chmod haha thanks15:12
diegoviolacan i update ubuntu 8.04 lts to the latest one?15:12
diegoviolaubuntu server15:12
mrwesxomp chmod15:12
theadmindiegoviola: Both yes and know, you need to update to Interpid, then to Jaunty, THEN to Karmic15:12
jribdiegoviola: you should probably wait until april 29th so you can upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 directly15:12
llutztheadmin: you don't want 660 on folders/15:12
theadminllutz: oops indeed15:13
ActionParsnipDiegoviola: when lucid comes out yes. You will need to upgrade through the other releases first I believe. I think you can go lts to lts15:13
ActionParsnipJrib: thanks :)15:13
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mrwesActionParsnip, you have to step into it on the servers ?15:13
theadminhm, about permissions, does such permission as 000 (full-block) even exist?15:14
llutzwhy not?15:14
theadminllutz: Well just wondering15:14
jribtheadmin: yeah, even 000015:14
llutztheadmin: i use 000 for mountpoints to prevent getting stuff copied in, when not mounted15:15
jribllutz: that's a good idea15:15
theadminjrib: isn't it OGW? what would 4th null do?15:15
jribtheadmin: setuid, setgid, sticky15:16
theadminah, those, never figured what they even do15:16
theadminllutz: it'd come back when unmounted, not much of a problem15:16
llutztheadmin: man chmod :)15:16
theadminllutz: man: command not found. XD on windows now15:17
ActionParsnipYo yo yo15:17
mrwesrunning beta 2?15:18
theadminubottu: lucid | mrwes15:18
ubottumrwes: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:18
ActionParsnipMrwes: 1G speed on a coach = kaboom15:18
mrwestheadmin, come on15:18
theadminmrwes: It wasn't me who wrote those rules ;) And rules must be obeyed to prevent chaos.15:19
theadminNOD? That's an antivirus, right?15:19
mrwesI never even mentioned Lucid though }:)15:19
theadminmrwes: You said "beta 2"15:19
solexiousHow can I only rm files with 0 size?15:19
theadminsolexious: I think find has a size flag, look into it15:20
ActionParsnipTheadmin: or an evil faction from command and conquer ;)15:20
mrwescoulda been beta 2 for Karmic :P15:20
adityawhere are ubuntu login details and passwords stored15:20
theadminhuh, that's one good question15:20
ActionParsnipSolexious: it'll take some fancy scripting. I'd ask in #bash if nobody replys15:20
lightstepaditya, the passwords are in the file "/etc/shadow"15:21
llutzaditya: /etc/passwd /etc/shadow15:21
solexiousActionParsnip: thanks15:21
ActionParsnipAditya: in /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd15:21
theadmin"shadow"??? lolwut? XDDD15:21
sintheteki'm having trouble figuring out how to get ubuntu/pulse to use multiple soundcards. it seems whenever i play anything the second card gets muted and i cannot unmute with alsamixer or anything15:21
lightstepthey used to be in passwd, but it was considered less secure15:21
sinthetekbesides this, pulse ends up using ~20% cpu and totem uses like 50%15:21
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Wren88anyone good with crypt disks on ubuntu15:22
theadminpasswd reminds me of htpasswd utility i used to use a lot back when i attempted to run a simple server...15:22
HawkMan_what's the package to install to configure visual effects again?15:23
lightsteppasswd is readable to anyone, shadow only to root. passwd also contains real names and groups membership, so it was useful to keep it15:23
lightstepHawkMan, compiz15:23
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theadmin!ccsm | HawkMan_15:23
ubottuHawkMan_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:23
xanguaHawkMan_: compiz settings manager15:23
jrib!away > RaMcHiP-Away15:23
ubottuRaMcHiP-Away, please see my private message15:23
teguhWhere to know status Restricted Drivers on XUbuntu karmic, on older xubuntu at Application > System > Restricted Drivers Manager15:23
adityamy college net blocks irc ports so i cannot use irc clients. is there a way to bypass these restrictions ?15:23
HawkMan_simple-ccsm that's the one, thanks15:24
llutzaditya: tunnel it (ssh, httptunnel, whatever)15:24
ActionParsnipAditya: use the web client to freenode ;)15:24
theadminaditya: Maybe using a different port is possible. Freenode has a web gateway. Look on http://webchat.freenode.net - also consider using mibbit http://mibbit.com15:24
theadminaditya: That, however, was NOT an Ubuntu question :P15:25
AscavasaionHow do I set the dictionary... for applications like XChat, Pidjin, etc.  When I right click the text box for entering messages in Pidjin it gives me 5 different strains of English... how can I make the language I choose there the permanent one?15:26
m1chaeli have a home network with 2 routers... 1 router is simply plugged in to the other router... right now im an on a wifi with the main router... is it possible that i could ssh to another machine on the other router?15:27
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: check in language under administration (remembering here, I'm on the move)15:27
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okay, be right back.15:28
ActionParsnipM1chael: sure, simply use it's ip address and the routers will work out the path15:28
m1chaelokay! =)15:30
ManDayIs it even REMOTELY possible to use a color scheme that is DARK and STILL have a working computer? In GNOME, I've tried quite a bunch of themes from gnome-art but everything that is darker than gray is complete MESS as not a single application conforms to the Themese (even Firefox menus and input boxes get unreadable  - black on black, white on white). Any experiences?15:32
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=== zx is now known as martin-
jpdsManDay: DarkRoom?15:32
jribManDay: there was that "dust" theme some time ago.  You tried that?15:32
arvind_khadriManDay, try dust15:32
ManDayjpds, I'm through most of them15:32
ManDayOk I'll recheck dust but I'm confident that I had it15:33
jribManDay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/DustTheme15:33
ManDay(but seriously why would it matter if FF and others give a s anyway about the theme and use the theme (dark) for the BG but their own color (black) for the text..)15:34
ManDayah i see, separate ff theme15:34
ManDaynow thats... annoying, but a solution15:34
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy15:35
ActionParsnipFactoids don't use 's15:35
da65bunt rocks, thanks a lot15:35
jribManDay: you could switch to epiphany.  The theme will probably work fine there15:35
ManDayis that an engine?15:36
ManDayor a theme?15:36
jribManDay: epiphany is a browser15:36
da65its a clone of pidgin I think15:36
jrib!info epiphany-browser15:36
ubottuepiphany-browser (source: epiphany-browser): Intuitive GNOME web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.28.0-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 357 kB, installed size 960 kB15:36
ManDayabandon firefox? not before i die!15:36
ManDayoh, its intuitive!15:37
ManDaynow that makes me reconsider - ill have a look15:37
da65ah, thats empathy lol15:37
da65just upgrading to 10.04 :)15:37
Ascavasaionda65: Not sure you could call it an upgrade hehehe  but it is interesting to say the least.15:38
ManDay!lucid | da6515:38
ubottuda65: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:38
ManDaytststs please not here :P15:38
da65will see :) has lots of new features?  So I was reading earlier15:38
ManDaysome dude named winr4r updated recently - 1 week ago - never seen him again since15:39
MatiSahueFrom Chile15:40
da65hi :)15:40
ManDayhavent even slightly checked it out so far. only thing i know and that interests me is that a serious bug with the intel drivers is fixed - hence reason enough for me to update15:40
kernel_geekhi, trying to run this mencoder command - http://pastebin.com/8GrCYwMK - and get an error about unable to open codec.15:40
ManDay!es | Matic`Makovec15:40
ubottuMatic`Makovec: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:40
ManDay!es | MatiSahue15:40
ubottuMatiSahue: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:40
ManDayups sorry matic15:40
da65intel quad and nvid gtx here, hope its all ok15:40
kernel_geekhi, trying to run this mencoder command - http://pastebin.com/8GrCYwMK - and get an error about unable to open codec.15:41
bonusiki have a questiob15:42
jribkernel_geek: you should include the error in your pastebin15:42
bonusikdo u play Diablo 2 on ubuntu ?15:42
C_tekHi, can someone please tell me how to remove mysqli and retain the mysql server ?15:42
da65I think WoW will run on bunt so Diablo might I reckon15:43
rocket16I have a Samsung SGH 360 Mobile Phone, with an USB Connection. CAn I install Ubuntu mobile onto it?15:43
brianhermanC_tek: Does mysql-server depend on mysqli15:44
xjkxi'm thinking about to buy an multifunctional hp f4480, lets guess i bought it, what would be the first steps to have it working ? so long no using printers, is ubuntu still using cups ? is there a better way ? does ubuntu support this hp 4480 ? will scanner/printer/every function work ?15:44
da65xsane has been dropped I think15:45
kernel_geekjrib: My error is here - http://pastebin.com/hD9yGPCJ15:45
jribkernel_geek: I'm just suggesting you include your command and error in the pastebin when you ask your question15:45
kernel_geekhi, trying to run this mencoder command - http://pastebin.com/8GrCYwMK - and get an error about unable to open codec. Error is here http://pastebin.com/hD9yGPCJ15:46
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
da65might be able to open the codec if it found it?15:46
kernel_geekda65: Codecs are defo installed15:47
da65says it cant find it15:47
AscavasaionI have a UK keyboard, but I am in South Africa.  HOw do I set language settings so that I can have my locale as South Africa, but it uses British spelling and British keyboard?15:47
ManDay_uhm wait, im still here?15:47
da65what about paths etc15:47
ManDayI just installed Dust, why did I install it again??15:47
AscavasaionManDay: Because ashes to ashes and dust to dust? :)15:48
ManDaylooks as ugly as all the other boxy themes15:48
vick11_88can anyone please tell me, on which channel I can get the solution regarding network programming and creation of tcp/ip protocol in c??? i need help just about this... please help!!!15:48
kernel_geekda65: thanks15:48
ManDaywhen i installed the merrine engine it said something about "italian glasswork art" - dust isnt exactly that15:48
lightstepAscavasaion, System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts15:48
kernel_geekda65: I dont think h paths matter15:48
kernel_geek* will be an issue15:48
da65just a thought15:48
ManDayis that a bug on my sys or do look almost all themes look the same?15:48
lightstepvick11_88, maybe ask in #c ?15:48
jribManDay: see if it looks like the screenshot in the page I gave you15:49
lightstepvick11_88, if it's a c-related, and not socket-related issue15:49
ManDayjrib, absolutly not.15:49
ManDayand its not dark...15:49
jribManDay: well there you go...15:49
ManDaygo? where?15:49
Ascavasaionlightstep: That setting is fine... but when I set my locale to South Africa is stops using the United Kingdom English dictionary.15:49
jribManDay: obviously, it should look like the screenshot15:49
vick11_88please help15:49
ManDayill give you a screen, judge for urself15:50
jribManDay: I don't want to judge15:50
da65Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html } kernel15:50
jribManDay: I'm just saying that if it doesn't look like the screenshot, then something is wrong15:50
jsechi all. trying to install galaxium. running the autogen.sh tells me package requirements for hal were not met, but apt-get install tells me that hal is the latest version. Any ideas?15:50
da65vic11 whats up15:51
kernel_geekda65: find | grep mpeg2video finds nothing yet synaptic says its installed15:51
da65its not there I guess15:51
kernel_geekda65: Do you know about tab completion ?15:51
da65yeah, not working in pidgin?15:51
vick11_88lightstep: it's related socket programming15:51
kernel_geekda65: Its working for me in pidgin =/15:51
kernel_geekvick11_88:Maybe go to a programming specific channel ?15:52
TroldrikHalp... my lucid box doesn't boot anymore after an apt-get upgrade. Not sure exactly it stalls... I'd say somewhere in the initrd. Never gets to starting the daemons.15:52
rocket16!lucid | Troldrik15:52
ubottuTroldrik: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:52
kernel_geekTroldrik: Try starting without the init, or an older kernel...15:52
llutzTroldrik: fix it, write a bug report and join #ubuntu+115:52
vick11_88kernal_geek:just name the channel....15:53
wertwertgfhjrerwhich file determines what window or desktop managers are available during login?15:53
ManDayok, what is wrong? Why do themes never work out? Why is it always white text on white background in firefox? why does everylook boxy, everything ugly? I get no warnings, the windows change "as if" a new theme applied, but the new theme doesnt look like i want it!!15:53
jhirleyfolks is there a command line to have dkpg automaticly scan and repair installed packages ?15:54
kernel_geekjhirley: apt-get repair ?15:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:54
da65my keyboard is on the blink15:54
kernel_geekjhirley: I made that up15:55
da65whats the chat channel?15:55
da65off topic15:55
istvanhey, i'v been using sBackup for backing up my system for years, but I just re-installed and i'm wondering if there is a better program I can be using? sBackup seems to have not been changed in ages, and it also is very slow (i have multiple TB of data, and the process monitor shows that it is running at 0% cpu increasing the .tgz .1 gigs every 5 mins)15:55
log|inanyone here in the efnet ubntu channel that has ops?15:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:55
bullgardWhy does '~$ wmctrl -a Selector' not raise the window and give focus to the Window Selector applet?15:57
roothi all15:57
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bullgardistvan: rsnapshot15:58
iflemaxjkx you get an answer? plug it in and go..... photo cards = no, install hplip to get extra control......15:59
jhirley folks is there a command line to have dkpg automaticly scan and repair installed packages ?15:59
iflemaxjkx http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/deskjet_aio/deskjet_f4400_series.html15:59
bullgardjhirley: Depends on your file system.16:00
vanexyablad en español xf16:01
guntbert!es | vanexy16:01
ubottuvanexy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:01
llutzjhirley: 'dpkg --configure -a' ?16:01
jhirleybullgard, what does dpkg have to do with filesystem ?  default is ext3 /16:01
vick11_88hey i can't join #c channel , they said that it's INVITE ONLY, what to do?16:02
Azeotropehow do i scan for wireless acces points?16:02
llutzAzeotrope: iwlist s16:02
Azeotropellutz: in a loop, please16:03
xjkxiflema: thanks, all i want is the printer to print, scan, and copy(like i put a page of a book i have in my room and it prints for me), maybe its a problem with the english language but i don't know what they mean by photo cards and "PC initiated copy"16:03
guntbertvick11_88: its actually ##c16:03
vick11_88guntbert: thanks16:04
da65snobs vic :)16:04
guntbertAzeotrope: iwlist scan should do what you need (loop it yourself)16:04
guntbertvick11_88: you're welcome :-)16:04
ManDaycan THIS be true -> DUST theme chosen and looking like THIS: http://s1.directupload.net/images/100410/owivp7j9.png16:05
vick11_88i'm posting, and it said that it can't be send to channel... guntbert:16:05
guntbertvick11_88: could be you need to be registered16:05
guntbert!register | vick11_8816:06
ubottuvick11_88: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode16:06
xjkxiflema: if i got it right, the "pc initiated" thing is the copy feature, which isn't supported :s16:06
darksiderpsycho_oreos, hey man. thanks again for your help, my laptop is doin great now. got time for a quick question? not help-related, just curiosity16:07
iflemaxjkx to do a copy youll have to manually press the copy button..... alot of multifunction printers also have slots for flash cards from cameras.... print photos....16:07
iflemaxjkx ya good to go....... thankyou HP16:08
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ManDaySo Dust is no apparently working after getting the 0.3 engine but even after installing the FF theme input boxes are still white text on white background!?!?16:12
Mastereduhas anyone problems with ubuntu?16:14
wertwertgfhjrerhow do i disable the graphical login manager to login from terminal using startx command?16:14
Mastereduwertwertgfhjrer: you can modify the standard runlevel i think16:15
da653 is what you need16:15
Captain_LongZiroday in here?16:17
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guntbert!runlevels | wertwertgfhjrer: da65: Masteredu16:17
Captain_LongEhh. Never mind. Busy.16:17
ubottuwertwertgfhjrer: da65: Masteredu: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:17
=== Irina_ is now known as brian
iflemawertwertgfhjrer /etc/default/grub add "text" to the following line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""16:18
isoman2kxhow's it going everyone?16:19
isoman2kxhowdy undersampled16:19
iflemawertwertgfhjrer then sudo update-grub in a terminal16:19
UnderSampledisoman2kx: fine. and you?16:19
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:19
UnderSampledhow do I open a port in the firewall?16:19
guntbert!ot | isoman2kx16:19
ubottuisoman2kx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:19
wertwertgfhjrerthx to all16:20
isoman2kx!ot isoman2kx16:20
isoman2kxahh rofl16:20
isoman2kxyou called a bot16:20
brianMy printer is working in Ubuntu and I want to share it with my Windows 7 computer. I set up smb.conf just like it said on their site and my windows 7 computer can see the printer but it says "cannot connect to printer". Any ideas why?16:21
da65Undersamp, do that in your router if you have one16:21
UnderSampledda65: I meant for the local network16:21
UnderSampledda65: open a port on my computer16:22
isoman2kx!ot | guntbert16:22
ubottuguntbert: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:22
forrest76Hi guys....only had ubuntu for a day now...very impressed so far. I am running 9.10 and trying to install compiz. Getting this. compizconfig-settings-manager:16:22
forrest76 Depends: python-compizconfig (>=0.8.2) but it is not installable. Anyone seen that before?16:22
h00kforrest76: how are you trying to install it?16:23
elnurDoes anyone know a good video converter for Ubuntu?16:23
h00kelnur: try Handbrake16:23
hiexpoforrest76, did you update your hardware drivers16:23
forrest76Hook I tried via command line and via the synapic16:23
guntbertisoman2kx:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?16:24
da65should I close all programs while 10.04 is installing16:24
forrest76Hiexpo I have updated all available updates via Update Manager16:24
isoman2kxnot currently guntbert. but i use it frequently so I'd like to idle here if I have one16:24
UnderSampledforrest76: are you able to enable compiz effects from the theme manager?16:24
forrest76Lemmie try Under16:25
UnderSampled*appearance preferences16:25
LFC_fanwere there regression with Radeonhd driver from Beta1 to Beta2?16:25
hiexpoforrest76, go to system/adm/ hardware drivers and use the propitiatory driver16:25
guntbertisoman2kx: be welcome :-) - but keep in mind that this channel is for support only :-)16:25
isoman2kxthank you guntbert. I will keep it in mind16:26
UnderSampledhiexpo: just a suggestion, perhaps you should use something other than a forward slash when selecting items in a menu16:26
LFC_fanlike ->16:27
forrest76I am already using NVIDIA accelerated graphincs driver version 18516:27
UnderSampledhiexpo: perhaps system->adm->hardware16:27
elnurh00k, thanks. looks promising16:27
hiexpoUnderSampled, its the same thing   but ya16:28
h00kelnur: cool16:28
hiexpoin the terminal do u use arrows16:28
forrest76Hiexpo I am already using NVIDIA accelerated graphincs driver version 18516:28
log|inanyone here use efnet #ubuntu ?16:29
hiexpoforrest76, you need to update hardware drivers16:29
forrest76Undersampled: I dont see any option to enable compiz effects from the theme manager16:30
h00kforrest76: Fire up Update Manager, do a "check" and then install all available updates16:30
darksidercan someone link me to a good starting point for making my own linux distro using ubuntu as a starting point/base? i don't mean the little tweaked-release versions of ubuntu with modified pre-installed apps, i mean a proper distro...i want to start working on it or at least start learning how to do it. it is purely for educational purposes.16:30
=== z is now known as Guest54950
UnderSampledforrest76: there is a tab called "visual effects"16:30
forrest76Hook I did that last night16:30
UnderSampledforrest76: are you in gnome or kde?16:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:30
h00kforrest76: alright16:30
guntbert!ot | darksider16:30
ubottudarksider: please see above16:30
darksidersorry man16:31
iflemadarksider LFS16:31
darksiderthanks for the chanlink though16:31
h00kdarksider: it's alright, offtopic isn't the best place for that either16:31
llutzdarksider: http://linux.dipin.info/2009/07/customise-or-remaster-ubuntu-904-jaunty.html16:31
h00kdarksider: there's a factoid...let me try to remember it16:31
gtklockere? ti paizei edo?16:31
h00k!remaster | darksider16:32
darksiderthanks h00k16:32
ubottudarksider: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:32
forrest76Undersampled I have extra selected on that tab.16:32
maginot!gr | gtklocker16:32
ubottugtklocker: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:32
UnderSampledforrest76: do your windows move like jelly?16:32
darksiderthanksverymuch h00k16:32
forrest76Undersampled: Yeppers16:32
UnderSampledso then you already have compix16:32
forrest76I dont see any options though to add stuff and take away stuff.16:33
My-Computerim running on lubuntu 10.04 with a gnome desktop when i use samba to make a shared folder i only have the linux option and not the windows option what do i need to download to correct this?16:33
darksiderbeen dreaming of making "my own" Operating System since i started programming at age 9. now im nearly 20 (18th June) and i think its about time i learn to do other things with my programming16:33
llutz!lucid | My-Computer16:33
ubottuMy-Computer: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:33
gtklockerwrong channel before, sorry16:33
maginotdarksider, check it out www.linuxfromscratch.org16:33
hiexpoin order to use copiz to its full capability one must aslso instal simple ccsm16:33
forrest76lemmie see if I can isntall that Hiexpo16:34
darksidermaginot, thanks man- i remember seeing that site years ago but it was beyond my understanding. but i think now im older i should be capable of doing it or, at least, learning how to16:34
backlolil y a des français?16:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois16:37
bullgard5My computer 3 does not repond to normal keypresses (eg Ctrl+Alt+F1). Using Touchpad I can move the mouse pointer. On computer 2 in my LAN I did '~$ ssh <username@3>' and '~$ sudo kill 1056'. But this did not kill X on 3. Is my only option to restart 3?16:37
q_my computer 666 is dead16:38
forrest76Hiexpo I dont see an option to install simple-ccsm16:38
hiexpoforrest76, than you need to right click on desktop click visual effects and select custom16:38
zdeneDoes anyone know a FOSS utility to browse a PDF's internal structure? in a tree view or something?16:38
llutzbullgard5: sudo pkill X16:39
hiexpoforrest76, let me find it for u16:39
zubin71hi, is there any way to know what all files are installed when i install mysql?16:39
h00kforrest76: If you fire up the Ubuntu Software Center, you should be able to find it there16:40
llutzzubin71: dpkg -L mysql16:40
hiexpoforrest76,  just go in synaptic and type ccsm16:40
forrest76I did Hiexpo16:40
greezmun1eyhiexpo: its called simple-ccsm16:41
hiexponot simple-ccsm just ccsm16:41
=== LeMoNiCe is now known as h32Lg
hiexpojust type that and it will come up16:41
=== greezmun1ey is now known as greezmunkey
forrest76I dont have an option on my desktop for visual theme . On my visual theme tab there is no option for it.16:41
forrest76Hiexpo it does not come up.16:42
forrest76ccsm returns nothing.16:42
hiexpook one sec16:42
forrest76could be that I ahve done all the updates. Seems I am out of sync with everyone.16:42
forrest76I have wow working though....done several tweaks.16:42
hiexpothats weird because its in the repos16:43
darksiderwhat does the officially-supported/officially-recommended repository amount to, TOTAL [in size] ?16:43
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mrwesdarksider, hrmm...I think you can d/l a full repo DVD16:44
=== radar3d_AFK is now known as radar3d
zubin71i have mysql installed. i need it to be "completely" removed and installed again. i just did "apt-get remove --purge mysql-server" but still mysql exists as a daemon. any way i can completely remove it?16:44
hiexpoclick on all than type ccsm it should come up16:45
greezmunkeyllutz: so -L lists all of the install locations?16:45
Presario2500where can I find some games that don't suck?16:45
forrest76I am hiexpo....16:45
iflemaforrest76 compizconfig-settings-manager16:45
forrest76If I only filter csm get csmash16:45
mrwesdarksider: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35246016:45
hiexpoPresario2500, go to nixie pixels site she has it16:45
llutzgreezmunkey: dpkg -L package        lists contents of package (if package is installed) "man dpkg" for more info16:45
UnderSampledPresario2500: the software manager16:45
greezmunkeyllutz: looking16:46
darksidermrwes, really? what is the total size of all the repositories? (i mean all the ones in the standard karmic sources.list [including the one #commented by default]16:46
forrest76iflema that gives me this error "compizconfig-settings-manager:16:46
forrest76 Depends: python-compizconfig (>=0.8.2) but it is not installable16:46
forrest76Hence my visit to you guys ;)16:46
FloodBot3forrest76: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:46
h00kforrest76: install python-compizconfig then16:46
forrest76hook its not available16:46
hiexpoforrest76,  did u enable all your repos yet16:48
mrwesdarksider, actually, here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors  you can d/l the DVD16:48
forrest76should I maybe add something to my software sources?16:48
darksiderwould be pointless to have a fast ubuntu box with ALL the packages from ALL the repositories on it?16:48
darksiderwell..pointless, but awesome ?16:48
hiexpoyes go in there enable them all16:48
FredZeppelinHi all seem to be haveing a bit of trouble getting ubantu to load on a toshiba laptop can any one help ? p.s. I am a linyux noob, however am pretty good with dos command line16:48
mrwesdarksider, version 9.10 is 7.9gb16:48
llutzdarksider: just pointless16:48
pjp3rdhi id like to set up monthly bandwidth quotas for my home network something like http://www.digirain.com/en/trafficquota-overview.html but ive been googling like crazy and i cant find anything like that for ubuntu, any suggestions?16:49
darksiderFredZeppelin, i had a toshiba sattelite A120 (i think it was that model) and ubuntu tends to be just find with toshiba in my opinion16:49
mrwesdarksider, this is the US Mirror sight http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/9.10/release/16:49
h00kdarksider: you can set up your own local mirror, if you'd like16:49
mrwesdarksider, oops 3.9gb16:49
darksidermrwes, thanks.   llutz, cheers. i just think it would be fun to experience all of the apps. good way to find all the apps that i like/find useful16:49
FredZeppelinwell I have  satellite and keeps coming up with error missing kernal16:49
llutzdarksider: if you want to use your knowledge, why don't you join an existing project and help there? there are more than enough distros available16:49
hiexpoforrest76,  after u enable them sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade16:50
darksiderllutz, well..i don't know if im at THAT standard of programming skill16:50
greezmunkeypjp3rd: don't know if it will work for you, have you looked at trickle?16:50
RDJhello all16:50
darksiderllutz, doing my own modifications and then distro was kinda a self-testing technique16:50
llutzdarksider: there are other ways to help, not only coding16:50
darksiderllutz,  but programming is what i enjoy/am good at16:50
darksiderllutz,  what 'other things' did you have in mind16:50
darksiderllutz, debugging/fixing/patching/etc... ?16:51
forrest76Hiexpo even the pre release and unsupported?16:51
llutzdarksider: e.g. packaging16:51
hiexpoi do but thats your choice16:51
pjp3rdgreezmunkey: um that looks like a traffic shaper, im not worried by the speed rather by the monthly usage16:51
darksiderFredZeppelin, sounds like a bad linux installation if the kernel is missing... but im no expert. try asking your question to others16:51
bullgard5llutz: '~$ sudo pkill X' has no effect.16:52
darksiderllutz,  ah...mmm ive been trying to make my own little script package. currently it backs up using rsync (with a few little modifications like optional exclusions and optional extra folders to backup other than /home/user/) and compresses it in a .tgz16:52
greezmunkeypjp3rd: about the only way you could really do that with any os would involve using your server as a network access proxy of some sort...16:53
zubin71llutz, is there any way i can restore a database without logging in; if i am the root?16:53
FredZeppelindarksider I just downloaded it from the ubantu site. also i tried a knoppix version and it would not boot either. although both boot fine on my acer desktop16:53
BluesKaj-Laptopit's not an install without a kernel16:54
darksiderFredZeppelin, sorry dude but that's beyond my understanding...im currently just trying to START learning about HOW linux works.16:54
darksiderbut what BluesKaj-Laptop has just said is what i figured16:54
darksiderdodgy installation16:54
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
darksiderFredZeppelin, can you boot from LiveCD on your TOSHIBA laptop?16:54
FredZeppelinahh ok thanks darkside16:54
pjp3rdgreezmunkey, k im prepeared to pass all traffic through my server, but im not sure how im supposed to enforce the limits?16:54
llutzzubin71: mysqladmin?16:54
FredZeppelinnever tried it. I only want to be able to get on the HDD so I can save buddies files. then reinstall winders for him16:55
FredZeppelinwas working fine yesterday till windows suddenly and mystryiously put a and admin password on repair16:56
BluesKaj-Laptopdarksider, FredZeppelin even windows uses a kernel16:56
forrest76Fred you dont have to install on the hdd just boot from the dvd and use a thumb/external drive to save his files.16:56
zubin71llutz, thnkx!16:57
greezmunkeypjp3rd: hmm probably squid could do it, I'm looking.16:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:57
zubin71jbendotnet, hey!16:57
jbendotnettrying to upgrade ubuntu 9.10 (server) and keep getting16:57
jbendotnetPreconfiguring packages ...16:57
jbendotnet(Reading database ... 25%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:16:57
jbendotnet files list file for package `linux-libc-dev' contains empty filename16:57
jbendotnetE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)16:57
FloodBot3jbendotnet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:57
FredZeppelinbut I can't get either linux operating system to boot period.16:57
jbendotnetwoops, trying to upgrade and keep getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/412172/16:57
FredZeppelinso just for claification the kernal is in the OS. correct?16:58
overmindhiexpo: FloodBot told him, no needed of !flood command16:58
UnderSampled!kernel | FredZeppelin16:58
ubottuFredZeppelin: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:58
abu1230hi I want to back from ubuntu 10.04 to 9.10 what I do16:58
forrest76Fred did you enable boot from CD/DVD rom in the bios of your buddys windows puter through the bios?16:58
kernel_geekabu1230: Reinstall?16:59
h00kabu1230: you'll have to reinstall 9.1016:59
FredZeppelinno no  good gawd no i don't want to compile my own i want his system to run again lol.16:59
h00kabu1230: there's no 'rollback'16:59
overmindabu1230: We don't support that, it is very dangeorus, you can lose all data16:59
FredZeppelinok so then one fix maybe to redownload ubantu and try again?16:59
pjp3rdgreezmunkey, thanks my first thoughts were to use quid, however wouldnt that only be for web traffic? what about if ppl use other protocols like bittorrent?16:59
abu1230can I install 9.10 with out lose data16:59
hiexpoback to the ole drawing board  :)17:00
h00kabu1230: if your /home is on a separate partition, sure17:00
FredZeppelinoh ya that was the easy part.17:00
h00k!home | abu123017:00
ubottuabu1230: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:00
kernel_geekabu1230: Backup!17:00
UnderSampledabu1230: you could backup your data and reinstall fresh17:00
hiexpoforrest76,  did ya getterrockin?17:01
FredZeppelinya thats what i told him to do before. last week he had MBR fault i fix that told him to back up . yesterday he came with system config problem. and he never backed up.17:01
greezmunkeypjp3rd: according to their site, squid will deal with multiple protocols.17:01
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emergionhelllo all17:03
greezmunkeypjp3rd: check this out: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Log-Analyzers/Squid-Traffic-Counter-35736.shtml17:03
Chris___I have just installed ubuntu 9.10 on a dell dimension 3000, video is set on 640 x480.  It has integrated graphics, so I changed bios setting to 8mb and got other resolution options other than 640 x 480.  The problem is that I cannot click the ok button due to resolution on my display gui.  is there some way to change the resolution in the config script?17:03
emergioncould someone please give me some advice on Jackd? I have it working but when I start it my system seems to lose sound I cannot play mp3s anymore etc ?17:03
emergionI want to use it for rosegarden and midi capabilities17:04
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UnderSampledemergion: have you tried on #jack?17:06
axplayerheya all, quick question. I know that since my memory should be 512MB, but Ubuntu says its 496MB, which is because of my Videocard or some other hardware might be occupying the remaining 16MB. if a software says I require 512MB of memory minimum, the program doesn't work? because I have 496? has anyone else had this issue? thank you17:06
emergionI will17:06
emergionStill though I think it has to do with my systems pulseaudio / gnome config17:06
SwedeMikeaxplayer: most likely this won't cause any issue.17:06
pjp3rdgreezmunkey: looks good even though cant find debian package for ubuntu :-( but im still not sure how its supposed to help for other protocols besides www17:07
iflemaChris___ hold alt + left click anywhere on the window to move it around (up)17:07
h00k!Chinese | lanlan17:08
ubottulanlan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:08
axplayerso SwedeMike. so basically the software shouldn't complain eh?17:08
greezmunkeypjp3rd: can't help you there, but I imagine there are forums for that. Perhaps setting up a test server to bang around on will answer some of your questions! :)17:08
h00kI'm hping I got that right.17:08
Chris___iflema thanks, I will try it right now17:08
SwedeMikeaxplayer: most likely it'll work fine. it's a recommendation, it can use swap file instead, your computer might be slower due to this but it'll most likely work.17:08
h00kpjp3rd: try #ubuntu-server also17:09
FredZeppelinumm I think I am right in this. If I am getting the error msg. "invalid or corrupt Kernel image" I should just srap the cd . and burn another copy?17:09
axplayerSwedeMike, thanks man. appreciated.17:09
h00k!md5sum | FredZeppelin17:09
ubottuFredZeppelin: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:09
FredZeppelinsrap = scrap17:09
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youssefGood afternoon. I have installed Ubuntu with wubi. When I choose to boot on Ubuntu. I get a "grub>" prompt and it does nothing. There are a lot of option available: But with "boot" it does not find any kernel. It is a fresh install from a few minutes ago. Can someone help me?17:10
pjp3rdgreezmunkey, i mean its a good start, that the sort of thing i was looking for just i dont see why it has to be done through a proxy if all the traffic is going through my box anyhow17:10
Chris___iflema thanks that took care of the problem17:10
UnderSampledyoussef: what are your options?17:10
pjp3rdh00k, thanks17:11
greezmunkeypjp3rd: If you want to control the traffic, you have to have control of it, make sense?17:11
greezmunkeypjp3rd: hense the proxy17:11
youssefUnderSampled: I did not use any option (I am not a computer expert) I expected grub to boot automatically17:11
UnderSampledyoussef: I was asking what it told you were the options17:12
UnderSampledso I might be able to help you pick17:12
arjuncan someone recommend a advanced c++ tutorial for me, so that i too can take part in oss development. im quite comfortable with the basics17:12
pjp3rdgreezmunkey, if everything is going through my server that means i have control of it17:12
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:12
youssefUnderSampled:  I had stub like "boot" and with tab it allows me to access "/bin", "/sbin", etc17:13
UnderSampledyoussef: ok17:13
greezmunkeypjp, not really, I mean you can place a firewall, and tweak that, but a simple firewall isn't going to check a userdatabase and verify traffic limits, right?17:13
UnderSampledyoussef: did anything pop up before you got there?17:14
UnderSampled(like a list of possible OSes?17:14
iFireis there a page about how www-data works?17:14
DDAZZA0Hello, Why can't I watch DVDs? How can I watch dvds on ubuntu?17:15
greezmunkeypjp3rd: anyway, good luck with that - I have to go.17:15
h00k!dvd | DDAZZA017:15
iFireI'm trying to use nginx and I'm getting permission denied errors17:15
ubottuDDAZZA0: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:15
pjp3rdgreezmunkey, yip but squid just seems like an overkill to me, and a headache cus i have to worry about making sure they only use squid as well as the squid works for everything they need17:15
GNU\colossusiFire: what do you mean? www-data is Debian's standard user (and group) for HTTP server related files.17:15
arjuncan someone recommend an "advanced c++ tutorial" for me, so that i can take part in oss development . im quite comfortable with the basics.17:15
iFirewell I manually created the web dirs17:15
youssefUnderSampled: No I get first a kind of Windows dual screen with three option (Windows, Ubuntu, Memory check) when I choose Ubuntu, I get a grub prompt instead of directly booting on Ubuntu17:15
iFireso the permissions are wrong somehow17:15
iFiredo I have to add my user to the www-data group?17:16
axplayerhey, random question, is you mess around with a lot of the commands, as in 'just trying stuff out' how possible is it to mess everything up and breaking everything? should a new linux user be careful with messing around or what? any opinions, thoughts?17:16
llutzarjun: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html17:16
iFireright now /home/username is drwxrwx---   7 me me17:16
BlubbTecaxplayer: you can always use a live cd17:16
UnderSampledyoussef: what happens if you do memory check?17:16
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axplayerso you can break stuff just by being: hey,t hat looks like a fun command...../execute command .......blue screen of the penguin, .....ahh, crap.17:17
iFireGNU\colossus what should I do some that my www-data user can access my public_html and yet the owner/group is still me:me17:18
arjunllutz: ive already gone through most of the articles there i need to learn to write system programs17:18
youssefUnderSampled: I did not try, I assume it does a Ram check. Since it is quite new laptop (less than three months) and did not have any problem under Windows, I did not try. Should I?17:18
iFireI think apache su to the user right?17:18
forrest76Well I give up on compiz config menu. Thanks for trying guys. Reckon the system is pretty enough without it.17:18
forrest76Do we have a channel for chewing the fat with other Ubuntu users?17:19
llutzarjun: its offtopic here, maybe you'll find better ideas in c++-channels           /msg alis list *c++*17:19
guntbertaxplayer: as long as you don't execute the commands "as root" you can do no damage to the system - your personal data might be at risk though17:19
iFirepersonal data is important ;)17:20
UnderSampledyoussef:  It is included in Ubuntu17:20
GNU\colossusiFire: chmod it so that "others" can read/execute the directory17:20
SparkyFlaryHow strong should a web server password be?17:20
axplayerahh, nice, and so maybe the logical thing would be to create a separate account then, eh?17:20
iFireSparkyFlary use a ssh key and a password17:20
iFireit'll be strong enough17:20
UnderSampledyoussef: so using it might be able to test grub17:21
SparkyFlaryi want something that's strong and easy to remember17:21
iFireSparkyFlary use apg17:21
h00kSparkyFlary: how important is the data on it?17:21
youssefUnderSampled:  should I look for something else after my reboot?17:21
iFireSparkyFlary http://www.adel.nursat.kz/apg/17:21
UnderSampledwell, after the memory test, it should reboot17:21
SparkyFlarynot very im just messing around with stuff17:22
iFireSparkyFlary apt-get install apg17:22
youssefUnderSampled thanks. See you17:22
DDAZZA0What is the best way to transfer files between 2 networked home pcs? (ssh?)17:22
iFireddAZZA is windows a requirement?17:22
DDAZZA0no both running ubuntu17:22
iFireif not just use ssh and its sftp17:22
SparkyFlaryok what if i had some very secret data? like government type of stuff?17:23
iFireddAZZA do you want it to be mountable?17:23
h00kSparkyFlary: then you're going to want a stronger password.17:23
iFirei.e. a network drive17:23
iFireSparkyFlary as I said a crypto key and a passpharse17:23
DDAZZA0Yea that would be usful17:23
jason201has anyone here used MusicBrainz for metadata tagging?17:23
iFireSparkyFlary and if you want to get fancy, store the key on the smartcard17:23
iFirejason201 it mis-tags enough that I don't use it17:24
xjkxi installed ndiswrapper-common because there was no ~-utils, but when i run ndiswrapper it says i need util Error: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 not installed!17:24
jason201any suggestions?17:24
iFirejason201 read above17:24
xjkxfixed, nevermind17:25
jason201thank you, what I meant was do you suggest anything else17:25
SparkyFlaryiFire would it still be safe to run the website from home on a computer?17:25
iFireSparkyFlary well technically your server in a farm is "safer"17:25
UnderSampled!hi randomusr_17:25
guntbertSparkyFlary: please take that hypothetical discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic17:26
iFirebut if it's close you can destroy the home server17:26
UnderSampled!hi | randomusr_17:26
ubotturandomusr_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:26
randomusr_is there some gui for central management of system wide policies?17:26
UnderSampled!hi | Ree_17:27
ubottuRee_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:27
Ree_any laptop with ATI GPUs users here?17:27
UnderSampled!ati | ree17:27
ubotturee: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:27
UnderSampled!ati | Ree_17:27
ubottuRee_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:27
SparkyFlaryRee_ i think i have ATI17:27
randomusr_Ree, what are you trying to do or what would you like to know?17:27
b_need help with wine17:28
rocket16I have made a Tic Tac Toe game using Java, and have compiled it. Now, I want to make an Installer for Ubuntu, which will automatically add the entry of game to the Applications-Games menu. How may I do it?17:28
UnderSampledRee_: you can also use #ati for help17:28
randomusr_wine = ick17:28
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:28
dactylok, so somebody changed the system language on my computer to arabic to be funny, and now I can't get figure out how to make it go back to english. luckily, I have a guest account that is still in english, but I can't find the relevant menu to change languages.17:28
Ree_the thing is that after a clean 9.10 install I get black screen upon first boot17:29
norbi905Hello, I'm trying to use Brasero to burn an iso from a terminal.  I don't know what the application keyword is to launch the software from the terminal.  I know there was a way of searching keywords "apropo"? Or something similar, can someone remind me what it is please. Thank you.17:29
Ree_i see gru loading, the white ubuntu logo and then black screen17:29
dactylhaha, I fail at english17:29
b_anybody know why wine is not working for starcraft??17:29
xanguadactyl: you can select language from the login screen17:29
randomusr_Ree_, how did you install/enable your ATI drivers?17:30
Ree_I did not17:30
UnderSampledb_: http://appdb.winehq.org17:30
dactylxangua: and that will make all my menu hierarchy in english again?17:30
Ree_i use the default driver Ubuntu picks for me17:30
ShvonderWaht for is LDAP used? I think NIS needs looking up computers, LDAP needs looking up shares and NFS needs for connecting computers. Am I right?17:30
dactyli'll give that a shot17:30
Ree_the problem happens on first boot AFTER a clean install17:30
b_UnderSampled, no i tried to uninstall starcraft n reinstall it .. now its not doing either17:31
Ree_if I forecefully reboot, it seems to boot fine17:31
SuperMiguelany electric engineer student using ubuntu?17:32
h00k!any | SuperMiguel17:32
randomusr_Ree_, maybe attempt the Alternative cd17:32
arjunwhat is wrong "##c++ :Cannot send to channel"17:32
h00k!ask | SuperMiguel17:32
ubottuSuperMiguel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
UnderSampledb_: this channel is not for help with wine. You can always try #winehq17:32
Ree_that's exactly what I did -  I used the DVD to install in text mode17:32
randomusr_Ree_, also, you may want to scan your hdd for errors17:32
Ree_it's clean17:32
guntbert!who | Ree_17:33
Ree_scanned with seatools17:33
ubottuRee_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:33
arjunwhat is wrong "##c++ :Cannot send to channel"17:33
Ree_ok, will do17:33
randomusr_Ree_, what's the model of your laptop?17:33
Ree_i'm no IRC user :)17:33
arjunwhat is wrong i cant post to the channel "##c++ :Cannot send to channel"17:33
randomusr_Ree_, can you paste the output of "lspci -l" on pastebin? and give me the link17:33
SuperMiguelh00k, are you one?17:34
Ree_randomusr_: Asus F5RL, ATI 1100 xpress17:34
bullgard5My computer 3 does not repond to normal keypresses (eg Ctrl+Alt+F1). Using Touchpad I can move the mouse pointer. On computer 2 in my LAN I did '~$ ssh <username@3>' and '~$ sudo kill 1056'. But this did not kill X on 3. Is my only option to restart 3?17:34
h00kSuperMiguel: just ask your question, perhaps someone else can help17:34
randomusr_Ree_, what's version of ubuntu did you install?17:34
The_Serpenthow do i uninstall ubuntu and keep windows?17:34
Ree_randomusr_: 9.1017:34
Ree_randomusr_:  i38617:34
ZykoticK9bullgard5, "sudo service gdm restart" will restart Xorg for you17:34
ZykoticK9bullgard5, assuming karmic17:35
randomusr_Ree_, please "lspci -l" and pastebin that output17:35
Ree_randomusr_: will do a bit later, as i'm currently reinstalling 9.10 yet again17:35
SuperMiguelh00k, that was my question if any Electric engineer student is using ubuntu...17:35
randomusr_Ree_, there's not much to do then if you're re-installing17:35
king11how do you convert a bin file into a tar.gz file17:35
Ree_randomusr_: one important thing probably: during the several clean installs that I did, there was a single case when ubuntu booted just fine the first time17:36
randomusr_Ree_, why ask for help when you trashed the image and started fresh? if it continues, let us know17:36
Ree_randomusr_: however that happened only once out of maybe 5 times17:36
ZykoticK9king11, if it's a single file you don't need tar - just gz the file17:36
rm200910king11: tar cfz <destination>.tar.gz <bin file>17:36
king11thanks, will try right now17:37
bullgard5ZykoticK9: It is Karmic. But it responds: "restart: Unknown instance: ."17:37
randomusr_Ree_, i fear that if you keep hitting your head on the wall, you will eventually pass out17:37
guntbertSuperMiguel: how is this an ubuntu support question?17:37
Ree_randomusr_: didn't get you? i'm not hitting anything, just testing out17:37
SuperMiguelguntbert, ... forget it..17:38
randomusr_Ree_, but you have trouble booting no?17:38
Ree_randomusr_: yes, but only the first time after the install17:38
Ree_randomusr_: subsequent rboots seem to be fine17:38
randomusr_Ree_, and it works fine after that?17:38
crazybytehello! what happened with the sun-java6-doc package on lucid lynx? I'm trying to upgrade it and the only option available is to remove it. I did some googling but I couldn't find any explanation why is the package missing. Could somebody enlighten me about this? Thank you!17:38
randomusr_Ree_, then what's the problem? it seems to be self correcting17:39
Ree_randomusr_: yes, but that doesn't mean it won't come up later. besides, what's the deal with the first time then? it shouldn't happen17:39
norbi905I'm trying to mount a USB stick on ubuntu 9.10.  I create a directory in /media/usb .  I see device /dev/sdb which I think is my usb.  What arguments do I pass to mount /dev/sdb /media/usb?  For some reason it's not getting auto-mounted :(17:39
amosi have a problem with blackra1n under virtualbox .. it detects the iphone but after the iphone reboots it's not recognized any more .. any ideas?17:39
randomusr_Ree_, sometimes in life we don't have all of the answers. if things work then don't attempt to fix17:40
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:41
Ree_randomusr_: i don't call leaving a user with a black screen on first boot as working17:41
randomusr_!mount | norbi90517:41
ubottunorbi905: please see above17:41
LITESTER_norbi905 check dmesg to see if there are messages about your usb when you plug it in17:41
brontosaurusrexhow do i box-select in gedit?17:41
randomusr_Ree_, it is likely a configuration issue with grub or x.org - when booting the 2nd time it may correct itself17:42
Soloppgangchat norge17:43
randomusr_Ree_, without seeing your system logs and x.org, /boot/grub/grub.cfg there's not much anyone can do to help17:43
king11rm200910: it is not working17:43
randomusr_Ree_, in other words, more detail is needed before someone can assist you17:43
randomusr_is there some gui for central management of system wide policies?17:44
king11rm200910: I tried to type exactly what you told me but I keep getting syntax error17:44
norbi905LITESTER_, dmesg shows FAT:invalid media value(0x00) VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb.17:44
norbi905LITESTER_, should I format?17:44
Ree_randomusr_: yeah, i understand, however, i thought someone would have a few ready-made suggestions to try as the "black screen" seems to be a common problem17:44
iFireGNU\colossus there's no problem with add "me" to the group www-data right?17:44
bullgard5My computer 3 does not repond to normal keypresses (eg Ctrl+Alt+F1). Using Touchpad I can move the mouse pointer. On computer 2 in my LAN I did '~$ ssh <username@3>' and '~$ sudo kill 1056'. But this did not kill X on 3. Is my only option to restart 3?17:44
iFiremy server is nginx and it uses that user17:45
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randomusr_Ree_, as I have said, we need more detail. you could also google "black screen" ubuntu. this is usually an x.org problem17:45
ikoniabullgard5: why do you keepsaying 3 randomly in your typing ?17:45
ShvonderIs any way to turn a octave which was built from sources in a virtual application? I want using the octave on my netbook17:45
ikoniabullgard5: if killing X does not work, it normally suggests the tty it's running has hung, so a restart would be the best thing17:45
pinoyoragonHi. What might be the reason why shadow info from my server doesnt show when i invoke "getent shadow", but "getent passwd" shows the /etc/passwd of my server.17:46
theadminikonia: Maybe he's running X on third virtual terminal17:46
king11how do you convert emerald file into a tar.gz file17:46
randomusr_Ree_,  or a mis-configured kernel or video driver17:46
bullgard5ikonia: hm.17:46
theadminking11: Emerald themes are old stuff, you don't want em :/17:46
andrew_lhey guys, can anyone help? i just installed 9.10 yestrrday, and after updating everything, i cant mount the dvd drive. Any ideas?17:47
Ree_randomusr_: why would anything get misconfigured when i haven't touched anything?17:47
andrew_ltheres a dvd in it, and the light in the side goes on and off, but i can't mount it17:47
theadminandrew_l: even manually?17:47
randomusr_Ree_, something is not getting set correctly when you install. I can't be any more clear than that17:48
andrew_lcorrest theadmin17:48
theadminhm, weird...17:48
king11theadmin: yeah but that was what was offered on the genome site with the theme17:48
king11does anyone know of a site where I can get compiz only themes17:48
GNU\colossusiFire: there isn't, but it won't solve the problem of allowing your webserver to access data in/beneath your ~17:48
Ree_randomusr_: ok, just another bug17:48
randomusr_Ree_, please inform the channel when you're facing the problem again and want to troubleshoot that specific problem17:48
iFireGNU\colossus well I sued into www-data and it let me read the data17:48
randomusr_Ree_, it's not a bug, seems to be user error17:49
andrew_lit shows up under 'computer' but when i click on it it says cd/..../ or whatever doesnt exist17:49
Ree_randomusr_: will provide more detail when the install completes17:49
Ree_randomusr_: user error? are you kiddibng?17:49
andrew_lunable to mount cd0, mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist17:49
ShvonderDoes someone know if any way be to make one application on ubuntu-desktop be virtual application? Or this is impossible?17:49
Ree_randomusr_: i simply installed Ubuntu, didn't touch anything17:49
Ree_randomusr_: how is it use4r error?17:50
grobda24king11, http://gnome-look.org/17:50
theadminShvonder: "virtual application"?17:50
king11grobda24: yeah that is where I was and they had emerald themes up but I can't install an emerald theme b/c I think it is old17:50
randomusr_Is anyone aware of a gui tool for managing system policies? Does webmin have enough modules to cover most things?17:51
DonSliceHey. I just logged into my 9.10 server and it's saying it's 10.04. I didn't do a dist-upgrade, just normal upgrade.17:51
DonSlice...and i just realized I have lucid repos listed.17:51
ZykoticK9!webmin > randomusr_17:52
ubotturandomusr_, please see my private message17:52
king11grobda24: I even clicked on compiz theme link and what was offered was emerald themes17:52
ZykoticK9!emerald > king1117:52
ubottuking11, please see my private message17:52
ChogyDanDonSlice: did you ever add a -d to the upgrade command?17:52
DonSliceChogyDan: Nope.17:52
ikoniahe has lucid repo's listed, that's the problem17:52
DonSliceChogyDan: But i did add lucid repos so I could get the newest version of weechat-curses.17:52
Shvondertheadmin: I want to use it (application) on my netbook, but I don't want unstall it. virtual application I mean that it can be use like through terminal or like in Ulteo (with webbrowser)17:52
DonSliceLast time I did an upgrade, it must have upgraded.17:52
gador|aw[18:41] <gador> http://www.perspektywy.pl/konkursy/galaktyka/planeta.php?numerPlanety=217:52
gador|aw[18:42] <gador> 4 from the left on top17:52
gador|aw[18:42] <gador> dobr17:52
gador|aw[18:42] <gador> click 'popieram'17:52
FloodBot3gador|aw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
DonSliceMy login is messed up, too.17:52
ikoniaDonSlice: don't need to see it, we know th eproblem17:53
randomusr_ZykoticK9, is there something similar that will allow easy gui front to setting user and machine policies?17:53
DonSliceikonia: Could you at least advise me on how to clean that up?17:53
ikoniaDonSlice: clean install17:53
ZykoticK9randomusr_, no idea (but webmin isn't a good idea)17:53
ikoniaDonSlice: mixing repos is bad, and upgrading by changing the repo's in the sources.list is bad17:53
theadminShvonder: I think this isn't possible with most packages, unfortunately17:53
ojiiI tried to install postgresql on ubuntu 8.04 (using apt-get install postgresql-common) but I can't start the server, running `sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start` does not do anything, anyone know what went wrong here?17:53
king11ZykoticK9: I know emerald is old but that is what the genome look site is offering as compiz themes, I don't get it17:53
DonSliceikonia: Yeah, I forgot I had lucid in there when upgrading.17:54
randomusr_ZykoticK9, webmin used to the greatest.... oh well17:54
ikoniaojii: how do you know it's not running17:54
ikoniaDonSlice: mixing repo's is bad in the first place17:54
DonSliceikonia: I only did it for weechat-curses./17:54
* DonSlice shrugs.17:54
randomusr_ZykoticK9, have you had experience with centeris likewise?17:54
ojiiikonia: ps aux | grep ^postgres is empty, and i can't connect to the server either17:54
ikoniaDonSlice: still bad17:54
DonSliceyet soo goooood17:54
ikoniaojii: walk through the init script manually, launch it manually to see if it can run or if there is a problem17:55
ChogyDanDonSlice: next time, you should just download the deb from the lucid repos, instead of adding the whole repo to apt17:55
edvinasHi, I have finished installing 9.10 but I cannot seem to be able to adjust my screen resolution higher than 1280x800. The graphics is Intel 950GM. Can anyone give some tips on how to adjust it?17:55
grobda24king11, I see compiz themes but Emerald is often used with Compiz17:55
DonSliceChogyDan: I did, but it needed a lot of prereqs17:55
DonSliceWell, thanks for the help guys. Time to re-install. :/17:56
Shvondertheadmin: I've seen on a web site that octave works in such way17:56
king11grobda24: I am looking through them right now but I think the site should have the ones that are tar.gz file seperate from the emerald ones17:57
randomusr_<----- doesn't understand why some folks choose to do things the hard way17:57
ojiiikonia: the point is that when I run the init.d script it doesn't give me any output (no errors either)17:58
ikoniaojii: I understand that, so I said manually walk through the init script, or manually start postgres to see if it gives you an error17:58
ojiiikonia: what do you mean by manually walk through it?17:58
ojiiand how would I manually start it?17:59
ikoniaojii: step by step use the start up process of the init script17:59
ikoniaojii: there is documentation on the postgress web page about manually launching postgres also17:59
fliffCan anyone help me achieve this? Looking to have an Ubuntu box set up where I can then have multiple users remote in to their own GNOME session without anything being displayed on the main machine. Is there a simple solution for this?17:59
king11does anyone know how to change the login screen theme on 9.1018:00
ikoniaking11: gdm themes are not supported in 9.1018:01
ChogyDanfliff: like thing clients?18:01
ChogyDan*thin clients18:01
king11ikonia: is there anyway I could get around that problem of not being supported or is it a no18:01
licquorgood afternoon i  need  elp  with  my  flash player for facebook please help me18:01
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:01
ikoniasteffan: whatr ?18:02
steffanikonia: can you sort that out?18:02
ikoniasteffan: sort what out ?18:02
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steffanikonia: the 9 join/quit flood that was happening18:02
ikoniasteffan: the ones which appear to have stopped ?18:02
GarwallNobody here speak french ?18:03
licquorany facebook gamers in here18:03
steffanikonia: yes18:03
ikonia!fr | Garwall18:03
ubottuGarwall: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:03
licquori  need some help please18:03
ikonia!offtopic | licquor18:03
ubottulicquor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:03
ntsasnghelp me18:03
ntsasngMySQL not run18:03
halimhi guys, i have a problem with samba, i deleted the configuration folder (/etc/samba) and now, even after reinstall, they aren't being created, i deleted them because i needet the original config files18:04
ikoniantsasng: xammp is not supported as it's a standalone platform, you should have used the LAMP stack18:04
Zer0-1There is someone here?18:04
licquorhow do  i use that18:04
licquorim   new to all this18:04
ntsasngikonia:take me link download :)18:04
ChogyDanlicquor: does youtube work?18:04
steffanikonia: sorry :)18:04
ikoniantsasng: no - you've installed xaamp18:04
licquorhavent tried it  but  i  will and can  thanks18:05
ntsasngikonia: i removed it18:05
ikoniantsasng: how ?18:05
licquordo  u mean  in general or did i  try it18:05
ChogyDanlicquor: I mean you18:05
ntsasngrm -rf /opt/lampp18:05
ntsasngikonia: rm -rf /opt/lampp18:05
ikonia!lamp | ntsasng18:05
ubottuntsasng: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:05
licquori didnt go there for  help  no  should i18:06
ChogyDanlicquor: yes, goto youtube.com and see if you can watch videos18:06
halimi have a problem with samba, i deleted the configuration folder (/etc/samba) and now, even after reinstall, they aren't being created, i deleted them because i needet the original config files18:06
licquorok  thanks  i will try that18:07
licquor  not  i be back  lol18:07
steffanikonia: do ubottu factoids submitted by users generally get accepted? I've submitted two as of late - nagios and weechat - and neither seem to be there18:07
ikoniasteffan: if they are good an needed, they do18:07
ikoniasteffan: sometimes they take a little while while discussed18:08
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youssefHello. I have installed Ubuntu with wubi and when trying to boot on Ubuntu I get a "grub>" prompt. Some commands are available such as badram, boot, cpuid, etc. But no kernel seems to be available. Installing and reinstalling wubi today several times did not help, neither a Windows defragmantation and memory test. Can somone help me?18:08
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halimis there a way of getting the samba configuration files back (the standard configuration), reinstalling doesn't help, please help me18:08
steffanikonia: I see, nagios and weechat seem to be discussed a lot in here lately, so it seemed logical to submit them - thanks for the info.18:08
ntsasngikonia: that is difficult to install and config it18:09
steffanhalim: if you are using 'remove', configuration files are not erased. 'purge' does that18:09
ikoniantsasng: it's not, but if you find that too hard don't use it18:09
bashiHello, I'm having problems with my Ubuntu 9.10 installation. Every time I try to install a package I get the message "Where is the linux source build directory that matches your running kernel?", and then an error after striking the "Enter" key18:10
halimsteffan: i did purge too, but it didn't remove the config files in /etc/samba, so i deleted them on my own18:10
ntsasngikonia: i speak English not verry well18:10
ikoniabashi: how are you trying to install a package18:10
bashiikonia: apt-get install18:10
ikoniabashi: what package are you trying to install ?18:11
Kuifje111try apt-get update18:11
ntsasngikonia: install LAMPP on Debian same Ubuntu?18:11
ikoniaKuifje111: that won't install anything18:11
ntsasngikonia: i'm using Debian lenny18:11
bashiikonia: any package, I get this problem with them all18:11
Kuifje111it might solve your problem though.18:11
ikoniantsasng: I don't know what you're asking18:11
BootydancechampHello I need help.  Grub will boot linux but not my windows drive.18:11
ikoniantsasng: then join #debian - debian is not supported here18:11
bashiKuifje111: I tried apt-get update18:11
youssefIs the latest wubi version buggy?18:12
AmberJyoussef, Define buggy.18:12
mneptokyoussef: and define "latest." are you asking about Lucid?18:12
youssefAmberJ: for example a distribution installer that does not include a kernel !18:13
AmberJfor example.... Are we discussing test cases here?18:13
youssefmneptok:  latest is the latest available version available today (rev160)18:13
steffanhalim: removing /etc/samba/smb.conf will remove the configuration file. if you're then looking for the original configuration file, there seems to be a copy at http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware_source/n/samba/smb.conf.default18:13
winterweaverhow can I get rid of namorka, and just get good old firefox back? I've tried to purge the packages, and reinstall, but everytime i install it's just namorka again, and it keeps crashing :(18:13
mneptokyoussef: on what release? Karmic?18:14
steffanwinterweaver: ubuntu version?18:14
winterweaversteffan, karmic18:14
youssefmneptok: 9.1018:14
mneptokyoussef: ah, OK18:14
king11does anyone know how to get an animated skydome to work18:15
AmberJyoussef, Isn't the installer just the installer?18:15
AmberJhow come kernel comes into the scene, youssef18:16
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
TurbolinuxHello everyone. How can I set up PhotoRec software for transferring rescued files to my portable hard disk? Thank you.18:16
youssefAmberJ: it is an installer that creates automatically a dual boot. It seems that they forgot to ship the kernel18:17
oCean_vbox-ose/karmic question: I need to access my usb drive in virtualbox-ose XP client on 9.10 host. I started here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB, like many other howto's, it says to add my user to group 'vboxusers', however, my Karmic has no such group. Besides that, even if I create such a group, the next step (mounting usbfs) fails with "/proc/bus/usb does not exist" and/or "unknown filesystem type usbfs"18:17
oCean_What am i missing here..?18:17
guntbertoCean_: vbox OSE doesn't support USB -- further support in #vbox18:18
=== linusoleander_ is now known as linusoleander
TurbolinuxCan you help me for my problem? Thank you.18:18
geekphreakhi all18:19
youssefI am filling a bug report18:19
fliff ChogyDan - Yes, exactly like a thin client18:20
=== Necromancer is now known as Guest75460
fliffSorry all - been afk for a bit - Can anyone help me achieve this? Looking to have a Ubuntu box set up where I can then have multiple users remote in to their own GNOME session without anything being displayed on the server. Is there a simple solution for this?18:20
Koterpillarfliff, XDMCP18:21
AmberJyoussef, Isn't wubi just a installer that looks for other stuff on ubuntu CD? correct me if I'm wrong18:21
fliffXDMCP? Thanks, I'll Google it18:21
ChogyDanfliff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto18:21
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fliffThanks guys18:22
youssefAmberJ: no wubi is an installer on Windows, that download and install Ubuntu in a windows directory and creats a dual boot. My bug seems to be very old. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/47710418:22
brianMy printer is working in Ubuntu and I want to share it with my Windows 7 computer. I set up smb.conf just like it said on their site and my windows 7 computer can see the printer but it says "cannot connect to printer". Any ideas why?18:23
TurbolinuxI need a solution urgently. Do you have an idea for solving this problem?18:24
AmberJyoussef, Ah. I misunderstood you :(18:24
Koterpillarbrian, suggest you share it using IPP, enter http://ubuntuhost:631/name_of_the_printer as printer address on Windows18:24
Koterpillaralthough that's not a solution to your original problem...18:25
briankotepillar: if it gets my windows computer to print to it, it's a perfect solutions18:25
brianthanks, I'll try it out18:25
king11how do you get a 360 skydome picture to come up on a laptop with 1024 x 76818:26
Koterpillarbrian, check in printing options that your printer is shared18:26
geekphreakbrian by any chane yo disabled any services on windows?18:27
shafiqDoes anyone know of a Windows client program that will allow me to access the Remote Desktop on my Ubuntu machine?18:27
king11basically, I want the skydome to not have a seam but for some reason it keeps having a line in it18:27
briangeekphreak: well, I am in windows 7 god mode18:27
briani don't know if that disables any services or not18:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:27
youssefamberJ the proposed solution seems very complicated for a newbie. I mean I would not have guessed these commands18:28
DarkSectorok just testing if it's alive18:28
geekphreakbrian yeah thats ok but make sure yo have not disabled print spooler service18:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:28
briangeekphreak: Oh ok. It's not disabled because I can hook my windows computer directly to the printer via USB and print18:29
geekphreakok good18:29
steffan!msgthebot | DarkSector18:30
ubottuDarkSector: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:30
youssefsee you18:32
licquori need help finding the rite flash player or plugin for the farmtown game on facebook18:32
licquorcan anyone help me18:32
licquoranyone here  who plays farmtown on facebook  can  u  help  me please18:33
king11hi, wanted to know if anyone else had this problem18:34
crenshawIs it actually shockwave?18:34
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crenshawAll of my flash documents run fine18:34
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=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
king11everytime i select an animated skydome as a png file i get a blank white background when i try to rotate cube18:35
licquorhello   is there  any facebook gamers  in  here  i  need some  help18:36
lydiai have facebook18:36
licquordo  u  play  farmtown18:36
lydiawy you need help18:37
licquori  have firefox  and when  i  play farmtown  i cant see the whole inventory list18:37
TurbolinuxDoes anyone know how to set up PhotoRec for transferring rescued files to my portable hard disk? I need to rescue my files urgently.18:37
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lydiasorry my english is not very gook18:37
licquori  think  its a  flash  or plugin  but  im  not sure  which18:37
BluesKaj-Laptoplicquor, that's quite a narrow question, whynot try the #facebook chat18:37
licquori  have  they  r rude  and  no  help18:37
lydiasorry but i got to go18:38
licquorty  lydia18:38
DmoleI think I have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177235 how do I check from the CLI?18:38
brianlicquor: open up synaptic and click the reload button. then search for flash and install or update it18:38
Snow_WolfGreetings all.18:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:38
DarkSectoruburanjan: here18:38
TurbolinuxThe software lists only home directories. A solution for changing saving place will be good for me.18:38
licquori  have  did that  but  im  not sure  which  ones to  install18:38
Snow_WolfSo the Screen Lock applet has stopped working and I have no idea as to why. Anyone know where I would start looking?18:38
DarkSectoruburanjan: do this /dialog DarkSector18:39
licquorthe ones i  chose  didnt  work18:39
licquordo  i  install  all  on the  list18:39
licquorhow do  i  know  which  ones  are the rite ones18:39
brianlicquor: I don't remember the exact package name you need to install. Maybe someone else here does18:39
bribroderafternoon everyone18:39
Sia--bribroder, moin18:39
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
licquorsomeone told me  b4   it  was a  java  but  i  did that and  still  there  was no  change and still  more  other java not installed18:40
bribroderlicquor, what are you trying to install?18:41
brontosaurusrexhow do i box-select some text in gedit?18:41
licquori  think  its  a  flash  or plugin  not sure  which18:42
Sia--brontosaurusrex, with mouse over18:42
shafiqdoes anyone know of a better (non-laggy) remote desktop software then vnc?18:42
uburanjan /join #ubuntu-in18:42
Sia--licquor, 64 or 32 bit?18:42
bribrodershafiq, client or server?18:42
GNU\colossusshafiq: VNC over a fast link ;)18:42
licquorhaving trouble  with games  on  facebook18:42
Dmoleshafiq: nxserver18:42
Snow_WolfSo the Screen Lock applet has stopped working and I have no idea as to why. Anyone know where I would start looking?18:42
brontosaurusrexSia--: that selects entire lines18:42
licquorsorry   im  not  sure  how  do i  know  which  @sia18:43
Sia--licquor, facebook java box is bug18:43
Dmoleshafiq: not the open version but free anyway18:43
Sia--licquor,  uname -r18:43
Sia--licquor,  uname -a18:43
bribroderfreenx is the bomb18:43
shafiqbribroder, GNU\colossus, Dmole:  what is the default in Ubuntu?18:43
Sia--brontosaurusrex, what you trying to do?18:43
licquorsorry  im  new  to  this  what does that mean  @sia18:43
Snow_WolfSo, the Lock Screen applet doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Where would I start looking to fix this issue?18:44
Sia--licquor, you know terminal/konsole?18:44
brontosaurusrexSia--: select text from x12 to y34 for example18:44
Sia--ok type  uname -a18:44
Dmoleshafiq: something stupid slow18:44
shafiqDmole: hmm okay, so, nxserver -- is there a windows client as well?18:45
Dmoleshafiq: yes18:45
shafiqdmole:  perfect thanks :)18:45
Dmoleshafiq: what do you want to use it for?18:45
bribrodershafiq, freenx has a really fast server18:46
licquorok     now  what18:46
shafiqDmole: just to access my linux box from my windows laptop machine in the house18:46
shafiqbribroder: so it doesn't matter if i use freenx or nxserver?18:47
Sia--moin Arch_NME18:47
Arch_NMEgood morning18:47
licquorok   i  did  @sia18:47
faxI tried ubuntu a couple of times but I kept finding that after a few weeks it would stop booting correctly, e.g. it would just give a glitchy screen on startup and not do anything --- why ?18:47
sjdhi, I have a quick question. I'm currently using 9.10 and have build the OpenCV library for Python, will it stop working if I upgrade to Lucid?18:48
rethushave xubuntu 9.10.. .where can i change the masterpassword of my keyring?18:48
Sia--licquor, and what 32 or 64?18:48
Dmoleshafiq: other good tools are sshfs winscp x forwarding ssh-cli .... the free(open) one is different you can try them both ans see what you like... the setup can be a pain18:48
licquorthis  is what  i  see  esktop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:49
sjdwill upgrading to lucid break my current setup of OpenCV with Python?18:49
Sia--licquor, 32bit18:49
licquorok  ty18:49
licquornow what18:49
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Dmoleshafiq: both are free one is open source18:49
Sia--and what is you java version?18:50
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sjdany comments please..18:50
Sia--sjd, hmm18:50
Sia--!lucid | sjd18:50
ubottusjd: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:50
licquorok  where  is that  but  i  think   i have  java 6 maybe18:51
sjdSia--: what do you think. will it break?18:51
faxcan I ask a general question: What is the absolutely best kind fo linux to put on a mac pro? I mean one that is least likely to break and most robust of all?18:51
Sia--!lucid | sjd18:51
sjdSia--:  ?18:51
Sia--fax, ubuntu :)18:51
guntbertsjd: not here please -- ask in #ubuntu+118:52
sambo__can I ask a related question to that, are the 32 and 64bit builds bootable on octo core mac pro?18:52
sjdguntbert: okay. thanks for redirecting.18:52
Sia--licquor, and what is your problem licquor in which program or page with java?18:52
Sia--guntbert, i told him 2 times :D18:53
Sia--!ask | sambo__18:53
ubottusambo__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:53
licquorversion 6 update 1518:53
guntbertSia--: I saw -- but sometimes a personal sentence is more powerful :-)18:54
Sia--guntbert, yep :)18:54
sjdguntbert: you are right! Sorry Sia-- :)18:54
wolterhow can I kill and stop nautilus from restarting?18:54
Arch_NMEis there a term command to detect usb drives? so I can see like what it is to mount it?18:54
Sia--sjd, np you are welcome18:54
ChogyDanwolter: nautilus handles your desktop, AFAIK18:55
Sia--Arch_NME, fdisk -l18:55
sambo__I have an octo core mac pro and have seen confusing and conflicting information regarding running linux (temporarily) on it, I would like to profile some fluid solving code on 32 and 64bit linux can you help me clarify the situation with some advice please18:55
licquortrying to  play games on facebook but  all the parts not available18:55
Sia--sambo__, for mac or power pc is special version called ubuntu power pc or debian ..etc18:56
licquori  use firefox18:56
Arch_NMESia: That command just got me to a ">"18:56
rethushave xubuntu 9.10.. .where can i change the masterpassword of my keyring?18:56
Sia--Arch_NME, use sudo fdisk -l18:56
sambo__Sia--:  do you know more about the installation process with regards to EFI and having to install windows first etc (googling your suggestions now)18:57
wolterChogyDan, yes but I want to kill it and run it from a terminal to debug18:57
Arch_NMESia: it still prompts me with a >18:57
bribroderlicquor, have you got ubuntu restricted extras installed?18:57
ChogyDanlicquor: try this, for sanity sake: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-plugin && sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun && sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla18:57
Arch_NMESia: then what I type it says unable to open18:57
Sia--licquor, i think ubuntu using icedtea plugin no more java plugin or no more in lucid or the next ubuntu versions, if something does't work, then is not directly ubuntu fault18:58
bribroderchogydan, same thought :)18:58
wolter!tab | bribroder18:58
ubottubribroder: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:58
Arch_NMEOH I SEE!!!!!!!! that an L not a pipe |18:59
Arch_NMEthat fdisk command is only showing the three drive I have currently mounted though19:00
bribroderthanks wolter19:01
Sia--Arch_NME, ok19:01
histoArch_NME: it should show all drives detected by the system19:01
Arch_NMEI'm trying to find out info about a usb drive that did not get mounted so I can mount it19:01
Sia--then mount the usbs19:01
ChogyDanwolter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/20441319:01
Arch_NMEI don't know where they are to mount them19:01
histoArch_NME: lsusb should show the usb drive inserted19:01
sambo__Sia--:  http://wiki.debian.org/DebianOnIntelMacPro <-- closest thing to a lucid answer I have found, I'm really hoping there is an easier way19:01
histoArch_NME: gnome mounts them in ~/.gvfs19:01
faxsambo__ me too19:02
histoArch_NME: mount  in a terminal by itself will show you all the mounts currently in place19:02
sambo__fax: did you run through that gauntlet and try to get it working?19:02
Arch_NMEthey are not currently mounted19:02
dakotaanyone can help me...?19:02
faxsambo__ no I installed ubuntu a couple times though19:02
sambo__fax: with success?19:02
deadlybluetrying to fix my mic input not capturing audio i have the intel onboard ac97 .I found and unpacked Alsa driver. when i execute the compile and install in the terminal i recive server erorrs "chown: cannot access `/dev/snd/pcmC3D7c': No such file or directory" i just need pointed in the right direction. thanks19:02
dakotaI'm trying to install javaee sdk in ubuntu 10.0419:03
faxsambo__ it installed and worked for a few weeks... but then I couldn't boot into it19:03
faxI think an upgrade broke it or something, I don't really know (it sucked)19:03
Sia--!lucid | dakota19:03
ubottudakota: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:03
Dmoledakota: and the problem is?19:03
dakotasun-java6-sdk package19:03
dakotais not avaible in Lucid19:03
dakotathen I hava to install jdk from bin downloaded from sun web site19:04
Sia--dakota, is no more in lucid is wishlist i think19:04
Dmoledakota: lol so use the binary installer19:04
Guest_510 (sambo__)  Sia--:  http://wiki. Lesbian.org/DebianOnIntelMacPro <-- closest thing to a lucid answer I have found, I'm really hoping there is an easier way     lol19:04
Sia--Guest_510, nice19:04
sambo__are you like seven years old?19:05
dakotaI can't install the binarie package because it try search libstdc++519:05
Arch_NMEwell, I just moved it to a different usb port and it magically detected the drives now19:05
dakotaand libstdc++5 is not avaible so19:05
Arch_NMEodd, it works on that other usb port in windows19:05
dakotano, I'm spanish!19:05
dakotaand my english is not very good19:05
Arch_NMEmaybe it was just the act of disconnecting and reconnecting it though19:05
sambo__dakota: not written to you19:05
dakotayou don't know speak spanish,no?19:06
Dmoledakota: did you try installing  libstdc++5?19:06
Sia--sambo__, and nott me19:06
histoArch_NME: could be that reinsertion worked19:06
dakotasorry again19:06
Arch_NMEwell thanks anyway, those were some good commands to know19:06
Dmoleany one know how to test if a usb disk is in v2 mode?19:07
licquorsorry   but that  didnt  work  either  thanks  for  ur  help  all will  try again  another day19:07
histoDmole: lsusb19:07
Sia--Arch_NME, is ubuntu is a program called analyze or something like that. try it19:07
Arch_NMESia: that's a terminal command or that's in the menu somewhere19:08
heartlessheroneed a program to play dvds in ubuntu19:08
Dmolehisto: thanks know how to map Bus x Device y to a device?19:08
Dr_Willisheartlesshero:  most of the video players can do that if you got the proper support packages installed.19:08
wertwertgfhjrerwhen i change /etc/default/grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" to "text" my sound wont work any more. any ideas?19:08
Sia--i'm not using ubunt or gnome, thats why cannot tell you which program do that!19:09
Dr_Willisheartlesshero:  vlc, mplayer, gmplayer,19:09
Sia--Arch_NME, ^^19:09
licquorhearlesshero:   try   gnome player19:09
gh0ghnusvlc is the best19:09
licquorgnome mplayer  sorry19:09
Sia--heartlesshero, totem19:09
Arch_NMEmeh, it's alright it's fixed now anyway19:09
Sia--Arch_NME, i can check the program in Vbox wait :)19:10
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heartlessherodr_willis: you dont help a bit19:11
Sia-Arch_NME, the program is "Disk Utility" is standard gnome package19:12
Arch_NMEyes, I see it it's in system/administration menu19:13
mawstAnyone know where to get a good dictionary file for cracking?19:15
lwsSo...   I updated something recently and then rebooted a few days later.  Now it seems Avahi has told my network/interfaces file to go eff itself?19:15
lwsMy bridge entries and whatnot are being ingored19:15
frxstremwhat is a good program for making animated images in Ubuntu/Linux?19:15
DDAZZAblender or gimp?19:17
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sobre /server chat05.universochat.net19:18
derenrichis there a command which moves a file and then creates a symlink where it was pointing to it's new location?19:18
bribroderQuestion about uninstalling evolution  packages19:18
sobre /server chat05.universochat.net19:18
lws"mv blah blah; ln -s blah blah"19:18
jpdssobre: Please stop.19:18
bribrodercan i uninstall evolution-data-server without killing gnome-panel?19:19
frxstremDDAZZA: isn't blender for 3D? and can GIMP make animations?19:19
azi__i've just enabled the proprietary drivers for my graphic card and now I cannot bot into my machine since it hangs while loading X. what can i do now? i'm ircing through a live CD19:19
Dmolehelp with "FATAL: Module ehci_hcd not found." ?19:19
bribroderazi__, ctrl alt F7 will get you a terminal19:20
lws$#&@*($& Network-manager19:20
azi__bribroder: no.. the machine freezes :/19:20
Arch_NMEanyone have any experience with installing nvclock program?19:20
azi__bribroder: i should try to prevent X from even starting19:20
bribroderazi__, i'm definitely not an expert; have you tried using the recovery mode offered in grub?19:21
Dmoleazi__: try editing the run levle19:21
azi__bribroder: grub is not prompting at boot time. ubuntu is booted automaticall19:21
Arch_NMEor can someone help me with understanding these instruction to compile a program I downloaded?19:22
azi__Dmole: is there any way I could switch back to the previous driver by changeing some settings through the livecd?19:22
* ringer current user is 19:22
gh0ghnusazi__, just remove installed packages using synaptic19:22
* ringer current user is 19:22
bribroderArch_NME, what program?19:22
* ringer current user is 19:22
Arch_NMEbriborder: nvclock19:23
* ringer current user is 19:23
ZykoticK9ringer, please stop19:23
azi__gh0ghnus: how do I use synaptic within the liveCD to remove applications on the primary system?19:23
* ringer current user is 19:23
Arch_NMEbriborder: I have a readme with instructions though, it's just not going exactly right19:23
* ringer current user is 19:23
Arch_NMEbriborder: need some assistance interpretting19:23
Dmoleazi__: should be able to19:23
Dmoleazi__: you could probably copy the x config from the live CD to your busted box19:24
gh0ghnusazi__, i'm sorry i made a mistake,19:25
Dmoleazi__: make a backup of any file you change so you can revert19:25
ikoniakcinloc: you're cloaked19:25
azi__Dmole: the liveCD system has no xorg.conf? :)19:25
bribroderArch_NME, what step are you on in the readme?19:26
Arch_NMEbriborder: I tried to send you the readme but it was flodding do I think it didn't through19:26
histo!paste | Arch_NME19:26
ubottuArch_NME: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:26
Dmoleazi__: I would think it would make one on the RAM disk it uses, but I don't know for sure19:26
bribroderArch_NME, i downloaded the package and i'm looking at the readme19:27
Scarra3I really like Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 2 its really stable19:27
lwsWhy does every version have a .04 on it as of late?19:27
macoScarra3: yay :) but lucid chatter is in #ubuntu+119:27
Arch_NMEbriborder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/412227/19:28
shashikehello  all!19:28
LoshaScarra3: it's also really off-topic here, go to #ubuntu+119:28
azi__Dmole: also i've looked in the xorg.conf of the busted system and there is no evident setting for the proprietary driver19:28
macolws: .04 = released in april. .10 = released in october19:28
shashikei have a problem, my internal mic doesnt seem to work, i am using a sony vaio laptop, can someone please help me with this?19:28
macolws: there have been: 4.10, 5.04, 5.10, 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10 and will be 10.0419:28
Arch_NMEwhy 6.06 and not 6.04?19:29
lwsHow do I force an install if the pre-install-script fails?19:29
EdgEy__late release i'd assume19:29
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macoArch_NME: delayed19:29
ZykoticK9lws, FYI the number before the . is the year it was released in19:29
lwsI need to get /etc/init.d/networking back.   My install is FAILING because it's missing.  Bleh19:29
macoZykoticK9: well, the year, minus 200019:29
Arch_NMEthose instructions make any sense to you ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/412227/19:30
ZykoticK9maco, minus 2000?  don't you mean plus 2000?  ;)19:30
shashikemy internal mic doesnt work, can someone pleasee help me? its very very urgent19:30
macoZykoticK9: the year minus 2000 = the bit before teh .19:30
bribroderArch_NME, have you run any commands yet?19:30
lwsThis is he-larious...19:30
Arch_NMEwell, I ran the first two19:31
deadlyblueshashike i have same problem with my mic. what i have read shows Alsamixe should be my fix you might read up on it.19:31
Arch_NMEthe second seemed to generate some new files19:31
lwspre-install scripts make a lot of asumptions about the state of the system "should be in"....19:31
gh0ghnusazi__, i think working on grub is better than working on X config files first change grub config to access recovery mode19:31
macolws: im surprised you could use apt while not having a networking script...19:31
Arch_NMEwhen I go to run make install though it says "make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop."19:31
macolws: you're using karmic?19:31
bribroder!tab Arch_NME19:32
shashikei have read a lot, about alsamixer and stuff, but nothing seems to help19:32
lwsmaco: Yes...  I *just* deleted my modified copy of the script thinking that it would be no problem to reinstall it.19:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:32
lwsmaco:  Stupid me for assuming it would just install some files...19:32
macolws: ah. alright. lemme grab the package and find the file to pastebin for you19:32
azi`gh0ghnus: just trying to figurer out how to add this option in the config.. so that grups prompts me before boot19:32
azi`gh0ghnus: any clue?19:32
Arch_NMEbash: !tab: event not found19:32
LoshaArch_NME: did you run autogen.sh and the ./configure before make?19:33
lwsmaco: Thanks.   I've had this problem a couple other things too with pre-install crap.    Updating to karmic crashed my system half-way.   It was a nightmare to try to get it to finish while booted off an a recovery cd....19:33
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, isn't nvclock in the default repository?  why are you compiling it?19:34
* lws swears at stupid pre-install scripts.19:34
mertle!tab | Arch_NME is what he meant I think19:34
ubottuArch_NME is what he meant I think: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:34
Arch_NMELosha: I think so let me try again19:34
gh0ghnusazi__, grub automatically shows this option, i think you must change wait time for grub19:34
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bribroderArch_NME, i think you may have missed ./configure19:34
Arch_NMElet me go through the steps again just to make sure19:34
LoshaArch_NME: not only do they have to run, they have to run *without errors*....19:34
shashikeguys , can someone PLEASE help me with my mic problem?19:35
tw|master^brbMy computer crashed after installing the driver update for my videocard :(19:36
tw|master^brbany idea why?19:36
Arch_NMEhow do I run them from a terminal I just ran them from the gui before and I want to run them from terminal beacuse maybe I missed the error output19:36
Micc__I'm upgrading from 9.10 to ubuntu 10.04 beta 2, but its locked up with 25 minutes remaining.19:36
macolws: http://pastebin.com/cvhqe8Xe19:36
Arch_NMEjust typing autogen.sh from the directory doesn't seem to work19:36
LoshaArch_NME: what happens?19:37
lwsmaco: thanks much!19:38
Arch_NMEthis happens http://paste.ubuntu.com/412232/19:38
tw|master^brbMy computer crashed after installing the driver update for my videocard :( Any idea why that could be?19:38
bribrodermake sure to use ./autogen.sh19:38
jeipuri can't make a program read a .log and it has already done.... it's getting like permission denied, can someone help me on this one?19:38
Micc__Its locked up on Installing Upgrades, below the bar says preparing memtest86+, and in the Terminal its filled with Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-19-generic19:38
LoshaArch_NME: read the last 4 lines. You need to install autogen before you can run it :-)19:39
Micc__And it keeps saying that found linux image message over and over.19:39
Arch_NMEbriborder I did that second command: see my log http://paste.ubuntu.com/412232/19:39
Cool_NickMy username can't mount a hd.  so I sudo mount it and then my user cant create folders on it.....19:39
Arch_NMEwhat is and sh file isn't that supposed to be executable?19:39
V3RR3ZI just installed AnarchyOnline but it didnt take it out of the program list... What can i do?19:40
LoshaArch_NME: yes, but the script relies on other programs which aren't installed yet, so it fails...19:40
bribroderArch_NME, you might need some extra tools19:41
Arch_NMEthe instructions jsut say to run that first though http://paste.ubuntu.com/412233/19:41
Arch_NMEtools such as?19:41
bribroderthey might be counting on you having build tools already installed19:41
Arch_NMEwhat are build tools?19:42
LoshaArch_NME: just do what it says: sudo apt-get install autogen19:42
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bribroderLosha, are you looking at line 15? that's just a mis-entered command19:42
Arch_NMELosha this isn't from the package manager though19:42
ZykoticK9shashike, the other day i tried to get Skype working and realized that my mic wasn't working either.  The first thing is to verify that the mic is not muted (and the proper mic input is selected, if you have more then one) and has it's volume turned up.  In my case with and Intel HDA I did have to manually edit some lines in alsa-base to get it to work, but that's a hardware specific issue.  Good luck man (I'm no "sound" expert, so really can't s19:42
ZykoticK9uggest much more i'm afraid)19:42
LoshaArch_NME: they are support tools that developers use when building stuff. Believe it or not, they actually make development easier19:43
bribroderArch_NME, try "sudo apt-get install autoconf makedev"19:43
Arch_NMEwhere can I obtain these tools, is there a common standard set?19:43
Loshabribroder: oh, right. But lines 11, 12 and 13 aren't. Those are missing executables...19:43
tw|master^brbMy computer crashed after installing the driver update for my videocard :( Any idea why that could be?19:44
bribroderazi`, did you have any luck?19:44
bribroderLosha, right-o. i'm not sure what autoheader and aclocal are...19:44
Arch_NMEoaky I ran that command succesfully briborder, tools installed19:44
DPicis there a way to run the alternate installer from the desktop liveCD?19:45
ZykoticK9DPic, if you want a text install - you'll need to use the alternate CD i'm affraid19:45
kai_hello everybody19:45
bribroderArch_NME, try ./autogen.sh again and see how many errors you get19:45
DPicZykoticK9: ah, why's that?19:45
Arch_NMEit did nothing19:45
stopsigni have vista installed first,ubuntu9.10 on second drive, grub2 works perfect, now i want to install free bsd, any help pages on doing this to have all 3 show in grub2 ?19:45
Arch_NMEjust brought me back to another command prompt19:45
azi`bribroder: i was able to boot into my machine by removing the "load fglrx" section of my xorg.conf, but now i can't use applications using openGL19:45
Arch_NMEwhich I think is good19:45
ZykoticK9DPic, because the LiveCD doesn't have the text installer19:45
DPicZykoticK9: is it an installable package?19:46
FlannelDPic: The installers are completely different19:46
Loshabribroder: some kind of macro packages for supporting the autoconf stuff. Sometimes I think this stuff is more trouble than it's worth...19:46
azi`bribroder: any clue how to fix that? for the proprietary drivers, it just seem they'll not work so i'll switch to the open ones for the moment19:46
DPichm, i see19:46
LoshaArch_NME: yes, try ./configure next...19:46
under0Why ubuntu 10.04 uses 500mb of memory? i've just installed..19:47
ZykoticK9under0, #ubuntu+1 is the lucid channel19:47
Arch_NMEwhat does it mean run the configure script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/412233/19:47
bribroderArch_NME, it means type ./configure19:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:47
LoshaArch_NME: it means, type this: ./configure    <--- note leading period.19:47
Cool_NickWhats the best way to mount a new hard drive?19:48
Pirate_HunterI am trying to watch an flv file on my desktop, however, the image sometimes goes blank and all I can do is listen to it unless I stop it and restart again, this will also happen if another application pops up, how do I fix this?19:48
azi`so the question is. how can i switch back to the non-proprietary drivers?19:48
Arch_NMEokay that configure script seemed to go with error19:48
LoshaArch_NME: please pastebin the output...19:48
bribroderazi`,  did you apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx ?19:48
enthdegreeCool_Nick: I use mount19:49
ZykoticK9azi`, if you move your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup (or similar) X will fallback to using the opensource driver19:49
Cool_NickI would like to use a gui wher eit will automatically put it into fstab etc...19:49
bribroderazi`, you may find it helpful to reconfig the server19:49
Arch_NMEthis was the output, still same issue with make install http://paste.ubuntu.com/412235/19:49
azi`bribroder: reconfig manually or is there any command for that? xorgcfg doesn't seem to be shipped with ubuntu19:50
enthdegreeWhy not just put it into fstab yourself?19:50
bribroderazi`, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:50
azi`bribroder: thanks19:50
azi`bribroder: the xorg configs remains the same as after my last edit, after I issue this command19:51
Cool_Nicktrying to keep it simple right now19:51
azi`bribroder: and the problem is that with this config i am not able to use opengl19:51
Cool_NickIm also trying to get used to the gui19:51
enthdegreeCool_Nick: There's a gui now?19:52
ZykoticK9!language | V3RR3Z19:52
ubottuV3RR3Z: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:52
tw|master^brbMy computer crashed after installing the driver update for my videocard :( Any idea why that could be?19:52
enthdegreeI win. (:<19:52
LoshaArch_NME: well it's a gui program, so it's looking for X11 development libraries. Either install them, or try configuring without them (presumably you'll get a cli version of the program). Reread the lines 11 thru 26 of the installation instructions...19:52
bribroderazi`, just making sure there's no bits left over... did you say you --purged the driver?19:52
azi`bribroder: yes19:52
azi`bribroder: copy pasted what u said actually19:52
V3RR3ZWhy would a program still show inthe Menu thats not supposed to be installed.19:52
bribroderArch_NME, looks like progress... you got an error when you ran ./configure though19:53
calum 19:53
Loshaenthdegree: what was all that greplibs stuff earlier?19:53
Arch_NMEyeah I see the error19:53
Arch_NMExll development libraries eh...19:53
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, you do have Xorg installed correct?  just going from the error message.19:53
enthdegreeLosha: All five.19:54
Arch_NMEI don't even know what is xorg?19:54
mertleV3RR3Z: you didn't choose to completely remove it - config files and all19:54
Arch_NMEif it came with standard ubuntu I have it if not I don't19:54
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, sorry - I'm sure you do then (xorg is the GUI)19:54
Arch_NMEI have the gnome gui19:54
LoshaArch_NME: the development libraries don't come standard, since it's assumed that most people aren't going to be compiling from scratch. Remind me, why are you doing this?19:55
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, Losha have you tried the nvclock in the default repository?  sudo apt-get install nvclock?19:55
Arch_NMELosha, to get like two more frame s sec while playing video games, ;)19:55
Arch_NMEno it's not in repository19:56
azi`bribroder: removing xorg.conf and restarting X helped. now i just need to find if there is any related bug to mine19:56
Arch_NMEalso, plus doing stuff like this is educational and I like learnign stuff19:56
guntbert!hi e-i-k-e19:56
guntbert!hi | e-i-k-e19:56
ubottue-i-k-e: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:56
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mertle!info nvclock > Arch_NME19:57
bribroderazi`, is wine involved at all?19:57
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, what version of Ubuntu are you using?19:57
LoshaArch_NME: well, you're going to need either gtk or qt development libraries. I would try gtk first. e.g. sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev19:58
bribroderArch_NME, nvclock shows up in the repos for me, in fact19:58
Arch_NMEmertle what does that emssage mean you sent me?19:58
Arch_NMEI have 9.10 installed19:58
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, then nvclock should be in the repo19:58
Arch_NMEit is in the repos!!! well doesn't that make me just look retarded then19:58
mertleArch_NME: the bot should have sent you a message saying that nvclock is in the universe repo19:59
Arch_NMEI swear I searched for it19:59
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azi`bribroder: no, why?19:59
azi`bribroder: where did wine came from?19:59
Arch_NMEyes I found it O_o20:00
LoshaArch_NME: our fault as much as yours. We should have checked also...20:00
Arch_NMEno it's fine I said that I looked20:01
bribroderArch_NME, face-palm on my part20:01
enthdegreematt makes games./wc20:01
bribroderazi`, just curious if you were trying to run an app with wine, infamously fragile20:01
enthdegreeAww, rats.20:01
LoshaArch_NME: if you do this for any length of time, you realise that everyone makes mistakes, all the time...20:02
Arch_NMEoh yes I know, I work at a helpdesk actually20:02
mattdawsondoes anyone know how scripts in /etc/init.d end up symlinked in /etc/rcX.d directories?20:03
mertleArch_NME: I find   apt-cache search "app"   a much better to find things20:03
LoshaArch_NME: then it's just Karma, working through Karmic...20:03
Arch_NMEbesides it's as much about learnign my way around linux at this point as overclocking my card20:03
mattdawsoni have an iptables startup script that somehow automatically got symlinked on one machine, but on another, it didn't.20:03
Arch_NMEemrtle: that's a terminal command?20:03
mattdawsonis that something that ubuntu might have done?20:03
mertleArch_NME: yep20:03
jolarenI want to change my default audio mixer in alsamixer to PCM from Master Front, how do I do this?20:03
Arch_NMEmertle: yeah that found it as well20:04
Loshamattdawson: it would happen if you installed a firewalling a package on one machine but not the other...20:04
bribroderazi`, you may try --reinstalling libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri20:04
mattdawsonLosha: hmm. okay. i actually don't remember installing one...20:05
mertlejolaren: tried right clicking the sound icon in the panel?20:05
FloodBot3hermann_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
jolarenmertle: I did try that, doesnt work20:05
bribroderazi`, and be sure to restart of course :)20:06
_pHI_hi, i was curious if there's a neat way to print from emacs to a cups printer?20:06
_pHI_ i am really new to this...20:06
_pHI_ but got spoiled by the windows print dialog that is also available in ubuntu for some of the gtk2 apps20:06
azi`bribroder: ok. thank you for your time20:06
Arch_NMEthis may seem a foolish question but where do you suppose that program is now that it's installed?20:06
hermann_nick abc20:06
Loshamattdawson: It might also happen if one of the machines has multiple network interfaces, or you installed some other kind of packet filtering package...20:06
guntberthermann_: stop that please20:07
LoshaArch_NME: try 'which nvclock'. If that doesn't work, there are only a few other places to look...20:07
bribroderazi`, you're probably better at this in any case... driver problems freak me out20:07
Arch_NME"/usr/bin/nvclock" that worked20:08
mattdawsonLosha: is it a bad idea to symlink my script into rcX.d myself?20:08
mattdawsonlike, is that the kind of thing that'll get overwritten?20:08
mertlemattdawson: there's update-rc in karmic if that is what you're using20:09
akitekomattdawson: Yes it is bad, really bad. It's Evil.20:09
mattdawsonmertle: ah, yes. I am.20:10
mattdawsonaktieko: i kinda figured. ;)20:10
_pHI_no ideas about printing from emacs to cups printer? with duplex?20:10
akitekoisn't it update-rc.d ? Like in debian (if i'm not mistaking)20:10
Loshamattdawson: I've linked scripts by hand, that's essentially what the update-rc.d script does, but it's better to use update-rc.d. And yes, they can be overwritten when you upgrade, which is why you have backups...20:11
UnderSampledHow am I supposed to use DISPLAY=hostname:layour.screen where hostname is a different computer?20:11
UnderSampledwhen I try that, it tells me that no protocol was specified20:11
rocket16I have 9.10 running, and within a few days, 10.04 releases. So, if I download the Alternate CD, can I install Ubuntu 10.04 atop 9.10?20:11
mattdawsonhmm...where is update-rc.d?20:11
mattdawsoni don't see it in /etc20:11
Loshamattdawson: which  update-rc.d; man update-rc.d20:12
tw|master^brbwell thanks for no help anyway ^^20:12
tw|master^brbbye :)20:12
mertlerocket16: you should get the oppurtunity to upgrade to 10.0420:13
Losharocket16: note that although 10.04 will come out at the end of April, it probably won't be *stable* until June/July...20:13
rocket16mertle: Thanks, but I want a CD, such that, if it fails anyway, I can make it once again.20:13
rocket16Losha: Oh, thanks.20:13
alketI just installed ubuntu in my fathers lap top but i cant connect to wireless ?20:14
LoshaUnderSampled: you set the environment variable DISPLAY using the new hostname....20:14
mertle!wifi > alket:20:15
alketmertle: I dont understand20:15
UnderSampledLosha: I'm running my command with DISPLAY= infront20:15
guntbertUnderSampled: I suggest you do it the easy way: use ssh -X to connect to the server (thats a big X, so X gets forwarded through the ssh connection)20:15
mertle!wifi | alket:20:15
ubottualket:: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:15
mertlealket: I hope it helps20:15
mattdawsonso update-rc.d is new in karmic?20:15
UnderSampledguntbert: I'm trying to display on the other computer, but run on the computer where I issue the command20:16
LoshaUnderSampled: that's the idea. Check that your parameters are correct. The exact line you're typing might help...20:16
Loshamattdawson: I see it in 8.04...20:16
trismUnderSampled: you need to make sure XAUTHORITY is correct to, since they moved the location in karmic20:16
alketmertle: It doesnt help20:17
UnderSampledLosha: DISPLAY= firefox20:17
guntbertUnderSampled: ok - then listen to Losha please20:17
mertlealket: where doeds it fall short?20:17
UnderSampledI'm actually still on 9.420:17
trismUnderSampled: ahh, then I don't know20:17
alketmertle: i connect from network manager and it tries to connect but it fails20:17
UnderSampledhow do you do it in karmic?20:18
mattdawsonLosha: ahh, good. thanks for your help, everyone!20:18
craniumslowshi room20:18
overmindHi user20:18
guntbertUnderSampled: you will have to allow X access to the "other computer" ( there is xhost...)20:18
mertlealket: I don't use wifi - that bot command is the extent of my knowledge as far as wifi goes - someone else will know20:19
craniumslowsI can't believe how much easier setting up a second display was thanks to the nvidia binary20:19
UnderSampledguntbert: so...20:19
Androidfan647i am trying to get my bluetooth dial up network to work on 10.04.  i am trying to tether my nexus 1 signal to my laptop via an android app called p d a net which i have gotten to work on windows before i bankrate it to you later20:19
alketmertle: thank you20:19
LoshaUnderSampled: um, try it with something simpler and smaller first e.g. gnome-terminal. Also, I don't use bash much. Don't you need an 'export' or an 'env' command to do this?20:19
alketWho can help me how to connect with wireless, because i cant20:19
guntbertUnderSampled: sorry - its been too long ago that I tried that20:20
craniumslowsalket: What chipset is your wireless card?20:20
UnderSampledLosha: I believe I have been able to run it before on the native computer (where it's just :120:20
alketcraniumslows: how do i check that20:20
ZykoticK9alket, "lspci | grep Ethernet" should list your ethernet cards, including wireless20:21
LoshaUnderSampled: well try it with gnome-terminal. Does it say 'cannot open display'?20:22
craniumslowsalket: Does it show up under Network Device on System->Administration->Network Tools ?20:22
alketcraniumslows,ZykoticK9: 00:0a.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation CK804 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)20:22
ZykoticK9alket, that isn't the wireless one though20:23
ZykoticK9alket, actually, with Bridge - "perhaps" it is20:23
craniumslowsalket: If the card doesn't show up in your network then it may not have a driver loaded20:23
craniumslowsalket: what is the manufacturer and model number?20:24
UnderSampledLosha: is there a way to list current layouts/screens?20:24
alketit shows my wireless but when i want to connect to it it fails20:25
stopsigni have vista installed first,ubuntu9.10 on second drive, grub2 works perfect, now i want to install free bsd, any help pages on doing this to have all 3 show in grub2 ?20:25
craniumslowsalket, ZykoticK9 : you can see other networks listed then?20:25
ZykoticK9craniumslows, i don't no20:25
alketcraniumslows: Yes i can, but when i want to connect to a wireless ESSID that I used to connect in Win7 it fails20:26
craniumslowsZykoticK9: sorry he was talking at both of us so I wasn't sure if you were at the same place20:26
Androidfan647i am able to pair  my device but i cannot connect:-)20:26
* UnderSampled will be back in a minute20:27
craniumslowsalket: What encryption are you using and do you have mac filtering on?20:27
alketcraniumslows: No the mac is as same as in windows20:27
craniumslowsalket: I mean for your router20:28
Androidfan647does anyone here have knowledge of the bluetooth dial up network20:28
craniumslowsalket: do you have mac filtering / what encryption are you using?20:28
ZykoticK9craniumslows, though alket is now gone -- disabling encryption and trying to connect would be a GREAT next step20:29
craniumslowsAndroidfan647: I don't have any experience but does this Setup Doc help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:30
craniumslowsZykoticK9: Thanks yeah I'm thinking its a router configuration type problem20:30
Arch_NMEis there a way to open a file in gedit from the gui with admin privleges?20:30
craniumslowsSetup a launcher maybe?20:30
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, "gksu gedit /path/to/file"20:31
Arch_NMEwell I mean from the gui20:31
Arch_NMEwithout having to go into terminal and type stuff20:31
laristechDoes anyone know of a dell server with raid 1 that works perfectly with Ubuntu server?20:31
Arch_NMElike a htokey or something20:31
drbongoHi I have a strange problem with the terminal20:31
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, don't fear the terminal :)20:31
Arch_NMEI don't I'm just lazy20:31
drbongoI can't type the character 'e' unless I press insert first20:32
histoArch_NME: gksu gedit filename20:32
histoArch_NME: youc an just use nano in a terminal also20:32
drbongoIf I press e it just beeps, no character is written20:32
ZykoticK9histo, that was my suggestion - which was shot down20:32
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drbongoThis also happens in xterm20:32
Arch_NMEI was hoping just to click stuff20:32
Arch_NMElike "run as.."20:33
histoArch_NME: there is no way that I know of to just click to get root priveleges.20:33
drbongoCan anyone help?20:33
histoArch_NME: Let me do some searching20:33
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, if you really wanted you could create a new launch with "gksu gedit" as the command (probably not the best idea however)20:33
histoArch_NME: I know what you mean now like the windows run as... diaglog20:33
Arch_NMEoh I can google it myself I just thought one of you all might know offhand20:33
Canonicalopen http://www.ubuntu.org20:33
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drbongoI use gksu nautilus20:34
ZykoticK9Canonical, do you have a question?  or are you just advertising for ubuntu?20:34
Arch_NMEZykotick: that's even more hassle20:34
histoArch_NME: the easier way would be hit alt+f2 and gksu gedit20:34
ZykoticK9!tab > Arch_NME20:34
ubottuArch_NME, please see my private message20:34
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, for someone who wants to be lazy you need to start getting lazy in the console/irc channel -- typing ZykoticK9 is a drag, Zy(TAB) is the lazy/smart way to do it ;)20:35
Arch_NMEZykoticK9: yes yes20:35
histoArch_NME: looks liek the nautilus-gksu package is what you want20:35
ilumii have a problem with a webcam, its is installed, has a driver, and it works, but only with flash(in the webbrowser), however things like kopete and other webcam software doesnt see it20:35
ZykoticK9histo, +1 forgot about that20:35
Arch_NMEit's just instinct my fingers move faster than my brain20:36
ZykoticK9Arch_NME, look into histo's suggestion - probably exactly what you want20:36
histoArch_NME: install nautilus-gksu then restart X20:36
histoArch_NME: it adds admin priveleges to the context menu20:37
ZykoticK9nautilus-open-terminal is also VERY handy, lets you right click Open in Terminal20:37
Arch_NMEhisto:  idk, maybe it's a bad idea, I'd hate to form a habit of a way to do thigns that will only work on this comp, I guess I should just use the terminal20:38
histoArch_NME: no its your computer to customize as you see fit20:38
histoArch_NME: it just adds a link int he right click menu to open as administrator20:38
Arch_NMEyeah that's exactly what I wanted20:39
histoArch_NME: not really a bad Idea its what ever works for you.20:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:39
drbongoCan anyone help with a gnome-terminal question?20:39
No_Soulquick off-topic question (sort of)   I'm a programmer and am looking for suggestions for programs to make....   got any ideas? :)20:40
maximus_hey ppl, is ther any application similar to itunes for linux, i need to perform file copy and all tat to my ipod20:40
histo!ask | drbongo20:40
ubottudrbongo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:40
histoNo_Soul: try in #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
histomaximus_: rhythmbox20:40
histomaximus_: applications > sound & video > rhythmbo20:41
drbongoOK - I can't type an 'e' in gnome terminal - works in other apps - just beeps in terminal, unless I press insert first20:41
maximus_thanks histo, i ll check it20:41
craniumslowsrhythmbox is your best bet but it hates my podcasts20:41
histodrbongo: system > preferences > keyboard make sure you layout isn't goofy20:41
akashvhow do i set up NAT in ubuntu server?20:41
histocraniumslows: maximus_ new version coming out in lucid supports ipod 3g touch and iphone20:42
histo!nat | akashv20:42
craniumslowshisto: thanks for the update sounds sweet20:42
histo!firewall > akashv20:42
ubottuakashv, please see my private message20:42
drbongoKeyboard layout is UK, I can type 'e' in other apps just not a terminal or xterm20:42
maximus_histo: tat would be great20:42
histocraniumslows: it works a lot better from what i've played with.20:42
LoshaNo_Soul: check out http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/20:42
drbongoThis happened after I install some text tools, but no idea which one or why20:43
histodrbongo: is there a super key stuck?20:43
histodrbongo: what sort of text tools20:43
drbongoNegative, all keys work correctly except 'e' in a terminal - very strange it beeps20:43
drbongoLots of text tools, too many to list, I have used them all before but not encounterd this issue20:44
ZykoticK9drbongo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=499601 has the same issue - but just used a new account to fix, so no real sollution20:44
Loshadrbongo: odd. Do you know when you installed the text tools? There should be a complete chronological log of package installs in /var/log/dpkg.log...20:44
histoZykoticK9: maybe somthing in his .bashrc?20:44
ZykoticK9histo, perhaps?  I really don't know.20:45
histodrbongo: I found a bug hold up20:45
histodrbongo: someone fixed it by editng the shortcuts in gnome terminal and the paste key was bound to super+e for some reason they changed it to ctrl+shift+e and it fixed it.20:46
drbongoThanks I will try that!20:46
histodrbongo: bug #37006920:47
histobug #370069 | drbongo20:47
ZykoticK9Losha, !nat isn't working...20:47
histohrm... usually ubottu intereprets the bugs ah well20:47
LoshaZykoticK9: I see that. Is ubottu malfunctioning currently?20:47
ZykoticK9Losha, says it doesn't know anything about nat20:48
ZykoticK9Losha, other commands are working?20:48
histoLosha: no there is no entry for nat just for firewall20:48
drbongoNegative, gnome-terminal keybindings for cut and paste set to default ctrl+shift+c/v20:48
histoLosha: was it you that wanted info on a nat gateway?20:49
Loshahisto: actually, it was akashv. I was just curious to see what the nat entry said...20:49
histoakashv: you is that the info you wanted that ubottu sent or are you trying to share your internet connection?20:50
histo!ics | akashv20:50
ubottuakashv: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:50
ZykoticK9Losha, it must have been ics that you where thinking of, I don't have any !nat in my recorded factoids20:51
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drbongoSorry lost the connection - I have checked the console mode and 'e' doesn't work their either!20:51
Loshahisto: ZykoticK9: might be nice if ops added a ubottu alias nat for firewall...20:52
ZykoticK9drbongo, do you have another user that you can test with?20:52
ZykoticK9Losha, agreed20:52
craniumslowsJust an off the wall idea what about a touch type tutor20:53
histoLosha: you can add one or suggest it20:53
drbongoI can create another account - just tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup - no joy keyboard layout was UK20:54
ZykoticK9drbongo, does upper case E work?20:55
drbongoThe 'e' works when asked for a password! But not when typing normally20:55
histoLosha: atleast you used to be able to with ubotu20:55
histodrbongo: did you chenge the keyboard shortcut?20:55
drbongoYes the uppercase E does work20:55
histodrbongo: its eactly the same behavior as that bug20:55
drbongoDid I change the keyboard shortcut for what?20:55
craniumslowsThis is a most interesting issue.20:55
histodrbongo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/37006920:56
histodrbongo: the keyboard shortcut for paste as super+e20:56
histodrbongo: if you change to ctrl+shift+e your e should come back according to that bug20:56
swebi install php5-dev20:57
drbongoI will try that!20:57
swebwhere is the `phpize`20:57
drbongoNo that didn't work - I will create another user account20:58
akashvhisto, Losha: It worked. Thanks. :)20:58
hndC help20:58
histoLosha: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Aliasing_one_factoid_to_another20:59
histoaskhl: what worked?20:59
hndget_info() in struct proc_dir_entry... wht does it do20:59
histoakashv: what worked21:00
histoaskhl: sorry wrong user I was trying to get akashv21:00
Loshahisto: I spoke to ops. They told me to type /msg ubottu nat is <alias> firewall and the change would be reviewed, so it's in progress, thanks...21:00
akashvhisto: nat21:00
histoLosha: yeah I was just sending you the link for usage.21:00
histoakashv: cool21:01
computa_mikeHi guys - have a packaging question.  I'm packaging a java application for Ubuntu - and I got it all working (mostly) but I can't get the menu option to appear...  Anyone got any ideas?21:01
Loshahisto: I appreciate it, thanks.21:01
varun_hello people21:01
jared_1Had a quick question for you guys.  I'd like to build a simple home server since it's something I've been without for way too long (I've been so lucky to never lose data ... yet).  Anyways I'll probably be doing basic stuff... File server, FTP, simple webserver....But I would like a graphical environment (kde, gnome, etc) for VNC.  What hardware would you recommend to run a raid 1 or raid 0+1 (4 drives).  Trying to keep it affordable but 21:01
Cool_NickWhat do i have to do to xp professional to allow ubuntu to conenct to a share?  (I reinstalled first time in 4 yrs and cant remember)21:01
jared_1just looking for mobo / raid controller / proc21:02
varun_I did not try earlier and I found after a couple of months that my cd drive is not working in ubuntu21:02
drbongo_New user account didn't make the 'e' work in a terminal either21:02
varun_anyone who could give me a few pointers21:02
histojared_1: any processor will do as far as raid you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server they may have more knowledge abou what is working withthe least issues.21:02
jared_1ah sorry for the mistake21:02
histoCool_Nick: you are trying to share from windows to ubuntu?21:02
jared_1thanks histo21:02
craniumslowsvarun_, just ask aloud i'm sure someone will help ya21:02
varun_I have done21:03
Cool_Nickhisto, correct (guest account enables..share created.  guest has permission to share and ntfs security)21:03
histojared_1: they just have more experience with raid than people in here but someone may answer21:03
varun_cd rw drive not working ubuntu intrepid21:03
histoCool_Nick: then you should be able to see it Places > Network21:03
swebi install php5-dev ... where is the `phpize` ???21:03
craniumslowsvarun_, does it not play audio or doesnt show in computer?21:03
varun_I can read from it21:03
varun_dvds and cds21:03
Cool_Nickhisto, I see the computer...but it keeps asking for username and password and domain21:03
varun_but I inserted a rw cd and it does not detect21:04
hndcraniumslows: i asked no one hears me... :(21:04
histoCool_Nick: You need to change your sharing options in windows then if you don't want to supply user pass and domain. Make it part of a workgroup people in #windows would probably be able to help you set up the share.21:04
Loshajared_1: I think they are 2 separate issues. You can run a simple server environment on a desktop as long as you don't require amazing performance. And you can have some kind of backup scheme ranging from simple disk copies to some kind of raid scheme. The two issues seem orthogonal to me...21:04
mertlevarun_: that's 'cause there's nothing on the disk right?21:04
varun_the one thing that I see in error messages for gnomebaker is wodim does not support the cd writer21:04
craniumslowshnd, ask again i dont see ya on the screen21:04
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
varun_ya there is nothing on the cd21:05
jared_1they are, just want experience...I've ran many servers without any graphical environment hah21:05
jared_1just decided to try it out finally21:05
hndget_info() in struct proc_dir_entry wht does it do21:05
histojared_1: yeah its not a big deal to run the same packages with a gui on top.21:05
drbongo_I have found the problem by using bind -p : the "e" is not set to self-insert I will try to set it21:06
histojared_1: but for the hardware i have no clue never played with raid21:06
varun_I also tried installing imgburn in wine and trying but it is also not detecting the writing medium21:06
craniumslowsdrbongo_, this is one gnarly problem21:07
bastid_raZorvarun_: you're trying to burn an img file?21:07
craniumslowsvarun_, have you tried other brands of media / do commercial disks load properly?21:07
drbongo_Got it - by typing bind e:self-insert it is fixed - now I have to work out what caused it21:07
szimmercan anyone here help me to set up my cron?21:07
bastid_raZor!cron | szimmer here is a howto21:08
ubottuszimmer here is a howto: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm21:08
craniumslowshnd, why are you digging in proc? It's probably documented somewhere21:08
varun_It reads from any brand of cd which has something on it21:08
varun_sony or moserbaer21:08
roberto99just a test text21:08
szimmerwell... i read this already...21:08
szimmerbut it's somehow not working very well...21:08
craniumslowsvarun_, I would think its your media21:09
szimmerotherwise i wouldn't come and bother you...21:09
ubuntu__hello everyone21:09
craniumslowshi ubuntu__21:09
drbongo_Ok that only works temporarily - to make it stick I would have to put it in /etc/inputrc21:09
craniumslowsszimmer, what do you want to do with cron?21:10
ZykoticK9craniumslows, you're like the "Walmart Greater" for #ubuntu right now ;)21:10
ubuntu__trying to fix an install ran LILO and my HD won't boot anymore, I've made a fresh install but it won't boot21:10
szimmeri want to check that the sshd daemon is running and restart it if it's killed...21:10
brontosaurusrexhow weird is to run kate on gnome?21:10
ubuntu__I'm booting thru a Pendrive, I can see the HD (USB external), its all in there, but won't boot21:10
derenrich_help with error "relocation error: /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0: symbol __abort_msg, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference"21:10
ZykoticK9ubuntu__, LILO really?  How old school.21:10
hnd_craniumslows: am into kernel hacking these days... just started to get my hands wet21:11
szimmerso i have setup my crontab21:11
szimmerbut it's not executing it properly...21:11
craniumslowsZykoticK9, i get into that mode sometimes21:11
Loshahnd: you might ask one of the contributors listed here: http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/git-commits-head/2008/4/29/165558421:11
craniumslowshi pcm_21:11
mertlebrontosaurusrex: not too weird - it will be slow to start as the kdelibs will have to be loaded21:11
pcm_i have a problem with ubuntu configuration21:11
craniumslowsszimmer, webmin has a nice webbased gui to cron shtuff21:11
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:12
pcm_is it here for help?21:12
brontosaurusrexmertle: should be stable once going?21:12
mertlebrontosaurusrex: sure - the kdelibs should be installed as deps but it should be fine21:12
szimmersorry but i don't think i can follow... what is ebox?21:12
ZykoticK9pcm_, yes - but you need to give some details of your issue21:13
j_question about reinstalling Ubuntu . I have home partation and / partation. so if i reinstall all my setting is auto matically save to /home?21:13
pcm_yeah sure21:13
ubuntu__any clues on how to have it fixed or should I just get the HD to the trash can?21:13
luis_I need help urgently pls: how I can install sopcast plugin into firefox?!21:13
ZykoticK9szimmer, i don't personally recommend ebox actually - but i recommend you DON'T use Webmin21:13
luis_I need help urgently pls: how I can install sopcast plugin into firefox?!21:13
Losha!ebox | szimmer21:13
ubottuszimmer: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox21:13
Flannelubuntu__: why are you trying to use lilo?21:13
pcm_so i have a ubuntu 9.10 on a fuijitsu siemens right now, and i have some sound problems21:13
drbongo_Looks like it might have been caused by wyrd or screen - I will uninstall and see if this fixes things21:13
ubuntu__trying to fix an install ran LILO and my HD won't boot anymore, I've made a fresh install but it won't boot.  I'm booting thru a Pendrive, I can see the HD (USB external), its all in there, but won't boot21:14
varun_@craniumslow you might be right but the thing is that the cd drive itself is not detected in gnomebaker when I try to begin a writing.The message is no writing drive detected21:14
mertlej_: your configs should be in your /home /user folder already as dot files21:14
szimmerbut it should be really straightforward... i have my crontab setup but somehow it's not executing it....21:14
szimmerthough it should...21:14
Flannelszimmer: Do you have a blank line at the end of your crontab?21:14
pcm_sound doesnt work with jack output21:14
szimmerpcm what kind of pc?21:14
craniumslowsszimmer, you might grab a GUI frontend i've jumped to that after too many stupid typos have ruined a good nigths sleeep21:15
HeebieHello.  I just installed xen.. and now my desktop won't start.. either in "low graphics mode" or a regular start.  Is there a program I can call from the command-line to reset X to using standard drivers?21:15
hndok so am playing with procfs... wht does get_info() in struct proc_dir_entry do???21:15
pcm_fuijitsu siemens li 170521:15
ZykoticK9Heebie, move the current /etc/X11/xorg.conf to another name, then try restarting X21:15
HeebieZykoticK9: Thanks. I'll give that  shot. :)21:16
Loshaszimmer: do you have cron entries in /var/log/syslog that show crontab is executing your commands?21:16
LxndrI have five *.doc files. I want to compile them into a single pdf. How can I do this?21:16
Loshahnd: did you see my message above?21:16
craniumslowshnd, * "get_info" is called at "read", while "owner" is used to protect module21:16
craniumslows * from unloading while proc_dir_entry is in use21:16
szimmeractually yes...21:16
craniumslowshnd, http://man.developpez.com/include/linux/proc_fs.php21:16
szimmeri think the blank line did the trick21:16
nealmcbI'm trying to install ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix on a dell inspiron mini 1012.  I'd like to live boot it from an sdcard - is that possible?  E.g. could I use unetbootin to put the iso on /dev/mmcblk0  as a live boot?21:17
pcm_sound ok from speakers21:17
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hndyaay :D thnx craniumslows!!!21:17
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Flannelszimmer: One way to 'enforce' that is to add a comment at the end saying "# DONT PUT ANYTHING BELOW THIS" and then include a blank line under it21:17
dannek7hey all21:17
zdeneDoes anyone know a FOSS utility to browse a PDF's internal structure? in a tree view of objects or something?21:18
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know how to get the device name of their webcam and mic?21:18
kermitwhy is it that everytime i write to a loop device, the device changes ownership to root?21:18
szimmerpepper_haze -> lsusb21:18
pepper_hazelsusb doesn't work for me21:18
LxndrI have five *.doc files. I want to compile them into a single pdf. How can I do this?21:18
craniumslowspepper_haze, dmesg ?21:18
pepper_hazei'll try dmesg21:19
luis_I need urgent help pls: how I can install sopcast plugin into firefox????!!!!21:19
szimmeryay the blank line did the trick thanks FLANNEL!21:19
ra21vimy server currently has Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) .. I need to upgrade it to 8.10 then 9.04 then 9.10 .. I only have access to ssh command line .. how can I upgrade it21:19
pcm_so anyone?21:19
zaxonspox@Lxndr use OpenOffice and export to PDF21:19
ImprovizUbuntu newb here. Trying to repurpose older Dell for disabled friend with Ubuntu. Installed but get "cannot get C/H/S values" on bootup21:20
Flannelra21vi: Why do you want to do that?  Just wait a month then upgrade straight to 10.0421:20
craniumslowspcm_, i haven't been following closely have you tried diff dvds/cd rws21:20
Loshara21vi: tricky, since you might lose connectivity during an upgrade and never be able to get it back. Why do you need to upgrade anyway?21:20
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ra21viFlannel: can I upgrade directly from 8.04 to 10.04 (no reinstallation possible since server is remote)21:20
Flannelra21vi: You can, yes.21:20
derenrich_how do i view pdf using less?21:21
Flannelra21vi: And once 10.04 is released, the instructions will be linked from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:21
pcm_well sound is ok on speakers but not headphones output for nothing21:21
ra21viLosha: means? why should I not upgrade ?? anyway, I need a lot new things.21:21
szimmerderenrich: why would you want to do that?21:21
pepper_hazehow do you read dmesg?21:21
craniumslowspcm_, so is it an unamplified channel?21:21
derenrich_szimmer: there is a plugin that renders it nicely21:21
derenrich_szimmer: i just don't know what package it's in21:22
craniumslowspepper_haze,  you might redirecto output its long21:22
Loshara21vi: the problem with remove upgrades remains: you might lose connectivity during the upgrade and never be able to get it back...21:22
Lxndrzaxonspox: I can do that with *one* doc file. But how do I turn these five doc files into a *single* PDF? That's where I get lost.21:22
Loshara21vi: remove -> remote21:22
ra21viFlannel: thanks :)  I will wait then..21:22
hndpeppr_haze: cat /var/log/dmesg21:22
szimmeror just dmesg21:22
FlannelLosha: there's no reason to think that'll happen21:22
mertlederenrich: try in terminal   apt-cache search pdf   it should show up21:22
craniumslowsall this rum has got me swetting21:22
pcm_craniumslows, i dont think so dont realy know how to check that out21:22
LoshaFlannel: except for Murphy's law, you mean...21:22
Blasturhello. if i upgrade to lucid beta 2 today, will it be a problem to upgrade it to lucid final later on?21:23
FlannelLosha: If we wanted to go by that, no one should ever upgrade, ever.21:23
ra21viLosha: cannot you use Screen for such problem?21:23
FlannelBlastur: Nope, you'll just use regular daily updates.  #ubuntu+1 is the channel for Lucid Support though.21:23
zaxonspox@Lxndr Y need to import 5 doc into one file in Writer21:23
hndBlastur nopes... i dont think so...21:23
ImprovizAny ideas on the C/H/S values issue? It's something bout looking for my floppy or some such I think. Trying fix with Grub fix on Live CD21:23
craniumslowspcm_, if its the same plug you are plugging into you should look into your sound preferences21:23
hiexpobut ya cant take it back if ya decide ya dontlike it21:24
hndImproviz: whts the exact situation21:24
LoshaFlannel: nevertheless, the risk is there for a remote upgrade, and ra21vi should understand what his worst case scenario might be...21:24
pcm_craniumslows, speakers are not pluged, they are buit-in, its a laptop21:24
ImprovizInstalled 9.04 I believe, wiped the drive and did the install. Now when it boots, I get a grub error and "Cannot read C/H/S values"21:24
FlannelLosha: The risk is there for any upgrade. I'm not sure how it being remote is a big deal.  There's even a secondary ssh channel opened during upgrades.21:24
craniumslowspcm_, you should go tot he sound preferences21:25
pepper_hazecraniumslows, how do you redirecto output?21:25
pcm_craniumslows, ive done that and cant realy se what is wrong21:25
hndok try e2fsck might be due to some filesystem error21:25
craniumslowspepper_haze, do dmesg > somefile.txt; gedit somefile.txt21:25
craniumslowspepper_haze, then you can look through it21:26
craniumslowspepper_haze, its all the kernel msgs21:26
ImprovizI'm on the machine in question now, running from Live CD21:26
craniumslowspepper_haze, you should be able to find your device there if its found21:26
craniumslowspcm_, under hardware do you have more than 1 option21:26
Jadozaanyone feeling like sharing a nice conky setup? :)21:26
hndImproviz: e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/<your ubuntu drive>21:26
ra21viFlannel and Losha : for such problem, if it happens, I can pick my phone, dial the datacenter no. and ask them to do remaining things :)21:26
LoshaFlannel: well, you've been here for years. What about the scores of users who show up here saying their upgrade went wrong somehow, and now they can't boot, and they *have* console access...21:26
FlannelLosha: We walk them through finishing it.  It's not the end of the world.21:27
LoshaFlannel: ok...21:27
hndImproviz: exxample e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda521:27
craniumslowsThis is my kinda irc channel21:27
ra21viLosha: don't you upgrade ? Dont say no21:27
craniumslowsbusy but not old skool haxxorz busy21:27
hndcraniumslows: agreed!!! :D21:27
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cleiferanybody know how to get the location bar to be editable in 10.04 nautilus?21:28
Guest30232i just installed xfc4 and when i login it seems to load gnome on top of it?21:28
craniumslowshnd, you were looking at kernel hacking yes?21:28
pcm_craniumslows, i know have nothing21:28
mertleJadoza: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=conky+setup21:28
Loshara21vi: I'm still running 8.04 on my critical server. And I'll wait a few months for 10.4 to stabilize before I consider upgrading...21:28
hndcraniumslows: yup yup :D21:28
Flannelcleifer: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks.21:28
pcm_craniumslows, used to be one choice21:28
cleiferFlannel, thnx21:29
Jadozamertle, Thanks :)21:29
craniumslowshnd, you might consider picking up the oriely book understanding the linux kernel21:29
hndi have it :) i was reading it just now... its open on my lap21:29
craniumslowsha ha21:29
craniumslowsi just pulled it off my shelf21:29
mertleJadoza: there's plenty in there - should keep you busy for a while :)21:29
hndso howz life??? where are you from???21:30
craniumslowstoo much rum im sweaty21:30
craniumslowsim in Austin Tx21:30
zaxonspoxhey there, does someone know how to install GRUB on floppy IMAGE?21:30
hndmy best friend is from there... she lives in hereford...21:30
ImprovizI got: e2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)21:30
Improvize2fsck: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda121:30
ImprovizYou must have r/w access to the filesystem or be ro21:30
Improvizroot, that is21:31
overmindhnd: Please join in #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat21:31
hndImproviz: just sudo it... sudo e2fsck -32768 /dev/sda21:31
hndovermind: sorry... just chilling...21:31
craniumslowszaxonspox, have you read this article yet ? http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4622 might help21:32
delamananyone know filemaker scripting ?  I need some help.21:32
overmindhnd: np :P21:32
ImprovizUsage: e2fsck [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]21:32
Improviz[-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]21:32
Improviz[-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal]21:32
Improviz[-E extended-options] device21:32
ImprovizEmergency help:21:32
Improviz -p                   Automatic repair (no questions)21:32
FloodBot3Improviz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
hndovermind: the thing is am a six year old kid trapped inside a 20 year old jerk... ;)21:33
hndImproviz: just sudo it... sudo e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda21:33
adriano_alguem pode me ajudar com o clamav 0.9621:33
Jadozamertle, 1239 pages of configs .... jesus christ21:33
tvstebutmy machine doesn't ping , that's the log : http://pastebin.fr/749821:33
zaxonspox@craniumslows did not, will chech, but my problem is, i dont have a floppy drive, only mounted an image21:33
mertleJadoza: start from the last and work back :)21:34
guntbert!br | adriano_21:34
ubottuadriano_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:34
craniumslowszaxonspox, what are you playing with floppies for then21:34
adriano_eles não me responde,21:34
szimmergrr... although cron works - i just kicked myself out of my machine....21:34
szimmerbut issuing /usr/sbin/sshd should restart right?21:35
hndmost probably21:35
ImprovizTried it - "1 or more block  bad. Fix?"21:35
zaxonspox@craniumslows i want to install grub on floppy image, but get only errors, floppy image with grub need for VirtualBox21:35
hndImproviz: just "yes" everything21:35
ImprovizIt fixed a whole bunch of bad stuff, said "filesystem on sda1 contains 1 or more errors, forcing check"21:36
hndi think it will work...21:36
ImprovizNow terminal is scrolling what I guess are endless checksums?21:36
hndmay be...21:36
craniumslowszaxonspox, try this out maybe ? boot from cd http://www.oats.org.uk/linux/gruboot.htm21:36
frxstremhow secure is PGP encryption in Ubuntu?21:36
Jadozafrxstrem, For what purpose?21:37
craniumslowsfrxstrem, isn't pgp encryption uniform across distributions ?21:37
craniumslowshi ACKT1C21:37
frxstremJadoza: just for general (personal) use - nothing special21:37
ImprovizHmm. Then got a bunch of "free blocks count wrong for group x. Fix?"21:37
szimmerguys... i have a question regarding my original purpose of the cron job....21:37
LoshaImproviz: how did your disk get corrupt in the first place?21:38
hndImproviz: yes again21:38
szimmeri wanted to have a script that checks that sshd is running and restart it if it's not...21:38
Jadozafrxstrem, But what do you want to do? I use OpenPGP for encrypting e-mails, that works really good21:38
ImprovizOK, fixed everything and got: /dev/sda1: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****21:38
Improviz/dev/sda1: 130547/9625600 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 1180749/38499764 blocks21:38
JadozaBut I guess there are tons of other uses21:38
ImprovizThink I should try booting from the HD now?21:38
hndsudo shutdown -r now21:38
ImprovizOK, thanks, I'll give it a try, appreciate the help21:38
hndyup yup21:38
=== william_ is now known as Guest22866
Improvizadios for now21:39
szimmerand i used a script that checked that /var/run/sshd.pid exists...21:39
hndjust tell me back whether it worked or not21:39
Guest22866i have a linksys home router that my pc is wired to and my laptop accesses wirelessly. how can I set up a home network for file sharing?21:39
szimmerif not it would issue /usr/sbin/sshd21:39
craniumslowsIs http://lmgtfy.com/ too rude to use for answers?21:39
guntbertcraniumslows: yes21:39
Jadoza!google | craniumslows21:39
ubottucraniumslows: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:39
Loshacraniumslows: yes, though tempting, it's explicitly frowned upon...21:39
craniumslowsWoO I am glad this room's got the mod love21:40
Jadozacd /dev/null21:40
hndman this place is freakin' awesome21:40
FloodBot3hnd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
craniumslowsIsn't initd in charge of sshd ?21:40
darkside__i need a gui to stream my music over shoutcast?21:41
Guest22866i have a linksys home router that my pc is wired to and my laptop accesses wirelessly. how can I set up a home network for file sharing?21:41
* ACKT1C laughs at removable keys21:41
tvstebutBut why did nobody answer to my paste ?21:41
guntbertcraniumslows: not necessarily - it can run stand alone too21:41
craniumslowsGuest22866, do you have the same os on both?21:41
shab1what software player mp4 for nokia 6120?21:41
zaxonspox@craniumslows thanks for help, i think i would use ISO instead of floppy image21:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:41
spikyGuest22866 use ssh server21:41
darkside__i need a gui to stream my music over shoutcast?21:42
szimmerso how would you do this instead of having sshd running?21:42
craniumslowszaxonspox, right on it seems like the floppy should be MIB memory deviced from the collective21:42
Guest22866cranium> yes, 9.10 on both21:42
bodomHi there, I guesst I've found a bug21:42
pcm_craniumslows, so i restarted i know have a hardware in the list but just on. spekers work, not headphones21:42
Loshatvstebut: because I don't know the answer to your question....21:42
guntbert!bug | bodom21:42
ubottubodom: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:42
ACKT1Cno streaming remotely21:42
pcm_craniumslows, just one*21:42
bodomguntbert: the problem is I have no idea of wich package it affects21:42
craniumslowspcm_, what do you have on the output tab21:42
Guest22866craniumslows> yes, 9.10 on both21:43
pcm_craniumslows, it just disapeared again, i koow only have dummy output21:43
guntbertbodom: please read the links you got - they tell you what to do21:43
craniumslowsGuest22866 you can try Samba maybe ? Depends on how complicated you want to be21:43
szimmerso any idea how i can ensure that the ssh server is still running even after having killed it?21:43
Loshatvstebut: how are and connected?21:44
ACKT1Cdos linux = left out21:44
craniumslowspcm_, can you get the hardware device info ?21:44
craniumslowsGuest22866, you should be able to right click a folder and say sharing options21:44
tvstebutLosha a router21:45
craniumslowsGuest22866, Also ubuntu One is an AMAZING service if you are mainly on ubunta21:45
Guest22866craniumslows> hmm. ill try it21:45
guntbertszimmer: what is your problem?21:45
cooper[desktop]how do you scp a whole directory?21:45
Loshatvstebut: the router should be answering the arp request 'who has tell'. It doesn't, so my first guess is the router is misconfigured...21:46
ACKT1Can outpu cmd21:46
craniumslowsGuest22866,  http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/ support doc21:46
szimmerwell... i'm fiddling around with afs on two computers... when i restart the afs daemon it killed ssh. a different user suggested to have a cronjob who takes care that if the ssh daemon is killed it's restarted...21:46
tvstebutLosha : Im pinging like this : -> [ |] ->
craniumslowsszimmer, I like to let inetd deal with it21:47
hndi hope Improviz got his comp fixed21:47
szimmerso i had a script looking whether /var/run/sshd.pid exists and if it doesn't to issue /usr/sbin/sshd21:47
craniumslowsszimmer, under running with inetd http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rlug/help/tips-ssh.html21:47
pcm_craniumslows, lshw command gives me: product: VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller)21:48
tvstebutLosha, in fact, thats the log from the target machine, not the router21:48
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ki0wa_Hi all21:49
craniumslowshi hi21:49
craniumslowspcm_, You might try following this document : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:50
hndhmmm its time to say gudbye... feeling sleepy... g'night everyone... sweet dreams21:50
craniumslowsgnight hnd21:50
craniumslowspcm_, It's probably a driver deal21:50
pcm_craniumslows, thought so, i have driver=HDA Intel latency=021:51
craniumslowspcm_, laptops i haven't used much but this posting was linked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104356821:52
ki0wa_I've installed a linux version, after ubuntu. Now, in grub, if I choose first linux, it says VGA=CURRENT IS DEPRECATED. USE SET GFXPAYLOAD=TEXT BEFORE LINUX COMMAND INSTEAD21:52
Loshatvstebut: According to the trace, sends an IP echo request to, which tries to reply. In order to reply, it has to resolve .6 to a mac address, so .1 broadcasts an arp request asking which mac has .6, and the router should reply "I have .6 and my mac address is so-and-so" because the reply has to be sent first to the router and then forwarded back to .6. But that arp reply never appears, i.e. a router malfunction...21:52
* craniumslows must refill C2H6O Buffer or risk burn out21:53
craniumslowswb Improvis21:53
ImprovizWell, no love. I boot (Karmic 9.10), get presented with a screen that shows several Ubuntu selections, plus Memtest. None boot21:54
ImprovizAll result in "Cannot get C/H/S values"21:54
* ACKT1C snickers21:54
tvstebutLosha, what kind of configuration is concerned ?21:54
ACKT1Camerican megatrends it is21:54
ImprovizPretty sure that's Cylinder and Sector21:55
Loshatvstebut: check the network masks on the 2 router interfaces, and then check the routing tables. Can you ping from the router itself to .1 ?21:56
tvstebutsure I can21:56
ImprovizAnyone else have an idea on boot error "Cannot get C/H/S values" ?21:56
ki0wa_I've installed a linux version, after ubuntu. Now, in grub, if I choose first linux, it says VGA=CURRENT IS DEPRECATED. USE SET GFXPAYLOAD=TEXT BEFORE LINUX COMMAND INSTEAD21:56
EL_g00nEWher are the pr0n channels?21:56
ACKT1Cits a dos head21:57
pepper_hazeUm dmesg, didn't have the info I needed21:57
EL_g00nEoooya...talk dirtyyyyy21:58
ACKT1Cpepper_haze cool nickname21:58
Loshatvstebut: then that suggests the problem is in the routing of packets through the router, check routing tables. Usually this stuff is self-configuring. Is there something odd about your setup you haven't mentioned?21:58
pepper_haze!language | EL_g00nE21:58
ubottuEL_g00nE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:58
tvstebutLosha : its a vlan21:59
tvstebutlook :21:59
tvstebut10.8.0.0   UG    0      0        0 tun021:59
tvstebut192.168.121.0   *        U     0      0        0 eth121:59
FloodBot3tvstebut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
pepper_hazeackt1c, do you how to get the device anme of your webcam and mic?21:59
tvstebutSorry FloodBot321:59
EL_g00nEdmmit whatd i say?21:59
ACKT1Cinterrupt procedure22:00
ACKT1Cor locally22:00
LoshaEL_g00nE: we do computer support here, not porn. You're wasting your own (and our) time. Try #ubuntu-offtopic...22:00
EL_g00nEaaaaah okay22:00
pepper_hazelosha, they say the same thing there too22:00
KeithChesterHello everyone. The bottom bar in gnome, which holds the programs that are currently open in the default ubuntu, does not have a "delete this panel" option. How do I get rid of it?22:01
pepper_hazethey want it to be family friendly22:01
EL_g00nEi dont even like linux22:01
ShazbotMcNastyEL_g00nE, go away22:01
szimmerthen you're probably wrong here22:01
Loshapepper_haze: they don't talk about porn on offtopic?22:01
frxstremcan I export my PGP key from "Passwords and Encryption Keys" to another computer and still be able to decrypt files with it?22:01
szimmerdon't think so...22:01
pepper_hazeno losha, they say its not family friendly there either22:01
ShazbotMcNastyKeithChester, it's usually just in right click menu.22:01
ImprovizLooking for help with boot error "Cannot get C/H/S values..."22:02
pepper_hazeI don't even know if you can talk about anything that isn't family friendly on freenode22:02
ShazbotMcNastyAs in, just right click the panel and it should be there. Or right click and go into preferences if you can.22:02
=== jolaren is now known as jolaren^away
pepper_hazeYOu can't even talk about portscanning with nmapper there22:02
szimmerso any other guess on how i can ensure that the ssh daemon is running / will be restarted after i have killed it (or some other process has done so)?22:02
KeithChesterShazbotMcNasty, - Delete this panel is grayed out, and nothing in the preferences men shows anything that allows me to get rid of it.22:02
craniumslowsszimmer, I figured inetd would do it if you have the sshd -i flag22:03
Loshapepper_haze: just have to make do with googling irc+porn then I suppose...22:03
Improvizackt1c who are you talking to?22:03
craniumslowsDalnet used to be the porn hub22:03
ki0wa_@@@@ HELP @@@@ I've installed a linux version, after ubuntu. Now, in grub, if I choose first linux, it says VGA=CURRENT IS DEPRECATED. USE SET GFXPAYLOAD=TEXT BEFORE LINUX COMMAND INSTEAD22:03
pepper_hazeI use undernet for cybersex22:03
robbmunsonACKT1C, can we help you with something?22:03
EL_g00nEi thot the primary purpos of ALL computers was prOn... i mean why have a monitor otherwise22:03
zaxonspox@Improviz this error is on HDD or some Flash Drive?22:03
craniumslowski0wa_, can you boot into the other selections?22:03
pepper_hazeLosha, I use undernet for cybersex22:03
guntbertLosha: pepper_haze: drop that please22:03
pepper_hazewe will guntbert22:04
LoshaEL_g00nE: some of us use our computers to do actual work. I know, weird idea huh?22:04
ki0wa_craniumslows: I can boot in ubuntu22:04
ImprovizI installed Karmic 9.10 onto HD, wiped/formatted it. Now I get a menu of several choices when booting, but all return the same error22:04
pepper_hazesorry guntbert22:04
craniumslowsImproviz, Have you recently modified the FAT Table?22:04
craniumslowski0wa_, So that error you see is the other installation saying hey you're calling me incorrectly22:04
Improvizcraniumslows: this machine had XP on it, I wiped it with the Karmic 9.10 install CD22:04
mertleImproviz: grub is still on the mbr it would seem22:04
pepper_hazeanyway, back to my webcam, how do I record a video with vlc, when I don't know the device name22:05
EL_g00nELosha: blows my mind, i'll believe that when i see it...22:05
ki0wa_craniumslows: got it. How can I fix it?22:05
ImprovizI'm guessing but not sure. I'm a Linux/Ubuntu newb22:05
mertlepepper_haze: it would be /dev/video0 iirc22:05
pepper_hazewhat is it for mic?22:05
og01what do i need for video drivers? i've updated from 8.? to 9.1022:05
Loshapepper_haze: sometimes you can see the assigned device name by running dmesg, usually shortly after you plug the device in...22:05
craniumslowski0wa_, what was the other line item/what os are you trying to boot22:05
og01and now xbmc isnt working properly22:05
zaxonspoxImproviz what now do you have on disk? XP, Ubuntu or nothink?22:05
szimmercraniumslows: is this behavior of inetd ubuntu-specific or does it work on SL 5 as well?22:05
ImprovizUbuntu installed on HD22:06
pepper_hazemertle, I have a built in mic, what do I use for that?22:06
craniumslowsszimmer, inetd should be inetd afaik I'd have to play with it at work where I have SL22:06
zaxonspoxImproviz try run LiveCD run Terminal and Re-Install GRUB22:06
ki0wa_craniumslows: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-19-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-19-generic Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin Found unknown Linux distribution on /dev/sda2 done22:06
craniumslowski0wa_, so is the Unkown linux distro what you're trying to boot into?22:07
mertlepepper_haze: is there a /dev/audio - I don't use mics22:07
Improvizzaxonspox: I'm running Live right now. How would I go about reinstalling GRUB>22:07
ImprovizI have a terminal open22:07
szimmerbut on the website it says that i have to do the configure in the ssh source directory...  but my ssh is installed not from source...22:07
ki0wa_craniumslows: yes, is moblin distro22:07
szimmeror am i doing something stupid?22:07
pepper_hazethere is no dev audio22:07
guntbertImproviz: grub or grub2?22:07
zaxonspoxImproviz type sudo grub  it will enter GRUB Shell22:08
bond_recoveryhi all22:08
ImprovizJust grub as far as I know22:08
bond_recoveryhow i can check my / on recovery mode?22:08
nyhcjedihey all22:08
szimmerzaxonspox: what version of ubuntu are you running?22:08
Loshabond_recovery: are you booted into the live cd?22:08
pepper_hazeI wish that cheese had audio, that would be easier22:08
Improviz"sudo: GRUB: command not found"22:08
bond_recoveryrecovery mode22:08
zaxonspoxImproviz currently Ub9.04 , on VirtualMachine got Ub9.1022:09
craniumslowsRestoring Grub 9.10 netbook remix / reg 9.10 http://bit.ly/8XFTxh22:09
guntbertImproviz: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  -- should help you22:09
pepper_hazesomeone on youtube found that mencoder works to record, but I can't get mencoder to record22:09
craniumslowski0wa_, You might have killed it did you manually configure your partitions?22:09
ImprovizThx, going there now22:09
nyhcjediCan I use virtualbox, set up a vm which is vista 64. I am currently using ubuntu and have vista already installed. Id like to try and setup a vm with the already installed vista is this possible?22:09
ki0wa_craniumslows: yes22:10
bond_recoveryLosha: this not possible?22:10
craniumslowsImproviz, that article helped me out :D22:10
bastid_raZorszimmer: if you installed openssh-server then ssh will automatically start. if you manually stop ssh(d) then you'll need to manually start it.22:10
guntbertnyhcjedi: ask in #vbox please22:10
szimmeryeah and this is what i want to prevent22:10
pepper_hazeanyone here know how to use mencoder?22:10
craniumslowski0wa_, what was the error again?22:10
zaxonspoxnyhcjedi yes, but you need to "map" phisical drive into VirtualBox drive, and Vista would pleas to activate22:10
* craniumslows just found a package of mixxed nuts from xmas i hope they're still good22:11
tvstebutLosha, it seems like the target server can't update it's ARP table : look what arp command says simultaneously whyle pinnged : http://pastebin.fr/750222:11
libtechhow do you configure multitouch gestures in ubuntu?22:11
ki0wa_craniumslows: wich error?22:11
Loshabond_recovery: I'm sure it's possible, I personally am not familiar with recovery mode. Perhaps someone else can help...22:11
og01hey i've updated my mediacenter recntly to 9.10 karmic, and im getting problems with video/sound, mplayer and xbmc both play videos slightly slowly and with no sound. xbmc plays mp3s without sound. but mythtv works fine. as do other apps/games/programs... any help?22:11
szimmeropenssh-server is running... but if i restart afs it kills the ssh daemon - hence i lose my connectivity to access it remotely... to prevent this i want a script that restarts the ssh server if its not runnign22:11
craniumslowski0wa_, what does it say when you go to boot moblin22:11
vicsar@pepper_haze i don but what is the question?22:11
bond_recoverysomeone else can me help?22:12
craniumslowski0wa_, you need to edit your GRUB file22:12
szimmerwhat was your problem again bond_recovery22:12
guntbertszimmer: my first thought: prevent afs from killing sshd22:12
szimmerwell... that's easier said than done...22:12
hiexpoubuntu restriced extras22:12
Flannelszimmer: Or get AFS to start sshd when it restarts22:12
craniumslowsszimmer, is this on a mac or no?22:12
ki0wa_craniumslows: OK22:13
bond_recoveryrepeat: i need check my / for errors22:13
totimkopfhi, how do i apt-get the recent version of php, it keeps trying to install 5.2 :S22:13
szimmerno... ibm pc22:13
craniumslowski0wa_, did you get that url posted earlier about restoring grub?22:13
szimmerafs  = openafs22:13
peturiyes ok22:13
peturiand then?22:13
og01hiexpo: was that aimed at me?22:13
ki0wa_craniumslows: nope22:13
vicsar@pepper_haze what is your question?22:14
szimmerbond_recovery: umount /dev/hda and then do a chkdsk22:14
bond_recoverydevice busy22:14
shaqfuI just fired up a new install, and I think X froze22:14
og01hiexpo: its already isntalled, it got upgraded along with the update to karmic22:14
Loshatvstebut: don't confuse symptom with cause. The reason the target can't update its arp table is because the router is not issuing an arp reply, per the trace. I still think the problem is on the router, and has something to do with the routing between the tunnel and the .254 interface. Sorry, I'm not very good with vlan routing...22:14
guntbertszimmer: do you have an idea as to why/how afs kill sshd?22:14
og01hiexpo: recon i should remove then install again?22:14
shay2772Hello , i would like to format my Disk-on-key (usb) to ntfs from Ubuntu , how can i do that ?22:14
shaqfuBut it froze during a drive check22:14
pepper_hazevicsar, I want to record video and mic with a webcam22:14
szimmerare you on it right now?22:14
szimmerno unfortunately not...22:14
shaqfuAnd I'm afraid to kill it22:14
Flanneltotimkopf: What version of php are you looking for?22:14
pepper_hazesomeone knew how to do it with mencoader, but I don't22:14
guntbert!who | szimmer22:14
ubottuszimmer: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:14
hiexpoog01, do u have the w322 codecs in stalled also22:14
totimkopfFlannel, 5.3, and i don't want to compile it, i want it as a package :)22:15
Jadozathere's a process I can't kill. I started it by running ./mprime & disown from a terminal. No matter if I kill mprime, kill the process#, sudo it or whatever. What to do?22:15
hiexpow32 sorry22:15
Flanneltotimkopf: What from 5.3 are you looking for?22:15
shaqfuI checked ps aux, and it's not running fsck22:15
og01hiexpo: not aware of w32...22:15
totimkopf5.3.0 would be good enough22:15
hiexpoyou need those also22:15
shaqfuShould I just kill -9 gdm?22:15
totimkopfany 5.3 version22:15
craniumslowski0wa_, check out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic#Use_Startup_Manager_to_change_Grub_settings22:15
vicsar@pepper_haze okay, it sound to me that using mencoder to do that is way too dificult22:15
vicsar@pepper_haze why not use cheese22:16
tvstebutLosha, I appreciate your point of view, BTW I tryed to open router with ACCEPT ALL on iptables...but no change22:16
ki0wa_craniumslows: thanks22:16
Flanneltotimkopf: Anything specific that you need 5.3 for?22:16
vicsar@pepper_haze or other application?22:16
hiexpoog01, u watch dvds on it to ?22:16
pepper_hazeI would like to use cheese, but cheese doesn't have audio22:16
totimkopfFlannel, yeah, lots of changes have been made since 5.222:16
Loshapepper_haze: anything here help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82190122:16
totimkopf5.2 is what i have and it sucks22:16
guntbertszimmer: try to search the server logs for a reason22:16
pepper_hazelosha do you know the website for mencoder?22:16
craniumslowski0wa_, you should be able to get to the grub file you may need to check the docs for moblin for a specific format for that distro22:17
og01hiexpo: yes, im not sure if im on the right track here, its mainly divx xvid mp3s that im playing here22:17
vicsar@pepper_haze or other application?22:17
Loshapepper_haze: Sigh. Top two hits when you google 'mencoder'....22:17
vicsar@pepper_haze i found this that might help you: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/mencoder.html22:17
szimmersure i'll do... but this is only somewhat related... there should be the possibility to prevent my computer losing its ssh server... by restarting it whenever necessary...22:17
Flanneltotimkopf: Lucid will have 5.3.2, Karmic has 5.2 plus some updates22:17
hiexpoog01, ok just install those packages i mentioned than22:18
szimmeri thought a cron job would be helpful22:18
Flanneltotimkopf: So, you'll have to wait for Lucid22:18
Flannelszimmer: You could certainly do it in a cron job, check if ssh is running, and start it if it isn't22:18
og01hiexpo: the w32codec i think arnt avaliable for amd64, and also i think its mainly for wma files?22:18
totimkopfFlannel, i guess i'll just have to find a deb package or compile it22:18
Flanneltotimkopf: Or wait a month.22:18
totimkopfi'm sure as hell not going to wait :D22:18
szimmeryeah that's what i thought i would do...22:18
totimkopfFlannel, nah, i'm studying for ZCE, i can't wait22:18
og01hiexpo: restricted extras was already installed... but i'll remove then install again22:19
guntbertszimmer: second idea: why not use inetd to start/restart sshd?22:19
craniumslowsguntbert, thats what i said :P22:19
ACKT1Ci'm a teyr-old22:19
craniumslowshi ACKT1C22:19
ACKT1Ci'm a tenyrold-boy22:19
shay2772how can i find out which name is assigned to my device under /dev/sd.. ?22:20
craniumslowsszimmer, does this need to be deployed under SL and Ubuntu?22:20
LoshaACKT1C: hello. Do you need computer help?22:20
hiexpono there fine u need the w32 codecs22:20
craniumslowsshay2772, mount will show you everything22:20
guntbertcraniumslows: without success obviously :)22:20
mertleshay2772: or   df -h22:20
vicsar@pepper_haze see if this does the trick: http://positrones.net/wiki/doku.php?id=geektips:record_webcam22:20
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craniumslowsszimmer, Are you using OS X server or regular?22:20
Flannelszimmer: Does AFS bring down your interface entirely? or what?22:21
og01hiexpo: no package name w32codecs22:21
nixerererafter stopping gdm i cant start alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory      ; how can i fix this?22:21
ShazbotMcNastyspellcheck in openoffice.org is completely broken22:21
ShazbotMcNastydoes anyone know how to set default dictionary in openoffice?22:21
hiexpohold on let me find it22:21
ShazbotMcNastygirlfriend is going CRAZY over the lack of spellcheck22:21
craniumslowsACKT1C, whats up?22:22
shay2772mertle: i would like to format my usb flash drive (disk-on-key) but i am not sure which name is used for the device under /dev/ ?22:22
hiexpotype in synaptic w3222:22
pepper_hazevicsar: thank you fro that website, that site is perfect for me22:22
mertleshay2772: sudo fdisk -l should work22:23
zaxonspoxshay2772 type sudo fdisk -l and search for your Flash Drive Size22:23
og01hiexpo: cant find w32 in synaptic22:23
ImprovizTried all the stuff on the grub fix web page, will reboot and give it a whirl, thanks again22:23
vicsar@pepper_haze glad to hear it22:23
ZeroKewli need help setting up Debconf silcd in ubuntu22:23
hiexpook let me get the command22:23
mertleog01: that is in the medibuntu repos iirc22:24
og01mertle: do i need it to play avi contained xvids and divx?22:24
og01mertle: cause im sure i've never needed it before22:24
mertleog01: no - ubuntu-restricted-extras should do22:24
ZeroKewlany help on that22:24
og01mertle: i've got that, already, since updating my mediacenter to 9.10 i've had slow video and no sound in xbmc, mplayer. however mythtv is fine as is practicly any other app...22:25
trijntjehow can I copy a key from the default keyring?22:26
og01mertle: i've tried removing and re-isntalling ubuntu-restricted-extras22:26
craniumslowsszimmer, in mac osx are you enabling remote logon under System Pref > Sharing -> Services ?22:26
mertleog01: have a search for ugly in synaptic - I'm not on karmic atm22:26
shay2772Does anyone can recommend me on good tool for making Ubuntu Installation ISO to work on USB flash drive (disk-on-key) (usb creator not working well for me)22:27
hiexposudo apt-get install w32codecs22:27
craniumslowsszimmer, also for the mac its encouraged to use launchd22:27
zaxonspoxshay2772 Ubuntu got already One inside22:27
craniumslowsi could spend all day in here22:28
joaopintoshay2772, use the usb creator tool which is available on the ubuntu repositories22:28
mertleshay2772: there is unetbootin22:28
og01mertle: already installed22:28
bribrodershay2772:  i also recommend unetbootin over the preinstalled creator22:28
littlegirlDoes anybody have an LG Rumor 2 cell phone and use the SD card to transfer data to Ubuntu, and is there a hassle to do this or does it work out of the box?22:28
trijntjeHow can I get a password from the default keyring? I want to copy my wepkey22:29
zaxonspoxshay2772 in Ubuntu System>Administration there is Assistant for Bootable USB22:29
mertleog01: might be time to ask the xbmc people - and my mplayer is borked on my karmic as well - takes forever to load...22:29
og01mertle: it loads fine, just looks like no sound22:29
mertleog01: if everything else plays the avi's fine then it is the app afaik22:30
littlegirlRephrasing: Are there specific SD card readers that will work with ubuntu or will any reader work?22:30
zaxonspoxlittlegirl should work, you need a data cable for usb, is it external card, or built in cell ?22:30
szimmercraniumslows: Flannel - it's not apple - it's openafs = andrew file system22:30
littlegirlzaxonspox: External card.22:30
og01mertle: two completly different apps?22:30
og01mertle: same symptom22:30
Flannelszimmer: Yes.  Does it bring down your interface when it restarts? or what's going on there?22:30
craniumslowsszimmer, I was trying to figure out if you are deploying across Mac OS X and Ubuntu i thought you said yes22:31
mertleog01: how many other apps play the files fine?22:31
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dim705Hello. I've a problem with the view in Ubuntu. After, let's say 15 minutes, my eyes start to burn and I get headache. The view in Ubuntu is somehow blurred. The Ubuntu Version is 10.4 beta. The graphic card is Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) but I could not found the driver version. Can somebody help me? Thanks a lot!22:31
zaxonspoxlittlegirl plug in cable, should recognize as storage device22:31
og01mertle: well mythtv plays recorded tv fine, but thats all its setup to do22:31
szimmerFlannel, that's what i'm trying to figure out... apparently the whole network connection dies when i try to restart afs....22:31
trijntje!lucid | dim70522:31
ubottudim705: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:31
og01mertle: i could install other players as a test22:31
zaxonspoxlittlegirl after all done dont forget to unmount22:31
mertleog01: try vlc maybe22:31
craniumslowsdim705, you might adjust the refresh rate under pref-> display22:31
littlegirlzaxonspox: It will need an SD card reader. Can I use any reader or are there only specific ones that work with Ubuntu?22:31
littlegirlzaxonspox: Okay, I won't forget. (:22:32
szimmercraniumslows: no that was a misunderstanding... my bad - i'm talking about openafs for both Ubuntu and Scientific Linux22:32
dim705Thank you very much ubottu!22:32
craniumslowsszimmer, and you've tried intetd and it doesnt do the job?22:32
og01mertle: vlc uses built in codecs afaik....22:32
zaxonspoxlittlegirl so do you use a card reader or a cable to connect to phone? any card reader should be fine22:32
erikcartmanGreetingz, I have a username on ubuntu and I would like to change it, how do i do that? instead of eric for example to be luke...22:32
og01mertle: ok vlc has no sound either22:33
mertleog01: it's your call - if you have the restricted extras afaik avi's should play22:33
littlegirlzaxonspox: We're thinking about buying SD cards for our new phones, and we haven't bought those or a reader yet. It will need to plug into a reader that plugs into the computer.22:33
szimmerwell... right now i can't do it -- both computers that i wanted to play with lost connection.... one is still intact but sshd is down and the other one is dead with respect to the netwrok22:33
navetzcan someone help me figure out what version of java my eclipse is using on ubuntu?22:33
mertleog01: in terminal type   alsamixer   and turn them all up22:33
og01mertle: done that22:33
XubuntuJasonanyone know a good dvd player in xubuntu?22:33
Ryguycan someone help me connect to a wireless network on 9.10? I'm on my laptop and I cant seem to activate the Broadcom B43 wireless driver22:34
mertleog01: much output from   lsmod | grep snd   ?22:34
og01mertle: i have a few games installed, all have perfectly working soudn22:34
hiexpoXubuntuJason, i use vlc22:34
littlegirlzaxonspox: Thanks for the help. I guess we'll get those. (:22:34
soreau! broadcom | Ryguy22:34
ubottuRyguy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:34
zaxonspoxlittlegirl card reader connected throug external USB port, or inside a PC box? I didnt see not working card reader22:34
og01mertle: the menu in xbmc has working sound... (ie it clicks when selecting menu items)22:34
littlegirlzaxonspox: The reader will connect via USB.22:35
mertleog01: don't know what else to suggest then22:35
szimmerso craniumslows i haven't had the chance to try out inetd.... and i'd rather understand why my plan didn't succeed...22:35
soreauXubuntuJason: mplayer is the all-around best IMHO but it may depend on yuor purposes. There is also vnc and totem22:35
og01mertle: yeah its why i came here, i've tried all these things, and i dunno whats up22:35
daftykinsog01: i run XBMC atop karmic 9.1022:35
og01daftykins: i've just updated to karmic, which is when my problems started22:36
daftykinsog01: i have a .asoundrc file in my ~ which configures it to use my optical out, iec958, then in XBMC's settings it's set to use iec958 too22:36
craniumslowsszimmer, Cron jobs can be either userlevel or system level and they are run either as root or as the user depending on where the script you are running is located and "who" tries to execute it could cause issues22:36
Ryguyhow am I supposed to download and install the drivers if I cant connect to the internet on the laptop?22:36
mertleog01: last suggestion - is the card using the master or pcm as the wannabe master? - I use pcm it seems to work better22:36
daftykinsRyguy: cable.22:36
craniumslowsRyguy, thumb drive22:36
craniumslowsRyguy, i had the same damn headache i bought a thumbdrive and borrowed some floppies22:36
RyguyI'm running off the only thumb drive I got and no wired ethernet cable =S22:36
szimmerokay i'm aware of that but shouldn't a cronjob under root that executes properly just restart the ssh server...22:37
Ryguyfloppies? =S22:37
og01daftykins: can you pastebin your .asoundrc so i can get an idea of the format - as i dont at current use one22:37
daftykinsog01: 1 sec22:37
craniumslowsszimmer, did you pastebin your shell script?22:37
craniumslowsszimmer, do you know the contents of the script that was being called?22:38
szimmeressentially it did the following22:38
littlegirlszimmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:38
daftykinsog01: http://pastebin.com/AD5QkCDW22:39
daftykinsog01: "hdmi" for HDMI, etc.22:39
Ryguywell.. the thing is.. when I open System > Admin > Hardware Drivers, "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" is listed but when I try to activate it, it acts like it's trying to activate it then just tells me that I am not connected to any networks and stays deactivated22:39
SoftLace1hello i have a question could i bother someone for help please?22:39
szimmerah now i see.... so pastebin is to show others the code i just used?22:39
craniumslowsszimmer, yes indeed22:39
daftykins!ask | SoftLace122:39
ubottuSoftLace1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:39
craniumslowsszimmer, yep it floods the channel to paste it22:40
szimmeri'll do so asap22:40
craniumslowsszimmer, Troubleshooting we prolly should look at that script then move up22:40
og01daftykins: thanks let me take a look22:40
SoftLace1im using adobe-flashplugin installed, the mozilla firefox ppa, and can't get flash to work.22:40
ACKT1Chit it22:40
daftykinsog01: are you just running it from your PC/laptop over stereo speakers though, or optical/HDMI as i mention?22:40
og01daftykins: its a dedicated mediacenter pc under my tv, but its using analog stereo out22:42
og01(ie normal 2.1 speaker output jack)22:42
og01daftykins: im not really sure that this is the problem :(22:43
craniumslowsSoftLace1, does the flash player not work or does it say its like too old22:43
daftykinsog01: ah right ok. yeah i have an Ion based HTPC. what was the test video?22:43
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og01daftykins: my whole collect seems to fail at the moment also mp3s22:43
Guest55815im new to ubuntu, i wanted to try xfce4, but it seems to be loading over the top of gnome?22:43
Guest55815things are messed up22:43
szimmerthis is the script executed every minute setup in cron...22:43
og01daftykins: i cant see any obvious error from mplayer22:44
og01daftykins: mainly xvid videos22:44
daftykinsog01: ok check what the audio hardware settings are in XBMC, also try hitting up their IRC channel. the guys there know some common mistakes22:44
craniumslowsszimmer, is your output file being modified every minute? at least prior to that?22:44
szimmerplus i get the logger message22:44
szimmerevery minute... therefore i know that the file was executed....22:44
szimmerbut apparently sshd restart didn't work...22:45
craniumslowsdo you ever see the sshd restarted part?22:45
ACKT1Cubuntu is a dos head for xp users casper/ubiquity masking american megatrends ramdisk22:45
szimmerno that's when i got kicked out..22:45
SoftLace1i have the current version of flash22:45
craniumslowsok being kicked out means that sshd is prolly restarting22:46
craniumslowsszimmer, at least that's what I'd suspect22:46
szimmerso to test that it really did what i wanted i killed sshd22:46
craniumslowsszimmer, it is likely that your test is faulty22:46
szimmerand then it should have been restarted automatically22:46
craniumslowsszimmer, it might be22:46
craniumslowsszimmer, imma try here22:46
ki0wa_craniumslows: not fixed.. :(22:46
itscrimethey all22:47
craniumslowshey itscrimet :D22:47
itscrimetwhatz up22:47
craniumslowski0wa_, Can you mount the partition in ubuntu?22:47
craniumslowski0wa_, are the files present22:47
ki0wa_craniumslows: sure22:47
erikcartmanCan someone tell me please how can I change my ubuntu username?22:48
itscrimetcan anyone here tell me if this website is up? www.janson4dogs.com22:48
ki0wa_itscrimet: is down22:48
ACKT1Cerikcartman: install but u can't key22:48
itscrimetki0wa can u tell me if www.useableart.com is up22:48
erikcartmanACKT1C,  I didn't understood that...22:49
ACKT1Citscrimet: not here22:49
bribrodererikcartman: usermod -l oldname newname22:49
bastid_raZoritscrimet: this is a good site to have on hand..  http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/22:49
szimmererikcartman: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/22:49
bribroderyou should also rename your home directory22:49
mshadlehow do i get the UUID of a disk? i swore it was vol_id or something22:49
itscrimetmy internal network shows it up22:49
erikcartmanszimmer,  thank you22:49
itscrimettring to get extranel22:49
pepper_hazeerikcartman, go to systems>admistration>users and groups22:49
mertleACKT1C: time for a rest mate22:49
erikcartmanbribroder,  thanks..22:49
itscrimetso useableart.com is down?22:49
szimmermshadle do fdisk -l22:49
erikcartmanpepper_haze,  yes i tried that but i can only change my name22:50
szimmershould show you the uuid22:50
RyguyIm so confused, could someone please help, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm simply on a Dell MX6430 and I'm running Linux Mint 8 (pretty much the same as Ubuntu 9.10). How would I install the Broadcom B43 wireless driver from a cd?22:50
proofjust installed ubuntu-server, had my wireless working with ndiswrapper and wpa_suppllicant22:50
mshadleszimmer: no, it doesn't. just /dev/sda stuff.22:50
erikcartmanpepper_haze,  i don't have acces to change my home file's name...it's like in grey..../home/ericcartman/22:50
pepper_hazeI see22:50
proofbut after installing ubuntu-desktop "assossiation request to the driver failed"22:50
pepper_hazeerikcartman, sorry to try to give help, I am for help here myself22:51
bribrodererikcartman: do you have another account?22:51
erikcartmanpepper_haze,  hey it's ok, thank you for your help22:51
craniumslowserikcartman,  you would technically be making a new user and then copying their files over22:51
proofanyone know why ubuntu-desktop would suddenly stop wpa_supplicant from working?22:51
szimmererikcartman: didn't the stuff outlined in the link work?22:51
itscrimetACKT1C is useableart.com down ?22:51
mshadleszimmer: it was "blkid" :)22:51
erikcartmanbribroder,  one account and root22:51
mertleproof: you prob need to open network manager22:51
szimmerokay... good to know22:51
proofdidnt install...........22:52
erikcartmanszimmer,  yes but will that change my home folder name and terminal name too?22:52
mertleproof: prob came with the desktop22:52
ACKT1Citscrimet: works22:52
szimmerit's global22:52
proof= server disc22:52
craniumslowsszimmer, imma read up the sshd documentation maybe there's a flag22:52
proof= very minimal22:52
Loshaitscrimet: please use http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/22:52
erikcartmanAlso is there an operator here?22:52
erikcartmanSeems I get a lot of inapropriate pms here..22:53
mertleproof> but after installing ubuntu-desktop - means it prob was installed22:53
erikcartmanMaybe spam boots...22:53
zaxonspoxerikcartman did you want to change the account dislay name or account name in home directory?22:53
Loshaerikcartman: might be your nick attracts them...22:54
mertleerikcartman: some newbies do that - I don't know why22:54
proofdont see it anywheres22:54
bribrodererikcartman: you should probably be on google. this isn't hard.22:54
erikcartmanzaxonspox, I want to change my account dispaly name and I am wondering if this will change my home folder name, and my terminal too...22:54
mertleproof: is there an icon top right for the network?22:55
erikcartmanbribroder, I will try...22:55
scott546Hey guys and gals, does anyone have any idea how to stop Ubuntu nagging me for my password on login when I try to connect to a wireless network?22:55
zaxonspoxerikcartman no, you can change one if you what display name, then only diplay name22:55
proofoh snapple22:55
szimmererikcartman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/412307/22:56
mertle!wifi | scott546 should be something in here about that22:56
ubottuscott546 should be something in here about that: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:56
proofdoesnt look like my wireless device is listed though...22:56
scott546Will look, one sec.22:57
erikcartmanszimmer,  old is current nickname and new is the nickname I want?22:57
crypt-0Amarok 2.2 gets stuck updateing collection at 92%22:57
spikyscott546 http://pherricoxide.wordpress.com/2009/02/22/ubuntu-keyring-password-change/22:57
craniumslowsszimmer,  oh hey something I just noticed22:58
craniumslowsszimmer, you have a relative path on your else branch22:58
mertleproof: I use a static ip so I disabled the network manager and set it up manually - maybe you could do that if that's what you did before22:58
crypt-0Amarok 2.2 gets stuck updateing collection at 92% any ideas to why?22:58
scott546Do I have to store them unencrypted in order to get the prompt to stop?22:58
craniumslowsszimmer, also you might just output an ok message instead of calling exit22:58
Very_Coolwhats the command to see the TOTAL size of file and directory contents of the current folder and subfolders?22:59
szimmeroh.... you mean i need the / in front?22:59
erikcartmanszimmer, thank you so much22:59
craniumslowsszimmer, probably22:59
dr3mrohello i was some day an amateur coder with C and QBASIC at times of windows 3.11 but i need to come back .. lots has changes and i really likes to start with c++ but i have a problem to choose GUI development lib ... I like to develop for GTK .. seems better for me and i found that GTK development somewhat is compilcated and some other project like gtkmm is a good start . I read also about GTK# of mono develop . I realy don't care about patents .I care about22:59
dr3mro the code be easy to manage and uses the least amount of RAM ( that's why i Left python a hello world gtk app in python uses 5.6 MB without the PY process and c++ uses just as low as 1 MB of ram).. My question ?? Do mono developed GTK apps with c++ uses as low RAM and CPU as GTKMM with geany ide example ??????????22:59
craniumslowsszimmer, i'd try those 2 things22:59
erikcartmandr3mro,  try #ubuntu-programming22:59
Jadozascott546, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770201 ?23:00
craniumslowsszimmer, i'm going to try and recreate your issue locally23:00
dr3mroerikcartman  thanks23:00
scott546It isn't the key for my wireless connection it asks for but the password for the "password manager" so I effectivly have to enter my password twice when I login, it's rather annoying. The only way around it that I can see is to store my passwords unencrypted... Is this correct?23:01
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know why vlc won't detect my mic, when I have the right /dev23:01
szimmercraniumslows: if it works, let me know... i suppose the / was the thing why it didn't restart porperly...23:01
pepper_hazeI am using /dev/dsp1 for mic, and vlc won't detect it23:01
spikyscott546 did you look at the website I posted?23:02
scott546I did spiky.23:02
spikyscott546 is that not what you needed?23:03
pepper_hazewho is Tyler_Number_1? he just sent me spam23:03
craniumslowsszimmer, and its been identified23:03
* craniumslows plays a trumpet23:03
scott546It would work Spiky but it would result in my passwords being stored unencrypted. Correct?23:03
craniumslowsszimmer, if i run it without the / i get the error no such file or directory with the / i get ssh complaining about me not setting it up23:04
craniumslowswho is thinking of unencrypting paswords?23:04
szimmerso after all it's just the / that kicked me?23:05
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craniumslowsszimmer, i can only guess23:06
olihi, can I use 'profile' as a synonym of account on a community portal? ;]23:06
szimmerwell can you try to kick your sshd and see whether it comes up again?23:07
craniumslowsi need to config my sshd23:07
spikyscott546 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121420923:07
og01hello again guys, just to see if pulse is the problem - is there a way to disable pulse audio?23:07
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eycelcan some one tell me how my site http://www.mplays.co.cc is running in there browser?23:09
scott546Spiky... I'm kicking myself. I checked this box earier this evening when I was trying another distro and it fixed the nag... I couldn't see it on Ubuntu. I'll reboot and see if it solves it... Brb.23:09
karim__salut tlm23:09
zaxonspoxeycel quite actually23:11
jeipurdoes any1 here uses cron?23:11
jeipurszimmer, hi can we go pvt?23:11
SigikenCould someone help me with configuring the 3d settings in Ubuntu 9.10 (it is emulated in virtualbox)23:11
myrlpeople please help23:12
zaxonspoxSigiken you need to install Gues Addtions23:12
myrli can't access my windows partition23:12
myrlit says: exit code:223:12
ata2how do I revert a "make install23:12
scott712It worked spiky.23:12
ata2 " having the source tree?23:12
scott712Thanks a million.23:12
zaxonspoxSigiken also you need a 3D drivers on phisical machine23:13
myrlpeople please help23:13
spikyno prob23:13
myrlit says: exit code:223:13
SigikenI have done that, I do have 3d acceleration, but it is so bugged23:13
myrli can't access my windows partition23:13
ACKT1Cit was erased23:13
scott712Anyone know a nice dark theme for ubuntu like 10.04's?23:13
zaxonspoxSigiken how it buggy?23:13
FloodBot3myrl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
hunahpuscott712: you can use 10.04 themes in karmic23:14
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Sigikenubuntu crashes often when using 3d applications23:14
scott712Where can I get hold of the new default Ubuntu theme? Sorry but I forget what it is called.23:14
hunahpuscott712: try at http://www.gnome-look.org23:14
Sigikenthen virtualbox just shows a black screen, and I have to close it with the taskmanager23:15
myrlhelp i can't access my windows partition23:15
myrlexit code: 223:15
hunahpuSigiken: are you running Ubuntu in a virtual machine on windows???23:15
myrlwhy isn't anyone talking?23:15
zaxonspoxSigiken do you have no problems with 3D on Host system?23:15
Sigikenyes I am23:15
jpds!patience | myrl23:15
ubottumyrl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:15
Sigikenno, not at al23:15
RJ2is it possible to shrink my linux partition if i installed using ubuntus encrypted LVM?23:16
scott712What category do I want?23:16
hunahpumyrl: talking is not the problem, you can't hear us since it is IRC -a text based chat-, you can however ask a question in ONE line.23:16
zaxonspoxSigiken have you enabled Compiz on Guest system?23:16
SigikenI really have no idea what's the cause of it, I tried to reinstall virtualbox, also ubuntu I have installed23:17
hunahpuscott712: search in GTK 2+ themes23:17
myrlhelp i can't access my windows partition it says exit code: 223:17
zaxonspoxSigiken did the VB modules build correctly while installing Guest additions? maybe reinstall23:17
myrldoesn't anyone know the answer?23:18
Sigikenyes it works, even very well. but when I try to play frozen-bubble it often hangs, and games won't run on fullscreen23:18
myrlhelp i can't access my windows partition it says exit code: 223:18
scott712A lot of themes need other plugins..23:18
zaxonspoxSigiken dose on host bubbles runs? what graphics card you have?23:19
myrlhey peeps what is exit code 2?23:19
ACKT1Cis this all based on frontpage 3 binary23:19
Sigikenyes, ati 577023:19
myrlhey peeps what is exit code 2?23:19
myrlhelp i can't access my windows partition it says exit code: 223:19
craniumslowsszimmer, ok http://pastebin.com/qFBpKYbm  yeah it has got to be the /23:19
SigikenI can run quite heavy games on my host23:19
myrlhelp i can't access my windows partition it says exit code: 223:20
xangua!caps | myrl23:20
ubottumyrl: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:20
zaxonspoxSigiken try to install newest kernel from apt/synaptic and reinstall GA23:20
szimmercraniumslows: you've made my day!23:20
craniumslowsszimmer, I'm glad I got to help in an official Ubuntu Channel :)23:20
myrlubottu: im not shouting! im typing23:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:20
SigikenI'll try :P23:21
craniumslowsmyrl,  what is your problem? Is your windows partition not mounting?23:21
myrlis says exit code: 223:21
craniumslowsmyrl, are you still able to boot into windows?23:21
myrlit says read disk error23:21
zaxonspoxSigiken i have nad also graphical problem on Guest, but i couldnt stand that so i uninstalled GA on one machine, but then i have uninstalled ATI drivers from host and then was ok23:22
craniumslowsmyrl, I'm not trying to be dense I just want to be extra clear on this one.  You installed ubuntu you were able to acess your windows partition ok you rebooted tried to load windows and now see errro 2?23:22
myrli could mount it before23:22
ACKT1Cexit code 2 is a punk23:22
SigikenI have tried it earlier today, reinstalling drivers of my videocard, but nothing changed23:23
abstrakthow do i install a font?23:23
craniumslowsmyrl, after rebooting into ubuntu are you able to access windows partition any longer?23:23
myrlthat's the problem :(23:23
xanguacopy it to your .fonts directory or to /usr/sare/fonts23:23
zaxonspoxSigiken ATI is known from older drivers than nVidia, also you have almost newset ATI 5xxx23:24
craniumslowsmyrl, lets see if your partition is still where you think it is. Pull up the disk utility under system-> admin23:24
myrlyep it's there23:24
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
craniumslowsmyrl, is the partition name what you expect?23:24
LLStarksyo ripps.23:24
og01ok fixed my sound issues by removing pulseaudio23:25
myrlit is OS23:25
SigikenSo, could it be because of the Videocard?23:25
scott712Gotta run, thanks for all the help everyone! OH quick question, will 9.10 update to 10.04 automatically?23:25
myrlthanks for trying to help :)23:25
spikyscott546 you are better off doing clean install23:26
scott712Ok thanks spiky23:26
craniumslowsmyrl, Was your windows installation only on the OS partiiton?23:26
halimscott712, nope, but you are going to be asked by the update manager23:26
scott712Ta ta.23:26
myrli dont think so23:26
myrlit also had the recovery partititon23:26
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myrlbut nothing else23:26
zaxonspoxSigiken i have integrated ATI HD3200, when i installed ATI drivers i have got a lot of troubles. Screen Off, hangs... ATI drivers are like from a stoneages23:27
myrlcraniumslows, grub could't find it after grub-update23:28
weed37hi guys need help23:28
xangua!help | weed3723:28
ubottuweed37: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:28
craniumslowsmyrl, you'll need to add it back in23:28
weed37looking for help getting flash to work on firefox23:28
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myrlcraniumslows, ok how?23:28
halimi deleted the samba configuration folder (/etc/samba where smb.conf was), uninstalled samba, when i install it now it doesn't start, how can i get the original configuration files of samba back??23:28
myrlcraniumslows, before it had it and it didn't load23:28
xanguaweed37: have you already installed flash¿...23:28
weed37first time user23:29
xanguasudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | weed3723:29
xanguato install flash, fonts, codecs, etc23:29
craniumslowsmyrl,  did you run fdisk -l ?23:29
Sigikenbut it is odd that compiz works and windowed games. So the chance is little that I can do something about it?23:29
myrlno, what is that?23:30
craniumslowsmyrl, i am trying to help but you gotta follow along.  you should open a terminal its under applications/accessories23:30
craniumslowsmyrl, then run sudo fdisk -l23:30
=== jz is now known as Guest98116
halimi deleted the samba configuration folder (/etc/samba where smb.conf was), uninstalled samba, when i install it now it doesn't start, how can i get the original configuration files of samba back??23:31
weed37ok its building23:31
Zorgeits a reasonably simple process if a user decides they are not keen on a second OS to revert the bootloader to boot straight into their original OS I take it?  Never needed to do it before for myself (always installed seperate OS on seperate drives while other drives unplugged here) so havent even considered23:31
craniumslowsmyrl, ok so on there it lists /dev/ items to the left right?23:31
zaxonspoxSigiken you can install newest kernel from system reps on host and guest, and reinstall GA, nothing more i cannot do for you23:31
myrlcraniumslows, yep23:31
myrlcraniumslows, it has the windows partition23:32
robbmunsonZorge, I would deem it easy...23:32
craniumslowsmyrl, good work so far so now on the far right it should say system23:32
myrlcraniumslows, yes23:32
craniumslowsmyrl, under System for that partiion what does it say?23:32
myrlcraniumslows,  HPFS/NTFS23:32
Zorgewell thats a start robb23:32
zaxonspoxSigiken or maybe tray on guest in terminal glxgears to test 3D23:32
ACKT1Chttp tcp/ip23:33
craniumslowsmyrl, alright so now lets try and make a place to try and mount this drive23:33
tar-can anyone tell me what adding the option "mode=1777" to an entry in /etc/fstab will do?23:33
myrlcraniumslows,  ok23:33
craniumslowstar-, wont that set your default umask to 777 ?23:34
dooberI can't update the tzdata package in UNR.  Can anyone help?23:34
SigikenI'm not sure but I think I have the latest kernel, 2.6.31-20, but I'm not sure23:34
tar-craniumslows, as in r+w+x on all?23:34
Sigikenglxgears shows me some moving parts23:34
myrlcraniumslows,  so what do i do now?23:34
Zorgeactually at the moment the user in question has two copies of xp installed, one broken, I figured I'd make use of the partition and suggest giving linux a go, they only use it for net/mail so.  At the moment the system comes up with the option to boot into xp or xp, a bit messy23:34
tar-then what is the 1 for? o.o23:34
mertleSigiken: try in terminal   uname -r23:34
craniumslowsmyrl, so lets make a new dir in your home folder cd ~/23:35
vitiumI'm trying to launch retroshare - it asks me to create a gpg key with the form - I do that and then when I try to use the key it wants me to input the password but it just flashes the password box a few times and I do not have time to input my password. Is there a fix or a way in terminal of doing this?23:35
craniumslowsmyrl, then mkdir windows23:35
craniumslowstar-, i'd think so i'll do a search right quick23:35
szimmermhmm... is there any other way to access a machine to restart sshd remotely if it's down?23:35
ahauQue onda ???23:36
craniumslowsszimmer, telnet maybe?23:36
Jadozaomfg .... I just joined GIMPS ( www.mersenne.org ), and it's insane how big these numbers to be calculated are ... It takes my Athlon 2x2.4 GHz over a month at 2x100% capacity to check one number :D Hard to grasp the intensity of these numbers when you'r watching a 1080p using 5% CPU23:36
ahauoigan, alguien ha oido del nuevo ubuntu 10 ?23:36
myrlcraniumslows,  next?23:36
xangua!es | ahau23:36
ubottuahau: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:36
szimmerthat's what i'm trying now...23:36
ahauThanks my friends !!23:36
ACKT1Cneat jad23:37
soreauSigiken: You're running linux in a virtual machine?23:37
craniumslowsmyrl, ok try this command  sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/hdXX ~/windows23:37
SigikenI have about 10000-11000 frames in 5.0 seconds, but when I closed glxgears it showed me an error23:37
Sigikenyes in virtualbox23:37
craniumslowsmyrl, you need to specify the partition on the /dev/hdxx part and the full path to your directory you just made23:37
craniumslowsszimmer, thats about all you can do remotely23:38
craniumslowsszimmer,  sux23:38
soreauSigiken: Then your underlying hardware doesn't matter too much23:38
craniumslowsmyrl, let me know what it tells you23:38
szimmerwell... so i actually need to go there and restart my computers manually... argh..23:38
soreauSigiken: If you ran linux directly, you would likely not have the problems you're experiencing23:38
myrlhmm it did it23:38
craniumslowsszimmer, at least you're "local" I've accidentally done that to a server liek 1000 miles away23:39
craniumslowsmyrl, ok are your files on it?23:39
marcoAlguém ai fala em portugues23:39
Flannel!pt | marco23:39
ubottumarco: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:39
myrlum no...23:39
szimmeryeah that's the good thing i guess... and in order to prevent this from happening again, i will use this script again :)23:39
craniumslowsmyrl, is there anything in there?23:40
Sigikenoh, so the problem aint my videocard, happy to hear that :p23:40
craniumslowsmyrl, did it give you an errro?23:40
szimmerubottu is a bot?23:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:40
myrlnothing is there and there is no error :(23:40
craniumslowsszimmer, yep23:40
Flannelubottu: tell szimmer about yoursel23:40
Flannelubottu: tell szimmer about yourself23:40
ubottuszimmer, please see my private message23:40
craniumslowsubottu: tell me about yourself23:40
ubottucraniumslows, please see my private message23:40
SigikenWell, I like ubuntu, and I'm still learning a lot about it, but there are to many applications and games that don't work on Ubuntu23:40
szimmerubottu shut up23:41
SirRedToothWine? Virtualbox?23:41
myrlubottu: hi23:41
DarthPuffi'm trying to use wpa_gui but i get "could not get status from wpa_supplicant23:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:41
SigikenI'd liked to get more experienced in Ubuntu before I would install it next to windows23:41
myrlubottu: eat pie23:42
marconao sei fazer isto23:42
craniumslowsSigiken, the "unleashed" books i like23:42
myrlcraniumslows,  help please?23:42
Sigikenthanks for the tip :) definatly going to take a look at it23:42
craniumslowsmyrl, so you did the sudo mount and it gave no err23:42
zaxonspoxSigiken then get know about GRUB, RunLevels, directory structures23:42
doctorZeusthe unleashed books are terrible imo--they cover things in a rudimentary depth (at best) and you can find the same info online.. if you run into issues, you have to go online anyways23:42
craniumslowsmyrl,  what does just typing sudo mount do?23:42
myrlcraniumslows,  it says a lot of stuff23:43
craniumslowsmyrl, ok do any of the lines have /dev/sdXX on them?23:43
myrlcraniumslows,  but it doesn't say the windows partition23:43
myrlcraniumslows,  no23:44
craniumslowsmyrl,  I'm going to recommend you follow the tutorial found here : http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/25/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-mount-your-windows-partition-and-make-it-readwritable/23:45
=== LiteralKa is now known as Fou-Lu
craniumslowsmyrl,  You may have to reinstall windows and then resetup grub to get things working smoothly23:46
Sigikennice, this book even covers the next version of ubuntu, I'm not sure but could it be the xserver configuration? Because, after installing the guest additions, the file was empty, and I've googled for setting xorg.conf up, but I'm not sure if it is set up correct.23:46
szimmerwow ... how many bots are there in here?23:46
craniumslowsszimmer, i dunno23:46
myrlcraniumslows,  ok23:46
dooberAnyone know why I can't update tzdata in Ubuntu Netbook Remix?23:46
ImprovizWell, no luck. Still getting 'Cannot get C/H/S values" when I try to boot from HD23:46
szimmerat least the only voiced user seems a bot...23:46
craniumslowsszimmer, it's usually polite to name your bot *bot* somehow23:46
DarthPuffusing apt-get is there a way to completely remove the last apt-get install i did?23:47
craniumslowsImproviz, the CHS values to mean means disk geometry is off from when the partition table was written23:47
craniumslows*to me23:47
ImprovizYeah, tried completely wiping and reinstalling again (Karmic 9.10)23:48
ImprovizNo luck23:48
mertleDarthPuff: it should be recorded in the log - via apt idk23:48
craniumslowsImproviz, can you boot to a terminal and use fdisk on it23:48
ImprovizI'm on the machine right now. booted from Live CD23:48
duffydackSigiken, for virtualbox all you need is the guest additions installed.. no xorg config.23:48
Nick_ColleyDoes anyone know anything about the brightness problem in Samsung NC10s?23:48
Nick_Colleyon ubuntu of course23:49
necromankasHello i was wondering if anyone could help me? :)23:49
antonio_buenas noches23:49
zaxonspoxnecromancas just ask23:49
ardchoille!ask | necromankas23:49
ubottunecromankas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:49
necromankasI mounted a MicroSD Card and it automatically locks all the content, how to i unlock it?23:50
Nick_ColleyI'll repeat mine on one line23:50
SigikenWell, i'll delete everything I have put in, and try if it helps23:50
craniumslowsnecromankas, is the readonly tabl clicked over ?23:50
abstrakthow do i make gimp rescan my fonts folder(s) ?23:50
Nick_ColleyDoes anyone know how to fix the brightness problem in samsung NC10s running unbuntu23:50
necromankasYes craniumslows.23:50
duffydackabstrakt, restart it23:50
Nick_Colleyturn it off and on23:50
abstraktbah, without restarting :?23:51
abstraktoh well23:51
Nick_ColleywaIT WAIT23:51
Nick_ColleyI think there is a refresh button23:51
Nick_ColleyNot sure. let me check for you23:51
craniumslowsabstrakt, http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-font-dialog.html23:51
dooberAnyone know why I can't update tzdata in Ubuntu Netbook Remix?  Update Manager is failing.23:51
SuperMiguelis this really that fast? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM23:51
craniumslowsyou go to the fonts dialog and then click the refresh button at the bottom23:52
Nick_ColleySo the confirm that23:52
karim_frli cannot delete file on my remoevd disk23:52
Nick_Colleyyeah that's right23:53
* craniumslows Kung Fu : Powered by Sailor Jerry's spiced rum23:53
Nick_ColleyAnyone know how to fix my brightness problem?23:53
LoshaSuperMiguel: dunno, never spoken to anyone who's actually done it...23:54
necromankasOkay, I guess i'll rephrase :) How do I make a read-only folder so it can read it so i can modify the content?23:54
craniumslowsImproviz, the only idea i'm having is to try manually setting up your partitions during install and maybe not using the whole disk just to test it ?23:54
Improvizcraniumslows-how's that work?23:55
zaxonspoxnecromankas did youn mount manually?23:56
craniumslowsImproviz, The only thing I keep thinking of is that its asking for the Cylinders Heads and Sectors count so maybe if you start your partition on a different sector it'll figure it out.  Might do a low level scan of the HDD if you have alot of time23:56
necromankasIt isn't detected when i try to mount it via the terminal23:56
SigikenIt helped a lot, I just tried to run frozen-bubble full screen, and ubuntu didn't hang. But Is it possible to have a higher resolution then 640 x 480? It's the only option available in "Display Preferences"23:56
jsemar If i have a hard drive that's been encrypted wth ubuntu alternate cd, does it make sense that I would have a hard time installing another OS? CentOS throwing an exception like 5 seconds into the install?23:56
Loshaszimmer: there is ubottu, and various floodbots, and that's it, I think...23:56
zaxonspoxnecromankas mayby try with rw option in mount?23:56
mertlenecromankas: tried to chmod +w the folder?23:56
necromankaszaxonspox - I'm a ubuntu newbie :)23:57
necromankasHow would i do that?23:57
craniumslowsnecromankas, when you call mount from term you throw out the -w flag for read/write synonym for -o rw23:57
craniumslowsnecromankas, did your device format the card or did you do it in windows etc?23:58
akeelQuestion: Does anybody know how to replace characters in txt file using c?23:58
necromankasIt was done in windows23:58
Sigikenodd that this has fixed it, because before I have modified the xorg.conf it was empty and it didn't work then23:58
vegar_you're kidding?23:58
craniumslowsakeel, you might check a programming channel (fyi you'd read in the file char by char and work on it that way usually)23:58
Improvizcraniumslows-so, during install, what should I tell Ubunto to do to get diff sectors, etc.?23:59
ardchoilleACKT1C: do you have an ubuntu support question?23:59
ACKT1Cwhere are the ops23:59
szimmerthere are no ops ;)23:59
jsemarwas i just invisible? (did the last thing i asked come up in chat? i hadn't identified with Nickerv yet)23:59

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