
jordanldoes ubuntustudio 10.04 have a beta dailybuild?16:02
jordanlif so, what is the url?16:02
rlameiroi think it has16:03
rlameirolet me check it out16:03
jordanli found this16:04
jordanlbut the files don't have ubuntustudio in the name16:04
rlameirojordanl: dont need to have16:05
rlameirolook at the size of the iso16:05
rlameiroits a dvd16:05
jordanlthat's the one i'm downloading16:05
rlameirofind bugs and submit them :D16:06
jordanli might have found one16:06
jordanlbut i'm trying the latest build to see if it's fixed first16:06
rlameiroon the install?16:06
jordanli couldn't boot after a fresh install on beta 216:06
jordanlit dropped me into a busybox16:07
rlameirowhat was the error?16:07
rlameirosomething about the mount or the disks?16:07
jordanl"ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<some uuid> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"16:07
rlameirotry again16:07
jordanli booted into rescue mode16:08
jordanlthe uuid matched the output of "blkid"16:08
rlameiroand if dont work we go from there16:08
jordanland it matched /etc/fstab too16:08
rlameiroblkid isnt it some kind of smart card thing?16:09
jordanli'm using software raid if that makes a difference16:09
rlameiroi never used raid16:09
jordanlblkid is what ubuntu uses to generate unique IDs for disk devices16:09
jordanlso that the dev names are static16:09
jordanlthat way, if you change your disk configuration by replugging cables, the names don't change16:10
rlameirothe uid16:10
jordanlis it possible to do a network install with this?16:20
jordanli just followed this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Basic:%20Hands-On%20Interactive%20Network%20Server%20Edition%20Install16:20
holsteinyou could do a lucid netinstall16:20
holsteinand choose to add whatever you want to it16:21
holsteinfrom the repos16:21
jordanland i got a failure at the "Select and install software" step16:21
holsteinfrom the daily live?16:21
jordanli saved the debug logs too and found this in the syslog16:21
holsteinOR daily build rather16:21
holsteinnot live...16:21
holsteini saw that before16:21
holsteincould be a bug16:22
rlameirojordanl: are you trying it on a vm?16:23
jordanlnative install using the netinstall instructions that i pasted above16:25
rlameiromaybe you should use the beta releases and then update16:26
* holstein looking for the lucid minimal CD16:26
jordanli was having trouble with the beta2 for lucid16:26
jordanli couldn't boot for the first time16:26
jordanlthat's why i'm trying the latest build16:26
jordanli notice that, in these netinstall instructions, it has you set up a webserver w/ apache for serving the distro to the client machine16:29
jordanlbut i don't see anything in the apache access log16:29
jordanlnothing in error either16:29
rlameirobut you should be abble to do a net install from the repos also16:30
jordanlis there anything i should check while in the installer main menu?16:31
jordanli could drop into a shell from here16:31
holsteinlive interview coming up16:41
holsteinwith ScottL and stochastic16:41
* _guitarman_ is performing a dirty upgrade from vanilla ubuntu lucid lynx beta to ubuntustudio... i already had some of the audio apps installed so it should be interesting. i will notate any findings18:10
sobukus_guitarman_: be prepared for trouble19:30
sobukus_guitarman_: I learned that the studio kernel is apparently not very compatible to the base ubuntu system19:30
sobukusgoing from 2.6.32 to 2.6.31 might be part of it19:31
sobukusI am trying to build now19:31
* sobukus is struggling to get it ubuntu-compatible... with initrd and such19:31
edakiriis there any other music player that lets you assign ratings, besides amarok?19:51
holsteinhello edakiri19:56
holsteini that personal ratings?19:56
holsteinfor playback purposes19:56
holsteinlike random playlists and whatnot?19:57
holsteinthat might be a more appropriate question for a loco channel19:58
edakiriholstein: yes, personal ratings.19:58
holsteinmostly we worry about getting audio into the computer in here ;)19:59
holsteinedakiri: banshee?20:00
edakiriI will look at banshee20:00
* holstein uses VLC mostly20:00
holsteinedakiri: also http://getsongbird.com/20:01
edakiriI usually like VLC with Jack20:02
holsteinits always reminded me too much of itunes though20:02
edakiriexcept when VLC doesn't play video fast enough.  then it must be mplayer20:03
holsteinthats a cool podcast i found20:04
holsteinall kinds of opensource software reviews20:04
holsteinnot a very regular release schedule20:04
holsteinbut lots of cool reviews20:04
edakirithanks for the tips.  will check them out.20:04
* sobukus got told just today by someone that sondbird's cutting the linux version20:07
sobukusorwas it a similiary-named player?20:07
holsteinOH yeah20:07
sobukusAnyhow, I'm happy that there is totem as default that just plays a file when a user clicks on it... no database cruft.20:07
holsteini didnt even look20:07
holsteinits still on the site20:08
holsteinThe Songbird QA team tests Songbird on Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit.20:08
sobukusI wonder if there is a fix possible for audacity crashing with jackd active (and alsa sound routed via jack)20:08
sobukusbut, well, the issue seems to be known...20:08
holsteinsobukus: why are you using audacity?20:09
holsteinnot to dog on it20:09
holsteini like it20:09
sobukusI wanted to do some editing on a region and re-import it to ardour20:09
holsteini just consider it a 'gateway-drug' to ardour20:09
sobukusbut in the end, I put it on a separate track and applied a filter20:09
sobukusNow I hope the new kerner, besides fixing latency, fixes the instability I have with the onboard radeon20:10
* holstein crosses fingers20:10
sobukussuddenly my screen goes black with ubuntu stock kernel20:10
sobukusseveral times today20:10
holsteini had that with my EEE20:10
holsteinfor a few weeks20:10
sobukusthe box is still alive, just X seems to be crashed20:10
sobukusno trace in logs20:11
holsteinsame deal20:11
holsteinno freeze20:11
holsteinjust no X20:11
sobukusjust some noise about invalid monitor on DVI output20:11
sobukusholstein: well, not just no X... no console, neither20:11
holsteinOH yeah20:11
sobukusI suspect the radeon driver crashed20:11
sobukustaking with it the kernel console, too... now with KMS fun20:11
holsteini couldnt get ctrl-at anything too20:11
sobukusoh, and could it be that ubuntu deactivated the sysrq key for reboot20:12
sobukusREISU seems to work (disk clatters), but B does nothing20:12
sobukushitting the power button twice triggers shutdown, though20:12
sobukusso ACPI works:-/20:12
holsteini could get out that way too20:13
holsteinpower button alt-s or alt-r20:13
sobukushooray ... dpkg created an initrd for my kernel...20:13
sobukusnow to see if it works...20:13
* sobukus rebooted20:19
_guitarman_sobukus: would i need to add the ppa for the rt kernel that ScottL talked about or is the rt kernel in regular ubuntu going to drop in in a bit20:20
sobukusOK, that went fine...20:20
sobukusuname -a20:20
sobukusLinux blechtrommel #8 SMP PREEMPT RT Sat Apr 10 20:59:12 CEST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:20
sobukusNow I just can wait if the radeon crashes with my kernel, too20:20
sobukus_guitarman_: not sure I know what you are talking about20:21
* sobukus didn't read much mail today, like ubuntustudio-users20:21
sobukusI fetched vanilla sources plus rt patch ... and built a .deb using make-kpkg20:22
* sobukus off now ... heading home20:22
holsteinsobukus: laterz20:24

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