
bendjI'm using -- or trying to -- bzr-eclipse with Eclipse35 (Galileo).  I've created a new project by doing a Checkout (heavyweight) from a remote server to a local project.  Works great.  I then edit locally, and exec a commit.  My understanding was that @ commit in this HW checkout, the changes are auto-pushed back to the original branch at the remote server.00:52
bendjIt seems that that IS the case -- but I still need to do a 'bzr update' *AT* the server to see the pushed changes.00:53
bendjIs that 'expected' behavior?00:53
bendjfullermd: Must reread the docs, then :-(  Is there a brz command to execute at the local box to get that final update @ the server to occur?  Or do I have to log in and do the update at the server?01:00
fullermdWell, yes and no...01:00
lifelessyou can install the push-update plugin01:00
lifelessthe branch on the server gets the changes immediately you commit, its just the user content that isn't updated (because its hard to do well)01:01
fullermdbzr doesn't deal with working trees remotely.  The push-and-update (what lifeless said) turns 'push' into 'push ; ssh foo bzr up'.01:01
fullermdSo, it does log in and do the update at the server, just automatically.01:02
bendjfullermd: lifeless Ok, have the plugin.  Thanks.  BUT, it's gonna NOT be available to the Eclipse plugin until it's integrated, right?  For now, just available at cmd line ... or ?01:04
fullermdI dunno.  At one time I thought the Eclipse plugin called the CLI fairly remotely on the backend, in which case the push would DTRT there.01:05
fullermdThough I don't remember if p-a-u ever actually integrated hooking into commit at all, now that I think of it, so it may not do what you want in a checkout anyway...01:06
fullermdDunno though.  I remember it was discussed.01:06
bendjfullermd: Ok, I'll look thru mail archives for it.  Having the plugin installed doesn't seem to change anything in the eclipse interface :-/01:10
fullermdBasically, when you start talking about either one, you're way off my turf; I just know the right-sounding words to describe parts of it   8-}01:11
bendjfullermd: Ah, you're in Marketing ;-p01:15
fullermdI...    oooh!  Why, you...01:16
bendjCoulda been worse ... Sales!01:16
bendjPosted a question abt push-and-update integration into the Eclipse intfc at Launchpad.  Thanks folks!01:22
AndrewLueckeg'day, I hate to bug you guys again, but anyone else experienced really slow code browsing on their server? ie: http://develop.getnightingale.org/browser/nightingale06:06
AndrewLueckedoes it in loggerhead and trac..06:07
MTecknologyI'm getting this error when I try to push a branch - bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'mail is not installed !?')07:28
MTecknologysendmail is installed on that server07:28
MTecknologyI also installed bzr-mail07:29
MTecknologyoh - bsd-mailx required too07:31
MAfifiI've recently begun to use bzr(coming from mercurial background). I'd like to know if bzr has a command corresponding to mercurial's "hg update -r <rev>".15:34
MAfifiI mean if I want to assess some functionality or bug in an old version...15:35
LarstiQMAfifi: not sure what hg update -r does exactly, but I'm guessing it's `bzr update -r` or `bzr revert -r`15:35
MAfifiI've just tried; there's nothing as "bzr update -r ...".15:39
MAfifibzr revert -r seems to work however, it restores the status of the target revision to the working tree(causing dirty changes to the tree, but that isn't a big problem anyway).15:42
LarstiQMAfifi: what version of bzr is that? (Also, it helps if you prefix with my nick so irc highlights)15:50
jelmerMAfifi: newer versions of bazaar have 'bzr update -r'15:50
LarstiQseems to be introduced in 2.1.0rc115:51
MAfifiLarstiQ: I've version
LarstiQMAfifi: that explains it16:20
MAfifiLarstiQ: So should I get a higher version?16:22
LarstiQMAfifi: personally I'm fine with `bzr revert -r revno; # check situation; bzr revert` to inspect and return to current state16:24
LarstiQMAfifi: but you can upgrade to 2.1.0 if you want, it's been out for 2 months now16:25
MAfifiLarstiQ: Thanks, I found that in 2.1.0 rc1 release notes "bzr update now takes a --revision argument. This lets you change the revision of the working tree to any revision in the ancestry of the current or master branch. (Matthieu Moy, Mark Hammond, Martin Pool, #45719)"16:27
LarstiQMAfifi: yup :)16:28
BiosElementHmm, anyone hopefully know a solution to this bug? http://paste.ofcode.org/FMFft2e3Lb7JnGAMDyYWPf19:46
vilaBiosElement: it may be bug #375898 if you previously merged an external branch (unrelated at the time of the first merge)20:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375898 in bzr "bzr merge fails: bzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-1'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37589820:32
BiosElementAye, that sounds like it vila.20:32
vilaBiosElement: or something else, the messages about the progress bars sound like a quite old version of bzr, try upgrading it first20:33
BiosElementvila: if only it were that simple. It's bzr
vilaBiosElement: the fix for the bug above is not yet in any release (it will be soon), so you may need to use the branch associated with the bug20:34
BiosElementAye, I'm looking at compiling it for use.20:35
vilaBiosElement: I'm just passing around and it's late here, if you still have problems, try the mailing list or file a bug (if your branch is public, add the url)20:36
BiosElementAight, thanks vila.20:36
vilaor come back tomorrow :)20:36
BiosElementHeh, aight20:36
jelmer'morning lifeless22:36
jelmerlifeless: I finally managed to get around to writing that per_bzrdir_color branch; was much easier than I expected, thanks for the hints.22:37
lifelessjelmer: cool22:40
lifelessthats really encouraging22:40
igchi lifeless, jelmer23:34
jelmerHi Ian23:34
lifelesshi igc23:36
lifelessquick sanity check23:58
lifeless> /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/transport/local.py(484)stat()23:58
lifelessthat does a 'stat()'23:58
lifelessnot an 'lstat()'23:58
lifelessis it just me or is that nuts ?23:58

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