
billytwowillyI'm thinking about helping test out beta 2. Anyone experiencing any show stopper bugs? the system I'm going to upgrade would be annoying to break, but not catastrophic.00:18
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: I think the difference was in the logo's K...01:11
ScottKTm_T: I had to strip the widgets out to get the size down.  I geuss we can play with it and see what fits.01:13
ScottKThanks for testing.01:13
Tm_TScottK: np, should I try something specifically or is it enough that "it works" ?01:14
ScottKThat's great news.  I've no idea.01:15
* ScottK doesn't know the last time we had a working powerpc live CD.01:15
ScottKNCommander: ^^^ working powerpc live CD.01:15
Tm_TScottK: heh, glad I had more ram now, with 256 MiB livecd wouldn't work well01:16
JontheEchidnaryanakca: the one there before had the new K01:27
ScottKIs showdesktop part of plasma-widgets-addons?01:28
ScottKTm_T: Do you still have your live session up?01:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: yes01:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.01:32
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Ah, OK01:34
ScottKAnd what's the package for the microblog thing?01:34
JontheEchidnaScottK: addons as well01:34
ScottKAh.  Cool01:34
Tm_TScottK: yes01:35
ScottKTm_T: Could you install plasma-widgets-addons in your live session and give me a list of the packages it pulls in?01:35
ScottKI think we have enough room to add what we need to fix those errors, but I want to check.01:36
Tm_TScottK: plasma-widgets-addons and plasma-dataengines-addons, 1,232 kB to download, 6,017 kB to be used01:39
ScottKTm_T: Thanks.01:39
ScottKThat should fit.01:40
* ScottK fixes.01:40
JontheEchidnaman, where's Riddell?01:49
ScottKI know he was off work on Friday.01:52
ScottKBeyond that, dunno.01:52
JontheEchidnabug 560411:(01:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560411 in pkg-kde-tools "Desktop translations not pulled for desktop-extragear-multimedia_k3b" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56041101:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: at the risk of your coronary health^01:55
swienHi, I've got some problems with the nvidia driver and kubuntu beta. NVidia-Settings is not working an compositing cannot be activated. Is there a known bug about this?02:53
lex79ScottK: bug 54568602:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545686 in kvpnc "[FFe] Please sync kvpnc 0.9.6-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54568602:57
lex79it fixes 4 bugs in LP02:58
ScottKlex79: Already approved.03:36
imbrandonevening all03:49
ScottKHeya imbrandon.03:49
imbrandonlate night, get to install the daily build a few times , lol03:50
ScottKimbrandon: Did you see the call for testing on kubuntu-devel ml?03:50
imbrandoni so need a sysprep like tool for ubuntu/kubuntu03:51
imbrandonScottK, yup, dl'ing that image now03:51
imbrandoni needed to install it on a few boxzen anyhow , so why not test right ?03:51
ScottKGreat.  Absolutely.03:51
imbrandonbrb gonna refill my coffee03:51
imbrandonback, sooooo how ya been ScottK , lookin busy03:53
ScottKRelease is looking pretty good, but more bugs to fix.03:53
imbrandonyea i noticed a few on the ML, maybe i can poke one or two this week, i have lots of free time i think ( i'm between having quit my job and opening my own store )03:54
imbrandonthus loading kubuntu on a few boxes ( i'm offering ubuntu/kubuntu installed and supported on my refurb'd hardware )03:55
imbrandonyou know opening a retail shop is a PITA, lol03:56
ScottKYeah, it sure is.03:57
* ScottK has two teenagers working in retail at the moment (not for me fortunately) and one of them is at a new store.03:57
imbrandoni just hoping the linux option on the hardware will overtake the windows one'03:59
imbrandonless support headache imho03:59
ScottKGot time to test a patch then?03:59
imbrandonright now its only about 20% ( linux ) and the rest opt for win32/64, but thats online only ( craigslist / ebay ) i'm hoping the retail part will give them a way to "touch it"04:00
ScottKimbrandon: It's attached to http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22211004:00
ubottuKDE bug 222110 in kcm_randr "Revert the change in display not work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]04:00
imbrandonk will do as soon as this frist install finishes04:01
imbrandonis that against the latest ?04:01
imbrandonshould be about ~20 min or so04:01
ScottKActually I don't know for sure if debfx did the patch against our 4.4.2 or KDE Trunk.04:01
ScottKEither way that code isn't touched much, it should apply fine.04:01
imbrandonno worries, i can figure that aprt, just  makin sure it wasent a version or two back04:01
ScottKNope.  Patch was just done today.04:02
ScottKThat's one of the worst unfixed bugs I know of.04:02
ScottKIt'll be good to get that in.04:02
imbrandonohhh i got an actual laptop/tablet i can test that on too for a "real world test"04:03
imbrandonone with the flippy screen thing04:03
ScottKimbrandon: Are you doing anything with netbooks?04:04
ScottKYou know we've got a Kubuntu Netbook variant now?04:04
imbrandononly the dell mini 9's and the "7 in mini notebooks" from china ( unbranded 400mhz arm's )04:05
ScottKWe have armel images that need testing ....04:05
imbrandonyea i seen it, on the dell's i've been going with full distro, the 7 inches would be awesom04:05
imbrandonif i could get netbook remix to qwork on em04:05
imbrandon( only have 3 for testing atm untill i could get sometingh "solid" to work on em besides winCE 6 )04:06
ScottKTry netbook.  The plasma netbook U/I is a lot smarter on small screens.04:06
imbrandonyea i was actualy looking for the arm port today, its kinda funky because it dont have a bios or efi of anykind that i can see04:07
imbrandonthus no acpi etc04:07
imbrandonkinda funky04:07
imbrandonbut they are CHEAP so i bought a few and gonna give em a try04:07
imbrandonlike $57 if i buy em in builk ( $75 each as one off's )04:07
ScottKWell we have it for i386 for the Dells too.04:07
imbrandonyea i put it on the dell's when it was still early, cant get ppl to order them that way, like i said hopefully the retail when they can "touch" them will make the sale easier04:08
ScottKI've shown Kubuntu Netbook to some pretty hard core Windows fanbois and gotten "I want" as a response.04:10
imbrandonScottK, here is the exact specs on the arm ones ( this is not my retail shop but it lists the specs )04:11
imbrandoncool part is when i order 20 or more i can have the cases branded and colored too :)04:12
imbrandondefinately not a top of the line machine, but i can pump em out the door with linux for $100 they should sell well04:13
imbrandonthose dells are sweet though, i'll have to give the net remix another shot on them04:14
imbrandonatm they ship with win7 starter, and thats ..... unfortunate imho04:14
imbrandonhrm, we really need a sysprep tool04:16
imbrandonmaybe i'll scratch that itch later04:17
imbrandonbrb , gonna finish that install and grab the patch04:17
* ScottK was thinking to upload to his PPA for testing, but his fingers have typed dput ubuntu too many times.04:20
ScottKFortunately they are also fast with ctrl-c.04:20
imbrandonScottK, other things takin a bit longer than i thought but i will get to that patch tonight ( brb gonna reboot )05:14
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer
delight_in 9.10 there was a possibility to swith the notification system to a nice pop-up style http://jjesse.wordpress.com/2009/09/16/enabling-ayatana-notifications-in-kubuntu-9-10/ .. is this gonna come to lucid again ?08:21
=== shadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer_
imbrandonScottK: ping09:38
imbrandonthat kcm_randr bug is tested , fixed , pushed to my ppa and the offical bzr branch for the package09:39
imbrandonme or someone else can upload it to the archive when ready, just wanset sure if there were more planed changes going into that package or not09:39
imbrandon( probably not as late in the cycle as it is )09:40
imbrandonScottK: bzr is here lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/09:42
apparleI get this while compiling a source "./configure: line 3976: smr_WITH_BUILD_PATH: command not found" what to do?09:42
apparleGuys I am banned in kubuntu why is it so?10:17
shadeslayerlex79: Happy Birthday!10:30
* apachelogger throws up on bug 56041111:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560411 in pkg-kde-tools "Desktop translations not pulled for desktop-extragear-multimedia_k3b" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56041111:14
imbrandonapachelogger: lol11:19
debfxis system settings supposed to be in the "Computer" menu?11:21
apacheloggerimbrandon: oh hai o/11:21
apacheloggerdebfx: yes11:22
apacheloggerdebfx: where else would it be?11:22
debfxapachelogger: in Applications->Settings11:23
debfxapachelogger: it's always in Applications->Settings but only sometimes in Computer11:24
debfxi've noticed that on both of my kubuntu installations11:24
apacheloggerdebfx: actually we never wanted it in settings11:32
apacheloggerand latest kubuntu-default-settings takes care of getting rid of it from there once and for all11:32
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100411103226-pnzw1fy923322o7y kdebase-workspace/debian/changelog: releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu911:32
apacheloggerdebfx: that somtiems in computer seems to be a bug though11:32
debfxapachelogger: the Computer menu sometimes looks like this: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/7573/snapshot1qf.png11:33
apacheloggernot the first time I heared that it is at times disappearing from the computer tab, no clue why11:33
apacheloggerthat seems to ba rather old vm anyway, judging from the menu pic11:33
apacheloggerdebfx: it is weird though, we inject the menu entries there via kickoffrc in kubuntu-default-setitngs which IIRC should be 100% equal to patching the source11:34
apacheloggermaybe config reading fails or something11:34
debfxreally strange, sometimes system settings is missing, sometimes kpackagekit and sometimes both11:38
apacheloggerthat either-or sounds more like a bug in the model11:39
apacheloggerthat jung get read all at once, so it can only have to do with the model or the ui itself11:39
apacheloggers/jung/junk ^^11:39
imbrandonhrm, i might try to tackle bug# 19767 after some sleep today11:41
imbrandonmaybe , lulz11:41
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100411104510-gea4mprpd42knqqn kde-l10n-common/debian/ (changelog rules):11:45
CIA-6kubuntu: * Comment debian/rules a bit more.11:45
CIA-6kubuntu: * Make sure extragear and playground desktop files are coming from trunk,11:45
CIA-6kubuntu:  we need a more sensible approach to this though (LP: #560411)11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560411 in pkg-kde-tools "Desktop translations not pulled for desktop-extragear-multimedia_k3b" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56041111:45
shadeslayerany idea what im doing wrong here :12:04
apacheloggerubottu: bug  1976712:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 19767 in kdebase-runtime "Kde help search fails too quietly if htdig is not installed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1976712:05
apacheloggerimbrandon: I am not sure it is worth the time, KHC is broken by design and should be rewritten altogether12:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libgphoto2-2-dev (>= 2.4) libkipi7-dev libkexiv2-8-dev libkdcraw8-dev liblcms1-dev libtiff4-dev liblqr-1-0-dev libjasper-dev liblensfun-dev libmarble-dev libsqlite3-dev12:05
apacheloggeryou need them packaeges installed12:06
imbrandonyea but i'm thinking just to disable the search tab like on windows12:06
imbrandoncuz it effects 3 and 4 right ?12:06
shadeslayeri think oh my12:06
apacheloggerI'd remove it/hide it12:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, no, hold on12:06
apacheloggerwouldnt debuild -S -sa only build the source?12:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: i think youre right :P12:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, install those packages12:07
* apachelogger didnt see that debuild was invoked ^^12:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: you rproblem is that a patch fails to apply12:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh wait!12:07
apachelogger1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp.rej12:07
apacheloggerdpkg-source: error: LC_ALL="C" LANG="C" patch -s -t -F 0 -N -p1 -u -V never -g0 -E -b -B .pc/10_kdesvn_r1064789_fix_editor_crash.diff/ gave error exit status 112:07
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b digikam-1.2.0 gave error exit status 212:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: just read to line 5512:07
apacheloggeror at least that change cannot be reverted, wherever the change is coming from ^^12:08
apacheloggerif svn was any slower...12:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: so the problem is the patch right?12:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw digikam was not converted to source 3.0 format in the repo ;)12:10
apacheloggerif debian did not convert then we shouldnt either12:10
shadeslayerohh.. ok12:11
apacheloggermy guess is that 10_kdesvn_r1064789_fix_editor_crash.diff (since it originated in upstream SVN) is applied to the source, hence additional applying fails12:11
apacheloggerthis is also why quilt whines about reveserd patch... reversed patch in most cases == already applied patch12:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: so i remove the patch right?12:12
* apachelogger gets annoyed by rekonqs buggyness and switcht o konqueror with webkitkde12:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: you investigate if what I said is true ;)12:12
apacheloggerand if it is you remove the patch12:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh ok12:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: which version of rekonq?12:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh.. well im on git version and it works like a charm :)12:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw red in kompare means deleted lines right:12:15
apacheloggerearlier it ate my X12:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: what!12:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: I dunno, I dont use kompare, but usually red means deleted, yes ;)12:16
shadeslayerthe lines are still there12:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: the patch hasnt beed applied12:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw any ideas on what might be wrong?12:36
=== shadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer
* apachelogger is picking fihgts again12:38
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: sure, if parts of the patch were applied, it would still fail to apply12:39
apacheloggeryou will have to look at hunk1 specifically12:39
evilshadeslayerthe first patch you mean...12:40
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: btw, you know that neversfelde has a digikam 1.2 package uploaded?12:40
evilshadeslayeroh my..12:40
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: no, hunk 1 of the patch12:40
evilshadeslayeroh ok12:40
apacheloggerthe first part12:40
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: where is the new version?12:40
apachelogger@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@12:40
apacheloggerthat marks a hunk12:40
apacheloggerthen comes the patch content12:40
apacheloggerand then another linke like the one above might be, with different numbers, marking the second hunk12:41
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: backports PPA12:41
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: we didnt want to upload to lucid at this stage without making sure everyone is fine with that12:41
evilshadeslayerah ok :D12:41
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: this was reported a few mins ago : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam/+bug/56057612:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560576 in digikam "New upstream version digikam 1.2.0" [Undecided,Fix released]12:43
evilshadeslayeri just changed it to fix released :)12:43
apacheloggerneversfelde: you should probably drop a news on kubuntu.org12:44
apacheloggermarkey: haha, that ccfinder tool is written in python, no wonder it only works on ubuntu lunix ;)12:45
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: btw is KDE plannig a new panel in 4.512:45
apacheloggerdont think so12:46
apacheloggerif you a refering to the buzz on identi.ca as I understand it, they are just adding a default layout to the pnale12:46
evilshadeslayerhmm.. i heard it on identi.ca ..12:46
apacheloggerso when you add a panel it will come with default widgets instead of emptyness12:46
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ohhh...12:46
apacheloggerthat is how I understand it anyway ... one never knows what the plasma devs mean :P12:47
apacheloggerthey are like me when I start talking about maths ^^12:47
Mamarokhm, which was the first Kubuntu release again? I only remember having built KDE on top of Ubuntu, but which was the first Kubuntu release?12:49
evilshadeslayerMamarok: i think it was 7.0412:49
evilshadeslayeri still have the CD's from that release :P12:49
evilshadeslayerMamarok: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Alpha5/KubuntuKDE412:50
Mamarokevilshadeslayer: no, I think rather 6.0612:50
MamarokDapper Drake IIRC12:50
Mamarokbut not so sure12:50
evilshadeslayerMamarok: hmm..12:50
evilshadeslayeridk :)12:50
Mamarokwrong again, it must have been Breezy12:51
Mamarokapachelogger: do you remember?12:51
Mamarokfound it: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/5.04/12:51
Mamarok5 years of Kubuntu then :)12:52
evilshadeslayerMamarok: cool!12:52
Mamarokapparently I did build KDE on top of Warty for the first time, found a very old blog entry in my archives...12:52
* evilshadeslayer checks for his results12:54
apacheloggerfor warty there were only "3rd party kde packges" with 5.04 kubutu came into existance12:54
apacheloggerso officially I suppose its really 5 years already12:54
evilshadeslayerthank god... its not out yet :D12:54
* apachelogger feels old now12:54
apacheloggeroff to chakra!12:55
apacheloggernot 5 years I think12:55
evilshadeslayeri started with KDE 4.0 ... so im still shiny :D12:55
evilshadeslayerwell... a few scratches here and there... but shiny12:55
apacheloggerMamarok: if we had a marekting dept. we could use that fact for loads of things ^^12:55
apacheloggerbut we dont have such a department :(12:55
evilshadeslayer#kubuntu-mkt-dept :P12:56
apacheloggerkde-l10n is already at u12:57
* apachelogger thinks it might be done soonish12:58
* apachelogger notes that no one patched kpk in karmic13:07
* evilshadeslayer notes that he needs a bath13:08
* apachelogger noticed when he came into the channel this morning :P13:09
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.13:09
apacheloggerincredibly how slow the austrian archive mirror is13:12
* apachelogger switches to french one13:12
apacheloggeroh cmon13:20
apacheloggerinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk13:20
apacheloggerwhy do you always do this to me -.-13:21
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: heh.. i use the main repo...13:30
apacheloggerthose are also slow as hell13:30
evilshadeslayerpretty fast here :P13:30
apacheloggerwait until release day13:30
apacheloggeryou wont be able to update for 3 weeks13:30
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: hehe.. well im on a 256 kbps connection so...13:31
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: oh ill switch to the indian mirror before release day :D13:31
* evilshadeslayer finds the closest large object and gives ubottu a slap with it13:33
evilshadeslayerhehe.. just trying out a script in weechat :D13:34
apacheloggerslapping only in private channels please13:34
apacheloggerthis ought to stay child save I have been told13:34
evilshadeslayergah!! LP doesnt want to increase my karma above 1499 :P13:36
ScottKimbrandon: Thanks for testing.13:40
ScottKdebfx: Thanks again for the patch.  Maybe you can get apachelogger to commit it in KDE svn....13:40
apacheloggerwhat patch now?13:41
ScottKThe display control revert thing.13:42
* apachelogger is always sponsoring stuff and then gets beaten up for it ^^13:42
ScottKThe one you uploaded for imbrandon.13:42
apacheloggerScottK: oh, yeah, already on my todo13:42
ScottKShould go both in Trunk and the 4.4 branch, AFAICT.13:42
* apachelogger zsyncs iso13:44
apacheloggerScottK: am I right that kpk didnt throw those notifications about updates in karmic?13:46
apacheloggeri.e. we patched it away?13:46
* evilshadeslayer builds bespin from svn13:48
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: i just want to try it out :P13:49
apacheloggereven grosser13:49
apacheloggermy patch is not working \o/13:49
apacheloggerI think I know why13:52
apachelogger"by the powers of quilt I command you refresh!"13:54
Mamarokapachelogger: the German and Swiss mirrors are pretty good ones13:55
apacheloggeractually I think they are on the same server as the french mirror13:55
apacheloggerIIRC they started some cooperation regarding servers of all kind13:55
apacheloggernot sure if archives are affected13:55
apacheloggerthey have some seriously powerful stuff htough 6^13:56
apachelogger*though ^^13:56
Mamarokhm, I somehow doubt that, since I know the guys who do the Swiss mirror13:56
apacheloggeroh, ok13:56
Mamaroknah, these are not the package mirrors, but the website server13:58
apacheloggereitherway the austrian mirror is not very attracting and the austrian loco isnt either13:58
Mamarokthe Swiss Ubuntu mirror is at the ETH (Switch)13:59
* apachelogger should move to zurich, workf or google and conduct his studies at the ETH zurich14:00
Mamarokapachelogger: that sounds like a plan :)14:00
apacheloggeryeah, the only show stopper is that I would have to search a new flat14:01
Mamarokor study in Lausanne at the ETH, in French/English14:01
apacheloggerthat is something I possibly hate more than bugs14:01
apacheloggerMamarok: I'd rather not study in french ^^14:01
apacheloggermight be coutner producitve14:01
* apachelogger thinks that it must be typo day again14:02
Mamarokor study in Fribourg (in German) and life at our place till you have found something14:02
Mamarokif you have no aversion against two cats14:02
apacheloggerMamarok: you understand this would mean that I will stay at your's until I leave for irland? :D14:02
apacheloggerwe got a cat here14:02
apacheloggera very annoying and gross one though14:03
Mamarokapachelogger: I have means to push you out of the door, don't worry14:03
Mamarokours are annoying, especially the she-cat14:03
Mamarokshe is very wordy14:03
Mamarokand fat14:03
Mamarokalways complains there is not enough food, not enough cuddling14:03
apacheloggerI see you always give in, since the cat is fat ^^14:04
Mamaroknah, she is born fat, I strugle to keep her in acceptable dimensions14:04
apacheloggerkubotu: np14:04
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "If I Had $1000000" by Barenaked Ladies [Rock Spectacle, 1996] [http://open.spotify.com/track/1btA9CwzPu12fWK1x1CEIW] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more14:04
Mamarokbut markey might be the one fedding her behind my back14:05
apachelogger1,000,000 $ that is like 10 EUR or something14:05
apacheloggeryou could get a floppy for that14:05
apacheloggerMamarok: hm, that indeed sounds possible14:05
apacheloggerMamarok: sometimes he has horrible response times, I always suspected he would be off cuddling with them cats14:06
Mamaroksince she always goes to complain to him first, must be more effective than complaining to me14:06
Mamarokhe sure does :)14:06
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Hard_drive14:06
apacheloggermy patch works14:06
evilshadeslayerthis one is even better : http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Virus14:07
apachelogger...male internet users download from the internet14:07
apacheloggeras if one could download that anywhere else -.-14:08
ScottKapachelogger: It throws them and they are really annoying.14:08
ScottKBTW, if one accidentally cancels out the reboot required notification, it's gone and AFAICT stays gone.14:09
apacheloggerZFS: Zero File System. Suitable for applications needing to store zero or fewer gigabytes.14:09
* apachelogger giggles14:09
apacheloggerScottK: there are two cancellations14:09
ScottKThis could be considered a security issue, since until you reboot, you aren't running the new kernel and aren't protected by any fixes.14:09
apacheloggerone being for this time and one permanent14:09
apacheloggerlattter can be unset via a module somewhere in systemsettings14:10
ScottKapachelogger: Cancel the "Recent Notifications" thing and it's wiped out forever when you didn't even touch it.14:10
apacheloggerScottK: that would be former14:10
ScottKWhich is most highly not desired behavior.14:10
ScottKDon't think so.14:10
apacheloggersure it is14:11
* ScottK never saw it come back after that.14:11
apacheloggeryou cancelled all recent notification14:11
apacheloggerScottK: it will only come back once the reboot marker file was touched again14:11
ScottKRight, which is a regression.14:12
apacheloggeris it?14:12
ScottKBefore, persistent really meant persistent.14:12
apacheloggerthat you will have to discuss with upstream then14:12
ScottKWhen we had the icon in the tray it was always there until you rebooted.14:12
apacheloggerthat is silly too14:12
apacheloggerwhat I would like to have is that it reoccurs everytime dpkg gets executed14:12
apacheloggeror even better yet, everytime the cache gets updated14:13
apacheloggerbecause that makes the notification more nagging14:13
ScottKI think before it was good.14:13
apacheloggerand as you pointed out not rebooting is a potential security issue14:13
ScottKNow it's both more anoying and less effective.14:13
apacheloggerso you want that particular notification to be super annoying14:13
ScottKI think you want it to be super persistent, not super annoying.14:13
apacheloggerScottK: well, we cant add the statusnotifier stuff at this point14:13
ScottKpresumably if they don't reboot right away, there's a reason.14:14
apacheloggertoo much a risk of breakage + it breaks UI freeze quite a bit14:14
apachelogger+ string freeze most likely14:14
apacheloggerbut I will see that statusnotifier lands in maverick ASAP14:14
ScottKWhy we had to emulate the single most annoying thing Ayatana has done for Ubuntu, I have no idea.14:14
apacheloggeractually it is the kpk appraoch of doing things14:15
ScottKI'd rather have had their notifications than this intermittent update notification stuff.14:15
apacheloggerand someone claimed it is upstream's plan14:15
ScottKBroken by design.14:15
ScottKIt both doesn't tell me I have updates when I do and then thinks to tell me I have them when I've already installed them.14:16
apacheloggerwhile indeed that was not true at all, as I understand it, and what I want knh to do for maverick is drop a notification that is non-persistent AND show a statusnotifier14:16
ScottKapachelogger: Please give an option to turn off the notification then.14:16
apacheloggerwell, it is already there ;)14:17
apacheloggerthat ignore foreverever option in the notification14:17
ScottKapachelogger: That's after the first one.14:17
apacheloggerthe KCM just needs a setting to switcht them all off at once14:17
ScottKI think the statusnotifier is sufficient and would like to be able to not be bothered by the first one.14:17
evilshadeslayeroh my14:18
ScottKapachelogger: There's a workspace update in my PPA that, I think, fixes the overlapping panel problem on netbook.  Would you be able to test it?14:18
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: http://imagebin.ca/view/Z9lfDkY.html14:19
txwikingerHow can I switch off the screensaver in lucid?14:28
apacheloggertxwikinger: via the settings14:29
txwikingerDoes not work apachelogger14:29
apacheloggerevilnhandler: very nice14:30
apacheloggertxwikinger: are you sure you are experiencing a screensaver?14:30
JontheEchidnacould I get a core-dev sponsor for http://pastebin.com/CkJ0HExf ? (Adds an explicit dependency on policykit-1, plus updates debian/copyright)14:31
apacheloggertxwikinger: are you all updated? there was bug 55406914:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554069 in xscreensaver "xscreensaver activated on kubuntu after upgrade to lucid" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55406914:31
txwikingerapachelogger: Yeah.. it is the random screen saver that always starts up14:32
apacheloggerdont have no screensavers here14:33
txwikingerI even switched into presentation mode and took off the screen saving options in all other profiles14:33
apacheloggertxwikinger: I mean... in the screensaver  settings themselfs14:33
txwikingerapachelogger: It seems to be the bug14:37
apacheloggermy knm is broken14:37
apacheloggerthere goes my good mood14:38
txwikingerI will see.. I have killed the process and upgraded the package14:38
apacheloggernot even ethernet works14:38
apacheloggernetwork manager is so awesome it always makes me wonder how much more awesome software can be14:39
txwikingerI have a problem with network being started after desktop login14:39
txwikingerIt creates some unresolvable dependencies with packages14:40
txwikingerhow can you login with ldap server authentication if you have no network yet14:41
txwikingeror mount your home drive from a server14:42
apacheloggeryou are not supposed to14:43
apacheloggernetwork manager was not inveted for useful things14:43
apacheloggerScottK: well, I cant test, network is completely broken14:43
amichairJontheEchidna: is this a known notification bug? http://imagebin.ca/view/duuma3Y.html14:54
JontheEchidnaamichair: I've seen it before. Not much we can do about it from knh though14:54
amichairJontheEchidna: it's upstream? known?14:55
JontheEchidnalet me check if it's known14:56
txwikingerEverytime I upgrade the weather widget does not work anymore14:56
JontheEchidnabug 21967014:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219670 in ember "Bad textures on Lordi and pigs" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21967014:57
JontheEchidnakde bug 21967014:57
ubottuKDE bug 219670 in notifications "Button's text are clipped in Notifications' buttons using some themes" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21967014:57
JontheEchidnaoh, that's slightly different14:57
amichairyeah, it's the complement of this bug14:58
JontheEchidnakde bug 21534614:58
ubottuKDE bug 215346 in notifications "choqok cuts up fonts in notifications" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21534614:58
amichairThat one looks related.  Maybe I'll add my screenshot to it15:00
amichairJontheEchidna: 10x15:04
amichairJontheEchidna: btw did u get around to checking the knh const iterator fixes I made?15:05
JontheEchidnaamichair: is there a branch I can check?15:06
amichairJontheEchidna: https://code.launchpad.net/~amichai2/kubuntu-notification-helper/fixes15:06
=== michaelk is now known as Guest25304
amichairneeds a bit of testing the various notifications to make sure it's ok, though as far as I can tell it's semantically equivalent15:07
amichair(I tend to opt for the safe side...)15:07
amichairthis should prevent crahes like the one nixternal had but with the other notification types (and also a bit more optimized)15:09
JontheEchidnak, I'll do some testing then15:09
amichairJontheEchidna: you're a hellofa helpful fella ;-)15:10
JontheEchidnaamichair: looks like hooks and codec install still work here15:18
amichairgoody :-)15:18
* ryanakca sighs and wonders why a DSC built in the sid chroot is lintian clean but one built in a lucid chroot isn't15:37
ryanakcaKobby built in lucid fails on: 'E: kobby: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/bin/kobby /usr/lib' and 'E: kobby: lzma-deb-archive' ... but not for sid. Any ideas on the causes? My lucid chroot is up to date.15:38
apacheloggerryanakca: we compress our kde packages with lzma and I think we do not strip rpath no more15:39
ScottKWhy don't we strip the archive.15:40
apacheloggerScottK: I wouldnt know15:41
apacheloggerbit there is a build switch for it IIRC, and jr at some point said that we dont build without rpath anymore15:41
ryanakcaapachelogger: If we don't, someone should fix lintian in Ubuntu.15:41
apacheloggerryanakca: the complaint is valid15:42
ScottKOK.  I"ll ask him.15:42
ryanakcaapachelogger: Well, it should be extended to say that this can be ignored for Ubuntu packages or something of the sort15:42
ryanakcaScottK: Hold off on the sync/ffe until it gets figured out?15:42
apacheloggerryanakca: that is not the case15:43
ScottKryanakca: No.   Go ahead.15:43
apachelogger+ it would break existing translations15:43
ryanakcaScottK: Also, is there any need to keep libqinfinity1 in the archives (nothing uses libqinfinity apart from Kobby AFAIK), or will it disappear shortly?15:49
ScottKryanakca: Once Kobby is uploaded it will go away semi-automatically.15:53
ryanakcaScottK: OK15:53
ScottKryanakca: You can see here it's the only rdepend: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libqinfinity115:54
ScottKryanakca: And then once that's gone, libinfinity-0.3.0 can go too: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libinfinity-0.3-015:54
ScottKdebfx: I've verified reverting in both the display kcm and krandrtray are working now.  Very cool.  Thanks again.15:59
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, ScottK: do you think we should land taglib 1.6.2?16:15
apacheloggerhas some interesting changes16:15
* ScottK has no opinion.16:15
JontheEchidnait has a nice memleak fix0r16:16
* apachelogger woud either cherry pick that or push 1.6.216:17
* apachelogger also notes that taglib hasn't had much regressions in his history16:18
ScottKapachelogger or JontheEchidna: Any ideas what to do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/557930/comments/1216:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557930 in kdebase-workspace "[Lucid Beta2] After first boot Live Kubuntu Netbook doesn't start X and fallback to a textual terminal" [Medium,New]16:49
ScottKIt seems Riddell's efforts to restore failsafe X weren't complete.16:50
apacheloggerfailsafe X made X fail, classic one16:51
ScottKYeah, so seems like something your awesomeness could whip out a fix for in no time.16:51
apacheloggermy awesomeness stated yesterday that I shall not do no development until api.kde.org16:53
apacheloggersince that is not the case I doubt I will even click on that url :P16:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh, btw, cant remember you mentioned that, but language-selector needs a search wiedget16:54
apacheloggerKDE got quite cool stock widgets for all sorts of list-like widgets16:54
apacheloggeralso, I think it should become more like the ktimezone widget in the plasma clock's config16:54
apacheloggeradding a search to the date&time kcm's ktimezone widget was like 1 include and 1 sloc ^^16:56
JontheEchidnaScottK: I'm afraid not16:57
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ya, already in the SoC proposal ;)16:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 363624 is the valid17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363624 in kdebase-runtime "Dolphin does not correctly display special characters in messages" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36362417:03
apacheloggerperfeclty reproducable with german17:03
* ryanakca curses and wonders why Kobby 1.0~beta5-2 crashes a second after I start an infinoted server from the command line, but kobby 1.0~beta5-1 didn't.17:04
JontheEchidnayou'd think it was written in python17:04
apacheloggermaybe it was17:04
apacheloggerthen botconverted to cpp17:04
apacheloggerand then you get that17:04
apacheloggerI hink I know ^^17:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that message is most likely coming from mount directly17:06
apacheloggerso there is probably som bogus or missing encoding conversion going on17:06
JontheEchidnalife would be so much easier if everybody just used QString()17:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: checkout the readme17:07
* Mamarok shakes her head at this siren sound coming from this channel, that hurt!17:07
apacheloggerwell, we are working here :P17:07
apacheloggereveryone must know17:07
JontheEchidna"this is an ioslave for KDE 2/3...."17:08
* apachelogger got yesterday thrown out of #ubuntu because he was dragging around bug corps again17:08
apacheloggerno appreciation for bug hunters17:08
apacheloggerreally :(17:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the sentence following that is proofing me right17:09
apacheloggernot that someone like me needs proof of anything :P17:09
apacheloggermy work here is done17:09
* apachelogger leaves the rest to JontheEchidna, hands Mamarok a cookie and a cup of tea, gets some tea for himself and enjoys the strange weather17:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh, it is using qstring17:12
apacheloggerseems it just needs to do some funny encoding conversion17:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: or maybe it is not coming from the slave at all :S17:24
apacheloggerthat is coming from either hal, or solid, or dolphin, or some patch we apply somewhere17:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: either hal or solid17:31
apacheloggercant get no kde debug messages from all that17:31
apacheloggerdont get no error on hal17:36
apacheloggerkernel however properly glots the faile dIO17:36
apachelogger*failed IO17:36
apacheloggernow either whatever tries this mount is very very very undebugable or it just hates me17:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerplymouth theme looks funny in vm17:42
apacheloggerI wonder if it looks like that on nvidia17:42
apacheloggergot something artistic to it ^^17:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: lucid message is more useful, it defenitely is solid or hal, in precise it refers to the UnknownFailure signal from hal17:48
apacheloggerit doesnt seem that the mount error is translated though17:49
* apachelogger installs to check again17:49
apacheloggerdid I mention that I do not think the ubiqiuty icon very installer-like?17:49
debfxhas anyone else noticed that System Settings and KPackageKit are sometimes missing from the Computer menu in kickoff?17:51
debfxthis patch seems to fix it but i'm not completely sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/412666/17:51
apacheloggerkde bug 23272917:53
ubottuKDE bug 232729 in widget-kickoff "Kickoff doesnt show system settings in computer tab" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23272917:53
apacheloggerlp bug 55076317:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550763 in kdebase-workspace "kde 4.4.1 kickoff computer tab doesnt show system settings" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55076317:53
apacheloggerdebfx: most proofing ^17:54
apacheloggeroh :(17:55
apacheloggerubiquity is stil a cpu hog17:55
* ScottK has some more workspace changes, so please don't upload workspace again (yet)17:55
apacheloggerdebfx: I would poke someone in #plasma17:56
debfxapachelogger: ah thanks, could you set that lp bug to confirmed?17:57
apacheloggerdebfx: needs to be fixed upstream :P17:58
neversfeldeapachelogger: I talked to lure and upstream, they recommend to ship kipi and digikam 1.2 with lucid. Do you think this is possible?17:58
apacheloggerneversfelde: needs feature freeze exception, string freeze exception and ui freeze exception I suppose17:58
apacheloggerother than that it shouldnt be a prob17:59
apacheloggerbetter than have broken digikam, like we had in karmic17:59
neversfeldeok, I will try to get the exceptions17:59
debfxapachelogger: if we are going to hide it from the settings menu we should make sure that it's displayed in the computer menu ;)18:00
apacheloggerhm hm hm18:01
* apachelogger goes reverting stuff in kds18:01
apacheloggerdebfx: it is in the favs by default :P18:01
verbalshadowapachelogger: did you get networkmanager working again?18:01
* apachelogger didnt try18:01
apacheloggerit shall go burn in hell18:01
* apachelogger uses low level iftools now18:01
verbalshadowdoes the kde networking management work with wicd18:02
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100411170519-smphf71onzjzcgcf kubuntu-default-settings/ (share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc debian/changelog): (log message trimmed)18:05
CIA-6kubuntu: * Remove kglobalshortcutsrc:18:05
CIA-6kubuntu:  + Amarok shortcut changes break compability with upstream, with previous18:05
CIA-6kubuntu:  releases and with keyboards that have no media keys (chances are higher18:05
CIA-6kubuntu:  you got a windows key than fancy media keys) LP: #56077318:05
CIA-6kubuntu:  + The KWin shortcuts do not work (as per some bug report we won'tfixed18:05
CIA-6kubuntu:  because upstream thinks kwin uses too many shortcuts already and app devs18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560773 in kubuntu-default-settings "Win-B does not proceed to the next song in Amarok" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56077318:05
verbalshadowthe only major issue i have with NM is sometime after coming out of standby it is disabled and you can't re-enable it with knetworkmanager so i have to use nm-applet18:06
apacheloggerit is to be crying18:10
apacheloggerbug 56052718:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560527 in kdepim "Kmail isn't sending email " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56052718:11
apacheloggerwhat is that supposed to be18:11
* ScottK can't replicate the overlapping widget problem now.18:11
* apachelogger is still installing18:12
apacheloggernot even through the installer18:12
apacheloggerand crappy music18:12
* apachelogger goes mad and deletes all that junk18:12
apacheloggerand then amarok hung18:14
apacheloggerand then apachelogger became even more angry than the network manager incident had made him already and threatens to eat kittens if this doesnt stop18:15
ScottKOf course as soon as I mark the bug incomplete, it happens again.18:15
apacheloggeroh my :(18:16
* apachelogger waves good bye to amarok18:16
apacheloggermarkey: amarok does the crashy crashy when you delete junk via the collection widget18:16
apacheloggerfortunately enough ubuntu is using apport so I cant get a sensible backtrace for you18:17
apacheloggerI am sure you dont need one, if ubuntu doesnt, why would you18:17
apacheloggerhow unfortunate19:01
apacheloggerI told ubiquity it should skip downloading langpacks19:01
apacheloggerand now I dont see it anymore19:01
apacheloggerNo one likes me, not even ubiquity :'(19:02
jussi01apachelogger: please accept the invitation for the kc.19:07
jussi01apachelogger: I like you :D19:07
apacheloggerjussi01: only jr is admin19:09
jussi01apachelogger: ok.19:09
apacheloggerI'll poke him should he ever return19:09
lex79what boredom with xscreensaver package19:09
apacheloggerall of a sudden it was super important that it autostarted19:10
apachelogger6 years no one gave a shit19:10
* apachelogger is annoyed by that madness TBH19:10
apacheloggerneither did anyone bother to read the changelog19:11
apacheloggeroh, right, and upstream KDE refuses to update the kde-l10n-sv package so it FTBFS19:12
apacheloggerI suppose there will be no kde-l10n-sv package of decent version in lucid19:12
* apachelogger sighs and continues cleaning up his collection19:14
* ScottK wonders how the xscreensaver package is installed at all.19:18
* ScottK thinks it should not be.19:18
ScottKThen whoever installs it probably wants it started.19:19
apacheloggerI think it is dep of quite some stuff19:19
apacheloggerat the very least it will get in by installing an addtional -desktop thingy19:20
apacheloggerLike for example Xubuntu19:20
apacheloggerOf course in those cases it is still not desired to have it autostart when the user really uses another screensaver implementation.19:20
apacheloggerAnd there is the technical problem. Currently you don't know what the user wants to use.19:21
ScottKFair enough19:23
* ScottK wonders if debfx is up for teaching currentappcontrol in plasma/netbook (workspace) not to go nuts and over fill the netbook panel?19:24
* apachelogger quite frankly does not get why every other screensaver implementation is opt-in while xscreensaver should be opt-out though19:24
ScottKdebfx: If the answer is yes, Bug #540324 is the reference.19:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540324 in kdebase-workspace "plasma-netbook logout widget overlaps other widgets" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54032419:25
Mamarokapachelogger: thanks for the cookie :) I just have to get fresh tea now, sadly was AFK and it's cold now19:26
ScottKTm_T: Would you please retest powerpc Live CD: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/20100411/ - the desktop should look right now.19:28
Tm_TScottK: will do19:34
lex79apachelogger: what is opt-in and opt-out? :(20:11
apacheloggerlex79: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060901171635AAeQGNq20:49
* Tm_T huggles Riddell21:00
Tm_TScottK: works beautifully21:01
Riddellgood evening Tm_T21:02
Tm_TRiddell: so, now we have working PPC livecd (:)21:02
debfxScottK: to me it looks like the activity bar applet won't get smaller21:05
RiddellTm_T: awooga21:07
* Tm_T huggles ScottK21:07
Tm_Tnow I have to go to sleep, good night everyone21:07
ScottKdebfx: Any idea how to fix it?21:08
debfxScottK: not yet21:11
ScottKIt'd be cool if you could figure it out.  That's the biggest usability issue with Kubunt Netbook at the moment.21:12
debfxis there a way to parallel build kdebase-workspace?21:19
lex79apachelogger: if we don't want fix bug 55346221:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553462 in kdenetwork "User can't share directory with kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55346221:24
lex79can you write your thoughts to explain why we don't want fix, please?21:24
* apachelogger waves to Riddell21:29
apacheloggerRiddell: kubuntu-council team should have gotten an invitation jussi01 mentioned21:29
jussi01apachelogger: 3 of them...21:29
apacheloggeroh my ^^21:30
apacheloggerlex79: now, do I really have to ? :/21:30
apacheloggerlex79: didnt I wontfix at some point?21:30
* apachelogger seems to remember something like this21:30
lex79yeah, you really have to becuase they continue to ask me if we want fix21:31
lex79they want that package into cd21:31
Riddellapachelogger: an invitation?  to a party?21:31
apacheloggerRiddell: unfortunately not, but to some IRC op magic stuff on launchpad :)21:32
apacheloggerRiddell: also see the mail I sent sometime yesterday21:32
macoRiddell: should we be calling it e-post instead of e-mail for you?21:32
* maco ducks21:32
apacheloggerhm, someone needs to explain me that one some time21:33
apacheloggerlex79: or did I just say that it is a phony idea?21:34
* apachelogger is not sleeping enough and cant remember things that he might have done 10 days ago :(21:34
macoapachelogger: british people send letters in the post.  americans send letters in the mail.  Riddell is british.21:35
lex79apachelogger: well, you can say is a phony idea and we will find a solution for maverick :P21:35
Riddellapachelogger: just to be confusing we use Royal Mail to send our post while they use US Postal Service to send their mail21:35
apacheloggermaco: Riddell is scottish very much I am sure21:35
macoapachelogger: scotland is in britain21:36
macoRiddell would add "for now" i think21:36
* apachelogger is with Riddell on that :P21:36
apacheloggerRiddell: makes perfect sense Oo21:36
apacheloggerI suppose21:36
macoRiddell: did you see yesterday's Doctor Who?21:36
apacheloggerlex79: well, I do find it is and I dont think we will21:36
macothere's a joke about uk v. scotland in it21:36
apacheloggerlex79: that issue is on our todo for 5 years or so21:37
apacheloggerlex79: I think we even had it spec'd up at some point21:37
apacheloggerjust not resolved :(21:37
lex79apachelogger: or we can add that package into cd :P and stop to make users annoying21:37
lex79apachelogger: it was in todo list in karmic and lucid afaik21:38
apacheloggerbecause the underlying implementation is partially borken and crap21:38
apacheloggerit would only unleash a billion more reports21:38
apacheloggerif anything then we should patch the sharing tab away unless the KCM is installed21:38
apacheloggerwhich is something that should be done upstream to begin with21:38
Riddellmaco: I did not no21:39
macoRiddell: pm21:39
* apachelogger is disappointed in Riddell :(21:39
* maco saw it21:39
apacheloggeranyone wanna package grantlee?21:41
apacheloggerlex79: cant you just close the bug and say that we dont like filesharing?21:42
lex79buahah :D21:42
lex79ok I will do21:43
apacheloggerlex79: Better yet, say our legal department advised us not implement filesharing by default ;)21:43
apacheloggerI already see the replies ^^21:43
apachelogger"but that is not illegal!!! :("21:43
apachelogger"so why is it in ubuntu?"21:43
apachelogger"but mimimi"21:43
* apachelogger always wondered how to pronounce that21:43
apacheloggerIt must be jolly hard to get the perfect mimimi sound really.21:44
apacheloggerMamarok: On latest lucid Amarok is restoring from tray to a rathrer odd and small size, I didn't notice this before, could this be because of some Kubuntu change?21:48
Mamarokapachelogger: the default size at first start is tiny, I was also wondering. So are the font sizes, tiny, I changed everything to 9, the default 8 was too small on this screen21:50
Mamarokbut I have a huge resolution on this laptop21:50
apacheloggerwell, I am on dual head21:51
apacheloggerStill, when restoring it should restore to the previous size it had, not the default size.21:51
apacheloggerAnd given that I did not notice this before, it probably did so, until I wiped my data today *shrug*.21:52
MamarokI think that is a Qt bug, not specific to Kubuntu, but ask markey, he knows better21:52
apacheloggermarkey: ^21:52
apacheloggerkubotu: 8ball shall I make coffee?21:52
* kubotu shakes the magic 8-ball for apachelogger ... yes21:52
Mamarokapachelogger: the git version restores correctly here21:53
apacheloggerlex79: I just lol'd because of Malte's very true comment ;)22:43
apacheloggerit seems its not rekonq that eats my X, it is webkit22:53
* apachelogger switches konqueror to khtml22:53
debfxScottK: I've attached a patch on bug #54032422:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540324 in kdebase-workspace "plasma-netbook logout widget overlaps other widgets" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54032422:54
apacheloggerRiddell: btw http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/student_proposal/private/google/gsoc2010/apachelogger/t12708372032323:07
jussi01something is borked...23:16
jussi01or Im doing it wrong,23:16
jussi01jussi@Galaxy:~/Downloads$ wine "Spotify Installer.exe"23:16
jussi01Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory '/home/jussi/Downloads', starting in the Windows directory.23:16
jussi01wine: cannot find 'Spotify Installer.exe'23:16
apacheloggerjussi01: from that message I would suppose that your wine cfg is busted an that your home is not represented as a drive inside wine, hence it can then not access the exe23:19
apacheloggerthat is however just an assumption and #wine will probably know better ^^23:19
jussi01apachelogger: let me look...23:19
apacheloggeranyone up for uno?23:19
apacheloggerkubotu: topic del 123:19
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
jussi01apachelogger: theres a decent game of wolfie going atm (or there was)23:19
apacheloggerI do lik UNO better anyway :)23:20
jussi01apachelogger: fixed, thanks23:21
jussi01(the autodetect is very cool)23:21
apacheloggeroh dear23:21
* apachelogger needs to repatch akonadi23:22
jussi01apachelogger: can you sync something for me?23:22
apacheloggerjussi01: sync?23:22
jussi01apachelogger: are we allowed to pull things from debian still?23:23
jussi01!info qutecom23:23
apacheloggerOnly canonical archive admins can do syncing.23:23
ubottuqutecom (source: qutecom): SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2~rc3.hg396~dfsg1-2build1 (karmic), package size 3423 kB, installed size 9728 kB23:23
jussi01!info qutecom unstable23:23
ubottuqutecom (source: qutecom): SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2~rc3.hg396~dfsg1-6 (unstable), package size 2769 kB, installed size 8104 kB23:23
apachelogger!info qutecom lucid23:23
ubottuqutecom (source: qutecom): SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2~rc3.hg396~dfsg1-5build1 (lucid), package size 3359 kB, installed size 9488 kB23:23
apacheloggerjussi01: well, you'd need to file a sync request ;)23:24
apacheloggerHave a MOTU ACK it. Then get Riddell to execute the sync.23:24
jussi01apachelogger: I dont remember what needs tobe in that. have you a nice link for me?23:25
* apachelogger got all them fancy lynx ^^23:25
apacheloggeroh right23:25
lex79apachelogger: Malt must become kubuntu-developer with immediate effect :D23:25
apacheloggeryou need a freeze exeception too23:25
jussi01apachelogger: not worth it. the changes arent that huge23:26
apacheloggerYou can probably get that along the sync request, since jr can give exceptions.23:26
apacheloggerjussi01: oh, ok23:26
lex79apachelogger: that bug report seems a war now :)23:26
jussi01apachelogger: and it works at the moment, which is positive23:26
apacheloggerlex79: You could actually try recruiting him. And I think it became a war field when I uploaded, because I said earlier, no one likes me.23:28
apacheloggerjussi01: God knows for how long ;)23:28
jussi01apachelogger: lol23:29
apacheloggerWell. If it it was like your l10n, then every hour of the day, there is a 3.82% chance of breakage...23:30
apacheloggerLike every upload of kdelibs in KDE 3 times had a 86.22% chance of failing to build in a new fancy way, with a new fancy message so that all that is depending on it breask in the a new fancy way and you almost wet yourself because you just broke all of Kubuntu.23:32
apacheloggerclaydoh: \o/23:34
claydohapachelogger: ok, what did I do now ;)23:34
apacheloggerjussi01, lex79, claydoh: how about a round of uno?23:35
jussi01apachelogger: ahhh fine23:35
claydohok what was I supposed to do that I didn't?23:35
lex79no for me thanks :)23:35
* apachelogger pokes lex7923:35
apacheloggerimbrandon: o/23:35
apacheloggerjussi01: in here ;)23:35
apacheloggerkubotu: uno23:35
kubotuOk, created UNO! game on #kubuntu-devel, say 'jo' to join in23:35
imbrandonapachelogger, ello23:35
apacheloggerimbrandon: type ... jo23:36
apacheloggerwe are playing uno ;)23:36
kubotuclaydoh joins this game of UNO!23:36
kubotujussi01 joins this game of UNO!23:36
kubotugame will start in 20 seconds23:36
imbrandonhehe, not atm, in a few maybe23:36
apacheloggerkk ^^23:36
* apachelogger pokes lex7923:36
kubotumaco joins this game of UNO!23:36
lex79apachelogger: I can't now :(23:36
kubotuUNO! playing turn: claydoh jussi01 maco23:36
kubotuclaydoh deals the first card from the stock23:36
kubotuCurrent discard:  Red 523:36
kubotuit's jussi01's turn23:36
macowoah it sent me cards!23:36
jussi01so how?23:37
apacheloggerjussi01: kubotu queried you with your cards23:37
apacheloggerkubotu: help uno23:37
kubotuUNO! game. !uno to start a game. see 'help uno rules' for the rules, 'help uno admin' for admin commands, 'help uno score' for scoring rules. In-game commands: 'jo' to join in; 'pl <card>' to play <card>: e.g. 'pl g7' to play Green 7, or 'pl rr' to play Red Reverse, or 'pl y2y2' to play both Yellow 2 cards; 'pe' to pick a card; 'pa' to pass your turn; 'co <color>' to pick a color after playing a Wild: e.g. 'co g' to23:37
kubotuselect Green (or 'pl w+4 g' to select the color when playing the Wild); 'ca' to show current cards; 'cd' to show the current discard; 'ch' to challenge a Wild +4; 'od' to show the playing order; 'ti' to show play time; 'tu' to show whose turn it is.23:37
jussi01pl red skip23:37
kubotuwhat cards were that again?23:37
claydohok its too hard already :)23:37
apacheloggerjussi01: rs23:38
jussi01pl rs23:38
kubotujussi01 plays  Red Skip23:38
kubotumaco skips a turn!23:38
kubotuit's claydoh's turn23:38
kubotuclaydoh: 7, jussi01: 6, maco: 723:38
kubotuapachelogger joins this game of UNO!23:38
apacheloggerI was already wondering23:38
macoooh it tells us how many cards we have23:38
macowhen it says 1 we have to say uno though right? or do we have to do it before it gets to it?23:38
txwikingerapachelogger: It was the bug.. screensaver is off now23:39
apacheloggeryou dont need to I tink23:39
crimsungeez you people don't have enough bugs to squash :-)23:39
macowait is uno a bluffing game too?23:39
jussi01crimsun: its sunday :P23:39
apacheloggertxwikinger: please comment, so that the XFCE guys stop beating on my sponsors23:39
apacheloggertxwikinger: type jo23:39
claydohhelp uno rules23:39
apacheloggerkubotu: help uno rules23:39
kubotuplay all your cards, one at a time, by matching either the color or the value of the currently discarded card. cards with special effects: Skip (next player skips a turn), Reverse (reverses the playing order), +2 (next player has to take 2 cards). Wilds can be played on any card, and you must specify the color for the next card. Wild +4 also forces the next player to take 4 cards, but it can only be played if you can't23:39
kubotuplay a color card. you can play another +2 or +4 card on a +2 card, and a +4 on a +4, forcing the first player who can't play one to pick the cumulative sum of all cards. you can also play a Reverse on a +2 or +4, bouncing the effect back to the previous player (that now comes next).23:39
macoactually i shoul stuff for physics exam tomorrow23:39
txwikingercomment on what apachelogger23:39
apacheloggertxwikinger: the bug report23:40
crimsunjussi01: what difference does that make? :-)23:40
txwikingerapachelogger: ok23:40
* persia sees this as a clear need for the #kubuntu-uno channel23:40
kubotuit's claydoh's turn23:40
kubotuCurrent discard:  Red Skip23:40
jussi01persia: you are correct23:40
jussi01apachelogger: we should move this from the work channel23:41
apacheloggerdoes anyone need to do work right now?23:41
jussi01and hai persia!23:41
macooh there he is23:41
apacheloggerclaydoh: you must do pe23:41
apacheloggerto pick a card23:41
macoi saw people talking to you and didnt see ya there, persia23:41
kubotuclaydoh picks a card23:42
txwikingeras long as uno does not use mono!23:42
apacheloggerclaydoh: and now pa23:42
apacheloggerto pass23:42
imbrandon:( /me likes mono23:42
apacheloggertxwikinger: now that would be redundant23:42
kubotuclaydoh passes turn23:42
kubotuit's jussi01's turn23:42
jussi01pl r623:42
kubotuyou don't have that card23:42
jussi01pl r723:42
kubotujussi01 plays  Red 723:42
kubotuit's maco's turn23:42
macopl r723:42
kubotumaco plays  Red 723:42
kubotuit's apachelogger's turn23:42
txwikingerimbrandon: It is not a matter of liking but a matter of legal risk23:42
apacheloggerjussi01: should I file an off-by-one report against you ? ;)23:42
apacheloggerpl w g23:43
kubotuapachelogger plays  Wild23:43
kubotucolor is now  Green23:43
kubotuit's claydoh's turn23:43
* genii pops in and sees an Uno game in progress, makes more coffee23:43
jussi01apachelogger: you should file a "you need sleep" report23:43
* apachelogger notes to do that after the game23:43
claydohpl b023:43
kubotuyou can't play that card23:43
apacheloggergenii: in stead of making coffee you could really join ;)23:43
imbrandontxwikinger, i know what you ment, but i dont see any risk :)23:43
geniiapachelogger: Next game maybe23:44
claydohook how to quit?23:44
macoclaydoh: green23:44
jussi01apachelogger: seriously though, after this game, can we have kubotu join something like #kubuntu-uno or #kubuntu-playtime ?23:44
kubotuyou're already in the game, claydoh23:44
apacheloggerkubotu: help uno admin23:44
kubotuThe game manager (the user that started the game) can execute the following commands to manage it: 'uno drop <user>' to drop a user from the game (any user can drop itself using 'uno drop'); 'uno replace <old> [with] <new>' to replace a player with someone else (useful in case of disconnects); 'uno transfer [to] <nick>' to transfer game ownership to someone else; 'uno end' to end the game before its natural completion23:44
apacheloggerclaydoh: uno drop to kubotu23:44
txwikingerimbrandon: the issue with the patents have not been vetted by any lawyer with patent experience yet23:44
jussi01uno drop jussi0123:44
jussi01kubotu: uno drop jussi0123:45
kubotujussi01, you don't have 'uno::manage::drop::other' permissions here23:45
txwikingerThere is quite a risk23:45
apacheloggerkubotu: uno drop claydoh23:45
kubotuclaydoh gives up this game of UNO!23:45
kubotuit's jussi01's turn23:45
macojussi01: dont say your name23:45
jussi01kubotu: uno drop23:45
kubotujussi01 gives up this game of UNO!23:45
apacheloggereveryone is leaving the ship23:45
apacheloggerkubotu: uno end23:45
kubotuUNO! game halted after 8 minutes and 43 seconds23:45
kubotumaco still had  Blue +2   Blue 2   Green 3   Green 6   Red 4   Yellow 323:45
kubotuapachelogger still had  Blue +2   Blue 6   Green +2   Green 0   Wild +4   Yellow 923:45
imbrandontxwikinger, they dont have to be, there is case law that uphold the "promises" MS made23:45
jussi01its sinkin23:45
* apachelogger notes to not start games when the IRCC lord is around :P23:46
jussi01apachelogger: lol23:46
txwikingerimbrandon: Under which legal principle? Promises are not contracts an can be revoked at any time23:46
jussi01apachelogger: /join #kubuntu-playtime23:46
persiatxwikinger: Depends on jurisdiction: in some jurisdictions verbal agreements are binding.23:46
txwikingerAnd as you can see re IBM it is often done23:47
txwikingerpersia: Yes.. if there was a valid legal agreement, which a promise is not23:47
txwikingera valid legal agreement requires consideration from both sides23:47
imbrandontxwikinger, yes they are, but they are also seen by courts as to their intention , e.g. let me find you the case where it was used in recent memory that i'm thinking about23:47
txwikingerimbrandon: Well there is a case of promisary estopple by Lord Denning (actually Master of the Roel at the time)23:48
persiatxwikinger: Not everywhere, but this isn't the forum for it: ask your counsel regarding your jurisdiction, that of your counterparty, and any specific jurisdiction noted in any agreement :)23:48
apacheloggerkubotu: join #kubuntu-playtime23:48
* apachelogger comamnds everyone to join #kubuntu-playtime23:48
txwikingerpersia: I have a law degree23:48
apacheloggerespecially DarkwingDuck :P23:48
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: :P23:49
imbrandontxwikinger, and you dont take promisary estopple for what it is ? its been upheld many times over the years23:50
apacheloggertxwikinger: #kubuntu-playtime23:50
imbrandonanyhow persia this prob isnth the place for the convo ;)23:50
txwikingerimbrandon: well there are cases after it for both23:50
imbrandonerr persia is right*23:50
txwikingerand also, promisary estopple only applies for the past, it does not prevent a change of mind and notice and hence a change from then on23:51
ScottKdebfx: Thanks for the patch.  I'll give it a try.23:51
imbrandonthere is one now in the courts , that envolves that actual promis and 2 of the patents from MS and MS was forced to drop those 2 ( of the 160 it was seeking from the defendant )23:52
* txwikinger wonders where the ubuntu-legal channel is23:52
txwikingerimbrandon: jurisdiction? parties?23:53
imbrandontxwikinger, was looking it up when you said you had a law degree and knew about promisary estopple , lol, lemme look, the case was US and it was MS vs .....23:55
imbrandonlemme poke for it and i will query you with it, brb in a sec though, need a soda23:55
txwikingerimbrandon: thanks23:55
txwikingerIn any way.. I think it would be difficult to rely on promisary estopple in all generality, since most people do not have an existing contract with MS23:58
imbrandontxwikinger, and even more arent covered by their patents :)23:59
imbrandonbtw back ;)23:59

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