
kaitosjust figured that would be abstracted out to phonon, but telepathy itself probably depends on gstreamer00:00
ZeroKewlim trying to start a irc server and cant get Unreal3.2to install00:01
mertleZeroKewl: is it from source? - or a deb? -is there a readme?00:02
ZeroKewli got it off the Unreal web site00:03
ZeroKewlit has a read me file00:03
ZeroKewland  i went by it but no luck00:03
mertleZeroKewl: can you paste the readme ?00:04
mertle!paste | ZeroKewl00:04
ubottuZeroKewl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:04
ZeroKewlyeah hold on00:04
ZeroKewlhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/412333/ mertle there00:08
mertleZeroKewl: online: www.unrealircd.com/unreal32docs.html - is where you need to go - it seems it isn't a straightforward ./configure make make install job00:10
ZeroKewlis there another server i could use thats work with ubuntu besudes unreal00:11
mertleZeroKewl: ubuntu makes its' own server editions if that's what you want...00:12
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support00:13
ZeroKewlyeah i know that00:13
ZeroKewlbut im looking to make an irc server00:13
ZeroKewldont the whole system to be server base00:13
mertleZeroKewl: irc servers I know nothing about - maybe someone else does?00:14
markita daemon / message is asking me if I want to install flash, video or mp3 codecs. What should I run to have it displayed again if I say "no" now?00:15
markit(and then change my mind)00:15
mertlemarkit: what did you do to get it the first time?00:17
iconmefistomarkit: do you just want to display it again? or install flash and codecs, etc?00:18
markitmertle: has shown automatically00:19
markiticonmefisto: display again00:19
markitI could say "don't ask again", then in 2 weeks time I could change my mind, but I've no clue how make it appear again00:19
iconmefistowhat triggered the message? a browser starting?00:20
markitis in the systray, a deamon I guess00:20
markitor maybe there is simply a "meta package" for it that I could aptitude install?00:20
iconmefistothose messages come up when a program starts00:20
mertleright click and select properties maybe00:21
markitI login, do my business, then I notice some messages on the right, and one of them is this one00:21
iconmefistomarkit: to install those things: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:21
markiticonmefisto: and it brings to me proprietary (=evil!) flash driver + k3b codecs + mp3 codecs + video codecs?00:22
iconmefistomarkit: right00:23
markit"this does not install libdvdcss2, and will not let you play encrypted DVDs"00:23
markiticonmefisto: you are right at 80% :)00:23
mertleencrypted DVDs=evil!00:24
markitmertle: lol, I agree00:24
iconmefistoso use holy open source00:24
mertleor is that holey open source?00:24
markiticonmefisto: yes, all the above is Free Software except flash player00:25
iconmefistoor wholly00:25
mertlemp3 isn't free00:25
markitmertle: mp3 is PATENTED, but the software to codec/deconde in GNU linux is Free Software00:25
markitif US has sw patent madness is not my foult ;)00:25
iconmefistomarkit: the mp3 and video codecs are not opensource00:25
markiticonmefisto: ubuntu does not provide the Free ones?00:26
iconmefistomarkit: free what?00:26
markiticonmefisto: maybe you are confused about the license of the sowftware vs the restrictive law (in certain country) about the freedom of code/decode certain formats00:27
markitlibdvdcss2 IS Free software, but you are not free to decode encrypted dvd in some countries, for instance00:28
iconmefistomarkit: I'm not confused. I just don't know what you asked me. ubuntu does not provide the free... what? codecs?00:28
markityes, codecs00:28
markityou stated that mp3 and video codecs are not "open source"00:28
mertleback to the point in question if you decline the prompt now markit  you can install the restricted extras later00:28
markitmertle: yes, but a) some is not included (libdvdcss2 for instance) and b) I can't check what install and what not (i.e. flash proprietary program)00:29
markitmertle: so a) thanks for the tip about that meta package I was not aware of00:29
mertlemarkit: then choose to install from the prompt then00:30
markitb) do you know how to make that precise popup appear again?00:30
iconmefistomarkit: libdvdcss2 would not be installed with that message dialog anyway00:30
markitmertle: ok for libdvdcss2, just wondering if other are missing also00:30
markiticonmefisto: ah, I see00:30
mertlemarkit: that is why I asked what you did to get it in the first place00:30
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iconmefistomarkit: if you want libdvdcss2, medibuntu is probably the easy way to get it00:31
mertlemarkit: that prompt normally comes when trying to play an unsupported format00:31
markitmertle: unfortunatly I've no idea, it just "pops up"00:31
iconmefistomarkit: those messages pop up the first time you run a program that commonly uses those codecs00:31
markitmertle: is a "just installed" system, probably is some deamon related to the completion of the installation00:32
mertlemarkit: now that you know it will install the kubuntu-restricted-extras it isn't an issue :)00:32
mertlethnx to iconmefisto for that :)00:32
iconmefistomarkit: my guess is it's a config file setting, like FirstRun=no or something00:32
markitmertle: well, you have solved my problem at 99%, I'm just a perfectionist and wondering what program is that that makes that pop :)00:32
markiticonmefisto: I see00:33
markitwell, thanks a lot for your help00:33
mertlemarkit: luck :)00:33
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=== RiotingPacifist` is now known as RiotingPacifist
=== RiotingPacifist` is now known as RiotingPacifist
feroI have D-Link System DWA-140 802.11n Adapter which worked in jaunty, linux 2.6.28-18, module rt2x00usb , but does not work in karmic, linux 2.6.31-20, module rt2870sta nor with module rt2x00usb . Anyone can help me pls ?01:07
ScuniziWhen accessing a work site designed for FireFox it says it also requires Java Console .. which FF rejects with the current version (daily build).. Is that because it's the daily build of FF? or another reason?01:37
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rainy-dayI have compiz installed in Ubuntu 9.10. What config file picks which WM to run? If I install another WM, how can I switch between them?01:50
iconmefistorainy-day: you switch between them at the login screen01:50
rainy-dayiconmefisto: ohh, hmm.. I was hoping for an easier way to switch, without logging out?01:51
iconmefistorainy-day: you could start a new session if you don't want to log out01:51
rainy-daywell, before I was doing this: I'd run compiz --replace from command line and when I wanted metacity I'd run metacity --replace. And all my open apps would be managed by the new WM..01:53
iconmefistooh, you just want a different window decorator01:53
rainy-dayno, metacity is a window manager, not just a decorator01:54
iconmefistoand that doesn't work now?01:54
rainy-daywell, I haven't tried yet.. but I think I vaguely remember that at some point it either didn't work or caused some problems01:54
rainy-dayAlso.. anyone used ratpoison and "awesome" WMs? Which is better?01:55
seckhow can i create a shotcut of a url. example: www.google.com.mx02:00
seckon my desktop02:01
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GoldfishHi there, I'm having trouble getting MoBlock put on my machine. I'm kind of new to Ubuntu and the link I got from the forums is confusing to my simple little mind. Can anyone help me get MoBlock working?02:25
iconmefistoGoldfish: got a link to that forum post?02:29
GoldfishThat's what the post linked to.02:29
iconmefistoGoldfish: so have you done any of those commands?02:31
GoldfishI have run all of those commands in the terminal. Keeps coming back with errors.02:32
GoldfishThe first string is fine, but after I start on the second string (kdesu gedit/etc...) it starts giving me errors.02:32
iconmefistoyou probably don't have gedit if you installed kubuntu. use kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:33
GoldfishAwesome! thanks!02:33
Goldfishgpg: conflicting commands02:34
iconmefistowhat gives that error? the gpg command at the beginning?02:35
silentzowdoes anyone ever talk?02:46
mertleI type occasionally :)02:47
silentzowi guess that answers my question02:47
mertleit's not for general chat here - there's kubuntu-offtopic for chitchat02:48
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:48
silentzowty, im new to irc02:49
abubakarhi how to enable sound in kubuntu 9.1003:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:01
abubakarhow enable sound in kubuntu9.1003:20
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iconmefistoabubakar: check mixer settings? especially PCM level03:27
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abubakari have done03:31
abubakarstill now i didnt get sound what i do03:31
iconmefistosystemsettings > multimedia03:35
iconmefistoselect an audio device and click the test button03:35
abubakari didnt get after that03:37
iconmefistono sound when you click test?03:37
iconmefistoin konsole: speaker-test -c2 -twav03:38
iconmefistodoes that make any sound?03:38
secki cant do a videochat and videocall what is wrong with kopete and pidgin?03:45
abubakarno man03:47
iconmefistoabubakar: do you know what soundcard you have?03:48
abubakaractu allu in my pc i have ubuntu 9.04 and kubuntu9.10 am getting sound in ubuntu03:49
abubakari dont know sound card03:49
iconmefistoabubakar: lshw -c multimedia03:51
secksomeone can helps me?03:51
iconmefistoabubakar: or this: aplay -l03:52
abubakarlshw -c multimedia03:53
abubakarMCP73 High Definition Audio03:53
abubakarcard 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]03:54
abubakar  Subdevices: 0/103:54
abubakar  Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:54
iconmefistolsmod | grep snd_hda_intel  <-- does that list anything? if it shows nothing, the driver isn't being loaded03:59
abubakarit shows like this check it04:15
iconmefistoit seems ok04:16
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iconmefistoabubakar: do you have headphones? do you get sound from headphones?04:17
abubakarya i have04:17
abubakari didnt get04:17
iconmefistono sound from headphones? can you try this with headphones: speaker-test -c2 -twav04:18
abubakarnot yet04:18
abubakary like this04:19
iconmefistoabubakar: this is a laptop, right?04:20
Guest91741filho da  puta04:20
abubakarno PC04:20
iconmefistooh, ok04:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:21
abubakarwhat i do04:21
bazhangGuest91741, english here04:21
Guest91741 poi04:22
iconmefistoabubakar: I'm out of ideas04:22
iconmefisto!sound | abubakar04:22
ubottuabubakar: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:22
abubakarmy mi have done with these04:22
iconmefistoabubakar: try those links ^^04:22
bazhangGuest91741, /join #ubuntu-es04:23
abubakari treid04:23
secki need help kopete and pidgin dont kork with videochat and audiocall04:23
bazhang!es > Guest9174104:26
ubottuGuest91741, please see my private message04:26
bazhangGuest91741, please stop that04:37
seckbazhang kpete and pidgin doesnt work with videochat whats is wrong?04:40
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seckwhy nobody helps me?05:04
RurouniJonesHas ibus stopped working for anyone else in Firefox and Thunderbird since the last update?05:53
navetzcan someone help me speed up eclipse, its so slow its unuseable when I try to do things like tags <div>06:35
luis_Hello, I wanna know where is located the exe of kate06:43
imbrandonits in /usr/bin/kate06:44
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RurouniJonesluis_: you can use "which kate" in the command line to find the exe, which is a useful command for future reference06:59
luis_thanks RurouniJones06:59
jason__whats a good player to play dvd's on?07:35
avihaynavetz: faster computer, more memory, or rewrite eclipse in another language07:36
avihayand closing and reopening it once in a while can also help07:38
elric_hey nooby question..07:58
elric_my usb drive isnt being detected..07:58
elric_wat can i do?07:58
seckhi, kopete and pidgin doesnt work with videochat and audiocall what is wrong?08:07
corey_hi first time using kubuntu 10.04 and my boot splash is not showing at startup... any ideas? thanks08:12
alakoocorey_: install startup manager and adjust the settings there08:13
corey_thanks alakoo i'll try that now08:14
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ybitanyone willing to help me solve the not able to send email in kmail issue?08:23
alakooybit: are you able to receive email with that account?08:29
ybitalakoo: yes08:29
ybitjust can't send08:29
alakoooh, then there is likely something wrong with your server configuration or security settings08:30
ybiti've noticed there's a 'sent mail' folder and nothing is in it, while the email attemped to be sent is in outbox..08:30
ybiti wish kmail would tell me what's wrong08:30
ybitwhat is this use sendmail?08:31
ybiti click on it and nothing happens08:31
ybiti know what send mail is, but how do i know if it's attempting to use sendmail or not08:31
alakoothe 'sent mail' doesn't store mails in every software as default, have you tried sending something to your own accound making sure that it doesn't get there?08:31
ybitwhen the screen just goes away as if i just clicked 'ok'08:31
ybitalakoo: i've tried about 20 times08:31
ybitusing ssl and tls08:31
ybitgmail supports two ports for tls apparently since others are able to send on port 2508:32
ybitmaybe it's attempting to use sendmail08:32
ybitin which case, wtf, where's the configuration for that08:32
alakooI'm out of clues, try reconfiguring your account as told here http://www.debianadmin.com/configure-gmail-in-evolution-thunderbird-or-kmail.html08:33
corey_alakoo i tried your suggestion but it didnt work startup manager did give me the option to turn boot splash on but when i did it still didnt show?08:33
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alakoocorey_: do you have kubuntu-artwork-usplash installed08:35
ybiti'm reporting a bug08:36
evilshadeslayer_ybit: use ubuntu-bug kmail08:36
evilshadeslayer_ybit: for reporting the bug :)08:37
ybiti was going to report it on launchpad08:37
evilshadeslayer_ybit: yes thats the tool for collaborating with LP08:37
evilshadeslayer_ybit: its a app which automatically collects all relevant info :P08:37
ybito rly08:37
evilshadeslayer_!bug | ybit08:37
ubottuybit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:37
corey_alakoo im checking now, the auto update it installing a usplash update so i will see if that does it08:38
evilshadeslayer_ybit: makes it easier for the devs to get more info and stuff...08:38
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ybitthere, reported08:53
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schmutzfingerhi all09:57
shadeslayerschmutzfinger: hi!09:58
schmutzfingeri need the output of "dpkg --get-selections" from a kubuntu 9.10 to repair a broken installation09:58
schmutzfingercan anyone here provide this list?09:58
schmutzfingershadeslayer: hi09:58
shadeslayerschmutzfinger: sorry lucid here09:59
schmutzfingershadeslayer: is lucid the version after 9.10?10:00
schmutzfingerPeace-: lucid as well?10:00
Peace-i am on lucid yes10:00
shadeslayerschmutzfinger: yep :)10:01
schmutzfingermaybe this list will work just fine10:01
schmutzfingerafter all the names of the packages are likely to be the same10:01
schmutzfingeri would like to give it a try10:01
schmutzfingercould the both of you please email me that list?10:02
WaltzingAlongmostly you would need 'ubuntu-standard' and 'kubuntu-desktop'10:03
schmutzfingerWaltzingAlong: kubuntu-desktop seems to be installed10:03
schmutzfingerWaltzingAlong: but the kernel and grub where missing10:04
lalalolanyone using sip-communicator?10:04
schmutzfingerWaltzingAlong: i installed these two from a rescue shell, but now it still wont boot10:04
schmutzfingerare the kernel and grub2 part of ubuntu-standard?10:05
WaltzingAlongand ubunut-minimal10:05
TrinNoI did a update on kpackage,and now kde wont start... Any help?10:19
TrinNo64 bit Kubuntu10:20
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: but you get to the kdm login manager? attempt to log in then nothing?10:22
TrinNoI go directy to shell when i log in10:22
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: could check the X log to see why that did not start: /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:23
TrinNono drivers available...10:25
TrinNonvidia: failed to load the nvidia Kernal module.10:25
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: so the kernel was updated and the driver not; which nvidia are you using?10:25
TrinNoGt 330 M10:25
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: right but i meant via packages from ubuntu or self installed?10:26
TrinNoi installed the ones from the Nvida site.10:27
TrinNowhen i try to reinstall it now,it says, /user/lib/xorg/modules/extesnions/libglx.so is not a symbolic linl10:27
WaltzingAlong!nvidia | TrinNo, ok so i  guess you need to reinstall/reconfigure your installed nvidia driver from nvidia's site to match your current kernel10:28
ubottuTrinNo, ok so i  guess you need to reinstall/reconfigure your installed nvidia driver from nvidia's site to match your current kernel: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:28
TrinNothanks man.10:31
TrinNosomehow got it workin :)10:31
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: congrats ;)10:33
TrinNoOh wait.but all my drivers are screwed :(10:34
WaltzingAlongTrinNo: might be something to keep in mind, each time you update the kernel you will need to update the nvidia module to match10:34
TrinNoi assumed,since i just download the kde boot cd,i thought i wud get the latest version of the kernal and kde10:35
Benkinoobyargh! someone knows how to get rid of kde-netbook plasma? i allrdy uninstalled, but it's till here...10:36
riversideanyone knows how to move a window to another desktop, but do not appear on the current desktop taskbar?10:44
WaltzingAlongriverside: right mouse click on its title bar?10:45
riversideyeah, it works, but the title stays on the taskbar at the current desktop again, i want it appear at another desktop10:46
WaltzingAlongriverside: and clicking on it in the taskbar takes you to the other desktop? well either you have it 'on all desktops' or your taskbar shows windows from all desktops, not just current one10:48
Torchriverside: in the task manager settings, set it to only show windows from the current desktop (if that is what you want)10:48
chestnutHi! I'm trying to setup the qtcurve theme for gtk+ applications in lucid. I've installed qtcurve and kcm-gtk, but the settings are not applied and are forgotten upon logout (the .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 file, which contains the settings, seems to be deleted). What am I missing?10:50
riversidewhere is task manager setting?10:51
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riversidesorry,i am a newbie10:51
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chestnutriverside: try a right-klick on the taskbar10:52
riversideOh, what I want is let it disappear from the current desktop's panel?10:55
WaltzingAlongriverside: the taskbar is probably configured to show all windows, not just the ones from the current desktop. seems like you want it to show only those from current desktop10:56
chestnutriverside: You probably don't want to remove the taskbar entirely :-) There should be a settings dialog in which you can select an option "only show windows from current desktop" as Torch suggested above.10:56
chestnut(I'm sorry I can't give you the exact wording of the menu items, I don't have an english translation here)10:57
KelloggsFrostieshi folks. is there any nice and comfortable, mother-proof tool for recording voice-audio in kde?11:01
WaltzingAlongKelloggsFrosties: what have you been using thus far?11:03
KelloggsFrostiesi gave muse a chance but hat problems with configuring this jack-thing and decided that my mother will have to call me every single hour when i recommend to her11:05
WaltzingAlongKelloggsFrosties: i would be tempted to use audacity , but do not know how mother - proof that might be11:05
KelloggsFrostiesWaltzingAlong: audacity is a gnome tool, isnt it? is it not using pulse audio?11:06
WaltzingAlongKelloggsFrosties: could ask in #kde then as well11:06
KelloggsFrostiesWaltzingAlong: Good idea, will do that. Thanks!11:07
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chestnutSorry to bump my earlier question, but could you give me a hint on how qtcurve might be activated for GTK+-Applications, wenn the system settings are not applied? (qtcurve and kcm-gtk are installed, but the .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 is deleted on login)11:29
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shadeslayeroh sorry for that :D12:37
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elric_HoN doesnt seem to work...12:47
elric_ne idea??12:47
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RiotingPacifistwith grub2, when the hell do i have to press shift to actually get it to show me the menu13:55
RiotingPacifistgrub1, worked, grub2 it's 50/50 if it will do what i want or not and it's quite annoying when i'm playing with kernel upgrades to be worrying about grub which is the simplest thing in the boot process, grub2 for the lose13:56
twolfi have i problem with the wifi under Kubuntu ca someone help me ?13:58
RiotingPacifisttwolf: do you know how to connect using wpa_supplicant and dhclient3 ?13:59
twolfunfortunutly no :(13:59
RiotingPacifistok whats the problem?14:00
twolfi can't connect using my wifi card14:00
RiotingPacifisttwolf what card is it?14:01
RiotingPacifist!wifi | twolf14:03
ubottutwolf: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:03
twolfOups haow can i know14:03
RiotingPacifisttwolf: how new is your computer?14:04
twolfi have hp pavillon dv670014:05
twolfok i find it14:06
twolfit-s Pc-ATHEROS14:06
RiotingPacifisttwolf: sorry got my own wifi problems here, what kind of protection do you have on the access point, open/wep/wpa?14:10
RiotingPacifist`twolf: sorry i should be sorted now, but i missed any reply so can you repeat anything you said in the last 5 mins14:12
twolfso my computer model is a Hp Pavillon dv670014:13
twolfand i have i problem with the wifi connection14:14
twolfit's can't connect to the internet if i find a wifi zone14:14
twolfso i thought that the problem is from the wifi card14:15
twolfor i problem of dependicies and packages14:15
RiotingPacifist`it probably is with the gui tool, what sort of encryption does your connection have?14:15
twolfi dont know14:16
twolfbut if you know something to suggest to me to know it14:16
twolfit will be helpfull14:16
RiotingPacifist`are you plugged into the router?14:16
RiotingPacifist`can you get to the routers admin page?14:17
twolfi think yes14:17
RiotingPacifist`on the status page of the router it shoudl say wpa or wep or open, nm-tool may also tell you14:18
twolf Device: eth0  [Auto eth0] ----------------------------------------------------14:19
twolf  Type:              Wired14:19
twolf  Driver:            r816914:19
twolf  State:             connected14:19
twolf  Default:           yes14:19
twolf  HW Address:        00:1E:68:5F:30:EB14:19
FloodBotK3twolf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:19
RiotingPacifist`twolf: can you pastebin that and then post a link to the pastebin page14:20
twolfhttp://pastebin.com/7eSDC5vK her you are14:21
twolfso what do you suggest14:22
RiotingPacifist`can you pastebin the output of iwconfig14:22
=== RiotingPacifist` is now known as RiotingPacifist
twolfhttp://pastebin.com/8wH2j41b her you are14:23
twolfi typed the command and take look to the result14:23
twolfit's said that ther's no wirlesse devices14:23
RiotingPacifisti was wrong about the problem it looks like your wireless drivers are not being loaded, what do you get from lsmod | grep ath14:24
RiotingPacifistand could you pastebin dmesg14:24
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:24
twolfyes i thought the same think14:26
twolfit's probably the wirless drivers14:26
twolfit's can be loaded14:26
RiotingPacifisttwolf could you pastebin the output of dmesg?14:26
twolfi typed the command but ther is no outputs message14:28
RiotingPacifistatheros might need some proprietary firmware to be enabled check if there is an option under system>hardwaredrivers14:28
twolfbut when i type lsmod whitout grep it-s gave me this14:28
WaltzingAlongtwolf: nothing for lsmod | grep -i ath, but there must be output from $dmesg14:28
twolflook a this it's the last command but whitout usig the pipline and the grep http://pastebin.com/AjwsCbd514:29
twolfthe device is indetectable14:31
RiotingPacifistbroadcom needs firmware i'm fairly sure about that, but that should show in hardware drivers14:31
WaltzingAlongtwolf: kmenu/system/hardware drivers14:31
twolfok i activeted the wirlesse driver14:35
twolfand i think that i shoul reboot the system14:36
twolfand i think it-s will work14:36
twolfi'm going to restart and see14:37
twolfif it's work14:37
WaltzingAlongtwolf: ok14:37
twolfthank you for helping me :)14:37
twolf<WaltzingAlong><RiotingPacifist> its very nice from you14:38
WaltzingAlongtwolf: welcome to #kubuntu ;)14:38
twolfthank you14:38
RiotingPacifistno problem14:38
twolfi used Kubuntu for many month but i had always the problem of drivers14:39
twolfi hope it-s working14:39
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RiotingPacifistit should be ok now, some chips need firmware, usually once the firmware is enabled they work without problems14:51
=== iyanna is now known as Mlle_Iya
jrendasI accidentally delete one file named "wedaolu" in my Seven partition. Now, grub doesn't let me boot Seven. I used ntfsundelete but it cannot recover  the file. What should I do? Could anyone send me wedaolu?14:59
Frrxhey guys same prblem as yesterday here... Error 2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/412212/15:13
avihayinclude/linux/mmzone.h:18:26: error: linux/bounds.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio15:14
RiotingPacifistjrendas: try #windows, you could try looking for a better recovery tool as the file is probably still there15:15
avihaylooks like that file (bounds.h) is missing15:15
roldyxhello, I need recovery a file.15:15
roldyxexample: mv too.old too15:16
Frrxim reading15:16
roldyxI need recovery too15:16
roldyxis it possible?15:16
RiotingPacifistFrrx: have you installed linux-headers15:16
RiotingPacifistroldyx: what file do you need to recover, and is there a backup of the file called file~15:17
roldyxRiotingPacifist:  no, I havent file~15:17
RiotingPacifistFrrx: in that case i have no idea it looks like the driver might not be compatible with your kernel15:18
Frrxi tried 2 dif versions of the same driver15:18
Frrxa webcamdriver15:18
RiotingPacifistroldyx: is there anything in lost+found for that partition ? you wil need to do sudo ls /lost+found or sudo ls /home/lost+found15:19
roldyxmy file system is XFS15:19
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RiotingPacifistroldyx: chances are the file is gone then, but check lost+found anyway15:19
roldyx/dev/sda2 on / type xfs (rw,relatime)15:20
RiotingPacifistroldyx are there any files in /lost+found (sudo ls /lost+found)15:21
roldyxls: cannot access /lost+found: No such file or directory15:22
roldyxI HAVE XFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:22
RiotingPacifistFrrx: webcam drivers often suck, you could try and contact the driver writer about compatibility for 2.6.31 though15:22
roldyxxfs dont use lost+found15:22
Frrxya... but its a very popular webcam driver... Syntek15:22
Frrxand i dunno why the rest of the ppl dont have the same problem15:23
RiotingPacifistroldyx: sorry, i assumed every filesystem put lost file in lost+found15:23
roldyxRiotingPacifist: thanks anyware15:24
RiotingPacifistroldyx: how do you lose the file, was it a crash or did you delete it by mistake? where was the file?15:24
roldyxRiotingPacifist: i dont delete.. only do "mv foo bar" by mistake15:25
roldyxi need recovery bar15:25
RiotingPacifistroldyx: ok well then my /lost+found stuff doesn't apply, your best bet is something like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=748497, basically you will have to search the partition for the file15:27
ian__can someone please tell me how to install kubuntu on top of ubuntu 9.10 so that I can choose between them at login?  Thanks15:27
RiotingPacifistian__: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop15:28
ian__Thank you RiotingPacifist15:28
twolfcool it works15:31
RiotingPacifistFrrx: is it a Syntek DV4000 driver?15:31
twolfthank's <RiotingPacifist>15:31
Frrxsyntek stk11xx driver15:31
twolfit  was so easy to do it15:31
RiotingPacifistFrrx: what device is it for15:32
Frrxlaptop webcam15:32
twolfi thought it has something with the drivers15:32
twolfbut now it's ok15:32
RiotingPacifisttwolf: no problem it was WaltzingAlong that figured it out, btw you have broadcom not atheros which is why i was confused15:32
RiotingPacifistFrrx: which model webcam15:32
twolfi see15:33
FrrxBus 001 Device 004: ID 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd DC-1125 WebCam15:33
twolfit's possible to run This IRC under windows ?15:33
Frrxtwolf: yes15:33
RiotingPacifistyes, there are many clients and firefox has a webinterface for it too.15:34
WaltzingAlongtwolf: mirc15:34
Frrxyou can download mirc and connect to this server15:34
Frrxand join this chan its really easy15:34
Torchor install KDE under windows and run konversation ;-)15:34
twolfbecause i want to be helped in programming15:35
RiotingPacifisttwolf: which language, some have good irc support (python, perl) other dont15:35
twolfbecause i like to share idea with people how are intersted on programing langage15:36
twolfshell :D15:36
twolfVisual basic XD15:36
Torchtwolf: this is totally the wrong channel to support you with that15:36
twolfi see15:36
WaltzingAlongbut there should be some available on this server15:36
lalalolMe.Dislikes VB.NET15:37
WaltzingAlongor this network15:37
RiotingPacifist##c , ##bash other might help though (when i had to learn bash it was really a case of RTM though)15:37
twolf<lalalol> yes it's little bit obsoléte VB15:37
twolfbut it's still work XD15:37
twolf<RiotingPacifist> know i learn how to run process under c on command bash15:38
twolfby using father and son system15:38
RiotingPacifistFrrx: I don't know much about your webcam / or webcams in general but i have noticed that it is supported in the mainline kernel for 2.6.33, you could try (and this is just a suggestion as there may be better ways to do this) installing http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33/ and seeing if it works15:40
Frrxill try...15:41
Frrxwhick file do i have to install?15:42
Frrxkernel and image?15:43
TorchFrrx: have you tried this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/syntekdriver/15:44
lalalolWOW, does the "visible when offline"-option in kopete mean i can see contacts who have their status set to appearoffline?15:44
Frrxive tried so many things... i think i did15:45
TorchFrrx: okeehhh... don't try the kernel thing, then. if you've lost track of what you did that easily, installing a new kernel isn't the way to go forward.15:45
TorchFrrx: just some well meant advice.15:45
Frrxok ill try this again15:46
Frrxto see what happn15:46
pawanhow to remove 30 sec popup windows15:48
pawanwhile shuting down15:48
pawani want one click shutdown15:48
Torchpawan: ctrl+alt+shift+PgDown should give you that.15:51
pawani want to do it with mouse15:57
pawannot with keyboard15:57
scruffany one know of any good tools to recover deleted files on ubuntu 9.0416:00
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ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:05
WaltzingAlongscruff: ^^16:05
Frrxguys which one is the safest way to reinstall my kernel?16:17
Frrxi read in a forum that reinstalling kernel will solve my problem16:17
WaltzingAlongFrrx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>; or ; sudo aptitude reinstall <package> ??16:20
Darth_FeNerhi everybody16:20
Darth_FeNercan anybody help me?16:21
Darth_FeNeri can't set quassel to join mindforge16:22
rorkDarth_FeNer: did you try via File > Networks > Configure networks > Add ?16:24
WaltzingAlong!ru | ubuntu16:26
ubottuubuntu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:26
ubuntuno russia? =)16:26
WaltzingAlongrussian? sure but in #ubuntu-ru ;)16:27
rorkDarth_FeNer: did you try via File > Networks > Configure networks > Add ?16:27
vbgunzI am on Kubuntu 9.10. Using KDE 4.4.2. does visiting this site in Konqueror http://asus.com/entryflash.htm cause your kwin to lock up? launch krunner Alt+F2 and enter kwin --replace to quick fix the issue16:47
WaltzingAlongvbgunz: loads here just fine. also kubuntu9.10/kdesc44216:48
vbgunzWaltzingAlong: choose global and try clicking on something16:49
vbgunzit keeps crashing kwin for me :/16:49
WaltzingAlongglobal support, ok done16:50
WaltzingAlongusing flashplugin-installer, v
vbgunzWaltzingAlong: so you just breezed through it no issues?16:51
WaltzingAlongwhich means you should toggle cpu tweak in bios, ;)16:52
Frrxcant believe i cant compile the freakin driver16:52
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vbgunzI'll be back, gonna enable it and see what happens16:54
Ahmed\Hello, i have some problem loading my gmail i mean it does loads okay when you login but after replyin the mail when you go backpage or on INBOX it gets so slow and its saying WORKING ON IT or on waiting with a CANCEL sign it takes about 30 seconds when the internet is WORKING WELL fine, Any help ?16:54
WaltzingAlongoh i was just joking around but ok. ;) vbgunz16:54
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: browser? gmail mode? html?16:54
vbgunzI shouldn't need it though I have B3 stepping and this option shouldn't really address me16:54
Ahmed\yes its firefox16:55
Ahmed\no no its on standard version not html its so light16:55
Ahmed\but its so heavy now i mean outta no where16:55
Ahmed\only for backpage or replying16:56
Ahmed\WaltzingAlong: You there ?16:58
WaltzingAlongyes. do not know what is wrong with your gmail+firefox issue. try a new profile?16:58
MamarokAhmed\: that happens occasionally with Gmail, not a Firefox issue16:59
Ahmed\I see...17:01
Ahmed\Cause on windows when i was on windows it works on same version of firefox but not this slow, Thanks :)17:01
Ahmed\Cause i even removed the save history but17:01
Ahmed\so you might be right17:01
Ahmed\Any good firewall ? so i will know what's connected currently and whats not :)17:03
Ahmed\Whats xulrunner-1.9.1 ?17:05
WaltzingAlong!info xulrunner | Ahmed\17:06
ubottuAhmed\: xulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB17:06
Ahmed\there are several types of xulrunner-1.9.1 in synaptic updates, only two are currently installed, should i install those two ? too ?17:07
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: you should only need to install 'firefox', which will pull in the needed xulrunner17:07
Ahmed\good idea17:08
Ahmed\so it means i have those right i can see the correct versions :)17:08
Ahmed\how to get security updates for firefox ? does that includes the sudo apt-get update ?17:08
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WaltzingAlongAhmed\: right, should be included17:10
Ahmed\WaltzingAlong: I wanna stick to Gnome, not KDE, so should i install LTS version of upcoming Lucid Lynx ?17:11
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WaltzingAlongkubuntu lucid will also be lts, but looks like you might want ubuntu 10.04/lucid17:12
Ahmed\why not LTS version17:13
WaltzingAlongwhat do you mean? both kubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu 10.04 will be LTS17:14
WaltzingAlong!lts > Ahmed\17:14
ubottuAhmed\, please see my private message17:14
WaltzingAlong!lucid > Ahmed\17:14
Ahmed\I did read it all17:14
Ahmed\What i'm asking is, Should i install lucid the LTS version or the other which is upgradeable after every six months17:15
WaltzingAlongbut you can upgrade any of them17:15
Ahmed\On LTS too ?17:16
WaltzingAlongfrom lts to non lts, yes17:16
Ahmed\whats update for 3 years then HUH17:16
Ahmed\HUH will it still remain LTS version ?17:16
Ahmed\currently i am on Karmic Koala17:17
WaltzingAlongok and that is not lts; upgrade it to 10.04, then it is the lts version17:17
Ahmed\Yes i see17:17
Ahmed\but what i was asking whats so different between LTS and other every six months releasing upgradeable17:18
Ahmed\I do know about those every six months releases17:18
Ahmed\Mamarok: You was right about Gmail its working Fine now17:20
WaltzingAlongthe difference is the set of packages, the combination of features, and the extend of 'support', both here in #kubuntu or #ubuntu as well as package/security updates available17:20
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: ^17:20
Ahmed\Thats good answer17:20
Ahmed\but for example i need to use only Gnome @ ubuntu on lucid lynx, i will install KDE but i wont use it much, so should i get LTS version of Lucid or the other one :) which gets uprgades after every six months ?17:21
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: install ubuntu lucid 10.04/lts. then install kde as well. it is still k/ubuntu 10.04, still lucid, still lts17:23
Ahmed\yes thank you so very much :)17:23
TorchAhmed\: there is not "LTS lucid" and "non-LTS lucid"17:23
Ahmed\so will i get updates for about 3 years without upgrading or switching ?17:23
TorchAhmed\: you misunderstood the concept17:23
Ahmed\I'm new here so :)17:24
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: all packages released as part of lucid/10.04/lts will be part of lts/lucid, even the ones not installed 'out of the box'17:24
TorchAhmed\: lucid differs from, say, karmic in that it receices security updates for a longer time period. that's what makes it LTS (in contrast to karmic or any other non-LTS release)17:24
WaltzingAlongwell not entirely true, main and such but ...17:24
Ahmed\Well that cleard me up17:24
Ahmed\Torch: So for example if i have installed Lucid the LTS (for 3 years update) one "cause i really dont wanna switch it after every six months if i get updates" will it be fine ?17:25
TorchAhmed\: you will get security updates for LTS for longer than six months (i dunno, two years?)17:26
TorchAhmed\: you will NOT get feature updates17:26
TorchAhmed\: NO new kde.17:26
WaltzingAlonginstall lucid, and install _updates_ after that, but do not do a "dist upgrade", where you move it from lucid to v10.1017:26
Ahmed\Ohh HUH no new KDE, thats the only two differences ?17:27
TorchAhmed\: if you're not running  a company and looking for a distro for >200 seats or running a server, LTS is not for you17:27
Ahmed\whats feature updates now ?17:27
Ahmed\Yeah i see..17:27
TorchAhmed\: dear lord. no new gnome either.17:27
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: bugfixes and security updates to kde4.4 but not kde6 when that comes out in 2.5 years, for example17:28
Ahmed\So i will stick to the one which can be upgradable after every six months @_@ Thanks dude you helped a lot i was about to install the LTS when it was releasing HUH17:28
* Torch sighs. deeply.17:28
Ahmed\WaltzingAlong: Yes thats the difference Yeah i see.. you said it so well17:28
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: but you can upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and then to 10.10 when that comes out.17:28
Ahmed\ummm now i know the difference so its  not for a home users :)17:29
WaltzingAlongAhmed\: for those who prefer stability rather than bleeding edge features/bugs ;)17:29
Ahmed\You mean LTS version ?17:30
Ahmed\Well thats not for me then :$17:32
Ahmed\should i upgrade or install a fresh ?17:32
WaltzingAlongeither way, as you prefer17:32
Ahmed\wont be any difference ?17:33
WaltzingAlongi know people who install and others who upgrade. those who do the fresh install made sure to set their home on its own partition17:34
Ahmed\i see17:35
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userkubuntuI am using kubuntu 9:10 x64 with kde 4.4.2, I have no sound on youtube, how do I fix this?17:55
RiotingPacifistuserkubuntu: do you have sound elsewhere?17:56
userkubuntuamarok is ok17:56
userkubuntufor example17:56
Vlad_lucardyou need to go to kmixer17:56
RiotingPacifistuserkubuntu: did you install flash from repos? is youtube muted in the flash player?17:57
Vlad_lucardand up the sound of PCM chanel i think17:57
Vlad_lucardi had the same problem of you17:57
Vlad_lucardin various instalation and was because of this17:57
Vlad_lucardsorry if my english is very bad, im not an english speaker)17:57
userkubuntuok Vlad_lucard. I understand17:57
RiotingPacifistuserkubuntu: use kmix / alsamixer and make sure all volumes are at max, make sure youtube volume is at max and see if it works17:58
Vlad_lucardyoure welcome17:58
Vlad_lucardit still with don't working?18:00
userkubuntuRiotingPacifist: yes, muted in the flash player!18:02
userkubuntuok, I try kmix and alsamix and just go back]18:02
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userkubuntuRiotingPacifist and Vlad_lucard: up the all sounds but  I have no sound on youtube18:07
Vlad_lucardclose firefox and all progam that is using alsa18:08
Vlad_lucardand reboot firefox18:08
James147_userkubuntu: try purging and reinstalling flash, some have fixed that problem doing that18:09
userkubuntunothing, stay mute18:10
RiotingPacifisti think the problem is likely to be nspluginwrapper, 1) uninstal flash, 2) go to the adobe site and install 64bit flash player 3) restart firefox 4)... 5) profit18:10
userkubuntusay: no sound18:10
userkubuntuok, Itry18:11
userkubuntuok, that's right, I resolved by uninstalling, downloading the driver libflashplayer.so, creating the plugins directory within the $ HOME / .mozilla and placing it inside the driver, was not perfect, it has some cuts, but at least now I hear.19:07
userkubuntuthx for all19:07
pophoreahow do you do ?19:14
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norriusпочему-то появляются артефакты под курсором. Как убрать?19:17
draikWhen is the release for Lucid?19:28
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:28
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draikApril 29, 2010 :)19:32
RiotingPacifistuserkubuntu: did you ever get the flash issue fixed, just noticed that i'd droped off irc19:34
WaltzingAlongRiotingPacifist: afaik, yes. libflashplayer.so from adobe 64bit19:36
RiotingPacifistgdgd, thought that would help 64bit flash isn't nearly as bad as 32bit flash on 64bit linux19:38
userkubuntufor me that's right19:39
userkubuntunow I need to solve the problem of phonon that is most important to me.19:40
maiconalguem ai?19:44
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smith00145I am running kubuntu can't download nvidia drivers... giving me error to check jockey log file19:58
szaland what does the log file say?19:59
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:16,856 DEBUG: updating <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0x913dfcc>20:02
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:16,857 DEBUG: reading modalias file /lib/modules/2.6.32-19-generic/modules.alias20:02
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:17,172 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/bcmwl20:02
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:17,178 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/disable-upstream-nvidia20:02
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:17,290 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/fglrx-modules.alias.override20:02
FloodBotK3smith00145: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
smith001452010-04-09 22:00:17,295 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/nvidia-17320:03
smith00145can anyone please tell me how to install nvidia repository20:13
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bdizzlehi, I'm having an issue with installing updates. When I run the KDE Software Updates, I get the error: "Cannot launch daemon, file not found or permissions invalid"20:53
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HimHey all. I'm going to install Kubuntu, but I have a WEP 40/128 wireless network to connect to, and the default network manager doesn't handle this. How would I go about changing it?21:01
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HimGuess not.21:02
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WaltzingAlongHim: ?21:07
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RnFstRuckHrdHello - I am having some issues playing .mkv files in DragonPlayer. Is there a codec I need or is this a limitation of the player?21:27
rork!codecs | RnFstRuckHrd21:30
ubottuRnFstRuckHrd: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:30
rorkI hope that can help you find your answer21:30
RnFstRuckHrdTY both21:31
deokanonhello, i have a stupid problem, audio sound is strange (like it's slowed down) i have a couple of programs running... anyone suggests a fix?21:47
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secksomebody knows how to change the wallpaper in the cube?22:07
WaltzingAlongdeokanon: i had a similar issue when i launched twinkle a 2nd time, the first one frozen. killing both then starting over with just one22:14
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deokanonwaltz: did you do something about it?22:15
KhaosAnyone around?22:19
hexdump_hello all!22:46
hexdump_I could find the keyboard shortcuts in gnome, but I ca't find it in KDE.22:47
Frrxguys quick question in which type of system (fat32, ext2,etc) can i format my pendrive to se it both for windows and linux22:47
hexdump_I'm probably just overlooking it, but coulds someone d9rirect me to where it is.22:47
Frrxim using partition magic22:48
hexdump_Frrx:  use FAT22:49
Frrxhexdump_: thx22:50
hexdump_Frrx: no prob22:50
hexdump_Frrx:  I'm not sure, maybe there are other formats, but I know for sure that FAT works.22:50
Frrxok... is just for docs, pdfs maybe mp3 so it will probably work for sure22:51
hexdump_Frrx:  FAT will work for sure22:52
hexdump_right everyone?22:53
Frrxby the way do u know if i can run a virus scan from linux (i have 2 partitions linux and windows) cause im pretty sure i got viruses on windows and i dont want to clean them from windows22:54
genii!info klamav22:54
ubottuklamav (source: klamav): KDE frontend for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.46-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 874 kB, installed size 2580 kB22:54
genii!info clamav22:55
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.10.1 (karmic), package size 268 kB, installed size 496 kB22:55
Frrxthx will it clean windows virus running it on linux?22:56
geniiFrrx: Regular viruses, yes. Stuff like browser hijackers etc likely not22:58
Frrxok think22:58
hexdump_welp I dunno I don't think I can set a shortcut for my knonsole then23:03
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Frrxguys i already installed clamav23:06
Frrxbut i cant run it23:07
hexdump_I can't seem to figure out how to create a shortcut to my konsole in KDE, any ideas?23:13
avihaywhere do you want to put it?23:20
denis_salve sono alle prime armi qualcuno mi puo dare una mano con una cosa facile , in pratica ho messo il comando mnt nella esecuzione automatica per far caricare i due hard del computer , ma nn me li carica visto che nn ha i diritti di amministratore nn avendo la password come posso ovviare a questo problema ???23:20
WaltzingAlong!it | dendrobates23:32
ubottudendrobates: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:32
elkinc2000Hello everybody23:32
WaltzingAlongoops dennister23:32
elkinc2000can somebody help me with a installation problem?23:32
cloackerdoes someone have experience with k3b?23:44
Salami40˙01 ɥʇıʍ sɯǝןqoɹd ƃuıɔuǝıɹǝdxǝ uǝǝq ǝʌɐɥ ı23:47
BluesKajSalami, then ask in #ubuntu+123:48
Salaminoʎ ʞuɐɥʇ ʞo23:49
elkinc2000i have problems with the installation, can somebody help me?23:49

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