
jmlsidnei: thanks00:12
dhasthaneed help:  What is the actual command to run launchpad documentation? I used   "bin/test -vv -m lp.translations -t name-of-the-file.txt"02:19
dhasthabut it shows /usr/bin/test: extra argument `-m'02:20
dhasthawgrant, How to run documentation using  /bin/test ?02:31
wgrantdhastha: bin/test -vvt name-of-the-file.txt02:33
dhasthawgrant, it return /usr/bin/test: missing argument after `browser-helpers.txt02:36
wgrantdhastha: Why is it running /usr/bin/test?02:38
wgrantIt should be running ./bin/test02:38
wgrantWhich directory are you in?02:38
dhasthawgrant,     Am in  ~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/lib/lp/translations/doc. I have to run txt files in this. I already used ./bin/test   but it return bash: ./bin/test: No such file or directory02:41
wgrantdhastha: cd ../../../..02:42
dhasthawgrant, Now am in dhastha@dhastha-desktop:/$.     ./bin does not have test. It returns ./bin/test: No such file or directory02:47
wgrantdhastha: That should have taken you to ~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel, not to /.02:47
dhasthawgrant, see this error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/412381/02:55
wgrantdhastha: -t, not -m02:56
dhasthawgrant, Running tests at level 102:57
dhasthaTotal: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.02:57
dhastha** 1 import policy violations **02:57
dhasthaThere were 1 imports of names not appearing in the __all__.02:57
dhasthaYou should not import copy_field from lazr.restful.declarations:02:57
dhastha    lp.registry.interfaces.distribution02:57
wgrantdhastha: Your test specification did not match any tests.02:59
wgrantbin/test -vvt brwoser.helpers.txt02:59
wgrantAnd also s/./-/02:59
wgrantdhastha: Why did you add the '-m lp-translation'?03:01
dhasthawgrant, Mr. Danilos told me  to run document using  "bin/test -vv -m lp.translations -t name-of-the-file.txt .03:03
wgrantdhastha: 1) the '-m BLAH' isn't normally necessary -- it just restricts which modules are searched in; and 2) 'lp.translations' != 'lp-translation'03:08
dhasthawgrant, can u see this pls  http://paste.ubuntu.com/412385/03:13
wgrantdhastha: The test ran successfuly.03:14
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
thumpermwhudson: it seems that the kernel import on staging is taking longer than an hour to get onto the worker causing a keyboard interrupt, and killing the import06:40
thumpermwhudson: we should take a look at the branch on the import slave06:40
thumpermwhudson: an hour seems somewhat excessive to grab the branch from another internal server06:40
wgrantwin 1807:00
mwhudsonthumper: i d12:28
mwhudsonthumper: there are a few things we can do about that12:28
mwhudsonnot build a working tree, stacking12:28
jmlsidnei: one of my zope patches has been landed and released, btw14:36
jmlwhich means I'm still blocked on getting the other patch landed14:39
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=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
adiroibanhi, can someone help me and send this branch to ec2-test lp:~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-548999? Thanks!23:21
wgrantjames_w: Don't we just need to change SPRB to send the append_version properly?23:22
james_wwgrant: yep23:22
james_wshouldn't really be a difficult change23:23
* wgrant just had a thought: didn't we discuss in Wellington having a special PPA with a non-ancient bzr-builder? We don't have facilities to do that yet...23:23
james_wyeah, I don't remember if that was the solution we decided would be best23:25

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