
=== talsemgeest_away is now known as talsemgeest
nhandlerrobbmunson: That is correct. That was due to getting too many false-positives04:24
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=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
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smeag0lgood morning/evening everybody08:37
leoquant= #UFBT invite only?09:37
talsemgeestleoquant: Is it?09:38
hobgoblinno it shouldn;t be09:38
hobgoblinleoquant: ## not #09:39
leoquantok thx09:41
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
MindgamerSigh.. I am so stuck I hope someone can help.  I want to delete my existing (probably misconfigures) RAID array and set up a new one - but I cannot stop the existing RAID array through the Palimpsest Disk Utility - I get a 'Not Authorized' error. My next idea is to allow logins as root and try it with that but as it is reccommended against.. you are my last hope... :(15:37
pedro3005Mindgamer, just run the Palimpset Disk Utility as root15:39
Mindgamer:) well thanks... i thought i needed to log in as root for that but i guess that wasnt necessary.. got it.. i guess it was obvious. sigh15:42
C-RayHello! How are you? Please I need some help with something!15:44
C-RayMY problem is described here in details: http://pastebin.com/mfp9rgYG15:45
C-RayThanks :)15:45
drubinC-Ray: never tried that before. Maybe open office doesnt support this15:48
drubinalso I know it is kinda rude to ask but I can understand you not allowing people to change your pdf but not allowing them to copy/paste from it is silly15:48
C-RayI don't know, how do you disable the copying feature of a pdf file?15:48
C-Raythere must be a tool or something for doing that, this must be simple :(15:52
C-RayPlease usually under ubuntu how a person can protect his pdf?16:25
C-Rayif the open office security thing is not working16:25
C-Raythere must be a tool for that16:26
hobgoblinC-Ray: you could try qpdf - never used it myself but description "QPDF is a program that can be used to linearize (web-optimize), encrypt (password-protect), decrypt, and inspect PDF files from the command-line."16:30
C-Raythat sounds good :)16:30
hobgoblinsearch for it in synaptic or software centre or add/remove or just install it with sudo apt-get install qpdf16:31
hobgoblinthere will be a man page for it   man qpdf16:31
C-Rayyeah am installing it, I will give a try16:32
C-RayThanks for the post :)16:32
C-RayIndeed, even when using Adobe Reader professional under Windows, still third party will be able to access the restrictions. How ironic! still the qpdf tool was not bad, it provides some good features, good to know it. Thanks hobgoblin anyway. I learned new thing today. I feel happy when I learn stuff :)16:45
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=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad86
BGL-[s]when i plug a usb device in how am i supposed to know what the path is to the device? /dev/??18:31
BGL-[s]trying to pull data off a garmin gps18:32
BGL-[s]with gpsbabel18:32
pedro3005BGL-[s], probably inside /media18:34
BGL-[s]i looked there, it's not18:34
pedro3005BGL-[s], is the drive recognized?18:34
BGL-[s]when i use it on windows there is no drive, i use garmin software to retrieve the data18:35
BGL-[s]so if its to show up as a drive in linux, i'm not sure where it'd be18:35
pedro3005BGL-[s], try the Places menu18:36
BGL-[s]not seeing anything new..18:36
pedro3005BGL-[s], on a terminal, type lsusb and see if it is recognized18:36
BGL-[s]yes i see it in there18:37
BGL-[s]bus 003 device 00218:37
pedro3005BGL-[s], hm... try the command 'mount' to see if it's mounted18:39
BGL-[s]not seeing it there18:40
BGL-[s]how does the the bus 003 device 002 translate into a /dev/ path for the usb port?18:41
BGL-[s]pedro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140758118:44
BGL-[s]seems similar problem18:45
phillwBGL-[s]: is it realted to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9102151  ??19:05
BGL-[s]i just tried sporttracks and mono gives off a variety of errors19:08
BGL-[s]i wouldn't need it though if i couuld get gpsbabel workin19:08
BGL-[s]hmm i didnt install winforums though19:09
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad86
BGL-[s]heh getting 404s when i go to install winforms219:21
BGL-[s]something moved19:22
smertzhidamhow to printer in ubanto19:22
smertzhidamthe driver of convolute is no19:23
smertzhidamplease how the printer of document19:24
smertzhidamkernel is no printer into detection?19:27
pedro3005BGL-[s], sorry, back19:30
pedro3005smertzhidam, huh?19:30
hobgoblinsmertzhidam: printer model please19:40
smertzhidamHP 720019:45
smertzhidambut is no detect19:48
smertzhidamprint window of empty19:49
smertzhidamwhat do?19:49
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ghostofmybrainhow could I reinstall all the lib tools?23:58

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