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utkarshhello, i have a problem with Ubuntu 10.04 - my swap memory gets full after 5-6hours of computer usage11:03
utkarshshould i report a bug? if yes, then what dump should i provide?11:03
ddecatorutkarsh: you may wish to check in #ubuntu+1 to see if anyone else has encountered that11:04
utkarshokay, thanks :)11:04
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xteejxbug 237738....the wallpaper-tray package is no longer active, should this be set wont fix?13:55
ubot4`Launchpad bug 237738 in wallpaper-tray (Ubuntu) "wallpaper-tray crashes (often) when adding new (large) folders (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23773813:55
tobi122hi guys, i found a problem with my notebook and the kernel module r8169 (for ethernet card) and i fixed the problem, but i dont know if i had to write it to lunchpad, can anyone help me?!13:58
xteejxWhat did you do to fix it? Did you write a patch?13:58
tobi122no only get a newer driver from realtek and blacklist the old module13:59
tobi122but it fix a problem with the ethernet card.... befor the wakeonlan was always enabled and couldnt be disabled...13:59
xteejxCheck if it's reported on LP, if not file a bug report explaining what the problem was, what you expected, and how step-by-step how you fixed it.14:00
tobi122okay, i will try14:01
tobi122one last question: in which topic in lp it comes14:01
tobi122for kernel bugs?14:02
tobi122or which package is right for this14:02
kklimondaxteejx: the fact that package isn't developed anymore doesn't mean we can close bugs as long as it's supported14:04
kklimonda(following you up from #-motu ;) )14:04
yofeleven if the package is in universe? I thought we only supported main packages? (I seriously have no idea what to do here either)14:05
kklimondayofel: hmm.. package is still in karmic14:05
xteejxthat's what I thought14:05
yofelkklimonda: yes, but the bugfix would if anything get into lucid, were the package was dropped14:06
kklimondayofel: I think we could do SRU anyway *if* anyone cared to fix it14:06
xteejxit's unlikely, it hasn't been actively developed since july 200714:06
kklimondasure it is, the bug will rot there for another 12 months14:06
xteejxthis is what I mean...what's the point? (with all due repsect)14:08
kklimondaxteejx: if the bug is still reproducible it doesn't disappear when we sweep it under the rug14:08
kklimondaxteejx: sure, if you can't contact the original reporter and no one else can reproduce it you can close it. but not because it's no longer maintained upstream14:09
xteejx!info wallpaper-tray karmic14:10
ubot4`xteejx: wallpaper-tray (source: wallpaper-tray): wallpaper changing utility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 97 kB, installed size 388 kB14:10
kklimondawe could close all bugs from packages in universe that are dead upstream - the chance of anyone fixing them is slim to none14:11
xteejxI suppose you're right kklimonda :) I was really unsure about this bug and thought it would be a Won't Fix since it isn't developed upstreamed anymore, but if someone wanted to fix it in Ubuntu I suppose they could14:11
xteejxThat would probably take a good hit out of the numbers, but I suppose it's unrealistic14:12
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TheNewAndyhi, I'm running lucid, and I have a reproducible crash bug in nautilus14:46
TheNewAndybut apport has stopped showing up when I crash it14:46
TheNewAndyapport showed up the first time, but I closed it while I worked out the simplest14:47
TheNewAndyway to reproduce the bug14:47
TheNewAndyDoes it keep a list of crashes to avoid reporting that I can clear?14:48
yofelTheNewAndy: you you have a crash file in /var/crash/ ?14:49
yofel*do you14:49
yofelthen apport already knows of the crash, just run 'ubuntu-bug <crashfile>' to report it14:50
TheNewAndyexcellent, thanks14:51
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Damascenehello, is there a bug about wireless connection always connect to what ever network it see?17:02
xteejxDamascene: I don't understand17:09
xteejxIf you mean it is auto connecting, this is not a bug - you can remove it in the Edit Connections option in the right click menu17:10
Damascenexteejx, when ever I login it connects to what ever wireless network is there17:10
Damascenethere is about 20 network there17:10
xteejxHow can it connect without a wireless key?17:10
DamasceneI didn't set auto connect to any of it17:10
Damascenewill it tries every one17:11
Damasceneand if it find one without key it will calm down17:11
Damasceneit collect them from every place I go to17:11
xteejxHow did you find out it does this?17:11
Damasceneby looking to the screen17:11
xteejxare you sure they're not just probe requests?17:12
Damascenewhat do you mean? "probe requests"17:12
DamasceneI see the network icon searching and trying to connect17:12
Damasceneuntil I click disconnect wireless17:12
Damasceneby the way that in lucid17:13
xteejxThat's normal, it's trying to search for a previously entered wireless access point17:13
xteejxAll OS's do it17:13
Damascenebut I wonder if there is open bug about it or not17:13
Damascenexteejx, may I ask if you are in the bug squad?17:13
xteejxNo, I'm Bug Control and Bug Squad17:14
Damascenewill what happens to me isn't normal17:14
xteejxCan you explain exactly what happens, what you see, etc17:14
Damascenefirst I login, I've wire connection. the network manger connect to the wire. show that it's trying to connect to the wireless but because it doesn't have the key it doesn't connect17:15
Damasceneif it has it it will connect17:15
Damasceneif there is no key it will connect17:15
xteejxOk, and where do you see the problem, i.e. what part is the problem?17:16
Damasceneif there is some available network it should say so. not connect automatic17:16
xteejxyou mean open networks? (of course it can't connect to WEP/WPA/WPA2 without keys)17:17
Damascenewhat ever the word is17:17
Damasceneok do you find  a bug in what I said17:17
xteejxlet me just clarify...everything is fine apart from the fact that the wifi tries to connect to open networks automatically?17:18
persiaDamascene: I've had that behaviour on many of my machines since jaunty.17:18
persiaIt may be a bug, but it's not a regression, and it's not just you.17:18
Damascenexteejx, and it tries to connect to the protected ones too. and show you the screen to enter the key17:19
xteejxIt may even be expected behaviour on the part of GNOME?17:19
Damascenepersia, have it been reported before?17:19
xteejxDamascene: Ok, I understand...that it shouldn't do17:19
xteejxUnless they were connected to before, or you manually tried before, they'd be in "Edit Connections"....check that first just in case17:20
Damascenewhy you people who are in bug squad doens't have wiki page so some one could look in before he tries to ask stupid questions17:20
xteejxbecause it may not be a bug17:21
Damascenexteejx, what if there were connected to before? as every one have motorola modem here17:21
xteejxIf they were connected to before from your machine, it would remember that you tried and would continue to try to connect asking for key etc17:21
Damasceneno it shouldn't till I select auto connect17:22
Damasceneas two of bug squad team doesn't know an open bug about that and after me doing some searches17:22
DamasceneI've to open a bug, sorry17:23
xteejxevery other OS does the same...even windows - it's so that people don't have to keep re-clicking to go onto their own router, i.e. at home you wouldnt expect to have to click it every time, you'd want it to reconnect itself17:23
Damascenexteejx, ubuntu isn't like every other os17:24
xteejxAlso, Launchpad is searchable, you could have done this17:24
Damasceneand I don't think windows was doing that17:24
Damascenexeros, I did. but titles aren't very clear alwayes17:24
xteejxI've searched for you anyway so no worries. It doesn't appear to be a known problem17:24
persiaFOund it: http://xkcd.com/416/17:26
Damascenewhat was that?17:26
persiaIt's a prior description of the issue: n-m is too agressive at trying to connect to strange networks.17:27
Damasceneyeah :)17:27
persiaBut it's been that way since Intrepid or Jaunty or something.  I believe it's intentional.17:28
xteejxYeah, I too think it's expected behaviour, not a bug. You can still file for a change at Ubuntu brainstorm though17:28
persiaI'll disagree with that.  It's *always* a bug when someone's computer does something annoying.17:29
Damascenexteejx, I'm going to file a bug. any way you can close it :)17:29
persiaBut I think it's a wishlist item, and I think the solution is to have a way to turn it off (or have the way to turn it off be better documented).17:29
persiaAnd I think it's best resolved upsteam.17:29
xteejxNo problem, let us know the bug number, we can set it as Wishlist17:29
xteejxYeah ^17:29
persiaI'm happy to press the "Me Too" button on that one: I often don't want my laptop to go hunting networks (e.g. when I turn it on in the train station and expect to pass through *many* networks in the next hour).17:30
Damascenepersia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/56080217:38
ubot4`Launchpad bug 560802 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network manger auto connect to every wireless network it sees (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]17:38
persiaDamascene: Actually, I only get the popup window to enter keys for networks I've already used.17:39
persiaSo my experience may be a little bit different.17:40
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Damascenedid you try with another network with the same name?17:40
Damascenesorry I thought you are someone else :)17:41
Damascenehis name is yaron17:41
yofelah, np17:41
Damascenepersia, if you entered a key for network but you didn't connect successfully will it try to connect it in the next time you login?17:42
persiaWell, if that network is present.17:43
persiaI can make it not do that by deleting stuff in edit connections.17:43
persiaBut I can't make it not search for lots of networks and otherwise generate radio traffic on startup.17:44
xteejxpersia: Aren't probe requests normal in all OS's to see if the remembered networks are there?17:45
persiaxteejx: Yes.  Doesn't mean I want them :)17:45
xteejxOf course :)17:45
Damasceneshould I report it upstream?17:45
persiaTo me, a better behaviour would be to run in receive-only mode and sniff available ESSIDs from ambient traffic, without sending any data unless requested by the user.17:45
xteejxUpstream would be the best place for it tbh17:45
persiaBut that's hard, and means an extra step for users who just want to connect to some network already.17:46
xteejxpersia: That would definitely be better, especially with laptops too it would save power, albeit not much, but still17:46
persia(and who have no call to enter areas with active radio scanning which draws information security folk)17:46
xteejxyeah, laptops in airplanes, etc17:47
persiaOOh.  A plane is a good example :)17:47
Damasceneso should I report it upstream?17:49
persiaIt's more likely to have a chance of being fixed upstream, certainly.17:49
Damasceneok thanks17:51
Damasceneand it's gnome?17:51
Damasceneor redhat?17:51
persiaDamascene: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/18:02
Jpowers123I have a question about a bug in ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 involving the use of 3g modems18:02
Jpowers123some modems mount as cd-rom drives instead of modems and thus ubuntu won't use them even though the drivers are in the kernel, the solution is to install a package called usb_modeswitch and alter a few udev rules to prevent conflicts18:04
Jpowers123however I can't find any conframation this will be fixed for final release18:04
persiaThere's been several discussions about that: I'm not sure there is consensus as to the final solution.18:05
persiaGiven the point in the release schedule, and the trivial workaround for those devices that aren't quirked, I don't expect a general solution to be made for release.18:05
Jpowers123well jolicloud has it fixed, so it is possible18:06
persiaThat said, please file a bug about your *specific* device: it may be that your device can be quirked.18:06
persiaThe solution you describe doesn't begin to address the issue.  Consider a USB connection to a phone: is that a modem connection?  A storage connection?  An input connection?  A sound device? etc.18:06
persiaIt is a workaround that happens to work for a variety of combination storage/modem devices.18:07
Jpowers123I already know how to fix my specific device, my concern is for normal computer users that ubuntu is aimed at won't be able to fix it18:07
persiaI understand.  That's why I asked you to file a bug about your specific device.18:08
persiaThere exists no general solution at the current time.18:08
persiaBut it is possible to quirk some devices.  If your device is of the class read-only-storage+modem then it deserves to be quirked for all users of your device.18:08
Jpowers123then you may want to talk to jolicloud devlopers that do have this problem fixed18:08
persiaReally, it's not fixed :)18:09
persiaI promise.18:09
persiaIt's just more quirks for more classes of cheap storage+modem solutions.18:09
persiaExcept that jolicloud uses usbmodeswitch to handle the quirks.18:09
persiaSo the issue is less visible, except to users who might want to actually use the storage on the device (if read/write-storage+modem), or for more complex devices (e.g. phones).18:10
Jpowers123well then may I ask weather or not a good portion of 3g dongels work an the problem only effects obscure hardwrae18:10
persiaI know that there's been significant effort to add hints for most of the read-only-storage+modem devices.18:11
persiaBut I'm not sure if all of these devices have been reported, which is why I suggest filing a bug for your device: I suspect that one isn't being handled.18:11
persiaI'm not sure your device falls into that simple case, but if it does, it ought be quirked.18:11
Jpowers123okay, then I will file my bug report18:11
persia(pending a real solution)18:11
Jpowers123bye, thanks for the info18:12
Tiibiidiihum... guys, i'm not really into triaging, but i sometimes report some bugs... so i've always preferred to avoid doing things like changing the status of a bug18:13
Tiibiidiiso... originally i thought that to do something like that i would've to join the bugsquad or something18:13
Tiibiidiibut i see that's not required (ok, if i contribute for a while it's good practice to join)18:14
Tiibiidiithe point is: to me seems quite strange...18:14
persiaNo, it's not required, although it's encouraged.18:14
persiaHow so?18:15
Tiibiidiii mean: i can't modify the importance of a bug18:15
Tiibiidiiwhy it is that i can modify the status, though?18:15
persiaFor that you need to be in bug control.18:15
Tiibiidiito me the "status" of a bug doesn't really seems less important than the "importance"18:15
persiaWell, there's lots of use cases for status modifications.  For example, you might have reported a bug, and someone marked it incomplete, and you provided the requested information, and want to reset it to New.18:16
crimsunfurthermore, at this stage, the importance of a bug is used in burn-down charts for release management18:16
Tiibiidiiah ok... so that's would be a legit use of modifying status?18:16
persiaOr you might have reported a bug, and a developer uploaded a change that fixed it, and you want to mark it fix released, even though nobody happened to get to look at your bug yet, and fixed it unintentionally, or from a different report.18:16
persiaRIght, there's a few of them.18:17
Tiibiidiianother question18:17
Tiibiidiino, actually recently, i started to18:17
Tiibiidiiuse the "affects me" functionality18:17
Tiibiidii(that way i don't have to pollute the comments area, etc.etc.)18:18
Tiibiidiithe problem is that i don't get notified of changes of status in the bugs... nor the bugs i selected as affecting me are being listed among the related bugs18:19
persiaAfter setting also affects me, use the subscribe feature on the right side.18:19
Tiibiidiii'm wondering if i'm the only one to feel this lacking feature18:19
Tiibiidiiyeah, but by subscribing you'll receive all comments on the bug18:20
Tiibiidiisometimes it's useful18:20
persiaI consider it a feature that I don't get auto-subscribed to all the bugs I mark "also affects me".18:20
Tiibiidiii mean...18:20
persiaSometimes I want to note that I'm also hit by something to increase the affected users count, but don't actually want to read all the discussion about it.18:20
Tiibiidiii don't want to be subscribed... only notified if it gets fixed... or closed or whatever18:20
persiaI don't think there's any means of handling that.18:21
Tiibiidiiyeah, that's the point...18:21
Tiibiidiido you think it should be requested? maybe as a wishlist bug?18:21
persiaYou might file a bug against launchpad to have an +affectedbugs URL added for users that shows the list of open bugs that affect the user.18:21
persiaThat's different than notification when stuff gets closed, but does provide some similar idea.18:22
Tiibiidiido you think it might be useful? (i don't really want to report it if the only one benefitting from it would be me)18:22
persiaAnd I suspect it's easier to implement than some special notification that only happens for bugs that get marked invalid/won'tfix/fixreleased.18:22
persiaReport it anyway.  I wouldn't use it, but I imagine others would :)18:23
Tiibiidiilol ok18:23
Tiibiidiione last question:18:23
Tiibiidiii have about a dozen bugs i wanted to report in my TODO list :)18:23
Tiibiidiiunfortunately i wanted to report these before the freezes of lucid... in hope they would've been fixed in time18:24
Tiibiidiibut now is late...18:24
Tiibiidiido you suggest waiting for lucid, check if these are still valid and only then reporting these?18:24
persiaActually, yes.18:25
persiaAlternately, try lucid beta2, and see if they still affect that.18:25
persiaBecause if you report bugs against karmic now, unless they are critical bugs, someone will probably ask you to check them in lucid (or even maverick) anyway.18:25
Tiibiidiiunfortunately i think i won't be able to do it18:26
Tiibiidii(some of these happens only on this pc)18:26
Tiibiidii(and before doing the upgrade i want to get up and running my home server to manage backups)18:26
Tiibiidii(but unfortunately i had problems with lvm on it)18:27
Tiibiidii(yeah: i'm a mess)18:27
persiaYou might try with testdrive: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/11/introducing-testdrive.html18:27
Tiibiidiidon't have the disk space XD18:27
Damascenehow to report bug upstream. once I saw a template but I can't find the link to it18:27
persiaAh.  That makes it tricky.18:27
Tiibiidii<persia> Ah.  That makes it tricky. <-- nevermind, i'll get over it... however thanks for the tips18:28
persiaDamascene: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream18:28
persiaTiibiidii: Good luck, and thanks for reporting bugs.  We have a lot, but we need as many as possible to help make sure Ubuntu is best :)18:29
nigelspowhi, has anyone heard of issues with gnome-wm not starting since upgrading to lucid beta 2 ?18:37
crimsunnigelspow: can you reproduce it with a new user?18:40
crimsunthere are several session races appearing now18:40
crimsun(I'm covering the audio-related ones)18:40
nigelspowI haven't tried adding a new user actually. I can give that a go now.18:41
nigelspowA new user seems just fine.18:43
crimsunright, so that seems to be the recurring "stale gconf settings do bad things on new session" symptom18:44
nigelspowit sounds like this has come up before.18:45
crimsunit's long-standing. I've been able to reproduce it since 5.0418:48
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crimsunalso, it's pretty tricky to migrate gconf settings during a package's maintainer scripts run18:48
crimsunsystem-wide defaults can, of course, be changed, but merging those into a user's existing are pretty crufty18:49
nigelspowFair enough. If I just remove the .gnome directory for that user then I assume it'll just get re-created with the current system defaults18:50
albHi! I've just upgraded to Lucid and I'm hitting an xorg bug using the Intel driver (X closes after a couple of minutes, and goes back gdm). I searched launchpad and it doesn't seem to be reported, but since it's not out yet, I wasn't sure whether to file it or not19:11
alb(surprisingly it may have something to do with the terminal and/or vim, as every time it crashed it was when I was using vim, and now it's been up for some time and I've avoided the terminal)19:12
persiaalb: Please do file it: it's bugs filed against the release-in-progress that are the best means of ensuring that the release is high quality.19:13
albpersia: ok, will do, thanks a lot19:14
persiaalb: Thanks for helping improve Ubuntu19:14
albpersia: well, I should be thanking you for that =)19:14
persiaNah.  X works fine for me, with the Intel driver.  I'd have never noticed that issue.19:15
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etaliCould somebody check bug 495524 please (I think it should be set to wishlist / medium)19:33
ubot4`Launchpad bug 495524 in gwibber "Retweeting ignores posting permissions (affects: 1) (heat: 408)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49552419:33
albpersia: well, thanks for being nice anyway. It's been reported (bug 560899). I'll go do more testing now, but if anyone has any suggestion, you can send it to albertito (which is running on another machine). Thanks again!19:36
ubot4`Launchpad bug 560899 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to Lucid, xorg exits after a couple of minutes (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56089919:36
persiaalb: Subscribe to the bug to get updates on it.  Also, press the "Also affects me" if it also affects you.19:36
albertitopersia: thanks, both things were done automatically by launchpad19:37
* persia is confused by "affects: 1" and looks harder19:38
persiaAh.  I misinterpreted "it has been reported" as meaning previously, by someone else.  Apologies for the confusion :)19:39
albertitopersia: yeah, I wasn't clear enough with that, sorry =)19:39
bullgardWhat does mean "tags: added: freeze" in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/552418?20:35
ubot4`Launchpad bug 552418 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[915GM] Chatzilla Firefox plugin freezes repeatedly display image, keyboard unfunctional except for magic SysRq keys (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:35
micahgbullgard: that a tag in launchpad was added to the bug20:36
bullgardmicahg: And what does the added tag "freeze" mean?20:37
micahgbullgard: probably a way for the X team to track freezes20:38
bullgardAh! Thank you.20:39
anotengCould a bug controller please set status on bug #554627 to triaged, I'm in doubt about importance but I'm suggesting high: "Makes a default Ubuntu installation generally unusable for some users"20:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 554627 in linux (Ubuntu) "boot freeze on "Starting up ..." with generic kernel (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55462720:43
cjohnstonwhat package should Bug #560937  be?20:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 560937 in ubuntu "After update, panel displays user name twice (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56093720:53
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anotengcjohnston: probably indicator-applet21:11
anotengyou're a bug-controller?21:13
alvinThere are probably a lot of questions like this here these days, but I'm going to do it anyway. Can someone eveluate the importance of bug 557909? Right now, systems with lvm have troublesome boot experiences.21:38
ubot4`Launchpad bug 557909 in devmapper (Ubuntu) "lucid hangs on boot because of device ownership (affects: 5) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55790921:38
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swebsome time my screen saver not work23:54
swebi dont know why23:55
persiaHow do you mean "not work"?23:59

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