
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
didrocksdesrt: hey, no, it wasn't. did you saw pitti's comment? I can testbuild it, but I have no testcase to ensure it works well with the package built with our toolchains. Do you want me to provide you a package in my ppa or a simple testapp?11:11
desrtdidrocks: i'm confused.12:06
desrtyou require me to test it in order to OK that it works?12:07
didrocksdesrt: well, pitti required to build the debian package on a ubuntu system (to use our toolchain) to ensure it works then12:07
didrocksdesrt: if you want, I can provide you one in my ppa if you can gain some time there12:08
desrtmy interest was to have it available in the distribution itself for the benefit of others12:08
desrti'm likely to install the git version, myself12:08
didrockssure, I know that :) I can test it myself if you can just give me a simple way to test it to ack it works12:09
desrtthe best way would be to build it with itself12:09
didrocksdesrt: oh, sorry, you speak about valac12:10
desrtwere we having one of those conversations? :)12:10
didrocksdesrt: right, I was thinking about syncing from debian the new binding you want to use for dconf12:11
desrtah. don't worry about 0mq12:11
didrockssorry about that12:11
desrtit's not nearly as much of a concern as valac12:11
didrocksyeah, for valac, njpatel will give it some tests as it seems to break their launcher12:11
didrocksif they can workaround it on Monday, I'll upload it12:11
desrtok.  nice.12:11
desrtif you need help with that, let me know12:11
didrocksso, no, I didn't forgot, it's just in progress :)12:12
didrocksdesrt: sure, thanks12:12
desrtwith zeromq, if i end up using it, i can just have it in my own ppa12:12
desrtsince dconf will obviously be in ppa too, that's not so bad12:12
didrocksdesrt: well, make sense, let's sync it for maverick so12:12
didrockssorry for the confusion :)12:13
desrtheh.  no problem.12:13
desrt<- too early12:13
desrtjust got up to catch a flight :p12:13
didrocksoh, where are you going to?12:13
didrocksnice, is it the dconf/gsettings hackfest?12:13
didrockssweet, have fun there!12:13
desrtso.  google as default search engine?15:57
jpdsdesrt: Yes.15:57
desrtthey finally caved to canonical's demands?15:57
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
TheMusoGood morning.23:36
RAOFGood moring!23:37

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