
wgrantsistpoty, ScottK: It's been running hourly for a couple of weeks.00:13
wgrantBut it was broken yesterday because LP decided to break the API.00:14
slangaseklamont: do you know why I'm unable to retry the compiz/ia64 build?00:34
slangasekArneGoetje: when do you plan to do final language packs for 10.04 final?  Do you expect there to be a respin between RC and final?00:46
ScottKwgrant: I'd appreciate it if you could have a look at Bug #560422.02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560422 in soyuz "Consistent retry failures on web UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56042202:31
wgrantScottK: I may be able to assist if you can find some Canonical person to look at the OOPS and get the traceback somewhere public.02:33
ScottKSigh.  Probably not much chance of that on the weekend.02:34
* ScottK wonders if slangasek is around and knows how to do it?02:34
slangasekno clue, sorry02:36
slangasekI probably don't have the access02:36
Keybuk /msg kees did you see the new Doctor Who yet?02:37
lifelesswgrant: IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "buildpackagejob__build__key"02:38
Keybukerr s/^ // :p02:38
wgrantWe have DB corruption.02:39
wgrantI thought that was all fixed in Jan... :/02:39
ScottKHave fun.02:39
* ScottK departs to go retrieve $TEENAGER from a distant location.02:39
lifelesswgrant: sure its not a bug ?02:41
wgrantlifeless: It probably is a bug. I meant that we thought we'd fixed all cases that caused anything like that.02:41
lifelesspasted you the test02:42
slangasekwgrant: ah, so is this probably related to my OOPS when trying to get a retry of an ia64 package earlier?02:42
ScottKslangasek: That's the same one.02:43
slangasekheh, ok - hadn't looked at the bug02:43
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.02:44
wgrantlamont: You haven't been playing with builds in the last couple of days?02:44
lamontslangasek: I know some nice people who could go look at (the brand new) OOPS-1562ED96 and tell  you why we can't retry it02:56
lamontwgrant: haven't been playing with builds lately, no02:56
slangaseklamont: looks like these nice people are already doing so :)02:57
lamontyeah - just walked back in, about to run off to dinner with the family02:57
lamontand finally notciing the rest of scrollback... anyway, ew.02:57
wgrantSo, yeah, we have some impossible DB state. Easy to fix, but it will probably have to wait for Soyuz to appear on Monday.02:58
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directhexslangasek, you broke fglrx11:24
* sebner pets didrocks 11:25
* sebner pets directhex 11:25
sebnerdidrocks: well, you too :D11:25
didrockssebner: thank you! :)11:25
sebnerheh :)11:25
directhexlooks like Bug #55254811:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552548 in fglrx-installer "fglrx broken after update to 2:8.721-0ubuntu7 (dup-of: 494699)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55254811:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49469911:26
directhexit's so totally not a dup of 49469911:27
wgrantdoko__: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/test-rebuild-20100407/12:03
doko__wgrant: cool, many thanks!12:04
* persia idly wonders why exim4 *and* postfix are both in main12:17
bigoncould someone make this sync plz? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hellanzb/+bug/54923412:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549234 in hellanzb "Please sync hellanzb (0.13-6) from debian unstable" [High,Confirmed]12:44
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asacjames_w: hola ;) ... so what would it take to get branch imports going for ppas? is that in the pipeline?14:51
persiaasac: Do you really want that?  Would you not prefer auto-PPA upload from bzr push?14:53
asacpersia: is that mutually exclusive?14:54
asaci would like both in the end ;)14:54
persiaWell, probably, unless one has different branch names for PPA->bzr and bzr->PPA to avoid loops.14:54
persiaBut I expect that the development/integration effort would end up prioritising one of the features first.14:55
pbndrĂ´le de cuite message...14:57
pytherHi. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can file a bug for icon-naming-utils?15:06
iulianpyther: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icon-naming-utils/+filebug15:17
pytheriulian: I need to repot it upstream15:17
iulianpyther: I don't know.15:19
iulianLooks for its homepage.  Maybe it has a bug tracking system.15:20
pytheriulian: yah I've looked and come out pretty unsuccesful15:22
frenkelthere is a new release of wacom.ko that support 5 new Bamboo tablets and some others. is it possible to get this into lucid?15:35
persiafrenkel: We're past KernelFreeze, so it'd be very hard to get significant new kernel changes into lucid at this point.  I'd recommend asking for guidance on integration policies/procedures in #ubuntu-kernel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase may help give you some pointers as to how to help make that happen.15:44
frenkelpersia: i was afraid of that already15:45
frenkelpersia: thanks :)15:45
bigonstill nobody for syncing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hellanzb/+bug/549234 ?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549234 in hellanzb "Please sync hellanzb (0.13-6) from debian unstable" [High,Confirmed]15:46
bluefoxicyholy crap15:52
bluefoxicyI need to download 2,275M Of packages to upgrade to lucid15:53
* bluefoxicy downloads the 692M daily alternate CD instead.15:53
mkarnickihi guys, i'm seeking help: bzr push lp:~mkarnicki/+junk/hello returned: Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. //15:55
mkarnickiPermission denied (publickey).15:56
mkarnickiany hints? I have registered my ssh public key with lp15:56
ScottKmkarnicki: Launchpad help is on #launchpad.15:56
mkarnickia, thank you ScottK15:56
bdrungbigon: just wait. a member of ubuntu-archive will do the sync. (i assume it will be synced tomorrow)16:01
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padraicanyone running lucid with the nvidia gt240m?16:45
james_wasac: I don't plan to work on it16:45
mkarnickipadraic: i think i have g210m16:56
padraicmkarnicki: does it work?17:09
padraici tried the live-cd with it and i just got a load of corrupt video after the bootscree17:10
* abogani waves17:31
aboganiI'm looking for sponsors: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani/linux-rtPPUApplication17:31
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mkarnickipadraic: it's ASUS UL30VT, i think G210M. once i had 'the rainbow', but.. the next time i tried it worked fine17:48
lucas_lool: around?18:04
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zygaiulian: hi19:56
iulianzyga: Hello.20:25
jdongstupid question that I don't seem to be very good at googling...20:26
jdongwhy is it that I cannot alt-tab while dragging and dropping20:26
sladenjdong: this could be related to the various there Grab() blocks modifier keys20:28
jdongah found a LP bug for it20:28
jdongbug 11193920:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 111939 in metacity "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193920:28
jdongwho do I have to beg to accept the 1-liner patch?20:30
persiaNobody: just upload it (or if you can't, submit a sponsorship request, or if it exists, wait)20:35
slangasekdirecthex: by making it buildable and installable?20:41
directhexwell, 2 versions ago seemed pretty installed to me. but it's the issue with the stuff in /etc/ati/ not being replaced on update (i.e. all the files, which are required for the driver to work, are gone, and only .dpkg-bak versions are there)20:43
slangasekdirecthex: which I haven't touched20:45
directhexlooks like luck is the biggest factor in why i hadn't been hit before, then20:45
slangasekdirecthex: well, there is some dodgy conffile handling in the preinst that I noticed; since the comment says "these need to match what upstream wants but they have to be in /etc so fiddle around on upgrade", the right answer is probably to fix the preinst to nuke all of /etc/ati and make it a symlink to something under /usr20:56
directhexslangasek, i agree. i don't think /etc is the right place for this stuff21:19
slangasekdirecthex: and in fact, the package seems to take great pains to avoid etc/ati being tagged as conffiles, which at least partly explains the conflicts error on upgrade21:20
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FeasibilityStudyAnyone wanna tell me what this kernel failure might be?  http://pastebin.com/pVvcPdVc23:34
FeasibilityStudyApport tries to run, but it is denied permission (which is another bug to deal with).23:37

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