
godbykdaker: you need help transferring the website files from the ubuntu-manual branch to the ubuntu-manual-website branch?00:00
dakerno with Series and milestones00:01
dakeri don't know if waht i am doing is correct or not :)00:01
godbykdaker: it looks like it's probably okay to me.00:02
godbykI don't really understand them all fully, either.00:02
godbykBasically, the milestones are things like alpha, beta, release candidate, etc.00:02
godbykand a series is where you want to work on two things in parallel.00:02
godbykdo we need to have milestones for the website? we have most of it done already, don't we?00:03
dakerif i want to move all the UMP website from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-website00:15
dakerpossible ?00:15
godbykdaker: the translations will automatically appear.  if the translators translate something in the UMP and it's the same string that's in the website, then it'll automatically appear.00:16
humphreybchi all02:48
dakerhi humphreybc02:48
dakerit was a looong time02:49
humphreybchow's the website stuff going daker?02:51
dakeri am going to move the website to lp:ubuntu-manual-website02:53
godbykhey, humphreybc.02:53
humphreybcdaker: cool03:07
humphreybchey kevin03:07
dakerand you what's up ?03:08
humphreybcnot a lot03:08
humphreybcneed to tidy my room up today, it's a bit of a mess03:08
* humphreybc might re-design nautilus 03:08
godbykredesign it how?03:09
humphreybcmake it more streamlined, less cluttered03:09
humphreybcsort of like the elementary team has done03:10
humphreybci also just want to draw some stuff on graph paper03:10
godbykdidn't a couple different people do that a while back? (wasn't there a post or two on OMG or Planet GNOME about some mockups, at least?)03:11
humphreybcI think Ubuntu should fork Nautilus03:12
humphreybcand make it better03:12
humphreybcbut i'll talk to you about that in a PM later today03:12
godbykhumphreybc: Can you get the list of contributors/credits to me sometime soonish? I'd like to get that dumped into the PDF (and website) and figure out which parts the translators need to translate.03:28
humphreybci'll work on that today03:28
godbykIt would be great if we could get everyone's names both in Latin script and whatever their preferred script is.03:28
humphreybcmight be a bit hard though03:29
humphreybci'll see what I can do03:29
godbykI don't know if it's a matter of emailing the list and translators and asking for their names or what.03:29
humphreybci think i'll go through all the launchpad contributors etc first, grab everyone03:29
humphreybcand the ones who have odd names i'll try to contact individually03:30
godbykAlso, if anyone has copied text from another project, we need to know what that text is licensed under, hope that it's compatible, and cite it if necessary.03:30
humphreybci think Ilya took the firefox stuff from mozilla03:30
godbykyeah, and that's in the credits already, I think.  but other text may have come from the ubuntu docs project. I'm not sure what their license is (haven't looked).03:30
humphreybcsame as ours03:31
humphreybcwe can just credit them anyway03:31
godbykthat may be something we have to ask the authors (and hope they're honest about it).03:31
humphreybclet's just credit them anyway03:31
humphreybcstick them in special thanks03:31
godbykwe can, that's not a problem.03:31
godbykI just don't want to miss anyone/anything.03:31
humphreybckeep em' happy :P03:31
humphreybcyeah, i know03:31
humphreybcit'll be a bit hard03:31
godbykwe'll have to organize all that better for this next edition. :)03:32
godbykIt's all going to be easier the second time 'round, right?  Right?  :-)03:32
humphreybchonestly? no :)03:32
humphreybcit'll be just the same03:32
humphreybcif it's easy, it's boring03:32
humphreybcpeople like challenges, keeps them interested and occupied03:32
humphreybcyou think i'm joking ;)03:35
godbykI'm hoping so! :)03:36
* daker is upgrading to Lucid03:37
* humphreybc just had his interview for the Full Circle Magazine podcast, went really well08:51
humphreybcwhen is translation support going to hit ubuntu-manual.org?09:06
godbykhumphreybc: When daker's ready to make the test.ubuntu-manual.org site the ubuntu-manual.org site.09:12
godbykI emailed him about it a bit earlier.09:12
ubuntujenkinsmorning all09:15
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: can you put me down as a writer on the website please09:15
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: on the wiki what would you like me to do about the meeting that is listed there for the 2oth march?09:19
humphreybcluke, the "titles" will be different for the actual credits in the PDF09:23
humphreybcI'll put you as Author, Quickshot developer09:23
humphreybcbut then we've all done multiple things09:23
humphreybcin theory I should have Team lead, Author, Editor, Web designer etc etc09:23
humphreybcbut in the PDF it'll be different09:23
ubuntujenkinsok true just leav it as quickhsot09:23
ubuntujenkinsyou have a good point09:23
humphreybcand for the wiki, just remove the stuff about the 20th march thing09:24
ubuntujenkinsok will do09:24
* ubuntujenkins meeting done09:43
popeywhats wrong with the textlive in the ubuntu repo for lucid?09:49
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/authors suggests getting texlive from upstream?09:49
humphreybcpopey: not enough character support for all the languages09:50
popeyso if I wanted to build the manual for en-gb it would be fine?09:50
humphreybcno, you'll need texlive 2009 unfortunately09:50
humphreybci think so09:51
ubuntujenkinsyep you need the upstream ones even for english09:51
godbykpopey: The Lucid packages don't have the latest TeX packages that we require (specifically, polyglossia).09:51
popeyis upstream just newer than the one in lucid?09:51
popeyis there a bug filed?09:51
humphreybci think it's not a bug, more just the fact TeX 2009 is quite new09:52
godbykpopey: Probably not. I haven't looked at the packages for a few months.09:52
godbykpopey: Basically, the Lucid packages will never keep up to date with the TeX Live packages themselves.09:53
godbykpopey: We're using some leading edge packages for the TeX stuff (and we're actually contributing some code back to them).09:54
popeyok, thanks09:56
godbykNo problem.09:56
* ubuntujenkins shouts at python dbus10:48
ubuntujenkinshello all13:45
dakerlucid looks good13:45
ubuntujenkinshi daker lucid is good, i have had it since alpha 2/3 I think13:47
dakerfrom last night13:48
ubuntujenkinsI installed 9.04 yesterday in a vm and that looks so old and wierd13:48
ubuntujenkinsevening everyone19:55
ubuntujenkinshello daker, how was your day?20:38
* ubuntujenkins and quickshot fails on another local21:48
* ubuntujenkins doesn't understand why it doesn't work22:02
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping22:02
godbykubuntujenkins: which locale is failing now?22:21
ubuntujenkinsall of Serbian language I have filled a bug against the python module. titeuf put in a work around but it doesn't appear to work22:22
ubuntujenkinsnope that work around was for something else just trying to write one now22:24
godbykso is it just that pybabel (or whichever module) doesn't know about all the locales we're using? or something else?22:26
ubuntujenkinsI hope the user is using the ppa. It isn't pybabel all pypbabel does is provide us with a pretty display name for the language. its the locale module that that issue is in22:27
ubuntujenkinsok type $LANG in your teminal22:28
ubuntujenkinshow can i extract the first two letters of it?22:28
godbykwith python?22:29
godbykyou actually want to extract up to the underscore22:29
godbykso: (lang_code, locale_code) = LANG.split("_", 2)22:30
godbykor something like that.22:30
ubuntujenkinsexacltly, with python ideal or bash22:30
godbykthen lang_code will be the stuff before the _ and locale_code is everything after.22:30
ubuntujenkinsI don't know if your suggestion works22:30
ubuntujenkinsyes all we need is the first bit as far as i know22:30
godbyk$ python22:31
godbykPython 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:43:55)22:31
godbyk[GCC 4.4.1] on linux222:31
godbykType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.22:31
godbyk>>> (lang, locale) = "en_US.UTF-8".split("_", 2)22:31
godbyk>>> print lang22:31
godbyk>>> print locale22:31
ubuntujenkinsthanks godbyk that helps to fix it22:31
godbykyou could further splut the locale into locale and encoding (split on the .)22:32
ubuntujenkinsI don't "think" it is needed, every day is a learning day for me :-)22:32
* ubuntujenkins was pleased he helped someone else with python today22:33
Red_HamsterXgodbyk, that should actually be .split('_', 1). The integer is the maximum number of times to split, nit the maximum number of returned elements.22:56
godbykRed_HamsterX: Ah, thanks.22:57
godbykI haven't written python code for quite some time.22:57
Red_HamsterXOther languages, like Java, work that way.22:58
Red_HamsterXSo confusion is understandable.22:58
Red_HamsterX(I make that mistake when switching between Python and Java sometimes)22:58
Red_HamsterX(It's quite annoying)22:58
* ubuntujenkins notes that22:58
godbykI can imagine.22:58
Red_HamsterX(Like any other off-by-one issue)22:58
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: bug 554861 has got another local that doesn't work I am writing a work around. Also filed a bug against the locale module and people are replying to it so quickly. un like ubuntu stuff23:00
manualbotLaunchpad bug 554861 in quickshot "Quickshot crashes on unknown locale" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55486123:00
Red_HamsterXPython's issue tracker is weird.23:00
Red_HamsterXSometimes things are investigated quickly, even when minor, and sometimes major things go ignored for weeks.23:01
Red_HamsterXI'll see if I can write a patch against it if nobody claims ownership by tomorrow.23:01
ubuntujenkinsI am not sure i filed it against the right thing at them moment put a patch would be nice if you can do it.23:02
ubuntujenkinsif you look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/quickshot/+bug/554861/comments/623:03
manualbotLaunchpad bug 554861 in quickshot "Quickshot crashes on unknown locale" [Medium,Confirmed]23:03
Red_HamsterXPython's dev team is pretty good about spotting duplicates and moving stuff to the right place.23:03
ubuntujenkinsooo i did file it right "Actually, my diagnosis was wrong. The locale module contains a list of locale aliases and some of the Serbian ones are missing. A recent locale.alias file from X11 is more complete."23:03
ubuntujenkinsanyway what i was going to ask form the output of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/quickshot/+bug/554861/comments/6 would this be the right thing to except "except ValueError: unknown locale:"23:04
manualbotLaunchpad bug 554861 in quickshot "Quickshot crashes on unknown locale" [Medium,Confirmed]23:04
Red_HamsterXOf course, we won't see that fix until 2.7, so we'll have to catch ValueError.23:04
Red_HamsterXYeah, "except ValueError, e: error-log-write("Unable to process locale: %(error)s" % {'error': str(e),}"23:06
godbykI have four locale.alias files on my system (at least that locate locale.alias found for me)23:06
godbykthe X11 one has the sr_RS entry, but the others don't.23:06
Red_HamsterXWhere we'd replace the string with something more uniform after evaluating how we should rebuild stuff.23:07
ubuntujenkinshang on i am confused23:10
ubuntujenkinswhy are we using short_code = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] when we could use short_code = = os.environ['LANG']23:11
ubuntujenkinsignore th double =23:11
* ubuntujenkins typing fail23:11
Red_HamsterXWe'd have to ask titeuf. I assumed it was because getdefaultlocale() did some sort of validation that he found helpful/necessary.23:12
ubuntujenkinsif we use the other way it would save us the problems.23:12
ubuntujenkinsIf i understand it right23:13
Red_HamsterXIt likely would, yes.23:14
ubuntujenkinsreply form the bug is "getdefaultlocale is inherently unmaintainable, and shouldn't be used by applications. I wish it was removed from Python (but unfortunately, too many people got tricked into believing that it does something useful).23:14
ubuntujenkinsThat said, if anybody feels like updating the tables from the various data sources, please go ahead."23:14
Red_HamsterXBut we'd need to make sure Ubuntu can't possibly mess up $LANG.23:14
Red_HamsterXI can commit a patch against 2.7/3.2, then.23:15
Red_HamsterXSwitch to $LANG, I guess.23:15
ubuntujenkinsthanks, i don't know what others are missing yet23:15
ubuntujenkinsI will drop titeuf an e-mail just to double check if there was a reason. I will impliment it and release it in the morning unless there is an issue. and do another cd is suppose.23:18
godbykPer the description, getdefaultlocale() looks at the four locale-related environment variables and parses them in order of precedence.23:18
ubuntujenkinswhich are those variables and where would i find them?23:19
godbykWhereas LANG itself can be overriden by $LANGUAGE.23:20
ubuntujenkinsok I will keep what i wrote and look for the error from getdefaultlocale and use os,envi.... as a fall back23:21
ubuntujenkinsthanks guys, I am going to bed23:22
ubuntujenkinsnight o/23:22

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