
slangasekstgraber: the cronjob is enabled00:25
stgraberok, any clue as to why we don't even have livefs build at the moment ? Usually I at least get a livefs build failure ;)00:26
slangasekstgraber: because the cronjob wasn't enabled /yesterday/ at this time, and is scheduled to start in 15 minutes. :)00:27
stgraberhehe, ok ;) thanks00:27
stgraberhighvoltage: ^00:28
ScottKslangasek: Sounds 'fun'.  Riddell did that update.  I'll pass it on to him.  Thanks.01:12
stgraberslangasek: regarding that ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu vs edubuntu-artwork seed issue. Is there an esay way to inherit everything from another seed (in our case, Ubuntu's live seed) but blacklist one particuliar package (ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu) so it doesn't conflict with something we have in our seed (edubuntu-artwork) ?02:22
stgraberI'd like to avoid having to copy everything that's in Ubuntu live seed just to fix that issue ...02:23
slangasekstgraber: I think we would need to split the live seed in Ubuntu into a live-common seed + a live seed, and have Edubuntu inherit only the common stuff via STRUCTURE02:35
slangasekstgraber: but stepping back a bit, why do those packages have a conflict?02:36
stgraberthey both provide an ubiquity slideshow, which is basically a set of file somewhere in /usr/share/ubiquity/02:38
stgraberfor that specific case, it would probably have been better if whoever made ubiquity-slideshow had made a directory for each theme and either a configuration file or an alternative to select which one is the current one02:39
slangasekif it were pulled as a dependency, you could have your version Provide:ubuntu-ubiquity-slideshow; but since it's seeded directly, that won't work because it's tagged in the archive02:39
stgraberwhat would be the effect of adding ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu to the blacklist file in edubuntu.lucid ? I never found a good documentation on how that file is used and what it exactly does.02:41
slangasekblacklists don't do what you want02:42
slangasekblacklisting packages just causes things to *fail* when the blacklisted package has been pulled in by mistake02:42
stgraberyeah, that wouldn't help much ;)02:42
slangasekso the cheapest solution would be to create a live-installer seed, put live: desktop live-installer in STRUCTURE, and override the live-installer contents in edubuntu02:44
slangaseklet's try that and see if it does what I expect02:44
slangasekhmm, maybe it would be better to have a live-common in platform02:47
* slangasek thinks02:47
slangasekev: why is python-webkit directly seeded for ubiquity-slideshow, instead of being a dependency?02:48
slangasekstgraber: is it intentional that the edubuntu DVD doesn't include all the langpacks?03:00
slangasekstgraber: oh; sorry, <cough> it *does* include them, which means the seed being used is not the one I'm looking at03:04
slangasekstgraber: apparently I'm looking at an old livecd-rootfs03:05
slangasekstgraber: well, no, my checkout of livecd-rootfs is up-to-date, but live edubuntu DVDs clearly have all the langpacks installed, which implies that it's using edubuntu dvd-live instead of edubuntu live - I don't know why.  Did lamont cowboy something for you?03:11
stgraberit's using dvd-live for the live environment03:20
stgraberwe have 2-3 regexp matching all the langpacks in the archive03:20
slangasekyes, I see that it's using dvd-live; but where is that being done?03:20
slangasekit's not committed to the livecd-rootfs repo03:21
stgraberI'm still not quite familiar with that part of the magic ;)03:25
slangasekstgraber: anyway, I've reorganized a bit in a way that I think will do the job; this did involve creating a 'live' seed for edubuntu, but its contents are minimal and should require very little maintenance03:25
stgraberslangasek: thanks03:27
stgraberslangasek: any reason you kept parted and some ubiquity stuff in dvd-live ? (as they are now in both live and dvd-live)03:27
slangasekstgraber: I was just writing the commit message to take gparted out, and was still thinking about ubiquity :)03:28
stgraberok ;)03:28
ScottKslangasek: Somehow it seems Kubuntu Netbook Remix didn't make it on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/04:09
* ScottK should have looked before now.04:09
ScottKslangasek: Just in case you aren't aware (I don't recall if we discussed this before) - there's currently a soyuz bug where things aren't coming out of depwait automatically.04:53
slangasekScottK: yep, you mentioned, thanks05:09
slangasekkubuntu netbook remix - hrm05:09
slangasekI don't know that I can rescue that now that the cronjobs have restarted :/05:09
slangasekoh, no05:10
slangasekit's on releases.u.c05:10
slangasekI was gonna say, I was pretty sure I went right down the manifest05:10
* ScottK didn't think to look there.05:11
slangasekand the armel ones are on cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/lucid/beta-2 because it would've broken my brain to get them under cdimage.u.c/kubuntu/releases05:12
doko__slangasek: filing build failures from the rebuild test: how to tag/target these/set the milestone?10:40
slangasekdoko__: please target them all to final20:42
doko__slangasek: ok. something else: could you comment on 555210? if that's appropriate?22:26

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