
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
uvirtbotNew bug: #560377 in qemu-kvm (main) "[lucid] Stuttering mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56037700:22
GhostFreemanHas anyone here managed to get byobu to run on Hardy?00:50
GhostFreemando I just need to pull down the deb and unpack00:51
NafalloI use the PPA.00:51
GhostFreemanwhat's the PPA? Apt?00:51
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.00:51
GhostFreemanTo use ppa on hardy, do I need a launchpad account?01:02
MTecknologySo it's simple and easy to upgrade from one LTS to the other?02:12
KurtKrautMTecknology, yes: just a single command and about 1gb of download.02:28
MTecknologyKurtKraut: that's awsome - i didn't know it was possible :)02:28
KurtKrautMTecknology, there might be some questions asked during the processe if you have installed a packaged that has been through some deep changes.02:28
JanCwell, the amount of download depends on what you have installed   :P02:28
KurtKrautMTecknology, bookmark this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/installing-upgrading.html02:29
limpcim having problems with RAID 10 and ubuntu 9.1003:29
limpcits not detecting my drives at installation03:29
limpcthey're already configured as raid 10 via motherboard controller03:29
pmatulislimpc: controller not supported?  what is it?03:32
limpcno, theres no actual raid controller, its more of softRAID than a real HW raid controller. however its built into the motherboard, and is handled by an AMD SB850 chipset03:33
limpcit has a raid config utility built in, i set up 4 2TB drives as RAID 10, it shows a LD of 3999.99 afterwards03:33
limpcbut none of the drives show up in ubuntu's partition manager during installation03:33
seurgeyHey, im trying to set up a VPN server for my iphone using this guide http://en.dogeno.us/2009/05/setup-a-vpn-server-in-ubuntu-810-for-iphone/ and my iphone wont seem to connect03:36
the_hoserHi there.  I'm trying to setup a quick server with apache/fcgid and I'm getting a 403 error when attempting to run my fastcgi program.  no errors are landing in the error logs.  Any idea what I'm missing?05:25
the_hoserfigured it out05:38
jetolehey guys. Does anyone know how to setup dhcpd so that it ignores certain mac addresses. i.e. it doesn't offer them any dhcp service what so ever?06:09
lifelessjetole: I would try creating an empty pool and putting those macs in the pool; or you could use ipfilter06:34
lifelesssorry, iptables06:34
lifelesstheres also a ethernet layer table/filter06:34
jetoleI think you mean arptables on that comment but this isn't really something in my case that I think I want handled by the firewall but I will look into the empty pool concept06:36
MTecknologygah.. I'm trying to make one server send email to another server - both on the same lan- they don't want to listen...07:39
MTecknologyI can do telnet lists.kalliki.com 25 - so the hosts file is making it resolve correctly... I'm starting to think exim is at fault but the logs may or may not agree - I'm not sure...07:41
MTecknologyok - exim logs say that the request isn't even making it to exim..07:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #560603 in php5 (main) "crashes with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56060311:56
mrcoodleshello everyone im having a problem with a NIC under server 9.10 ; lspci outputs "Ethernet controller: Device 00ec:8139 (rev 10)" . any idea what to do ?12:15
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persia__Hello.  I just upgraded my server to lucid, and ran into an issue with LVM devices (including root) not being automounted anymore (due to missing dm_mod).  Does anyone have a pointer to nice docs that explain how I should modify my system to set up initramfs properly?14:01
padhuI want to configure mail server over intranet in ubuntu. any guidelines to configure it?15:55
ScottKpadhu: There is a lot of mail server setup documentation in the Ubuntu Server Guide.15:57
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RoyK^padhu: apt-get install postfix?16:10
padhuRoyK&^: Is it enough?16:11
padhuis it require to edit .conf file before starting service?16:12
guntbertpadhu: make sure it works only on the intranet and doesn't send mail to the outside16:13
RoyK^padhu: obviously that depends on what you want to do16:13
guntbertpadhu: especially not mail *from* outside *to* outside16:13
RoyK^guntbert: i don't think you can configure postfix to route only to certain subnets16:14
RoyK^guntbert: heh - that's relaying16:14
RoyK^default postfix config doesn't allow for much relaying16:14
padhuMy requirement is Local network only. not for outside. Users count is nearly 10016:14
RoyK^iirc default is to relay from my_networks16:15
ScottKpadhu: You want more than an MTA.  I'd look at the server guide.16:15
RoyK^padhu: postfix is an mta, doing transport, you might want to have imap access as well?16:15
guntbertRoyK^: yes - my concern was relaying16:15
RoyK^that's not a problem unless you do something wierd in main.cf16:16
padhuRpyk^: any setup guide or Howto?16:16
padhuimap also wanted16:16
ScottKpadhu: It's in the server guide.16:17
ScottKSee help.ubuntu.com16:17
guntbertpadhu: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html16:17
padhuScottK: Link please16:18
guntbertpadhu: you can replace the version number ... :)16:18
ScottKpadhu: guntbert just gave you  the link for 8.04.  Make sure you get the version for what you are running.16:18
padhuThank you16:19
padhuAny version, but only ubuntu16:19
padhumost of people point me other flavours. But i want ubuntu16:20
RoyK^padhu: if you want a full-grown email system, take a look at zimbra16:20
RoyK^easy to setup and manage, but it works best on a dedicated system (or VM)16:21
padhuoh, is it possible to setup for local network?16:23
_Dok_I think about ubuntu server for my new server. I read, that 9.10 is maintained until 2011. Is it possible to update the server 2011 remote?16:24
padhuRoyK^: any guide or link?16:25
ScottK_Dok_: Yes.16:25
guntbert_Dok_: if you wait a bit and install 10.04 - that is LTS too - so you get a very long support16:25
ScottKIt will be released on April 29.16:26
_Dok_when will 10.4 been released?16:26
RoyK^padhu: zimbra.com16:28
RoyK^padhu: otherwise will google.com help you quite efficiently16:29
padhuTHanjk you :-)16:29
padhugoogle is good partner for search ;-)16:29
ScottKRoyK^: Generally we try to help use Ubuntu Server here.  I'm not sure why you're directing people elsewhere when it could serve their needs.16:30
RoyK^ScottK: I use zimbra on ubuntu 8.0416:31
ScottKRoyK^: Yes, but it's not part of Ubuntu.16:31
RoyK^well, still, it rocks16:31
ScottKIt also does a lot of things that he didn't express an interest in.16:31
RoyK^he mostly expressed an interest in a mail system, and zimbra is easy to setup, so I mentioned it - is that so bad?16:32
ScottKIt seems rather odd to jump to non-FOSS solutions when not needed on a FOSS distro support/development channel.16:32
RoyK^zimbra is gpl16:32
RoyK^the OSS zimbra is pure gpl16:33
RoyK^the closed zimbra contains more parts not under gpl16:33
ScottKIn any case, Ubuntu Server pretty easily meets the needs expressed.16:33
RoyK^it does, but it seemed to me he didn't know much about linux in the first place, so setting up one of the email servers in ubuntu might be a bit of a hassle16:35
_Dok_will it possible to update from 9.10 to 10.04 LTS?16:59
RoyK^or do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade to the beta17:01
jMylesLooking for opinions:  What's a good way to watch the activities of a server?  cat /var/log/*.log is too intense for me, especially the firewall messages.  What are some of your favorite setups?17:27
jMylesZider: never heard of it - it is a seperate package?17:29
Ziderno idea if there's a package for it17:30
RoyK^no logsentry package afaics17:34
RoyK^logwatch and fwlogwatch are there, though17:34
RoyK^jMyles: logwatch looks ok17:45
darksiderwould it be helpful to ubuntu if i hosted a mirror of all the repositories? i livei in scotland, so it would maybe be nice to have a SCOTLAND mirror for those north of the UK border??17:50
darksiderlive in *17:50
RoyK^darksider: I don't see why not, but I guess a 100Mbps link would be a minimum18:17
darksiderRoyK, aha..i think i could maybe get that...i will obviously be testing it out to see how well it handles MY stuff first ^_^18:28
RoyK^aren't there quite a few mirrors in the uk already?18:31
RoyK^and - does Scotland have a separate network, or is all routed through southern UK?18:31
RoyK^which reminds me I haven't been in Scotland for years18:33
* RoyK^ misses good Haggis with a Guinness or two18:33
blacksunsevenlooking for some help with a network install, any takers?19:03
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leniosblacksunseven, any problem?19:05
blacksunsevenyeah, i've followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet to the tee, making the appropriate changes19:05
blacksunsevenbut when i execute the wrapper i get the following Starting bootpd: default current directory is at /var/lib/tftpboot ... :bootpd not running19:06
blacksunseventhe guide does reference inetd which was not installed, so i installed xinetd and have added bootp and tftp lines to the conf for that19:07
leniosthere's an alternative with dhcp at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html19:10
blacksunsevengiving it a shot now19:12
blacksunsevenSetting up dhcp3-server (3.1.2-1ubuntu7.1) ...19:13
blacksunsevenGenerating /etc/default/dhcp3-server...19:13
blacksunseven * Starting DHCP server dhcpd3                                                    * check syslog for diagnostics.19:13
blacksunseven                                                                          [fail]19:13
blacksunseveninvoke-rc.d: initscript dhcp3-server, action "start" failed.19:13
lenioscheck syslog then19:17
blacksunsevenyeah i needed to change the config file, where i am now19:17
sherrThe error is quite clear "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!"19:28
sherrYou need to configure the DHCP file to listen on one of your network interfaces.19:28
blacksunseveni understand, but i'm not sure how to do that19:34
RoyK^blacksunseven: it's in the manual, and in the config file19:35
RoyK^are tee eff em19:35
blacksunseveni had tried that before saying anything19:36
blacksunseventhe manual is long19:36
blacksunsevenand i'm not familiar with everything in it19:36
blacksunsevencant find it19:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #363877 in python-boto (main) "Deprecation Warnings when running under Python 2.6" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36387719:41
jMylesLooking for a good way to watch logs in real time on my ubuntu server, preferably color-coded.  What's the standard here?  logwatch gives me a crazy bizarre output.19:44
sherrblacksunseven: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-server.html19:46
sherrjMyles: Round my way, the standard realtime way is "tail -f /var/log/syslog" :-)19:47
sherrAlternatives (web page style) are MRTG, munin, cacti etc.19:47
jMylessherr: Yeah, I'm using tail now, but it's a little dizzying.  I'd like to have something that's color coded, perhaps that I can switch different logs on and off during operation.19:49
jMylessherr:  I'd love a beep when someone successfully SSH's, along with a bold alert of who it was and how they were authenticated19:49
jMylessherr: Perhaps also a similar but less dramatic performance whenever a DHCP lease is given out...?19:50
sherrjMyles: Maybe that sort of stuff gets wrapped up in the "management" overlays you can get e.g. ebox. But I don't know.19:51
sherrIf you want monitoring, solutions like "nagios" exist.19:51
edakiriWhat software can capture just the unix permissions information, including user & group and later reapply them to files?  That would be useful for backup and restoration with some archive formats.19:53
sherredakiri: "ls", "chmod" and "chown" in a script I guess. What archive formats?19:55
edakirisherr: PAQ , 7z although I know it can be done through tar, I want a non19:56
edakirinon-solid archive & ability to selectively extract files19:57
edakiriremembered something related by SUSE.  It is not a complete solution in itself.  Maybe with the right 'find' parameters?  http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/source/distribution/11.2/repo/oss/suse/src/permissions-2009.10.07.1653-2.1.src.rpm20:35
edakiriYes, looks possible.20:42
zomGreghello, I am running Karmic after upgrading from Jaunty. I'm trying to upgrade my eucalyptus install from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2. Can anyone help direct me on this?21:32
Rafael_Does anybody has experience with cwrsync?21:37
KurtKrautThe Intel vPro technology has a subset called Intel AMT that allows VNC/KVM access to BIOS, allowing remote BIOS configuration, remote shutdown and even remote power up through the internet. Can this be done with Linux? All demos I see are using Windows. This is quite a good feature for servers. Is anyone here aware of that?22:25
stgraberKurtKraut: servers tend to have something better than the AMT (HP iLO or DELL drac) though AMT can be useful to manage a set of laptop and desktop in a corporate environment22:38
stgraberKurtKraut: to make the actual chipset to work, it's relatively easy, it's just a few options to set in the BIOS, you'll then be able to connect over http to the chip and shutdown/reboot/tweak some settings of your laptop/desktop22:39
stgraberKurtKraut: AFAIK the actual KVM part is done through an agent in the OS, that part doesn't work on Linux but a similar functionality could be provided by having a VNC and/or SSH server started at boot time22:40
KurtKrautstgraber, so I can purchase computers/laptops with AMT, use Ubuntu in these computers and Ubuntu at my office and I'll be able to control them remotely. AMT doesn't require Windows, right?22:40
stgraberKurtKraut: as for the actual client, you can either use your web browser or use some package in the archive to access to the serial redirect option of the AMT22:40
stgraberKurtKraut: for power on/off, reboot and serial redirection it doesn't22:41
KurtKrautstgraber, oh, that's sad :(22:41
stgraberKurtKraut: for a well integrated remote desktop (similar to having a KVM in your laptop), it'll require something to be installed in the OS22:41
stgraberso if your goal is to be able to start laptop/desktop remotely and then connect to them over SSH or VNC, amt will work well22:42
KurtKrautstgraber, what I miss the most is the hability to shutdown or power up remotely thru internet and change BIOS settings remotely.22:42
KurtKrautstgraber, for the rest, I already use SSH.22:42
stgraberthough I guess you'll very likely need some management tool if you want to control more than a desktop at once (and I don't think that exists on Linux yet)22:42
stgraberKurtKraut: ok, so AMT should actually do what you're looking for22:42
KurtKrautstgraber, so AMT allows me to access a BIOS of remote machine remotely without using Microsoft Windows in my company?22:43

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