
TakyojiIsn't there supposedly going to be multiplayer gameplay functionality with Empathy eventually?01:31
tonyyarussogames?  In a chat client?03:47
kermittonyyarusso: the bottleneck to many things is establishing the p2p connection03:58
kermitso a mulitiprotocal messaging client is a good platform for games03:58
TakyojiIt could actually be as simple as having a protocol ontop of XMPP04:26
TakyojiMoreso, logic games.04:26
TakyojiNot like racing or anything that require the x, y, and z coordinates constantly repeated.04:26
TakyojiIn fact, it would be kind of interesting. If there was a straightfoward way that all default GNOME games could have bindings with Empathy in some way.04:35
* Obsidian1723 night all... allergies are kicking my you know what. Benaryl time...06:40

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