
White-Horsehi guys i am in need of something to make slide shows with affects and music but openoffice.org just ain't doing it for me anyone know what i can use ?03:18
holsteinhey White-Horse03:18
holsteinim an audio guy03:19
holsteinalmost exclusively03:19
holsteinlet me think a minute03:19
White-Horsei used something called pro show gold on a windows machine i do have to admit it was great would love to find something for ubuntu 9.04 32-bit thats kinda the same03:20
White-Horseone sec i look03:22
holsteini used that for something WAY back03:22
holsteini forget what it even looked like03:22
holsteinhow about a photo suite?03:23
White-Horsei need something as close to this as it can be: http://www.photodex.com/products/proshow/producer03:23
holsteinthis just went open source03:23
holsteinim not sure it does slides or not03:24
holsteindo you have that software White-Horse ?03:24
holsteinyou could try it in wine...03:24
White-Horseyes i own it03:24
White-Horsebut not sure if it will run in wine03:24
White-Horseit uses alot of windows codecs03:25
White-Horseand .dll's03:25
holsteinwell, if you have to have it03:25
holsteinits worth a try03:25
holsteinwhat about an online slide show maker?03:25
White-Horsewhat about ILinux  ?03:25
holsteinlike picassa?03:25
White-Horsenot sure if picassa will make the affects i am looking for03:26
ACKT1Canything is worth a shot03:26
ACKT1Cartistically speaking03:28
White-Horsei can give you a link to a youtube vid that i am trying to make maybe that will help if you see what kind of affects i am looking to do ?03:28
holsteini'll look at it for sure03:28
White-Horseok one sec03:28
holsteinand i'll show it around too03:28
holsteini just dont do anything like that on linux03:28
holsteinOR any OS03:28
holsteinbut, im sure somebody knows03:29
White-Horsei make videos like that almost everyday with pro show gold on a windows machine but i would really like to make them from my ubuntu laptop as well03:30
White-Horsethat youtube link was made from a mac book pro03:31
White-Horsewith ilife03:31
holsteini know #ubuntu is a mess03:32
holsteinyou could try a local ubuntu channel03:32
holsteinthe #ubuntu-uk channel03:32
holsteini know some of those guys do video03:33
holsteini listen to the ubuntu uk podcast03:33
AndorinMy friend installed some Ubuntu Studio packages from the repos on Karmic. She's now telling me that several programs- Pidgin, GIMP, Rhythmbox, etc- are segfaulting. Some don't work at all.03:33
White-Horseok i will give those a try03:33
AndorinTrying to search around via Google and such but not finding much helpful info...03:33
White-Horsethanks so much holstein03:33
holsteinWhite-Horse: but, check back in here anytime03:33
White-Horsewill do03:33
White-Horsetake care03:34
holsteinhello Andorin03:34
holsteinSO karmic03:35
holstein32? 64 bit?03:35
holsteinstandard install with what packages added?03:35
holsteinthe meta packages?03:35
holsteinlike ubuntustudio-whatever?03:35
holsteinor like sudo apt-get install gimp?03:36
holsteinalso, are you at the machine?03:36
holsteincan you run uname -a03:37
holsteinor do you know what kernel?03:37
AndorinI'm pretty sure she installed the meta-packages through apt. (Neither of us know anything about Ubuntu Studio; she wanted to try it out.) And no, I'm not, but I'm communicating with her.03:37
AndorinI'll have her run commands/follow instructions as necessary.03:37
AndorinHer kernel version is 2.6.31-2003:38
holsteindo you think something triggered it?03:38
holsteinor did she install the packages03:38
holsteinand boom03:38
holsteinthey never worked03:38
AndorinRhythmbox and such worked fine before she installed the Ubuntu Studio packages, and now they're not working. So it's most likely because of Studio.03:39
holsteinwell, i would suggest03:39
holsteintrying to get rid of the meta packages she installed03:40
holsteini know it took a long time to get them :/03:40
holsteinit could be...03:40
holsteinsome things are getting updated and changed around for lucid03:40
holsteinOR something is just not quite right somewhere in the repos03:40
holsteinand a conflict is somewhere03:40
holsteinif she wants03:41
AndorinUm, these packages came with a whole flood of dependencies.03:41
holsteini think you would want to use aptitude03:41
holsteinor sudo apt-get auto remove ubuntustudio-*whatever*03:41
holsteini forget how to do that in synaptic03:42
holsteinremove packages and all the extra stuff too03:42
holsteinyou dont have to install ubuntustudio03:42
holsteinOR all the studio packages03:42
holsteinthe theme is nice though03:42
AndorinDoes that have to be done manually for each package? Because as I said, there were an awful lot, and we don't know which is causing the problems.03:42
holsteinyou will benifit by having all the audio packages installed03:43
holsteinAndorin: you should be able to get rid of the meta-packages03:43
holsteinand be cool03:43
holsteinthats where i would start03:43
* holstein assumes all other packages are up to date?03:43
holsteinyou could try booting into a couple old kernels03:44
AndorinDoes apt support wildcards for package names? e.g. auto-remove ubuntustudio-*03:44
holsteinand see if the programs run smoother03:45
holsteinAndorin: wow03:45
holsteingood question03:45
AndorinI could ask in #ubuntu03:45
AndorinAnd actually03:45
holsteinyou can try03:45
holsteinlet me know03:46
holsteinim aksing a few places too03:46
AndorinI just tried sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-* without confirming the install, and it pulled up a huge list of packages.03:46
AndorinSo I think it works.03:46
holsteini like it03:46
holsteinlook through them03:46
holsteinat least glance03:46
holsteinjust to make sure it looks normal03:46
AndorinIt pulls up all packages with ubuntustudio- in their names, and their dependencies.03:46
holsteini would go for that i think03:47
AndorinYeah, I told her to run it.03:47
holsteinsee if you can get back to square one03:47
* holstein is not responsible for any loss of friendship you might encounter during this tech call ;)03:48
holsteinif it seems like thats the case03:48
holsteinand everything is back to normal03:48
holsteinlet me konw03:48
holsteinthats not cool03:48
AndorinRight, I'll let you know.03:48
AndorinWell, the wild card thing isn't going to work, because it doesn't remove the dependencies.04:02
AndorinPeople in #ubuntu are saying that apt should remove them automatically, but according to what she's telling me about the disk space being freed by each removal command, it isn't.04:03
holsteinAndorin: sudo apt-get autoremove ?04:04
AndorinShe ran sudo apt-get --purge autoremove as part of the process.04:05
holsteinand no dice04:05
holsteinrythymbox is still Fd up04:05
holsteinis that the only software that is acting funny?04:07
holsteinshe could try reinstalling taht04:07
holsteinyou can do that in the gui part of synaptic04:08
holsteinif you search for it04:08
holsteinyou can right click and say reinstall04:08
holsteini can imagine what would break rythymbox04:08
holsteinBUT to be honest04:08
holsteini dont use it on my studio box04:08
holsteinive never even launched it04:09
* holstein fires up ubuntustudio...04:09
holsteinim not convinced that that is the trigger04:12
holsteini got ubuntustudio packages added that way too04:12
holsteini did not get the themes04:12
holsteinBUT i got rythymbox running04:12
* holstein had issues with the themes04:13
holsteincausing some crashing here and there04:13
holsteinis she back to the default theme?04:13
AndorinSorry, trying to get an answer in #ubuntu too. Um...04:14
AndorinI'll ask her about themes.04:14
bastid_raZorhi, if i'm trying to remove all the packages ubuntu studio added and get back to just ubuntu.. what would that require?04:16
holsteinhey bastid_raZor04:16
holsteinare you Andorin 's friend?04:16
AndorinShe says she's also having trouble with the Appearances menu and can't get into it to adjust the theme.04:16
AndorinI'm pretty sure he's asking because of me ^^;04:16
bastid_raZorno, but i was trying to get an answer for him.04:16
holsteinOH ok04:17
bastid_raZori wasn't finding much on google.04:17
AndorinI tried that too.04:17
tucemiuxbastid_raZor, why would you want to do that? LoL04:17
tucemiuxwut up holstein04:17
holsteinhey tucemiux :)04:17
Andorintucemiux: Because my friend installed the metapackages and now several of her apps (such as Rhythmbox) are crashing.04:17
tucemiuxholstein, youre back home from your gig so soon?04:17
AndorinSo we need to remove them, but that is proving to be difficult.04:18
holsteintucemiux: it was an early one04:18
holsteintomorrow, i got 204:18
holsteinand one is late04:18
tucemiuxyoure my hewoe04:18
tucemiuxyou dont drink, right?04:18
holsteini quit smoking 8 days ago04:19
holsteinive been dringking a little more than average04:19
tucemiuxok well youre not an alcoholic like me, otherwise you wouldve stayed out drinking04:19
tucemiuxyou quit smoking? congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:19
holsteinjust a beer here and there04:19
holstein8 days04:19
holsteinand no fatalities04:19
tucemiuxha ha ha04:20
tucemiuxwell I can stay up drinking all night long till the morning LoL04:20
tucemiuxthat's why I decided not to go out drinking on the weekends04:20
holsteinSO how about dpkg ?04:20
holsteinisnt there a purge in there?04:20
holsteini though sudo apt-get autoremove metapackage would get it04:21
holsteinand thats not the case04:21
tucemiuxAndorin, i would just reinstall, it's the easiest, just back up your file and reinstall, boom, it's done, i generally reimage my machine every 6 months or so04:21
holsteini dont think he has direct access04:22
holsteinshe could update though04:22
holsteinthat would really get things going ;)04:22
AndorinShe can't.04:22
AndorinShe doesn't have the disk space necessary to back up her files at the moment.04:22
holsteincant upgrade?04:22
* holstein wonders if this i not related somehow04:23
holsteinAndorin: what happens now with a simple sudo apt-get autoremove04:26
holsteintucemiux: you install each ubuntu release fresh?04:27
holsteini usually try the update04:27
holsteinif i have time04:28
tucemiuxholstein, yup yup04:28
holsteinand then i do a fresh install too ;)04:28
Andorinholstein: 004:28
tucemiuxholstein, i generally test it first then upgrade to the official version, then download the official ISO and reinstall again04:28
Andorin0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.04:29
holsteinAndorin: SO04:29
holsteinwhy is 11 not upgraded?04:29
holsteinwhat are those?04:29
AndorinThose are software updates she hasn't installed yet. They're irrelevant.04:29
holsteinthere not updated04:30
holsteinthose versions could need to be updated04:30
AndorinSoftware updates for programs like Firefox.04:30
holsteinwhat are they?04:30
AndorinUpdates that were recently issued.04:30
holsteinno libawhatnots04:30
jordanlare there any special considerations when doing a fresh install on lucid when your root partition is raid0?04:35
jordanli thought this was a lucid only bug... but it's breaking on a fresh 9.10 install too04:35
holsteinyou should try that in #ubuntu+104:36
holsteinthtas a good question04:36
jordanlthe first boot fails with a message like "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<long uuid> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"04:36
holsteini havnet had the oppotunity to work with RAID yet04:36
holsteinjordanl: yeah, you might have to try again over there04:42
holsteinand get louder ;)04:42
jordanlholstein: ok, thanks. i try not to be obnoxious in the support channels though. i know we're all volunteers04:44
jordanli'll try in regular #ubuntu as well now since i get the same result on a fresh 9.10 install04:44
holsteinyou could ask04:45
holsteinyeah, not obnoxious04:45
holsteinjust a little loud04:45
holsteini think most of the devs are taking a break since beta 204:46
holsteingetting ready for RC04:46
holsteintaking a break from IRC to do work04:46
jordanland i'm trying to take a break from work to do audio recording04:51
tucemiuxjordanl, youre a developer?04:52
jordanlyes, but not an ubuntu dev04:52
tucemiuxjordanl, ahhh so you dont work on opensource stuff?04:52
jordanlno, but i would like to04:53
tucemiuxjordanl, if you know how to code just pick your poison and shoot04:53
tucemiuxthere's plenty of projects around04:54
holsteinjordanl: there was an interview today04:54
holsteinwith ScottL04:54
holsteinon the #opensourcemusicians podcast04:54
jordanlwow, i solved it04:55
holsteinjordanl: w00t04:55
jordanlit was a stupid thing actually04:56
jordanlmy root partition was raid004:56
jordanlbut the bootable partition can only be raid104:56
holsteinso that grub idea you had04:56
jordanlthe thing is, my first installation attempt with lucid had a separate boot partition on raid104:56
jordanland that one failed the same way, so i tried letting ubuntu automatically partition things for me04:56
jordanland i had been using that configuration from then in (which only used a / partition and a swap partition)04:57
jordanlso i should go back and retry lucid with a separate /boot again and see if i can reproduce with the daily build04:57
jordanlbecause i just got this to work on 9.1004:57
holsteini like it04:58
holsteinsounds like you got it solved04:58
jordanlyes :)04:58
jordanli will check that podcast with ScottL04:59
jordanlso ubuntustudio uses the Private directory when you choose to use an encrypted homedir?05:22
jordanlthe regular install encrypts your entire homedir if i remember correctly05:23
holsteinjordanl: i still havent encrypted a home yet either05:24
jefimenkodoes anyone here use a delta 1010 in ubuntustudio? ice171207:43
jefimenkoi can hear any output from pulseaudio07:47
jefimenkobut i can hear stuff through jack07:48
jefimenkocan i just have jack always running and make pulseaudio play through jack?08:29
tucemiuxanybody uses dropbox??17:15
_guitarman_dropbox is awesome17:15
tucemiux_guitarman_, im in opensourcemusicians, i typed into the wrong channel17:16
tucemiux #opensourcemusicians17:42

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