
mertlehasenj: maybe lucid has diff startup apps -idk - iirc .config is where the autostart apps are00:00
mertlebut if you didn't back it up...00:00
hasenjwhat .config?00:01
hasenjsomewhere in /etc/sessions or something like that?00:01
mertlehasenj: no in your home folder00:01
mertlehasenj: ctrl+h to show hidden folders00:03
hasenjyea I'm in it00:03
hasenjno file there is called xubuntu00:04
hexdump_hey all, just got a lil question here...00:05
hexdump_how can I update packages in xubuntu with only the command line00:05
mertlehasenj: but like I said if you didn't back it up when upgrading it prob got overwritten so the old configs won't be there00:05
vinnlhexdump_, sudo apt-get update to update the package list00:05
hasenjit might still be in the xfce session00:05
mertleit would be xfsession or autostart iirc00:05
vinnlsudo apt-get upgrade to get the newest packages I believe00:05
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)00:05
hexdump_vinnl:  I've done that, but it keeps telling me there are updates00:06
hexdump_I'm using ssh and I don't have gui00:07
Benkinoobyhexdump_: use sudo aptitude safe-upgrade00:08
Benkinoobyhexdump_: from my experience, aptitude can hande dependencies best... i sue it as deflault over apt-get00:08
hexdump_I got it it's sudo apt-get upgrade00:09
hexdump_Benkinooby:  thanks buddy00:09
Benkinoobyhexdump_: np00:09
hexdump_so sudo aptitude safe-upgrade works as well?00:09
Benkinoobyhexdump_: yes... as i said... i trust aptitude more than apt-get00:10
hexdump_I'm running my web server with no window manager because it eats up resources00:10
hexdump_well I could just try aptitude afterwards and it wouldn't hurt anything would it00:10
hexdump_I'm gonna give it a go00:12
Benkinoobyhexdump_: just do it... after you updated with apt-get there should be nothingto be done for aptitude00:12
hexdump_Bekinooby:  Well I tried it and it's upgrading.  Is it just overwriting the previous updates?00:13
Benkinoobyhexdump_: also, you can install a gui (which can be a very fast and small windowmanager too). only becuase you instlled it, you dont need to use it00:13
hexdump_I know I turned off my gui.  changed gdm.conf to gdm.no00:14
hexdump_heh heh00:14
Benkinoobyhexdump_: :)00:14
hexdump_I really like ubuntu, that's what I use on my primary computer (My desktop) but I would have liked to try BSD for my server or CentOS maybe I dunno.00:16
hexdump_but wait, ubuntu has a server version that I should have used.00:16
Benkinoobyhexdump_: usually, for servers debian or redhat is first choice00:20
Benkinoobyhexdump_: also ubuntu derives from debian, so they have many things in common00:21
Benkinoobyhexdump_: if you want to learn more about linux/bsd/solaris feel free to choose... gentoo is the one for ultimate knowledge... and pain ;)00:21
hexdump_Bekinooby:  thanks, I've been messing around with a lot of different distros recently.00:25
hexdump_Benkinooby:  alright I'll be back later some time.00:28
Benkinoobyhi again, can some1 help me. my desktoplinks, which are used to work with kde don't work under xfce - except for one (wxmaxima)! i checked all permissions and settings and compared them to the working wxmaxima but i can't dinf the mistake http://pastebin.com/c865y5kn01:47
SamuraiCrowHello.  I've got a screwed up locale on my system.  Has anybody heard of such a thing before?02:15
psycho_oreoshmm I know what locale is but in which part? under xorg?02:16
SamuraiCrowIt only shows up under OpenOffice.org and AbiWord.02:16
psycho_oreosusing scim I suppose?02:17
SamuraiCrowThe desktop is fine but when I load OpenOffice.org Writer, the menus and text on the GUI are garbled.02:17
SamuraiCrowNo.  I've got it set to None for the keyboard.02:17
SamuraiCrowI've got the locale set to USA English all around.02:18
psycho_oreoshmm seems like those two programs are affected, have you tried asking for support in their channels?02:18
SamuraiCrowThe programs function otherwise but in different ways.02:18
SamuraiCrowI'm trying to figure out which font they defualt to because it looks as if it's displaying null characters for the text.02:19
SamuraiCrowInitially I only had a partially installed locale.  I've installed the English Locale completely now but that didn't seem to fix the problem completely.02:20
SamuraiCrowI googled for solutions on the respective Wikis of those two programs but the only thing I can think of that they would have in common is Gnome or GTK or something like that.02:22
mertleyou can try removing the .Abisuite and .openoffice files in your home folder - which would remove the configs - logout and back in and open each and check if they're fixed02:27
SamuraiCrowGood idea!  Thanks!  I'll try that!02:27
SamuraiCrowI think my system is more scrambled than I thought.  I almost couldn't log back in.02:45
mertledoesn't sound good...02:46
SamuraiCrowThe only thing that seems out of place though, is one particular font.  Besides the login issues, that is.02:49
SamuraiCrowWhen I first log in, there is a garbled indicator at the upper-right part of the screen.  I think it's trying to tell me that it logged in to the internet with eth0.02:51
mertleI would do in terminal   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   to see if it pulls in the necessaries02:51
SamuraiCrowOk.  I'll try that also.02:51
SamuraiCrow0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:52
mertlewhat's the font issue?02:53
SamuraiCrowWhen I try AbiWord, the menus are fine but what I type is garbled.02:53
SamuraiCrowWhen I try OpenOffice.org Writer, the menus are garbled but what I type is fine.02:54
* SamuraiCrow is scratching his head with this one.02:54
mertlehave you rebooted since this issue came up? - I'm thinking font cache issue02:56
SamuraiCrowYes I have.  Repeatedly.02:56
mertlethere's a command to renew the font cache but it escapes me atm02:56
mertlenot using a weird font ? - tried changing font in each app?02:57
SamuraiCrowWhen I use the drop-down font changer in OpenOffice.org Writer, each font appears scrambled.02:58
SamuraiCrowBut when I type in the document it works as one would expect it to work.02:58
SamuraiCrowThat's why I thought it was a Locale isssue.02:59
mertleas a test I would select one and see what happens - if that doesn't work all I can suggest is to apt-get purge each app and reinstall02:59
SamuraiCrowI've tried that with OpenOffice.org already.03:00
mertleok - what locales are installed - do you know?03:01
SamuraiCrowAll of the English ones and none other.03:02
mertleit's an odd situation03:04
mertlelet's see what google tells us :)03:05
mertleare the ttf fonts installed SamuraiCrow ?03:06
SamuraiCrowHmmm... My system may be low on RAM.  I wouldn't think that would cause this odd behavior though.03:06
mertleabiword is a low resource app03:07
SamuraiCrowI installed the Windows fonts but when I type in AbiWord using Times New Roman it still appears scrambled.03:07
mertleand this happens when you start fresh in abiword - don't load a file into it?03:11
mertleseems using deju-vu font is a fix for some SamuraiCrow03:14
SamuraiCrowOk.  I'll try that.03:14
SamuraiCrowHighlighting the text and changing the font to DejaVu Serif makes no difference.03:15
mertleonly thing now i can offer is   sudo apt-get remove --purge abiword    and then reinstall it - the --purge is important03:19
SamuraiCrowOk.  I'll try that.  And if you need it, I just made a snapshot of the OpenOffice.org menus using GIMP.03:22
mertleapart from the install of each app being borked I don't know what it'll be - if fonts are fine elsewhere03:25
SamuraiCrowI just purged and reinstalled AbiWord.  No change.03:27
SamuraiCrowIs there a way to check for bad sectors on my hard drive?03:27
SamuraiCrowMaybe it's just one particular library that's borked.03:28
mertleI know there's e2fsck - but you need to unmount the partition to use it - and afaik it doesn't report ba sectors but man e2fsck might give a clue on that - I use it from a livecd the rare times I have needed it03:33
SamuraiCrowWell, I suppose I've tried everything else.03:34
mertleit is weird...03:34
mertleand only two apps03:35
SamuraiCrowWell, it's more than those two apps, though.  Some requesters are scrambled also.03:35
mertlewhat are you calling requesters?03:36
SamuraiCrowFor example, when I change fonts in AbiWord, the little box that shows the font preview is scrambled.  And the notification box that lets you know when the internet logs in on eth0.03:36
SamuraiCrowThen there's the issue of not being able to log in normally.03:38
mertlesounds like it might be the default font for the system then - you can change that in the settings for the theme iirc03:39
mertletry serif maybe03:39
SamuraiCrowOk.  I'll try that.03:39
SamuraiCrowChanging to Serif 10 made some fonts on the screen change, but AbiWord still shows garbled text.03:42
ToStItOsI am trying to fix my mbr after I installed Xubuntu. I want to uninstall grub but I am not sure if I am doing this right and I want to make sure before I proceed03:42
mertleit must be the office apps build then - are you using lucid beta?03:43
ToStItOsI want to recover windows mbr03:43
SamuraiCrowNo.  I'm on Karmik.03:44
ToStItOsI have a tutorial but something is not making sense03:44
mertleToStItOs: that's fixmbr from the windows cd iirc - ##windows will know for sure03:44
mertleSamuraiCrow: I'm sorry but have no more suggestions...03:46
SamuraiCrowI'll try e2fsck from the live CD.  Maybe that will tell us what's wrong.03:46
ToStItOsOk but the part where I select either D:\mini.ini which is option 1 or is it c:\windows option 203:46
ToStItOsaccording to the tutorial it said to choose option 1 http://blogs.koolwal.net/2009/06/08/howto-how-to-erase-un-install-grub-from-mbr-to-restore-windowsdos-bootloader/03:47
ToStItOsoh ok gotch03:47
mertleToStItOs: I would guess c: - but that is a guess - try in ##windows it is their speciality :)03:48
ToStItOsok thanks03:48
=== Guest18235 is now known as psycho_oreos
scopecreephow can i change the xfce menu hover delay? submenus are popping up too quick for me04:25
ToStItOsmertle: thanx for your help04:32
Guest44021what time of the day is it for others right now?05:34
bazhang@now utc05:35
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 11 2010, 04:35:4605:35
Guest44021thanks.  I was trying to be polite....:-)05:37
Guest44021currently trying to troubleshoot a sound problem on my father's box.  has anyone been aware of issues with the latest patches/updates?05:39
bazhangwhich version of xubuntu05:40
Guest440219.10     2.6.31-20-generic05:45
Guest44021GNOME 2.28.1    running on AMD Athlon XP 1500+05:45
Guest44021with 750 MB of RAM05:46
Guest44021sound card is Soundblaster Live! Value which has worked fine in this box until the latest update today.06:00
Balsaqgood morning xubuntu...07:24
Arpad2fine thx,:)   is it possible to run windows application, exe file, in linux?08:18
Arpad2these are the applications for doing it, hatake_kakashi?08:19
hatake_kakashidepends on what sort of program it is08:19
Arpad2intervoip.com client08:19
hatake_kakashiprobably wine08:19
Arpad2i cant dowload their linux client from their webpage08:20
Arpad2ok, thank you for help08:20
hatake_kakashiyou should complain to them for making you use wine and hope that it'll work08:20
Arpad2its not easy to contact them at all08:21
Arpad2they written they wont answer to any question08:21
hatake_kakashithen why are you using their crappy product?08:22
Arpad2its cheap to make intl. calls08:22
Arpad2im new to linux08:22
Arpad2before i had used it in xp08:22
hatake_kakashimm cheap08:22
Arpad2at least half the skype's rates08:23
hatake_kakashiwell try running it in wine, and fix broken deps if any.. if no dice, you'll probably need something like vmware or virtualbox08:23
Arpad2when Im stuck I'll come here for help:)08:24
Arpad2it always works!:)08:24
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:25
hasenjhi everyone08:40
Balsaqwelcome to xubuntu08:42
Benkinoobygood morning! maybe some has some experience with my issiue or can give me a hint - my desktoplinks, which are used to work with kde don't work under xfce - except for one (wxmaxima)! i checked all permissions and settings and compared them to the working wxmaxima but i can't dinf the mistake http://pastebin.com/c865y5kn09:22
Arpad2hatake_kakashi: i couldnt open the .exe file with wine, it crashed, while opening:(09:24
hatake_kakashiprobably missing desp09:25
Arpad2which means?09:26
hatake_kakashirun it under terminal and fix up required deps?09:26
Arpad2how can i  do this?09:27
hatake_kakashiask in #winehq09:27
Arpad2which command09:27
Arpad2on this server?09:27
Benkinoobyplease can somebody support me? the desktop links i used with kde don't work with xfce. when i open them with dolphin filemanager they work. but when i click them on the desktop or open them with any other file browser, they dont work :( http://pastebin.com/c865y5kn09:40
hasenjI have a question10:42
hasenjafter I upgraded to lucid (beta)10:43
hasenjand after I downloaded kde10:43
hasenjmy firefox settings were all reset10:43
hasenjI lost my bookmarks and my addons and my themes10:43
hasenjI thought it might be the profile name10:43
hasenjso I ran it with -P but it was the default profile10:44
hasenjany ideas?10:45
Balsaqi am certain you're question is about to happen...10:45
Balsaqit does not surprise me that the changes occured, considering all the changes that happened.10:46
Balsaqdid you start with xubuntu or ubuntu...before the kde thing?10:47
ben1is there any good java ide for xubuntu???10:54
ben1i`ve only got 192mb ram..........10:55
hexdump_well I have an old pc running with that, I'm sure I could get it working10:55
ben1can i??10:55
mnmnbI get this error -GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.10:56
mnmnbso no sound...10:56
ben1getting start!!!10:56
hexdump_I think there is a method to use your swap file for java too10:56
hexdump_I forget tho you can use your swap file to directly run a java program or something.  man that's gonna bother me now10:57
hexdump_ahh yes here it is10:58
hexdump_ben1:  check it out http://support.adobe.com/devsup/devsup.nsf/docs/52634.htm10:58
hexdump_you can allocate more memory for whatever java program you're running by using a swap file for java10:59
hexdump_There is an easier and more complete method than what is posted there, but I can't freakin remember.11:00
hexdump_I had problems launching pms-linux on my older computer a while back and I had to do something similar.11:00
ben1:-Dthat`s very king of you:)11:00
ben1good luck!11:01
hexdump_ah well I forget sorry I couldn't help you more.11:02
ben1oh!come on.........11:02
hexdump_ben1:  I found something even better http://www.caucho.com/resin-3.0/performance/jvm-tuning.xtp11:02
ben1i`ll go and see it..11:03
hexdump_or even use java -Xms or XmX then "your java code"11:04
ben1i`ll go and get some eat...11:04
hexdump_the memory size after your Xms I think but first you need to create a swap file11:04
hexdump_to increase your ram and then send to java11:05
hexdump_alright go eat11:05
hexdump_I'm about too also11:05
hexdump_spend money I don't have11:05
ben1good bye!see you later.11:06
Balsaqhasemj, my 1st thought was to use a live cd to do a recovery...but i am not sure if that type of repair is strictly for the core OS stuff...or if it would also get your settings back....when you do it, it will offer  you a few choices. prolly cant hurt to try? maybe a better xubuntu tech could elaborate.11:08
Balsaqwell hasenj assuming you didnt back the stuff up in antoher folder...11:15
Balsaq the FF stuff is stored in the home directory hasenj11:15
Balsaqit'd be in ~/.mozilla/firefox hasenj11:16
hasenjk, I'll look there11:16
Balsaqthere will be a random profile folder in there, all the settings and bookmarks are in there11:16
Balsaqit's best to use the xmarks extension to store your bookmarks11:17
Balsaqsettings, well, only choice there is to back up that profile stuff in another folder11:17
hasenjwow .. looks like it's all gone11:18
hasenjdoesn't the upgrader place .bak files ?11:18
Balsaqhmmm one moment11:19
Balsaqi dont hink upgrading wipes out those files?11:21
Balsaqlook harder11:21
Balsaqbut i am no expert...11:21
Balsaqwhere in hte heck is sysi!11:21
Sysiwell, when lucid was alpha it changed settings randomly11:23
Sysihasenj: you installed the kubuntu-desktop package?11:25
hasenjis that bad? :/11:25
Sysishouldn't be11:25
Sysiofficially lucid help is at #ubuntu+111:27
Balsaqchanging settings randomly...who's idea was that!11:34
lee_Hi all12:25
lee_out of curiosity, how long should a xt4 filesystem take in a 80gb PATA drive that had WinXP on it?12:27
psycho_oreostake for what?12:28
lee_to format/install?12:28
psycho_oreosshouldn't be long generally, up to 10 minutes if its really bad12:29
psycho_oreosI'm sure there's a quick format12:30
lee_yeah.  I might need to check the connections - it's telling me it's there but not installing it12:30
psycho_oreosif you're familiar with CLI tools, with some bit of tinkering around you can probably get it to work12:31
lee_I'm a little bit familliar, what sort of stuff are you talking about?12:32
psycho_oreosstuff like fdisk12:32
clfmandoes anybody know how I can find out what my wifi connection is called. I am trying to configure conky and it's not working on wlan0.12:34
psycho_oreoscheck under network manager I suppose12:34
lee_fdisk -l gives no output12:34
clfmanwhen I check "edit connections" it lists my wired connection as lan0, but wifi is "Auto wifi"12:34
psycho_oreoscheck under connection information12:35
psycho_oreoslee_: maybe a bad disk check dmesg12:35
clfmanshit, that was obvious. Thanks a lot, I hadn't checked there. Got it12:35
psycho_oreosno worries12:36
lee_dmesg is giving me media error12:36
lee_so I'm assuming that it's a bad disk or bad connections :)12:36
psycho_oreosmedia error could also mean other storage/optical drives12:37
psycho_oreosa bad disk though would usually be either silent or make funny noises12:37
psycho_oreossda could be anything but not floppy12:37
lee_I'm running the install of a usb key with  10.0412:38
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:38
lee_yup. I know :)12:39
lee_it's running fine on my laptop though :)12:39
psycho_oreosdoesn't mean anything, its not supported and I don't know why you're here when you're meant to be asking in #ubuntu+i12:40
psycho_oreoserr #ubuntu+112:41
lee_ahhh, fairy nuff :) I didn't know that :)12:41
lee_I'll go d/l 9.10 and try again :)12:41
psycho_oreosmore like xubuntu12:41
lee_I must admit, I do like xubuntu more than kubuntu or ubuntu :)12:43
Balsaqi like xubutu the best by far12:59
Arpad2 is it possible to run win app not only with wine14:47
Arpad2what i wanted didnt work with wine14:47
CriSiShola hola17:07
CriSiSraga mi sapete dire come faccio a installare xubuntu da una penna usb?17:08
CriSiSsul netbook non ho il lettore17:08
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:08
hasenj_I remembered now19:19
hasenj_when I ran firefox in kde19:19
hasenj_it asked me whether I wanted to "import firefox 3.5 settings" or use default firefox settings19:19
hasenj_I didn't know what that was so I chose to use default!19:19
hasenj_good thing, I have a .mozilla/firefox.3.5-replaced directory19:20
hasenj_basically the backup it kept for me :P19:20
Sysioh that was the funny thing, with kde comes some weird firefox installer19:25
knomekde's weird anyway19:26
Sysi4.4 on pretty ok19:27
knomehad to remove gnome-media package to get rid of the ugly audio mixer19:34
Sysithere just isn't any advantage to xfce, so why to use heavier19:35
Sysiand i hate most kde/qt programs19:35
knomevlc and virtualbox are good qt apps19:35
knomethat's pretty much about it.19:36
knomeamarok 1.x series used to rock. i don't care about 2.x19:37
Sysikate is weird19:37
Arpad2i cannot establish dsl connection with the network manager19:56
Arpad2can smb help me, please?19:56
=== Nancy is now known as Guest23307
=== Guest23307 is now known as tuvok302Lappy
Sachse_Siechtumhelp, after I had to set my BIOS to default settings, because I set my RAM conf too high, I checked my Xubuntu for errors manually....after that it started but my panels are gone21:08
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/21:09
Sachse_Siechtumthank you sooooo much Sysi ! :-) *hugs*21:10
Sysithat's soo common problem :/21:10
Sysihappens often21:10
Sachse_Siechtumyeah...I dont understand how that can happen after I checked for inconsistencis....stange thing....WIn XP started without a problem..21:11
Sachse_Siechtum(notice to me: never set the BIOS RAM settings so "turbo")21:11
Sachse_SiechtumHow can I tell nautilus to use the same "list" showing on every directory?21:17
Sachse_Siechtumyou know you have the views: "symbols" "list" and "compact" ...21:17
KhaosAnyone arond?22:21
knomehmm, one minute wait22:25
crashdatawhere does the startup script of for xubuntu ???? i try copying the xinitrc to /xfce4 folder but when i start i'm mmissing my function22:42
hexdump_I all I gotta little question, probably something easy I'm overlooking, but I can't find the keyboard shortcuts for KDE22:51
knomehexdump_, you should ask #kubuntu for kde22:51
hexdump_I can't find the area to set shortcuts, I know where it is in gnome but...22:51
crashdatahow do i add wicd to the task bar?22:51
crashdataand where is the startup script for xubuntu?22:52
hexdump_knome:  I tried, but I think everybody is busy.  I'll just hang out for a little it then.22:52
hexdump_man I'm really tore up22:52
crashdatahexdump_, check system settings22:53
hexdump_okie, I'll have a look see22:53
crashdatathen keyboard and mouse22:53
crashdataon the left side u should see standard keyoard shortcuts or global keyboard shortcuts22:54
hexdump_nope, but I'll poke around a little bit more.22:54
hexdump_ah wait here we go22:54
knomecrashdata, did you install wicd already?22:54
crashdataapt-get install wicd22:54
knomecrashdata, right click on panel and add wicd22:55
knome"add new items"22:55
crashdatadone that doesnt exist on the list22:55
crashdatahow do i add wicd to that lsit? where is the script for that?22:55
hexdump_I'm just trying to add a shortcut key for my konsole thas all22:55
knomedid you add notification area then?22:55
knomethen i don't have any more ideas22:57
knomemaybe run wicd? (alt+f2->'wicd') ?22:57
crashdatathis is how my desktop looks like22:57
crashdataknome, i got wicd to work22:58
crashdatabut i jsut want it added to the taskbar22:58
knomei don't use wicd so i don't know how it's supposed to work22:59
knomemaybe try adding xfapplet22:59
crashdatado u know wehre the startup script is located?23:00
crashdataxubuntu, block sooo much stuff....23:00
crashdatato edit...23:00
crashdatay would ubuntu do this to linux :(23:00
crashdataits more like windows23:01
knomecrashdata, applications -> settings -> session and startup -> tab application autostart23:08
hexdump_ah well I don't think I can set shortcuts for my konsole.  I dunno can't get it woking.23:10
knomehexdump_, is that in kde or xfce?23:11
hexdump_there isn't any option to set konsole as a shortcut23:11
crashdataknome, thanks23:11
knomehexdump_, please do ask #kubuntu. there is no kde experts here.23:12
hexdump_ah okie, sorry bout that bro23:12
crashdataknome, but u dont happen to know where is the script is located?23:12
knomecrashdata, no, i don't know how to add a shortcut in kde.23:13
crashdatanot asking shortcut in kde23:13
crashdatathats hexdump23:13
crashdatanp :)23:13
knomethe xfce gui way should work23:15
Sysiwhat kind of script you're talking about?23:16
knomenight now23:16
knomeSysi, don't stay up too late kid!23:16
Sysino school tomorrow23:16
knomework @8.3023:16
Sysi~/.config/autostart/ i assume23:19

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