
lifelesspoolie: quick sanitty check00:22
lifelessthat does a 'stat()'00:22
lifelessnot an 'lstat()'00:22
lifelessis it just me or is that nuts ?00:22
pooliethis was discussed a while ago00:28
poolieduring the review that added it00:28
pooliei can see arguments either way00:28
poolieconsistency vs probably wanting to know about symlinks explicitly00:28
lifelessoh, actually.00:30
lifelessI think my package version is just a little old00:30
lifelesstrunk does an lstat00:30
SmileyChrisi just did a checkout lp:django and realised i should have really used a shared repo00:35
SmileyChrisis there an easy way to copy a stand alone repo into a shared one?00:35
lifelessmake a shared repo and move your branch under it00:35
lifelessthen do bzr reconfigure --use-shared (It hink thats the option - --help will tell you)00:35
SmileyChrislifeless: thanks00:37
poolielifeless: and you want it to do an lstat?00:37
pooliei think that's what i recommended00:37
lifelesspoolie: trunk does an lstat, and yes thats what I want.00:37
pooliegenerally we want to handle symlinks explicitly/consciously00:37
lifeless2.1.1 does a stat00:37
pooliethat's slightly surprising, i thought it all landed together00:43
lifelesstransport.stat is very old00:45
spivGood morning.01:02
AfCSaw an O'Reilly book on Git. It was very confusing :)01:04
lifelessspiv: did you sleep on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/commands/+merge/2306802:10
spivlifeless: oh right, thanks02:13
spivlifeless: reviewed.  (Spoiler: I approved it)02:20
lifelesschanges needed ?02:20
spivSuggested a docstring change.02:21
spivYour call on what to do with that.02:21
thumperI have a question...02:24
thumperif I call b.iter_merge_sorted_revisions(some_rev_id), i.next() is the revision I specify02:24
thumperbut if I call b.iter_merge_sorted_revisions(some_rev_id, direction='forward'), i.next() is the first revision02:24
thumperas in revno 102:25
thumperis it an error02:25
thumperor expected behaviour02:25
spivthumper: The docstring does say "forward returns tuples in the opposite order to reverse."02:26
spivAnd direction='reverse' is the default.02:26
lifelessspiv: thanks02:26
thumperspiv: ah02:32
* igc out for a few hours02:45
lifelessthumper: hey, can I chat with you for a minute (voice) ?02:48
thumperlifeless: sure02:48
thumperlifeless: pots or skype?02:48
lifelessskype :P03:02
lifelesspoolie: subunit : http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/03:04
pooliesounds intriguing...03:05
pooliemeaning... progress bars? or it now mails back subunit spam?03:05
lifelessthe display is pqm parsing the subunit stream03:11
thumperlifeless: do you know of an object that acts like a list, but is fed by a generator and reusable?04:14
lifelessI've written things that are likish that04:15
lifelessstorm might have one04:15
thumperlifeless: it would make my logic much more easy to follow04:16
thumperlifeless: and still benefit from not calling a whole history operation04:16
spivthumper: "acts like a list" meaning "indexable"?04:18
thumperspiv: no, I mean iterable again04:18
spivOh, reiterable.04:19
lifelesscaching iterator04:19
lifelessthumper: ^04:25
thumperlifeless: yeah, saw it, looks overly complicated for what I want04:25
thumpermaking something simpler04:25
thumperthanks though04:25
lifelessde nada04:25
wolfgang00is there anyway to get bazaar to push changes to a host filesystem? i've tried using bzr+ssh://domain.com but keep getting the error "bzr: command not found" and then ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message.04:36
RAOFwolfgang00: Just drop the “bzr+” bit of that url and you'll be able to push the changes.04:37
lifelessRAOF: bzr doesn't support ssh urls04:38
lifelesswolfgang00: you can relpace bzr+ssh with sftp04:38
RAOFGah, of course.04:38
wolfgang00when i just use ssh: bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "ssh://yardbutl@yardbutlerstore.com": bzr supports bzr+ssh to operate over ssh, use "bzr+ssh://user@domain.com".04:40
lifelessour network fetching really is choppy :(06:10
pooliehi spiv06:16
pooliewelcome back to full time06:16
spivThanks :)06:18
lifelesspoolie: theres another hydrazine branch up for you, fwiw06:35
poolieheh, that's more cheering06:36
lifelessI've tested status='Queued' and it works ok on staging06:37
lifelessnot flawless, but the web pages don't blow up06:37
bialixigc: ping06:38
pooliehi bialix07:14
igchi bialix07:36
lifelesspoolie: I have a fairly big hydrazine change07:38
lifelesslp:~lifeless/hydrazine/cron - I hope you'll like it07:39
pooliehi igc07:39
pooliei was just merging some of them now actually07:39
igchi poolie07:39
lifelesspoolie: I'm calling it a day07:40
lifelesspoolie: if you want to talk this one through with me before I sign off, I'd be delighted to do so.07:41
lifelesspoolie: btw tomorrow mornign I'll be awolish - popping up to the doctor at sparrows fart07:41
pooliewow, interesting07:46
poolielet's chat tomorrow afternoon?07:46
mwhudsonspiv: do you have any ideas on how to test the ssh rekeying thing locally?07:47
mwhudsonit would be good to test both paramiko against an openssh server and openssh client against conch i guess07:48
spivmwhudson: manually hack REKEY_BYTES in paramiko/packet.py, maybe?07:49
lifelesspoolie: ok07:51
mwhudsonspiv: ah, that might work07:51
lifelesspoolie: I have some personal stuff to organise with you too, this week before the weekend if at al possible07:51
spivmwhudson: it's possible there's something in conch for that too07:52
spivmwhudson: I don't know if it's something either side can trigger07:52
mwhudsonspiv: ah, i was going to say07:52
mwhudsoni /thought/ it was a client side thing07:52
mwhudsonmaybe not though07:52
spivmwhudson: maybe Conch gets confused if both sides trigger at about the same time? ;)07:52
mwhudsonspiv: oh god, if it's that complicated someone else can fix it :)07:53
mwhudsonalthough noone will :/07:53
spivmwhudson: heh07:54
spivmwhudson: thinking of concurrency, I happened to see your lp code review about CachingIterator, and you need to be more devious :)07:54
spivmwhudson: I sent mail explaining how :)07:54
mwhudsonspiv: "don't use it with threading"07:54
spivmwhudson: pfft07:55
mwhudsonah i see07:55
spivmwhudson: I don't need no stinking threads to break stuff ;)07:55
mwhudsonspiv: does thumper's update work better with your code?07:55
spivHaven't seen it, so don't know.07:55
spivIf it does better than giving three different answers, all wrong, then that's a start :)07:56
vilahi all07:58
lifelessvila: hi!07:58
lifelessvila: hey, lost+found merges; is that in progress, or just something we've been discussing07:58
vilalifeless: still not in progress but my next target once I come back to conflicts08:01
* mwhudson becomes a little stabby trying to get paramiko to connect to launchpad.dev08:01
igchi vila, spiv08:07
igchi mwhudson08:07
vilahi Ian08:07
pooliehi vila08:07
vilahi  poolie08:07
mwhudsonigc: hello08:08
mwhudsonspiv: it's conch08:12
spivmwhudson: \o/08:12
spivmwhudson: I guess the rekeying logic in conch is not carefully unit tested...08:13
spivmwhudson: btw08:13
spivmwhudson: thumper's updated code is differently broken :)08:13
mwhudsonspiv: what an outrageous accusation08:13
mwhudson(both of those!)08:14
mwhudsonspiv: what are the chances that the hardest part of fixing this upstream will be figuring out how to test it08:15
spivmwhudson: depressingly high :(08:16
mwhudsoni wonder if it's something as dumb as the server continuing to send the data from the subprocess while key exchange is happening08:23
spivmwhudson: that sounds quite plausible.08:24
thumperspiv: what update code?08:24
mwhudsonwhat also sounds plausible is that it's time for dinner08:25
spivthumper: your CachingIterator has bugs, see my post to the code review08:26
thumperspiv: do you have a solution too?08:26
MvGHas Command.pligin_name() been deprecated or something? Doesn't seem to work on my bzr 2.1.1 any more, though it used to in the past.08:27
mwhudsonspiv: is there any way i can change what options bzr passes to ssh?08:27
spivthumper: no, although simply raising an exception if someone tries to use it re-entrantly would probably be adequate.08:27
mwhudsonspiv: other than "hack the source dummy"08:27
spivmwhudson: write a plugin to override the ssh vendor implementation, dummy? :)08:28
spivmwhudson: (no)08:28
mwhudsonluckily i can use .ssh/config for this08:28
mwhudsonah "cool" can reproduce with openssh as well as paramiko08:32
spivmwhudson: That's... "good"  :)08:33
* mwhudson files a twisted bug08:35
pooliespm, can you answer the mail thread about bzr-email and the hpss chroot?08:47
spmpoolie: which list?08:48
spivpoolie: you me, perhaps?08:48
poolieoops, i did mean spiv08:48
spiv"you mean me", rather.08:48
spivObviously it's too late in the day to expect accurate typing :)08:48
spmspiv: which should so do a nick change and really confuse people - som april fools ideas just come too late....08:48
vilapoolie: could you land your 2.2b1 branch into lp:bzr/2.0 ? That would make it easier to track what is in the corresponding 2.2b1 tarball08:49
pooliedo you mean into bzr/2.2?08:49
vilapoolie: what ? You still can't parse my typos ? :-/ Yeah I meant lp:bzr/2.2 of course08:49
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
poolievila, sure, i'll try to do that soon09:23
vilapoolie: thanks !09:24
bialixhi all09:24
igchi bialix, spm09:27
bialixhi igc09:27
bialixigc: I think I also need CRT90 redistributable?09:29
bialixigc: I don't trust the tools that I don't understand09:30
igcbialix: yes, you'll need that09:33
igcbialix: do you have VS 2008?09:33
igcbialix: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Tutorial#Step5209:33
bialixigc: no, I haven't09:33
igcbialix: thei nstaller code tries to implement that process09:34
* bialix reads09:35
igcbialix: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en09:35
* bialix starts to think using buildout is not the best idea09:35
igcbialix: my feeling is that buildout is not the best fit here - wget + bzr would be less complex and more reliable IMO09:37
bialixigc: maybe I should install VC2008 Express?09:38
bialixigc: I think my traceback caused by damaged svn-1.6.6.zip file.09:39
igcbialix: can you remember why we need pywin32? Was it needed for tbzr packaging?09:39
igcbialix: got to run09:39
igcdelete that corrupted zip and try again09:39
* igc dinner09:39
bialixpywin32 is must have for windows and bzr09:39
bialixigc: bon appetit and gnight09:39
bialixigc: deletinbg file does not help: I have the same problem again09:43
millunjust wondering... what if i use colocated tree model and happen to delete the whole directory?10:48
jelmermillun: how do you mean?11:26
millunjelmer: if i delete the php project (not intentionally) including the .bzr directory11:56
milluni am screwed right? i use bzr explorer. i obviously should PUSH quite often?11:56
millunto some remote repository11:57
jelmermillun: yes11:57
jelmerunless you're using a shared repository that you haven't deleted?11:57
millunno, i am not using a shared repository (not quite sure what you mean by that). i come from SVN, u know11:57
milluni use "colocated branches"11:58
millunbecause that's what i've learned in the tutorial11:59
jelmermillun: colocated branches aren't an officially supported feature11:59
jelmermillun: what tutorial was this?12:00
millunon the official pages12:00
millunlemme look it up12:00
millunat the very end12:01
millunIn most cases, the best model comes down to personal preference. In some case though, the colocated branches model is the only choice, e.g. if you want to version control files in a special location (like /etc or a set of web-server configuration files).12:02
jelmerigc: hi12:04
jelmerigc: The starting_a_project page seems to use the term colocated branches for something different than we do elsewhere12:04
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=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
cr3how can I create a branch which only contains code until a specific revision and not the subsequent revisions? the problem is that I forgot to create a milestone at some point for my project and I now need to go back in time to create a bugfix for an earlier milestone14:59
rubbscr3: it's been a while since I've done it, but you can do the branch command with -r rev# it should work15:01
rubbslike this bzr branch -r 2.3.1 ./ ./new15:01
rubbsIIRC that is. you can do bzr help branch to make sure I got the syntax right15:01
cr3rubbs: seems like you got it right, thanks!15:03
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== IslandUsurper is now known as IslandUsurperAFK
Lo-lan-doHi all17:11
Lo-lan-doI hacked a bzr-gc.sh script (http://paste.debian.net/68592/), does it make you run away screaming?17:12
* fullermd runs and screams.17:16
__monty__How would I go about fixing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/45599 ?17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45599 in bzr ""no repository present" error should suggest using bzr branch" [Wishlist,In progress]17:23
=== IslandUsurperAFK is now known as IslandUsurper
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
wolfgang00is it possible to push files to a remote server? ive tried bzr push sftp:// but i get the error This transport does not update the working tree19:13
gioelewolfgang00: use the bzr-upload plugin19:17
gioelepush will push only the branch-related info, not the real files19:17
=== mordred_ is now known as mtaylor
wolfgang00hmmm. when i use bzr upload i get the message "bzr: ERROR: Cannot upload to a bzr managed working tree:"19:30
jelmerwolfgang00: bzr upload is only for non-bzr managed trees19:42
jelmerwolfgang00: I mean, it can only update a remote tree without a .bzr directory19:43
wolfgang00jelmer: so is there a way to upload to a bzr managed tree? im not entirely opposed to just removing the .bzr folder and not having it managed but its been a nice feature up till now.19:44
IslandUsurperwolfgang00, there's the push-and-update plugin19:47
wolfgang00IslandUsurper: do i have to then use checkouts?19:52
IslandUsurperwolfgang00, no, you just push from one branch to the other, and push-and-update runs `bzr update` over ssh19:59
jamvila: if you are still around, /wave20:22
wolfgang00with push and update installed i get "This transport does not update the working tree of: ..." still20:50
IslandUsurperwolfgang00, it lies20:51
IslandUsurpera bug has been filed20:51
IslandUsurperbut you should log in to the other server to make sure20:51
IslandUsurperyou can see it say "running ssh bzr update" right?20:52
wolfgang00i do not get it running bzr update.20:56
wolfgang00it pushes the changes but i have to do update manually20:57
IslandUsurperwhen you do `bzr hooks`, do you have update-after-push under "BranchHooks: post_push:" ?21:42
IslandUsurperwolfgang00 ^^21:42
dougxHow do I delete a branch?21:43
awilkinsdougx, delete the folder21:46
dougxawilkins: thanks21:47
awilkinsdougx, if it's in a shared repo, the revisions will remain but they will have no accessible tip21:47
dougxok, I see21:47
wolfgang00ok figured out the push and update plugin was not installed properly. thats fixed but when i run bzr push i get the error that ssh cannot find the file specified but it looks like its dropping the ~ out of the location21:48
matt2000Hi. I'm trying to upgrade an Ubuntu Jaunty server to Bazaar 2.x. I've added the PPA source to apt, but it's still nto upgrading it. Am I missing something?21:53
wolfgang00when i try to push to a remote server i get the error "ssh yardbutl@yardbutlerstore.com bzr update "public_html/testing.yardbutlerstore/" its dropping the ~/ from public_html23:33
wolfgang00and i do not seem to have update-after-push under branchhooks23:35

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