
bruce_hello....  I have a question about edubuntu03:02
HedgeMageso ask it :)03:20
HedgeMageYou don't need permission -- that's what we're here for03:21
bruce_oh yes...03:23
bruce_is there a "package" i can install on top of regular ubuntu 9.10 to install ALL the edubuntu apps?03:23
HedgeMageI think it's called edubuntu-desktop or something like that.03:24
bruce_i must reboot03:24
alkisgGood morning07:40
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
mgariepymorning everyone13:48
mhall119highvoltage: are you around this morning14:31
highvoltagemhall119: yes, hi!14:40
sbalneavMorning all14:51
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
* bencrisford is back22:01
bencrisfordhighvoltage: hey22:01
bencrisfordi might carry on working on my bzr branch22:02
bencrisfordi still have the terminal window open from before i went to germany :P22:02
highvoltagebencrisford: hehe, cool :)22:11
mhall119highvoltage: did you talk to jdstrand about those packages?22:13
mhall119or just resubmit them to him?22:13
highvoltagemhall119: just uploaded, he can't miss them :)22:18
* bencrisford thinks emails can wait until he has had a good nights sleep in a familiar time zone22:36

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