
txwikingerimbrandon: you mean the ones that don't use mono :D00:00
imbrandonno i mean the billions arround the planet not in the US or UK00:01
imbrandon  /msg  txwikinger oops it was IBM not MS in the curent case and its 106 not 160, but the case is IBM vs Roger Bowler ( reguarding the Hercules mainframe emulator )00:05
imbrandonerr crap00:05
imbrandonokies, i got to run for a bit anyhow, back in an hour or so fellas, dont have tooo much fun00:06
txwikingerimbrandon: Ah yes.. I have heard about that issue, however, asaik it is not even in front of court yet00:06
apacheloggernew round of uno in #kubuntu-playtime00:06
apacheloggerin case you two care :P00:06
* txwikinger is afk for dinner00:08
apacheloggeroh my00:08
apacheloggerkubotu: np00:08
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Qt 4 Dance" by Finn Arild/Trolltech -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more00:08
apachelogger:D :D :D :D00:08
* apachelogger takes Nightrose for a dance00:08
ScottKimbrandon: That's probably case has been covered on Groklaw recently.00:09
apacheloggerjjesse: o/ uno in #kubuntu-playtime00:10
jjessewould love to but on briefly, be back after i take out the trash and walk the dog00:11
apacheloggerjjesse: have fun ;)00:12
jjesseapachelogger: thanks wouldn't consider it fun ;)00:12
apacheloggerWho would ;)00:12
=== romulo is now known as promulo
* apachelogger installs russian00:18
apacheloggerhi promulo00:19
* DarkwingDuck grumbles00:21
DarkwingDuckWoah, that's a handfull for the 10.10 wishlist... https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Brainstorm00:21
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Get to work.00:24
DarkwingDuckScottK: What am I supposed to be doing? :P00:25
ScottKDarkwingDuck: You're the one with the list.00:26
DarkwingDuckActually, ScottK, is there anything I can help with for netbook?00:26
ScottKI think we're in pretty good shape.00:26
DarkwingDuckOk, cool.00:26
DarkwingDuckWe use khelpcenter or, do we use a modified version of yelp?00:26
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Could you check and see if there are any screenshots for digikam or kipi-plugins in kubuntu-docs?00:26
ScottKThere's some discussion of an update and it'd be good to know if it'd affect docs.00:27
DarkwingDuckOk, gimme a few00:27
imbrandonhrm can the knr and the full gui reside peacefully on the same laptop ScottK00:28
* imbrandon ponders00:28
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
ScottKimbrandon: Yes.  There's a kcm to picking which one you want to run if both plasma-netbook and plasma-desktop are installed.00:29
ScottKto picking/for picking00:30
imbrandonwhats the current todo list look like ? any itches i can scratch tonight ?00:31
apacheloggerbug 56097600:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560976 in ktorrent "All translation of KTorrent disappears after latest update" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56097600:31
imbrandonmaybe getting rid of the search tab in khelp ;)00:31
apacheloggerat times I wonder00:31
DarkwingDuckmmmm.... Am I the only one with broken images in kubuntu-docs? can someone go to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/ and let me know if images are working?00:31
DarkwingDuckWell, okay then.00:32
DarkwingDuckIt's only broken with firefox00:32
apacheloggerand there comes the locobot querying me00:32
DarkwingDuckScottK: No screen shots00:36
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: where in specific?00:38
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: hmm?00:38
apacheloggerimbrandon: you could get rid of khc ;)00:38
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: what precise page I can see that?00:38
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: See... digikam?00:38
DarkwingDuckOh, my problem00:39
imbrandonapachelogger, i think thats a bit optimistic for only 15 days left and past beta 2, BUT getting rid of the search tab wouldent be all bad per that bug00:39
imbrandonright ?00:39
DarkwingDuckAny of them. The images were not showing up in firefox. Any of the pages.00:39
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: oh00:40
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: from /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/photos/graphics.html it seems as if it uses urls of the sort help:/foobar00:40
apacheloggerwhich of course only works in konqueror and/or khc00:40
DarkwingDuckRight. It's on my ToDo list ;)00:41
apacheloggerimbrandon: I guess getting rid of the tab will do ;)00:41
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Thanks.00:42
DarkwingDuckScottK: anytime00:42
ScottKapachelogger: So we can change digikam/kipi without affecting docs.00:42
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: also, I am getting the old fugly kubuntu icon in KHC00:42
apacheloggerScottK: that you should ask DarkwingDuck00:43
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I suppose you mostly just refer to the digikam documentation?00:43
ScottKapachelogger: I did.00:43
apacheloggerand the answer was?00:44
DarkwingDuckapachelogger, ScottK. Here is what we have currently for that... /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/photos/index.html00:44
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, then it shouldnt be a problem, we dont change any strings, so regression potential is rather low there00:44
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: btw, you should really make sure that it works best in KHC00:45
apacheloggerregular folks will not manually direct their browser to the documetnation ;)00:45
DarkwingDuckI know. Quick fix00:45
apacheloggerSput: ^00:46
apacheloggerit would be very nice if that was clickable and opened the right thingy00:46
imbrandonapachelogger, actualy is 3.5 in universe yet ?00:46
apacheloggerimbrandon: KDE 3.5?00:46
apacheloggershould it?00:47
apacheloggerwe ditched it except for kdelibs and some apps00:47
apacheloggera 3rd party version is maintained in a ppa though00:47
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: help:/kubuntu/photos/graphics.html#Digikam00:47
imbrandonwell debian did the fix by adding htdig , witch sucks and we can only do it if its in universe00:47
apacheloggerimbrandon: well, KHC is also in KDE 4 ;)00:48
apacheloggerthe other solution to fixing it properly would be rewriting the search00:48
imbrandonmy "plan" was to add htdig to the 3.5 , since it should be in universe imho anyhow and remove it for 4+00:48
apacheloggeras I said yesterday ...  KHC is broken by design00:48
imbrandonbut that plan wont work if we have bits of kdebase in mauin00:48
apacheloggerall of kdebase is in main :P00:49
apacheloggerall of core KDE is in main00:49
apacheloggerimbrandon: you could mail the 3rd party ppa maintainer to fix up his 3.5 stuff, and for our 4.4 hide the search tab00:49
imbrandonokies then i guess it will just be a divergence form debian then, not a big loss or delta anyhow00:49
apacheloggerbecause even with htdiag it fails in 7/10 tries last I checked00:49
imbrandonyea, because of dash00:50
imbrandonyou need to add htdig plus un-bash a script or two00:50
* apachelogger seems to remember that he ditched all the bashishm some time ago00:50
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I'm not seeing the kubuntu logo anywhere... just the KDE one.00:50
apacheloggermaybe someone keeps re-adding bashishm ^^00:50
imbrandonits from a generated perl script that calls /bin/sh and assumes bash that htdig uses to make indexes00:51
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: NM I see it now00:51
imbrandonbig mess imho00:51
apacheloggerI told you so00:51
apacheloggerimbrandon: just dont invest too much time into it00:51
imbrandon3rd party maintainer ? sooo ..... whats the state of 3.5 now ?00:51
apacheloggerKHC is going to be replaced sooner o rlater00:51
imbrandonapachelogger, i'm not, its an easy fix to get rid of it, just wanna make sure i'm doing it "right"00:52
imbrandonapachelogger, like seriously 10 min of packing once i have the "plan" if that00:52
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: what are we going to replace it with? and can we write in support for Mallard?00:52
apacheloggerimbrandon: I dont quite know all about 3.5. But AFAIK it is like this: first kb9vqf started redoing the old KDE 3 packages, then we helped him to make it less conflicting with our KDE 4 packages, so I thik for both 9.04 and 9.10 he did KDE 3 remixes, meanwhile I think he officially forked KDE 3.5 and maintains it under new name00:54
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: what is mallard?00:54
imbrandonapachelogger, litterly if i rename the khelpcenter/searchhandlers to like khelpcenter/searchhandlers_disabled everything should just *work* as we want, i was just gonna be hard on myself and do it diffrent for 3.5 too , but that "fix" will disable the search tab in 3.5 and 4+00:54
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: we will replace it with new fanch KHC00:54
apacheloggerI just dont know how and when00:54
apacheloggerthe topic is insanely complex00:54
macomallard is gnome's help file stuff00:54
DarkwingDuckMallard is a doc standard that is instead of using docbook00:55
apacheloggerand the fact that there are 4 diferent types of documentation files doesnt help00:55
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: should I ever come up with a software design that can cope with all the shiz that is out in linux documentation land, then we sure can integrate mallard support ;)00:55
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: the reason I'm asking is we are setting up a plan to one day convert kubuntu-docs to mallard00:56
imbrandonerr s/disable/hide00:56
apacheloggerimbrandon: well, as said 3.5 technically does not exist anymore and certainly not our maintenance obligiation == just bonus00:56
imbrandonapachelogger, rockin, thats what i wanted to hear00:56
DarkwingDuckIt's more topic oriented.00:57
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: that can easily be done with a mallard2html converter even now ;)00:57
* apachelogger finds the html approach rather sane actually00:57
imbrandonScottK, i ran into a strange grub problem with 10.04 on the netwooks ( but to be fair its not kubuntu specific, unr has it too  )00:57
imbrandonwow if i could type today00:58
apacheloggermy current concept involves an abstract backend layer to which you can attach various engines that will parse the various markup syles on-the-fly to html00:58
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ahhh, sweet00:58
imbrandonapachelogger, i would love to help with some code on that, sounds intresting ( not s joke. seriously )00:58
apacheloggerthe other approach would be insanly more complex, but might be sweeter -> as far as the various markups allow youd parse it and then build a Qt UI on the fly00:59
apacheloggerthat might actually be possible via that new UI magic in Qt 4.700:59
apacheloggerbut really insanely complex01:00
apacheloggerimbrandon: cool :)01:00
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: then what are you waiting for? :P:P01:00
imbrandonapachelogger, why not pasre it then output xml, then you could do both, xlst for the html and xml-->uidesigner for the other01:00
apacheloggerimbrandon: I think the current solution parses to xml anyway, so one could heavily reuse that01:01
apacheloggeralso docbook is xml derived anyway01:01
apacheloggerkubotu: google gnome mallard01:01
kubotuResults for gnome mallard: 1. ProjectMallard - GNOME Live!: http://live.gnome.org/ProjectMallard | 2. Yelp/Icons - GNOME Live!: http://live.gnome.org/Yelp/Icons | 3. Project Mallard: Rethinking Help: http://people.gnome.org/~shaunm/quack/mallard.xml01:01
apacheloggermallard is also xml01:02
imbrandonsee , we stand on the shoulders ...01:02
imbrandonnice thing about xlst is it would be fast to build etc, then work on the ui stuff as you go along ( point releases ? )01:03
* apachelogger nods01:04
imbrandoneither way, we would need a better search index than htdig01:05
imbrandonthere isnt something built into qt for indexing ?01:05
apacheloggernot that I know of01:06
imbrandoni'll be glad when the help files dont have to be local, online only would be awesom , but i know that day is not as close as i would like01:06
apacheloggerimbrandon: I was thinking about using nepomuk + strigi01:06
apacheloggerin fact strigi can already index docbook IIRC, so we would just need to build a collection using those two thingies (the media player bagarang can be a role model for that)01:07
jjesseapachelogger: where's the game of uno?01:07
imbrandonuht oh01:08
apacheloggerjjesse: all uno'd out already :)01:08
imbrandonwow it feels like i have been away from kde FOREVER01:08
apacheloggerunless you find enough people to do another round ;)01:08
jjesseimbrandon you have been :)01:08
imbrandonremind me never to do that again , LOL01:08
* apachelogger giggles01:09
imbrandonapachelogger, no that actualy sounds sound, but we should definately start it sometime after release, for real01:09
apacheloggerit only feels like yesterday that I was trying to prevent dolphin from crashing in some very early KDE trunk build of what would become KDE 4 ^^01:09
imbrandonapachelogger, exactly01:09
txwikingerapachelogger: I wrote a comment. I hope it as an optimal confusion factor01:09
apacheloggerwell, actually it feels more like last century :D01:10
apacheloggerso many things happened01:10
apacheloggertxwikinger: yeah, I saw, thanks :)01:10
imbrandonapachelogger, its actauly been since the last LTS, i was kinda disapointed in the kde4 state at that time , so i started using gnome, now i got a ton of catching up to do01:10
apacheloggerimbrandon: re starting ASAP - that entirely depends on whether I get a gsoc slot for ubuntu one kde01:10
imbrandonapachelogger, ahh01:11
* txwikinger wonders why he pays for cable TV when he gets everything he watches for free on the Internet and it is even legal to do so01:11
apacheloggerimbrandon: we could defenitely draw up some design and stuff though and go upstream with that01:12
imbrandontxwikinger, lol i thought the same thing yesterday, i only watch 2 shows, and really could carer less about them , caprica and stargate universe , and they both are online the day of air legal01:12
apacheloggerI suppose other distros would ditch resources in01:12
apacheloggerits not like only our doc dudes and I are annoyed by the crappyness of KHC ^^01:12
imbrandonapachelogger, yea thats more of what i ment, not nessesarly diving into code right away, more of start the "real" planning for it then01:13
imbrandonugh apt-mirror sorely needs some love this week too01:13
apacheloggerwe really dont want to dive in ^^01:14
apacheloggerI suspect that is how KHC came into existance01:14
apacheloggerReally bad idea.01:14
imbrandoni really wish i had the time to rewrite apt-mirror in python01:14
imbrandonapachelogger, yea, well maybe not existance, but it dosent look thought out over a long peroid01:15
imbrandonmore like patch on patch on patch on bandaid on patch01:15
apacheloggerthough it is rather powerful under the hood01:15
apacheloggerIt just completely fails to embrace that.01:15
imbrandonwhere is khc in 4 ?01:16
imbrandon-workspace dosent seem right01:16
apacheloggerimbrandon: runtime01:17
imbrandonahhh yea much better01:17
imbrandonmmm mt dew with real sugar /me is in love01:18
jjesseits the greatest sn't it?01:19
imbrandonwhats our timeline look like , i dont wanna be uploading bugfixes toooo late01:20
imbrandon( for main )01:20
imbrandonnew kernel, time to reboot brb01:23
DarkwingDucktxwikinger: where do you go for the TV online?02:10
txwikingerctv.ca for instance02:10
imbrandonScottK: where is the kcm module you mentioned ? i'm not seeing it after a cursory look02:11
imbrandon( i've installed kubuntu-netbook on a full blown install )02:11
ScottKimbrandon: It's in Look and Feel -> Desktop the last item.  If you don't have both plasma-netbook and plasma-desktop installed it won't give you any choices.02:26
imbrandonhrm i have both installed, maybe i need to restart kde02:29
imbrandonahh got it02:32
imbrandoni think i'm bit by the overlap bug though02:32
imbrandonleaste with the clock02:33
ScottKThat's it.02:38
ScottKYou could test debfx's patch.02:38
ScottKThat'd be good.02:38
imbrandonsure, where is the bug/patch ?02:39
imbrandonapachelogger: i am pretty sure i have the khelp search disabled, just rebuilt kdebase-runtime and gonna test it on my desktop first02:40
ScottKimbrandon: Bug #54032402:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540324 in kdebase-workspace "plasma-netbook logout widget overlaps other widgets" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54032402:41
imbrandonkk, yup thats what i'm bit by02:41
imbrandonlooks strange02:42
jjesseme too02:42
ScottKHopefully debfx saved the day again.02:52
imbrandonno accept or reject email03:07
imbrandoni wonder if i still have main permissions , lol03:07
jjesseimbrandon how long did you take off :)03:08
imbrandonwell i havent uplaoded anything to main in about a year03:08
imbrandonbut i havent been gone that long03:08
ScottKimbrandon: It didn't look to me like you do.03:09
imbrandonScottK: can you poke arround and see if my upload of kdebase-runtime is not silently failing somewhere i'm unaware of03:09
ScottKMaybe I missed it when I looked.03:09
imbrandonhrm, that sucks, i'll have to get that fixed, ok mind grabbing the bzr branch and sponsoring this upload for me please ?03:10
ScottKOK.  persia can probably point you in the right direction on that.03:10
* ScottK has a few things in the queue first, then if he hasn't passed out ....03:11
imbrandonno worries, i can grab a sponsor i'm sure no problems if your backlog looks full for the night03:11
ScottKIt's probably OK, just I may run out of steam.03:11
imbrandonpersia: ping ( re: kubuntu privs ) when you have a moment03:12
ScottKIf you could test out the overlap fix, that'd help.03:12
imbrandonyup yup, doing that now, it was next on the list03:12
ScottKimbrandon: Actually you want core-dev back, right?03:12
imbrandonScottK: yes, iirc i still had it03:12
imbrandonor so i thought03:12
ScottKyeah, not according to Launchpad.03:12
imbrandonmustive expired when i wasent looking, probably will need to talk to the TB again03:13
imbrandonoh well not something i can fix at this second, i'll take a look at the overlap fix and then worry about it03:13
imbrandondoes core-dev still go through the TB , or has that also changed a bit, i know they was talking about deligating a bit of it, just not sure what bits03:15
ScottKimbrandon: We have Developer Membership Board now that does it.03:15
ScottKpersia is on the DMB.03:15
imbrandonahh cool, ok, rockin , ok onto bug # 54032403:16
imbrandonfelix=debfx ? ( just makin sure )03:17
imbrandoni need to move my blog to its new linode tonight sometime too, fun fun03:20
imbrandongonna be up all night again ;)03:20
imbrandonk building with patch now, will test when done , for now, time to find a snack03:25
imbrandonahh yea got the reject email03:26
imbrandonno main privs03:26
persiaimbrandon: Looking at the precedent (predating my membership on the DMB), it appears that the process is to mail developer-membership-board@lists.ubuntu.com with a statement of the reasons you stepped down, and your intentions for the future.03:39
imbrandonok persia thanks, will do that here in a few minutes :)03:40
persiaimbrandon: The next meeting is at 15:00 13th April.  There's a request at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess for a week to pass: I'm unsure if that applies for reactivations: be aware that it might be on the 13th and it might be on the 27th that your application is considered.03:41
imbrandonahh ok, i thought reapplications were mail only like motu, thanks03:42
ScottKimbrandon: MOTU apps are done "in person" at the meetings too.03:44
imbrandonmine was email only to renew motu03:45
imbrandonno worries thgouh, its easy enough when i'm always on irc anyhow :)03:45
imbrandonbeen a long time since i had to do any of this stuff anyhow, will do me good to refresh my memory03:46
persiaIt's not your memory: the processes changed :)03:47
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only10 left to fix!
imbrandonleaste its not as bad as when i got core-dev to begin with,  awnsering questions from sabdfl in the TB meeting was a lesson in calming ones nerves ;)03:48
JontheEchidnaat least you didn't break the tech board ;)03:49
jjesseJontheEchidna did you?03:49
JontheEchidnaMy still-pending application invoked much confusion on whether or not abstaining meant lowering the total number of people voting or not03:50
imbrandoni was so nervious durring the meeting i dident sleep for 24 hours before more than 10 min at a time, much has changed since then :)03:51
jjesseJontheEchidna:  ??? people are abstaining on your vote?03:51
JontheEchidnajjesse: well, with good reason, for the most part03:52
jjesseoh ok03:52
imbrandonuht ohh , who let nixternal in03:55
kb9vqfapachelogger: That is exactly correct (the new name is Trinity at http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net)  Also, Lucid packages are coming up shortly03:55
nixternalsome idiot obviously03:57
imbrandonkb9vqf: looks like a handfull03:59
kb9vqfimbrandon: It sure is :P04:00
kb9vqfBut it sure beats the alternatives...04:00
* kb9vqf is probably the only one who hates Windows/Mac interfaces with a passion04:01
imbrandonnot that i care at all but why setup all the infrastructure youre self ( like bugzilla ) why not use launchpad ?04:03
imbrandonjust curious04:03
ScottKjjesse: Part of the reason nm-applet just works with NM is that it's developed by the same people that develop NM in conjunction with it.  KNM, OTOH, is developed seperately, so it's harder to keep in sync.04:05
ScottK(your blog requires a login to comment, so you get IRC comments)04:05
jjesseScottK: i'll add them to the comments04:05
ScottKjjesse: Also, except for the lack of hidden network support, it's worked pretty well for me in Karmic and Lucid both.04:06
imbrandonwoot build finished, time to test on the laptop04:06
jjessei seem to have some form or issue that i need to figure out to get working correctly every release04:06
jjessei try really hard04:06
ScottKHeya nixternal.  How goes recovery from the flood?04:07
ScottKnixternal: BTW, we have working powerpc live CD images.  Tm_T tested them for me during your hiatus.04:07
nixternali have 2 out of 8 computers, 3..keep forgetting about the netbook04:07
nixternalflood didn't damage them, a roof fell on them and smashed them04:07
nixternali have not one single computer i can do any type of dev work on...no power04:08
nixternaland insurance is being a pita04:08
kb9vqfimbrandon: Mainly, I'm used to those particular software packages.  I also like to keep services completely or mostly under my control when possible; that way there's one less variable to worry about04:09
nixternalso...i think i am probably done doing dev work for a while04:09
nixternalwhat money i do have i am using for bike racing, and that isn't much money at all04:09
kb9vqfLaunchpad is great though; I really like the PPA feature (when it's not bogged down of course ;))04:09
nixternali get more benefit out of racing than I do wasting a ton of time here04:09
imbrandonnice i insert a usb disk and it gets named .....  ?PNG!>04:10
* ScottK hopes the sudden silence isn't a bad sign for imbrandon's testing.04:24
imbrandonhehe nope, just installing ti now04:24
imbrandondident wanna build on the laptop , tooo slow, so i sneekernet'd it via usb and its installing now04:24
imbrandongonna reboot/test in about ~30 sec04:25
nixternalScottK: my solid oak desk, saved the PPC and this server04:25
nixternalHost '3LockBox', running Linux 2.6.31-21-generic - Cpu0: AMD Athlon 1000 MHz; Up: 36 min; Users: 3; Load: 0.67; Free: [Mem: 468/935 Mio] [Swap: 863/863 Mio] [/: 10764/14084 Mio] [/boot: 55/122 Mio] [/media/maxtor: 137358/150230 Mio] [/home: 33689/41301 Mio]; Vpenis: 96.6 cm;04:25
nixternalwoohoo, 1 GHz athlon, the most power system I have right now :(04:26
imbrandoni'd say move to kc but umm we have those damnd things too04:26
nixternalso, whoever steps up and takes over building docs with translations, that's gonne be fun, as I doubt I will have the power to do it in a week or so04:27
* nixternal is broke too which makes it worse04:27
imbrandoni can do some of that if needed, you'll just have to let me know where ya was with everything04:27
nixternaljust waiting for translations to get a bit better, then download them all, work it into the build setup somehow and rock-and-roll04:28
imbrandoni'll poke it later this week some and then poke you if i have issues04:28
imbrandonthis box should build stuff fairly quick, dual quad core w/8gb ram04:29
nixternal2 weeks04:29
nixternalthe day before final freeze04:29
txwikingernixternal: flood?04:29
nixternaltxwikinger: tornado04:29
nixternalor microburst04:29
txwikingeroh my04:29
nixternalthe weather people are to stupid to say which it was04:29
nixternalhey, i was on tv one day getting interviewed by every news station in chicago wearing an ubuntu t-shirt :)04:30
nixternalthe second day, openSUSE t-shirt :)04:30
imbrandonScottK: everything looking good so far, still pokin a bit more to make sure04:30
ScottKOK.  Good to know.04:30
ScottKTrying to find room on my hard drive for -runtime now.04:30
txwikingernixternal: You should have asked for some consulting fee for the interview ;P04:30
imbrandonthe diff is small, like 40 or 50kb04:30
txwikingereep openSuse... lot's of mono I guess04:30
nixternala friend of mine just started his own construction company, so i am thinking of leaving this whole insane computer world for something different....job market blows ass in chicago and i don't feel like moving or traveling 8 out of 7 days a week04:31
imbrandonnixternal: you can franchise my store and open one in chi ;)04:32
txwikingerconstruction? Does not seem to be the right industry for the future either04:32
nixternalworks for me...what is the store?04:32
nixternalprobably a head shop or sex toy shop04:32
imbrandoncomputer thift shop ( .com )04:32
nixternaldot com!!!!04:32
txwikingernixternal: You should move into Healthcare ;p04:32
imbrandonrecycled systems and closeout buys ;)04:32
nixternalsorry, don't want to work for the government04:32
txwikingercomputer theft shop?04:33
ScottKnixternal: I have a cousin who was a EE in silicon valley and then gave it up to work as an independent handyman type contractor.04:33
nixternali just found out that i live by one of those places04:33
ScottKHe enjoyed it for a few years and then got tired of being poor and went back.04:33
nixternali went in to check it out as i rode past it on my bike...that guy has shit from the 80s in there04:33
txwikingerimbrandon: I thought that is called eBay04:33
nixternalwtf is going to buy OS/2?04:33
imbrandonos/2 is still used by alot of atm's04:33
imbrandonesp at BoA04:34
nixternalmy bank's atms use aix04:34
txwikingerthe ones that use windows are down all the time04:34
txwikingerblue screen!04:34
nixternaldude, i went to the atm 2 days ago, at some bank in southern illinois, and it was a BSOD04:35
nixternalthe words were all garbled but it was an actual BSOD04:35
imbrandonpics ?04:35
imbrandontxwikinger: yes ebay helps alot, but i gear more twords business that let me come in and recycle 200 to 500 machines ata  time, its expensive for them to get rid of04:36
imbrandoni help with that expense ( and make a bit o cash at the same time )04:36
txwikingernixternal: What about the Blackhawks?04:38
imbrandonthat and i buy closeouts from manufatures, like the apple bid list, all their refurbs go onto a "bid list" that you can buy pallets at a time of ( but not less )04:38
nixternaltxwikinger: they are the best NHL team evah! damn, Celeste isn't here for me to rip on her Pens04:40
nixternalbut the Capitals are hot this year04:40
nixternalimbrandon: I didn't have my cam on me, I was just wearing my underwear actually when I was getting money :)04:40
nixternalit was a couple of hours before our ride, so i chucked on my bike undies and went out in those04:41
imbrandonScottK: looks good, i cant seem to break the patch04:41
imbrandongonna push it to bzr04:41
nixternalright now I am trying to find pics of me in yesterday's race and today's time trials...I even shaved my legs and have yet to find a picture of me04:41
ScottKimbrandon: Great.  Please do.  I'll take that after I get done with runtime.04:41
txwikingernixternal: You really believe you are faster :D04:42
imbrandonnixternal: lol, i cant imagin you with shaved anything ( nor do i wanna )04:42
nixternalshaved legs aren't for going faster...they are for when you fall the big ass band aides don't stick to your fur...."PULL FAST!!!"   1.....2......OMG OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!04:44
txwikingernixternal: I ride with my bicycle to work at least once a week04:44
nixternalwish i could say that04:45
txwikingernixternal: well I am eslf-employed04:46
ScottKnixternal: I remember doing the "pull fast" thing with some of the athletic zinc oxide tape (the white stuff) in high school.  It took some of the guy's skin with it when it came off.04:46
txwikingerbut I think I will fire myself soon... Far too lazy and feisty employee I am04:46
imbrandonScottK: workspace is pushed when you have time, btw thanks for the uploads04:49
ScottKimbrandon: OK.  Great.  Just about to have a look while -runtime test builds.04:50
nixternalScottK: I shaved my legs in high school too, because we always taped our ankles for football and hockey...easier to remove the tape after practice or a game with no fur04:50
* ScottK thinks about nixternal with no fur and goes to wash his eyes.04:50
nixternalyou know that is hawt!04:52
nixternalthe best thing about me losing my guest house, i live with mom and dad now in my old bedroom actually, and mom's cooking is better than mine! :)04:53
* ScottK looks for the soap with moar cleaning power04:53
nixternali got home from the bike races today, and she made a huge pot of jumbilya....mmm mmm good!04:53
txwikingerScottK: I think you need industrial strength cleaner04:53
JontheEchidna\o/ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2010-April/000034.html04:57
nixternalhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nixternal/4314711628/  <- see, no hair on my chest or arms, just my under my lip, that pic isn't me naked, just me gonna whip someones ass, all chicago gangsta04:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: Congratulations.04:58
nixternalJontheEchidna: about damn time ;p04:59
* ScottK is pretty sure "Chicago Gangsta Style" does not traditionally include going hairless.04:59
nixternalblame it on persia :D04:59
ScottKActually it's thanks to him it got done.04:59
nixternalthough i haven't been able to check email in a week or so04:59
ScottKBlame it on Chicago weather.05:00
nixternalso i have no idea what is going on05:00
nixternalI just read my cycling email, and did a "Mark All As Read" for everything else :005:00
nixternalerr, :)05:00
imbrandonJontheEchidna: gratz05:00
JontheEchidnathanks :)05:01
JontheEchidnaScottK, apachelogger, Riddell: thanks for all the packaging sponsors :)05:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: You're welcome.  Get to work.05:01
JontheEchidnaI'm afraid I must misplace my priorities, and get back to work on this literary analysis of George Orwell...05:02
* nixternal -> bed05:02
imbrandonhum we dont have a better name than "page one" on the knr ?05:04
ScottKIt was "Newspaper" before.05:05
DarkwingDuckwoah, nixternal is back?05:05
imbrandonseems to be "page one" on my install05:05
ScottKDarkwingDuck: ^^^^ Does that appear in any docs screen shots.05:05
ScottKimbrandon: I mean before as in for our Karmic tech preview version.05:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you have anything for -workspace while I have it open?05:06
imbrandonknowledgebase just seems to spin and spin too, and do nothing05:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: nope05:06
ScottKI didn't play with that one yet.05:07
DarkwingDuckScottK: Does "Page One" appear? I don't think so. I don't think I changed it back05:07
DarkwingDuckHang on, let me check.05:07
* txwikinger forgot to tease nixternal about the Gold in Hockey :)05:08
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Are there screen shots of the newspaper and what does it say at the top?05:08
* nixternal kicks txwikinger in the shins05:08
nixternali still have a netbook!05:08
nixternalI can lay in bed and see you05:08
DarkwingDuckScottK: It is called the Newspaper. No screen shots but, it is called Newspaper05:08
nixternalhrmm, that kind of sounded perverted05:08
ScottKnixternal: No more than usual from you.05:08
* ScottK notes the Scotch glass is empty and ponders options.05:09
txwikingernixternal: that is due to your shaved legs... they mess with your head05:09
DarkwingDuckScottK: were we thinking about changing it?05:09
* persia also blames Chicago weather05:09
nixternalyeah, that was odd weather that night05:10
txwikingerpersia: Chicago was always a windy city05:10
nixternaldidn't think anything severe like that would happen05:10
nixternal2 years ago we watched the tornado come down behind the house and damage all of the industrial area05:10
nixternalthis time it didn't mess with that industrial area, just our hood05:11
txwikingerIsn't it a little early in the year for tornados?05:11
nixternali have lived here all my life, and the last 2 years have been horrible, this will be the third year, and yes, it is starting off a bit early05:11
nixternalusually may, june, and either the end of september or the beginning of october are severe weather months05:12
DarkwingDuckOk, I'm off to bed. Have to work early. nixternal good to see you back. I have a list to bounce off you. :D05:12
txwikingerwe still have freezing at night05:12
nixternalthough 2009/2010 proved those global warming whack jobs can't manipulate data worth a shit05:12
nixternalactually, chicago has been colder the past 10 years than in years prior...which is exactly what happens prior to the next ice age, we get colder, the caps melt, and then all hell freezes over and creates new land in north america05:13
persiaWhat?  Why new land?05:14
ScottKJontheEchidna and imbrandon: -runtime uploaded.05:14
txwikingernixternal: anything that looks like a hockey stick should be looked at with sdome doubt05:14
nixternalpersia: well, same land, different shape :)05:14
persiaOh, yeah.  Scrape off all that nasty biosphere stuff.05:15
nixternalbetter yet, different terrain05:15
nixternalheh, i would hate to be at the end of the glacier that clean chicago out05:15
txwikingernixternal: Actually the arctic ice grew this winter to levels as high as more than 10 years ago05:15
txwikingerpoor polar bears have now too many places to go and have the torture of choosing05:16
txwikingerimbrandon: yeah.. everybody has to reset their clocks to 0 and everything starts from scratch05:17
nixternalyeah, my dad is deciding to celebrate his birthday on 12/20/2012, since 12/22/2012 won't be a good date :D05:17
imbrandoni almost reset my gpg key to expire then, just to be funny05:17
ScottKnixternal: Nice.  My birthday's the 28th.  I'll have to do that too.05:18
imbrandonnixternal: hah my is 12/19/2012 :)05:18
txwikingersounds like another Y2k event to me05:18
nixternalold farts are born in december05:18
nixternalhawt sexy young bucks like me are born in July05:18
imbrandonhello EagleScreen05:18
EagleScreenaren't you worried by KDE Bug 221637?05:19
ubottuKDE bug 221637 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil always suspends twice" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22163705:19
txwikingeroh.. they demolished Texas Stadium today05:20
nixternalhey, at least it suspends05:20
nixternalI don't get paid to worry05:20
* txwikinger would say a German riddel now05:21
ScottKEagleScreen: Yes, but no patch, not much we can do.05:21
ScottKBTW, I've seen that in our packages too.05:21
imbrandonEagleScreen: sure, but it looks like an upstream problem and without a patch not much for us to do05:21
imbrandonerr yea what ScottK said05:22
EagleScreeni se..05:22
ScottKMaybe debfx can look at it.  He's been doing great so far.05:22
imbrandonyou might try #kde BUT just asking about it wont help much either unless you have a fix ;P05:22
EagleScreenyes I know..05:22
imbrandonno worries was just kinda letting ya know, not trying to mean any disrespect ;)05:23
imbrandonbrb i need more caffeen05:23
ScottKEagleScreen: I subscribed to the bug, so if something comes up, I can try to get it in.05:23
txwikingerimbrandon: too late for koffein05:24
EagleScreenwell done ScottK, thanks05:24
txwikingercaffeine or whatever05:24
imbrandontxwikinger: nah this is about half way through my dumb sleep cycle, i need to get back on a normal schedule for my timezone soonish05:24
imbrandoni'll be up another 4 or 5 hours05:24
nixternalhttp://twitgoo.com/nwdvl  <- love that pic right there05:25
nixternalhe is one of my team mates...that is nasty ass road rash from a crash today05:25
EagleScreenthis bug is very annoying for me, I think it can be related to the countdown timer to suspend05:25
txwikingernixternal: I thought you are faster without crashing05:26
imbrandonyea , EagleScreen i was actualy thinking it could have been related to that bug that suspends at 25%05:26
imbrandonlow versus critical05:26
imbrandonjust a thought though05:26
nixternalthere is a work around for that bug though05:27
nixternalDON'T SUSPEND!05:27
txwikingernixternal: tell that to Larry King :p05:27
nixternalso because of the work around, it isn't critical or a show stopper05:27
EagleScreeni know another good workaround05:27
EagleScreenUSE GNOME05:27
nixternalEagleScreen: windows is better05:27
EagleScreenyes suere05:28
imbrandondid that for a year, not much better ;)05:28
imbrandon( gnome, not windows )05:28
imbrandonanyhow, my caffeine is waiting on me, brb05:28
nixternalusing GNOME isn't a good work around for anything05:29
nixternalthat is like saying, "Obama is better than Bush"05:29
ScottKOoooh!  I think we want this: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/powerdevil/daemon/PowerDevilDaemon.cpp?r1=1060282&r2=1060281&pathrev=106028205:29
nixternalthey both suck ass05:29
* ScottK looks to see if it's backported.05:29
ScottKOK, we got that one already.05:31
imbrandonnixternal: gnome was good to me for the year waiting for kde4 to mature05:32
imbrandonplus its less of a "change" for me when i task switch from my apple boxen05:33
EagleScreengreat job, ScottK05:33
ScottKFunny.  Up until about a month ago my main desktop was still runnin Kubuntu Dapper with
nixternaldidn't read that report, but does that effect everyone who suspends?05:34
EagleScreenI think everyone who autosuspend, by idle time or by low battery05:34
nixternalI just suspended the dell mini 10v...though this thing is so damn slow it could have suspended twice and I wouldn't have known the difference05:34
imbrandonScottK: yea i cant do that, i like shiney to much05:35
imbrandoneven if shiney == a new bugfix only release05:35
ScottKWell I had my laptop for that.05:35
imbrandonyea the only thing i tend to keep on lts releases are my servers that arent VPS's05:36
imbrandonand even then, DAPPER ?05:36
EagleScreenScottK: if that commit fix the bug, then is it fixed yet in 4.5?05:38
imbrandonactualy had to update one physical box to karmic from hardy a few weeks ago05:38
imbrandoni wasent happy05:38
ScottKEagleScreen: That's in 4.4 also, so that's not it.05:38
txwikingernixternal: communism is a workaround for freedom :)05:38
imbrandondictatorship is a workarround for freedom ;)05:39
nixternalwe live in the US, no such thing as freedom05:39
txwikingerimbrandon: communism is a form of dictatorship05:39
imbrandondosent have to be05:39
nixternalall forms of government, which means it all sucks...anarchy ftw!05:39
txwikingerall forms of government are corrupt nixternal05:40
imbrandoni read somewhere the other day ( yesterday? ) that every democracy in recorded history has only lasted 200 years ( give or take a few decades )05:41
imbrandondunno how true it is05:41
txwikingerimbrandon: ever seen a government that is not corrupt?05:41
imbrandonathens before they were taken over ?05:42
imbrandonthats the only one that comes to mind05:42
txwikingerathens had lots of slaves05:42
txwikingermost woman were put into protestution05:42
txwikingerI hardly consider that a proper government05:43
imbrandonevery government will become corrupt once it realizes it can vote its self money from the treasury05:43
imbrandontxwikinger: almost every govenment had slaves at some point05:43
imbrandonslavery being "bad" is a relitvely new thing05:43
kb9vqfexcept amongst the slaves...05:43
txwikingerimbrandon: Well. in the Athens government most people were slaves05:44
imbrandoni'm not saying i disagree, it is bad imho, but i mean historicly05:44
imbrandontxwikinger: i know05:44
imbrandonbut slavery has little to nothing to do with corruption05:44
txwikingerMost government's only purpose is to maintain the status quo.. especially if they call themselves progressive05:45
imbrandonslavery is more of a social and economic issue05:45
txwikingerand hence it has a lot to do with corruption05:45
txwikingerslavery is one of the worst form of moral corruption05:46
imbrandoni guess its all in how you look at it, i tend to keep things very seperated im my mind05:46
imbrandonmoral != govenment corruption05:46
imbrandonmy veiw of government has little to do with morality05:47
imbrandoninfact if it did there would be forced beleifs and such, chruch + state thing05:47
txwikingerimbrandon: That is a very Nietsche view of the world05:48
txwikingerwhich a lot of historians say let to fascism05:48
imbrandongovernment to _me_ should only be a protector of the people, physicly , from other governments, nothing more, no more laws, no more morality, nothing, let the free market totaly reign05:49
imbrandonsmaller gov == better imho05:49
txwikingerwell.. that is the libertarian view of government05:49
imbrandonit is, and i'm not saying i'm 100% or even 50% right, just that government can mean alot of diffrent things to alot of diffrent people ;)05:50
imbrandonand to say that one is corrpt because of slavry imho is wrong, its not a governmental issue , its a social one05:51
imbrandon( even if i opose it )05:51
txwikingerWell.. it is a governmental issue since the government maintains the status quo05:52
imbrandonwhat do you mean? if they dont have the power to NOT maintain the status quo then how could they stop it ?05:53
imbrandonyour thinking like the athens government had the power to abolish slavery as we did in the 1860's in the USA05:54
imbrandonthe athens government did not have that power over the people05:54
txwikingerYes it did05:55
imbrandonso they dident maintain the status quo, they had no reign over it05:55
txwikingerslavery was the direct consequence of the property lae05:55
txwikingerin Athens05:55
txwikingerThe government had the power to change it05:55
imbrandonlaw in athens was made by society, government was only the enforcer05:55
imbrandonthey had a true demcro, every issue was voted on directly by the poepl, NOT by govenment reps05:56
txwikingerthey had no true democracy05:56
imbrandonand goventment did not have the power to propose new agendas for vote05:56
txwikingerOnly a very small number of people could vote05:56
imbrandonbasicly they were the local police run by the poeple, not a law making government05:57
imbrandonan free atheniens could vote05:57
ScottKThe notion that breathing is sufficient qualification to vote is a relatively modern invention.05:57
txwikingerwell.. breathing is not enough ScottK :D05:58
ScottKFor a certain number of years unless you get a felony conviction or ask pretty please to have your voting rights.05:58
ScottK.. back05:58
txwikingerimbrandon: yes.. any free Athenian could vote and made sure to keep the status quo i.e. keep the number of free Athenians small05:59
txwikingerScottK: sheep breath too, but cannot vote ;D05:59
txwikingerAnd I have not been able to vote for the last 15 years or so06:00
imbrandonin any case no there is no ideal government, only things that are good and bad about each one06:00
imbrandonyou can only do your best to keep what you have evolving into something better06:01
* txwikinger always lives in countries without being a citizen06:01
txwikingerimbrandon: well as you just stated, in evloves negatively for 200 years and than crashes06:02
imbrandonactualy the timeline looks a tad diffrent, it evolves great for about 130 years, then starts the downfal06:02
imbrandonone sec , lemem see if i can dig up that article, you might like to read it06:03
txwikingerwell. if you look at the French revolution.. it turned ugly very fast06:03
imbrandonq       From bondage to spiritual faith;06:04
imbrandonq       From spiritual faith to great courage;06:04
imbrandonq       From courage to liberty;06:04
imbrandonq       From liberty to abundance;06:04
imbrandonq       From abundance to complacency;06:04
imbrandonq       From complacency to apathy;06:04
imbrandonq       From apathy to dependence;06:04
imbrandonq       From dependency back into bondage.”06:04
imbrandonthe us is at " apathy to dependence" imho06:04
txwikingeryeah.. and accelerating06:05
imbrandonquote "“A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simple cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to06:06
imbrandon loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”06:06
txwikingerTrue.. see 1930s and following in Germany06:06
imbrandon“Downfall of Democracies” Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor who lived in the 1700s is what i was thinking of, cant find the actual book on amazon though06:07
ScottKAlexis de Tocqueville observed in 1835 in "Democracy in America" that the American form of government would work until the people realized they could vote themselves money.06:07
txwikingerScottK: Not really the people, rather the government in order to keep themselves in power06:08
ScottKtxwikinger: I believe that I'm accurately stating what he observed.  If you disagree, it's with him.06:09
txwikingerScottK: yes.. that's what I meant..06:09
* txwikinger read Alexis de Tocqueville06:10
imbrandonits all very intresting, esp since some form of major change will likely happen in my lifetime, i just hope its not a bloody one to be honest, but i know that SOMEHTING will change dirasticly, it has to06:11
txwikingermore than 50% of the people do not vote because of the apathy created by corrupt governments06:11
txwikingerimbrandon: the decision if it is bloody or not lies in the hand of the government06:12
txwikingerSee East Germany06:12
imbrandoni dont beleive that to be 100% true, i could be, i could be wrong, i am but one person, but there are ways without bloodshed to make drastic change even against the current governments wishes06:14
imbrandonif it happens like that i do not know :) i'm just not quite as jaded about it as you i think06:14
imbrandondunno if tyhats gpood or bad06:14
imbrandonanyhow i think we're all WAY offtopic heheh06:15
txwikingerimbrandon: well I have lived in a lot of places and made a lot of observations06:16
txwikingerimbrandon: and yes.. it is late :D06:16
imbrandontrue ;) and i have not, ive studied quite a few ( informaly ) but not observed most first hand06:16
imbrandoni guess its a good thing we havd a dictator in ubuntu ;)06:17
imbrandonlol ( bad joke )06:17
txwikingerwell. a benevolent dictator who allows the necessary liberties can be a very effective and moral government06:18
imbrandonyup but as we have seen over the years not 100% perfect06:18
imbrandonbut it works well for us, in this situation06:19
txwikingerthe question of government in the end is a question of conflict of interest aka. corruption06:19
* kb9vqf thanks imbrandon for the wonderful quotes ;-)06:19
imbrandonpower corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely ;)06:19
* ScottK installs debconf-doc and is pretty sure he will regret it.06:20
imbrandonkb9vqf: your welcome ( i think ) hehe06:20
txwikingerScottK: the one feature I really miss in apt is reverse install06:20
imbrandonnixternal / ScottK / apachelogger : btw feel free to add an endorsement on my wiki if you have time over the next days , not sure if i'll need it for a renewal but it wont hurt ;)06:27
* txwikinger goes to sleep06:28
imbrandongnight txwikinger06:28
txwikingernight imbrandon06:28
ScottKimbrandon: -workspace finally built.  It's going up now.  Thanks again.06:38
imbrandonnp, yea that one is a long build06:38
ScottKThanks again.06:41
ScottKI think I'm off to bed.06:41
ScottKGood night.06:41
imbrandongnight ScottK06:41
EagleScreenfor 10.10, you could evaluate the usage of synaptiks, replacing kcm_touchpad: http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=11427006:43
Tm_Twell, there's evolution happening in KDE upstream, so I think we should follow whatever happens there06:52
EagleScreenoh, ofcourse Tm_T06:53
imbrandonokies i'm off to bed to i think, gnight all06:56
Tm_Tnixternal: we have traditional spring floods here in Finland07:09
larsivihi - after X finally starts with the fglrx driver in 10.04, I'm now not able to start composition - glxinfo appear to show a properly installed driver though08:26
Mamaroklarsivi: why don't you use the free driver?09:18
Mamarokfglrx never worked correctly here with my HD 3650, the Radeon driver does09:19
larsiviMamarok: because I wish to use the capabilities of the card if possible09:26
Mamarokand what makes you think the Radeon drivers doesn't give that? Anyway, this is not a support channel, you should ask all questions related to Lucid in #ubuntu+109:27
larsiviMamarok: the radeon drivers do not give me OGL capabilities from 2.0 and upwards09:27
larsiviI know what this channel is for, ubuntu+1 never appear to have any kubuntu folks09:28
larsiviand I have this issue in kde09:28
Mamaroklarsivi: by OGL you mean OpenGL, aka 3D? It works out of the box here with the Radeon driver09:29
Mamarokall compositing effects available in KWin work with it09:29
larsiviMamarok: yes, I mean OpenGL and 3D, and yes, it works with the radeon driver, but the 3d capabilities of OpenGL 2.0 and upwards are not really comparable to those below 2.009:30
Mamarokdid you even try it?09:30
larsiviyes, fglrx didn't even start X for me until today09:30
larsivithe radeon driver do not provide all of composition for me, fwiw, but that isn't really important09:31
larsiviwhen none work, it suggests a larger issue09:31
MamarokI mean, did you even try the Radeon driver? Usually the fglrx drivers don't work as well09:31
Mamarokbut again, you should ask in #ubuntu+1, since drivers and X.org are not dependant on KDE09:32
Mamarokin my experience the fglrx never worked correctly, now the Radeon does09:32
larsiviMamarok: yes, I've used the radeon driver for several weeks, and it does not provide what I need if I am to use my laptop for work09:35
larsiviMy point with the first message above though, was that composition does not work in _kde_ for me09:35
Riddellhappy new week kubuntu09:47
debfxlarsivi: you might need to set CheckIsSafe=true in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc09:48
debfxif you can't enable the desktop effects in system settings09:50
larsividebfx: I'm allowed to enable them, but they disable themselves afterwards09:52
Sputthe radeon driver is at OGL 2.1 nowadays10:35
Sputwith parts of OGL 3.0 already present10:35
Sputand it works much better and smoother than fglrx:>10:36
debfxat least on R700 there is no 3d acceleration :(10:43
SputI have an r700 and I have perfect 3d acceleration10:51
Sputthen again, my drivers might be newer than yours10:51
debfxetuxracer runs at <30 fps10:58
debfxI think the radeon version in lucid is the most recent10:59
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Congratulations to JontheEchidna for making Core Dev \o/ | Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only10 left to fix!
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: congrats :)11:09
* apachelogger returns with a pot of coffee and starts mumbling about letting him go to bed at decent times...11:21
jussi01apachelogger: I thought it was down to 9?11:29
* jussi01 looks... yup... 9.11:29
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Congratulations to JontheEchidna for making Core Dev \o/ | Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
apachelogger9 cups of coffee?11:29
jussi01no... 9 bugs11:30
apacheloggershall I put it up again?11:30
apachelogger+ I didnt even nominate the shiz that was found yesterday :P11:30
apacheloggerturns out all of ktorrent was not translated11:30
debfxis the "wait x seconds before suspension" feature working for anyone?11:37
debfxthe ui even says minutes ^^11:37
apacheloggernot here11:38
apacheloggerthen again it only does come to that when I leave my netbook alone11:38
debfxmaybe that's the cause for the double suspension11:38
apacheloggervery possible11:38
apacheloggerdebfx: btw, did the icon-got-lost-from-computer-tab reappear?11:39
apacheloggerbug 43733811:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437338 in ktorrent "ktorrent crashed with ViewModel::update (this=0x0, force_resort=false)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43733811:40
apacheloggerlook a viewmodel that is 0 ^^11:40
debfxapachelogger: yes, but my patch seems to fix the issue https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232901#c511:41
ubottuKDE bug 232901 in widget-kickoff "System settings sometimes are not being shown in Computer -> Applications" [Normal,New]11:41
apacheloggerdebfx: ok, I'll add to package and commit upstream, thanks :)11:42
amichairJontheEchidna: congratulations!! :-)11:44
debfxapachelogger: great, thanks11:46
debfxyes, PowerDevilDaemon::emitNotification() calls the slot immediately and after suspension wait time11:46
* debfx considers powerdevil to be seriously broken11:46
apacheloggerktorrent all triaged out11:49
apacheloggerwell, except for 2 thingies that ought to be upstream issues but since amichair is poking around in one of them I'll leave them ;)11:49
amichairapachelogger: come again?11:50
apacheloggerdoes still no one wanna package grantlee?11:51
apacheloggeramichair: nvm :P11:51
apacheloggersteveire: I dont think Kubuntu devs are much into grantlee packaging, and I dont know how to pronnounce it ;)11:51
steveireapachelogger: I wouldn't mind trying to package it myself if I don't have to spend 2 days getting a packaging environment up and running.11:53
steveireI just have no idea what's involved with packaging.11:54
apacheloggersteveire: you understestimate the complexity of debian packaging11:54
apacheloggerthere are 4 approaches to packaging something right now11:55
debfxapachelogger: could you mark https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232729 as a duplicate as I mentioned in the last comment11:56
ubottuKDE bug 232729 in widget-kickoff "Kickoff doesnt show system settings in computer tab" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:56
apacheloggersteveire: but I think the packaging env will be the least of the problems ;)11:56
apacheloggersteveire: so if you want to give it a try... be my guest11:56
steveireI'm not committing to anything yet. :)11:56
steveireIs there a list of the 4 approaches?11:57
apacheloggerdebfx: done11:57
apacheloggersteveire: no, to break it down 1. low level make 2. make + auotmagic via debhelper scripts 3. cdbs 4. dh7 (which is essentially cdbs doen properly)11:58
apacheloggersteveire: you really only want to use the fourth approach, forunately it is the one with least documetnation ^^11:58
apacheloggersteveire: sudo apt-get install devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools pbuilder dh-make debhelper pkg-kde-tools11:59
apacheloggerthat should get all the stuff you need11:59
apacheloggersteveire: then I recommend you get the attica, since I suppose packaging wise you will have to do something very similar12:00
apacheloggerpull-lp-source attica12:00
apacheloggerwill take care of that, then you should have attica-0.1.312:01
apacheloggerinside is the debian/ dir (which should, contain all packaging stuff for a package)12:01
apacheloggerchangelog is obviously the changelog and follows a very strict format (best is to only manipulate via the tool dch)12:02
apacheloggercompat is something debhelper related, control is essentially the package "definition", copyright lists all copyrights and licensed affecting this package, docs can be present and contain files from the source tarball that ought to be installed to usr/share/doc/package/, *.install files list which files from make install to install into which package, patches (if available) contain patches ... preferred way of patching is via quilt, rules12:04
apachelogger is the actually build magic, essentially rules is just a make file but aforementioned dh7 adds loads of automagic to it and almost easy to use12:04
apacheloggersource, if present, defines the source format of the package, watch, if present, contains a regex url that can be used by the tool uscan to scan for new upstream versions12:05
apacheloggerthe wiki page from above + http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ + http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html12:07
apacheloggershould contain any additional information you need12:07
apacheloggersteveire: still willing to give it a try? ;)12:07
steveiresteveire: The apt-get is done. I'd switched back to something else :)12:08
steveire"Unable to find source package 'attica' in the Jaunty-release pocket."12:09
apacheloggersteveire: attach a lucid to that command12:09
* apachelogger is wondering if one can build a source format 3 package on jaunty anyway12:09
steveirepull-lp-source attica lucid12:09
steveireUnable to find source package 'attica' in the Lucid-release pocket.12:09
apacheloggerdget https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/attica_0.1.3-0ubuntu1.dsc12:10
apacheloggerdpkg-source -x attica_0.1.3-0ubuntu1.dsc12:10
steveire_apachelogger: I'm on 9.10 here. Will that work?12:15
apacheloggersteveire: building the package won't, but you either can create a lucid chroot yourself or let pbuilder do it for you12:16
apacheloggerthing is that dh7 + new source format were only introduced in lucid12:16
apacheloggerbut it makes packaging a lot more easy12:17
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100412111935-aylnpozduef1i884 kdebase-workspace/debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs):12:19
CIA-6kubuntu: Add kubuntu_04_fix_kickoff_model_loading.diff by Felix Geyer to fix12:19
CIA-6kubuntu: Kickoff's model loading, which caused stuff to randomly disappear from12:19
CIA-6kubuntu: the computer tab (also see KDE Bug 232901)12:19
ubottuKDE bug 232901 in widget-kickoff "System settings sometimes are not being shown in Computer -> Applications" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23290112:19
apacheloggerdebfx: ^12:19
lex79apachelogger: CIA is your pet? :)12:23
apacheloggerI should make it watch my kde commits too ^^12:25
apacheloggerdebfx: also kde rev 1113958 and kde rev 111396012:25
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1113958&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1113958 | Fix stuff randomly disappearing from kickoff's computer tab by making the SystemModel use reloadApplications. Thanks to Felix Geyer for the patch! ...12:25
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1113960&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 111396012:25
apacheloggerThe final freeze goes into effect this Thursday, April 1512:25
apacheloggerthere are too many bugs12:26
apacheloggerno no no12:26
* apachelogger goes mad12:26
Sputyeah, way too early :(12:26
apacheloggerimagine we are in uber restrictive release freeze for almost half a month12:26
apacheloggerthen add on top of that how long it takes to get the new toolchain going12:26
steveire_apachelogger: So do I copy the debian dir of attica into an untarred dir of grantlee and start from there?12:27
apacheloggerwe could easily go on vacation for a month ^^12:27
apacheloggerthat is if l10n doesnt break12:27
apacheloggersteveire: yep12:27
apacheloggersteveire: you want to rename your tarball in the form name_version.orig.tar.$FOO though12:27
apacheloggerthat is also very strict12:27
apacheloggerif it is not of that precise name the tools will start bitching12:28
apacheloggerScottK, imbrandon: btw, when adding patches to workspace, please reuse the lower range of numbers12:30
apacheloggerespecially since ls' sorting algo seems to be off12:31
steveire_What is $FOO ?12:31
steveire_I'm not sure if renaming the tarball should help anything. I don't see any tarball in the attica dir. Do you mean rename the dir after untarring?12:32
apacheloggersteveire: with source format 3 it can be gz or bz2, which is recommended12:33
apacheloggersteveire: no the dir, only the tarball12:34
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/deb/attic/attica-0.1.3$ ls ../*orig*12:34
apachelogger../attica_0.1.2.orig.tar.bz2  ../attica_0.1.3.orig.tar.bz212:34
* apachelogger pressed some random buttons and now his konsole tab got a red !12:34
apacheloggerwondering what that means12:34
apacheloggercertainly not good ^^12:34
Tm_Tyou pressed her "buttons" and how she is blushing12:35
apacheloggerI suppose that makes sense :)12:35
steveire_Oh, I see12:35
Tm_Tsteveire_: orig is the upstream tarball12:36
* apachelogger tests12:42
CIA-6sitter * r1113965 workspace/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kcontrol/randr/randroutput.cpp:12:44
CIA-6Make revert display resolution change work by enabling output/crtc in the RandROutput::propose* functions.12:44
CIA-6Thanks to Felix Geyer for the patch!12:44
CIA-6BUG: 22211012:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222110 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__() (dup-of: 224599)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22211012:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224599 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22459912:44
apacheloggerdebfx: ^12:44
CIA-6sitter * r1113969 workspace/branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase/workspace/kcontrol/randr/randroutput.cpp:12:45
CIA-6Backport r1113965.12:45
CIA-6Make revert display resolution change work by enabling output/crtc in the RandROutput::propose* functions.12:45
CIA-6Thanks to Felix Geyer for the patch!12:45
CIA-6BUG: 22211012:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222110 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__() (dup-of: 224599)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22211012:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224599 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22459912:45
* apachelogger pokes a bit into the filters12:52
* apachelogger sighs13:08
apacheloggerI hate you!!!13:08
apacheloggerusers will eat us because of mysql13:09
Sputtime for it to die13:12
Sputgo go go Oracle, kill it!13:12
Tm_Tnaah, better not kill it13:12
apacheloggerLooking for 'mysql' as: mysql13:31
apacheloggerFATAL ERROR: Can't execute 'mysql'13:31
rgreening_sed -i 's/mysql/apachelogger'/g13:32
apacheloggerrgreening_: how is the mouse cursor stuff going? :P13:33
rgreening_hmm... never had a chance to get that e-mail written yet. Busy week-end. Ill work on it today.13:33
apacheloggerrightly so :P13:34
apacheloggerthis is terrific13:34
apacheloggerone cant define what that app is looking for13:34
apacheloggerthe scalability of mysql is incredible13:35
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
apacheloggeroh wonderful13:38
apacheloggerthe other executable is in the client package13:39
apacheloggerit only drags in 9 MiB of packages and uses 23 MiB of disk space13:40
Tm_Tjust admit it, you love it13:41
apacheloggerit is so ruthless and dirty13:41
* apachelogger actually likes it that way :P13:41
Tm_T...as soon as Amarok supports postgresql again, I can drop mysql13:41
apacheloggeras it happens to be, once those 9 MiB are installed and the god forsaken script is moved to another package it seems to be working13:42
apacheloggerTm_T: did you migrate akonadi to it?13:42
apacheloggerlucky you13:42
apacheloggerRiddell: ping13:42
ScottKapachelogger: No source v3 on Jaunty (at least not in a PPA or the Ubuntu archive).  IIRC dpkg itself supports it.13:44
ScottKapachelogger: OK (re patch numbers)13:44
apacheloggerdebian/rules:8: /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make: No such file or directory13:45
apacheloggerdpatch \o/13:45
apacheloggerthere are a billion patch systems and mysql uses the most ugly one13:45
ScottKapachelogger: With dpatch-edit-patch it's perfectly tractable.13:46
apacheloggerdpatch-edit-patch is dirty13:46
apacheloggerprobalby even more dirty and ruthless than mysql13:46
apacheloggerScottK: I am not sure if it affects us, but technically akonadi just update it's mysql tabels every once in a while13:48
apacheloggerI have got a patch for that ready and all13:48
apacheloggerto do that the user must have mysql_upgrade installed13:49
apacheloggercurrently in the mysql-server-5.1 package13:49
ScottKCan we move it?13:49
apacheloggerthat can easily be moved to the -core package13:49
apacheloggerit depends on mysqlcheck, which happens to be in mysql-client-5.113:49
apacheloggerfor client we have no core package right now and I am afraid introducing one could lead to regressions of some sort13:49
apacheloggerso options are regression or depending on the >= 9MiB that are mysql-client-5.1 + additional deps13:50
ScottKapachelogger: Can you go whine at the server people about it and see what they suggest?13:52
ScottKWe can't afford that 9MB.13:53
apacheloggerScottK: I was hoping you could ;)13:53
ScottKOh my.13:53
apacheloggerI am still trying to cripple client so that we get client-core13:53
ScottKGive me a moment13:53
apacheloggerlol, awesome, msql_upgrade fails if there is no mysql executable to be found ... so I go touch mysql; chmod +x mysql in a $PATH dir and voila it works13:55
ScottKWhat is it we want?13:55
apacheloggerScottK: we want mysql_upgrade form server to server-core and mysqlcheck from -client to a new -client-core13:56
apacheloggerand maybe mysql from -client to -client-core too13:56
apacheloggerthen I would not have to fake the mysql executable13:56
apacheloggerWhether we want mysql in -client-core entirely depends on how big it is including deps and all13:57
ScottKOK.  You'll probably have to explain this to me two or three more times.  I didn't sleep well last night and I'm more than a little fuzzy.13:57
ScottKThis is, of course, complicated by my distaste for mysql in general.13:58
apacheloggerIt's not like I find mysql very attracting ;)13:58
Riddellapachelogger: you pung?13:58
ScottKapachelogger: That says good things about you.13:59
ScottKIt's pretty much the php of rdms.13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: see the last 30 lines or so about our new mysql+akonadi issue13:59
ScottKWe have roughly an hour to kill until Mathiaz is expected to appear.13:59
* apachelogger is wondering what will happen if he builds with -j314:01
Riddellapachelogger: akonadi still not happy on upgrades?14:02
apacheloggerActually, rules got magic for that, rather fancy actually.14:02
apacheloggerRiddell: I am afraid we might run into issues with users who had used 5.0 at some point for akonadi14:02
apacheloggerAlso. Knowing MySQL there is no saying that some version we shipped in early karmic cycle is not incompatible with current lucid without upgrade.14:03
apacheloggerThe like to change hackedcompability around.14:03
apacheloggercompability ;)14:03
Riddellapachelogger: do you know if amarok has similar issues?14:04
ScottKDifferent approach to the madness there.14:04
apacheloggerYeah, since it embedds everything we wouldn have to mess wiht runtime resources anyway.14:05
Riddellbut it's still the same sort of database tables surely?14:05
apacheloggerwell, not necessarily anyway14:06
apacheloggerSine Amarok is used across various versions of 5.1 I would also expect that they had fixed any ugprade issues by now.14:07
apacheloggerWhat really troubles me is bug 55466014:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554660 in akonadi "'akonadictl start' aborts with error after upgrade to 10.4 beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55466014:07
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck had the exact same mysql startup error14:07
apacheloggerand I tried my best mysql magic on it but did not succeed in repairing the tables.14:08
ScottKMaybe the upgrader needs to be taught to make a backup copy.14:15
Riddellthat would be a kconf_upgrade script job14:15
apacheloggerScottK: I dont think it is from a failed upgrade.14:26
apacheloggerMore like a failed initializiatoin or something.14:26
apacheloggerIt just happens to get exposed in lucid to to the stronger usage of akonadi14:27
ScottKapachelogger: Yes, but if the problem happens, then the original data won't be lost.14:27
apacheloggerScottK: what data?14:28
ScottKThe data in akonadi.14:28
apacheloggerScottK: the upgrade without mysql_upgrade?14:28
ScottKWhatever data DarkwingDuck had that got clobbered.14:29
apacheloggerScottK: none I think... that is my theory14:29
ScottKOh.  OK.  Nevermind then.14:29
apacheloggerakonadi doesnt contain no data, possibly BECAUSE of this issue14:30
apacheloggerbut the issue cannot be autoresolved, and the user must wipe akonadi himself14:30
imbrandonapachelogger: okies ( re: patch numbers )14:38
imbrandonoff to the wherehouse for the day, see yall in a few hours14:39
* apachelogger is way too good looking15:06
apacheloggerScottK: I have a magic diff that makes all necessary changes15:06
apachelogger160K for core-client15:07
ScottKapachelogger: Excellent.15:07
apachelogger Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.21-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.6+20071006-3), libreadline6 (>= 6.0), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)15:07
ScottKMathias still did not arrive.15:07
apacheloggerall those seem to be on the CD already15:08
ScottKShould be.15:08
apacheloggerI still have to test this in a clear environment.15:08
ScottKdebfx: I can confirm the plasma-netbook widget overlap fix is good.  Thank you again.15:12
shadeslayerRiddell: pinn15:12
ScottKapachelogger: Can you send that one upstream too?15:12
Riddellhi shadeslayer15:12
apacheloggerScottK: is there an upstream report?15:12
ScottKNo idea.15:13
* apachelogger feels uncomfortable pushing something upstream for which there is no report with a comment stating the patch fixes the issue15:13
ScottKnotmart seems to be offline at the moment.  We've discussed the problem with him before.15:13
ScottKThe problem was uncovered by our distro specific config.15:14
ScottKIt's not a shock it wouldn't get reported upstream.15:14
ScottKIIRC, notmart agreed it shoulnd't happen.15:14
apacheloggerI'll take a look once I am done with testing here15:16
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:16
debfxScottK: I've fixed the double suspend bug15:26
ScottKdebfx: Excellent.15:26
CIA-6[workspace] sitter * trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/applets/activitybar/activitybar.cpp15:28
debfxcould someone mark https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=225010 as a duplicate of https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22163715:29
ubottuKDE bug 225010 in powerdevil-daemon "suspend to ram happening twice with kde 4 4" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:29
ScottKI don't think I can do that.15:29
* apachelogger looks15:29
CIA-6[workspace] sitter * 1114034 * branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/applets/activitybar/activitybar.cpp Backport r1114030. Fix by Felix Geyer to allow the activity bar applet to shrink below intended size, as discussed by Kubuntu developers with notmart.15:36
apacheloggerthat format looks pretty decent, doesn tit?15:40
ScottKNicely anonymous too.15:43
apacheloggerScottK: anonymous?15:43
ScottK"Kubuntu developers"  could be anyone.15:43
apacheloggerright ^^15:44
ScottKNCommander: Would you have a chance to look into bug 561303.  Maybe there are some patches we could cherrypick?15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561303 in python-qt4 "PyQt4 applications crash at exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56130315:44
apacheloggerApparently myMySQL changes are all awesome and super15:46
apacheloggeroh dear15:49
apacheloggerVirtualBox is quite silly15:49
Riddellapachelogger: you are truely awesome and super15:49
apacheloggerI created a snapshot, and nice as it is it shows how long ago it was created. Now it could go fuzzy and say "created less than one minute ago" and QTime 1 minute so it checks again, then say "created more than a minute ago" QTime 4 minutes...15:50
* apachelogger hugs Riddell15:51
apacheloggerWhat VBox does though, is count up for real :/15:51
RiddellNCommander: are you going to Akademy?15:53
* apachelogger tries to trace a possible apparmor issue in akonadi15:55
* apachelogger is wondering why akonadi is not bzr-branch'd16:05
Riddellapachelogger: nobody's had a need to thus far i think, but go ahead and make it so if you want16:09
apacheloggerWill do.16:09
debfxcan anyone confirm that idle suspension only works once per session?16:10
apacheloggerMore consistent if we have our parts of the stack in bzr.16:10
ScottKdebfx: Where is the patch?16:10
shadeslayerRiddell: ah sorry for that16:12
debfxScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413172/ but I'm still testing it16:12
shadeslayerRiddell: i got the package today.... 300 CD's16:12
CIA-6[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100412151231-xhi67kl6op80y0vc * (23 files in 4 dirs) Import 1.3.1-0ubuntu216:12
shadeslayerRiddell: but they charged me on import duty so the package is currently on hold..16:12
shadeslayerRiddell: ideally the shipment is free right?16:13
debfxthough the suspension only once per session bug seems to occur even without the patch16:13
ScottKdebfx: We'll probably need to avoid the string change.16:13
ScottKdebfx: I only see it if the system has been idle for long enough that it would suspend on battery.16:14
ScottK(the double)16:14
CIA-6[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100412151634-lhbbuvhf8q5294hl * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) * Set VCS fields to Bazaar branches * Sync kubuntu_01_fix_init.diff with upstream SVN as per KDE bug 185395. * Expand apparmor profile to silence apparmor complaints in syslog.16:16
ubottuKDE bug 185395 in server "Table 'mysql servers' doesn't exist" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18539516:16
Riddellshadeslayer: shipment is free yes, there's a sticker on the packaging saying that it's promotional material with no market value, whether or not your customs officers care to believe that isn't something canonical has much control over I'm afraid16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: yes i showed them the label and everything16:18
shadeslayerRiddell: so ill call them up tomorrow and see what can be done16:18
apacheloggerbug 554514 is also most interesting16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554514 in akonadi "cant find resource agents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55451416:28
apacheloggerI observe that at times Akonadi refuses to find agents (almost always if it is the first start).16:28
apacheloggerThe fun part about this, is that the log lists all agents!16:28
debfxScottK: when you configure powerdevil to suspend after 1 min idle time, it (double-)suspends after 1min but fails to suspend again after waking up the system and waiting another minute16:30
shadeslayerum.. why did kdebase-workspace-bin just move from 08 to 10 ?16:31
shadeslayerdid i miss something16:31
ScottKdebfx: Could Bug 538075 be related?16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538075 in kdebase-workspace "Machine suspends at "low" instead of "critical" battery remaining" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53807516:32
ScottKshadeslayer: 9 didn't last long.16:32
shadeslayerScottK: so it didnt get uploaded or what?16:32
ScottKshadeslayer: It did, but it was superseded very quickly.16:33
debfxScottK: I don't think so16:36
rgreeningRiddell, nixternal: or whoever did it... ty ty ty ty ty for making the Kickoff braning icon smaller. My eyes ty very much :P16:41
* ScottK choses to blame debfx, since he's fixing almost everything.16:42
apacheloggeroh great16:43
steveireapachelogger: I was too busy to learn packaing today I'm afraid.16:44
apacheloggerYesterday the weather plasmoid promised me better weather on Tuesday and now it claims that rain will persist until at least Wednesday :(16:44
apacheloggersteveire: ok, I will give it a shot I suppose16:45
apacheloggersteveire: Unless you want to keep trying :)16:45
steveireapachelogger: It depends when it needs to be done. I'm going to frankfurt tonight and will be in meetings until friday.16:49
apacheloggersteveire: that entirely depends if you think it makes sense to have it in 10.0416:49
steveireI might be able to figure it out while there though if I can make time.16:49
apacheloggerbecause then we should get it done rather sooner than later16:50
apacheloggersuper uber monster final freeze starts on apr 1516:50
apacheloggerIf it doesn't need to be in 10.04 then there is no hurry16:50
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, what do you think about pushing latest taglib into lucid, it got one very nice memleak fix16:51
steveireThis is a dependency for KJots 4.5, so it's not really a hurry.16:51
apacheloggerRiddell: Though it is very nice all in all.16:51
steveireHowever, having it packaged for the next ubuntu release would make people happy about not having to find a tarball or git repo.16:51
steveireI'd prefer it to get into 10.04 if possible, but not urgently as you say.16:52
apacheloggerwell, we can pump it to a PPA16:52
apacheloggerquestion is...16:52
debfxScottK: can you reproduce the powerdevil bug I described above?16:52
apacheloggersteveire: Will KJots 4.5 use 0.1?16:52
steveireYes, or 0.1.x if there's some bug fixes16:52
ScottKdebfx: Give me a bit to finish something I'm working on and I'll give it a try.16:53
apacheloggersteveire: well, if you build-dep on 0.1 we should try to get it into lucid, then indeed devs do not need to add a PPA for the time being16:53
apacheloggerI'll see if I get round to it.16:53
steveireCool, thanks.16:54
apacheloggerrgreening: how is that mail to ayatana coming along? ;)16:54
steveireI'm off now anyway. Try email if you have any questions.16:54
apacheloggeraye aye16:54
Riddellapachelogger: if upstream want it and there's definately no new features we can do it16:54
apacheloggersteveire: save trip16:54
apacheloggerRiddell: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/419716:55
apacheloggervery much bugfix only16:55
Riddellapachelogger: go for it16:55
apacheloggerkubuntu-bugs now monitors taglib17:06
apacheloggerRiddell: when do we decide about the new logo?17:16
Riddellapachelogger: I'd like to see if nixternal has any feedback in the questionnaire17:17
Riddellapachelogger: I've not seen any negative feedback so I think it's a go-er17:17
* apachelogger pokes nixternal with a long pointy stick17:17
Riddellapachelogger: CD covers are being designed now so if we want to change we need to be quick17:17
Riddellas far as I've seen people like it17:17
apacheloggerRiddell: that is why I am asking :)17:17
apacheloggerAlso a bunch of launchpad icons need changing I guess17:17
apacheloggerdebfx: while you are on suspend stuff: bug 56053917:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560539 in kdebase-workspace "netbook doesn't return from suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56053917:18
Mamarokfolks, there is a serious problem with your Phonon version: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23407217:21
ubottuKDE bug 234072 in settings "Phonon appears not to work with Pulseaudio or JACK" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:21
Mamarokplease talk to cguthrie in #phonon17:21
Mamarokapparently you are not using the KDE provided Phonon, but the Qt one... which doesn't have the pulseaudio integration and a lot of patches made by the KDE people17:23
ScottKActually we've patched the KDE one into Qt.17:24
ScottKIIRC the pulseaudio stuff landed rather late to all be included.17:24
ScottKI think Jon Thomas is the one to discuss it with and he's not here.17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390643 in choqok "chokoq: "Could not delete file" when trying to delete an account" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:26
apacheloggerdoes he mean upstream?17:26
* apachelogger is not sure what he means by main stream17:26
apacheloggerah well17:27
apacheloggerupstream it needs to go either way17:27
debfxis there a way to tell kde to lock the screen on resume from ram/disk? powerdevil can be configured that way but that only applies to powerdevil17:52
MamarokScottK: I will subscribe him to the bug, thanks :)17:52
Riddelldebfx: how else do you suspend/resume if not powerdevil?17:55
* apachelogger sings about irish rovers and the like17:55
debfxRiddell: powerdevil isn't involved when you manually suspend17:57
Riddelldebfx: don't manually suspend :)17:58
* apachelogger always was a fan of dont-boot-your-pc-if-you-dont-like-bugs ;)17:58
apacheloggerneversfelde: ping18:08
neversfeldeapachelogger: pong18:08
apacheloggerneversfelde: are you going to get digikam and kipi in?18:08
apacheloggercause releease freeze starts in 3 days18:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: powerdevil is in kdebase package i guess?18:08
debfxthe lock/logout applet uses powerdevil when you press the sleep button, but doesn't if you use the generic logout button :(18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: workspace18:09
neversfeldeapachelogger: I hope I will manage it til thursday, but unfortunatley I cannot start before tomorrow evening18:09
apacheloggeroh dear18:10
* apachelogger finds the tightness of that schedule rather scary18:10
Riddellubuntu has 44 gsoc applications compared to 200 for KDE18:11
shadeslayerRiddell: \o/18:11
Riddellof which 9 are Kubuntu18:11
neversfeldeapachelogger: so the wiki says it would need two freeze exceptions, feature freeze and ui freeze, what is a string freeze exception?18:12
apacheloggerneversfelde: youd get a freeze exceiption for both and mention that it is a new upstream version with string changes and features and stuff, and why we want to have it despite all that18:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: because it closes 99 bugs? :P18:13
neversfeldeit fixes 99 bugs :)18:13
shadeslayerand introduces...ah well who cares? :P18:14
shadeslayerwhy cant we just have it backports?18:15
Tm_Tshadeslayer: none as far as we know (;)18:15
shadeslayerah its not a backport...18:16
apacheloggerthere crashes the amarok18:16
shadeslayerTm_T: thats good :D18:16
* apachelogger does the amarok-crashed dance18:16
Tm_Tshadeslayer: or so we always say if someone asks18:16
* shadeslayer starts picking up the pieces18:16
shadeslayerTm_T: hehe18:16
Tm_Tapachelogger: would you do plasma-all-messed-up dance for me?18:16
* apachelogger is busy switching to bangarang18:17
apacheloggerThat name got a nice ring to it ;)18:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: hehe... bangarang is awesome...18:17
Tm_TI never got it working here...18:17
apacheloggerlast time I used it it was utter crap to say the least18:17
apacheloggerpromising utter crap though18:17
shadeslayernah.. works here...im on git build though18:18
Tm_Tshadeslayer: me too18:18
apacheloggerit might, at some point supsersed plasma in both uselessness and crashyness18:18
neversfeldeshadeslayer: I saw you answering the digikam bug report. I already packaged digikam 1.2, but kipi-plugins is still to do, so if you have some time ...18:18
apacheloggerit is already as good in loosing data ^^18:18
shadeslayerTm_T: i compile half my apps :P18:19
* apachelogger initates git clone wars between bangarang and amarok18:19
shadeslayerneversfelde: ah.. whend do you need it?18:19
apacheloggerbangarang wins18:20
Tm_Tshadeslayer: I compile Qt and whole KDE here...18:20
debfxapachelogger: could you commit another patch to kde trunk? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23310318:20
ubottuKDE bug 233103 in powerdevil-kcm "In power management GUI minutes before activation of suspend is set, but it is seconds between notification and suspend" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:20
* shadeslayer bows to Tm_T18:20
neversfeldeshadeslayer: it needs to go in before thursday and also freeze exceptions. Probably it is necessary to merge it with debian18:20
apacheloggergood lord18:20
apacheloggerdebfx: do we have that packaged up?18:20
shadeslayerneversfelde: ill have a looksie18:20
apacheloggerdebfx: nvm18:21
Tm_Tshadeslayer: it bites me now though, aaron broke plasma-desktop :-P18:21
shadeslayerneversfelde: i can upload it right now to my ppa,dunno if it will build18:21
shadeslayerTm_T: aaron?18:21
Tm_Tshadeslayer: aseigo18:21
apacheloggerrender bug!18:21
apacheloggerdebfx: do we want to break the string for fixing that bug?18:21
shadeslayerneversfelde: you need 1.2.0 right?18:22
neversfeldeshadeslayer: yes18:22
ScottKdebfx: I can reproduce the double suspend and then no suspend at all behavior.18:22
apacheloggerTm_T: whats there to break?18:22
shadeslayerneversfelde: ok ill work on it and if theres no power outage,itll be uploaded in half an hout18:23
neversfeldeshadeslayer: I think you will need more time ;)18:23
Tm_Tapachelogger: if one has more than one panel in desktop -> the second panel goes doubled and whole plasma-desktop goes hangup, eating all cpu for nothing18:23
shadeslayerneversfelde: really?18:23
shadeslayerneversfelde: lets see :P18:23
apacheloggerTm_T: so how is that different from non-trunk plasma? :P18:24
shadeslayerneversfelde: btw should i mention the digikam bug as closed in the changelog?18:24
ScottKneversfelde: For digikam, I already verified docs aren't affected, so U/I freeze is no problem.18:24
Tm_Tapachelogger: it all worked perfectly until aarons latest rework, I just love those big changes just before going weekend off :-P18:24
neversfeldeshadeslayer: have a look at the Debian changes since last merge and you definetly should testbuild locally, not only in a ppa18:24
shadeslayeror for that matter any other kipi bug?18:24
shadeslayerneversfelde: ah ok18:25
apacheloggerTm_T: lol, sure, perfectly, haha ^^18:25
neversfeldeScottK: ok, I will write the freeze exception requests now and goodbye learning^^18:25
shadeslayerneversfelde: where are the debian changes?18:25
neversfeldeshadeslayer: have a look at the debian package18:26
debfxapachelogger: i'm not sure18:26
shadeslayeroh ok18:26
debfxScottK: ok thanks, I guess I'll have to do some more debugging18:26
ScottKdebfx: I also checked and if, after it doesn't suspend the second time, I change the suspend time to 2 minutes in power devil and apply, it will then suspend after two minutes.18:27
shadeslayerneversfelde: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/k/kipi-plugins/kipi-plugins_1.2.0-1/changelog <<18:28
shadeslayerneversfelde: um cant we sync it with experimental?18:29
shadeslayeror did i get the whole automatic sync tools thing wrong...18:30
neversfeldeshadeslayer: no, there are Ubuntu changes, that can't be dropped18:30
shadeslayeroh right our own patches18:30
shadeslayerneversfelde: um sorry about this,but why do we need the debian changelog?18:31
neversfeldeshadeslayer: there are a lot of changes, we might want to have too. I only had a quick look so far, so I cannot tell you the details18:34
shadeslayerneversfelde: is there a wiki which lists the steps i need to do to get this package in?18:34
shadeslayerneversfelde: ah so i merge the debian and kubuntu patches into one big happy patch folder?18:35
shadeslayerneversfelde: then?18:35
shadeslayerneversfelde: if youre busy ill ask in motu18:36
neversfeldeshadeslayer: have a look at wiki.ubuntu.com everything should be described there18:36
CIA-6[workspace] sitter * 1114072 * trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/powerdevil/kcmodule/generalPage.ui Fix UI representation from minute to second, where the backend indeed workes with seconds and not minutes. Thanks to Felix Geyer for the patch! BUG: 23310318:36
apacheloggerdebfx: committed18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233103 in moovida "Segfault when trying to run elisa" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23310318:36
ScottKapachelogger: We'll have a visit from the Server Team mysql dude in a couple of hours to discuss.18:38
apacheloggerin a couple of hours I might be doing the sleepy sleepy18:38
apacheloggeror at least I hope so18:38
=== michaelk is now known as Guest897
shadeslayerapachelogger: same here :P18:39
shadeslayerneversfelde: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/ubuntu-sync.html : reading18:40
shadeslayeralthough thats pretty old....18:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats a good guide to what neversfelde wants accomplished? :P18:41
apacheloggerI am not sure what you want to do really18:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh neversfelde wants me to merge kipi plugins with debians version18:42
apacheloggerbad idea18:42
apacheloggereither package the new version OR merge with debian BUT both at the same time is the main ingredient for issues18:43
shadeslayerneversfelde: ^^18:43
debfxapachelogger: thanks18:43
shadeslayeri think my shift key is buckling18:43
neversfeldeapachelogger: I think there is only a small change, that prevents from syncing it and Debian introduced a lot of packaging changes, that we all would have to do ourselves, if we do not merge18:44
neversfeldebut as I said before, I only had a quick look at it18:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: heres the changelog : http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/k/kipi-plugins/kipi-plugins_1.2.0-1/changelog18:45
apacheloggerneversfelde: see, there is the problem, a lot of packaging changes == not good 3 days before monster freeze18:46
apacheloggermost recent change looks very dangerous18:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: which one?18:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: 8 Apr ?18:47
neversfeldeapachelogger: I know and I am not sure, if uploading kipi would be a good idea. But usptream recommends to package digikam and kipi-plugins in the same version, so we should have a look.18:47
apacheloggerjust bump our packaging with the new version18:47
apacheloggerway less a risk18:47
persiaUm, maybe.18:48
persiaIt's worth looking at the debian changes to see if there's anything worthwhile there.18:48
neversfeldeI will do this after reporting the exception requests18:48
neversfeldefor digikam18:49
shadeslayerah ive gtg...18:49
shadeslayerbye all :)18:49
shadeslayerneversfelde: sorry couldnt do the stuff today :(18:50
nixternalRiddell and apachelogger...looking now19:02
debfxsebas: have you had a chance to look at the brightness osd patch?19:02
nixternalRiddell, and apachelogger: there does seem to be close to 200 responses thus far, 100+ for Beta 1, and it seems that Beta 2 responses are going to the RC one for some odd reason...I am guessing when the templates created, there wasn't a beta 2 maybe19:11
nixternalI take that back about beta 2...beta 2 is there, but somehow people are also posting to the RC one as well :/19:15
apacheloggerit's all about restrictions19:15
txwikingerapachelogger: wrong.. its all about freedom ;p19:16
nixternaltrying to figure out how to get a nice data output that we can actually use19:16
=== romulo_ is now known as promulo_
neversfeldeScottK: bug 561691 I hope I mentioned everything that is needed.20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561691 in digikam "Feature/UI Freeze exception request for digikam 1.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56169120:09
neversfeldekipi-plugins has to wait until tomorrow evening, but I will push a package to staging for testing20:10
ScottKneversfelde: gwenview uses kipi-plugins too.  That will also need testing.20:13
neversfeldeYes, I know, will do that and now "Finanzbuchhaltung" :)20:14
ScottKSounds like something very German and very painful.20:14
neversfeldefinancial  accounting20:15
neversfeldeand painful, yes :)20:15
ScottKYes, very painful20:15
nixternalRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Lucid/Feedback/Beta220:29
debfxScottK: could you please test these patches: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=221637#c11 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=221648#c120:40
ubottuKDE bug 221637 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil always suspends twice" [Normal,New]20:40
ScottKdebfx: OK.20:40
* debfx has had enough of fixing powerdevil for now20:43
ScottKdebfx: Was there a Launchpad bug for this?  I can't find it.20:56
debfxScottK: I don't think so.20:58
ScottKoK.  Thanks20:58
debfxit looks like kubuntu users don't do auto-suspension ;)21:02
ScottKHmmmm.  IIRC it works for me.21:03
ScottKThe double one I hit a lot.21:03
Riddellnixternal: 100 responses is pretty good for that survery, wasn't expecting anything like that many21:03
ScottKdebfx: Are you up for any more fixing?  You've been doing great.21:04
debfxScottK: if it doesn't involve powerdevil :p21:05
debfxScottK: what about the other fix, does it cause any regressions?21:07
ScottKdebfx: My test package is building now.21:07
ScottKI'll let you know once I've tested it.21:07
ScottKdebfx: Bug #557930 isn't powerdevil.  I'm not sure how much coding is involved in that one or if it's something we can even consider at this point.21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557930 in kdebase-workspace "[Lucid Beta2] After first boot Live Kubuntu Netbook doesn't start X and fallback to a textual terminal" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55793021:09
Riddellexcid3: hi21:22
excid3hey Riddell21:22
Riddellexcid3: currently going over GSoC applications, give me 5 minutes to get back to yours21:22
excid3okay, ill be here for about 40 minutes21:23
* Tm_T huggles excid321:24
Riddellexcid3: so I think you have a good idea of the problem from a users view21:28
Riddellbut have you looked at the packagekit architecture at all?21:29
excid3Riddell, I read all the documentation and was going through the source trying to wrap my head around it better21:29
Riddellexcid3: you realise this might mean changes to packagekit (well reviewed C with strict API requirements), packagekit apt backend (python using python-apt) and kpackagekit (c++ using Qt/kdelibs)?21:31
Blizzzwhile updating, fetching linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic  throws a 404 on lucid/32bit21:32
Tm_TBlizzz: doesn't happen here, which mirror you use? oh that one, don't use that...21:33
* Tm_T hides21:33
excid3Riddell, yes, I wasn't sure how much it would require regarding packagekit because I have not worked with significantly yet, but I am familiar with C++ and plenty Python21:33
ScottKBlizzz: That kernel was pulled due to problems on Thinkpads21:33
ScottKThere will be a new one out shortly.21:33
Tm_TScottK: ooh21:33
Blizzzk, just wanted to let u know21:33
ScottKYep.  It's on purpose to keep more things from getting broken until a fix is out.21:34
Riddellexcid3: trouble is nobody seems quite sure, dantti (kackagekit main man) seems to think packagekit has what's needed except for fine grained stuff like ratings so it just needs backend and frontend support.  glatzor (apt backend main man) wasn't so sure21:34
excid3Riddell, hmmm, I think that packagekit would provide everything necessary, such as being able to categorize things, except for ratings like what you said and possibly where app-install-data would fit in21:36
Riddellexcid3: worth reviewing the log on 2010-03-31 for this channel for a discussion on the topic irclogs.ubuntu.com21:38
debfxScottK: I guess kdm shouldn't try to start the failsafe x server until it supports kdm21:39
Riddellexcid3: for UI improvements I expect we'll look at that at the Ubuntu Summit next month and come up with stuff we'd like done21:39
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  That's be the first thing.  Ideally someone would teach kdm to do that.21:40
Riddellprobably best to concentrate on one thing to start with though21:40
excid3Riddell, okay thanks, and that sounds good, overall the UI doesn't have anything much that needs to be improved, its definitely more important to have a working software-center21:40
Riddellexcid3: oh i think there's plenty that could be improved about the UI :)21:41
excid3Riddell, haha yeah you're probably right :P21:42
Riddellexcid3: are you familiar with Qt and kdelibs at all?21:48
excid3Riddell, I have used Qt for several things before but not kdelibs yet21:49
JontheEchidnayay for dependency freeze: http://www.omat.nl/2010/04/12/kde-4-5-release-schedule-ready/21:49
JontheEchidnano more surprises :)21:49
Tm_Tand yay for some fixed dependencies!21:50
* Riddell throws some GSoc points at apachelogger, JontheEchidna, promulo_ and excid3 21:54
Riddellwould be lovely to have all four projects get accepted, we can but hope21:54
excid3we are going to be on the edge of our seats for like 2 weeks21:56
excid3Riddell, gotta run, but leave me a msg if you need anything more22:01
ryanakcaCould someone help me figure out why Kobby 1.0~beta5-2 from the Debian archives runs beautifully on Debian unstable, while Kobby built from the same source package in a lucid chroot crashes like there's no tomorrow? It happens on both my own and my dad's computer.22:19
ryanakcaYou can get it built for lucid at http://dp.ryanak.ca/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kobby/kobby_1.0~beta5-2~ryan1_i386.deb (Only change in that package, compared to the Debian one, was to add a changelog entry with the ~ryan1 extension). You can dget the original source package from http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/k/kobby/kobby_1.0~beta5-2.dsc22:22
JontheEchidnaryanakca: works for me (tm): http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktoplw1635-jpg.jpg22:39
JontheEchidnaI've never run kobby before, so maybe it's a stale config issue?22:39
JontheEchidnaoh, it's not a crash on startup issue? Anything that I should do to trigger this?22:39
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: install infinoted and then run 'infinoted --security-polity=no-tls'22:47
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: It should crash instants after that. If not, try connecting to it, creating a file with contents, disconnecting, etc.22:48
ryanakcaBut here, it crashes instantly after starting infinoted.22:48
JontheEchidnaI did get a crash after I tried to open an empty folder as a document ;)22:52
mathiazScottK: hi23:08
ScottKHello mathiaz.23:08
ScottKapachelogger: mysql time.23:08
mathiazit seems that there are some issue with akonadi and mysql23:08
ScottKmathiaz: apachelogger is the one that's got a plan.23:08
mathiazis there a bug I can read up on?23:08
mathiazapachelogger: great - could you outline what problem you're running into?23:08
mathiazapachelogger: and then the solution?23:09
Tm_The's been away 4 hours23:09
ScottKmathiaz: Channel logs ~8 hours ago has most of it (irclogs.ubuntu.com)23:09
Tm_Tpossibly sleeping23:09
ScottKSorry to be vague, but I'm about to head out the door.23:10
mathiazScottK: ok - I'll have a look at it23:10
ScottKdebfx: My workspace build finished, but I've got to go to the grocery store.  I'll test it later tonight and let you know.23:22
mathiazapachelogger: ScottK: I have a magic diff that makes all necessary changes [15:06]23:26
mathiazapachelogger: ^^ do you have the diff available somewhere for review?23:26
ScottKmathiaz: Unfortunately he didn't leave the details.  No.23:26
ScottKmathiaz: What's your schedule tomorrow?23:27
mathiazScottK: not sure yet - it's safe to assume I work on West Coast time23:27
mathiazScottK: I think apachelogger solution would be a good one23:28
mathiazScottK: just make sure that there aren't files lost when creating mysql-client-core-5.123:28
mathiazScottK: ie make sure that all files that were part of mysql-client-5.1-5.1.41-3ubuntu11 are either part of mysql-client-5.1 or mysql-client-core-5.1 for the next upload23:29
mathiazScottK: and that the replaces are set correctly for both mysql-client and mysql-client-core23:30
mathiazScottK: to upgrade correctly from hardy as well (that uses mysql-client-5.0)23:30
mathiazapachelogger: ^^23:30
Tm_Tcan we also accidentally replace it with postgresql?23:30
mathiazScottK: sorry - I realized that my feedback was better target at apachelogger than you23:31
Tm_TI'll get the coat23:31
mathiazTm_T: my naive POV: either sqlite or couchdb (the latter being used on the desktop nowdays in Ubuntu)23:32
mathiazTm_T: but that should be discussed with upstream23:32
Tm_Tmathiaz: yeah, unfortunately sqlite is terrivly slow in some uses (:23:32
Tm_Tmathiaz: in what use is this anyway? (:23:32
mathiazTm_T: yeah - I'm not sure that storing 10000 contacts in a table is what makes sqlite slow23:33
Tm_T...right, akonadi it was23:34
Tm_Tmy akonadi uses postgres23:34
Tm_Thmm, we'll see how it goes when I migrate all my mail to akonadi23:35
Tm_Tthat's a lot of data to be handled23:35
* apachelogger blinks yawns and stretches23:41
apacheloggerwho summons me at this ungodly hour?23:41
Tm_Tapachelogger: son23:41
apacheloggermost ungodly I might say23:41
apacheloggerTm_T: yes, mom?23:41
apacheloggeroh hai mathiaz o/23:42
apacheloggerTm_T: Dont use that face on me, it ain't gonna work!23:43
amichairone less bug on the most wanted list23:44
* apachelogger falls over23:45
* amichair picks apachelogger up23:45
apacheloggeroh dear, now that INCOMING MESSAGE sound from it crowd is just unsuited for sms notification23:45
apacheloggermathiaz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/diff23:46
mathiazapachelogger: Replaces: mysql-client-5.1 (<< 5.1.41-3ubuntu12)23:48
mathiazapachelogger: ^^ that won't work for upgrade from hardy23:49
apacheloggerstupid hardy23:49
mathiazapachelogger: mysql was part of mysql-client-5.123:49
mathiazapachelogger: mysql was part of *mysql-client-5.0*23:49
apacheloggermathiaz: I suppose a Replaces: mysql-client-5.0, mysql-client-5.1 (<< 5.1.41-3ubuntu12) will suffice then?23:50
mathiazapachelogger: it should23:50
* apachelogger notes to better make an upgrade test run on this23:50
mathiazapachelogger: yes - an complete upgrade test run on mysql-server, mysql-client installed from hardy23:51
Tm_Tthere's plenty of other problems too, I'm sure23:51
apacheloggeroh and more work on gsoc proposal23:52
apacheloggerso much to do in so little time ^^23:52
apacheloggermathiaz: thanks, if you are ok, then I'll upload sometime tomorrow (if test upgrade works out)23:59

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