
elkinc2000I Have a GForce 7300LE video card when i am trying to install ubuntu the installer shows me a message "mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /cdrom failed: Invalid argument", but when  disable the GForce 7300LE and connect the monitor in the integrated video card the installer works fine00:00
elkinc2000I Have a GForce 7300LE video card when i am trying to install ubuntu the installer shows me a message "mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /cdrom failed: Invalid argument", but when  disable the GForce 7300LE and connect the monitor in the integrated video card the installer works fine, can somebody help me with this problem?00:15
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dranzerAlguien de México?00:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:19
mm_202Anyone here have any luck with setting up Kubuntu 9.10 with two nVidia cards [in my case a 8800 and a 8600] and have 3 monitors working correctly?00:46
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:53
* szal hands genii a coffee00:56
geniiszal: Thanks, much appreciated00:57
jrendasdoes anyone know if when I delete one file using "sudo rm file" it can be recovered?01:49
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alejandrome podrian ayudar04:14
alejandrocon una version de linux04:14
alejandronueva y que no presente conflictos con programas de windows?04:15
Gadg3ti am a noob to ubuntu and i need a little help, I seem to not have video when ubuntu boots up. i can ssh in and everything is working fine but when i restart i do get the ubuntu starting splash screen but never the login. what could be wrong?04:16
alejandrome pueden ayudar con una distribucion de linux04:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:28
cristian_ola galera boa noite04:36
annasup kiddos04:50
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el3mentcan utell me the command to restart my plasma-desktop ? :)04:54
hubbideanHello, has someone run the kubuntu 10.04beta2 on a ati5850?05:10
jhambowhen I put in a data cd, where can I go to browse the contents??05:27
el3mentcan anyone tellme how to locate my weather location with weather forecast05:27
el3mentim try to locate but allways Cant find location05:28
el3mentim try london05:28
el3menteverytime same ...05:28
el3mentCanot find location05:28
jhamboAh my mistake it's a dvd.  But still: How can I browse the contents of a dvd???05:37
el3mentdo u have mounted drive05:39
el3menthda hdb or hdc05:39
el3mentu can try there05:39
jhambohuh? where?05:41
el3mentcdrom folder05:41
el3mentin ur root05:41
jhamboI put the dvd in and it just keeps spinning.  I don't see anything in the cdrom folder of root in dolphin05:41
el3mentjhambo: see  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114898505:44
jhamboel3ment: doesn't show a thing.  i have two directories inside /media: cdrom and cdrom0. both are empty05:47
el3mentjhambo: i see my cd content in media/cdrom005:48
el3mentwith dolphin05:49
el3mentu put empty disc or broken disc05:50
el3mentor check ur mount drivers to see ur cdrom is mountet correct05:50
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vivek_hii I am using Kubuntu  karmic which has KDE 4.3... Now i want to upgrade to KDE4.4.2.. how do I do it...!!!06:40
vivek_hii I am using Kubuntu  karmic which has KDE 4.3... Now i want to upgrade to KDE4.4.2.. how do I do it...!!!06:43
vivek_hii I am using Kubuntu  karmic which has KDE 4.3... Now i want to upgrade to KDE4.4.2.. how do I do it...!!!06:45
areichmanvivek_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.206:48
vivek_areichman: I have seen that but some ppl have told me that  leads to lot of issues... So i would like to know whether it would in fact lead to any broken issues and all06:49
areichmanvivek_: I have no idea but those are the official instructions on how to do it06:52
areichmaneven if there are problems, it's still probably the _best_ way to do it06:53
areichmanusing software before the distribution has a chance to iron out kinks will often lead to problems06:53
areichmanit'ss probably a good idea to wait 17 more days until 10.04 comes out06:54
iconmefisto_vivek_: it might lead to issues, it might not. it depends on both your hardware and your software (what you have installed, how it is set up, etc) how could we know?06:54
vivek_areichman: but KDE 4.4 has been realeased sometime around in Feb.. dont you think it should be given a try now.. because by the time 10.04 comes out it would already be 3 months and then in another 3 months you have a new version of KDE coming out06:55
iconmefisto_vivek_: but if you do run into problems, I doubt they will be so serious that you would have to reinstall. in other words, the problems that may arise from the upgrade can be fixed later.06:55
EagleScreenvivek_: you can try it out, but karmic was made with 4.3 in mind, so not be scared if you find some kind of issue06:56
areichmanvivek_: it depends on what level of hassle you're willing to deal with. I'm running what will become KDE 4.5, compiling it from trunk but I also deal with a lot of issues because of it06:56
el3mentcan u help me with my weather gadget Weather Forecast i cant find any location im try everything :|06:56
el3mentand not work06:56
el3mentCan not find... im try london paris varna06:57
vivek_iconmefisto_: hmmm thanks .. by the way guys what is there so different in KDE4.406:57
areichmanlots of stuff. Plasma looks a lot nicer, window tabbing works, nepomuk becomes usable06:58
vivek_EagleScreen: I am not scared of anything except  if it does not allow me to login back again into it.. I am seriously scared of getting into GRUB06:58
el3menthow can see what the version of my kde ?06:59
EagleScreenvivek_: KDE shouldn't break GRUB06:59
EagleScreenel3ment: open some KDE appiclation like file manager, and go to Help -> About KDE07:00
iconmefisto_el3ment: or, in konsole: kded4 -v07:00
el3mentow i see :) ty07:00
el3mentnow same question how can update this :)07:01
vivek_hey el3ment is my friend .. same question here07:01
vivek_to quote areichman:vivek_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.207:01
EagleScreenel3ment: if you want higher stability, do not update it07:01
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el3mentremove old and install new ?07:02
iconmefisto_el3ment and vivek_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  then update/upgrade with apt-get or kpackagekit07:02
areichmanhello Guest6865907:02
EagleScreenKubuntu 10.04 will be available soon with KDE 4.4, I think wait or update to 10.04 would be better07:03
areichmanGuest68659: is there anything we can do to help you?07:03
EagleScreen10.04 is in beta2 state07:03
areichmanEagleScreen: you don't happen to be any relation to SadEagle on dot.kde.org, do you?07:03
vivek_iconmefisto_: one last doubt.. sorry to trouble you.. someone told me that after you do that upgarde through kpack .. you again have to use the command sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.. is that true.. I was feeling a little doubtful07:04
EagleScreeni am not SadEagle07:04
el3menticonmefisto_: Error: need a repository as argument ?!07:04
el3mentwhere im wrong07:05
iconmefisto_vivek_: I'm not sure because I didn't use kpackagekit to do the upgrade, I used apt-get. but if you need to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop there shouldn't be much problem with that07:05
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el3menthmm how to remove old kde and install new one ?07:07
el3mentany faq ?07:07
el3mentguide ?07:07
iconmefisto_el3ment: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  gave you that error?07:07
EagleScreenuse quotes: "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports"07:08
iconmefisto_el3ment: typo? an extra space where there shouldn't be one?07:08
el3menticonmefisto_: im copy paste :)\07:08
el3mentur command07:08
iconmefisto_el3ment: I copy/pasted it too to make sure it wasn't my typo. but it works here with no error07:09
iconmefisto_el3ment: gotta go now, but I"ll be back in 30 min. sorry07:10
vivek_el3ment: please give your feedbacks , after upgrading.. :-)07:10
EagleScreenyou could be copying or pasting wronly07:10
iconmefisto_el3ment: look at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.207:10
vivek_well why dont you do it through the gui.. add the repository in software sources and use kpack .. wont it be easy07:11
el3mentErr http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages 404  Not Found07:13
el3mentErr http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages 404  Not Found07:13
el3mentFetched 1B in 1s (1B/s)07:13
el3mentW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/el3ment/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:13
el3mentW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:13
el3mentE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:13
FloodBotK3el3ment: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
vivek_iconmefisto_: after i add the repository through software sources.. and refresh the list for the upgrade in kpack .. i get a whole bunch of blocked list also ..07:16
vivek_after i add the repository through software sources.. and refresh the list for the upgrade in kpack .. i get a whole bunch of blocked list also ..07:26
vivek_el3ment: how is it goinh07:26
vivek_el3ment: how is it goinh07:28
el3mentworst i thing :)07:28
vivek_why what happened?07:28
el3mentim on gnome now i dont know how :)07:28
el3mentmy kde is gone :P07:29
vivek_what did you do07:29
el3mentim follow the instruktions in kde site07:29
vivek_that should not happen ..!! i am sure you did something wrong.. could you tell me.. i might help you out07:30
el3mentim adding new sources in softuer07:31
el3mentad update07:31
el3mentand restart07:31
vivek_one second whoch repository did you add there07:31
vivek_ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports.. hope you did not add ppa:ubuntu-ppa/backports07:32
el3mentok sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop07:33
el3mentthen sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:33
el3mentim thing this will work07:33
vivek_hmm should but then this way you will still have gnome.. do you wnat to have gnome and KDE both07:34
el3mentvivek_: ok im with kde now07:42
el3mentlast one :)07:42
vivek_great is this kde4.407:42
el3mentKDE - Be Free!07:43
el3mentPlatform Version 4.4.2 (KDE 4.4.2)07:43
vivek_how is it dude07:43
el3mentbut my weather wiget still not work :|07:43
vivek_what did you do exactly do07:44
el3mentcool :D07:44
el3mentremove gnome-desctop-data remove kde install kde reboot07:44
vivek_did you have to get into the grub for that07:48
el3menti broke my old kde07:49
el3mentand when im rebooting the machine07:49
el3mentim join in gnome07:49
el3mentin gnome im remove old kde and install new one07:49
el3mentthen remove gnome-desktop-data07:49
el3mentand reboot again07:49
el3mentand the resul is new kde :)07:49
el3mentbut my truly problem is my weather widget :|07:50
el3mentcant find any location and show the weather :|07:50
vivek_so waht do you say should I upgrade or no upgrade07:59
vivek_el3ment:so waht do you say should I upgrade or no upgrade08:00
el3mentnope im reinstalled08:00
el3mentfull new reinstall08:00
vivek_reinstall??? you mean a fresh install08:01
iconmefisto_el3ment: I see you did the upgrade?08:09
el3menticonmefisto_:  ye im broke everything and reinstal kde :)08:10
el3mentwith newone :)08:10
el3mentits not upgrade its a new install08:10
el3menticonmefisto_: please help me with my browser flash sound :|08:10
iconmefisto_el3ment: reinstall lucid, or karmic again08:10
el3mentim not hear anything from youtube08:11
vivek_hey el3ment that is not a big problem...08:11
vivek_wait just go to your sound control08:11
vivek_click on mixers08:11
vivek_and slide PCM up08:11
vivek_el3ment: tell me if it recovered08:12
vivek_el3ment: youtube sound will definitely be back after that08:12
el3mentmy pcm is up by defoults08:12
vivek_how is master and others.. are you getting sound from other apps08:13
el3mentlol its works08:13
vivek_what works!!!08:13
el3mentflash sound :)08:14
vivek_wow i am happy i am able to help with something at least .. lol08:14
iconmefisto_el3ment: so it was pcm level?08:14
vivek_how does your new kde 4.4 look08:14
el3mentworks after scrol down and up pcm08:14
el3mentthis linux make me crazy :)08:15
vivek_cmon it is cool... much much better than that windows08:15
el3menticonmefisto_: my last problem is about my weather widget cant find aany location to show the weather08:15
vivek_el3ment : how is kde4.408:15
el3mentim try london paris varna08:15
el3mentand still not work08:16
el3mentvivek_: good :)08:16
el3mentpretty :)08:16
vivek_iconmefisto_: i have one doubt08:16
iconmefisto_el3ment: I use yawp weather widget, but I get it from a ppa08:16
vivek_iconmefisto_:after i add the repository through software sources.. and refresh the list for the upgrade in kpack .. i get a whole bunch of blocked list also08:17
el3menticonmefisto_: can u help me with that ?08:17
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vivek_el3ment: one last question .. has your RAM usage increased after the upgrade.. i have heard lot of ppl complaing about that08:18
iconmefisto_el3ment: to add the ppa to your sources: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samrog131/ppa08:18
el3mentvivek_: yes /.08:19
vivek_el3ment: how much is it now.. if I may ask08:19
iconmefisto_el3ment: then update, and install plasma-widget-yawp08:19
vivek_iconmefisto_: why does this RAM usage suddenly increase after the upgrade08:20
iconmefisto_vivek_: I don't know. I haven't noticed any problem with that08:20
vivek_i have heard it goes from 200 MB RAm to close 700 MB ram when idle08:20
iconmefisto_vivek_: oh, one reason may be nepomuk search being enabled. it's disabled by default in kde 4.3 on kubuntu I think08:21
vivek_iconmefisto_: I guess I am going to do the upgrade your way.... through the console rather than through kpack but the command that you gave for adding repository does not work.. can you please paste that command again08:21
iconmefisto_vivek_: well nepomuk shouldn't make that much of a difference, so it must be something else08:22
vivek_iconmefisto: by the way what is so special about nepomuk ,... waht is it actually.. am very new to all this.. hope you understand08:22
iconmefisto_vivek_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports08:22
el3mentCould not find requested component yaWP08:23
vivek_iconmefisto: repository added.. after that please next command08:23
el3menticonmefisto_:  ?08:24
iconmefisto_vivek_: nepomuk allows file indexing and searching, so you can search for file contents, tags, email contacts, etc, as well as filenames08:24
iconmefisto_vivek_: sudo apt-get update08:24
vivek_should that eat up 400 MB of extra RAM08:24
vivek_should it be sudo apt-get update or sudo aptitude update08:24
el3menticonmefisto_: why im get this err when try do add widget yaWP ?08:25
vivek_el3ment: wht is your RAM usage now08:25
iconmefisto_vivek_: I doubt nepomuk would use that much ram, but I'm not sure. maybe while the indexing is taking place, but once the index is created, it should be fine08:25
el3menticonmefisto_:  Could not find requested component yaWP08:25
el3mentvivek_:  sec08:25
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iconmefisto_el3ment: so yawp is installed and you see it in the widgets list, but you get that error when you add it?08:26
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vivek_iconmefisto_:should it be sudo apt-get update or sudo aptitude update08:26
el3menticonmefisto_:  yes08:26
iconmefisto_vivek_: apt-get or aptitude. both do the same job08:27
vivek_iconmefisto_: ok after that08:28
iconmefisto_vivek_: then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or sudo aptitude full-upgrade08:28
el3mentvivek_:  we will make iconmefisto_ crazy :D08:28
vivek_iconmefisto_: thanks a tonne for all your patience and support08:29
vivek_by the way el3ment: RAM usage?? .. lol08:29
iconmefisto_vivek_: no prob. so it's upgrading now?08:29
vivek_iconmefisto_: yes it is hope everything is fine... lol08:30
vivek_so what do i use after that dist-upgarde or full -upgrade08:30
vivek_iconmefisto_: I have installed LAMP on my system.. would it go after this update08:31
iconmefisto_vivek_: restart X (log out, and restart X server from the login menu) or  just reboot08:31
el3mentvivek_:  663 mb ram uage08:31
el3menticonmefisto_: so abut my err ?08:32
vivek_that is huge el3ment: iconmefisto_: was linux not meant to be light.. any expert comments on this?08:32
el3mentvivek_:  i have 8 gb ram :) not big for me08:32
vivek_that is cool.. i have a poor 2GB.. lol08:33
vivek_8 GB RAM el3ment: wow what are you doing with all that RAM.. supercomputer08:33
iconmefisto_vivek_: I'm not really an expert :) but I've heard that mem usage on linux should be high, because free ram (not used by apps) is used to cache files, which makes general performance faster08:34
vivek_oh!! ok08:34
iconmefisto_vivek_: so lots of RAM on linux improves performance, even if you're not actively using it08:35
vivek_hmmm so I should buy at least another 6 GB of RAM asap08:35
vivek_cool ...08:35
vivek_ok iconmefisto_: el3ment time to reboot.. pray for me08:36
iconmefisto_el3ment: I'm not sure why yawp isn't working. is the widget in place, or does it just not add anything at all?08:37
el3ment_iconmefisto_:  yes widget is in the list pannel08:41
el3ment_but when im try to add im get this err08:41
iconmefisto_el3ment_: you upgraded to 4.4 after reinstall?08:42
iconmefisto_el3ment_: you have the karmic version installed, which is made for kde4.3. if you manually download the lucid package (which is for kde 4.4) it should work08:45
el3ment_hmm im in network with my netgear modem but my other pcs cant connect to wireless network because of this linux ? or im restart the router but still cant connect08:46
iconmefisto_el3ment_: 32bit or 64bit?08:46
iconmefisto_el3ment_: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa/+files/plasma-widget-yawp_0.3.2~lucid~ppa3_amd64.deb08:46
el3ment_iconmefisto_: ok works now :)08:49
el3ment_tell me how can i search my city08:49
iconmefisto_el3ment_: are you in the yawp settings?08:50
iconmefisto_el3ment_: yawp settings, locations, click "add city" button08:50
larsiviis there a good tutorial anywhere on how to use scratbhox2 on ubuntu?08:51
el3ment_ok im done :)08:52
el3ment_now i must correct the wireless network in my net gear08:52
iconmefisto_el3ment_: did you add it to desktop or panel?08:52
el3ment_im thinking my linux do something08:52
el3ment_to desctop08:52
vivek_el3ment: iconnefisto: I guess the upgrade is ok.. no problems till now08:52
iconmefisto_vivek_: good news :)08:53
el3ment_iconmefisto_: why my other pcs cant connect to wireless netgear router ?08:54
el3ment_is this because my linux ?08:54
el3ment_with windows not have problems08:54
iconmefisto_el3ment_: oh, if the yawp widget stops working, you would have to manually download it to upgrade it. here's the page: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=yawp&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=08:55
iconmefisto_el3ment_: but 10.04 will be released 29 april, so if you upgrade to 10.04 you'll be able to get automatic upgrades as normal08:57
vivek_i want to run a bin file .. how do i do that09:00
noaXessi can't get java running on my box.. don't know whats happend.. latest firefox from karmic and sun-java6-plugin.. update-alternative won't work.. no java plugin in ff..09:00
vivek_someone please help me09:01
iconmefisto_vivek_: ./program.bin09:01
noaXessalso donw this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#64-bit%20Firefox%20and%2064-bit%20Java%20plugin09:01
vivek_do you want me to type this in erminal or alt+f209:01
noaXessmy system: Linux poseidon 2.6.31-21-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 07:28:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:01
noaXessff: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100402 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.6.209:02
el3menticonmefisto_: this is strange09:02
iconmefisto_vivek_: you type that in konsole, in the folder where the bin file is09:02
el3mentim restarting the linux and my other computers disconnects09:03
vivek_iconmefisto_: sorry for the trouble by say i have the file g.bin and i have to run this .. it is in say home/c/g.bin.. what should i do now.. i know this is so so novice,.. but then...09:03
vivek_iconmefisto: and my terminal shows me at vivek@host:09:04
iconmefisto_vivek_: if you're in your home folder in konsole, you'll see a ~$ prompt. type: cd c/   then type  ./g.bin09:05
el3menticonmefisto_: why when im starting linux my other computers got disconnect from the wireless network ?!!?!?09:06
el3mentHELP PLS !09:06
iconmefisto_el3ment: networking is my greatest weakness09:06
Vgemaybe it takes your router ip09:06
el3menthow can edit my lan settings09:08
el3mentVge:  ?09:09
el3mentto change my ip09:09
vivek_iconmefisto_: i am typing what you said . and it says no such file or directory wwhy09:09
iconmefisto_vivek_: are you in the right folder? ls will list the files in the current folder09:10
vivek_iconmefisto: i am at vivek@host.. the file is in vivek/c/g.bin09:11
vivek_iconmefisto: i typed cd c/09:12
vivek_iconmefisto: it said no such directry09:12
noaXessdoes someone of you have firefox 3.6.2 and installed the sun-java6-plugin? does it work? http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=109:12
iconmefisto_vivek_: cd ~/c (~ stands for your user's home directory) then ./g.bin09:13
iconmefisto_vivek_: you should see ~/c$ at the prompt09:15
vivek_iconmefisto_:I got it09:15
iconmefisto_vivek_: do you know what this bin file will do? is it an installer?09:16
vivek_iconmefisto_:yes it is an installer09:16
vivek_iconmefisto: would there be a prob09:16
iconmefisto_vivek_: you might need to run it with sudo09:17
vivek_iconmefisto: should i run with sudo.. i dont want to do that09:17
vivek_ok if i have to run it with sudo , how do i do it iconmefisto_:09:18
iconmefisto_vivek_: try without. you might not need to. what is it installing?09:18
iconmefisto_vivek_: just type sudo before and it will ask for your password: sudo ./g.bin09:18
noaXessfoudn the problem... think openjdk-6-jre is conflicting with sun-java6 so remove openjdk09:18
vivek_iconmefisto_: you are GOD buddy!09:19
iconmefisto_bless you, vivek_09:20
vivek_iconmefisto_: thanks .. lol09:20
vivek_iconmefisto_:by the way it did not need sudo.. i tend to avoid sudo as much as possible09:21
el3mentok im fixed network issues09:30
iconmefisto_el3ment: what was it?09:31
el3mentlinux get last ip from the network and block others09:32
el3mentim set manuali static network in interfaces09:32
el3mentnow can u help me to make my desctop like cube and get all window efects :)09:33
iconmefisto_is compositing enabled?09:34
iconmefisto_el3ment: quick way to get to the settings: right-click a window titlebar, configure window behaviour09:35
el3mentyes i think09:35
iconmefisto_el3ment: make sure compositing is active, and enable desktop effects, click apply09:36
iconmefisto_el3ment: and where it says "effect for desktop switching" choose "desktop cube animation"09:37
el3menthow can make windows like weave when im move them09:38
iconmefisto_el3ment: all effects tab, wobbly windows09:39
el3mentnow i have 2 desktops how can add 2 more09:43
el3mentto be 4 ?09:43
alakooel3ment: you cannot miss it in system settings09:50
el3mentwhat is folder view option09:55
iconmefistoel3ment: widget? or desktop mode?10:00
el3mentdesktop mode10:01
iconmefistoel3ment: it shows normal file icons on the desktop, like kde3 or gnome or windows10:01
el3mentok im make something wrong my wallpapers now kan ve move and not at right position10:02
el3mentcan bg*10:03
el3menticonmefisto:  ?10:07
el3menthow can lock wallpapers ?10:08
el3mentok i totaly mess desktop things :D10:11
el3menticonmefisto: any help10:13
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Emmyyesterday my amarok gave a me a weird erro : | when loading my library an alert box appeared with the follow message : " B is true" what is that suppose to mean ?10:26
Emmyb is true10:36
vivekcan someone here tell me how to use nepomuk and what exactly is it10:40
bigbrovarvivek: nepomuk from what I know is suppose to be the search backend for kde.  Its just is to index your files and then u can use it (I think its what strigi uses as a backend for searching)10:46
bigbrovarvivek: so in layman term it helps you index all files so you can search with it. How can it be enabled? go to system settings and on the "advanced" tab took for "desktop search" and the enable nepomuk and strigi desktop search10:48
bigbrovardamn he quit on me :(10:48
wendecoI have a bit of a problem with rekonq10:51
wendecoWhen I start it says that its unable to load kio_http10:51
wendecoI guess I have to install kio, but I cant find kio that seems right10:52
wendecoCan somebody help me? :)10:53
Torchwendeco: kio_http is part of kdelibs11:05
Torchwendeco: you should have that installed, i guess.11:06
wendecoTorch: maybe it is broken some way, trying to reinstall it11:06
wendecoThanks man11:06
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vivekhii  ! I need help.. i just upgraded to KDE 4.4.2 from the present karmic...after I rebooted .. i gave my password, the system logged in, the splash screen appears but then I get a black screen, i cant see no desktop, I used alt-f2, entered irc and that is how am able to talk to you guys.. pleae help12:17
vivekbigbrovar:hii  ! I need help.. i just upgraded to KDE 4.4.2 from the present karmic...after I rebooted .. i gave my password, the system logged in, the splash screen appears but then I get a black screen, i cant see no desktop, I used alt-f2, entered irc and that is how am able to talk to you guys.. pleae help12:19
vivekiconmefisto_:hii  ! I need help.. i just upgraded to KDE 4.4.2 from the present karmic...after I rebooted .. i gave my password, the system logged in, the splash screen appears but then I get a black screen, i cant see no desktop, I used alt-f2, entered irc and that is how am able to talk to you guys.. pleae help12:19
bigbrovarvivek: well am not surprised because you upgraded to kde 4.4 in a way not supported by ubuntu. what is likely the issue is conflict of config files between kde 4.3 and kde 4.4.12:22
iconmefistovivek: try alt-F2 and type plasma-desktop12:22
vivekiconmefisto:typede plasma-desktop nothing came12:23
bigbrovarthe way I went about this would be to rename all my kde config files and restart kde so that it starts in a pristine state. but u would lose all your user settings12:23
viveki can access everything through alt-f2 but nothing on the dektop.. it is a black screen12:24
vivekhelp me out pleasee12:24
iconmefistovivek: ctrl-esc and see if plasma-desktop is running12:25
vivekiconmefisto: no it is not running12:25
iconmefistoand if you start it with alt-F2? does it appear in the system activity window?12:27
nomad111i dont know why every time i'm watching youtube in firefox and i get a notification the sound goes away. Can anyone help fix this please??12:27
nomad111it even happens when i am using vlc and get a notification12:27
nomad111it's like i can't use kopete and firefox/vlc at the same time12:27
vivekiconmefisto:how do is start it with alt-f212:27
vivekiconmefisto: I typed plasma-desktop in alt+f2 but nothing came12:28
vivekiconmefisto: bigbrovar: any help12:30
vivekis there any command to start plasma desktop12:30
iconmefistovivek: try starting konsole and start plasma-desktop from there. you might get some messages so you know why it's not starting12:31
vivekiconmefisto: i did that and it says "the program plasma-desktop" is currently not installed. You can install this by typing sudoaptget install kdebase-workspace-bin12:32
vivekiconmefisto: should i do that12:32
vivekiconmefisto: helpp12:34
iconmefistovivek: first do sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a12:34
vivekiconmefisto: what does this do12:34
iconmefistosorry, that's wrong12:34
vivekoh sorry12:35
iconmefistovivek: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:35
vivekiconmefisto: what does this do12:35
iconmefistothat configures everything that is not configured. it looks like the update didn't finish properly12:36
vivekiconmefisto:hope it is correct.. i am going to do it12:36
vivekiconmefisto: donenothing changed12:36
vivekiconmefisto: done....but..nothing changed12:36
iconmefistono output at all?12:37
vivekiconmefisto:nothing just takes me back to my vivek@host: ~$ prompt12:37
iconmefistoif you do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, does it say it's going to install kdebase-workspace-bin ?12:38
iconmefistoor just "kubuntu-desktop is already the newest version" ?12:39
vivekiconmefisto: it says the the folowing extra packages will be installed kdebase-workspace plasma-dektop12:40
iconmefistovivek: ok, great. that should solve the problem12:40
vivekiconmefisto: the following packages will be removed plasma-widget-windowlist plasma-widget-windowslist12:41
vivekiconmefisto:the The following NEW packages will be installed:12:41
vivek  kdebase-workspace plasma-desktop12:41
vivekThe following packages will be upgraded:12:41
vivek  kubuntu-desktop12:41
vivek1 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:41
FloodBotK3vivek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
vivekNeed to get 299kB of archives.12:41
iconmefistothat's ok, those widgets have probably just changed package names12:41
vivekiconmefisto: so what should i do12:42
vivekit is aksing me yes or no12:42
iconmefistovivek: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:42
iconmefistosay yes,12:42
vivekiconmefisto:said.. something is happening let us see12:43
iconmefistovivek: when it's finished installing, alt-F2 and type plasma-desktop12:43
vivekiconmefisto: the process is over but nothing on the desktop even now12:43
vivekiconmefisto: ok12:44
vivekiconemfisto: it is back but i have two panels down there12:45
iconmefistovivek: yeah I had that too. remove one of them12:45
vivekiconmefisto: yes it is back12:46
vivekiconmefisto:should i restart to check things again12:46
iconmefistovivek: just to be safe, do this first: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:46
vivekiconmefisto: ok12:47
vivekiconmefisto: it says everything is done12:47
iconmefistovivek: ok, you can reboot now to check everything is normal12:48
vivekiconmefisto:will do that and revert.. please wait ..:-)12:48
vivekiconmefisto: things are fine buddy... and this sure is much much cooler and the RAM usage is just 170MB actually lesser than earlier12:51
iconmefistook great12:52
vivekiiconmefisto: tell me ONE WAY by which I can say THANK YOU....12:52
vivekiconmefisto: You are great... sorry for putting you through all this trbl12:53
iconmefistoit's ok vivek12:53
iconmefistono trouble, I actually like to figure out problems12:54
vivekiconmefisto: will be back in an hour with lot more doubts .. lol12:54
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BluesKajhi folks15:28
silencewalkerAlgum br?15:35
BluesKaj!pt | silencewalker15:35
ubottusilencewalker: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:35
vivekdoes anyone know how to configure the twitter widget for KDE 4.4 dekstop15:46
vivekiconmefisto:does anyone know how to configure the twitter widget for KDE 4.4 dekstop15:46
vivekbigbrovar:does anyone know how to configure the twitter widget for KDE 4.4 dekstop15:47
bigbrovarvivek: I dont use it but have u tried checking the settings and adding your username and password?15:48
bigbrovarvivek:  btw what is your twitter handle15:48
vivekbigbrovar:I used this microblogging widget and i configured it using my id and pwd .. it does work.. but every 2  seconds the pop up appears again asking me to input my pwd and username again and again15:50
vivekbigbrovar: it is not for me , it is for my wife.. i dont use twitter15:50
bigbrovarvivek: I guess that is a bug then. have u tried choqok? its what I use for twittering and its the best there is anywhere15:50
vivekchoqok .. how do i get it15:51
vivekbigbrovar:choqok .. how do i get it15:51
bigbrovarthen what u need is choqok.. hold one let me give u the link to the latest version15:51
vivekthanks bigbrovar:15:51
bigbrovarvivek: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu/pool/main/c/choqok/choqok_0.9.55a-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa3_i386.deb15:53
bigbrovarvivek: once u download it just double click to install15:53
bigbrovarthe name is choqok15:54
vivekbigbrovar: i dont get it.. should i add it to repository...and click update15:54
bigbrovarsure u can do that too, but the repo for the latest beta version of choqok is a bit too bleeding edge since all u need is choqok just install the .deb file15:55
bigbrovarvivek: if u click on the link i sent u, u would see a deb file which u can install by double clicking15:56
vivekbigbrovar:thanks ....will update and revert ...15:58
bigbrovarvivek: am not sure am getting u. but all u have to do is double click the app u download from the link for it to install.15:59
vivekbigbrovar: what is your twitter handle... i am creating my new twitter ID.. by the way where will choqok install15:59
vivekbigbrovar: i have clicked on it and it is installing16:00
vivekbigbrovar: it is installed16:01
bigbrovarvivek: bigbrovar is my twitter handle I am also on identica with same name. let me know when u add me.16:01
bigbrovarvivek: u can find it in the application tab of kickoff menu.. under internet16:01
bigbrovaror just type choqok in the search bar of kickoff menu16:01
TheKrolol http://www.exploringbinary.com/barbie-goes-binary/16:03
vivekbigbrovar: done it is much much better ....16:03
vivekbigbrovar: will create my id and add you now...16:04
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ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:28
penociohow do i replace spaces with paragraphs in open office?16:28
penociohow do i replace spaces with paragraphs in open office?16:29
safermy aptitude is not upgrading kernel http://www.pasteall.org/1234816:38
safer*Kubuntu 9.1016:39
Picisafer: What architecture?16:39
saferPici: Linux sandro 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux16:40
Picisafer: What does apt-cache policy linux-image   say?16:43
AuthorityIs there a way to have apt/aptitude ignore certain packages from certain repo.  I don't want to have it hold my package at a specific version, I just don't want to upgrade to versions from a particular repo.16:44
saferPici: http://www.pasteall.org/1234916:45
Picisafer: Looks like you don't have the linux-image package installed, so apt won't try to upgrade it.  Install that, and it will pull in the latest kernel version in the repositories  as a dependency.16:46
saferPici: to do this need i do an "aptitude install linux-image"?16:48
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saferPici: http://www.pasteall.org/1235016:50
saferbut after aptitude dont upgrade16:51
Picisafer: Because you now have the latest version.  Reboot and you'll see.16:53
saferPici: ok, thank you16:54
saferPici: sandro@sandro:~$ uname -a16:58
saferLinux sandro 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux16:58
Picisafer: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic16:59
saferso uname is showing wrong version? apt-cahce show Installed:
PiciLooks like grub didn't update your menu with the new version.17:01
PiciThat shouldn't happen.17:01
saferok, will fix it, the new kernel is in /boot17:01
Piciupdate-grub might work, its been a while since I've had to do this manually.17:02
saferPici: thanks17:03
Picisafer: If you get stuck, ask again here, or in #ubuntu (its a lot more active there)17:04
saferPici: ok17:05
vbgunzdoes anybody own this printer "HP Deskjet D1660". does it work flawless, perfect? I see HP has drivers for Linux on their website but can I get this rocking from any drivers available from the default repos?17:38
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:39
sergio___hellow everybody17:39
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otswimhi, is there a way to force the detections of ethernet link on my network card? sometimes it doesn't detect that i plugged a link and i have to plug it over and over again to work (and the problem is not coming from my cable nor my network card, because i have this problem only in one location)17:57
vivekhii all18:15
vivekI just installed 7zip and when I try to open a rar file.. i never get 7zip as an option to be used18:16
vivekbigbrovar:I just installed 7zip and when I try to open a rar file.. i never get 7zip as an option to be used18:17
vivekbigbrovar: help needed again18:17
k00pawhy use 7zip, I think that kubuntu can open rar's without any need from external apps18:18
k00paif I am right18:18
bigbrovarvivek: afaik the default achive manager for kde does not support 7zip18:18
djusticenope. unrar is needed for rar files. p7zip is needed for 7z files.18:18
vivekbigbrovar: I installed 7zip from the software centre for that18:18
djusticeand yes. ark does support 7z. if you have p7zip installed.18:18
k00paisntall unrar18:19
contrastGreets, everyone. I'm having some trouble adding SuperKaramba widgets as plasmoids. After installing one, when I try to add it to the desktop, it just says "This object could not be created for the following reason: Could not locate the <theme-name> package required for the <theme-name> widget." Any help with this would be much appreciated. :)18:19
vivekk00pa: i did install unrar too .. but when i click on the rar file which is to be unrarred.. it uses ark as default which obviously does not work.. so when i try "open with" neither unrar nor 7 zip is listed there although i have instaled both of them18:20
k00pavivek: but could you just open 7zip and extract the rar from there?18:21
k00paor do you extract rars all the time18:21
vivekk00pa: i do have a lot of rar files..18:21
k00paunrar *.rar18:22
k00paand all of them are extracted!18:22
iconmefistovivek: you have installed unrar and ark doesn't open rar archives?18:22
vivekk00pa: do you mean terminal is the only way18:22
vivekiconmefisto: yes18:22
k00pabut for me it would be the easiest18:22
contrastArk has always worked fine for me on rar's.18:23
vivekk00pa: hmm tell me something through gui too.. would help me a lot.. and throuigh the terminal how do i tell it where to extract18:23
vivekcontrast: how ... it is not working for me at all18:23
contrastvivek: Do you have these packages installed: p7zip-rar unrar18:24
vivekwhen i click on the *.rar file .. it says.."reading the archive *.rar,failed with eror,"failed to locate program unrar in path"18:25
k00pavivek: "sudo apt-get install unrar"18:25
k00paand that should be fixed18:25
vivekcontrast: i installed 7zip and unrar18:25
contrastvivek: Well, I never click on it, I just right-click and use the Extract service menu.18:26
vivekcontrast: even that is not working k00pa: but i have already installed unrar18:26
djusticevivek: 'kbuildsycoca4' and try again. or logout & login if that doesnt work.18:27
contrastvivek: Are these .rar's in a series, like .r00 .r01 .r02...?18:27
djusticevivek: what does '/usr/bin/unrar' output?18:27
vivekno contrast: it is just one *.rar.. not the split files18:28
djusticevivek: 'unrar x my_rar_file.rar' is the command you want. if you cant get ark working.18:28
vivekdjustice: but how do i tell it where to extract18:29
vivekguys is it because i have installed them through the software centre and not through kpack... should i uninstall them and try installing through kpack if that would be of any help18:30
xjkxi use openoffice to create a presentation, "save as" to MSoffice, and when i close/open it again its different :( color missing and stuff, and its a simple presentation using its own model :/18:31
djusticexjkx: oofail. :/ symphony? wine office07? kpresenter? oo3.2?18:33
djusticevivek: that's not why.18:34
djusticevivek: 'cd /my/rar/folder && unrar x myfile.rar' will extract said rar file to /my/rar/folder. you can 'mv meh_rard_stuff /to/whereever/you/want'18:34
contrastvivek: Run this in terminal and pastebin the output: dpkg --get-selections | grep rar18:35
xjkxdjustice: kpresenter exports to msoffice ? :> sorry newbie here, and whats symphony :p18:38
vivekcontrast: it says librarian0 install rar deinstall  rarian compat install  unrar-free install18:39
djusticexjkx: hm. i dunno. i know it does presentations tho. :) and symphony is another office suite. from ibm. and try oo3.2 too. your problem may have been fixed already.18:40
contrastvivek: Ok, run: sudo apt-get install p7zip-rar unrar18:40
contrastvivek: You'll need to enable the multiverse repository in Software Sources if you haven't already18:41
vivekcontrast: done.. and yes multiverse is already enabled18:42
contrastvivek: Ok, so now try by just right-clicking on the .rar file -> Extract to...18:42
vivekcontrast: done buddy.. thanks a lot18:43
contrastvivek: No problem18:43
contrastvivek: You might want to go ahead and install kubuntu-restricted-extras - that package depends on unrar, flash and a bunch of codecs. That's always one of the first things I do on a fresh install.18:44
vivekThis entire community rocks.. bigbrovar:, iconmefisto: and now contrast:, (off course k00pa:djustice: ) .. all of you.. !(thanks a ton)18:44
vivekcontrast: now how do i do that18:44
vivekcontrast: and what is it all about18:45
djusticevivek: :D 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras'18:45
contrastIn KPackageKit, just search for it, check the box and apply changes. In Konsole: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras18:45
vivekdjustice: and what does it do18:45
djusticei love kubuntu community too. u guys rock.18:45
djusticevivek: installs a buncha handy stuff. ;) codecs/unrar/etc. ^^18:46
vivekhmm thanks guys will do that18:46
djusticeim not even a kubuntu user... except when i install it for other people... i just like to hang aroud in this channel sometimes. :318:46
contrastAnyone here using Superkaramba widgets in Plasma?18:47
djusticecontrast: not many of us ;) do you have the karamba script engine installed?18:49
contrastYup. The widgets install fine, but when I try to add it, I just get this: "This object could not be created for the following reason: Could not locate the <theme-name> package required for the <theme-name> widget."18:50
djusticecontrast: that means your missing a scriptengine i think..18:53
contrastHrm... Well, before when I was missing a scriptengine, it would specify that it couldn't locate the script engine. Here, it's just saying it couldn't locate the widget itself, even though it's showing up in the list of widgets. :/18:55
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vivekguys I have one more issue here.. and yes it is pretty lame.. actually i have 4 desktops enabled and I would want the windows/ apps running in each of them to be restricted to that particular desktop .. but in my case the apps are showing across all desktops in the below panel.. I remember having done that earlier in system settings.. multiple desktops or window mgt earlier .. but am unable to figure t out now.. can someone help19:07
IzinucsUsing Kontact/Kmail when I hover over an email an annoying blue box with a black header shows up containing the info on the email.  How do I turn this "feature" off?19:07
vivekiconmefisto: I have one more issue here.. and yes it is pretty lame.. actually i have 4 desktops enabled and I would want the windows/ apps running in each of them to be restricted to that particular desktop .. but in my case the apps are showing across all desktops in the below panel.. I remember having done that earlier in system settings.. multiple desktops or window mgt earlier .. but am unable to figure t out now.. please help19:10
IzinucsGot it.. it's called "Tool Tips" ..19:11
vivekbigbrovar: I have one more issue here.. and yes it is pretty lame.. actually i have 4 desktops enabled and I would want the windows/ apps running in each of them to be restricted to that particular desktop .. but in my case the apps are showing across all desktops in the below panel.. I remember having done that earlier in system settings.. multiple desktops or window mgt earlier .. but am unable to figure t out now.. please help19:13
rorkIzinucs: which version of kmail are you using?19:13
Izinucsrork: the one that comes with 9.1019:14
Izinucssorry.. that was contact.. KMail is 1.12.219:14
rorkHm, then the good news is that you can turn it off, I don't have the box, but I don't know how to do that (yet)19:15
iconmefistovivek: task manager settings (right-click task manager. you may have to close some windows if the task manager is full and you can't right-click an empty area)19:16
vivekthanks iconmefisto:19:16
rorkIzinucs: oh, looks like you beat me :)19:17
vivekiconmefisto: i just installed KlamAv but it is nowhere in my Kmenu19:18
vivekiconmefisto: used the software manager to update it19:18
iconmefistovivek: it sometimes takes a while for new things to show up in the menu. run kbuildsycoca in konsole, then look again19:19
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iconmefistovivek: kbuildsycoca BUILDs the SYstem COnfiguration CAche19:21
vivekiconmefisto: done but it is still not there.. should a restrt be done19:21
iconmefistovivek: does clamav have a gui? maybe it's commandline19:24
vivekiconmefisto: there is another quite peculiar issue.. i can use synaptic and software center perfectly .. but whenever I use kPack after the upgrade to kde4.4... it opens , i select the package in kpack and after that it says "you dont have sufficient prviliges to do that operation"19:24
vivekiconmefisto: it had a gui in gnome i remeber .. but yes it was ClamAV.. and this is KlamAV..it is quite possible it is commandline.. let me check on that19:25
vivekiconmefisto: meanwhile please have a look at the above one19:25
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vivekiconmefisto:KlamAv has a gui19:31
mac7got kubuntu 9.10 installed with nice interface but now gnome?19:33
mac7can someone hlep19:33
vivekiconmefisto: uninstalled and intsllaed again.. got it in kmenu>app>system19:36
vivekiconmefisto: is there some solution you know about my kpack issues19:38
iconmefistovivek: the kpackagekit problem, does it ask for your password? maybe you typed it wrong?19:38
vivekiconmefisto: tried again.. does not ask for any password... just that after I click apply.. it says querying.. waiting for service to start and then the pop up appears saying.. "you dont have permissions"19:41
iconmefistovivek: not sure what's wrong. does it always do this since 4.4 upgrade?19:47
iconmefistovivek: how do you normally start it? from the menu?19:48
vivekiconmefisto: am not exacly sure about it ... I just discovered that an hour back.. but I am happier using synaptic and software manager... yes i start it from the menu19:48
iconmefistovivek: you know that you can use only one package manager at a time. if you have synaptic running, then kpackagekit will not install anything19:53
vivekiconmefisto: yes i know that.. and am not doing that.. moreover when that happens it displays a message saying.. unable to lock .. something like that..19:54
iconmefistovivek: anyway, you could get around it probably by alt-F2, kdesudo kpackagekit19:54
vivekiconmefisto: but would i have to do that everytime i use kpack19:54
vivekiconmefisto: why do we use kdesudo .. wont just sudo work19:56
iconmefistovivek: you shouldn't need to. but you could use the menu editor and find kpackagekit, and insert kdesudo before the kpackagekit command19:56
iconmefistovivek: you should use kdesudo for gui apps, not sudo19:56
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:56
arch0njwiconmefisto: there's something I've been curious about.  why?19:57
vivekiconmefisto:oh ok.. will try the menu editor and get back19:57
iconmefistoubottu used to have a link that explained why you shouldn't use sudo with gui apps19:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:57
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why19:58
arch0njwdid you mean that or kdesu?19:58
iconmefistoahh, there's the link19:58
vivekiconmefisto: i have located it in the menu editor but where doi insert kde sudo19:59
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why19:59
arch0njwkdesudo is kind of funny... going to that from kdesu is the opposite of the letter-chopping that most 'nix commands are famous for :)20:00
iconmefistovivek: put it in the command field, before kpackagekit20:00
arch0njwgood explanation there though20:00
Martiinineed "howto" busybox (initramfs) tutorial. Stuck @ initramfs ... not root filesystem found20:01
ZaYnare there any good documents to read for a linux noob20:01
mac7Can someone help, please?20:01
vivekiconmefisto: in the commandfield it shows "kpackagekit -caption "%c" %i %F".. should i change it to "kdesudo kpackagekit -caption "%c" %i %F"..20:01
MartiiniZaYn:  TLDP, gentoo handbook, ubuntu wiki20:02
iconmefistovivek: yes, then save20:02
MartiiniZaYn: google those20:02
arch0njw!ask | Mac720:02
ubottuMac7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
iconmefistoZaYn: http://kubuntuguide.org for kubuntu-specific stuff20:03
vivekiconmefisto:when i open kpack from the menu, a pop up  appears which says "KDEint could not launch usr/bin/kdesudo" .. along with it the kpack also opens though20:04
vivekiconmefisto:kpack does work now .. but that pop up?????20:06
iconmefistovivek: alt-F2, kdesudo (on it's own, just to see if it starts)20:07
vivekiconmefisto: it starts and a pop up appears saying "no command arguments supplied No command arguments supplied!Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>KdeSudo will now exit...20:08
natmanhas anyone any thoughs on the lucid beta 2?20:09
iconmefistovivek: don't know. next time you reboot, try starting kpackagekit from konsole, without kdesudo, and see if it lets you install things. if it does, remove the kdesudo you just added from the menu20:10
vivekiconmefisto: should i just type kpackagekit in the terminal at the prompt20:11
iconmefistovivek: yes20:11
vivekok iconmefisto: thanks buddy..... will let you know of it20:12
iconmefistonatman: quite a few bugs atm. see #ubuntu+1 (the lucid support channel)20:14
natmaniconmefisto: thanks really hoping its  good KDE4 LTS20:14
vivekiconmefisto: one last question for the day if are free enough ... what is this entire concept of desktop activity20:15
vivekiconmefisto: and what could i do with it20:15
iconmefistovivek: all I know is it lets you have different desktops on virtual desktops, so you can have different wallpapers and widgets, instead of the same on all virtual desktops20:20
vivekiconmefisto: i am just trying to figure out what is so different from kde 4.320:21
iconmefistovivek: http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities_and_the_Zooming_User_Interface_.28ZUI.2920:22
iconmefistovivek: there's window tabbing. drag a window titlebar with the middle mouse button onto another window titlebar20:23
iconmefistovivek: or drag a window to the left or right edge of the screen, and it fills half the screen20:24
vivekiconmefisto: am dragging but nothing is happening.. in fact both the windows titlebars are one over the other..20:25
vivekiconmefisto: as far as the second point is concerned was it not there in 4.3 too ... it was!20:25
iconmefistovivek: ok maybe. I don't remember20:25
vivekiconmefisto: for this windowtabbing should i have to enable something20:26
vivekboth my windows are one over the other but no tabbing20:26
iconmefistovivek: no, just drag the titlebar onto another titlebar with middle mouse button20:26
vivekiconmefisto: yes this is cool20:27
vivekiconmefisto: this is really helpful.. is there anything else you could please tell me20:28
vivekiconmefisto: this link you sent me is really worth reading.. in fact it would be of great help to anyone new to KDE20:30
iconmefistovivek: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.4/guide.php20:30
vincehi guys20:34
vinceI need to install java for firefox20:34
vinceany thoughts ?20:34
rorkvince: thinking indeed20:37
vinceyou say that a lot20:38
iconmefistovince: install sun-java6-plugin20:38
vinceThanks guys, I got it20:38
rorkwell it must be somewhere in my channel log20:38
vinceicedtea thing20:39
iconmefistovince: or kubuntu-restricted-extras20:39
vincesun-java6 doesn't work on Lucid20:39
* vince doesn't know weither he is a man or an astroman20:40
vincegot a question, what's the "mood bar" thing in Amarok ?20:43
vinceI enabled it but nothing's changed20:43
MartiiniI wish we would live on a planet where we would have perfect software and only free open software20:43
vinceme may be still alive when such a day comes20:44
iconmefistoif it ever happens, the hardware will fail20:44
MartiiniWe were supposed to get internet2 ..20:44
Tm_Tvince: it's track "intensity" expressed in colours, see http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Moodbar#Screenshots20:45
vinceTm_T: That's great but i see no colors, it's grey as a day in England20:45
Tm_Tvince: problem is, you need to generate moodbar data manually, read the wikipage to know how20:45
Martiiniwhat software do ITER run? http://www.iter.org/mach/Pages/Tokamak.aspx20:48
vinceTm_T: Allright, thanks I didn't know that...anyway, its goin to be red and angry all the time since I listen to intense music :)20:48
Tm_Tvince: you can select the color palette in the settings (:20:48
vinceTm_T: (:20:49
xiven1Hey all21:19
xiven1I became aware of code libraries in the repositories, as well as complete cms systems. My question is, when I install one, they get installed into /usr/share/<packeg-or-software>, how am I supposed to use them? Do I create a symlink between /usr/share/... and /var/www/...?21:20
=== dismantr is now known as speredenn
vinceI can't help you, it's all jibberish to me21:21
vincesorry ;)21:21
Torchxiven1: define "code libraries"21:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Hello, How do i get rid of being inside of a CUBE  not a zoom out ? anymore21:25
xiven1Well, like there is wordpress, textpattern, and a library to have random images and stuff. The last one is a php lib21:25
Torchxiven1: i dunno how debian/ubuntu handles those things but symlinking from your document root might be a possible solution21:27
xiven1I assume you use Kubuntu?21:27
Torchxiven1: yes, as a desktop21:28
xiven1Same here.21:28
KenBW2I'm probably missng something obvious, but how do i add a music collection to amarok?21:30
TorchKenBW2: add the folders where your music is in the config in collection21:30
vinceKenBW2: Config21:30
KenBW2Torch, vince: i did that, but Local Music > Local Collection shows 0 tracks21:31
xiven1hi vince21:31
xiven1Did you see the question I asked above?21:31
vincexiven1: Hi21:31
vincexiven1:  Yes I did, but it's all jibberish to me, i'm a newly converted unix user21:32
xiven1Doesn't seem like too many help people are here right now21:32
vincewell, I think to many ppl are actually sleeping21:33
vinceI mean litteraly21:33
xiven1Too many of the developers/helpers live in the other side of the world heh21:33
vincewhere you from ?21:33
xiven1The U.S.21:34
vinceof America ? :p21:35
vinceEurope here, France21:35
vince10:30 PM here21:35
xiven1Actually, it sucks for me...I want to get into the development of linux/k-ubuntu, but I have no time.21:35
vinceno time to say goodbye before you leave either21:36
rorkno time to wait for some kind of answer...21:36
DT[AtWork]where does wine save programs?21:39
KenBW2DT[AtWork]: .wine/drive_c21:39
itguruKpackage kit crashes on me when attempting to update, is there a known bug out there, or do i need to log one?21:40
DT[AtWork]is that in root or in my user folder?21:40
pcfreak_how can I switch from netbook to desktop mode in netbook edition via shortcut or command line?21:41
itguruThe only bug i found, if from 200921:41
iconmefistoitguru: ubuntu-bug kpackagekit21:43
ilter_Hello. My ISP gives me dynamic IPs. So when it changes i need to learn new IP. Is there any tool which report new IP by e-mail or etc.?21:43
=== yatin is now known as smith00145
iconmefistoitguru: when you get to launchpad website, it will list relevant bugs so you can check if it's been reported21:45
smith00145i have migrate system from ubuntu to kubuntu... so i need rite repositories21:45
itguruiconmefisto, Cool, i guess i need to sign up to this thing...21:46
iconmefistosmith00145: repos are the same for all *buntus21:46
KenBW2smith00145: you mean like sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?21:46
iconmefistoitguru: launchpad? yes21:46
smith00145i have done that part21:46
iconmefistoitguru: you'll get email notifications when people respond21:47
smith00145installed kubuntu21:47
vinceToo bad Kubuntu doesn't have the ubuntu design21:48
vincelooks like a generic kde thing :/21:48
iconmefistoubuntu design?21:48
vinceI mean the colors, the logo etc21:49
vincedoesn't matter21:50
smith00145iconmefisto. when i press kpackagekit - other software - ppa.launchpad.net kubuntu / karmic main... as i am using lucid version21:51
=== piuzza is now known as piuzzetta
iconmefistovince: http://img707.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kubuntumenuq.png21:54
=== bellboug is now known as Eljay
vinceiconmefisto:  I like it :)21:57
itguruiconmefisto, Done, that's awesome :)21:58
jmichaelxiconmefisto: if your kubuntu icon has not been submitted as a canditate for an *official* kubuntu icon, it should be22:02
maurimy scanner canon lide 100 is not recognized by sane.... is there any other way to get it work22:20
ZaYnwhats a good document that covers linux basics such as the system structure and files etc.22:43
mauriZambezi: i have to know if i have to waste the scanner or not22:43
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:43
alex_____hi all22:43
alex_____the nvidia drive rin kubuntu lucid does not seem to install correctly22:44
alex_____is it a know bug in the beta?22:44
natmanZaYn: there are loads of books lke "the command line for beginners" that are good22:44
natmanZaYn: or try here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/free-ubuntu-linux-e-books.html22:45
apparleHow to increase the resolution of the command line23:06
BluesKaj-Laptopapparle, res or font size?23:08
apparleBluesKaj-Laptop: I mean the resolution in just after grub when splash and quiet are disabled23:09
iconmefistoapparle: there's an option in /etc/default/grub23:10
iconmefistoapparle: no, sorry. I think that just sets the resolution of the grub menu23:11
apparleiconmefisto: I set GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024..ya its only for menu23:11
apparleI remember using vga=791 in old grub23:12
iconmefistoapparle: try that, if it works, add it to /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT23:13
Ishbalei got a question23:13
apparleiconmefisto: It does work... but grub shows a warning that... its an old option, and tells what to do instead, but it goes so fast I can't read it :D23:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:14
iconmefistoapparle: or if you have ati graphics, add radeon.modeset=123:14
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:14
Ishbalei got ubuntu 9.10 and i have a wireless adaptor netgear wg111t wont work now i know if i hook it up to the wire i can get wireless to work but thats not an option how can i get my wireless netgear adaptor to work without use of the internet23:14
apparleiconmefisto: its not a graphics issue... I just need to set an option.... something like gfxpayload23:15
Ishbaleany ideas23:15
BluesKaj-Laptopapparle, you confused me when you mentioned the command line23:16
apparleexactly speaking... I want the replacement for vga=791 for grub 223:17
Ishbale<Ishbale> i got ubuntu 9.10 and i have a wireless adaptor netgear wg111t wont work now i know if i hook it up to the wire i can get wireless to work but thats not an option how can i get my wireless netgear adaptor to work without use of the internet23:17
apparleAll the messages which come while booting at 640x480... I want them at higher resolution...23:18
apparleBluesKaj-Laptop: iconmefisto: ^^23:18
Ishbaleis no one seeing my message23:19
apparleIshbale: If anyone knows the answer he will tell you... Please be patient23:19
mahmoudasking about drivers23:19
mahmoudi cant start audio caht in pidgin23:20
mahmoudbecause of my mirophone is disabled23:20
mahmoudany help please23:20
mahmoudany help ??23:23
FirerBluePlease How I create an ISO of the my distribution instaled?23:25
FirerBlueISO with boot23:26
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:28
iconmefistoapparle: what graphics card do you have? ati? nvidia? intel? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting23:28
FirerBlueok, I read all, thx23:29
mahmoudwhat about me ?23:29
apparleiconmefisto: I have ati, I am using radeon open source driver on 10.04 with KMS enabled.23:29
iconmefistoapparle: and you get 640x480 resolution?23:30
Ishbale<Ishbale> i got ubuntu 9.10 and i have a wireless adaptor netgear wg111t wont work now i know if i hook it up to the wire i can get wireless to work but thats not an option how can i get my wireless netgear adaptor to work without use of the internet23:30
apparleiconmefisto: you missed the point...23:30
iconmefistoapparle: you want higher resolution on the boot text, right?23:31
apparleiconmefisto: I want higher resolution while booting when splash is disabled (the initial booting messages).... the KDM works fine at 1280x102423:31
apparleiconmefisto: yes23:31
iconmefistoapparle: I have ati on lucid, my res during boot is 1280x80023:32
apparleiconmefisto: funny, I don't get that.23:32
FirerBlueNot is this, I want make a file ISO from my distrition.23:32
iconmefistoapparle: let me try with splash disabled. back soon23:33
apparleiconmefisto: also remove the quiet23:33
FirerBlueWhich is already installed on my computer.23:33
* Ishbale thinks fedora irc is more helpful23:36
iconmefistoapparle: still hi-res with splash removed. I have radeon.modeset=1 and GRUB_GFXMODE=1200x800 in /etc/default/grub23:38
iconmefistoapparle: it's got to be one of those23:38
geniimahmoud: You have some question or you just like typing question marks?23:38
mahmoudis there is any one here have time to help me ?23:38
genii!ask | mahmoud23:39
ubottumahmoud: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:39
mahmoudi cant use my camera and mic in pidgin but the mic work fine with empathy23:39
mahmoudshould i need to install any drievrs ??23:39
geniimahmoud: I'm pretty sure pidgin doesn't support video and voice23:40
apparleiconmefisto: I also have them but don't high res23:40
skimj1I've got a user 'klog' in my /etc/passwd file. I don't have any files or processes owned by that uid. Can I delete the user? (kubuntu specific?)23:40
mahmoudwhat about empathy ?23:40
geniimahmoud: since your mic works with it, at least voice23:41
mahmoudi can use my mic with others23:41
mahmoudgmail yahoo accounts23:42
mahmoudand it works fine23:42
mahmoudbut the camera never work23:42
geniimahmoud: Have you tried yet with kopete ?23:42
mahmoudwhat is kopete ?23:42
genii!info kopete23:43
apparle!info kopete23:43
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 5075 kB, installed size 17812 kB23:43
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 5075 kB, installed size 17812 kB23:43
mahmoudKDE Messanegr23:43
mahmoudi know it23:43
* genii slides apparle a coffee23:43
geniiInteresting that the bot replied twice23:43
* apparle has a sip of coffee23:44
Tm_Tgenii: because of lag, I'd assume23:44
geniimahmoud: Please do not private-message me23:46
mahmoudbut error message is big23:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:47
mahmoudthat is it using past.ubuntu.com23:48
* genii points mahmoud at the URL in the paste http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support23:52
mahmoudNot Found23:52
genii!info libjasper123:54
ubottulibjasper1 (source: jasper): The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.900.1-6 (karmic), package size 148 kB, installed size 360 kB23:54

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