
IiLuminatedsome project got open sourced http://code.google.com/p/macaw/ and http://drpetter.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=musagi&action=display&thread=8201:19
* mwhudson lunches03:06
lifelessis there a standard environment variable for selecting EDGE/STAGING for API clients ?03:29
thumpertoday seems to be full of fail04:10
thumpermwhudson: do you know of a list like object that is fed by a generator but reusable?04:17
* thumper tries something04:18
mwhudsonthumper: there might be something in itertools04:19
thumpermwhudson: look sane enough? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/412900/04:29
thumpermwhudson: if I were to put that into the launchpad tree, where should it go?04:30
lifelessthumper: so, queued status doesn't seem to have any major side effects04:31
lifelessthumper: are you happy with my using that on production ?04:31
thumperif you break it, you fix it, how does that sound?04:31
lifelessI'm not in the DBA group anymore04:32
lifelessor I'd say yes,04:32
lifelessthumper: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/561160 would seem to be a blocker04:34
mupBug #561160: API: 'Code failed to merge' setting doesn't work <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/561160>04:34
thumperlifeless: heh04:35
thumperlifeless: convince jml that queues are a priority and I'll get it all working04:35
lifelessthumper: slack time :)04:37
lifelessthumper: do you have any thoughts about 561160 ?04:37
mwhudsonthumper: looks neat enough, probably lp.services.utils04:40
thumpermwhudson: I've added an extra fix for when it hits completion04:40
thumpermwhudson: shorter and simpler than the active state example04:40
lifelessthumper: and your thoughts were ?04:41
thumperlifeless: it is a trivial fix04:41
lifelessthumper: does that imply you'll do the trivial fix ?04:45
thumpernot right now, no04:45
thumperI'm in the middle of three other things04:45
lifelessOh, I wasn't meaning instantly04:45
thumperin which case, yes probably04:47
lifelessis https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting still accurate about the supported versions?05:05
wgrantIt's Hardy, Jaunty, Karmic, and Lucid most of the time, though it sometimes breaks for a few hours, and two tests fail.05:07
lifelessso the page is stale ?05:08
wgrantIn that Lucid should probably be added? Yes.05:09
lifelessugh wow05:12
lifeless650MB of pacakes rocketfuel-setup wants to isntall05:12
wgrantlifeless: Disable Recommends installation.05:13
wgrant(add '-o Apt::Install-Recommends=false' to the apt-get command-line)05:14
lifelessdoes that work for aptitude command line too ?05:14
jtvhi folks05:15
wgrantMorning jtv.05:15
lifelessmuch better05:16
lifelessperhaps that should be in rocketfuel-setup ?05:16
wgrantPatches welcome :P05:18
spmwgrant: I have to ask. how long have you been waiting to throw that line back at lifeless? ;-) months? years...?05:22
wgrantspm: Heh heh.05:22
spmmust have worked. he's speechless. /me records the moment for posterity. something to tell the grandkids. "Yes, I was there when lifeless was rendered speechless."05:23
wgrantBut yes, seriously, I can't think of a reason not to have it in there.05:24
spmsounds good to me as well; if anyone cares...05:25
lifelesswgrant: rs=lifeless05:27
lifelessspm: what were you saying about speechless? :P05:27
spmlifeless: it depends on the person. so eg wgrant speechless == > 2-3 hours; you, 10-15 mins. me 2-3 seconds. it depends.05:28
jtvlifeless: stop pretending... the "rs" means you weren't really reviewing.  You were speechless.05:28
wgrantrs='really speechless'?05:28
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mwhudsonthumper: http://staging.launchpadlibrarian.net/42124669/mwhudson-linux-trunk.log <- log with my latest branch from the kernel import06:52
thumpermwhudson: it still took over an hour to get the branch?06:53
mwhudson"Getting exising bzr branch from central store." step took an hour :(06:54
mwhudsonthumper: looks like it06:54
thumper2010-04-12 03:04:41 INFO    29134781 bytes transferred | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream06:54
thumper2010-04-12 03:27:01 INFO    Fetching revisions:Finishing stream06:54
mwhudsonthere's 20 minutes at the end of that step without output, dunno what's happening there06:54
thumperwhat happens there?06:54
mwhudsonthumper: jinx!06:54
* thumper EODs06:55
thumpergood work though06:55
mwhudsonthumper: the import should complete overnight, i think06:56
mwhudsonthen we can see how long the scanner takes to process it, that'll be good for a laugh06:57
wgrantWhy does the 'N bytes transferred' not increase? Is that only the volume transferred between messages?07:00
mwhudsonwgrant: something like that yes07:00
mwhudsoni actually forget the details07:00
lifelessmwhudson: repack on the server07:07
lifelessmwhudson: perhaps07:07
mwhudsonlifeless: it's fetching over sftp07:08
lifelessmwhudson: ok, not that then.07:08
wgrantIs the slowness also perhaps attributable to strawberry being slow?07:08
mwhudsonwgrant: some of it, yeah07:09
lifelessspm: is there a standard for LP API credential files for services you maintain ?07:35
spmlifeless: I'm not sure I appreciate the question? we deal with SSL certs - so I suspect you mean something else. Client side by implication? if Y, not that I'm aware of. we/losas have very little interaction with the API's.07:36
lifelessspm: oauth cred files07:36
lifelessspm: e.g. PQM, tarmac, other scripts that run and speak to LP API's07:37
lifelessdo you like to have the cached credentials files that they need in some specific place ?07:37
spmshort answer is they don't talk to the LP api's - again aiui; they're using ssh specific keys where we need to split user access. ???07:38
lifelessspm: ok, weirdd ;)07:38
spmlegacy? :-)07:38
spmkeep in mind we were having to do this stuff before the api's existed.07:38
spmactually i can only think of 1 method where we do access the api's - killing spam in bugs - and that's a pita to use.07:39
spmPIA, more from a work flow perspective. request: "pls delete spam <url>" so we click on the url; verify it's spam. ssh to server X; sudo; setup api env; lookup docco on how to do this... ; run funky api command/login; disabled spam. Yukness.07:41
lifelessspm: yes, I hate that too.07:41
spmi personally find it easier to switch to DB and do it in sql... less faffing around.07:41
lifelessspm: however, it is the blessed be official way to do stuff07:42
lifelessspm: I figure documenting the path the creds file at should make it marginally easier07:42
spmtho - from a pqm/etc perspective where we are scripting large amounts of "stuff" - there may be a case to do stuff in the API.... hrm....07:42
lifelessspm: but perhaps you should also have a LP bug07:42
lifeless'create credentials for remote server with no browser hurts my bwain'07:43
spmI am a sysadmni of very little brain, so the hurt is correspondingly smaller07:43
lifelessspm: will it break you if I have a new PQM to deploy tomorrow that used LP API's ?07:43
lifelessspm: we'd like to attach the error messages so that everyone can see the failure, not just the person that hit the big green button.07:44
spmfor bzr? probably - or rather *possibly*. we'd need to split the other users on the same box. I don't anticipate major drams.07:44
lifelessspm: shouldn't need to split any users07:44
lifelessspm: I can make the creds file a PQM config option07:44
spmahh, k.07:45
lifelessspm: this is why I'm discussing it with you07:45
lifelessspm: to know what you need07:45
spmI'd want to ok with the 2nd group - we can't break them. Tho I suspect they'd be sympathetic.07:45
lifelessthey are ?07:45
spmU1 :-)07:45
lifelessI'll mail statik now07:46
spmLS are configured, but not activly using07:46
spmlifeless: cc losas@ pls too. if only so the other guys get a heads up.07:46
lifelessc.c ?07:46
lifelesswith or without s ?07:46
spmwith :-)07:47
lifelessI have both in my mail client :P07:47
spmha. wonder if without works....07:47
spmAhh that may go to just tom. as that's his title: losa of the losa's (apostrophe for clarity)07:48
lifelessoh man07:48
spmthe 'l' is severely overloaded these days07:48
lifelessdon't say that aloud07:48
spmheh, esp in a bad kiwi accent?07:48
lifelessrunning make schema I get08:00
lifelessImportError: No module named tickcount08:00
lifelessin a new setup following the current dev howto08:00
lifelesson lucid08:00
lifelessany advice ?08:00
noodles775lifeless: yep, I think you're missing python-support from the launchpad ppa?08:15
adeuringgood morning08:21
al-maisanGood morning noodles775 and adeuring08:22
adeuringhi al-maisan, hi noodles775!08:22
noodles775Hi al-maisan and adeuring08:22
=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
mwhudsonholy ****: the kernel import completed!08:40
mwhudsonspm: is the puller running on tellurium, or is it broked by the config changes?08:41
spmi'd have thought the fix universal on tellurium... checking...08:42
mwhudsonit which case it probably is actually running08:42
spmahh. the failed staging restores leave the maint file in place08:43
jelmermwhudson: \o/08:43
spmmwhudson: should be working again RSN08:43
spmmwhudson: which server? pear? or strawberry?08:44
mwhudsonspm: strawberry08:45
spmholy ****!!!08:45
mwhudsoni guess the first pull will take ~1 hour08:45
spmmwhudson: can we remove that bug report from against jelmer now this is working? :-P08:45
* mwhudson really has to go eat before his stomach implodes08:46
lifelessnoodles775: isn't rocketfuel-setup meant to do that ?08:47
lifelessnoodles775: I have the PPA python-support08:47
lifelesswhere should I file a bug saying that the python-tickccount package wasn't brought in ?08:47
noodles775lifeless: yes it should, and I think a bug was reported recently... hopefully you'll find it :)08:48
* noodles775 has a quick look08:48
maxbIs launchpad-developer-dependencies actually still installed?08:48
maxbMost (all?) of the problems people seem to be having are with the ubuntu upgrader removing it08:49
lifeless  Installed: 0.7108:49
lifelessmaxb: this is a fresh developer configuration in a new vm08:49
maxblaunchpad-dependencies: Depends: .... python2.5-tickcount ...08:50
lifelessthats broken08:50
lifelessshould be python-tickcount08:50
maxbno, really, it's correct08:51
lifelesspython version deps went out back before hardy08:51
lifeless$ apt-cache search -- -tickcount08:51
lifelesspython-tickcount - a python module to access the python interpreter tickcount.08:51
lifelessthere is a provides -08:51
lifelessProvides: python2.6-tickcount08:51
maxbHuh... sounds like you don't have the PPA version08:52
lifelessI have the PPA version08:52
maxbwell that should provide python2.5-tickcount and python2.6-tickcount08:52
lifelesslucid doesn't have python 2.508:53
maxbyes, that's why we have a PPA08:53
maxbVersion: 0.1-0ubuntu10launchpad108:53
maxbProvides: python2.5-tickcount, python2.6-tickcount08:53
lifelessapt-cache policy launchpad-dependencies08:54
lifeless  Installed: 0.7108:54
lifeless *** 0.71 008:54
lifeless        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/launchpad/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages08:54
lifeless        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status08:54
* maxb is very confused08:54
maxbunless your system actually has broken dependencies right now08:55
lifelessnot according to apt08:55
lifelessnoodles775: if its reported then I'm fine; I know how to install thigns ;)08:56
noodles775lifeless: didn't find a bug, just this thread: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg03109.html08:57
lifelessoh ugh09:05
lifelessurl generation is kindof annoying when working with a vm09:05
lifelessnoodles775: is there a FAQ about this - static ip address for the VM + etc/hosts on the host os ?09:05
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
wgrantlifeless: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/RemoteAccess?09:07
lifelessmdns would be interesting09:08
wgrantbigjools: Morning.09:20
bigjoolsmorning wgrant09:20
wgrantbigjools: If you have time, can you please at some point do the necessary RT- or LOSA-wrangling to get the PPA log parser script running?09:22
bigjoolswgrant: I'll get to it when time allows, I have >1000 new emails to plough through :/09:23
wgrantbigjools: Eeep. That is a few.09:23
bigjoolsthis is why having bots send email should not be allowed09:24
bigjoolswgrant: I'm not fully up to speed with that buildd bug I pasted you a week ago, how was it fixed?09:29
wgrantbigjools: lamont hadn't run 'debian/rules package' lately, so lib/canonical/buildd's copy of buildd-slave.py (which actually lives in daemons/) was out of date.09:31
bigjoolswgrant: ok, how can we avoid that problem in future?09:31
wgrantbigjools: Split lp-buildd into a separate tree.09:31
wgrantThe same thing can happen with tachandler.09:31
wgrantBut I believe production is all nice and up to date now.09:32
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wgrantOoh. staging's linux import is scanning.10:06
wgrantOh, no, still mirroring.10:06
mwhudsonspm: say10:12
mwhudsonspm: is there a mirror-branch.py process on tellurium that's been running for ages?10:13
wgrantHas it been at it for an hour and a half, or am I misreading?10:14
mwhudsonwgrant: potentially, yeah10:14
wgrant(judging by last_mirror_attempt)10:15
mwhudsonoh that's set is it?10:15
wgrant2010-04-12 07:44:04.505438+00:0010:15
mwhudsonthen yes, it probably has been running for 1.5 hours10:15
mwhudsonor it crashed10:15
mwhudsonwgrant: is mirror_status_message set?10:16
wgrantmwhudson: ah, yes, KeyboardInterrupt.10:16
wgrantI forgot that was exposed.10:16
wgrantThat's a timeout, right?10:16
mwhudsonhey bzr guys: make 2a fetch faster pls10:17
wgrant2a fetch really sucks at the moment.10:17
wgrantDidn't it only take an hour to copy over sftp from tellurium to strawberry?10:17
wgrantSo a local smart fetch should suck even less.10:17
mwhudsonthe timeout is lower for the puller10:18
mwhudsonthough i'm surprised there's no activity at all10:18
deryckMorning, all.11:00
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wgrantI am getting a test failure in lib/lp/registry/stories/webservice/xx-distribution.txt in both devel and db-devel, with clean DBs.13:48
james_wwhat's the failure?13:49
james_wwgrant: I see it too14:01
wgrantjames_w: Uhoh.14:02
wgrantAnyone have a Hardy machine to try it on?14:02
james_wnot to hand14:03
james_wwgrant: the patch is getting 400, but not checking this14:21
wgrantjames_w: No obvious reason that this would be Lucid-specific?14:22
james_wI'd be looking at other things, such as whether buildbot is even running these tests14:23
wgrantAgain. Yay.14:24
wgrantAnd EC2, of course... anyone have a recent EC2 log?14:24
wgrantIn the other couple of cases I've seen this happen, the test failure was obvious in the log.14:25
james_whmm, one thing14:25
james_wwhat is happening is that the patch request is checking whether status == 'Official', which is being set in the same request14:25
james_wso if hardy/lucid differ in the order or something there then that will be the cause14:26
james_wwgrant: lazr.restful attempts to process the fields in a deterministic order, so that probably isn't the immediate cause14:49
james_woh no, I lied, it attempts to do it in one place, but then not in another14:50
james_wgot it, filing a bug14:55
=== barry` is now known as barry_
james_wbug 56152115:07
mupBug #561521: Success of PATCH request dependent on dict iteration order <lazr.restful:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/561521>15:07
wgrantjames_w: Aha! Thanks for tracking that down.15:07
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stubIs the GPG tests under Lucid issue still blocked?15:50
jelmerstub: there's a branch playing in ec2 at the moment15:52
jelmerstub: ... after I landed a branch earlier that takes care of upgrading non-rich-root bzr branches in sourcecode/15:53
deryckadeuring, let me know if we need to do a pre-imp about Bug 333521.16:20
mupBug #333521: Enable bugs expiration for Ubuntu <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/333521>16:20
adeuringderyck: yeah. that would be grat16:20
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adiroibanhi. in pages.py, what is the difference between test.globs['public_webservice'] and test.globs['user_webservice'] ?17:03
bigjoolsanonymous vs logged-in at a guess17:07
adiroibanbigjools: what is a „guess” ? We also have user_webservice, where 'cprov' is the logged in user.17:11
adiroibancan we have users authenticated using OAuth, but without an account on Launchpad ?17:12
bigjoolsadiroiban: looking at the code, it's a read-only version of 'webservice' where the user logged in is "salgado"17:13
bigjoolsuser_webservice is nopriv, not cprov AFAICS17:13
adiroibanbigjools: yes.17:17
adiroibanbut should we have public_webservice binded to nopriv17:18
allenapleonardr: Can I ask a couple of questions about lazr.restful (and client)? First, can a collection return a heterogeneous mix of objects? Second, is it possible to choose what interface is used when exposing an individual object?17:18
bigjoolsadiroiban: possibly, I don't know enough about all the tests that use it17:18
bigjoolsat least it would be nice to rename17:19
leonardrallenap: you can only return a mix of objects if they all implement the same base interface (ie. Person/Team)17:19
adiroibanand user_webservice to salgado ?17:19
allenapleonardr: If I had a compelling use-case, would it be possible to allow mixed types in collections?17:21
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leonardrallenap: it might be a lot of work. it could be as simple as just not specifying the collection type in the wadl, but i don't know what effects that would have17:22
leonardri don't know what you mean by exposing a specific object. you probably don't mean annotating that object's class's interface, but all the published interefaces are created when the classes are annotated17:22
allenapleonardr: Perhaps I should explain my idea. Bug tasks can come in three forms: conjoined master, conjoined slave and not conjoined. A conjoined master and a non-conjoined bug task are functionally the same, but a slave is basically immutable, and can only be modified via its master.17:24
allenapleonardr: It's confusing at the moment because some bug tasks are editable and some aren't. (There's more detail in bug 556515.)17:25
mupBug #556515: OOPS when editing conjoined bugtasks via API <oops> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/556515>17:25
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allenapleonardr: An idea was to return, from searchTasks(), a heterogeneous list of bug tasks. When the bug task is a slave, it would annotate the object such that lazr.restfulclient would only materialize a read-only object, without mutator methods too.17:27
leonardrallenap: do you have separate launchpad interfaces for slave and non-slave bug tasks, or is the difference encapsulated in code?17:30
allenapleonardr: It's currently encapsulated in code. Both slaves and masters and others are BugTask objects. I was thinking I could (not sure where) add a provided interface to slaves. Not sure if I could remove existing implemented-by-the-class interfaces via an object though.17:32
leonardralleenap: the capabilities of an entry resource are described by a wadl form17:34
leonardrspecifically we have a 'resource type' for every kind of resource we publish17:34
leonardrif you want to publish a bug task-like resource that doesn't have any editable fields, either you will need to cause a new entry resource for that kind of thing to be created17:35
leonardror we will need to make it possible to describe a particular entry resource with a 'resource' stanza specific to that resource instead of a  'resource_type' stanza17:35
* allenap goes to look at the Launchpad WADL.17:36
leonardrallenap: it's a machine-readable version of the apidoc17:37
leonardrevery section in the apidoc ('bugs', 'bugtask', etc) corresponds to a resource_type17:37
leonardrso we're talking about adding a 'slave_bugtask' on a par with 'bugtask'17:37
leonardrthe alternative is to have something that's not mentioned in the apidoc and you only discover at runtime17:38
allenapleonardr: I think having a slave_bugtask would be better. If I defined an ISlaveBugTask interface, annotated it appropriately, I guess lazr.restul* would DTRT with it when handed over the wire.17:41
allenapleonardr: With objects providing it I mean.17:41
leonardrallenap: it should, you can use IPerson/ITeam as an example17:42
allenapleonardr: Of course, that's perfect. I have to go now to pick up my daughter. I'll be back later probably, but not for a few hours. Thanks for your help!17:43
leonardrall right17:43
maxbHrm, I just AJAX-commented on a bug, and where my comment was supposed to appear in the page, I got "[object Object]" instead18:12
maxb(on edge)18:12
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* maxb stumbles across a cheeky use of http://launchpad.net/api/ in Ubuntu's python-software-properties18:28
maxbThough given the alternative is oauth shenanigans, I find it hard to blame them18:29
maxbThough this does raise the question of how long /api/beta is going to work for18:31
leonardrmaxb, can you give me some data?18:36
leonardrwe are planning to eol /beta/ at the same time as karmic, but that requires changing all existing karmic packages, and i didn't know about python-software-properties until just now18:36
leonardrmaxb, do you know who is responsible for that package or did you just stumble across it?18:38
leonardrthere's nothing in there that couldn't be replaced with launchpadlib.login_anonymously()18:38
maxbI just stumbled across it whilst thinking "I wonder how add-apt-repository ppa:blah/blah figures out the key"18:39
leonardrok, i need to talk to the maintainer18:39
maxbmvo appears to be the most frequent recent uploader18:40
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maxbIs anyone aware of AJAX bug commenting being semi-broken on edge right now?18:43
maxbah yes, bug 54199318:44
mupBug #541993: Adding comments to a bug shows [Object object] instead of comment <javascript> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/541993>18:44
jmlg'night all19:06
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marsbac, ping, question about 'ec2 land' for you.20:29
bachi mars20:30
marshi bac.  Reading your mail to the list on 10/09/2009 about ec2 land20:30
marsit says "The merge proposal must have a commit message set.  If it doesn't you can use '--commit-text' to set it."20:30
marsbac, where would I find the "--commit-text" switch?20:30
marsbac, and is this documented on the wiki?20:31
bacec2 land --help20:31
bacmars: and my statement is a bit misworded.  using that switch will supply the commit message for the landing but does not affect the merge proposal20:32
marsah, I did that, saw "-s  blankblankthisisnotwhatIwant".  My bad.20:32
marsbac, thanks20:33
marsbac, I looked on https://dev.launchpad.net/EC2Test and did not see the command.  Is it documented elsewhere?20:33
marsbac, fwiw, I think that page needs rework anyway.  It is outdated, and does not have enough examples.20:34
james_wplease merge with/improve https://dev.launchpad.net/LandingChanges20:34
bacmars: i don't know if it is documented on the wiki or not20:34
bacmars: i can look later20:35
marsjames_w, great! thanks for the pointer20:35
marsjames_w, looking at that page, does 'lp-land' also require a commit message on the merge proposal?20:36
james_wyes, I believe so20:36
marsbac, james_w's page has some 'ec2 land' instructions on it.20:37
james_wand doesn't appear to have a way to override ir20:37
james_w"./utilities/ec2 help land" should probably be on those pages20:38
marswell, I don't know if you need the exact text, but "common examples" would be nice.  Like the wget and curl man pages have.20:38
james_wI meant a pointer to the help20:39
marsah, yes20:40
james_wbut yes, it was just me writing down what I learnt to save the next person having to learn it from scratch. If everyone else did the same it would be great.20:40
marsjames_w, I had to troll the list archives with thunderbird to pull the same info you have on this page.20:41
marsguess which is more convenient :)20:41
bacmars, james_w: the page is a nice start.  i think the part where it talks about using 'ec2 land' to land someone else's branch is wrong in that you supply the URL to the MP not a reference to the branch.  perhaps both work?  (i always use the MP url)20:47
james_wI think both work20:47
james_wprovided there is only a single merge proposal for the branch. Changing it to suggest the merge proposal way first would be good20:47
marsbac, do you think your "ec2 land" pre-conditions should be added?  Or does the command do a good enough job of telling you that something needs to be fixed?20:48
bacmars: it'll complain20:48
marsbac, such as, I try "ec2 land" on an unapproved branch, and it will abort, and helpfully suggest I use "--force" if I am desperate?20:49
bacmars: yes, i believe it does.20:49
bacusing --force is not uncommon since many reviewers don't change the final state of the MP20:49
marscool.  Self-documenting is nice.  Saves wiki words :)20:50
bacmars: for example:20:53
bac.../bac/launchpad/lp-branches/bug-559200> utilities/ec2 land20:53
bacec2: ERROR: Commit text not specified. Use --commit-text, or specify a message on the merge proposal.20:53
bacmars: that's all jml's work20:55
marsbac, do you know what level of OAuth access ec2 land requires?20:55
bacread-only i would assume20:56
bacthough i'm in the bad habit of clicking on the last button out of habit20:56
marsbac, "read anything" then.  Depends on what "Private data" is.20:56
marsthat is a problem with OAuth20:57
marsit is up to the site implementer to make a sane, helpful UI20:57
marsand personally, I don't think the Launchpad OAuth page, or the lander itself, bothered to tell me what level of access they require20:58
marsduplicate that potential problem across every OAuth app out there :/20:59
maxbBest I could figure out from the code, "private" actually meant the same as it did in the rest of the UI - i.e. private bugs, branches, etc.21:03
marsI wonder if there is some way for the client application to pass a string to the user saying, "If you give me access level X, I can activate capability Y"21:04
marsSo I hit the OAuth landing page,21:04
marsand it says "Public Read Only: allows the lander to submit public branches to EC2"21:05
mars"Private Read Only: allows the lander to submit private branches to EC2"21:05
mars"Read and Write Anything: not required"21:05
marsmaybe you could pass a "do not use" hint instead of a string, and the landing page can disable the last button as a courtesy to the user.21:07
marsmaxb, if that is the case, then I hope it is easy to change the OAuth level after the fact :)21:08
maxbOnly by redoing the whole auth dance21:08
maxbmars: An application can tell launchpad to display only a subset of the buttons21:09
SlonUAcould u point me the place where i can change path for 'lp://dev/' ...  i need bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.dev:5022/ instead just 'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.dev/'21:24
maxbJust type that explicitly. lp: is just a shortcut21:26
=== EdwinGrubbs2 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
SlonUAmaxb: i see.. but for example if i have mapped branch to series then lp://dev/<project> show me .. whole branch ....21:37
SlonUAmaxb: yes i don't care i can work with full path .. but it's intresting .. also u can have dynamic branches for project =)21:38
wgrantleonardr: launchpadlib is not really usable for that sort of application.22:57
wgrantIt takes forever to import and start, and downloads a lot of unnecessary stuff.22:58
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
leonardrwgrant: understood, but if you don't use launchpadlib you also need to take responsibility for keeping your client up to date. i can't rely on knowing which ubuntu packages don't use launchpadlib but secretly depend on the web service23:32
sinzuithumper, ping23:48

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