
andolCan't seem to push code to staging, due to ssh errors03:47
andol"ssh: connect to host bazaar.staging.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused"03:47
lifelessthere isn't a staging codehost as far as I know. IMBW03:47
lifelessmwhudson: thumper; ^03:47
thumperthere should be03:48
thumperalthough staging codehosting is a massive pile of ghostly images03:49
thumpermost branches aren't really there03:49
thumperalthough pushing a new branch should work03:49
thumperas long as there isn't a development focus branch03:49
thumperotherwise it'll try to stack on something non-existant03:49
andolthumper: Ok, preparing a Launchpad workshop, where I will be using a bogus project and a few bogus teams. Figured I'd use staging, to keep the real Launchpad "clean".03:51
thumperandol: nice03:51
thumperandol: you realise that the staging db gets blown away periodically?03:51
thumperwhen is the workshop?03:51
andolthumper: tonight, 17:30-20 CEST03:52
thumperspm: when is the next staging db replacement?03:52
andolgetting the results blown away is just fine, as long as it doesn't happen in the middle of the workshop :)03:53
thumperspm: and codehosting on staging appears down03:53
gjditchfI tried uploading to my ppa, and got this in my e-mail:03:54
gjditchfFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.03:54
gjditchfTerse.  Where do I look to figure out what went wrong?03:54
spmthumper: no idea. it's been breaking a lot lately; haven't had a chance to followup on that today; staging codehosting has been breaking the past week - same03:54
thumperspm: hmm...03:54
andolthumper, spm: In that case, perhaps I don't want to use staging for tonights workshop? How untidy is it if a register a couple of projects and teams just to today, and removes them afterwards?03:55
thumperandol: teams normally live forever :)03:56
thumperandol: do you not have a pet project to use?03:57
persiaSHould https://api.launchpad.net/ return something useful?  I had expected documentation.03:58
spmthumper: actually - teams don't; projects do. ex-teams get merged to oblivion.03:58
thumperpersia: try http://dev.launchpad.net/API03:59
spmpersia: or even https://api.launchpad.net/--help (boom tish)03:59
persiaThat redirected me to https://help.launchpad.net/API which redirected me to http://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc03:59
andolthumper: Well, will be showing of a few well chosens projects, Likewise the main plan was to start a new project, with bug tracking, translation, etc.04:00
lifelessthumper: staging oopses04:00
persiaAwww... :(04:00
lifelessthumper: where does one find them ?04:00
lifelessthumper: https://staging.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/trivial/+merge/21998 I did make it go boom04:00
thumperlifeless: devpad04:00
lifelessactually looks like staging librarian is down?04:00
spmthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/30406/ istr this was something we had an evi lhacky fix for last week....04:01
thumperspm: oh FFS, that's me04:01
thumperspm: sorry04:01
lifelessthumper: https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/+activereviews seems to handle a 'queued' proposal ok04:01
lifelessthumper: though it doesn't show as 'approved ready to land'04:02
thumperlifeless: that is because they aren't approved ;-)04:02
lifelessthumper: would you like bugs?04:02
thumperlifeless: they are queued04:02
lifelessthumper: they show as 'other reviews you could do'04:02
thumperif it really is, it is a bug04:02
lifelesstell me which one is 'queued' on that page04:03
spmthumper: ah yes. here's the ahck we used: https://pastebin.canonical.com/30343/ and staging codehost should be live again.04:03
thumperlifeless: queued proposals would not show on +activereviews04:03
lifelessspm: I can has staging librarian ?04:03
lifelessthumper: it does04:03
spmlifeless: that's underway as you request :-)04:03
lifelessspm: thanks!04:04
thumperlifeless: which one?04:04
lifelessthumper: its ~mbp/trivial04:04
thumperexcept that blows up04:05
lifelessthumper: librarian causes that04:05
thumperyeah, that's bad04:05
lifelessthumper: I'm talking about it's rendering on +activereviews for now.04:05
spmlifeless: the staging librarian is working. ???04:05
lifelessspm: I can't get any MP on staging04:05
lifelessspm https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~ian-clatworthy/bzr/py2exe-534548/+merge/2219304:05
lifeless    *04:05
spmrephrase. it's up and responding as expected. working is a diff beastie....04:05
lifeless    * Module lp.code.model.diff, line 73, in text04:05
lifeless      self.diff_text.open()04:05
lifeless    * Module canonical.launchpad.database.librarian, line 108, in open04:05
lifeless      self._datafile = self.client.getFileByAlias(self.id, timeout)04:05
lifeless    * Module canonical.librarian.client, line 348, in getFileByAlias04:06
lifeless      raise LookupError, aliasID04:06
lifelessLookupError: 42032767<br />04:06
lifelessjust checked an LP MP on staging; same symptoms04:07
spmwag here - the staging db is *old* - if this is stuff that needs a new replica, is possible weirdness is happening???04:08
lifelessthumper: ^04:08
spmI'm guessing based on it being a 'lookup' error....04:09
thumperlifeless: same error for a new proposal?04:10
thumperlifeless: link plz04:10
lifelessI'll try a new proposal, sec04:10
lifelessthumper: +activereviews status04:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561157 in launchpad-code "'queued' merge proposals are unclear on +activereviews" [Undecided,New]04:12
lifelessthumper: ok, https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/conflict-manager/+merge/22274 is new and works04:12
lifelessthumper: queuing up https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/conflict-manager/+merge/2227404:13
lifelessspm: thanks, was old data yes. new mps work ok04:14
lifelessthumper: https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/conflict-manager/+merge/22274 - shows 'queued' ok04:14
spmlifeless: \o/   I'm mildly terrified that my wag was accurate. clearly i've been here too long. ;-)04:14
thumperlifeless: and isn't in bzr/+activereviews04:15
thumperlifeless: is in the branch one though04:15
lifelessthumper: right04:16
andolHmm, regarding the staging codehosting. Seems that I now can push, branch, etc fine using the bzr client. Yet when I try to view the changes on the web I just the the "Updating branch...", "availible in few minutes" etc even after having waiten quite a bit more than just a few minutes.04:37
lifelessspm: ^04:44
thumperandol: scripts use different configs, and run at much slower intervals than production05:25
andolthumper: interval config on staging? (still waiting for update)05:27
thumperandol: I think scanning happens every 10 minutes05:27
andolWell, since I did the push about an hour ago, and still don't see the result...05:28
thumperandol: scanner is probably broken05:35
thumperspm: ping05:35
spmthumper: yo05:35
thumpercan you sync the staging logs please05:35
spmthumper: done05:36
thumperspm: same config fubar for asuka05:43
spmone sec.05:44
thumperspm: FWIW I'm landing a db-devel branch that un-stuffs it05:44
thumperspm: reverting a previous delete of mine05:44
thumpermwhudson: want to review a trival patch?05:44
pooliewhat browsers are supported for launchpad these days?05:48
mwhudsonthumper: sure05:48
pooliedoes it have to be a modern ajaxy one, or do we still support text mode things as a fallback?05:48
persiaI use w3m regularly to work around misfeatures in the AJAX UI05:49
wgrantI believe all AJAX is meant to have fallback.05:49
wgrantThough for some things like bug subscriber lists that seems to have been forgotten.05:49
persiaYou can still get it, but it requires significant URL hacking.05:50
spmthumper: that's applied05:50
thumperspm: ta05:50
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dickelbeckHi, I need help please.07:06
dickelbeckbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-67241552:///~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/testing/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport07:07
dickelbeckI get the above error trying to do a bzr commit07:07
lifelessyou've done a checkout without being logged in, or of a branch you cannot commit to.07:08
lifelesseither change to a local branch, or switch to a branch you can commit to.07:08
spivIt's an import branch.07:08
spiv(although the import is suspended, but that doesn't affect permissions)07:09
dickelbeckwe asked that it be converted to a non-import branch07:09
spivHmm, it appears that hasn't happened yet.07:09
dickelbeckperhaps I did not state the request appropriately enough.07:10
spivYeah, I think there was probably some confusion.07:10
spivFor a Launchpad dev, asking for an import to "stop" doesn't mean converting the branch from an import to being hosted natively on LP07:11
spivIt means asking the importer to stop updating it, but leave the branch otherwise unchanged.07:11
dickelbecknow that you know what I need, how can I get it done?07:12
spivSo, ask another question (or reopen that one?) asking for it to be converted to a hosted branch, so that you can commit to it directly.07:12
mwhudsonby far the easiest way to achieve that is just to push up a new hosted branch07:12
spivmwhudson: gosh it would be nice if this stuff was more self-service *hint-hint* ;)07:12
dickelbeckThere are quite a few developers affected by this.  We have some faqs that name the branch in help text.07:14
dickelbeckIf we push a new branch, can I somehow preserve the documented name?07:15
wgrantYou can rename the old one and push a new one in its place.07:15
mwhudsondickelbeck: the import branch can be renamed out of the way, or even deleted07:15
dickelbeckso first rename lp:kicad to notused, then push to lp:kicad from the local up to date branch?07:17
mwhudsondickelbeck: yes, although if you just want "lp:kicad" to keep working, that's easier07:18
dickelbeckwhat is easier than what? sorry.07:19
mwhudsondickelbeck: it's easy to change which branch "lp:kicad" refers to07:19
mwhudsonso if your faq just says "lp:kicad" then this is all easy07:19
mwhudsondickelbeck: if the faq says "~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/testing", then that's not so easy07:20
mwhudson(although it's not very hard either)07:20
dickelbeckOk, so lp:kicad is like a symlink, and if I really need "testing" then I have to go deeper with the renaming.07:21
mwhudsondickelbeck: right07:25
dickelbeckbzr push lp:~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing07:28
dickelbeckUsing default stacking branch /~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/testing at lp-67241552:///~kicad-testing-committers/kicad07:28
dickelbeckCreated new stacked branch referring to /~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/testing.07:28
dickelbeckwondering now if because it is stacked, can I delete the original?07:29
mwhudsondickelbeck: oh argh07:37
mwhudsondickelbeck: run "bzr reconfigure --unstacked lp:~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing"07:38
mwhudson(if you have a new enough bzr)07:38
mwhudsondickelbeck: if that doesn't work, stick this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/412953/ in a file and run "python file-name lp:~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing"07:40
mwhudsondickelbeck: or i can do this for you07:40
dickelbeckthe reconfigure seems to be working, I have Karmic.07:41
mwhudsonok cool07:43
dickelbeckmwhudson: I have 2 other branches that fit the same problem.  Solve the other 2 the same way?07:45
mwhudsondickelbeck: yeah07:45
dickelbecktoo bad that the push does not have an --unstacked option.07:47
dickelbeckI have bzr version 2.1.107:49
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: henninge | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
mwhudsondickelbeck: i think 2.2 will have that option07:51
mwhudsonhm, maybe i imagined that07:51
dickelbeckdoes 2.2 exist already?07:52
dickelbeckbzr 2.1.1 has an option --stacked for the push command, suggesting its absence would mean non-stacked.  I think this is a bug frankly.07:53
lifelessdickelbeck: there is a bug open for this07:55
lifelessdickelbeck: it is a bug that you can't manually force it off; however the default is correct - follow server policy with no policy meaning non-stacked.07:56
dickelbeckbzr reconfigure --unstacked lp:~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing07:58
dickelbeckbzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing/ is now not stacked07:58
dickelbeckbzr: ERROR: Lock not held: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad-testing-committers/kicad/new-testing/.bzr/)07:58
dickelbeckCan you comment on the the last line of my output?  I find this ERROR alarming, did the unstacking actually succeed?07:59
mdkejelmer / mwhudson - ~vcs-imports/gnome-user-docs/master is still failing. Should I file a bug on launchpad or bzr-git?08:05
mwhudsonmdke: i'm pretty sure it's fixed in bzr-git trunk08:05
mwhudsonlemme try it on staging08:05
mdkemwhudson: thank08:07
mwhudsonmdke: keep half an eye on https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnome-user-docs/master08:07
mdkewill do08:09
dickelbeckmwhudson: the error message at the end of the reconfigure is a deal breaker for me.  I deleted new-testing and reopened the question.  It is bedtime here.08:11
dickelbeckmwhudson: thanks for your help.  I think bzr let us down here, I hope it is not a sign of things to come.08:12
mwhudsondickelbeck: it is dinner time for me, hopefully tomorrow will work out better08:13
mdkemwhudson: the import on staging seems to have worked. So do I just wait for the changes to filter through to regular LP?08:17
mwhudsonmdke: i want to get these changes onto regular LP sooner than that for other reasons, so hopefully not that long08:19
mdkemwhudson: awesome, thanks a lot. if you remember, can you start the import again once that happens, or let me know so I can start it manually/08:20
mwhudsonmdke: i'll try really hard to remember08:21
mdkemwhudson: :) have a good evening08:21
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LaibschI thought that some kind of cron job was regularly pulling in the latest debian packages in to bzr?08:48
LaibschAh, I see08:50
LaibschIt's pulling from testing, not from unstable, right?08:50
geserboth, there should be a bzr import of the testing and unstable version (if it did fail)08:52
LaibschI didn't see an unstable branch for pidgin, but indeed it's there, just a little hidden08:57
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andolthumper: Seems like scanner in staging is working again. Many thanks to you, or whoever fixed it.10:23
thumperandol: spm mainly, although i submitted a patch that fixes the break I caused :)10:24
andolthumper: seems fair somehow :)10:25
andolspm: Thanks to you too then10:25
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jmlhow can I upgrade lp:zope.testing to 2a format?13:37
captainkernelis this the right channel for discussing launchpad bugs/issues?13:41
jmlpretty much13:42
jmlthere's also #launchpad-dev, which is oriented toward actually _fixing_ those bugs and issues.13:42
captainkernelgood well in that case I have the following issue: I had created an account but then decided to start afresh by 'deactivating the account' and recreating one with the same email address. When I sign in I know get Oops messages such as (Error ID: OOPS-1563D1311). Any ideas?13:46
captainkernelhow do I view this lp-oops info? It is asking for a usename and pw.13:47
pabs3how does one link an Ubuntu bug to a bug at sourceforge.net?13:48
maxbcaptainkernel: OOPSes are only viewable by Canonical employees (which I am not) in case they contain revealing private information. The fact that you've encountered one like that suggests a bug in Launchpad.13:53
maxbhenninge: Can you advise captainkernel ?13:53
andolpabs3: Well, assuming that upstream uses SF for bug tracking the first step is usually to click on "Also affects project". What happens next depends on whatever LP already knows about that upstream in question or not.13:55
pabs3andol: lp doesn't seem to know anything about it13:58
henningecaptainkernel: I'll be with you in a minute, need to reboot first ...14:13
henningecaptainkernel: that looks like a bug, yes15:00
henningecaptainkernel: looks like this15:01
henningecaptainkernel: so I suspect it has to do with you re-using your address on a new account15:02
henningecaptainkernel: can you please file a bug referencing the OOPS id here:15:03
wgrantMore likely that the OpenID login code is reactivation-naïve.15:03
henningeyes, something like that15:04
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henningecaptainkernel: argh, I just realized you cannot file bugs .. ;-)15:05
henningecaptainkernel: please tell me what the old account name was, so I can add it to the bug report.15:06
henningecaptainkernel: actually, both names15:06
henningecaptainkernel: as a work around I suggest you create an account with a different email address. They can be merged later when the bug is fixed.15:07
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wgrantUm... I wouldn't trust merging to work terribly well at this point.15:08
henningeok, renaming should work, though ...15:10
deryckjcastro, ping15:52
jcastroderyck: pong15:57
captainkernelhenninge: ok thanks for your help I will create a new account with a new email address and then perhaps at some later stage merge.16:00
henningecaptainkernel: will you file the bug from that account or do you want me to do it? Pleaes remember to include the account names.16:02
captainkernelI will chase it up. I am currently discussing the issue with one of the caninical guys via email.16:03
* henninge is one of the canonical guys ... ;-)16:10
captainkernelOops sorry.16:12
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tgm4883I have unchecked the "People can ask questions in Launchpad Answers" but users are still able to ask questions in there. (I unchecked this awhile ago). Is there another place I need to look at? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu16:59
m_anishHi, I can't seem to login to my launchpad account... Here's what happens.. I am able to login to the initial login page at launchpad.net/+login then a page asks me whether to "Yes, sign me in" or "cancel". I press the former and nothing seems to happen after that! I have tried this multiple times. I am using the default firefox preinstalled on ubuntu-lucid-beta2-amd64, any ideas?17:00
nigelbm_anish, can try with another browser? perhaps epiphany-browser? if it works let me know17:10
m_anishnigelb, ok17:13
nigelbm_anish, this could be a potential problem in firefox17:13
m_anishnigelb, hmm17:14
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
askhlHi.  Is there any guarantee that a sufficiently early translation import will be processed before the lucid deadline?17:33
dpmaskhl, if you are talking about an import of a manually uploaded PO file, there is no guarantee. It can take just a few hours, but it depends on the load and the number of other translations being imported. To be absolutely certain, I'd recommend using the web interface for translating17:35
askhldpm, we can't manage that at all unfortunately17:36
askhlwe don't have a system for designating that things should be proofread in the web interface, so our procedure involves exports and imports of po-files17:36
askhlI suppose I can write an urgent email prompting everything to be imported, and then say that the rest should be done in Rosetta17:37
askhlbut it'll be rather chaotic17:37
dpmaskhl, why don't you use a wiki? You must have a system already if you are doing it with po files, why not use the same system for online translation?17:37
dpmaskhl, we use the wiki for our Catalan translations -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCatalanTranslators/Llistat, and this method works for both offline (PO files sent to our list) and online translations17:39
askhldpm, we send special po-diffs of po-files for proofreading on a mailing list, comments are written below each of the entries.  We have a multitude of scripts working on po-files, so we really prefer just getting the po-files17:39
askhlBut anyway I'll try to make things happen in Rosetta17:39
dpmaskhl, note that I'm not trying to force a workflow upon you (the current is fine, if it works for you!), just suggesting other alternatives to help if you've got a big backlog before deadline.17:41
askhldpm, that's all right, just trying to do the best thing :)17:41
askhlOne moment....17:41
askhlOkay, one *really* important question.17:42
askhlWhy is LanguagePackTranslationDeadline one week *after* the "final" export of strings from LP?17:43
askhlSurely the "final" string export must be the final time at which translations can be made at all.  Or not?17:43
dpmaskhl, shall we discuss this on #ubuntu-translators? I think it might be more appropriate there, as other Ubuntu translators might be interested or might be able to add more17:44
askhldpm, oh, right17:44
m_anishnigelb, doesn't seem to work with epiphany-browser as well, same thing happens... Is there some way I could delete my account and recreate it... somehow via email?17:58
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TresEquisany known issues with mirrors of SVN repos into code.launchpad.net?  I have a branch marked as failed, but can see why, or where to have it try again18:48
TresEquiswhich imports from http://osi.agendaless.com/bfgsvn/karl/trunk/18:49
huatsdoes anyone can explain me a bit the private stuffs on LP bugs ?18:49
huatsI am askig that since I am part of the MOTU mentoring reception team and we are wondering to use LP bugs to store informations o each applications... but we would like to have private bugs with only a team and theapplicant who can see it18:50
maxbTresEquis: You should look at the various "see the log" links for the failed imports19:13
maxbThese show that something is exploding fairly deep in the import code.19:14
TresEquisbzr or bzr-svn bug, i think19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561695 in bzr-svn "svn-import crash inconsistent details in skipped record" [Undecided,New]19:17
maxbTresEquis: Why did you title that "inconsistent details in skipped record" ?19:22
TresEquismaxb:, that was what I was searching for:  there are warnings about 'incosistent details' just before the crash19:24
TresEquisthe crash assertion is pretty uninformative:  11576 != 11625, or some such19:25
* maxb retitles: bug 56169519:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561695 in bzr-svn "svn-import crash inconsistent details in skipped record" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56169519:25
maxbmeh, ubottu caching19:25
maxbbug 561695?19:26
TresEquisa better title would probably be "failed svn import w/ 'inconsitent details' and tx window size assertion."19:26
TresEquisthat's my bug19:26
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maxbI have often observed "inconsistent details in skipped record" in imports which are otherwise perfectly fine, so it's quite likely to be an irrelevant corollary to the actual problem19:27
TresEquisI'm retrying the import over SSH, just in case the problem is the CGI script serving SVN over HTTP19:28
TresEquisI had a similar problem with an svn -> bzr mirror the other day:  only solution was to blow the mirror away and re-import19:29
TresEquishmm, running over SSH, I see the same "inconsistent details" spew, but then19:30
TresEquisbzr: ERROR: checksum mismatch: '14dc2c155184a11a643127d1065f6543' != 'db81c41de9b824074d3c842243f4194d' in karl/trunk:514019:30
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TresEquismaxb: any chance that scrubbing ~/.bazaar/svn-cache/ would help, do you think?19:39
maxbTresEquis: Given the weird error, I'd be inclined to run 'svnadmin verify' on the repository, if you have access19:39
TresEquis$ svnadmin verify -r 5140 bfgsvn19:43
TresEquis* Verified revision 5140.19:43
TresEquisI'm running across all 5176 revisions now19:45
TresEquisall 5176 txns verify19:47
jelmerTresEquis: this is a known bug in bzr-svn trunk, I'm working on it19:51
TresEquisjelmer: ok, cool19:51
TresEquisanything I can do to help on reproducing it?19:51
TresEquisMy public SVN HTTP mirror triggers it nicely for me on Jaunty with the PPA bzr (2.2.1) and bzr-svn (1.0.2)19:52
TresEquisand I have verified that SVN at least thinks the repo is in good shape19:53
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jjardonsinzui, ping22:37
sinzuihi jjardon22:38
sinzuijjardon, I was just going to write to say I was mistaken in my assumption that you are the current maintainer of glade-3 in launchpad22:39
jjardonhey! I'm the person of the Glade/Glade3 issue . Thank you for you support!22:39
sinzuijjardon, ~vgeddes ha 0 karma. I think we should ask him to update the project or transfer maintainership to someone who can keep the information current22:40
donriRosetta can be used "standalone" right?22:40
donriI mean, you don't have to use Bazaar for example?22:41
jjardonsinzui, vgeddes was a contributor upstream, but I don't see him for a long time22:41
donriI don't mind Bazaar myself, but http://lwn.net/Articles/325311/ calls Rosetta "tightly integrated with Launchpad". But my understanding is you can simply upload and download .po files?22:42
jjardonI only see one patch from him in 200722:42
sinzuijjardon, Do you want me to ask an admin to make you the maintainer?22:42
jjardonsinzui, sure. I can update all the info then ;)22:43
sinzuiI will update the request. Thanks for working to clean up the data22:44
jjardonI'll ask the upstream maintainer to check all the info too22:44
jjardonsinzui, Can you remove glade-2 as a part of https://edge.launchpad.net/gnome ?22:45
Ddordahey, can anyone please help me here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/107009 ?22:46
sinzuijjardon, I can22:46
jjardonsinzui, Also, there are a lot of projects in https://edge.launchpad.net/gnome that aren't part of official GNOME release set, Is this intential?22:47
sinzuijjardon, I also requested that glade be set as an alias of glade-3 so that people always find the current project22:47
jjardonsinzui, great, how about the bugs? Should I move the current glade bug to glade-3?22:48
sinzuijjardon, project groups are half-baked. We let anyone say they are a part of GNOME. We think we should only permit the GNOME maintainer to select the sub projects. Regardless, there are hundreds or projects listed in GNOME's repo: http://git.gnome.org/browse/22:49
jelmersinzui: you seem to be implying in your latest blogpost that all klingon translators on Launchpad are native speakers ;-)22:50
sinzuijelmer, I knew someone would bring that up.22:50
jjardonsinzui, yeah, but only some modules are part of GNOME releases, take a look here for a complete list (in "Release suite"): http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointThirtyone22:51
Ddordacan anyone help me out with a problem?22:52
sinzuijelmer, while I do not endorse Klingon, I see it has more translators than Esperanto. I withhold judgement if the Klingon Cult can become a living language. I am willing to offer them the US state of Montana22:52
jjardonBut there is no problem if the group is for projects that run in the GNOME desktop22:52
jelmersinzui: :-)22:53
sinzuijjardon, The GNOME project does not represent the release set. It represents the gnome's bugzilla and  git. I think project groups have some serious flaws. They are either an over-engineered tag, or an under-engineered model of a project constellation22:55
sinzuior is that term galaxy?22:55
jjardonsinzui, ah ok, thank you for the info22:56
Ddordacan anyone help me about my LoCo team, please? it quite important and won;t take more that few minutes22:59
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