
ChrisiPKi had kde-runtime files installed, so after logging in, kde started00:00
ChrisiPKat least some basic kde environment00:00
ChrisiPKi removed those, as i do not want to use kde00:00
Viper1432you removed nvidia current...and now you are having issues.  well...you need to go to xorg.conf, and verify what its trying to load.00:00
ChrisiPKand now gnome doesn't start at all, just restarts00:00
Viper1432good chance, xorg is pointing to something not "there" now.00:01
Viper1432you can get there by ctrl+alt+f1, login at the prompt, and then use nano to open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and check it.00:01
ChrisiPKi am looking at it right now00:02
ChrisiPKDriver "nvidia"00:02
ChrisiPKthat is the line, i suppose00:02
Viper1432there is the problem.00:02
ChrisiPKwell, i do have nvidia-kernel-common installed00:02
ChrisiPKdoesn't that contain the basic files i need?00:02
Viper1432under lucid jockey does the install of stuff now.  its not like karmic was.00:03
Viper1432So...you removed stuff needed to boot into X.  change that driver listing in xorg to say..."nv" or to be safe "vesa", and give it another shot.  THEN  use the hardware driver applet (jockey) from system/admin and have it install the nvidia driver recommended for your box.00:04
ChrisiPKwill do, thanks00:05
ChrisiPKby the way, if it cannot find the driver, it should complain about that someplace, right?00:05
Viper1432vesa is a good fallback ChrisiPK .00:06
ChrisiPKi edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf~00:07
ChrisiPKis that the right file?00:07
ChrisiPKcuz i changed it to vesa and the issue is still the same00:07
Viper1432the ~ is a temp indicator.  you want the "xorg.conf" file with no tilde'00:07
ChrisiPKthat file does not exist00:08
Viper1432do you have /home in a separate partition?00:08
ChrisiPKno, not on this machine00:08
ChrisiPKstrange...locate tells me it is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but dir and nano tell me it's not there00:08
Viper1432The problem is that its damn difficult to troubleshoot this after the person has gone and deleted various things.  I personally would take the beta2 disc and do a fresh upgrade...better yet, put /home on a sep partition and do a clean install with it.  I'm using two different test boxes, and am not having any issues at all with nvidia prop. and lucid.00:10
ChrisiPKi see...well, actually i'd rather not go this way, so thanks for your help :)00:11
Viper1432good luck with that.00:11
NattgewChrisPK: I think that you have the same bug as the one you mentioned... at least I did, and mine was marked a duplicate of that one00:13
ChrisiPKNattgew, i read that bug report and it says that gdm already freezes when you click the user00:14
ChrisiPKthat is not the case for me00:14
Nattgewwasn't for me, either00:14
ChrisiPKalso, the comments say you can bypass this by deinstalling the gdm themes00:14
ChrisiPKdidn't work for me00:14
Nattgewhmm, good to know, i'll have to look at that again, then00:15
AutoBotanyone know of the largest issue with beta 2 currently?00:17
ChrisiPKnot being able to log in seems pretty severe to me ;)00:18
ChrisiPKany higher bids? ;)00:18
geniiScrambled TTYs ... ?00:19
yofelwe have a few... boot freezes when fsck is being run, the live disks can't boot sometimes and plymouth still seems to randomly fail sometimes00:19
yofelyou'll find much more on LP...00:20
BUGabundooh look who is back00:20
BUGabundoin time to hit the bed :)00:20
BUGabundoyofel: let go off the keyboard....00:20
yofelhaha, no, I finished what I wanted to do today and though I would check what's going on :D00:21
ChrisiPKohwell...vesa is not loading ^^00:22
Tominatorhi! I've got a problem with subdomains and other domains... I just installed ubuntu lucid server and the config for the subdomains (which i had in debian etch) don't work anymore... I don't know why00:23
AutoBotyofel: yes I have the plymouth issue, nothing else really00:23
DanaGhmm, I usually like having desktop_is_home_dir set.... it makes it easy to open any of the documents or pictures (or such) dirs.00:26
BUGabundoTominator: that's quite a jump00:26
dannyjoao I did a clean install. There was no other way as there was no bug00:27
TominatorBUGabundo: jap00:27
Tominatoryes it is :)00:27
dannyBUGabundo: how do I let the Ubuntu team my problem?00:28
dannySince it's not a bug00:28
BUGabundodanny: beats me! if its not a prob why do you want to let anyone know ?00:28
h4fwhere can I get vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic ?00:28
BUGabundoyou could try the forums00:28
BUGabundoor LP anwsers00:28
BUGabundoh4f: LP ? or kernel team PPA00:29
dannyBecause I want them to know there are idiots out there who mess up their Ubuntu and there should be some kind of restore point.00:29
BUGabundoso what did you do ?00:29
dannyI don't know. All I did today was trying to enable my computer to work with SCIM so I can type Japanese. I did but my unicode got messed up so I had to do a clean install.00:30
Andre_Gondimdoes any one have problem with gwibber, doesn't apears nothing in main windows00:30
dos123do you mean a time machine like thing for ubuntu?00:31
dannySomething where you can restore your settings back to a time where all worked well.00:32
DanaGheh, gwibber is even more broken for me... I have to manually edit the source file to change int(font-size) to eval(font-size).00:32
dos123i dont need it, i just pull the livecd out the stay00:32
dannyCan you restore settings with a Live CD?00:32
AutoBotdanny: what settings are you having problems with00:32
dos123i dont trust and use ubuntu in real cases00:33
AutoBotdanny: nm I see SCIM and unicode00:33
dannyWell now it's too late, but I was having trouble with inserting unicode.00:33
dannyThanks anyway. :)00:33
dos123i use only default settings00:33
dannyWell everything is fine for now. I'll just upgrade to LTS the 29th00:34
DanaGhmm, I find it a bit odd that the default desktop is 100% empty.00:34
DanaGIs it supposed to be like that?00:34
AutoBotDanaG: yes00:34
AutoBotDanaG: what did you expect to be on the desktop?00:35
log|inis free porn an aceptibal answer?00:35
AutoBotlog|in: haha yes00:35
dos123how many people really pay for lts service?00:35
macoits not an appropriate answer00:35
log|inok well i didnt say it00:36
virtualddidn't there use to be a circle of naked friends?00:36
AutoBotmaco: he said aceptibal not acceptable ;)00:36
DanaGHmm, I'd expect mounted volumes, or a shortcut to "computer", or such. maybe.00:36
virtualdthough that's far from porn :p00:36
log|inok well i have something i need help with00:36
astronouth7303of course free porn isn't appropriate. That wasn't the question.00:36
macoDanaG: mounted *external* volumes do show on the desktop i think00:37
log|ini upgrated from beta 1 to beta 2 but now my wifi card isnt working00:37
log|inany ideas why?00:37
log|ini have no network interface options atall00:37
AutoBotlog|in: anything relevant in dmesg?00:37
log|inim not in it now00:37
log|ini would have to reboot to find out00:37
AutoBotlog|in: your switch is off00:37
dos123log|in, your keyboard are screwed up00:37
log|inno 3 beers in a hour :P00:38
dos123my multi-task dos has no such crap problem00:38
DanaGoh yeah, and the "Ubuntu Netbook 2D" session doesn't have the netbook type panel setup.00:38
log|inso no help?00:39
AutoBotDanaG: I have no idea what Netbook 2D is00:39
DanaG!info netbook-launcher-efl00:40
ubottunetbook-launcher-efl (source: netbook-launcher-efl): A lite version of netbook launcher written in EFL. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.6-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1289 kB, installed size 2396 kB00:40
AutoBotI wouldn't call that light00:40
AutoBotoh nm it's lite00:40
DanaGEnlightenment Foundation Libraries... or something like that.00:41
DanaGGood for NV17, which is lé suck.00:41
amaltheahello, i have problems with onboard nvidia. are there something known? i have a geforce 6100 nforce 405 chipset. after boot there is not the language choice and choice to install or use livecd. it came a windows (anfter some crashes of x i mean) that shows... configure xserver (dont work), use terminal or safe graphic-mode. when i use the safe-mode the livecd directly boot. are there any problems known like this? would it be fixed until release? i 00:42
LinuxGuy2009Is there an easy way to see what packages have been added to a repo since the last release? I moved from 9.04, skipped 9.10, and now Im on 10.04 beta2. Im curious to see what apps are new to choose from.00:43
LinuxGuy2009Beside surfing through the whole list00:43
AutoBotLinuxGuy2009: added or updated?00:43
ChrisiPKViper1432, just in case you're still here...i managed to load the nvidia-current drivers, but the issue still persists...i'm not really sure this is related to the nvidia drivers at all00:44
AutoBotChrisiPK: what issue are you having?00:45
ChrisiPKgnome restarts after i enter my password00:45
AutoBotChrisiPK: from a fresh install?00:46
ChrisiPKnope, upgrade from karmic00:46
yofelwhere do you enter the password? login screen?00:46
ChrisiPKi get the list with the accounts, click my account and enter my pass00:46
ChrisiPKand then i restarts00:46
ChrisiPKand takes me back to the list00:46
AutoBotChrisiPK: gdm restarts or X00:46
ChrisiPKdunno...how do i know the difference?00:47
nomnex can someone help with the lucid ambience radiance them in the lucid beta2? what do I need to change the round icon to the simple windows icons (e.g. Dust theme)00:47
jdsbluedevlhi, I'm really starting to wonder if anyone is working on the resource usage problem by policykit00:47
yofelChrisiPK: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old tell you something after it crashes?00:47
jdsbluedevlbug number 42655600:47
AutoBotChrisiPK: by checking the X log I guess00:47
yofelbug 42655600:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426556 in policykit "policykit cause high dbus-daemon cpu usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42655600:47
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: System->prefs->appearance?00:47
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: theme tab?00:48
jdsbluedevlI mean, none of the developers are answering my cries, no one cares on the forums, and no one is sure caring here the past few days00:48
DanaGhmm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/54712400:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 547124 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau "Starts in low graphic mode due to segmentation fault at 0xc4" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:48
DanaGor rather,00:48
jdsbluedevlin other words, I think I'm starting to get fed up00:48
LinuxGuy2009jdsbluedevl: I would imagine you have already reported your found issue?00:49
jdsbluedevlyes, bug 42655600:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426556 in policykit "policykit cause high dbus-daemon cpu usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42655600:49
nomnexLinuxGuy2009, to have the widnows control Dust icons (called simple) and only these 3 controls in the theme Radiance/Ambiance?00:49
LinuxGuy2009jdsbluedevl: All you can really do is sit back and wait. If the bug is not critical or does not effect many users then I would imagine it will take time.00:50
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: Im sorry I dont clearly understand you.00:50
ChrisiPKAutoBot, yofel i have no idea, what should be in Xorg.0.log.old, so here's the entire thing: http://nopaste.php-q.net/27827000:50
yofeljdsbluedevl: can you at least set the bug as affecting you if you didn't do that yet and set the status to confirmed?00:50
jdsbluedevlLinuxGuy2009: how is a bug that sucks up so much CPU not critical?  That's what's really bugging me about the developers' priorities00:50
AutoBotLinuxGuy2009: well you can continue to search for a patch, but other then that your right00:50
jdsbluedevlyofel: how do I set it to confirmed?00:50
yofelChrisiPK: thanks, looking00:51
yofeljdsbluedevl: login and click on the button besides 'New' and select 'Confirmed'00:51
DanaGweird, policykit is being fine for me.00:51
AutoBotChrisiPK: me as well00:51
LinuxGuy2009jdsbluedevl: Bug status is invalid.00:51
nomnexLinuxGuy2009, it's me, sorry about the English. I want to change in Radiance/Ambiance theme the window controls (the closle/min/max). I don't like the OSX design of the button. I want to replace them by the simple buttons (as they are in the Dust theme by example). Does it make sense?00:52
jdsbluedevlLinuxGuy2009: bug status on one of the packages is invalid, but not the bug00:52
DanaGoh eyah, you can just go to "advanced" and change the window border theme.00:52
jdsbluedevlok, moved status on PolicyKit from "new" to "confirmed"00:53
AutoBotChrisiPK: it must be gdm crashing00:53
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: gconf-editor edit is needed to change the control layout.00:54
ChrisiPKso what log do i look at?00:54
jdsbluedevldoes clicking on "nominate for release" nominate it for critical status?00:54
jdsbluedevlwhat bugs the hell out of me is that this bug has been unresolved since 9/6/200900:54
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: /apps/metacity/general/button_layout00:54
ZykoticK9!controls | nomnex00:54
ubottunomnex: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d600:55
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: Try that00:55
jdsbluedevland frankly, I'm getting sick of the non-response00:55
AutoBotChrisiPK: I'm not sure where gdm logging is stored00:55
DanaGargh, soft-reboot with nouveau gives me a screen full of garbage, and an unreadable grub.00:55
ChrisiPKAutoBot,  /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log00:55
ChrisiPKi suppose...00:55
LinuxGuy2009jdsbluedevl: Thats what happens when your a tester. Have to be patient and put up with bugs and issues until fixed.00:55
DanaGIt even tramples on the BIOS splash!00:55
AutoBotChrisiPK: that seems likely :P00:56
yofelChrisiPK: do you have any files in /var/crash/ ?00:56
ChrisiPKyofel, yes, four...one of them has "gnome-settings-daemon" in the file name00:56
jdsbluedevlLinuxGuy2009: I expected that when the PulseAudio thing happened in Karmic beta.  It persisted through today.  That's why I'm getting angry00:56
DanaGIt also shows old contents of video RAM (such as plymouth).00:56
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: "menu:maximize,minimize,close" is the old layout so you know.00:56
nomnexLinuxGuy2009, gconf-editor let's me change the layout, not the icons. How to I change the round icons to the simple icons in both radiance/ambiance?00:57
jdsbluedevlthe fact that I have to re-set the alsamixer every single time I boot up my computer has me jaded00:57
jdsbluedevloh sure, I put in a hack so that it starts up at 85% each time on Master and PCM, but that isn't fixing it00:58
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: customize in appearance window. Can change the window control theme.00:58
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: window border00:58
ChrisiPKAutoBot, /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log http://nopaste.php-q.net/27827100:58
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
AutoBotChrisiPK: checking00:58
LinuxGuy2009jdsbluedevl: If you need stability and a rock solid release then perhaps 8.04.4 LTS until new LTS is finished?00:59
yofelChrisiPK: does 'dmesg | grep segfault' give you something?00:59
ChrisiPKnope yofel01:00
AutoBotChrisiPK: are you using german localazation?01:00
ChrisiPKAutoBot, yes01:00
yofelok, then nothing crashes that apport could catch01:00
AutoBotChrisiPK: just making sure01:00
ChrisiPKdo you need me to translate that?01:00
AutoBotChrisiPK: you may need to run strace on gdm01:00
nomnexLinuxGuy2009, I know that, but I don't want to change the window border, only the icons (that's all) and keep the default themes. I don't know about themes, is there a theme editor?01:01
ChrisiPKuh okay...if you tell me how to do that01:01
AutoBotstrace gdm01:01
ChrisiPKjust like that on tty1?01:01
yofelChrisiPK, AutoBot: wait01:01
AutoBotyofel: ok01:01
* ChrisiPK waits01:01
* AutoBot takes a shot01:01
yofelgdm is a service, he should rather start it and then attach strace to gdm with 'strace -p PID'01:02
LinuxGuy2009nomnex: If you want to use all of Ambience/Radiance except for the window control icons, then you need to go to customize and choose the window border for dust etc. Dont like it then your out of luck.01:02
AutoBotyofel: ok didn't know that01:02
yofel'ps -e | grep gdm' should show the PID of gdm01:02
ChrisiPKyofel, what pid do i want? gdm-binary?01:03
yofelChrisiPK: actually not sure, I use kdm here so I can't check01:03
nomnexLinuxGuy2009, I see, well thanks (and I am out of luck)01:03
yofelChrisiPK: try what you find01:03
AutoBotChrisiPK: gdm-binary would be right I believe01:04
ChrisiPKso now what? i try to login again?01:05
AutoBotChrisiPK: let me see the results01:06
yofelyes, then go back and see what was the last it did before it crashed01:06
ChrisiPKoh geee that's a looooot of stuff01:06
ChrisiPKi should probably have put that into a file....01:06
AutoBotChrisiPK: pipe it01:06
ChrisiPKuhm...is that right, that the PID doesn't change after it restarts?01:07
AutoBotnot sure, usually the PID does change01:08
ChrisiPKthat's what i was thinking...01:08
ChrisiPKanyway, will try again, this time into a file01:08
yofelChrisiPK: to log it to a file run it with "2>/path/to/logfile"01:09
LinuxGuy2009What is mean in software center by "Featured Applications"?01:09
ChrisiPKis that 2 accidental or do i need that?01:09
yofelChrisiPK: you need it01:09
ChrisiPKok will do01:09
yofelstrace prints everything to stderr not stdout (please don't ask me why, I don't know)01:10
DanaGit does that in case you want to pipe the normal stdout to somewhere... you can then still strace.01:11
yofelah, that makes sense01:11
DanaGoh yeah, and if you go thingy >& file01:11
DanaGit will redirect both stderr and stdout to there.01:11
AutoBotDanaG: nice301:11
ChrisiPKoh wow, that is a 22 megabyte file01:12
yofelhuuuh, didn't know that one yet, I usually used '>fiile 2>&1'01:12
AutoBotChrisiPK: should have put a tail on it also01:12
ChrisiPKhow much of the output do you need?01:13
AutoBotChrisiPK: maybe the last 50 lines01:13
ChrisiPKactuallly that doesn't really look very interesting...01:14
ChrisiPKi suppose that is not the right pid01:15
ChrisiPKi'll try with gdm-greeter01:15
AutoBotChrisiPK: maybe it isn't let me look and see what you got01:15
AutoBotChrisiPK: yes thats no good, what were looking for is what is causing gdm to die01:16
ChrisiPKyea, i'll try with the pid of /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-simple-greeter01:16
ChrisiPKthat one seems to have been restarted01:16
yofelnow we need to find out what crashes, if the pid doesn't change then gdm-binary at least doesn't crash01:16
ChrisiPKalong with /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-session-worker01:17
AutoBotChrisiPK: like it calls this .so and that .so then crash01:17
ChrisiPKwill try with greeter01:17
AutoBotChrisiPK: I'm in windows or I would be able to tell you which process to run the strace on01:18
ChrisiPKwell, those are the only two with a higher PID01:18
ChrisiPKso i suppose those are the ones that crashed01:18
hackeronhey, any ideas about this? < https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-input-evtouch/+bug/55756601:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557566 in xf86-input-evtouch "evtouch does not work on Lucid" [Undecided,New]01:18
AutoBotI wonder why it's not making it into a crash log01:19
AutoBotChrisiPK: between that paste and the first one it seems as if some files may be missing01:21
ChrisiPKwhat files?01:23
AutoBotChrisiPK: I'm not sure, it also mentions something that seems relevant to Bug #53944001:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539440 in gdm "gtkwidget.c:5636: widget not within a GtkWindow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53944001:24
ChrisiPKso you're saying i should try again once that bug has been resolved?01:25
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:26
AutoBotChrisiPK: no that bug is i386 and your x86_64 ?01:26
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:28
AutoBotChrisiPK: and what is your video driver?01:28
AutoBotChrisiPK: ok thought so01:28
ChrisiPKi installed the nvidia-current package01:28
ChrisiPKand it is loaded01:28
AutoBotChrisiPK: it is related to that bug then01:28
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:29
ChrisiPKwell, i removed that package and the problem persisted....01:29
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:30
AutoBotbug #55320001:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55320001:30
ChrisiPKAutoBot, i saw that bug, but that is different: i can select a user without a problem01:31
ChrisiPKi can even enter the password01:31
ChrisiPKand it even checks the password01:31
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:31
AutoBotChrisiPK: I was reading that for myself01:31
yofelnishanth: we heard you, please don't post the same question over and over01:32
AutoBotChrisiPK: but for your issue01:32
AutoBotChrisiPK: it seems your going to have to not use gdm for now01:32
ChrisiPKi see01:32
AutoBotChrisiPK: or don't use the nvidia drivers01:32
ChrisiPKthat doesn't fix the issue01:32
ChrisiPKwell, as i said, i removed the nvidia-current package01:33
ChrisiPKand all other nvidia packages i could find01:33
ChrisiPKwhat more can i do to not use the drivers?01:33
yofelthen try another desktop manager for now, that way we'll see if it's gdm or something else during gnome login01:33
ChrisiPKkde works fine01:33
ChrisiPKbut it uses the same login01:34
yofelChrisiPK: if you removed the package then you shouldn't be using nvidia (actually try lsmod | grep nvidia to check)01:34
yofelhm, odd, but if you have kde installed anyway, can you try it with kdm?01:35
ChrisiPKi removed kde01:35
ChrisiPKbecause instead of gnome, it started kde01:35
AutoBotChrisiPK: could you log into gnome through kdm?01:35
ChrisiPKand i was wondering whether it would start gdm when i removed kde01:35
yofelyou should be able to select that...01:35
ChrisiPKso i removed kde and got the current issue...01:35
ChrisiPKso what do i do now? install kde oder remove nvidia-current?01:36
yofelChrisiPK: well, try to at least install kdm again and try to login to gnome from there01:36
ChrisiPKok it asks me whether i want to use gdm oder kdm...what do i select?01:37
ChrisiPKlast time i selected gdm01:37
ChrisiPKwhich gave me the gnome greeter screen01:38
ChrisiPKbut after login, it started kde01:38
yofelonce it's finished, use 'sudo stop gdm && sudo start kdm'01:38
=== IdleOne is now known as Rabbinightmare
yofelChrisiPK: as I said, you should be able to select gnome/KDE at the gdm screen01:38
ChrisiPKi didn't find that option01:38
yofelor they messed so much with gdm since I stopped using it that I'm wrong01:38
ChrisiPKyes, i remember that you could pick that in earlier version01:39
ChrisiPKbut i'm not sure whether you still can01:39
=== Rabbinightmare is now known as IdleOne
ChrisiPKok, i'm lookin at the kde login right now01:40
ChrisiPKwhat do i do?01:41
yofelChrisiPK: use the blue arrow to select the session and then use username and pw to login01:43
ChrisiPKthe blue arrow allows me to select from "standard, KDE, guest-restricted, xterm, abgesichert"01:43
ChrisiPKlast one is german for "safe mode"01:44
ChrisiPKbut nothing about gdm01:44
RussellAlani am on a dv9000 pavilion i saw the driver updates for my wireless card, now i dont know where to redownload them01:44
RussellAlancan someone help01:44
yofelChrisiPK: then you might have removed some part of gnome... try to remove ubuntu-desktop and install it again (not reinstall)01:44
ChrisiPKgnaaah now it tells me it cannot start ksmserver01:45
ChrisiPK_that_ is a problem with nvidia01:45
yofelChrisiPK: and I'm german so don't worry about it (wan't to join us in #ubuntu-de+1? jedoch nicht viel los um die uhrzeit)01:45
ChrisiPKwell, if AutoBot is gone, i don't see why not01:46
AutoBotChrisiPK: I am back01:46
yofelChrisiPK: anyway, tried to install ubuntu-desktop?01:46
AutoBotquick eater01:47
ChrisiPKat it right now01:47
RussellAlanWhen I did the download from karmic koala to lucid lynx, I saw option to install drivers for my wireless card in this HP Pavilion dv9000, can someone direct me back to the screen where I can install them?01:47
ChrisiPKah i didn't have it installed anyway01:47
ChrisiPKi suppose i removed that when i removed the soungs01:47
ChrisiPKanyway, installing right now01:48
yofelRussellAlan: not sure what you mean, we have the Hardware Drivers application for proprietary drivers01:49
RussellAlanyofel: Well I still cant connect with a wireless settings setup priper01:49
Blue11anyone having problems running wine under lucid?01:49
AutoBotChrisiPK: what are you installing currently01:50
AutoBotthat was what I was going to suggest as a last resort01:50
jrendasdoes anyone know if when I delete one file using "sudo rm file" it can be recovered?01:51
AutoBotjrendas: not by any normal methods01:51
DanaGweird... netbook-launcher's icon labels change from 2-line labels to 1-line labels on hover.01:51
ChrisiPKjrendas, google for it, that's a fairly regular question01:51
DanaGNow, if only I could get those stupid toshiba hotkeys to work...01:52
AutoBotjrendas: I'm sure there are applications to help recover files, like in windows01:52
AutoBotjrendas: I just don't know of any offhand01:53
jrendasyes, I tried ntfsundelete01:53
jrendasbut with no results01:53
AutoBotjrendas: on a ntfs01:53
AutoBotjrendas: drive01:53
jrendasits my windows drive (C:) and i deleted it using ubuntu01:54
AutoBotjrendas: you may be better off using a windows based tool if at all possible01:54
jrendasi tried that already01:54
ChrisiPKaaah it's running :)01:54
AutoBotChrisiPK: ahhhhhh01:54
ChrisiPKi wonder whether i should dare to try and reinstall the themes....01:54
yofelso something was missing after all01:54
gatlinwith beta2 on amd64 nforce chipset, boot hung for a long time.  So I disabled the splash screen and this is what came up:01:55
gatlinhttp://bayimg.com/Halkpaacn (safe, promise)01:55
AutoBotyofel: thats what I thought01:55
yofelChrisiPK: what themes?01:55
ChrisiPKdidn't remove any gnome stuff01:55
ChrisiPKyofel, the bug report about the related problem suggested that this could be bypassed by removing the gnome themes01:55
ChrisiPKi tried that01:55
gatlinand then those last 2 lines repeat forever01:55
yofelhm, can't help there as I don't use gnome01:56
ChrisiPKah what the hell, i'll try ;)01:56
AutoBotChrisiPK: I read that also01:56
AutoBotChrisiPK: I would, nothing better than breaking something you just fixed :)01:56
ChrisiPKyup ^^01:57
ChrisiPKhuh still works :)02:02
ChrisiPKgreat, thanks for your help02:02
gatlinhas anyone else had any boot errors?02:03
yofelgatlin: for some reason it repeatedly tries to access the floppy drive02:05
gatlinis that what fd0 means?02:05
* gatlin learns something02:05
gatlinI suppose I should disable that in the bios, though this was something that started happening between alpha3 and beta102:06
yofelgatlin: I'm not sure if that will help, but you could try to add '--no-floppy' to the kernel line02:06
gatlinthank you, I think I might02:06
AutoBotChrisiPK: gdm with themes is working now?02:10
AutoBotChrisiPK: I was away02:10
DanaGargh, stupid toshiba proprietary acpi hotkeys.02:10
AutoBotDanaG: not as bad as Dell ;)02:10
DanaGAre you sure?02:10
DanaGRight now the hotkeys on this old toshiba laptop don't work at all.02:11
DanaGThey send acpi events, not keycodes.02:11
AutoBotDanaG: I've had both, it's the same really02:11
DanaGAnd the display-switch hotkey instead just kills nouveau (white screen).02:11
AutoBotDanaG: same functionality not same method necessarily02:11
mazda01trying to find out how to disable some startup services in lucid now that it changes to service versus init.d. any help?02:11
AutoBotmazda01: it's in the Administration menu02:12
AutoBotStartup Items02:12
AutoBotor something like that02:12
mazda01don't have a gui, thanks anyway though.02:13
AutoBotmazda01: oh02:13
White-Horsehi guys02:13
AutoBotmazda01: I'm an init.d man for cli so I don't know either02:13
White-Horsedoes anyone here know if 10.04 will support wireless N ?02:13
AutoBotWhite-Horse: why wouldn't it?02:14
mazda01AutoBot: well, maybe init.d will still work.  what would I enter using init.d02:14
White-Horsecause 9.10 does not02:14
DanaGAutoBot: normally, I expect a hotkey to send a key event, not slaughter the video driver.02:14
AutoBotDanaG: I agree, thats is not the correct way to function02:14
AutoBotWhite-Horse: what wlan card?02:15
White-HorseIntel PRO 5100 ABGN02:15
AutoBotmazda01: /etc/init.d/something start02:15
yofelmazda01: some scripts still use sysvinit scripts, those can be configured like always, upstart isn't quite configurable yet...02:15
DanaG2.6.34-rc1 kernel has a newer toshiba_acpi that actually sends keycodes... though it's missing a few of them.02:15
AutoBotmazda01: service start something?02:15
AutoBotDanaG: can't you make it send what you want in some way?02:16
yofelmazda01: you want to remove them from auto-starting on boot?02:16
AutoBotrename the S to K or is it the other way round'02:16
mazda01AutoBot: im not talking about stopping or starting it. i am talking about permanently stopping it from starting.02:16
yofelmazda01: for sysvinit (init.d) scripts, see in /etc/rc2.d/02:17
mazda01yofel: isn;'t there some command to remove a startup script from all run levels?02:18
yofelthere is, update-rc.d I think02:18
cyberangeranyone here having kernel issues? a few people are having a kernel issue 2.6.32-2002:18
yofelmazda01: for upstarts scripts in /etc/init I fear you'll have to edit the start on statements in the configuration files by hand if you don't want it to auto-start02:19
AutoBotI thought or 19 was current02:19
cyberanger20 just hit the repos today02:19
AutoBot. = -02:19
cyberanger19 had been out02:20
AutoBotI still have 19, no problems so far with it02:20
cyberangernot sure how long, but I'm using that one now, installed 20, no go02:20
DanaGon this old laptop, ubuntu-netbook would be way better than winxp... if not for Toshiba's stupidity.02:20
cyberangerI'm not alone on that either02:20
yofelmazda01: read up on  bug 94065 maybe02:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 94065 in upstart "init: add non-destructive means to disable a job" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9406502:20
mazda01yofel: the command  is sudo update-rc.d lirc disable  that disables the scrtip but leaves it for future use.02:21
AutoBotDanaG: I love old hardware, but sometimes it's more trouble then it's worth02:21
emmawhen is the release of lucid?02:23
yofel!schedule | emma02:24
ubottuemma: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:24
DanaGgreat, the only kernel it's usable with is 2.6.34-rc1... and that demands xorg-edgers.02:24
AutoBot_did I timeout02:29
myrldo you like the purple boot screen?02:30
bjsnideranybody who wants bleeding edge vlc/vaapi/ffmpeg for lucid give it a shot: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/cutting-edge-multimedia02:31
White-Horsehere is my output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/412863/02:32
tristan__will wireless for an asus eeepc 1001p be supported in lucid?02:33
White-Horsewireless G yes02:34
myrldo you like the purple boot screen?02:34
White-Horsenot sure about wireless N02:34
AutoBot_bjsnider: is that cutting edge or semi-tested02:34
White-Horsehas anyone looked at this yet ? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/412863/02:35
bjsniderAutoBot_, works well here02:35
White-Horseemma last i heard it will be April 29th, 2010.02:38
AutoBot_bjsnider: thanks, I was looking for vlc that will do :)02:41
mazda01how do i see all processes that are actually taking up memory? when I look at top, i see a whole bunch of stuff that isn;'t even using memry02:43
AutoBot_mazda01: ps -a02:45
AutoBot_ps -aux02:46
mazda01trying to get it so that all i have is a command line login, no gdm or wdm, i also don;t want plymouth to start. how to do this in lucid?02:58
chris4585mazda01, well you can either disable gdm or uninstall it02:59
mazda01ok, disabled wdm. what about plymouth? i have a process running called plymouthd03:00
mazda01i tried to disable it with sudp update-rc.d plymouthd disable, but it doesn't contain a startup script in init.d03:00
chris4585I don't know about disabling plymouth.03:00
yofelmazda01: you can remove the 'splash' option from grub, but if you want to completely disable it fiddle around with the init script03:02
DanaGI can't, in good conscience, set up Ubuntu on this old Toshiba, for somebody who lives way across the country.03:02
DanaGToo much stuff broken by Toshiba's stupidity / proprietary-ness.03:02
mazda01yofel: i just got done saying, there is no init script for plymouth. not in my lucid03:03
yofelmazda01: plymouth doesn't use sysvinit but upstart, edit the start on statement in /etc/init/plymouth.conf (I think, there are several plymouth files)03:03
mawstWhat's the beta 2 version of KDE?03:13
mawstI just installed k3b and it looks nice, makes me want to give it a shot again.03:13
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
mazda01yofel: are you serious? how do i know what to change?03:23
yofelmazda01: did you check the bug I told you about earlier? upstart isn't that easy to configure at the moment, so if you're unsure, just remove the splash option from grub03:30
mazda01yofel: did that for now. thanks03:30
yofelmazda01: actually, just commenting the 'start on' lines out should disable an upstart script03:31
Micctime to upgrade my desktop now.03:38
MiccI couldn't upgrade my laptop. I had to reinstall.03:41
woodyjlwubuntu 10.4 is awesome!  it is better and faster than any other ubuntu so far.  and it finally fixed my amd ati laptop wake and suspend problems....very excited so far03:44
TommyThaGunwoodyjlw, I agree03:44
TommyThaGunthey still haven't fixed the mocrophone problem with my laptop though03:45
Berzerkerok this is really irritating me03:45
Berzerkerbash: /home/andrew/Documents/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb: No such file or directory03:45
BerzerkerI'm looking at the file right now03:45
Berzerkerit's in that exact path03:45
woodyjlwonly problem I have had is with wicd03:47
woodyjlwbut I am sure it will be fixed in future or by release date of 10.0403:48
Berzerkermaybe I'm doing my path wrong03:48
Berzerkerexport PATH=${PATH}:/home/andrew/Documents/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/:.03:48
chris4585Berzerker, what kind of file is it? when you load a file in a program usually its in a buffered state, so its possibly to delete a file when you're using it03:48
Berzerkerchris4585: uhm...I've added it to paths before...03:49
TommyThaGunis there a way to set up the indicator applet? to maybe add my prefered mail client03:51
Ninja_Are the buttons in Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 going to be on the left permanently? (For Final Version and future releases?04:22
chris4585Ninja_, probably04:23
Ninja_Ok thanks.04:23
chris4585you can change the placement though pretty easily04:23
Berzerkerchris4585: any idea on my adb problem? it's not something that get deleted when used04:23
astro73|todYou know how when you try to fix something and you only make it worse?04:23
chris4585Berzerker, sorry I really have no idea04:23
astro73|todI now need more help than I originally filed a bug for (LP#560506)04:24
astro73|todI can't get any bootable media I have to run on my system. Not lucid, not UNR. Not chromium os.04:25
astro73|todNone of them work04:26
MikeChelencheck the bios options04:26
astro73|todI did. That's how I broke it in the first place. Restoring it doesn't fix it.04:29
nhainesastro73|tod: What exactly did you check?04:31
astro73|todthe video setting04:32
astro73|todauto, internal, PCIe, PCI04:32
astro73|todbefore, it only worked if you selected internal (my card is PCIe)04:32
astro73|todand by "before", I mean since I built the system close to 3yrs ago04:32
astro73|todbut after changing it (as per comment #25 in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/560506), I can't get it working04:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560506 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Compiz and glx* fail on glXCreateContext" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:34
astro73|todrestoring the old setting doesn't work04:34
Blue11anyone know how to install java for windows (windows firefox) under wine - I get "uncompression of download file failed" error04:39
qwertyjustinother users logged into their own user account can still access my home files, im on ubuntu 9.1004:42
qwertyjustinhow do i stop this?04:43
mawstI have a weird issue.... I have a wireless network and a wired network. When I enable the wired one I can't view websites... is there a way to tell the system to use one for networking and the other for inet?04:43
nhainesqwertyjustin: this channel is for support for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  You may find better support in #ubuntu04:43
nhainesBut what I would do is check the directory permissions for your home directory.04:43
nhainesmawst: both your LAN and Internet connections are "networking".  There's no difference to the system.04:44
mawstWell I hope you catch my drift at any rate,.04:44
nhainesYou'd have to modify your routing tables if you wanted to force traffic to one interface or the other.04:44
nhainesYeah, it's important to understand they're both IPv4 networks as far as your computer's concerned.  Not as important while asking us though.  :)04:45
mawstcan't I just set a system wide df gw04:46
mawstoh duh04:47
mawstI just found the problem.04:47
Blue11got it!  go to here http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp and grab the offline version and install that04:47
astro73|todI don't suppose anyone else has fixed their nvidia issues, have they?04:56
chris4585astro73|tod, what kind of nvidia issues?04:57
astro73|todThe kind where you don't have OpenGL, go and try to fix it, and end up with a system that refuses to run linux04:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560506 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Compiz and glx* fail on glXCreateContext" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:58
steen444im going to install ubuntu for my parents, they just use thunderbird + firefox   ...  would it be better to install 10.04 Beta 2 then upgrade to final, or just go for 9.10 then upgrade to 10.04 final when it comes out?04:58
bjsniderthere can't be any such nvidia issue04:59
bjsniderit's impossible. all we're doing is packaging pre-build libs and building an unpatched kernel module. it's completely out of our hands04:59
astro73|todso should I call up nvidia tech support?05:00
astro73|todor Intel's tech support? (it's their motherboard)05:00
Zenkerhow do i silence that music that plays when this os starts up?05:01
chris4585astro73|tod, in your bios boot menu, is anything selected to boot?05:01
bjsniderastro73|tod, your hardware could somehow be broken i suppose05:01
chris4585astro73|tod, that was the problem right?05:02
astro73|todexcept it was working when I initially filed the bug05:02
astro73|todand it's been working since I bought it05:02
astro73|todI was even running compiz before I upgraded05:02
astro73|todif I was going to place hardware blame, it would probably be on the motherboard05:03
Guest001steen444: Do not use Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 nor 9.10, there are many issues . If u like to use I suggest use ArchLinux, Fedora, Suse very flexible than ubuntu . In 9.10 and 10.04, bug problem is Internal mircrophone , sound, no voice or video chat05:03
steen444Guest001: they're pretty simple users, just firefox and thunderbird :)05:05
astro73|todsteen444: I would advise you using 9.10. Hardware issues vary widely, but I think for the most part it works05:05
steen444astro73|tod: ok, ill go with 9.10 thanks05:06
Guest001steen444: My recommendation suggestion is Windows or Mac05:06
tritiumGuest001: you must be having some issues specific to your hardware, as all those things you list work, in general.05:06
Guest001astro73|tod:Ubuntu 9.10 10.04 are not reliable, many bugs05:07
steen444Guest001: thanks mate, are used to ubuntu already though05:07
tritiumGuest001: do you need assistance with 10.04?05:08
astro73|todGuest001: If you're not here for support, shut up and clear off.05:08
Guest001tritium: Yes I need assistance 10.0405:08
tritiumGuest001: then ask for it, rather than simply recommend against using it.05:08
Guest001 tritium: If u can help me on internal microphone or sound recorder issue05:08
tritiumWhat hardware?05:09
Guest001tritium: This is a simple ...05:09
tritiumA simple what?05:09
Guest001DELL Hardware05:09
Guest001Simple because it is Sound Recorder05:09
chris4585astro73|tod, hrm so you have an onboard video card and an independent video card?05:10
Guest001but facing many issues. (.04 wasgood but when it comes sound architecture to pulseaudio, hen it faces many problem05:10
Guest001 but facing many issues. (9.04 was good but when it comes sound architecture to pulseaudio, hen it faces many problem05:11
Zenkerhow do i disable the start up music?05:11
astro73|todchris4585: yes. The onboard video is an intel integrated memory controller/video accelerator05:12
chris4585Zenker, in the System menu > preferences > startup > uncheck login sound05:12
tritiumGuest001: please don't /query.  State the specifics of your issue.  Otherwise, if you're just another archlinux troll, I can help you /part the channel.05:12
astro73|todthe video card is a PCIe Geforce ... something05:12
liamsan2Hello, I recently upgraded ubuntu to  lucid and upon upgrading the tray icons for pidgin are blank, i tried replacing the files in /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin but it doesn't work05:12
chris4585astro73|tod, have you tried switching in the bios to use the PCIe card?05:13
KB1JWQtritium: \o/05:13
owen1the video-out key is not working anymore (xev showing it but i don't see the screen on the TV). anyone else have this issue? where can i report it?05:13
voss749astro, pcie geforce something.... 6, 7, 8 ,9 ?05:13
astro73|todyes. That's proved problematic since I bought the card. When I change BIOS to PCIe, the kernel fails to load05:14
PeddyHello, I want to upgrade from Karmic to Lucid using the alternate install CD, but in cdromupgrade, it downloads additional updates from the internet, even when I tell it not to. Is there a workaround for this?05:14
astro73|todvoss749: 8, i think. It's hard to check since the system refuses to boot currently05:14
Zenkerchris4585 thank you05:14
voss749astro, You might just have a bad video card05:15
astro73|todthere's more details in the files I posted in LP#56050605:15
chris4585Zenker, no problem05:15
voss749Astro, what brand of video card is it?05:15
Zenkerit seemed not a logical place to find such an option ;)05:15
astro73|todXFX GeForce 8600GT. (I just pulled the video card out)05:17
voss749What version of ubuntu are you using?05:18
voss749Sorry dumb question05:18
bjsnideri didn't think there was  such a thing as an 8600gt05:18
astro73|tod10.04, but it's had that problem since I bought the card a few years back05:18
astro73|tod(this is #ubuntu+1)05:18
owen1where to submit bugs for 10.4?05:19
voss749astro, does the motherboard have on-board video?05:19
astro73|todThat's what it says on the label. You want a picture?05:19
astro73|todyes. Intel. I don't know what it is off-hand05:19
voss749Of course there is an 8600gt05:20
astro73|todand I can't exactly pull that out to look05:20
astro73|todthe mobo is an Intel DG965RY05:20
astro73|todso I'm guessing the video is a G965, in a GM96505:21
Guest001tritium: Here is the issue - internal microphone, speakers and Headphones are detected properly. I can play music and video sound but not recording.when i do a record, sliding level moves but when I playblack, no sound.05:21
voss749astro, You might try booting up under motherboard video then installing the 1.95 nvidia drivers and then reinstalling the nvidia card.05:21
astro73|tod(it's actually on the same chip as the memory controller)05:21
tritiumGuest001: pulseaudio is not new to 10.04.  Have you tried reading any of the following?05:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:22
voss749I had some glitchy stuff happen when I tried to upgrade my quad core system with an 9800 card.05:22
Guest001tritium: Sound Input is Internal Audio Analog Stereo05:22
astro73|todvoss, you mean reinstall? I just installed lucid. We're talking about software changes over hours05:22
voss749astro, no I mean physically reinstall the card05:23
bjsniderastro73|tod, what was the result when you first installed lucid and activated nvidia-current?05:23
Guest001tritium: Yes I read about pulseaudio05:23
voss749my problem is when the nvidia current was first installed it didnt work so uninstalled and reinstalled the driver05:24
astro73|todX worked but I had no OpenGL, as outlined in LP#65060505:24
Guest001tritium: From 9.10 and 10.04 , You cannot see Microphone on Input tab for Sound Preferences . Microphone has changed to Capture in ALSAMIXER05:24
voss749I was upgrading from 9.1 to 10.405:24
bjsnidersarvatt is probably right that you hadn't actually activated nvidia-current and were using nouveau instead05:25
Guest001tritium: Let me know if u need any other information05:25
voss749Nouveau for the lack of a better word...sucks05:26
astro73|todvoss: it's currently booting, should I reinstall the nvidia driver?05:26
voss749astro, yeah couldnt hurt05:26
bjsnidervoss749, how do you figure that?05:26
voss749bj, specific please05:26
tritiumGuest001: beyond reading about pulseaudio, please try the sound troubleshooting05:27
bjsniderhow do you figure that nouveau sucks05:27
astro73|todso Xorg was using nouveau despite nvidia being referenced in xorg.conf and jockey saying it was activated?05:27
voss749Nvidia cards are 3d cards, by definition drivers for 3d cards that do not support 3d...suck05:27
astro73|todand nvidia-settings was still happy05:28
bjsnidernot really, no05:28
bjsnidergl is a small part of a desktop environment05:28
Guest001tritium: wot you want to try from Sound Troubleshooting. Sound is working fine. I can play music, watch Videos but not Sound Recorder or Voice Call chat via Empathy/Skype05:29
voss749bj, If all I need is 2d acceleration, motherboard video will work fine for that05:29
bullgard4_[Ubuntu 9.10] '~$ sudo do-release-upgrade; No new release found.' How should I upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 Beta 2 now?05:30
astro73|tod(note to self: clean up packages and cut down on boot time)05:30
voss749bullgard try sudo update-manager -d05:30
bjsniderthat's a very odd way of looking at things. nouveau does a lot of good things, even some thing like randr 1.2 that the blob doesn't05:31
Blue11bullgard4_: backup /home/ and /etc/ and then do a fresh install05:31
voss749bjsnider, you dont get a laptop with an 8200m chipset to do 2d graphics, an intel 845 chipset will do that. You get 8200m chipset so you can play 3d stuff and eventually hard accelerated flash05:33
thebishopi'm getting a strange flickering on my Laptop display (intel 4500MHD chip).  it looks like a hardware problem, but i don't see it on windows05:33
bjsniderwhat 3d stuff?05:34
bullgard4_Blue11: I have done backup /home and /etc. Why do you suggest a fresh install?05:34
Blue11bullgard4_: in the end, you'll have less problems.  upgrades have been problematic05:35
voss749I play eve online with wine05:35
Blue11voss749: ?05:35
bullgard4_Blue11: General statements are not helpful.05:35
AKGuys, anybody has upgraded the latest software update for 10.04 Beta 2 on Kernel 2.6.32-2005:35
voss749Wine uses open gl05:35
voss749bullgard did you try update-manager -d?05:36
Blue11bullgard4_: sorry best I can do.  my experience has shown me, that's it's better to backup/restore then to upgrade things don't always go as planned during an upgrade05:36
bullgard4_voss749: Thank you very much for your help. --  Yes.05:36
AKGuys, anybody has upgraded the latest software update for 10.04 Beta 2 on Kernel 2.6.32-20 . Is it safe to do a distribution updates , any issues05:37
Blue11AK still on .19 here05:37
voss749blue ive had fewer problems upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 than any other upgrade ive ever done with ubuntu05:37
AKBluell: I got now Update manage window05:37
Blue11voss749: i guess the old adage is true - YMMV (your mileage may vary)05:37
AKwhich says new Kernel05:37
Blue11AK I have not updated today05:38
voss749blue, so far ive successfully upgraded a desktop, and 2 netbooks05:38
bjsnidermany lucid packages are not far from their karmic versions, like for instance the entire multimedia system. same ffmpeg, same mplayer, same gstreamer, same vlc etc.05:38
astro73|tomIt seems that the webchat is not without it's downsides05:38
astro73|tomdid I miss anything?05:38
voss749The only thats annoyed me about 10.04 is they didnt bring in the latest version of freeciv, and the whole buttons on the left crap :)05:39
AKBluell: New Distribution included latest Kernel, server and pulseaudio05:39
Blue11voss749: Ymmv -- that has not been my experience - I always backup, fresh install, then restore -- some of the libs get broken and those can be a pain to fix05:39
AK43.4 MB files and 30 items05:39
bjsnidervoss749, more power to you for trying to use linux as a gaming platform. it never will be that, and you won't have hardware accelerated flash playback until adobe fires the whiners they have working on the linux plugin05:40
bjsniderin other words, never05:40
voss749bjsnider, 10.1 currently in beta has hardware accelerated flash for linux05:40
bjsniderdoes it really?05:41
AKyes it is awsome05:41
astro73|tom10.10 is in beta?05:41
Blue11yup new kernel avail d/l now05:41
Blue11astro73|tom: I heard it was still in alpha05:41
astro73|tomor did you mean 10.04?05:41
voss749Flash 10.105:42
Blue11astro73|tom: big change in 10.10 - they are going to report file sizes in decimal05:42
AKBlue11: Installation Process going on...05:42
Blue11AK same -05:42
voss749Adobe flash 10.1 supports hardware accleration of flash05:43
astro73|tomso I see my little video problem has desolved into holy wars05:43
* Blue11 can't wait till flash is dead, jim!05:43
bjsnidervoss749, not for linux it doesn't05:43
voss749bj, yes it does05:43
bjsniderno it does not05:43
voss749The only one it doesnt support is h.26405:44
AKBlue11: Can u check from your Sound --> Preferences ---> Multimedia System Selectors, what is Default output and input plugin and device selected for audio?05:45
Blue11AK omw (on my way)05:45
Blue11AK I have system/preferences/sound but no multimedia thing05:46
AKYou can get multimedia things from Main Menu05:47
AKBluell: Your Multimedia things is hide05:47
Blue11AK not on my system05:48
bjsnidermike melanson explains in that deranged rant why linux will never have any kind of accelerated video support05:48
AKBluell: Go to system ---> Preferences ---> Main Menu --> then u can see system prefernces05:48
Blue11AK ahh okay I had never noticed a main menu before hang on05:49
Blue11AK still no multimedia05:49
AKBluell: You can put a check mark, where u can see sound settings for audio and video05:50
voss749bj, your right05:50
astro73|tommount isn't happy if you mention a non-existant filesystem (unionfs) in fstab05:50
Damasceneany one using ubuntu-netbook launcher?05:50
Blue11AK okay let me schlep a minute05:50
AK<Blue11>; settings is there check it properly05:50
Blue11AK got it05:51
Blue11AK says it's using gstreamer05:51
astro73|tomok, i'm reinstalling nvidia and removing nouvou and nv05:52
AKBlue11: You will see 2 tab Audio and Video05:52
Blue11okay gonna reboot into .20 brb (hopfully)05:52
Blue11AK okay let me look05:52
AKMeanwhile I,m rebooting my system back in .20 seconds05:53
Blue11I am at System/Preferences/Main Menu/System/Preferences/Multi media System selector05:53
Blue11me too05:53
voss749In two-tenths of a second? thats fast! ;-)05:58
astro73|tomwoot! I have a boot screen05:58
voss749....and there was much rejoicing...yeah05:59
astro73|tomexcept i'm not sure i can convince xorg to use the geforce exclusively06:01
Blue11voss749: I am on .2006:01
EdgEyI don't think my monitor wakes up in .2 seconds06:01
Blue11yeah pulse audio is less hiccuppy06:02
Miccrebooting after upgrade, cross fingers.06:03
astro73|tomok, running w/o xorg.conf doesn't work, restoring it.06:06
astro73|tomif i'm lucky, i'll be back at square one06:06
astro73|tomand if i'm very lucky, it'll be mysteriously fixed06:06
Blue11astro73|tom: I had problems with gconf06:07
Blue11that might be your problem06:07
astro73|tomand if murphey is awake, Xorg will refuse to use my geforce06:07
astro73|tomBlue11: gconf has nothing to do with xorg06:07
Blue11i nuked .gconf in my home directory, and then logged out/in and things finally worked06:07
Blue11astro73|tom: no06:07
Blue11astro73|tom: ahh differnt problem06:08
astro73|tommine's kinda well below gconf06:09
astro73|tomgconf doesn't deal with hardware much, esp not fundamental stuff like video06:09
MiccOn both my desktop and laptop installing nvidia restricted hardware drivers fails.06:09
bullgard4_"Canonical no longer provides support for the packages bluetooth, ..." Why?06:09
astro73|tombullgard4_: they've been superseeded (sp) by other packages06:09
bullgard4_astro73|tom: What package has superseded the DEB program package 'bluetooth'?06:11
vahe_quick question guys, trying to install ubuntu 10.04 beta on a seperate hard drive on my windows system. The installer will not see this specific drive (sees the other two). When I run it in Live CD, ubuntu sees this drive and its content. This drive had opensuse installed previously. I had deleted that volume using windows disk management and the ubuntu installer still does not see it06:13
Blue11vahe_: you may need to create a space with gparted, I don't remember if that's on the livecd or not.06:15
bullgard4_vahe_: Try first to write something on this drive in question. may be this helps the installer then to recognize this drive.06:15
Blue11vahe_: I did pretty much the same thing, went from suse on this box, to ubuntu06:16
vahe_thanks guys, going to attempt that now06:16
Blue11bullgard4_: good idea - touch is excellent for that06:17
AKBlue11: Do u have a chance to look into it06:21
AKBluell: Could you please check Sound --> Preferences ---> Multimedia System Selectors, what is Default output and input plugin and device selected for audio? from your side06:22
Blue11AK I could not find it -- I did:  System/Preferences/Main Menu/System/Preferences/Multimedia Systems Selector  there is nothing like what you described there.06:22
AKYour settings is hide06:22
AKPlease go to System/Preferences/Main Menu06:23
Blue11AK I am there, Private message ok?06:23
AKBlue11: OK06:24
MiccWhere do I put the splash gdm images?06:25
Blue11emergency: sup?06:26
emergencyi was dual booting win 7 + ubuntu 9.10. then i was upgrading 9.1 to 10.04 when the grub installation near the end got corrupted somehow. now there is a "GRUB error" (considering it's screwy) message after the bios option to where i can't choose to boot up in either win or ubuntu06:26
emergencyi've tried putting my recovery disk for windows back in, but it won't get rid of the screwed up grub settings, and now i'm running off of a spare 9.10 disk which is having trouble installing06:26
emergencywell, i think during the upgrade i chose to replace my current grub settings with the new one which froze during the installation. it would have been wrong any06:26
Blue11emergency: I am not the grub guy but hopefully someone can assist you.06:27
Blue11it is precisely those reasons though, why I don't do an upgrade, and a fresh install instead.06:28
vahe_bullgard4_ and Blue11: Thanks for your help, installation now proceeding06:28
astro73|tomi guess i'll come back to it tomorrow06:28
emergencywell, regardless i'm relatively new to all this and wasn't sure about which option to pick in regards to the grub settings. i think if i was going from 9.04 -> 9.1 i could have made the same mistake06:29
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Blue11yes. I had problems going from 8.04 to 8.10 and I learned quickly upgrade wasnt the way to go - unfortunately06:30
emergencywell now i feel stupid considering i see "grub loading" 50 times a day and should have kept things how they were06:30
MiccI can't find where to change the gdm login screen greeting in 10.0406:38
rocket16Hello all,06:41
mxe5I have forgotten how to query ubottu for information - and not flood the channel - Anyone ? ?06:41
rocket16I am downloading Lucid Alternate. Is there any bug in the installer?06:41
rocket16Also, is Lucid faster than 9.10?06:42
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chris4585rocket16, the bootup is much faster, but that depends on your hardware06:44
AKrocket16; I agreed with you Lucid is faster than Karmic 9.10. My booting tooks 7 seconds with 2 GB RAM06:44
rocket16chris4585 AK Ok, thank you. But, if I install it via Alternate CD, will there be any bug in it?06:45
rocket16Because I can't wait for the new release, :(06:45
rocket16My Laptop is minimal, with 512 MB RAM, but my Desktop has 2 GB. Still, I wish Lucid helps me to resurrect my Laptop, :) 9.10 does the same, but hope Lucid is better, :)06:46
AKrocket16:  You can do upgrade to lucid .. There are some bugs r there06:46
chris4585rocket16, there might be, thats the fun of testing betas06:47
rocket16AK, oh I see.06:47
rocket16chris4585: Oh, yes.06:47
rocket16But,at least, It will work, :) Won't it? (Really new to beta-testing, :( )06:48
rocket16And, is there a way to have Lucid Lynx's Empathy theme in 9.10?06:49
chris4585rocket16, there's no way to know without testing it06:50
rocket16chris4585: Ok, :)06:50
rocket16Oh! I got it! The way to get Lucid's empathy theme in 9.10!06:51
rocket16Here the deb file is there, :)06:51
chris4585rocket16, awesome :)06:53
rocket16chris4585: Thank you, :)06:53
rocket16I hope, Lucid beats Windows 7 fever, that started after October 22, last Year. Although Ubuntu 9.10 came out the next day, but people got amazed and used Windows . :( I myself, an Ubuntu user and fan, can't tolerate this. :( (Sorry, a bit offtopic)06:55
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vahe_so i finally managed to install 10.04. However, when selecting to boot via the drive its installed on, bios hangs on "Verifying DMI Pool Data....". When I choose the windows HD to boot from, everything works correctly. Anyone have an idea on what may be causing this?07:01
SandGorgoncan somebody check that in kubuntu 10.04 on a laptop - when you pull out the power cord (or put it back in), the mouse pointer jumps to the launcher ?07:21
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +107:21
ActionParsnipSandgoron: no kde here dude. I like free ram :)07:22
LordKowhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/537218 that is going to be nasty for lucid nvidia users07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537218 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "" Failed to allocate video memory" nvidia-current on lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:30
LordKowim surprised it isn't being mentioned in the release notes for the betas07:30
jimjimovichhey all07:32
jimjimovichI noticed that Lucid beta 2, 32bit version, sees all of my 4GB of RAM07:32
jimjimovichwhat is the RAM limit for the 32 bit version?07:32
jimjimovichyeah, Karmic shows only 3.2 GB of RAM if I used the 32 bit version, but Lucid is showing 3.8 GiB07:34
Blue11if you think its confusing now, wait till 10.10 reports stuff in decimal instead of binary07:34
jimjimovichwell, i'm not so much confused, i'm just wondering how much RAM Lucid 32bit will see. Since the only reason I'm using the 64bit version of Karmic is to use all my RAM07:35
vegaLordKow: urk, just begin ugprade and have nvidia binary drivers..07:39
Mikerhinoshi all07:40
vahe_hello again guys, can anyone help me troubleshoot my ethernet connection07:49
blue102can you ping it07:50
vahe_nope, i'll describe my issue07:50
vahe_and this has been an issue with ubuntu on multiple installs07:51
blue102i'm listening07:51
vahe_as far as I can tell, ubuntu sees my network adapter (on my motherboard) as I notice that it can detect my mac address07:51
vahe_but i can never receive an IP07:51
blue102dhcp working or static ip07:51
vahe_dhcp from my router07:52
blue102yep ok07:52
vahe_and it works fine with windows and the os x machine that I'm running on07:52
blue102nano /etc/network/interfaces and make it static see what happen07:52
vahe_what do I put in here specifically to make that happen?07:53
vegai recently discovered a funny thing, i had an extra /etc/network/interfaces file with some funny utf8 character right after the 's' character, this made the wlan assosiation fail completely even though the actual 'interfaces' was correct, after deleting the extra file it worked07:54
blue102hang on back in a minute07:55
blue102auto eth007:57
blue102iface  eth0 inet static07:57
vahe_my router is at, should I have it at "network"07:59
blue102try that08:00
blue102see how that goes08:01
vegawell that won't work if his router is .1.108:01
blue102after that /etc/init.d/networking restart08:01
blue102then you try
vegarather: address, network, broadcast and gateway
blue102yep try that08:02
blue102you must be able to ping the router08:03
vahe_sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  results in "*Reconfiguring network interfaces... grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory [OK]"08:04
vahe_i went with the settings vega provided08:04
AKGuys what is the command from terminal to test speaker in ubuntu 10.04. I am facing some issue while sound recorder08:04
vegavahe_: yeah you need a resolv.conf now as you don't have dhcp creating it.. but it probably will work without too08:05
blue102works with me here08:06
AKAnybody can help me on Sound Recorder testing. what is the command from terminal to test speaker in ubuntu 10.04. I am facing some issue while sound recorder08:07
ZykoticK9AK, you can try "speaker-test -c2 -t wav"08:08
AKThis is for Front left and right sound. I need for playback command08:10
AKZykoticK9:This is for Front left and right sound. I need for playback command08:11
ZykoticK9AK, sorry - don't have any other suggestions.  Best of luck.08:11
blue102vahe is it sorted?08:11
vahe_tried restarting08:12
vahe_no luck08:12
almoxarifeAK: you want to know why you don't have playback?08:12
presuntorj!info netbook-launcher08:14
ubottunetbook-launcher (source: netbook-launcher): A clutter-based desktop launcher, typically used on netbooks. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.1.16-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 79 kB, installed size 1036 kB08:14
vahe_ping restults in From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable08:15
blue102is the network card working ???08:15
vahe_yes, booting into windows from the same machine, everything works fine08:15
vega.1.10 is your gateway(router) ip?08:15
AKalmoxarife: I am doing a sound recorder testing. I have internal microphone. From Sound Preferences : Hardware : Analog Stereo Duplex Input:Internal Audio Analog Stereo08:15
diverse_izzuekernel -20 doesn't boot on my machine. any others having trouble?08:16
almoxarifeI need help from a samba guru, I have two user folders being shared, and I can see them from a win7 system, I don't see them on the ubuntu side as beiing part of a workgroup though, I have had this issue I think from the time I upgraded08:16
vahe_router is at .1.108:16
vahe_thats what i have gateway set at08:16
vegaping that08:16
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: Works here.08:16
KB1JWQOn it now, no issues.08:16
vahe_tried "Destination Host Unreachable"08:16
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: Do we have the -20 changelog available?08:16
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, i'm sure we can find it08:17
almoxarifeAK: on a desktop?08:18
blue102same hostname???08:18
blue102network name08:18
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.32-20.2908:18
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: How's it dying, just fails to boot?08:18
vahe_not sure what you mean08:18
vegavahe_: assume this is a wired link?08:18
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, it just hangs on boot08:18
AKalmoxarife: yes on a desktop I can record the sound but when i play it nothing hears anything08:18
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: Can you throw it into single user mode?08:18
vahe_btw, under System > Preferences > Network Connections08:19
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, how do i do that?08:19
vahe_Auto eth0 and Auto eth1 are both now gone08:19
diverse_izzuemaybe i should try with the latest 2.6.32 mainline kernel also08:19
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: Append "single" without the quotes to the kernel boot line in grub.08:19
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, ok, easy enough. what's the effect of that?08:19
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: You can also use grub to fail back to the last working kernel.08:19
KB1JWQdiverse_izzue: It throws it into single user mode for the first boot? :-)  No networking, no loading of a lot of drivers.08:20
AKALSAmixer setting all r 100% - capture, mic boost and internal08:20
diverse_izzueKB1JWQ, i will try.08:20
almoxarifeAK: system>admin>system testing avail for use?08:20
blue102you use 2 cards eth0 and eth108:21
bullgard'~$ sudo update-manger -d'  updated my Thinkpad T43 to 2.6.32-20. But this kernel does not start. Also 2.6.32-20-generic-recovery mode hangs. There is no access to a virtual console. My old kernel 2.6.31-20 starts though, even X. How to fix this?08:21
diverse_izzuebullgard, i have the same issue08:21
vahe_well, motherboard has 2 ethernet ports, cable is connected at eth1 i believe08:21
diverse_izzuebullgard, KB1JWQ recommended trying to boot with the "single" argument. i cannot reboot right now, but maybe you can try08:22
diverse_izzuealso, you could try using the latest 2.6.32 mainline kernel. do you know where/how to get those?08:22
diverse_izzuei have a thinkpad as well btw08:22
blue102try the cable in the eth008:22
bullgarddiverse_izzue: How can I boot using the "single" argument?08:22
almoxarifeAK: you stated that the issue was 'playback', what is the status of the output in alsa-mixer?08:22
diverse_izzuebullgard, easiest is to edit the command line directly in grub, just for that one boot. select the boot entry, press e. then at the line which ends in "ro quiet splash" or similar, add "single" to the end08:23
diverse_izzuebullgard, then press ctrl-x to boot08:23
SiDiHi there.08:24
SiDiI've got an HP6730b, which was working fine under Karmic. I upgraded to Lucid and now the brightness keys don't work. Apparently it's due to my GMA915 not using the good backlight control method, and plenty of bug reports tell to run the following command:08:25
SiDixrandr --output LVDS --set BACKLIGHT_CONTROL native08:25
SiDiProblem is that in Lucid, LVDS has no BACKLIGHT_CONTROL property. Does anyone have an idea what to do?08:25
AKalmoxarife: The issue was with playback the status of the output in alsamixer is 100%. When I do a system testing for Audio i.e speak into internal microphone. after few seconds, i cannot hear back my speach08:27
AKproblem in alsa_record_internal_playback. I cannot hear my speech08:30
AKI got the testing report08:34
jmfthevciMy Lenovo T61 was updated this morning. Beta1 to Beta 2. New kernel  (2.6.32-20) crashes at the isapnp point early in kernel boot. 2.6.32-19 still boots.08:34
jmfthevciUsing Recovery mode for 2.6.32-20 does not get any further.08:35
diverse_izzuejmfthevci, you're the third here, besided me and bullgard08:37
jmfthevcibug 561140 applies08:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114008:37
diverse_izzuebullgard ^08:37
jmfthevcimultiple platforms affected by 561140. Looks like a widespread issue. I'm so glad I keep at least one working kernel...08:39
jmfthevciCan someone update the motd on this channel to flag bug 561140?08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114008:41
hayanbomguys, Does anyone know programs that can do comments, annotation,highlight function on pdf file ? only free08:41
diverse_izzuehayanbom, evince, in it's next version :-) ...maybe08:42
diverse_izzuethere should be something though08:42
hayanbomdiverse_izzue, thanks for response08:42
SandGorgonhey guys.. I'm getting a deprecated signal error in Kubuntu 10.04 on a svn commit (work repository) - Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)08:43
SandGorgonany clue what's going on ?08:43
AKGuys , I am getting failed on alsa_record_internal_playback when I performed a system testing for Audio08:48
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nishanthmy computer freezes randomly. but it works fine when i set acpi to off. but i happen to notice that my fan is working continuously if i set acpi to off....anyone know how to fix this?08:56
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=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
vegacan anyone tell the output of "dpkg --list | wc -l09:00
vega" on a freshly installed lucid machine09:00
vegaie. how many package installed by default on normal desktop install..09:00
nishanthmy computer freezes randomly. but it works fine when i set acpi to off. but i happen to notice that my fan is working continuously if i set acpi to off....anyone know how to fix this?09:01
blue102vega 135709:01
vegaok, thanks09:01
AKmy system sounds all work, but I can't record or playback with Sound Recorder application. I did tested with System testing where alsa_record_internal_playback failed. Please advise wot needs to be done to fix09:02
nishanthAK try installing alsa player09:02
nishanthI used to have similar issue and it worked after i installed alsa player09:03
AKnishanth: can u tell me how??09:05
nishanthAK try using the ubuntu software center or synaptic09:05
AKnishanth:look for?/09:06
nishanthAK alsa player09:06
Konstigthow do I report this as a bug? the log out/switch user applet is missing and indicator applet session seems messed up https://xyz.pp.se/~thnov/up/Screenshot.png09:07
TheSovCan anyone help me get my sound card to work in lucid, its detected and i see multiple profiles but i hear no audio and sometimes pulse crashes when i change profiles.09:07
nishanthAK which are you using synaptic or software center09:07
vahe_vega: 128809:07
AKI can see alsaplayer-alsa and alsaplayer-daemon09:08
nishanthAK so you are in synaptic?09:08
nishanthAK install alsaplayer-alsa09:08
AKnishanth: Yes I am in Synaptic09:08
AKnishanth; Thanks let me install and test it...09:09
nishanthAK after you install open sounds from system -> pref..-> sounds09:10
AKnishanth; Installation done. I am in system -> pref..-> sounds09:10
nishanthAK then click on the input tab and set input volume to some level and try recording something09:10
nishanthAK using sound recorder09:11
nishanthAK did it work?09:11
AKnishanth : I cannot hear anything while playback09:12
nishanthAK did you change the input volume?09:13
AKnishanth : no it didn't work . Do u want to see the screenshot09:13
bullgarddiverse_izzue: jmfthevci <dholbach> said that Ubuntu kernel people are working on the problem and he advised to watch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/561151/ for a fix.09:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux "reproducible oops at startup on thinkpad x61s in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [Undecided,New]09:13
nishanthAK ya maybe09:13
diverse_izzuebullgard, thanks, subscribed09:15
TheSovI'm trying to get my sound card to work in 10.04 beta2. It's a sound blaster X-fi pci-express 1x. the system can detect the card and shows is in available hardware. I hear nothing and it does not matter which sound profile I pick for the device I hear no audio.09:17
vegahmm, evolution seems to be install but is nowhere to be found in the gnome menu09:19
diverse_izzuevega, if you start evolution rom terminal, does that work?09:19
vegaapt-get --reinstall install evolution did not help09:20
vegadiverse_izzue: it starts09:20
diverse_izzuevega, right click on your menu to open the menu editor, maybe it's disabled?09:20
NET||abusehey folks, i ran the upgrade through from 9.10 to the beta on my laptop,, i get to reboot after all the packages are installed, grub pops up, then it sits there saying "Starting Up" with my hdd light on solid....09:20
Arvani have a question,please help me. my server acts a router role, now i need to control traffic,which program will be great??09:20
vegadiverse_izzue: hm, right-click on what menu?09:21
diverse_izzueright click on where it says "applications"09:21
vegaah ok09:22
veganope, no evolution in the "Internet" section09:22
diverse_izzuevega, in /usr/share/applications, do you have evolution.desktop?09:23
diverse_izzuevega, do you have the evolution-common package installed?09:23
jmfthevcibullgard: I'll keep an eye on both 561140 and 561151. Thanks.09:25
NET||abuseok, so i tried to get grub to boot off 2.6.31-20 rather than 2.6.32-19 and it does the same thing09:26
jmfthevciI think 561140 and 561151 are duplicates.09:26
TheSovcan I use beep to test sound?09:27
NET||abusejust sits there saying "Starting Up"09:27
vegadiverse_izzue: yes to both questions09:28
diverse_izzuevega, this starts getting a bit weird :-)09:28
diverse_izzuevega, tried killing the panel "killall gnome-panel" ?09:29
NET||abusehmm, seems recovery mode boots with a similar problem i get alot of info flying up the screen, then once it's loaded Ext3 FS on sda1    that's it, just sitting there waiting hdd light on solid,09:29
NET||abuseis there anyway i can debug this better?09:30
vegadiverse_izzue: just did it, no help.. also did apt-get --reinstall install evolution-common09:30
diverse_izzuevega, sorry, I'm out of ideas09:31
vegaNET||abuse: https://launchpad.net/bugs/561140 seen this?09:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New]09:31
vegadiverse_izzue: ok thanks anyways09:33
NET||abusevega, yeh, might be the problem, but i tried in 2.6.31-19 kernel and it wouldn't boot either, same situation.09:34
larsivihave anyone seen a hang in boot right after a kernel is selected in grub? i.e. no output at all (beyond a blinking cursor in the upper left corner)?09:39
NET||abuselarsivi, i'm in that situation too, though mine says "Starting Up"09:39
larsiviwith me it happens at least half of the time with the -19 kernel, on a dell studio xps 1709:39
NET||abuseI've got 100% of the time.09:39
larsiviI don't think I got the -20 kernel yet09:39
NET||abusejust finished updates from 9.10 to the beta, stuck09:39
NET||abusecan you get recovery mode to load?09:40
larsiviI believe the -18 kernel works fine for me (I've been at the beta for some weeks now)09:41
NET||abusenot sure how i can get any thing else installed here, nothing will load09:41
vega-20 kernel works ok for me09:41
NET||abusei've no tty to switch to or anything.09:41
screen-xmorning all09:41
larsiviI see I get the -20 kernel now09:41
NET||abusei've got the 2.6.32-19 kernel and the 2.6.31-20 kernel to choose from09:42
NET||abusei take it the 2.6.31-20 kernel isn't the new one your talking about?09:42
NET||abuseahh, google says there's 2.6.33-2009:43
NET||abuseso i'm not on that version, and so vega that forum / bug is not related to me.09:43
larsivihmm, I'm getting 2.6.32-2009:43
vega2.6.32-20-generic is what i have09:43
NET||abusevega, you sure? 2.6.32-19 surely? or else either 2.6.31-20 or 2.6.33-2009:44
vegaLinux visam09lk 2.6.32-20-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 9 20:35:00 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:44
NET||abuseok, i've only got 2.6.32-19.. hmm09:45
vahe_blue102 and vega: an update regarding my networking issue, this seems to have been a specific issue with the network controller on my motherboard. Solution here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/13683609:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy, interpid ]" [Medium,Fix released]09:45
vahe_thanks for the help guys09:45
NET||abusei am completely stuck here, i don't know how to debug this.. anyone know what i can do to get more information?09:47
NET||abusei'm curious as to what my disc is doing, after grub the hdd indicator starts to flash up with work then just goes solid on09:48
iconmefistoNET||abuse: what graphics card? I had that with ati card09:49
NET||abuseiconmefisto, but i've no X , no tty, this is not getting past whatever is immediately after grub09:49
iconmefistoNET||abuse: well my ati problem was related to kms. disabling it fixed it. but with the most recent update 2.6.32-20 kernel boots with kms enabled09:51
NET||abusei can't get recovery mode or anything to boot, so i don't know how i can change any setting?09:51
bullgardIn Grub I selected (highlighted) the line "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-20-generic root= UUID<<<<<<<<<<009a568ee-...->. How can I navigate to its end and add a string there?09:51
iconmefistoNET||abuse: how far does recovery mode boot get?09:52
aprilharehow does one force the login screen to the default display preferences used in lucid? i upgraded, but it still appears chocolatey.09:52
NET||abuseiconmefisto, hold on a tick while i try it again.09:53
NET||abuseiconmefisto, Running /scripts/init-bottom09:53
NET||abuseAdding 3943948k swap on /dev/sda2. Priotiry: -1 extents: 1 across: 3943948k09:54
NET||abuseEXT4 FS on sda1, internal journal09:54
NET||abuse ------ that's the end09:54
NET||abuseiconmefisto, just sits there after that, and the hdd indicator is just on solid.09:54
NET||abuseiconmefisto, worth running spinright on it? or try boot withlive cd first and mount sda1?09:56
iconmefistoNET||abuse: don't know about spinright, but maybe boot livecd and run fsck on sda1 (don't mount it, of course)09:57
NET||abuseyeh, ok09:57
NET||abuseburning image now09:57
NET||abusethank god i have desktop with 9.10 still on it.09:57
NET||abuseproblem is 95% of my code is sitting on laptop :P09:57
NET||abuselooked at my development folder with disc usage analyser yesterday, i have 16GB of Music, and 4.6GB of code :P09:58
NET||abusei'm pleased with that ratio.09:58
immortal_soul_hi i wonder can anyone help09:58
NET||abusethough there's alot of image assets in that 4.6GB :P09:58
NET||abuseimmortal_soul_, don't ask to ask i think is a rule on most irc09:59
immortal_soul_im trying to download and instal sound drivers on ubuntu and dont kno how09:59
NET||abusesound drivers? What is your hardware?09:59
NET||abuseyou usually don't need much inthe way of sound drivers.. pulse or alsa will work it all out.09:59
immortal_soul_i was using xp an the disk failed to work an now using ubuntu an basically im a newbie with it so dont know what im doin lol10:00
NET||abuseah, kay. have you tested sound will work at all?10:00
NET||abuseoh, are you using the beta?10:00
NET||abuseor are you on ubuntu 9.10?10:00
immortal_soul_um not sure10:00
NET||abuseare you in ubuntu right now?10:00
immortal_soul_i am10:01
NET||abuseor are you dual booting?10:01
immortal_soul_i was able to get wine to work and installed basic irc10:01
chadnru_inSince the built-in speakers of my laptop didn't work, I had installed  linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic.  Now my built-in speakers work but headphones when connected produce no sound.10:01
NET||abuseok, first thing is to see if your on the beta or the stable release.10:01
chadnru_inThe laptop uses an Intel sound card10:01
immortal_soul_how do i check that ? terminal ?10:01
NET||abuseyeh, terminal   stick in     uname -a10:02
bullgardimmortal_soul_: uname -a10:02
immortal_soul_kk 2 secs10:02
immortal_soul_Linux patrick-desktop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:02
NET||abusehmm, is beta running on 2.6.31 or is that 9.10?10:03
immortal_soul_i have no idea lol10:03
NET||abuseyour on 9.1010:05
immortal_soul_i havnt used linux in over 5 yrs or so lmao an that was in school :|10:05
NET||abuseso this is ubuntu+1 which means it is aimed at the release ahead of the current stable release.10:05
bullgardimmortal_soul_: 2.6.31 is the kernel for Ubuntu 9.10 (called "Karmic").10:05
iconmefistochadnru_in: for hda audio, this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61684510:05
NET||abuse9.10 is the stable release, but by the start of next month 10.04 will be the next stable release10:06
immortal_soul_ahh i see10:06
NET||abuseuntil then just use #ubuntu for help,10:06
NET||abusebut for sound, make sure you install restricted drivers etc.10:06
NET||abusethere's some stuff on getting hardware to work on the wiki's10:07
immortal_soul_kk ty10:07
bullgardIn Grub I selected (highlighted) the line "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-20-generic root= UUID=09a568ee-...->". How can I navigate to its end and add a string there?10:07
iconmefistobullgard: arrow keys?10:08
vegabullgard: isn't it "e" to edit10:08
AKGuys, I am getting a strange on Sound Preferences ---> Application tab . When I go to Sound Recorder, it should show ALSA plug-in [npviewer.bin]10:08
AKbut its showing sound recorder10:09
thecookieI get thrown out to busybox pretty instantly during kerlen loading10:09
thecookieany ideas?10:09
AKGuys, I am getting a strange on Sound Preferences ---> Application tab . When I go to Sound Recorder, it should show ALSA plug-in [npviewer.bin] but its showing sound recorder . I think some application/config needs to be done. any ideas??10:10
bullgardiconmefisto: The screen picture reacts to the Up and Down arrow keys. But I cannot see any reaction when I press the Left or Right arrow keys.10:10
chadnru_iniconmefisto: Does this method require having  linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic installed?10:10
vegabullgard: 12:08 < vega> bullgard: isn't it "e" to edit10:11
Micc_why does my gdmsetup not have tabs like it shows in web sites when I google it?10:11
jasmuzHello to all10:11
jasmuzI have an urgent question10:11
iconmefistochadnru_in: I don't think it matters. it's for enabling sound driver features on different laptop models, even though the audio chipset is the same, different laptops use the same hardware differently10:12
Micc_my gdmsetup is a single page, not tabs. And I don't see any way to setup a new gdm login screen10:12
jasmuzI've started the update to 10.04 beta 2, and the installer stuck on disabling power management, What should i do?10:12
iconmefistobullgard: are you in the "edit" mode? (press "e" key to edit the selected grub menu item)10:13
iconmefistojasmuz: how are you doing the upgrade? commandline or gui?10:15
jasmuziconmefisto, GUI10:16
iconmefistojasmuz: I only know kde, so if this is on gnome, I can't help you much10:17
jasmuziconmefisto, i tried shutting down the acpi-support via init to see if it would roll but no go on that10:17
jmfthevcijasmuz: Are you doing an update on Battery or mains power?10:17
bullgardvega: Yes it is. --  Thank you for your help. I added the string "single" to the end of the kernel boot command line. Now a "Recovery menu" appears offering 5 options: clean, dpkg, failsafeX, Update grub bootloader, Drop to root shell prompt with networking. What should I select?10:18
jasmuzjmfthevci, main power its a PC10:18
vegabullgard: sorry don't know didn't follow your problem actually.. just commented on the "editing detail" :)10:18
jasmuziconmefisto, Im scared of pulling the plug on a partial upgrade, i will end up with a stone for PC10:19
bullgardvega: Thank you very much.10:19
SebastianKernel panics/segfaults on ThinkPad X60s after upgrade to latest Lucid. How would I gather debug information for this?10:19
jasmuzideas, anyone?10:19
bullgardiconmefisto: This works. Thank you.  --  I added the string "single" to the end of the kernel boot command line. Now a "Recovery menu" appears offering 5 options: clean, dpkg, failsafeX, Update grub bootloader, Drop to root shell prompt with networking. What should I select?10:19
iconmefistojasmuz: you could kill the upgrade process and then sudo dpkg --configure -a to continue the rest of the upgrade. as long as you fix things before reboot it should be ok10:21
jasmuziconmefisto, let me just do that10:21
iconmefistobullgard: what do you want to do?10:22
bullgardiconmefisto: Starting Ubuntu 10.04 Beta.10:22
madalinanyone arround?10:23
madalini could use a hand..10:23
DASPRiDplease don't use the hand :x10:23
madalini have an ATI Radeon 4350, and it looks like X is screaming something about fglrx or such10:23
jasmuziconmefisto, killed lucid and the dpkg process in the background.. restarted the install with dpkg --configure -a i will tell you the results in a while10:23
iconmefistobullgard: so it doesn't boot with normal grub kernel options? any idea why?10:24
AKHello I am getting following available message while opening gstreamer-properties10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'artsdsink'10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdsink'10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'glimagesink'10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'v4lmjpegsrc'10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'qcamsrc'10:25
AKgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdmon'10:25
SandGorgon!paste | AK10:25
ubottuAK: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:25
madalinok, so i canhow can i do a force repair ?10:27
chandru_iniconmefisto: I tried all possible option as said in that thread.10:28
iconmefistochandru_in: no good?10:28
chandru_inThe codec identified on my system is Realtek ID 270 which is neither on that list nor in /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz10:29
chandru_inSo I tried hp, hp-* as mine is a compaq laptop10:29
chandru_innone of them worked10:29
chandru_iniconmefisto: Also most people on that thread are trying to get ti working on their headphones, while it is the opposite for me my headphones are working just fine10:30
iconmefistochandru_in: I have a compaq too, but no sound at all. maybe try filing a bug report?10:30
chandru_init is my laptop speakers which fail10:30
chandru_iniconmefisto: I wanted to comfirm if it is a bug at all first10:31
bullgardiconmefisto: "So it doesn't boot with normal grub kernel options? any idea why?" <- Because the Ubuntu kernel developers introduced a bug in kernel 2.6.32-20-generic. --  "Why?" Because they did not pay attention enough to side effects of their work.#10:31
jasmuziconmefisto, i came up with these errors: Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...10:32
jasmuzupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-21-generic10:32
jasmuz.: 4: Can't open /scripts/functions10:32
jasmuzProcessing triggers for python-support ...10:32
jasmuzErrors were encountered while processing:10:32
jasmuz mplayer-nogui10:32
jasmuz acpi-support10:32
jasmuzups, sorry guys10:32
vegaSebastian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56115110:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux "reproducible oops at startup on thinkpad x61s in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [Undecided,New]10:33
bullgardiconmefisto: Launchpad Bugs #561140 and 561151 are similar.10:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114010:33
jasmuziconmefisto, what to do, reboot?10:34
LetsGo67How do I downgrade my kernel to 2.6.27?10:35
bullgardLetsGo67: You better don't.10:36
jasmuziconmefisto, i shall reboot.. will post how it goes in a while, hopefully10:36
LetsGo67Bullgard: But my laptop keeps overheating and crashing, and they *still* didn't fix in 10.04 beta 1!  Also, the instructions to "fix" the problem are complicated!10:37
bullgardLetsGo67: In your case the best thing to do is to install another kernel and try this one out.10:38
LetsGo67Sorry?  Why not 2.6.27?10:38
bullgardLetsGo67: Did you not say that fixing it is too complicated for you?10:39
LetsGo67Mhm.  It involves machine code.;10:40
jackhighthis may be a daft question but ive never used empathy before can it do irc if so how do i set it up ? do i need another package to make it work ?10:40
st4aluckGuis I posted a bug about my laptop but still no progress https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55308410:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553084 in linux "Toshiba A205 freezes when I switch from AC to battery" [Undecided,New]10:40
=== Ian__ is now known as Ian_Corne
aprilhareNET||abuse, wouldn't moar video be good?10:42
om26erst4aluck, you could try the latest kernel just to check if it really is a kernel bg10:42
st4aluckom26er: Do you mean 2.6.3310:43
mfraz74Just done an update and now I can't log in10:43
om26erst4aluck, yes10:43
nishanthany one know what this does......quiet splash i915.modeset=010:43
NET||abuseaprilhare, sorry??10:43
st4aluckom26er: I tryed already, it doesn't work either10:43
mfraz74it gets stuck at 2.7710:43
om26erst4aluck, I guess not a kernel bug then10:43
aprilhareNET||abuse, sorry was replying to something in log10:44
om26erst4aluck, maybe upower? or g-p-m10:44
aprilhareNET||abuse, behind the times I am :)10:44
mfraz74also unable to get into the GRUB2 menu to choose another kernel10:44
nishanth quiet splash i915.modeset=0 any one know what this does?10:44
bullgardLetsGo67: I do not understand your last questionmark. What do you want to know?10:44
st4aluckom26er: I tried to run live CDs of 9.10 10.04 and Knpppix and non of them are working10:44
jasmuziconmefisto, im back.. !10:45
iconmefistojasmuz: sorry I was gone for a while. you said you had errors. did you boot up normally?10:45
jasmuziconmefisto, everything seems ok.. except i lost the screen resolution i had for my 17 inch screen, im using an ATI X1550 card with radeon drivers10:45
st4aluckom26er: only Hardy works without any problems even a live CD on battery mode10:46
jasmuziconmefisto, thanks a lot. Any ideas on how to fix my resolution issue.10:46
mfraz74can anyone help me?10:46
vega!ask | mfraz7410:47
ubottumfraz74: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:47
LetsGo67bullgard: How do I install and boot 2.6.27?10:47
iconmefistojasmuz: I'm gnome-ignorant, so probably not much help. does gnome have a screen res gui? can you set screen res to what you want?10:47
NET||abuseright, so i can't boot, but live cd boots and can mount my hdd partitions,, i unmount the drive and i want to fsck them,,10:48
SandGorgoncan somebody check that in kubuntu 10.04 on a laptop - when you pull out the power cord (or put it back in), the mouse pointer jumps to the launcher ?10:48
jasmuziconmefisto, yes, it does.. but it won't display beyond 1024x76810:48
NET||abusehow do i use fsck?10:48
mfraz74i've tried asking but no resonse. after doing an update just now, I can no longer boot into my laptop10:48
SandGorgonmfraz74, looks like the -20 kernel update is breaking quite a few boots... just FYI10:49
NET||abusemfraz74, i'm in the same situation.10:49
mfraz74sandgorgon: how do I boot into the older kernel?10:49
NET||abuseSandGorgon, but i can't boot on the 19 either, breaking at the same versino10:49
iconmefistoSandGorgon: I just tried it, my mouse pointer jumps to top left of the screen10:49
NET||abuseinfact the -19 kernel i have is still 9.10's version.10:49
om26erst4aluck, is your problem like "freezes then lines appear"10:50
SandGorgoniconmefisto, cool.. will file a bug.. please mark it as "affects me too"10:50
SandGorgonmfraz74,  NET||abuse  maybe something more has happened...10:50
iconmefistoSandGorgon: ok, let me know when you've filed it10:50
NET||abuseSandGorgon, well, last night i set off the update, finished out this morning.10:50
mfraz74sandgorgon: has a bug been reported?10:50
NET||abuseSandGorgon, i havn't booted once into it10:50
st4aluckom26er: no, just freezes10:51
NET||abuseSandGorgon, i just get "Starting up" and it sits there, drive light on solid, just frozen10:51
NET||abuseSandGorgon, i have no tty or anything10:51
NET||abusei'm in live cd and my partitions mount up fine. so no hdd problem10:51
NET||abuseand the live cd running on kernel 2.6.32-19 seemed to boot10:51
SandGorgonNET||abuse, you could try adding "debug=" to the end of the boot params list to see what is happening.10:52
mfraz74i just get what looks like tty1, but get stuck at around 2.7s.10:52
NET||abuseSandGorgon, ahhhh yay, debug, ok i'll do that now.10:52
jasmuziconmefisto, im getting normal accelerated graphics, i just need to manually add a higher resolution, do you know where i can do that?10:52
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:52
st4aluckom26er: it' freezes at the moment I have to log on my account or if I work on AC and switch to battery it freezes in 3-5 sec10:52
NET||abuseSandGorgon, is it doen by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst ??10:52
SandGorgonjasmuz, check "Hardware Drivers" first - and install the recommended drivers.10:52
bullgardLetsGo67: You need to install the associated kernel image DEB program package. Then restart your computer and select this kernel.10:53
SandGorgonjasmuz, later you can choose ur resolution in "Display"10:53
bullgardin grub10:53
iconmefistojasmuz: try that link ^^10:53
SandGorgonNET||abuse, I'm not too sure... but I think u can press "e" at the grub menu10:53
om26erst4aluck, what if you start it without charger?10:53
jasmuzSandGorgon, the Radeon drivers for my ATI X1550 are there.. and Display wont set it to anything beyond 1024x78610:54
NET||abuseSandGorgon, well i'm looking at menu.lst and i'm seeing the boot groups,, there's 4 lines, root, kernel root=UUID=...   initrd then quiet10:54
SandGorgon!ati | jasmuz10:54
ubottujasmuz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment10:54
st4aluckom26er: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934110:54
mfraz74how do i get the grub menu?10:54
NET||abusewhere do i add the =debug?10:54
NET||abusemfraz74, during boot, the count down appears for 3 seconds, hit escape10:54
mfraz74is that for grub 2?10:54
SandGorgonNET||abuse, at the "quiet", you can just append "debug=" to the end10:54
iconmefistojasmuz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding%20undetected%20resolutions10:55
NET||abuseso the line would be "quiet debug="10:55
om26erst4aluck, searching on the internet suggests that there are problems with Toshiba Satellite A205 when switching to battery or from battery10:55
jasmuzThanks NET||abuse & iconmefisto10:55
FreankiHi, since the update from 9.10 to 10.4 my system will stop after loading the kernel. No daemons start... But the kernel still works (CTRL+ALT+DEL still works). I already updateded my system in a chroot enviroment but it's still not working10:55
SandGorgonNET||abuse, yup.. actually all the lines get concatenated together anyway... but its a good idea to add it at the very last line.. so that it is not overridden10:55
NET||abuseSandGorgon, ah, kay, cheers.10:56
st4aluckom26er: I am searching non stop and I didn't find anything but my posts10:56
NET||abuseright, rebooting into it.10:56
om26erst4aluck, http://laptopforums.toshiba.com/t5/Batteries-and-Power/Satellite-A205-S5800-freezes-when-AC-power-cord-is-connected/td-p/65220;jsessionid=A835B9B41E22FDC31F4F0323E6CA9B9A10:56
om26erst4aluck, its not the exact problem but seems related10:57
st4aluckom26er: do you realy think it's not a kernel problem?10:58
mfraz74is this the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56114010:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New]10:58
om26erst4aluck, seems that way10:58
SandGorgoniconmefisto, here's the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/56134210:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561342 in kdebase-workspace "mouse pointer jumps to top left corner when power cord is plugged/unplugged" [Undecided,New]10:58
NET||abuseSandGorgon, i added debug= to the end of that line,, nothing new is showing up on screen when i boot10:58
LetsGo67bullgard: In 10.04, how do you select it, as I do not see "GRUB loading..."10:59
SandGorgonNET||abuse, hmm... that was my last resort buddy... sorry :(10:59
jasmuziconmefisto, that page is dated and that system uses xrandr and xorg.conf which are deprecated10:59
NET||abuseSandGorgon, when i edit the line, it doesn't stay,10:59
NET||abuseSandGorgon, it musn't be actually working to edit the line?10:59
iconmefistojasmuz: xrandr is deprecated? are you sure?11:00
st4aluckom26er: You see they didn't solve the problem too11:00
bullgardLetsGo67: Do you have X running, or do you have only virtual consoles?11:00
SandGorgonNET||abuse, hmm.. u need to take a look at that But try to get "debug=" in there somewhere11:00
st4aluckom26er: toshiba is the worst mashine for Ubuntu11:00
NET||abuseSandGorgon, i edited it, hit enter and it goes back and i see it there, if i hit escape to go back to the boot list, then e to edit again, it's reverted11:00
iconmefistojasmuz: xorg.conf is still usable, also. it's just not part of a default setup these days11:00
jasmuziconmefisto, haven't been using xrandr in ages, prolly mistaken there.. but xorg configs are old11:00
LetsGo67bullgard: I have X installed.11:00
om26erst4aluck, btw those people are having problems with windoze too11:01
bullgardCan you open Synaptic?11:01
LetsGo67bullgard: yes.11:01
st4aluckom26er: toshina is shit11:01
SandGorgonNET||abuse, i'm not sure about the exact syntax, but perhaps you are not supposed to hit escape. Just a thought.. u'll need to google it11:01
LetsGo67I'm gone.11:02
st4aluckom26er: there is a similar bug again on Toshiba, brb11:02
NET||abusethis sucks, i have completely lost access to my machine, arrrg11:03
iconmefistoNET||abuse: after editing, ctrl-x to boot what you've edited (look under the "edit" box and there should be some instructions about that)11:03
jasmuziconmefisto, jasmuz@stelo:~$ xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 7511:03
jasmuzxrandr: cannot find mode 1280x102411:03
st4aluckom26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/51870511:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518705 in linux "9.10 - Toshiba Satellite L30-113 freezes when on battery power, when AC is plugged out" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:03
jasmuziconmefisto, ideas?11:05
iconmefistojasmuz: xrandr --newmode <Mode``Line> you can use gtf or cvt to generate a modeline, then put that in the xrandr command. (see the link)11:06
NET||abuseSandGorgon, iconmefisto, should i not be setting debug=  to something?11:07
SandGorgonst4aluck, I had a similar problem in KDE - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18234711:07
ubottuKDE bug 182347 in general "Laptop locks up on Powersave policy when either battery is low or AC is connected" [Normal,New]11:07
madalinI have an ATI Radeon 4350 but when i lspci |grep vga i get nothing. What should i do ?11:08
jasmuziconmefisto, just won't work11:11
st4aluckSandGorgon: No, it's not11:11
mfraz74know i should'nt have done this, but i've had to use a live boot to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to allow me to boot into 2.26.32-1911:11
jasmuziconmefisto, got the generating the newmode line, but when i feed it to xrandr its just a no go11:11
NET||abuseok, so when i boot with recovery mode i get a lot of info, it gets stuck when i hits "EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal"  that's the last output before it just sits there blinking.11:12
NET||abusehow can i do some better debugging.?11:12
st4aluckSandGorgon: I tried to load and live cd of Knoppix for examp but it freezes11:12
st4aluckSandGorgon: Only Hardy works onbattery mode with Toshiba A20511:12
iconmefistomadalin: make that VGA, or grep -i vga (ignore case)11:12
madalinaye. It works. its there11:13
madalinhowever, i cannot enable compiz for some reason..11:13
ubuntuhello everyone, the plymouth problem has just made my computer a mess11:14
ubuntucan anyone please help me out11:14
ubuntui did a upgrade from karmic11:14
ubuntuwhen it goes for update-initramfs it throw a lot of error it is all about the plymouth thing11:14
ubuntucan anyone help me pls11:14
SandGorgonst4aluck, i had a similar issue but I had to disable the unused floppy port on my computer for livecd to go through.. that was sometime back.11:15
aprilharehave floppy disk drive here no problems11:15
BUGabundo_remotethere are ppl still using floppyes? wow11:15
BUGabundo_remotejust wow11:15
aprilhareBUGabundo_remote, media is media11:16
BUGabundo_remoteubuntu go into grub, and delete the splash11:16
aprilharecan't guarantee the drive *works* though :)11:16
SandGorgonon some motherboards, livecd (and I think Casper) croaks when it tries to work with the floppy drive ports.. I have had to disable them (during install) on all my machines..11:16
st4aluckSandGorgon: did you had the problem to run on battery mode11:16
aprilharejust inserted floppy disk and no idea how to access11:16
ubuntui already removed the splash11:16
ubuntuim using the encrypted hard disk so it was already removed in the grub11:17
spikeofdoomanybody run a 9xxx,8xxx series card with 10.04?11:17
SandGorgonst4aluck, these were desktops11:17
aprilharehmmm having trouble mounting floppies11:18
aprilhareyay mounted a floppy disk :)11:18
aprilhareit still works11:19
aprilharein 2010 :D11:19
st4aluckSandGorgon: Did read my bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55308411:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553084 in linux "Toshiba A205 freezes when I switch from AC to battery" [Undecided,New]11:19
spikeofdoomis anybody running a nividia 8xxx,9xxx series card with 10.04?11:19
ubuntubugabundo_remote : im not even able to get into grub11:19
ubuntuits also giving me error of somd symbol11:19
BUGabundo_remoteubuntu left shift?11:20
st4aluckSandGorgon: and this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934111:20
ubuntuno man the grub itself if going down to rescue mode11:20
ubuntui think i have to somehow make the update-initramfs to work so that the update-grub too will work and fix the whole issue11:20
mfraz74the shift key didn't work for me either11:20
ubuntubut for that i need this plymouth thing and im not able to get it installed too....meaning that im already into a loop...if i want to install plymouth then i need to run a dplg --configure and to do that ubuntu wont allow as it need the plymoth11:21
ubuntuso now whats the next method11:22
mfraz74tried holding shift down just after the bios screen vanished and it still wouldn't do anything11:22
BUGabundo_remotemfraz74: its not exaclty after bios, more like, a moment just after grub loads11:22
NET||abuseooh, a development: hmm, i left it sitting for a while, the last line i had was "EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal" then after 5 minutes it came up with 3 more lines11:23
iconmefistoubuntu: try booting with a livecd, chroot, then do the update-initramfs thing11:23
mfraz74bugabundo_remote: it seemed to straight into booting the kernel11:23
ubuntuim already in a live cd iconmefisto11:23
ubuntuand i did a chroot already11:23
NET||abuse"kjournald starting. Commit internal 5 seconds    EXT3 FS on sda3, internal journal     EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordere datamode.11:23
mfraz74now that i'm using -19 the shift key works again11:23
NET||abuseanyone have a suggestion on what to do at this point?11:23
BUGabundo_remotemfraz74: it does work. just a question of (very) lucky11:23
aprilharehmmm.. kfloppy lets you format floppy disks but gives you choice between DOS, Minix and ext2 only11:26
ubuntuanyone, shall i purge the /apt/cache/*.pkg files and try again11:26
ubuntuor shall i purge the /apt/lib/dpkg/info thing?11:26
ubuntuhow this round loop can be broken11:26
NET||abusedamn.. ok, i'm at a complete loss here,, what can i do?11:28
frantaHi people!  Is there a way to completely disable all framebuffers? nofb option in grub does not work... I need this to install proprietary NVidia drivers ( with nvidia-current I don't have 3D ) currently I have both nvidia-current and driver directly from nvidia installed and it kinda works, but....11:28
NET||abuseahhh, i got debug to run.. now where is that info stored?11:29
ubuntuim completely lost now about this loop i got into11:29
NET||abuseif i boot with live cd is it on the drive somewhere?11:29
iconmefistoubuntu: what loop? I thought you had a grub problem?11:31
ubuntui tried a upgradation to lucid, it allowed me to login once, but on doing a apt-get upgrade it gave me a lot of upgrade and downloaded gbs of file but upon installing that, at one point when it was doing update-initramfs it encountered a problem plymouth and was unable to create the initrd image file and thus not able to run update-grub, so now the system is crashed11:31
ubuntuiconmefisto: please read the one i posted now you will get the full picture11:31
iconmefistoubuntu: sudo update-initramfs -k all -c (that's "all kernels" and "create a new initramfs")11:33
ubuntubut again the problem when running update-initramfs is throwing is about some missing files, one of the file is that /lib/plymouth/theme/default.plymouth11:34
ubuntuiconmefisto: and that folder is not available in my system, i guess its not at all installed too.11:34
ubuntuiconmefisto: so im unable to run that command update-initramfs11:35
iconmefistoubuntu: update/upgrade? or sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ?11:35
ubuntunow i  did a rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin files and again ran a update and upgrade11:36
ubuntuiconmefisto: let me see how its gonna go, its downloading now and will take another 7 mins11:36
BUGabundo_remotenotify-osd is in BOTH top corners of my screen11:37
ubuntuim not sure whether it is going to work or not.bcoz once again when the upgrade start installing its gonna again call update-initramfs and once again im gonna face the same problem11:37
madalinI am using an ATI Radeon 4350 and i can't enable compiz. What should i do ?11:38
aprilharemadalin, panic.11:38
aprilharemadalin, don't panic :)11:39
aprilharemadalin, are there proprietary ati drivers?11:39
* aprilhare is out of the loop on all things ati11:39
madalinthere is one, yes, but after activation and the required reboot i get some errors about missing..11:40
aprilharecause i'd check to see if they are latest11:40
aprilharedelete old ones, install latest ones11:40
aprilharethat sort of thing11:40
aprilharecause i noticed that here. it was bad11:40
maxbI apologize for my slightly irate tone.... but is Plymouth even REMOTELY ready for release?11:41
maxbEvery time my disks has fscked, it has hung the boot process entirely11:41
maxbplymouth is the graphical boot nonsense11:42
aprilhareit just looks ugly here.11:42
aprilhareand when i go to login, it looks chocolatey. still.11:42
madalinaprilhare, they are the latest one...11:43
aprilharemadalin, check to see if old ones are installed too11:43
aprilharedelete old ones11:43
iconmefistomaxb: it's remotely ready, yes :) that fsck halting boot is a bug I was reading recently11:43
aprilharereinstall new one after deleting old ones11:43
aprilharemadalin, use synaptic11:43
iconmefistomaxb: at least some people said after second boot, everything starts normally11:44
maxbIt does... but that's not really the point11:45
* maxb does not have a good feeling about lucid11:45
iconmefistomaxb: it's not released yet. that's how it goes11:45
aprilharewho was it who said moods are for cattle?11:45
aprilharethink it was from dune11:45
aprilharemaxb, its ok from my perspective. forced to create a new user account (the old one was cruddified anyways from successive upgrades)11:46
NET||abusewhat log file do I look at now since i added the  debug=  boot param ?11:47
NET||abusei'm in the live cd and want to get my machine booting again.11:47
iconmefistoNET||abuse: just guessing, maybe /var/log/debug ?11:48
NET||abuseiconmefisto, thanks.11:49
NET||abusebut no, it's saying stuff from 2 hours ago, not 15 minutes ago11:49
NET||abusethat was right before i finished my upgrade,11:50
NET||abusewould a clean re-install be a better idea?11:50
NET||abuseas long as my data is preserved i'mok11:50
NET||abusei'd have no problem with that.11:51
madalinaprilhare: no old ones installed..11:51
NET||abuserather than resolve this botched upgrade11:51
iconmefistoNET||abuse: is your home on a separate partition?11:53
NET||abuse60 gig main parition, 250GB home11:54
JohnFluxFirefox in ubuntu+1  crashes continually11:55
JohnFluxafter about 5 minutes of use11:55
iconmefistoNET||abuse: well, you should be able to do a fresh install. just be careful you don't delete or format your home partition11:55
JohnFluxI don't have any plugins11:55
kwkHi there! I need to install a fresh linux distribution aside to my Windows 7 installation. I usually run ubuntu but due to the improvements of 10.04 I don't want to install 9.10. Since 10.04 is in beta I wanted to know if is a pain to update to the latest version of 10.04 once it is out. Can you predict any kind of troubles with it?11:56
iconmefistokwk: shouldn't be a problem upgrading once it's released, if that's what you're asking12:02
iconmefistoJohnFlux: by plugins, you mean extensions?12:03
kwkiconmefisto: No. I'm asking if it's a good Idea to install beta and update to final.12:03
FreankiHi, since the update from 9.10 to 10.4 my system will stop after loading the kernel. No daemons start... But the kernel still works (CTRL+ALT+DEL still works). I already updateded my system in a chroot enviroment but it's still not working. Tried kernel 2.3.32 and 2.3.3112:04
iconmefistokwk: yeah that's what I meant. if you have the beta installed, shouldn't be a problem upgrading to final when it's released12:04
iconmefistokwk: the bugs in the beta is the only thing to worry about, imo12:05
chris4585Freanki, the other day a few people I know had issues with the latest kernel, I would suggest waiting for an update12:05
Freankithere was an update to the kernel this morning... :(12:05
Freankifrom -19 to -2012:05
chris4585yes the x.20 kernel was the problem12:06
iconmefistoFreanki: ati video, by any chance?12:06
Freankiiconmefisto: no, nvidia but it's not coming that far...12:06
Freankiwhere would be the bugreport in launchpad for my problem?12:09
FreankiI have no clue for which packages to search12:09
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frantaanyone know why with nvidia-current there is no 3D and with the same driver directly from nvidia it works?12:17
G-FarkasHow to install flashplayer in Lucid? I don't have it in the repositories.12:21
frantaG-Farkas: what about flashplugin-installer?12:23
G-Farkasfranta, I supposet to be in the official repos?12:24
frantaG-Farkas: it's in multiverse12:26
ubuntuhii iconmefisto: can you tell me what is this grep: /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth: No such file or directory12:26
k1llm3kwikhey guys12:26
ubuntucpio: ./lib/plymouth/.so: Cannot stat: No such file or directory12:26
ubuntuiconmefisto: im running update-initramfs12:27
G-Farkasfranta, I think I made a mistake, I thought that I have It in the cache because the previous karmic installation. Thanks and excuse the question12:27
k1llm3kwikI have been having a crazy issue with xorg. Everything seems to be fine then it wigs out and makes the screen look 8-bit (if you have ever seen a bad GFX card it looks like that)12:27
k1llm3kwik9.10 works great...it is just 10.0412:28
G-Farkask1llm3kwik,  did you try to write an xorg.conf ?12:29
G-Farkaswhere you specify 24 bits)12:29
k1llm3kwikyeah I did all the xorg stuff12:29
k1llm3kwikI even tried to move my xorg file from 9.1012:29
k1llm3kwikeverything works great for a while12:29
k1llm3kwikthen it starts acting up and artifacting...if I move desktops is is fine12:30
G-Farkashow long is "a while"?12:30
k1llm3kwikrandom amount of time12:30
k1llm3kwikit can be 10 mins or 4 hours12:30
k1llm3kwikit isn't a heat issue because I am on MINT now and it never happens or I can use 9.10 (3 parts 10.04, 9.10 and Mint 8)12:31
G-Farkasone it start failing, xorg.conf is still there?12:31
k1llm3kwikyeah it is still there12:32
k1llm3kwiksame config12:32
G-Farkaswhat happens if you reboot?12:32
k1llm3kwikI also did a full reinstall with beta2 just to make sure it wasn't a bad install12:32
k1llm3kwikwhen I reboot...it comes up fine again...for unknown amount of time12:33
k1llm3kwikmost the time it seems to freak out when I am on the web (firefox, chrome or Opera...didn't matter)12:33
G-FarkasSorry, I tried12:33
G-FarkasI really dont have idea of what can be happening12:34
k1llm3kwikyeah that is where I am...bad part is I love 10.04 for boot times12:34
k1llm3kwikkeep going over every couple of days and doing updates..hoping12:34
G-Farkaswell, if it will be fixed, isnt terrible12:35
G-FarkasI love 8 bits ;)12:35
k1llm3kwikhaha it is all good and livable until the text scrambles12:36
k1llm3kwikthen I am screwed12:36
G-FarkasJust use windows :P12:36
k1llm3kwikI reported it on launchpad so it will get checked up at some point12:36
k1llm3kwikhaha fail12:36
k1llm3kwikI have to use that full time12:36
JohnFluxiconmefisto: yes, sorry.  I don't have any extensions or anything, but firefox crashes anyway after about 5 minutes of use12:36
G-Farkask1llm3kwik, well I have to continue studying, see you12:37
vega"Thanks to all of you for your help in making this past Thursday's beta12:38
vegarelease a great success"12:38
sara_hi :)12:38
vegaand here every second people complaining about non-bootable systems :)12:38
sara_no sound applet after installing new headers12:38
om26ersara_, check if indicator-sound is installed12:39
NET||abuseok, fresh install, doing full upgrade and see if i fall afoul of the -20 kernel bug12:41
sara_sorted it wasnt installed12:41
NET||abusewish i knew what went wrong with my upgrade though :(12:41
bullgard5What DEB program package includes the Disk Mounter 2.30.0 applet?12:42
ubuntucan anyone tell me where i can get label.so which should be inside /lib/plymouth/12:43
bullgard5NET||abuse: Please tell me the Launchpad number of "the -20 kernel bug".12:43
ubuntuits missing and im unable to do a update-initramfs12:43
ubuntuanyone have any work around please let me know im in a real problem12:44
frantaplymouth seems like pure trouble to me :)12:48
bullgard5What DEB program package includes the Disk Mounter 2.30.0 applet?12:55
Dr_Willisone of the many reasons i removed Plymouth12:58
frantaDr_Willis: how?:)12:58
Dr_Willisremove /reinstall plymouth if its messed up perhaps?12:58
Dr_Willisfranta:  you can disable the /etc/init scripts that run it.. as one way12:58
Dr_Willisor remove the package12:59
frantayou can't it removes half of the system ...12:59
Dr_WillisHmm. it dident for me the other day12:59
Dr_Willisremoved 2 packages12:59
Dr_WillisI dont even think it removed ubuntu-desktop12:59
frantaDr_Willis: do you know how to completely disable framebuffer? I have medium size trouble with nvidia drivers :)13:00
Dr_Willisfranta:  the nofb option to the kernel used to do it.. but even now it seems to load the vesa16fb module13:00
Dr_Willisperhaps blacklist that module as well13:00
Dr_Willisand use the nofb option13:00
frantaits' vesa16fb? I thought that it was vga16fb13:01
Dr_Willisall this stuff they are doing to try to get a 'smooth boot progress' for pure eyecandy13:01
Dr_Willisit may be. I havent looked lately13:01
iconmefistoDr_Willis: it also gives you a faster boot though, doesn't it?13:01
frantathe most eye-candy would be grub->kdm :13:01
Dr_Willisevery so often i notice the framebuffer console is a purpleish13:01
Dr_Willisiconmefisto:  i dont see how plymouth speeds up anything.. its just fancy splash screens13:01
Dr_WillisUnless it has some feature ive never heard of. :)13:02
iconmefistoDr_Willis: well not plymouth I suppose, but kms13:02
frantathey just need some nice logo placement I guess13:02
Dr_Willisnow kms has some actual features. :)13:02
Dr_WillisIm suprised they havent set up some Grub splash screens yet13:02
Dr_Willisheh - removing Plymouth now DOES remove a lot of other stuff.. it definatly did not do that  like 2 weeks ago13:03
iconmefistoDr_Willis: some people are afraid of white text on a black screen13:03
Dr_WillisI would think that counts as a bug.13:03
Dr_Willisiconmefisto:  some people are well.. stupid also. :)13:04
Dr_Williswith a 20-30 sec boot time..  they see text.. its gone.. i dont see the point :)13:04
frantaiconmefisto: so they can use quiet option in grub :D13:04
iconmefistofranta: yes but it's quiet, not silent :)13:05
Dr_WillisId much perfer to see the system is doing somthing or has some error.. so i dont wait an hr.. then get annoyed and hit the power button and make things worse.13:05
iconmefistoDr_Willis: I agree. I like to know what's happening, or at least try to understand...13:05
* patdk-wk wants to dump the graphics on usb boot13:06
patdk-wkcause that fails so many times, and you dunno if it's just the usb taking forever or not13:06
NET||abusehmm, despite any 2.6.32-20 kernel concerns, i seem to be running just fine, and my nvidia driver works now too after reboot13:06
Dr_WillisOR the fact you dident turn on the external usb HD.. thats hanging it...13:06
NET||abuseproblem,, audio volume control indicator not visible.13:06
NET||abuseor not loaded?13:06
frantaNET||abuse: do you use nvidia-current?13:07
Psi-JackHeh. So how's the kvm support in 10.4 so far? ;)13:07
Dr_WillisIt is amuseing that removeing plymouth now wants to remove13:07
Dr_Willis 807 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:07
frantaDr_Willis: I guess that they just want tu make us use it ...13:07
Dr_Williskvm has worked supriseingly well for me.13:07
TommyThaGunok, I just did an upgrade, one of the new packages was 2.6.32-20 kernel...13:07
TommyThaGundid my boot time just decrease 5 seconds13:08
Psi-JackDr_Willis: You ever tried doing migrations with kvm? ;)13:08
TommyThaGunI think it did13:08
iconmefistoTommyThaGun: me too13:08
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  nope. - I just noticed this one box when it booted ran some kvm stuff and updated thenvidia drivers.. which was  handy.13:08
TommyThaGunthat's amazing13:08
NET||abusefranta, not sure, just checking which one is loaded..13:09
Dr_Williswell updated/upgraded... time for a reboots.13:09
NET||abusefranta, i have packages for 173 and current loaded13:09
iconmefistoTommyThaGun: rebooting is much much faster too13:09
NET||abusefranta, otherwise which one is running?13:09
iconmefistoTommyThaGun: I mean the shutdown process13:09
Pici21 second boot on first reboot after a fresh install. Only services added were ssh and fail2ban. :D13:10
NET||abusefranta, hardware driver applet tells me i'm using neither??? ummm, what ?13:10
frantaNET||abuse: current is 195 and with nvidia-current 3D doesn't work for me :( but when I install binary distribudion from nvidia over it it works13:10
frantaNET||abuse: maybe you're on nouveau?13:10
NET||abusehow can i tell which driver is actually loaded with X?13:11
frantatry nvidia-settings13:11
NET||abusedriver version 195.36.1513:11
NET||abuseright now though i've nt volume applet ??13:12
NET||abusewhat gives?13:12
Dr_WillisUpdate/upgrade - boots13:12
Dr_Willisthis old box is booting in under 30 sec it seems.13:12
Dr_WillisI dont even Notice the Plymouth animation when im sitting here watching it...13:13
frantamy core2 boots in about 27sec :-/13:13
patdk-wkmine can't make up it's mind between 12s and 15s boots13:13
Dr_Willissort of a neat trick getting it so quick.13:13
Dr_Willisexpecially when i got an old machine like this13:13
Dr_Willisthe bios POST tests take longer then boot time. and GRUB no longer hangs for like 90 sec on this box.13:14
Dr_WillisI can imagine how fast a machine with a SSD would be13:14
vegais there a default mta package installed?13:14
vegaor some lightweight alternative13:14
patdk-wkI haven't liked the lightweight mta's, as they don't queue13:15
vegabut what13:15
vega's the default on a desktop install?13:15
patdk-wkthere isn't one13:15
patdk-wkif one needs to be isntalled, it will attempt postfix though13:15
vegaalso, why do i have cupsd running when using a print server..13:16
Dr_Williscups services talk/discover each other13:17
vegaimho ServerName foo.bar in client.conf should be enough for a client/desktop machine13:17
Dr_Willisso the local box is perhaps connecing to the local cups server thats going to the remote cups13:17
vegaor is there some reason to run an own instance of cupsd? can't think of any right now..13:17
Dr_Willisas far as i know.. the local box is connecting to its local cups server then going out to the remote box's cups server.. but its been a while since i last did  that.13:18
vegai still get printer lists from the server and can print without cupsd running13:18
Dr_Willisremove it then and see.13:18
vegajust tested.. ok, so no need for cupsd13:18
veganext tune question, no need for a getty process to run on tty1-tty6, is inittab still the right place to disable them?13:20
vegaapparently not, since it doesn't exist... :)13:20
patdk-wkinittab hasn't been used for a long time13:20
vegawell, haven't fiddled with these things for some 10 years..13:21
Psi-JackHrmm? inittab hasn't been used for a long time?13:21
vegaseems /etc/init/tty?.conf, iirc sometime ago there was no proper way of disabling upstart services, situation changed?13:21
PiciNot on Ubuntu13:21
Psi-Jackhmmm.. Part of the whole upstart system?13:22
vegaas per https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/9406513:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 94065 in upstart "init: add non-destructive means to disable a job" [Wishlist,Invalid]13:22
patdk-wkyep, upstart now13:23
patdk-wkused to be event.d13:23
patdk-wkand before that inittab :)13:23
Psi-JackHmm. guess I been out of the loop then. ;)13:23
vegayes, but question remains.. how to disable an upstart script?13:23
eagles0513875hey guys im having issues with ubuntu server karmic and upgrading to lucid13:24
eagles0513875Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall is the message i get near the start of upgrading13:24
Psi-JackUbuntu has support for grsecurity and PaX these days, right?13:25
Dr_Willisnever noticed.13:25
vegathis post seems to suggest a .noexec extension: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1351501 but what happens during upgrade?13:26
Dr_WillisWasent there supposed tobe some 'feature' where you could move windows around by clicking on the titlebar or menu area and drag windows?13:26
* patdk-wk spanks eagles051387513:26
eagles0513875what patdk-wk13:26
joris_Does anybody know what happened with the F11 shortcut in openoffice?13:27
joris_It brings up fullscreen13:28
Dr_Willisgotten taken over by compiz perhaps13:28
Dr_Williswhat did it used to do?13:28
joris_Styles and formatting13:28
joris_the most usefull shortcut...13:28
Dr_WillisI would check compiz to see if its got it maped to somthing else.13:28
joris_It seems intentional https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/38756213:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387562 in openoffice.org "OOo F11 key brings up Style and Formatting instead of Full Screen" [Low,Fix released]13:38
vegadoes ubuntu server also use upstart?13:38
joris_But the shortcut is not remapped13:38
Psi-Jackvega: Of course.13:38
joris_It is also not changed in the openoffice.org manual13:38
vega... and there's no way to disable an init script (upstart job) ?13:38
NET||abusenot finding i'm happy with some of the changes in lucid,, gwibber doesn't minimize to the tray13:39
Psi-JackI'm sure there is.13:39
NET||abuseit's awkward to close rhtyhmbox rather than just click the icon to hide to tray13:39
vegawell, according to that bug (upstart developer included) and upstart.ubuntu.com docs, there isn't13:39
Dr_Willisrename the /etc/init/XXXXX script to be /etc/init/XXXX.DONT_RUN_ME  or move it to some DONTSTART dir13:39
NET||abusei have no volume control indicator icon?13:39
eagles0513875no upgrading for me today13:39
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  you removed  the envelope from your panel also?13:39
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Wait... Ermmm.. What?13:39
vegaDr_Willis: what happens when you upgrade the package that contains the script? does that take into account it13:39
eagles0513875anyone have any idea of a possible work around for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/55958213:40
NET||abuseDr_Willis, which panel item is that in?13:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:40
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Dr_Willisvega:  from what i saw with Plymounth.. it  dident reinstall it.. but eventully i noticed it did.  so you have to keep an eye on it.13:40
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  some of thepanel applets are actually '2 in one' the mail icon and volume control - are both a single applet. with 2 icons.13:40
Dr_Williswhich is annoying13:40
vegaDr_Willis: that's not acceptable in a server environment, you can't expect a server admin to track that kind of things13:40
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Is that seriously "the way" to stop an upstart init script from running at boot time? Move it out of the way?13:41
vegait cannot be13:41
Dr_Willisvega:  after the beta is out.. i imagine it wont change much.13:41
Dr_Willisive never noticed a boot option to disable a specific service13:41
Dr_Willisonly just what ive read/skimmed from theupstart docs13:41
veganote to self: don't use ubuntu on servers..13:41
JEEBsvis ubuntu server no good? :313:41
Psi-JackNo doubt.. If that's "the way."13:41
Chipacado not use ubuntu desktop on servers :)13:41
Dr_Willisi dont even think theres an Upstart GUI tool yet.13:41
JEEBsvI use it personally13:41
alvinvega: see bug 54895413:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548954 in upstart "Ubuntu servers should display information during boot by default" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54895413:42
NET||abuseDr_Willis, what's the panel applets name then so i can add it back in?13:42
* Psi-Jack cancels his installation of ubuntu 10.4 beta213:42
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  no idea. I go through them all and add/remove and figure out what ones do what.13:42
=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: New kernel affecting Thinkpads (bug #561151) | Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
Dr_WillisI dont even know a way to disable an old sysv service from the boot command line options13:42
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  from the KERNEL command/boot options..13:43
Psi-JackOh yeah. You can't, from the kernel.13:43
Dr_Williswasent that what he was asking?  :) or did i missread13:43
Psi-JackDr_Willis: No13:43
Psi-JackYou misread. ;)13:43
Dr_WillisI dont think the service command has a way to disable an Upstart service.. yet..13:43
jpdsDr_Willis: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/9406513:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 94065 in upstart "init: add non-destructive means to disable a job" [Wishlist,Invalid]13:43
vegayes, that's what i'm after13:44
Dr_WillisThe 'upstart' docs/guides mention how the method to enable/disable the servies is left up to the disrto makers. (If i recall properly)13:44
jpdsvega: Ubuntu is fine for servers.13:44
Psi-JackYet, ubuntu's the only distro using ubstart. ;)13:44
Dr_Willisactually I think theres a few others.13:44
vegaalvin: one more reason not to abandon debian in servers in favor of ubuntu..13:44
NET||abuseDr_Willis, found it, Indicator Applet13:44
Dr_Willisalias 'disableupstart' = 'sudo mv /etc/init/* /etc/init/whatever.disabled13:45
vegaoh well, but it would be "kinda nice" to be able to disable services properly also in a desktop env..13:45
alvinThe most critical bugs I've encountered in Ubuntu up to this day are upstart related13:45
jpdsPsi-Jack: It isn't.13:45
Dr_Willisvega:  its very possible it does rember and dosent readd them. ive not noticed.. and i also do dist-upgrades and stuff. so there may be cases wher it does or dosent13:46
vegaDr_Willis: that's not "proper" if an upgrade of the package re-enables the service13:46
Dr_Willistry it and see.13:46
Dr_Willisvega:  thats the bottom line.. try it and see.13:46
jpdsPsi-Jack: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Upstart#Adoption13:46
Psi-JackI thought OpenSolaris' SMF was interesting enough. But, this upstart sounds like a horrible idea.13:46
Psi-JackNo offense intended, of course.13:47
jpdsPsi-Jack: Err, no, again; it isn't, it's just a radical change from the old, slow init.d scripts.13:47
Psi-Jackjpds: The idea is great. But without reasonable tools to manage it, it's as worthless as sysv-init without tools to manage it.13:48
Psi-JackManually making symlinks yourself was a pita.13:48
alvinNot calling it 'beta' is the biggest mistake.13:48
Psi-Jackalvin: yeah, and this being in LTS... That's frightening.13:49
=== NKataDelGormo is now known as smeagol
patdk-wkhmm, I have had no issues with upstart in karmic at all13:50
patdk-wkso far none in lucid either13:50
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Piciupstart was on Hardy as well, wasn't it?13:50
patdk-wkevent.d was13:50
alvinI've had plenty. You are probably not using NFS or LVM13:50
Psi-Jackpatdk-wk: So how do you disable an upstart script from starting during the bootup phase?13:50
patdk-wkI normally comment out the exec line13:50
Psi-JackOkay. Yeah. Not going there. ;)13:50
alvinNo, I said that wrong13:51
patdk-wkPsi-Jack, same as with inittab :)13:51
alvinIt's I *have* plenty. NFS mounts are won't fix in Karmic13:51
mase_homewait, whats wrong with upstart ?13:51
patdk-wkalmost the same as init.d13:51
mase_homei love upstart13:51
Psi-Jackpatdk-wk: That's a horrible way to do it. :p13:51
NinoScriptWhat kind of packages are in the "partner" repositories? :O13:51
Dr_Willismase_home:  ive rarely had issues with it .13:51
mase_homebest init system i've seen on anything anywhere13:52
alvinThen you probably have <4 LVM volumes. Upstart can't handle (mount) more at boot13:52
Dr_Willismost people dont even notice its being used13:52
vegaNinoScript: acroread, flash etc.13:52
alvin(in Lucid)13:52
Psi-JackDr_Willis: I run only servers. I'd notice. :p13:52
NinoScriptvega: flash player?13:52
patdk-wkI mostly only ever run servers13:52
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  i encounter people in #ubuntu  that never r4ealize it . untill they notice the rc-whatver command13:52
vegaNinoScript: yes13:53
mase_homealvin, erm i have more than 4lvms but i use them as storage for KVM guests13:53
patdk-wkhave 3 desktops, and about 16 servers13:53
alvinThat 'best' init system halts boot when you have NFS fstab entries, and could crash boot entirely13:53
mase_homenot sure if that makes a difference13:53
alvinmase_home: On Lucid?13:53
mase_homei also had it with karmic13:53
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Most people in #ubuntu are newbies or using Ubuntu for desktop use, and don't care. ;)13:53
NinoScriptvega, isn't that on the normal repositories?13:53
mase_homewhat issue am i supposed to be running into ?13:53
alvinmase_home: bug 55790913:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557909 in devmapper "lucid hangs on boot because of device ownership" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55790913:53
vegaNinoScript: _adobe_ flash plugin is in partner repo13:53
Dr_WillisI dont care that they dont care. :)13:54
vegaas is adobe reader and sun java plugin13:54
* Dr_Willis has lost the thread.. but has to run. take care13:54
NinoScriptvega: and what is that flash player on the other repos? :O13:54
mase_homealvin, maybe I don't hit it because i don't actually mount them. they get mounted by the guest13:54
alvinmase_home: That is probably the case. After the update, I couldn't mount /home13:55
ryeIn case somebody uses non-compiz GNOME and wonders why you drag one window but the other one gets dragged instead - bug #49409613:55
mase_homethe second upstart starts handling file modification events i'll be in heaven.13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494096 in metacity "Clicking the title of a window is bringing a window underneath it into focus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49409613:55
NinoScriptvega: it says "Adobe Flash plugin"13:55
alvinThen, after I removed 2 mounted snapshots, instead of /home, a snashot of /home was mounted in /home... (Who decided that lvm volumes needed to be mounted by UUID while snapshots have THE SAME UUID?)13:56
Psi-JackWell, yeah. Seems I won't be using Ubuntu. Now that I know about upstart's issues.13:56
Psi-JackHave fun, I'm out. :)13:56
mase_homealvin, i'm sure upstart isn't perfect but conceptually it's brilliant and i've managed to get rid of a whole bunch of hacks because of it.13:56
mase_homeeach to their own i guess13:56
vegaNinoScript: not sure, seems to be some kind of downloader package13:56
alvinBut well, Lucid is still beta. Have patience13:56
alvinI tried explaining that at work, but everybody failed to see past the failed boots13:57
JediMasterhi guys, I'm trying to do-release-upgrade -d on a karmic install on a virtual machine but it fails right at the start with: Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall14:03
NinoScriptvega, I found this link: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/partner/binary-i386/Packages I see flash, lots of something2swf stuff, java stuff and "fluendo-plugins" for gstreamer… just that14:04
JediMasteram I right in thinking this is something to do with fstab, as it's customised by the web interface that that sets up the virtual machines?14:04
NinoScripthow are fluendo plugins? :P14:04
PiciJediMaster: Someone else just was talking about this in #ubuntu-bugs, see bug #55958214:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958214:04
vince_hey guys :)14:08
NinoScripthello :)14:08
vince_so...guess you know what question i'm gonna ask :p14:08
JediMasterPici, thanks14:09
bjsniderZykoticK9, you know that nvidia issue you mentioned yesterday? what is it?14:11
vince_Am i gonna need to make a clean install on the day of Lucid release ? I'm running the beta2 atm14:11
yofel!beta | vince_14:11
ubottuvince_: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:11
vince_Thanks, I just wanted to be sure14:12
MichaelKohlerI tested Lucid for several weeks now, but now my notebook lost power (was not plugged in) and shut down. After the manual restart it is always stuck at the login screen and I can't move the mouse and the keyboard.. Why's that?14:14
Ian_Cornewere you updating while this happened?14:15
MichaelKohleroh, damn, I guess I was14:16
JediMasterPici, seems to be to do with mountall not being able to start the swap properly14:16
JediMasterPici, mountall gives me: "swapon: /dev/xvdb: swapon failed: Device or resource busy", "mountall: swapon /dev/xvdb [13089] terminated with status 255", "mountall: Problem activating swap: /dev/xvdb"14:17
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: shall I post the last lines of /var/logs/syslog on pastebin?14:17
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Ian_CorneYou system could verywell be just totaly broken14:17
JediMasterPici, even though the swap is working when swapoff'ing it and mountall (with no error)14:17
Ian_Corneyou can go to recovery mode and continue the updates14:17
Ian_Corneand then try to boot14:18
Ian_CorneI've had the same issue and was forced to reinstall as nothing helped14:18
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: I have disabled the GRUB menu, any other way to go into the recovery mode?14:18
Ian_Cornehold down shift while booting14:19
Ian_Corneor get a live-cd and chroot to your system14:19
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: ok, thanks, I'll try14:19
Ian_CorneI wouldn't disable grub menu when you're on a pre-release :p14:19
MichaelKohlersounds reasonable :P14:20
vince_can I install virtualbox for ubuntu 9.10 on my 10.04 ?14:30
yofelvince_: why would you do that?14:31
vince_because on their website, there's no 10.04 version14:31
nezticleHow do I set the group for devices enumerated in /dev/input/ (event*,mouse*) in 10.04?  It doesn't appear to use my udev policy anymore14:31
vince_I'm talking about the non OSE version14:31
charlie-tcavince_: yes, and most things will even work14:32
charlie-tcaOr you can install from the package manager14:32
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:32
yofelah, yes, they don't have a lucid package yet14:32
bazhangSteinex ^^14:33
thiebaudebug 55231614:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in ubuntu "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231614:33
Malkavian_hi; using Lucid Beta 2 and just updated the system; now it won't boot up with the new Kernel, it would just die in text mode; has anyone any idea?14:33
charlie-tcathiebaude: still valid?14:33
thiebaudeyes still does not shutdown, charlie-tca14:34
thiebaudeit just redstarts14:34
Malkavian_I can boot the old Kernel 2.6.32-19 but the new 2.6.32-20 wont even start14:34
charlie-tcaNeeds information14:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:36
Malkavian_does anyone experienced the same?14:36
jpdsMalkavian_: /topic14:36
charlie-tcathiebaude: I'll comment on what is needed on the bug14:37
Freak_NLHello #+1, the latest kernel update (20) doesn't boot (previous ones do). I have no idea what is wrong, or where, but I did take a picture of the kernel output on screen. Could someone help me file a bug?14:37
MagicFabFreak_NL, it's most likely a duplicate of this one:14:38
MagicFab[#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!14:38
thiebaudecharlie-tca, ok thanks14:38
Freak_NLMagicFab, a duplicate of?14:38
Freak_NLA there it is14:38
MagicFabbug #56115114:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux "reproducible oops at startup on thinkpad x61s in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115114:39
Freak_NLBit hard to read in XChat14:39
MagicFabJudging from other reports I believe it affects more than thinkpads.14:39
MagicFabYou should apport-collect 561151 if you're certain it's the same bug.14:40
Freak_NLIt's not a Thinkpad, but it looks similar14:40
Malkavian_I also have a Toshiba laptop and it acts like that14:41
Freak_NLAsus M51SN14:42
Freak_NLDoes this look like the same bug? Picture 1 is a fresh boot after a working boot with -19, picture 2 is what it shows after a hard shutdown and boot14:43
Freak_NLThe second time it does end in ACPI14:44
jeiworthhmm anyone already noticed that current kmail sends back invitation replies in the name of the invitor and not the invitee? ^^14:44
=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: New kernel affecting Thinkpads (bug #561151) / 2.6.32-20 removed from archive | Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
Freak_NLNot only Thinkpads14:48
charlie-tcathiebaude: request made on the bug14:49
thiebaudecharlie-tca, thanks very much14:49
charlie-tcayou are welcome. I subscribed to it so I will know when you add the files14:50
BUGabundo_remotewait wait14:50
BUGabundo_remote.20 removed??14:51
thiebaudeBUGabundo_remote, :)14:51
BUGabundo_remoteI instaled it last night14:51
Freak_NLHangs a bunch of laptops14:51
BUGabundo_remoteshould I reboot to 19 ?14:51
BUGabundo_remoteman I just purged .15, 16,17 and .18 :(14:51
charlie-tcaBUGabundo_remote: -20 seems to be a big problem14:51
BUGabundo_remotewfm so far14:51
charlie-tca-19 works for most people14:51
Freak_NLIt seems to be a problem that either happens at boot, or not14:51
BUGabundo_remote 14:51:40 up  7:26,  6 users,  load average: 0.35, 0.45, 0.4214:51
BUGabundo_remote7h up no prob so far14:51
charlie-tcayou must just be lucky14:52
thiebaudeor shutting down14:52
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: I can't always have all the probs!14:56
charlie-tcaBut to not have one of this importance?14:56
* charlie-tca thinks BUGabundo_remote finally misses out on a bug15:00
switchgirlfirefox keeps filling with lines15:01
NET||abusehmm, getting a ton of telepathy crashes......15:01
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: thanks for your help. I was able to chroot to my system and then finish the upgrade and now I can log in :)15:03
Ian_Cornenice :)15:03
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: had a few errors because of the chroot, but I'll upgrade again on the "normal" machine.15:04
MichaelKohlerto upgrade the last few packages15:04
vince_do yu think final users are gonna have the choice between buttons on the left and buttons on the right ? or Canonical already made a final decision?15:04
Ian_Cornevince_: the choice is there between themes I think15:06
vince_Ian_Corne, it doesn't appear so15:06
Ian_CorneIt does for me15:06
Ian_Corneif I pick clearlooks15:06
vince_it just a matter of themes then15:07
vince_i though it was system deep15:07
Ian_CorneWell, it's adjustable in gconf15:07
vince_yes, but the buttons order is different15:07
vince_clearlooks is fine15:08
vince_dust is not15:08
switchgirlhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/33346930@N05/4514821428/ keeps looking like this15:08
vince_ok, time to reboot15:08
switchgirlthis is banshee and the white space is my edit15:09
* vince_ is praying for the reboot to go fine15:09
MichaelKohlerIan_Corne: upgrade completed. I'll going off now. thanks again for your help15:10
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: or my FS will explod on next reboot15:14
Ian_Cornehello BUGabundo_remote :)15:16
BUGabundo_remotehey Ian_Corne15:16
BUGabundo_remoteI'll need your help to bat charlie-tca down, when I reboot my laptop tonigh15:16
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
Ian_CorneHa :p15:17
TommyThaGunis anyone else thoroughly impressed the latest update?15:18
thiebaudeim impressed with 10.04:)15:18
TommyThaGunwith the* latest update15:18
TommyThaGunwell yeah, me oo15:18
thiebaudeexcept for the shutdown issue15:18
JediMasteris there any other way to upgrade to lucid from karmic on the server edition other than the broken do-release-upgrade -d?15:18
Freak_NLI noticed the single "close window" button used for tool-windows like GIMP's tool window is visually fixed now15:18
Freak_NLAlthough the latest update also broke the kernel for a number of laptops :)15:19
TommyThaGunJediMaster, I did update-manager -d15:19
jmfthevcithiebaude: Shutdown issue? Or intermitten Won't shutdown issue?15:19
TommyThaGunI saw that Freak_NL, it looks like compaqs15:19
thiebaudewhen i click on shutdown the computer restarts jmfthevci15:20
Freak_NLMy Asus too15:20
TommyThaGunoh really?15:20
TommyThaGunI'm on an Acer, and it it blazing fast now15:20
Freak_NLI think the -20 kernel is removed from the updates already15:20
JediMasterTommyThaGun, running ubuntu server, so no GUI15:20
TommyThaGunoh really?15:20
Ian_Corneyou can always update to the latest 9.1015:21
jmfthevciWhen I click on Shutdown and then Shutdown or Restart my NC10 (10.04 B1) will mostly do nothing. Leading to a trip to the terminal and sudo shutdown -h/-r15:21
Ian_Corneand then change your apt/sources.list files15:21
thiebaudeim using the -20 kernel15:21
Ian_Corneto point to lucid15:21
Ian_Corneand do a apt-get dist-upgrade15:21
Freak_NLthiebaude, seems a hit-or-miss kernel15:21
TommyThaGunwhat Ian_Corne is saying makes sense15:21
jmfthevci-20 on my T61 is dead. I've not updated my NC10 to -20 yet.15:21
TommyThaGunthat's essetially what update-manager -d does15:21
thiebaudebecause i had this problem before beta1 with beta 1 and now beta 215:22
Ian_Corneupdate manager will also disable ppa's and other sources added tho15:22
TommyThaGunNC10? is that the Dell I hear a lot about?15:22
TommyThaGunright, it adds # to non official lucid ppas15:22
jmfthevciI've only seen the variable shutdown issue with Beta115:22
JediMasterFrom what I've heard do-release-upgrade does more than just change apt/sources.list and dist-upgrade15:23
* thiebaude wonders if plymouth is causing it somehow15:23
jmfthevciNC10 - Samsung. Excellent bit of kit. Best in equivalent netbook spec range15:23
JediMasterI'm perfectly happy to do that, as I have done with many a debian version years ago15:23
jmfthevciOn my NC10, which boots faster than my Lenovo T61, I don't see the plymouth splash. It goes straight to login prompt.15:24
jmfthevci(login GUI)15:24
TommyThaGunme too jmfthevci, I don't get a spash on boot15:24
TommyThaGunI get one on shutdown though15:24
jmfthevciIs Plymouth only for "slow" machines?15:25
mdlueckI have been having trouble with Lucid dailies running in a VirtualBox session. Load it up, install the guest additions, come back another day to find the NIC no longer working. Reloading the VM has been my resolution. Anyone else seeing this?15:25
jmfthevciTommyThaGun: I can't say that I always see plymouth on shutdown.15:25
sinthey, when will 10.4 be released official?15:26
jmfthevciI'm not really bothered about the splash screen as long as it boots. -20 does not. -19 does.15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308708 in eclipse "Unreadable text in Eclipse with Dark Room theme" [Undecided,Invalid]15:26
TommyThaGunsint, the 29th15:26
Ian_Corneanyone got an idea how to fix this without a workaround?15:26
sintk, thx :)15:26
jmfthevci!release dates15:26
BUGabundo_remotewho who my car is ready :)15:27
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:27
sintthought about reinstalling, but then i have to wait a few more days.15:27
BluesKajhi folks15:28
thiebaudeBluesKaj, hey there15:28
BluesKajhi thiebaude15:28
BUGabundo_remotehey BluesKaj15:28
TommyThaGunyou don't want to upgrade sint?15:29
BluesKajhey BUGabundo_remote15:29
mdlueckHas the memory check been taken off of the live CD?15:29
sintTommyThaGun: for some reason, i usually prefer reinstalling with the new version. i did a couple of upgrades and was never really happy about them15:29
mdlueckI see no boot menu, CD simply starts booting.15:29
underHi. I've installed compiz in my Ubuntu 10.04 Remix, but I've to active it manually. How can active it at startup?15:30
b__how do i stop the auto screen lock in lucid lynx??15:30
BluesKajwow, revenue canada claims to suppoort FF and kubuntu , but i can't get in , gotta use windows .,..damm java probs15:30
mdlueckb__: Screensaver preferences15:30
charlie-tcamdlueck: yup15:30
b__under go to synaptic package manager  type compiz in search15:30
b__mdlueck, thanks15:30
sintTommyThaGun: the other problem is, i am with 9.4 right now and its not to much stable anymore. i broke a couple of things by playing to much in /etc or something :D15:31
underb__: is installed15:31
BluesKajoops wrong room15:31
mdlueckAnyone know if it is an official decision to remover memtest86 from the live CD boot options?15:32
charlie-tcamdlueck: yes15:32
mdlueckOK, why?! ;-)15:32
charlie-tcaIf you let it boot, it comes up with a new menu screen, at the language selection15:32
mdlueckYes I see that.15:32
charlie-tcaYou can choose install or try without installing15:32
b__under  anyone know where to download compiz pre built profiles??15:32
mdlueckJust was handy to not have to drag an extra CD along just to run memtest8615:33
charlie-tcamdlueck: less confusion, I think15:33
mdlueckAh well, thanks charlie-tca15:33
charlie-tcaYou could always use Xubuntu. It still has the old menu15:33
mdlueckFrazzle-razzle! Window icons back in the wrong corner on today's daily CD!15:34
b__lucid lynx netbook remix is not LTS rite?15:34
JediMasterbahh! apt-get dist-upgrade fails as well as do-release-upgrade15:37
Ian_Corneon what does it fail JediMaster ?15:37
arandIt seems like hardy2lucid upgrades are currently broken, is it known?15:37
JediMasterIan_Corne, bug 55958215:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958215:37
mdlueckAnyone else testing with xfs filesystem? Between 4/1 and 4/12 that has gotten broken. Trying to use ext4 on /boot, xfs on / and /home. Fails to format / partition.15:38
myk_robinsonthis morning's updates hosed my install :(15:39
myk_robinsonworks fine if I boot to the previous kernel15:39
myk_robinsonperhaps I manually updated in the middle of things being uploaded15:39
myk_robinsonWill keep trying updates throughout the day and see if it gets fixed15:39
csgeekI tried to do a dist-upgrade on my Lucid install and I keep getting:  Quit gPodder15:39
csgeekuhmm.. wrong paste buffer15:39
csgeekFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic_2.6.32-20.29_amd64.deb15:39
csgeekthat's the error ..15:40
z0rtwindow 115:40
TiGR[rus]Hi there! I have ubuntu lucid beta 2, and I have the problem that system switches to tty's not by alt+ctrl+f*, but by alt+f*15:41
mdlueckTiGR[rus]: Do you happen to be running Lucid in a VirtualBox VM session by any chance?15:42
TiGR[rus]Also one thing to notice is that if I restart gdm, everything starts working okay, at least it won't switch from X to tty15:43
TiGR[rus]But it would still switch between ttys15:43
mdlueckOK, that at least has special capabilities to allow differentiation between host/guest OS.15:43
TiGR[rus]This system I am using was upgraded from jaunty to karmic and then to lucid, so that's not clean install.15:45
=== Tohuw1 is now known as Tohuw
m_anishHi I am facing a peculiar problem.. I have just installed ubuntu-lucid-beta2 and installed the sugar-emulator-0.88 package (there is some bug in karmic that doesn't allow sugar-emulator/xephyr to work)... anyways sugar-emulator is now working in lucid but it seems to have screwed up my touchpad settings. When I left-click instead of performing the normal left-click operation it turns the normal pointer to a hand... I have to use CTRL+Left click to ma15:49
m_anishke left click work. Any ideas how to fix this?15:49
b__what type of bugs are in lucid so far?.. i00m0 new to u00b0untu just got lucid up0 n ru0nni00bng15:51
b__do splash screen at 0start up hog a bit more resources?15:52
m_anishProblem solved! Installed compizconfig-settings-manager and performed "reset to default" .... thanks to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/9091815:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 90918 in compiz "Desktop-Effects Bug. Left Mouse Click doesn't work." [Undecided,Fix released]15:53
z0rtif i install the beta from karmic netbook remix will it be the netbook beta?15:53
VarthAfter upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 beta, boot hangs after selecting Ubuntu from the GRUB menu. It doesn't give me any error messages. does anyone know what could be going on?15:53
ChogyDanVarth: do you have a thinkpad?  :)15:55
JSundVarth: might be the new boot screen, try booting without quiet splash15:55
VarthChogyDan: I have an S10 ideapad15:55
TiGR[rus]Varth: known bug15:55
VarthJSund: How would I go about doing that?15:55
TiGR[rus]using nvidia-96?15:56
JSundVarth: I don't know what the bug is about, but I chose to edit the entry in grub (press E), removed "quiet splash" from the boot options and then booted with Ctrl-X15:56
VarthJSund: I'll give it a shot. Be back in a minute.15:57
mungojerryTiGR[rus], do you know the bug id please?15:57
ChogyDanis it bug #561151 from the topic?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115115:58
TiGR[rus]I think I misunderstood you. You say grub, but I thought that it was gdm %)15:58
mungojerryok, i have the one TIGR[rus] is referring to . i have geforce 52000  card and the only way to get gdm login was to remove quiet splash15:59
TiGR[rus]GDM bug I meant is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/55320015:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:59
mungojerryhmm, i had no yet installed the nvidia drivers, so may be different, thanks anyway16:00
TiGR[rus]Another way is to remove gdm theme16:00
TiGR[rus]It might affect others, it just was confirmed with nvidia drivers only.16:00
VarthJSund: I'm back. When I booted without the quiet splash option, it hanged at this line: 6.636698 ] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk.16:06
LordNeoGood afternoon, I'm having an issue with the session, i don't have enabled automatic login, and after i put my user and password, the screen blinks twice and then the GDM sound plays and i'm back into the login screen. Thanks for reading and helping16:07
JSundthat might help someone else find the problem, but unfortunately I'm not that good at debugging boot problems16:07
VarthJSund: Okay. Thank you for your help.16:07
JSundno problem16:07
jmfthevciVarth: Is this with the -20 kernel? Did you uppdate with fixes today?16:07
TiGR[rus]LodrNeo: nvidia?16:08
VarthIt is with the .20 kernel. I updated last night.16:08
jmfthevcibug 56114016:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20 (dup-of: 561151)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114016:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115116:08
LordNeonope, i have it on a virtual machine (virtualbox)16:08
Lord_RahlAnyone know how to remove the text beside icons16:08
ChogyDanVarth: it is in the topic.  You need to boot with an older kernel for now16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:09
jmfthevciVarth: The -19 kernel is still OK.16:09
scott_ino2yikes, 230MB in updates in 4 days16:09
TiGR[rus]It updated to beta216:10
LordNeoTiGR[rus], i'm able to insert my password, and the mouse doesn't stop working, the screen blink once (with background) then blink to black screen and then back to GDM16:10
LordNeoit's beta2, updated16:10
LordNeoeventho, not really sure, because i don't see the grub screen at the begining to confirm if there is more kernells avaiable16:11
TiGR[rus]The problem I am referring to also leads to gdm restart, as you describe16:12
spine55-workdoes anyone know how to move the title bar buttons from the left to the right?16:12
scott_ino2TiGR[rus], ahh i see well sweet16:13
chorsedid the nvidia driver break with a recent update?16:13
scott_ino2spine55-work, you can apparently do it in gconf-editor, however I haven't looked into it further16:14
LordNeoi will try to bypass GDM as described16:14
duffydackHow can i unlock the top panel components in netbook remix so i can add stuff like netspeed there?   there is no option in lucid yet16:16
JediMasterbtw, when did php 5.3.2 make it into lucid?16:17
JediMasterlast time I looked it was still 5.2.x16:17
JEEBsvit has been for quite a while16:17
JediMasterfantastic news though, would have been a big pain in the arse if 5.3.x wasn't in the new LTS16:17
frecklehi, i am trying to setup printing on UNR, when I starting the printing app and say connect to localhost CUPS it complains CUPS is not running, any ideas anyone?16:19
bjsniderchorse, which one?16:22
ZykoticK9bjsnider, the nvidia issue i mentioned yesterday was the jockey: not showing any activated driver for nvidia an saying "a different version of this driver is in use"16:23
yotta911 Folks, i downloaded an image of Lucid beta and checked MD5, it's ok. But, VirtualBox aways sucks on running the iso. What i can do?16:27
MichaelKohlerI now get a "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_WindowListApplet"." error after the login. Is this known?16:27
MichaelKohleryotta911: what's the error message?16:27
jonatanhi! :)16:28
bjsniderZykoticK9, ok, that is fixed.16:28
yotta911The screens freezes when i select "Try Ubuntu..."16:28
ZykoticK9bjsnider, nice! - thanks for letting me know :)16:29
MichaelKohleryotta911: try to chose "check integrity of the disc"16:30
jonatanI got a problem, when i installed 10.4 yesterday i got errors when the fglrx-package was installed, now, i cant fix the broken packages because fglrx is erroring and stopping the update...16:30
VarthI tried rebooting with an older kernel, but all I have are 31.20 and 32.20, neither of which work. Do I have any other options, or do I need to do a fresh reinstall?16:31
yotta911 MichaelKohler: Freezes, also16:31
yotta911md5: d5c257bb85664afc97d62b04a5994f02 *ubuntu-10.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso16:32
charlie-tcayotta911: increase the memory available16:34
Machtini got a problem, which isn't really lucid-related.. but i thought you guys might be able to help me: i have two pdf-scans: one pdf contains all back-pages and one contains all front pages.. is there any software with which i can combine these easily, without doing it for every page manually?16:35
glphvgacsdo-release-upgrade -d : http://paste.ubuntu.com/412831/16:36
yotta911charlie-tca: Main: 991 Mb Video: 32 Mb16:36
glphvgacsuname: 2.6.31-20-powerpc64-smp16:36
jonatannoone who can help me?16:37
yotta911charlie-tca: Keep freezing16:38
AKGuys do u know any adobe software for Markup from Synaptics, worked as PDF Change Viewer16:38
charlie-tcayotta911: I am running VBox 3.1.6 in Lucid, using 384MB ram, 32MB video for each machine with no problems16:38
charlie-tcaCould it be a bad image, even though it passes md5?16:38
yotta911MD5 is ok, d5c257bb85664afc97d62b04a5994f0216:39
vinceHi, i've got a problem with the nvidia drivers when I enable those fancy compiz effects16:40
yotta911charlie-tca: I'm using VB 3.0.  Any issue?16:40
charlie-tcaThat doesn't mean the image is not bad16:40
frecklehi, i am trying to setup printing on UNR, when I starting the printing app and say connect to localhost CUPS it complains CUPS is not running, any ideas anyone?16:40
charlie-tcayoasif: 3.0 doesn't work right in lucid16:40
charlie-tcayou need to update it16:40
vinceThe system keeps using those dodgy 173 drivers...16:40
vinceinstead of the brand new :/16:40
AKany adobe software for Markup from Synaptics, worked as PDF Change Viewer16:41
yotta911I'm givin up.....16:41
jonatanis there any way to force-fix broken packages?16:41
charlie-tcayotta911: is isn't working because it is out of date16:42
charlie-tcajonatan: apt-get force , I think16:42
tritiumLooks like apt-get and update-manager don't honor HTTP_PROXY env. var. any longer.,16:42
jonatansudo apt-get force upgrade?16:43
yotta911charlie-tca: Upgrading..... Thanks....16:43
charlie-tcajonatan: sudo apt-get install -f16:43
charlie-tcaif I recall correctly16:44
glphvgacscharlie-tca: do-release-upgrade -d : http://paste.ubuntu.com/412831/16:44
charlie-tcaglphvgacs: to fix broken packages?16:44
AKany adobe software for Markup from Synaptics, worked as PDF Change Viewer16:44
glphvgacscharlie-tca: to install lucid16:44
charlie-tcaThat was not the question I answered. but thanks anyway16:44
MikeChelenanyone else have a problem with ubuntu one bookmark sync, where firefox window "bindwood: migrating older bookmarks" never finishes?16:45
jonatanWhy do i need to install fglrx anyways? My card isnt supported...16:45
glphvgacscharlie-tca: can you help me  with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/412831/ pls16:46
glphvgacscharlie-tca: do-release-upgrade -d says this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/412831/16:46
charlie-tcaglphvgacs: comment out that repository in /etc/apt/sources.list16:47
charlie-tcaIt may not be valid in lucid16:47
charlie-tcaWhat port are you trying to upgrade?16:47
AscavasaionI am running 10.04 and I upgraded via System>Administration>Update Manager to 2.6.32-20-generic this morning, and when I rebooted it froze and refuses to go any further...  I typed out the last four lines before it froze http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/413186/  I have booted into the 2.6.32-19-generic kernel to get here to ask your advice.16:47
glphvgacscharlie-tca: uname: 2.6.31-20-powerpc64-smp16:47
jonatanWell, im rebooting and hoping for the best, thanks for all help :)16:47
charlie-tcaThat is invalid right now, I think16:48
ChogyDanAscavasaion: just remove -20 and see topic16:48
glphvgacscharlie-tca: i don't have any commented repo in source.list16:48
charlie-tcaI keep seeing the powerpc ports are invalid at this time16:48
AscavasaionChogyDan: Aaah, thank you man... I have a thinkpad :)  Brilliant!16:48
glphvgacscharlie-tca: img does exist, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/ not sure if that means i can upgrade16:50
charlie-tcaHmmm, I don't know then. Is your network connection breaking up?16:50
glphvgacsnot really16:50
JediMastereagles0513875, did you try the upgrade?16:55
eagles0513875JediMaster: there is a work around for bug 55958216:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958216:55
eagles0513875and its successful16:55
skrite99hey all16:55
eagles0513875j/w what kernel is lucid running16:55
eagles0513875!info kernel16:55
ubottuPackage kernel does not exist in lucid16:56
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:56
JediMastereagles0513875, do you mean *my* workaround? (Tom here!)16:56
eagles0513875JediMaster: heheh ya16:56
eagles0513875it works but i dont think it upgrades the kernel16:56
JediMasterhehe, glad to hear it works16:56
JediMasterreally? did for me, what's your uname -a?16:57
eagles0513875JediMaster: i can confirm though16:57
eagles0513875kernel isnt upgraded16:57
vitiumchromium keeps showing me the oh snap! page16:57
Josh007My alsa_record_playback_internal fails while performing system testing for Audio tests / record from Sound Recorder. Please advise anyone to fix ..16:57
eagles0513875JediMaster: server is on 2.6.31-2016:57
MichaelKohlerWhen starting up (log in) or adding something to the panel (e.g. "Window List"), I get a "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_WindowListApplet"." error.. How can I fix this?16:57
JediMastereagles0513875, ahh yeah, sorry I forgot on my virtual machine the host automatically inserts the latest kernel: 2.6.32-x86_64-linode1116:57
eagles0513875JediMaster: could i just do sudo apt-get install KERNEL that way16:58
JediMastereagles0513875, try something liek sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic16:59
JediMastereagles0513875, or linux-image-server16:59
eagles0513875JediMaster: strange i just did an apt-cache search and its not listing 32 version16:59
JediMastereagles0513875, linux-image-generic should point to a version that will work17:01
eagles0513875apt-cache policy shows the candidate to be 32 but i have 31 installed17:02
kklimondawe had a kernel roll back today and it was the only 2.6.32 kernel afair17:02
eagles0513875kklimonda:  O_o17:02
* kklimonda is actually checking it17:02
eagles0513875what you mean what version of the kernel should be on lucid17:02
kklimondaeagles0513875: 2.6.32-20 was removed from server as it had a nasty bug that made it unbootable on some thinkpads17:03
* JediMaster loves the automatically installed/upgraded/inserted kernels from linode.com's servers - paravirt kernels =)17:03
mungojerrydoes lucid have the annoying update-manager popup that was introduced in 9.04?17:04
eagles0513875kklimonda: why then does apt-cache policy linux-image-server show otherwise17:04
kklimondaeagles0513875: it shows "" here17:04
kklimondaeagles0513875: you sure you are on lucid?17:04
eagles0513875i had to use JediMaster's work around to upgrade from karmic to lucid as mountall using do-release-upgrade -d is broken17:05
eagles0513875kklimonda: here is the bug report for it 55958217:06
Sebaswhen I boot a live session with beta2 the boot splash seems fine but after install the splash image seems 256 colors and not the right resolution.. how can I fix this?17:07
kklimondaSebas: do you change your video drivers in the meantime?17:07
Sebasyes installed the nvidia via jockey17:07
eagles0513875kklimonda: i should be ok in regards to the kernel version im on or should i uninstall and reinstlal linux-image-server17:08
kklimondaSebas: you can either use nouveau and have a nice splash of nvidia and have a good 3d support17:08
kklimondaeagles0513875: no idea, if it reports 2.6.31.. then something is wrong17:08
Sebaskklimonda: thanx :)17:08
jonatanhow to remove sources?17:09
eagles0513875kklimonda: :( what would happen if i removed the kernel and reinstalled with the newer version17:09
eagles0513875also im getting an unmet dependency issue when trying to install linux-image-server17:09
jonatan"E: fglrx: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2"17:11
ZykoticK9Sebas, actually increasing Plymouth's resolution with Nvidia if fairly straight forward -- see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth-resolution17:11
SebasZykoticK9: Thank you very much :)17:12
jonatanFailed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic_2.6.32-20.29_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80] is it down?17:13
eagles0513875JediMaster: any idea re kernel17:13
jpdsjonatan: /topic.17:13
eagles0513875jpds: there is 32-23 i believe in repo17:14
eagles0513875not sure about desktop version but for server thats whats in there17:14
jpdseagles0513875: I dunno, I know that that kernel got blacklisted and a fix is en route.17:14
eagles0513875jpds 32-21 on server is that affected by channel message17:14
chorsebjsnider: the non-free "nvidia" one, it doesn't work for me since the last upgrade which brought 2.6.32-2017:15
jonatanhow come i cant fetch updates in update manager, when "sudo apt-get upgrade" works fine?17:15
eagles0513875jpd any ideas as to this issue bug 55958217:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958217:15
agronholm_I just worked around it 1 minute ago17:15
jpdseagles0513875: No.17:15
eagles0513875jpds: any ideas ^ JediMaster gave a work around but its anoying to not be able to use do-release-upgrade -d17:15
eagles0513875agronholm_: i did as well im wondering about the kernel17:16
mrenoufAhaha. yup... another thinkpad user :-(17:16
agronholm_eagles0513875, what about the kernel17:16
agronholm_I just rebooted the server, came back online fine17:16
mrenoufso I should downgrade to ?17:16
eagles0513875agronholm_: whats ur version then17:16
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
agronholm_kernel 2.6.32-20-server17:17
jmfthevcieagles0513875: the -20 kernel issue is not just a thinkpad issue.17:17
jpdsjonatan: Update Manager probably doesn't handle errors like apt-get does.17:17
jmfthevcimrenouf: -19 kernel is working17:17
agronholm_what problems are you having17:18
eagles0513875agronholm_: strange how yours upgraded and mine didnt im still on the 31 kernel after the work around for that bug jmfthevci im still on the karmic kernel it seems17:18
=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: New kernel affecting various machines (bug #561151) / 2.6.32-20 removed from archive / Fixed kernel en route | Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
eagles0513875agronholm_: no problems17:18
eagles0513875bug 56115117:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115117:18
eagles0513875agronholm_: how did you with the work around get ur kernel up to 32 lucid kernel im still using 31 is my question17:19
jmfthevcibug 561140 is the same but affecting other non-thinkpads17:19
agronholm_I didn't do anything special17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561140 in linux "Boot hangs after update to kernel 2.6.32-20 (dup-of: 561151)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114017:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115117:19
agronholm_I upgraded my box using the exact same method as provided in the comments of the launchpad issue17:20
mrenoufjmfthevci, what symptoms might I see? right now my system hangs at startup with a blinking cursor... best I can tell it's dying during 'mountall' complaining about Plymouth?17:20
eagles0513875same here17:20
mrenoufjmfthevci, but it could have been an imcomplete update17:20
eagles0513875agronholm_: 32bit or 64bit17:20
jmfthevcimrenouf: it varies as to what you see. I get a kernel partial boot stopping just after isapnp,,,17:21
jonatanCan anyone tell me how to remove a un-removable package? ^^17:21
eagles0513875agronholm_: strange O_o humm17:21
eagles0513875runnning apt-get update and dist-upgrade if any updates have come down the pipline17:22
mrenoufjmfthevci, ok I will retest with -19. but the same thing happens on my karmic kernel (2.6.31-20)17:22
TommyThaGunI hope they don't change the -20 kernel too much. Something about it makes my computer blaze17:23
jmfthevcimrenouf: i boot to 2.6.32-19 which is a lucid kernel and no problems. whats your reason for the karmic kernel?17:24
mrenoufjmfthevci, left over from upgrade17:24
TommyThaGunhas anyone else had a problem with gdesklets in lucid? It hasn't worked for me at all17:24
mrenoufjmfthevci, wait I still have 2.6.32-1917:25
mrenoufjmfthevci, so it must be a different issue17:25
chorsebjsnider: it's working again, i had to disable the driver and enable it again, whyever.17:26
AmberJHello, My ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 fonts/display just crashed like this: http://i39.tinypic.com/nv4izc.png  and  http://i40.tinypic.com/2r44j1k.png17:27
AmberJI just logged out and logged in again and everything is back to normal17:28
AmberJDo I need to report this somewhere?17:28
TommyThaGunI get this error when I try to run gdesklets "Cannot establish connection to daemon: timeout!"17:28
jmfthevciWith all the latest updates (as of 10 mins ago) and without the -20 the beta 2 is OK.17:33
lookhow do i make a persistent flash image of 10.04b217:33
AmberJlook: usb-creator of 9.04 didn't worked for me...but unetbootin did the job17:35
lookwill 'dd if=/dev/zero of=[flashdrive]/casper-rw bs=1024 count=$[1024*100];mkfs.ext2 [flashdrive]/casper-rw' do it?17:36
TommyThaGunwhat's the apt-get command to delete the deb packages saved on my computer?17:37
eagles0513875!usb | look17:37
ubottulook: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:37
lookTommyThaGun: apt-get clean17:38
eagles0513875look: see 2nd link17:38
charlie-tcaTommyThaGun: apt-get --help17:39
TommyThaGungot it, thanks17:39
lookcool ... but so i jsut want to know if i make a casper-rw file, will it automatically use it17:39
TommyThaGunI didn't understand the difference between autoclean and clean17:39
eagles0513875look: not sure i usually follow that link17:39
charlie-tcaTommyThaGun: old is normally something like 30 days17:40
TommyThaGunoh ok17:40
hceylanGuys, while everthing was working with beta-1, now with the updates: sound, nvidia blob, plymouth, ureadahead is broken...17:42
hceylanAny1 know what's going on?17:43
BUGabundo_remotemaster FAIL in APT17:44
BUGabundo_remoteopen syanptic17:44
BUGabundo_remotethen run aptitude upgrade17:44
BUGabundo_remoteit usually complains of apt being lick17:44
BUGabundo_remotethis time, it complain, and run anyway17:45
hceylanplus firefox crashes very frequently...17:50
hceylanplus acpi problems like not being able to detect if adapter plugged in...17:58
* charlie-tca thinks the mystery gets deeper ... :-( 18:00
gnimshI could really use some help, compositing has not been working since I upgraded to lucid beta2 from beta1, and also when I open more than one window at a time only one program has focus18:09
gnimshI have no titlebars either, and most windows are getting stuck in the top left corner of the screen18:09
gnimshok I used the appearance menu to change visual settings to normal, now I have titlebars back and can fullscreen the system18:12
gnimshhm, appearance still reset effects to none but compositing seems to be back on18:13
An_Ony_Moosewhat would be the best way to install 10.04 on a USB drive?18:14
holsteinAn_Ony_Moose: install the OS onto a USB drive?18:15
holsteinor make an install USB18:15
holsteinyou can install ubuntu to whatever drive you want18:16
An_Ony_MooseMake a live USB drive essentially, like a live CD but that keeps files, settings, etc18:16
holsteinif your using the live CD18:16
An_Ony_MooseI'm not :P18:16
holsteincheck (i think is step 6) towards the end on the installation setup18:16
holsteinand notice where GRUB is being installed18:17
holsteinAn_Ony_Moose: theres a live USB creator18:17
An_Ony_Mooseon the live CD?18:17
avishi crimsun.  will it be too long before the new kernel alsa modules are available ?  let me run my alsa script for you18:17
holsteinstartup disk creator18:17
holsteinAn_Ony_Moose: also, unetbootin18:18
An_Ony_Mooseyeah, I know unetbootin... never really worked for me18:18
holsteintry startup disk creator18:18
holsteinAFAIK you can save settings18:18
An_Ony_Mooseanyway - live USB creator. Is it on the live CD? Because I don't currently have a live CD.18:18
holsteinAn_Ony_Moose: it should be18:18
holsteinits in my lucid install18:19
holsteinlast time i tried it18:19
holsteinit didnt work18:19
holsteinBUT that was weeks ago18:19
patdk-wkI used my karmic one, to make a lucid boot stick :)18:19
An_Ony_MooseI have nothing really. Do I need to download a live CD? I have no previous installation either18:19
An_Ony_Moosepatdk-wk, how?18:19
An_Ony_Moosethat's essentially what I want to do18:19
patdk-wkwhat do you mean how?18:19
aviscrimsun here is my latest report.  generic pae -19 modules on the pae-generic-20 kernel http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f18723738c45c05a91509a073d56c9e52bbe158b18:19
holsteinpatdk-wk: and you made it with the lucid ISO too right?18:20
patdk-wkyou download the lucid iso18:20
holsteini think you can18:20
patdk-wkyou run iso maker, done18:20
An_Ony_Mooseiso maker?18:20
patdk-wkwell, the usb iso maker thing18:20
avishi everyone18:20
patdk-wkusb startup disk creator :)18:20
patdk-wk*that thing in the menu* :)18:20
An_Ony_Moosewhere in the menu? >.<18:21
An_Ony_Mooseaaah, ok, thanks :)18:22
alex_mayorgaare updates slow to download or is it my carrier?18:31
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Zenker does anyone know how to use gmount-iso to mount and play a dvd iso?18:34
jrrempathy: how to connect to generic XMPP server? (not facebook or google talk or jabber)18:34
SandGorgondamn... i'm not able to suspend/resume on Kubuntu... anyone else having this issue ?18:35
ZenkerSandGorgon if i remember right that is a well known issue18:35
yofelSandGorgon: works fine on my eeePC, my desktop doesn't even show the suspend option18:36
SandGorgonZenker, true... what I was hoping is _somebody_ telling me that it has been fixed (yayyy!!). My laptop is pretty much unusable18:36
SandGorgonyofel, :)18:36
ZenkerSandGorgon suspend is a very technical thing believe it or not, it may not ever be fixed for everyone, you will proably have to learn 2 lie w/o it18:39
Zenkererr...thats *live rofl18:39
iconmefistoSandGorgon: where does it fail? on suspend, or resume?18:45
James2kCan I get support for Lucid here?18:45
James2kOK, basically I've just tried to update to Ubuntu 10.04 through Update manager used "update-manager -d" but the upgrade fails at the second stage something about I have held broken packages18:46
James2kI've cleared all broken packages used various clean commands and booted into recovery mode to ensure no packages are broke18:47
pvelkovskican i ask a question regarding lucid?18:47
James2kAnyway know how I can get past the rror18:47
SandGorgoniconmefisto, on resume... screen goes black... never get the UI back.18:48
SandGorgoniconmefisto, earlier it was some artifacts18:49
Berzerkerpvelkovski, don't ask to ask, just ask18:49
pvelkovskiI have a huge memory leak problem18:49
pvelkovskinot related to any program18:49
pvelkovskithe cache memory is filled18:49
pvelkovskithe swap disk starts filling18:50
pvelkovskiand yet18:50
iconmefistoJames2k: if you do sudo apt-get upgrade, does it say there are packages held back?18:50
pvelkovskionly max 30 percent of my memory is actualy used by programs18:50
James2kiconmefisto: will check18:50
pvelkovskihow do you report a bug like this??18:50
pvelkovskithe new bug reporting polici insist that i file a bug against a package18:51
James2kinconmefisto: I get 0 changes to be made18:51
iconmefistoJames2k: but no packages held back?18:52
James2kNope none held back18:52
thiebaudecharlie-tca, im trying to attach an attachment and im not able to18:52
BerzerkerJames2k, should say "The Following packages were held back:"18:52
iconmefistoJames2k: apt pinning maybe?18:52
charlie-tcathiebaude: if all else fails, copy the text and paste in18:53
thiebaudeok thanks i sure will18:53
pvelkovskiso can anybody give me some advice?18:53
James2kiconmefisto: What is apt-pinning18:53
thoegerHi channel. Just installed Lucid on an old HP Compaq laptop with a BCM4312 wireless card. Through Jockey I installed the STA driver and it seems to work, but it says "this driver is activated but not currently in use", and the nm applet doesn't seem to find any wireless networks...18:54
James2ksudo apt-get update only returns: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:54
iconmefistoJames2k: it's a way to hold onto a particular version of a package, so it won't get upgraded18:55
charlie-tcapvelkovski: You could file it against linux18:55
charlie-tcaThat puts most of the log files in the report that would be needed18:55
thoegerBonus info: iwlist scanning finds all the networks it needs to. What am I doing wong?18:55
pvelkovskiyes but it's not kernel related18:55
SandGorgonthoeger, in that use the b43 fwcutter package (you must have had two options for broadcom drivers)18:55
James2kIconmefisto: OK but I have no indication of what package would be stopping the upgrade18:55
iconmefistoJames2k: I think synaptic does it, but I'm not familiar with how it works because I don't use it18:55
pvelkovskiI tried with an upstream kernel18:55
pvelkovskiand the bug is still present18:55
charlie-tcaNote that in your comments when you file18:56
Damasceneom26er, what did you find18:56
void^pvelkovski: try setting /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to a lower value18:56
thoegerSandGorgon, yeah and I was recommended on varios threads etc to use the STA driver. But I'll give it a try. Remove the STA driver first?18:56
pvelkovskiDid that too18:56
James2kI just get an error on the second stage of the upgrade with unable to determine18:56
om26erDamascene, I turns out that my partition dont require any passwords when mounting18:56
charlie-tcapvelkovski: working with an upstream kernel or not does not mean it is not kernel related18:56
pvelkovskiswapiness was set to 10 out of 10018:56
iconmefistoJames2k: does /etc/apt/preferences exist? or any files in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ folder?18:56
pvelkovskiwhen the cache becomes full18:56
om26erDamascene, which filesystem you have?18:57
pvelkovskithe swap disk is used18:57
Damasceneom26er, ntfs18:57
pvelkovskiand I have 2GB of RAM18:57
void^pvelkovski: that's correct behaviour. what's your usage pattern, and what's the problem?18:57
James2kiconmefisto: Will check18:57
Damasceneom26er, but it asks for password for all partition ntfs and ext4 too18:57
pvelkovskithe problem is that something is eating the cache memory, using only openoffice and firefox and liferea18:58
pvelkovskithis 3 programs18:58
Damascenefrom nautilus not form netbook-launcher18:58
James2kiconmefisto: nope nothing in either locations18:58
pvelkovskiare not using 2GB of ram18:58
pvelkovskiit says 22% used by programs18:58
olga_guys, why cant i "sudo apt-get upgrade" from beta to beta 2?18:58
pvelkovskiregular updates18:59
BerzerkerJames2k, try running an apt-get clean, then sudo apt-get autoremove18:59
om26erDamascene, I formated it through disk-utility with the option 'take ownership of FS' so now when I mount I am not asked for password18:59
pvelkovskiupgrade from beta to beta 218:59
charlie-tcaolga_: because the beta 2 is lucid with all updates applied18:59
SandGorgonthoeger, yup18:59
James2kBerzerker: OK will try18:59
thiebaudecharlie-tca, lspci-vvnn.log command not found18:59
Damasceneom26er, I see18:59
olga_is "sudo apt-get upgrade" right command?18:59
James2kNothing was changed18:59
BerzerkerJames2k, doing that might error on a certain broken package, which you can use sudo apt-get install -f <package> to fix it18:59
charlie-tcathiebaude: space before the -  lspci -vvnn19:00
BerzerkerJames2k, or it might remove the broken package19:00
pvelkovski@olga once you have lucid installed you only do "apt-get update"19:00
James2kBerzerker: Didn't touch anything19:00
James2kAll 0;s19:00
charlie-tcaolga_: you can not upgrade to beta 219:00
Berzerkerdo you know which package it is19:00
charlie-tcabeta2 is just a point in time when a new cd was made19:00
James2kNope nothing is indicated19:00
olga_okay, if i do UPDATE, i get some haches error19:00
James2kI can get you the exact error message if that helps19:01
TommyThaGunhaches error?19:01
Berzerkerit might19:01
olga_hashsum is not right or something19:01
TommyThaGunolga_, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:01
James2kIt gets stuck on getting new software channels19:01
thiebaudecharlie-tca, whats the full command and i can copy and paste from xchat thanks?19:02
olga_i actually just did  updates, and they are good, but the kernal isnt updating19:02
olga_says bad hashes19:02
duffydackupdated the system and it got 2.6.32-20 kernel but its not in my grub list, and when i run update-grub it doesnt detect it.  when I try to mark the kernel for reinstall it says linux-image and linux-generic-image are deps but cant be installed?19:02
TommyThaGunolga_, what is the exact error it's giving?19:03
olga_moment, pastebin19:03
olga_if u can read that :D19:03
BerzerkerJames2k, I'll brb, restart from upgrade19:03
olga_cuz its in russian -.-19:03
TommyThaGuntry me19:04
thoegerSandGorgon, oddly enough when I open Jockey after removing the STA driver, the fwcutter doesn't come up as an option anymore...19:04
pvelkovskiso anyone here experienced in debugging memory problems?19:04
charlie-tcaduffydack, olga_ : from the topic - New kernel affecting various machines (bug #561151) / 2.6.32-20 removed from archive19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115119:05
duffydackah.. sorry, didnt see topic...19:05
charlie-tcaolga_: mirror is out of date, maybe19:07
charlie-tcatry that one again in an hour or two19:07
TommyThaGuncharlie-tca, do you think olga_ can just change the mirror?19:08
charlie-tcapossible, I guess19:08
charlie-tcaI normally just wait a couple of hours, myself.19:08
James2kOK I've got the screenshot of the upgrade error19:08
James2kOn moment just uploading to ImageShack19:09
olga_hmm, ok, lets see19:09
James2kBerzerker you still there?19:11
BerzerkerJames2k, yeah, sorry, I don't know19:11
BerzerkerJames2k, strange place to error19:12
James2kIf that helps you at all19:12
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TommyThaGunplease tell me that when they fix kernel 32-20 they won't do too much to it19:12
James2kIt's OK I hadn't been messaging you for help, just promised you that screenshot19:12
TommyThaGunI'm loving i19:12
TheSovI have a soundblaster x-fi sound card, the system detects it and shows it in sound preferences, however i hear no audio from the system whatsoever when i skip around to different profiles sometimes pulse audio crashes.19:13
BerzerkerJames2k, did you check the log?19:13
James2kWhere is the log?19:14
James2kOK, will check now19:14
James2kI've got apt.log, main.log and term.log19:15
James2kWhich one is useful?19:15
yofelodd, that's a pre-upgrade error, are you sure you have all updates installed?19:15
James2kI have ran Update Manager before doing this upgrade19:15
James2kIt's all strange tonight19:16
yofelhm, then maybe some package in lucid has proken deps at the moment19:16
TheSovdoes anyone have a clue as to whats going on with my sound card?19:17
thakSo... if the kernal update left me with a while console, is there any way to roll back to an earlier version?19:17
yofelthak: select the older kernel when booting?19:17
pvelkovskiand hold the Shift key19:18
pvelkovskithat will present you with a grub menu19:18
TommyThaGunhas anyone had a problem with gDesklets in lucid? Here's a thread I posted in case anyone can help with my issue with it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145281219:18
TheSovI really need help with my sound card, i would hate to go back to windows after this. it gets detected in the sound preferences but i hear no audio at all, even when selecting different profiles. it is a soundblaster x-fi.19:20
thoegerHi folks - progress but more probs with the broadcom wireless card. STA driver now finds the networks in our area but when trying to log on to my own wireless, it keeps searching and then coming up with a new "authentication needed write password here" box... Argh! Others maintain I should still go for the b43fwcutter instead?19:20
thakHrm... what was the last good version of the kernel?19:20
TommyThaGunthak, depends who you ask. 19 is more stable for more people19:21
TommyThaGun20 has done amazing things to my computer, but crashes when loading on others19:21
thakI seem to be booting into Low Graphics mode19:22
thakand I've begun to suspect that it isn't related to the kernel19:22
thakI'm not sure where to even start troubleshooting this, any suggestions?19:23
yofeltroubleshooting low graphics mode begins at the Xorg log19:24
TheSovI need some help with my sound card, It's a soundblaster x-fi and the system detects but i get no audio at all.19:26
JoshuaLmy laptop has issues with sleep mode. The screen goes black and the system doesn't respond afterwards..19:28
JoshuaLEven the magic reisub doesnt work and i have to force it to shutdown with the powerbutton19:28
thakIs my problem with line 50? The Nvidia drivers? http://pastebin.com/Y04Sv6aW19:29
vegaTheSov: you've checked that _everything_ is unmuted .. with alsamixer19:29
Berzerkerso I tried insatlling flash 10 on lucid...64-bit...copied libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but firefox doesn't recognize it's installed19:30
Berzerkerany suggestions?19:30
TheSovapplications that play audio also tend to lockup19:30
pvelkovskitry to copy it to /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so19:30
thakor is that log old?19:31
yofelthak: the log is from Mon Apr 12 11:25:14 201019:32
pvelkovskiBerzerker: did you try my sugestion?19:32
* duffydack uses a ppa for flash64. just easier for updates19:32
Berzerkerpvelkovski, no, one sec19:32
yofelBerzerker: why not just copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ?19:33
Berzerkerduffydack, what is the ppa?19:33
thakWhat should I be looking for in this log?19:33
TheSovshould i try installing 9.10?19:34
yofelthak: usually any lines that begin with EE for error, but the only thing I can find are the acpi warnings, no idea if that's the cause19:34
lookthak: yes19:34
lookTheSov: yes19:34
lookthak: sorry about that19:34
thakWhat loads after Xorg? Like, what actually loads the gnome desktop19:34
pvelkovskiduffydack are you sure that it's a 64bit flash plugin?19:34
looknautilus i think19:35
pvelkovskiyou should try manualy installing 10.1 as far as i know19:35
yofelthak: the desktop manager (the login screen) is gdm19:35
duffydackyes.. it installs it like the regular flash installer does, it grabs the tar.gz from adobe.19:35
Berzerkerpvelkovski, 10.1 isn't 64-bit yet19:35
yofelthak: I'm not sure how it continues after that19:35
Berzerkerlastest is feb release, 10.0.45 I think19:35
duffydackthe version in ppa is the latest.. ive checked19:35
duffydackbeen using the ppa for a few months19:36
yotta911charlie-tca: VirtualBox upgraded and beta running -- Thanks!!!!19:36
bjsniderthak, that log says you're getting 32 bit colour and your monitor is 1280x800. that is not low graphics mode at all19:36
thakFailed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager...19:36
Berzerkerduffydack, the install isn't working for me...it says it can't find flashplugin64-installer19:37
duffydackBerzerker, works for me,.. I added the ppa and installed it again the other day actually after doing a reinstall19:38
Berzerkerduffydack, the apt-get update hits, but it says it can't find package "flashplugin64-installer"19:38
duffydack flashplugin64-nonfree19:39
Berzerkerduffydack, same, can't find it19:39
pvelkovskiBerzerker:  the flash plugin I have on my system is in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/19:39
pvelkovskibut i am on 32 bit linux19:39
Berzerkerpvelkovski, I've always copied it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins19:39
duffydackBerzerker, no idea then bud.19:39
duffydacki`ll try removing/reinstalling it19:40
pvelkovskiBerzerker this is lucid19:40
jef91Anyone know what repos sun-java6-plugin is contained in in 10.04? I have medibuntu and all the defaults enabled and its telling me it cannot find it19:40
pvelkovskiwhatever you did before19:40
yofelpvelkovski: that's where the file is copied to, it then gets symlinked to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:40
pvelkovskiis not same here19:40
Berzerkerpvelkovski, yes in lucid, that's what I've done19:40
thakAlright, does this make sense: http://pastebin.com/bGvnMV8N19:40
yofeljef91: canonical partner19:40
bjsniderjef91, it will not be added until lucid is released19:40
Berzerkerpvelkovski, it's worked before, on lucid...no idea why it's not now19:40
duffydackworking for me...19:40
Berzerkerduffydack, is there a way to list the packages in the repo?19:41
jef91... bjsnider Thats a pain in the ass.19:41
yofel!language | jef9119:41
ubottujef91: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:41
bjsniderit's a pain in the whaddayacallit19:42
duffydackBerzerker, http://pastebin.org/14860419:42
jef91Anyone else here use software-center in KDE on 10.04?19:42
duffydackand "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu lucid main" is whats in my sources.19:43
yofeljef91: from time to time19:43
pvelkovski duffydack are you using a clean isntall of lucid?19:43
duffydackpvelkovski, yes...19:43
duffydackpvelkovski, I used that repo for my karmic install too19:43
jef91yofel Do you have segfaulting issues? It keeps crashing on me19:44
pvelkovskican you do this in your console19:44
pvelkovskisudo updatedb19:44
pvelkovskiand then19:44
pvelkovskilocate libflashplayer.so19:44
yofeljef91: I had random crashes while using the qtcurve gtk engine, it works fine now that I'm using nodoka19:44
DanaGE: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-mozilla-daily-ppa-lucid.list19:45
DanaGE: The list of sources could not be read.19:45
jef91yofel whats nodoka?19:45
duffydackI can snag the deb from my cache if you like19:46
yofel!info gtk2-engines-nodoka | jef9119:46
ubottujef91: gtk2-engines-nodoka (source: gtk-nodoka-engine): Nodoka theme engine for GTK+ 2.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 46 kB, installed size 288 kB19:46
Berzerkerpvelkovski, /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/libflashplayer.so19:46
thakHrm... it seems that ubuntu-desktop went away19:46
thakI guess I didn't notice that getting removed... but it wasn't a partial update or anything... bizarre19:46
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jef91thanks for the tip yofel19:47
pvelkovskiBerzerker: i claned flash from my system firs19:47
duffydackBerzerker, pvelkovski     http://www.sendspace.com/file/eew93z19:47
pvelkovskideleted manualy all of the libflashplugin,so19:47
pvelkovskiand then19:47
yofeljef91: you can use any gtk engine I think, I only noticed crashes with qtcurve19:47
pvelkovskiadobe-flashplugin package19:47
pvelkovskiin synaptic19:48
pvelkovskiand the path I gave is where flashplugin ended19:48
yofelpvelkovski, Berzerker: don't ever remove any system files, remove the packages, and the proper flash package is flashplugin-installer in lucid19:48
pvelkovskithe version installed is
Berzerkeryofel, even on 64-bit?19:48
pvelkovskiI don;'t have a clean lucid install19:48
pvelkovskiand to tell you19:49
pvelkovskilucid gives me lot's of headaches19:49
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blendmaster1024i just took over the webchat from look19:49
thakLucid is in beta, so I guess headaches are kind of expected19:49
yofelBerzerker: from the official repository yes (if you're trying that)19:50
thakHey, look at that19:50
pvelkovskii suppose you don't have the ubuntu partners repo enabled19:50
thakReinstalling Ubuntu-Desktop fixed Nautilus19:50
pvelkovskithat comes from there is
bjsniderthe 64-bit plugin will not be installed though. the 32-bit plugin with nspluginwrapper will instead19:51
pvelkovskiand it has the "ubuntu" logo19:51
pvelkovskiin synaptic19:51
pvelkovskiand says19:51
pvelkovski"Canonical provides critical updates for adobe-flashplugin until October 2011"19:51
yofelpvelkovski: the partner repos has and please don't use enter as punctuation19:51
yofelwait, that's the official repository from multiverse19:52
thakTommyThaGun: Out of curiosity, what did 20 improve?19:52
malwinahello, excuse me do you know maybe if its possible to enable a microphone in skype? In 'sound recorder' it seems to work, but not with skype :/20:01
malwinaall volume controls seems to be fine20:01
Martiinineed "howto" busybox (initramfs) tutorial. Stuck @ initramfs ... no root filesystem found20:01
malwinabtw. I'm using ubuntu 10.4 netbook remix on asus 1005AH maybe this will be helpful20:02
duffydackpvelkovski, got the 64bit installed yet?20:04
alvinMartiini: See bug 360378 (and say it affects you if it does)20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360378 in linux "Gave up waiting for root device after upgrade then busybox console" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36037820:05
pvelkovskiI have never tried Ubuntu 64bit20:06
domjohnsonHello good folk of the Ubuntu Lucid IRC channel.20:06
duffydackpvelkovski, oh.. i thought you were trying to install the 64bit flash20:06
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=== TisMe is now known as domjohnson
pvelkovskino I wasn't20:06
pvelkovskiI'm haveing a memory leak problem20:06
pvelkovskibut no one is able to help me20:07
domjohnsonHas the shipit scheme started the pre-ordering of the 10.04 discs?20:07
pvelkovskilucid is very much broken for me20:07
domjohnsonOh dear...20:07
domjohnsonHave you ran memtest?20:08
domjohnsonOr whatever it's called?20:08
Martiinialvin: Im looking for busybox howto .. really .. I know .. system can be booted from busybox20:08
pvelkovskiI am not sure what are you talking about domjohnson20:08
domjohnsonApologies, I'm not great at Ubuntu and such20:08
domjohnsonDoes anyone know what I mean?20:08
Lord_RahlIs there a toaster popup for empathy20:08
pvelkovskisomething is eating my memory and I have to restart my computer after using it for 2 3 hours20:09
xfactHello everyone20:09
alvinMartiini: Type 'help' in busybox. Mount -a should work too. I just keep rebooting when karmic doesn't find my root device. (i sure hope this will be fixed in Lucid. It was introduced in karmic)20:09
pvelkovskiconsidering the fact that with karmic I rarely restarted my system (I usually use hibernate), karmic is a BIG disappointment so far20:10
Martiinialvin: where can I find a busybox howto ?? simple specific step-by-step commands20:10
domjohnsonOhhh, shimmies...I'm about to run out of space on here, methinks.20:10
xfactMy hardware drivers indicating all(3) of my nvidia graphic drivers are enabled (green) is that normal? Here is the picture: http://imagebin.ca/view/xhLmJGpS.html20:10
domjohnsonpvelkosvki - memtest20:10
domjohnsonShould be able to get to it from grub20:11
pvelkovski domjohnson: what do I do with memtest?20:11
vegamemtest tests memory.. not memory leaks20:11
vegafor physical defects20:11
charlie-tcaxfact: it is possible in lucid to enable them all20:11
pvelkovskiyes vega, i was about to say the same thing20:11
LordKowoh great first ubuntu doesnt boot fast enough now it boots too fast for some people20:11
LordKowi didnt know there was such thing as booting too fast20:11
Lord_RahlIs there a toaster popup for empathy20:12
domjohnsonApologies :)20:12
alvinMartiini: Actually it's a good question. I now notice there is no 'man busybox'. But busybox does contain a help20:12
pvelkovskidoes anyone here use intel graphic?20:12
LordKowi suppose if ubuntu boots faster than the speed of light there is potential for the universe to collapse into itself20:12
xfactcharlie-tca, is that healthy? and I didn't done anything myself20:12
domjohnsonLike I say, I know little about these things...thought memory leaks may have had something to do with it, but...20:12
charlie-tcaxfact: you didn't install the hardware drivers?20:12
vegabootup for lucid on my 2009 machine is not so impressive i would have expected, 40 secs to login screen20:12
Lord_Rahlpvelkovski, try not to what you need20:13
vegafast dual core laptop, 4gb ram etc.20:13
pvelkovskivega that's tooo much20:13
vegai think so too20:13
LordKowreally vega? mine is 18 seconds with a 7200 rpm mechanical hdd20:13
LordKow27 seconds w/o ureadahead20:13
charlie-tcaMine is slow, about 1 minute20:13
pvelkovskiLordKow do u use ureadahead?20:14
vegajust clocked it today a couple of times.. then + gnome loading after that also20:14
pvelkovskiwhat's with that package?20:14
LordKowpvelkovski: yes20:14
xfactCharlie-tca, well, I had only one 'recommended' driver since upgrade from karmic, but after running some updates now it showing all three drivers are enabled20:14
pvelkovskiLordKow did ureadahed come with karmic too by default?20:14
vegamaybe need to run bootchart or whatever it was called that graphs the boot sequence20:14
xfactI juts want to know is that healthy or harmful20:14
pvelkovskiwas it installed by default in karmic?20:14
LordKowpvelkovski: i believe readahead was used by default before lucid20:15
LordKowureadahead is basically readahead on crack20:16
natmanhas anyone any thoughs on the lucid beta 2 for Kubuntu?20:16
pvelkovskidue to my memory leaking problems I tried uninstalling ureadahead20:16
pvelkovskiI read that it tries to speed programs startup by cahing more things20:16
pvelkovskibut the problem is that my cache is never released20:17
ryepvelkovski, is /var on the separate partition (i assume you are writing about ureadahead)20:17
pvelkovskionce all the phisical RAM is spend by caching, the swap partition kicks in20:17
LordKowpvelkovski: it loads data from your hard drive in one swoop at the beginning of the boot process, instead of throughout20:17
pvelkovskiI have separate partitions for /, /boot and /home20:17
ryeok, bug 523484 does not apply20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523484 in ureadahead "ureadahead requires /var on root filesystem" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52348420:18
pvelkovskii have noticed another serious bug20:19
pvelkovskiwhen the partitions are scaned for errors on startup, the boot screen freezes and I never get to login screen20:19
pvelkovskiwhich package would be responsible for this kind of error?20:20
vegaseems to be quite a lot of these serious boot-related issues at the moment..20:20
vegasomewhat concerning after beta2 and being lts..20:21
alvinbut expected. Karmic has a lot of boot issues too20:21
pvelkovskikarmic worked like a charm for me20:22
pvelkovskiabsolutely no problems with Karmic20:22
alvinI never got it to boot right.20:22
pvelkovskidid anyone get the upgrades for the xserver today?20:24
pvelkovskiafter those upgrades glxinfo is not working for me too20:25
epifaniohi all20:26
epifanioi'm on ubuntu 10.4 installed on a mac book pro 15'' 2.220:27
epifaniois this the right place to ask for support about 10.4 installation and issue ?20:27
pvelkovskiyes epifanio20:27
epifaniomy problem is irc, i'm not able to connect to irc using xchat or chatzilla, the only way i find is to use the freenode java applet20:28
pvelkovskiat least that's what I was told in the #ubuntu chanell20:28
epifaniothanks pvelkovski20:28
pvelkovskilet me check this on my computer20:29
pvelkovskix-chat works here20:30
epifaniomaybe i have to change settings ... but after a fresh xchat installation, i had the same problem as on chatzilla20:30
yofeljust read the topic please.. "Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion"20:30
yofelepifanio: how does the connection fail?20:30
epifaniohumm :-/ i installed xchat-gnome20:31
malwinado you know where I can get linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-19-generic ? In repo I got only for kernel 2.6.32-20 which currently is blocked :/20:32
epifanionow i can try to install the xchat X version, and see if it give me the same problem20:32
epifanio.. same problem :-( ..20:33
epifanioyofel this the log on screen : http://paste.debian.net/68615/20:33
yofelmalwina: you'll have to wait for the fixed kernel, 19 was already removed from the servers20:34
malwinaok, thanks for advice yofel20:34
epifanioany clue on how to debug ? it's a weird situation20:36
yofel"Network is unreachable" o.O, haven't seen that yet20:36
yofeldoes 'ping chat.freenode.net' work?20:36
epifanioi can  try now20:36
epifanioyofel , ping works fine20:37
domjohnsonI can't update quite a few packages20:40
charlie-tcaepifanio: that server you are using -  won't ping20:40
domjohnsonI think 40-something packages20:40
charlie-tcaepifanio: You need to try a different server20:40
domjohnsonThat's the output from update-manager20:41
domjohnsonThe message it gives me after pressing update20:42
domjohnsonAnd it kinda worries me...well, when I say kinda, I mean quite a bit.20:42
yofeldomjohnson: bad gb.archive.ubuntu.com server sync20:42
domjohnsonI had a problem with update manager in karmic, too.20:42
yofelor you didn't refresh your package cache20:42
MartiiniI wish we would live on a planet where we would have perfect software and only free open software20:43
yofelthat would be rather boring...20:44
domjohnsonI think more software will become free20:44
domjohnsonBecause of new revenue streams for developers20:44
MartiiniWe were supposed to get internet2 ..20:44
* domjohnson is waiting for someone to go "Yah, another job" xD20:45
domjohnsonSeriously, though...20:45
virtualdisn't there going to be a tooltip or libnotify osd when changing the volume by scrolling over the speaker icon?20:45
domjohnsonHow quickly do things appear on IRSeek and suchlikes?20:47
Martiiniwhat software do ITER run? http://www.iter.org/mach/Pages/Tokamak.aspx20:48
votan_Anyone got an idea why I cannot install 10.04 UNR Beta 2 on my Samsung N220 (Pinetrail Netbook, exchanged the HDD for a Intel X-25m G2) ? If I try to boot the live image, it hangs in the splash screen, if I try to install it directly I gett lots of squashfs errors and it hangs with those. I Redownloaded the iso several times form different mirrors.20:48
grobda24Is this suspicious in netstat ? "tcp        1      1 anubis-ubuntu.loc:39681 static-ip-62-41.eur:www LAST_ACK    root       0"20:57
scott_ino2Interesting read Martiini21:01
jef91Is there anyway I can install java on 10.04 before it gets added to the repos? I need it :-/21:01
pvelkovskiyes you can jef9121:02
agronholwhat java21:02
yofeljef91: doesn't openjdk work for you?21:02
jef91plugin/jre agronhol pvelkovski how can I?21:03
jef91yofel does that work in firefox?21:03
pvelkovskilet me look for the file21:03
pvelkovskisudo gedit21:03
NETabusehey guys, just re-installed and i've no wpa available?21:03
agronholit should work in firefox21:03
yofeljef91: there is the icedtea6-plugin for firefox21:03
afghjIs the kernel image currently missing from Lucid?21:03
yofeljef91: try it first as that's what ubuntu wants to use in the future, and use sun if something doesn't work with it21:04
agronholafghj, apparently yes since there was some bug21:04
afghjagronhol: What bug?21:04
agronholread the topic21:04
yofelafghj: see topic21:04
afghjagronhol: And how is Lucid supposed to function without a kernel?!??!21:04
pvelkovskijef91 try this: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:04
afghjIronically, this latest kernel is the only 2.6.32 kernel that works for me.21:04
arvind_khadripvelkovski, gksudo21:05
pvelkovskilook for this line in the file: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner21:05
yofelafghj: there was a serious regression and the kernel was removed, fixed kernel on the way21:05
pvelkovskiif there is a # in front of it21:05
jef91yofel icetea6-plugin?21:05
pvelkovskiremove itt21:05
afghjyofel: For me, this version fixed a serious regression.21:05
yofel!info icedtea6-plugin | jef9121:05
ubottujef91: icedtea6-plugin (source: openjdk-6): web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets. In component main, is extra. Version 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 78 kB, installed size 268 kB21:05
jef91A yes would have worked yofel21:06
iconmefistowhat's wrong with the sun java plugin?21:06
agronholthe icedtea6 plugin doesn't seem to work for me (just tried)21:06
agronholiconmefisto, there's no 64-bit version21:06
pvelkovskisun java is in the lucid parners repo21:06
pvelkovskiso enable it21:06
yofeljef91: sry, I wasn't exactly sure what you expected ;P21:06
agronholor maybe there is? dunno21:06
yofelpvelkovski: he should first try openjdk and sun only if it fails21:06
pvelkovskiwhy should I do that yofel?21:07
agronholhttp://www.gokgs.com/applet.jsp <- didn't work for me21:07
yofelpvelkovski: because sun java is only supplied by the partner repos and might be removed completely in the future? and openjdk gets official support from ubuntu?21:07
iconmefisto!info sun-java6-plugin21:07
ubottuPackage sun-java6-plugin does not exist in lucid21:07
iconmefistook, doesn't exist21:08
hceylanany1 knows of a ppa to solve the audio loss problem?21:08
yofeliconmefisto: it was removed from the official servers and is now in the partner repos21:08
pvelkovskiI'm on lucid21:08
pvelkovskiand i have java21:08
alvinand icedtea is installed when you install 'default-jre'21:08
agronholpvelkovski, does the applet at that url work for you?21:08
yofelactually you can just install ubuntu-restricted-extras if you want icedtea/flash/unrar and a few other things21:09
agronholicedtea is open source, why would it be in restricted?21:10
scott_ino2yofel, i thought restricted extras installed sun21:10
scott_ino2sun java21:10
mawstInstalling kubuntu-desktop made my fonts in Gnome ugly.21:10
yofelplease don't ask me about that, I don't know (and I agree with you)21:10
hceylanPeople do you have sound working?21:10
yofelmaybe it's just easier like that21:10
jef91yofel for future if people want Sun java - the partner repos is just commented out in the sources.list21:11
NETabuseanyone know why i can't get wpa as an option when connecting to a wifi network?21:11
NETabuse10.4 64bit.21:11
yofeljef91: I know that, and you can just activate it by going to the 'Other Software' tab in Software Properties and re-enabling it21:11
jef91NETAbuse what network manager21:11
CKUBHi Guys...last week i had installed Ubuntu 10.04 B, getting lots of distrubution updates. This distribution updates will enable to final version on April 28th21:12
agronholok the icedtea java plugin does not work at all21:12
jef91yofel if the software manager wasn't crashing on me sure21:12
NETabusejef91, this is a fresh re-install reather than a upgrade21:12
agronholnone of the jdk demo applets work21:12
scott_ino2hceylan, yes sound works for me21:12
yofeljef91: 'software-properties-gtk' is crashing for you? o.O21:12
hceylanscott_ino2: could you tell me what card & codec you have please?21:12
jef91not install yofel ;)21:12
jef91Its just as easy to uncomment the source.list..21:13
scott_ino2hceylan, sure thing one sec21:13
yofelwell, true as well21:13
hceylanscott_ino2: thx man21:13
scott_ino2hceylan, no volume control for panel though wtfx haha just tested sound dont use it at the office21:13
CKUBscott_ino2: Is your audio testing works fine?21:13
duffydackI cant for the life of me get U1 to play nice at all..  Can drop sync other folders and not just its own dropbox folder?21:13
NETabusejef91, any idea?21:13
scott_ino2CKUB, let me check21:13
yofelagronhol: please make sure there's a bug filed about that against openjdk-6 on launchpad21:14
jef91not sure offhand NETabuse no.21:14
scott_ino2hceylan,  ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller21:14
NETabusejef91, kayo21:14
hceylanscott_ino2: I had the sound after install beta-1 and before updating. I have the sound controller and it even displays the bass mute control for my subwoffered HP Laptop21:15
hceylanscott_ino2: just can't get sound out of it21:15
hceylanscott_ino2: while KDE starting it says sth like "Analog auido not working"21:15
pvelkovski yofel are you Ubuntu user, developer, package maintainer?21:15
Typhanyone having any luck with a update-manager -d today to upgrade to 10.04?21:16
scott_ino2hceylan, i had MAJOR issues when i had my hp laptop using azalia, but recent changes in alsa fixed most of that21:16
yofelpvelkovski: user/tester21:16
scott_ino2i say recent21:16
scott_ino2one year ago21:16
agronholTyph, read the topic21:16
CKUBhceylan; There is an issue on audio tests for alsa_record_playback_internal21:16
hceylanscott_ino2: I use default and hp-dv521:16
yofelpvelkovski: as an alpha tester I know a bit about the development though21:16
hceylanCKUB: thx CKUB21:16
scott_ino2hceylan, currently i have no volume control other than sound/preferences21:16
scott_ino2and well.. alsamixer ;)21:16
pvelkovskiI'm asking because i have bad experience with ubuntu bug reports21:17
hceylanCKUB: Should I wait, anything I can work it around?21:17
scott_ino2CKUB, what did you want me to check for21:18
yofelpvelkovski: in what way? feedback is always welcome, the bugsquad is understaffed a bit though (that's a huge understatement)21:18
pvelkovskiwell yofel again what package do i file bug against for the memory leak? What package do I file bug report against for the startup freeze I get when my disks are scanned at startup?21:19
CKUBhceylan/scott_ino2: When I do a Sound testing with internal microphone, I cannot hear back my speech. Its failed.21:19
scott_ino2hceylan, yeah the dv's had lots of sound issues but they were all fixed.....21:19
scott_ino2CKUB, let me try using sound recorder, i don't have an internal mic just what's on my webcam21:20
CKUBscott_ino2: Go to system testing , do a Audio test.21:20
yofelpvelkovski: for the memory leak it depends on what app causes it, if your boot freezes on ~70% fsck then that is known and being investigated21:20
scott_ino2CKUB, one thing i did notice was the mic wasnt selected21:20
scott_ino2ahh yes forgot they added this21:20
scott_ino2;) many moons ago21:21
hceylanscott_ino2: I am a long time linux user but ubuntu newbee, does "dv's had lots of sound issues..." translates to anything avaliable somewhere?21:21
scott_ino2hceylan, like I said, most of what i remember when i had mine were resolved21:21
CKUBscott_ino2;mic has been changed to capture21:21
scott_ino2CKUB, no doesn't work in ubuntu test21:21
scott_ino2test sound that is21:21
scott_ino2let me check recording guessing it wont work21:21
scott_ino2but my sound does work im listening to music21:22
CKUBscott_ino2; Report a bugs21:22
scott_ino2CKUB, will do is this not already posted?21:22
scott_ino2CKUB, i do have MANY audio outs on here, let me check the rest of them21:22
CKUB<scott_ino2; Yes posted. what is ur hardware21:23
hceylanCKUB: OK CKUB I see, thx for the info... ;)21:23
yofelpvelkovski: what a memory leak do you have? I didn't catch the whole conversation. And btw, if you have questions about filing bugs you can always ask the bugsquad in #ubuntu-bugs21:23
scott_ino2CKUB, ok wait21:23
scott_ino2the second step i could hear audio, just not in the first question21:23
pvelkovskiyofel can we discuss this in private?21:23
TheSovI need help with my sound card, its a soundblaster X-Fi and the system can detect it and all the volume sliders work however i get no sound at all, and apps that produce any sound lag and crash21:24
yofelpvelkovski: ok21:24
scott_ino2CKUB  ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller21:24
TheSovwhen i set the sound profile to "off" all the apps works fine.21:25
CKUBscott_ino2: IS it Dell/acer/IBM??21:26
duffydackis it me or has grubs font changed to a bold one21:26
duffydackthe OS list that is..21:26
scott_ino2CKUB, custom desktop21:26
scott_ino2CKUB, asus motherboard.. all ATI components, i can fill in the info if you want21:27
TheSovdoes anyone have a clue as to whats going on with my sound card? it won't work in 9.10 either and works fine in windows21:27
CKUBscott_ino2:  You can add a bugs report21:29
scott_ino2CKUB, can you link me? and i'll handle it :)21:30
xfactTheSov, What kind of sound card it is?21:30
nonameNNexaile radio plugin has some issues21:30
TheSovsound blaster x-fi extreme21:31
scott_ino2CKUB, thanks i'll fill it out21:31
TheSovas i stated earlier the system can see the card and shows many profiles for it, it just doesnt work any app that makes sound freezes21:31
CKUBscott_ino2: I had also reported a bugs. My Bug#55597821:32
scott_ino2CKUB, wait, thought tihs was a previously filed bug?21:32
TheSovthe only thing i could find google searching the issue was to remove pulse audio and install OSS21:32
scott_ino2CKUB,  ah ok cool, wasn't sure if you preferred a new one21:32
xfactTheSov, Are you using Ubuntu or any derivatives?21:32
TheSovubuntu 10.0421:32
TheSovbeta 221:32
CKUBscott_ino2: Use new one21:33
TheSovI tried downgrading to 9.10, same issue.21:33
scott_ino2CKUB, k21:33
TheSovI really don't want to go back to windows, but the sound issue is a deal breaker.21:33
xfactwell, It should work I had the same issue with Kubuntu, but by changing some profile it was working :)21:33
xfactTheSov, Yup I can understand21:33
TheSovwhat profile did you change to?21:33
xfactActually I have one Realtek HD sound card with two outputs and one input and the accurate profile for it is "Analog sound duplex"21:34
TheSovyeah that one is a no go for me21:35
TheSovI don't understand why it would show up but not work.21:36
TheSovI see it in the volume preferences menu SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio CA0110-IBG21:36
xfactBut one thing as it's about sound so I am sure your card is not 'uncomfortable' so maybe after few setting changes it'll start working21:37
xfactWhy don't you try out with alsamixer command in terminal21:38
TheSovwhat other settings can i change?21:38
xfactalsamixer ?21:38
xfactif you are using alsa I guess21:38
duffydackTheSov, what chipset is it (sorry I cant be bothered to scroll up)21:40
TheSovalsa mixer shows it and has volume sliders and everything21:40
DopeGhotiIs the LiveCD not booting a common issue for Beta 2?  On my machine, it locks up on the bootspash screen.21:41
DopeGhotiwell, xsplash21:42
TheSovhow do i find out what audio im using in x. i think its pulse audio cuz i notice pulse crashes from time to time.21:43
duffydackTheSov, some have some success with using OSS https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound21:47
TheSovI have to uninstall pulse for this correct?21:47
duffydackTheSov, also, sometihng to try http://wiki.debian.org/X-Fi21:48
TheSovlol after i removed pulse...21:49
duffydackTheSov,  try http://wiki.debian.org/X-Fi   first.. it uses alsa21:49
duffydackreinstall it21:49
duffydackshouldnt do any damage..21:50
duffydackmy bad, #2 doesnt use alsa.. its oss.21:50
TheSovlooks like its back21:50
duffydackmy eyes are killing me I cant read properly21:50
aviscan you use oss with lucid ?21:50
duffydackTheSov, do you have any onboard sound?21:51
avismy onboard sound works, i have a secondary asus that is cmi8788 which i believe is the same as the X-Fi21:51
avisand ubuntu-audio-dev hasn't updated its modules for the newer kernel yet i dont think21:52
astro73|tomI have returned. My video card is still non-functional21:52
TheSovduffydack, nope21:56
TheSovthe drive snd-hda-intel is already present on the system, i get that error and when i modprobe that it does it.21:57
duffydackTheSov, I had to add my dell laptops sound to get it to work in karmic.. its ok out the box in lucid now21:58
duffydackI had to sudo pico /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and add  options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m621:58
TheSovim pretty new to linux so i still don't know how most of this works21:58
duffydackso maybe you could try the same with something similar for your card?21:58
duffydackjust knowing the right module thats all..21:59
=== vivid_ is now known as vivid
abbTheSov:  Sorry, I joined late; are you talking about a Dell Mini or a laptop?  (I have an E6500 is why I asked, and it uses that snd-hda-intel stuff.)21:59
duffydackas avis said, maybe something in cmi8788 range21:59
avisi think they use the same chip21:59
avisi'm wondering can you get oss working in lucid ?  i abandoned that in karmic, i'd sure rather have oss than alsa22:00
TheSovi have a sound blaster x-fi xtreme22:00
avisnot sure what chip that is22:00
abbis oss the "new/future" driver, or is that pulseaudio?  (I know "alsa" is the old one...)22:01
abber, not driver.."subsystem" I guess.22:01
iconmefistoTheSov: that's not the best soundcard for linux22:01
avisthey make very good sounding alternatives to alsa22:02
TheSovi was running windows :( this is my first attempt at running linux at home22:02
avisopen sound its called22:02
TheSovI dont want to go back to windows but it looks like i will have to.22:02
avisthe creative labs aren't really thought of as good linux compatible choices22:03
abbavis:  yes, but I always find myself with the same problem -- one or the other comes preinstalled, neither works, reverting to alsa (though not as nice) ends up working, so I stick with it for *another* release, etc.  (And ten years later...  lol)22:03
avisabb, that only happened to me in karmic, but i'm guessing things haven't improved or updated i'll just google it22:03
duffydackmy dvd writer and sound didnt work in karmic, now both work in lucid :)22:04
iconmefisto!info oss4-base22:05
pvelkovskiduffydack tha't how it is in ubuntu22:05
duffydackTheSov, out of curious, if you say alsa recognises your card and has mixer levels etc, have you tried connecting headphones?22:05
pvelkovskieverything worked for me in karmic22:05
pvelkovskinow I have many problems in lucid22:05
ubottuoss4-base (source: oss4): Open Sound System - base package. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-build2002-2 (lucid), package size 574 kB, installed size 1068 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel avr32 hppa i386 ia64 lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc all)22:05
abbavis:  AFAIK pulsaudio works okay on this laptop  (since Karmic) but whenever I'm in doubt (aka, no sound) I always hit "options-->audio-->alsa" and magically, poof, problem disappears. :)22:05
pvelkovskijaunty was a nightmare for me22:05
nokia3510In Fedora I can do "yum update --changelog" to see what's new in available updates. Is there a way to employ apt-listchanges to do the same thing when updating Ubuntu ?22:05
avisthere is that options--audio--alsa that you speak of ?22:05
abbI would hope so... otherwise, what would apt-listchanges be good for?22:06
avisi assume my -20 kernel inherited -19's alsa modules, but she isn't detected22:06
duffydack'she' lol22:07
duffydackis that because it doesnt work22:07
abbavis, I mean like, in the particular application.  Like say, you can't hear your podcast, I go into the rbox preferences menu, tell it to use alsa, etc.  not a global setting.  (Afaik, they both run, which no doubt *causes* some of the problem. lol)22:07
abbwhat, sorry, I COULDN'T HEAR YOU  ... ahem.   :)22:08
abbhow apropos!22:08
TheSovyes duffydack, i have22:08
TheSovany app that produces audio freezes22:08
votan_Anyone got an idea why I cannot install 10.04 UNR Beta 2 on my Samsung N220 (Pinetrail Netbook, exchanged the HDD for a Intel X-25m G2) ? If I try to boot the live image, it hangs in the splash screen, if I try to install it directly I gett lots of squashfs errors and it hangs with those. I Redownloaded the iso several times form different mirrors.22:08
TheSovsomething is wrong at some other level22:09
duffydackTheSov,  same here.. mine had alsa appearing to work, but I had to add that line to alsa to get it to output any sound22:09
TheSovok i added "options snd-hda-intel index=-2"22:09
KB1JWQvotan_: I had a similar issue.  Hosed flash drive.22:09
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
TheSovreboot now?22:10
duffydackso, if you can find the right module to load thats similar enough like I did (I dont have dell m6).. then thats the answer for now22:10
votan_KB1JWQ mh.i got no other stick who is large enough :/ but i can write anything else on the stick without a problem :/22:10
abbTheSov:  you shouldn't have to reboot that often with linux, but then again, it's often easier (quicker) than tracking down the correct system to restart, etc.  Especially since Karmic boots in like, a picosecond now...22:11
TheSovok rebooting gonna try this thanks guys if i come back, it didnt work :P22:11
abbduffydack:  right, I meant "since Karmic"22:11
duffydacklucid is even quicker :)22:11
duffydack8 secods on my netbook22:12
abbwhat's the next letter in the animal alphabet, anyway?  Monstrous Manbearpig?22:12
abbMeowing Maccaw?22:12
abblol, that would be great.22:12
duffydackI hope it doesnt try and sell me cheap car insurance.22:12
abbmischievious meerkat22:13
duffydackmaverick meerkat22:13
abbso long as they can work "misanthropic" in there somewhere, it'll be perfect for me. :)22:13
bernhardhi im having problems with wine and execution bit22:13
bernhardi cant run windows binaries from a cd22:13
bernhardcan i disable this warning?22:13
abbbernhard:  i can see how that might be a problem22:13
abbwhich warning in particular -- a Wine specific warning, or the one from Nautilus?22:15
abb(the latter can be turned off in the Nautilus options menu, IIRC)22:15
duffydackbernhard, maybe can mount the cd with mode=777 ?22:15
duffydackeven tho you cant write obviously, it`ll set the +x bit i think.22:15
abbduffydack:  I was going to suggest that, but whenever you say "chmod 777" in a room with linux-y people, you never hear the end of it (security! danger!) lol22:16
abbbernhard:  duffydack knows what s/he is talking about, you should definitely consider what he or she says. +122:16
yofelthen use 555, that's read/execute22:16
abboops, nevermind -- +2 to yofel22:16
duffydacki was thinkin along the lines of fstab "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8,mode=777 0       022:17
duffydackor that...22:17
duffydackits irrelevant anyway22:17
abbit mostly is22:17
rootehi all!22:18
bernhardduffydack: i ran wine from terminal, it works22:18
duffydackI`m a few whiskeys away from falling off my chair anyway22:18
abbanother satisfied customer!22:18
duffydackbernhard, ok cool22:18
bernhardmaybe it would be a good idea to prevent that warning from /media/cdrom22:18
rootei can't upgrade from karmic to lucid.... help please :)22:19
bernhardroote: whats the exact problem22:20
roote"you have held broken packages" something like that... let me check the full message22:20
maurimy scanner canon lide 100 is not recognized by sane.... is there any other way to get it work22:21
bernhardmauri: dunno, i always had bad luck with anything from canon22:21
rootebernhard: in the shell where i ran "update-manager -d" i have a "WARNING: Failed to read mirror file"22:22
rootebernhard: in the update-manager GUI, i get:22:23
bernhardis it deprecated to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?22:23
bernhardbtw, isnt there something like do-dist-upgrade22:24
roote"Could not calculate the upgrade"22:24
KB1JWQbernhard: full-upgrade may be the newer one.22:24
mccool_1985updatemanager -d?22:24
BluesKaj-Laptoproote , open a terminal and do : sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:24
duffydacksudo do-release-upgrade -d22:24
rooteBluesKaj-Laptop: will do22:24
bernhardBluesKaj-Laptop: thats the cmd22:24
bernhardroote: i always do a clean install instead of an upgrade though22:25
BluesKaj-Laptopupdate manager is a bit flaky , roote..it's better to upgrade in the terminal22:25
rootebernhard: that's always preferred :)22:26
BluesKaj-Laptopbernhard, well, an upgrade saves your data , a clean install is fine if you save your data to /home partition22:27
bernhardroote: yes, get a / partition with 15gb and a /home will be a lot less painful22:27
bernhardi had really bad experiences with upgrades22:27
rootebernhard: the end result is never the same22:27
BluesKaj-Laptopnot me , bernhard ..mine have usually been fine22:28
rootecan i paste here?22:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:28
bernhardBluesKaj-Laptop: its especially risky if you got other repos, like skype22:29
BluesKaj-Laptoproote, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:30
BluesKaj-Laptopbernhard, I just upgraded this laptop from karmic without any probs with skype or any other apps22:31
rooteBluesKaj-Laptop: no result22:31
iconmefistosame here, bernhard. upgrades seem to be smoother in the last 2-3 releases22:31
BluesKaj-Laptoproote, sudo dpkg --configure -a22:32
yofelerr... lucid is still beta and we don't have any kind of freeze right now, so don't expect upgrades to work22:32
bernhardmaybe because i did my upgrades back in 7.04+22:32
Nalfhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/ Can anyone help me with this?22:33
marcusbsince I updated to lucid, I don't have a volume control in my panel anymore.22:40
BUGabundomarcusb: reaad the Indicator Applet22:40
bernhardmarcusb: had the same problem here, audio and indicator applet merged for whatever reason22:41
rooteBluesKaj-Laptop: also no result22:41
BluesKaj-Laptopmarcusb, sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils22:41
marcusbthe indicator applet only has the useless mail letter icon22:41
marcusbBluesKaj-Laptop: they are installed22:41
jimericksonwhen will gnome-shell functional on lucid?22:42
BluesKaj-Laptoproote, ok try installing again , sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:42
BUGabundobernhard: not some random reason22:42
BUGabundothe idea is to end the tray area, where many many apps abuse it22:42
BUGabundomarcusb: not exactly. shows volume, network, social networks, user login etc22:43
bernhardBUGabundo: abuse how?22:43
iconmefistoend the tray?22:43
BUGabundobernhard: where any and every app would loadge, use diff tranperencies, try to grab user attention22:44
BUGabundoiconmefisto: yes22:44
iconmefistoBUGabundo: you mean phasing it out? not having a tray?22:44
marcusbBUGabundo: not for me.  I have two sound cards (on board and PCI),maybe it's confused by that?22:44
BUGabundoiconmefisto: yes22:44
votan_can I trick windows into thinking my external HDD is an USB Stick ?22:44
yofeliconmefisto: removing the notification area (alias systray)22:44
rooteBluesKaj-Laptop: same problem :(22:44
BUGabundomarcusb: re-add it22:44
bernhardBUGabundo: dunno what programs do that, never had problems with this22:44
BUGabundovotan_: we don't do windows support, sorry22:44
bernhardwell, it will be gone anyway in gnome 3.022:45
marcusbBUGabundo: still the same22:45
bernhardyofel: try ##windows22:45
BUGabundobernhard: many, like email clients, IM apps, etc etc22:45
votan_BUGabundo yeh well it is to install 10.04 beta2 UNR ... but i try to figure if my usb stick is hosed or if it is another problem22:45
marcusbBUGabundo: ah, I am missing indicator-sound22:45
rootePackage linux-generic has broken Depends on linux-image-generic22:45
roote  Considering linux-image-generic 1 as a solution to linux-generic 1000022:45
roote    Reinst Failed early because of linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic22:45
roote Try to Re-Instate linux-image-generic22:45
alex_____hi all22:45
BUGabundobernhard: ence the need to migrate app out of there22:45
yofelbernhard: ?22:45
alex_____the nvidia drive rin kubuntu lucid does not seem to install correctly22:45
alex_____is it a know bug in the beta?22:45
marcusbBUGabundo: apparently nothing depends on it22:45
bernhardyofel: type in: /j ##windows22:46
yofelbernhard: and what do I want there?22:46
BUGabundoyofel: rant?22:46
BUGabundoor ask where is the source so you can patch something22:46
BUGabundohi chrisccoulson22:46
BUGabundo"I want to patch notepad so it does proper line break"22:47
BUGabundo"where can I find its source?"22:47
BluesKaj-Laptoproote, from which version are you upgrading?22:47
BUGabundoerr enouth OT22:47
bernhardyofel: apart from the trolls the folsk in windows are pretty helpful22:47
marcusbBUGabundo: thanks, installing indicator-sound and re-adding did the trick22:47
yofelbernhard: what I meant was *why* are you sending me to ##windows22:48
BluesKaj-Laptopmarcusb, forgot, i  have to brush up on my gnome settings :)22:49
marcusbmaking the volume slider horizontal is a crazy idea though, it makes moving the mouse to the slider control much harder (diagonal movement depending on volume rather than always straight down)22:49
yofelvotan_ asked a windows question, not me22:49
BUGabundoyofel: bernhard got confused22:49
bernhardyofel: lol sry i misread one line over your post22:49
yofelah, nvm then ^^22:49
votan_anways, my windows message is linux related :P22:49
bernhardcurrently using irssi due to empathy bugs22:49
BUGabundomarcusb: and don't even get me started with mouse scroll over it :(22:49
votan_well then another way, if I use the 10.04 wubi to install the system on an external disk, will I be able to install it form that disk onto my netbook ?22:50
marcusbBUGabundo: oh yeah, that must be mind-melting :)22:50
Naderwill there be backports for 2.6.33 in lucid, and will it be stable?22:50
BUGabundovotan_: try netboot.me or boot.kernel.org22:50
marcusbBUGabundo: I'll just sit it out, they'll surely flip flop on it every couple of years...22:50
BUGabundovotan_:  then change the server to use the daily lucid iso22:51
bernhardvotan_: unetbootin is also a good choice22:51
bernhardvotan_: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/22:51
BUGabundomarcusb: or release cycle , as it depends on who is desingning it22:51
votan_i see, thx bernhard and BUGabundo22:52
BUGabundobernhard: we've had a few reports of probs with unetbootin , hence why I didn't recommend it22:52
BUGabundoNader: why do expect so?22:52
bernhardBUGabundo: ah ok22:52
BUGabundoon the contrary, upstream plans to make .32 much more stable22:52
bernhardvotan_: well you could also boot the cd and use the usb-creator22:52
NaderBUGabundo, as far as i've read theres no ATA TRIM in .3222:52
BUGabundoand its used by MANY distro for long time releases22:52
Naderwhich is why im wondering22:52
BUGabundolike red hat, debian, ubuntu lucid ltc22:53
Naderyea, thats what ive read22:53
BUGabundothe anwser is NO22:53
iconmefistoisn't usb-creator installed by default?22:53
BUGabundowe are going with .3222:53
Nadertho is there a possibility for ATA TRIM in .32?22:53
BUGabundowhat ever is needed from .33 should already  be in, like DRM and alsa22:53
bernhardiconmefisto: yes22:53
BUGabundoiconmefisto: yes22:53
votan_bernhard the problem is, i used the usb creator to create my usb stick and boot, but i only get massive squashfs errors. Someone suggested that my usb thumbdrive might be hosed, so now i look for another solution. CD is not an option as it is a netbook22:53
BUGabundoNader: there's a kernel team ppa, if you need staging. or you could file a wish bug22:54
BUGabundodon't take to long, we are long past feature freeze22:54
BUGabundofeel free to idle #ubuntu-kernel22:54
iconmefistobernhard, BUGabundo: I get it now. misunderstood the cd reference22:54
Naderit seems i cant chat in there... basically all i was wondering:  will there be any chance of including ATA TRIM in .32? whats the situation22:56
votan_oh, no trim support in the current beta2 kernel ?22:58
BUGabundobeats me22:58
BUGabundoI'm not a kernel dev22:58
Naderi have only googled.. im using karmic at the moment and havent recieved my SSD yet22:58
votan_weöö i've got an ssd in my netbook, so it would be quite useful if rim would be in22:59
votan_i thought i read somewhere that .32 had trim support22:59
bernhardi just bought an ssd today :)22:59
Naderive read it has TRIM support on a low level22:59
Naderit would be very useful23:01
votan_is there a way to manually trim ur ssd in 10.04 like the Intel SSD Toolbox for windows ?23:03
Naderwell ive heard you can use backports23:04
Naderfor 2.6.33 in lucid23:04
Nadertho ive never done that before, so im a bit sceptical23:04
duffydackvotan_, trim?23:04
votan_i'll give it a shot once i managed to get lucid running on the friggin netbook23:04
votan_duffydack yes, ATA Trim for SSD's with TRIM Support23:05
duffydackvotan_,  lost me lol23:05
NaderATA TRIM is an important feature in terms of the SSD's performance and lifetime23:05
duffydackvotan_, I have a meager netbook with 8gig ssd23:05
duffydackNader, what does it do23:05
votan_i had a samsung n220 but i replaced the 5400 hdd with an Intel X-25M G223:06
agronholmthe TRIM command cleans up unused blocks in drives so that they don't have to be erased before a write is done23:06
votan_that's why I'd be interested in trim support ;)23:06
votan_duffydack http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM23:06
Naderi just ordered the same disk23:06
votan_if u want a more in depth explanation :)23:06
Naderfor my acer 3810T23:06
Naderwhich is an awesome linux notebook :)23:06
agronholmI got that for my dad's laptop23:06
agronholmhe was ecstatic23:06
duffydackdoesnt the fact ext doesnt dump data in any old place mean its not needed?23:06
Naderonly bummer is the glossy screen, tho its a matter of getting used to23:07
agronholmduffydack, eventually you'll have to reuse blocks23:07
duffydackI guess Ive got "defrag" in my mind23:07
NaderATA TRIM changes the way you read erased blocks23:07
Naderdefraggin an SSD isnt recommended23:07
Naderand it wont help you23:07
duffydacknot an actual defrag, just .. i dunno23:08
hypatiagods why do people still think defragging does anything23:08
duffydackI thought data would be written logically in linux and I guess yes you are right, eventually it needs to be erased..23:08
duffydackI think I forgot that part about ssd.23:09
yofelhypatia: it does help with extreme fragmentation, but you don't usually need it right23:09
Naderdefragging will help for certain OS and HDDS23:10
BUGabundohypatia: because it actually works for consise files on rotatory disck23:10
BUGabundolowering access time and load to memory23:10
Nadertho ive read you need to do it a few times23:10
hypatiait only works on fat3223:10
Nadercant confirm whether its BS or not23:10
hypatiait hasn't been necessary on NTFS in ever23:10
BUGabundohypatia: no23:10
BUGabundoworks on most FS23:11
hypatiaor in systems like ext2/323:11
BUGabundoyou are mistaken23:11
BUGabundoits has very low incidence on extfs23:11
duffydackIm skeptical wether its a microsoft thing...made out to be sometihng special23:11
BUGabundobut it does happen23:11
BUGabundousually around 10-15% tops on 75% fill disk23:11
duffydacklike the boost you get with some usb sticks...not23:11
hypatiafragmentation still happens but the performance hit is negligible23:11
hypatiaduffydack: lol23:11
BUGabundoif you go as high as 90% fragmentation will happen23:11
Naderubuntu will defrag the disks after 20 mounts... or it used to23:11
Nadermaybe thats just disk-check23:12
BUGabundoNader: wrong23:12
BUGabundowill FSCK them23:12
duffydackmy home os 0.1% fragged..23:12
BUGabundoyou can use -D to reorder dirs23:12
BUGabundoduffydack: LOL23:12
Nadera disk format will usually solve any problems23:12
duffydackand my "dump" drive that gets stuff dumped and erased is ooo look its 0.0% frag23:12
duffydackguess I dont be needing any commercial defragging tool today23:13
nhainesI work for Western Digital level 2 support.23:13
votan_well anyways, if u dont wanna use .33, hdparm got manual trim support as it seems23:13
nhainesDefragging does nothing but destroy the lifetime of SSDs.  ;)23:13
Naderbut not much23:13
duffydackas does swap and journal23:13
nhainesDepends how often you use it.  It *is* competely useless, though.23:13
hypatianhaines: have you seen scott moulton's stuff on data recovery and SSDs? it's neat :)23:13
nhaineshypatia: no, but I'll Google it.  :)23:14
Naderid like to know if swap and journal actually damages SSDs23:14
hypatianhaines: myharddrivedied.com23:14
nhaineshypatia: ha!23:14
=== Cyb0rg is now known as Guest88172
bernhardno one needs swap today23:14
hypatianhaines: yeah great url :)23:14
nhainesNader: well, our drives have pretty advanced wear-levelling enabled.23:14
nhainesBut I wouldn't run swap on them!23:14
Naderno swap?23:14
BUGabundonhaines: get me a 2T wd 64MB cache23:14
BUGabundothose stuff it TOOOO EXPENSIVE still23:14
nhainesBUGabundo: sure, but they record the serial numbers when I use my discount.  ;)23:15
Naderok. so let me get this clear... i should never use swap?23:15
hypatiaNader: not on an SSD23:15
votan_i thought about going without swap on my ssd netbook with 2gig, what u guys think ?23:15
bernhardNader: swap is slower ram space23:15
monkeytwinif you're swapping, you probabl have bigger problems23:15
bernhardNader: if you got enough ram (2gb+) dont use one23:15
duffydackjust  more disk writes...23:15
nhainesWith an SSD?  Depends.  if you had 2GB RAM it's probably safe.  But SSD is so expensive it's probably a waste.23:15
votan_no swap then :>23:15
Naderso swap will actually slow it down23:15
Naderive got 4 GB23:16
nhainesLinux does what it can to not use swap space.23:16
* BUGabundo is loving the conversation but its going OT very fast!23:16
hypatiathough that said, i've also heard that the realistic lifetime of SSDs is such that it's not likely to die before you replace it even with things like swap turned on... is that about right nhaines ?23:16
bernhardNader: got 4gb too and no swap23:16
NaderBUGabundo, sorry :P23:16
duffydacki got 1gb ram netbook, no swap.. I run quite a few things at once, its ok23:16
BUGabundoguys gonna ask this just once.! be consice! avoid OT23:16
BUGabundothanks in advance23:16
nhainesOh!  TRIM support.  Just like a CD-RW, you can't write to a SSD block unless you have erased that block.23:16
Naderbelieve me, ive googled ata trim23:16
bernhardNader: i also write /tmp into ram to keep up ssd life :)23:16
duffydackbernhard, ditto23:17
Naderok, thanks :)23:17
BUGabundonhaines: the WD20EARS is a 4k disc ?23:17
bernhardNader: google tmpfs23:17
nhainesSo there's an ATA command to sort of manage that behind the scenes, so that the erases aren't done as you try to write.23:17
votan_so on a netbook, on which i usually dont do any memory intense computing i can get rid of my swap ? (2gig ram)23:17
nhainesBUGabundo: yes.  So, make sure you start partition 1 on sector 64, not 63.23:18
bernhardvotan_: yes23:18
Nader<3 behind the scenes23:18
bernhardvotan_: id even recommend it since they mostly got little hds23:18
nhainesnhandler: you can start fdisk in sector mode and start at 2048.  That should do it.23:18
BUGabundonhaines: doesn't the OS/partion tool do that for us ?23:18
nhainesBUGabundo: nope.  Palimpset does warn about it now, though.23:18
BUGabundothanks for the heads up23:18
nhainesAlternative, you can preformat the drive in Windows Vista or 7, and then install.23:19
Naderonly distros i know of with .33 will be Fedora, arch and gentoo23:19
bernhardNader: i thought oyu could get vanilla kernels via synaptic23:19
nonameNNis kernel fixed already?23:19
nonameNNim using 2.6.34rc1...23:20
Naderis that recommended for a distro designed for .32?23:20
Naderwont it affect performance/stability23:20
bernhardNader: i guess so23:20
BUGabundononameNN: /topic23:20
* yofel has /tmp and /var/tmp as tmpfs adn swappiness at 0, I do need a swap though with my 2GiB RAM sometimes23:20
BUGabundononameNN: with that kernel don't count on a working alsa or GPU drivers23:20
bernhardNader: just try it, otherwise compile your own^^23:20
nonameNNwell... im using 2.6.34rc1 and in my case it works better than the 2.6.32--- graphic issues...23:20
nonameNNits working everything perfect23:21
bernhardyofel: didnt new about /var/tmp ty23:21
Naderbernhard, well its either that or windows 723:21
yofelbernhard: I don't know what is put there, here kde puts the icon and theme cache there23:21
Nadertho id prefer to get lucid running with ata trim23:21
yofelbernhard: and some other things I can't identify23:21
votan_Nader or u can run hdparm via corn once a weak to use the trim command23:22
bernhardNader: id just install the vanilla kernel23:22
* duffydack sticks to good old hdd23:22
nonameNNwhat problems should i be having this kernel 2.6.34?23:22
Naderim not gonna manual trim23:22
duffydackI use my hd way too much to want a finite write device23:22
Naderwtf is a finite write device?23:23
bernhardyofel: i wont do that for my ssd though, in 6 months im maybe getting the new release and my ssd will still work23:23
BUGabundoNader: votan_: nonameNN: as I said before: there's an 'oficial' kernel team ppa. use that if you need cutting edge23:23
Naderi thought that SSDs will last as long as a regular HDD with ata trim23:23
nonameNNBUGabundo: ok23:23
BUGabundoNader: Language. thanks23:23
duffydackNader, cant say that when a regular hdd isnt governed by how many writes23:23
votan_Nader afaik they do, in theory.23:23
MarcoPauhello, one of most important newspaper's websites http://tv.repubblica.it/ makes my firefox 3.6.3 crashing under lucid. do you have any hint? I can't even find any crash log23:24
bernhardduffydack: they usually die of headcrashes before23:24
BUGabundoNader: votan_: nonameNN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds23:24
duffydackwhen my hdd dies it`ll be because its plain dead,  not because how many writes and trims its performed23:24
NaderMarcoPau, you could try noscript23:24
nhainesAll hard drives fail.  It's just a matter of when.23:24
duffydackbernhard, I got a 10yr old laptop still in regular use...23:24
BUGabundoMarcoPau: please install firefox dbg symbols and start it with $ firefox -g. thanks23:25
votan_BUGabundo thx23:25
Naderdont ssds give a warning when theyre reaching poor health so to speak?23:25
BUGabundoNader: please provide real fixes!23:25
bernhardduffydack: out of 8 hds, 2-3 died because of headcrashes23:25
duffydackbernhard, its been battered to death with formats and writes.. I wouldnt trust an ssd to take the same23:25
bernhardMarcoPau: try disabling flash23:25
MarcoPaubernhard: well that's what that website is about :)23:26
BUGabundobernhard: MarcoPau: lastest releases of FF have process separations. some plugins may still not like it23:26
duffydackI just dont like the idea of parts of an ssd being unable to write any more....23:26
Simon1245Hey guys, I am trying to upgrade my 9.10 version to 10.4 using sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:26
nhainesduffydack: well, the same thing happens to hard disks as well.  :)23:26
apparle!info psi23:26
ubottupsi (source: psi): Jabber client using Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-1build1 (lucid), package size 3246 kB, installed size 7748 kB23:26
Naderall HDS have finite life23:26
bernhardduffydack: id say if you keep the ssd out of the write intensive part it will do better than an hdd over long time23:26
duffydackI`ll take my flash drives as usb sticks for convenience, and nothing else23:26
nhainesSimon1245: is it a server?23:26
BUGabundoapparle: please use #ubuntu-bots or msg it directly . thank you23:27
Simon1245nhaines, No, Desktop I belive, I get this: Authentication failed23:27
Simon1245Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.23:27
Naderthe worst thing ive experienced was an old IBM Deskstar with bad sectors23:27
nhainesSimon1245: I'd rather run 'sudo update-manager -d' to upgrade a desktop machine.23:27
Nadertha pain23:27
BUGabundocan we PLEASE get back on TOPIC? thank you23:27
duffydackId bet the life of a decent hdd compared to a decent ssd is far more.23:27
BUGabundoplease redirect further DISK chat to #ubuntu-offtopic23:27
BUGabundoas it has NOTHING to do with lucic23:28
bernhardMarcoPau: i dont have crashes atm, how does it crash?23:28
Simon1245nhaines, I get the same error23:28
Simon1245nhaines, Authentication failed23:28
Simon1245Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.23:28
BUGabundoSimon1245: change mirror23:28
Simon1245BUGabundo, How?23:28
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:29
BUGabundoSimon1245: ^^^^^23:29
Simon1245BUGabundo, I'll check it 1min23:29
Simon1245BUGabundo, Nvm, I'll go and sleep now i'll check this tthing tomorrow thanks for the help guys and bye23:30
core_ne 1 like guns ?23:30
bernhardMarcoPau: browser crashes are mostly provoked by flash applets, thats why all the world rants about flash atm (apple & co)23:30
BluesKaj-Laptopodd that do-upgrade-release fails lately without changing the source mirrors, i thought the upgrade command automatically looked at the next release source repos23:30
bernhardk guys gnite23:31
mo-germanyHello everyone. Since upgrading to Kubuntu lucid, I can't enable compositing using OpenGL anymore. Has anyone experienced a similar problem?23:32
yofelmo-germany: what graphics driver?23:33
MarcoPauBUGabundo: tried loading firefox -g after installing firefox-dbg but it'll freeze at Reading symbols from /opt/firefox/firefox-bin...(no debugging symbols found)...done.23:33
mo-germanyyofel: intel23:33
yofelmo-germany: depends on the card you have then, compositing in kwin works fine on my 945GME23:33
BUGabundoMarcoPau: press 'r'23:33
BUGabundofor RUN23:33
BUGabundo!debug | MarcoPau23:34
ubottuMarcoPau: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures23:34
mo-germanyyofel: hm, thanks. Where should I report a bug and what info is needed to fix it?23:34
yofelmo-germany: what does 'glxinfo | grep render' tell you?23:35
apparlewhat can I use for google voice chat?23:35
apparleother than empathy23:35
monkeytwinignore me23:36
mo-germanyyofel: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".23:36
mo-germanyabout 10 times23:36
mo-germanyand: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig23:36
yofelmo-germany: can you pastebin your Xorg log?23:36
mo-germanyyofel: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, right?23:37
BUGabundomo-germany: $ pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:38
BUGabundoshould be fast enough23:38
MarcoPauBUGabundo: SIGSEGV: 0x0472da85 in ?? () from /usr/lib/dri/r600_dri.so23:39
BUGabundothat's _bad_23:39
mo-germanythanks, BUGabundo23:39
BUGabundoand NOTHING related to the browser23:39
BUGabundosec MarcoPau23:39
MarcoPauvideo drivers23:39
BUGabundo$ dpkg -S r600_dri.so23:40
BUGabundoia32-libs: /usr/lib32/dri/r600_dri.so23:40
BUGabundolibgl1-mesa-dri: /usr/lib/dri/r600_dri.so23:40
BUGabundoerkk mesa mess23:40
ghizlanehello i want to configure snort with iptables can you help me  if you have an idea23:40
BUGabundoMarcoPau: can you $ ubuntu-bug  ibgl1-mesa-dri23:40
BUGabundoghizlane: running lucid ?23:40
ghizlane<BUGabundo>: is it a package?23:41
MarcoPauBUGabundo: bug cannot be reported: this is not a genuine ubuntu package23:42
BUGabundoMarcoPau: using any X ppa ?23:43
BUGabundoghizlane: it's a release of ubuntu. well a devel code name to be more exact. you are in #ubuntu+1 , home of Lucid support23:43
BUGabundoand he goes way :(23:43
MarcoPauBUGabundo: well no, there's no ppa's for lucid, afaik23:44
BUGabundothere are MANY23:44
MarcoPauBUGabundo: I used to have some of them for karmic but release-upgrade should have disabled all of them23:44
BUGabundoMarcoPau: please pastebin your souces and sources.d/ dir23:44
BUGabundoyes it should23:45
BUGabundoMarcoPau: $ $ apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri | pastebinit23:45
MarcoPauBUGabundo: after that, I haven't enabled any23:45
MarcoPauBUGabundo: that's a karmic package23:46
BUGabundowell there's you problem23:46
BUGabundoMarcoPau: $ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade; sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:47
yofelmo-germany: I don't get this, but Xorg seems to load the nvidia glx module and then error out with "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"23:47
BUGabundoor like I like to call it23:47
BUGabundoalias aptitudeupgrade='sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade'23:47
mo-germany@yofel: ah, thanks. Now I get it23:47
MarcoPauBUGabundo: but the karmic packages is more recent than the lucid one. 7.8.0 versus 7.7.123:48
mo-germanySeems like the corresponding BIOS option doesn't really kill the NVidia card ...23:48
BUGabundomo-germany: no need for '@'. this is IRC. not µblogs23:48
BUGabundoMarcoPau: please $ apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri | pastebinit23:48
mo-germanyBUGabundo: It's late ;923:48
MarcoPauBUGabundo: http://pastebin.com/p9zVVd0D23:49
yofelmo-germany: did you have the nvidia driver installed? if yes then you need to switch the open gl libs from nvidia to mesa first if you want to use intel23:49
linuxman410hey has anyone here heard about epson worforce 40 printer working in ubuntu23:50
ChogyDanis the next kernel going to be version -21 or -20?23:50
BUGabundoChogyDan: current is .2023:50
mo-germanyyofel: yes, temporarily, to test the Nvidia card23:50
BUGabundobut was removed today because of problems23:50
mo-germanyhow do I do that23:50
BUGabundoalthough I have it running fine23:50
yofelmo-germany: sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf23:50
BUGabundoMarcoPau: please PURGE that package and reinstall from archive . you have the old PPA version which is higher23:51
yofelmo-germany: select mesa and restarting X should be enough (I think...)23:51
BUGabundoMarcoPau: you can user ppa-purge tool from pp-edgers ppa23:51
BUGabundoI know, its ironic :)23:51
mo-germanyyofel: thanks a lot, I'll try and report back23:52
MarcoPauBUGabundo: LOL ok I'll reinstall that23:52
BUGabundoMarcoPau: NOT reinstall23:52
BUGabundoremove the ppa orphan version of all PPA packages23:52
MarcoPauBUGabundo: yeah, purge and (re)install23:52
BUGabundoand install archive23:52
BUGabundothe ppa-purge tool should to that for you pretty easy23:52
BUGabundoMarcoPau: better do that from a recovery console with network23:53
BUGabundobe ready for some GPU probs23:53
BUGabundothen again you are already facing those23:53
BUGabundoSarvatt: please read backlog from (2010-04-12 23:39:16) MarcoPau: BUGabundo: SIGSEGV: 0x0472da85 in ?? () from /usr/lib/dri/r600_dri.so23:54
MarcoPauBUGabundo: ok I'm off, thanks for now!23:57
SarvattBUGabundo: what do you want me to look at? you fixed his problem :)23:57
BUGabundojust saying in case you find more reports23:57
Sarvatti get emails about it every day23:58
BUGabundoand in case you want to fixe your ppa23:58
BUGabundoI see23:58
Sarvattwhats there to fix?23:58
BUGabundoI don't know23:58
BUGabundoits making flash crash23:58
Sarvatttheres a note you need to ppa-purge when upgrading on there, cant make people read it :)23:58
BUGabundoyour are our beloved dev23:58
BUGabundoI'm just a support monkey and FLOSS advocate23:58
BUGabundoSarvatt: sure you can, make it Pink! seems to have worked for canonical /rant23:59
Sarvattwould be nice if the release upgrade process did the equivalent to ppa-purge instead of just disabling PPAs on upgrade :(23:59
BUGabundoping mvo on it ?23:59

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