
ndecogra: morning! [i changed my nick to a shorter one...]08:10
ndecogra: I tried the latest OMAP3 image on Zoom2. I don't have the USB issue anymore, but since display driver for Zoom2 is not upstream, there is no display support08:10
ndecogra: i am trying to get a display driver, if I can find something that works i will let you know08:11
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
ograndec, forward that to amitk then, he cares for kernel implementation08:15
amitkndec: no usb?08:15
ograamitk, no issues :)08:15
* amitk is still waking up08:15
* ogra also bumped compcache to 50%, i'll build an image later today that should run flawless on the C4 beagle08:16
amitkogra: is there an official image available now?08:16
ndecamitk: well, i am not sure the boot goes fine. there is obviously no kernel panic. but since there is no display I can't see much. on the console I can see some services firing up such as APM, Pulse, ...08:16
ograamitk, yes, but it will OOM without the new compcache setting08:16
ograndec, change boot.scr and add serialtty=ttyS308:17
ograndec, i have it happily booting with that to serial commandline prompt08:17
amitkogra: with splash too, i presume?08:18
ograamitk, hheh, hard to tell on the zoom :)08:18
ogra(without graphics driver)08:18
amitki meant on beagle C408:18
ograbut i usually leave spalsh in place on the cmdline08:18
ograc$ will have plymouth, yes08:18
ograbuut the graphics have some issues08:19
ograther wallpaper has stripes and once X comesu up (before the desktop is drawn) i can wipe the wallpaper with my cursor08:20
amitkits a _feature_, a paint program at bootup08:20
ograyeah, i thought the same :)08:20
amitkif you managed to wipe the entire screen, you get a prize08:20
ograoh, i'll try that08:21
ograwhat is the prize ? a surprise ?08:21
amitkofcourse, what would be the fun otherwise08:22
ogralool, "I would also prefer if we'd simply change the compcache check from 512 MiB to 256 MiB" can you elaborate what you meant with that ? you would prefer to make compcache to not be used at all ?08:22
ogra(thats how i read it)08:23
ndecogra: with serialtty I also have the console... this is really slow, though08:24
ogracurrently compcache is only used on systems > 256MiB (by definition we dont support anything less) < 512MiB (which the current check code achieves)08:25
ograndec, its a live image on a 256M board ... dont expect miracles08:25
amitkndec: live images are usually slow08:25
ograhalf of your FS lives in RAM08:25
ograand on 256M half of that RAM is even compressed08:26
ndecogra, amitk: ok. the problem with display is that the DSS2 panel driver is missing for the Zoom2 (it's a NEC display). we currently have panel driver for .32, which was before some important DSS2 rework. so i cannot easily merge the panel code.08:27
loologra: I thought you cared to have it work with 256 MB as well?08:27
ogralool, it will automatically work with 256M08:27
ndecamitk: for the record, the zoom2 panel driver is here https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/83907/, but it needs rework08:28
loolAh well, the test is for > 512 M08:28
ogralool, as long as RAM is less than 512M compcache kicks in, determines the actual RAM sice and takes $COMPCACHE_SIZE and compressed swap08:28
ograwith 256MB you end up with 384MB of actual usable RAM space08:29
loologra: Anyway, what I meant is that I find it easier to change the defaults, but that has a much higher impact obviously08:29
ogralool, as i said, we need to rework the world here anyway for maverick08:29
ograthe implementation changed completely08:29
ograso we can find something saner than the current implementation08:30
ogralool, compcache went into mainline with .34508:30
ograits in staging in .3308:30
ograand needs userspace tools that do all the setup now ... instead of module options08:30
ografrom hardy to today compcache lives in the ubuntu modules dir08:31
ograwith the older implementation08:31
ograthe userspace tools require us to reqork the initramfs hooks from scratch08:32
amitkndec: is anybody working to upstream the panel driver?08:32
loologra: BTWhow was the value <= 512 M chosen?08:32
ndecamitk: i guess so, i am checking.08:32
loologra: I'm a bit surprized that we include 512 MB machine with compcache08:32
ogralool, after discussion with cjwatson ...08:33
hrwif ram is issue and you provide SD card image then why not use dual partitions like beagleboard people usually do and have rootfs on mmcblk0p2?08:34
ograthe 25% value was chosen in hardy when we could boot with 256M + compcache and that gave us ~300M which prevented OOM08:34
ograwith lucid the requirements raised08:34
loolWhat I find odd is that pretty much all discussions revolve arund 256 MB systems08:34
loolYet the check is against 512 MB08:35
ograthe check just means "if you are having 512M or more we dont want to use compcache at all since your ram suffices"08:35
ogracompccache is *just for preventing OOM on systems with less than 512M*08:36
loologra: Note that it's turned on for 512 MiB08:36
ograin 512M you can run desktop + ubiquity without hittig issues08:36
ograits not :)08:36
ograread the code you pasted in the bug :)08:36
lool    if [ "\${TOTAL_RAM}" -gt 524288 ]; then08:36
lool        exit 008:36
loolWhich means that if the RAM is strictly more than 512 MiB, the script is disabled08:37
ograif you have more than 512M the code exits08:37
loolBut if it's exactly 512 MiB it's not08:37
ograah, that you mean08:37
ograwell, feel free to make it  52428708:37
amitk< vs. <=08:37
loolWe have -ge thankfully08:37
ograif you find it that important08:38
loologra: What I don't understand is that even with 524287 you can run the desktop08:38
ograyou can ...08:38
ograwhy shouldnt you08:38
loolWhat I would find logical, is that we turn it on only for x where x+50% = 512M08:38
ograits just to prevent OOM08:38
=== ndec is now known as ndec_
ograyou can run the desktop in 384M08:38
ograso your formula should be  x+50% = 38408:39
ograthats the bare minimum08:39
=== ndec_ is now known as ndec
ogracjwatson simply wanted compcache up to 512 to have a savety net08:39
loologra: there's a difference between x > 512 and x + 50% > 51208:40
ograyes, the latter raises the minimal reqs.08:41
loolErr no, it's the other way around!  we turn compcache on earlier08:41
ograwe used to have a minimal req of 256M ... short before hardy that raised to 38408:41
ograso the decision was to use compcache on all systems between 256 and 512M08:42
ograand use 25% of the ram for compressed swap08:42
ograthat minimal req doesnt suffice anymore08:42
ograso to run on 256M without hitting OOM you need 50%08:42
hrwwhich arm platform today has video which does not take part of system ram?08:42
hrwon omap3 you have 4-12MB for vram so 512MB system has <512MB ram08:43
ogralool, so do you want the -ge change ? i'm fine doing that08:44
ogra(since i have the branch open anyway)08:44
loologra: No, I think the math is wrong; the -ge versus -gt happens to include a larger number of systems to the compcache thing, but I would rather fix the math08:44
ograhrw, that amount doesnt really matter much we use 12M on beagle C4 and it works fine with the 50%08:44
loolhrw: Note that while the changes which triggered the discussion are needed for OMAP, the code is used on all platform including x86 systems08:45
ogralool, well, then go ahead as long as you dont break it ... i dont have the time to work much more on that (there are still flash-kernel changes and partman i have to do before thu. and i need a working image from teh archive today)08:45
loolBah I don't want to bother cjwatson if you agreed to the current approach08:46
ogralool, just take into account that there are tools in universe and debian that make use of compcache08:46
loologra: I'm not sure what you mwan08:47
ogralool, in case you remove variables or change their meaning these tools need transition08:47
ograiirc there is at least one debconf frontend tool in debian to manually set compcache08:47
ograwhich relies on the values08:48
ograand variable naming08:48
ogralool, really, i wouldnt bother in the light that we have to redo it anyway next release08:48
ograand in the light that the current approach works since hardy08:49
loolThe only thing which worries me is that compcache is turned on for all flavours08:50
ogralool, thats wanted08:50
loolPretty much all vms will have it enabled08:50
loolEven if they don't run the desktop08:50
ograwhy would that be a bad thing08:50
ograthats not true08:50
ogracompcache is in casper ...08:50
looland I can imagine that will mess up with things like kvm page sharing algorithms08:51
ogrado we use casper in vm images ?08:51
loolWell that's the thing, it's an assumption of live image image => desktop08:51
ograif so and if server people dont want compcache that should probably be adressed08:51
ograit surely comes from a time where we definately only used casper in desktop live images08:52
loolI guess it's unlikely that someone fiddles with the COMPCACHE settings on server images08:52
ograif that changed someone should indeed change behavior08:52
loolAnyway, I guess that if there was a class of affected users, we'd hear about it08:53
ograwhen i implemented it i did that for calssmates with 256M only ... and cjwatson insisted back then (pre hardy) to have it on all arches/images08:53
ograits a cheap way to get more ram without much penalty08:53
ograso even VMs might benefit08:54
ograsigh, all builders are busy with big packages ...08:57
ograi want my casper build ... damned ...08:58
* ogra wonders if we have any example code for the 120min buildd timeout stuff ... libgphoto2 needs such a fix09:00
ograerr, 150min09:01
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
* ogra goes to test a netinst image while waiting for casper09:03
hrwomap3 usb is now working?09:03
ograsince last kernel upload09:04
ogra[   25.152954] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...09:08
ogra[   25.154846] rootfs image is not initramfs (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd09:08
ograGRRR !09:08
ogranetinst still doesnt work09:08
* ogra wonders why09:09
jussi01persia persia!! seen this yet? http://www.wirefresh.com/sharp-introduces-the-is01-android-powered-smartbook/comment-page-1/09:09
loologra: On which platform is this?09:09
ogralool, omap netinst09:09
ogra[   26.649200] RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 009:10
ogra[   26.762176] RAMDISK: incomplete write (4546 != 32768)09:10
hrwjussi01: sharp... argh09:10
ograthe same load values that work on all other setups dont seem to work for netinst09:10
jussi01hrw: they are the only ones really doing anything near this at the moment though.09:10
ogralool, and i really use very conservative values that should leave enough space09:11
hrwjussi01: I have only bad experience when it comes to sharp and linux09:11
loologra: I'd check ramdisk size (you can override it on the cmdline) or it might be again our kernels being too big09:11
ogralool, well, its only 3M and i leave about 10 with my load address09:11
ograthat shold suffice even with the unpacked kernel09:12
loologra: I'm pretty sure it's the ramdisk size09:20
loolIt's at 409609:20
loologra: Try passing ramdisk_size=16384 on the kernel cmdline09:20
ograyeah, it fixes the corruption but i still cant get it to boot09:20
loologra: Does it unpack the ramdisk correctly now?09:20
loolamitk: Could you bump CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE to 65536 as on the other kernels?09:21
loolIt's a lot for OMAP, but the memory is claimed back anyway09:21
ogra[   26.690032] /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap-2.6.33/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)09:21
ogra[   26.699645] RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 009:21
ogra[   26.844573] hub 1-2:1.0: USB hub found09:21
ograso 16384 fixes the corruption09:22
amitklool: ack09:22
ograbut it still panics09:22
loolamitk: thanks09:22
loologra: what's the panic?09:22
ogra[   27.108520] VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) on device 1:0.09:22
ogra[   27.136840] VFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(0,0)09:22
ogra[   27.143493] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:09:22
loologra: What format is your initrd?  ext2?09:22
ogralool, no idea, what does d-i use for the netinst ones ?09:23
loologra: depends of the image, usually ext209:23
ograright, thats what i would expect09:23
ograthe cdrom initrd works flawless09:23
loolINITRD_FS = ext2 in build/config/armel.cfg09:23
ograits really only the netinst one09:24
ograthey should be identical format i think09:24
loolcdrom uses INITRD_FS = initramfs09:24
ograreally ?09:24
loolcheck build/config/armel/omap/cdrom.cfg09:24
ograi thought d-i uses the same format all over the place to roll them09:24
loologra: So did you pass root=/dev/ram0?09:25
ograok, but our kernel surely has ext2 builtin09:25
loolI think you need that09:25
ograi dont need to pass that on other arches09:25
ograneither dove nor imx51 need it09:25
* ogra tries09:25
loolbuild/config/armel/imx51/netboot.cfg has INITRD_FS = initramfs, but not dove; I don't think we tested dove netboot images for a while though09:26
ogralool, geez !09:26
ograthanks a lot !09:27
loologra: So it might make sense to move to initramfs instead09:27
ograwill do that09:27
loologra: You might want to test the dove netboot initrd too; I'm pretty sure you need to pass root=/dev/ram0 there too09:27
ograhrm, and it looks like d-i needs the ethernet modules09:27
ogralool, i have no HW to test dove09:28
ograonly NCommander does09:28
ograand GrueMaster09:28
* ogra wonders which udeb has all the usb ETH modules and firmware09:28
loolinitramfs is the absolute default and probably we should switch armel to it09:29
loologra: nic-modules09:29
ograthat also has the usb ones ?09:29
loolfirmwares are likely a separate one09:29
loolI'm not sure about usb, but you might need another udeb for usb by itself09:29
ograi thought usb nics are separate too09:29
ograusb support is builtin09:30
ograi need HID though09:30
loolYou want nic-usb and usb for USB ethernet adapters09:30
loolplus the firmware udebs09:30
loologra: just copy the list from some d-i build file09:31
ogranic-usb-modules and usb-modules are there, but i dont see anything wrt firmware at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap/2.6.33-500.5/+build/168422509:32
loolI dont think it's built from linux-ti-omap09:33
ograits also not in linux-fsl-imx51 :&09:33
loolit's the nic-firmware udeb09:34
loolbuilt from linux-firmware09:34
ograhmm, nor on dove09:34
ograoh, then i'm looking at the worng packages ...09:35
ograaha ... its arch all09:35
ograhrm, where is build/pkg-lists/netboot/arm/omap.cfg gone in the d-i tree09:41
* ogra thought he added that 09:42
loolI don't see it09:43
loolI'd copy imx51.cfg09:44
ograjust did :)09:44
ograand fixed up the comment09:44
* ogra also drops gzip compression form the initrd for netinst ... we dotn use it anywhere else in omap09:44
ogra(from mkimage)09:45
loologra: You didn't copy it for netboot though?09:45
ogralool, i just did in my tree09:45
ograthere we go09:49
ograand uploaded :)09:53
ogranext d-i build should get us working netinst images !09:53
ograso only flash-kernel and partman are left on my list09:53
ograwe're getting there :)09:53
dmartHi all, does anyone know a way to inhibit the building of debug packages when building debs?10:01
dmart...or to force the use of a compressor other than lzma10:01
dmartI'm having real problems building qt4-x11--- my board has been building debs for about 3-4 days and is swapping so much I can't log into it any more10:02
ndecogra: on the BB, my mouse (USB) is not detected. where do you plug it?10:03
amitkndec: are you using the OTG port?10:04
ndecno. host. but it does seem that proper drivers are there, right?10:05
amitkEHCI works for me, I'm working on OTG atm.10:05
amitkndec: It doesn't work though powered hub?10:06
looldmart: It's a real -dbg?10:06
looldmart: or -dbgsym?10:06
suihkulokkidmart: comment out the -Zlzma from debian/rules10:06
dmartsuihkulokki: OK, great, thanks10:07
dmartlool: -dbg in this case10:07
dmartI've a nasty feeling /tmp is a tmpfs10:07
dmartwhich may be causing problems here10:07
ndecamitk: i don't have a powered USB hub with me, ATM10:08
amitkndec: AFAIK, BB doesn't support Full speed devices on the EHCI port w/o a powered hub. (http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard#USB)10:10
amitkndec: since the port only supports high speed10:10
hrwehci is 2.0 only10:10
amitkhrw: ogra: have anything to test the OTG port on the BB?10:21
hrwyou mean usb-host cable10:21
amitkhrw: right10:22
hrwI would have to dig for it as I do not remember when last time used10:23
hrwand definitelly not today10:23
hrwamitk: will be easier to check in two weeks from now10:23
ndecamitk: thx. I need to find the adaptors/HUB10:23
hrwand today is not my day for work ;(10:25
amitkndec: I've uploaded another kernel at http://people.canonical.com/~amitk/ti/ to test OTG configuration. Unfortunately, I don't have the usb-host cable to test (Need to go out and buy)10:26
ndecamitk: don't have it neither...10:26
hrwsolder one - easier then buying new one usually10:27
amitkhrw: any ready pointers to convert an existing cable?10:30
hrwtake miniusb->usb cable, unbreak miniusb one, solder two pins, add usba->usba gender changer10:31
* amitk probably has enough mini->normal usb cables and gender changers. No time, though. :-/10:34
hrwI have more then enough usb connectors10:36
ograamitk, i only have a std adapter (several of them) but nothing with the shortened pins (as i told you on friday)11:05
ograNCommander, can you bump the casper build a bit higher so it gets attempted at some point today ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/casper/1.23211:07
* ogra doesnt understand why d-i just passed it even though it was uploaded hours later11:08
ograthey had the same score11:08
waoany new arm notebooks?11:10
zumbia rival for ipad? when?11:11
hrwipad? I would rather prefer rival for my dell d400 ;D12:02
ograso my NIC is seen by the netinst image but no firmware is loaded12:03
ograaha, asix works12:04
* ogra wonders why the other one doesnt12:04
zumbihrw: ipad is the more successfull arm device in the market (according to news)12:09
zumbihrw: in netbook context12:09
hrwzumbi: show me arm netbooks on market (other then touchbook)12:09
ograamitk, hmm, it seems my installation attempts all break on usb-storage atm ...12:11
zumbihrw: sharp netwalker, alwaysinnovating, efikamx, ipad, not sure if amazon wikireader counts as arm netbook12:11
hrwso netwalker and efikamx only...12:11
zumbialwaysinnovating is a beagleboard12:12
hrwzumbi: I know what AI touchbook is12:12
hrwbeagleboard + usb hub + display + usb keyboard12:12
zumbiis it homemade?12:13
hrwnetwalker pc-z1 reminds me nightmares12:13
ograamitk, [  212.130981] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x40200000 shows up reliably when d-i is trying to detect disks12:13
hrwzumbi: touchbook design is based on beagleboard design/schematics but it is whole new device not BB+cables12:13
hrwzumbi: efikamx smartbook looks quite good but it is freescale...12:14
hrwI have bad experience with both sharp (from zaurus times and 8MB kernel diffs) and with freescale (again 8MB kernel diffs)12:15
zumbiyes, i'd like to see imx51 in mainline with efikamx support12:16
hrwzumbi: 2.6.50 probably12:17
zumbiis .50 guessed by a random function :)12:17
hrwso far i.mx support looks like in-kernel maintainer has own version based on code drops from freescale12:18
zumbiyes, efika uses freescale SDK... :-/12:18
hrwzumbi: 2.6.50 ~= never (or 'when people forgot that such thing existed)12:18
ograApr 12 11:18:47 main-menu[208]: INFO: Menu item 'partman-base' selected12:19
ograApr 12 11:18:48 kernel: [  556.388214] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x4020000012:19
ograApr 12 11:18:48 main-menu[208]: (process:7234): Bus error12:19
ograamitk, ^^^^12:19
amitkhrw: /me is the maintainer of i.MX51 in mainline12:24
amitkogra: ok, looking at it12:25
ograamitk, cjwatson suggests its misaligned memory access12:25
amitkogra: I am almost sure it has to do with clocks being turned off during module access12:26
loolamitk: Oh you are12:28
amitklool: huh?12:30
loolamitk: Re: /me is the maintainer of i.MX51 in mainline; I didn't know that12:32
loolamitk: congrats!12:32
ogralool, since ages :)12:32
loolI hadn't followed that change12:33
loolIt's not in our lucid kernel tree at least, so can't be that old!12:33
lool4th February12:33
ograiirc it happened early lucid ... so .33 mainline12:33
ograor beginning of .3412:34
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
ograamitk, how fast can we get a fix for the issue above ? since it blocks partman from starting i cant do any of the other image changes (which all happen after partman)12:35
ograamitk, a test kernel for live would suffice12:35
loologra: Do you have any serial console enabled?12:36
ogralool, not by default12:36
ograyou need to change boot.scr12:36
loologra: But did you turn them on?12:36
loolSometimes it triggers this issue12:37
amitkogra: I'm looking.... can't tell you before I understand the problem12:37
ogralool, it also happens on the live image without serial turned on12:37
ograbut i can try a d-i netinst one without right now12:37
* ogra fiddles with boot.scr12:38
loolI wonder whether partman would be attempting to touch the 3/4 possible SD cards which might not all be present on your card12:38
zumbiamitk: great! :)12:38
loologra: Would be interesting if you could identify which device access causes this problem; perhaps with ls-partitions or some other d-i command, or stracing partman12:38
ogralool, already tried its /lib/partman/init.d/30parted but i cant get anything out of it with set -x12:39
loolHmm who's working on the qcm kernel?12:39
ogralool, rtg afaik12:40
loolIs any image expected for it?!12:40
ograi dont think so12:40
loolI wonder how tested that kernel is12:40
sijiHi All12:40
amitklool: no image, minimal testing for qcm12:41
sijiAnybody can Suggest me some nice Window manager for ubuntu ARM12:41
loolamitk: k thanks12:41
ograoh how i hate that you have to define omapfb crap on the console to get any video output *at all*12:43
loolsiji: This is not really specific to ARM; depends of your use case12:44
sijilool, am looking for a handheld device12:45
loologra: Speaking of which, did we sync both omap xorg drivers from Debian recently?12:45
ogralool, a while ago12:45
loolsiji: You could checkout matchbox12:45
sijiI need some fancy Desktop12:45
loologra: The two of them?12:45
sijiwith smooth animations etc..12:45
ogralool, NEON and non NEON version, yep12:46
sijisort of ubuntu-netbook launcher12:46
ograsiji, use ubuntu-netbook then12:46
hrwamitk: I did not knew12:46
ograand possibly replace the panel with something lighter12:46
ograsiji, on armel it will default to use the efl version of the netbook launcher12:47
sijiogra, ok12:47
hrwogra: you can also ignore boot.scr, boot device to uboot and enter commands by hand/copypaste12:47
loolI could only find the xf86-video-omapfb source, what's the other one??12:47
hrwsiji: how bug screen?12:47
hrwsiji: and how big resolution12:47
sijiLCD with touch screen12:48
hrwI would use matchbox or something small/light12:48
ograhrw, i'm way to lazy for that :P12:48
* ogra <3 boot.scr12:48
hrwfluxbox, icewm, xfwm4 maybe12:48
ogralool, its the same source, two binaries12:49
ogralool, one with and the other built without NEON12:49
loolOk just making sure12:49
* ogra tries since 10min to get some video output from the beagel .... just to find i used the wrong HDMI cable12:51
* hrw -> phone again12:53
ograhrm, my kbd doesnt work13:01
ograamitk, urgh ...13:06
ograamitk, seems DSS2 doesnt properly work yet13:06
ograi can switch consoles but the screen always shows tty113:07
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
asacdmart: hi14:02
dmarthi there14:02
asacdmart: i think i need your input on xine-lib14:02
dmartwhat's up?14:02
asacit uses jit like thing for mov pc, lr14:02
asacone second14:03
asacoh sorry14:03
asacits upx... something14:03
asaclet me find it14:03
asacdmart: src/stub/src/i386-linux.elf-main.c:            hatch[1]= 0xe1a0f00e;  // mov pc,lr14:04
asacwhats the hexcode for bx lr ;)14:04
asacyou know what i mean14:04
asaci guess you should check that file14:04
dmarthold on, I'll take a look14:04
asacdmart: thats apt-get source upx-ucl14:04
asacdmart: where can i find a hexcode reference? ;)14:05
asaci looked at some disassemblers. but not sure where they got that info from14:05
dmartYou can look at the ARM ARM, or write a tiny .s file, assemble and disassemble it14:06
asacARM ARM?14:06
dmartBut if the instruction in question might run as Thumb, it's broken anyway so we should take a closer look14:06
asacyes. thats what i figured14:06
dmartARM Architecture Reference Manual14:06
asacbut thought there must be a documentation that has that info ;)14:06
asacah ;)14:06
dmarthttp://infocenter.arm.com/ -> ARM Architecture (if you don't have it already)14:07
asacok needs password it seems. anyway14:07
dmartoh yuck14:08
dmartthat code is making a hand-codedXXX hand-assembled syscall14:09
dmartit assumes the legacy syscall ABI which won't work on new kernels14:09
asacdmart: i am not so sure that is actually used14:10
asacat least the buildlog doesnt show it being touched14:10
asacso i guess we might need to do nothing, or fix the .S .h files14:10
loolasac: You just need to register/login and then you can download it14:10
asacbut those i already tried to kill14:10
dmartargh, it also pokes the instructions into some "handy" space in the ELF header e_ident field14:11
hrwlool: they do not send CDs anymore?14:12
asacyeah. upx-ucl seems to do crazy stuff14:13
asaclet me spin it ... lets see if the stub things are shipped in some package14:14
asacUPX will typically reduce the file size of programs and DLLs by around 50%-70%, thus14:15
dmartProbably safest to build this package in ARM for now14:17
dmart...it's a plie of low-level hacks14:18
loolhrw: Never heard of that, did they?14:20
hrwI have cd with arm documentation somewhere14:20
hrwand got it from arm ltd14:21
asacdmart: ok will go for -marm then14:23
dmartasac: I've got three concerns with upx-ucl: 1) I can't see where the decompressed program is entered.  Can it handle an entry point in thumb? 2) Are caches flushed properly when entering the decompressed executable? 3) The hand-assembled code in i386 appears wrong in 3 ways - no cache flush, not thumb-aware and not compatible with EABI.  Unfortunately, -marm will fix none of these14:23
dmartARM code in i386-* really confuses me too :P14:24
dmartDo you know the maintainers for this?  Maybe they could help us to understand how it works.14:25
asacdmart: yes.14:26
asac Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org>14:26
asac ;)14:26
dmartWould he be on IRC somewhere?14:27
asacdmart: sent a mail with you CCed14:29
asaclet me see if i can find his nick14:29
ogralool, the CD shipped with the EVM did have all ARM docs iirc14:30
asacdmart: unfortunately he doesnt have his nick in db.debian.org ... one sec14:31
asacok seems in debian-devel they dont know his nick either14:31
asacso lets wait for him to appear or answer the mail14:32
dmartOK... I think the conclusion for now is that there's lots of assembler which was written for pre-Thumb days -> many assumptions, so we must build with -marm.14:33
nosse1Hi guys. Is there any reason that NFS works poorly?14:33
asacdmart: i can upload that for now14:33
dmartBut there may still be issues with the syscall ABI, cache flushing and compressing executables with a Thumb entry point (which would be the common case in lucid_14:33
asacdmart: but as you said. we dont really think this will fix all14:34
nosse1I was told that you considered NFS in the build farm, but ditched it. I curious to why14:34
asacdmart: right. but this cache flushing etc. is not a regression, right?14:34
dmartWe need -marm anyway, so may as well do that and try it out.14:34
asace.g. its aproblem across the board?14:34
asacdmart: ok uploading that for now14:34
asachmm i get14:34
asacdpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/upx-ucl/usr/bin/upx-ucl contains an unresolvable reference to symbol __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1@GCC_3.5: it's probably a plugin.14:34
dmartThe cache flushing might be there, but I don't understand all the code yet.  You often get away without the cache flushing when the caches are small, but you may hit problems on newer platforms.  For ages, the linux kernel didn't invalidate the I-cache when loading executable pages...14:36
asacok uploaded with -marm now14:36
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
nosse1ubuntu-netbook dependencies are broken again, right?15:18
GrueMasterogra:  Something you needed me to test?15:26
ograGrueMaster, i'm only doing beagle stuff atm15:27
ogrado you have a beagle now ?15:27
GrueMasterYou said something about dove earlier.15:27
ograoh, someone asked about dove ...15:28
GrueMaster(01:29:44 AM) lool: ogra: You might want to test the dove netboot initrd too; I'm pretty sure you need to pass root=/dev/ram0 there too15:28
GrueMaster(01:30:07 AM) ogra: lool, i have no HW to test dove15:28
GrueMaster(01:30:12 AM) ogra: only NCommander does15:28
GrueMaster(01:30:16 AM) ogra: and GrueMaster15:28
ograGrueMaster, right, there you have the issue15:29
GrueMasterIf this is referring to dove netboot images not booting, this is not the fix.  Whatever creates the netboot image for dove needs to change the entry point and address for the kernel wrapper.15:30
GrueMasterfor uboot.15:30
ograGrueMaster, its referring to the way the dove images are built (not using initramfs but ext2 initrd)15:31
nosse1What is a decent seed for something like ubuntu-netbook? I want to test X and desktop and such.15:31
ograwell, ubuntu-netbook :)15:31
nosse1ogra, but I get unmet dependencies unfortunately15:32
ograit worked tonight when i built images15:32
ograshould only be tempoarary15:32
GrueMasternosse1: gtk is going through a respin.  It may be a few days for the churn to settle.15:32
ograGrueMaster, again ?15:33
ograit was done on saturday15:33
ogranah, it should all be fine15:34
GrueMasterYea, someone checked in a bug fix on 4/8, which had a cascade effect.  x86 is done rebuilding everything, but it took us 10 days to get through it last time.15:34
ogranosse1, wha are the actual probs you see (error message)15:34
nosse1In the danger of flood filling:15:34
nosse1  ubuntu-netbook: Depends: gnome-applets but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Depends: gnome-control-center but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Depends: gnome-panel but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Depends: gnome-session but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Depends: indicator-applet-session but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Depends: update-notifier but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1                  Recommends: hplip but it is not going to be installed15:35
nosse1So yeah, gtk it is15:35
ograg-c-c was uploaded today15:35
ograno, gtk is fine15:35
nosse1hmm. I'll try an update15:35
ograits gnome-control-center ... the others mostly depend on it directly or indirectly15:35
ograthe builders are nearly all busy with multi day packages15:36
nosse1Havent been deployed yet it seems15:36
ograg-c-c likely still sits in the queue15:36
GrueMasterogra: when gtk gets rebuilt, everything that depends on it gets rebuilt.  That's where the cascade effect comes in.15:36
ograGrueMaster, yes, i know15:36
ogranosse1, thats your issue ^^^15:37
ograGrueMaster, but that was done on saturday15:37
nosse16 minutes ago. heh.15:37
ograGrueMaster, if someone takes actively care for gtk its less than a day to get it sorted ... i only got around to look at it on friday15:38
GrueMasterI was just referring to the last time this happened (3/23).15:38
ogranosse1, yeah, that will build for a while and then take 1-1.5h to be published ... if something of the other packages has a versioned dependency that needs to rebuild as well15:38
GrueMasterOf course, I'm not following all the change logs.15:38
ograGrueMaster, i usually do :)15:39
ograif i'm not in Nice :)15:39
nosse1On a more general note: Is there any reason for NFS misbehaving on the omap?15:39
ogramisbehaving ?15:39
ograin what way ?15:40
* ogra didnt try NFS on omap at all yet15:40
nosse1Kernel oops all the time (when doing heavy fs activity)15:40
ogranosse1, file a bug15:40
ogranosse1, which kernel build is that? the latest one ?15:40
nosse1Someone told be that you considered using NFS for the buildfarm, but rejected it15:40
ograyes, its way slower than USB or SATA15:41
ograbut has nothing to do with OMAP15:41
ograwe dont have any omap buildds yet15:41
nosse1No I'm on a custom kernel, so I'm not trying to request support for it15:41
ograoh, ok15:41
ograi tought you used the ubuntu kernel15:42
nosse1The ti-omap does not work for the AM3517 as I've mentioned before15:42
ograah, right, i remember15:42
nosse1ogra, so you are not building armel on any beagleboards then?15:45
ogranot yet, our buildds require a lot of RAM ...15:46
ogra256M simply doesnt cut it 512 is a minimal req.15:46
ograalso our IS team wants to use supported ubuntu setups15:47
ograwe didnt have omap support in ubuntu until shortly ago15:47
ografor maverick and with bigger beagles you will likely see some beagle based buildds appear15:48
ograor s/beagle/omap/15:48
nosse1BTW: Can I force aptitude or apt-get to start pulling down the packages for ubuntu-netbook even with the broken dependecies. I.e. "downl. and install what you've can get"15:49
ogranot easily ... just wait15:49
ograhow much ram does your board have though15:50
ograbelow 512M ubuntu-netbook will definately be a pain15:50
nosse1the evm has 256M, but the final HW will have 51215:51
ograwell, add a lot of swap until you get more ram then ;)15:52
ograand dont expect speed15:52
nosse1we won't be running ubuntu-netbook anyway. It was just for playing around more than anything else.15:53
ograwell, with 512M the efl version will run quite smooth15:53
asacogra: did you check with lamont16:01
asacon builders?16:01
ograon what exactly ?16:02
asacogra: that builders are lagging16:03
ograthey are not lagging ... they are busy with huge packages16:03
cwillu_at_workramzswap might be useful16:03
ograbuttercup is done with kdeedu now so we have one back that builds "normal" packages16:04
ogracwillu_at_work, thats why we use it on live images since hardy :)16:04
cwillu_at_workoh really?16:04
cwillu_at_workdidn't know that16:04
ograto make them work on 256M systems16:05
ograits a good way to prevent OOM16:05
ograi'm not sure it would trust it enough to use it on a constantly heavily loaded buildd though ...16:06
ograbut we have 512M buildds so thats no issue anyway16:06
cwillu_at_workmy arm builds are on a qemu with a gig of swap that's backed by a ramfs on the host16:07
ograwell, our arm buildds are babbage boards with 800MHz, 512M and two gig of swap on disk16:08
cwillu_at_workmemory backed swap would be faster :p16:08
cwillu_at_worker, nvm16:08
cwillu_at_workprobably not faster than native16:09
ograyeah, but not sure how stable that stays if you really put heavy load on it16:09
ogralike an OO.o build for example16:09
cwillu_at_workwhich, the ramfs swap?16:09
cwillu_at_workI just built firefox on it16:10
ograramzswap (or compcache as its still called in ubuntu) is a slightly hackish way of replaying R/W to a virtual swap file16:10
ogranot sure how the speed impact is if you constantly drive it under full system load16:10
ograits great as a safety net to avoid OOM ...16:11
ograbut on loaded systems ...16:11
dmartIs ramzswap dynamically sized16:11
ograat least not in the versio we currently have in ubuntu16:11
ograyou have to define a value at module load time16:12
ogranot sure how much it changed when it went into staging though16:12
dmartI was just wondering how much extra space you tend to get, and what the performance impact is16:12
ograi know it is said to have changed a lot16:12
ograthe performance penalty on a live image isnt really heavy ...16:12
ograbut on live images you dont drive the system unbder full load all the time16:13
ograthe compression/decompression will surely do some harm if your CPU is busy anyway16:13
persiaIt tends to roughly double the space allocated: so if one allocates 128M, one ends up with ~256M of swap (of course, this depends on swap contents, etc.)16:13
cwillu_at_workwell, depends on the working set16:14
cwillu_at_workif you're cpu bound, but the working set is small'ish, it could be an easy win16:14
dmartDoesn't sounds like enough to avoid OOM on large package builds, but I can see it's useful for things like the live images.16:14
persiaCan help with some classes of large package builds (for limited values of large).  It's not really enough for e.g. boost.16:15
ograit might be a tad faster than using USB disk based swap though16:15
ogradepending on your CPU load indeed16:16
ogracwillu_at_work, our beagle live image will use 128M of compcache on the Cx series beagles btw16:17
ograruns relatively smooth (if you think about the fact that nearly a full gnome desktop runs in the backend on top of an aufs'ed sqashfs image)16:18
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
amitkogra: does rootstock still get stuck on I: Extracting zlib1g..16:29
* amitk forgets what the issue was..16:29
persiaamitk: The issue is that when unpacking large numbers of large packages in qemu, the emulated system hangs.16:35
amitkpersia: do you know if it still exists?16:36
persiaI don't.  I can start a rootstock run to see if you have issues doing it locally.16:38
cwillu_at_workI've tripped over that recently16:38
nosse1Why do you need to specify "BOOT=" in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf. I'm sitting here swapping boots between NFS and local and would rather like to have it as an boot option...16:43
* nosse1 remebers that he can make two initrds...16:43
ograamitk, the zlib issue only exists with debian systems afaik, i have a fix i havent merged yet17:09
ograamitk, the issue persia mentioned still exists, install ubuntu-minimal and if you want a desktop system, do the rest on the real HW17:10
cwillu_at_workogra, any idea what the root issue is re: hang on qemu?17:12
ogracwillu_at_work, if i would have any clue i would have fixed it :)17:12
ograits there since end of last year17:12
cwillu_at_workjust on lucid though?17:12
ograjust with a lucid target system actually17:12
cwillu_at_workany traces which you would like?17:13
ogradoesnt show up if you build karmic or jaunty17:13
persiacwillu_at_work: Whichever one demonstrates the issue :)17:13
ograBug 53273317:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273317:13
ogracwillu_at_work, ^^^17:13
persiastrace of qemu may give some pointer, but I suspect that's not sufficient, as I expect it's internal to qemu, rather than being external.17:14
cwillu_at_workbug won't be in kvm17:14
ograthats just the name of the ubuntu qemu package17:15
ograsince we use a different upstream to debian our package is called qemu-kvm17:15
cwillu_at_workah, k17:15
ograi traced it down to apt hanging in a read() call but didnt get any further17:16
cwillu_at_workthe lucid vm kernel?17:16
ograi assume the read() is a pipe to dpkg here ... but likely its neither apt's nor dpkg's fault but rather qemu or kernel17:16
ograits easy to reproduce if you follow the rootfs from scratch wikipage, build a minimal qemu image and then install ubuntu-netbook inside17:17
cwillu_at_workI've got a hacked up rootstock that demonstrates it whenever I switch it to lucid mode :p17:18
ograthe fun stuff is that the issue goes away if you install the apt and dpkg dbgsym packages17:18
cwillu_at_workgonna try running it with karmic's kernel17:18
ograi tried different kernels and qemu binaries17:18
ograi also tried all variations of qemu images, filesystems and ways to connect to the image (even qemu-nbd which is very unstable)17:19
ograthe only hint i got was the dbgsym packages that make the issue go away ....17:19
ograwhich doesnt help with debugging indeed :P17:20
cwillu_at_workwell, I'm building it with karmic's kernel anyway :p17:21
ograanyway, its my turn with cooking today ... and i cant work on images anyway so i'm off17:28
* ogra vanishes to the kitchen17:28
=== dmart is now known as Guest73678
loolGrueMaster: Just FYI, the load address of netboot images for dove hsa been fixed recently17:42
loolwith version 20081029ubuntu96 of debian-installer17:42
loolFrom Friday17:42
GrueMasterI know.  Have new images been spun with this?17:42
loolGrueMaster: they are spun at package build time17:42
loolGrueMaster: You can see the version of d-i used to build an image in the archive17:43
loolGrueMaster: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/main/installer-armel/17:43
* cwillu_at_work fails at using qemu on root images which are concurrently loop-mounted on the host system17:44
loolcwillu_at_work: Don't do that17:44
loolcwillu_at_work: Can't work well17:44
cwillu_at_worklool, you think?17:44
GrueMasterI'll download and test them today.  Thanks.17:44
cwillu_at_worklool, it's hilarious when the vm tries to fsck it17:44
loolEh with some definition of hilarious "eats all your data"  :)17:45
=== Guest73678 is now known as dmart_
cwillu_at_workonly data on it is an unpacked firefox source tree :p17:47
GrueMasterlool: What is the proper cmdline for booting the dove netboot image?  I am currently booting with "quiet splash".  Tried adding root=/dev/ram0, but that didn't work either.18:31
GrueMasterWith imx51, the cmdline is "console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty0", and it just works.18:33
=== dmart_ is now known as dmart
loolGrueMaster: I'm afraid I have no idea; perhaps NCommander can help you19:03
loolGrueMaster: I would check the boot.script file from an installed system19:04
GrueMasterok.  The boot script from an installed system doesn't load the installer.  And the live image is different from the netboot image.  Guess I can check an alternate image from days back (we stopped building them).19:05
loolGrueMaster: I mean, just copy the arguments from the boot script19:08
GrueMasterFinding the right boot script is the key.19:08
GrueMasterThe boot script from an installed system has root=UUID=<disk-uuid>19:08
GrueMasterAnd this is supposed to be for network booting and installing.19:09
GrueMasterThe imx51 image of the same flavor (which works btw) only has console redirection on it, and would work without it.19:10
loolGrueMaster: So in theory it should be the same for dove19:12
loolGrueMaster: i.e. copy over the boot args from an installed system, but without root= or with root=/dev/ram019:12
GrueMasterTheory != reality in this case.19:12
loolIf it doesn't work it's likely a bug19:12
loolGrueMaster: How far do you actually get?19:13
GrueMasterI tried that.  That's why I asked if there was something I was missing.19:13
loolGrueMaster: Does it load kernel and initrd?19:13
GrueMasterkernel panic.  Either no rootfs with "quiet splash" or no init with "quiet splash root=/dev/ram0"19:14
GrueMasterYes, it now loads the kernel.19:14
GrueMasterNeed to get beyond that.19:14
loolGrueMaster: So forget quiet and splash, root=/dev/ram0 says "no init"?19:15
loolGrueMaster: try init=/bin/sh19:15
GrueMasterAnd these kernel panic messages are appearing on the monitor, which indicates that the kernel is successfully initializing the system.19:15
GrueMasterfail.  No init found.19:20
GrueMasterIn theory, the initrd should be nearly identical to imx51.  The only differences should be in modules.19:21
loolGrueMaster: ok, I unpacked the initrd and found /bin/sh in it. so it might be a problem with the initrd address or the uInitrd buikd19:24
loolGrueMaster: do you have a full dmesg?19:24
GrueMasterI have is a console log, if that is what you are referring to.19:25
GrueMasterThat's the relevant info (before that is device initilization output, and I didn't see any errors there).19:27
loolGrueMaster: ah [    3.558370] RAMDISK: incomplete write (13368 != 32768)19:27
GrueMasterYep.  Saw that.19:27
loolGrueMaster: Could you try passing ramdisk_size=65536?19:27
GrueMasterOk, one sec.19:28
loolodd I thought that was the case for dove hmm19:28
loolGrueMaster: so root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=65536, and console= if you like19:29
GrueMasterWorking on it.19:29
loolBah it's definitely the problem19:30
loolCONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE=4096 tss19:30
GrueMasterErm, fail.19:31
GrueMasterBad fail.19:31
loolGrueMaster: what's the error?19:31
loolGrueMaster: Odd; could you try with 16384 instead?19:32
* lool is off for the day19:33
loolGrueMaster: In any case, please file a bug against the kernel with our chat; I'm pretty sure the current value of 4096 can't work, but we need to find a good value and/or see which places need an update19:33
GrueMasterSame error with 1638419:36
GrueMasterIs this a kernel bug or is it a corrupt initrd?  The kernel "should" be the same as the live/installed kernel.19:36
GrueMasterI tried loop mounting the initrd from http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/main/installer-armel/20081029ubuntu97/images/dove/cdrom/ and it fails to mount on my desktop.19:38
videorechnerdoes someone know available arm cortex a9 boards? Or when they will be available?22:58
prpplaguevideorechner: the tegra is available now but you have to register and be approved for your specific project, which they keep pretty tight22:59
prpplaguevideorechner: there are other platforms like the blaze from TI as well22:59
prpplaguevideorechner: but that too is somewhat restricted at this stage due to supply and demand23:00
videorechnermhm, any guesses, when it will be available for end users?23:00
prpplaguevideorechner: all the market hyped seems to indicate that there will be more available in the first quarter of next year23:01
videorechnerthe blaze or cortex a9 motherboards?23:01
prpplaguevideorechner: correct23:02

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