
ZachK_DarkwingDuck: ping00:05
DarkwingDuckZachK_: pong00:05
ZachK_DarkwingDuck: please pm me00:05
ghostofmybrainhow would I reinstall all the lib tools?01:48
MotigHey, are there any downsides to using the .exe installer to install Ubuntu?01:53
ZachK_Motig: ah let me see02:03
ZachK_Motig: are you referring to Wubi?02:04
MotigErr... I think so.02:05
ZachK_http://wubi-installer.org/ is this it?02:08
nomnexZachK_, Wubi creates a virtual partition inside windoze. it is slower than having a dual boot install02:09
ZachK_nomnex: this indeed do I know02:09
ZachK_nomnex: i'm just trying to make sure of what he is referring to02:09
nomnexZachK_, sorry the comment was for Motig02:09
ZachK_nomnex: ok..02:10
nomnexand yes, he is doing some confusion here02:11
ZachK_nomnex: meaning?02:11
MotigZachK_, I found it here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi But I guess it's the same02:11
ZachK_Motig: it is the same yes02:12
nomnexZachK_, wubi for "using the .exe"02:12
Motignomnex said it was slower?02:12
MotigSlower to install, or it runs slower?02:12
ZachK_Motig: it is a bit yes...runs slower in my opinion02:13
nomnexMotig, run slower02:13
MotigI would rather wait to get a blank CD then02:13
ZachK_Motig: and while dualbooting isn't the fastest way either it is a bit faster than Wubi02:13
nomnexMotig, what are you looking for?02:13
ZachK_Personally I just run Ubuntu by itself on an external hardrive while keeping Windows on a drive all by it's lonesome02:14
MotigI want to run Ubuntu on this laptop. Dual booting is what I want to do, because I want to keep Windows until I like Ubuntu02:14
MotigI have two hard drives on this laptop02:14
ZachK_Motig: do you have an external drive?02:14
MotigUm, I do, but it has my music on02:14
ZachK_nigelb: WELCOME DUDE!02:14
MotigAnd is probably slower than a real HDD02:14
ZachK_Motig: actually it's about the same..02:15
ZachK_I should know as I've done it a few different ways. Running an OS that is02:15
MotigYou mean to run Ubuntu on the external one? Or install it only from there?02:15
ZachK_I've done VM, External Drive, Dual Boot.02:15
ZachK_Motig: I mean running Ubuntu from an external drive02:15
MotigMy external drive cannot be as fast as a real one :p02:16
ZachK_Motig: you'd be surprised02:16
nomnexMotig, wubi is fine for your purpose. when you like it, delete the v.part and dual boot install02:16
ZachK_Motig: but like I said...it's your preference02:16
MotigI will buy a blank CD I think02:17
nomnexMotig, keep in mind that 10.04 is a few weeks aways before installing02:17
MotigHow hard is it to update it?02:17
nomnexMotig, don't02:17
MotigDon't upgrade?02:17
nomnexMotig, update is the recipe for troubles02:17
MotigBut doesn't Ubuntu update all the time?02:18
nomnexMotig, that's different02:18
ZachK_Motig: updating the drives and file systems is a HECK of a lot different than updating the entire SYSTEM02:18
MotigI think I read somewhere that the system updates once every 6 months?02:19
MotigThe kernel, right?02:19
nomnexMotig, the Ubuntu distribution 9.10, 10.04, 10.10 etc02:19
Motig2009/10, 2010/04 etc. you mean?02:20
nomnexMotig, correct02:20
MotigSo yes, that means within 6 months my OS will be old? D:02:21
MotigI thought Linux was meant to be better at this :}02:21
nomnexMotig, 10.04 is a LTS version it is supported for 2 years (stable) the others are dev. version (unstable), but you can use them too02:21
MotigAh, right.02:22
MotigThat's better02:22
nomnexMotig, I would recommend a bit or reading beforehand02:22
MotigAbout what?02:22
nomnexMotig, Ubuntu, Linux02:22
nomnexMotig, using Windoze now?02:23
nomnexubuntu 9.10?02:23
MotigDon't use Ubuntu atm02:24
nomnexbut you said you want to try it, so what's your image?02:24
MotigI don't have one...02:24
nomnexit's still 9.10 on the downl. page02:24
nomnexfrom the 29 of April there going to be the 10.04, a LTS (stable) Ubuntu version02:25
nomnexmight be good to wait a bit if you can02:25
nomnexthe diff between a Stable release and a dev. release is the testing period02:25
nomnexplus these version are maintained for 2 years (updates)02:26
MotigOkay, thanks.02:27
MotigI'll read about Linux.02:28
nomnexit's recommended to wait a bit when a new distro comes out (a few weeks or so)02:28
nomnexso the new bugs can be ironed out02:28
nomnexwhat's you notebook make?02:28
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nomnexMotig, there a bit of learning curve at the beginning, but it worths it. I hope you will like it.02:30
MotigWell I've tried Ubuntu before02:30
MotigBut I hated it02:30
MotigBut I decided maybe I had a bad start02:30
MotigSo I want to try it again02:31
nomnexMotig, hardware issues?02:31
MotigNo, literally found no help02:31
MotigDidn't know what was going on02:31
MotigEverything I found on Google was full of jargon02:31
nomnexMotig, wait a sec.02:31
MotigI am totally new to Linux, these tutorials didn't get that; they used stuff like "grub" and "sudo" and "gnome" without even explaining them02:32
MotigI now know what these are02:32
MotigBut I grew tired of it :}02:32
MotigAnd when you see no advantage over Windows... You give up :P02:32
nomnexhttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html -- free guide02:32
nomnexMotig, .pdf or hard copy, it's a good start to have an idea of Ubuntu linux02:33
MotigI see.02:33
MotigDoes it assume you know other Linux distros?02:33
Motig'Cause I know nothing of linux02:33
nomnexNo, that's for Ubuntu02:33
MotigNo, I mean02:33
MotigDo I need to know anything about linux02:34
nomnexno, that's why I recommend you this free book02:34
MotigOkay, thank you02:34
MotigOh, free?02:34
MotigOh, yes02:34
nomnexyes, many people will tell you the same around here about this book02:34
MotigOkay I'll jsut read it then ^^02:34
nomnexyes, only the hard copy has a fee02:34
nomnexMotig, if you get by Linux (any distro) you will never use or want to use Windoze again02:35
MotigI am a gamer...02:35
nomnexOh, then that's different, you stick to windoze for the gaming part02:36
nomnexMotig, what games?02:36
MotigUT2004, BF:BC2... Err02:36
MotigLemme think02:36
MotigI know UT2k4 actually runs on Linux02:36
MotigI doubt BF does02:37
nomnexBatt. field, that's right02:37
MotigTbh though02:38
MotigI don't game on this laptop02:38
MotigI use it to make games, though02:38
MotigAnd work02:38
nomnexso Linux will do02:39
paultagHallo man0riaX, wie geht's ?05:30
man0riaXpaultag: Gut, und dir?05:30
paultagman0riaX, mir geht es gut! Ich bin ein bisschen mude, aber gehts gut :)05:31
man0riaX6:30AM here and I have school in about an hour. :D05:31
paultagman0riaX, way too early for me :)05:31
man0riaXpaultag: Well, yes. But since this is my last week ever I have to go there, I don't expect anything to work much05:32
paultagman0riaX, Gymnasium?05:32
paultagman0riaX, congrats :) Have you taken the arbitur ( not sure on how to spell it ) ?05:32
man0riaXpaultag: Yes, Gymnasium. My Abitur exams start by the beginning of next week05:33
paultagman0riaX, Math first, then English, if I recall, right?05:33
man0riaXpaultag: Monday Electrics Engineering, Friday Math, the week after (I don't know the exact day yet :D) English and at the beginning of May religion05:35
man0riaXEven though I don't believe in God I have chosen religion to be 4th exam :D05:36
paultagman0riaX, I would do the same, I think :)05:36
paultagman0riaX, I love studying religion. I don't like the idea much, but I like learning about them :)05:36
man0riaXYe (:05:36
man0riaXI have only done much for Math and EE yet…I think I can handle English :D05:39
paultagI think so as well man0riaX, your English is very good :)05:39
paultagman0riaX, Have you seen the film Brüno? It's an American film05:39
paultagman0riaX, I just watched it for the first time tonight05:40
paultagman0riaX, I don't know how ANYONE could think his accent was German05:40
man0riaXMy bus arrives in 3 minutes so I gotta go.05:40
paultagman0riaX, Viel glük!05:40
paultagman0riaX, Tschuss :)05:40
man0riaXSee ya later05:40
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smeag0lgood morning / evening everybody welcome leoquant10:34
ZeRoDeAtH50435Can anyone tell me how to install adobe flash player 10 for 64bit?10:49
Akoshi ZeRoDeAtH5043510:59
AkosZeRoDeAtH50435: read this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#64-bit%20Firefox%20and%2032-bit%20Flash%20plugin%20%28Officially%20supported%20by%20Ubuntu%20to%20the%20extent%20possible%20with%20Flash%2911:01
Akosmy pleasure11:03
ZeRoDeAtH50435will not work11:11
AkosZeRoDeAtH50435: any errors you're getting?11:15
ZeRoDeAtH50435404 not found11:15
ZeRoDeAtH50435do you know the command for installing restricted software11:17
AkosZeRoDeAtH50435: it depends on what do you want to installed11:18
ZeRoDeAtH50435well I used it to install adobe on 9.10 64bit11:18
ZeRoDeAtH50435it was the only way it would work11:19
duanedesign'lo all11:38
duanedesignhello ZeRoDeAtH5043511:38
duanedesignZeRoDeAtH50435: did you get Flash installed ok11:42
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah I just got it11:42
ZeRoDeAtH50435now I need to install adobe reader11:44
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C-RayHello! I need an Offline English Dictionary for Ubuntu 9.10. Any suggestions?13:52
C-Ray1ok I found it14:07
C-Ray1goldendic is the answer14:07
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michae1trying to install zimbra desktop beta 2 and am getting permissions denied. can anyone tell me where I can find instructional on how to correct?19:37
pleia2michae1: are you using sudo?19:37
michae1yeah. and it installs it to root, not user ( me )19:38
pleia2where are you getting permission denied?19:38
michae1after I run the user-install.pl and open / access the app.19:39
pleia2open / ?19:40
michae1there's a lock on the desktop icon ( open ) and a lock on the directory in /opt ( access )19:40
michae1when I try either, I get the permissions denied message.19:40
pleia2unfortunately I don't know much about zimbra and telling you to arbitrarily chmod things until the user can run them would be unwise19:41
pleia2is there install documentation that came with it?19:42
michae1followed the directions on the zimbra forum right up until it mentioned "it's a permissions issue" but didn't ellaborate on how to adjust accordingly.19:43
pleia2http://www.zimbra.com/forums/installation-help/38181-zd-2-0-beta-linux-installation-f12.html seems to have some tips (search for user-install.pl)19:43
pleia2"chmod" is the command to change permissions on something, so to give all users read access you'd do something like: chmod o+r file.pl19:44
pleia2execute would be o+x (o == other users not in the file's group, so everyone), x == execute, r == read19:45
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michae1be right back - got an idea...19:47
michae1last question for the session - is there a resource available that illustrates how to see what permissions are set where for who ( kind of a global permissions search )?19:50
pleia2you can figure it out per file, but you'd have to write a little script for something globally19:51
pleia2for the single file:19:53
pleia2elizabeth@r2d2:~$ ls -alh test/check.sh19:53
pleia2-rw-r--r-- 1 elizabeth video 184 2009-04-13 11:18 test/check.sh19:53
pleia2so it's read write for the owner (u), elizabeth, readable by the group video (g) and readable by everyone else (o)19:53
pleia2michae1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:55
michae1pleia2: yeah... uh... got through the first couple of lines and my eyes crossed. guess I need to find a dumbed down version for me who's trying to break away from the death clutch of winblows.19:58
pleia2michae1: if you open up gnome's file manager and click on "properties" of a file it should also show you permissions19:59
michae1pleia2: are you still available?20:10
pleia2michae1: somewhat, am at work :) what's up?20:11
michae1pleia2: never mind. know you got stuff to do to... will look more into chmod - zdesktop directory in my home direcotry is accessible only by root and me thinkst that's where the problem may lie...20:12
michae1thanks for the insight.20:12
pleia2perhaps, feel free to ask your questions anyway, there may be others here who can help :)20:13
pleia2good luck20:13
michae1what the worse that can happen. I'll have to reload the box...20:13
pleia2yeah, hopefully you can avoid that20:14
ZeRoDeAtH50435can anyone tell me the command to install a Brother MFC-255CW printer/scanner on 64bit20:14
michae1hey - it's not aiwndows box, so it's not like it's gonna go lurch on me. most of this is reverse engineer-fixable.20:15
PabloRubianeshi... anyone know how to...20:26
PabloRubianesI am asking something in name of a guy from uruguay...20:27
PabloRubianesNetwork problem20:27
PabloRubianessomeone here?20:27
PabloRubianesthe thing is...20:28
PabloRubianesHe has a server connected to internet via wireless modem20:28
PabloRubianesthat server is also connected to a router20:28
PabloRubianesand the router to other clients20:29
PabloRubianeshe can see the server from the clients but he want to share the internet access20:29
PabloRubianesthere's any way?20:29
ZeRoDeAtH50435so the sever is wireless but the other computer connections are wired20:29
PabloRubianesthe only wireless is de modem20:30
ZeRoDeAtH50435share how20:30
PabloRubianesbut that works20:30
PabloRubianesshare as have internet access in the clients20:30
ZeRoDeAtH50435so the clients can not access the internet20:31
PabloRubianesthat's the problem20:31
PabloRubianesthe clients only access to the server20:32
PabloRubianesduanedesign: ping :P20:32
ZeRoDeAtH50435so they can access the server but not the internet20:33
ZeRoDeAtH50435are the client computers setup to access the internet though a server20:33
PabloRubianesdon't know that, what he had to setup to do that?20:35
PabloRubianesso I ask him...20:35
cliffI was wondering if there was anyway I could set up the keyboard shortcuts to a command that includes the compose key. This is hard to explain but I'll try. Suppose what I want for the shortcut to be is every time I press: winkey + a, the result (command) is: compose + ' + a, (which yields the result á). This would be very useful cause it takes the effort from 3 keys I press to 2. Does any1 have any idea if this is possible?20:37
PabloRubianescliff: have you tried System- prefference- key conbination?20:39
PabloRubianesI don't know if is key combination because I have and spanish version...20:39
cliffI really dont know what that is, can u show me?20:40
pedro3005PabloRubianes, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts20:41
PabloRubianesThat one... Sorry I have the spanish version!20:41
PabloRubianesthanks pedro300520:41
cliff I just dont know how to write the command for: comp. + ' + a in the keyboard shortcuts to create as a custom...20:42
cliffI can already write and use comp key, its just thaat i need to use 3 keys to write á or ñ, etc and was wondering if I could shorten it with a keyboard shortcut down to 2...20:43
pedro3005cliff, hm.. well, try asking on ubuntuforums.org20:45
cliffI just did, right now... I dont know if it helps, but in what language are the commands written in? Maybe I can google it up as a command for the language it uses...20:48
cliffI'm just looking to see if I get lucky and it ends up being something like: print á or cout << "á"  or something like that...20:50
michae1pleia2: thank you...thank you...thank you. took me a while, but finally figured out how to get the chmod to work allowing me access to the zdesktop directory and being able to FINALLLY launch the app. did I say thank you?20:55
pleia2michae1: hooray! you're welcome :)20:55
michae1well, fortunately no blood, more sweat than I care for and almost came to tears!!! thank you for your help and patience and sorry for bothering you at work ( again ).20:56
pleia2no worries, glad to hear you got it figured out20:56
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drew212i need some help getting my printer back online after upgrading to 10.04, anyone available?22:21
drubindrew212: what is your printer make and model22:31
drew212hp psc95022:36
drew212it worked in 9.1022:36

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