
zeroseven0183paging Omer Akram01:38
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Damasceneis there any know bug with ubuntu-netbook-launcher partition icon not responding if it's not mounted05:53
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ddecatorCara: hey07:19
slacker-Hi, I wanted to file a bug-report with ubuntu-bug but one of the pyton scripts it calls crashes07:39
slacker-it's a ext4 error, so I ran it with the 'linux' package. When I view the report, it has dmesg.boot at the end but this doesn't include the error I want to refer to07:40
slacker-should I still send the report?07:41
slacker-or just go through launchpad?07:45
slacker-alright, launchpad it is07:57
Laibschwhat is the proper way to fix bug 535132?  One way to deal with this would be for the newer package to conflict on the older, but I'm not sure that is the best way to do this.  I'm thinking about moving /lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh into a separate package.  Opinions?08:23
ubot4`Launchpad bug 535132 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu) "package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-16-generic-pae 2.6.32-16.6 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-16-generic 0:2.6.32-16.7 (affects: 15) (dups: 4) (heat: 100)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53513208:23
nigelbBUGabundo_remote, morning and welcome back08:45
BUGabundo_remoteanirgato  nigelb09:04
BUGabundo_remoteits guud to be back09:04
nigelbBUGabundo_remote, :)09:05
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Laibschman, bzr sucks even worse than it did before09:33
* Laibsch shudders09:33
nigelbLaibsch, what happened?09:34
Laibschwell, nothing too serious.09:35
LaibschBut after some people advocated bzr and it's LP integration I gave it another chance09:35
Laibschmy impression now: 1) it's SLOOOOOWW, 2) it's space and bandwidth-waster, 3) it doesn't do the job properly, failing at a simple merge09:36
Laibsch-> time to put bzr to the dumpster09:36
nigelbIt needs a little getting used to09:36
Laibschnot me09:36
nigelbI'm still rusty, but compared to git and svn, I love bzr09:37
Laibsch1-3 is IMHO a real killer argument, especially when one considers the excellent alternatives.  I was trying the commands as given by lool.  The commands themselves did not fail, that is not the issue.09:37
Laibschexcept for the merge of course, which failed due to a conflict that doesn't look like a conflict to me09:38
nigelbah, I hate that part with any vcs :D09:38
Laibschgit has been serving me well here.  For quite a while now, it only fails if there is indeed a conflict (or something really complicated is going on, in this case bzr choked on merging -1ubuntu4 and -2 to make it -2ubuntu1 -> inacceptable IMHO)09:40
Laibschthe "conflict" was in a file that had line1 on the left side and line1+line2 on the right.  how easier than that can a merge be?09:41
* Laibsch ending the rant to go back to to topic09:41
Laibschsorry ;-)09:41
nigelbhehe :)09:41
Laibschwhat is the proper way to fix bug 535132?  One way to deal with this would be for the newer package to conflict on the older, but I'm not sure that is the best way to do this.  I'm thinking about moving /lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh into a separate package.  Opinions?09:44
ubot4`Launchpad bug 535132 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu) "package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-16-generic-pae 2.6.32-16.6 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-16-generic 0:2.6.32-16.7 (affects: 15) (dups: 4) (heat: 100)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53513209:44
* nigelb has totally no idea about kernel stuff :(09:47
LaibschI don't think this is necessary a kernel-specific question09:57
* Laibsch is not a kernel expert, either09:58
Laibschfor every kernel release there is the corresponding package linux-backport-modules-wireless09:58
BUGabundo_remoteLaibsch: please take your ideas (not rants) to #bzr. I guess you can actually learn about better and bw optium tips there's09:58
Laibschunfortunately, all of them have the file /lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh in them, so if one is installed, you can't install any others.  Upgrades fail as well.10:00
LaibschWays I see to deal with this:10:00
Laibsch1) have the latest backports-modules package conflict with earlier versions -> not optimal IMO10:00
Laibsch2) move the problematic file into a separate package10:01
Laibsch3) other ideas?10:01
Laibschthat's what I'd like to discuss.  I guess there may a "standard" way to deal with this10:01
Laibschnigelb: set "Replaces", you mean?10:01
Laibschthat's essentially 1)10:02
nigelbI know. just a different way to implement 1)10:02
Laibschwhat do you do if you have more than one kernel installed?10:02
Laibsch1) isn't really the proper way I think10:02
nigelbsomeone on #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-kernel might have a better idea10:02
Laibschyeah, I'll try there10:02
zeroseven0183ping om26er11:57
om26erzeroseven0183, hey hello!11:57
zeroseven0183I sent you a private message11:58
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bullgard5What DEB program package includes the Disk Mounter 2.30.0 applet?12:41
iahello. maybe could anyone take a look, please, at #524938 and at some rationale, why this package should be fixed, not removed - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libopensync-plugin-syncml/+bug/524938/comments/1013:06
ubot4`Launchpad bug 524938 in libopensync-plugin-syncml (Ubuntu) "Remove binary "opensync-plugin-syncml" from lucid (affects: 6) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,New]13:06
BUGabundo_remotebullgard5: gnome-applets ?13:22
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zeroseven0183Hi! I have a question13:56
zeroseven0183What if someone triaged my bug report, changed some of the details13:56
zeroseven0183but actually didn't understood the report clearly?13:57
zeroseven0183What do I need to do?13:57
zeroseven0183Do I have to changed it back?13:57
charlie-tcaBe better to add a comment, explaining it out.13:58
zeroseven0183The triager should have asked for more details before changing the contents, right?14:01
charlie-tcaIf they did not understand it, yes14:07
charlie-tcazeroseven0183: bug number?14:08
zeroseven0183bug #56110914:09
ubot4`Launchpad bug 561109 in gwibber "Please bring back 'Hide taskbar entry' option in gwibber (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56110914:09
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ronocpedro_: hey there15:50
pedro_hello ronoc15:50
ronocpedro_: I need access to bugs status on launchpad. So most incoming bugs for the sound-indicator are raised against the package and not the upstream project15:51
ronocjust trying to tidy up15:51
ronocpedro_ is this possible15:52
ronocpedro_ sorry missed the word *change from the question / request15:54
pedro_ronoc, you're maintaining that product?15:54
ronocpedro_ basically I cannot change the status of the bug to wishlist or mark it as triaged etc.15:55
ronocpedro_ yes I maintain the upstream15:55
ronocpedro_ understood ?15:56
pedro_ronoc, ok, what's your launchpad id?15:56
ronocpedro_ thx15:56
pedro_ronoc, please also read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage  and if you have any question raise them here or in the mailing list15:56
ronocpedro_ will do15:57
pedro_ronoc, you're all set15:58
ronocpedro_ excellent cheers boss15:58
pedro_no problem ;-)15:58
dnivrahello. I would like to report a bug. can someone tell me which is the package corresponding to it? when you suspend and resume your computer, the volume becomes full even though it was muted before suspend. which package does it correspond to?16:00
ronocdnvira: sounds like a pulseaudio bug16:06
ronocdnvira: will try to reproduce16:07
dnivraronoc, sorry I didn't reply: it's "dnivra" and not "dnvira". so didn't get a notification. were you able to reproduce it?16:15
ronocdnivra: whoops sorry - in the middle something right now, will come back to it a little later16:16
dnivraronoc, alright. pulseaudio eh? alright will report it in that. thanks!16:16
ronocdnivra: it should save the current level on shutdown/suspend and then use the saved value on resume16:18
dnivraronoc, the value is 0 before suspend but full on resume; it's not a display error either-the volume is indeed full-tested by playing a file.16:19
ronocdnivra: understood - if you file this bug on the pulseaudio project on launchpad - Daniel/Luke/somebody will pick this up16:20
dnivraronoc, it's already reported LP #48390016:21
ubot4`Launchpad bug 483900 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "sound is muted before suspend, but on resume is not muted (affects: 23) (dups: 5)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48390016:21
dnivrathanks ubot4`. started thinking if there isn't a bot around for this.16:21
ronocdnivra: cool - sorted then :)16:21
dnivraronoc, no it isn't- i still have the problem!16:22
ronocdnivra: okay well i suppose you need to reopen it.There has been a fair amount of work already carried out so ...16:24
ronoci will try to reproduce later - need to finish something else first16:25
dnivraronoc, put another comment saying it's still existent. let's see. yeah later is fine: not hard to do it; suspend your machine often and you'll notice it.16:25
kamusinping ddecator16:25
hggdhwhich package should I use for ecryptfs-utils not being installed with Ubuntu?16:29
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mrandhggdh: are you referring to Bug 544867?16:35
ubot4`Launchpad bug 544867 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "binary "users-admin" hints using if not installed "ecryptfs-utils" (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54486716:35
JFohey bac just wanted to let you know we are looking into your issue :)16:45
hggdhmrand, looking at it. What happened is I reinstalled Lucid maintaining /home, and ecryptfs-utils was not installed16:48
hggdhmrand: resulting in an completely borked Gnome login16:49
hggdhmrand: not, not the same user case16:50
mrandhggdh: interesting.  Yeah, that's bad.  And an newish user could get very confused (and concerned).16:50
hggdhyes, this is my worry16:54
mrandhggdh: I'm not positive, but I think it might go against ubuntu-meta.  Is it already included on the disk and is simply not installed by default?  I think the actual change would be to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.lucid16:57
hggdhmrand: thank you, I will open a bug on it16:58
bachi jfo18:06
JFohi bac :)18:06
bacJFo: thanks for the note.  i should update that bug to note that apw's test kernel solved the issue18:06
JFothen it was, in fact, a duplicate18:07
JFoI am glad to hear that18:07
bacJFo: yeah, it is pretty gratifying to get a *kernel* fix within an hour.  :)18:07
JFoyeah, you should see all of the duplicates I am dealing with :-)18:08
bacJFo: it didn't look like a dup of the thinkpad issue, completely different presentation, but i guess the core problem was the same18:08
JFobac, I suppose so, which makes it even more boggling18:09
apwbac, JFo yeah ... thinking about it the async thread that was blowing up could be the same thread which scans your sata disk channels, so there is a chance ordering wise you could lose that thread and not find your disks18:12
apwnot at all obvious until you proved it did unexpectedly fix you as well18:12
bacapw: great.  not finding disks is very disconcerting...18:13
apwyeah .. i bet18:13
JFobac, I marked it as a duplicate of the primary. So you can take a look at that bug too if you like.18:20
bacthanks jfo18:21
JFomy pleasure18:21
ddecatorkamusin: you rang?18:28
Damasceneany one using netbook-launcher?18:36
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DamasceneI've a bug while trying to open unmounted partition. it doesn't open or show any window to enter the password18:37
Damasceneas if I did it from nautilus18:38
om26erDamascene, report a bug you will get quick response18:46
Damasceneom26er, maybe it is not a bug. I just want to make sure from another friend brother18:47
Damascene*another user brother18:47
om26erDamascene, coming back in a few minutes, will install une launcher and check18:48
ddecatorkamusin: i'll be gone for a few hours, but if you get back while i'm not here then feel free to send me a message18:48
om26erDamascene, #ubuntu+118:55
kamusinom26er, done! ;)19:17
bdmurraypedro_: have you seen a bug about gdm and indicators appearing in it?19:31
pedro_bdmurray, nope, nothing like that lately, which indicator are you seeing there?19:35
bdmurraypedro_: battery if I boot up w/ my ac adapter unplugged and don't login (for a bit)19:37
anotengCould a bug controller please set status on bug #554627 to triaged, I'm in doubt about importance but I'm suggesting high: "Makes a default Ubuntu installation generally unusable for some users"19:39
ubot4`Launchpad bug 554627 in linux (Ubuntu) "boot freeze on "Starting up ..." with generic kernel (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55462719:39
charlie-tcaanoteng: done20:09
anotengI have another one20:12
anotengBug #55469520:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 554695 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[ubuntu lucid] both suspend and hibernate fail on netbook (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55469520:13
anotengtriaged/medium (moderate impact on a core application)20:14
charlie-tcatag for development version should be regression-potential20:15
charlie-tcaanoteng: done, tag changed20:17
charlie-tcaThanks for helping20:17
anotengok, thanks for your help and guidance20:18
charlie-tcano problem20:18
etaliHi, could someone check Bug 495524 please?  (I think it should be set to Wishlist / Medium - it's annoying behaviour, but I've seen it in other clients too)21:06
ubot4`Launchpad bug 495524 in gwibber "Retweeting ignores posting permissions (affects: 1) (heat: 408)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49552421:06
etaliTwo more two Wishlist, Bug #56179121:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 561791 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Clunk (libclunk) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56179121:30
etaliand Bug #561597, thanks.21:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 561597 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] virtualenvwrapper (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56159721:30
=== EdwinGrubbs2 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
JamieBennettCan some kind soul mark http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/561836 as high/triaged for me?22:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 561836 in webservice-office-zoho (Ubuntu) "debian/control missing build depend (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]22:30
bdmurrayJamieBennett: done22:44
JamieBennettbdmurray: thank you22:44
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