
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
pittiGood morning08:02
pitticrimsun: oh, sorry; well, let's just drop or lower the delay then08:02
RAOFGood afternoon pitti :)08:03
pittididrocks, desrt: valac is in main; shouldn't it be?08:04
pittihey RAOF, had a good weekend?08:04
RAOFPretty good, yaeh.08:04
seb128pitti, it is, indicator build-depends on it08:04
seb128to build the gir binary08:04
pittiam I just not fully awake yet, or do fonts look very ugly since today?08:04
RAOFI got me a shiny new camera for my birthday :)08:05
seb128pitti, I didn't upgrade yet but I upgraded on saturday08:05
seb128looks fine there08:05
seb128pitti, the retracers emailing every hour is that to say they are running? ;-)08:07
slomopitti, didrocks, desrt: also you should really get vala 0.8.0, it fixes *many* bugs and is the start of a stable release series (while 0.7) wasn't08:07
* seb128 cleans some 118 retracer emails08:07
pittiseb128: sorry about that; no clue why this now happens, but I'll look into this today08:07
seb128hey slomo08:07
slomohi seb128 :)08:08
seb128slomo, it's month after new source freeze I think buzztard can wait next cycle08:08
slomook, that's fine :)08:08
seb128slomo, we have higher importance things to work on one week before lucid freeze than getting new untested sources and making sure they do something useful ;-)08:08
pittiseb128: I was barely at home during WE, so I couldn't fix it in the last two days08:09
seb128pitti, yeah that's ok, I'm just teasing you, easy enough to filter out08:09
seb128pitti, if you really want to spam you are not trying enough, you should change some letters in the title at least ;-)08:09
seb128re*t*racer rEtraccer etc08:10
pittid3AR Sebastien, R E Tr4cers are 80% off noW !!!11!!08:10
didrocksgood morning08:14
pittibonjour didrocks08:16
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how was your week-end?08:16
pittiwe spent all Saturday driving around, to Munich and back08:16
seb128lut didrocks08:17
didrockspitti: have you been able to move everything you wanted to Munich?08:17
pittimy wife will be doing an internship there over the summer, so we moved over some of her stuff and already went to the work place to see where it is08:17
didrockssalut seb128 ;)08:17
pittididrocks: yes; wasn't all that much, but we filled up the car quite well08:18
pittididrocks: (Renault Kangoo delivery car)08:18
didrocksoh :)  yeah, remember about here moving to Munich for an internship, and that you will live in the two places in the meanwhile.08:19
RAOFLiving in two places at once sounds tiring. :)08:20
didrockshey RAOF08:21
RAOFHey ho, didrocks08:21
pittiRAOF: yeah, I'll have to switch places several times during summer08:22
cassidyseb128, morning! Would it be possible to fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hellanzb/+bug/549234 ? Current package is unusable and a sync should fix it08:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549234 in hellanzb "Please sync hellanzb (0.13-6) from debian unstable" [High,Confirmed]08:31
seb128cassidy, hey, adding to my list of things to look at today08:33
cassidycool; thanks!08:34
pittiseb128: ok, warning fixed09:20
seb128pitti, danke09:22
pittiseb128: it's a silly warning from python-pkgresources, FYI09:22
pittiseb128: I dropped our local launchpadlib from PYTHONPATH in "environ"09:22
pittiso that it's using the system packages09:22
pittishould do for now09:22
nigelbdidrocks, done!  New debdiff attached :)09:36
didrocksnigelb: thanks, adding to my TODO list :)09:36
nigelbdidrocks, thank you :)09:37
seb128robert_ancell, hey09:43
robert_ancellseb128, hery09:44
czajkowskiara: who should I poke re my comment on bug 10915609:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109156 in metacity "Resizing a nautlius window casues _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE window manager warnings" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10915609:44
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?09:44
robert_ancellseb128, good, just arrived in Taipei this morning09:45
* ara opens the bug report09:45
seb128robert_ancell, oh? what are you doing there?09:45
* czajkowski has had a weekend of a broken lucid and buttons hiding till jcastro told me how to get them to reappear09:45
robert_ancellseb128, working out of the office here for a week09:45
araczajkowski, your comment should be another bug report09:46
czajkowskiara: wasn't sure as the error is the same09:46
araczajkowski, specifically about the error message09:46
araczajkowski, you are complaining about the error message not being appropriate, aren't you?09:47
czajkowskiand also still getting the error.09:47
seb128robert_ancell, oh ok, how is Taipei and the office ?09:47
robert_ancellseb128, a very nice view :)  much more fun flying north-south too so not jetlagged09:48
chrisccoulsonhello everyone09:48
araczajkowski, sure, that's why you should be opening a new one only about the error message09:48
seb128robert_ancell, hehe09:48
seb128robert_ancell, is the view better than in London?09:49
czajkowskiara: ok09:49
robert_ancellthe view is less interesting than london but Taipei 101 is a cooler building.  And a _lot_ further up :)09:49
czajkowskiara: what package should I add it to ?09:49
robert_ancellLevel 4609:49
araczajkowski, metacity, I think09:50
araseb128, ^, you agree?09:50
seb128ara, about?09:50
seb128what error?09:50
araseb128, see czajkowski's comment on bug 10915609:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109156 in metacity "Resizing a nautlius window casues _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE window manager warnings" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10915609:50
seb128I'm not sure09:50
seb128would require debugging09:51
seb128just pick one ;-)09:51
seb128that seems a low importance issue to me, I've other things I want to look at before lucid so I will let this one for triagers ;-)09:51
araseb128, :D09:51
czajkowskiara: cheers for the help 56129409:51
czajkowskiseb128: I'm sure it's low, just for a new end user to see the message that something sucks really isn't at all helpful :)09:52
seb128never saw that error on any install I did09:53
czajkowskiyeah I find annoying errors :(09:54
czajkowskiusually just me who has them too09:54
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - do you want to sponsor g-c-c for me? :)09:59
didrocksnigelb: you didn't debdiff against the last version. Not a big deal there (only adapting debian/changelog), but always ensure you have the latest version :)09:59
nigelbdidrocks, ouch.  I didn't know there was another upload10:00
didrocksnigelb: apt-cache show/policy is your friend :)10:00
didrocksnigelb: no pb, testing it now10:00
nigelbdidrocks, oh thanks :)10:00
seb128chrisccoulson: hey10:02
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?10:02
seb128chrisccoulson: sure, thanks a lot for fixing this issue, what is taking locking there just for learning?10:02
seb128chrisccoulson: I'm good thank you, you?10:02
didrockshey chrisccoulson, you rock ;)10:03
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning10:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the issue is that gtk_dialog_run takes the lock when exiting from the recursive main loop, and then it gets taken again when dispatching another event from the main loop10:03
didrockschrisccoulson: I don't undestand how g_timeout calling a function take the lock and not gdk_threads_add_timeout10:04
nigelbpitti, will you be SRU-ing bug 532852 ? (you fixed it last week, I just closed it for lucid)10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532852 in policykit-1 "pkexec information disclosure vulnerability" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53285210:04
chrisccoulsonso, using gtk_threads_add_timeout rather than g_timeout_add guards the whole callback with gdk_threads_enter/gdk_threads_leave, and makes sure it ends up in a consistent state10:04
seb128chrisccoulson: oh, I see10:04
pittinigelb: I wasn't going to (I closed the karmic task); is there a pressing reason for this?10:04
pittinigelb: oh, right, that's the other bug, sorry10:05
pittinigelb: I thought about the crash on invalid pid10:05
nigelbhehe :)10:05
didrockschrisccoulson: so, the gdk_threads_enter was called twice? (didn't noticed that when adding some printf). Not sure to follow you there between the different between g_add_timeout and gdk_threads_add_timeout10:07
chrisccoulsondidrocks - events dispatched from g_timeout_add don't have the GDK global lock (ie, gdk_threads_enter hasn't been called)10:07
chrisccoulsonwhereas gdk_threads_add_timeout gives you the global lock10:08
didrockschrisccoulson: oh ok, so, the callback function as discaring in the first case the global lock. Understood10:09
didrocksthanks :)10:09
chrisccoulsondidrocks - this explains some of it i think: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-faq/stable/x481.html10:10
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks, will have a look10:10
seb128chrisccoulson: did you have a chance to look at the dnd crasher too will you were at it?10:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i didn't get a chance. i finished quite late on friday in the end ;)10:11
seb128chrisccoulson: no problem, I will sponsor that already for now ;-)10:11
seb128thank *you*10:12
baptistemmHi there10:13
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you btw?  (sorry, i missed your comment above) ;)10:15
pittichrisccoulson: I'm good, thanks!10:15
pittihow about you?10:16
seb128lut baptistemm10:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - quite tired. i had to work a bit at the weekend, as the NSS security update in karmic caused 2 regressions10:16
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps take off the afternoon to get some rest?10:16
asacyes. we all suffered that way ;)10:16
* pitti hugs asac and chrisccoulson10:17
chrisccoulsonbut they're both fixed now thanks to jdstrand and asac :)10:17
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti10:17
baptistemmhello seb12810:17
* asac hugs pitti and chrisccoulson .... and seb128 ;)10:17
* chrisccoulson hugs asac and seb128 too10:17
* seb128 hugs asac10:17
* seb128 hugs chris10:17
* seb128 hugs chrisccoulson10:17
seb128bah, namespace conflicts on this channel :p10:18
seb128pitti, "usb 5-2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd rhythmbox rqt 128 rq 6 len 1024 ret -84"10:18
seb128do you know what those USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed are?10:18
pittiseb128: I've never seen those, I'm afraid; is that libmtp?10:18
seb128bug #55989210:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559892 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox tries to control apple's mighty mouse" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55989210:18
pittiseb128: usbdevfs is /dev/bus/usb/10:19
seb128pitti, another of those "rhythmbox hijack what is should not"10:19
seb128is -> it10:19
seb128combined with bug #557623 the new mtp code creates trouble10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557623 in libusb "Valgrind invalid read error in usb_parse_descriptor()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55762310:20
seb128I'm pondering turning mtp off by default in rhythmbox for lucid10:20
pittiseb128: udevadm info --exportdb output might be useful10:20
seb128pitti, I've asked that on the bug, thanks10:20
seb128not to mention that we use an ages old libusb10:20
pittiseb128: hmm, that'd be a pity.. it'd be worth checking if there's a /dev/libmtp* link for it10:21
seb128so nobody is going to fix it for us10:21
pittiseb128: i. e. if it's libmtp recognizing too many devices, or Rhythmbox tryign to grab non-MTP devices (which I suspect)10:21
seb128pitti, what does create the entry?10:21
pittithe latter is the same problem with gphoto cams10:21
pittiseb128: /lib/udev/rules.d/45-libmtp8.rules10:21
seb128one issue is that libmtp crashes in libusb10:22
seb128cf the bug I just pointed10:22
seb128I'm not sure how to deal with that but it crashes rhythmbox for lot of users10:22
seb128since rhythmbox does a libmtp_detect at init10:22
seb128the second issue is that it hijack some non mtp devices which I don't understand10:23
seb128the cameras case is special since those a ptp devices which is sort or mtp-ish too10:23
seb128still a bug10:23
pittiright, but they don't generate a libmtp dev symlink10:23
pittiat least not for mine10:23
seb128but I don't get how it hijack usb key mounting or mouse for some users10:23
pittiand yet RB tries to grab it10:23
seb128right, mtp-detect returns things for those though10:24
pittiI have a feeling that RB iterates over all RB devices and does some not-tight-enough checks10:24
seb128which rhythmbox doesn't handle correctly10:24
seb128I will look to that today10:24
seb128still it will not fix the crasher10:25
pittithe crasher is with real MTP devices?10:25
seb128I get the invalid read on my d630 with no device attached to the computer10:27
seb128just calling the libmtp detect function is tnough10:27
pittiseb128: so RB crashes right away on your system?10:29
seb128pitti, no, it's an invalid read, it's like lottery10:29
seb128depends what you hit with your pointer, it might just not crash10:30
seb128I do get the invalid read under valgrind though and crash report we get indicates it's one of the most common lucid crashes for rhythmbox10:31
* pitti tries the reproducer10:31
pittiseb128: hm, I ran that with "valgrind testmtp", and no errors10:33
pittiseb128: do I need any option?10:33
seb128$ valgrind ./device10:34
seb128==8536== Memcheck, a memory error detector10:34
seb128==8536== Invalid read of size 110:34
seb128==8536==    at 0x4085E08: usb_parse_descriptor (descriptors.c:42)10:34
seb128==8536==    by 0x40860BF: usb_parse_configuration (descriptors.c:238)10:34
pittihm, then I can't reproduce this, I'm afraid10:34
seb128it might well be hardware specific10:34
seb128looking to the libusb code it seems case where it fails to parse to usb infos10:34
pittiseb128: would it help at all to build RB and/or libmtp against libusb-1.0?10:36
seb128I can try if libusb1 has this bug10:36
seb128but it seems late for a such change10:36
pittithey seem to have a different API, though10:36
seb128teuf said libusb1 has a compat layer10:36
pittiseb128: right, but if -1.0 works, we might backport a fix from upstream10:36
seb128we maybe don't build the compat lib though10:37
araseb128, if you have time, could you please add an endorsement to my application at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AraPulido/PerPackageUploadApplication10:41
araseb128, comments are also welcome10:41
seb128ara, ok, will do!10:41
araseb128, thanks!10:41
seb128you're welcome10:41
baptistemmah, persia has suggested that I could have endorsement for bluetooth related packages10:43
baptistemmhe told that he will endorse but I wonder if I needed someone else?10:44
baptistemmperhaps someone here could do that?10:44
seb128I'm not sure, I didn't sponsor enough of your updates to say10:46
baptistemmat least you fixed some garbage of mine :)10:46
seb128right, which make me think you are sometime not careful enough ;-)10:47
seb128let's maybe wait next cycle10:47
pittiseb128: thanks for subscribing me to all the volume handling bugs (in nautilus, etc.)11:13
* pitti can leech from seb128's awesome bug triaging and concentrate on the ones that he can help with11:13
seb128pitti, is that really welcome or do you want me to stop doing that? ;-)11:13
pittiseb128: no, I'm serious11:13
* seb128 hugs pitti11:13
pittiI don't find enough time to read all the gvfs etc. bugs myself11:13
* pitti hugs seb12811:14
seb128ok, I finished email backlog before lunch today11:22
seb128pitti, I didn't see your new comment on bug #559723 and reassign to udisks, do you want me to reassign it back?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559723 in udisks ""phantom" audio cd" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55972311:29
seb128pitti, the udisks log seems boggus some thousand tracks and 96 audio ones too11:30
pittiseb128: it's probably udev, let me look11:30
pittiseb128: ah; I'll wait for his udev log and cdrom_id output, and reassign to udev if appropriate11:31
pittiudisks is fine for now11:31
seb128ok good11:31
* pitti -> doctor and lunch, bbl11:31
seb128hum, lunch!11:31
baptistemmchrisccoulson: do you have some progress on bug 536766?11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536766 in gnome-user-share "Personal file sharing preferences dialog does not offer to install needed packages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53676611:33
didrockspitti: see you11:33
didrocksseb128: enjoy11:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
vishdidrocks: hi , re: the cheese apport hook. the log file now attaches as a .log or still a .log.gz ?  [last i heard nigel was having trouble getting that done..]12:28
didrocksvish: hey, from the source it's a .log now, but I'll have to check again once the crash will be fixed :)12:30
vishdidrocks: ah, then probably not , lp does the compression :(   iirc , he mentioned he would work on it again to fix that part for Maverick12:31
didrocksvish: ok, maybe we can keep it that way for lucid, even if it's not nice for us to get that and see for maverick with LP guys (having an apport hook is still better than nothing)12:32
vishyup :)12:32
iahello. maybe could anyone take a look, please, at #524938 and at some rationale, why this package should be fixed, not removed - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libopensync-plugin-syncml/+bug/524938/comments/1012:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524938 in libopensync-plugin-syncml "Remove binary "opensync-plugin-syncml" from lucid" [Undecided,New]12:49
gicmoseb128: hi hi13:23
seb128hey gicmo!13:24
seb128how are you?13:24
gicmopretty good13:25
gicmoin Munich at the University13:25
gicmoyou will be pleased to know that everybody here uses ubuntu13:25
seb128gicmo, waouh!13:27
seb128gicmo, when is the gsetting hackfest?13:27
gicmoseb128, this week, coulnd't make it, but will be helping out remotely on Wed, Thur, Fr.13:29
seb128gicmo, oh ok13:29
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
gicmoseb128: I hope lucid comes out on time, here everything is on hardy and is eager to upgrade to next LTS13:33
seb128gicmo, Ubuntu is like GNOME, it's always out on time ;-)13:33
ogranow why did i read "of" instead of "on" above13:34
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
gicmoseb128: hehe ;-)13:35
gicmoogra: heh freudian reading error?13:35
seb128gicmo, Ubuntu is like GNOME, it's always out on time ;-)14:06
seb128gicmo, sorry, focus issue14:06
seb128rickspencer3, hey14:31
rickspencer3hi seb12814:33
kenvandinepitti, seb128: a recommends should be enough to pull something onto the CD right?14:33
rickspencer3kenvandine, hi14:33
kenvandineand good morning14:33
pittikenvandine: yes14:33
seb128kenvandine, yes14:33
pittihey rickspencer3, hey kenvandine14:33
kenvandinepitti, python-indicate isn't on the CD but is a recommends14:34
seb128if the something is not in universe...14:34
kenvandineun oh14:34
kenvandinepitti, can that get promoted?14:34
pittikenvandine: technically yes; practically, why?14:35
* pitti waves with FF14:35
kenvandinecause the "setup broadcast accounts" in the message menu never goes away14:35
kenvandineunless that gets installed14:35
* kenvandine doesn't know how nobody (including me) noticed this yet!14:35
rickspencer3kenvandine, perhaps because desktopcouch has never succeeded in synching your gwibber account data without crashing14:36
kenvandinetrue that14:36
rickspencer3so no one has been able to test the SFTS experience14:36
rickspencer3^not kidding actually14:36
rickspencer3I wanted to talk about this today14:36
kenvandinenow that desktopcouch actually works out of the box :)14:36
pittikenvandine: perhaps it should be a depends then?14:37
rickspencer3over the whole weekend on my netbook, desktopcouch never succeeded in copying down all of my databases14:37
kenvandinepitti, i guess your right14:37
kenvandinesince the messaging indicator kind  of goes screwy without it14:37
kenvandinerickspencer3, eek14:37
kenvandinegot logs?14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530541 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb()" [High,Triaged]14:37
rickspencer3kenvandine, this seems rather widespread14:38
kenvandineyeah, that one14:38
rickspencer3is there a way for me to see what couch databases are in the cloud atm?14:38
kenvandinerickspencer3, sort of14:38
rickspencer3anyway, SFTS will never work if the desktopcouch just crashes after it starts up14:39
kenvandinedownload that script14:39
kenvandineyou can query your dbs directly in the cloud with that14:39
kenvandinebut... it currently doesn't list your dbs14:40
kenvandineif you know the names, you can just hit each one14:40
kenvandinealso look at your replication log14:40
rickspencer3bug #52872814:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528728 in totem "Totem BBC plugin cannot connect" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52872814:40
huatshello everyone14:41
rickspencer3kenvandine, ok, I'll look into that later today14:41
rickspencer3in the meantime, what is the status of getting run_couchdb fixed before we, you know, release?14:41
kenvandinei think that is one of the bugs chad thinks is fixed and is looking for testers for14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, willing to test from a ppa?14:42
rickspencer3kenvandine, sure14:42
kenvandinelet me get the details and confirm he thinks this is related14:42
* kenvandine thinks he should comment to that affect on the bug14:42
rickspencer3did pitti ack adding python-indicate as a depends?14:42
pittiit needs a MIR first14:43
kenvandinei think since he suggested it :)14:43
kenvandinepitti, the source is already main14:43
pittibut if it's really necessary for correct funcionality, it should be a depends, yes14:43
kenvandineit comes from libindicate14:43
* pitti promotes then14:43
kenvandineso no MIR14:43
kenvandinei'll add as a depends anyway14:43
kenvandinetechnically gwibber works, but it breaks the experience for messaging menu14:43
pittikenvandine: no, the source is indicate-python14:43
* kenvandine thought that was built from the same source14:44
kenvandineok, i'll get an MIR together14:44
kenvandinenext cycle we should merge that inline with libindicate :)14:45
kenvandinethen tedg doesn't forget about it... and learns to love python14:45
tedgkenvandine: If you can fix indicator-application so it builds twice from the same build, I'd love python more :)14:45
tedgFor Maverick will we be able to just use the GIR file for Python?14:46
kenvandineanything that uses GIR doesn't build for me now... :)14:47
* tedg wants that so bad. This building multiple Python versions stuff is *so* stupid.14:47
kenvandinepitti, bug 56150814:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561508 in indicate-python "[MIR] indicate-python" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56150814:51
coffeedudeHey pitti.  Is there anyway to manage bugs assigned to a package (i.e. likewise-open) without joining bug squad?  Things like importance, won't fix, etc...  no rush.  Just curious,14:52
kenvandinetedg, in reality we can drop that for now14:52
kenvandinesince we only care for one version... it was an issue in karmic for some reason14:52
* kenvandine can't recall14:52
kenvandinetedg, but yes, if we can get GIR stuff instead... yay!14:52
tedgkenvandine: I think we can.  The Python GIR hackfest is this week, eh?14:53
pitticoffeedude: for upstream tasks you should already be able to; but for Ubuntnu packages you need to be in bug squad, I think; can you please talk to bdmurray or pedro to add you?14:54
coffeedudepitti, Will do.  Thanks.14:54
popeykenvandine: are you working on proxy support for gwibber for lucid?15:00
kenvandinepopey, no :(15:00
kenvandinewe have a patch adding libproxy support, but it requires a newer libproxy that is in lucid15:00
kenvandineand it is too late to update something like that15:00
popeywhen I start gwibber behind a proxy I get apport crashes for gwibber, gwibber-service and desktop-couch immediately15:00
kenvandinepopey, it will go in real soon though for lucid+115:00
kenvandinepopey, humm... crashes?15:01
popeynot even an SRU?15:01
kenvandinepopey, it is a pretty big jump, libproxy 0.2.3 to 0.4.015:01
kenvandineshould break anything, but might require some rebuilds15:01
kenvandinepopey, we will upload the newer libproxy to the gwibber ppa though for folks using the newer gwibber15:01
seb128we might want to consider the new libproxy15:02
kenvandineseb128, oh?15:02
seb128it's late but not used by a lot of things15:02
kenvandinei would love to update it15:02
seb128telepathy guys raised the issue15:02
seb128the version we have is year old and buggy15:02
seb128I wanted to maybe raise it tomorrow in the meeting or discuss it with pitti later when he's done dealing with lucid breakages15:02
kenvandineis the only thing that concerned me15:02
kenvandineseb128, if you can get that updated... i'll fix the proxy issue and make a ton of people happy :)15:03
popey+1 :)15:03
seb128the proxy part is probably not used frequently in normal desktop use15:03
kenvandineseb128, yeah, and the developers said there is no real api breakages, just additions15:05
kenvandinewith one exception, i think something no longer returns NULL when it used to15:05
seb128kenvandine, is the proxy code used transparently by any libsoup client or is that something you need to use specifically?15:05
kenvandinei need specifically15:06
kenvandinefor gwibber15:06
kenvandineto do anything useful for proxy support in gwibber, we need 0.4.x15:06
seb128well the context was rather to evaluate how much impact it can have on libsoup users15:06
seb128ie if it's an opt in and gvfs etc don't use it it has pretty low chance to break anything15:07
seb128it = the update15:07
nigelbpitti, is there something wrong with the apport.hookutils.attach_hardware code?  I get a traceback while running a hook15:14
nigelbdidrocks, looking at your comments.  It has something to do with ^15:14
pittinigelb: I need some more details about that (like the backtrace) before I can answer. It generally works fine15:18
nigelbpitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheese/+bug/542091/comments/1515:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542091 in cheese "Add apport hook for cheese" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:18
nigelbI did see it when I tested my self, but ignored it then15:19
pittinigelb: ah, you aren't supposed to use the return value (it's None)15:20
pittinigelb: just call attach_hardware(repoert)15:20
pittiit modifies report in-place15:20
nigelbah, my mistake then, sorry :)15:21
* pitti sighs -- 4:30 PM, and I still didn't catch up on mail15:21
rickspencer3pitti, cntrl-A, Delete15:22
nigelbrickspencer3, that works sometimes :D15:22
pittirickspencer3: you mean T . <CR> d  ? :-)15:22
nigelbpitti, sigh, i'm still doing something wrong.  another traceback http://paste.ubuntu.com/413148/15:23
pittinigelb: symb['add_info'](self)15:24
pittinigelb: what's that supposed to do? can you please show me the entire code?15:24
pittioh, hang on15:24
pittithat's apport's code, nevermind15:24
nigelbwell, the hook is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/413150/15:25
pittinigelb: your add_info() function needs to take one or two arguments15:25
pittinigelb: that looks alright, hmm15:25
pittinigelb: the argument needs to be report, not a string15:26
nigelbjust say (report)?15:26
* nigelb hugs pitti 15:27
nigelbthank you, it works fine now :)15:27
seb128dpm, hey there15:35
seb128dpm, could you look at bug #561535 and see if we need to email translators, how many strings that will break, if we can get the karmic ones used again there?15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561535 in gcalctool "gcalctool shows almost many untranslated strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56153515:35
dpmheya seb128, looking...15:36
seb128dpm, gcalctool went back to the karmic version15:36
seb128dpm, the new rewrite one was not ready on time for lucid15:36
dpmseb128, I think we should be fine: the template and translations were imported 2 days ago, many languages are already translated from upstream and some others were completed on the day of the upload or shortly after. I'll send a quick heads up e-mail to translators, but I think the only issue here is that the language packs with the karmic strings have not yet been released15:47
seb128dpm, ok excellent, thanks for checking!15:48
nigelbdidrocks, got the new debdiff in, should fix all issues :)16:00
didrocksnigelb: I just need the new apport hook as I've integrated the .install and changelog file, but I can extract it from the debdiff16:00
nigelbdidrocks, arg.  I seem to do all sorts of wrong stuff today :(16:01
Nafaigood morning16:09
seb128does anybody know how the default dictionnary to use is set?16:18
seb128dpm, ^?16:18
dpmseb128, I'm afraid I don't, but I could investigate.16:19
seb128I would be curious if it's buggy for other people too16:20
seb128I get english selected there on new french installs16:20
seb128in empathy or evolution for example16:20
milanbvwould anybody be OK to prepare a SRU to Karmic at some point to fix bug 490093?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490093 in gnome-system-tools "[users-admin] Password is reset to old value when it's been changed by running about-me" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49009317:00
milanbvI don't think the fix would be hard, I can provide a patch17:00
czajkowskiseb128: any idea why when i start my machine up, all main header bars are missing from any application or terminal and i need to run compiz --remove to get things back17:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind removing mozilla-noscript from the archive?18:16
pittinot at all18:16
pittichrisccoulson: blacklist as well, I suppose?18:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - yes, please18:17
* pitti slaughers18:17
pittichrisccoulson: Qapla'18:17
kklimondachrisccoulson: are you going to remove greasemonkey too? :)18:20
pittiargh, so much trouble with CDs18:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks18:39
chrisccoulsoni had to google what "Qapla'" meant there ;)18:41
nigelbabuchrisccoulson, tsk tsk, you dont speak klingon?18:42
chrisccoulsonnigelbabu, clearly not ;)18:42
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, there are no plans to remove greasemonkey, how come?18:42
Nafaichrisccoulson: I had to google it the other day when pitti used the word as well :)18:42
kklimondachrisccoulson: I got scared - noscript was yet another big extension :)18:42
kklimondachrisccoulson: btw. could you take a look at bug 538580 when you have some spare time, before the final freeze? last time I've asked you to do that hopefully ;)18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538580 in transmission "transmission hangs everytime i add a torrent" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53858018:44
rickspencer3Nafai any news on that Bluetooth indicator bug?19:01
Sarvattanyone familiar with compiz that has an idea why this might be happening? there is a check for the max texture size on startup, and for people with a 2048x2048 max that are using one 2048xwhatever monitor it is starting with a black screen unless they reduce the size to 2047. people with 2 monitors aren't affected and a 2048 virtual works in that case but of course we just changed compiz so it wont start with if the requested texture size19:20
Sarvattis >= the max instead of just > because of the single monitor people being unable to even start up so 2 1024x768 monitors doesn't work anymore19:20
Sarvattit's like something is padding the size by 1 pixel just in the single monitor case19:23
didrocksseb128: for the "Using space key…" in gnome-keyboard-properties, the setting is common to any keyboard layout. It's just a gconf key (/desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/options). I think we should add the default in the installer if keyboard layout == oss, sounds right?19:34
didrocksseb128: not really sure how to deal with that properly as I guess we want that gconf option (set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/options to [nbsp nbsp:none]) only with oss layout to avoid regression?19:40
didrocksseb128: I have maybe another way to obtain the same result, but only for oss layout. I'll give it a test tomorrow. Don't bother right now :)20:04
seb128didrocks, re, ok, let's talk about that tomorrow but no gconf tweaking for this one ;-)20:58
seb128didrocks, new installs only will do or let's change the oss definition20:59
didrocksseb128: yeah, there is another solution changing the oss layout… but upstream don't want to change it20:59
seb128didrocks, well upstream is upstream, they might have different opinions or consider different userbases ;-)21:00
didrocksseb128: I'm still finishing the whole reading to ensure I understand to pros and the cons and will give you a summary tomorrow :)21:01
seb128didrocks, ok, I think I would look for the bugs about switching to oss by default too on launchpad21:01
seb128and maybe comment on this one about the issue and asking for opinion21:01
didrocksseb128: "to oss" to other layout than oss, you mean?21:02
seb128seems some people knew about layouts and cared about the change they might have an useful opinion on how to get what we want21:02
seb128oss is the default now no?21:02
seb128ok, so "to oss"21:02
seb128we add some discussion over what should be default for french, it used to be non-oss21:02
seb128we did switch because some people argued for a while on it and cared about the change21:03
seb128there is a bug which has been marked fixed on xkeyboard-config I think21:03
seb128the bug is on launchpad for sure, I'm not sure about xkeyboard-config21:03
didrocksI remember it wasn't oss at some point. I was thinking you told that there were a bug about choosing another layout than oss by default right now21:03
seb128I think the discussion was about having access to non secable spaces by default21:04
seb128oh no21:04
seb128I say let's comment on the bug where people arguing that we should have oss by then21:04
seb128they might still read comments on the bug21:04
didrocksgood idea21:04
seb128let's tell them that we consider switching back or doing changes because of this issue21:04
didrockslayout are hell. I just use … and €, but nothing more :)21:05
seb128I know there was people on this bug which fixed issue with oss to unblock the change21:05
seb128they might have an idea on what are nice options to fix this space issue21:05
didrocksthey switch include "nbsp(level4nl)" to include "nbsp(level4n)"21:05
didrocksI tried and it works21:06
didrocksit's related to a change in 2008 by cjwatson21:06
seb128could be a good idea to ping Colin tomorrow too21:06
didrocksbecause non breakable space was available at that time at runlevel 5 (Right Ctrl)21:06
seb128just to know if he has an opinion on the topic21:06
didrocksit broke a lot of apps like virtualbox21:06
didrocksand that's when upstream change it because of this to level4nl21:07
didrocks(cf https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9529#c27)21:07
ubottuFreedesktop bug 9529 in General "Opinions on nobreakspace / narrow nobreakspace handling" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:07
seb128could be a good idea to speak to Sergey about the issue too21:08
seb128he's svu on the GNOME IRC21:08
didrocksoh ok, so, let's take care about that tomorrow?21:08
didrocksI'll finish to understand exactly the difference between level4n and level4nl first21:09
seb128you should call it a day21:12
seb128(I'm just back from sport, good to have a break, I hope you got one as well ;-)21:12
kenvandinerickspencer3, get a chance to test desktopcouch from that ppa?21:15
didrockssure, I'm sure triaging bugs, reading email, and some bug report hunting for this keyboard mess :)21:15
didrocksjust doing one restart and then, it'll be enough for today21:15
didrocksseb128: enjoy your shower/dinner if you didn't have it yet21:15
didrocksok, restarting now and test. Won't reconnect before tomorrow, enjoy your evening everyone21:16
seb128'night didrocks21:22
seb128kenvandine, we have a bug in the empathy ubuntu theme which makes texts with new lines to not be displayed, have you seen it?21:23
kenvandineno... /me tests21:23
seb128kenvandine, who is working on the theme and can it be fixed for lucid?21:23
kenvandinei can track him down21:23
kenvandineso i can just a return in the message?21:24
kenvandinelike shift-enter or something?21:24
seb128right, shift-enter21:24
kenvandineseb128, is there a bug filed?21:25
seb128bug #21:25
seb128bug #54633821:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546338 in empathy "receiving messages containing a newline do not show with the ubuntu theme" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54633821:25
seb128gra, sorry21:25
seb128kenvandine, ^21:26
kenvandineshowing up for me21:26
seb128it's happening in all protocols apparently and in the notification bubble21:26
seb128but not in the discussion log21:26
seb128the bug has screenshots21:27
kenvandinehumm.... looked fine for me in notify-osd and in the chat21:28
kenvandineoh... he said it works for him in gtalk21:28
kenvandinebut doesn't work in MSN21:28
seb128nor yahoo21:28
seb128nor googletalk21:28
kenvandinelook at comment #421:29
kenvandineyeah... clearly working for me with jabber and gtalk21:30
* kenvandine tries msn21:30
kenvandineseb128, do you have a MSN account?21:33
* kenvandine has no contacts online in MSN and only one MSN account :)21:33
kenvandinemakes it hard to test21:33
Nafairickspencer3: Sorry I missed you earlier.  I think I may pull ted in for help in a bit because it seems to be related to the app indicator libraries21:35
seb128kenvandine, nop21:36
kenvandinenm... i found a test account i had21:36
Nafaikenvandine: I have a MSN account if you need help as well21:36
kenvandineworking for me with msn as well21:37
kenvandineNafai, can you try to reproduce bug 54633821:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546338 in empathy "receiving messages containing a newline do not show with the ubuntu theme" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54633821:37
Nafaisure, let me look21:37
Nafaikenvandine: If I understand correctly, I need to have the "Ubuntu" theme selected in Empathy?21:44
kenvandineNafai, yes21:53
kenvandineand hit shift-enter to insert a new line21:53
Nafaiok, trying21:54
kenvandinei just commented and posted a screenshot21:55
kenvandinemaybe i am miss-understanding the problem... it seems to work fine to me21:55
Nafaiyeah, me either, between two google talk accounts21:56
kenvandinecan you comment on the bug as well?21:58
seb128Nafai, google talk was listed as working on the bug though?21:58
seb128kenvandine, Nafai: thanks for trying, good to see it's not happening to every user21:58
* Nafai rereads21:58
Nafaiah, I didn't read the whole comment thread21:59
kenvandinein one comment... but i tested with MSN as well and it worked21:59
* kenvandine tries using the same characters they used in the screenshot21:59
seb128ccheney, no, this font issue is not a gnome-control-center bug, g-c-c only writes a gconf key it doesn't apply any settings22:01
kenvandineok, that worked too22:01
seb128ccheney, gnome-settings-daemon is what apply the xsettings if that's what you meant there, and gtk software react to the change correctly which means the setting is set22:01
ccheneyseb128: yea must be g-s-d but at least with respect to font filtering g-s-d was not setting it properly, the rest of gnome worked right but anything relying on it setting it in xsettings did not work, including OOo22:03
ccheneyseb128: the part about font filtering last year i verified myself22:04
ccheneywith debugging set for g-s-d etc22:04
seb128ccheney, did you open a bug about this issue with your debugging infos?22:04
ccheneyi just forgot what part of gnome to reassign it to so set it back to what it was before being assigned to OOo22:04
seb128ccheney, is that a dynamic update issue or still wrong after restart openoffice or the session?22:05
ccheneyseb128: yea should still be in launchpad somewhere, and if i remember correctly was opened upstream as well, i was working with asac about it at the time22:05
ccheneyit was an issue with the filtering that it would set the right option in xsettings and then set the old setting back again as some sort of weird race, i don't remember the exact details now22:05
seb128we have a patch from asac for fixing filtering not working in openoffice22:05
ccheneyafter restarting gnome it would work22:05
seb128it's still in lucid22:05
* kenvandine has to head out... good night all !22:06
seb128'night kenvandine22:06
ccheneyseb128: iirc there were two separate issues22:06
seb128right, there was the filtering one that asac fixed22:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - want me to disable the gnome-user-share nautilus bar? i'm not going to have time to fix it so that it hides when there are no bluetooth devices22:06
ccheneyseb128: the thing asac fixed in the patch afaicr was something different than the race22:06
seb128and I think you said by then that g-s-d was applying several times the settings22:06
seb128chrisccoulson: what do you think?22:06
ccheneyseb128: yea it would apply settings several times but would generally end up with the last setting being the wrong one, if you restarted gnome it would work ok as long as you didn't try changing it again22:07
ccheneyseb128: which was what i was referring to, as to not being sure if the font selection issue might be the same thing22:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not too bothered either way, but i suppose it's confusing for users that have no bluetooth hardware22:07
chrisccoulsoni'm just not sure i'll have time to fix it properly before final freeze ;)22:07
ccheneyseb128: the user said it was happening in more than just OOo which was why i thought it might be related to the race22:07
seb128ccheney, thanks22:09
seb128chrisccoulson: you think the bar is useful?22:09
seb128chrisccoulson: (I would vote for just not shipping it in lucid but I don't want to force my opinion)22:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's useful for discovering that bluetooth sharing exists22:09
chrisccoulsonbut it wouldn't be a regression in functionality if we didn't ship it22:10
seb128I think it has potential to be confusing over useful22:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, i will disable that for lucid later then22:10
seb128seems the sort of feature which can wait next cycle22:10
chrisccoulsonand fix it properly next cycle :)22:10
seb128that would be my opinion22:10
seb128to discover the feature is one thing22:11
seb128having to have a buggy bar staying after you discovered it is another ;-)22:11
seb128ie it will be a bit harder to find the option but I think people can figure from internet documentation or the capplet22:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, hopefully22:11
chrisccoulsonok, i will sort that later. thanks22:12
ccheneyseb128: probably setting the xsetting by hand (not sure how to do that myself) would reveal if the problem is in the apps or in g-s-d22:12
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks22:12
ccheneyseb128: iirc that was how we found the issue with the filtering not getting set right22:12
seb128ccheney, do you know a way to set xsettings by hand?22:12
ccheneyseb128: iirc there was some way but i forgot how22:12
ccheneyseb128: iirc its a command line app you can make adjustments with22:13
ccheneyseb128: probably bryceh would know :)22:13
seb128I've asked details on the bug to know if it works after restarting the software or the session22:13
seb128I don't really care about things not working dynamically if they work after restart22:13
ccheneyseb128: yea reassign back to me if it still is broken after restarting gnome22:13
seb128it's still a bug but not one which should annoy users every day22:13
ccheneyi can dig into it further if that is the caes22:14
ccheneyer case22:14
brycehxsettings?  dunno what that is22:21
chrisccoulsoni don't think you can make adjustments to xsettings by hand (not whilst g-s-d is running anyway)22:25
chrisccoulsononly one app can own the selection22:25
ccheneychrisccoulson: i used something to view the settings and iirc changed them using it too22:31
chrisccoulsonhmmm, strange. g-s-d exits when it loses the selection22:32
ccheneychrisccoulson: well changed them in a terminal and then launched OOo from that and iirc it inherited it22:32
chrisccoulsonare you sure that's xsettings and not xrdb?22:32
ccheneyoh yea i forgot what i used22:32
ccheneyit was xrdb22:32
ccheneysorry for the confusion on my part22:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's possible :)22:33
ccheneyso is there something else that sets options like that called xsettings also?22:33
ccheneythe bug report was about setting the font in g-c-c and it not being used by OOo and several other non-gnome apps22:34
TheMusoGood morning.23:30
RAOFGoood morning.23:39
Nafaimorning guys23:40
RAOFAnd a fine afternoon to you too, I trust.23:41
Nafaiyes, not too bad23:41
* TheMuso is loving this morning, coolest one we have had in a while. :)23:46
rickspencer3Hi RAOF23:52
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morning!23:52

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