
mdkeDarkwingDuck: we don't know. it's a topic we'll need to discuss when planning for the next release07:57
=== Guest55509 is now known as celthunder
newz2000Hi, I need to move the content from http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs to an appropriate place elsewhere17:04
newz2000maybe help.ubuntu.com/Community17:04
newz2000Can someone help me understand the processes for doing this?17:04
ZachK_newz2000: whaz up?17:54
newz2000hi ZachK_17:55
ZachK_newz2000: what do you need?17:55
newz2000ZachK_: I need to move some pages from www.ubuntu.com to somewhere17:56
newz2000maybe to help.ubuntu.com or the wiki, not sure what is best17:56
ZachK_the wiki is pointed toward people having personal pages and teams having there info.... for example https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZachK_ (mine)17:57
ZachK_the help.ubuntu.com is for documentation of help and such17:57
newz2000ok, so this is documentation17:57
ZachK_but since the Ubuntu.com site is non-editable you would have to hand type it all not copy and paste so much17:57
newz2000ZachK_: I can edit the ubuntu.com site, I'm the webmaster17:58
ZachK_and yes this is documentation and wiki stuff17:58
ZachK_newz2000: ah....17:58
newz2000ZachK_: but I'm not sure what the procedures are for managing help.u.c17:58
ZachK_what do you want done is the question...just a transfer of info?17:59
newz2000Yes, the ubuntu site is getting updated and this content doesn't really fit well there17:59
newz2000Feels more "documentation" I guess18:00
ZachK_Search for it first to see if it's not there already(sometimes it can be) if it's not I can just make a page real quick...(I'm the Wiki FG Lead)18:00
ZachK_not sure if you know what that is18:00
newz2000ok, let me do some searching18:00
newz2000Hmm... no, not really, though the server guide PDF is close18:01
ZachK_my page should have most the info that you'd need18:02
ZachK_links and such18:02
newz2000ZachK_: can you suggest a url scheme to use?18:02
ZachK_sorry i work the night shift so i'm like way wacked out since ive not been to bed18:03
newz2000the server technical docs?18:03
newz2000sorry, that wasn't ment to be a question18:03
ZachK_https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serveredition/techspecs ?18:04
ZachK_without the ? sign18:05
newz2000ZachK_: that would have it outside of the wiki though wouldn't it?18:05
ZachK_that would be on help.ubuntu.com yes18:05
newz2000Is that OK?18:05
ZachK_that's where it would belong18:06
newz2000ok, so I'm not familiar with how to manage content outside of the wiki on help.u.c18:06
ZachK_wiki.ubuntu.com is like i said for team pages, focus group pages, release notes, personal pages for people things like that18:07
newz2000ZachK_: yes, and as I understand it, help.u.c/community is a wiki18:07
newz2000but help.u.c/ubuntu/serveredition isn't a wiki (correct me if I'm wrong)18:08
newz2000so how does a person get documentation into that URL?18:08
ZachK_well the https://www.help.ubuntu.com/ would stay the same...since i can edit that site, the community part that is you just add the /ubuntu/serveredition/specs to the end and it will tell if that page is not yet been made, if there is a page with a similar name, things like tha18:10
newz2000ZachK_: so are you saying to publish this content as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntu/serveredition or as https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serveredition ?18:11
ZachK_I can do it for ya18:11
newz2000which one of those URLs are correct? (one is in the community wiki)18:11
newz2000(and I don't see anything in the help.u.c/community/ubuntu/serveredition or help.u.c/community/ubuntu url spaces)18:12
ZachK_https://help.ubuntu.com/ is where this would go18:13
newz2000ZachK_: ok, if you create the page for me I'll copy the content over to it.18:13
ZachK_ok what url do you want exactly? the last part that is18:14
ZachK_ubuntu/serveredtion or ubuntu/serveredition/tech18:14
newz2000the second option18:15
newz2000ZachK_: sounds great18:15
ZachK_ok just a sec here18:15
* ZachK_ breaks out the super keyboard18:16
ZachK_i can't login to the help.ubuntu.com/community18:17
ZachK_the code for logging in is busted18:18
ZachK_(77, 'Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)')If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.Show debugging informationĀ Report bugĀ Visit MoinMoin wiki18:18
newz2000ZachK_: ok, so you're just creating help.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntu/serveredition/tech ?18:19
ZachK_that's what i was trying to do but if i can't login i can't edit18:20
newz2000ok, I can do that myself later when it's working again18:20
ZachK_i'll try later18:20
newz2000I was under the impression something else was going on18:20
* ZachK_ needs some doc work to do18:20
ZachK_just let me do it man..i'll even copy the info and maybe spice it up a little bit too for ya as a bonus18:20
* ZachK_ is feeling very generous right now....(maybe that's the no sleep and too much coffee?)18:21
ZachK_newz2000: ?18:21
newz2000ZachK_: ok, sounds cool18:22
newz2000I just pinged the sysadmins to see if they can help w/ the ssl error18:22
ZachK_ok cool..it was working yesterday so idk what it was..but i need to go to sleep for a bit before i drop18:23
ZachK_nice to meet ya to by the way18:23
* newz2000 tips his hat18:23
newz2000ZachK_: ok, it's fixed18:24
ZachK_I'll make that up for ya in a few hours cool?18:24
newz2000ZachK_: so cool it is beyond description18:25
ZachK_alrighty then18:25
newz2000Give me a ping if you get tired and I'll pick it up18:25
ZachK_i'll ping ya when it's done.....18:26
ZachK_I'll start around 5:00 pm or so but it'll take less than two hours at most18:26
mdkesommer: take a look at the conversation above when you get a moment22:16
mdkesommer, newz2000, ZachK_ - I would ordinarily say that new material should be integrated with existing if possible, i.e. the pages at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers22:18
mdkeI wouldn't worry about changing the url to something more consistent with other pages in the wiki22:19

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