
jgarbershi! i'm just getting started with EC2, using the EBS boot image kindly provided on (by?) Alestic — ami-6743ae0e.  I installed some apps and would like to create an image that contains all that stuff, so i right-clicked the running image and chose "Create Image (EBS AMI)".  It looks like it took about 15-20 mins for my new ami to be available… is that about what you'd normally expect? did I do this right or is there a better way?23:14
hekmanjgarbers: yes, it can take a while...i've never done it through the web ui, but that is about how long it took for my CLI stuff to take23:18
hekmanit uploads a bunch of files to S323:18
jgarbershekman: ah, of course - the AMIs normally live in S3, right?23:18
hekmanin fact, i don't think i've ever seen that option not greyed-out in the web ui23:18
jgarbersgotcha. with all this virtuality i'm never sure how long something's going to take. seems like it's either 1/10 or 10x the time I expect.23:20
jgarbersam i correct that if i want to basically "snapshot" a machine state so i can return to it later, that the "Create Image (EBS AMI)" is the correct approach? Rather than trying to clone the underlying EBS volume and… not sure, making a new instance boot from it?23:21
jgarbers(am not real clear on the relationship between AMIs and boot-EBSes)23:22
hekmanoh - i missed the EBS part - i haven't made any of those23:22
jgarberswhen I save an ami like that, it goes to S3, right? if I browse to the S3 space associated with the account that owns the ami, should I see it?23:29
hekmanthat's where my AMI went23:40
jgarbershm. i'm looking at my s3 space with Transmit and there's nothing there. maybe another tool… what do you use to browse S3?23:42

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