
CIA-3debian-installer: ogra * r1278 ubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): fix omap udeb selection for netboot flavour, drop gzip compression in omap mkimage call for netboot flavour, make sure we build INITRD_FS = initramfs for omap netboot09:49
CIA-3debian-installer: ogra * r1279 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu9709:51
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4066 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-timezone.py): Catch invalid iterators in on_region_combo_changed (LP: #521851).10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521851 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with IndexError in on_region_combo_changed()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52185110:26
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3925 testing/tests/run-frontend: Add test for moving backwards past the manual partitioning page.10:49
saispocjwatson: hi, have you have a roadmap about the latest kernel integration in the debian-installer ?11:12
cjwatsonwhat's to integrate?11:13
saispojust move kernel 2.6.24-27 proposed to stable for creatingcd11:16
saispojust move kernel 2.6.24-27 proposed to stable for creating cd11:16
CIA-3choose-mirror: cjwatson * r623 ubuntu/choose-mirror.c: consistent indentation11:17
cjwatsonwhy didn't you say that instead of "latest kernel integration"? :-)11:17
cjwatsonnot very specific11:17
saispoyes :) excuse me11:17
cjwatsonanyway, I already uploaded it, looks like it's just awaiting the end of the standard 7-day aging period11:18
cjwatsonnot my call, I don't push my own uploads through to -updates since that's generally bad form11:18
saispoi see your upload and will wait, it's just for having a date11:18
saispoi'm not hirry11:19
cjwatsonshould be this week11:19
saispook, thanks11:19
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4067 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-language.py):11:30
CIA-3ubiquity: Don't let not being able to talk to the system bus crash the entire11:30
CIA-3ubiquity: language page.11:30
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3926 testing/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge with trunk.11:33
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3927 testing/tests/run-frontend: monkey patch switch_progress_windows as a no-op.11:40
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r203 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs):11:42
CIA-3partman-base: Allow preseeding partman/alignment to "cylinder", "minimal", or11:42
CIA-3partman-base: "optimal"; "cylinder" restores old alignment behaviour for the benefit11:42
CIA-3partman-base: of those with crotchety BIOSes, while "optimal" is the default.11:42
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r204 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 139ubuntu411:44
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3928 testing/tests/run-frontend: Add test case for r4066, testNoActiveItemRegionCombo.11:49
amichairis anyone able to reproduce Bug #556376 ?11:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556376 in ubiquity "KDE frontend hangs on timezone page unless mouse is moved" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55637611:52
amichair(I have a guess what the cause is by looking at the code, but can't recreate to test)11:53
evI was able to reproduce it fairly reliably in KVM.11:56
amichairev: how exactly? jr said only in non-english?12:00
amichair(I'm on a clean virtualbox, amd64)12:00
evI booted into "Install Kubuntu", then pressed alt-f until I was on the timezone page12:01
evI pressed alt-f again to continue12:01
evand then left it for a few minutes12:01
evit didn't move to the next page until I moved the mouse12:01
evI may have selected a language other than English, I don't recall exactly12:03
amichairev: thanks, I'll give it another shot12:06
evamichair: cool, let me know if you need me to test any potential fixes12:06
amichairev: nope :-(12:11
amichairalt-f goes all the way through12:11
ograwhat is partman doing that could trigger the following (/me doesnt know what to look for to reproduce it in kernel)12:21
ograApr 12 11:18:47 main-menu[208]: INFO: Menu item 'partman-base' selected12:21
ograApr 12 11:18:48 kernel: [  556.388214] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x4020000012:21
ograApr 12 11:18:48 main-menu[208]: (process:7234): Bus error12:21
cjwatsoncould be misaligned memory access12:22
cjwatson/var/log/partman might at least pinpoint which parted_server command was being run when it fell over12:23
ogralikely, i would like to give something to amitk so he can easily reproduce though ...12:23
ogra/bin/partman: *******************************************************12:23
ogra/lib/partman/init.d/25md-devices: *******************************************************12:23
ogra/lib/partman/init.d/30parted: *******************************************************12:23
ograthats all i have12:23
ograrotating due to several tries12:23
ograhmm, init.d is a script12:24
cjwatsonstick set -x near the top of /lib/partman/init.d/30parted12:26
ogratried that12:26
ograbut i cant seem to capture the output anywhere12:26
cjwatsonyou should have got stuff in /var/log/syslog then12:26
ogra(note i'm running through serial atm)12:26
cjwatsonalways goes there for me12:26
cjwatsonbut if that doesn't work, then:12:26
cjwatsonexec 2>/tmp/trace; set -x12:27
ogra~ # ls /tmp/trace12:28
ograls: /tmp/trace: No such file or directory12:28
cjwatsonno idea what went wrong there :)12:29
ograi guess it dies to early (in /bin/sh already)12:29
cjwatsonthat seems pretty unlikely.  huge swathes of the installer before that are in shell.12:29
cjwatsonwhere did you put the set -x?12:29
ografirst i turned set-e into -ex12:29
ograthen i put the line above below that12:30
ogra*set -e12:30
cjwatsonmake sure you do the exec; set before . /lib/partman/lib/base.sh12:30
ograyeah, it is12:30
cjwatsonI don't know what to suggest then ...12:30
ograwell, amit seems to have a suspicion12:30
ograso i'll see12:31
cjwatsonI wouldn't rule out it being a userspace bug yet, we just don't know where12:31
cjwatsonunaligned accesses are a common enough bug on architectures that have strict alignment requirements12:31
cjwatsonit's a bit surprising that we wouldn't have run across it already elsewhere, that's all12:31
ogra<amitk> ogra: I am almost sure it has to do with clocks being turned off during module access12:31
ograso lets see where he gets to :)12:32
ograwow, thats weird12:57
ograso i decided to go for a non serial install test and i cant switch consoles12:58
* ogra doesnt get it ... it completely stops working ... like no enter key and the like, but the caps-lock and num-lock keys still work13:03
ograoh !13:05
ograit switches consoles, it simply doesnt display them ... i have tty1 on the screen no matter where i switch to13:06
ograso indeed pressing enter doesnt move the picture on screen :P13:07
ograoh my, that kernel is so far from ready :(13:07
CIA-3debian-installer: ogra * r1280 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel/omap/netboot.cfg debian/changelog): add boot.scr to easily boot OMAP netinst kernel and initrd from SD card13:31
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3929 testing/tests/run: Run tests under xvfb.13:31
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
evcjwatson: the "ellipsis as .*" you mentioned the other day comes standard with the doctest module that launchpad subclasses.14:09
cjwatsonah right, good14:10
evugh, fakechroot fakeroot deboostrap ... is being entirely uncooperative14:33
ev(for individual ubiquity component tests)14:34
evindeed, fakeroot fakechroot debootstrap --variant=fakechroot --arch=i386 lucid /tmp/test-chroot http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu14:56
everr, ignore the --arch14:57
evI seem to be running into dbo 56199114:57
everr bugs.debian.org14:57
cjwatsonsuperm1: so, I fixed some bugs in the debconf/apt integration you committed to casper a while back that was getting in the way of bug 557011 ;-)15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557011 in casper "Packages installed during early command don't load debconf templates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55701115:40
cjwatsonsuperm1: but the rest of it is proving difficult and I'm having to sit and think about it fairly hard15:40
cjwatsonI *think* that what we need to do is: (a) run casper's debconf-communicate with a read-only templatedb; (b) run apt-get with the same templatedb but read-write (i.e. remove DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE); (c) continue running apt-get with a throwaway read-write configdb which passthroughs to casper/debconf-communicate's real read-write configdb, which is the one that ends up on disk after boot15:51
cjwatsonvery delicate though15:51
cjwatsonhmm, well, that sort of worked but created other problems16:49
cjwatsonI think I'm going to need to run casper's debconf-communicate with an entirely separate configdb, and debconf-copydb things over at the end16:52
superm1cjwatson, great on finding those other debconf/apt integration issues from before, thanks :)19:22
amichairev: u still there?22:07
evamichair: indeed I am, what's up?22:07
amichairev: feel like trying out a fix to the mouse freeze issue?22:07
amichairoki, so - if necessary, first make sure u can recreate the issue in ur setup (for verification)22:09
amichairthen, slip in and edit kde_ui.py by adding 'self.app.processEvents()' as the first line of debconffilter_done method22:09
amichairthen try to recreate again22:09
* amichair crosses his fingers...22:10
evwill do22:12
amichairev: btw, u familiar with that FIXME bit in this method? it doesn't look right.22:13
evamichair: I *think* that did the trick, just confirming.22:36
* amichair uncrosses his fingers and puts on a party hat22:37
amichairev: as for the FIXME there, when I comment it out I don't get the crash it claims to solve - any idea what that's about?22:45
evamichair: not sure and bzr blame/log isn't much help.  We best leave that as is for lucid though.22:52
amichairok, though even if necessary, that doesn't seem like a clean solution (the other two events should be disconnected as well, or better yet, all should be setEnabled(False))22:53
amichairbut best if it can just be deleted :-)22:53
amichairbut indeed, we'll leave it for now22:54
evindeed, I'm just trying to avoid risk this late in the cycle :)22:54
amichairok, so I'll prepare the mouse fix in my branch for merging22:54
amichairbtw I noticed the Yes/No buttons in quit confirmation dialog aren't translated (at least to Latvian), and lacking default keyboard focus (try quitting using only keyboard - it's awkward)22:57
amichairunless Yes/No is valid Latvian, of course. I wouldn't know :-)22:57
evhrm, confirmed with Spanish22:57
evthough yes was focused as soon as I hit alt22:58
amichairyeah, maybe I did something wrong there.22:59
amichairShould the default to quit be Yes? isn't No the safer choice, since it's not irreversible?23:00
evyeah, No should be the default23:02
amichairshould I open bugs for all these?23:03
evplease do23:04
amichairokily dokily23:06
evhaha, neighboreno23:07
amichairBug #56187623:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561876 in ubiquity "[Kubuntu Lucid] Quit dialog buttons not translated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56187623:12
amichairand Bug #56188123:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561881 in ubiquity "[Kubuntu Lucid] Quit dialog should default to 'No'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56188123:16
ev561876> just testing a fix for that now23:16
amichairu beat me to it ;-)23:16
amichairpushed the hang fix to branch at lp:~amichai2/ubiquity/fixes/23:18
amichairshould I find someone else to confirm, or is it safe enough?23:18
amichair(seeing the event model there is quite intertwined, might be good to play it safe)23:19
evamichair: I think it's safe.  Committed.23:27
amichairev: ok23:27
amichairWell, that wraps up my good deed for the day... time to get some rest23:28
cjwatsonsuperm1: just a reminder re my information request in bug 550694 in case you didn't see it23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550694 in choose-mirror "setting locale to "C" doesn't choose a generic mirror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55069423:28
evamichair: enjoy, and thanks again for your help!23:28
amichairev: Thanks, and good night (whenever it hits your tz!)23:28
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4069 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py): Fix hang unless mouse is moved (LP: #556376)23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556376 in ubiquity "KDE frontend hangs on timezone page unless mouse is moved" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55637623:29
superm1cjwatson, yeah i just saw it.  been a busy day, i've been away from bug mail and IRC, i'll try to get it up there before tomorrow23:32
cjwatsonmy network speeds still haven't come back up to what they're pleased to call normal, so I may have to call my ISP again tomorrow23:38
cjwatsonon the upside I think I've finally defeated casper23:39
superm1that's great news :)23:46

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