
=== IdleOne is now known as Rabbinightmare
=== Rabbinightmare is now known as IdleOne
=== Guest55509 is now known as celthunder
nigelbdoctormo, so, now I'm responsible for the edu fg of the beginners team and I'll be collaborating with the entire learning umbrella :)16:03
doctormonigelb: how is the beginners team going?16:09
doctormocan you tell me more abou tit?16:09
nigelbdoctormo, well, the FGs aim to guide anyone who wants to contribute in that direction to the right path, metoring them, helping them out etc16:10
nigelblike the wiki fg, aims to help folks be part of the doc team16:10
nigelbfocus groups16:10
doctormo*face palm* tell me your not using that phraise. It's got such negative connotations these days.16:11
nigelbdoctormo, what? which?16:11
doctormo"Focus Groups"16:12
nigelbunfortunately, we do16:12
nigelbso, there are a bunch of us interested in edu stuff16:14
nigelbit might be either of the 3 groups that we split into (I'll have to be in all 3 to coordinate)16:15
doctormoThat's true16:29
doctormoBut technically being in here and on the main mailing list should be all that's required.16:29
nigelbso, I'll be getting you new recruits, etc16:29
nigelbof course all the learning stuff happens here16:29
nigelbI'll just guide the interested folks from BT to learning16:29
pleia2doctormo: benjamin said you're welcome to ping him with questions re: workflow17:22
pleia2doctormo: also: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/doc-collaboration/17:22
doctormothanks pleia218:26
pleia2doctormo: the website is in bzr, right? where?20:09
doctormopleia2: Yes, it's on launchpad22:04
pleia2ah, https://code.launchpad.net/~doctormo/ubuntu-learning-materials/website23:13

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