
psusiyea, but what do you use for the orig tarball when the package you are releasing IS the upstream?00:10
Laneyyou make an upstream release00:10
lifelesspsusi: if you want to make debian packages of your upstream release; you need to think og it as doing two releases.00:11
lifelesspsusi: a) an upstream tarball release that all distributions can use and00:11
lifelesspsusi: b) a .deb package for e.g. Ubuntu00:12
psusibut they are the same thing00:12
lifelesspsusi: what is your package that you say that?00:12
psusihaving an ubuntu release means having changes from upstream.... I don't00:13
Laneythe Ubuntu package explains how to turn your upstream tarball into a deb file00:13
psusithere is no upstream tarball though...00:15
lifelesspsusi: so e2defrag is useful for redhat and gentoo as well, right ?00:15
Laneythere will be if you follow our advice00:15
lifelesspsusi: so, the best thing to do here is to make an upstream tarball. If your code is in bzr you can jsut do 'bzr export ../e2defrag-1.2.3.tar.gz'00:16
lifelessor use make dist00:16
lifelessor whatever you like00:16
psusiso you're saying I should create a tarball to be an upstream release... ok... now the tarball is already set up as a debian package, so no changes are needed to debianize it00:16
lifelesspsusi: thats ok, it doesn't really matter either way.00:17
Laneyyour tarball shouldn't include debian/00:17
lifelesspsusi: though some people will argue that it does matter, they are wrong ;)00:17
psusithen there's no .diff to apply to the upstream to arrive at a -100:17
Laney3.0 makes this matter less somewhat00:17
lifelesspsusi: once you have that tarball, you can upload that to debian for other people to download00:17
lifelesspsusi: and do a debian package build00:17
persiaA zero-byte diff is fine.00:17
psusihow does that differ from a native package?00:18
lifelessLaney: http://rbtcollins.wordpress.com/2009/12/18/upstreams-should-package/00:18
wgrantWe can make changes without changing the packaging style.00:18
lifelesspsusi: a native package is harder for everyone else to work with00:18
wgrantOther distros can more reasonably make changes without feeling second-class.00:18
psusiyou already can... just append a -1 to the version00:18
lifelesspsusi: its harder to derivative changes00:18
lifelesspsusi: and harder to feed the changes back00:18
ajmitchplus you don't have to make a new upstream release for ubuntu-specific changes00:19
ScottKAn update can be uploaded without replacing the orig.tar.gz.00:19
psusiright... and that will happen if you decide to make ubuntu specific changes and add a changelog entry taking it to -1 won't it?00:19
Laneylifeless: I would have encouraged it to be in a branch which is then merged in ;)00:19
wgrantLaney: That's what I do. It works excellently.00:20
psusibut until there are any ubuntu specific changes made, it's a native upstream release isn't it?00:20
lifelessLaney: I think that that can be better, but that we should primarily focus on the collaboration00:20
wgrantpsusi: It may be the same as the upstream release, but it's not socially native.00:20
lifelesspsusi: if its a 'native package' we have to make a new tarball00:21
lifelesspsusi: but we're not upstream, so its inappropriate for us to do that.00:21
lifelesspsusi: thus, your packages should not be 'native packages'.00:21
lifelessthe only things that make sense as native packages are ubuntu-dev-tools, dpkg, apt, aptitude; possibly a couple of others.00:21
lifelessin the entire archive.00:22
persiaAlso the germinate-based metapackagse.00:22
lifelessah right00:23
lifelessand translation packs00:23
LaneyI remember a thread duking this issue out on debian-devel a few months back00:23
lifelessso maybe a couple hundred, automatically generated packages00:23
persiaand one could argue against apt and aptitude as these are available in other places (e.g. fedora)00:23
* ajmitch remembers the mess of wxwidgets being a native package in debian00:23
wgrantI don't think native packages make sense except for the auto-generated case.00:23
lifelesspsusi: so please please please please just trust us00:23
lifelesspsusi: even if you don't get the distinction, we do.00:24
persiaajmitch: That was wxwindows: wxwidgets has always been non-native.00:24
wgrantAs persia says, the dpkg stack could usefully have upstream releases.00:24
ajmitchpersia: right, I couldn't remember if it happened before/after the rename :)00:24
lifelesspsusi: its fine to release a tarball that contains a debian/ dir; its *not fine* to upload a 'native package' to Ubuntu except when it really should be - and this should not be.00:24
Laneythat's the thread, if you like debian-devel style discussions :)00:24
psusiohh, so if someone does make a -1 release, they have to manaully create the .orig.tar?  it won't just use the native release that came before it as the orig?00:26
lifelesspsusi: native packages don't *have* a .orig.tar.gz00:26
lifelesspsusi: they only have a tar.gz, containing everything00:26
persiapsusi: One would hope that if the project was on launchpad, the project developers would have made a release tarball downloadable from launchpad.00:27
psusiright... it IS the .orig.tar.gz... but you're saying that the tools won't figure that out when you make a -1 release, they have to have a human manually feed them the .orig.tar.gz?00:27
LaneyCould there ever be an upstream release without an Ubuntu release?00:27
lifelesspsusi: I think we've found the knowledge you are missing.00:27
psusihrm.... I think I see now00:28
lifelesspsusi: debian packages have two *nearly-totally-different* ways of representing the source [and this simplified to skip the whole v3-mess]00:28
lifelesspsusi: *normal* packages, which are a orig.tar.gz + a diff.gz (which can be empty - thats ok).00:28
lifelesspsusi: *native* packages, which are **just** a tar.gz00:28
lifelesspsusi: native packages can't be patched, and every upload uses a new entire tarball.00:29
lifelesspsusi: normal packages can be patched, and only the first upload includes a tarball.00:29
psusiwell, I wasn't really planning on having the ubuntu and upstream releases diverge at all00:29
ajmitchimagine the fun of openoffice as a native package :)00:29
persiapsusi: Except you can't control that, because there are no maintainers in Ubuntu, so anyone might upload your package (e.g. library rename, etc.), and they may not be members of the upstream development team.00:30
psusiI suppose...00:31
ajmitchit's quite common, even for things like a rebuild00:31
lifelesspsusi: divergence is normal - you can't upload to e.g. mint linux00:33
lifelesspsusi: but they might need to do a bugfix; why would you make it harder for them ?00:33
lifelesspsusi: unless it also makes it *much* easier for you.00:33
lifelesspsusi: and this doesn't - all you need to do is *1* bzr export or make dist. Easy-as.00:33
psusiyay... upstream tarball release uploaded00:45
micahgsiretart: FYI, I've almost got all the vlc xul192 commits cherry picked00:58
psusiwell by golley I think I got e2defrag working with uninit_bg02:09
psusithat was much easier than I thought it would be02:09
psusispoke too soon02:37
=== EzraR_ is now known as EzraR
dholbachgood morning07:26
CiemonMorning all. I'm been patching the predict package, which is amateur radio software. It's been suggested that I push the branch into the Ubuntu ham developer branches area rather than predict; possibly because I've applied 4 patches. Opinons?07:51
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
sistpoty|workjames_w: thanks a lot for processing syncs :)12:27
james_wjust replied to the haskell/ia64 issue too12:28
* sistpoty|work reads mail12:29
sistpoty|workjames_w: ok, will do for haskell/ia64... I'll also check about P-A-S, maybe it's already done in debian12:31
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
sistpoty|workjames_w: got a few more syncs, if you don't mind: bug #548812, bug #561316, bug #53538612:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548812 in libelf "FFE for lucid - libelf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54881212:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561316 in codelite "Sync codelite (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56131612:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535386 in gnat-4.4 "FFEs for ada packages in lucid / arm builds" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53538612:35
CiemonA question on subscribing the Ubuntu Sponsors Team, I've just made a branch which covers 4 bugs in a package, how do I deal with subscribing the team? Do it on each bug?12:48
sistpoty|workCiemon: I guess one bug should suffice... maybe you can create a new bug report referring to the 4 bugs containing the sponsoring request?12:50
Ciemonwell.. the first one I asked for a sponsor for a week ago will pick it up I guess12:51
Ciemonand in doing so, see them all.12:52
sistpoty|workthat should suffice then, I guess12:57
Ciemonthanks for the confirmation12:57
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LaneyCiemon: have you sent them all to Debian?13:49
LaneyHi sistpoty|work, I was thinking about uploading a new highlighting-kate to get building on armel/sparc, what do you think?13:50
sistpoty|workLaney: what's the problem with the current version?13:52
CiemonLaney: no13:52
Laneysistpoty|work: it's too monolithic or something, upstream reworked it somewhat13:53
Ciemontrying to talk with the patch author, but I suspect I'll end up send them13:53
Laneyok then13:54
LaneyI'm looking at your branch13:54
sistpoty|workLaney: from a quick look, highlighting-kate is a leaf package? if so, go ahead13:55
Laneythanks a lot13:56
sistpoty|workthanks for all your work wrt the haskell stack! :)13:57
Laneyit's a *lot* better now that we have the DHG13:58
CiemonLaney: all comments welcome, it's my first proper go.13:59
LaneyI'm not particularly qualified to review the quality of the patches themselves13:59
Laneyheh, highlighting-kate is still quite a hefty build14:03
LaneyCiemon: I find it weird that it first applies and then unapplies the patches before applying them once more for the build14:08
CiemonLaney: can you tell me where you're looking so that I can check it out?14:14
LaneyI just built it with pbuilder and saw it happen14:14
LaneyI don't think you introduced that problem though14:14
Laneyhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/42798458/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.predict_2.2.3-2ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz <- you can see it there14:15
Laneyapplies the patches, cleans, applies them again14:15
Laneyweird stuff14:15
Ciemonexcellent, thanks for the link14:15
LaneyCiemon: you can look at that later, I'm going to upload your stuff now14:18
Laneygood work14:18
Laneyoh, wait :(14:19
LaneyCiemon: Yeah I think your stuff is technically fine, but … really it needs a feature freeze exception at this point in the cycle14:20
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.14:20
CiemonLaney: not worried about getting into Lucid tbh (personally)14:28
Laneyalright, then you should unrequest sponsorship until after lucid ;)14:32
persiaUm, please so.  If there is a known good patch that isn't lucid targeted please push it to Debian and/or upstream.14:50
Laneythat's already in hand aiui14:50
persiaI figured as much given the identity of the requestor, but wanted to make sure that the procedure was clear to all :)14:53
Ciemonok.. just so I'm clear, unrequest sponsorship, and push the patches to Debian? The assumption being that we'll get it all on the synch for M ?14:54
Laneyand if you don't hear from Debian, then you can request sponsorship again then14:55
CiemonThanks Laney.14:56
DavieyCiemon: One of the patches has already been pushed to Debian (by me)14:59
DavieyBTW, There is already a patch delta between Debian and Ubuntu, regarding a fix done a few weeks ago by someone else.15:00
Daviey(that has been fixed to Debian aswell)15:00
DavieyI'd be suprised if this package is updated in unstable before FF.15:01
sistpoty|workdholbach: looks like b-d's didn't get synced in bug #556593... (at least I can't see them in the new queue), can you take a look please?15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556593 in openttd "sync openttd 1.0.0-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55659315:35
dholbachsistpoty|work: WEIRD - I'll pass it on to jordi - I'm a busy myself right now15:36
sistpoty|workdholbach: ok, thanks!15:36
dholbachno worries15:36
MTecknologyWould truecrypt go in the Utilities section?15:48
MTecknologyerr- no.. that's not right..15:48
persiaSounds reasonable.15:51
RainCTpersia: is the u-u-s team still used?15:52
persiaOnly by accident.15:53
* sistpoty|work has subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to a number of granted FFe's that need sponsoring15:53
RainCTpersia: OK, so I can let my membership expire? Or do I need to subscribe somewhere else?15:53
persiaWell, if you want to be a sponsor, you'll want to join ~ubuntu-sponsors.15:54
persiaDo you want to be a sponsor?15:54
RainCTpersia: Yeah, I think so, although I'm not really active lately.15:55
persiaThat's why I'm asking :)15:55
persiaI'm happy to add you to the sponsors if you're going to sponsor stuff :)15:55
* persia needs to run off for a bit, but will fiddle group memberships if requested upon return15:57
RainCTok, cya15:57
showardshoward314 is here, i'll be right back15:58
aboganishoward: ;-)15:59
showardha i just got your email16:01
showardubuntu-meeting looks open until 17:00, looks like motu-mentors reception can use it16:03
cyphermoxshoward, let's go there?16:09
showardI see huats is here too, sure let's hop over16:10
MTecknologyIf there's a really long license for a package, should I include the whole thing in copyright or just the header and reference the full version in the source code?16:10
persiaMTecknology: Which license?16:10
MTecknologypersia: it's their own license16:11
persiaThen it needs to be in debian/copyright.16:11
ScottKFully copy in debian/copyright then.16:11
persiaEssentially, the end-user needs to have the license on their system when they install the package.  For licenses in /usr/share/common-licenses/ we only ship a header and a reference to save space.16:11
MTecknologypersia: I was just curious because it's 176 lines, I suppose there's others that are a lot worse thoguh16:14
persiaIndeed.  There's one debian/copyright that is > 2Mb16:14
MTecknologywhat's that for?16:15
persiaI forget.16:16
persiaOne of those ancient projects that has *lots* of different compatible licenses accumulated over the years.16:16
kklimondathe one for chromium is over 1M16:16
persiaWell, for chromium-browser.  chromium itself has a much saner one.16:16
kklimondahmm, right :)16:17
Laneysistpoty|work: Hi, I just collated the list of haskell packages on ia64. Wanna take a look? http://pastebin.com/yd2TTeLq16:18
persiaFor upstreams considering new software: "chromium-browser" is a classic example of how not to do it: 1) please collaborate with other projects so that your code works as part of the wider ecosystem, 2) strive for license sanity, 3) pick a name that isn't already in use.16:18
persiaOh, and 4) actually publish supported releases.16:19
ScottKpersia: It's the future.  See Firefox.16:19
Laneyhuh, some arch:all stuff is in there16:19
sistpoty|workLaney: excellent, thanks a lot!16:19
persiaScottK: Doesn't make it less of an example of how not to do it.16:19
sistpoty|workLaney: hugs98 can stay as well?16:19
Laneysistpoty|work: Oh, someone did an upload to fix the ftbfs16:20
sistpoty|workLaney: yeah, looks like it16:20
Laneygood stuff16:21
\shgrmpf....bug #554106 is fixed now and works, but having two monitors + ati oss drivers == no compiz anymore...this was diff this morning16:22
sistpoty|workLaney: others than that (and apart from the arch:all packages), the list looks good to me, at least from a glimpse16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554106 in gnome-control-center "Gnome Appearance Properties dialog hangs when changing desktop effects" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55410616:22
ScottKTheMuso: FYI, powerpc for Kubuntu is looking really good this cycle.  We even have a working (not oversize) and tested live CD.16:23
MTecknologySo what do := and ?= do?16:29
Laneysistpoty|work: I guess you need to ack this then — bug 56158316:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561583 in ubuntu "Remove Haskell packages from Lucid/ia64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56158316:31
sistpoty|workLaney: just go straight to ubuntu-archive (actually I wanted to prepare the list anyways)16:33
Laneyok then16:34
sistpoty|workLaney: do you know if these packages are in p-a-s in debian?16:34
persiaMTecknology: := sets a variable at parse time, rather than at runtime.  ?= sets a variable at runtime IFF it currently has no value.16:34
Laneysistpoty|work: no they aren't16:34
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sistpoty|workLaney: do you think we should add them to p-a-s?16:34
Laneyno, there's no need16:34
Laneythey can't be tried again until ghc6 builds on ia64 anyway after the binary is removed16:34
sistpoty|workah, good :)16:35
Laneywhich will probably have to be bootstrapped as ghc6 b-d ghc616:35
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MTecknologypersia: oh, so if the make file does := then I can't override it in rules?16:39
* sistpoty|work heads home now... cya16:42
persiaMTecknology: Not easily, no.  It's possible, but you'd have to dig in the make manual (no, not man make) and experiment.16:45
MTecknologypersia: thanks16:46
MTecknologyIs there any way to get a lit of directories that a package uses? the Makefile seems to do just about everything and doesn't really let me change the install directory which seems fine because it installs to /usr/bin/ anyway.17:08
MTecknologyI also need to figure out how to make the Makefile make two binaries and it doesn't look like it wants to do that either :P - yay I get to learn more about rules17:09
hyperairMTecknology: what ar eyou trying to do?17:15
MTecknologyhyperair: package up truecrypt17:16
hyperairMTecknology: you do know that the license isn't permissive enough for us to put into the archives, right?17:17
hyperairMTecknology: they claim it's free but it isn't.17:17
nigelbhyperair, okay, nice to catch you this time.  Can you sign up as a review lead for a few hours for patch day?17:17
hyperairnigelb: when is patch day again?17:17
nigelbhyperair, may 5th (in all tz)17:17
MTecknologyhyperair: oh... I thought that as long as the original source isn't modified at all it was ok17:17
hyperairMTecknology: that's considered non-free.17:18
hyperairnigelb: no problem.17:18
MTecknologyhyperair: I thought sun java was like that17:19
hyperairMTecknology: no, sun java was GPL'd, iirc.17:19
RhondaMTecknology: Well, I would expect that their Makefiles could be considered source, too. Please be very wary on such topics, especially when you plan to upload it to PPA and thus even redistribute it through that …17:19
nigelbhyperair, feel free to fill up the hours https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PatchDay17:19
hyperairnigelb: cool.17:20
MTecknologyRhonda: I wasn't going to modify the source Makefile either, only make the rules file work with it.17:20
MTecknologyThat sucks- I'd now like to go yell at them - I was excited because I thought I could do something a lot of people might like.17:21
persiaMTecknology: If you can't convince them any other way, try to convince them to allow folks to distribute patches along with their source, and ship binaries with the patches applied.  That's enough for multiverse (but not wonderful).17:22
RhondaMTecknology: A lot of people like weird stuff and don't care about licenses. Within the boundries of our distribution though we should guard them from licensing weirdnesses instead of just pleasing them with something that might get them into troubles.17:22
MTecknologyAlrighty, I already made contact with them and they just referred me to their license section 3, I guess I'll mention the problems with their license and ass if there's anything they could do about it..17:24
RhondaFreud'schian typo, "and ass"? :)17:25
hyperairnigelb: done17:31
* nigelb hugs hyperair 17:31
* hyperair needs to reorganize his irssi windows17:31
nigelbthank you :)17:31
hyperairnigelb: no.. thank you for organizing this =)17:32
nigelbhyperair, I was hoping you'd cover that vast empty space :D17:32
hyperairnigelb: unfortunately, i've got a project which requires me to sit in the lab from 8AM-5PM on weekdays.17:32
hyperairnigelb: i'm willing to dedicate my entire weekend to it though17:33
nigelbhyperair, then shall I change my times so we cover more hours?17:33
Rhondahyperair: How many do you have currently? :)17:33
Rhondahyperair: You do use /layout save and /save, right?17:33
hyperairRhonda: i do use those. but i kinda memorized the numbers =(17:34
hyperairRhonda: now that there are more #ubuntu-* channels, i'd like to group them together, which means shifting all the windows around.17:34
RhondaThen don't shift. :)17:34
hyperairnigelb: i say just add every hour you're free =)17:34
hyperairRhonda: but adding them to the back feels messy =\17:34
RhondaI don't shift at the front.17:34
hyperairRhonda: anyway i have 42 windows, including the status and the hilight window17:35
RhondaUp to 60 windows are pretty much fixed.17:35
nigelbhyperair, It was either the late hours of evening or early hours of morning.  If you're covering evening, I'll take the morning17:35
RhondaWhen I drop in those early numbers I move a later window to the spot to not move them around. :)17:35
Rhonda#ubuntu-motu has replaced #debconf in spot 23 a while ago, e.g. ;)17:36
hyperairnigelb: i'll add more hours on the day itself, if i'm free =)17:36
hyperairnigelb: but mornings are off-limits for me.17:36
hyperairnigelb: what timezone are you in? your hours seem really similar to mine17:36
nigelbhyperair, thanks again :)17:36
hyperairRhonda: ahah nice one.17:37
nigelbI love mornings.  Stable power.  and nice and quiet here17:37
hyperairnigelb: my early mornings would be past-midnight hours before sleeping =p17:39
nigelbhyperair, I'm very bad at staying up late considering I need to get in to work at 6 am17:40
hyperairnigelb: ahah i see.17:40
nigelbhyperair, you're in malaysia?17:40
hyperairnigelb: no, i'm in singapore.17:40
nigelbor somewhere around there?17:40
hyperairnigelb: but the timezone is there, yes17:40
hyperairthe same timezone17:41
nigelbaah, I'm in india... closeby17:41
* hyperair nods17:41
hyperairhow did you guess?17:41
nigelbI read somewhere.. wiki perhaps?17:41
hyperairhmm i see.17:41
hyperairmy wiki said that i'm studying in singapore, but come from malaysia =p17:41
hyperairwell during holidays i go back to malaysia \o/17:41
hyperairthe land of great food.17:41
nigelbhyperair, my memory works sometimes ;)17:41
hyperairgreat, cheap food =p17:41
ari-tczewkklimonda: any progress on bug 368855 ?17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368855 in cherrypy3 "formatwarning() definition from cherrypy3 incompatible with Python 2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36885517:43
kklimondaari-tczew: hmm, still waiting for sru ack I think17:49
ari-tczewkklimonda: I subscribed ubuntu-sru, because motu-sru is out of business generally. I think that jdong will check this bug soon17:51
jdongari-tczew: done.17:55
CiemonLaney: You said to unsub Ubuntu Sponsors Team, I don't see how to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/predict/+bug/552568 I can unsub myself but no-one else I guess I don't have the required access.17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552568 in predict "hamlib rotctld support" [Undecided,In progress]17:56
ari-tczewjdong: cool, thanks!17:56
jdongsure thing :)17:56
persiaCiemon: I'll unsubscribe for you.17:59
ari-tczewplease sponsor debdiff from bug 36885518:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368855 in cherrypy3 "formatwarning() definition from cherrypy3 incompatible with Python 2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36885518:00
Ciemonpersia: thank you18:01
psusijdong: you played much with the e2freefrag utility?  found it the other day and have been using it to quantify the job that e2defrag does... it's kinda neat18:09
jdongpsusi: yeah I briefly looked at its out put and it was kinda cool18:09
psusiwould be interesting to see what effect pydefrag has on the free space fragmentation18:10
jdongoh yes :)18:10
jdonglol I'd like to try that some day when I have time18:10
jdongjust run it blindly on / and do a before-after18:10
psusie2defrag makes it clean up A LOT... gets rid of all of the fragments under ~32-64mb entirely18:11
psusiyea, exactly18:11
psusialso I found that it normally only shows up to 1-2 gb maxium free extent size... this is because mkfs defaults to a flex_bg size of 16 groups, which means every 16 x 128 mb = 2gb you have a bg that actually contains an inode table and bitmaps, thus breaking up the free space... you can mkfs with a larger flex size and get bigger free extents18:13
shadeslayerhi i need to package kipi plugins for digikam,but i dont fully understand the process of merging my package with debian changes18:38
shadeslayercan someone explain this to me?18:38
persiashadeslayer: Could you give a bit more context?18:44
shadeslayerpersia: see #kubuntu-devel ;)18:44
persiaOh, so it's just a normal merge: a package with Ubuntu changes and a new version in Debian?18:46
shadeslayerpersia: apparently there are some huge issues...18:48
shadeslayerpersia: Debian introduced loads of changes18:48
LaneyCiemon: yeah sorry, I forgot that not everyone can do that18:59
MTecknologypersia: could you give this a glance and tell me what you think?  http://dpaste.com/182929/19:07
persiaMTecknology: Sounds like the easy solution is to name it realcrypt :)19:09
MTecknologypersia: I hate doing that - I think it sounds MUCH nicer to give them proper credit in the name and everywhere else - I guess that's not what they want :S19:10
MTecknologypersia: you think that would be the best solution?19:11
hyperairi think they ned to know the difference between "need to" and "able to"19:11
persiaI specifically don't have an opinion on whether this is the best solution, and won't develop one :)19:11
MTecknologyhyperair: hm?19:11
persiaBut http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing may be useful as comparison19:12
MTecknologypersia: I guess that renaming it like that would at least be enough to get it into multiverse and maybe universe if you can modify the whole thing under that new name?19:12
persiaMTecknology: Indeed.19:12
hyperairMTecknology: he stresses that there is no need to patch, blah blah, when what is needed is the *freedom* to patch, not necessarily meaning that there will be patches19:13
MTecknologyhyperair: ya, I mentioned it like that actually. It's true that it does work wonderfully like that, but by their definition of modification, just adding debian/ is an alteration afaict19:14
hyperairMTecknology: they were always a sucky upstream >_>19:15
MTecknologypersia: I really like that page, thanks19:15
hyperair"Modification" means (and "modify" refers to) any alteration of This Product, including, but not limited to, addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of This Product, translation into another language, repackaging, alteration or removal of any file included with This Product, and addition of any new files to This Product.19:16
hyperairrepackaging is part of this modification19:16
MTecknologyI guess if they want it distributed as another name it'll just lose it's reach a little bit and there will be the rist of users diassociating it with TrueCrypt which is worse for them... Espcially because that means I'll need to make a patch that completely renames TrueCrypt to RealCrypt19:17
hyperairMTecknology: i don't see iceweasel and what was that other thing called losing reach.19:18
MTecknologygood point19:19
jdong"what was that other thing called" is somewhat indicative of the opposite of your point though ;-)19:19
MTecknologythat's pretty much the exact same thing?19:19
hyperairjdong: that's because i don't use debian. ;-)19:19
hyperairjdong: isn't there a way we could negotiate this trademark issue in ubuntu though?19:20
jdonghas anyone tried talkign with upstream about a Ubuntu / Canonical Partners effort?19:20
hyperairi mean we did it for thunderbird and firefox19:20
jdonglol we said that at the same time.19:20
jdongbefore we take this rebranding solution, at least make sure that indeed upstream wants nothing to do with us19:20
hyperairjdong: but i didn't mean partners ;-)19:20
jdonghyperair: you can argue that mozilla is right now partner-esque.19:20
hyperairjdong: is it?19:20
jdonghyperair: in that it's not a purely RMS-y definition of FOSS19:20
jdonghyperair: I'm quite sure I'm not allowed to just arbitrarily add a patch to Firefox19:21
hyperairjdong: either way, unless i was reading that email wrong, it sounded hostile.19:21
MTecknologyjdong: nothing to do with us, referring to what i'm talking about or firefox?19:21
jdongMTecknology: truecrypt19:21
hyperairjdong: really? i thought firefox was freely patchable..19:21
jdonghyperair: I thought that was delegated to just the Ubuntu Mozilla Team19:21
persiaNot even them.19:21
hyperairthen who?19:21
persiaThe patches have to be "approved" by upstream to keep using the branding.19:21
* hyperair facepalms19:22
MTecknologyhyperair: I think I offended him some, not intentionally, I tried to be friendly thoguh19:22
hyperairMTecknology: maybe.19:22
jdongpersia: in practice does asac have to consult with Mozilla each time?19:22
jdongpersia: or is it somewhat understood that he is trusted to make these decisions for Ubuntu as long as he doesn't do anything crackful?19:22
* sebner pets hyperair 19:22
* hyperair woofs19:22
jdonghyperair: but yeah bottom line point is there's definitely a "special" "relationship" going on between us and Mozilla19:22
hyperairjdong: i see. that makes sense, i suppose.19:23
jdongI wonder to what degree TrueCrypt would be receptive towards that19:23
persiajdong: I don't know the details, but I think the process is that the mozillateam pushes patches upstream and packages official releases.19:23
micahgjdong: it's touchy19:23
jdongof course if the question was framed from the perspective that we-want-full-control... TrueCrypt will get pissy19:23
jdongbut maybe a more constructive attitude can work towards a common ground solution19:23
* hyperair nods19:24
jdongI just personally feel that the loss of branding is a somewhat big deal :-/19:24
jdongmaybe not to techie users, but the general audience definitely recognizes buzzwords19:24
hyperairi agree. me too.19:24
MTecknologyoh, the logo on that app will need to change too, won't it...19:24
hyperairi was pretty annoyed with the strange globe we had instead of our firefox icon at first.19:24
jdongMTecknology: as an example, just look at CentOS vs RHEL19:25
jdongMTecknology: that's the degree to which things will need to change19:25
hyperairjdong: i don't think things are that serious.19:25
jdong(iceweasel is an easier example because there's a magical build flag that de-brands automatically anyway)19:25
persiaThe question is whether the brand has enough value to be worth the extra effort to support the brand.  For very valuable brands, that argument can be made.  For not so valuable brands, there's no point supporting more folk trying to use branding to control software.19:25
jdonghyperair: if you take a literal read of their license, I think it does evaluate to that serious19:25
hyperairjdong: CentOS and RHEL are distros. that means every bit of branding in whatever packages they  have that do have branding will have to be changed.19:25
hyperairjdong: it's an entirely different scale, i should think.19:26
persiahyperair: CentOS goes to great trouble to be binary-compatible with RHEL: it's really just branding changes.19:26
persia(but yes, the scale is different)19:26
MTecknologywow- I really fired up an interesting conversation19:26
hyperairheh yes you did19:26
hyperairimo truecrypt has enough of a brand name that we should at least attempt to preserve it.19:27
hyperairbut their license does not even permit rebuilding.19:27
hyperairwhich means you can't upload their sources (with their debian/) and distribute the resulting debs19:28
hyperairbecause such rebuilding would be classified under repackaging19:28
MTecknologyhyperair: I mentioned that in the email, I think they just ignored that in the response..19:28
MTecknologyhyperair: I referred to it though as the debian/ would be adding to the source which by their definition is altering it19:31
hyperairMTecknology: could i see the transcript of your email?19:31
MTecknologyhyperair: obviously I'm still very novice but I did my best - http://dpaste.com/182947/19:32
hyperairMTecknology: i doubt many of us have had experiences dealing with upstreams of truecrypt's level of stubbornness19:33
hyperair"I'm sure this isn't likely19:34
hyperairto happen. However, you can't blame me for trying...19:34
MTecknologyhyperair: I was referring to them changing their whole license19:35
hyperairheheh nevermind =p19:35
MTecknologyhyperair: overall was it ok?19:36
hyperairi think it is necessary to point out to them that Ubuntu has a strict policy of binaries only coming from the sources, and enforced by having source-only uploads to the archive, however the act of building .debs from sources already constitutes "repackaging" as mentioned in the license19:37
micahgcan a MOTU please ack bug 55523519:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555235 in phpmyadmin "[FFe] sync phpmyadmin 3.3.1-1 from debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55523519:38
hyperairdon't you need the FFe acked first?19:39
hyperairoho it's acked.19:39
showardwhile we're on FFEs, this one has been acked and needs a MOTU bug 22133219:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221332 in tiemu "[FFE] The tiemu package is not installable and not buildable in lucid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22133219:40
micahghyperair: :)19:41
micahghyperair: also, format-patch is pretty cool, just hope I used it right19:41
ari-tczewmicahg: did you fix libjdic-java's FTBFS upstream?19:42
micahgari-tczew: no, not yet19:43
micahgari-tczew: didn't we decide to fix that for next cycle19:43
* hyperair updates his lucid cowbuilder19:44
ari-tczewmicahg: no fix for maverick?19:44
MTecknologyhyperair: so, completely rebrand the thing and it'll fall into their license - does that mean I can attach a different license? say GPL?19:44
micahgari-tczew: yeah, for maverick, but not lucid19:44
ari-tczewmicahg: ok, I know19:45
hyperairMTecknology: er. i don't think so...19:45
hyperairMTecknology: i'm not sure. did it say what derivative works have to be licensed under?19:45
hyperairabogani: yeah, it's part of the cowdancer package.19:45
ScottKMTecknology: No.  You can't change the license unless you are the copyright owner.19:45
hyperairabogani: think pbuilder, but using copy-on-write.19:45
micahgari-tczew: I still need to upload the fix for Lucid to move to xul192 which I'll do this week19:45
aboganihyperair: Ahhhhh19:45
ari-tczewmicahg: do you mean about libjdic-java? I think that rebuild is enough19:46
micahgari-tczew: yeah, just a rebuild19:47
MTecknologyScottK: ok19:47
micahgari-tczew: wait, not just a rebuild, 1 tweak in rules I think19:47
ari-tczewmicahg: do you will prepare a fix?19:48
MTecknologyScottK: but the license does reference TrueCrypt, would I keep that name intact?19:48
hyperairwhat is the "confirmed" status for a sync request supposed to mean? FFe granted, or MOTU Ack?19:48
ScottKIn the license you'd have to I think.19:48
micahgari-tczew: yeah, I have the fix, I just want to test the build one more time before pushing19:48
ScottKhyperair: Yes.19:48
ScottKdepends on who's subscribed.19:48
hyperairScottK: i mean which one?19:48
ScottKIt can mean either.19:48
persiahyperair: status doesn't really mean much for ACK, although "confirmed" and "triaged" are common outputs.  I think status is actually used for the FFe process.19:48
hyperairi see.19:50
* hyperair thought "confirmed" was meant to show that the sync request has been acked by MOTUs and can be passed on to archive admins19:50
ari-tczewwhat's the different between outstanding and updates merges?19:50
hyperairmicahg: acked.19:52
micahghyperair: thanks19:52
showardari-tczew: for MoM output, outstanding means that it has not been updated at all in lucid, and updated means that it has been merged at least once in lucid and is out of date again (a debian upload after FF)19:53
* micahg saw an archive sync this morning, so I figured there won't be too many more before FF19:53
showard(correction: debian upload after debian-import-freeze)19:54
hyperairshoward: tiemu doesn't build. http://paste.debian.net/68612/20:01
hyperairoh wait, it's not a sync20:03
hyperairbrain not functioning20:03
ari-tczewshoward: I understand like: "outstanding" are merges without touch since lucid-1 but "updated" are packages touched in lucid. so conclusing: "outstanding" are older merges than "updated", am I correct?20:08
* hyperair notices sebner in tiemu's changelog20:09
* hyperair suggests dep3 to showard20:12
showardar-tczew: Yes, "updated" merges are no more than 6 months out of date, "outstanding" has no limit of being out of date20:12
hyperairbut not a blocker20:12
geserari-tczew: not necessary20:13
showardhyperair: yeah, they use dpatch still, so I just kept the default dpatch headers - sorry about that20:13
ari-tczewgeser: so?20:13
hyperairshoward: ...i didnt's see patch headers. another instance of brain not functioning20:14
geserari-tczew: assume, foo 1 got uploaded to Debian 2 months ago and merged, foo 2 got uploaded to Debian 1 month ago, but not yet merged (-> listed in updated), bar 3 was upload 1 week ago but not yet merged in lucid at all (-> listed in outstanding)20:15
ari-tczewgeser: I don't understand. Any examples?20:16
ari-tczewreal examplers20:16
showardgeser: thanks, I was trying to think of an example - those are good ones20:17
geserari-tczew: outstanding: "pydoctor", last Ubuntu upload: 2009-10-07 (in karmic), last Debian upload: 2010-03-04, migrated to testing on 2010-03-1520:29
ari-tczewgeser: ha! "(in karmic)"20:30
ari-tczewso lucid-120:30
geseryes, but there was nothing to merge till March 2010 for pydoctor20:30
geserwhile "abcde" was merged on 2009-11-04 (lucid) and the last Debian upload was in 2010-02-14 (migrated to testing on 2010-02-25)20:32
geserso "abcde" (updated) is waiting longer on a merge than "pydoctor" (outstanding)20:33
ari-tczewgeser: heh why all not-refreshed merges are not in one list? I think there is no bigger difference20:34
gesersorry, don't know the reason behind this (it was always like this)20:35
ari-tczewgeser: may this is time for change this state? 2 sections on component is confusing20:40
ari-tczewI'm finding the way for easiest contribute to Ubuntu20:40
showardI think the argument is that you know that "updated" packages are no more than 6 months old, but "outstanding" packages can be anywhere from a day to several years old. Maybe sorting the list by time since last merge (<1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc)20:41
showardwould be useful20:41
ari-tczewshoward: if no all merges per section in one list, your idea +120:42
showardor days out of date, like debian's build lists do20:42
ari-tczewbtw. is MoM paused due to Feature Freeze? or is it a bug?20:43
gesergood question20:44
gesermight be something broke it again20:44
geserari-tczew: btw there is also http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html20:45
MTecknologysad, I was hoping for a quick easy link :P20:47
geserMTecknology: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems#quilt%20%28example%20package:%20xterm%2920:49
MTecknologygeser: thanks :)20:52
ari-tczewgeser: I know lucas merges very well, but I'm suggesting to expand MoM system.20:52
geserari-tczew: I'm not sure about the process to get updates into the MoM source and there seem to be a slow migration to bzr merges20:56
ari-tczewgeser: do you mean about merging packages by bzr or mean about import MoM to bzr branch?20:57
geserI mean merge packages with bzr from the auto-imported packaging branches21:00
geserand the MoM source is also in a bzr branch if you want to work on it (lp:merge-o-matic)21:00
ari-tczewgeser: btw. current I'd like to concentrate my work in security sector, but in May I want to organise meeting to discuss about drawing new Ubuntu contributors21:04
geserreally nice, in both parts help is always welcome21:08
hyperairshoward: your patch doesn't apply. the dpatch one you added.21:14
showardthat's odd, i built a package (in my ppa) with it21:15
hyperairshoward: perhaps the generated debdiff had missing things..21:15
hyperairshoward: i've had a few cases where the debdiff i attached to an email to launchpad ended up not appliable21:16
hyperairhmm wait a sec. something is weird.21:18
hyperairthe patch is reversed.21:18
showardahh, that's embarrassing21:18
hyperairno wait21:24
hyperairit was dpatch's fault21:24
hyperairit applied halfway and when i tried to apply again it failed miserably21:24
hyperairshoward: http://paste.debian.net/68624/21:25
sebnerquilt to the rescue!21:25
showardyay quilt! ok, how about let it sit for now - tonight I'll get another chance to look at it and see what the problem is (unless you want to look at the ppa build to get the source from there: https://launchpad.net/~showard314/+archive/ppa)21:28
hyperairshoward: actually could you just upload your 04 patch somewhere?21:30
hyperairoh heh i think i know what may have been the problem.21:31
hyperairline endings.21:31
showardhyperair: my debdiff is against debian's package, not ubuntu's - I mentioned that in the report. I did that because the changes were so great, I acted as if it was a sync with debian and then a merge of our changes21:55
hyperairshoward: yes yes, i know.21:56
hyperairshoward: anyway the reason your patch didn't apply was because of line endings.21:56
showardhyperair: ahh ok, thanks21:56
hyperairshoward: dbg_dock and dbg_wnds had dos line endings.21:56
hyperairshoward: they probably got lost in the debdiff somewhere along the line. did you upload via the web interface?21:57
hyperairor did you email as an attachment?21:57
showardyes, web interface21:57
hyperairthen it's a bug in launchpad.21:57
hyperairplease file it =p21:57
macothe Uploaders: field in packages from Debian... do those get XSBC- in front just like Maintainer/XSBC-Original-Maintainer?23:25
ScottKmaco: Leave it unchanged.23:26
ScottKUbuntu doesn't use uploaders so there's no point in messing with it.23:26
TheMusoScottK: Great. I hope to get Ubuntu out of the oversized area somehow as well...23:28
ajmitchI should probably fix up pbuilder on my laptop, getting errors about failinfg to install initramfs-tools is annoying23:34

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