
LLStarksasac, do you of any way to force a crash for oopp testing?06:14
micahgLLStarks: find the oopp PID and kill it :)06:17
BUGabundo_remotefta: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4114510:07
BUGabundo_remoteI'll have a field day, today on ch10:07
BUGabundo_remote3 more bugs to repoprt10:07
BUGabundo_remotefta: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4114610:09
asacLLStarks: right. kill -SEGFAULT  or something to the process10:13
chrisccoulsonasac - should i branch firefox for lucid now? micahg has started updating to 3.6.4 in .head, but i wouldn't mind fixing this NSS issue in 3.6.3 before final freeze10:34
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. lets do a .lucid branch now10:41
asacremember to set it to mature ;)10:41
chrisccoulsonok, i'll do that now then10:41
fta2what is the status of html5 client side database (sqlite) in firefox? any idea?10:42
asacchrisccoulson: remember to also cherry pick the patches we talked about10:42
asacfta2: not in 3.6.x ;)10:42
asacsorry coulnt stop10:42
asacfta2: do we need another chromium update round?10:42
asacor is all set for release?10:42
fta2i need to send the last beta update (a few days old, already in the ppa)10:43
fta2plus a patch for chrisccoulson10:43
asacfta2: homepage?10:44
asacerr search ;O)10:44
asacfta2: yeah. can you do those two updates today?10:44
asacwould be cool have that bake asap10:44
asacfta2: one thing10:44
asacfta2: the licenscheck generator ... any idea how to make that properly sorted?10:45
asace.g. so we can update and get a reasonable diff?10:45
asaci wanted to push all this to debian so we can send stuff to debian unstable for lucid+110:45
asac... but guess i need one more licensing update round10:45
fta2(i'm busy with work atm)10:45
chrisccoulsonasac - are we keeping the version numbers in the bzr branches? (using firefox-3.6.lucid rather than firefox.lucid)10:57
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. usually we do11:01
asace.g. just s/head/lucid/11:01
asacthats not true for thunderbird11:01
asacbecause we never had two  versions at the same time11:01
asacat some point we might wanna go back to firefox, but not before all releases with two versions are flushed ;)11:02
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, thanks. i'll stick with firefox-3.6.lucid for the lucid branch then11:02
asacchrisccoulson: lets branch all the rest too11:03
asace.g. xul11:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem11:03
asacwell, if we know we are doing another round before luci11:03
asacwe can stick to .head11:03
asacuntil that11:03
asacbdrung: did the md sync happen?11:05
asacbdrung: btw, i feel relucant to do the pref transition in lucid still. i will merge your changes to .head though so it gets up right when m opens11:05
asaci think its ok. and i owe you a beer11:05
asacccheney: hey11:13
asacccheney: did you fall off the face of earth ;)?11:13
BUGabundo_remoteasac: notify-osd is in BOTH top corners of my screen. how can I run it in debug mode?11:37
bdrungasac: m-d is not yet synced11:39
asacbdrung: did you overload it with .22?11:40
bdrungasac: overload?11:41
asacdidnt you upload .22 now?11:41
asace.g. is .21 still avail for synching?11:41
asacwhats the change for .22?11:42
asaci can upload .21~0ubuntu111:43
bdrungasac: i uploaded .22 - syncing this version is save.11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557081 in mozilla-devscripts "Sync mozilla-devscripts 0.22 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:44
asacwell. i didnt review it11:44
bdrungonly two changes11:44
asacyes, but adding another new feature etc.11:44
asacwhat is the buildsystem for?11:45
bdrungasac: you can use the dh 7 oneliner: dh --with xul-ext --buildsystem=xul_ext $@11:45
asacand what does that do?11:46
asacwhat is the xul_ext build system?11:46
asacok using pack/unpack11:47
bdrungon build it run "xpi-pack . package.xpi", on install "install-xpi package.xpi" and "rm -f package.xpi" on clean11:47
asacso run a full rebuild of all extensions ;)11:48
asacinstall-xpi changed11:48
asaci can just upload .21 as its now11:48
bdrungk, will do a full rebuild test.11:51
asacproblem is that i had enough issues during freeze to fix in my past.... its really annoying11:51
asacok commented that on bug11:54
asacchrisccoulson: did you have a fedora VM?12:04
asacwe need to verify that mozilla bug 541319   is an issue everywhere12:05
ubottuMozilla bug 541319 in Graphics "firefox does not honour gtk/gnome settings in FF3.6 on Ubuntu/lucid since using --disable-system-cairo" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54131912:05
asace.g. gtk settings don get applied with in-source cairo12:05
chrisccoulsonasac - i've not got a fedora VM, but i can try out a live CD in a bit12:07
asacchrisccoulson: please check ;)12:13
asace.g. with upstream builds: a) does changing the hinting/lcd settings in fonts dialog change how firefox looks like12:13
asace.g. do they have the same bug12:13
asacchrisccoulson: whats your bmo address?12:14
chrisccoulsonasac - chrisccoulson@ubuntu.com12:14
asacok simple enough. will remember that ;)12:14
bdrungasac: moving the config file would close bug #49380512:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493805 in ubufox "ubufox 0.8 leaves FF 3.0 folder in /etc" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49380512:21
bdrungasac: is it ok to rename ubufox?12:34
asaci will merge that to the .ubuntu branch12:37
asacbut not for lucid12:37
asaci just dont have the time to deal with any eventual regressions12:37
bdrungasac: deferring the rename to m too?12:38
asacis it really worth making a more minimal packaging change?12:38
asace.g. without config file transition etc.12:38
asaci dont think so12:38
bdrungasac: if you do not move the config file, we disable m-d new feature and leaving the config file where it is.12:39
asacyes, still i have to go and hunt stuff through NEW, get seed changed etc.12:39
asaci dont really care. i just dont want to drive all this ;)12:39
asacits a ubuntu-core-dev branch, so you are definitly entitled to get this done ;)12:40
bdrungasac: i would like to merge everything into ubuntu-core-dev branch. i think these changes are safe. i have tested the config file movement and the procedure is well tested ( taken from http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling ).12:41
asacbdrung: right... just take the lead and the responsibility ;) and get FFe for things that need one etc.12:42
bdrunghaving the config file *firefox-3.0* is incorrect ;)12:42
asaci just dont like the idea to get an update through freeze and then having to answer why we pushed such a change without any clear direct benefit for the lucid cycle12:42
asacyes, thats right. its wrong there.12:43
asacbut is it a release blocking bug?12:43
bdrungasac: when moving, then to the correct place12:43
asacthats why i would prefer to do the full thing12:44
asacjust feel uncomfortable to do that for lucid ...12:44
bdrungi know, that it's not the best time for this change12:45
asacso we should get a) a package up for testing the upgrade path somewhere ;)12:46
bdrungasac: k, will upload it to my PPA12:46
asacand then verify the butt out of us and then pushing this through dropping a few feature changes12:46
asacif its a feature at all12:46
asacfor me a package reorg is > feature ... but some might disagree12:46
bdrungit will bring more consistency12:50
fta2asac, do i need to ask for a FFe each time i need to update chromium???13:03
bdrungasac: bug #55708113:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557081 in mozilla-devscripts "Sync mozilla-devscripts 0.22 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55708113:06
asacfta2: did they fix any security stuff etc.?13:07
asaci would say no ... but thgen i am too used to ffox stuff13:07
asacin the end same logic should apply there13:08
asacat least when we get a stable channel build at some point ;)13:08
fta2asac, well, channels are sort of continous upgrades13:08
fta2even the future stable channel will jump from time to time13:09
asacthough stable channels supposely get decent QA upstrema13:10
asacwhich is why we can do this for mozilla13:10
asacanyway, in practice you have to get FFe for every update13:10
asacwe should ask Technical Board for a standing FFe13:10
asacso maybe do it this time and then lets remember to get this sorted by TB13:10
fta2asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413085/13:12
asacyeah. but stable channel doesnt get that bad bumps ;)13:14
asacwe need to find a way to identify whether a beta release is good enough13:14
asacone thing is to wait and see if they bump again within a week i guess13:15
asacgood ... seems we have a kernel regression ;)14:33
asacsont reboot on thinkpads into -20 ;)14:33
bdrungasac: ubufox is now in my ppa14:54
rickspencer3Chrisccoulson hi14:55
asachi rickspencer314:55
rickspencer3hi asac14:55
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer314:55
rickspencer3chrisccoulson so, I haven't been tracking this too well ...14:55
rickspencer3so as a any good pointy haired manager, I shall interupt you and ask instead of investigating myself ...14:55
asacbdrung: ok isnt published yet14:56
rickspencer3have the default search provider changes rolled out to the distro?14:56
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, yeah, they were rolled out last week for konqueror and firefox14:56
chrisccoulsonchromium is being worked on, and i'm going to look at epiphany too14:56
chrisccoulsonasac - did you see bug 561124? it seems the in-source NSS causes some issues14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561124 in openjdk-6 "firefox sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH which breaks the icedtea6-plugin" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56112414:59
asacchrisccoulson: isnt that the lack of .chk files that causes this?15:02
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm not too sure actually15:04
asacchrisccoulson: nss in firefox should be compatible15:07
asacso its hopefully .chk15:07
bdrungasac: ubufox is now published15:11
ccheneyasac: no, just been really busy with OOo patching/bugfixing15:30
ftaweird. bug 55551216:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555512 in chromium-browser "Flash completely fails to execute from Google Chrome 5.0.342.7 beta version." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55551216:32
ftacould someone confirm??16:32
jdstrandasac: does tbird 3.0 share the xul192 codebase? what about seamonkey?16:44
micahgjdstrand: no, tb3 is 1.9.1, seamonkey 2 is also 1.9.116:45
jdstrandmicahg: ok thanks16:45
micahgasac: can you check my symlink fix for bug 558620: http://pastebin.com/T0LJCkUj16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558620 in thunderbird "Thunderbird moves profile folder to .thunderbird.upstream" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55862016:45
micahgchrisccoulson: there's no reason for thunderbird-gnome-support to provide gnome-web-browser, right?16:48
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i don't think so16:49
micahgchrisccoulson: k, do you want to check my symlink fix above?16:49
cwillu_at_workdoes ubuntu's firefox use the system's cairo package?17:28
cwillu_at_workI'm looking at the unpacked apt-get source folder, and seeing cairo17:28
cwillu_at_workif I patch that, do I actually change anything?17:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, i will have a look at that shortly17:29
chrisccoulsoncwillu_at_work, it uses in-source cairo. why are you trying to patch that anyway?17:29
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, testing a handful of patches re: rendering/scrolling performance on arm17:30
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, but the system's libpixman is used?17:31
BUGabundo_remotefta: flash is working in trunk daily17:35
BUGabundo_remote32 wraper17:35
chrisccoulsoncwillu_at_work, yeah, that's right17:36
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, and this is widely consider somewhat insane, right? :p17:36
cwillu_at_workor did I miss a readme that says which source trees are just there for reference?17:36
chrisccoulsoncwillu_at_work, i'm not sure what you mean17:37
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, I see /build-tree/mozilla/gfx/cairo/{cairo,libpixman}17:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just noticed that too17:38
* cwillu_at_work starts to cry17:38
chrisccoulsoncwillu_at_work, hang on, i might be getting confused here17:39
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, I'm hoping so :D17:39
cwillu_at_workfirefox-3.5 depends on libcairo217:39
ftacwillu, hint: DEB_MIN_SYSDEPS in debian/rules17:48
ftacwillu_at_work, ^^17:48
chrisccoulsoncwillu_at_work, so, in source pixman too. i'm getting confused because i see it loading cairo and pixman from /usr/lib, but that's a consequence of using gtk17:51
cwillu_at_workchrisccoulson, I know for a fact it uses the system's libpixman, because I patched it with some buggy neon blitters which caused rendering corruption in firefox17:52
* cwillu_at_work still needs to look at debian/rul;es17:53
cwillu_at_workfta, that's new in 3.6?17:58
asac[reed]: there were issues with our bugzilla plugin, right?18:32
asacwhats the status on that? any idea?18:32
[reed]asac: it's not needed now, no?18:34
[reed]asac: Bugzilla 3.4 supports it already ...18:36
asac[reed]: afaik we already pair with bugzilla18:54
asacbut i remember that you disabled someting etc.18:54
[reed]yes, because launchpad was doing stupid things18:55
[reed]I think that's fixed now18:55
[reed]I guess I could re-enable launchpad's account18:55
asac[reed]: right. what were those issues?18:55
asacdo they need to be fixed/escalated?18:55
[reed]I think they are fixed now18:55
asacok cool. that was about multiple tasks?18:55
[reed]or something18:56
[reed]bug tracking / watching18:56
[reed]see also18:56
[reed]micah knows all the details18:56
asacok good18:56
asacwill check with him18:57
asacplease reenable ;)18:57
asacsomehow some bugs were linked, but not all18:57
asacso thats the reason :)18:57
micahg[reed]: I thought the LP account was reenabled already.19:22
micahgchrisccoulson: did you have a chance to look at my symlink fix19:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - sorry, just looking at it now19:23
micahgchrisccoulson: np19:23
micahgchrisccoulson: do you have time to push a conkeror fix today?19:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, can do19:29
micahgchrisccoulson: k, then I'll file the bug for it19:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what other outstanding items do you have for feature freeze?19:30
micahgchrisccoulson: nothing that's filed AFAIK19:30
micahgvlc, I need to test, but I'll do that tonight19:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we still need to decide on what to do about sugar / pyxpcom19:31
bdrungmicahg: what's with vlc?19:32
micahgbdrung: fix for xul19219:32
micahgbdrung: I've backported most of the fixes from upstream git19:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - were you working on firegpg?19:35
chrisccoulsonsorry, firebug19:35
* chrisccoulson gets confused19:35
micahgchrisccoulson: no, I was working on firegpg, AFAIK, firebug has no arch specific components19:35
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, ok. firebug has a recommends on xulrunner-1.9.119:36
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if it's worth an upload just to drop that19:36
micahgchrisccoulson: idk, bdrung jsut did a round of uploads for extensions19:37
bdrungi did that, because m-d supports config files and installs the extension in another directory19:38
chrisccoulsonasac - did you say you were ok with dropping seamonkey?19:43
micahgchrisccoulson: I thought we were updating it...19:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - is anybody working on that though?19:44
micahgchrisccoulson: well, someone did work on the patches, but it's only partial because he altered how the package worked19:44
micahgchrisccoulson: I was going to do it, but it was suggested that someone else do it as I"m supposed to be porting19:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - so, is it thunderbird which is creating ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/profile.folder/Mail/smart mailboxes-1/ ?20:06
micahgchrisccoulson: it's most likely an extension with a hard coded path IMHO20:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok. the patch looks sensible then20:07
bdrungchrisccoulson: why did you drop mozilla-noscript?20:07
chrisccoulson(i need to actually test it too, but if some extensions are hard-coding paths, then the patch makes sense20:08
chrisccoulsonbdrung - see conversation yesterday20:08
micahgbdrung: it releases too frequently to keep properly up to date in archive20:08
chrisccoulsonbasically, they release pretty much weekly with new security fixes, and asac and micahg agreed it is too much of a moving target20:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, what micahg said ;)20:09
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I just pushed 2 thunderbird fixes, do you think it should be pushed now or at the end of the week?20:12
micahgchrisccoulson: oops, I should fix the wording on there20:13
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we should probably aim for wednesday afternoon. that's one day before final freeze and still gives us a chance to put any other fixes in without doing too many builds20:13
micahgchrisccoulson: ok20:14
chrisccoulsonbdrung - did you have any response about the license for stumbleupon?20:15
bdrungchrisccoulson: no20:15
chrisccoulsonbdrung - ok, thanks.20:15
micahgchrisccoulson: what about bug 56121620:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561216 in firefox "Firefox is not building against system NSS and system NSPR" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56121620:23
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that shouldn't be a problem really. the icedtea plugin issue is strange, as the in-source and system nss versions are currently the same20:38
micahgchrisccoulson: indeed, but I thought we went through all that work not to use the in source versions20:39
micahgincluding what I did with the PPAs20:40
micahgjdstrand: since there's a USN for NSS, are hardy -> jaunty going to get updates as well?21:04
micahgchrisccoulson ^^21:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the changes in NSS also seems to require quite a large xulrunner change, which hasn't been done upstream for 1.921:08
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, so we have to wait till we push 3.6.x?\21:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - most likely.21:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you do any work for porting miro?21:11
micahgchrisccoulson: so back to the in source issue...it also affects the dailies (which are on hold for the moment) and the firefox-stable PPA21:11
micahgchrisccoulson: yes21:11
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the firefox-stable PPA is shipping updated system nss versions at the moment isn't it?21:12
chrisccoulsonis miro ready btw? i can do some sponsoring if you like21:13
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, but the build is ignoring the system NSS versions due to DEB_MIN_SYSDEPS being set21:14
micahgchrisccoulson: I was doing some testing and there seem to be some issues still21:14
chrisccoulsonah, yes21:14
chrisccoulsonwhat sort of issues are you seeing?21:14
micahgchrisccoulson: I get a python crash on my system for Miro, but a new Lucid live CD didn't have the issue with the version in archive21:15
micahgI didn't get a chance to check the version from the PPA in the live env21:15
chrisccoulsonoh, i thought you meant you were seeing issues with in-source NSS ;)21:16
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll attach the debdiff and build log for my conkeror update which is ready though21:17
chrisccoulsonhow did you recreate the miro crash?21:18
micahgchrisccoulson: just clicking on something in the window does it for me with the versionf rom th ePPA21:19
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it's not crashing here (i just did a build with 192)21:21
micahgchrisccoulson: no python crash?>21:22
micahgapp doesn't crash, just a python crash21:22
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 56170821:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561708 in conkeror "Backport fixes from upstream git related to xulrunner-1.9.2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56170821:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i don't get any issues here. but, if you're seeing an unhandled exception rather than a crash, then we probably shouldn't block uploading for that (we can fix that, and remember that apport gets disabled this week too)21:27
chrisccoulsonanyway, dinner time. bbiab21:28
storrgieAnyone avail?22:20
storrgieNoticed some failed builds in the PPA... my browser keeps crashing22:20
storrgiethese things related?22:20
micahgstorrgie: probably not, which PPA?22:21
storrgiethats all I have22:23
micahgstorrgie: bug 51388722:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513887 in firefox "Flash, Java, etc. does not work with out of process plugins and causes Firefox to become unresponsive" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51388722:24
micahgdom.ipc.plugins.enabled.libflashplayer.so to false  is a workaround22:24
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, conkeror uploaded22:30
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks22:30
micahgchrisccoulson: classpath is still up for grabs if you're looking for something to port :)22:33
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm also assuming the way I made the patches for conkeror was ok, right?22:36
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, those were fine thanks22:37
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, that and what I'm doing with vlc were my first experiences with git format-patch22:37
chrisccoulsonmicahg - redhat just disabled the gcjwebplugin in classpath for xul19223:24
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 548783 in gcc "gcc doesn't build against xulrunner-devel-1.9.2" [Medium,New]23:24
* micahg needs to learn to check if someone else did the work already :-/23:24
micahgchrisccoulson: sounds good, do you want to take care of it?23:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, will do that now23:26
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks23:26
micahgchrisccoulson: can you file a bug and link the fedora bug as well so we have a record?23:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem23:27
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks23:27
* micahg needs to subscribe to package to watch for regressions23:28
micahgbdrung_: can you look into the eclipse /path/to/xulrunner bug?23:29
bdrung_micahg: i will do it before the release23:30
micahgbdrung_: ok, thanks, just wanted to make sure someone was on it :)23:30
bdrung_micahg: the best solution would be an autodetection of xulrunner, but this does not work :(23:31
micahgbdrung_: what do you mean?23:31
micahgbdrung_: are you referring to the ini?23:31
bdrung_micahg: we have two places, where we have to set the xulrunner path. 1. eclipse script (LD_*) 2. eclipse.ini23:32
micahgbdrung_: can we consolidate everything in the script and then use xulrunner-1.9.2 --gre-version to do it dynamically?23:33
bdrung_micahg: that was my idea too, but there were some problem.23:34
bdrung_let's talk to nthykier23:34
micahgbdrung_: sure, when, where?23:35
nthykierbdrung_: yo23:36
micahghi nthykier23:36
bdrung_nthykier: we need a dynamical xulrunner path23:36
bdrung_therefore it can't be in eclipse.ini23:36
bdrung_what was the reason for not putting it into the script?23:36
nthykierlooks like we can implement a java class that eclipse will call if it is not given a path23:37
bdrung_nthykier: or fix upstream23:37
nthykierbdrung_: because then we have to start parsing and understanding arguments which I would like to avoid - no arguments given per cmd by user = no cmd args at all23:37
bdrung_nthykier: because we have to change the order of the user args?23:38
nthykierNo, because I don't want to spend time debugging user problems that is caused by our script because we cause eclipse to ignore eclipse.ini since we passed it a (certain?) argument nor do I want to parse eclipse.ini and build the arguments + filter user supplied args.23:41
nthykierI don't care if we patch the upstream java files or we implement our own "Xulrunner" locator class.23:43
nthykieras long as we do not restore the horror that is the old eclipse wrapper ...23:45
bdrung_nthykier: i removed both xulrunner paths. the javadoc works - there the autodetection works, but the welcome page is not rendered correctly23:45
nthykierhow "many" xulrunners do you have?23:45
nthykierTry adding a second.23:46
bdrung_let the fun begin23:46
nthykierI am almost willing to put money on it crashing23:46
bdrung_still working23:46
bdrung_i won the money :D23:47
nthykierread: almost23:47
nthykierThe only time xulrunner does not crash is when I need it too23:47
micahgbdrung_: which xul did you install?23:47
bdrung_xulrunner-1.9.2 and xulrunner-1.9.123:48
micahgbdrung_: try 193 :)23:48
bdrung_the internal browser does not work23:49
bdrung_No more handles [MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/usr/lib64/xulrunner-devel-'] (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-mozilla-gtk-3557 or swt-mozilla-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file)23:49
bdrung_org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/usr/lib64/xulrunner-devel-'] (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-mozilla-gtk-3557 or swt-mozilla-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file)23:49
nthykierand if you set the xulrunner property?23:49
micahgbdrung_: are you using swt-gtk?23:49
bdrung_micahg: eclipse uses its own copy of it23:50
micahgbdrung_: how does debian allow that?23:50
bdrung_micahg: send us a patch for building eclipse against swt-gtk ;)23:51
nthykierswt-gtk is not compatiable with swt we build in eclispe23:51
micahgand also, it seems to remember the dev path from build time23:51
bdrung_build time?23:51
nthykierprobably because our swt is heavily patched23:52
micahgbdrung_: the -devel directory is where the headers are for building23:52
micahgnthykier: are you an eclipse dev?23:52
LLStarksthe brokenness of umd is really getting in the way of my bug squashing23:52
micahgLLStarks: I hope you're testing with upstream builds for that text area bug23:52
LLStarksno usable xulrunner-1.9.3-dev23:52
LLStarksi am23:52
LLStarksbut i can't compile upstream23:53
LLStarksbecause i don't have the proper build-deps23:53
micahgLLStarks: you shouldn't need our stuff to compile upstream23:53
LLStarksyeah i know23:53
LLStarksbut i like apt-get build-dep firefox-3.723:53
LLStarkssaves me a lot of trouble23:53
nthykiermicahg: No, I just co-maintainer the package23:53
micahgLLStarks: do apt-get build dep xulrunner-1.9.323:53
micahgnthykier: k23:54
LLStarksi did that yesterday, but i'm sure i'm still missing things23:54
micahgLLStarks: you can try apt-get build-dep firefox-3.623:54
micahgapt-get build-dep firefox23:54
bdrung_nthykier: the eclipse package behaves the same (because the path is not correct any more)23:55
LLStarkshow do i pull specific revs for hg?23:55
LLStarksi'm more of a git guy23:55
micahgLLStarks: hg bisect tool would probbaly be good23:55
nthykierbdrung_: is our script capable of finding the correct version of xulrunner?23:55
micahgnthykier: what does the script/program do with the value in the ini?23:57
nthykiermicahg: The ini value? eclipse uses it to locate the library23:58
nthykierxulrunner library23:58
micahgnthykier: right, but where does it get passed/stored23:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, the gcjwebplugin is already disabled23:59
micahgnthykier: maybe we can just edit that to find the right path23:59
micahgchrisccoulson :(23:59
chrisccoulsonit's still being built though, but just not installed23:59
chrisccoulsonso i just need to make it not build ;)23:59
micahgchrisccoulson ah, that's not so bad then23:59

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