
steviemananyone here using huludesktop with 9.10?17:50
tgm4883stevieman, I was at one point17:51
dewmanstevieman, I was to....To much flash for me.....=)17:54
steviemanah, just wondering if it's worth playing with or not17:56
steviemanI'd have to setup a VPN so I'm not eager. :)17:56
tgm4883stevieman, I wouldn't. I use MythNetVision now18:03
tgm4883it's a little bit more work, as you kinda need a mouse attached18:03
tgm4883if you want to watch full screen that is18:03
steviemanah, I want to get away from keyboard and mouse on my mythbox18:03
steviemanI want as close to a STB as I can get.18:04
tgm4883stevieman, you will want to turn off mythvideo, commflagging, mythmusic, etc then18:04
steviemanwhy would I do that? I can control all those things from the remote18:05
tgm4883j/k, you said you wanted as close to a STB as you could get18:05
steviemanSTB's do not have keyboards or mice ;)18:05
steviemanunless M$ makes it18:05
tgm4883they also don't have mythvideo, music, etc18:06
steviemanIs there a doc on getting IRblaster working in 9.10?18:06
dewmanstevieman, cross fingers, then knock on wood. =)18:14
steviemandewman: Not supported at all? Is this just a problem with mythbuntu?19:39
dewmanstevieman, I was being sarcastic....I did do a few searches on google, but came up empty handed...19:43
dewmanstevieman, I imagine you probably already hit this page.... http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Using_an_IR_Blaster_with_MythTV19:44
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Using an IR Blaster with MythTV - MythTV19:44
steviemanDew: yah, I was just wondering if there was a problem with blaster and mythbuntu, I remember reading somewhere that blaster wasn't supported at the moment, but I can't find where I read that.19:56
javatexanhas anyone run mythbuntu on apple mac minis?19:57
javatexani know they are more expensive, just curious19:57
tgm4883stevieman, I think that was a while ago19:57
steviemanah, could be, I know that when I activated blaster in the control centre the blaster and receiver stopped working, I think that was in 8.x20:25
gizmobayI've started running into a problem with commflag. It's been running on a show for about 15 hours and it's about 55% complete on a hour show. Top shows the process running but only using 2% of CPU.21:39
mrandjavatexan: there are users running on mac mini's, but none of the developers do.22:09
mrandjavatexan: upstream also has osx build capability, from time to time (build process breaks frequently)22:10
javatexank...thanks mrand22:13
Mouseyso uh,22:28
Mouseywho do i have to blow to get irkick included in mythbuntu?22:28
mrandMousey: I take it that the mythbuntu lirc* generators don't work well for you?    Mythbuntu ships with xfce and not KDE, so I don't know that the devs would sign up for shipping it by default.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1423048 outlines someone adding it to their (presumably KDE) system.22:39
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] [SOLVED] No configure window for irkick (kde 3.5 packages) - Ubuntu Forums22:39
Mouseythere's that22:40
Mouseyman, wtf.. dependency hell22:51
ZinnMousey: Please watch your language.22:51
Mouseythat was a macro!22:51
tgm4883Mousey, is there a debian package for it?23:09
tgm4883what does irkick do?23:10
superm1Mousey, I don't see irkick available in the ubuntu or debian archives at all.  you'll want to start out by getting it available in debian or ubuntu, and then we can evaluate getting it added to mythbuntu too23:10
Mouseyits part of the kdelirc pkacage. kdelirc - infrared remote control for KDE 423:11
tgm4883what does irkick do?23:11
Mouseyirkick is the systray-exposed daemon for IR remotes outside of any given program. it's what i bind the "power" button to when i want to launch/kill MythTV23:12
superm1yikes; http://paste.ubuntu.com/413337/23:12
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin23:12
Mouseyit sits on the desktop and executes programs like "mythtv" or "boxee" or "amarok" whatever i have buttons at the desktop-level for23:12
superm1same thing as irexec then23:13
superm1(which we already do support)23:13
* Mousey apt-file searches irexec23:13
Mouseyirkick is a front end for it. but i guess if this daemon runs outside of programs, i can cobble something together for it23:14
superm1basically in mythbuntu if you set up a ~/.lirc/irexec file it will get launched on login23:15
superm1you can of course always go and add kdelirc to your install too23:15
Mouseyi've tried every way from sunday to get kdelirc installed23:15
Mouseyubuntu just isn't as flexible as debian. =(23:15
tgm4883Mousey, why are you having dependency issues?23:16
Mouseyi guess i have to do it the hard way and maintain some irexec thing.23:16
tgm4883sounds like an issue with packaging23:16
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin23:18
tgm4883Mousey, are you running 10.04?23:18
MouseyWHY it's not gonna be installed? who knows23:18
Mouseyno, 9.1023:18
Mousey10.04 isn't out yet23:18
tgm4883yea, but that doesn't mean you can't run it23:18
tgm4883have you tried installing kdelibs5 and kdebase-runtime23:19
Mouseyit does when the wife and kids use it and expect it to be somewhat troublefree23:19
Mouseyand then it leads to dependency adventures the likes of which i've only seen on RPM based systems23:19
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin23:19
Mousey...and so on and so on23:20
tgm4883sec, let me test installing it23:20
tgm4883installing here23:21
tgm4883pastebin your sources.list23:21
Mousey(don't laugh)23:22
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin23:23
tgm4883sec i'm checking with your list23:30
tgm4883man, offsite mirrors are slow :(23:33
tgm4883hmm, seems to work here with this list23:34
tgm4883try an apt-get update maybe?23:34
tgm4883karmic (libs): core libraries for all KDE 4 applications23:37
tgm48834:4.3.2-0ubuntu7.2 [security]: amd64 i38623:37
Mouseydid a fresh one,23:37
Mouseyalso, i'm 32bit23:37
Mousey -rf /var/lib/apt/lists ; mkdir -p /var/lib/apt/lists/partial ; apt-get update23:37
tgm4883where did you get your version of kdelirc23:37
Mouseyi don't *HAVE* a kdelirc23:37
tgm4883yea, but how did you try to install it?23:37
Mouseyapt-cache show kdelirc lists two versions however23:37
Mouseyapt-get install kdelirc23:38
Mouseyneither version listed resolves23:38
tgm4883try turning off proposed23:39
tgm4883ok, so you are trying to install the version from karmic-backports. My guess is that there is either A) an issue with something in proposed, or B) an issue with something in backports23:40
* Mousey comments out proposed, erases apt/lists, re apt-get updates23:40
tgm4883but I was able to install it with your list23:41
tgm4883do you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/23:41
Mouseymedibuntu thingys23:42
Mouseyah ha, and a source of duplicated entries. (i've been looking for this!!)23:42
* Mousey erases all23:43
Mouseyman wtf, same thing23:47
Mouseydpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep -i kde23:48
Mouseycomes back blank23:48
Mouseyso i don't have it already or something, or any of the other pkgs it seems to want23:48
Mousey...and that you can install it with my list is also wtf23:49
tgm4883it sounds like you have a package on your system that conflicts with kdelirc23:55

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